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Emergency Medical


  04 DEC 2020
Tuesday 01 December:
With a “high” of 11° today... well... Dear Yonah passed yet another day in what must still strike her as a “strange” place. And through the day, she listened to the sound-track of the movie “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”. I can't help but think of her and JLS. He had such amazing adventures (for a seagull) and she? Well! I think, sometimes, what she'll tell her “flock” of her Winter in this house! AND, when the time comes, what sort of “knowledge” she might impart to her “off-spring”. One can only imagine. But as the cold sets-in here in these mountains, the snows fall some-what regularly, the sun rises and sets so much lower in the sky, she has “her own room” where she's always comfortably warm, protected against the freezes of day and night now, there's always more than plenty food and fresh water ready and waiting for her, and she needn't be concerned about shelter, nourishment, cold or predators. This has become HER house, HER home, for the duration, and me? I couldn't feel more blessed than I do with her presence and being able to see her improve so much from when I first saw her, on the cold, wet ground, and all but cowering under that step. She isn't just a “sweet heart”... she's the SWEETEST-heart!
Wednesday 02 December:
Another set-back! And my heart breaks again! Today, I whilst I was cleaning Yonah's “house”, she was ALL OVER THE PLACE! It's like that: some days she just sits quietly, watching, until I've done and after, she goes about, “inspecting”; other days, she behaves as if it were all a brand new experience and she has NO trust in those “hands and arms wandering about, re-arranging, removing, replacing”. Today was the latter. So I did all the cleaning that needed to be done and left her alone, quietly, for a while. When, a little while later (about an hour), I went back to check on her, I noticed SHE'D BEEN BLEEDING AGAIN! I'd put her hard-boiled egg yolk in the little dish for her and she'd tipped that over and so I needed to “clean” that up... CAREFULLY, SLOWLY. I don't know what's gotten into her today, but after that, she spent most of the morning just staring out the window. I can understand that she MUST want “OUT”! But the snow falls now and will be falling more often and, with her “bum wing”, she'll be “grounded”... hiding under what shrubs are available... buried in the snow... total prey to any and every-thing out there! I WON'T have that!
Tomorrow, when today's events have all passed, we'll do what we can. She has her cod liver oil now, for the extra vitamins and fats, and that gets mixed with her regular seeds. Hopefully it'll be of some help with her healing.
For the day and the night now, I've given her quiet, no “music”, I “let the light of day take it's natural course”, no “artificial lighting, and have, for the most part, kept her door almost closed so as to give her peace (but of course, I keep an eye on her, checking... not so differently from a doting parent). Were she in her “own environment”, she'd have the ability to do what I've come to understand most animals do when they're injured or not feeling well: find a darker, quieter place, away from others. Her own room, her own space, and the hours of light-and-day on the natural course, making sure she has fresh food and water handy and available, not far away so she doesn't have to “travel” or search for it... this is the best I can give now. But still, at times like this I feel SO incompetent. She has my heart... she IS my soul.
Thursday 03 December:
Went out today, to get a spray bottle... for Yonah. I'm thinking of trying a bit of a “spray”, a “shower” of sorts, for her. I see doves out in the rain. I wonder if she'll enjoy a little shower. Of course, I'll keep her room exceptionally warm, and I have a little towel for her, should she need it for what-ever reason (like no liking the shower). Oddly (or not), I'm “anxious” all the while I'm away and can't wait to get back to her. It's not as if she'll get out and about the house. I make sure she's safely in her “house” with the little door shut. Not that I don't want her out, I just don't want to risk her trying to take “full flight” as she's done, and slam into a wall or window and there's nobody to tend to her, should she need. Yes, she'd need to be helped back to her place, but I'm not taking ANY chances, tempting ANY “fates” of her suffering ANY injuries.
Other-wise, she was “puffed” quite a lot today, all “fluffed-up”. It couldn't have been the temperature in her room because “her” radiator was on all through the day, keeping the room quite warm. So I'm wondering if it's got to do with any of her injuries, something in her food, or just that she's still in a bit of “residual shock”... mostly from being so long in such a strange environment. Her “poop” is “normal”, regular, no signs of “water” or horridly dark green, but I'm keeping a careful watch. She has been “fidgety” of late, so “observation” is the rule now.
All said and done though, by end of day, when it was time for us both to “turn-in”, she was calm, no “fluffed feathers”. So, no “shower” just yet. She's here to recover, to rest, recuperate, NOT to suffer being antagonised. Most important... she's here to be LOVED... and THAT is tantamount to ALL else.
Friday 04 December:
Yonah's room was “quite feath'ry” this morning. I don't know, exactly, if she's moulting or if she's pulling feathers out at this juncture! BUT, she was her “usual” self... some-what “wary” of my presence when I came it to open her curtains for the day so I'm continuing the “observations”. I'm HOPING the feathers, the little “downy” feathers, is just moulting. I'm thinking that I keep her room quite warm, averaging between 25 and 29° so maybe those feathers are a bit too warm for her. As I say... “Observation”. (I truly AM feeling quite terribly “alone” in all of this and there just seems to be NO one to turn to for any support or advice. All I can do, every moment of every day is HOPE that what-ever my instincts tell me is correct and that I do nothing to cause this little one any harm. I SO look forward to seeing her take to the blue skies again and maybe, one day, seeing her at the window or door, with her “mate”.)
I've found more “recordings” of doves and have put them on the iPod and played them, on repeat, through the day.
And I DID give a VERY, EXCEPTIONALLY LIGHT try at a spray... a TRULY LIGHT MIST, at the top of the cage, so it fell to her. There was only the slightest tilt of the head and nothing else. I'd hoped she'd “preen”. But, apparently, she doesn't enjoy it so... we put that to the side, perhaps another day.
Her beak is looking a little “scruffy”... similar to be “un-shaven”. It's not “peeling” or cracked. Maybe it's just “dryness”? Again... here I am, so terribly alone, nervous, anxious, doing my best.
I managed to stop by the local pharmacy and had to “order” her cod liver oil. One an almost common house-hold item no has to be “ordered”. Well... It's ordered.
Tonight, the furnace for the rest of the house is up and running and so, I won't run the radiator separately... give Yonah a chance to “adjust” to a bit cooler... unless, of course, we plummet into a “deep freeze”, in which case... the radiator goes on... for as long as it's needed to keep her from even the slightest chill! She looked calm tonight, not “fluffed” or “puffed” and not “anxious”. And she's eaten. Her “poop” is “normal”... So we watch, wait, hope... and LOVE.
