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20 November 13.18.29
Monday 01 November:
And so, another month... together... Yonah and me...
And today, we had SUN-SHINE! It came late in the morning, as it does up here, in The North Country, but when it finally arrived, it was BRILLIANT! Blue skies with billowing tufts of white clouds here and there, now and again, but SUN-SHINE! Light and warm and Yonah passed the day on his roof, not on his sand nor his loft, but on his roof, basking and, to my absolute delight and JOY... COO'ing! He's coo'ing again! It's a beautiful sound, really. It “floats” from his room, through the entire house. And as it moves from room to room, it “softens” everything it passes. It settles the house, and it settles my soul. And I'm still SO in AWE, because of him, because of what he's been through, from injury to adapting to his new home. He's an amazingly strong little one... AMAZINGLY strong! And in spite of all the change, he still coo's, so softly and wonderfully.
We spent the greater part of this short day together, and I'm working on “recessing” his windows so that at night, when we close the blinds, there will be as little intrusive light coming in on him as possible. Since I've been staying with him at night, I've come to see that, even with the new blinds, there's considerably less intrusive light shining into his room, but there's still that “day-break glow”, so I measured and cut the lumber and am putting on several coats of paint... Tomorrow, we'll “install” and tomorrow night will tell how well the “plan” works. And if all goes well, tomorrow night... we'll actually have “night” for him again, as it was, before the horror of that “LED” street-light was installed.
But what was a great comfort to me today was seeing him out of his house and back on his roof. Before the “moulting”, he used to spend entire days up there, either basking in sun-light or just lounging. He has a wonderful few of the small woods across the road, the sun pours in, and it's a wonderful “vantage point” from where he can see all that goes on in his room... and he's high above all else, so I imagine that's something that he really enjoys. (It isn't in the huge, old trees of these old mountains, but, it's easy for him to get to, it's even safer than those trees because there's nothing here that intends him any harm.) As I say, he used to have his breakfast in the morning and moments later, he'd be up on the little “platform” I keep up there for him (so he doesn't have to curl his toes round so tightly on the “bars”), and that's where he'd spend the day, except for occasional meals and snacks. For those, he'd head back in, eat, have a bit of water and, back up to rest and digest. Yes, today it was comforting to see him enjoying his “old stead” again.
He truly is making a remarkable return to his “old self”. That moulting truly MUST he a horror for him. The difference in his mood, attitude, “personality” was such a complete switch for that while. To think that he was going through this last year at this time too. (I still have all the feathers he dropped... I'd kept them, thinking his injuries were deeper and that he wasn't going to make it. This year, I have another collection of this year's feathers too!) I had no idea! The pains of his injuries, the trauma of being attacked, and then, add the misery of moulting! Oh yes, yes, yes, indeed... he's a LOT stronger than most would think. Stronger than I'd ever imagined. Yes, indeed... MUCH stronger!
And so, the day passed, brilliant sun-shine, his “bird-songs” playing and Yonah just enjoying the warmth for a change... not from a radiator, but from THE SUN!
Tomorrow, the forecast is for more sun, but with “risk of showers” again! (It's Autumn, to be sure.) High of 8°. We hit 10° today so 8° won't be too terrible. It's Wednesday and Thursday that concern me the most right now. Wednesday night, -4° and Thursday's “high” of only 5°. Well, Yonah's radiator will be going, and, un-like last year, he now has a nice “house” where he can perch, with the warmth of the radiator surrounding him, and his windows are better insulated against the out-side cold, with blinds and curtains in addition to a full cover (the “back-board) on the back of his house to further block any cold that might try to get to him. Yes, it's VERY different this year... and we made it through all of last Winter so... We're going to be just fine... just fine.
This evening, right after I'd done with my evening meal, I changed the waters in his pool and drinking dish, tidied his house, closed the blinds and put the little desk lamp on. We had a few “kisses”, but he wasn't in a “playful” mood nor was he up for “snuggles” this evening. Ah well... we all have our days... and moments and... Yonah is no different. At least I got to sneak in some kisses.
Tomorrow? Well, that'll take care of itself when it gets here. I'll work on his windows. And, I bought a nice fan for his windows come the Spring and Summer again! Something to circulate the air, and give him a bit of a “breeze”. That's due tomorrow, so again... “prepared”. Always staying ahead of things. (And I LUV it when “gifts” come for him! I don't know ALL that I should nor ALL that I NEED to know to keep him as happy and comfortable as possible, but he teaches me, I learn, and as things come to mind and attention... well... I do my best to make sure that he has them.
November... another month comes in, and this one brings Yonah and I more challenges of cold days, bitter-cold nights, winds, snows, and grey, grey days ahead. But here we are, together... still... and my heart keeps beating, my soul keeps alive... and we'll face the challenges, and we'll celebrate our victories... in a new Spring... on the other side of it all.
Tuesday 02 November:
Another day closes, Yonah is “tucked-in” at last, poor Little Guy. He had quite the day today.
I woke much earlier than he, this morning, so I went about my own affairs and, at 7.30, I went in to hear his quiet, little “HOO.” coming from his house, in the dark. So I opened his blinds, curtains, removed his “night boards” and we started the day with “morning routine”. All the while, he watched from his perch, patient, until I was done.
I let him “wake up” and went to the kitchen to continue with my morning and, at about 8.30... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” He was UP, he was COO'ing! And for me, my heart was DANCING! Hearing Yonah coo'ing in the morning again makes EVERY day just PERFECT, no matter what!
And, although the day began quite grey and dark, round-about 10.00, the sun made a great appearance! Yonah had the sun-light, to bask and rest in the warmth that radiated through his windows. Now THAT just makes a day BEAUTIFUL!
I had to run a quick errand out this morning, wasn't gone but, maybe and hour, and when I came back in the house, as usual, I went directly in to see Yonah... BUT, as I walked into his room, he was no-where to be seen! His house was empty, he wasn't in his corner under his little “tree” he wasn't over by the work table! I couldn't think of where he might be. So I called, quietly, “Well hello? Where did you go this morning? Hiding?” and from over my shoulder to the left, came the little “HOO!” He was up on the top shelf toward the front of his room! Honestly, mourning dove's colouration is SO perfect! No matter where he goes, he all but disappears! And in a house where the carpeting is “earth-tones” and with so much wood in the furnishings, well, he DOES manage to hide... in plain sight! But it was SUCH a relief to see him and it was SO heart-warming to hear his “HOO!”, as if he were calling “HERE!”. Brilliant Little Guy! I tell you! BRILLIANT!
The temperature out-side only reached 9° today, but the between the sun and the little radiator, Yonah's room hovered close to 22° for the day. (What we get on Wednesday and Thursday... is to be seen, but we'll make sure there's NO “chill” in the room... no matter what.)
So, for most of the day, I worked on preparing the lumber for “recessing” Yonah's windows to help keep more of the intrusive street-light out at night. And Yonah listened to his “Bird-songs Play-list” and coo'ed, either with the recordings or to call to me, when I got “too quiet”. He's actually endearing in that, if he thinks I'm not here, he calls, and when I call back or go into the room, he'll stretch his neck, acknowledging that he sees me and appreciates my presence, but, if I put my hand into his house, he scurries away! It's not “PANIC”, it's more “I don't want to play now.” But I take comfort in seeing that he looks for me and that he obviously appreciates when I'm “around”. We truly are “Family” here, the two of us, together.
And this evening? HIS FAN ARRIVED! Come the Summer, he'll have a nice fan in one of his windows for air circulation, a bit of a breeze, and in the evenings, it'll bring in just enough of the cooler night air to keep him more comfortable. Yes, it's “early” for buying a fan, but all last Summer I felt so terrible when the nights were so hot. There are two large windows in his room, but if the air wasn't moving, it got so terribly hot in there I SO wanted to get him a fan, but hesitated. Well... THIS Summer, the fan is here for him, as soon as he can use it. And it's nice in that it isn't a “box” fan. This one fits nicely in his window and runs rather quietly. And, un-like the box fan that we used this Summer-passed, this one can be IN his room AND safely run through the day and night with-out presenting any “danger” to him. I'm comforted knowing he'll have a better Summer... 2022.
Ah, well then. As our days do, this one too, managed to drop away entirely too early. But we did manage the “evening routine” at about 18.30, and the desk lamp on, the “bird-songs” off. Blinds closed, and we checked to see how much light the new “framing” is blocking. As I say, not “perfect”, not as much as I'd have been thrilled with but truly noticeably darker tonight. And I dare say that with the “new fit” of the blinds, they'll offer more insulation against any “ambient”, radiating cold that might come through the window panes. So, it was all worth the effort. (It would be better if the town would come to some sense of civility and make adjustments to the street light, but... we don't expect Divine Miracles and we do what we can to make life and living more comfortable as we go along.) And by 19.30, Yonah “called”... it was time to put the light out... he was ready for sleep.
And tonight, yes, I'll be in with him, to check the light-blocking framing and, because it's heading for cold nights, I want to be there to make any necessary adjustments to his radiator through the night. Of course, I'll be with him again tomorrow night when the expected temperature will be -6°. That's not all too cold, compared to the nights of December through February. But I want to know how to set his radiator, how much cold makes its way in through the walls of this 200-year old house. (But next week, if need be, we'll have oil in the furnace ... in case of need.)
So, my Little Companion now has better windows, a comfy, clean house, (we might do a “big cleaning” tomorrow too), plenty of fresh food and water, and nothing in the world to worry about. And he has my heart... the core of my “being”. And we're good, for another night... looking forward to another tomorrow.
mourning dove 03 November 2021Wednesday 03 November:
What a day we had today! After a wonderfully comfortable night of restful sleep in Yonah's room, where it remained comfortably warm, in spite of the cold that the rest of the house took on, I was up and out by 6.00 and at 8.00, Yonah was quite more than ready to take on the day! And so... it began.
Thankfully, in spite of the cold, grey, rainy, 7° temperatures out-side, Yonah's room held a toasty 23°, and, under his “NatSpec” light, well, the sun tried to break the clouds and failed, but Yonah had a delightfully bright house and room. And as I've noted before, that light makes quite the world of difference to him. He's more energetic, and certainly appears to be in MUCH better spirits. He was “active” today!
I settled at his work table for the morning, and as I worked, Yonah was in and out of his house, up to his roof, back in to his loft, and round about his room! There's precious little more gratifying than to see him flying about, just for the sake of going some-where! He used to do that, before the moulting, but for weeks, he stayed in a corner of his house, and it was obvious that his mood was “dour”, his energy was drained. Ah, but today? Not only does it lift my spirits to see him active, it does my heart SO much GOOD to know that he doesn't mind my presence. In fact, on the occasions when I had to leave the room, he roosted on his “door perch” as if waiting for me to return! No matter how he runs away if I go to stroke or hold him, he shows that he's aware of when I'm around and when I'm not, and that he appreciates my company. (I'd almost say that he understands how much his company means to me, and part of his “waiting at his door” is his way of showing “Hey! Where'd you go?”)
But the MOST AMAZING part of the day was when I was sitting at the table, engrossed in book-keeping and such and I heard, over my shoulder, the familiar “splash”. 7°, dark, dreary, drizzling out-side and YONAH WAS TAKING A DIP IN THE POOL! OH... HIS PRIVATE “CLUB MED” HERE! I glanced at the thermometer I keep on his work table and it read 25°! OH YES, Yonah was in “mid-Summer”, no matter WHAT the calendar or “Mother Nature” dictated today! Imagine? Early November and... A SWIM! (It DOES continue to make me wonder how some people can “keep” birds in those horrible cages for so long and, for much-too-much and many, there's NEVER a thought to the fact that the poor little one in “captivity” would enjoy a splash in some nice, fresh water. Sure, the majority of “commercially available cages” don't provide a great deal of space for the likes of the “pool” Yonah has, but seriously, a small dish or bowl, enough for the little feathered fellow or gal to splash about it... that's certainly NOT “too much” to provide. But, seeing Yonah enjoying himself in the water, with his little fountain pouring over the river rocks, under his white pine... it makes a heart SING! (And yes, I got a few photos and a video. It's just too wonderful to just let pass.)
After the “bath”, he “retired to his little bit of dry moss, as he likes to do. He actually nestles into it, and his little eyes close. It so reminds me of my own days at the beach when, after swimming in the waves, it was so wonderful to come out and lay on the sand of the beach, to dry, and “luxuriate”. (I'd sent photos on social media and the response was “He's SO spoiled.” No... as I replied: NOTHING is either “too good” nor even “good enough” for my Little Guy.) Now, I have three more “gatherings” of moss that are growing in containers so that Yonah will have “fresh” during the Winter. (I have to figure out how to incorporate it into his house, and to make sure he has the dried moss as well. He does like the fresh, growing moss too. But after a dip in the pool, the dried is his preference. And so... we'll think of some way to make sure he has both. Hey! he's got sand, moss, grass, a pool... we'll think of something! To be sure, we will.)
And this after-noon, I had to make a phone call and so, I did so from the work table AND... as he does when I talk, Yonah had quite a bit to say. All through the call, he coo'ed AT me. He does that: when I'm talking to somebody else, whether on the phone or when they come to the house, it's as if Yonah's calling “Hey! I don't see you here, looking at me, so who are you talking to and why isn't it me?” Yep... and there are those who live by their twisted belief that these Little Ones don't actually “think”. No, I believe it's the “people” who don't think. Yonah PROVES, beyond any doubt, that he's fully aware of his surroundings, has “learned” so much of a day's routine, AND misses his “person” when his “person” isn't there with him. AND, he's aware of my voice, even when it's in another room. So, there we have it. It is as I say... He's * AWE-INSPIRING * !!!
On my errands, brief as they were, I got him two new “panels” for his windows too. These are white “sheers”, as were the ones replaced, but these are longer and so, reach almost to the floor. I want enough to cover the windows and wall to provide as much “insulation” as possible. And while I was up on the chair, hanging them, I had to move Yonah's house over. But from where he was, he could see what I was doing and when I turned round to look at him, I noticed him on his perch, staring at me, with his head tilted.He was just about “fascinated” by what was going on there! Again... not sentient? Never mind. Some facts can get so lost on those who consciously refuse to accept them.
And so, the day rolled along and in Yonah's room, we did manage to keep the warmth and the light. And this evening, as the day closed, we closed his blinds (which now fit so nicely in his “recessed” windows) and drew his curtains. We're to expect lows of -4 or -6° tonight so, the more insulation, the better. mourning dove 03 November 2021 And I took my place back at the work table to jot in his Journal (as I'm doing now). I “swapped” the brilliance of the “NatSpec” light for the dimmer desk lamp, the water in the pool got changed (third time today... since I change it after he bathes), and his house got settled. And at around 20.00, that light will go out and Yonah can get another good night's sleep.
I will SO be with him tonight though! His radiator manages to maintain 23° during the day, but at night, this old house takes the chill and I NEED to KNOW that he's warm enough. So, his futon is “set” for me in a little while, and tonight, we'll fend-off the cold. We're supposed to get a week of this low temperature, and I'll make absolute certain that no “chills” get to my Little Guy, my Heart, my Soul, my LOVE, my Life. And he truly, actually, factually is just that... and SO SO VERY MUCH MORE!
Thursday 04 November:
Last night did get to be quite cold, and this morning, the tops of the mountains to the West were “dusted” with white. But, I'm quite happy to report, Yonah's room was delightfully warm and cozy all through. We both had a wonderful, peaceful night together. The new window blinds with the extra length of curtains and his radiator are proving to be quite good against the out-side weather, and I'm grateful for that. All should be quite well, when the actual Winter settles-in.
As it goes these days, I was up and about earlier than Yonah was, but by 8.00, he was ready to take on the day and so, to the grey and cold, we both charged! He was obviously happy when the curtains and blinds were open, in spite of the “frost” all around “out there”. He almost immediately started coo'ing! And, as I went about the activities of morning routine, he had a wonderful breakfast. Oh, but I DO enjoy seeing him eat so heartily. He has a great appetite (and more-than-plenty food of all sorts right at hand... or... at wing).
We had “chat” time this morning, after things settled and he was in a good mood, thankfully. He even coo'ed as I talked with him! Now there's something that's making a “come-back” too! Little-by-little it seems.
And during the day, as I went about other chores and tasks around the house, I made sure to stop by to see him and chat more. But this evening, it was just like our “old days”, back when I'd pull a chair over to his door and sit and talk with him. I sat at the edge of the futon to chat, and as I was talking, he was on his door-perch, ever-so calm, staring, almost attentively, head tilting left and right. And at one point, for a few moments, he closed his eyes and moved his mouth a bit, as if saying something! Ah... when I can be so close to him, and talk, and he closes his eyes, it tells me ALL my heart needs... I'm not a threat to him, he trusts me enough to doze, even though I'm well with-in reach. We've come a VERY long way from his days in the back yard when, I'm sure, he'd been with the flock and, as soon as I'd appear, they'd all take flight. Today, we're a “team”, a “unit”, a “family”... our own little “flock”. I couldn't be more honoured by anything else in Creation.
We even had a bit of sun-shine today! Not very much, but enough to lend some light and warmth to Yonah's house, at the window. And he took full advantage of every bit of it. Sad though, I did put his “NatSpec” light on. The sun-shine didn't linger long.
But tonight, he's again, tucked-in, and we had a chat. I took a bit of a lie-down for a few minutes and when I woke, he was on his perch, all settled-down for the night. His blinds and curtains are closed again, and the “back-board” is up for him. He's well protected against any chill, and ready for another night of safe rest.
Tonight's supposed to be a repeat of last night's weather, but I feel good, knowing that his room will be safe and warm. And tomorrow? Well, that's expected to be like today... on the cold side, single-digit temperatures. But you know? We made it through last night and today... comfortably. (We even made it through last year, when Yonah's “living space” was SO sparse and really, quite dreary in and of itself.) We're going to make it through tonight and tomorrow as well.
One note, in closing: A fellow on social media posted the death of his dog today, and news of that sort shreds my soul... because I can't help but think of Yonah... and how utterly and completely empty my life, my world would be with-out him. I know the day will come, and I don't see me “hanging about” for much longer than that. He truly IS my “life” and I don't want “another life after him”. He's my Guy, my Companion... I know the day will come... but we're together now... and we're going to have the BEST this old Creation has to provide!
Here's to tomorrow!
mourning dove 05 November 2021Friday 05 November:
WELL! At 8.00 this morning, came... “THE CALL”. “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! It feels as if it's been at least one “eternity” from since the last time I've heard that. I'd been up and about the house already for about 2 hours. I let Yonah rest, in the warmth of his room (and his room IS warm, to be sure), for as long as he wanted. But HIS “alarm clock” must have told him that the day had begun “out there” and it was time to get up and “have at it”. Yes, indeed, the morning light had come through the blinds and with it, Nature's “wake up call”. But what REALLY set the day, for me, was the sound of that BEAUTIFUL COO'ING, first thing. WOW! Smile on the face, song in the heart and a BRILLIANT GLOW IN THE SOUL! NOTHING can compare! What an absolute JOY!
And when I got into his room, yes, indeed, there he was, waiting for me, on his perch. And as blinds and curtains were opened, he watched, with such patience, until the full light of the morning (for what-ever it is at 8.00 these “Wint'ry” morns) came rushing in and it was time for “morning routine” including, but certainly not limited to, BREAKFAST! And, as I got to changing water an tidying the house (HIS house), he, for the most part, ignored me. Breakfast was first and foremost. It's a GRAND comfort to me to know that not only does my presence not phase him, he's actually come to expect me there, in the morning. Yep... we're a “Unit”. What an absolute HONOUR it is for me!
We didn't get much in the way of sun-shine today, but what little we DID managed to see, Yonah took his usual full-advantage of. Basking on his loft... and though I missed it... he obviously took a bit of a “splash” again, today! The temperature out-side was a brisk -2°, but in his room... a delightful 23°... perfect for “a swim”. And OH! HOW HE OBVIOUSLY DOES LOVE HIS SWIMS! What I DID catch was seeing him, in his moss, pulling it up to make himself a cozy little place to rest and dry on. The sun was such that it came directly in on that spot, and he was just as snuggled as he could be.
When I saw him there, warm, snug, cozy, safe, I was reminded of this morning, when I put “breakfast” out for the birds in the yard and heard the seeds bounce... off the fine coat of ice that had formed last night. The trees were all “dusted” with a light frost this morning... but in Yonah's room, it was perfectly fine for a swim and a snooze in the moss. Hey! There's no reason for him to be other-wise. No reason why he should have to “fluff” his feathers against a chill. I brought him in so that he could recover from his injuries last year, he decided that being in here was fine for him AND he's accepted me as his “companion”. As such, I feel it's my obligation to make his time with me as close to “perfectly comfortable” as I humanly can. And it's an honour and privilege so to do.
And I had MORE than enough to keep me busy today, at his work table so, not only did we start our day together, we passed the hours, as the sun disappeared and the skies turned back to a “normal North Country lat Autumn grey”, together.
AND OH... WAS HE “VOCIFEROUS” TODAY! THAT TOO, IS HIS “NORMAL”... calling when I leave the room and coo'ing if I don't speak or move about enough. THAT'S the “old Yonah”... and it's a GLORY to have him back! (Oh, to think: that “moulting” will happen again... Thankfully, when it does, I'm ready for it! For as much as I can do to make it any easier.)
So at end of day, all told, it really wasn't too chilled in the house. At least Yonah's room remained wonderfully warm. The sun didn't linger for long and we did put his “NatSpec” light on and he enjoyed that. Poor Little Guy, we've got MONTH of that ahead of us. But, at least we have it!
And evening came and again, so early, I go this set-up for the night, with closed blinds and curtains and “boards”. But I worked a bit longer at his work table so we had a bit more time together at day's end before it was time to “close house”. And he coo'ed... mostly at the reflection in his mirror, but still, it's a LOT better than it ever was before.

*** VIDEO ***
I have to comment though: his pool looked so pretty in today's sun-light (which is why I'm including it on his “Cage Requirements” page here). I marvel at the fact that I actually had the notion to include it for him. What a stroke of luck.
Anyway, tomorrow night's supposed to be the last of the “negative” temperature numbers for at least a week, and there are “10s” in the forecast for daily highs! We've made it through the first “cold snap” of the season! YAY US! Yonah's such an inspiration to and for me and I'm truly SO VERY BLESSED to have him in my life. And he's looking so well now. It does my heart so much good... I know I wouldn't even be here at this point in time, had it not been for him... It's not that I have any particular “respect or value” for “life”, in general. We come and we go. But THE reason for continuing with ANY joy is... this little feathered bundle of AWE.
And so... lights out and “seepie-nigh-night”... and yes, again, tonight, together. Tomorrow's Saturday, made all the more wonderful by waking to “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...” and that BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FACE!
Saturday 06 November:
It would appear that Yonah is “on a clock” these days... again, because I was up and already into my own “morning routine” by 6.00 this morning, and, sitting at the kitchen table, with coffee and such when... AT 8.00, ALMOST ON THE MARK... from Yonah's room came “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” ! Yesterday and again this morning, at, believe it or not, the EXACT same time! It's SO VERY much the same as it once was, before we had to close the windows against the intrusive lighting from out-side of a night. He ALWAYS called in the mornings when he woke. In fact, I could hear him from my bed-room, directly next to his room, and although the “call” isn't all that loud, I would hear it, even in my sleep, and THAT was my “wake-up call” every day. These days, the dawn breaks a bit later, to begin with, and the blinds and such tend to keep the earlier light of dawn out for a bit longer. But, once that light comes through or around and into his room, Yonah notices and is ready to commence with the day.
Now, since tonight we set the clocks back an hour (not that Yonah has any mind of a “clock”), it will be interesting to see when he calls on Sunday morning. I can't really use last year as a reference because, at this point in time last year, he was still convalescing from injuries, and his entire room was set-up so very differently. (At least we can't say that it's been tediously boring for him over the year. Out-side, he could have changes of scenery and surroundings as he flew about with the flock. But in his room, from his “house” to the general lay-out of his room, oh, there have been changes... and even though most settled, there are always little additions and re-arrangings, including the lay and items in his house itself... from pool to trees and such. But, no matter what is manipulated, he's obviously most-comfortable in his room and in his house so that must lend a sense of “security” for him... and that's what I'm concerned with, first and foremost.)
