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Emergency Medical

Sunday 22 August:
*** YONAH IS NUMBER 1 !!! ***


Sunday 01 August:
MUST note this: This morning, when I'd done with all the morning “internet” that I do of a morning... in the kitchen because I refuse to use internet in Yonah's room... all those “signals” and such blast through him... I went into his room, set-up for the day at the work table and IMMEDIATELY... HE CAME FLYING OVER TO MY SHOULDER! WHOA! WE *** ARE *** AN “ITEM” AND WE *** DO *** HAVE A MUTUAL *** LOVE *** !!! (And this morning, with the way I've been feeling of late and worse-so this morning, as some mornings and days are with my “health”, it made ALL the difference in the world! I have to wonder: does HE know something I can only surmise? I shouldn't doubt it.) And, today, he's spending more time on the little “extension perch” directly over my shoulder. Indeed... Yes, it makes ALL the difference in the world... WHAT A LOVE!
And through the day, we were together for it all. I'm up to April 2021 on the “back pages” of his Journal and have posted through the 9th. It was such an absolute JOY to be with him all day... as, out-side, it rained, and rained... and then rained some more. And the radiator was on to keep the chill and damp away so we were comfy.
THIS EVENING... after I'd done with meal, he was so “chatty” from his room, that I went in and got him on my shoulder to come to the kitchen as I did the washing-up! He “nested” in the hood of my Sherpa, most comfy, as I washed the dishes until he decided it was enough and took flight... to the top of the cup-board! ICK! I wasn't sure how clean it was up there so I was in a bit of a panic, thinking he might be standing in “something”, so I grabbed a kitchen chair and climbed up to get him. He wasn't having any of that and headed farther back. But that gave me the opportunity to check the “cleanliness”. Not bad! Not as clean as I'd like but certainly NOT worth a “panic”. Anyway, I did manage to get him back, put him on my shoulder and climbed back down off the chair... and as I went to the basin to finish up, he decided it was enough and... headed back “home”. He really IS comfortable in “his” room! I'm glad for that, though I'm seriously pondering getting a bit of a “tree” of some sort... not living, of course, but something I can put into a pot of some kind and put it in the living-room for him to “perch” on and something similar for the kitchen so that he'll feel comfy coming out of his room and flying about the house. Hey! This is HIS house and home as much (if not more than) it is mine!
At “end of day”, I wrapped-up my doings at his work table and we had the “changes of waters”. He wasn't quite ready to head for “seepie-nigh-night” just yet... but it was already 20.30 and because of the clouds and rain and the now-shortening days, I'd had the desk lamp on so it was too bright. He was a-top his house so I had to “bring him back home” and he seemed quite ready when he got there. So curtains closed, light block up... fresh water... and I'm leaving his food available for at least a while. He sometimes likes to “nosh” before sleep so... I'll keep an ear on things, in case a rodent tries to get at it. But before I go to bed (which might well be on his futon tonight), I'll take it out and put it up in the fridge for over-night.
But now, he's tucked-in, all's calm and tomorrow, I might have to make a run for moth balls for the kitchen cup-boards. I'm not looking forward to it and am almost tempted to bring him along (since he did so well on our 3-hour road-trip to the doctor we never got to see). But I say “ALMOST”... I can't see the sense in “hauling” him along in a cage and leaving him alone in the truck in a car-park... even for 20 minutes. So... I don't know for certain, that I will go but... we shall see tomorrow morning (and no, I won't bring him... especially since he really IS so comfortable in his room).
Monday 02 August:
POOR LITTLE GUY TODAY! We were up and about at 7.00, with the “routine” but from about 9.30 until almost 13.00, he was on his own! I've been wanting to get proper containers for his different seeds and treats and today, the weather was such that the travel was good. So, of course, I left the door to his house open so he could wander about at will, but I didn't open his window because of the morning chill. Ah... well... I DID get nice, new jars with good lids, and have even cut “labels” from the different bags (his “Healthy Select” and “XuPreem Just Fun”) so they're clearly marked. And yes, he was happy to see me when I got back but... for most of the rest of the day, well, although we had “kisses” and “cuddles”, he made his “displeasure” about being left alone “too long” quite obvious. He's amazingly remarkable in that he can show his appreciation for the company but, if there's the slightest, I'll call it “displeasure” with something, there's an obvious reluctance to be “too affectionate”. And he DOES take a “particular pose” when he stands a-top his house and looks straight in the eye. There's the one that says “Hello there! Let's play!” and another one that says “Don't you even think about it!” I got a few of the latter during the day. He should only know how much I miss him when I'm away from the house, and how I RUN through my errands to get right back. He IS my “WORLD”, and if I could figure a way to do so, comfortably for him, I'd bring him with me on my errands, when they run longer than, say 45 minutes. (I just can't see the good sense in leaving him in a car-park at a store, in the truck. I've never approved of doing that to a dog, I'm certainly not going to leave him in a “cage” in the truck! He doesn't like being alone in the house, never mind, in his own, familiar room. I can't imagine him alone in the truck!)
But as the after-noon progressed, he was a bit forgiving and we did get in quite a bit of “together” time.
Two things are causing me “concern” though, today.
First and foremost: as I was at the work table in his room, working on some book-keeping, he flew from the top of his house, out of the room, across the kitchen to the back door where he “hovered” (because the screen door was closed and there wasn't any place to “perch”... I say “wasn't” because I've put a “perch” on a cross-piece since so that, if he ever wants to go to the door, and see the other birds in the yard, now he has a comfy place to “land” and rest). He “held” the hover for a few seconds and then came right back. But I wonder if he wasn't trying to get out to the other two mourning doves at the feeder! If so, my heart is CRUSHED!
I know he doesn't actually understand but, when he came back, I was almost crying to think that he wants “OUT”, to be with the others, and I told him “I would give ANYTHING to see you flying well, strong, far, fast again, out there with the rest of the doves and other birds! That was my goal, ambition, dream even from the moment I brought you in. All Winter I waited for good weather, hoping you'd be able to fly with the rest. But today, you have all to do to make it to the living-room and when you get there, you either land on the floor or on the futon and you stay there for the longest while. I can see how difficult it is for you and if you went out there now, something would get you, or you wouldn't be able to keep up with the rest of the birds. And the thought of something harming you is just too much for my heart to bear. At least here, you have the best food possible, with so many good treats, fresh water all the time and even with the few mice at night lately, there's nothing that will harm you. I PROMISE YOU, I'll ALWAYS do the VERY BEST, humanly possible for you... for as long as I'm alive. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!”
WELL! AS I was talking to him, he was on his perch, perfectly still, STARING DIRECTLY AT MY FACE, and once and again he'd tilt his head, but always looked at me! It's as if he TRIES to figure out what I'm saying, so I KNOW that, at least, there's an “acknowledgement”, that some-how he DOES know that I'm talking TO HIM! Still, every word was from my heart and soul...
My only actual “DREAD” these days is my own health. I know that what's going on with me isn't going to get any better. And if any kind of “surgery” were necessary, well, I don't have ANYBODY I TRUST to take proper care of him, should I have to be away for 10-14 days! I'm rather sure that these new “treatments” won't be of any “help” at this point and I doubt they'd even be offered... never mind, me being able to afford them. So I don't know how much longer I have to be here... and I don't believe it'll be a year more. I NEED to find SOMEBODY who will LOVE Yonah... who will give him the COMPANIONSHIP, the TIME, the RESPECT, the CONCERN, the LOVE he SO, SO DESERVES! There's a “rescue” in E. Greenbush... I've looked it up and it appears MOST legitimate, but it's 121 miles (and 1 hour, 54 minutes) away! I'm seriously planning on contacting them to see if, in the event I truly cannot provide all the necessities for Yonah, they could take him. (I NEED to put contributions to them into my budget now... I don't want simple “charity”.) They do “virtual interviews” and will set-up appointments for visits. I was thinking that I could have gone to the doctor in Queensbury and then gone to them, but they're 60 miles from there! It would mean poor Yonah would be “on the road” for a full day! I don't know how or if he'd tolerate that! Well... I have a few “plans” to be made. One good thing: the web-site! If the folks at the “Rescue” are as sincere as they claim, Yonah's web-site will be quite the proof and evidence of the LOVE and SINCERITY he gets now... and so deserves.
Well... he's tucked-in for the night now and of course, waters are freshened, food is available and yes... there was MUCH “snuggle and cuddle and kisses” before the lights went out. I think we're back on “good terms”... and that means more to me than anything else in the world.
Tomorrow, I have a bit of yard-work to get done, weather permitting, but as for the rest of the day? It's US... THE TEAM... TOGETHER FOR THE MOST PART! (And I couldn't be happier about THAT!)
Tuesday 03 August:
I slept in Yonah's room last night and the NOISES in that room through the night are HORRID! I'm not certain what causes them, but I've got a horrible feeling it's mice. It seems it's a common annoyance this season, through the area. Neighbours are talking about it, being much worse than in a good many years. Perhaps it's the some-what “warmer” Winter we had? What-ever it is, part of me feels terrible for Yonah, having no silence to sleep in through the night. But then again, I'm sure that, in the “wild”, if he were in a barn or even perched in some tree in the woods, it would hardly be complete silence. After all, there are other “little ones out there”, including some nasty predators. At least here, he doesn't have to be concerned with or about those! Still, it kept me awake for quite a while. (Then again, mostly because of my concern for Yonah... “the constantly-worrying parent” that I've become where he's concerned. I only want “perfection” for him... I'm silly that way, to be sure.)
I had his radiator set at the “4” out of a possible “6”, as the “thermostat” has, and, to be honest, it was rather chilly in that room through the night. I had the window open just a bit, for fresh air, but I do try to keep it warm enough so that Yonah doesn't “need” to “fluff” against cold. (Again... “silly, over-reacting parent”, I'm sure. A little “chill” would do no harm. After all, I don't let the house get “bitter cold”... ever. Still, again, as I say: I strive for “perfection” and Yonah's absolute comfort. I feel it's my “debt” to him for having brought him into the house, taken him away from his “natural” life... in spite of all the kudos and compliments and comments about how wonderful that I “rescued” him. Yes, perhaps I did “rescue” him; chances are, he'd have been brutally attacked, had I left him under that stair that rainy day in October. Still, I saw him being back “out there” by this time, wild and free. It's not that he's miserable in here. It's just my own awareness of “wilderness” and his Life as it should have been.) As it was, last night, I needed a bit of a blanket for a while. But it wasn't intolerable, by any means.
This morning was a pure DELIGHT! I woke to the first “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” and that's a BEAUTIFUL sound, a “Diving Alarm”! (I've been meaning, lately, to get a recording of him so that I can actually have him as my “morning alarm. I'd thought of it some time ago, either him or another mourning dove, but at that time, I was still thinking of him being “gone”, back to the flock, and it just struck me as too painful a reminder of his not being in the house. But now? Well! Still, nothing beats the “original”. “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”... the little LOVE!)
And so, the day rolled along and I had more than enough to keep me occupied in the house... and in his room. We kept each-other GREAT company. He “busies” him-self with flying about, from perch to “platform” and up to the top of his house... basking, grabbing a little something to eat and flying from his house to where-ever strikes his fancy in the room. And he actually DOES seem to take comfort in knowing I'm there, whether he's with me or not. Hey, I get indescribable comfort in knowing that he's here! So I suppose we're good companionship for one-another. He's my little “Miracle”... in so very many ways.
This after-noon, he had a while to himself... had the house ALL to himself; I had yard-work to do but didn't take me very long and when I got back in, I took his “moss” out and gave it a good “cleaning” and soaking. He's had that same moss in his house for months now... it was fresh at the beginning of Spring this year, and it's still quite viable, even though it's allowed to dry quite completely. (Moss... amazing stuff, that.) So it got a thorough “picking-through” to make sure there was no “poop” in it, and then a few good soaks in cold water in the basin, followed by being laid-out on a cookie sheet (specifically for that purpose) in the sun until almost dry. He likes to “rest” in it of late and well, for the past couple of days, he's back to “plucking” those “downy feathers”... they're just about all over his room. I worry, about mites, not only in general, but with the mice these days, and the potential for them getting into his house, as they do. (I know this because, if I leave his food in there over-night, in the morning, there are “mouse droppings” very near it... so his food in the dish gets replaced, the dish gets washed, the kitchen roll gets replaced ... I'm taking NO chances! I have traps set, but Yonah and I are SO out-numbered! And I can't figure where the rodents are getting into the house!) So, I REALLY SOAK the moss and agitate it, as if “washing” it. Just plain water, but several soaks and careful examination of the water each time... It's “clean” before it goes back in. I'd replace it but not at this season. With the warmer “Summer” weather, I wouldn't doubt a greater potential for all sorts of “little things” in it. And, as I say, it's holding quite well. It gets a soaking and turns a rich green again. So... I'll keep it... for as long as Yonah enjoys it anyway. And he seems to like resting in it after it's soaked and just slightly damp. (He also REALLY enjoys “snuggling-down” in it after he's come out of his “pool”! When I think: the river sand, the moss, the little white pines, the “pool” and “fountain”... all on my own “instinct” and he enjoys it all. Yes, I suppose I AM “doing right by him”... he's SO deserving of it all... AND SO MUCH MORE!)
This evening we had another “flight to the back door”. Thankfully the screen door was on the latch. I do that because sometimes, if a gust of wind comes off the mountains, it blows in through the front door and blows the back door open and, Yonah HAS gone for that door at least twice already. Poor little Sweet-Heart! “Screens”... they make as much sense to him as windows and so there's a bit of a “smack” when he strikes the screen. Thankfully, it's not that horrific “thud” of hitting a pane of glass (and he's REALLY gotten SO MUCH BETTER where windows are concerned... we haven't had one of THOSE “accidents” in a while... I'm thankful). Anyway, he appeared to be angry with me for a while after. He got to the door, hit the screen and turned back to his house. When I went in to “check and console” he wanted nothing to do with me. And all I could really say was “Don't be mad at me. I didn't do it!” Nope... he wanted none of it... BUT...
At 19.30, we did “early water changes and all seemed quite well again. I was allowed to do “snuggles” (him on the perch and I get to put my face in beside him... he DOES enjoy that... and honestly, so too, do I). And at 20.00, the sun was dipping behind the mountains, his room was getting darker and so it was.. “seepie-nigh-night” time. We were fine again, and there was peace and delight in the house.
I finished the day around the place and got me “together”... set-up his futon... another night in his room... I WANT to know if those noises are “usual” or a “one-off”! And, quite honestly, I'm fed-up with all these MICE! I'll be addressing that situation, to be sure. (Noting: NO! I will NOT get “glue traps”... EVER... NO MATTER HOW BAD THE SITUATION GETS! I wish they made them in “human size”... I'd delight in putting people who use them on one! I'll either get “Humane Catch and Release” or I'll think of a way to make. But the mice MUST GO! SOON! I'm almost dreading Winter at this rate.)
And... another day... indeed.
Wednesday 04 August:
Yes, yes... DID spend the night with Yonah, last night and thankfully, there was much less noise! Maybe last night was a “one-off, spontaneous gathering...” of “vermin”. Then again, this old house IS over 200 years old and the weather HAS been “strange” with temperature fluctuations. It does “settle” and “shift” regularly. Well, we shall see. Surely there will be MORE nights together, in future. I still do NOT appreciate the mice in that room with him! He doesn't seem to mind their “presence” because he doesn't make a sound through the night. I'm more concerned about any “pests” they might bring in... mites, fleas, that sort of thing! I surely do NOT want to have to start “treating” him for “infestations”! (I still have to get him to a “doctor”... SOON, to have him “checked”. HOPEFULLY, his condition will be “impressively perfect?)
And over-all, we had MOST of the day together again. I DO have enough in a day to keep busy at the work table in his room. AND he was in GRAND SPIRITS TOO! AND EVEN BETTER... NO “FEATHER-PULLING”! (I wonder if he's just “moulting”... but I keep thinking of the accounts of parrots and the likes, who will pluck themselves bald, because of neglect, and the absence of companionship. AND YONAH DOES NEED AND APPRECIATE COMPANIONSHIP! How I absolutely DREAD the very thought of EVER having to leave him for any length of time. I'm bad enough when I have to run to town for 45 minutes as it is! Although, the fact of the matter is: I miss him when I'm away so...
We had wonderful time together through the day and just before “night-fall” (or, as it is, when his room starts to darken at day's end), we had the evening “changing of waters” and tidying of the house, cuddles and kisses and... I got the futon ready for another night together. (I'm getting to really enjoy just being in his company through the night and it's letting me know what, if anything, I need to do to make sure he has a comfy environment for his much-needed rest. I should have done all this “over-nighting” MUCH sooner. But now that I know I can, I will be doing it more often.)