Saturday 05 December:
Today, I've put some “bird seed” into a small jar, on some moistened kitchen roll. I've read that making “seed sprouts” available is a good idea. Birds are known to peck at them and they serve as a good source of “vegetable matter”. (Yonah probably won't have anything to do with them, of course, Bit I HAVE often wondered if that seed would actually sprout, and what it would grow into, so here's the chance for a “double lesson”... more “learning”.)
Since I was up quite early, well before sun-rise, I closed the door to her room to keep the house lighting out and letting her “sleep-in” until she was ready to get up. It was another typical “North Country Winter” sort of day, grey and rather cold, so I thought it best to let her wake when what-ever “day-light” came in woke her. It's like having a “roomie”... and I don't mind in the least.
I've put a piece of “styro” in the food dish that came with the “cage”. It holds so much that I could, were I the un-caring sort, fill it once weekly and there would be quite enough for her. But I don't want her food just being there, going “stale” (if seeds can do that). So the styro not only takes some space, it also slants toward the front of the dish so that the seed is deeper there, closer to where Yonah can get at it with no effort. It all beats those little spice-jar lids she used to have. I put it in, full again, with fresh seed, when we did “house-keeping” today.
And today's “background sound” was a 90-minute loop of Stjepan Hauser... cello music. I remember reading that doves (and birds, in general) “live in a world of sounds”, and usually, complete silence indicates some kind of “danger” so it makes them nervous. So I try to keep “sound” going, quietly, and “calm” sound... either her recordings of birds or some kind of music. She seems to be quite fine with Hauser now... and he plays her favourite piece: “Song To The Moon”... I can SEE that she likes it because she tends to become more “aware”, raising and tilting her head as it plays. Imagine!
And tonight... again, I put the “light block”, that large piece of card-board, up against the curtain. No “head-lights” from cars, no annoying street light glaring in! And she got to her “perch” where I can tell she spends the night (because she poops during the night and it's in the same place each morning... which is GREAT because for one thing, it shows that she isn't restless, flying about through the night and, just as important, I can see it first thing and notice the colour, texture and see how she's doing, health-wise). WHAT a LOVE!
Sunday 06 December:
Today's “news” is, thankfully, nothing out of the usual and I'm SURELY not complaining. Yonah's “Play-list” of “bird songs” is increasing as I find more to add and, to be honest, I'm rather enjoying listening to them as well, especially as the days are “dark” and cold. And tomorrow, her cod liver oil will be in. Hopefully, she won't mind it and it'll keep her healthy, help her grow strong. She'll be “quite the catch” when she's back in the “competition”.
I keep her radiator on, but set just a bit lower now that she's improving. I don't want to “roast” her in there, though I don't want her to “need” to “fluff” her feathers for warmth... not just yet, anyway. There's plenty of time for that “re-adjustment” before she heads back out.
All said, she's had another “good day”, and I'm still amazed at how she's recovered! “Nature”... what a marvel... A mourning dove... what a great and grand beauty.
Monday 07 December:
I didn't spend a “lot” of time with Yonah today, after the “morning routine” of opening curtains, replacing food and water, making sure her “house” is clean. (I don't know why some people say that birds are “dirty”... She's MUCH easier than dogs and cats. She doesn't need to be taken out for “walks”, she doesn't have a “box” that has to be “scooped” and the little “poops” are, for the most part, tiny, and when dry, the easiest things to simply pick-up and dispose of. Honestly!) My concerns now are that she recover well, to be able to fly as far and as fast as she might need to when she gets back to the flock and that she's comfortable here. I'd really LOVE to “bond”, to have a “Friendship”, but, over-all, I don't want her to associate “people”, in general, with being caring and “providers”. My heart aches and my head spins when I read articles describing mourning doves as “targets”. It's utterly depraved, in my opinion.
On the brighter side of the day... I played a collection of “Christmas season” music for her today and when “Stille Nacht” (“Silent Night”... in German) played, I was in the room and started singing along... SHE LITERALLY DOZED-OFF AS I SUNG! So today we learn that she enjoys “Christmas” music (and that she doesn't mind my voice)! We add that “genre” to her “Play-lists”. 'tis her season and I'll make sure to sing for/with/to her as often as I possibly can! She's become my heart... and soul... and, quite literally, my “life”, to be sure. But still, how I look forward to the moment when she takes flight... FREE flight, to join “hers”. I'll miss her TERRIBLE... but knowing she's well and with her own is really all that I could want for her. Last night I thought, again, of the “stats”: In the wild, her life-span averages 1,5 years. If she stays with me until Spring, there's the “,5”... and surely, she'll have MAY more to come now. And hopefully, she'll become a “Mummie” to her own little brood and she'll live on through her little ones who will then keep her alive with their own legacies.
Tuesday 08 December:
Another “Good House-Keeping” day today. It's not so much that it's absolutely necessary, because, quite honestly, keeping Yonah's house clean is easier than keeping the rest of this house clean. But my concern is making sure that there's nothing around her that could bring, carry or cause any sort of “contaminates” or anything at all that could make her ill.
And today, I've given the cod liver oil a try. I found a “recipe” posted on-line by some guy who raises chickens and gives them cod liver oil. Had to “adjust” the quantities, of course, because, well, feeding chickens requires a LOT more than providing for a mourning dove. 5ml oil to 500 grams of seed. Easy enough. I have a 500 gram yoghurt container that I keep Yonah's seeds in, at the ready, and I happened to have a little glass dropper that's a ml. So, into the 500 grams of seeds went 5 droppers of cod liver oil, and I “tossed” and “mixed” it all, thoroughly. The “recipe” suggested letting it “set”... “over-night”, I'm supposing it's so that the seeds absorb the oil, and so I did. This morning, I exchanged the seed in her dish for the “oiled seeds”... She doesn't appear to be too thrilled, poor baby. She ate well enough, but after filling her crop, she make all sorts of “mouth movements”, the sort one would do tasting something not “awful” but certainly not “pleasant”, and then she FLUFFED right up! Well... it's not a constant, steady diet... once weekly is suggested. We'll have to check and see “what comes out the other end” and whether or not she'll have any more during the day. OH... the lessons to be learnt! At least she got SOME extra vitamins today.