We spent the rest of the morning together as the sun rose and POURED in through his window. And Yonah did what Yonah does best in sun-shine... Basking and “snoozing” in his little “nest” of dry moss. And when I stepped out to check today's post, when I returned to his room, he was perched on the back of the chair at the work table! I'd left and he was “checking the room”... The moment he saw that I'd come back, he went directly back into his house and nestled in his moss! I suppose he knew then, that “all was well” and he wasn't left alone. Honestly... to know that there are those who truly believe that these Little Ones aren't sentient, that they have NO concept of their surroundings, that they're incapable of actual “thought”. I won't get into it because, well, there's a reason the English has the word “uneducable” and the expression “You can't fix stupid”. I leave it at that.
But what a glorious relief, to have sun-shine for a change. Sad though, that it doesn't linger long. Still, even for the few short hours, it beats having to try to substitute with a light bulb. And it calms my soul seeing Yonah just relaxing, in the warmth of his room, in “his” sun-shine.
At day's close, which, tonight, happened at 18.30 already... it was “NIGHT” already at that hour, and to think, tomorrow, it'll be only 17.30! Poor Little Guy... his days really DO pass too quickly, in spite of “calling” when I'd leave his room.
Yonah's been in a “Don't touch me” mood. No “smooches”. No touching. He won't even come to my arm! That was today's general “atmosphere”. But as I worked at his work table, he “rested” close by, in his little “moss nest”, right inside his house, beside me. It's times like this that really drive deep, the stupidity of humanity. I have NO idea WHY he avoids me, and I doubt I ever WILL know. For a “species” that's allegedly so brilliant... we're utterly incompetent in comparison to the Little Ones. Hopefully, this is just a passing mood... hopefully.
But my most PRECIOUS and BELOVED little COMPANION is, tonight, as the temperatures plummet again, safe and sound, protected, CHERISHED, safe from the elements and all that could ever cause him any harm. And tomorrow, we'll confront the world, together, and I'll enjoy his company, look forward to his “antics”, and we'll pass the short day together... and all will be perfectly well.
mourning dove 07 November 2021Sunday 07 November:
THIS was a rather interesting way to start a day...
Other-wise “normal”, oh, indeed, the “morning call” came a-wafting from Yonah's room at, as the clocks now show, with the change, 6.55 (which was, yesterday, 7.55 and as close to the 8.00 as has been). I, of course, was at the kitchen table, having been up and about at my “usual” hour, after a wonderful night's sleep in Yonah's room. Well, of course, it was time for the “morning routine”, and all else came to a halt. Yonah is awake and there were tasks and chores to attend. (I LOVE IT!)
When I got in, there he was, on his perch, and I was greeted with another “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” to which I replied with my mostly feeble “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. Our “greetings” were dutifully exchanged and I got to “business”... opening blinds and curtains, on the frost-covered world out-side the window panes, opening the door to his house and changing the waters... pool and the drinking dish he seldom uses (but fresh water is an absolute must, along with food and other cleanlinesses about the place).
WELL THEN... on the last trip with fresh water for the pool, I looked in and... NO YONAH! Not particularly unusual. He'll often-enough take to his roof or a shelf on the wall, or even to the back of the chair at the work table, BUT THIS MORNING HE WAS NO-WHERE TO BE FOUND OR SEEN IN THE ROOM! NOW THAT WAS UNUSUAL! I looked EVERY-where about the place. His colouration is such that he TRULY DOES blend into what-ever surroundings he has. Mourning doves are amazing hiders! I often wonder how predators ever find them, although, their habit of eating in open spaces, on the ground tends to leave them susceptible to a great many threats (especially humans, who, as I've learnt and has been stated, clearly, on his web-site, find it “sporty”, “fun”, to murder the benign little beings). But in a room in a house! Oh, he CAN and DOES, for the most part, “vanish” into the surroundings, mostly in other-wise plain sight!
I figured he couldn't have gone too far, and I looked up and down, shelves and floor... nope... no Yonah.
BUT THEN, when I returned to the kitchen, I happened to glance out into the living-room and... THERE HE WAS! AT THE WINDOW, ON THE PLANT SHELF, NESTLED IN THE ENGLISH IVY! He has a bit of an attraction to that plant... it's lush, full, thick, and, as I've read, considered “toxic” to doves. But he doesn't do much in the way of pecking at it. He's content just “nestling” there! What I don't understand is... he HAD to FLY RIGHT PAST ME to get from his room to the living-room and although his wings DO make the distinctive “whistle” as he flies, he managed to get by me completely UN-NOTICED! HOW? And how AMAZING! But there he was, undeniably, in the ivy, at the window! Now THAT'S a FIRST: First thing in the morning, Yonah's up and out and adventurous! Even before his breakfast!
I'm rather happy about this though. I DO want him to take full advantage of the rest of the house. I've ALWAYS wanted him to take full advantage of the rest of the house. He's not “caged” nor is he “confined”, especially NOT to a “cage”, nor to a particular room. This is HIS house, HIS domain, and he's free to explore it ALL at his will. There have been times when I've had to go out on errands and such, and, if I'm kept away for any great length of time, I HAVE come back to find him on the futon in the living-room. But those times are rare. (I don't like leaving Yonah alone for any long length of time... since, even though he might not want to be “close”, it's rather obvious that he doesn't like being “alone”, “solo”, “solitary”. I can understand that... Mourning doves are “flocking” and this Little Guy is on his own here... with just some piddling, old “human” for companionship, and I owe him the debt of “company”... which is why I TRY to spend as much time with him as possible, and we “chat”.) Still, it's the “first thing in the morning”, “before breakfast”, the “immediacy” of the situation. His door was opened and off he went, on his journey. Ah well... he's exercising his wings and becoming familiar with the rest of the house. Excellent.
mourning dove 07 November 2021I went on with the tasks-at-hand, leaving him to be where he appeared comfortable and THEN... ANOTHER “new adventure”... I'd put a tree limb in the living-room for him (of course, “for him”) hoping it would encourage him to “get out and explore” and have a “natural” place to rest and roost. It's been there for several weeks now, but, until this morning, he's not gone to the living-room... until... This morning, he ventured off and across the room, almost directly to the tree! It was as if he'd been there before, knew it was there, for him, and there he roosted, just as settled as could be! HE'S USING THE TREE! (Honestly, I don't take any particular “credit” for these other-wise “silly notions” that get into my head where providing for Yonah, but when something works, I'm amazed. It's merely a “gut”... or maybe it's “instinct”, but the pool, the trees, the moss... these are the things that Yonah appears to enjoy. How sad to think of all the little birds in this world, kept in actual “cages”... and their “people” don't think of the little pleasures, necessities, really. Well, this is why I chose to put all this onto the internet. Maybe I'll make life better for a few more Little Ones... some-how, along the way.)
Following-up on this morning's adventure... I noticed that Yonah was “fluffed” as he roosted in the living-room, and the temperature there is rather “cool” at a mere 20° (compared to the 22-25° in his room), so I went to “chat” with him and encourage him to go have breakfast in the warmth and comfort of his “domain”, and, like the little CHAMP he is... a flutter of wings and away he soared, out of the living-room, through the kitchen and... to his house where, for a while, he roosted on the “extended perch” by the work table and then, as I spoke with him in there, he hopped over to the “breakfast nook” (a little shelf set-up for his food... originally with the hope that it would keep the mice away but it's become “familiar” to Yonah now so I leave it there) and... breakfast time!
It's supposed to be a clear, sunny, and a bit warmer day today, so I'm hoping Yonah has plenty of “basking” time. And the warmth will, no doubt, be much appreciated. And I'm considering a “thorough” house-keeping as well. But that remains to be seen. His house isn't “dirty”... but a “freshening” might be in order. And we have a day together... we shall see.
Of a bit of concern is a “dreamlette” I had last night though...:
I was working about the house and had to open the back screen door to put something on the gallery when Yonah came RUSHING by and OUT! There were other mourning doves on the back walk and he “landed” beside one, in particular, and the two of them stayed there for a few moments, together. I didn't dare to make a move toward them because I thought they'd both take flight, as mourning doves will, so I stood, watching, wondering if Yonah would come back to the house or... As I stood, completely still, the two doves walked, together, into the grass where they started pecking at the ground, as if foraging. Yonah seemed to be mimicking the other dove but didn't seem too sure of what he was doing, and I thought “He's not used to having to forage for food any more. He's accustomed to his dish, the placement... What will he do now? Will he re-learn? Will this other dove teach him?” And then, the pain struck my heart: WILL HE COME BACK TO HIS HOUSE, IN HIS ROOM, WHERE HE HAS FOOD, WATER AND PROTECTION? OR WILL HE TAKE OFF WITH THIS OTHER DOVE? AND IF HE TAKES OFF, WILL HE EVER COME BACK? WILL HE BE ABLE TO SURVIVE? It was “Summer”, so I decided that I'd keep the screen door open to see if Yonah would return to “his house”, but the thought of him never coming back began to crush my heart... and the dream stopped and I drifted back to regular sleep. But when I woke, I remembered it... and now... I wonder... And with him taking off and “adventuring” this morning... I wonder... all the more.
By day's end today, THANKFULLY, Yonah is all tucked-in, so safely and soundly.
For most of the day, we were together, in his room, as I worked on “improving” the “electrics” for his NatSpec light and fountain pump. He's got quite the set-up and there were too many wires going into too many places. Things being plugged-in and un-plugged as they were needed during the day. But now, it's quite a bit better organsied. We're living, we're learning.
The sun POURED in through his windows and he basked in every precious moment of it! It doesn't come early but it certainly leaves early these days, and so, true to form, there he was, the moment it hit his “sandy beach”. But what was TRULY, to me, SO endearing... As I was working on the wiring, right beside his house, he got up from basking, “strolled quite causally” over to his pool and the next thing I knew... HE WAS IN FOR A SPLASH! For the most part, my presence in his room is of NO consequence to him (and I LOVE THAT!). But it did my heart SO MUCH GOOD to know that he was warm enough, between keeping his room warm and the warmth of the sun, that he enjoyed a little “dip in the pool” today! OK. Out-side, the temperature was a “balmy” 10° (“balmy” compared to recent temperatures which have been about 4 or 5° and lower), but in his room, we managed to maintain another 25° day, for the most part. OH... this Little Guy! Out-side, the doves have been scarce for a while, because of the cold. The jays come round, and a few other small birds. But they don't seem to stay long, mostly quick visits to eat and run (hopefully to the warmth of good shelter some-where in the area... and we do have some barns and garages that must offer them some protection). But Yonah? Fresh food a simple “hop” away, fresh water for drinking AND for bathing! I wouldn't have it any other way. Still, it was absolutely WONDERFUL to see!
But, as I say, the sun-shine doesn't linger long these days. It manages to come into the room by about 10.30 but, by 15.00 it's already passed the windows and is heading down below the mountains. It makes for an extremely short “day” (and to think, it's only going to get shorter... for the next 44 days, any-way). By “meal-time” this evening (17.00 for me), well, immediately after it was already time for “evening routine”! And Yonah's “clock” has nothing to do with ours... The sun disappears, the world out-side his window gets dark and he calls me... It's time to “close shoppe” for the day! By 18.30 (my clock), waters were changed, the “NatSpec” light was on for about and hour and then that went off, the desk lamp went on, blinds and curtains were closed and by 19.45... “tuck-in” was complete. (I ought to try and keep Yonah's routine, but, as I've learnt, mourning doves require 10-14 hours of “rest” daily. I average about 6 hours, with a 20-minute nap during the day, most of the time. If I were to “tuck-in” at 20.00... mourning dove 07 November 2021I'd be up and about 2.00 in the morning!) Still, the lights went out, his radiator is set because tonight's low is expected to be 0° so we'll keep the walls and furnishings warm for him. We're look at 13° for tomorrow's high which will be almost “tropical” compared to recent days... AND MORE SUN-SHINE! We might do a “thorough house-keeping” tomorrow if all goes well. And for the coming week, fairly “warm” weather (“seasonal” as it will be) to come!
So yes, Yonah and I are still together... that dreamlette is probably my own “issues” (I'm forever concerned about life with-out Yonah... and I don't plan on having one of those anyway). And tonight, we'll be together again and we'll start the day tomorrow, together. I've a bit of a “list” of tasks for the day and most, if not all, in his room! YAY!
For now, he's snoozing the night a way... all snug and warm... my MOST PRECIOUS COMPANION!
Monday 08 November:
Another frosty start to a November morn, but clear skies and promises of “warmer” (than we've been having) weather, and as I sat a table, having coffee... 6.53 on the clock and... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. Oh but it IS SO GOOD to hear that again! It truly is. No matter how the night before may have gone, no matter the day out-side these old walls and windows, no matter what ever, it's SO GOOD to hear that “morning call” come from the little room next to my bed-room... again. AND, the soft little “HOO!” when I walk into the room to open curtains and blinds and put things “in order” for the coming day. The soft “OH! There you are! Hello!” It all that makes opening eyes in the morning, and getting out of the bed. Nothing, no matter what, nothing says “Here's another day ahead of us; we made it through another night and, it's time to move along.” Not to mention, Yonah's call tells me “You're doing OK there, old man. HE made it through another night. You're doing OK.”
As for the day, well... with 14° and clear skies, the sun pouring in through the windows, there's nothing to complain about, to be absolutely sure!
This morning, we took out half of Yonah's house for a thorough cleaning. The pool needed a bit of a “scrub” and so, we go right at it, as soon as the sun was falling on the other half, where the “beach” is located. And it was quite amazing (yes, another “amazing” moment... as if ALL of them aren't, to me). As I removed rocks, and the tree, the kitchen roll and all, Yonah simply went about his own affairs, including... believe it or not, having his breakfast! Oh yes! It was as if I wasn't even there! He hopped about a bit, watching, first, to see what, exactly I was up to and when he decided that it was all just “routine”, he hopped across my arm and headed for his food where he had a healthy breakfast, as if there was no-one and nothing else about! For all his “dodging” and “avoidance” of “intimacy” these days, not wanting to “go for a stroll” or giving “smooches” and the likes, it's obvious that I still present no “threat”. (Or, maybe I'm just the “house-keeping staff”? THAT'S cute.)
And when I put in a fresh little “carpet” of moss that I've been keeping for a while (to make sure there's nothing harmful “growing or lurking” in it), THAT caught his attention and he was right on it, pecking and checking. Ultimately... approval. So we'll see how that goes. The “old” moss is still there because it's dry and it's been a “favourite” spot for Yonah, especially after a splash in the pool. There's more fresh moss in keeping (for the Winter), so, eventually, the “old” will be replaced as well. Ah... Mr. Taube has year-round “Summer” (or, with the cooler temperatures of late, Summer and Spring).
I can't help but think, when I see him basking and lounging and generally taking Life easy, how much he deserves his “luxuries” (as some might think his situation). He went through horrors, from being attacked and injured, to being brought, by a “human”, into a house that is, other-wise, a certain death to the Little Ones Of The Wild. For the first months, I had little contact with him, expecting him to recover completely and return to the out-doors. So I must have appeared a bit of a “horror”, coming in, tearing his place apart (to keep it clean for him), leaving him alone in a “cage” (at the time” with no room to really spread wings and such. But, he took it all in stride, and he survived! The best I can hope is that these days have come to prove my heart-felt intentions which are for and in his best interests, his health, safety and a good life... for as long as we both have of such. For the most part, it appears I've proven my LOVE. I'll never truly know, but it appears, and I have to be satisfied with that much. He's safe, to be sure, and is alive... which is something he might not be or have been, had I not intervened. Is that good? Well, if I “saved his life”, I owe him a life of comfort... and, to be honest, he “saved” my life as well... and he's given me a life of AWE. I'll suppose we're “good”.
Tuesday 09 November:
I over-slept a bit this morning and didn't get to Yonah until about very shortly after 7.00... and when I popped into his room, it was quite comfortably toasty and from the end by the window I heard the soft “HOO!” Yonah was awake and the world is FINE! So I got right to opening windows, letting the early morning light into the room and on with “morning routine” during which, Yonah was all about his house and out and up to his roof! Quite the “morning” sort, this Little Guy, here! So waters got changed and the plan for the day is to check the rest of his house that we (“I”) didn't get to yesterday (and I have some up-dating to tend to with his site and Journal today too). It's cool out there this morning, not “cold”, and it's quite damp... in the rest of the house, but in Yonah's room, it's really quite comfy... warm and precious little dampness. That's good.
AND... this morning, I was “allowed” a bit of a smooch! AND... this morning, he's been SO vociferous for the past 90 minutes! MUCH to say today! His bird-songs have been playing and he's been as much a part of that as it has been playing! Quite the chatty Little One today! So the rest of the day should prove interesting. I've a few tasks to do in his room so... “together time”! Oh... what a morning... what a day! My Bestie Companion!
As the day rolled on, OH! BUT YONAH IS COMING BACK! SMOOCHES, AND WING-SNAPS, AND PLAYFUL, AND COO'ING !!! Sadly, there were all too many distractions during the course of the day but I HAVE managed to get his photos and photo-pages done! YAY! Just a matter of getting it all on the servers.
All said, though our time together was sporadic at best, it was a delightful day, and Yonah's “attention-grabbing” with standing on his door perch and his “wing-snaps” was SUCH a relief to the soul! And playing with my hand and fingers, little “fights” with me, but not running away... well... it's such a LIFT to spirit, soul and being. I've SO MISSED that! I hope it continues... I truly do.
And this evening, right after the sun set, again, he made it quite clear that it was time to close the windows, get his house “in order” for the night. “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!”. So, the NatSpec light went off, desk lamp on... waters changed, the mosses got a good “shake” out back. (No poop!) And he watched all the while, attentively. He DOES notice these things and it's always amazing to me. It makes me wonder how much the flocks in the yard notice, though the doves are SO reluctant to come to the feeder on the gallery. I'd like them to get used to it... should Yonah and I still be here through Winter. I'd like to use that one so that the little ones don't have to dig through or stand on the snow... as they would with the other one in the little “fenced” area. I imagine they'll notice it eventually and when it gets cold, they'll go for the food there. (I have to figure out how to keep the squirrels from stealing food though. Not that I begrudge them nourishment, but... yes... I have, admittedly, a “preference”.)
So all the “nightly routine” got done, and I gave Yonah another hour or so to “adjust” and find a comfortable place for the night (though he takes his now-usual at the mirror... “next to his buddy”... his reflection. And tonight, I'd really love to go and sleep on his futon again, I'm SO used to his company at night, but I believe he's better if I'm not there, possibly snoring, and coughing and getting up for what-ever during the night. It was a bit difficult for me last night, but, I didn't sleep in Yonah's room for the longest while (no place to sleep), so... hopefully he doesn't mind.
He's tucked-in for the night though, now, radiator on, door closed because of the light in the house and to keep his room warm. There's another “cold” night coming, but tonight he'll be fine with the current setting. I'll make sure to “crank it up” when the nights get colder. Above all... he'll have food, water, comfort, safety and warmth.
Tomorrow? Well, we'll be spending much time together since my “chores and tasks” list is all but done. I'm looking forward to that... indeed. Tonight, he sleeps in grand comfort... in HIS house, in HIS room... safe, sound, warm, protected, LOVED, CHERISHED!
Wednesday 10 November:
7.25 this morning and “the call” came floating through the house. Somebody's “alarm clock” was set for “early”. I'd slept a bit late myself but had just finished a few chores when “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came from Yonah's room.
And THIS morning? When I went in to open curtains and tend to house-keeping... HE WANTED TO PLAY! NO running to the corner. NO “attack” stance. HE WANTED TO PLAY! AND THE DAY ROLLED ALONG IN THE VERY SAME WAY!
The sun came through his windows this morning (sadly at almost 10.00 but ANY sun is better than NO sun at all), and I took my place at the work table, Yonah took HIS place, on his “beach”, to soak in EVERY bit of the light and warmth. BUT, as I worked along, he got up, several times, came to his door and, standing on his perch, made his audible “wing-snaps”! It was “PLAY TIME”! and he just didn't seem to tire of it! OH! It was SO WONDERFUL! AND... in between our “play times”, when I'd get up and leave the room... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! He CALLS to or for me... AGAIN! How long this will run is a far-fetched guess. But WOW! Does it EVER make waking up to another day SO WELL worth it! My heart couldn't be any fuller!
THAT is how our day together, rolled along. There was an exception of my 30-minute errand run. (And “RUN” is what I do when I leave the house... I literally, physically, actually MISS being, at the very least, in the house with Yonah. We might not be in the same room, but, even HE shows that HE can sense when I'm around. And I can sense when he's not... and I don't like that sense.)
This evening though... well... we (I?) had an “incident” and I'm quite a bit riddled with guilt because of it. Although it's true that the sun sets quite a bit earlier these days, I really wasn't paying attention whilst “visiting” next-door, and as we were chatting, the sun was setting and the “day” was turning to “night”. I suddenly remembered that I'd left the house, and Yonah, and hadn't turned on any lights and looking out the windows where I was, the skies had gone DARK! Yonah's room was, by now, dark, the entire house was dark and the Little Guy was, when I'd left, in his house and the door was open! Now, it's not that I don't “trust” him to fly about the rooms, freely. He's MORE than shown that he's perfectly capable of that now, with-out collisions (as he did at first, into windows and walls). BUT IT'S SAID THAT DOVES (like pigeons) DON'T SEE WELL IN THE DARK and, THE HOUSE WAS NOW DARK! Sure, it was only but about 17.15 on the clock but... THE HOUSE WAS DARK AND IF ANYTHING STARTLED YONAH, OF COURSE, HIS INSTINCT WOULD BE TO TAKE FLIGHT! I HAD TO RUN BACK! (Thankfully, I was only just next-door!)
WELL! As I got back and opened the door, yes, indeed, the house WAS dark! I called-out to let Yonah know, first of all, that it was me, coming in the door and that I'd was back and he wasn't alone... in the dark. I turned on the light in the kitchen and went directly into his room. His “bird-songs” were still playing, and Yonah? There he was, on his perch, where he usually spends the night. He'd settled in his “safe place” (as it were), as if the night had come and he felt secure there. It was, at once, comforting to see him safe and sound, in his house, “settled” and too, heart-breaking to think that he may have felt “alone” as the light went (and with it, his ability to see around him). I put the desk lamp on so that he could see me and KNOW that I was there, and I leaned in to him, and talking softly to assure him that it was me in the room, put my face beside him. He “snuggled” against my face and pecked at me... “KISSES” AND “SMOOCHES” !!! HE ACTUALLY APPEARED TO BE RELIEVED TO SEE ME, TO KNOW THAT I WAS THERE WITH AND FOR HIM !!! I FELT HORRIFICALLY GUILTY AND TERRIBLE! It would have been different, had I left a light on for him to be able to see his surroundings. But there, I'd left him, alone, in the DARK! AND, THAT HE SNUGGLED AGAINST MY FACE... IT WAS OBVIOUS THAT HE WAS, IN FACT, HAPPIER TO SEE ME THERE! IT GOES BACK TO MY RESOLVE THAT DOVES ARE “SENTIENT”, THEY DON'T JUST “SENSE”, “SOME-HOW”, THEY ACTUALLY “KNOW”. (But then, I'm sure that there are those who will continue to claim the contrary... and I've never believed “them” before, and now, I never will.)
Well, all was “good”, Yonah knew he wasn't alone, he wasn't “abandoned” and it was obvious that he knew he was “safe”. I left his desk lamp on and I went to put my evening meal on the hob to cook whilst I went about my “evening duties” of our normal “evening routine”...
NOW... WHEN I LEFT YONAH'S ROOM TO GO TO THE KITCHEN, HE COO'ED, REPEATEDLY, AS IF RELIEVED KNOWING THAT “HIS COMPANION”, HIS “FLOCK” WAS BACK! OH... I FELT A RIGHT DOLT! AND NOW *I* KNOW TO BE MORE ATTENTIVE... I MUST make sure that he'll have light enough to see his way about, or, at the very least, to see his surroundings... and I MUST pay closer attention to the time of day... (It's not as if I'll be that far from home at that time of day, I don't “travel” at night any-way. But no matter where I might need to go of a late after-noon... I'll make SURE that the environment is NEVER one that even remotely resembles “abandonment”. OK. Sure, Yonah is still, at his core, a “wild” little one, and surely, his natural instincts are still fine-tuned, for the most part. And yes, in the “wild”, surely there would be times when he'd be alone, “out there”, but there's NO reason or excuse for him to be or even “feel” that he's alone now... because, quite frankly... he's no more “alone” than I am... so long as we're together.)