Thursday 05 August:
We spent another much-disturbed night together last night. MICE almost all night! Thankfully, in the “water bottle trap”, but it kept ME awake through most of the night which meant that I probably disturbed Yonah as well. Still, the “count” was 4! I managed to release one but the other 3 managed to “escape” back into the house. Hopefully they'll remember the trauma of being trapped and leave to find “better quarters” else-where. And I'll work more on the “trap”. They really ARE impressive though, in that they can JUMP, many times, until they get to just the right place in the “entrance” opening and manage to get out. As I say, I've got more work to do on that “trap”. But, at least they're NOT going into Yonah's house! And THAT is important... to me, anyway. And a night of being “disturbed” and losing sleep, for me, is worth it if I can, eventually, bring a stop to it completely... or almost, at this juncture.
Now, this morning was... well... IT WAS! To begin, I was sitting at the work table, making notes of things I needed to attend to today, including some phone calls, and, as I sat writing, after morning “house-keeping”... I heard the familiar “flutter of wings” and WELL, INDEED! A LANDING... ON THE TOP OF MY HEAD! Yonah had come out of his house, landed on my head and made himself rather comfy... as if “watching” what I was doing! AND... JUST AS I started to make the morning phone calls, he moved from my head to my left shoulder and THERE, he got comfy again. “Supervision”! Honestly! When he does such things it makes my heart SO light! It's part of his “PRECIOUS”! And I'm ALWAYS AMAZED at how “comfortable” and “familiar” he has become with me. I'm certainly no longer a “threat” of any sort and I can say that it's really rather obvious that all the LOVE I have for him is reciprocated. “Companionship”! Of course, once I started getting into the phone calls, he headed back to the top of his house... where he could still “watch” but, from his favourite place. Still... I was and remain... AMAZED!
The new floor tiles arrived today, so I had several hours laying them (primarily to “cover and seal” the “washer/dryer” platform in the kitchen where I've suspected many of these mice are coming in through), so Mr. Yonah had those hours to himself today. But this evening, I made “adjustments” to the perch I installed on the back screen door so he can now spend time there, seeing the back yard and the other doves and birds that “dine” there.
I had to “bring” him to the door, but TWICE, he made himself quite comfy for a few moments... and then... went right back to his room. He's all-so-obviously comfortable in there. He has free run of the entire house, but no matter... “his” room is “his” world and if that's where he chooses to be, I don't interfere. I just make it obvious to him that he CAN be in ANY room in this house at any time. I want to find a “leafless” tree and some-how put in on a base of some sort... to put in the living-room, and, perhaps, one in the kitchen as well, so he'll have places to perch, rest, “hang-out” comfortably. Yes, I'm probably getting “too involved” but no... we're a “team”, a “unit” now and I don't want him to EVER feel “confined” in this house!
mourning dove 05 August 2021Above, beyond and over ALL else, BY GOD! Yonah has become SO AMAZINGLY “AFFECTIONATE” these days. I wonder if it has anything to do with me sleeping in this room over-night. Truth is: for the most part, the “why” isn't really important, it's that he TRUSTS me, and, pretty-well obviously wants to be “together”. In one respect, my heart is, well, GLOWING with absolute JOY, because I can't help but think (and believe, I suppose) that what-ever it is I've done for him, it's been the “correct” thing. If it weren't, I'm pretty sure he'd avoid me all the time. But, yes, “but”, in another respect, I'm sad, sorry, remourseful that he's been “taken” from the rest of the mourning doves, and that's something I'm reminded of daily... watching the others come to the feed I put out for them every morning and evening. He should be with them... he shouldn't have had to suffer, as he did. (“The way of the world.” and, as mother said, sternly, to me, so many years ago: “LIFE isn't 'fair'.”)
Well? Here we are, my little guy, my little “fella”, my IMMENSE JOY... my every heart-beat.
And tonight, yeah, we'll spend another night together. His futon is comfortable, I get to see what sorts of “goings-on” happen in the night... and I get to drift off to sleep and be awakened to a new day with the beautiful call of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”. The call of the “Turtle Dove”... and I can't think of ANY better way to start a day, ANY better sound to hear, as the first sound on waking.
Friday 06 August:
We had another rather restless night, last night. I've got a bit more work to do on this “mouse trap” and they're still finding ways to get out. I was up and about for the most part, through the night and what truly bothers me isn't my lack of rest... I'm angry because of the disturbances Yonah has to tolerate! But he takes it all in stride, and I'll swear that he knows my voice, even in the dark. (I make sure to let him know that the “activity” in his room is me and he just stays on his perch, as if nothing's happening. I know he's awake because sometimes a bit of light strays to him and I can see that his eyes are open. POOR LITTLE GUY! HE needs HIS sleep more than I need mine! One of these days I'll get this “trap” right and ONE of these days, MAYBE, HOPEFULLY, we'll get these mice out of here!)
This morning, the “morning house-keeping” was done and yes, I was a bit late getting to it (having been up this morning from 3.00-5.30 and I intended to take a “nap” but didn't wake until almost 9.00). It was HORRIFIC! Last night I took the food dish out of Yonah's house and this morning, when I put fresh food in for him, he went DIRECTLY for it! HE WAS HUNGRY! And I felt like a complete and utter failure where caring properly was concerned.
BUT... he finished eating and came right over to the open door... CUDDLES AND SNUGGLES AND KISSES! The World was, for me, back to glorious!
And this after-noon, I had some sewing to do, so I sat at the work table and as I tried threading a needle... WOOSH... Yonah came over and... RESTED ON MY SHOULDER! I'm “forgiven” and THAT puts me in a frame of mind and state of being where, I don't care about the rest of the world... The ONLY importance... Yonah and I... a “Unit”!
Day's end, night is here... 18° in Yonah's room! this HEAT that's been threatened is beginning and from what I see, is about to get WORSE in the coming week? Well... thankfully, there's a fan and Yonah's got a “pool”! (And the water is fresh for tonight already.) I'm ashamed to say that I wasn't very good company for him today, even though I did spend the day with him... as I worked to catch-up with Journalling and taking naps. And he SHOWS when he's feeling “lonely”. He was very quiet for most of the day, although, he DID come out of his house to rest on my shoulder for a while. Still... I'm thankful that there's nothing on any “agenda” for tomorrow so we'll be together... ALL DAY! YAY! (It does my heart and soul so much good to see him happy... and I keep thinking “5 years”... I NEED 5 more years... at the very least! I OWE him TIME! I OWE him a stable, safe, HOME! AND COMPANIONSHIP!!! PROPER FOOD. WATER TO DRINK AND BATHE IN! AND LOVE!)
I was a bit late with the “tuck-in” tonight, but he's in, comfy and I'll be up for a while, to check on the “mouse” situation and then? Another night together. The futon is already set. I'm looking forward to a night of calm... and there had better be one. We've had a rough 3 nights lately and he needs his rest! (And one way or another, I'll see to it that he gets it!)
mourning dove 07 August 2021Saturday 07 August:
WE, Yonah and I, slept SO WELL last night... him at his usual place in his house, and me, on the futon beside his house... and this morning, there was no “call” to wake but I woke at about 7.00 and jumped up to open curtains and windows and get his fresh food for him. (I'm still quite annoyed that I have to remove food over-night because of our recent “invasion” of mice, but, I don't know that he eats during the night, though I feel food should be there for him when-ever he wants, and, contrary to my readings over these months that suggest/recommend “routine feedings” at particular times of a day to avoid “over-eating”, Yonah certainly isn't “over-weight”, nor does he “binge”. So leaving food available round the clock has never been an issue for concern.) Anyway...
Temperatures today are back up in the high 20s and are expected to get hotter so fresh waters for drinking and bathing have been attended, and I'm spending the day in his room, and he appears to appreciate the companionship. In fact, as I type, he's basking in the sun-shine coming through and “illuminating” his “loft corner”.
And I have even more “catching-up” on his April and May Journal pages so... a day together... and nothing can compare to the JOY of that!
Well, well... day is done and it's HOT and HUMID tonight! But this has been a MOST BEAUTIFUL DAY because it was WITH YONAH... ALL DAY! I'm working, most diligently, on the April Journal page and that gives me the chance to spend the time with him. And today, we PLAYED! OH! DID WE PLAY! I made SURE to take time to play and cuddle and snuggle and have him on my shoulder, which he OBVIOUSLY enjoyed SO MUCH! He likesto peck at my ear and neck now... and when I glance over at him, OH THAT FACE! IT'S JUST SO PRECIOUS!
Reading through my Journal entries from April that I'm transcribing now is, in one respect, joyful and in others, heart-breaking. It was obvious that Yonah was “bonding” with me, just as much as I was “bonding” with him back then. But I kept putting the thought out of my mind because I was SO bent on him being back out in his “natural environment” again... SOON! Honestly, I just wouldn't give myself the opportunity to even remotely entertain the notion of having him stay... In the first place, I truly didn't want that for him... I hated then, as much as I hate now, the term “domesticated”. He very well might be just that now, but I will ALWAYS see him as a “Being of the Wild”. He's NOT some “store-bought” little bit. And that's NOT saying that birds from shops are any less valid or valuable. On the contrary, when I compare Yonah's situation, from October 2020 through, his has been a much more dignified entry into this “human” co-existence. AND, my guts BURN with anger when I think of those poor little feath'ry beings in those tanks and cages, and I'm utterly repulsed at the thought of each and EVERY person who has ANY part in that despicable “business”! But, the bottom line and top priority is, in my mind and heart: Yonah was born a “FREE” being, and although the “environment” may be different, as long as I live, he'll remain a “FREE” being... just “slightly pampered”.
ANYWAY... we had a STUPENDOUS day together, today. And I'm looking forward to another one of the same tomorrow, as there's still much more work to transcribe to get his Journal up and complete. I have only one quick errand on the agenda, a little bit of house-work but other-wise...it's US... and US alone! And tonight... I've already set the futon for another night together. (I might have to stop this before he takes it for granted that I'll be in the room all the time... I mean... it's bad enough he's become accustomed to me being in the room, in the house... “available”... in that respect, I believe I've done enough “damage”. BUT I LOVE THE FACT THAT I CAN BE THERE WITH HIM! I waited a LONG time for this... as I've noted in past Journal entries. And... to be honest here, with my “health” being so questionable... well... I want to be with him, in his company, as much as I possibly can...)
That said... his waters are fresh, the kitchen roll too. I've taken the food out again tonight, until we get these mice back “under control”... so I MUST be up EARLY tomorrow... to serve breakfast for MY HEART AND SOUL...
Sunday 08 August:
HOT!!! HUMID!!! ALL DAY! I really have to look into some sort of “air circulation” for Yonah's room other than the windows being open. But, thankfully, this is August... September will bring the cooler days and nights so...
Poor Little Guy, today! For a start, because of the mice in the house these days, I took his food out again, last night and this morning, he was on the little “shelf” where his food usually is when I woke. I'm losing “compassion” for these rodents. I have NO tolerance for ANY inconvenience to Yonah... As a matter of fact, it's become well-known round the hamlet: my PASSION for this little one. (Most find it heart-warming. As for the others? Well... they're of no concern to me anyway.) But I BOLTED up and got him breakfast IMMEDIATELY... and then “water changes” as usual and he? Well, he took it all in stride. Still, it causes me physical pain to see him go, immediately, to eat when I put the food in there. He's hungry, and I'll NOT have THAT... EVER! There's NO need, NO sense! But I'm seriously working on cleaning this house of the “rodent situation”... with all sorts of “traps”, as they are. “Humane”, of course. I still have a heart and good sense and won't cause even the “pests” any pain or suffering.
I was SO busy with house-work all day, but I DID make sure that he and I had MANY moments together and today, again, we had a bit of a “walk-through” in the house... him on my shoulder. He's actually getting to enjoy it! As I worked at the kitchen basin, he pecked on my ear and neck and when I looked toward him, he gave that “quick flap” of his wings which I've come to understand as “CUDDLE TIME”! (The next-door neighbour said, today, as we were talking about it, “It's not only interesting that you're coming to understand his actions, it's FASCINATING that he's learning to communicate with YOU!” Yes, indeed... I'm “teaching the world”... one person at a time. Gives me MORE encouragement to keep recording even the smallest “events” on this Journal and making sure to keep it current. Now, I wonder how many, if any, other people are seeing this. After all... Yonah has an e-mail and it's obvious that e-mails and correspondence is MOST welcome. Maybe... one of these days... SOMEBODY will see and let us know.)
Anyway, the moments together were, what I can call, “quality time”. We played, cuddled, snuggled, chatted... *** COMPANIONSHIP *** IT'S INTEGRAL, NECESSARY! BUT MOST OF ALL, IT'S ABSOLUTE JOY!!!
I'm a little amazed that he didn't “dip in the pool” today, but the humidity? Well... I guess he doesn't “feel” it as “people” do. He didn't seem to mind it at all. And I think of how it would be, were he out-side. I watch the other mourning doves, with great concentration, noting how THEY behave and, well, they didn't seem to mind it. They came to the feeder, even in the little rain-falls we had. So, I don't suppose it's all as “oppressive” to Yonah as it is to me. And the temperature was only (I say “only”) about 28°today... it was just the humidity.
But, tonight, I changed the water in his pool and drinking dish, replaced the kitchen roll so his house is neat and tidy. I'll leave his food in for a while and see what happens tonight. (I spent all day today, cleaning the house and closing ALL sorts of “openings” where rodents might get in. The traps are still set for tonight and I'll more-than-likely spend another night in Yonah's room with him... this is, I think, the fourth night. But I'm getting used to it and I think Yonah's coming to expect knowing that I'm “there” through the night and expecting to see me in the morning when he wakes up. Oh my!)
But he's tucked-in now... and I'll be there in short order. My PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS, CHERISHED LITTLE HEART AND SOUL, THAT LITTLE GUY!
Monday 09 August:
We had yet, another WONDERFUL day together, Yonah and I. In spite of the fact that it was another brutally HOT one! But he relaxed, for the most part of the day, in his “moss bed”, and I worked on his Journal... yes, for the day.
I'd “spent the night” with him, and, with the exception of only once “incident” with rodents, we had an other-wise quiet night. I'm looking forward to the nights when we have NO “interruptions”, but, unless “things in the rodent kingdom” take a drastic change, well... My major concern and cause for annoyance is that I need to remove his food dish! But from now on, I'll have an early-morning alarm set so that I can make sure that, on the nights when food is removed, I'll be up early enough to bring it back before he wants breakfast. Poor little guy.
Going through and “editing” the past Journal entries makes these days all the more “miraculous”. We've gone through a great many changes, and my heart grows all the fonder, my LOVE for him, all the deeper and stronger as I read the “earlier” days... most of which were Hopes that he'd recover and most of Hopes that he'd be able to return to his flocks. It saddens me that he's now in this house. But the truth of the matter remains that he has the entire house open to him and yet, it's more than obvious that he actually IS comfortable in HIS little “house” in HIS room. Even when he sits on my shoulder as I move about, he won't stay away from “Home” for very long. So, I do suppose that I HAVE done the “best” for him. After all, were he to have gone back out into the wood-lands, the chances are quite fair that, well, he wouldn't “be” today. So at least he's here... and he does have his trees, his pool, plenty of really good, nourishing food and fresh drinking water... AND... HE HAS COMPANIONSHIP. I might not be the “perfect” companion, but, we seem to get along so perfectly well... Hey! At least we play and talk! And today, as I worked, we listened to “his” collection of song-birds. (It breaks my heart and angers me to think of “people” who'll “keep” a bird, in a cage, in a room, and, at best, feed and water them only. Others have said that I “spoil” Yonah... Well? I'm trying to do just that!)
I DO have to say that, in these nights of being in his room, I have noticed how effective his “light-block” set-up is. The board on the back certainly does block the on-coming head-lights out-side and the one on the top helps to keep him fully protected against all the sudden “flashes” of light. Indeed... I don't know how, but my “gut instinct” worked very well on this project. (Now, to figure out how to keep the mice out of there and I'll be at ease. But traps are set... and hopefully, ONE will go back out and tell the rest “Don't go in there!” - I read too many stories.)
So tonight's “low” will be 20° and it's still rather humid. If he and I are together next Summer season, I'll be sure to have a fan for one of his windows for, if nothing else, proper air circulation. They're both open through the night, his door is open, so the room doesn't get “stale”. But were he out in the wilderness... there'd be MORE air, and even the slightest movement would “freshen” it. As it is now... there are fans in the house, moving our air, but I'd feel better with a bit more of it. (At this juncture, getting one would involve ordering one and waiting for delivery... by the time it arrived, we'd be back in the “chilly” nights, and there are more of those to come than these hot nights. Still, I'll have to order one... just to have it...)
The Little Guy is tucked-in for the night. His waters are fresh and his room is all his. I have the futon set for when it's time for me to join him... and I look forward to that... as well as greeting tomorrow... the first thing I see when I open my eyes is... that little bundle of LOVE and AWE! NOTHING can top it... NOTHING!