I went so far as to order a “Full Spectrum” light bulb today. Nothing “fancy”, just a bulb. Not so much for the “UV benefits” to replace sun-light. (I've seen too much information that claims that the bulbs are, essentially, of no good for that purpose. BUT... I've also learnt that doves see “UV light” and a “Full Spectrum” light bulb will help Yonah see more along what she's used to than a regular bulb and if that helps to make her any more comfortable... so be it.)
Today, I had to make a run into town and on the return, I saw two mourning doves, in flight. Yonah's “folks” are “out there”, even in this cold weather. If she were fine, her wing, good... I'd consider setting her out to join the rest. But she's just shy of 2 months of convalescence, she hasn't really had the opportunity for open, long flight and she IS getting her vitamins and minerals here... and a bit of “company”... I'd just feel better giving her more time, hopefully to heal properly and completely. It isn't really any easier on me than it probably is to her. But the very thought of me, being in the house, when the night temperatures plummet to WELL-BELOW FREEZING, when the winds blow and the snows fall heavily... I really couldn't live with that.
Wednesday 09 December:
Yonah was up and about and looking GOOD this morning! Every morning, SHE sets MY mood for the entire day and THIS was SUPER! Bless her.
I got kale for her today, and, of course, chopped it to “swallow-whole” size bits. What she does with it is to be seen, but, as it's been all along, this too is “live, try and learn”. So far, she doesn't seem to be “impressed”. But we'll keep trying new things. What ever she enjoys, she gets. What she rejects... well... we won't do it again.
I brought her, in her “house”, into the kitchen today as I put today's groceries up and had my tea. We listened to “Christmas” music and she REALLY seems to enjoy being with me. I danced a bit and sang and she “watched”, calmly. It was a change of scenery and some company for a change. I'd like to give her more “exposure” to me, hoping that she'll come to see that I'm not a “predator” and that I mean her no harm. As events are happening, it looks like we'll be together through the Winter months and I don't want her fearing me. But she WAS quite “at ease” in the kitchen so there's another “little something” we'll work with in future... try to get her out of “her” room from time to time. Surely it's better than “keeping” her in one room, in the cage all of the time. After all, were she out-side, she'd have full and free run of, well, the world!
Her left wins is still not quite “right”, but it does look as if it's healing well. That's always an encouragement.
This morning, I have to note, I had a bit of a “dreamlette”, a quick dream in which she was in the house, flying about freely. Somebody came to the front door of the house and as I answered, she flew out, up and over the porch roof and away! Now I'm wondering: was it premonitory? But it shows that she's really THAT much on my mind that even in my sleep... she's there.
If not for the weather, I'd surely let her out now. But the thought of her not being able to fly any distance, and having that injury on the wing, my heart breaks just thinking of her, earth-bound, in snow and ice. So, we'll hang together a while longer. When she's gone from here, I'll miss her... terribly and deeply, but this is not really where she belongs and I'm always fully aware of that fact.
Other-wise, it was a WONDERFUL day... and that's thanks, in most part, to Yonah.
Thursday 10 December:
We had another grand day today. Yonah's got a truly great appetite and is eating very well, indeed. OH GOD! She's TRULY become my heart and soul!
Her beak looks like it could use a “shave” though... a bit “dry and some-what scaly”. I wonder why. She's getting highly recommended and rated food and her place is kept clean, she doesn't show any “signs” of mites or lice or the likes. It does worry me. And when I look it up on-line (my only reference, source of any information), there are SO many “possibilities”, some of which claim all sort of “complications” and worrisome warnings. And here I sit, very much alone in all of this, with Hope and my gut instincts as support.
I deeply hope she doesn't hate me, doesn't see me as her “captor”. Along with all my other “Hope”, I HOPE she can, on some level, to some degree, understand that I DO SO LOVE her and that I'm only trying my miserable best to protect her. (And humans are supposedly the “higher” life form... what a complete crock! Animals can learn our language, our actions, they can sense our feelings... and I hope Yonah can sense mine for her... but we can only figure out the obvious when it comes to them... the “science” of it all. Utter nonsense... we're the “superior”... not even in the least!) Tonight, as I sat on the front porch for a while, the coyotes were howling off in the darkness of the woods across the road. It's another very cold night and, as always, my thoughts went to Yonah being “out there”, in the cold, the dark... with coyotes wandering about and then to knowing that she's in her own room, safe, sound, warm, well-nourished and LOVED, hopefully resting comfortably. Precious Love that she is.
Friday 11 December:
It was quite cold and “frosty” this morning and seeing Yonah, on her perch, calm and not “fluffed” against the cold, was a comfort to my soul. It's a perfect way to begin any day, to be certain.
I went in search of a “cuttlebone” for her today. They're supposed to be good for keeping a bird's beak in good condition and shape as well as providing needed calcium. Sadly, I couldn't find a one in the local stores. There's a LOT in the way of “bird seed” for wild birds and much more for dogs and cats but ever-so little, if any-thing, for birds. I have to wonder. I don't know that she'll know what to do with one if I put one in for her, there's no “cuttlebone” out there in the wilderness, especially up here in the North Country, but, again, as always, we give everything a try and see what she enjoys. I'll just keep looking and if necessary, I'll “order” one for her.
When I came back from my errands today, as I always do on return, I immediately went to check on her and as I walked into the room, she became “animated”, as if she's actually happy to see me! (Or am I just projecting my own interpretation? One never knows in a situation like this. Still, it's nice to see and it does appear to be some kind of pleasure in seeing me so... Hey! At least she doesn't become hysterical and bang about the place when I walk in. It's the “little things in life” that make the biggest impact... no pun intended.) Maybe... just MAYBE she DOES understand that I'm doing my best for her, that I LOVE her and that I just want to protect and provide the best for her... maybe.
To my eye though, she looks “thin”, compared to the doves I see out-side. Maybe (again with the “maybe”) those out-side actually ARE heavier, bulkier than she. After all, they're fighting the weather and she isn't. But I have to get into more research, find something I can give her to give her a bit more “bulk”. The cod liver oil is supposed to provide some fat, and somebody posted that their bird (domestic, of course) doesn't like cod liver oil so they gave their bird olive oil. I have that in the house... something else to “try”. What-ever it takes to keep this little one happy, healthy, content... WHAT EVER!