Well then, so then, I got his waters changed and freshened, he had plenty of food, his house got tidied for the night and I had my meal... and Yonah “coo'ed”. We were back together, the night had come in, and he was safe, warm, sound, protected.
Before putting his house in order for the night (closing blinds, curtains, “installing” the “boards”, which I still do, but now, more to insulate him against any “chills” that might permeate through the windows... &c.) we had “quality cuddle” time. OH YES... He was OBVIOUSLY happier, knowing that “life was normal”. So I put things as they should be, turned his light out, closed the door to his house and gave him time to “settle for the night”... We managed to get back to the “regular timing” for the rest of the night... But I'll NEVER forget the experience, and ill be, eternally aware to NEVER let the incident repeat!
In other news of the day, thankfully, tonight's forecast has changed... This morning, tonight's forecast was for a low of -3°, but the latest check... a mere -1°! We've gone through this... We've gone through -4°! But we've been through -1° and that's proven “hopeless” against us... Yonah's room remained most-comfortably warm, and tonight, Yonah's room will be comfy warm through this night (as always, of course). But that 2 degrees is a blessing, especially compared to the minus double digits lurking not far from today. “Winter” is yet to come, and we're ready to “take it on”!
mourning dove 11 November 2021Thursday 11 November:
Quite an amazing start to a day, this was. “Morning call” came at 6.44, to begin with. And form there, it became even MORE “novel”, and MORE delightful.
I'd been in the kitchen, already up and about, attending to my coffee and other little morning tasks when I heard the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. Oh yes, it was the “long call”, not a simple “Hello? Is anybody there?”, which I've come to know as “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. And when I didn't respond right away, there was a SECOND call! So, at that point, I understood it was time to open curtains and get on with the day!
With a smile on my face and JOY in my soul, as only Yonah can bring, I went in to “attend”, with pleasure. Curtains and blinds were open. Yonah was, indeed, up, awake and waiting, and watched, as he does, with interest, in the every move. I still, a year later, remember how, in the earlier days, when we had only a bit of card-board at the window to block out-side light and to insulate against the nightly chills, the movement of it disturbed him. I understood then, as I do now, that the motion of something “foreign”, large, and visually “dark” probably appeared as a “threat” to him. I'd always talk, as I removed the card-board, softly and re-assuringly. But it still “concerned” him, obviously. But today, with the board on his roof and the one at the window-side of his house being there, he's become so accustomed to it that the placement and removal have become just another part of every-day routine and instead of being nervous, he simply watches and waits for the morning light to brighten his room. And how he does “watch”, ever patient. And now, with the little mirrors in his house, when the light fills, he goes to his reflections and “greets” them, both, with a hearty “Good morning woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”. Oh, how the times have changed... both of us.
Very well then... Windows open to the early morning light that made the nightly frost all the more visible out-side (at the time, I'd checked the current weather and yes, indeed, we WERE at the originally-threatened -3° with a “chill-factor” of -5°... though Yonah's room was at a comfortable 21° which is the absolute minimum I try to keep it, at all times, unless higher), the “morning routine” was completed, fresh waters, tidying and such, his door open and house positioned so that, once the sun rose high enough over the trees, Yonah would have it to “bask” in, as he so enjoys doing. And I returned to the kitchen to finish my own “morning routine”.
WELL, well, well... it was only but just about 7.00 when, from behind me, as I sat at table, and above, I heard a truly-familiar “whistle”. Yonah was “IN FLIGHT”! (One thing I HAVE to note here and now: during his moulting, that “whistle” that mourning doves make when they take flight, had stopped. I wasn't then, nor am I now sure as to “why”, and I wonder if the “whistle” isn't some-how associated with wing feathers, but Yonah was flying as much as usual, but just in silence. It's thought that the “whistle” is their way of warning other doves that they were taking “emergency” flight and that others should be aware of some danger. And if that's so, then I can understand MORE of how “threatened” mourning doves must feel during moulting when they lose the ability to give that warning. No wonder they've been known to hide under shrubs for the duration. Still then, though, Yonah's always had that whistle when in flight, and he obviously knows he's never in any “danger” here, so there's no need to send “warnings”... so here, it's just a part of what makes him a “mourning dove”. It's part of his being. What-ever the case... it's back and I heard it.) Yes, I heard the whistle and the fluttering of wings but I didn't SEE him as he passed through the kitchen and went into the living-room.
First thing in the morning, only just barely awake and up, Yonah was “out and about”! Oh yes, indeed, a “good morning”. He was awake and obviously well!
I got up to check, as I do, to make certain that, where-ever he was, he was safe and when I walked into the living-room, he gave a little “HOO!”, as he does when I walk into his room. There he was... on the plant table, at the far windows... and perched on the edge of a little “votive candle” glass! He was just as fine as he could be... balanced so perfectly on his little feet, on the thin rim of a votive glass! So I sat on the futon, beside him, and chatted... and took the opportunity to move my face closer to him for his reaction... He merely moved his head forward, gave a little “peck” but never made even the slightest movement. He was perfectly fine, comfortable and satisfied with being right where he was! SO! Yes, he knows that he's not confined to a room, nor to a “cage” and he knows his way round the rest of this old house and is comfortable with travelling about, and that's what I've always wanted... for him to avail himself of what-ever space this place affords him, at his wish. It does heart and soul good to see him flying about, exercising his wings and getting away for a “change of scenery”.
He stayed in the living-room for about an hour, as I returned to my own doings-of-a-day and then, again, I HEARD that “whistle” as he took a quick “tour” of the living-room, came through the kitchen and returned “home”, to his “house”. So... he KNOWS his way out of his room, KNOWS where he can go and how to get there with-out ANY “collisions” with walls, and he KNOWS his way BACK to HIS HOUSE, where his food and water and comfortable surroundings are. Now WHAT a change from the “old days”! And my heart is just as FULL of JOY as could be! Yonah KNOWS that this is HIS house!
It truly is a most delightful start to a season where we'll be spending a LOT of time together, where the days will tend toward “drear” and such. Last Winter, he wasn't able to fly about well, and when he did, there were too many “accidents” with windows and such. But THIS Winter... he has SPACE... and places to go to!
And as the morning progressed toward after-noon, he was in and out of his house, the sun DID manage to rise, though through a cold-morning haze, the temperature didn't rise much though, but there was just enough sun-light for Yonah to enjoy... on his roof and on his “beach”. This Little Guy is SUCH A GRAND AND GREAT JOY! AND... HE'S STILL IN A “CONGENIAL” MOOD! Playful, coo'ing and cuddling. NOTHING could be better than this!
Ah, and so... another day closes... TOO SOON! But it was a GLORIOUS day! Absolutely GLORIOUS! With the exception of a 30-minute run into town, YONAH AND I HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR ALL OF IT! OH YES! OH YEAH! And ANY day that passes in Yonah's company is GLORIOUS!
I worked a his work table, took a snooze on his futon, and he coo'ed, basked in the brief sun-shine that we had, his room was comfy-warm. He ate, he bounced around, he came to his door, gave several “wing-snaps” and we cuddled and smooched, and we had chats (and I managed to get quite a bit of the day's “chores” done too, in between). He was REALLY in the best of spirits today and it was a delight to the soul to see him that way. And he ate so very well too, and THAT ALWAYS gives SUCH a JOY to my being, seeing that he has a GREAT appetite.
And this evening, it was dark out-side already, at about 17.00 so I closed his blinds and curtains, switched his “NatSpec” light for the desk lamp... left his bird-songs playing (which we both listened to all through the day... I didn't want radio or other music and that too, was delightful), and changed the waters (as I think of it), tidied his house and gave him another hour to “un-wind”... By 18.30 he was calling... it was time to turn the lights off and settle-down for the night. So, bird-songs off, lights off... his “boards” installed and some “Good night kisses”. mourning dove 11 November 2021With-in mere moments, he was “established” on his perch... ready for the night.
Although it's sad that our days are so short now, but it's a JOY to spend these short days together with him. He obviously enjoys having my company and I couldn't be any happier with his COMPANIONSHIP!
It actually, honestly, truly, factually is just as I told him this evening: I don't have ANY other “LOVE” in my life these days... There's only Yonah, and, to be equally forth-right... I don't want for anything or anybody else. Not only does he “have” my heart... the incontrovertible fact is... HE IS my heart... and my soul... and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Now... we get to look forward to tomorrow... and MORE time together because I intentionally made my errands today so that there's none tomorrow! That's MY LITTLE GUY! That's my LIFE!
mourning dove 12 November 2021Friday 12 November:
THIS morning commenced at 7.40. I was up and working at a few things on the computer, thinking of Yonah and had JUST looked at the clock when “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came calling !!! Timing? I SO often think (and believe, I must say) that he has some sort of “sense” that allows him not only to know how I'm feeling but when and how I'm thinking about and of him. He KNOWS that I'm awake, even when I'm laying in bed, in the next room. That much I can almost say with certainty. For quite a while, most of the time, in fact, that we've been together, even last Winter (our first, together), I'd no sooner come drifting out of a night's sleep when his call was the very fist thing my conscious mind would hear. Honestly, it was as if he some-how sensed that I was awake, even though I wasn't out of bed, nor had I ever stirred. And so, this morning, JUST as I looked at the time and wondered about when I should go to open his curtains... THERE HE WAS... CALLING as if “Yes, now would be a good time. I'm awake. Let's get this day rolling!” And that's how it all began.
It was another one of those dreary, grey, WET, RAINY days... until, of course, the sun was just setting o'er the Western mountains which is when the sky began to clear, just enough to remind “This is what you missed all day.” “Winter”... it'll be like that for the next 6-7 months now: Drear during the day until the very last moment, when the sun hasn't a chance of lending any warmth to the Earth below. Oh well. Yonah and I made it through last Winter (and THAT was WORSE because he was convalescing from his “fresh injuries” and I was whirling about in a sadness and feeling of such uselessness to him... it was “HEAVY” for almost ALL of the season). We'll be just spiffy-fine this year to-be-sure! But it did rain, quite heavily, at times, and almost steadily. AH... BUT... Yonah's room was truly quite comfy! IN FACT, it was SO “truly quite comfy” that he TOOK A SWIM! Oh yes, indeed!
I'd not sooner done with my first coffee of the morning, this morning, when I moved me and work into his room. The “NatSpec” light went on and I situated me at his work table for the day.
mourning dove 12 November 2021OH... BUT HE WAS IN A MOOD TO PLAY... AND SO WE TOOK MANY BREAKS... AND HE WAS FULL OF ENERGY TODAY TOO! FLYING ABOUT IN HIS HOUSE, THEN OUT TO THE CHAIR, TO THE SHELVES. When I left the table, he headed for the chair “to see what the computer was doing”... or so it DOES appear to be what he does when he gets to the chair. (I was backing-up ALL of his photos... over a THOUSAND... so, if anybody thinks that the number on his site is a lot... that's NOTHING compared to the actual total taken... thus far... because surely, there are MANY more to come... and I haven't yet put today's on the site.) Anyway... as I say, Yonah was FULL of “adventure” today and he and I spent it all in his room... together! GLORIOUS!
AS I was working along, both of us listening to his “Bird-songs Play-list”, I heard a “splashing” AND, before I had the chance to look up... I FELT a “splashing”! THIS “swim” was QUITE energetic today! Spray of water all about! It was WONDERFUL! YONAH WAS REALLY ENJOYING HIM-SELF! And of course, when HE'S enjoying, I'M enjoying! And there was a bit of a “soak”, calmly, which went back to the splashing which was followed by a “nestle” in the newer moss I've put in for him. (The original “nest” is rapidly diminishing... good that I got more moss for Winter!) And in the moss is where he stayed, for the longest while, just relaxing, resting, beside me, as it is, where he could see me and I could see him. That was our after-noon, for the most part, as I continued to work with and on his photos.
Oh, and he ate... very, very well again, today too. Now THAT just put the JOY and Comfort in my soul.
Funny... this evening, I'd managed to sit to my meal at 17.00 and by 17.45, all the washing-up was done, dishes and such were all put up. Of course, by then, the sun was completely gone from the sky, the world out-side Yonah's windows was darkness. It was time to “wrap this day up”. So, “evening routine” got under way immediately, changed water (yes, as I always say: If you wouldn't drink it, it doesn't belong in Yonah's house) again... third but last time for today. Kitchen roll replaced and a good check for “poop” (which gets tossed no less than twice daily, and CHECKED... for ANY “irregularities”). By 18.00... all was done, Yonah's room was “settled”... I even closed his blinds and curtains before the night's chill managed to make a way in. I'd gone to the kitchen to jot here, on his Journal, to add to the record of the day's events when....
When I got in to him, he was back in, settled, as if he'd been there all along. Ah... IT WAS TIME TO DIM THE LIGHTS, PUT THE BOARDS UP... IT WAS TIME TO WIND THE DAY DOWN! AND HE CAME OUT TO FIND ME AND LET ME KNOW! And... so I did. AND I MANAGED TO PICK HIM UP AND HOLD HIM TO ME, IN MY HANDS, AGAINST MY CHEST, TO NESTLE MY CHIN GENTLY AGAINST HIM... HE MADE NO EFFORT TO LEAVE! HE KNOWS... HE KNOWS THAT I'M HERE TO PROTECT, LOVE AND CHERISH HIM! SO, for a few, brief moments, I spoke to him and when he wanted to go back to his house, he let me know with a little “twitch”. I went to his door, opened my hands and he simply flew back to his perch. When I put my face into his door... HE SNUGGLED AGAINST IT! HE KNOWS...
“Instinct” would tell him that I, a human, mean him harm, I'm not to be trusted, I'm to be avoided (and with damned-perfectly-good reason... Mourning doves... the number ONE in highest numbers SHOT, MURDERED... for “fun”... for “sport”... it makes my stomach churn just to think of it)... But after being together with me for just over a year now... HE KNOWS... it's not “instinct”... HE KNOWS, and I will, forever, DEFY, VEHEMENTLY, ANY one who claims differently.
Well? Well... It was a PERFECTLY AWE-INSPIRING END TO ANOTHER PERFECTLY HEAVENLY DAY TOGETHER! No matter how “mundane” a day might seem at a glance, there's NEVER been a “mundane” day with this Little One, this MIRACLE, this BLESSING, this HONOUR... this MOST PERFECTLY CHERISHED LIFE! Yonah is NOTHING short of... AWE-FULL!
So tonight, it will be “cool” again, but not “terribly cold”. Nothing that will get into Yonah's room, to be sure. His windows are covered well, the cold is blocked. His radiator is on as always, and his room will be warm. He has his pool and trees for humidity... just enough to be comfortable. There's fresh drinking water, plenty of good food right there. And tonight, we'll both sleep, protected from the elements... and Yonah will have NOTHING to be concerned with or about... That's my solemn vow... and as long as I draw breath...mourning dove 12 November 2021 that is how it will be.
Tomorrow? Well... NOTHING of any importance on any “agenda”. Yonah's “spare, back-up” tubing for his fountain is waiting for him at the post office. I'll get that for him. His “new curtains” should be here on Monday... MORE insulation against the Winter... MORE to block the intrusive lighting that senseless, mindless, self-serving people put up out-side his windows. And on Wednesday, oil for the house furnace for warmth when the nights TRULY get COLD. It's going to be quite WONDERFUL... tonight, tomorrow... through the Winter... We'll be together... and I'll do ALL possible, to KEEP my Little Guy as close to PERFECT as this world will permit.
It's been quite a wonderful day... WONDERFUL day... due and thanks to... Yonah Taube.
And for now... he's all “tucked-in”... for a GOOD night's sleep and rest. (He surely deserves it... especially after the active day he's had today!)
Saturday 13 November:
ANNIVERSARY DAY !!! As is EVERY 13th of a month. And it's a YEAR and a month, today! I'm still in AWE... and still remembering a year ago... But today was most beneficial for that. Dark, dreary, damp, raining, chilled. Much like last year at this time. But this year wasn't as “heavy” as a year ago. So very much has changed over the course of time, and, I might be so bold as to say: “For the better”, indeed.
I was up and about a bit later than my usual, and merely just getting started with the day when, at about 6.50... Mr. Taube decided that it was time to get this day rolling. With my first coffee still on the kitchen table, “morning routine” commenced!
Oh yes, Yonah most certainly was awake and ready to take-on what-ever was presented during the course of the hours to follow! And, he was in a rather good mood too! Curtains and blinds opened to the out-side drear, NatSpec light on, his door opened and fresh water trickling in his pool, he watched, with discernible care, as I attended my “morning duties”, and when I'd done, he was off to breakfast. (That's ALWAYS a great relief to me, to see him with a good appetite, especially in the morning.)
When I'd done, I left him to digest his meal and I retired back to the kitchen to have my coffee and attend to my own morning tasks when... at about 8.00, Yonah decided it was time to come “check on” me! The fluttering and whistle of wings, from his room, out into the kitchen, he made his “round”, flying past the table, round me and back “home” to roost on the roof. It's AMAZING, to me anyway, how, when he's not sure whether or not I'm near, he actually comes to LOOK for me! AND... when he's seen that I'm “in”, all is well and he returns to the comfort of his room and house. He KNOWS... that's all I can say... he KNOWS... not only HOW and WHERE to look for me BUT to COME LOOKING! AND, when he's ascertained that I'm in the house, he's assured and satisfied and heads back to his most familiar surroundings.
What I find to be of great comfort is that HE finds comfort in his house, his room, his surroundings. So much so that, no matter where he COULD go to, around the house, and no matter where he DOES get to, “home” is where he likes to be most of all. I suppose that in my other-wise stupidity and ignorance, I've done, at least, quite fairly well in what I provide. I'm certainly no-where NEAR “perfect” in it, because I have no way of knowing what, if anything, he would like more (and, of course, there's no doubt, I'd do what I can to provide it), but, what he has appears to be what he enjoys. And, after ALL... THAT is ALL that matters... to me.
We passed the entire day together though, as the rains fell out-side, in the brilliance of Yonah's “Natural Spectrum” light. I worked at his table, and he flew freely about his room, his “domain”. When-ever I'd leave the table, he flew over, perched on the back of the chair and surveyed the table, as if every note I'd made, the display on the lap-top screen intrigued him, some-how.
When I napped, I woke to find him looking from left-to-right at everything in front of him. And when he realised that I'd woken, he headed back up to his roof to “watch” from above. He DOES take an obvious interest in what goes on in “HIS” room!
And we “chatted” today. He coo'ed, I coo'ed back and it was, most often, as if we were having a dialogue. We're a “flock”, with “news” or opinions or thoughts to exchange. He's BRILLIANT!
I managed to start the “re-situating” of his curtains today. In addition to the blinds, he now has a “layer” of “sheers” and his cotton drapes to insulate him against the cold that's to come. THAT TOO, was quite an event as I had to move his house about his room so that I could get access to the rods and curtains. He didn't appear to be too happy about being moved about, but OH, that “curiosity”! He watched, intently, my every move, from climbing to reaching. And when, at last, the curtains were hung and he was back in his old familiar place, he just picked-up on his usual routine, had a bite to eat and went about pecking at his sand and his mosses. Now, hopefully, on Monday, his new set of curtains will arrive and hopefully, we'll be able to get them up and settled before the sun sets and the night cools. His curtains cover the entire out-side wall of his room, both windows and the wall, ceiling-to-floor. The new set will have more panels, providing more “block” of that horrendous street-light that the “town” has aimed right at his (and my) windows AND more insulation against ANY “chill” that the coming Winter might set on windows and walls. As I said to him: “There's NO reason and NO excuse to feel ANY chill, no matter how much or little. And I'll see to it that there isn't any in the room.” (How I DO think, these days, of what would have come of him, had he not come into the house last October AND what, had he gone back out there this Summer-passed. And, may Fate and ALL FORBID, WHAT would become of him now, were he to be out there again, now. Well... MY personal resolve is to make certain, no matter what, that we never have to find out because, so long as I take breath... so long as HE takes breath... I'm here for him, to keep him safe, warm, protected, nourished and to provide ALL that he needs... and as much extra as I can possibly provide... no matter what!) I'm looking forward to the new curtains. Between them and his own radiator in his own room, Yonah will never have to “fluff” against the cold! And should the electric go for some reason? Well... we'll do what we must to make certain that, no matter what happens in the rest of this old house, HIS house will remain at peak comfort for him.
Sadly (for me, of course), the night came on quickly today, between the “clock” and the darkness of the grey skies. It was about 16.30 when I got to close those blinds and curtains on the windows. The “NatSpec” light went off and the dimmer desk lamp went on. I left the bird-songs playing whilst I had my meal and did the washing-up. And after, Yonah's waters were changed and his house made quite nice, clean and tidy for the night. At about 18.30, I turned the “play-list” off to give him a quiet place to un-wind after his day and let him decide when he wanted to “retire” for the night. He stayed on his roof for quite some time. I DID manage to get him to rest on my arm for a brief while and we chatted, as I sat on his futon. He DOES appreciate the company, he doesn't like being alone, but he wasn't much in the mood for “close” this evening. It was, as I say, brief, and he took off to his roof again. Still, at least I can see that he's in good spirits... and we DID have the ENTIRE day together! So, I'm “OK” with it all... to be sure.
OO... It wasn't easy to get Mr. Taube tucked-in and settled this evening. For some reason, he'd managed to get “comfy” with his little feet wrapped so tightly on the “wire/bar” of the door of his house and he appeared quite content to stay there. But it got to be almost 19.30 and though I'd certainly let him make his own hours, the light in his room is artificial, and turning it all off and leaving him out just isn't really a safe option. (Doves don't see well in the dark and the reason I close the door to his house at night is because he's been “spooked” by things at night and tends to fly in panic. Were he to be out in the room, there are walls, shelves, windows and such that he could literally kill him-self flying into! At least, in his house, there's only just so far he can travel and there really isn't enough space in which to get into actual “free flight” and speed. So it's safer for him, all round.) Anyway... it took a bit of “coaxing” but... he did, after a few moments, manage to get onto my shoulder and I leaned into his house and he hopped off and onto his perch. I gave him a few extra moments to “settle” and... as I record this... Yonah is tucked-in and comfy-secure. Radiator on. We've got a bit of -1 with a chill of -3° during the night... TOMORROW... 6° for the high and sun-shine (so, if there's sun-shine, there'll be WARMTH coming in through Yonah's windows... YAY!). BUT... *** SNOW *** TO COMMENCE AT 18.00 TOMORROW EVENING AND RUN THROUGH THE NIGHT, SUNDAY. More rain on Monday... OH, indeed... it's heading into WINTER! BUT... Yonah's protected from it all, and will be warm and dry and comfy and cozy... PLENTY of good food and water... we've got more sand all sterile and ready, and more mosses. His trees are doing well... Plenty of kitchen roll... and INSULATION against the cold... in addition to his own radiator. (And THIS Winter, he's no longer injured, and I have a better idea about what he needs, what he likes, what he dislikes, what we can do together and UN-like LAST Winter... my heart is FULL... NOT “heavy” with worry.) We're gonna get through this as if if NEVER happened! OH, OH, OH, to be sure!
Time to post to the web-Journal... Mr. Yonah Taube is safe and sound, LOVED AND CHERISHED... and as I say... that truly is ALL that matters AT ALL!
Sunday 14 November:
Another “early” start to another day, this morning. AND, another morning of “KISSES”! (I'm almost wondering if this has anything to do with the fact that I'm not sleeping in Yonah's room of late. Does he realise that I'm not there through the night and the affections are because he's happy to know that he's not alone? I'll have to give it a “test” again, one of these nights... spend another night on the futon and see what the morning is like. But in all fairness, with some of my sleeplessness, I have to say that I feel better knowing that he can sleep through the night, undisturbed. We shall see.)
I'd been up and busy for at least an hour before I got the call... and when I went in to open curtains, Yonah appeared quite happy to see me. That little “HOO!” is SO heart-warming. But, sadly, the curtains and such got opened to another rather dreary sort of day. Clouds. There was a light dusting of now on the Western mountain-tops, but we didn't have any at all. And the snow for today's forecast? Well, that seems to have moved to our South, as it tends to do of late. So all we really had was a day of clouds, thankfully not “heavy” though. SOME sun-light managed to dissipate through. Nothing enough to send any warmth, but enough to keep the day from being “oppressive”. And, although out-side was, for the most part, chilled and damp, Yonah's room warmed nicely, as we spent the day together, with his door closed.