Tuesday 10 August:
mourning dove 10 August 2021CLEAN POOL DAY! It was the first thing that got attended-to this morning, at 7.30, and was FINALLY finished at about 12.30! The dish, the stones, the tubing for the “fountain”, complete scrub and replace! Indeed! The dish got a thorough scrubbing, the stones were scrubbed (in running, clear water) and then put into a 500°F oven for 2 hours to make sure that there are NO bacteriae or any other un-wanted “elements” in or on any of them. And while all that was going on, the little pump was flushed with a solution of 75/25% white vinegar and water, with 2 teaspoons baking soda for about an hour. The tubing for the “fountain” was completely replaced with new, after THAT got a “flush” with the same vinegar/water solution and then both, pump and tubing were flushes with a constant clear, clean water for almost an hour, making sure there was NO “residue” remaining.
The pool, pump and tubing have gotten this kind of cleaning thrice already, but today, the tubing got replaced as well because, since it's clear when new, it becomes “cloudy” after a while and shows when replacement is necessary. After all, Yonah bathes in the pool and, as birds will do, occasionally has a drink from it (since the fountain makes for “running” water). So it's essential that there's nothing in there to cause ANY sort of sickness.
The kitchen roll in the bottom of the house got completely changed today as well. So in this 30°-plus, 75% humidity... CLEAN HOUSE!
What made it ALL SO worth the while... I'd no sooner finished installing the pool, with rocks, and the common, usual, normal “flush” with plenty of fresh water (as is done not less than twice daily anyway)... I put the bucket and water containers away, stepped out of the room for a moment and when I returned... YONAH WAS IN THE POOL, SITTING CALMLY BETWEEN SPLASHES, ENJOYING THE FRESH, CLEAN, CLEAR, COOL WATER! (Photos, of course, on his “Portfolio”.) POOR LITTLE GUY! He had to wait ALL morning for that! But OH! It was SO obvious that he was luxuriating! As I went about re-settling his room, he continued relaxing IN the pool! (Usually, when he's in there and I come into the room, he'll come out... NOT today!) It did my heart SO MUCH GOOD to know that he was able to cool himself down. This morning, as the sun poured in through his windows, and the warm breezes blew in, he basked, as I worked on the pool, so he MUST have NEEDED the splash! And so... yes, my “instincts” had told me last night that today we needed to get to this task and... there we have it. Another “win” for the “instincts”!
After the “dip and splash”, he went to his “moss”, as he'll do, and settled-in for a bit of a “dry”.
Honestly, unless it's been witnessed, it's impossible to actually understand and appreciate the pure delight of seeing this little spectacle.
And when “relaxing” was done? OH! The cuddles and coo's and snuggles and kisses! (I'll say it again: There is NO truth to the old, useless rumours that “humans” are the most intelligent beings in Creation. NOR is there even the slightest nuance of truth in the claim that the little ones of this world are not “sentient”! THIS little mourning dove disproves ALL the claims, and he does so with SOLAR BRILLIANCE! Not only was he AWARE of all the work that was going on... and “supervised” quite closely... HE SHOWED HIS APPRECIATION FOR IT! So, Dear Reader, whom-so-ever ye may be: pass the word along to those who might claim other-wise.)
And for the rest of the after-noon... DEAR Yonah relaxed appropriate to the heat and humidity of the day... after having a little lunch.
Oh... and when I went to the local store for the tubing, the wonderful woman (manageresse, I believe) there, asked about him! And she and I, and another customer, got into a chat about Yonah and his history! This little guy is “known”... and it's heart-warming to know that others “CARE”. It's WONDERFUL... he's a little “Celeb”! Others ask after him as well and I'm SO encouraged to know that his story isn't confined to this little journal and this old house. Hopefully he'll be, at least, the cause of a “change of thought, perspective” about his “folk”... his “flocks”. If so, SOME of his suffering and inconvenience will have been worth it. Though it would have been nicer, had it not involved his injuries and loss of his wild freedom.
I see it as: I've got a little ANGEL in the house... complete with WINGS... BEAUTIFUL WINGS! AND A SOOTHING, GLORIOUS, MAGNIFICENT SONG... coo-WOO-hoo-hoo-hoo (which, amazingly, JUST as I type this... came rolling from his room!)
Well... day's end... MISERABLY HOT AND HUMID! But Yonah is tucked-in for the night... all fresh food and water. We DID have quite a few moments together, cuddles, snuggles, kisses, LOVIN' during the day. I will SWEAR that he KNOWS about the pool and such! And he's SO appreciative of ALL of our time together! And tomorrow? I don't have anything other than journalling to get done so... it's supposed to be hot again... a perfect day to sit at the work table... in the room, with Yonah! I'm looking SO forward to that. Today was good in that he has a clean pool, mourning dove 10 August 2021fresh water, clean tubing for the fountain and a clean house. But it did take away time together. “Make up” tomorrow... and in a little while, I'll grab a quick shower and tonight will be another night... SLEEP-OVER! (I'm REALLY getting to the point where sleeping on the futon in there is now “normal”! But it IS a pure DELIGHT to be with him... to be honest. And some-how, I believe he KNOWS I'm there and likes the “company” at night as well. Ah... come the cooler weather, we'll be together MANY more nights... since I focus on heating HIS room in particular... and the rest of the house... well... what-ever.)
Wednesday 11 August:
OH! ANOTHER BRILLIANTLY SUNNY BUT HOT AND HUMID DAY! I'm thankful that Yonah's pool is fresh and clean today. As of “after-noon”, he hasn't used it yet, but at least it's there, the fountain splashing, and I'm in his room, we listen to music on the iPod and the box fan is on the floor, blowing a some-what relatively “cooler” bit of air around.
Last night was another night together... one “interruption” from a mouse that was immediately removed from the room (at 2.00 this morning) and after that... we got to sleep through the remainder. I'm truly becoming used to sleeping in Yonah's room now and it seems and feels more “normal” to be with him than in my own bed-room. And from the “closeness” between us, I'd HAVE to say that he notices that I spend the nights with him AND he appreciates it! I never would have imagined that “COMPANIONSHIP” was SO important to a wild bird! Yes, mourning doves “flock”, and they're seldom seen “solo”. But I would imagine they have their time, during a day, when they take off alone. But THIS little fellow right here, SO OBVIOUSLY appreciates the company! Even though he might not be on my shoulder or too close by, he DOES appear to be more “at ease” when he knows I'm in the room.
Anyway, as a note, the sun is POURING in through his windows... it's a joy and sadness, simultaneously... Joy because he gets his sun-shine for MUCH longer in a day than during the mid-Summer days, as the “path of the sun” is approaching the Southern horizon now. Sad, because, as it nears the Southern-most horizon, it signals the coming of the cold, bitter nights again. (Although, THESE days, now, I'm seeing nightly “lows” of 20s and with the humidity, well... I don't think either of us was intended for this sort of “tropical” weather.) But for now, for when-ever... the “climate” in this little room will be “modified” toward best comfort possible... Mr. Taube will neither roast nor freeze... and I'll see to that!
(15.33) The day rolls on, the heat rolls higher, and so too, the humidity and Yonah and I let it all happen, as we enjoy each-other's company and the rest of the world goes on about its own business. GLORIOUS! AND, all the while, new photos and videos have been added to the “Portfolios”! We're really catching-up with ourselves! (Actually, I'm catching-up... Yonah's been, well, on-point all along. And he's been quite the “supervisor” today too! Even to where, even just moment ago, as I was momentarily distracted from my “coding”, he actually came FLYING out of his house and perched, RIGHT BEHIND ME, ON THE BACK OF THE CHAIR! When I turned round to make with kisses... he'd have NONE of it, and took off, to the top of his house, where he could “watch” better. OK. Yeah... tell me again... they have NO clue! Right. Sure. And moments like this make my heart just ALL THE FONDER... if that's even possible!)
And it's approaching evening “meal” hour already. Time goes by entirely TOO quickly... it's all going by entirely too quickly since Yonah's come into my life. As we grow closer... time grows shorter... BUT WE'LL LIVE FOR THE TIME WE HAVE... TOGETHER! I know I'll “go” a better being for having him in my life... I HOPE he'll “go” happier for what-ever I've managed to do for him. (And maybe, if there's “something after this life”... we'll get together again to talk about these months... maybe... these years... maybe.)
Evening... the sun has gone behind the mountains, but the heat hasn't gone with. But the great news is: YONAH'S SITE IS AS CURRENT AS CAN BE (less, the April and May Journal pages... still in the process of transcription)! THE PHOTOS ARE UP AND RUNNING! The Journal is current, save for these few words but these too, will be posted tonight. And it was a perfectly wonderful day... because, of course, I got to spend it all with Yonah who, aside from showing signs that he's not too thrilled with all this heat, was playful and LOVING all through! And now, he's tucked-in for the night and soon, I'll be joining him for another night... For me, it's mostly to watch for mice, to be sure. But I'm hoping that today's extra efforts at sealing open spaces round the house will take care of that... at least for a greater while. We shall see.
I'm also working on “business cards” for the site and, looking at photos of Yonah from back in December 2020, the difference, not only in his “personality” but his over-all appearance and energy is WONDERFUL, SUPER-STUPENDOUS! And how I DO recall ALL the events, the days, the nights, the wondering, the worrying... Ah, but tonight, he's safe, and MAGNIFICENT!
I'm so indescribably grateful for having him in... AS my life! I doubt ANYBODY can fully comprehend the importance of him, to me. But, maybe these words, in this journal, will give SOMEBODY, SOME indication... and even MORE, I HOPE that people will, at least eventually, see this all and, well, give Yonah AND ALL Creation's Little Ones, the TRUE respect they SO deserve! (As Deborah put it: We're just here visiting with them... This really is THEIR world... not ours. - Well, look at it honestly, if possible: They've been here a HELL OF A LOT LONGER!)
Thursday 12 August:
WE had QUITE the day today! Well, it wasn't “out of the ordinary” until just moments ago (it's 20.51 as I'm getting to this so...)
It began as a “typical” day, after a good night of “rodentless” sleep through. It appears we've managed to get that situation under control. And this morning, there were NO signs that any “little visitors” came to rummage through the food dish during the night. I was so relieved to see that! Honestly, I read so many different sources that almost insisted that doves must be “made” to accept a “routine” of “feeding”, putting only just as much food in the dish as they'll eat at one “feasting” and then removing it when they've done. And to put them on a “time” for different “feedings”. If not, they'll over-eat and become fat. I can say, with-out reservation, based solely on observation of 10 months (TOMORROW... 10 MONTHS) that if a bird eats until it gets “over-weight”, it's got something to do with the individual bird (perhaps it's eating to fend-off loneliness?). Yonah has ALWAYS eaten when and as much as he wishes, and in these 10 months, he's still as sleek and slender as he's always been. He eats in the early morning, then again in the mid-day, once again in early evening (“dinner time”) and just before settling-in for the night. He eats well, but never quantities of “concern”. I can see how much he's eaten because the seed in the dish is usually “level” across the top and where he's eaten there's usually an indentation of “missing” seed. (Not to mention the seeds that tend to get scattered about as he “sorts through” to find what he's in the mood for at the time.) I can't speak on what, if anything he eats during the night, but, I prefer to leave at least SOME food in there for him in case he wakes early in the morning and is hungry. Sure, were he out-side, he'd have to get up and forage. But he's NOT out-side now and I see no reason why he should have to wait for his breakfast. That's just me and the way WE, he and I, run this house. That said, it disturbed and hurt me, these past several nights, when I felt I had to remove the food at night so that it didn't attract any rodents during the night. (Again, I say, mice are cute but they CAN carry mites and other parasites and I'll NOT have Yonah suffering from such things!)
Anyway... after a regular morning changing of waters and tidying the house, I got on with the regular business and chores of the day and he listened to music until I got to go in and sit with him as I worked at the work table in his room...
But today he was SO active! As I sat working, he was flying about the room, from his perches in his house to the shelves on the wall! And a few times, he literally “buzzed” me! Flying around my head close enough to cause a “breeze”! So yes, indeed, we had several “play breaks” during the day and it seemed that, no matter how many or how long... more was and were necessary! He wanted company! (And I was more than happy to provide.)
It was another oppressively hot and humid day today, as well. So I had the box fan blowing across the room. I was surprised that he didn't spend the day in his pool! And, just in case he wanted to, at mid-day, I change the pool water for fresh, cool, clean water. (That can't be done too often anyway... fresh water is never “too much” or “too often”.)
Ah... then came this evening and “seepie-nigh-night” “tuck-in” time and with that, the evening change of waters. But tonight, I noticed the pool wasn't draining quite well so I investigated. I intended to do a thorough “house-keeping” tomorrow anyway, but I noticed something lodged in the “in-take” tubing so... the pool got dismantled, the tubing got a good and thorough flushing, the dish got a good scrubbing and all had to be re-assembled... AT “TUCK-IN” TIME! Mr. Taube was NOT amused and so, as I worked in his house, he took off to the wall shelf where he sat, quite sternly, watching... and doing his little “wing flap” that he does when he wants “cuddles”. OH DEAR! (I admit to taking two “cuddle breaks” in the midst of the working and, well, it “helped” but only a bit.)
So... there's a clean pool with clean tubing for the fountain and fresh, cool water in for the night. The kitchen roll on his floor is fresh and clean as well... and there's food for the night. The “light-block” is up, his windows are open for the night air (which is supposed to be about 25-28° tonight) and... all is calm, all is dark, all is well.
Yonah is my life now... he's truly the reason I actually bother to wake up of a morning and get up and move at all. He's literally the reason I make certain that I take care of my own health. Other-wise, I would have just “let go”, especially over this past Winter. He's my smiles, music, light, breath, joy... LOVE... LIFE!
And today, I sent a message to the “Avian Rescue” just South of here, about an hour's drive away. I'm inquiring as to what “veterinarian” they recommend for Yonah. When I find out, we're making an appointment... Winter's coming... he'll be in the house, the windows closed... I want to make certain he's in absolutely perfect health! (And we're rapidly approaching our * 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY *... I wonder if a vet can tell his age. I'm suspecting he wasn't but some months old in October 2020... so he's probably had a birthday this Summer. I'll have to ask... when we get there.)
And so, tonight, we turn from this day and look, with great anticipation... to tomorrow. And when I wake to the “coo-WOO-hoo-hoo!”... smiles... no matter what, because the rest of the world just doesn't matter.
Friday 13 August: TEN (10) MONTHS!
Today, Yonah and I see the 10-month mile-stone together and we woke, together, this morning, him on his perch, me on the futon, us, in what has, for thee 10 months, become HIS room. And I keep thinking of that day, 10 months ago, being told “Nobody will take it. Just put it in a show box with some paper and make it as comfortable as you can for however long...” (I don't think I'll EVER get those words out of my head.) And today? This morning? “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”... time to wake up here! And there he is, HERE he is, looking well, with cuddles, kisses, companionship... and my heart continues to beat... because of him. “They” didn't give him, give us, 10 days... 10 minutes... “We” had a completely different goal, obviously. And... today... 10 months later... here we are! HERE WE ARE!
As I type this (11.24), the sun is POURING in through Yonah's windows, there's a nice, but warm breeze blowing in. It's another HOT morning, but the little breeze is making it a touch tolerable. And he's “lounging” in his “moss” after a morning of water changes and house-tidying. The radio plays and he watches me from his “nest in the moss”. And it's been a morning of me working at the table with MANY breaks for snuggles, cuddles, kisses, a few “flights” and, generally, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! (I wish I could get him something more to make him comfortable and happy and keep him healthy. I wish I could give him something that would be “special” to him... but then, that's my every-day wish. Just something “special”, because of how integral, important he is to me. But I suppose I've done “OK” thus far because I'm SURE that if I'd failed, he would let me know... I'm SURE of that.)
I almost can't believe it... we're beginning our 11th month together! I WISH I knew his age! We're approaching our YEAR together, and I wonder how much longer we have together. It would be nice to know. But no matter... As I say, I have my own “health issues” that I'm dealing with these days, issues I would have peacefully set aside, ignored, given no thought to... 10 months ago. Yonah is the only reason I'm bothering to keep me in best-possible health now. So, what-ever time he has... we have. Still, I'd like to have SOME idea as to how many mornings there are to come. Doves, 'tis said, can have 5 to 20 years. I'll hope WE have, at least, the 5... together. (Maybe the “doctor” will have a better idea... when we find one with genuine compassion. The inquiry was sent last evening, to “NEAR”... we shall see.)