Meanwhile, I'd bought puréed fruit mix, baby food, and I mixed some of that in with a batch of her seeds and put it into her food dish. More “trial”... hopefully not more “error”. What-ever is left tomorrow morning will go out to the birds in the yard. I won't leave such food there for any longer, in the house, for Yonah, but out-side it's cold enough to keep it from going “bad” and surely, SOME little creature will devour it WAY before it can go stale.
Tonight, in my searches for “evening entertainment”, I happened upon an old British series that has the song “What'll I Do?” as its theme and as I listened to the melody and the lyrics, I had to cry a little... “What'll I do - when you - are far away - What'll I do - when I - am wond'ring who - What'll I do - with just a photograph”... what'll I do? What'll I do?
Saturday 12 December:
EUREKA! and SUCCESS! Today we've found TWO foods that Yonah likes: the yolk of a hard-boiled egg and broccoli! I tried BOTH today and BOTH got eaten! Not all of either, but an impressive amount. Both are good for vitamin D and the broccoli has vitamin C as well. So... two items that will become “regulars” on the grocery list! (I, personally, have never been much of one to have eggs in the house, unless for baking, and broccoli used to “disagree” with me, but hey! This is good for both of us and what Yonah doesn't eat, I suppose I will. We'll BOTH be healthier for it.)
Another *Lesson* today: When I put the card-board up this evening, to block the out-side lights, particularly the head-lights of the passing vehicles, I brought it OVER the TOP of her house! NEVER AGAIN! It upset her terribly! But of course, in hind-sight, it's a large, brown something, coming in from over-head! Probably put her in mind of an attacking predator! Do I ever feel the idiot! When I slide it across the back, between her house and the window, she's more “curious”, watching it as it moves along. If this is how she reacts to a piece of card-board coming through the air, I'll suppose that “covering” her completely for the night is OUT of the question! Besides, in her actual, natural environment, she wouldn't be “covered” so, we'll stick with what we have. I wish I didn't need to block the light at all, but *I* don't like the sudden “flash” of light in MY room, at night, when a vehicle comes along the road. I wouldn't imagine SHE would enjoy it any more. So again, we do what we can with what we have. And NO MORE COVERS OVER THE TOP! EVER!
I don't want her to “trust” people in general, but I don't want her to be afraid of me, in particular. I SO wish there was a way to get her to understand that I want her well and fit and healthy, come the warmer weather, especially. I SO wish there was a way to convey that. And yes, I'll miss her, terrible, when she's off and out there again. But, that's where she belongs... with a “family”... of her own.
Her new “light” is due to arrive on Monday and I hope that'll make her more comfortable... give her more light during these dreary days to come. We'll see. All in all, it's nice having a “Life” to care for and about.
For now, another day has come and passed, new lessons learnt and a little dove on the mend. “OUR” world is doing well... and neither of us (I shouldn't think) cares about the rest of it. (I know I don't.)
Sunday 13 December:
It's 2 months today! 2 months that Yonah has been “in the house”. There's been so much improvement, when I think of how she was for the first week or so! May it continue along... continue along... continue along...
When I went in to say “Good morning” this morning, it was obvious that Ms. Yonah had been quite “active” in my absence... the kitchen roll was some-what... “askew”. That concerns me because I wonder what gets her to pulling things apart in there. But she was up and had her breakfast and was quite calm for the duration of the day. She seemed a bit “fluffed” from time to time and I always wonder if it's trying to keep warm (is her room too cold?) or if she's not feeling well. And if she's not feeling well, I wonder if it's something she'd eaten or is it any pain. It's aggravating, this not being able to communicate, not knowing. But, as I say, she was “calm” and didn't appear to be in “distress” all day so, tomorrow, should all be well... we'll get to the house-keeping. (I lightly cleaned today so as not to disturb her... because of the “fluffing”. )
Monday 14 December:
Thankfully, today was such an “uneventful” day... just “another” sort of day... just another “North Country December” sort of grey, chilly day. It would have been one of those “perfect to just stay in bed” days, but we have a “Guest” in the house and so, along with the regular routine of banal existence, the breaks came with checking on a little dove who passed the day comfortably, eating and drinking well, and resting and relaxing... “at home”.
Trying something “new” again: I've “planted” the “stub”... the “heart” of the romaine in some soil, in a little dish, to see what it will do and the seeds I'd “planted” a little while ago are actually sprouting! We'll see if Yonah finds them “nibbleable”. If not? Then not. If so? We'll keep going with it!
At day's end... all is well... another night, another warm, dry, protected night... for both of us.
Tuesday 15 December:
mourning dove 15 December 2020 Tried a bit more of the cod liver oil at breakfast this morning and it was obvious that Yonah had partaken by the little “beak movements”. I can't say that she appears to be “fond” of it, but it IS cute to see the “tasting” movements of her beak. “Strange flavours”, I'm sure. (We don't have cod in the local rivers and I shouldn't think there's any sort of “fish oil” on a regular menu for the local birds. So... There we have it.) There was quite a bit of the “oiled” seed left-over and I'd refrigerated it already so, what was left went to the birds out-side. It'll be interesting to see how THEY react to it, but, I'm quite sure that it won't be out there for long... SOME little critter will, most likely, devour it.
I “separated” another batch of the smaller seeds from the “Wild Songbird” mix for her too... I keep quite a hefty supply on hand, especially since her food gets replaced daily. She doesn't get all that much, comparatively, at a time, more than enough to last from one day to the next. So it's no inconvenience at all, to me. And I just prefer that the food be changed every day, especially now, as she's still, technically, “convalescing”. And too, it gets added to her “Healthy Select” seed, so both get “stretched”. Besides, the “HS” seed has other seeds in it, and little bits of “vegetable”. I don't want to make any drastic changes to her diet, so we're doing quite well. (I still want a mortar and pestle to grind some of the larger seeds so she gets those as well... a varied and diverse diet... very important... indeed.)
And so, another good day comes to a close, another Wint'ry day, one more behind, one less ahead... and Yonah is on her “sleeping perch”... and all is well... in the house-hold... my honours and blessings carry on.