I took a quick trip to the market this morning and the broccoli looked rather nice, clean, green, fresh. So yes, got a bunch of that, brought it back, gave it a thorough washing and shaved quite a bit off into a little dish for Yonah. Today, he doesn't seem very interested in it. He used to enjoy broccoli so much. I wonder... Maybe as the Winter sets in? If was Winter when he most enjoyed it and that seems to have stopped when the warmer weather arrived. It's another “Live and learn” for me. (But he's been eating his other food quite well during the day! He's got a HEALTHY appetite! That's SUCH a relief to me, and such a JOY to see him eating so well. And there's PLENTY of food for him in-house. No worries there, at all.)
And he's been so PLAYFUL today too! He's back to enjoying a good “jousting” with my hand and fingers! He even “chases” my hand as I move it about, fingers “crawling” across his floor.
At one point, he hopped up onto my arm and climbed up to where he could look directly into my face and as I spoke (and laughed, because it IS rather funny to see him staring, intently, at my face, as I speak), he gave a good, stern, solid stare and the tilting head. And he stayed there for quite the while too! Other-wise, he's been quite content to “roost” on his door-perch... close enough to watch me and yet, at a distance so that, should I decide to move “too close”, he's got an “escape”.
And again, today, when I'd leave the work table, he went directly for the chair! He IS so curious... and it's a delight to see.
Well, it was another one of those “dreary, cold, damp” days, out-side the windows, but Yonah and I were together ALL through it. He, in his house and round-about, and me, at his work table, right beside him.
And he was SO PLAYFUL ALL DAY TODAY! He “attacked” my hand and fingers, all in good play. When I with-drew my hand, he came after it, repeatedly! The difference between “play” and “annoyance” is that in play, he comes after my fingers, but if he's “annoyed”, he either retreats to a corner or will simply fly away, usually to his roof. And if I dare to “reach out” toward him, he takes off and finds another place to be. Today... it was ALL PLAY! And he REALLY appeared to enjoy every moment of it!
Of course, that sets my day... smiles, joy, just wonderful... WONDERFUL!
(I'm still in a state of disbelief that this little soul from the wild, has come to trust me, and it seems we truly have become quite a “unit”. There's SO much MORE that I wish I could do for him... as a “peer”, but I often think of how, because of the ignorance and inabilities of “humans”, we're both doing the very best we can. And I have a gut feeling that Yonah does have the sense of my “feelings” toward, to and for him. I suppose we're as “perfect” for and with one-another, as we can possibly be on this Earth.)
And so the day passed, as I worked on some more aspects of his web-site and we both listened to his bird-songs, together, in the wonderful warmth of his room.
Another fascinating point is how much Yonah DOES enjoy “company”! It's really very obvious that, even if he doesn't want to “interact”, even my imperfect presence in the room brightens his mood. He appears “at ease”, and lounges about, either on his loft or in his moss. But, for the most part, as I sit at the work table, he roosts on his door-perch, almost right beside me. And every now and again, when he's in the mood for a “smooch”, I hear the “wing-snap”. A few moments of “smooches” and chat and, all is well. He heads off to what-ever grabs his attention at the moment. But, over-all, yes, COMPANIONSHIP is SO IMPORTANT. I wouldn't have thought it ever would be, since mourning doves will be seen in the yard, on their own. Seems Yonah and I are our own “flock” now... And that's perfect because I enjoy HIS company MORE than anything else.
This evening.... THIS EVENING WAS SO REMINISCENT OF WHERE WE'D BEEN, ONCE UPON A TIME THAT SEEMS SO LONG AGO: YONAH LET ME HOLD HIM! I reached out with both hands and he let me pick him up and HOLD HIM TO MY CHEST! For several moments, he almost “nestled” in my hands, close to me! He used to do that, though not for a particularly “long” while. And then came the “moulting” when he wouldn't let my hands near him! But tonight, this evening... he actually seemed to enjoy the closeness. AND... KISSES! I GOT THE FAMILIAR LITTLE “PECKS” ON MY MOUSTACHE! NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can compare to THAT ELATION! Not to mention that absolute breathlessness of that AWE, to know that this little “wild” LIFE not only ALLOWS but seems to ENJOY a closeness! Oh yes, YES, indeed... he DOES, some-how, KNOW that I mean him NO harm at all, and I've been “accepted” by him! WHAT a touch of absolute HEAVEN! People should only know the BRILLIANCE of these little ones! They should only KNOW. “SENTIENCE”. It's not some “instinct”... it's a full KNOWLEDGE of kindness and... LOVE! Yonah KNOWS my LOVE for him, and, in his own manner, he returns that LOVE! There's NOTHING THIS close to Utopia on Earth!
Well then... came the “night”... again, so sadly, so soon. But I sat with him, after I'd done with my evening meal, until almost 20.00... We sat to the light of his desk lamp, subdued lighting, compared to the “NatSpec”, and we listened to his “bird-songs” and we chatted for a while. I remember how we used to to that, last year. I'd sit beside his house, he would set on his perch, above my head, and I'd just “talk”... and he'd stare down at me. Even then, something about my voice, the tone perhaps, was registering with him and he'd tilt his head, one side and then the other, as if trying to comprehend what I was saying. We never got “close”, but we could sit that way for the better part of an hour or more. WOW! How it's changed, so VERY much over the time! Now, there's a “closeness”, and he appears to actually derive some enjoyment out of our “chats”. (Again... “people” should only know... and I can't help but think of those who, as it's documented in SO many places, who simply, mindlessly, murder these little ones... and call it “sport”, and “fun”. Humanity... what an absolute waste of Creation.)
When we'd done with our chat, it had become quite late, so, “tuck-in”... the curtains and blinds were closed, the boards installed. (Yonah even recognises those boards as “time for sleep” now... and when they're where they should be at day's end, he “settles” comfortably... ready for a night's rest. They used to cause him some “curiosity”, a noticeable “disquiet”. But now, they're associated with a day's end... and the protection they afford, against harsh lights and, as Winter approaches, the cold of the out-side.) He found his “comfy night spot”, I closed the door to his house. His fountain was off, fresh water in his pool for over-night, and his house was all tidy and settled. Our day was “closed”.
A soft “Good night” and a few more “kisses” from out-side his house... the light went out and I left the door to his room open for a while so that, in the dim light, he could still get about, should he want to.
Tonight's forecast is for 4° and a drizzle. “Winter” is certainly coming along. 0° with a “chill” of -4° for early morning tomorrow. But Yonah's radiator is managing, quite well, to ward-off any chill that might try to get to him. I know he's safe and warm through the night, in his room, no matter what chill the rest of the house might take on. Yes, he's safe, warm, PROTECTED, LOVED AND OH-SO CHERISHED!
I'm looking forward to the arrival of his new curtains tomorrow... they're the same as those on his windows now, but there are more panels, fresh and new, and the extra panels will afford even more insulation through the Winter to come. That's my major concern, after his food and general nourishment (and, of course, “entertainment”... and COMPANIONSHIP). Oh sure, he can “fluff” his feathers against a chill, but, since it isn't “necessary”, I see no reason why he ought to feel that he must. Warmth, companionship, nourishment... LOVE! It's what he gives me... I just make certain to reciprocate. And come the actual Winter... warmth will be so important, and he'll have that! Another of my “vows”... to him.
Monday 15 November:

*** VIDEO ***
7.00, almost on the mark, and the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came through the door and FILLED the house! The night had turned to day and with the light of a clouded sun came the BRILLIANCE of a “Mourning Song”! Yonah was awake and a new day had officially begun! (And of course, with such a “greeting”, a “call”, this day, as all the others before it since 13 October 2020, began in FULL GLORY!)
And THIS morning, there was quite the actual *SNOW* on the Western mountains! Not a mere “dusting”. Those summits got a full dose of early Winter last night! Here we go... the beginning of seven months! (Thankfully, Yonah's room was really quite toasty-warm though... I wouldn't have it any other way!)
Well, so, then... we got straight to business with the “morning routine”, and Yonah was quite “chatty” this morning, “woo-HOO'ing” here and there, now and again, about this and that. And I was quite supervised as I worked along... BUT....
Once my “morning nonsense” was done, I moved into Yonah's room for the day, planning on getting some “work” done on his site and such. Ah... but... He was SO playful during the day that there were more “Play-times” than much else! (I did manage to take time to make shortbread cookies at about noon-ish, so that was distraction and diversion, but it was all the “playing” that REALLY took the day.
I'm so THRILLED when Yonah actually wants to play, when he actually WANTS to have time together. And the more time we spend together, the more he'll come to trust me and know that I'm here to be his “Friend and Companion” and not just some “odd stranger”, a “natural enemy”. And he's back to letting me actually stroke him, on his back, breast, neck! I'm sure that whilst he was moulting, the LAST thing he wanted was to be touched in any manner. It actually hurt me to think of him in any sort of “pain”, never mind, irritation or general “discomfort”. It also “hurt” that I couldn't be “affectionate” with or toward him. So now that he's back to playing with my hands and fingers, and allowing me to touch and “caress” him, well, he is, after all, a “flock” sort, and doves will be together for warmth, comfort and companionship. Since he and I have only each-other, the truth of the matter is: I might be his “warmth, comfort and companionship”, but HE is mine, as well. It's “us”, him and me, together. And part of my debt to him, my responsibility to and toward and for him is to make sure that he doesn't fell “alone”... “lonely”. So when HE wants “together time”, MY duty is to be there for him... and there couldn't possibly be a better “duty” in ANY life-time or life.
My ABSOLUTE DELIGHT OF THE DAY TODAY? AT NOON, WHEN WE TOOK A BREAK FOR PLAY... I MANAGED TO GET A SHORT VIDEO OF THE TWO OF US... SMOOCHING! Because he was being SO “affectionate”, I thought I'd give it a try, to get a little “photo or video” of just how close we truly are. Well... I see that it's only 16 seconds but it DOES SHOW just HOW much a mourning dove CAN and WILL “bond”, when given the opportunity. I'm looking forward to posting it to his collection on his site and I'm going to figure out, some-how, how to get it onto some “social media”. It's not so much because of my own, personal JOY (which is, quite honestly, OVER-BOUNDS AND BOUNDARIES), but it's a “message” to the dolts and morons who find any sort of “sport” or “fun” in heartlessly MURDERING these little ones. I don't expect it to go round the world or anything of the sort. I don't believe humanity, in general, as a whole, as a species, has the mental capacity to grasp the essence of the situation... in that mourning doves ARE “sentient”, that they ARE capable of “thought” and emotion and have the ability to KNOW who and what mean them harm and differentiate those from those who truly and honestly mean them LOVE, respect and compassion. No, I don't believe the majority will see that. Yet, even if I can reach SOME, perhaps they can pass the message on, in some manner or fashion and MAYBE it WILL make a difference, not only for mourning doves but for other birds... and other “little ones”.
The reality of existence is: in order for one to live, another must die. Even for those who profess to consume nothing but plants. After all, in order to eat a plant, it must die, one way or another. But simply killing, “murdering” for the sake of the kill? Animals don't behave in such a manner. They “kill” (not “murder”) in order to eat, to survive, or to protect themselves or theirs. They protect and defend their own territory so that they can survive. They don't wage “wars”, murdering others, simply based on something as intangible and essentially worthless as an opinion... or “belief”. So, to kill for the sake of food, everything in Creation must do so. (Still, there's so little to a mourning dove, especially when compared to so many other beings, that there really is NO justification for murdering them, any more than there would be to murder a sparrow or finch because of hunger. Really, “sane” beings can understand this.) And in “sport”? There's no “sport” in massacring one or a flock of mourning doves!
It's been described to me as: It's easy to get quite a few at once because they're ground-feeders. The flock gathers in numbers on the ground and you can take most of them out with a “spray”.
And that's “sport”. Just sneak-up on the flock whilst they're looking for food for themselves and “take them out” in numbers! Ah... one day, if humans are able to do this to defenceless birds... I've no doubt the time will come when one faction of humanity will find it great “sport” to do like-wise to other people... and my heart won't go out to those who then become “prey” or the element of the “sport”.
Anyway, this is the message I hope a little video will convey... to those wise enough to see it.
(I've even “trimmed” the original and converted it to a “GIF” that loops! For those time when an actual “video” won't post... and I've removed the “kissie noises” just because. Anyway, there was some more time with Yonah... as I worked on that. Oh... and yes, of course, the original video is on the “Video Portfolio”. I could NEVER part with that! WHAT AN HONOUR, PRIVILEGE, BLESSING to be able to be so close to this MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE LIFE!)
AND THEN... YES! THE NEW CURTAINS ARRIVED! At about 16.15 I went to check and see whether or not they'd been delivered and... THERE THEY WERE! I WAS THRILLED! We're looking at a possible -2° with a “chill” of -6° at 7.00 tomorrow morning! If nothing else, I want to make certain that Yonah's out-side wall and the windows are well-insulated against ANY sort of “chill” that might permeate the wall or windows! So, I brought the parcel in immediately, opened it and inspected for any sort of “irregularities”, or “discolourations” or odorous... NONE! ALL 6 panels were PERFECT! So....? Well...? I HAD to get RIGHT to taking down the older curtains and replacing them with nice, new, fresh! AND... with-in the hour... Yonah now has SIX panels on his windows, and they cover across the entire wall with a rather hefty quantity of fabric! He's “INSULATED” tonight! And the extra fabric helps block even MORE of that insidious, horrid street-light that invades his room through a night! (Although, since they're white, they do let in just enough morning light so Yonah knows when it's morning... and time to wake up... obviously.) But MY primary concern is for insulation and now he has that. AND I'M HAPPY!
Oh... so after the hanging of the curtains, I had my evening meal and after that, the sun was just a memory and the night had come in full... it was already time for “evening routine”... and Yonah? Well... Yonah decided it was time for “one more round” of his room! So, while I changed waters and tidied, this evening, he watched from the upper-most wall shelf! And as I passed him, fetching the clean water for his pool, he was STILL in a mood for some play! Wing-snaps and all! So we had some more “play-time” before I finally coaxed him back into his house. (That was more because he usually eats a little before hunkering-down for the night and I didn't want him to go with-out, so I HAD to get him to his food.)
Once in his house, we “jousted” a bit, he attacking my fingers, and he got up to his food and had a bite. We chatted a bit after and by about 19.30... lights went out. His new blinds and new curtains were closed, the “boards” were installed... and my MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE GUY is safe and sound... radiator on, just below him so the warmth rises up to keep him warm through the night (but not so close to where he can't get away from it... his house is much larger than the radiator, and he's up above it high enough so that it's just the radiant warmth that gets to him... after all... it's about his comfort... NOT his “roasting”! Of course.) He's ever-so safe against what-ever “Nature” wants to throw at him, again tonight. Let the “elements” come! They'll have to come through ME to get to Yonah!
Now... the end of this day, the beginning of this night... and a “Tomorrow” to really look forward to... at the rate we're going now. (And again, all I have on my “agenda” is... right here... another day with Yonah!)
Tuesday 16 November:
Just before 7.00 this morning... “The Morning Call”. This Little Guy is amazing, to think, he doesn't need an “alarm clock”, he just KNOWS when it's time to get a day rolling. And with the new curtains arranged, the morning light is even more “diffused”, but obviously not to the point where it can't be “detected”. How my resolve ever-deepens that, in fact, “humans” most certainly are NOT “the most-evolved”... I'd say that we're the most “DE-volved”, having replaced so much of what we probably had, in the way of what's called “instinct”, with all sorts of external paraphernalia. Alarm clocks, clocks in general, the need to know a weather forecast (when the Little Ones simply “know” when it's time to seek shelter, find more food sources, migrate and the likes). We build houses that serve more than the basic, essential shelter requirements, adding rooms, and “additions”. And then there's the matter (so obvious these days, now that Winter is approaching so quickly) of proper insulation. The Little Ones make nests and borrows and the likes, and they all serve their purposes quite well, indeed. If they didn't, the Little Ones would never survive the bitter cold of Northern Winter nights! AND, they're adapted, in that, their “protection”, their “natural protection”, changes with the seasons. For example: Yonah has had his “moulting”, the change of warm-weather plumage to the colder-weather... even though he's in a well-sheltered place, with “human” radiator for protection and warmth. Furry Little Ones grow thicker coats. Fish find warmer depths in which to spend the colder months. “Humans”? Pfffttt! Most of the “shelters” humans build barely provide sufficient protection from the cold that could kill them so easily. (And how well I know this, from experience over the course of my own 6-plus decades and the numerous places in which I've resided.) Anyway, that said...
Morning routine was addressed IMMEDIATELY this morning AND... IT WAS ANOTHER GLORIOUS MORNING! YONAH'S STILL IN HIS MOST DELIGHTFUL MOOD OF “PLAY”! The indescribable ELATION of my heart and soul is, well, INDESCRIBABLE! What an HONOUR, PRIVILEGE, BLESSING, to see that he has no “fear” of me! He actually “Welcomes” me in the morning, again, when I come through HIS door. And as I move his house about, to open curtains and blinds, he simply watches or, he'll even go for his breakfast, paying me no attention or mind. He KNOWS I'm there to make his environment better, to let in the day-light, to make sure his house is in order, food and water are plentiful and immediately available. He KNOWS! And the playfulness is a GRAND comfort to my being! He doesn't fear the approach of my hand or fingers. He KNOWS I mean him no harm. And it's all such a delight to “play” with him, as he “attacks” my fingers and hand. It's obvious that he's not threatened, because I'm sure that, if he did sense a threat, the pecks would be more “substantial”. His beak is strong and can be quite sharply painful. But his pecks now are more in fun. And it's good to see him getting his exercise too!
I'm reminded of the readings I've done in my never-ending education, where the matter of “companionship” is almost all but lightly “mentioned”, as if a passing thought. That “companionship” is thought of more for parrots, as I've seen. But it's MORE THAN BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that mourning doves require interaction, a bit of “contact” (when they're in the mood for such), conversation... to know that they're not alone. After all, they're “flocking”, always in a group, with a mate or, at the very least, in company. Of course, now, with Yonah, in particular, I have the responsibility to be his “flock”, his “mate-of-a-sort”. And at these times when he actually comes TO me, as I put my hand up or give him my face, it's more than simply “obvious”. We are a “UNIT”, and I couldn't be any happier!
And so, as the day progressed (and all-too-quickly passed), we were together.
Today's temperatures were quite on the “brisk” side, though “balmy” when compared to what we're to expect through tonight and tomorrow night... information that I received from the “weather forecast”, of course). And this morning, there was actual “SNOW” on the Western mountain-tops and a considerable “dusting” on the yard. We had a few flurries during the course of the day as well, so, no, there really wasn't all that much in the way of sun-shine. Yonah's “NatSpec” light was on for most of the time, even through the brief, passing moments when the sun actually DID managed to come into his windows. But together, we were in HIS room, with HIS radiator on, and WE were quite comfy-warm through it all. And it was a complete JOY, and ELATION, more than a simple “JOY”, to be in Yonah's company!
I tried to get some chores accomplished that I've been procrastinating over for far too long, and Yonah, when not coming to his door with “wing-snaps” (the “call to play”... “HELLO THERE! I'm over HERE!”), he “lounged” in the little “nest” of dry moss, right inside his house, right beside me. What a comfort to “know” he was right there, at my side, all the while. And he spent quite a lot of time there, so I know it was intentional, on his part. He's free to be and go where-ever else he might want. He chose to be at my side... just as I've chosen to be “at his side” or where-ever he wishes.
Evening came, as evening does, entirely too soon for me. It's the time to close the blinds and curtains, prepare Yonah's house for the night. And so, I got him together, as it were, before I set to my evening meal. And immediately there-after, got to the “evening routine”. By 18.30, all that remained to be done was put the boards up, stop the fountain, put out the lights. BUT, I has some more “tasks” to get to (associated with today's purchase of an “air purifier” for Yonah's room... because of the cigarette smoke that permeates even through closed windows, when the neighbour next-door has her “child” visiting... I'll NOT have THAT in Yonah's room and speaking with anybody... ANYbody about it has brought NO relief... some people truly ARE “privileged”, as repulsive as the fact is).
And so, I set back at the work table. Yonah's NatSpec light is on so there's nice light in the room (especially for him!). Stjepan Hauser is playing as I type, “Benedictus”... the very song that drew Yonah to the lap-top the last time it played. Yonah is “roosting” on his door-perch beside me. And no matter the day, no matter the times... THE PEACE of being with him is nothing short of PURE DIVINE!
He was (and actually still is) in such a PLAYFUL and AFFECTIONATE mood today... ALL DAY! We had SO many “play breaks”, SO much cuddling, closeness, caressing!!! There are times when I SO wish we could “snuggle” under a blanket, or something of the likes, take a little snooze or even, as a cat or dog would, sleep the night away together. I realise the folly of the notion, and I realise that Yonah truly wouldn't appreciate such a thing, but, it really is difficult for me to be parted as we are. Still, he DOES “allow” me to hold him in my hands, close to me, nestled under my chin. He doesn't seem to mind that at all (for short periods of time). In fact, for short periods of time, he seems to enjoy it! So we have that much, and my heart is still FULL!
OH! And today... I FINALLY got round to something on his web-site that I've wanted to get to for quite a while... His web-site now has what's called a “VCard”! There's a special, particular image that appears when the link to his site is posted on social media! I worked on it for a couple of days and today, managed to check it on “Twitter”. (I have to check on other platforms that utilise the function. I'm to understand “Facebook” has there own format and I made a “VCard” for that as well. Other platforms use either the Facebook or Twitter format. But I DID check the Twitter “card” and YES! It's working quite well, indeed! There are many more “modifications” and such that I'm planning on making to his site, and with the cold days of Winter now “at the door”, Yonah and I will be spending MUCH more time together in the days to come... and I'll be working on his “Internet Presence”. As I say, hopefully his site will save his flocks, and provide comfort and support to those who give their care and LOVE to other mourning doves... other birds... other Little Ones. And if they do reference his site, then Yonah Taube will live on... even after both of us have “left the building”, as it were.
“Yonah Taube” will become a LEGACY!
And he SO deserves that!
And so, Hauser plays on as I finish typing for now... It's 19.36 and time to “dim the lights”, exchange the NatSpec for the light of the desk lamp. Out-side, the sun has been gone for almost three hours... it's time for “twilight at Yonah's”. (How I wish we could both just stay up and together ALL through the night.) Dvorak's “Song To The Moon” is playing now. THAT was the VERY FIRST SONG that Yonah responded to when I started playing music for him during the day (before I got all the “Bird-songs”). I'll never, NEVER forget that moment: the music began, the cello began, and from a complete silence, Yonah started COO'ing! And coo'ed many times during the song. He'd not responded to any other music before or after that. And so, I played it again, just to see, and yes, he DID enjoy it so much! Even now, he's so relaxed as it plays.
Again... AGAIN I have to comment:
“God gave man dominion over all the earth.”
“Humans are the highest on the 'evolutionary scale'.”
“Animals are incapable of actual 'thought', they respond purely by 'instinct'.”
“Animals are not sentient.”
ALL of these nonsensical blitherings, contrived, written and spoken by... “humans”, clueless, biased, generally apathetic “humans”, and believed by the very same sort of “humans”. Well, suffice to state, I have incontrovertible evidence to the absolute contrary. “Man TOOK 'dominion' over the earth.” And as for “highest on the evolutionary scale”? Well, all one need do is look at the conditions, the chaos, the destruction and devastation caused by humans. War. Murder. (Even to murdering those who are unable to defend themselves... mourning doves for example.) Inconsideration for “Life”. And as for “thought” and sentience? Well... again, here, on these web-pages, is the evidence that that TOO, is useless, baseless nonsense. Yonah PROVES, WELL BEYOND ANY POSSIBLE DOUBT that he KNOWS, learns, and HAS DEVELOPED AN UNDERSTANDING BOND... He KNOWS I mean him no harm, only LOVE.
And so, as he roosts beside me, the day comes to a close....