At day's end, we made it through another “steam bath”. And YES! There was another “dip in the pool”! Seeing Yonah relaxing in the water never fails to give me a peace of mind and spirit. To think, putting that into his house was just a “hunch”, an “instinct”. I've seen quite a few “cages”, people who “keep” birds, and I can honestly say that I've never seen a “bath” included there-in. I wonder: how can this be over-looked? Something so basic. Oh sure, there are the “videos” of birds in showers, birds in basins... but those are “controlled”, a matter of “when I have the time to be bothered”. It really isn't an inconvenience, keeping a dish of fresh water available at all times, letting the little ones enjoy when they want. The “simple” things in life. And today, Yonah's “pool water” was changed thrice. No problem, difficulty, inconvenience. AND OBVIOUSLY SO APPRECIATED. What's there to be said? Again, the joy of seeing him “lounging and luxuriating”... it's “owed” to him. Were he out in his “natural” environment, he'd have the local river, little pools in the woods. Here, in his “house”, his “home”... the water splashes, is fresh and clean... and there, when-ever he wants.
And tonight, the water is fresh for over-night (though the little fountain is off because, well, he deserves the quiet of the night for sleep, and this way, he can hear anything that might disturb him... and he can let me know if there's “an invader” or something of the sort and I can attend to it). His house is neat, tidy, clean. Windows are open again because we're supposed to only get down to the “coolness” of 20°. According to the forecast, tomorrow night we get back to the “normals” of 12-15° at night. But no matter, this little one is protected, from chills, heat, predators...mourning dove 13 August 2021 and will be for as long as I have breath. May mine out-last his. (My greatest fear these days is being taken away from him. I have no faith, no trust in others. He SO deserves all the attention and affection I do my best to give him, incessantly. Is there another out there who can and WILL do like-wise and better? I don't know... and that's my greatest fear.) Meanwhile, the futon is set again... we'll sleep together through another night... and tomorrow, with any blessings, we'll wake to face another day... together. This is what “Life” ought to be... always.
10 months... here's to another 10... at the very least.
mourning dove 14 August 2021Saturday 14 August:
Yonah and I woke, this morning, to the sounds of rain falling on the metal roof on the cellar shed out-side his windows, and a cool breeze blowing in. I laid on the futon for a few moments until “morning call” came. “woo-WOO-hoo-hoo...hoo”. It was a peaceful night, last, so much better than the recent nights of disturbed sleep because of the mice. It looks like we've beaten that inconvenience and good for us! And I HAVE to say that, although I'm thinking that I really shouldn't be in the room EVERY night, I'm always glad, in the morning, to wake and the first thing I see is my little LOVE, on his perch, and the first thing I hear is his “call”.
So, up and about and morning routine and waters changed to clean and clear, “breakfast served”, house-keeping and then, my morning coffee.
The sun started coming through at about 10.30 and I moved in to the work table... AND YONAH MOVED TO THE LITTLE “EXTENDED PERCH” JUST OVER MY LEFT SHOULDER! OO! A “LOVE ME” MORNING! He CAME TO THE PERCH... IT WAS HIS DECISION! So, I'm grateful that I have MORE than enough to keep me in the room through the day. No “errands” or any sort of distractions or diversions. Saturday... TOGETHER! Couldn't be better!
Well, oh MY! I changed the pool water this after-noon, as the sun shone, the cool breezes blew, the humidity was low... a REALLY COMFORTABLE DAY! AND... YONAH? ON MY HEAD, MY ARM, MY HAND! HE'S PLAYFUL, ATTENTIVE... ANIMATED! A LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!!
End of day, fresh waters in the house. And it was another TOTALLY MAGNIFICENT DAY... ALL PASSED BESIDE MY BESTEST LITTLE COMPANION! I got most of April transcribed and onto the server, with quite a few “breaks”... for PLAY! WOW! There was so much PLAY-TIME today! It was another one of those “Hello! Enough work!” days. Yonah was on top of his house, on my HEAD! On my shoulder! On the work-table! As I typed, he'd just suddenly “land” some-where and, of course, I can't resist. Snuggles. Cuddles. Kisses. The lot! I'm ABSOLUTELY AMAZED at how we've become quite the little “unit”, the two of us. And tomorrow? Well... I've got MORE typing, MORE transcribing, I'll have to add months to the “navigation” on the Journal pages... I don't know how many, but I'm thinking through 2022. On Monday, if I don't hear from “NEAR” in reply to my inquiry for a “recommendation” for a doctor for Yonah, I'll work an appointment in for the one in Queensbury and we'll bring him in for a check-up ASAP. (I'm hoping, of course, that I'll hear “He's amazingly healthy!”) We have “plans”.
Forecast for tonight is a low of about 12°. Quite a drop from last night's 20°! So his windows are closed a bit, curtains are closed accordingly, to keep “drafts” out over-night. mourning dove 14 August 2021He appeared to not want to go to sleep, wanting more play-time, but, once the light went out and the room settled... so has he. And I'm still pondering another night on his futon, though I really believe I ought to stop that for a while. It's just that, if it does get quite cool tonight, I don't want him thinking I've left him in the cold... as it were. Well. We shall see how the rest of my waking time runs. Of course, I wouldn't mind being in there with him through the night. I wouldn't mind leaving his door open over-night, but I worry that if something, some-how “spooks” him in the darkness, he might try to take flight through the dark house and... well... I don't even want to think of the potential injuries. To be honest, it would be cute if he'd just find a little spot on the futon over-night. But, I'm being utterly ridiculous now.
So, another day, another night... and we (well, I) look forward to another day with him... as we work some more, on his “presence”. My little “Celeb”... LOVE... LIFE... HEART-BEATS... my BEING!
Sunday 15 August:
Another GLORIOUS, but some-what “cool” day, what I've come to know as “typical August”, where the sun shines brightly in the sky, but the slight “chill” to the air keeps it all just short of actually “warm”. But what made it “GLORIOUS” is that I got to spend all but about an hour of it with YONAH! And THAT time is absolute HEAVEN! And HE was PLAYFUL again today.
The day began when he woke me at about 6.30 and as soon as I went over to open his house, he immediately came over to greet me! Every time he does that, my heart just bounces with JOY and I can't help but smile. And as I “changed waters”, he watched with care and concern, trying, every once and again, to take a friendly peck at my arm. Yep... the day started with play and ran with it all through.
And when the morning “settled in”, I planted me at the work table and got right back to transcribing... April's Journal page which, I'm SO relieved to report, isn't only complete, it's on-line! So tonight, we're only ONE page away from absolutely complete!
It's been bitter-sweet, going back to the “earlier days” of our time together. I had SO much FEAR, and there was SO much that I didn't know. There was SO MUCH that I didn't understand, and SO MUCH that I had to do based on nothing but my gut-instincts. I was frightened of hurting Yonah in some way, whether by keeping him in a “cage” or letting him roam about the house. I really had so little knowledge of his nutrition, couldn't understand his coo'ing, wondering if they were mournful, missing his life of freedom and the companionship of other doves, or, as I'd think from time-to-time: little birds chirp and people call it “singing”... doves don't “chirp”, they “coo”... is Yonah “singing”? Could it be? And I felt so very “alone” when it came to trying to learn anything at all. All I had was the internet, a lot of “forums”, a few sites created by people who raise “chickens, pigeons and doves”. They were informative, to a point, but Yonah isn't “just a dove”, wasn't born in any sort of “captivity”. Yonah was a “wild”, “free” dove! I was, for the most part, actually frightened. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable, and SURELY, I didn't want him suffering in ANY manner! And there was so little information, and precious little in one or two sites alone. And OH! How I WANTED, SO MUCH, for him to be back out with his flock! I dreaded the emptiness of this house, of my life, my heart and soul, when he was back out there. I dreaded the images in my mind of his room being with-out him, the days with-out hearing him coo, or the flapping of his wings. But I felt that he'd be better... back in the life he was born into.
As I type and read the notes I'd kept on his “progress”, I'm SO amazed to see now, what I didn't see at the time: how he was actually developing the rapport we have today. I suppose, in most part, I didn't want to see it. I didn't want him to become attached, didn't really want him to “bond”, as they call it. Yes, LOVED him... even from the moment I saw him in the yard that rainy October morning. But I didn't want to “keep” him, and I didn't want to become “too deeply attached” to him. BUT... as the time passed, what I was seeing as mere “trust” was, in fact, him accepting me, my presence, understanding my intentions... and, yes, my LOVE. I didn't see it... or... more likely, I refused to see it.
In April, he'd been here for 6 months. That's a long time, especially for a being who, in his natural habitat, would be expected to live only 3 times that long. From an expected longevity of 1 year and 6 months, he was now over the 6 months, considering the time he'd “been” before coming in. And that 6 months was already 1/3rd of his entire expected life-time! And we'd been together, and I was there every morning, with fresh food and water and talk. I was there every evening, with fresh food and water, our “Evening Chats”. Always keeping his house clean and safe, and back then, providing a fresh nest for him to rest in. What was I expecting? That he'd reject it all or not notice?
Ah... this has been INDESCRIBABLY AMAZING! 4 months later, we play together, actually “chat” back and forth. And this evening, as I changed the waters and prepared him and his house for the night, he “rode” on my shoulder, from his room, through the kitchen and we stood and looked out the front door as the sun set over the mountains... the mountains that are his “natural” and “intended”... HOME. And he “rode” back, as I stopped into the bed-room I haven't slept in in several nights (because I've been sleeping in his room), then back through the kitchen and into his room where he took to flight and rested a-top his familiar house and watched me running back and forth with the fresh water for his pool. 4 months ago I was still nervous about him and around him... 4 months later... he's actually a physical part of me... as well as my little SPIRIT and SOUL.
Those notes were good to have kept. And now, they're “out there in the world” for every-one to see, read, know, learn. But for me, selfishly, they're a great inspiration and an assurance that, even in my naiveté, I did “good”, and, based on that, I'll continue to do better through the time Yonah and I have together.
Well, the sun sets earlier these days, lower in the sky, moving closer to the South. Yonah is tucked-in. Tonight's forecast is for 11°... a bit chilly. His windows are closed against the chill, his curtains too, giving an added insulation. The “board” on the window-side of his house will help to fend off some chill as well. I won't put the radiator on tonight though. But I'm sure he'll be safe, warm, cozy... as I do my utmost to assure every night. And tomorrow? Well... we have more time together because I have nothing, really, on any agenda, that will take me away from him, and too, there's still “May” to be transcribed so... tomorrow we'll have another day... together... I'm at Peace with that... I can only hope he is too.
mourning dove 16 August 2021Monday 16 August:
WE have had ANOTHER FASCINATING DAY! Sun-shine, clear skies, cool breezes... and a DAY TOGETHER!
I had so much to get done today, and ALL of it, in Yonah's room. From cleaning in the room, to some repairs, all of it... in Yonah's room!
As I was working on a little cage that I'd made to keep caught mice in until I cold get out to release them (I will NOT kill them...), I was sitting at the work table, focused on my project when... FLUTTER FLUTTER FLUTTER.... and the next thing I knew, Yonah had landed on my head. Well, he's done it before so I just kept working until... HE HOPPED DOWN ONTO MY SHOULDER AND MADE HIS WAY DOWN MY ARM TO MY HAND! As I worked with some wire, he stood on my hand, even as I worked, looking, intently, at every movement I made! HE WAS INTERESTED... FASCINATED! I worked with pliers, wire snips, and he stood his place, head tilting from time-to-time, looking up at me as if to say “WHAT are you doing here?” And he stayed there, truly “supervising” for long moments until I was finished!
Some-where, in my research, I read that doves are known to take active interest in the affairs of a house-hold, and have been known to fly into rooms where people are gathered, find a convenient and “strategic” point to perch where they can observe all of the goings-on. WELL! Did I ever expect Yonah to do this? NEVER! BUT, here he was! (And yes, of course... PHOTOS WERE TAKEN! But he was SO focused on what was going on on the work table that he almost didn't even notice the camera... which was also interesting because, more often than not, as soon as I get the camera “too close”, he heads off to some-where else in the room.)
I was, I am... I'll always be AMAZED! More-so because I didn't “call” him, didn't speak... I was just going on about my little business... HE CHOSE to come over! And he CHOSE to come along my arm, to my hand. No coaxing.
Well, we had a “chat” while he made himself quite comfy on my arm, in a fold in my shirt.mourning dove 16 August 2021
As I told him: 10 months ago, just before he “arrived”, I was feeling so terribly ill, and had resigned myself to what-ever Fate was about to bring. Not depressed, just resigned to let it all take “due course”. I had NO thoughts of seeing Spring 2021. But there he was, and I had “Purpose”. I had “Desire”. I had a NEED to see him safe, healed. I figured we'd make it through the Winter, together, and come the Spring, he'd be on his way... and I'd be on mine. How it all changed! How so completely opposite times are now. He isn't just “a part of” my life... he's BECOME MY LIFE! And now that I see that he couldn't possibly take off, “out there”, and be safe, to live a full life, how-ever long a “full life” would be for him, I have a whole NEW “Purpose”... to see to it that he GETS that “FULL Life”, always protected, nourished, LOVE AND OH-SO CHERISHED... as he completely deserves.
In “Life”, we have relatives, those who are joined to us by “blood”, we have family, those we love and those who love us too. We have acquaintances, those we meet, for a while, a while of various lengths. But for me, this little guy here has transcended ALL of that, ALL of those. He's my heart-beat. He's why I wake up every morning. He's why I take care of me now, so that I can take care of him. He's why I eat well, rest well, attend to house and home... OUR house and home. And he's not just the reason for my JOY... he IS my JOY!
Oddly, he moved up my arm and perched on my shoulder and began pecking at my ear, and I leaned my head on him... and he was quite content. So too, was I.
Well, this was OUR day, together. “Together”. That's a word that's taken-on such a different, more important meaning over these 10 months.
I don't know how much longer Yonah and I will have together. I don't know which of us will “leave” first. But every passing second of time that we have together is, well, more precious than anything in Creation. I hope that he'll be the one to “go” first so that I can literally “spend my life making sure he's protected, cared for and about... LOVED, RESPECTED AND CHERISHED. That's all... I just hope...
One thing I'm noticing these past couple of days: he seems to me moulting. Feathers of all sorts and sizes all over the place! He doesn't appear to be bothered by it. And I do have a small glass beside my bed, full of feathers from when he came in, in October. I was concerned by the quantity of feathers he was shedding then and didn't think it was a “good” sign. I'd read that birds moult as due course, but the number of feathers had me worried. But then, as quickly as it started, the moulting stopped. The “new” feathers that came in were beautiful, soft, “regular” (save the ones that still grow where he was injured). I noticed the difference in the photos I'd taken. Of course, as part of his regular diet, he has a special “Moulting” mix. So now, I'm hoping that this is because of the time of year, the season. He came in October... We're heading into September. The nights are getting cooler, the days are growing shorter. I'm hoping this is just a “change of wardrobe”. (I'm just waiting for a reply to an inquiry about a “reputable, respectable, competent veterinarian”... if that doesn't come soon, we'll be going to the one we know of now... I will NOT have Yonah uncomfortable or in any sort of health danger!)
And so the day passed, all too quickly, as have ALL the days since Yonah's been here. The sun sets behind the Western mountains. The waters in his pool and drinking dish are fresh, clean. He's had his “before bed” snack. And we're both getting ready to “roll-up” this day. (And yes, again, tonight... I'll be on his futon. I TRULY have reason to believe he notices that I've been sleeping in “his” room... and I DO believe he appreciates it! Company... mourning dove 16 August 2021in the darkness of the night.)
Last night got a bit chilly, but the next few nights are expected to be warmer again. I'll be getting back to my own room for those. I just don't want “chilly nights” to be associated with me not being with him. Although, come the actual Winter nights, I'm planning on spending most of those with him... His room is ALWAYS well-heated... so it'll be a comfort to both of us... in more ways than just the warmth of the radiator.
But for today, it was, as always, pure DELIGHT, an tonight, we'll both hope for a restful, peaceful night of good sleep... And tomorrow? Well, there is more to be done on his web-site, and there are more photos to post. And it'll ALL be done in his room... we have another day together... Oh, and it's supposed to be rainy all through. A rainy day... together. (“Rainy” now... soon... snowy, windy, cold... no matter... “together” is all that matters.)
Tuesday 17 August:
Worked, all this rainy morn, on a “cleaner navigation” for the Journal pages. The way it was, it would have become too cumbersome at the top of each page, as the months (and HOPEFULLY, THE YEARS) pass. I have pages through 2022 now which bring Yonah and I to our “Two-Year Anniversary”... and as I work with the dates I think: “2025 is the last of the pages that I have for my own Journal... it will be five years together, with Yonah, and five years is what I've read, is the general life expectancy of a mourning dove. I wonder... Indeed, I wonder. Will WE pull through these years? WE can never really know... until we get there. Me? I'm looking forward to it and will do ALL I possibly can to see to it... Five years... at least.”
I've also put more photos on those pages as well... Photos are current! YAY!
Yonah's site has become much of my time, and reason for getting up of a day. I want (and need, to be sure), to keep it current, in case anybody ever references it. And he deserves to be represented properly, it's my responsibility to see to it that that's done. And so, as of today... it is.
Besides, it's WONDERFUL in that I get to sit at the work table, in his room, with him... “supervising” and occasionally “chatting”... cuddling, snuggling and playing. The WORLD (in this room) is at PEACE! And, after all... nothing else really matters.