Wednesday 16 December:
Another morning of “disarray”, this. But THIS morning, it appeared Yonah had had quite the “party” as I slept. Even her perch was down! Makes me wonder if there aren't mice trying to get in to get at her food during the night! Wouldn't surprise me. But, after all, there's no infestation of “critters” and we ARE in a “rural” area. Thankfully, the spaces between in her “cage” aren't large enough for anything to get in at her so I'm comforted by that. And, I wonder, does she have dreams of “free flights”, out there with the flock, soaring above the trees. THAT gives me heart-ache to think about it. Still, the temperature out there dropped to -25° last night and she was in here, nice and warm, so, I take some comfort in that much.
She's in good shape today and had music all day, the Dearest Love. And her new “light bulb” is late arriving but according to “tracking” is still on its way. Hopefully it'll arrive before Spring.
Other-wise, another “good day” for her, which means a “good day” for me.
Thursday 17 December:
Well... last night, before getting to bed, I was looking into “dust baths”, since Yonah doesn't seem interested in “water bathing” and there was actually a list of “ingredients” that somebody had posted that he uses for domestic chickens. Thankfully, the primary “ingredient” is sand. I would go to the river for that, since we do tend to have an abundance of it along the banks, but there's none to be had now... it's all covered in snow or packed in solid ice. I MIGHT just have to break down, eventually, and buy a bag at the local hard-ware store. I don't like that idea because river sand is more “natural”, and I'm sure, much “cleaner” in that it's constantly “washed” with the clear, clean waters of these mountain brooks, streams and rivers. I'd have to thoroughly wash a store-bought sand, but I'm sure Yonah would appreciate being able to “bathe” eventually, and it would be good for her feathers too. So there's a new “lesson” and something “new” to try. My “education” continues.
mourning dove 17 December 2020 Her light bulb arrived today. It's “halogen”! I'm concerned that it will get too hot for the little lamp I have for her, but again, another “let's give it a try and learn”. I did put it on for a few hours during the day and it seems she does enjoy it. I'm really curious as to whether it changes the colours of her room, as she sees them. (I'll never really know though. I keep looking for some information on the difference in vision between human and bird... as has been the case with most of what I try to find... information is limited. Oh well... “Humans... the most intelligent”... yeah, right. “Delusional” is what I call it/them.) But it's here and hopefully it makes Yonah's life a bit better. Now to see what else I can do for her... other than tomorrow's broccoli... the little LOVE.
A the very least, as the nights get colder, she's here, she'll be kept warm and protected. We'll give each-other company through these “high country/North Country” Winter days and when they're done, passed and gone, she'll fly free again, find her flock, re-unite with her friends, maybe her old “mate”, maybe raise a little family of her own and when the NEXT Winter rolls in, migrate to warmer climes with the rest, as her life was meant to be... alive, well, recovered. Though it will be painful to be with-out her, I look forward to seeing that moment.
Friday 18 December:
We woke to a brisk -15° out-side, but in here, the little radiator has kept little Ms. Yonah quite warm and cozy, and in this old world, nothing is more important than that (to me). And during the day, she had her new light, so her room was bright, and she devoured her broccoli (she REALLY seems to like it and I'm glad for that), and fresh water in abundance. She was calm today, and I visited regularly, to chat, quietly. She's healing. She appears to be in good health and being and again, that's all that matters to me... this BEAUTIFUL LITTLE LADY!
mourning dove 18 December 2020
Saturday 19 December:
Today was “house-keeping” day, the complete change of kitchen roll, a good cleaning of the “house” and REALLY, Yonah has gotten to where, it seems, to her it's all just “normal”, routine. She moves to the opposite side as I work along, calmly, or she rests on her perch and “supervises”.
Of a note: I was out today, to check the river to see about getting sand, and the next-door neighbour was out. We chatted and in the chat he mentioned that the “bird person” across the road was out today, performing some sort of local “bird count”, allegedly for the “Audubon Society”! Imagine that! It gnawed at my very being, to think he's out there, “counting birds”... for the Audubon, “so concerned” and when I turned to him for help, support, information, guidance, all I got was the suggestion “shoe box, newspaper and wait... for as long as”. All I could say on the matter was “Well, he can add one to what-ever count he gets out there.” and I looked to the house, here. Not, of course, that I expect it made any difference or was even considered. Oh well. I might not have all sorts of “training” or paper “certificates” or “degrees”, but, thus far, what-ever it is that I've been doing, with the help of information on the Internet and my heart's directives, it's been working well-enough. Yonah's quite well, quite healthy, and we, together, are doing quite fine, indeed. “Bird people”... oh yeah right sure.
Other-wise, as it turned out, there's still no sand to be gotten along the river due to snows and ice. But, I'll find something for Yonah... to be absolutely certain.
And tonight? Well... she's safe, sound, warm, fed, protected and LOVED and she can rest peacefully.
Sunday 20 December:
The only thing to say about today... thankfully... is that Yonah is well and that I've moved a “work-table” (previously a “plant table”) into her room so that I can work on my little projects and we can keep each-other company during the day. She obviously appreciates not being along all the time and though I want to maintain some degree of “distance”, I do NOT want her wanting for SOME companionship. SO from now on, I'll sit with her, we'll listen to music together, and we can “get to know each-other” a little better, she'll become more accustomed to my presence, hopefully more comfortable when I'm around and me? Well, my heart will be FULL... because of the ever-so-humbling privilege and honour of her presence and tolerance of me.
Monday 21 December:
Well... “it's here”... “Winter”... brief days, long, cold nights, winds, snows, ice to come.
But today was, for it's duration, quite bright and sunny and Yonah's place is positioned so that she can “bask” in the warmth of the sun that comes pouring through now that the sun is lower in the Southern sky. And she does “bask” in it. I've read that “some” UV comes through the glass, but not really enough to make much of an impact. Still, she gets the light and the warmth and some UV for her vitamin D requirements.
Today I wondered: does she wake in the morning and get startled, at all, by being in a “cage”? She doesn't appear to be uncomfortable with/about it. There's a tree, actual trees, on either side, and the branches do come over the top, so it does have SOME semblance of the out-of-doors. Still, there are “bars” around her. I'd REALLY love to just open the door to that cage and let her have complete run of the entire house but I worry more about collisions with walls and windows and now that she's healing from her injuries, I'm trying my best to make sure that no further injuries are sustained. I suppose my heart's in the right place. I just hope my actions are appropriate. But if it's to keep Yonah healthy until she returns to “her folks”, well then... we'll, both of us, have to deal with it, I suppose.