20.00 Lights are out... Yonah is tucked-in for the night, on his perch, radiator emanating comfortable warmth through his room. His new curtains are providing a nice night's darkness as well as wonderful insulation against the out-side chills. He has a good roof over-head, protective floor below, and walls to ward off any cold, any winds. His water is fresh, as is his food. He's safe, protected, LOVED beyond descriptive and SO VERY CHERISHED! He's my Being, the core of my essence, my existence. There's nothing more to be said.
And tomorrow, in the Winter cold to come, we'll spend another day together, playing, cuddling and just being each-other's LOVING COMPANION. My life, my heart, my soul are FULL!
Wednesday 17 November:
From this morning's “call” at 6.56, just as I was getting dressed for the day, ALL THE WAY THROUGH... it's been a bit of “working” on little tasks and projects and a LOT of “PLAY” and “KISSES” and “CUDDLES” and “SNUGGLES”!!! It's just been another of those DAYS OF AWE!
And it all began AS I was changing the water in Yonah's pool this morning. As I was pouring the fresh water in, Yonah wanted to PLAY! I'd put my hand into his house, holding the container of water, and he kept coming at my fingers, pecking at them... NOT “attacking” but to PLAY! (There's a distinct difference between his “LEAVE ME ALONE!” and “C'MON... LET'S PLAY!” pecks... to be sure!) I just kept at what I needed to do, laughing and talking with him all the while. And when we'd done with “morning chores”, PLAY-TIME COMMENCED! “Tickles” and “cuddles” and KISSES AND SMOOCHES! And when I'd leave his room to go to the kitchen (for my coffee and such), each time I came back in, Yonah would come RUNNING to his door, as if to greet me with “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? HEY!” There's precious little in Creation that's THAT heart-warming, THAT wonderful to see! He actually stops what-ever it is he's doing other-wise to come to greet me! No greater gift and honour can a heart be awarded than such a “LOVE” from a Little One from the “wild”! If there EVER was ANY doubt at all as to how we LOVE each-other and one-another... that obliterates it ALL!
And the day went along the very same way... the ENTIRE day!
As I worked along at the work table, Yonah went about his own business “at home” (in his house) or around the room (on the shelves, on his roof, &c.). BUT, SO MANY were the moments when, as I was concentrating on my own affairs, I'd hear that OH-SO-FAMILIAR “wing-snap”! And there was Yonah, standing at his door, looking directly at me... oh, it was “PLAY-TIME” again!
And he's back to enjoying being “scratched” and, what I can only call “tickled”... I “twiddle” my fingers on his back and on his breast and when he's not running round and about as I do, he actually “nestles into” my fingers! He SO enjoys the contact! (Maybe it's like being “preened”... though I can't mimic the little pecks of another bird, maybe the general sensation is good enough?) No matter what, though, he OBVIOUSLY ENJOYS the physical contact again! He used to, before the moulting. In fact, when he started to allow me to touch him, that's when I came to realise that he'd actually “settled into” this “housing” of his and that we were “officially” a “unit”. He HAD “bonded” with me... as much as I had “bonded” with him! But for those couple of months when he was running his “change of wardrobe”, I couldn't even raise my finger in front of him with-out him heading away! It's SO GREAT, SO GRAND, SO WONDERFUL to be able to play with him again, and to make that physical contact again! (And I MUST say that, even now, no matter how many times we've done this, I am STILL all but speechless, lost in the “MARVEL” of the moment. WHO, HOW MANY have actually not just briefly touched a MOURNING DOVE from the wild, but have been allowed to touch, too play, to hold a MOURNING DOVE... FROM THE WILD? To me, personally, I see this as a “touch from THE 'DIVINITY'”, a gift, an honour, a true BLESSING-BEYOND-ALL-BLESSINGS! That's how I feel about it, to be certain.
THAT said... it was, over-all, out-side, another grey, damp and quite uncomfortably damp-cold day. In fact, it was “cold” enough to warrant the furnace running for a while! But “we” had Yonah's blinds and curtains open,and his NatSpec light on and, with his radiator running, we, in his room, were ever-so comfy warm and cozy. AND Yonah actually KNOWS where to be for the most warmth from the radiator... he spent SO MUCH TIME on his door perch, all snuggled and “hunkered-down” right above it! (Even when the ambient temperature in his room was 25°! He LOVES his WARMTH! And I'm making sure he's NEVER at a loss for it!) And too, knowing that he was “right there”, just over my shoulder, was such a comfort to me. (Truth is: I actually AM so much at “PEACE”, as long as I'm in Yonah's room with him. I can be “occupied” with “things”... for example, I had phone calls to make today and did so, from Yonah's room... with his “bird-songs” playing in the back-ground... and ALL the while I was speaking on the phone, Yonah was there... “there”, watching me, as if listening to my every word! he was such a comfort to me... and we were merely attending to our own, individual affairs at the time. Still... Yonah isn't just “a bird”... he's a “PRESENCE”, a BEAUTIFUL, calming, PRESENCE.)
Well, we spent the rest of the day, very much that way. Me working along and Yonah resting and eating and flying about from his house to his shelves, to his roof, to his perch at the door. What a PERFECT delight to an old soul.
(And again I throw in: imagine ANYBODY finding ANY pleasure in the senseless murder of these AMAZING, AWE-INSPIRING, AWE-FULL little beings! It's a thought that never leaves my mind... primarily because I just can't, on ANY level, find ANY justification in it.)
Came the evening, my “meal” time, and I had to “retire to the kitchen”. Yonah took his place on his wall shelf that affords him a vantage point from which he can see me at the table. I set the table, sat to eat and with-in about 45 minutes, had finished my meal and the washing-up and was right back in with him for the rest of the evening. AND WE PLAYED EVEN MORE! TICKLES, SCRATCHES, CUDDLES, SMOOCHES, KISSES, SNUGGLES... ALL OF IT! WHAT A DAY... OH WHAT... A DAY !!! And I closed his blinds and curtains for the night, but we spent a couple of hours together before “nigh-night” time. (And, I have to mention: all during the day, his “bird-songs” played. I don't listen to the radio or my own music any more. The bird-songs are a comfort to Yonah... and now, they're the same to me. It's a pleasant environment to be in... quite peaceful... away from “that world”... “out there”. I can understand that it might seem a bit “eccentric”, but, it's a fact. This little dove is more like an “Angel”... He brings Peace into my life... and I can only hope that I bring the same into his. I try... I truly do.)
mourning dove 17 November 2021Night came... Yonah had a little snack as I was wrapping things up at this work table, followed by his usual “dessert” of sand. OH how I'm SO glad I thought of that sand! And I don't worry about him ingesting it because it's rinsed SO thoroughly, covered and rinsed thrice with boiling water, then baked, at 500F for 2 hours... also thrice. There's NOTHING that could survive that! (And there's a bit of “high calcium grit” in with it as well.) And here I was thinking more along the lines of him having a “beach” on which to “bask”. Well... a good call there. Anyway, he had his “nightly snack” and I finished my own doings... He went up to his “night perch” and I put up his “night boards”. Tonight we both can sleep better, knowing that the temperatures aren't going to plummet. In fact, as the night progresses, the temperatures are expected to RISE and tomorrow... a balmy 13° (or 12, depending on the source of information). OK. It's not “tropical”, but compared to the negative numbers we've had, it's quite a welcome relief! Sadly... no sun-shine though... just rain. But, there's the NatSpec light and the “bird-songs play-list” so in Yonah's room, it WILL be a “Summ'ry” sort of day.
So he's tucked-in for the night and my heart is still REELING with the ELATION and DELIGHT of this day with him! I'm SO looking forward to another day tomorrow (and for me, that's quite a contradiction to my “usual” attitude).
Oh, and Yonah's “VCards” are working perfectly on the platforms I've checked! I'm SO THRILLED! He's SO “professional”! That's my Little Guy! That's my SOUL! That' my LIFE!
mourning dove 18 November 2021Thursday 18 November:
OH! But we had a busy day today! And with the minor inconvenience of an errand I had to run, taking me away from the house for another 30 minutes, we spent the ENITRE DAY, from first thing this morning, all the way through until “nigh-night tuck-in”! AND HOW, DURING THE DAY, WE PLAYED, AND ACTUALLY CUDDLED, SNUGGLED, AND PLAYED “CHASE” (not only with my hands and fingers, but FLYING ALL OVER THE ROOM)!
It was another of those mornings that fascinate me now: almost to the very moment the clock reached 7.00 in the morning... out of the silence of the house comes the “call” of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Yonah is a veritable “alarm clock” in and of him-self! Even with the window blinds and curtains closed, there's enough morning light that penetrates, I'm supposing, to let him know when it's time to commence with the day. But that it happens with-in a minute, before or after 7.00 is, to me, truly fascinating! (Were it not that I immediately get to opening blinds and curtains and refreshing waters, cleaning house when he calls, I could get into his routine, and wake when he does... Although, I usually wake about an hour or more before as it is anyway. Still, he's a “Natural clock” and I doubt anything could be better than that.)
Last night, by mistake, as I was up-dating his web-site, I accidentally deleted some of his pages and had gone into quite the panic until I'd replaced the entire site! Needless to say, I was awake until much later than I wanted to be. But this morning, I got right back into checking it all and, to my minor horror, found a few “glitches” and errors that I can't imagine how I didn't catch before. Most of the trouble came from a mis-numbering of his “photo” pages. One page number was missing from the sequence, toward the beginning, and I noticed that it's been that way from back to the original build! WELL! It did take some hours to correct and rectify, BUT... I was able to sit in Yonah's room with him as I worked... well, tried to work.
Today was, honestly, an “exceptional” day in that Yonah was in an “exceptionally” playful and “affectionate” mood. He wasn't just tolerating my presence in the room today... we HAD to have contact, I HAD to chat with him and play with him! And he was in a mood for “closeness”!
As I worked at the work table, he came to his door, gave several “wing-snaps” until I turned to talk with him and give kisses (until he'd had his momentary fill of that and he took off to a perch in his house... for a while). If I didn't respond in a “reasonable” amount of time, he FLEW about the room and came to rest ANY-WHERE where he could STARE at me, until I took notice, got up, and picked him up to cuddle and snuggle! And there were moments when he actually CALLED... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” There's an actually noticeable “tone” to his calls that I'm becoming ever-increasingly aware of. The “morning call” is a bit “gentle”, as if calling “Hello? Good morning? Are you there? I'm awake. Hello?” If I step out of the room, it truly sounds as if he's asking “Where are you going? Will you be gone long?” Then there's the “woo-HOO!” when, after I've been away for, what must seem to him, a short Eternity, that sounds more like “Oh THERE you are!” The calls when I'm not paying attention and have been in the room, apparently too quiet, have a “tone” of “LET'S PLAY! I'm here. You're here. What-ever it is you're doing CAN'T be all THAT important! I want to CUDDLE!”
It's odd, but since the colder weather set it, a couple of weeks ago now, I've noticed that there haven't been ANY mourning doves in the yard at ANY of the “feed stations” (of which there are now three). I'm becoming quite concerned about it, in view of the fact that last Winter, even through the coldest weather and the heaviest snows, there was a flock of any-where from 4 to 8 individuals who came for breakfast and dinner. I'm wondering what's different this year (aside from the new neighbour who might be frightening them away... let's just say, I hope I'm sorely wrong in that presumption). Other-wise, I'd be listening more closely to them when they “call” to see if there are any “familiar tonal patterns and qualities”. (Or... as has been suggested by others I've spoke with, is Yonah mimicking MY voice tones? I wouldn't be surprised. He's MORE than proven that he's a remarkably BRILLIANT little guy in SO many other ways. “Voice” should be no challenge for him.) I'll be looking for the “flock” now and listening for them in the trees. I'm quite curious now as to whether or not they have noticeably different “tones” when THEY coo. (Of course, if I find they do, I'll be making notes... and posting them to Yonah's site.)
So as the day progressed and I got the “errors repaired”, I decided to do a little “re-arranging” on the “Home” page. I'd truly love to keep our video on the opening, but there's other information that I want to bring to immediate attention of visitors, so I worked on incorporating the “Anniversary Video” into what was the “original” page and that too, meant even more time with Yonah today.
As he and I “worked” (as it were) through, the day out-side was unusually mild, but, sadly, grey and rainy. Yonah's room was, of course, delightfully warm and cozy (though he didn't “bathe” today... too busy playing about, I suppose). And we had his NatSpec light on. It doesn't replace sun-light, but I imagine it makes the room more to his comfort since it allows for his “UV vision”, and it does make it brighter, and a touch less dreary. So, we were in our own little “tropical paradise” through it all. And his bird-songs played, of course, even when I turned “his” radio on (low volume) for a while.
Of a note: today I learnt another song that Yonah appears to enjoy: “Black Horse and the Cherry Tree” by KT Tunstall. When she sang “Woohoo” in the lyric, Yonah replied with his own “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo!” It was SO PRECIOUS to hear! And, for the most part, he rarely missed one of her “Woohoo's”! I have a copy of the song on a player and am going to check to see if he'll respond again to it. But right now, it was part of this GLORIOUS day with him and I smiled to the point of my own discomfort. He's SO ENDEARING!
AND, another little “return” today; I'd taken a bit of a “lie-down” on his futon for about 20 minutes BUT, as he USED to do, today, he came out of his house, went to the back of the work-table chair and stared at me for a long moment and suddenly took flight, came over to the futon and landing on my hip... as he did during early Summer! Then, hopped along, down the length of my leg, found himself a little spot on the futon, down my my feet and got himself quite cozy there until it was time for me to get back up. And when I moved to get up, he took off, back to his little “extended perch” where he waited for me to return to the work table!
Ah well, and alas, by early evening, I had to get his blinds and curtains closed, primarily because tonight's temperatures will plummet to “normal” (minuses before the single digits again). But tonight, as I went round his house to get to the windows, he was on his roof... FOLLOWING ME... from end-to-end, corner-to-corner! He'll “watch” me, from one spot, where-ever he happens to be at the time, but tonight, he was truly “supervising”! And when I was changing the water in his pool, he came into his house and came to my hand as I poured the fresh water! It was a bit of “play”! Talk about “taking an interest in” the goings-on! I almost expected him to follow me into the kitchen each time I went for another container of water! He didn't, but I wouldn't have been surprised if he had done!
Tuck-in tonight was particularly difficult for me. Since Yonah's been in such a “close mood” all day, I'd give anything to be able to spend the night on his futon with him on my shoulder or even on the pillow! I'm almost positive he'd enjoy the closeness and companionship through the night. But, the reality is, he's so small and though I don't doubt he'd take off at the first indication of any “trouble” (like me rolling over or such), we'd have to have a light on through the night so that he could see where to fly to with-out any collisions, and I'd rather believe that a light on all night would be uncomfortable for him. So... I managed to get him “settled-in” before “tuck-in”. We had a few smooches and kisses and a bit of a “cuddle” next to my face, and he pecked at my nose and cheek before getting to his “night spot”. I put the light out, said “Good night” and promised I'd be in before I go to bed. I leave his room door open slightly so to let in just enough light for him to navigate until he's actually settled. I give him about an hour or so and then close his door a bit more to block the house-light and, more-so, to keep his warmth in his room. Oh yes, his radiator is set and running. No chills in his room over-night!
All said, it was ANOTHER AWE-FULL DAY TODAY! It's SUCH a JOY to see that Yonah's feeling his old self. And his new feathers truly ARE quite beautiful and healthy! (Sad to know that he'll be going through it all again... in a matter of months. But thankfully, I'll be prepared... materially, with necessary foods, and emotionally... though it'll still hurt me to think of him in ANY sort of “discomfort”.) I'll just look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings us. It's supposed to be quite cold, only a bit of sun-shine, and I have more work to do at his work table so... ANOTHER DAY TOGETHER!
For tonight, my little HEART AND SOUL is safe and warm... well fed with plenty of food for the morning (or even through the night, should he want), and that's truly ALL that matters, in this World, to me. My Little Guy... in a place where weather is of no concern, and NO predators to even ponder. That's my LIFE right there, in a little feath'ry coat.
mourning dove 19 November 2021Friday 19 November:
AND... the snows came falling form the grey skies this morning! Yonah and I embarque upon yet, another Winter! And he seems to enjoy it! (Well, looking out his windows and watching it, anyway. In his room, the temperature stays at 22-23°, his NatSpec light shines, his fountain trickles... all is well... in HIS “World”. I wouldn't have it any other way.)
Again, this morning, JUST as I looked at the clock, concerned that I hadn't heard “the call”, the lap-top clock registered 7.01 and... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! WOOHOO! INDEED! My Little Guy was UP AND AWAKE AND IT WAS TIME TO ROLL! I'm still quite rather amazed at how “7.00” seems to be “his” hour. I just hope he's getting enough rest and that his nights are restful. But, with the way he's been of late, in such a GRAND MOOD... he MUST be quite well-rested!
He obviously WANTED “contact”, as often and as much as possible. From this morning, when I opened his blinds and curtains, he was out and about the room, and WANTED to be touched and held! These are the moments when my soul is SO bright and brilliant, my heart is SO completely full! These are the moments when I feel assured that what-ever it is that I do for him, I'm doing it properly and correctly. It isn't just a matter of having “bonded”, it's more like “melded”, we've become one entity, together. And I HAVE to wonder just how much he knows about me and the absolute LOVE and ADORATION in my heart. I have NO doubt that he “KNOWS”. It isn't just a matter of “instinctual sense”. The trust, the closeness, and that he literally comes to and toward me, comes to where I am, and when I reach to him, or move closer to him, he doesn't fly away. There's SO MUCH MORE than just a matter of “sensing” that I'd never harm him.
And I can't stress enough, that he COMES TO ME! I don't need to go toward him. Even as I sat at the work table, during the day, he came out into the room and to the chair, to the shelf beside the table where he could be to watch me. And when not there, he was on his “door perch”, over the warmth of the radiator, of course, but when not there, he was in his little “moss nesting”, just inside his house... closest to me.
Another point: when I was laying on his futon this after-noon, having a “snooze”, he flew over to his shelf and then, FLEW DOWN ONTO THE FUTON, and when he noticed that I was awake... HE FLEW UP TO THE PILLOW, TO BE RIGHT BESIDE MY HEAD! I didn't “call” him. It was completely HIS choice to be there!
He's been so “focused” on my ever move too. When I went to the kitchen for anything, he moved to where he could either see me or hear that I was just in the next room. When I Hoovered his room, he sat in his house (even as I moved it about to get to the windows and such), and “watched, intently”, as I did what I needed to do. It was a bit of “interest” and a bit of “supervision”, so to speak. Yes, I remember reading, in my research, that “doves”, in general, will take active interest in the goings-on in a house-hold, but I NEVER would have imagined that a *WILD* MOURNING DOVE, “skittish” as they tend to be, would EVER come to THIS point... actually ENJOYING physical contact, not being “skittish” at the approach of a human hand, and showing any interest in the “goings-on” around him.
One perfect incident that PROVES his trust and “LOVE”... I'd laid down for a bit of a “snooze” late, this morning, and Yonah was on his roof, quite calm and settled. I snoozed and when I woke, he some-how sensed that I was awake and... AND... HE CAME FLYING OVER TO THE FUTON, LANDED AT MY FEET, AS HE USUALLY DOES BUT THEN... HE FLEW UP TO THE PILLOW AND LANDED RIGHT BESIDE MY FACE! (Photo included... OF COURSE.) I LAID THERE FOR A WHILE... THEN MANAGED TO GET A PHOTO OF IT (thankfully). HE STAYED THERE FOR QUITE THE WHILE AND WHEN I GOT UP... HE FLEW BACK TO HIS HOUSE... BUT... AFTER A WHILE, HE FLEW BACK TO THE PILLOW WHERE I'D BEEN LAYING! (Photo included of that too... OF COURSE.) NOT ONLY IS HE COMFORTABLE WITH AND NEAR ME, HE'S COMFORTABLE BEING WHERE HE KNOWS I'VE BEEN! OH YES, YES, INDEED... WE'RE NOT JUST A “COUPLE”... THIS LITTLE GUY IS MORE MY SOUL THAN ANY “SOUL” I COULD HAVE EVER HAD!mourning dove 19 November 2021
It's been a UTOPIAN day! And it seemed Yonah just did NOT want to be alone today! Personally, I SO DEEPLY appreciate that because, well, it's not that I don't want to be alone... it's that I prefer being in his company, I prefer being with him, I don't like being away from him. (And, brutal honesty: I know, all too well, that he won't be “here” forever, but the fact is and remains: I won't be “here” for much longer... when “his time comes”. Yonah is the ONLY reason I'm “here” at all... the ONLY reason. As long as we're together, so we shall be. When he “leaves”... I'll be right behind him, no matter what, no matter how. Brutal honesty.)
Bottom line: All I needed to do today was to “appear to look in his general direction” and he came toward me, whether to the door of his house, or forward on his roof. He's even using that little “extended perch”, the one that extends out from his house, over my left shoulder as I sit at the work table. We've been so CLOSE all day!
Maybe the “distancing” during his moulting has made me more sensitive to all of this, but, he was “close” before it, and we had our “moments” of “togetherness”... but THIS doesn't compare at all to those! THIS is... well... THIS is *AWE-FULL* !!!
Deb came by this after-noon and she asked after Yonah. I was telling her about him and she said “It's LOVE.” Oh yes, indeed... in the truest sense.
She said “I think of you every day now when the mourning doves come to the yard.” (How wonderful to be thought of in such a fashion.) She said that she too, has noticed that they, the mourning doves, were absent for a couple of weeks, and even though they're back, their numbers aren't as large. I wonder if those that do, have migrated and those who'll stay are either “deciding” whether or not to stay or, are they actually just that few now. She says she doesn't see them in the morning, they come in the “late after-noon”. So I'll have to make certain that their “evening meal” is served and sufficient as the day closes. But it's a relief to know that they're not simply avoiding here. That's a great comfort to me.
In other news, Yonah's site is up, running and aside from today's Journal entry, it's current! (Although, at end of day, there were a few more that I want to add because, well, there's the photo of him at my face That too, is a relief and joy to me. After all... I've posted his site on social media and some have taken notice, so it's important now, more than ever, to keep current. (I wonder how many, if any, bother to read this Journal. I DO check “Yonah's e-mail”... maybe one of these days.
Yes, and so and the day came to a close... by 20.00, lights out, boards are up, windows closed-up for the night. It breaks my heart a bit, to leave Yonah in his room. But he needs and deserves his quiet nights. I'd move right into his room with him, but I'm sure he rests better with-out me getting up during the night. And I don't know whether or not I snore, and if I do, I'm sure that's annoying to him. After all... a “people” snoring in the dark? WELL! But his room stays warm, and now, thanks to his blinds and the extra curtains, he's insulated against the intrusive street-light and the cold of these nights as well. It's a pleasure and joy, to me, that he has his own room... and as I look for better, more suitable accommodations, a place WE can call “HOME”, where we won't have to be concerned about traffic and street lights and the likes, as I told Deb today, I'm looking for a place where Yonah can continue to have his own room, his own space, a place where he'll be comfortable. After all... “that's what it's ALL about”. (Deb agreed. As she put it: “I see it as, this is THEIR place and I'm just visiting.” It's heart-warming to know somebody else who understands.)
So, my Little SOUL is all tucked-in for the night... safe, warm and sound. Fresh water, fresh food. He had a bit of a snack before so his little crop is nicely full for the night. And I'll get this posted to his site (YAY!) tonight.
Tomorrow? Well... I don't have much on any particular “agenda”... and/but, as usual... YONAH AND I WILL HAVE ANOTHER DAY TOGETHER! For tonight? We did snuggles, cuddles, kisses and all, he took his place on his “night perch”. His radiator is on and all's well... with the World... well... with the only “World” that means anything worth considering.
mourning dove 20 November 2021Saturday 20 November:
A DAY WITH SUN-SHINE! Temperatures still in the low single digits but... in Yonah's room... BRILLIANCE POURS in through the windows! AND his “mood” out-shines the blue of the skies and the illumination from the Heavens! YES! He's still in his “Hello... let's be close.” mood! And NOTHING can out-shine THAT!