He HAS, I want to note, still “moulting”... Feathers all over the room! And he's been “broody”, for lack of a better word. “Hiding”, as it were, on the wall-shelves, facing the wall, “hiding” behind little items, and giving his “woo-HOO!”, tail up, quivering. When I go to him, he's his usual “playful” self. But it breaks my heart to see him, appearing to want to be in some kind of “solitude”. I have to wonder if I should find him another dove... a “mate”, of some sort. Short of “capturing” another mourning dove, and I don't know that he'd appreciate “sharing” his “domain” at this juncture, and I SURELY DO NOT EVEN SERIOUSLY PONDER SUCH A THING... “capturing” another mourning dove, the closest “companion” that I can think of would be a “Ring-neck”. They're about the same colouration, and about the same size. They're “similar”, in a way, but I believe they tend to be smaller than mourning doves. Then too, there's the fact that, should I be able to find a ring-neck... it would be “domestic”... and Yonah isn't actually “domestic”. Then too, there's the “supporting the 'business'”. I ABSOLUTLEY DO NOT WANT TO SUPPORT THE SALE OF THESE BIRDS (nor any other little one, for that matter). Well, I DO suppose that once I contact “NEAR”, I could ask if they have any doves that are in need of “rescue”... still, there's the doubt that Yonah would “welcome” another. What a tragedy it would be, to bring in another... only to have the poor thing “abused” by Yonah... not to mention, putting Yonah through that. I'll have to continue to ponder. Mean-while, I'll spend as much time as possible with him so that he's not “alone”... mourning dove 17 August 2021HEY! I even spend the nights with him! And I've good reason to believe that he's VERY much aware of that. (I DO make a point of saying “Good night” to him after the lights are out, of a night, so that he knows I'm “there”... I often wonder if he doesn't feel “a presence”... and if so, I want him to know it's me.)
Ah... my MOST CHERISHED, PRECIOUS little LOVE... There's SO much that you've taught me... and SO MUCH MORE I've yet to learn. I'm trying. I'm trying.
Wednesday 18 August:
9.40... Looks like I was spending entirely TOO much time in the kitchen this morning (“sealing”, again, against mice... one of whom, decided to “visit” last night and partake of Yonah's “snacks” and I'll NOT have THAT). As I was just finishing-up, getting ready to head for Yonah's room for this rainy, warm and humid day, I heard the familiar “flutter and whistle” of wings... From his house, through the kitchen, to the living-room window... Yonah is now “officially” taking-in the rest of the house! AND... “hunting me down”! I LOVE IT! So I grabbed a few photos, to commemorate the moment, sat, for a while, explaining my extended absence of the morning and, at 9.42, as I sat at the kitchen table to jot this little note... that “old familiar flutter... Back to “home-base” where we're giving a few “coo's” that don't sound “approving”. I AM spending entirely too much time “else-where” in the house and I do suppose, this must be rectified. OH! WHAT A LOVE! WHAT A PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS LOVE!
mourning dove 18 August 2021I AM happy that he's taking advantage of the rest of the house though. It's what I want him to do. He OUGHT to have the entire planet to roam, but, “out there” are those who'd delight in his injury or death (as this “perfect world” is). Well, NO! NOT so long as I take a breath! This old house is HIS old house, HIS domicile, HIS residence... and hopefully, as it is with him here to me, HIS “Home”! ALL of it!
Well... I must toddle... the “calls” are coming and I must heed. (Lovingly, to be sure.)
End of another day and TODAY'S NEWS: YONAH CAME FROM HIS HOUSE, THROUGH THE KITCHEN AND TO THE “North” WINDOW IN THE LIVING-ROOM THIS MORNING... LOOKING FOR ME! I'd been in the kitchen, working on another “seal the openings” project for quite the while after morning water changes and such and he'd “called” a few times. I answered and then got so distracted, concentrating on the taping and such that I didn't respond. As I was working in the corner, I heard, behind me, that old familiar “FLUTTER” and the next thing I saw was YONAH, passing me by and heading for the living-room! OH! Of course, work stopped and I went out to sit and “chat”. He was all “settled” on the plant shelf, had a little preen, a little “play” and then, THEN made it clear that he wanted to “look about”. So I left him to his affairs and went back into the kitchen. A few moments later... FLUTTER... and he'd gone back too his place at “home” in his room! HE'S BRILLIANT! HE'S LEARNT THIS HOUSE, AND IS NOW GETTING COMFORTABLE COMING OUT OF HIS ROOM! I hope he continues and that NOTHING causes ANY stops along his way! (WHAT a difference from just some months ago when, I see, as I'm transcribing his Journal, he'd hit a wall or window... and the times when his “landings” would be so awkward, on the floor, and he'd sit there, for a while, as if “stunned”. WHAT A MAGNIFICENT CHANGE! Photos, of course, were taken, and SMILES IN ABUNDANCE! WHAT A LOVE! WHAT A COMPLETE LOVE!
The first 5 days of May are now transcribed and will be on the site tonight. My intention is: 5 days transcription each day until May is complete and when May is complete... the Journal will be to-date! I'm anxious to see that. (And then, there are “corrections” and modifications” that have to be made in the “Guidance” pages to reflect “personal experience”... Notes from the GREATEST PROFESSOR ON THE MATTER OF “MOURNING DOVES”... Mr. YONAH TAUBE!)
So we had another complete day together and now, Yonah is “tucked-in” for the night. We obviously had another mouse in his room last night, so that's why I “sealed” more in the kitchen today. Those mice can slip through the smallest cracks and holes so, as I go along and find any, I seal them up. So tonight, another night with Yonah, on his futon. (I actually get the feeling he prefers it anyway. I suppose it IS a bit of a comfort, even though I know I disturb his sleep when I go in there at night. But, after all, mourning doves have flocks... and here I am... call me “Mr. Flock”.) And tomorrow, save for a quick run to market... there are more pages and such to transcribe... MORE TIME, ANOTHER DAY, WITH MY MOST PRECIOUS, MOST CHERISHED COMPANION! And NOTHING can be better than THAT!
Thursday 19 August:
I got another 5 days of transcription done for the “May” Journal page and Yonah? Well, I probably could have gotten 10 days done but.. WE HAD TO PLAY! I mean, I had NO choice! He was AMAZING! He started out this morning, by having his breakfast, shortly after waking me at about 6.30. I “performed” the “morning routine” of water changes and daily house-keeping (which is, primarily, changing the kitchen roll under where he sleeps, because he poops through the night, as birds do... and I certainly don't mind because it shows me that he was on his perch, calm, in the same place, through the night AND I get to “poop check”, to make sure he's not ill... poop can tell a multitude of things about how “things-internal” are working). As soon as I'd done that, I got to my morning coffee and little items round the house and then, got right to the work table and, to work.
Ah, but it was another dreary, rainy day, so I put the “Full Spectrum” light on a-top his house as I worked and... through the day, as I worked, I'd hear “FLUTTER FLUTTER FLUTTER”! Yonah was “on the move”!
Today, when he'd had enough “quiet time” to himself, he came to me. A few times, he'd land on the back of the chair, right behind me, and stand there, staring around me, watching as I typed. And when, after a moment, he noticed that I wasn't stopping to “chat”, he'd come round closer, to the edge of the chair-back, and FLAP his wings. That's the “HEY! I'm HERE! Let's PLAY!” flap. And so, I can't resist. It was “Play Break”. Oh, the stroking, the “cuddling”. “Cuddling” means I get to open my fingers on both hands, he flaps at me, I get to cup my hands and hold him in them. Sometimes I get to pick him up and put him on my shoulder so he can peck at my ear and neck. THEN we have to stroke his breast, two fingers, softly, repeatedly, and he pecks at my fingers and “preens” them with quick little pecks.
We do this until he's had enough... for the moment, and he heads up to the top of his house to either rest or to “supervise” what's going on in his room.
It really IS, to me, AWE-FULL! Especially as I re-live the earlier days, as I transcribe events over these months we've been together. It's almost easy to forget those first weeks when he got here, and spent most of his time in a corner, silent. These days, it's as if we've been together for YEARS! But then, I think: in the wild, he'd have probably lived 1,5 years, so it's documented. In an almost perfect situation, 5 years is the average “long-term” for a mourning dove. So these 10 months, relatively, actually ARE “years” for him.
How it hurts, so much and so deeply, to think that we've been together almost a year now. I'm not sure how old he actually is, but he was rather young, 10 months ago. His colouration was the “plain beige”, no “iridescent” collar, his head was plain beige. That's why I thought he was a “she”. He had none of the distinct colours of a male: iridescent collar, blue head, slight “blush” to the breast. But today? Well, as noted in June, it's all quite obvious. I wonder now, at what age they take on their characteristic colours. I've been looking to find that info but... well... it's part of my on-going education.
That said, yes, mourning doves have been known to live 20 years, mostly when in a “human domestic” environment. (“They” call it “captivity”. I will NEVER think of Yonah as being in ANY sort of “captivity”... he's as free as he wants to be... just protected... here... in this house.) But if 5 years is the “average”, it pains me to think we have only another 4 years... I mean, this first year has passed all too quickly, and we've grown, together, so very much. Ah well. As I've said before, neither of us is “forever”, and as much as it will hurt to not have him here, my hope is that he “goes” before I do. At least I'll know that he was ALWAYS LOVED, RESPECTED, CHERISHED. And, besides, the fact of the matter is, I doubt I'll be too long after him anyway... as health seems to be going these days. Hey! If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be noting this anyway. So there's that.
ANYwaaaaaaay... We had today, another INDESCRIBABLY FANTASTIC, STUPENDOUS day, together. And now, as I type, he's in his house, safe and sound. Fresh water in his pool and drinking dish. Fresh kitchen roll below. The light-block is up. His light is out. He's settled for another night.
Last night, I was with him again, because I'm still on the look-out for mice in there. It deeply annoys me to think of mice getting into his house at night, and into his food! This morning, the tell-tale “signs” were in his food dish, so, of course, it got emptied, thoroughly scrubbed, and a fresh dish and fresh food were immediately served. But tonight, I've removed the food, set the “traps” and will, again, spend the night with him... in case I need to “remove something” during the course. (I don't kill the mice... the “traps” are all humane “catch and release”. I still just can't get to where... well... I can't and won't. If the number of mice gets out of hand, I might have no choice, but for now... catch and release.) I don't mind at all... AND, I DO have cause to believe HE enjoys the “company”... even if we're both sleeping. Yep...
and I couldn't be more proud and HONOURED.
Another day closes... and tomorrow, another day together to come. I couldn't be more BLESSED!
mourning dove 20 August 2021Friday 20 August:
We got a reprieve from all the rain today... brilliant sun-shine all through. Sadly, how-ever, we also got slammed with HEAT! 28° and 94% humidity! I don't know HOW Yonah tolerated it, but he took it all in perfect stride, flying about in his room, basking, for a while, this after-noon as I tried to work more of his Journal entries which is an effort now moving rather slowly... Why? (You might ask. Well, I shall tell...) Because it was one of his “Love me! Let's PLAY!” days. Distractions? Oh yes, indeed! BUT... he is the most WONDERFUL little companion, SO full of LIFE and ENERGY! There's just NO way to defer attention. He was on his house, on the chair, flying about, on the little extended perch that is almost directly over my left shoulder when I sit at the work table. He gave his little “woo-HOO!” and if I didn't stop what I was doing to play and “cuddle”, he'd repeat a few times until it became a full “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo!” I've come to learn that THAT means “HEY! I'm HERE! I want to play!” and so, well, no, I CAN'T resist.
Of course, this morning, he got fresh, cool water in his pool, as always, and too, extra on the side for drinking (though he still prefers the pool water, and thankfully, that's as clean as the “drinking” water). But by this after-noon, I felt I needed to change it all again... the sun and warmth had made the pool water rather too warm. So, all told, with tonight's regular change, all waters were completely replaced thrice.
And the moss that he SO enjoys resting in, got taken out and put into the kitchen basin where it got a thorough soaking, quite a bit of “agitation” to make certain there's nothing “untoward” in it (I check, regularly, for “poops” and ANY signs of ANY sort of little “creatures” in it), several complete rinses with fresh, cold tap water and set on several layers of kitchen roll to semi-dry. When I put it back in, it was so nice and cool and he appeared to enjoy walking on it. I'm SURE it helped cool him down a bit.
What surprised me though, he didn't use his pool! (Were I in a position to make use of a pool today, I certainly would have done, to be sure.) Oh well. The pool was there, the water was fresh and clean.
Tomorrow's forecast is a threatening 29° with a Humidex of 31! Oh yes, there WILL be changes of waters through the day. And, as always, done with LOVE!
Above and beyond ALL else, it truly DOES keep the heart beating, to see Yonah in such good spirits, and SO “interested” in what I'm doing! AND, as I work through past Journal entries, transcribing them, I'm only now seeing that this was all seriously developing already in May. Back then, he DID enjoy my company, and he DID enjoy “interaction”. But then, he wouldn't let me get my hands too near. I guess he was “testing” me? Well! To see him now, and on days like today, when he actually rested on my shoulder as I made my lunch in the kitchen... all I can say is that I feel SO indescribably BLESSED, HONOURED, PRIVILEGED, that HE has “taken” me as HIS OWN, that HE has such TRUST in me. It's obvious, blatantly, that he KNOWS my feelings for and toward him, he KNOWS that he's LOVED, CHERISHED. He HAS to “KNOW” because his “natural instincts” would be to view me as a “predator”, something that intends to harm him, that I MUST be avoided, ALWAYS. But HE comes to me, to my shoulder! AND, again today, when I had my after-noon “lie-down” on his futon, I'd no sooner gotten comfortable when... FLUTTER... he came to rest on my leg and he was there for the full 20 minutes! So... again I say: Anybody who claims that these little ones are not “sentient”, equally capable of experiencing a “love”, KNOWING the intentions and feelings of another being... well... to be quite honest, I'm now doubting a great deal of what I've read on the topic of “mourning doves”... AND EVERY other little critter, for that matter.
What I have MOST doubt about now is their ability to feel “pain”. It claimed that they don't have as many “pain receptors” as humans. Well, I'm not saying that's entirely un-true, but I SO say that I most seriously doubt the validity of claims that, to “animals”, pain is merely an “inconvenience” to them. I'm of the belief that it IS more serious. I've read that mourning doves will “show signs” of missing a lost mate. Well then, there's an “emotion”. And “sentient” means, in part, an ability to experience just that. There. Point one: they DO have “emotion”. And with “facial recognition”, or even recognition of others... especially predators. “Instinct” only? I shouldn't believe so.
It sends the mind reeling to think that, just because WE, humans, can't understand the communicative methods of the little ones, ignoring their ability to come to learn OUR languages and such, even “tone of voice”, that THAT puts humans in a position of “superiority”. Utter nonsense, narcissistic at best.
I'm sure there are a great many others, “out there”, who have experienced the very same thoughts and opinions as mine are these days. I'll take comfort in knowing that, and as for the others who still rely on the so-called “scientific” view, well, sad... terribly sad, for them, for us... for all.
Well then, the day came to a close with the setting of the sun this evening. I have a box fan in the door-way of Yonah's room which has been there through the day. He appeared to enjoy the “breeze” is gives, so I'm leaving it there through the night. It's expected to be 20° over-night so... fan on, windows open. Surely the “breeze” is pleasant for him... after all, were he out-side (where the air is still tonight) and in a tree, there would be motion of the air.
And I, again, tonight, will be “sleeping at Yonah's”. We're still working on the “mouse” issue. He had ONE again, last night. I don't know HOW, but there it was. (And it was released into the woods this morning, just before I'd had my coffee... I CAN'T cause them any suffering and I WON'T simply “murder” them. They're only trying to survive. I just don't want them bringing any vermin or parasites in and passing them to Yonah so... I remain vigilant.)
Tomorrow... nothing at all of importance on the agenda. More transcribing.. and hoping I'll get SOME of that done... in between “Love and Play” time, of course.
mourning dove 21 August 2021Saturday 21 August:
'twas a HOT and humid day today, so Yonah and I settled-in in his room, the box fan blowing nicely, windows open for air circulation, radio on and as he flew around the room, I worked, diligently, on the catch-up work on his Journal. “A good time was had by all.” ESPECIALLY YONAH, who TOOK A DIP IN HIS POOL! It TRULY does my heart SO much GOOD to see him “lounging” in the cool water on a day that was as oppressive as this. I had the breeze from the fan, which served well-enough. But I'm never sure if HE enjoys that. He'll situate himself, at times, in his house, where the air current passes, but for the most part, he tends to bask in the sun-shine and I marvel at how he tolerates the heat. BUT, then comes the moment when... And today, I was sitting at the work table, transcribing notes and notations from May, thinking back to those days, and the days before, as I always do (which is part of the reason it takes me so long... I get lost in the memories) I heard the distinct “splash”. I turned round and, sure enough, there was the LOVABLE little bundle of feathers, just settled into the water, the little fountain beside him giving light splashes, and he had the most “satisfied” expression... if birds can have “expressions”. And in a moment of my own insanity a thought crossed my mind: MAYBE I should look into an even LARGER “crate”... this one's “large”, perhaps something “XXL”? That way, I could put in an even LARGER POOL! And images of deck chairs and umbrellas went through my mind... As I say, it was a HOT and humid day.