And we did more “house-keeping” today. She's pooping quite regularly and THANKFULLY it's all looking quite “normal” and “healthy”!!! Bless her... just BLESS HER!
We're both in for some dreary days and cold nights ahead but, she has her light and her own radiator... plenty of food... and above that... SINCERE LOVE!
Tuesday 22 December:
Today, again, I saw to it that I spent more time with Yonah, in her room. I worked on a new water-colour at the work-table, just to be near, nothing more than a “presence”, so that I'm not “foreign” to her but not really something to be reckoned-with, as it were.
She was “puffed” most of the day today. The only thing that's any different from other days is the cod liver oil so I'm wondering if that isn't upsetting her stomach. The “plan” was to offer it once weekly, as was “suggested” in my readings. But if it's going to cause her any sort of discomfort, I'll stop it, and find other sources of her needed vitamins. I see carrots and sweet potato is good, but neither are “in season” so there's no telling where that sort of produce comes from in the markets and I'd rather NOT take ANY chances. As it is, I bought a bag of “organic baby carrots” for her and when I opened the bag, some of them appeared to have “growths” on them so she didn't get any of those. I tossed the ones with “growths” and have the rest in the freezer. They'll just go out the back... into the compost or something. There's NO way I'm going to give them to Yonah.
And so, our “learning experience”, hers and mine, about one-another, about each-other, continues. And the cold days and nights come along... and I do all I can to keep her comfortable... safe... and TRY to keep her healthy.
Wednesday 23 December:
Today, I went to market and got some “fresh” carrots and a sweet potato. “Fresh”... from a market? Well, I checked them all and they appeared to be OK. Of course, it all got a thorough cleaning and I grated (I even got a grater just for this) a bit of both potato and carrot together and put them into one of Yonah's little “dishes”. Her tail feathers are “split” instead of being the usual, beautiful “stream-lined” and the “word” is that vitamin A is good for their feathers, carrot and sweet potato are supposedly good sources of those so... we give this a try... Everything is a “try”. But I want her feathers to be proper for flight, especially when it's time for her to be flying amongst the trees out-side!
Went out to the yard and cut her a new perch today. This one is a bit “wider” so she doesn't have to curl her toes so tightly when she perches for sleep at night. “Comfort”... HER comfort, is my primary concern... over every... EVERY other now.
Well, the day went along quite well for both of us today, and now, another night... and the hope that all (ALL) is well come the morning. At night now, I go to bed worrying, wondering, hoping that I'll find Yonah up and well come the morning light.
mourning dove 24 December 2020Thursday 24 December:
“Christmas Eve”... 6° today, with rain and “flood warnings”! “Flood”, not “blizzard”. Still, I think of Yonah being out there in torrential down-pours. Who's to know, really? By now, had I not brought her in, would she have still been out there? Would she have died? Well, the fact of the matter, right now is that she's here, protected against what-ever elements of Nature that, other-wise, she might have had to fend against.
I used the day to do some truly thorough cleaning and re-arranging of her room, a really thorough cleaning of her room (though, admittedly, NOT using all sorts of cleaners because, well, her well-being is my only real concern so I did the very best possible with-out chemicals). And her new light was on through the day, to give a bit of brightness to her day.
She was looking “scraggly” today, some-what “fluffed” but other-wise, just not her usual “stream-lined”, “sleek” self. And I see that she won't touch the carrots, so those are off the menu. Of course, I wonder about those anyway. I still don't like the notion of “out of season” and “market-bought”. There's just no telling where they came from, what they've been through, what they've been “treated” with. And even with a solid scrubbing, what they were grown in is what truly matters most. So we go on, looking for the alternatives. This is such a learning experience for me, and as I go, I learn more about what I consume as well. If nothing else, we're both benefiting from it all and both of us will be better for it. Still, I DO wish I already knew what I can and should do for her to make her little life here, with me, perfect, not “better”, not “OK”... but “perfect”. Again, I feel so inferior to her. Having her here is so humbling.
I've kept her radiator on in her room too, to maintain a regular, constant warmth for her. But I'm sure it's drying the air out, perhaps too much. I can't help but think a nice little shower might be good for her. She seems to have quite a bit of “dander”... or is it “dandruff”? I just have to admit that I don't know if it's to be expected or if I'm the “cause”. The more I don't know, the more I search for answers, the more I find that there isn't any information that's actually absolutely needed and it's annoying, almost angering. We, “humans”, claim to be so damned intelligent, and with all of this allegedly impressive “technology” there's SO very much missing. (More lessons in “humility”.)
In today's searches though, I did see that “oatmeal” is OK to offer her. Mourning doves will eat oats, and I have oatmeal in the house. It too, is general store-bought, but the ingredients claim that it's nothing but oats. So, with a fork and a sharp knife, I “minced” some oatmeal to “swallowable” size and mixed it in with some seed. I see that she “sorts” through the seeds to find the ones she enjoys, I'll suppose she'll do the same with the oatmeal. And I'll have to look for “pure”, perhaps “organic”, “healthy” oats some-where... most likely on-line since, well, it's not “in season” locally, and we don't have “Health Food” stores or even “feed” stores locally. Hey, if nothing else, this little “Babe” keeps me looking and learning.
The cod liver oil has, apparently, given her a bit of the “runs”. Her “poops” are thin, rather “mushy”. I'll give a little olive oil a try next time... in a few days. Right now, we'll go back to the regular diet of seeds though, and give her tummy a rest, time to “recover”. She's been through SO much anyway. I might be making things worse by trying to make them better. “Too much Love, in this case, might be worse than not enough”. (Problem is... I just don't know and there's just nobody to tell me!)
There's another cold night ahead... but here we are, together, roof over-head, walls all round, solid floor... warmth, dry, and... together. “Christmas Eve”... all is calm... and with Yonah here, all couldn't possibly be any brighter.
mourning dove 24 December 2020
Friday 25 December:
“Christmas Day” and all remains “calm”... for the most part... well... in the house it was and that's where it matters at all.
I DID get out between rain-falls, and went down to the river today, determined to get some sand for Yonah and when I got there... WOW! Between the rains and the snow-melt in the mountains, the river was WELL OVER THE BANKS and the water RUSHING along! In fact, I could see and HEAR the water even from the house! WELL! When I got down there, it was more than obvious: there was NO getting sand from there today! There were no “banks”! And the water rushed under the bridge just clearing the bridge itself by a mere half-metre or so! I took some photos and toddled back to the house to offer apologies to Dear Yonah for my “failure” today.