It was a chilled morning, this, when it was time (at his “7.01” again... little “time-keeper” that he is) to open blinds and curtains. His room was the warmest in the house, of course, and thankfully, he wasn't at all “fluffed” against any cold. It took a while to break the 22° in his space (18° in the rest of the house, just to note), but, once the sun finally broke over the trees and mountains, not only did the warmth in the room rise, but the warmth of his disposition as well. Even to where he came over to “snooze” with me later in the morning, on the futon AND, as I sat at the work table, he decided, as he'd done before, to take a position of greater view of the lap-top... atop my head! WHAT a never-ending source of heart-felt laughter! It's SUCH an absolute DELIGHT when he's feeling well! And “PLAY”? Oh well, yes, to be sure, MUCH of that through the day as well! I couldn't think of a better way to pass the day... not at all!
As the day drifted by us, holed-up in our little “world”, “Yonah's world”, in his room, where, in spite of the chill out-side the windows where the sun tried to warm the cold but just simply couldn't, the “situation” just became increasingly BETTER (as if that's at all possible when your closest Companion is the LOVE of your LIFE... or, more appropriately... IS YOUR LIFE, as Yonah is mine)! It was a particularly “curious”, “adventurous” day of indescribable closeness. More photos taken (oh, but of course they were)... Yonah had taken a place on his futon and I knelt beside, rested my head beside him and he, HE took his position on my back! And there he was, quite comfy for quite a few moments! Even when I moved to fetch the camera, he just remained, stead-fast. He was most content right there and no matter what I might have decided, that's where he was staying... until, of course, there was else-where he wanted to be!
mourning dove 20 November 2021 THEN, as I sat at the work table, adding more photo pages to his site and “coding a configuring” the photos that were to be added... FLUTTER, WHISTLE, AND THERE! A PERFECT LANDING... ON THE KEY-BOARD! Apparently, my attentions belonged else-where... With HIM! And he wanted to see what it was that was SO “important” that it should distract me from THE “important” matter of PLAY-TIME! AND, he was so firm in his resolve that he should be in front of me, commandeering the key-board that, even as I switched from hand-held camera to lap-top, he remained, right where he was until it must have occurred to him that I was photographing him with the hand-held and he took off... to my shoulder where he played a little bit of “hide-and-seek” with the lap-top camera! Honestly, it TRULY WAS as if he understood some-thing of what was going on because he'd “hide” behind my head for a moment, then peek around, come back to my shoulder and peck at my ear and face! I must say that I've seen parrots (who are allegedly “brilliant” little birds) “play” such games, but I NEVER would have expected a MOURNING DOVE to be so STUNNINGLY BRILLIANT, CLEVER, PLAYFUL! AND, the thought that is PERMANENTLY at the fore-front of my mind: Yonah is a dove FROM THE WILD! This house, his room, his “condo”, they're all completely foreign, strange to a “wild” Little One. AND THEN THERE'S THE MATTER OF ME... A HUMAN... A NATURAL ENEMY, A HORRID PREDATOR! AND YET, I'M A PLAY-MATE, A COMPANION, EVEN A “CUDDLE-BUDDY”! Not to mention, a nice place to roost. Yonah *KNOWS* that I'd NEVER do ANYTHING to harm him, and I remain CONVINCED that he also *KNOWS* how much, how deeply I LOVE him! “People” have taught and told that parrots are so very clever, talented, “bond”, NEED COMPANIONSHIP! ”People” are completely, utterly, pathetically clueless! But then again, when one doesn't bother to take the time to LEARN... If “ignorance is bliss”, OH! The “heaven” these “people” are in! This little mourning dove, this “turtle dove” is absolute evidence that “people” have NO right to simply *MURDER* them, take their lives... short and bitter as they might and can be.
I look, especially on these bitter-cold days, at the doves in the yard, I remember the account claiming that they have “little sensation” on their feet and therefore, can be prone to frost-bite to where their toes and too, an entire foot, will freeze and drop off! They come for food in the coldest and horrendous weather. They need the extra calories and fats to help keep them from freezing to death. They struggle through these many months of barrage after barrage of snows, ice, horrific cold, grey skies, frozen waters (nothing to drink)... and... comes the Spring, warmth, green meadows and pastures full of flowers and fresh seeds, little insects, trickling brooks, flowing creeks and rivers, a promise of a mate, new or established, a little nest, a few little doves... and... *BANG*... some complete waste of time, space, Earth's air, aims, pulls a trigger and, in the name of “sport” or “fun”, ploughs the very life out of the little, docile, soft-feathered body. It sickens me beyond description! And as I say and understand: in Creation, in the alleged “perfection” of some “Creator”, something must die in order for others to live. Fine. BUT! To simply out-right MURDER? No. I've no words.
This is a thought that makes Yonah all the more precious, CHERISHED! Such a GIFT OF SOME DIVINITY! (And as I type these words, I can only hope that SOMEBODY will read them... and LEARN: Call them what you will... bird, critter, creature... NO MATTER WHAT... OTHER THAN THE SURVIVAL OF NATURE, THERE IS *NO* JUSTIFICATION FOR OUT-RIGHT “MURDER”!
I'll add to this diatribe, the fact that, when Yonah is on his roof, out of my sight, if I'm quiet for a while and suddenly speak for any reason, he RECOGNISES MY VOICE and comes over to the edge of his house to look down at me! And when he's on his “door-perch” and he's resting and I'm occupied with the key-board, when I look over to him, even if his eyes have been closed, he “senses” my gaze, perks up and gives his familiar “wing-snap”... HE ACKNOWLEDGES that he sees me, KNOWS it's me... (and, most often, wants some cuddles, snuggles or play-time).
I suppose I could fill an entire web-site, TOMES of my epistles and diatribes, but, I'll just continue this little Journal of daily life with Yonah... and I'll continue to hope that enough “people” see these words, these accounts, and learn, themselves, and will go on to “teach” others. Oh, but the day passed SO quickly again! The sun started to set even before it was time to put my own meal on the hob, and as it set, the evening chilled. Time to close Yonah's blinds and curtains, turn on his NatSpec light for a while.
He's gotten SO accustomed to my arms and hands being in his house that, when I change the water in his pool, he sits and watches from his door-perch. I have to reach over him, and his head moves to keep track of the movement, but he doesn't move from his spot. And when I've done with the water and the change of kitchen roll (which gets changed at the end of every day, now that he has a particular place where he tends to “poop”), he KNOWS that signals the end of my “house-keeping”. When I come back into the room, he stands, facing me, wing-snaps, and I can literally hold him in my hands and caress him. Again, this isn't a mere “bond”... this is TRUST!
And when I close his blinds and curtains, moving his “condo” away from the window so that I can get behind it, he follows me, either by watching or, if he's on his roof, he comes to where-ever I happen to be, watching, and, when I'm close enough, reaching out to give a peck.
Not only has Yonah learnt that I'm NEVER here to cause him any harm, he's also learnt the “routine” of a common day! (Yeah, again, tell me mourning doves aren't “intelligent”... sentient. I've got the living proof to the contrary.)
So, blinds and curtains closed against tonight's cold and that intrusive street light out there, the NatSpec light off, desk lamp on. The song-birds recordings off... the birds are now away for the night, off to their own little night-roosts, as it were. And I wrap things up at the work table as Yonah takes his place on his perch where he passes the night. It's never easy for me, at the end of the day, to tuck him in. Even more-so these days when I think of how the “average life-span” of a mourning dove is about a year... and we've observed an entire year together already. I don't like not being with him, knowing that he's OK. But even when I'm “over-nighting” on his futon... well, there's nothing I can do to stop the course of Nature. But I try not to think about it. Truth is, as I've said, many times through this Journal: I'm here ONLY because he's here, and when he “leaves”, I'll be not far behind. But for the time we have... I celebrate and rejoice in every second of it. And tonight, no matter what the World might have to throw at us, he's warm, safe, with every necessity (and a few conveniences) possible. I know this to be true, and, I'll put my “ALL” on stating... he “KNOWS” that.
Time to get today's photos into his “Portfolio” and to include one or two here.
Tomorrow? If we have that, we have it together... the two of us, the entire day... together... the two of us. That's all that matters.
Oh... I've put one of today's photos at the top of this month's Journal... as a reminder to me, always, and to show our LOVE to those who come to read. It sums it all up quite nicely... I find.
Day's close... My little Soul is all tucked-in, nice and warm, protected from all possible harm... My Heart.

20 November 13.21.36
Sunday 21 November:
To begin, it was a chilly, but sunny day, for the most part. Some-what “cold” this morning, but I'd left Yonah's radiator set at “5” out of a possible “6” last night. Not because of the cold that was expected over-night, but, honestly, because I'd turned it up during the day yesterday, to take a chill out of his room, and didn't think to lower it to the usual “4” until after “tuck-in”. So, when I walked into his room, it was QUITE warm and cozy. He had me most “concerned” this morning, though. The clock had gotten to 7.00 and then 7.01 and not a sound from him. I went in at about 7.04 and there he was... on his perch. In the low light of his room (blinds and curtains still closed, of course) I could see his silhouette there... and I sat on the futon, whispering ever-so softly:
“Are you awake my Little Man?”
SO MUCH TO MY RELIEF, I SAW HIS HEAD MOVE AS HE LOOKED FORWARD, PERHAPS TO SEE ME BETTER! HE WAS AWAKE, AND WELL! AND HONESTLY, THAT'S ALL MY WORLD NEEDED. (More-so, that ALL MY WORLD IS!) So, carefully, quietly, I moved his house away from the window and slowly, opened curtains and blinds to let in the early-morning light... what there was of it at that hour. As I say, it was a clear morning, but the sun doesn't break over the trees until about 10.00 these days. But there was enough light for both of us to see each-other and when the windows were open and his house was back where it usually is, I poked my head in and... HE CAME RIGHT OVER TO ME TO GIVE ME “GOOD MORNING” PECKS! HE WAS FINE! I WAS MUCH BETTER! WE WERE OK! WE WERE TOGETHER! THE WORLD? The “world” doesn't matter at all to me, in all honesty. The ONLY anything that matters, at all, to me, is that Yonah is well and in good spirits. And so... he certainly was, indeed! Today was Sunday... nothing to distract from the out-side and so, I had my coffee, got my “internet affairs” all done and, well, I was running a little later than usual and was it ever brought to my attention! Instead of me being at the work table by shortly after 9.00, time was heading closer to 10.00 and, as I sat at table in the kitchen I heard a resounding “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” And yes, that's how many “hoos” followed the first “HOO”! The “usual” simple call is “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”. Seems the more “hoos” that follow the “HOO”, the stronger the “message”. SO! With-out further delay, I moved lap-top and self into Yonah's room and took my “assigned place” at the table and got busy with other work that I had for the day.
When I walked into Yonah's room, he was standing on his door perch... looking directly at the door to his room, in a stance that I've come to SO LOVE because he actually appears to be waiting to either pick a fight or to give a “wing-snap” welcome of “HEY! It's about time, you!” AND, no sooner had I put the lap-top on the work table when... FLUTTER AND WHISTLE! YONAH MADE A ROUND IN THE ROOM AND CAME RIGHT OVER AND SET-DOWN ON MY SHOULDER! OK! Today was a “Let's PLAY!” and “LOVE ME!” day! And it was getting off to a rousing start!
After I'd done with my own little “tasks”, I got a notion to re-do the “Home” page on his web-site. I REALLY want to make the issue of COMPANIONSHIP obvious, well-known, perfectly understood. Yonah has shown me, on SO MANY WAYS, that, although there are times when he just doesn't want to be disturbed by me, in any way, for the most part, especially now that his “moulting days” are in the past, he DOES WANT INTERACTION, CONTACT, “CONVERSATION”, COMPANY, COMPANIONSHIP! I never would have expected it from him, particularly because, after all, he is, essentially, a “wilderness” Little Guy. And I NEVER expected him to become “SO” close to me, a human! But it's become SO MUCH MORE THAN ABUNDANTLY OBVIOUS... We share the same FEELINGS for and toward each-other. HE DOES enjoy my company! AND, he DOES TRUST me, AND, in his own way, I have NO doubt... he DOES LOVE me as much as I LOVE him! So I want to get that on the first page, make it the first item people see (and hopefully read). So I got to work on that, on re-coding and re-arranging the “Home” page.
mourning dove 21 November 2021THEN... as I do of a day of late, I had my “lie-downs” and THAT'S when things started to become even MORE fascinating! TWICE today, as I laid on his futon, Yonah came over, landed on my leg, as he's done before but TODAY, BOTH times, as I laid there, he made his way up to the pillow to “roost” a-while next to my face! And he stayed there for quite a few moments... BOTH times! And on his second little “visit”, he noticed that I wasn't sleeping and actually “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo'd” at me! (I found it to sound like “I know you're not sleeping so get up and let's cuddle and play.”
As if THAT wasn't just something... as the day progressed, he was on my shoulder as I was working at the table and when I had to get up to “toddle to the loo”... HE JUST STAYED ON MY SHOULDER AND CAME ALONG! Now THAT'S TRULY A FIRST! HE'S NEVER BEEN IN THAT ROOM IN THE YEAR-AND-SOME THAT HE'S BEEN IN THIS HOUSE! But today? Well... AND, as I stood at the face basin in front of the mirror, he NOTICED his reflection, NOTICED another dove, as it were, and was FASCINATED BY IT! Oh... the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoos!” And WHAT AN AMAZEMENT TO ME! Never mind, the SMILES on my face!
OK, you might think that that was that but... when we left the loo, we went for a “stroll” about the rest of the house. It was chilly in the rest of the house (since the sun and the radiator manage to get Yonah's room up to 25° during the day and I keep his door “rather closed” to keep the warmth in there) and, of course, because the curtains area closed during these colder days, to keep the cold out, it was on the “darker” side. So Yonah was quite comfy on the “Sherpa” of my sweat-shirt. So we walked about, and had a chat and... AND...
When we got back into his room and I went to sit back at the work table, he took flight and headed directly into his house and to the mirror that hangs on the front... and looking into that mirror, seeing his “familiar” reflection, he IMMEDIATELY began “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” (“Hey! I just saw ANOTHER one of us in another room over there! But I'm glad YOU'RE still here!”) There! Not only does this prove that he notices and recognises “another dove” (and honestly, he can't be expected to understand that it's a reflection of himself... I mean... REALLY... doves, parrots, parakeets, cats, dogs, fish, what-ever, from the wild, having NEVER had any reason, cause or occasion to see a mirror have NO cause to comprehend “reflection”). AH BUT... HE “REMEMBERS” the dove in the “mirror” in his house and went directly over to him to tell of his “adventure”! There! First-hand observation! A mourning dove “remembers”, at the very least... so THERE... THAT'S *THINKING *! (And again, the notion of murdering them... for “sport” and “fun”... it churns my gut!) WELL THEN... the day rolled along and Yonah spent quite a bit of it on my shoulder, my arm, beside me, on his “extended perch”, at his door perch... watching me and, when I'd take even the briefest break from the key-board, he'd “wing-snap” and we'd PLAY! and CUDDLE! and SNUGGLE!
Noting here: When I got up to leave the room for an after-noon coffee, he'd been on his “beach” in the sun, dozing, but noticed my movement and IMMEDIATELY GOT UP AND HOPPED OVER TO HIS DOOR PERCH as if “WHERE Y'GOING'?” When I looked to him and said “I'm just going for my coffee.” he gave a hearty “wing-snap” and so, I reached out, cupped him in my hands, rubbed my face over his head... he didn't budge, he was perfectly fine and comfortable and then went for my coffee. When I came back into his room, mere moments later, he was still on his door perch... as if waiting for me, and when I came through the door... “wing-snap”! I had to put coffee down and get to MORE SNUGGLES!
The entire day went along this line. It was STUNNING, in SO MANY respects and for SO MANY reasons! But WOW! This is MORE than a simple “bonding”. This Little Guy TRULY IS my very SOUL... and he seems to be VERY aware of that... and APPROVES!
Now then, came the evening and time for “evening routine”... the changing of the waters, the tidying of the house... As I poured the fresh waters, Yonah watched from his door perch and when I got to the last containers of fresh water and was about to take the bucket out to empty, he hopped onto my arm, scurried up to my shoulder AND, I expected him to fly off when I bent to get the bucket but... BUT he STAYED on my shoulder! So I tried to see how long that would last. WELL! I MANGED TO “CLEAN HIS MOSSES” (removing the little poops... such and easy clean-up, that) and as I got the bucket and went for the door of his room to head to the loo to empty the bucket... YONAH STAYED ON MY SHOULDER, CAME TO THE LOO WITH ME, WATCHED AS I EMPTIED THE BUCKET AND STAYED EVEN AS I RETURNED TO HIS ROOM! As we came through the kitchen, heading back to his room, he pecked at my ear. And when we got back, I put the bucket back where we keep it, and as I stood back up straight, Yonah went back into his house! He's NEVER done that! Usually, if he gets on my shoulder and, unless I actually talk him through and move slowly, he doesn't make it to his door before heading back to his house. THIS evening, he was comfortable, obviously felt secure with me. THIS is about to be a TRULY FASCINATING WINTER! Yonah and I are growing so much closer that it's really indescribable for me! I can't put into any words, the feelings in my heart, the depth of the amazement, the awe, the gratitude.
All the while, I keep thinking: Yonah wasn't “born in a hatchery”. He wasn't born into human presence. He was born in a little nest some-where in the woods or, perhaps a barn some-where. He was out in the wild, in the wilderness, foraging for food, with a flock of the same doves as he. He's not a “pet-shop purchase”. Nor is he an adoption from some other person. And yet, what-ever it is that I've been doing for him, from taking him in after his “ordeal” of being attacked, through a Winter (last) of trying to keep a proper distance from him, thinking he'd be going back out with the flocks, into his “natural” environment, and all the while, never really “knowing” what would be proper and best for him... he's come to actually understand and KNOW that I've done it all out of the purest, unconditional LOVE for him... and he's returning it all... under NO “obligation” at all. He TRUSTS me and WE have become our own “flock”... he and I. We... are a “ME”... he and I... just “ONE”. No, there are no words for this. I'm sure others have experienced this with other birds, and other Little Ones of the wilderness, but for me... this truly is “A FIRST”! I've attended other Little Ones from the wild over the course of my life-time, but they were always returned in a matter of days. I've had the company of “domestic” Little Ones... cats, dogs... but they were always already accustomed to the company of people. THIS Little Guy has “adopted” me as much as I've “adopted” him. And to some extent, I tend to believe, he's taken me into his heart as I've made him so much of mine... to some extent.
Anyway, as the day turned to night, blinds and curtains closed, the NatSpec light off, the radio playing some nice, calm music, the bird-songs gone silent (I do that at a certain hour to try to mimic the end-of-day that would be out-side late in the evening when all the birds have gone to their nightly shelter), Yonah has had his little “before bed-time” snack. I sat at his work table, noting the events of this day and he made himself cozy on his door perch, over the nice warmth of his radiator (now set back to the “4”th setting for the night.
Out-side it's raining tonight. A low of 3° with a “chill” of -1° round mid-night. Light rains through most of the night. Tomorrow's high of 4° (chill of 0°) with a bit of sun. I'll have another errand to run during the day but only the briefest and I've a bit of a list of little “tasks” round the house so? So... MORE DAYS WITH YONAH! (I used to literally dread this “old age” and “retirement” but, having “nothing to do” gives me SO MUCH TIME to do “nothing”... with THE BEST COMPANION ANYBODY COULD EVEN EVER IMAGINE! Leaving him for the night is a bit of a weight on my heart... even having to get to sleep over-night feels like I “violation of JOY”, but I know that we BOTH need our rest of a day... and... well... I DO go to sleep looking forward to first thing in the morning, the “call” and seeing my Little Guy there, on his perch... and him stretching his neck, that little “HOO!” of morning greeting. Makes me relieved that I don't have to get up, throw me together and leave for the day. (I can't imagine being away from him for an 8-10 hour day! IMPOSSIBLE!)

*** VIDEO ***
Monday 22 November:
Once again, oh yes, NEW “HOME” PAGE ON THE SITE ! With a bit more information, though, to the eye, the same lay-out. It's a “compulsion”. But then again, Yonah is an “obsession”. I admit it, proudly.
AND WHAT A DAY, OTHER-WISE! ACTIVITIES! MUCH FLYING ABOUT! OFTEN TO THE TOP OF MY HEAD AS I WORKED AT THE TABLE! OH! INDEED! And on the shelves, joining me in a “snooze” on the futon, just generally, AN AFFECTIONATE day! And when NOT “making with the contact and closeness”, at the door-perch or on the “extended perch”, watching me, closely. The “AMAZEMENT” NEVER ceases! As I say, repeatedly... I NEVER, NEVER even imagined Yonah and I would EVER become THIS close! He's just... “AWE-FULL”. “Life” has become “awe-full” with him, in the strictest sense of the word. He actually enjoys being held, stroked, caressed! And it hurts me to think that there are Little Ones, “out there”, in the houses of some, who simply put these little beings into “cages”... and just take their presence for granted. But, Yonah and I are doing our best to “get the word out”, and we can only HOPE that enough people will see these accounts, read the words on his site, and take them deeply to heart. (I'm trying... at least I'm doing that much.)
It was another “late” start to the day, this morning. But, the skies were rather grey, and the sun-rise comes all the later now as we approach the “Winter Solstice”. Ah, to think, 29 more days of this and then, the nights will shorten, the days will lengthen, slowly but surely. Meanwhile, this morning, I patiently waited for “the call” and at almost 7.10, “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” and we were rolling!
Out-side the windows, the world was damp, a touch dreary. But in Yonah's room, it was quite comfortably warm and cozy. And as I opened blinds and curtains, he watched, following me from in-side his house. “Supervision” at it's best and such an absolute “interest” in what was happening as I manoeuvred about, round, behind and back out from the windows and back into the room. How I remember that, not so very long ago, he tended to “avoid” me as I did all of that, or, at best, would find a corner opposite me. How “Life” (for BOTH of us) has changed!
Well, I got the “morning routine” done and, again, this morning, there was jumping onto my arm as I tried to change water and tidy the place. WOW! Yonah's REALLY becoming SO accustomed to all of this! And his hesitancy toward and about it all has so obviously and drastically diminished! From blinds and curtains to my “invasion” of his house, it's almost as if he expects it all now. I couldn't be any happier about it and I'm just dumbfounded by it. I will NEVER think of him as being “domesticated”, mostly because I just don't like the connotation of the term. To me, it sounds too much like subjugation of some sort, as if he's been “trained to exist in a 'domestic', human environment in an acceptable manner and fashion”. He's NOT now, nor will he EVER be “trained” to be any sort other than what HE, himself, chooses. In fact, I'm so vehement about the matter that I've been moved to re-write his “Introduction” page to make certain that readers (whom-so-ever they might be) FULLY understand that ANY “changes” or not are and must always be those of the Little One in their care and NOT theirs. Very much the same as in any “relationship”: One enters with the understanding that the other is the object of their affections, to any extent, for what and who they are... there's no “changing”, no “manipulating”. And in this case, this little mourning dove was born freer than I ever was or could ever be. His is the entirety of Creation and it will remain exactly that way, to the fullest extent that I'm able to provide and still provide him protection, care, Companionship, nourishment and as many of his needs, wishes and desires as I am humanly capable of providing... for so long as we both take breath. (Yes, it's evening as I type this and the emotion and resolve are as deep as they ever have been... and they'll stay this way.)
That said...mourning dove 22 November 2021 WE HAD ANOTHER “NAP VISIT” TODAY! Oh yes! Yes, indeed, we did! Yonah was in his house, “lounging” a bit, as I worked along at the work table. But, as I do of a day, I decided to have a bit of a “lie-down” on his futon. So, I got up, set an alarm and made me comfy on the futon. He noticed my change of place and gave a couple of coo's, but I started to drift off to snooze when... FLUTTER AND... THERE HE WAS... ON MY HEAD! JUST AS FINE-THANK-YOU AS HE COULD BE! And as I reached for the phone/camera, he wasn't phased at all! He didn't fly away! No. Instead, he pecked at my fore-head! He was just delighted with himself and his place and wasn't going to relinquish any of it! I did manage to get a couple of photos (posted, of course, to his “Portfolio”), but it seemed that, as soon as I decided to simply let him stay and I'd snooze that way, he decided that I wasn't getting up to “play” and so, off he went, up to the top-most wall shelf... over-head, where he could look down and see me. And so, as I dozed, that's where he too, took HIS little “lie-down”. What a little source of absolute JOY! And to think: he comes to me of his own decision. He notices that I'm on the futon and he comes over to be with me. (I have to wonder what it would be like, were I to spend the night on his futon and leave his door open through. Would he come to the futon at night? Would he find a place of comfort on the pillow, or my torso or my leg, as he does? I'd have to have a little light on, were I to try such a thing, because his vision is very poor in the darkness and I wouldn't want him flying about the room, unable to see the walls or anything else. And, should he want to go back home, I doubt he'd be able to find it. Panic and collisions and injuries... and I'll have NONE of THAT any more! He's already been through more than a “fair share” of that. So, I'll just continue to wonder... and not “try to find out”. There's “good risk” and then there's un-necessary foolishness.)