Anyway, today I managed to get May up to the 20th, which is more than I anticipated getting transcribed. I'm looking SO forward to getting the last 11 days of the month done and this Journal will be current... a mere matter of “daily” notes. (Of course, then there are MANY notes on the “Guide” pages that I have to “amend” because of “personal experience”. Most of what's on those pages now is from information gathered from multiple web-sites and public “forums”. Most of it still holds true... SOME of it... well... unless Yonah is particularly different, there are “modifications” that need to be made... “addenda”, as they are, to be added. Yes, these have been a never-ending education, these 10 months, and even today, there's more that I've come to learn about this little “Yonah Taube” and even MORE I've learnt FROM him!
Well, he's tucked-in for the night. We DID have a GREAT MANY PLAY MOMENTS (which too, slows down the transcribing but... HEY! I just CAN'T resist the kisses, cuddles and play-time).
Oh...on that note, reading along the May notes, I see, today, that all his “wing-snaps” then were completely misunderstood!!! I feel the absolute DOPE! Even THEN, he was “playing”. He wanted to “spar”... to PLAY! The pecking at my hands too... PLAY! I feel HORRID now, because I thought he was angry, trying to fight with me! It pains me to think, he was TRYING to “bond”, as they call it. I was his “Friend”! And I shied away! It hurts now, but, I do suppose we're making it better these days... especially since I can now hold him in my hands, hold him to me, snuggled under my chin and he seems to enjoy it... for a while, anyway. I've got SO MUCH LOVE for him! SO VERY MUCH! And... it appears, he has LOVE for me too. We ARE a “unit”, a “flock” of our own now. And I still wonder WHAT GOOD I've EVER done in my life-time to be so deserving of this JOY. I wonder... and SO DEEPLY appreciate it.
Well, tomorrow... we have another day together... and tonight, a night together as well. I now know what “BLISS” is... it's a little mourning dove named “Yonah Taube”.
Sunday 22 August:
Sunday 22 August:
*** YONAH IS NUMBER 1 !!! ***



“Yonah Taube” search today, on DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing and Yahoo...

NOW... I have to work on getting it to be Nr.1 on a search of “dove” and “mourning dove”. A little more work to be done on the pages... But... AWAY WE GO!
It was another hot and humid one today and another one passed with Yonah, as I worked on the May Journal page. (I'm only on the 26th!) And he was a pure delight! Here, there and at one point, this morning, as I sat typing, I heard the “flutter” of wings but didn't turn to see where he'd gone when...
TAP TAP ON MY RIGHT SHOULDER!!! HE'D LANDED ON THE BACK OF THE CHAIR AND SINCE I DIDN'T TURN... HE TAPPED ON MY SHOULDER!!! WHOA! NOW I AM TRULY BEYOND “AWE”!!! How it SO annoys me when I think of how “people in the know” will insist that these little ones are NOT “SENTIENT” beings! How it BURNS me to think of such nonsense. How it makes me doubt just about EVERYTHING I've ever read and heard about animals... from their capability to learn, to remember, to feel pain, to feel loss... The absolutely repulsive ignorance! This little guy, right here, has “LEARNED” that I am here to protect and LOVE him! He and I have learned to “communicate”, as he “wing-snaps” and pecks and I “wing-snap” with my hands. I've learnt that HIS wing-snaps mean “Let's play. Let's cuddle. I want contact.” and he's learnt that my wing-snaps with my hands means “I'm going to cuddle you with my hands.” He sees me do that and he “crouches” in preparation for it and how he LOVES to slide out and stand to the side, daring me to do it again with another wing-snap. AND... HE's come to know that “woo-WOO-hoo-hoo” will elicit a response from me, and that soon after, more often than not, I'll come into the room if I'm not there. He's come to recongise the yoghurt containers that I used to change the water in his pool. He understands “seepie-nigh-night” because when I tell him it's time, he goes to his perch where he spends the night. Yeah... they're not “sentient”. The ones who aren't are the humans!
Oh well... I suppose that sums up this day and what it was. With Yonah, it's DIVINE!
THEN, this evening, just out of curiosity, I decided to check the “search engines” on the internet... So I looked for “Yonah Taube”. THIS LITTLE GUY COMES UP FIRST!!! There are others, even one with a social media account... BUT “YONAHTAUBE.COM” IS TOP OF THE LIST! I AM SO TICKLED! Now, all I need do is tell people to “search for Yonah Taube”... you CAN'T possibly miss him! Of course now I want to work on getting him to be Nr.1 if anybody searches for “mourning dove” or even just “dove”. After all, HIS site is FULL of pertinent information (never mind, this, his Journal). So, he and I have our work cut-out for us... and, if we're still “around”, come the Winter, when we'll both be “in” pretty much all the time (as if we aren't now anyway)... I have a LOT of “home-work” to do on “SEO” and such! Ah... the little * CELEB * ! Hooduhthunkit? Eh?
Well, he's tucked-in for the night. We had a night together last night and I'll be in there again tonight. Firstly, he has a fan and TWO open windows and my bed-room has the fan but only ONE semi-open window so HIS room is more comfy. Second, I WANT to be there to check for mice again... I don't know that there wasn't one last night, though the traps weren't “occupied” this morning and I wasn't rudely awakened during the night, last. I didn't see any “droppings” in his house and the “cookies” in the metal trap are still there. So, I MUST be there... just to see. BUT... MOST importantly... I DO SO enjoy going to sleep knowing he's “there” and I DO have cause to believe that he enjoys knowing I'm there... and he does seem to be happy seeing me there in the morning. (In fact, WE SNOOZED TOGETHER AGAIN TODAY... I had a lie-down... he came over and rested on my leg for the 20 minutes I snoozed! SO THERE!)
He's in for the night... I'm up for a while and then... I'll be in with. LITTLE Mr. NUMBER ONE ON THE INTERNET!!! WOW! JUST WOW! WHAT A GUY! WHAT A BIRD! WHAT A LOVE!
Monday 23 August:
Yes, OK, admittedly, there were a great many “breaks”, “distractions”, really, time for LOVE, cuddles, kisses, play, chats... “consults”. I HAD to get “approvals” of the transcriptions and photos that were to be posted. And, there were SO MANY “wing-snaps”... calls for attention and affection. For the most part, DEAR YONAH, moved about, from house and perches, to the wall shelves. But, in between, there were calls to play! And did we EVER! As I was typing from the notes in May, about him not feeling well, and how I was sick with worry... he was demanding “play time”! And the “cuddles”... WELL! There just weren't enough of them today! All I can say is
I think of what my “existence” was, especially shortly before he arrived, and the difference ever since. I remember how “heavy” the Winter months seemed, as I focused on him, and whether or not he'd survive being in the house, and if he did, would he heal and be gone, come the Summer. I pondered my existence with-out him, after he'd gone back to the flock. But I didn't “ponder” about a “long-term” existence there-after. And now, today, tonight as I type, I HAVE to wonder: who or what brought him to me? How is it that he should be injured? I find to be typical of the horrid place this Creation is... I mean, if there's a reason, a purpose for him being here, with me, “injuring” such a BEAUTIFUL little LIFE? Mother used to say “Life is not fair.” Clergy says “God created a perfect world.” Well... Mother was correct... clergy are delusional. But how is it that I should discover him, that rainy October morning? And... I'd left him alone at first, gone to market, was away for a good 90 minutes, to come back to SEE him... under that step! Why? Why then? Why him? Why me? I have to wonder.
BUT... the “Why” doesn't matter. What DOES matter is that he IS here, he DID survive the Winter... WE survived the Winter, together, and now... obviously, he IS the ONLY reason I've taken care of me to any extent, the ONLY reason why, when health was oppressive and so burdensome that I could have just gone to bed and... Well... HE is the ONLY reason I'm here tonight... and he's in his little house, all tucked-in, safe and sound with the box fan blowing the air about, on this quite warm August night. What I have for him isn't just “I LOVE HIM”... indeed, in fact, I am IN LOVE with him! He's PRECIOUS... SO CHERISHED... We might have only another year together... we might have only 4 or maybe 5 more years together... but no matter how long we have... he will ALWAYS be my TOP PRIORITY... HIS HEALTH, SAFETY, COMFORT. AND I'LL ENJOY EVERY MOMENT WE HAVE TOGETHER!
So there we have it. A little mourning dove... with a web-site, an e-mail, a telephone number... soon to have little “business cards” (my next project for him). And me, here, now, keeping a record of his life, his progress, for ALL the world to see, read and know. And I couldn't be more ELATED! THAT'S MY LITTLE GUY RIGHT THERE... HE'S MY HEAVEN!
And tonight, again, I'll be with him through the night... we're still on “Mouse-Watch”. I do NOT want them in his house! And that's THAT!
Tuesday 24 August:
Poor little guy! Today was another terribly hot and humid day! But last night was delightfully cool... we were together again through the night. Sadly, a mouse disturbed our sleep at 4.00 this morning, but it was “attended” (removed from the live trap, to a “holding cage” until morning, when all mice caught through the night are released... alive and un-harmed, “House Policy”... we do NOT injure, traumatise or other-wise harm... no matter what) and we both got back to sleep until... 6.30 when I was awakened by “the morning call”.
I sleep with my head at the end of the futon closest to Yonah's house and when I opened my eyes, he was at the corner, almost directly above, staring down at me, with his head tilted to one side. I swear it looked as if he was thinking “So? Are you going to get up any time soon, or what?” So THIS say began with a grand SMILE... on face and heart.
Yes, indeed, I got up immediately and the “routine” commenced with water and kitchen towel changes and fresh food served for breakfast! And he was obviously quite pleased because I got the “PLAY-TIME!” “wing-snaps”. Play, cuddle and kisses until it was enough... and off we went... to the “roof-top”! He's an amazing little fellow, that Yonah. “Play!” until I've had enough. Fair.
Well, I discovered another possible “entrance” of the mice, and so... well... all morning, I was at that, cleaning and sealing. And all the while, little Yonah amused and entertained himself, as he does, listening to the radio and flying ALL over his room. One thing I still don't quite understand: he obviously knows that I'm in the next room and he's made it more than obvious that he knows how to navigate around the entire house, but he just won't come out of his room. He'll call though. “woo-WOO-hoo-hoo”... until I go in to him. And then, it's usually a little toddle toward me, a “stern stance” and a “wing-flap” until we get to playing. Oh well... it is now as it's always been and always will be: All things on his terms. He HAS come out to see me once or twice in all these months. Flying out of his room, circling around where I happen to be (usually in the kitchen) and then back again. But never stopping. I wonder... Maybe one of these days. I do want to get some sort of “tree” to put in a stand, for the kitchen and one for the living-room. Maybe if there's a “tree” he'll be more comfortable being out and about. Stand by for that report.
Meanwhile, when I'd done the work in the kitchen and had my lunch, I went in to his room to have a lie-down for about 20 minutes. Oh... I woke to see him standing in the door of his house, staring at me. He knows I'm there (he can't miss me, really), and it seems that he “times” my naps. BRILLIANT little one!
So I got up and went the work table to complete some typing I had that needed doing AND... AS I WAS TYPING... WOOSH! FLUTTER! HE FLEW OUT OF HIS HOUSE, CIRCLED ROUND IN FRONT OF ME AND WENT TO THE LITTLE EXTENDED PERCH ON HIS HOUSE THAT'S JUST OVER MY LEFT SHOULDER! AND THERE... MORE STARING UNTIL I REACHED UP AND STROKED HIS BREAST! HE PECKED AT MY HAND AND “PREENED” MY FINGERS, AS HE DOES! OK... once again... let's hear it: They don't really “know” what they're doing. You can put that theory out with the trash, as far as I'm concerned. And I'm absolutely SURE that Yonah isn't just a “one off”. These guys are INDESCRIBABLY AWE-INSPIRINGLY BRILLIANT!
One thing of particular note: I don't recall having seen, in my much research, much mention of just how much mourning doves DO depend on COMPANIONSHIP! I've seen a blurb here and there about how they're “flocking” and do prefer company. I HAVE seem A LOT of information on parrots and such and how they MUST have companionship. But over these past 10 months, I've noticed that, well, at least Yonah, requires company! If he doesn't have me there, in the room, making contact, for a while, he'll actually CALL for me, and when we DO get together, he's REMARKABLY HAPPY, PLAYFUL, ANIMATED! Well? That's what this Journal and site are all about: Learning About Mourning Doves... perhaps all doves. I can't say, but I CAN and DO say for THIS little mourning dove! AND... I also say that being Yonah's companion has been one of THE MOST FULFILLING experiences in my life-time! (And to think I'd NEVER, NEVER, EVER EVEN THOUGHT OF HAVING ONE SO CLOSE! I AM TRULY, BRILLIANTLY, BLATANTLY BLESSED AND HONOURED!
And so our day rolled along. Neither of us “did” much else for the after-noon... the heat and humidity. And I'm surprised that he didn't take a swim today! But, of course, his pool was fresh and clean. Oh well... it was there, as it always is.
This evening, as the sun set, he had his “before bed-time snack”. It's another thing I've come to learn about him. At a particular time of day, according too the light in the room, before it gets quite “dark”, he ALWAYS goes for a quick snack. I've noticed the mourning doves in the yard to like-wise (which is why, every evening, as well as every morning, I make sure there's food out there for them). So what I've come to do is: I watch for Yonah to have his snack, I check out in the yard to see when the doves out there have had theirs... and when they're done and have left, that's when I know it's time to “tuck” Yonah in for the night. And so, as always, waters got changed and refreshed, the “back-board/light-block” went on, kitchen roll got changed and... now, as I type, my BESTEST COMPANION IN LIFE, is on his little perch, settled-in for the night.
In a little while, I'll be in with him again, for the night. (I really believe he notices that I'm there AND I really believe he enjoys the over-night company! Well, once this mouse situation is settled, he'll be back to having his own room for an un-disturbed night's sleep. But for now... it's US... together... happily.
Another day comes to a close... quietly... thankfully... LOVINGLY!
mourning dove 25 August 2021Wednesday 25. August:
19.10 (7:10pm) How sad... the sun is already setting, the days are growing noticeably shorter as Summer gives way to Autumn. (Although, with temperatures still in the 30s as they were today, Summer is obviously not going softy.) Days with Yonah are growing shorter since his “clock” is set according to the day-light, and even now, already, the “evening routine” is complete, his house is all prepared for a night's sleep.
With this “early darkness”, I'm reminded... OUR 1-YEAR anniversary is approaching... Almost impossible to believe, WE'VE MADE IT THIS LONG! Especially since I've only just finished transcribing the notes from his Journal for May. And as I was working along with the transcriptions, I re-read the earlier months, and as I post new photos, I see the earlier photos... and I remember how “heavy” the late-Autumn and Winter was, always wondering whether I was doing the right things for him, trying to give him Love, Affection, Attention and yet, trying to keep a “distance”, trying to avoid him ever becoming “dependent”... trying, in fact, to avoid a “bonding”... me with him... him with me. How horrid I must have seemed to him, how negligent. But all the while, how the “heaviness” of worry was so palpable in my heart and soul, the worry of what to do, how much to do... and being SO “alone” in it all. No-where to turn, nobody to confide in. ALL I wanted was to see him pull through the cold, just pull through and become strong, healthy, and, to be able to see him take flight, off into the skies, the trees, flying on breezes... with other mourning doves. That's all... that's ALL I wanted. I NEVER imagined, never even entertained the notion, the possible notion, that we'd be here, today, tonight... playing, him sitting on my shoulder, pecking at my ear as I lean my head to him... and tell him, as I always do... “I LOVE YOU!” NEVER... but... here he is, here we are. And I'm no longer afraid, and, from what he's taught me over these months, I'm TRULY NOT “ALONE”! How things have changed...
But it's almost time to “tuck-in” and he's up on the wall shelf where he went as I changed the waters in his pool and drinking dish... It's OK though... WE have a futon in HIS room now... and I get to spend the night! And I KNOW that I enjoy that... and I have cause to believe HE enjoys it too. So... we now have nights together. something we didn't have before. THAT'S different... and WONDERFUL!