But her new light is proving a good investment. She seems to be better with it on. I don't know about the “full spectrum” aspect of it, but the brightness probably helps with “mood”. These are dark days now... Winter being here and all. If we get any sun at all, it rises low in the Southern sky, which is a little blessing because that's the direction Yonah's windows face, but it stays low and sets with-in what feels like mere moments later. Her light gives a nice “glow” to the room so I'm pleased with that decision, and from the looks of Yonah's general being, she too, is pleased (and, as always, THAT is ALL that matters).
So tonight, again, we wrap another day, a GLORIOUS DAY as Yonah is eating, will be warm and safe and protected through another Winter night. And I consider it a WONDERFUL GIFT to me, to be able to provide these things for her... she is the most PRECIOUS “gift” Life could ever bestow. “Happy Christmas”.
Saturday 26 December:
The mortar and pestle I'd ordered, arrived today. Plan? I see that peas are a good source of vitamins and minerals and such for Yonah so I'm thinking: dried peas, ground to “edible” size. And some beans as well... so too... ground to edible size. More “trial and learning” and that's always good... though I do wish there wasn't a need for it. There's just so little actual information in the world on the particulars I “NEED” to know. But... we try... and search... and learn.
She's still shedding large, mostly tail feathers. Thankfully, they're being replaced so she's not losing her tail. I'm hoping this is just moulting. (Maybe she'd started her “Winter feathers” in October, when the temperatures started dipping and now, since she's in an environment where the temperature is an almost steady 20-25°, she's going back to “Warm Weather Wardrobe”? Again... I can only “HOPE” that's all it is. But if she continues to drop feathers and I see that they're not being replaced, well, it'll be time to PANIC and I'll just be forced into a situation where-by I'll just have to rudely forge forward, find an actual, competent, willing vet, some-where, any-where! IF it should come to it, I'll be SURE to keep careful records... names, addresses, “info”, on those who help and those who don't. I don't mind the research and the learning and I SURELY don't mind doing ALL that I can and must do, but times like these stress me, with the lack of pertinent information. And I keep thinking of “bird people” telling me that “they” won't take a dove! “They”? Well then, perhaps “they” shouldn't be in the business of claiming that “they” attend to the little ones of the Earth. Yes, it IS getting to me.)
But, here we are, this little “dove” and I... together... alone... with and for each-other. “Love” might not cure ALL ills, but Yonah WILL HAVE MINE and ALL that goes with it.
Sunday 27 December:
A light dusting of snow today. Another “typical” North Country Winter day. But Yonah's room was quite nicely illuminated with her new light, quite warm and cozy with “her” little portable electric radiator.
I tried grinding some oatmeal in the mortar and pestle today... WELL... a little too “zealous”, most of it turned to flour. But I DID manage to learn when to stop and Yonah now has some mixed with her usual seeds (and the “flour” got mixed with the seed that goes out to the little ones in the yard so... no waste... SOMEBODY gets to eat, no matter what).
It was, sadly, another dreary day, but again, the “new light” shone nicely, Yonah's room was comfy, warm. I STILL SO WISH I COULD SEE HER FLYING, FREELY, HEALTHY, STRONG AND IN THE COMPANY OF HER FLOCK! Although we keep each-other company, as best we can, I just see her as being “alone”. I'm not a dove, I can't understand her, I don't know what's best for her. And these days that are “mild” make me all the more anxious, tempted to set her out. There are other mourning doves out there, but now I worry: will she be taken back into her original flock? Will she be “accepted” back after being in the company of “human” for this long? Will she find proper shelter immediately? A mate? Her old mate? “A” mate? And there's the dread that January and February will “make up” for the milder beginning of Winter and SLAM us, Yonah, in particular, with horrific cold, bitter temperatures, horrid winds and snows and ice! The truth is, there's no rush. I'm in no hurry to have her out of the house, really. She's not just “welcome” here, this old house is HER house as much, if not more than it's mine. And she has her own room so she doesn't have to be in the middle of what-ever it is I do of a day... or disturbed during the night if I get up for any reason. So... until such time when ALL the threats of weather have passed... I just have to be patient with Nature and myself... my short-comings, as I see them.
Tomorrow... we do house-keeping. Tonight... we sleep... protected.
Monday 28 December:
We got the house-keeping done today as the snows fell out-side the window. I still really want to get that river sand! I'm thinking that because the dish and water are clear, it doesn't make any sense to Yonah. Perhaps, if I could either put some sand in the bottom of the dish, or, under it, some-how, either on the floor of her house or, maybe in a dish slightly larger than the one with the water in it, the contrast would help indicate the difference. But with today's snow... river sand is another item on “postpone” again, for another day.
Between the dropping feathers and what looks like “dander”, and Yonah scratching from time-to-time, I HOPE this isn't mites or anything of the sort! I don't care about ME, if it's some sort of “bug”, but I just don't know what to do for HER... and if a “medication” is needed, I foresee difficulties... the nearest avian vet being 200km away and I believe I can be sure that none of them would be kind enough to prescribe and provide... over the phone. I just don't want her to suffer or even be mildly uncomfortable! (I'm unrealistic, but... that's the way I am.) Anyway, I can't stop thinking that a bit of a bath, a dip in the water would be helpful. I'm considering taking her to the kitchen basin. I bought a sprayer, specifically for that purpose. I see parrots and other birds enjoying time in the shower, and I wonder if doves enjoy that as well. I just don't want to risk causing trauma... and losing what-ever trust I might have been afforded now. Well, as time passes, we'll see where this all goes... we have that much... time... until the days and nights get warmer.
Tuesday 29 December:
Ms. Yonah had, for her, a “sleep-in” morning, this morning. She was still on her “night perch” at 7.30 this morning! But, as soon as she heard me moving about, she woke to another day.
Yes, indeed, she's eating quite well and “poop” has been “normal”, regular and I can see by where it is, in the morning, she's sleeping calmly at night. To that extent, the world is well.