AND so... a REAL “kicker” for the day... and just to show how truly “comfy-warm” Yonah's room actually is during the day...
I was still at the work table, noticing that the “Winter” sun (I know the “calendar” insists that it's “Autumn” but, at the shortness of these days, well, I believe it qualifies, especially when combined with the temperatures... anyway...) the “Winter” sun was already getting low in the skies and the room was darkening. It was beginning to ponder my evening meal when I turned to look toward Yonah and... AND... the clock read “15.41” AND YONAH WAS IN THE POOL! YES, THERE HE WAS, SPLASHING ABOUT AS IF IT WERE A MID-SUMMER DAY! It ALWAYS puts such JOY into my heart when I see how he enjoys that pool! (And I remember all the researching I'd done in the beginning of our time together and how there was a lot of mention of “dust bathing” but “water bathing” was a mere “after-mention”, for the most part. My “instincts” told me that I'd seen so many birds enjoying a good “splash” in puddles, and, it seemed to me that Yonah was getting so “dry” and scratching quite a bit at the time... little did I know then, that he was beginning his moulting too... POOR LITTLE GUY! A bit of water seemed to be called-for. Ah, the “changes” he had to tolerate, from a glass pie dish, to the little “casserole”, before he got to the good-sized “pool”... WITH FOUNTAIN, ROCKS AND A TREE that we FINALLY managed to put together. Ah, but obviously, it serves a perfect need AND HE DOES ENJOY IT!)
Well then... After a hearty and hefty SPLASHING ABOUT, Yonah came a-hoppinig, stood at his door-perch, fluffing and preening in the warmth of the radiator below him. BUT THE BEST OF IT ALL... WHEN I LOOKED AT HIM, CLOSER, TO CHAT ABOUT HIS “SWIM” HE RAISED HIS LEFT WING AND HELD IT UP, AND OPEN... (apparently, there's still something about it that causes him to give it some extra attention, as it were) BUT FROM WHAT I SAW, AND SAW WELL, IT LOOKS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! THERE ISN'T AN INDICATION THAT HE'D EVER BEEN INJURED! THE UNDER-SIDE, BY HIS BODY, IS COVERED IN PERFECT FEATHERS! AND THE “EDGE”, WHERE THE HORRID-LOOKING “PIN FEATHERS” WOULD GROW-IN, COMPLETELY BLACK, WITH JAGGED EDGES, IS NOW BEAUTIFULLY SMOOTH, ALL THE FEATHERS ON THAT WING LOOK HEALTHY, STRONG, AND WELL-FORMED! IT STILL “DROPS” A BIT LOWER THAN THE RIGHT WING, BUT, MORE-THAN-OBVIOUSLY, IT DOESN'T HINDER FLIGHT (as is evident in his flights about his room, coming to “snooze” with me on the futon, his jaunts around the house and into the living-room and such). BUT WHAT IS A *GLORY* TO MY HEART AND SOUL... YONAH'S INJURIES, FROM LEG TO WING, APPEAR TO HAVE HEALED EVER-SO DELIGHTFULLY WELL! WE'VE GONE THROUGH QUITE A YEAR... AND HE'S LOOKING ABSOLUTELY *** GLORIOUS *** !!! (And I guess that “special diet mix” of seeds, sunflower and peanuts, with the meal worms and such was just the needed prescription. I'm not a doctor, and I don't play one on TV... but YONAH'S LOOKIN' GOOOOOOD!)
After all that, he took his little spot on his door perch, in the warmth, and snoozed as I finished, for the while, the work I was doing... re-writing his “Introduction” page... and I was even MORE inspired by the BEAUTIFUL sight of his wings today!
And so, our day moved along. I put his NatSpec light on as the “day-light” dimmed to “evening”. And I went to the kitchen for my evening meal. When I did, Yonah took his place on his wall shelf from where he could see me at table. If it never was obvious that we are, what they call “bonded”... these days are making it perfectly understood. We aren't just “An old man and his bird.” We're “one” little unit... We're a “flock”. He's obviously more comfortable knowing that I'm around. Truth is: I'm more at peace, with self and the world, when he and I are together. Yes, no doubt about it: he IS my “Life”. And I couldn't and wouldn't even imagine it any other way. (And I NEVER would have guessed or even entertained the possibility of our relationship coming to this. But I'm ELATED that is has done.)
Yonah's “air purifier” and the new “speaker” (or, as they call them now “sound bar”) arrived today. YAY! “More presents!” My “shopping” of late is, essentially, to make his house and home more comfortable for him. I wish I could get him more. If I knew he wouldn't mind, I'd even get another dove, though, as it appears these days, looks like I'm “OK” where “company” and “companionship are concerned. Shame, really, that we can't be closer over-night. But oh, the “sanity” of it all... Anyway, we'll have to check the “purifier” effectiveness and efficiency at some point. It's a small unit, but the “reviews” (for all they're worth) claim that it does quite a good job in an “office space”. So, I'm hoping it'll take the “cigarette smoke” out of his room, when that comes through the wall from next door.
As for the “sound bar”? It was quite interesting when I got it up and working. I connected every-thing and turned it all on and IMMEDIATELY I saw Yonah's reaction. He perked right up! Apparently the sound quality IS much better than the little speakers we've been using! And even I noticed that we can hear even MORE little birds in the recordings! It's almost “stereo-like” now. So I have to say, this truly was a worth-while investment (and I'm sorry I didn't do-so a lot sooner, considering Yonah obviously enjoys it so much more.) Now, I have to get even MORE recordings of MORE birds, especially mourning doves. (Next purchase, his own “player” so I can FILL it with not just “hours” but “DAYS” of a massive variety of “wood-land” sounds and “meadow birds”. It's a bit of a relief, these days, to have so much “recording space” on a player. I couldn't imagine trying to get all these collections on vinyl or even “tapes”... never mind, “CDs”. I suppose “technology” isn't all “that” bad. But I'll have to get busy... searching for all the “new” recordings now. Baby needs “music”, and he shall have it!) New music and clean air, the best food and a house full of all the conveniences of the out-side world... and then some. NOTHING is “too good” nor is it “good enough” for my Little Guy!
Ah and THEN... THEN, this evening's “evening routine” brought a BRAND NEW EXPERIENCE!
Lately, (ever since he came through the misery of moulting, it seems), as I change the water in his pool, especially in the evening, Yonah tends to “roost” on his door perch as I do my best to manoeuvre over and around him. The activity doesn't phase him at all and it almost seems as if he's “watching” and “supervising” as I go about my “tasks and duties”. But this evening... as I reached in to “get things together in the house”, HE HOPPED ONTO MY ARM, SCURRIED UP AND GOT HIMSELF QUITE COMFORTABLY SITUATED ON MY SHOULDER! OK, so that's happened before... BUT THIS EVENING, HE CAME ALONG WITH ME, TO THE KITCHEN, AND ACCOMPANIED ME AS I GOT THE WATER CONTAINERS READY IN THE KITCHEN BASIN! AND AS I WORKED-ALONG, I SPOKE TO HIM, TELLING HIM WHAT I WAS DOING, AND HE LOOKED DIRECTLY AT ME AS I SPOKE AND WORKED! I SWEAR, IT TRULY IS AS IF HE'S PAYING ATTENTION AND, AT LEAST TRYING TO UNDERSTAND! WELL, I GOT THE FIRST TWO CONTAINERS RINSED AND FILLED AND HE WAS QUITE COMFY, ON MY SHOULDER UNTIL WE GOT BACK TO HIS HOUSE AND WHEN I REACHED IN TO START POURING THE FRESH WATER, HE FLEW TO HIS PERCH, DIRECTLY OVER HIS POOL, AND FROM THERE, WATCHED THE REST OF THE PROCEDURE! I'm NOT an “intrusion” any more... I'm just part of a “normal daily routine”! What's more... HE TRUSTS ME SO IMPLICITLY! There's nothing that will ever convince me that he “doesn't actually know” that I'm here... for him. It's MUCH more than a simple “instinct”, and MUCH more than him simply “accepting” that I'm “OK”. He HAS to actually “KNOW”, some-how, in what-ever manner or fashion he's able to. But for me, THIS is more than just “amazing”... and my elation is, well, indescribable. He's a “wild” Little One, with NO reason to “trust” me at ANY degree, and yet, he's come to “KNOW” that I'm here and I'm here to protect him and give him ALL of what-ever I humanly can give him to make his Life as close to “perfect” as I possibly can. What-ever it is that I've done to communicate that (because it comes from the core of my being), he's come to KNOW it. Again... “AWE”!
So we got the waters changed and got to “settle” for the evening, just the two of us, to have a “chat”, just as we used to do in the days (evenings) when I'd pull a chair up beside his open door and I'd sit and talk, quietly, about the day and my hopes for him, and he'd roost on his perch, above me, in-side his house. But tonight, he was on his door-perch, and I was right there, in front of him... AND AS I SPOKE, AS WE LISTENED TO A BIT OF “CLASSICAL” MUSIC (which I'd put on, for a “change of sounds”) (his favourite Dvorak “Song To The Moon”)... YONAH RESTED HIS HEAD AND CLOSED HIS EYES, AS IF DOZING! NOW THERE TOO, “TRUST”! And apparently, he finds the sound of my voice to be a comfort! As I say, perhaps too often but never often enough... HIS TRUST JUST FILLS EVERY BIT OF MY BEING WITH A JOY, ELATION, LIGHT, BRILLIANCE THAT I JUST CAN'T DESCRIBE PROPERLY... AND I AM HONOURED BEYOND ALL AND ANY OTHER HONOUR IMAGINABLE!
So we “chatted” (well, I spoke) for a good half hour and it got late, so I got up and put his “night boards” up for him, and as I did-so, he flew up to his perch, where he spends his nights. He was tired and he KNOWS that those boards are the “end of the day”. His “house” is protected. He has his little “rafter”, with a nice, solid wall and a bit of a “roof” over-head.
I set his radiator at “5” out of “6” tonight. -6° with a “chill” of -10° is in the forecast from 6.00-8.00 tomorrow morning and it's the same for Tuesday night. That's not really all “that” cold, there are MUCH colder nights (and days) to come. But, we'll handle those as they arrive. We did it last year... and, even as I thought tonight, last year, Yonah's room didn't have the blinds and all the curtains to block the cold from the windows. He did have the radiator though, but still. At least THIS year, we're better prepared!
And so... we bring another day of “NEW EXPERIENCES” and “AWE-INSPIRING EVENTS” to a delightful, peaceful close. Yonah is safe, warm, cozy... has a little house that is (I hope) his “home”. My Life is complete as long as his is... and tomorrow? Well, we'll face that when it presents. For now... “we” are “us” and it seems, “we” are a “flock”... all unto “us”... and in this world... there couldn't be anything better.

*** VIDEO ***
Tuesday 23 November:
OH! But it's been ANOTHER GRAND AND GLORIOUS DAY! Most, of course, passed TOGETHER! (There was a 30-minute “break” when I most-reluctantly had to go to market and yes, as it always is, it was a horrendous 30 minutes away... for me. I've come to physically “dread” being parted from my BEST COMPANION IN THE WORLD! But we must do what we must do. But I've come to do it o much quicker these days so...)
This morning was “concerning”, I have to say.
It began as usual, as I was busied in the kitchen with morning coffee and such, waiting for the “Good morning call”, and when, at about 7.08, it came, Yonah sounded “raspy”! OK. So many of us sound a bit “raspy” first thing in a morning, but Yonah has NEVER sounded so before. His first “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” was more “broken”. More along a “woo...hoo...hoo-hoo...hoo”. I heard it and my heart almost exploded in angst! He sounded “weak”! My head spun with questions of what to do, how to find out what was “wrong”, who I could call, where I would bring him for any needed assistance that I couldn't give. I was in turmoil!
But... in less that a half-minute... another call came. THIS time, it was a clear “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! And shortly after, another clear coo came through his door!
I was bolting already, to get in to see him, worried and wondering where I'd find him, imagining him on the floor of his house, perhaps in a corner, maybe in his little “nesting” of moss...
I carefully opened the door to his room. It was dark, but “morning” was making its way through his curtains. It was warm, quite nicely warm too. I spoke, I called to him, softly, hoping to get some kind of response and as I approached his house, there he was, on his perch, in his usual place... and he coo'ed, “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”, clearly, strong, “normal”! I opened his door, put my head in beside him and he pecked, as he does always. “Good morning!” He was FINE! I was almost weak with such relief!
I slowly removed the “night boards” and moved his house to get to his windows. He stayed in his spot for a moment and then came round, in-side, to get closer to watch me open curtains and blinds, and the next thing... he was hopping about, as usual, as always.
I have NO idea what caused that unusual coo'ing this morning, but as moments passed, the morning became “normal”, and my Little Guy was up and ready to take-on the new day! Whew!
I opened his curtains and blinds and as the morning came into the room, Yonah appeared to be as he always is in the morning... bouncing about, curious as to what I would do next, and watching to see that I do it all “correctly”. I gave him a while to “adjust” to the morning and to “come together” at his own pace. But, again, he was as he always has been of a morning... and it looked like all was well. The world was well... because Yonah was well. And when I got to the “morning routine”, changing the water in his pool and drinking dish, tidying for the day, he was as if nothing unusual had ever happened. So? So... today looked to be just fine... and my heart returned to... LOVING HIM as I do mornings after not being with him through the night before.
So, we got to our general day, I finished my “tasks” of house-keeping, his pool was fresh, the fountain splashed... I returned to the kitchen to finish my own morning coffee... Yonah had breakfast... HE HAD BREAKFAST! HE HAD AN APPETITE AND WAS EATING! GOOD SIGNS! RELIEVING!
And so, our day went along, and I moved into his room, took my place at his work table and got to my chores and tasks whilst he went about his own... flying about his house, flying about his room, AND, from time-to-time, engaging in his “new” adventure of roosting on my head and coming to the shelves beside his table to watch my movements.
I made a little bit of “shelving” for his new “speaker” today too, something that would give it a proper place beside his house and, thanks to a little “box” into which it fits perfectly, something that would “deflect” the sound out-ward more directly. The speaker is now “officially” part of the room's furnishings and the sound is some-what amplified as it's directed out-ward. Even the slightest of “chirps” in the recordings is audible (to me) now, so I'm sure Yonah is hearing more “chirps, chats and conversations” on his “play-list”. (Now, I REALLY MUST get more recordings AND get him a player all his own! One that I can fill with, not a mere few hours but an entire day's worth... if not more. Ah... another “hobby”, another “pass-time”, another little something to do for my Best Little Companion. And I'm looking forward to it too! The more I find in recordings of birds, the more variety he has to hear and the more I learn about different birds, different sounds. He's STILL “teaching me” and I'm a more-than-willing student. (And I STILL have SO MUCH MORE to learn... particularly about Yonah and other mourning doves... and I'm looking quite forward to the learning.)
mourning dove 23 November 2021 As the day moved along, so too did the “antics”... I have to say.
After my errand-running, I had my late-afternoon “lie-down”... or so I tried. I'd set an alarm for about 25 minutes and laid my head on the pillows on Yonah's futon, as I do. Yonah had take his place on his roof and the clock ticked away... The very next thing I knew, I felt the familiar “landing” on my ankle. He had come over to me, and as he's done in the past, though infrequently, he'd come to let me know that he was bored and that it was time for me to get up and get on with the affairs that I was avoiding, as it were. I laid, still, thinking that, perhaps, he might take a comfortable position and rest there a while but... was I ever WRONG! The little foot-steps came scurrying up my leg, to my hip, up-ward and on-ward to my torso and THEN... up my arm to my shoulder and... to my head! Again! Today! On my head where little Yonah proceeded to peck, gently, on my fore-head. It was “TIME TO GET UP!” How I LAUGHED! Firstly because the sensation of his little feet, hopping, as doves do, up my body, and then, to think that he knows to come to the one spot not covered in the light blanket and to “tap” on my head to wake me. WELL! There we have it! I'm a “people”, a being he's apparently become accustomed to, and whose “regions” he's come to actually “KNOW”. He KNOWS to come to my head, not covered in a blanket, and he KNOWS that tapping will get me up and about! And again, as yesterday, when I reached for the phone/camera, to turn the alarm off and, of course, to grab a photo, he just stayed right where he was. Obviously, just being awake wasn't satisfactory, I HAD to GET UP! So, still laughing, I reached up to him, gave him a few caresses. He pecked at my hand and fingers and satisfied that I was awake, took off and returned to his house to await my rising. And when I did sit up, he came down to his door perch, stood there, “sternly” and gave a couple “wing-snaps” as if to say “FINE! Now that you're awake... it's time for some play, snuggles and attention here!” He's REALLY become quite the “affectionate” little bit! And, of course, I'm only TOO HAPPY to oblige. So we played “chase”, as I followed him about his house with my hand, and he stopped to let me “scratch” and, with my fingers, do my own version of “pecking” at him.
What I'm noticing lately is that now, unlike before, he actually enjoys it when I “play” on his back! He never really minded a few gentle, playful strokes on his breast, and as I'd do, he'd “preen” my hand. But if and when I'd touch his back, he'd instantly take flight. But not so lately. He actually appears to ENJOY the strokes and the “scratching” on his back! Sure, he'll move away a bit, but he'll wait for me to come back to him, or, he'll “charge” my hand, and manoeuvre himself into a position under my fingers! He LIKES being “caressed”, and even held in my cupped hands. AND he's enjoying being held, cupped in hands, and will let me hold him to my face where, of course, he gets MANY kisses... until he's had enough and he works his way out and flies up to his perch from where he gives me a stern stare and a couple of wing-snaps... as if teasing for more.
Enough? OH NO!
As the day got later and it was time for me to prepare my evening meal, I got up from the work table, and Yonah was in his house, lounging. I stood up, he stood up, I told him I needed to go prepare my supper and he came to his door perch. I reached down to give him a little kiss and a cuddle and he hopped onto my arm, so I gave something else “new” a try: I lowered my arm and he scurried up to my shoulder. So...? I headed out to the kitchen, expecting him to take off and fly back to his house but... NOT THIS EVENING! OH NO! THIS EVENING HE CAME WITH ME, TO THE KITCHEN, AND STAYED ON MY SHOULDER AS I PUT MY FOOD INTO A PAN AND ONTO THE HOB, AND SET THE KITCHEN TABLE! AND WHEN I'D DONE ALL THAT, MY ARM IN A “CONVENIENT” POSITION, HE SCURRIED DOWN TO MY WRIST AND GOT MOST COMFY THERE! AND SO, THAT'S HOW WE CAME BACK INTO HIS ROOM. AND THERE, HE MADE IT MOST CLEAR THAT HE WASN'T READY TO LEAVE AND SO, I WENT TO SIT BACK DOWN AT HIS WORK TABLE... AND THAT'S WHEN HE DECIDED TO “HEAD BACK HOME”.
Now, we've gone for some “strolls” about the house together, Yonah on my shoulder. We've gone to the doors, living-room and kitchen, and looked out for some moments. But those “moments” have been relatively short and he's usually taken off and headed right back home in due course. TODAY'S ADVENTURES ARE UNIQUE in that he's making himself quite comfortable on my shoulder and arm, and the change of scenery (not to mention, the lower lighting of the rest of the house, compared to his NatSpec lamp and the lower temperature in the rest of the house) seems more “intriguing” to him than much else! He's not “afraid”, nor is he “uncomfortable” with any of it. And he seems to KNOW that he's safe... with me. I guess I truly HAVE BECOME “THE FLOCK”! As long as we're together, Yonah knows he's safe. (Truth? As long as we're together, we're BOTH “safe”... because he's what keeps my heart beating and my soul “alive”... and I DO believe he knows that.)
Time came for me to retreat to the kitchen for my evening meal, and so I was off for about an hour. Yonah took the clue and had his own “evening meal” and “digesting time”, and when I'd done eating, I returned to his room... it was time to get to closing-up the windows for the night. The sun had gone and in short order, the windows would be cooling and chilling. So... MORE “FUN TIME” !!! AS I WENT TO MOVE HIS HOUSE ROUND TO GET ACCESS TO THE WINDOWS, YONAH CAME BACK TO HIS DOOR AND GOT BACK ONTO MY SHOULDER! So I thought I'd give something ELSE a try and I moved about, as I usually would, MANOEUVRING BEHIND AND TO THE WINDOWS, I CLOSED THE BLINDS, DREW THE CURTAINS AND HE DIDN'T SO MUCH AS CHANGE HIS POSITION! HE EVEN STAYED THERE WHEN I WENT BACK TO THE KITCHEN AND DID THE WASHING-UP! HE'S GOT ME *STUNNED*! THIS degree of TRUST, and COMFORT, with ME... again, I have to say that to others, my reactions might seem a bit “over the edge”, but the under-lying fact remains:
Yonah is NOT a “common, domestic” Life. Again I point-out that he was not “born in captivity”, he was not “hand-fed” by people. He was NOT “shipped” to a store where people walking about was ever “common-place”. Yonah was born in the wild, the open, where predators of ALL sorts abound, including “people”, the WORST of them ALL! He's NEVER had cause or reason to have ANY trust in me, and yet, over the course of our year together, he's come to KNOW that I would NEVER cause him any harm, and HE has accepted ME! All I've done is provide him with the comforts and necessities I “believe” he ought to have. The best foods I can find, fresh water, a safe and comfortable environment, some physical contact, and talk. Nothing that I consider “out of the normal”, nor “above” expectations. And yet, he's come to trust me to the point where he can be on my shoulder as I move about the house, a house that is as foreign to him as a shack on another planet would be to any person. He's come to KNOW to come to me as I nap, and how to wake me. This is NOTHING to do with his “nature” nor his “natural” way of living. So yes, I AM ASTOUNDED, because I may have entertained the notion of some degree of “bonding” but NEVER, NEVER to this extent.
THIS is why I repeat, through the “documentation” on the rest of his site, the importance of KINDNESS, LOVING-KINDNESS, and the acceptance and understanding that although other may try to contradict, Yonah is living, breathing PROOF that “even birds”... in the wild... possess the same capabilities of love, understanding and TRUST as any “properly, fully evolved” human being. And I'll dare to say... MORE-SO that MOST humans. (After all, “humans” enjoy SHOOTING AND MURDERING these Little Ones... and doves, in particular, do NOT kill... let alone... MURDER.) So there's my point, the very foundation of why I've taken to recording OUR LIFE... together.
All said... the day comes to a close, and it was a bit on the “late” side when, as I was at the work table, typing today's events here, Yonah made it clear that it was time to wrap the day up. He was tired and it was time for “seepie'-nigh-night”... an expression that he's learnt as well because when I say it, he heads for his perch for the night. And this evening, HIS way of telling ME that it's time for “seepie-nigh-night” is... he leaves his door perch and heads up to where he'll spend the night.
So I “packed my things” at the work table, and put up his “night boards”. When done, I put my head in to give him our usual “Nigh-night kisses”. He pecked at my face from his perch, I put the lights out, gave a couple more kisses and said that I'd check-in again before I go to bed. (I do that EVERY night... I've done that EVERY night since the very first night he came into the house. I poke my head into his room and, from the door, I give a whisper: “Nigh-night my little Love. You sleep well. You're safe and you'll be warm and cozy tonight. I'll see you in the morning. Call me when you wake up. I LOVE YOU.” And I'm guessing he hears me, and has come to recognise that that's when he can sleep through the night... His “mate” has given assurance of his safety... all is well.)