And, on the topic of “WONDERFUL”... this morning, before the heat and humidity became intolerable, I went traipsing off into the woods, off the roads, down by the “bog”... and got a nice, new “carpet” of fresh, green moss for him! Brought it home, put it through 10 thorough rinses in cold, running tap water, gave it stiff agitation and a couple of shakings to make certain that there's nothing in there... no bugs, no little “un-seeables” that might cause him any harm. Then, it got laid-out on a cookie sheet and put into the beating sun for a couple of hours... followed by another good shaking. Tonight, it'll settle because tomorrow... if all is “right” with it... Yonah gets fresh moss along with his thorough house-cleaning! (He actually enjoys it when I do the “thorough house-cleaning”... he sits on his roof and monitors my every action like the serious supervisor. He watches as I remove things... and then watches as I return everything. He misses NOTHING! And of course... PLAY BREAKS! when he decides to fly into the house as I'm working, to set on a perch for a closer look. I'm looking forward to this tomorrow!
MORE? OH YES, INDEED! This after-noon, after a morning of non-stop chores and a return “from the woods”, I took a brief “lie-down”... on his futon, of course... I wasn't even “settled” before... FLUTTER! Yonah came out of his house, almost immediately, and landed on my leg... to snooze with me! He's done it a few times before, but it NEVER becomes “expected”. So I dozed for about 20 minutes and when I opened my eyes, there he was, on the futon, just beyond my knee! He'd snoozed with me! AND, when he some-how sensed that I was awake, he hopped up onto my leg and came walking up toward my waist, looking as if to say “Are you finally awake? Hello?” Honestly... talk about NEVER imagining... THIS NEVER even crossed a passing thought! EVER! OH... if there's ANY doubt that we're COMPANIONS... folks just have no idea. (I often wonder if *I* have any idea... it just doesn't ever seem “real”, possible.)
Well, after snooze, I got to work on some more “anti-mouse” work in the house and Yonah entertained him-self for most of the after-noon as I worked. I took “play breaks”, we “jousted” a bit until he decided I needed to get back to work. After all... we don't want mice “breaking into” his house under cover of darkness and I don't want to HAVE to take his food from him at night any more. So? So... thankfully, I did get more “spaces” closed. We'll have to see how tonight goes...
Well... if's “officially “sun-down” and Yonah's given “the call”... the mourning doves in the yard have come had their evening snack and gone. Waters are fresh and clean, Yonah's house is tidy for the night... time for “tuck-in”... I'll be back... for another night together. “Mouse watch” (and, admittedly, I have to note that, last night, I was in my bed-room, getting read to go to Yonah's futon and I thought how “lonely” it'llmourning dove 25 August 2021 be when I return to my own bed... and he's not there, in the room... OH... this really DOES go deep!).
20.00 Sun's gone, dropped behind the Western mountains, leaving a teasing hint of it's former presence, glowing softly across the ever-darkening skies... As I finished typing the previous lines, Yonah decided to “take a tour” of his room and landed in an almost un-reachable corner by his house. Ah... but... a gentle hand to lift him and... HE decided that, yes, it's time to head for HOME for the night. Away he went, to his perch. And there, now, his “night boards” are installed, and so too, is he. My MOST PRECIOUS little guy is “tucked-in” for the night... and the futon is set for me... soon. Another day, another day. And tomorrow... we'll have more fun, as house-cleaning gets under way. I look forward to the night together... and our “tomorrow”... together... again. (I look forward to “tomorrows” now... I didn't used to, for such a long, long time.)
mourning dove 26 August 2021Thursday 26 August:
HOUSE-KEEPING! FROM TOP TO BOTTOM! Stripped down “to the wire”... EVERYTHING WENT! No, it wasn't “that bad”, it wasn't “that dirty”... but it's another “routine” and it seemed a good day to “have at it”.
This morning, at about 6.30, I woke to the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” and a little feathered face looking fro breakfast. So it was “get up, get moving” and from there, it was almost non-stop!
Breakfast was served, and whilst Mr. Taube had his, I had my coffee to pass the time. But by about 7.30... the work commenced... POOR YONAH! First thing in the morning! But he took it like a CHAMP... as if he'd expected it all. (I did warn him last night though...)
As I began draining the pool, he took to his roof-top. “Perspective is everything.” and he watched, intently, as the water drained and I began removing his trays of sand and mosses... He seemed not to mind any of it until his trees came out and went to the work table. I took the pool and the pump for the fountain out to the kitchen and when I looked back into his room, he was on the back of the chair at the work table, LOOKING at the trees! It seemed as if he was thinking “They don't belong THERE!” But there he stayed... until...
I set the “pool” in the kitchen basin, set the pump to circulate in it, ran fresh, warm, tap water over pool and tubing and then, made a solution of 2 parts vinegar to 1 part water... and got it running through the pump and tubing. (The tubing is clean... but there's no sense in waiting for a “cleansing flush” to be necessary. Besides, the little pump is solid, black... and I can't see what's going on in it so... vinegar it was today!)
When I went back into Yonah's room to get at the rest of his house, he took to the shelf, another “fave hang-out”, but at a spot where he had a perfect view of the workings. Honestly, I DO swear he DOES know what's going on at times like this.
SO... the rocks in the pool went into a stainless steel bowl and got a soaking in boiling water. (Routine, that. Some of them are in the pool, in the water, all of the time. They were boiled thus, twice before ever being put into the pool, and even after the boiling, they got 2 hours in a 350°F oven... just to be sure there was NOTHING IN any of them. Today, they got a good rinse under the tap water, warm, a thorough scrubbing and then the boiling. Hey! He drinks out of that pool some-times. I want NOTHING harmful to him in there!)
Next... the trays of sand and moss were removed, the sand was discarded, though it wasn't dirty and it was relatively fresh... only but about 2 weeks in there. Both trays got a thorough scrubbing and drying. And then came the kitchen roll... ALL of it! It's a double thickness, 4 “lengths” to cover the entire “floor”. The nicest thing about this “dog crate” is that the tray is the floor... unlike “bird cages” where the tray is under some wire flooring. In his old house, I had a “shelf lining” on top of the wire and then, on top of the lining, double-thickness of kitchen roll... something “comfy” for his little feet. Now, I just make sure the tray is covered with the same... Anyway, the paper came out, the tray came out... the paper went out, the tray got scrubbed in a hot shower, and then dried.
The kitchen roll on his little “loft ledge” got completely changed today as well.
Well then, so... the pump “flushed” for just over an hour and then, I scrubbed the “pool”, rinsed that out and, for 45 minutes, I ran cold water into the pool so that the pump would pull the fresh water out and into the basin... a fresh-water flush, to get the vinegar out of pump and tubing. As that went on in the kitchen, we worked on putting the house back together...
When it was decided to keep the general lay-out of things in the house (because it works best for all that's in there), the pool got washed and rinsed and dried, the pump and pool came back into the room, and all the furnishings were assembled...
Trays got fresh sand AND THE TRAY THAT HELD THE MOSS GOT THE NEW MOSS TODAY! OO! NICE! GREEN! FRESH! And I kept the old moss, because it's just dry and in good condition, and folded it to a double thickness and put it into the corner where Yonah likes to rest, especially after a “swim”. Nice... “cushy”. And into the tray with just the sand, I mixed some “High Calcium Grit”... Yonah hasn't taken any of that since the river sand was introduced. He eats the sand instead, so, hopefully, he'll get some grit now too. It's got the calcium he needs and it's mostly granite and oyster shell so it's fine in with the sand. Nothing to go “bad”.
Re-install the pool, the pump... the trees... and all looked as if nothing ever happened! And, AS SOON as I'd done... FLUTTER, WOOSH! INSPECTION! Yonah came FLYING in, checked for food, looked about, hopped from perch to perch to loft to perch... then looked at me, gave a “wing-snap”... we were all “LOVIE DOVIE” (so to speak) again! And he approved!
All told, today took about 4 hours, start to finish. It takes that long on average. But mostly because of taking everything out and washing it all. The next “thorough house-keeping”, the “alternate quarterly”, will be quicker... things get “wiped clean” for that one. BUT... there's the “daily” in between at all times so...
By noon, Yonah's house was settled and so too, was he. And I was exhausted, but delighted.
It turned into another beastly HOT and HUMID day today. Yonah didn't seem to want to be “disturbed” very much, even to the point where, when I had my mid-day lie-down, today, he didn't come to join me! So, as I went about the rest of the day and my little chores, I dropped in to see him, give some “cuddles and kisses” and went on my own way. He seemed to appreciate it, all told. I DO wonder how they managed to cope with this heat. I mean, at least here, he has a fan to circulate the air... out-side, today, the air was completely still all day. Not the slightest movement. (I'm a little surprised he didn't use his pool either... and that water was changed again, this after-noon, to keep if fresh and cool. Hmmm...)
And so our day rolled on into evening... and at about 19.30, as his room got dark, water changes for the night! TONIGHT though, he got himself to the little “perch extension” on the out-side of his house and was NOT thrilled about going in for the night. I actually had to “get” him and “bring” him in! OK. Not what he wanted... I got some pecks on the hand, but... by the time the “back-board” and his little “roof board” were up... I got “cuddles and kisses”. So, at close... all is well with our world.
Tomorrow this heat-wave is supposed to break with a high of only 24°. I have some yard work but I also have some photos I need to post to his site. So... we shall see how it all turns out. If not tomorrow... Saturday then, for certain.
Meanwhile... he's in for the night. I'll be heading for a shower soon and spending the night in his room again... mostly just because... but, there was that one mouse last night and... today, I discovered that “a” mouse had brought quite the stash of Yonah's seeds into my bed-room... and stored it IN MY SHOE! SO... tonight I'm watching... carefully. The show isn't damaged but what bothers me the most is that the little vermin (not “rodent” any longer) get into Yonah's food and TOOK IT! I'll NOT have ANY of that sort of thing. So tonight... we watch and see again... and hopefully, for the sake of the little rodent... it/he/she has left the premises some-how.
Ah... well... another day... no disturbances for Mr. Yonah Taube tomorrow... and definitely not on Saturday. Here comes “our” week-end! Woo-hoo... (hoo-hoo-hoo). I'm looking forward to much “together” time... MY LITTLE LOVE!!!!
mourning dove 27 August 2021Friday 27 August:
Nothing beats waking in the morning and seeing that face... staring down from the perch, as the sun rises on a new day. But this morning, after the “normal morning routine”, I had to get out of the house for yard-work, and Yonah had the house entirely to himself.
A lot of work had to be done right out-side his window, and ALL the while I was out there, he “roosted” on his little corner “loft platform”, closest to the open window and we had a full-on conversation as I worked. He coo'ed at me, I coo'ed back and we “chatted” back and forth! He KNEW it was me! It's said that doves recognise faces, well, I'd say they recognise more than that, when it comes to physical presence. I've also read that they recognise “sounds”, being able to differentiate one dove from another and, of course, other sounds, such as those of predators. So I have to say that he recognised my “presence”, called to me and he recognised my voice, when I called back. More on the matter of “sentient”... WE, he and I, are a “flock”, if not “mates” of some sort or another. And the fact that coo's were answered, well, I must say that he DOES recognise my “voice”, in what-ever way doves recognise voices.
We had to stop when I had to move on with the rest of the yard-work, but when I came in at lunch-time, I went in to him, immediately, as I do when I'm away for any length of time. He was “lounging” in the new moss! Just as comfy as he could possibly be, and when he saw me come into the room, he got up, hopped up on the perch that I have across the bottom of the door to his house, and gave a “wing-snap”... his “Welcome back!” (Again... “sentient”... I don't know how he would respond to a stranger coming into the room, but, with-out fail, every time I'm away and come in, I get the same “Greeting!”
It's been months, and still, there's NEVER a day that goes by when he doesn't just AMAZE me, with BRILLIANCE... “INTELLIGENCE”. I all the readings that I've done over this time, I've seen some stunning accounts of just how brilliant doves actually are. They “bond” so deeply, and become more than just a “pet” (how I despise that term because it implies some sort of “ownership” and I will NEVER feel that I “own” Yonah, rather, I see him as a “Companion” with whom I share my residence... equally). I've read how they “take an interest” in affairs of the house-hold. Yonah more than most certainly takes QUITE an interest, especially, as I noted yesterday, in the maintenance of his house.
But, that he makes an actual, obvious effort to “greet” me... were he a dog or cat, it would be the same as when they come to the door when their “person” returns home. Intelligent... most certainly.
For the rest of the day, I went about the remaining chores and this evening, when our dinners were done, the house “settled”, I pulled-up a chair beside his door and we had a “chat” about the events of the day. Ah, but there was “play time” that had to be “reconciled”... lost “play time”... He took to his roof where we had our “wing-snap” games (he snaps his wings at me, I mimic with my fingers, then he pecks at my hand and fingers and I “chase” him about, with my hand) until it all met with his approval and he went back inside his house... for a snack.
And so, just before the sun set on us, earlier yet, than last evening, waters got freshened, the kitchen roll on his floor got replaced. The “back-board” and “roof” were installed. We're dropping to 14° tonight... QUITE a difference from the 20° nights we've had, so his windows are closed, with one opened only slightly, for fresh air... and his futon got prepared... I'm “spending another night” tonight... mostly to make sure that there are no more “nightly visitors” (mice) in the house. (And, I have to admit, I rather enjoy being in the room with him over-night... and seeing him, first thing in the morning when I wake.)
All told, it was a most delightful day. Temperatures are making their way to “normal”, humidity was lower... But tomorrow... nothing on the agenda except getting his photos together and posted to his web-site... and of course... MUCH “together time”! I look forward to those days... LOVE, CUDDLES, PLAY! HE'S MY HEAVEN!
Saturday 28 August:
A most restful, peaceful night, last night... and we managed to keep the 14° out, so it was a comfortable night as well... together, of course. (I slept on Yonah's futon again... “Mouse-Watch”... there were none! May it continue.)
And although over-cast, the day was delightfully comfortable, cool, low humidity. Ah... the “week-end”... “August” is becoming what “August” in The North Country, is supposed and expected to be: Comfortably warm/cool during the day, and comfortably “cool” through the night. It seems it's been a very long time, with all the heat and humidity. But, no complaints. It won't be long now before we'll be dropping the degrees and returning to the “7 months of Winter”. We'll grab all of this as is possible, and hold it, as memories, come our days of staying in. (I don't mind at all. As I work on and with Yonah's web-site, as I've done all day today, I'm reminded of last Winter. My heart was so heavy with wanting to learn so much, and hoping for Yonah's best recovery. THIS Winter... we just get to enjoy each-other's Companionship. We made it through the toughest, now we get to enjoy the fruits of our struggles... together.)
And today? Well, as I say, an entire day of working on the web-site. There were photos to be added, and, of course, the Journal to be brought to-date. So, it's all I'd planned on for the day and so it managed to FILL the hours... just about ALL of them!
We woke, this morning, both of us, actually, at about 6.00, as the night became “day”. Yonah had breakfast as I had coffee, and then it was on to the “morning routine” of water changes, tidying, (oh... and “poop check”... all appears to be “normal”... fine... good... GREAT).
I got to my personal chore... Photos... of my Little Guy. I actually enjoy going through the many I take over time, and the “editing” of the clear ones. And I still get lost in them, when I compare the earliest to the most recent. BY THE GODS! How things have changed, so VERY much, in these relatively short months. And having Yonah at my side, by my side, watching as I work, and flying about the room, not to mention, the moments when he “calls for play-time”.
Today was particularly “interesting” because I wanted to edit a few items on the “Cage” page on the “Care” segment, and add some photos of the “evolution” of his “houses” so that anybody coming to that page can see what WE went through (considering the fact that I was COMPLETELY UN-PREPARED, in ANY fashion, for bringing in an injured dove... never mind, ANY injured little one). Hopefully, the photos will be of some inspiration to those who want to help any sort of bird in need. And, even more importantly, I hope it will give a proper indication of the responsibilities associated with *proper* care... especially where “housing” is concerned.
I've found that the necessities are really no different from bringing a child into the home: housing/shelter, food and water, cleanliness and... LOVE, COMPASSION AND COMPANIONSHIP. (I always wonder just how many who run to a “pet store” to get a bird there, have ANY idea at all, just how much responsibility they truly need to be willing and able to exercise... and it sickens me to remember how many times I've heard some say, apathetically, “Oh... the bird died. We had to get another one.” The disregard for the life, not to mention, the probably suffering that poor being experienced before being blessed with the comfort of death. “Sickens”... repulses me.) Well, in addition to the descriptions and recommendations of “housing”, now, there are photos. (If they won't read, maybe they'll “look at the pictures”... I can only try and hope.)
Of course, I took my usual “quick snooze” just before “lunch-time”... Being particularly tired today, I had a lie-down on the futon but didn't set an alarm. I didn't expect to sleep long. And, as has become “the routine” when I lay down, Yonah comes over, at least to the shelves above the futon, but most often, he “roosts” on my leg. WELL! TODAY, I actually “napped” for almost an hour. When I fell asleep, the last thing I felt was Yonah, landing on my leg. But the FIRST thing I felt when I woke was... Yonah... PECKING AT MY FOOT! HE'D STAYED THE FULL HOUR! I wonder if HE “naps” whilst I'm snoozing! AND now, I wonder...