I spent quite a lot of the day in her room, with her, today. Because of the occasional “bump-and-thump” from the folks next door (how I long for a quite little place in the woods... DEEP in the woods, where Yonah and I could enjoy the sounds of Nature... and not inconsiderate, ill-mannered humans), I put a “large” pallet up along the “shared” wall and have put books and other items on it that will “absorb” the sound. Her room is the larger of the 2 “bed-rooms” and it's the one room that gets the most sun-shine during the day. It's also go the best-insulating windows. Sadly, it adjoins the living-room next door. Well, as 'tis said “We can't have it all.” So I'll just work with what I have to make it as comfortable for her as I humanly can. But is was a MOST delightful day... spent with Yonah. And almost all the while I worked, she watched. She's quite the “supervisor”, I must say.
It was a chilly, damp sort of day all day anyway, and, as it is “these days”, little Ms. was oblivious to that all, nestled, as it were, in her own room, her own “house”, with all the food she could possibly want and fresh water... right there... no shopping, searching, foraging... warm, dry, protected... and SO LOVED!!!
Wednesday 30 December:
Today, I broke-down and went to the local hard-ware store and bought a bag of “all purpose” sand. I'm not “thrilled” about it, but, doves like sand, and dirt roads, and that sort of thing so, I'm obliged to provide. And I spent some hours, “washing” it under constantly-running water, rinsing, repeatedly, until the water ran completely clear! (I followed the advice seen on several different videos, on-line, given by “fish/aquarium” folks. They used the same store-bought, “all purpose” sand for aquariums, so I figure, if it can be used in THAT environment, properly cleaned, it must be OK for Yonah... for a romp, frolic, occasional “dust/sand bath”. AND, if it's clean enough for fish to be in at ALL times, if she decides to eat any, as doves will do to help with their digestion of seeds... though she has special “grit” available, as long as it's free of “waste”, it should be OK for her. AND, all the while I washed it, I thought of potential “chemicals”, so yes, I was, admittedly, almost “psychotically obsessive” about the cleanliness of it.) So now, the washed sand is laid out on a large cookie-baking sheet to dry... thoroughly. When dry, I'll have to figure a way to “incorporate” it into her “house”. We shall see how that works out when we get to that point. Meanwhile... I ponder...
Now... as I was busied in the kitchen with the sand, I'd left the “door” to Yonah's place open, mostly to see what she would do about it. WELL! As it went along, as I was working, I heard the sound of “flutt'ring wings”! She'd discovered and “open door” and taken off! Sadly, she didn't get too far, and ended-up on the floor, under the table where her house is, and against the wall. There wasn't any sign of injury, but she DID shed a few more feathers in the venture, mostly the little “downy” feathers. When I found her, she appeared a bit “confused”. Well of course! She was in the most unfamiliar surroundings and, under the table, it was considerably darker than it was in her house. Getting her back to the safety and familiarity of “home” wasn't much of an effort at all! She “allowed” me to lift her, gently, in cupped hands, and carry her back up to just at her door, at which point, she flew back in and went directly to her favourite perch. She was pretty “sedate” for the rest of the day, but again, there are no signs of injuries.
It's good to know that her wings will lift her now, that she can “travel”, though short distance. I've no idea how she got from her house to the floor, but, she did it with-out injuries! THAT'S assuring. Now I wonder just how far and well she CAN fly! She hasn't been able to, nor has she needed to fly any distance for quite a while since the original injuries. But, now I'll see about giving her the opportunity to “try her wings” more often. She'll need the exercise for the Spring!
And so, as the day went along, I decided to do a bit more “cleaning” of her sand... A couple of rinses in boiling water. If there's ANY sort of bacteria or other “life” in it, it's truly gone now, and the heated sand will probably dry quicker. (Yes, I admit... “psychotically obsessive”... but there's too much to risk here and I'm not in a mood or mind-set to tempt anything!)
And she didn't bother with her “bath” again, so I removed it for the “over-night”. I know... silly me, but I don't want to take a chance on her “stumbling” into it at night, in the dark. I suppose the worst that would happen is that she'd panic and go into “escape flight”. But that's caused injuries in the past and, well, I've NO tolerance of/for any more of those.
So tonight, we tuck in for another night following a most delightful day (especially considering her little “flight”... it's comforting to me to know that her wings function, giving her lift and mobility). It really is the “little” things in life that are the “largest” in importance.
mourning dove 31 December 2020Thursday 31 December:
Well... another year... another calendar.. but for the past 2 months of the that year, just the most indescribable glory, sadly due to the suffering of another life, but, in the very core of my heart, soul and being, I hope, and, in my own way, I suppose I pray that I've made her days more comfortable, that I've given, at the very least, some comfort. She HAS improved, her injuries, healed impressively. And the lessons she's taught me, in her own way, could NEVER be simply given in any “human” dissertation, could, I don't suppose, ever be “written”. They're the lessons that the heart needs to learn, not just the mind. And she's been a most patient teacher, and has become closer than a mere “companion”, than “family”. Honestly, I never say myself as a “bird” sort of person, but this little one who I call “Yonah”, this little dove, well, no, I'm not a “bird” person... because she's more than simply a “bird”. She is, quite literally, my heart and soul.
What a year!
So the last day of 2020 passed with traces of sun-light... not sun-”shine”, but light through-out. (But the “light” truly was in a little “cage”, resting, for the most part, still convalescing in peace.) Yonah's place got a bit of a make-over today. A touch more grasses added, behind her “nest” in the corner. It looks more like a little place in high meadow grasses. Oh yes, I made a mess of things for a while, but it really does have more of an “out-doorsy” look. Hopefully it has a more “out-doorsy” feel as well. I'm doing my best to duplicate a “natural” environment for my little one here... minus the cold, wet, snow that hangs just out-side her window.
Other-wise, Yonah and I spent a quiet day, together, as I tidied my house and hers, and the time slipped away from the both of us. And tonight, again, I closed her curtains against the cold, put up the card-board to block any head-lights from out-side (if there are any tonight), made certain that her food and water were fresh, handy, full and that all was well in her house. And, of course, tonight, as every night, before going to bed, I stood at the door to HER room and whispered-in that I Love her. I know she doesn't actually understand my words, but I continue to hope that my actions show her just how important she is to me, and how much I want to see her perfectly well, fine and back “home”... HER home.
I am honoured, blessed, privileged, because of her... and I'll see to it that, to the very best of my human abilities, she'll receive the very best I can give her... most PRECIOUS little LIFE... little dove... Most Precious, Most Cherished...
mourning dove 31 December 2020