At night, when I “tuck him in” for the night, I always close the door to his house because I'm to understand that doves don't see well in the dark, and I worry about him suddenly deciding to try for a “flight about the room” at any time during a night. Walls. Windows. Furnishings. There's SO MUCH he could collide with. So, rather than risk, I choose to just close the door. That way, he can “flutter” about in his house but that's the extent of it. But, as I say, I wonder what he'd do of a night, if he were to leave his house. Would he come to the futon, as I'm sleeping there? And, if so, for how long? (Of course, I worry about moving about in my sleep... and accidentally “rolling over” onto him! Though, he's pretty brilliant in that, I've already noticed that, if I move my leg, during a nap, the very second it's no longer comfortable for him, he'll fly off. Then again, even if that were the case over-night... he'd be flying, probably toward his house... in the dark. So... ) I'll just have to keep “wondering”, unless I were to put a “night light” in the room. But then, he wouldn't have a “natural darkness”, and I know I appreciate darkness at night. Surely, he must, as well.
Still, again, as I think back over the months, all of this is so very different from “then”. He never really exhibited any out-right “terror” of me. That was one thing I noticed immediately. At first I thought it was because he was just too weak, after the injuries. But even as he recovered and healed, he never truly “panicked” when I'd clean his little house, nor when I'd put in fresh food and water. It was always as if he some-how knew that I never meant him any harm. I always spoke when-ever I had to go near him, and especially when I had to “go into” HIS “space”. I spoke softly, calmly, and moved slowly but determined. I can only say that, from appearances, he MUST have KNOWN... I was there to help him... and to give him Love. And, over time, well, this is where we've come to.
I couldn't imagine any better “life” for me, than having the trust I'm blessed and honoured with from this little one. And the Companionship can't be compared to anything, because to me, there's nothing as good and certainly nothing any better.
And so, the sun sets on another day... and Yonah's web-site, his “photo album” and his Journal are up-to-date. His story, his “history”, recorded for any-one in the world to see, read, know. He's tucked-in, with fresh waters for the night. (Although, shortly after I put fresh water in his “pool” and drinking dish, he went directly to the pool for a drink... which is why I SO stress, on the “Care” page, that “If YOU won't drink it, it doesn't belong there.” Crazy little guy. Maybe it's because that water “moves”? So it would seem.) His “back-board” and little “roof” are up. Tonight, his windows are closed because we're looking at 18° and there's quite a wind blowing out there, the kind that usually brings some sort of sudden change in the weather. So he's protected. And the futon is prepared for me to spend another night there. The rest of the house is settled...
It's been another SUPER-GLORIOUS day... but with a Companion like Yonah, and being in his company, it couldn't possibly be anything other. I'm SO EXTREMELY BLESSED.
Sunday 29 August:
Another truly wonderful August day, sunny, for the most part, so very comfortably warm, with the greatest breezes... and it began with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. MANY “hoo's” after the “HOO”! There's been quite a bit of that of late, and HOW I WISH I UNDERSTOOD IT! I've become familiar with “woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”, which is the more “common” call of mourning doves. I hear it quite often when I'm in the yard. And it's often “answered” with the same “wow-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. So I imagine it's mostly “conversational” in a manner. And then there's the other call that I'm most familiar with, or, have become most familiar with, as it's Yonah's most common call: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”. That's the one I've come to know as a “multi-purpose” call, usually to check if I'm still around. He calls, I reply with the same and sometimes that'll be our “conversation” for a while, back and forth. It also means “Hello? I'm in here alone! Just reminding you. And I wouldn't mind some company.” (More often than not, I hear that call and I go into his room to find him some-where about the room, on his “roof-top”, or on a wall-shelf, and sometimes, to my absolute delight, he'll be a-top the shelving unit directly inside his door. But where-ever he is, he'll be looking directly at the door, as if expecting me! When I “appear”, I get the “wing-snap” and THAT, I USED to think, was a “warning of attack” but have come to know it more as “LET'S PLAY!” So for that, I'll go to him, mimic the “wing-snap” with my fingers. He “snaps” back and comes RUNNING toward my hand so that I can rub his breast or stroke his back and he runs about... not, mind, in “escape”. No, he'll run around and come right back to my hand... for more. “PLAY!” Anyway, I don't understand the “extended” call and i can't seem to find any information on it. So? More “live and learn”, “trial and error”. When I DO find some “translation” or “definition”, I'll have to make a list some-where on his site... for others who find themselves at a loss. (How I DO empathise with the heart-ache of those who genuinely want to be the Best Friend to a mourning dove but, like me, find themselves in a bit of a quandary over the “right”, “wrong”, “maybe” they go through, hoping, all the while, that their decisions and responses are, at least, close to “good”. Well, that's where Yonah's site began... After all, I still remember being told to seek “guidance” from a “birdman” locally... only to be told “Just put it in a shoe-box with some paper”... that was just over 10 months ago... “Shoe-box with some paper”... from a “birdman”... indeed.
OK, we spent much of today together after that. I had errands and got them done first thing this morning, right after “morning routine”, so I could come back and be “together” for the rest of the day. I had some more “work” to get done on his web-site... The one thing I truly wanted to do was prepare more Journal pages... When I'd done the original Journal, I wanted to get it up and running, as a “History” that others could read, if they ever do, at their leisure, and because it's actually informational, I wanted to get all the notes I'd kept, on-line. So, I began and the beginning but, at the rate time passes (especially these days, at my age), I wasn't comfortable with simply have pages available for 2021... so I made pages for 2022 (which is, at this juncture, approaching SO QUICKLY!)... In my readings, I've seen that mourning doves “average” a life-span of merely 5 years (it breaks my heart to even imagine a time when Yonah won't be with me...) so... now, there are pages through the year 2025! (Not “live” on the site, but they're ready to receive the notes.) What made it all the better... I do ALL his site work in his room... with him beside (or above, or on) me. He's my encouragement, inspiration... supervisor.
This after-noon's “lie-down”, “snooze-time” was a bit later in the day and today, I didn't have “company”. Instead, he took his favourite place on the wall shelf above the futon and that's where he stayed (where he could keep an eye on me) for the 20 minutes. When I woke, he was directly above my head, so when I looked up, it was as if he “sensed” that my eyes were open and he looked down at me... and “wing-snap”! So I got up, we had “play, cuddles, kisses, chat” and I got back to the work at hand. Honestly... he still NEVER ceases to amaze!
Well, today “closed” even earlier yet. Oh, how this “Autumn” is making its “arrival” known! So, “evening routine” was earlier still, and it almost breaks my heart. But, the fact is, mourning doves live by the day... and night. So, just as the sun was setting, “tuck-in” time came rolling in. And it's just so WONDERFUL... because Yonah seems to know when I get ready to “change the waters”, and he heads to his “Observation Perch” to watch as I go about draining his pool, filling it several times to “flush the tubing and pump” (twice daily), change the kitchen roll (fresh every evening as well as every morning). AND JUST BEFORE I CLOSE THE DOOR TO HIS HOUSE, HE HOPS TO THE OTHER SIDE WHERE HE CAN GET “GOOD NIGHT KISSES AND CUDDLES”. And I get the little “pecks” on the cheek (keeping my eyes closed as tightly as possible because he seems to like getting in a couple of pecks there as well) in return for my kisses. The “back-board” gets hooked to the back of his house, I put the “roof board” (which covers only the back half) on and he settles-in for the night. (Of late, I remind him that I'll be back soon... since I'm still sleeping in his room... until we're sure the mice won't be visiting during the night.)
We're lucky tonight... a low of 20° so window open for the fresh air. (Sadly... come the week, there are nights of only 13° so our nights of breezes are numbered.) And as I close this entry, he's safe and sound, and the house is calm. It's been another MIRACULOUS day with my BESTEST COMPANION IN THE WHOLE WORLD! Tomorrow... we have another day together and I have nothing on the agenda that will take me away. I SO look forward to those days.
mourning dove 30 August 2021Monday 30 August:
We had a GREAT day together today! I couldn't have had a better “birth anniversary day” no matter WHAT! - Woke to a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” just as the night had turned to day, and a BEAUTIFUL face staring down from his perch. Nope... NOTHING can beat or top THAT in the morning! And we both had a “sleep-through” night too. I wasn't getting up to “move mice” and such and all was well in his house this morning. So that was QUITE the relief!
Right after “morning routine”, as the sun POURED in through the windows... I FINALLY got to them... to clean them! OH what a difference! REALLY nice and clean now. Although, Yonah decided that his most-comfy place was on a wall shelf. But, he DID have some time to “bask” and I don't know that HE noticed the difference in the clean windows, but I most certainly did.
Right after that? I got to business on his “business cards”! Started from scratch, got the photo that's on his site and worked with fonts and such until... JUST before 17.00 this evening, when it was “meal” time (for both of us... he seems to eat when I do... I wonder about that)... IT WAS COMPLETE! AND I'D PRINTED A FEW OF THEM ON WATER-COLOUR PAPER! DELIGHTFUL! I'm quite happy with them! Now, I just need to get some more printed and I can start giving them to people... so that his story will get out and about AND, should ANYBODY need ANY sort of support or encouragement (or inspiration to RESPECT the little ones of the wilderness... ESPECIALLY MOURNING DOVES), there it is... His photo, name, web-site, e-mail and phone number! MY LITTLE COMPANION! MY HEART-BEAT! THE ESSENCE OF MY SOUL! AND LITERALLY, MY ONE AND ONLY REASON FOR CONTINUING WITH THIS “JOURNEY” SOME FOLKS CALL “LIFE”!
And, of course, he was quite happy that I was in his room with him all day. And we took breaks, at his “wing-snaps” of course. And today, there were quite a few of those! He REALLY was in good spirits, playful and “Loving”.
And when I'd printed his “calling cards”, I held one up to show him and said “This is YOU! GORGEOUS YOU! You recognise that GORGEOUS GUY on the card? YOU! Your name, web-site, e-mail, phone number... YOU! THE ONLY IMPORTANT LITTLE GUY IN MY WORLD!” and he actually skooted over to have a closer look! (OK. I “know” all of it isn't of ANY importance to him, never mind that any of it is understood, but it WAS so CUTE when he moved to look.)
ONE ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL MOMENT THOUGH, AND THERE'S A VIDEO CLIP ON HIS “VIDEO PORTFOLIO” (WHAT A WAY TO CLOSE A MONTH)... HE'S MOULTING AGAIN. (He was moulting when he came in, back in October... I was TERRIFIED, thinking it was because of his trauma, and I was heart-broken, thinking he was ill, and all the while thinking of “Birdpeople's” comments about “Nobody'll take it... Just put it in a shoe-box until...” THANK THE GODS, IT WAS JUST HIS NORMAL TIME!) JUST AS I WAS WAKING FROM MY SNOOZE, HE HEADED BACK UP TO HIS ROOF, AS HE DOES, AND HE MANAGED TO SHED A FEATHER UP THERE. WELL! A LOOSE FEATHER IS EITHER A SOURCE OF AMUSEMENT OR HE'S JUST THAT TIDY THAT IT BOTHERS HIM TO SEE IT LAYING THERE, HE GRABBED IT WITH HIS BEAK AND STARTED WHAT LOOKED LIKE “THRASHING” IT! SWINGING HIS HEAD BACK AND FORTH, HOLDING ONTO THE FEATHER UNTIL HE WAS SATISFIED THAT IT HAD TAKEN A SUFFICIENT BEATING, AT WHICH TIME, HE LET IT DROP! BUT WATCHING HIM WITH THAT FEATHER! WHAT A SHOW! (Of course, I HAD to get a video of it! I took some photos too, but the video REALLY captured the “essence” of his reactions!) WHAT A SIGHT TO WAKE TO! And when he'd done with the “stray” feather, he left it on his little roof-top platform where he likes to “roost” of a day, and walked away from it almost looking rather “smug”! As if he'd succeeded in “defeating” it! OH MY GOD! HE'S JUST GLORIOUS!
And so... came the hour that I dislike the most... sun-set. But the linens on his futon got washed today, so they're fresh and clean... for tonight. And I'll be back there with him again tonight...mourning dove 30 August 2021 just in case of... “visitors”.
It was a warm night, last night. 20° for the “low”, but tonight, we're back to the “normal”... at 15°. It's rather nice now, that he has the “back-board” on the window-side of his house. It helps insulate against any “chill”. And it'll be a LOT better come the colder weather this year. (Not that he noticed and cold this Winter past... he's got a radiator in his room so, no matter that the temperature does out-side, or, in the rest of the house, for that matter, he's ALWAYS warm and toasty.)
So we had “water changes”, food check, boards installed... cuddles, snuggles and kisses... and now... he's all tucked-in for the night...
OH WHAT A DAY! WHAT A GIFT! WHAT A BLESSING! WHAT AN HONOUR! WHAT A JOY! Yonah TRULY made this a PERFECT day ALL round! And tomorrow? Well... more work with his cards! (And LOVE-TIME... and PLAY-TIME... and YONAH TIME!)
Tuesday 31 August:
Another month draws to a close! Time is passing too quickly! And, even though Yonah woke me at about 5.15 this morning (bless him... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” again... it's about the lengthy coo's, I've never heard it in the wild, I wonder what it means), there was so much that filled the day... particularly with a matter of a new “LED” street light that our local bureaucrats decided, unilaterally and with-out consideration of the population (of course) to install directly out-side his windows! Thanks to Yonah, I was awake in time to converse with a fine gentleman who is most understanding and gave me direction on the proper address and so... indeed... correspondence was composed and sent. Honestly! Poor Yonah already has a “block” against being flooded with light through a night. That was against the old light that wasn't nearly as offencive and intrusive as the “new” one. But with the “new” one, the only next step will be to board his windows up! Anyway, it took our “together time” away, and that NEVER makes for a pleasant mood for me. (I don't even like leaving to go to market during the day! He's the BEST company and Comrade. Best sense says it's better to stay with him.)
Anyway, the “good” of it was that I got to compose the necessary correspondence in his room, so we were together, though I was distracted, for a good part of the day.
And again, today, I had the usual “lie-down”... on his futon, of course, and had set an alarm for 20 minutes. BUT, I dozed a bit longer after the alarm... until... I heard the “flutter” of wings, and felt the “breeze” as he passed over my head and came to roost on my leg! It was time to get up! When I didn't, immediately, another “flutter” and a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” And so, “nap time” came to an end.
Well then, with the time there-after, I managed to “crop” a couple of his new “business cards” and modified on version specifically for his web-site! AND, it's now on the “Home” page and at the opening of his Journal! Suitable for “save and print”, should anybody need. It has his name, photo, the web address and his e-mail on it! VERY nice, indeed! As I say: his site is for reference for those who, like me, can't find information. Now, they can keep a copy of his “calling card” handy (and I might even “happen to leave” one or two in some of those “pet stores”... People need to understand that birds are sentient beings and I do believe Yonah is the perfect spokes-bird for the situation.
Well, the day went by entirely too quickly. Each one of late, gets noticeably shorter, and it was a bit dark in his room when I went to take care of “evening routine”. POOR LITTLE GUY! I had to turn a light on, and I don't like doing that... “artificial day-light”. And when I was about done with water change, he was pecking at one of his mirrors... as if saying “Good night” to the little one in the reflection. (I noticed that, once I put those mirrors in his house, his general mood improved! I'm not sure how he perceives the reflection, but it does seem to help... Perhaps it's some sort of “company”? It does, still, cause me a bit of pain, thinking I'm all he's got for companionship. But, as always, I don't want to support the “selling business” of ANY little one, and I don't wish for the injury of another dove in the yard. Oh... I'll just keep looking... one day, perhaps, there will be another “rescue” looking for a good home and companion. Until then... I'll continue to do my best. (Those who know of Yonah and his home here have been most complimentary... saying “Obviously, he has the very best and then more.” It does my heart the greatest good to hear that. I AM trying with all I possibly, humanly have.)
In a closing note: we both slept through the night, last night and this morning, not a sign of any “mid-night raiders”. I'm going to give it another night and hope that “those nights” are done, that my “sealing” efforts are successful and that Yonah can have his food handy through the night and there won't be any “threats” to food or to his health in general. The mice can find other places for shelter, food and water. Yonah has only me, this old house, HIS house and HIS room. “Fair... is fair.”
Threats of 14° tonight. So window is open only slightly, the “back-board” is up so it deflects any currents of air away and around his house. The rest of the house is warm from today's sun-shine. So we should be perfectly fine through the night. Ah... August... Autumn is rolling down from the North, the REALLY cool nights are approaching... and Yonah and I are heading for another Winter together. Thankfully, this one will be MUCH better than last... I'm a bit better educated... thanks to my “Professor” and “Mentor”. We're going to be just fine.
For now... time to post and get ready to hit the futon. Yonah's tucked-in for the night... SWEET LITTLE BLESSING!