It supposed to be another quite cold night, with lows going to -10°, so his radiator is set to “5” again. It was set at that last night and this morning, in the crisp chill out-side, his room was delightfully warm so I know he'll be quite comfy tonight. The house thermostat is set to make sure he doesn't have to “take a chill” too. I do tell: as long as I know that he's comfortable, that the cold of Winter can't get at him, that he has good, nutritious food, fresh water and a place where there's nothing that can harm him... my heart is at Peace, and my soul is FULL. I don't know long we have together in this world, but I do know that we're both together... for the duration... and I'll see to that. I don't trust him to any other, not matter how “caring” they may appear; So, here we are, and here we'll be... until neither of us is.
And tomorrow? Well... just as Yonah would be in his “birth-right” world... we'll deal with “tomorrow”... when it becomes... “today”. For tonight, we're here, we're together... and OUR world is well.
Wednesday 24 November:
Rather a “frightening” start to the day, this morning. I was up and about and sitting in the kitchen when I noticed to “clock” reading “7.03”... and I was expecting to hear that beautiful coo'ing, calling to get the day rolling, curtains open to the cold and still some-what dark morning. It didn't come. Well, Yonah, just as anybody else, is entitled to a “sleep-in”, so I continued with my tasks-at-hand and waited. But when the clock read “7.43” and the “morning call” still hadn't come... my heart started to race. I was worried and fearful at the same time. Worried that Yonah wasn't feeling well, and fearful that... well... I don't even want to think or say or type my fear, the dread. So I got up and quietly went into his room.
The very first thing I noticed was that it was delightfully warm, very comfortably-so. Yonah had had a nice, cozy, warm night last night, in spite of the -12° “chill” out-side, even at 6.30 this morning. And, it was “comfortably dark”, though the morning light was coming through the blinds and curtains, just enough for me to be able to see Yonah's silhouette, there, on his perch, where he sleeps.
BUT, he didn't “Hoo!” when I entered, and didn't seem to move about, even as I sat at the edge of his futon!
I spoke, so softly... “Good morning my little Heart-and-Soul. Are you awake?”
His little head moved! A couple of times... He WAS awake! He was ALIVE! So I began removing the “night boards”, slowly, and worked my way round to the windows, to open the blinds and curtains. When the morning light came into the room, I turned to look, carefully, at Yonah and... HE WAS ANIMATED... WATCHING ME AND MOVING ABOUT ON HIS PERCH! Apparently, he, like me, this morning, had decided that it was a great day for a “sleep-in”. But the BEST of it ALL was... “woo-HOO!” I'd no sooner gotten the window-blinds open when he took to his little spot beside a mirror and gave out that WONDERFUL little “woo-HOO”! And it was clear, deep, and just BEAUTIFUL! So I gave a GOOD LOOK, to see how he was looking this morning. Eyes, nose, feathers... all clean and clear. And THEN, as I peeked in to give a “Good morning” kiss... I got a “Good morning peck” and DEAR YONAH was “all normal”! (And THEN, so too, were my heart and soul.)
I DO think of “the day when”... always keeping in mind, the “documented” life-time of a mourning dove. And we HAVE been together for just over a year now. I always try to keep my mind, heart, soul prepared, though I know, for a fact, that, no matter how I try, “that moment” is NOT going to be any less devastating.
But today... we have another day to look forward to... TOGETHER! And I NEED to adapt to Yonah's “time-keeping”... dealing with the moment at hand and holding those moments, present and past, dear and deep in my being. Neither of us is “eternal”... but I do everything I possibly can to make certain that I'm here, able to provide for Yonah ALL through HIS life-time.
And so... the “morning routine” and house-keeping completed, and I returned to finish my morning coffee and, by 10.00 (at long last), the day's sun-light finally came into the windows... as I sat at the work table and we listened to “bird-songs”, on his new “speaker”. “Life”, for both of us... continues. HOORAY!
The rest of the day? Well, for the most part, it was delightfully peaceful, BUT CERTAINLY NOT WITH-OUT EVEN MORE FUN AND AMAZEMENT! OH NO!
Although, for the greater part, I was at the work table, catching-up with photos and videos to post on Yonah's site, along with the “daily tasks” of mine (that are, to me, all but insignificant when compared to keeping Yonah's “web-presence” current and fresh) we had *MOMENTS* AGAIN!
Honestly? Yonah is becoming SUCH a part of this house, my existence... He's already ALL of my heart and soul, but he's becoming SO accustomed to the general routines and activities that it's almost impossible to believe that he's actually from “the Great Out-doors”!
Again, today, as the sun POURED in through the windows, and the warmth of his room rose (to an almost unbelievable 25,5°!), Yonah lounged, and then took flights about the room. Resting on the futon... and I mean “resting”, because he got so comfortable on it that, at one point, when I turned to look, he was actually DOZING there! The futon has finally become a part of his “environment”... just another part of his “condo” there. It was SO comforting to see, because I've NEVER wanted him “confined”... to a “cage” (to his “house”), to his room... I've always wanted him to be as free as he possibly can be, with-in this old house, of course. (Yes, I'd LOVE to be able to step out-side with him. I'd be in ABSOLUTE HEAVEN, if not ABOVE it, if he were able to take flight out there, and be safe, whether he chose to come back or not, really. But the fact remains now, more than ever, he's truly not able to keep flight with the others, would probably not make any distance out there, and, in the event of another attack, it's most-seriously doubtful that he'd be able to escape. And, as well, he now KNOWS where his food and water are in his house. So much so that, even when he's out in the rest of the house, when he's hungry or thirsty, he KNOWS where his house is and he'll head directly back... for a bit of a nosh or a drink of water. “Out there”? He'd have to forage, and NOW, at this season, foraging means travelling, and all too soon, water will be scarce because most of it will be frozen. I've no doubt he'd learn from other doves, where the food and water sources are, but... I don't know how long he'd manage. So, sadly, his “world” is with-in these walls and windows that protect him... for as long as...). Anyway, as I say, he KNOWS his shelves, where he can roost and see me at the kitchen table. He KNOWS the other places in his room where he can go to when-ever he please. And now he KNOWS he can rest, safely and comfortably on what I always think of as “his” futon. Maybe, little-by-little, he'll become even more comfortable with the rest of the house. (He's already been to the living-room many times, where he likes the futon out there as well... and the plant tables by the windows. So, none of the house is “foreign” to him, really.) AND... as he did yesterday, he was on the floor as well, for a while. THAT was just SO cute because it was more “natural”, as it were, because he was “on the ground”, as doves tend to prefer during a day. He didn't stay TOO long down there, especially when I started to “play” with him. When “enough was enough” he headed back to the futon and then, back to his roof for more “leisurely relaxation”.
OK... THEN came my daily “lie-down”. I got up from the table, set the alarm for 30 minutes and told him that I was going to have a “snooze” (a word that I believe he's “familiar” with because I use it regularly). I got to his futon, got my-self comfortable and was in a “half-snooze” when... WOOSH! The flutter and whistle of wings AND... THERE HE WAS... ON THE PILLOW, AT MY FACE! And when I opened my eyes, he was staring into my face as if to say “HEY! The day is passing and you need to get up and so something with it. Besides, I'm here. LET'S PLAY!” And “play” we did! He chased my hand as I moved it above my head across the pillow. And then I chased him and gave him caresses and little “back scratchings”. And he SO enjoyed it all!
I got up from the work table several times during the course of the day and many of those times, when he saw me stand, Yonah came right over and onto my shoulder!
MORE AMAZING? WHEN, THIS EVENING, IT WAS TIME TO “CHANGE THE WATER” IN HIS POOL FOR THE NIGHT... HE CAME DOWN FROM HIS ROOF WHERE HE'D BEEN LOUNGING IN THE LIGHT OF HIS “NatSpec” AND INTO HIS HOUSE AS I SET THINGS UP. THE MOMENT MY ARM WENT INTO HIS HOUSE, HE WAS ON IT, THEN UP TO MY SHOULDER WHERE HE ACTUALLY “NESTLED”... AND HE STAYED THERE AS I SET THE CONTAINERS IN THE KITCHEN BASIN AND... THIS IS WHERE I BECOME ALMOST SPEECHLESS... AS I WET BACK AND FORTH, FROM KITCHEN TO HIS HOUSE, WITH THE FRESH WATER, HE STAYED ON MY SHOULDER AND ON MY LOWER ARM... WHERE HE COULD SEE WHAT I WAS DOING FROM A CLOSER PERSPECTIVE! THE “MOTION AND ACTIVITY” SEEMED TO INTRIGUE HIM INSTEAD OF CAUSING HIM ANY CONCERN! AND, I TAKE THIS AS BOTH, HIS BECOMING COMFORTABLE WITH ME AND THE REST OF THE HOUSE *AND* HIS TRUST, KNOWING THAT I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING TO CAUSE HIM ANY HARM! I AM SO INDESCRIBABLY BLESSED AND HONOURED BY HIM! I'VE NEVER BEEN SO HIGHLY REGARDED, EVER, BY ANY ONE, EVER! CERTAINLY NO ON OF YONAH'S POSITION, STATURE AND, WELL, JUST “BEING”! YONAH IS THE CLOSEST ANY PERSON COULD EVER COME TO BEING “ACCEPTED” AND “TRUSTED” BY AN OTHER-WISE “WILD” BEING! OK, sure, others have “tamed” or 'domesticated”, but I've NEVER even thought of such a thing where Yonah is concerned. I never wanted, nor do I ever want him to become what's called “domesticated”. And I've done NOTHING in the way of “training” him to do anything. EVERYTHING he does is of his own choosing... and he's chosen to trust me, and to be with me as I go about the house... this house that is, for all intent and purpose, a “strange” place to a Little One from the mountain woods. Oh, but I could ramble on to the point of... I don't know what. But I'd never find the words to describe, thoroughly, my absolute AWE !!! Yonah and I are, indeed... “ONE” being... well... to me, that's how it is. As trite as it may sound... I truly am NOTHING... with-out him. And he shows me, in so many ways, that he too, accepts me as part of his Life. HEAVEN! And BEYOND!
So, I had my evening meal, got the washing-up done and the evening routine as well... When I went to close the blinds and curtains for the night, as I went round to the back of his house, Yonah “followed” me, from end-to-end, side-to-side, and we had “kisses” as I worked along. And when done, I settled the rest of the house and returned to his work table... and he roosted on his door perch, over the warmth of the radiator. (His room was cooling with the absence of the sun, but he even KNOWS where the warmth is and that's where he goes, and settles. Fresh water, clean house, plenty of food... warmth... he got to “un-winding” for the evening... and OH! How that comes SO too soon these days.
I returned to his work table... and this evening, we listened to a collection of “Enya”... soothing tunes and tones, and I continued working on his Journal (and mine) for a while. The NatSpec light was turned off when the desk lamp was turned on... a dimmer, more subdued lighting... to end the day... and we were still together... and to me... NOTHING else matters.
But, as it always is, it was SO difficult at “tuck-in” time tonight. After all the closeness of the day, how I DO wish that we could be as close, through these nights, especially when it's so cold out there, cool in the house, and, well, let's face it, Yonah is my “Soul”. And he didn't seem too ready to “part ways” either, because when I leaned in for “Good night kisses”, he gave me those “wing-snaps” of “No, no. Come here!” And when I reached in to “cuddle” with him, he insisted on getting on my arm for more kisses.
I never thought of myself as “bird people”, and, to be honest, never really had any actual “appreciation” for having a bird as a “companion”. But Yonah? Yonah is... well, I needn't tell here. In all these “pages”, the photos, the videos, the paragraphs, it's ALL so very much more than obvious. Yonah is my Heart, my Soul, the Essence of my being... the reason I take care of my own health now, the reason I rest and the reason I wake in the morning.
And so, he's safely roosting for the night. Radiator set at “4” of “6” for the night. It's going to be cold but not as cold as last night, thankfully. And the house thermostat will be up for him too. Clean water, plenty of food, places for him to rest... and tomorrow? Well, since it's a “holiday” (out there), we'll have the WHOLE DAY TOGETHER, and I'll just put “work” aside and we can, pretty much, just enjoy it all in peace. I've no errands, no “tasks” or chores. His room is clean and orderly... We're “good”, and I'm looking forward to “US time”.
Thursday 25 November:
ALMOST got off to a rather quite late start to the day, this morning. My fault. I didn't get out of the bed until almost 7.00 and then, got right to morning coffee and such. BUT... on his schedule, shortly after, Yonah must have heard me in the kitchen and called... Today is U.S. “Thanksgiving”, and I can't remember when I've been SO THANKFUL for ANYTHING as I was this morning and ALL through the day!
AND, to make it all even BETTER (if that's at all possible), Yonah was in GREAT HEALTH and a REALLY ENERGETIC MOOD! As I went about freshening his water, he hopped and flew from his door perch to the other perches in his house, and onto my arm and up to my shoulder. And when I'd done, and gone back to the kitchen to have my coffee, I could hear him, that “flutter and whistle” of his wings as he flew ALL over his room! He had GREAT ENERGY... ALL THROUGH THE DAY, as a matter of fact!
This morning, he also got quite the “spread” where food is concerned. I ground more oats, smaller than I'd done before, so he could swallow the bits, and added them to his regular food. And in the fridge, I had crumbled egg yolk, and some more broccoli so... a little dish of each of them as well! WONDERFUL nutrition! (Although, oddly, of late, he doesn't seem too interested in the egg or the broccoli, and he used to enjoy both of them quite well. I wish he'd still eat them because the egg has his vitamin D and the broccoli has calcium. Sure, the seed mixtures I get claim that they too, have “all the necessary nutrients”, but, fresh egg yolk and fresh broccoli must be better. It's OK. One of these days he might have a “taste” for them again. And I make sure to have them available... more than I make sure I have foods available for me. Yonah DOES get “best” quality where his nutrition is concerned. To be sure.)
As it turned-out, we really didn't “miss” any time together because I finished my usual “morning routine”, including coffee, earlier than usual and was in Yonah's room at his work table, and into the work I had intended for the day...
There's a new “Introduction” page on his site now! I wanted to make it more concise, and yet, provide “essential” information (like “bonding” and nutrition and the responsibilities of bringing a dove into one's life.. I'm a fanatic about these points... unashamedly). And there's a little “video” on the page too! (There's more of that sort of work to be done as well, through the entire site. The information is important, but the little photos and videos will certainly add a more “personal” touch and give more insight as to how Yonah and I are doing and what others can expect when they too, bring a dove into their heart.) I worked on it all day, which, of late, doesn't seem such an accomplishment because the days are passing entirely TOO QUICKLY! Never mind the sun-rise/set. It's time with Yonah and there NEVER seems to be enough of that.
AND AGAIN, TODAY... WAS HE EVER SOME-WHAT DEMANDING OF TIME AND ATTENTION! OH! BUT THAT DOES A HEART AND SOUL SO VERY MUCH GOOD! As I sat at the work table, thinking, typing and such, SEVERAL TIMES, he took off from in his house or his roof, and came to alight on my head! I EVEN MANAGED TO CAPTURE A FEW PHOTOS AND VIDEOS... ON THE LAP-TOP! AND OH! HOW HE HAD ME LAUGHING! HIS AFFECTION JUST BRINGS MY HEART AND SOUL SOARING! It was such a quiet day, all told (and I'm “thankful” for that as well) and Yonah's company just made it SUPER! Out-side, it was quite over-cast all day, and on that “cool-damp” side. Typical November (in recent years, anyway... since I recall child-hood Novembers covered in snow and that's not - yet - the case now). But in Yonah's room, the temperature swayed between 21 and 22°, and his NatSpec light was on so... it was a delightful replica of an early June or September day. We have more ways than one to keep “the world out”. And as long as he's comfortable, I'm satisfied.
Then, a couple of times when I went back to the kitchen he came along! I stood up and he came FLYING to my shoulder! And as I went about getting coffee, rinsing a dish, he just sort of “roosted”, quite content. And this evening, when I went to the bed-room to close blinds and curtains and the straighten the bed for tonight... HE STAYED ON MY BACK AND SHOULDER, AND AT ONE POINT, NESTLED INTO THE HOOD OF MY SHERPA SWEAT-SHIRT! I WENT ABOUT THE “CHORES” AND HE JUST MADE HIMSELF COMFY! I MANAGED TO GET THE ENTIRE ROOM STRAIGHTENED AND SETTLED AND YONAH KEPT ME COMPANY ALL THE WHILE! These are the moments I keep remembering having read in my searching for taking care of Yonah, and though I thought them “wonderful”, I NEVER expected to actually experience them. It truly is ASTONISHING, how our “situation” and our “relationship” has changed so much in merely a year. (Especially after that moulting! It seems THAT was quite the “turning point”. I wonder: did I prove my LOVE by taking care of him? Was THAT the moment when he came to truly KNOW that I LOVE him? What-ever happened, it's certainly made a MIRACULOUS difference! And even when my face doesn't smile, my heart and soul aren't just smiling... they're SINGING! THIS is “BLISS”!)
One item of “HORROR” though, came when, this after-noon, I went for a 30-minute lie-down. I'd no sooner gotten comfy on Yonah's futon when he came FLYING over to rest on my shoulder. I was perfectly ECSTATIC to have him stay with me but when I turned to look at him I noticed that he kept closing his left eye! SOMETHING MUST have gotten into it some-how. He's still plucking little feathers now and again, and just before I went to the futon, I noticed that one happened to float up and onto his head. He'd shaken it off. So I was wondering though, it it or another hadn't gotten onto his eye and caused some irritation! WELL! No snooze! I hit the internet for “what to do and what to check for when a dove won't open his eye”! I looked at about 12 sites, forums and such, and checked the “anatomy” of a dove's eye. Two hours of searching (and, as usual, being aggravated and annoyed by all the junk and garbage that comes up on an internet search these days, not to mention the forums that ask questions and these “alleged experts” and such come back with the mot cryptic or vague or completely un-related nonsense... usually ending with either “get to an avian vet” or “ask you question here on this site” which, I've come to learn, USUALLY ask a multitude of questions and when all questions are answered... flip to a page asking for credit card info.). Anyway, at least my own searches have given me a better understanding of Yonah's eyes, although nothing other than “flush with eye wash” was ever recommended and truthfully, I shy from such things... primarily because I don't want to be associated with any discomfort (it's taken TOO long for us to come to where he trusts me!) and I rather dread doing anything even remotely “intrusive”. I remember, all SO clearly how I'd thought he'd never use his dangling leg again, when I brought him in that after-noon after he'd been attacked. And how I was so full of angst over the way his wing feathers didn't grow back properly. He's an amazing little bit of Heaven... his leg is as if it had never been injured, and with this recent moulting, BOTH of his wings look SO BEAUTIFUL! So, with THAT in mind and the information that I learned today about how a dove's eyes actually function, I decided to “wait”. Of course, if it were to get any worse, I'd take him to an “avian vet” (now that I know there are such people who WILL give him the medical care he might need). The one point that pinned my decision was when it was mentioned that doves have a “lid” that protects their eye, and keeps it clean. As was said: as they fly (at that 88km/h) they can't afford to keep blinking and surely, they must get bits of something in their little faces in the air. So... Let Nature do what Nature does, and obviously does best.
Well! THE GRAND NEWS: After a few hours of him blinking and closing that eye... about 4 hours later, Yonah was, AGAIN, as if the matter never happened... AND he was back on my shoulder and we were walking about the house... TOGETHER !!! HE IS NOTHING SHORT OF AN ACTUAL * MIRACLE *, THAT LITTLE GUY! HE'S AN INSPIRATION ABOVE AND BEYOND ALL INSPIRATIONS. (I AM SO REMARKABLY BLESSED TO HAVE HIM IN MY LIFE !!! SO BLESSED, SO GIFTED, SO HONOURED !!!)
And so... the rest of our day together rolled along... and I got to post his “new page” to his site and get on with the rest of what I want to up-date (there's so much of it that I need to “modify”, based on direct experience)!
And so, and then, came the evening, and the day-light dimmed and the night began to settle out-side the windows. The “evening routine” of water changes and fresh food and clean kitchen roll took place... early... as it all does these days. AND, Mr. Taube supervised, with the utmost scrutiny, from his door perch... with BOTH eyes! And all the while, wing-snaps... HE WANTED TO PLAY! And to be honest, most of the reason why it took me most of the day to compose his “Intro” page was, well, because we did a LOT of playing today! Play, snuggles, cuddles, “rides about the house”. Chatting, laughing, coo'ing. It's been a day that just defies descriptions! “GLORIOUS”! “SUPER-STUPENDOUS”! “BLISSFUL”! “AWE-PACKED” ! Nope... not even close! Yonah's just a little feather-wrapped HEAVEN... in and of himself!
There are several videos taken today that I truly want to post to his site! What makes them all the more fascinating (to me, anyway) is that I watch and keep remembering: Yonah is a little mourning dove who came into this house and into my LIFE, my HEART and SOUL from OUT-side! He was as “wild” as all the other mourning doves in these mountains, as all the other mourning doves who, through this past year, come to the food I put out there for them daily. He had NO “connections” to people, and had only DREAD of us! And today, of his own choosing and truly FREE will, he came to be with me, to be closer to me, alighted on my head and played. He rested on my shoulders as I sat at the work table, AND as I went about some of the daily, regular activities of this house. He TRUSTS me! He actually beckons to play with me! “Wild”, having NO reason or cause to stay close to me. It just scrambles logic. But it FILLS my entire being with such a JOY, an ELATION, MARVEL AND AWE! I'll suppose that he has the ability to feel and to KNOW “LOVE” that's felt in the heart and soul of another. I can't suppose anything other.
So I worked a little, on the videos and the photos waiting to be posted, until I could see that he was ready to go to sleep. He was resting, eyes closing, on his door perch, beside me. So the “night boards” went up and as they did, he headed for his “night spot” on his perch. Yes, he was ready for sleep.
We got his house together, boards up, radiator set to keep him warm through the night. Kisses and cuddles, and pecks... and I put the lights out. A whispered “Sleep well, my Little Soul.” His lights are out. His windows are insulated against the night's chills. He has his place to sleep where he needn't even consider any harm. And, even in my sleep, he has me... even in my sleep, I remain aware of every and any little “sound, out of the ordinary” in this house, and especially the sound of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” which he'll make, if something “disturbs” him during the night... no matter what it might be.
Today was “Thanksgiving”... and I've never been so truly “Thankful” for the Honour, the Blessing not only of the presence of this Little Life, but MOST of ALL, for the LOVE and TRUST he gives to me. I couldn't be more humbled... I just couldn't be.
(Videos and photos will be added tomorrow... as I sit, again, in Yonah's room, at his work table, in his company... and we'll have another day... together.)
mourning dove 26 November 2021Friday 26 November:
This morning... grey, chilled, and oh-so-wet with rain. What one might call “The perfect day for sleeping-in”, and Yonah always knows best... he did. I was up and about and waiting for the call to open the curtains, and when, by 8.00, it didn't come, I hesitantly went in to “check”. My heart is always a touch on the “heavy” side when, after not hearing from him, I slowly go in to see him in the morning. It's always in the fore-front of my mind that, one day... I won't even mention it, but it's there. The worst-possible dread.
But when I sat at the edge of the futon and looked in at his little silhouette there, on his perch, he moved his head forward toward me as I whispered “Are you awake, my PRECIOUS Little One?” He was awake! And he was well! And my heart lightened, the “JOY” of my day commenced! My “Precious Little Guy” was simply “resting-in” on this other-wise dreary morn! ALL was well with the world!
So the “night boards” were removed, curtains and blinds were opened. And as I went about the morning “routine”, I gave a little “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and came the reply: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. Beautifully clear, strong... Oh YES, indeed, ALL was “officially” WELL WITH THE WORLD! AND, poking my head in to give my “morning kisses”, I got the loving “pecks” on the nose and cheek! There's NO better beginning to ANY day than that! AND, as I sat to make this morning's entry into the Journal, all of this morning's “morning routine” completed, the desk lamp on to ward off the “grey” out-side the windows, and the “bird-songs play-list” filling the house... the “whistle” of mourning dove wings. Yonah was up, awake, and on the fly! Our day, together, open for business! Time to finish my morning coffee and “move in” for another BEAUTIFUL day with the BEST Companion in a life-time. Let the Winter come out-side... In Yonah's domain, there will be “music”, light and warmth... and LOVE!
As the day became lighter, the rains continued on and at some intervals, we had a bit of “flurries”! Nothing “serious” and nothing that stuck to the ground, but “flurries”, none-the-less. Little reminders that Winter lurks just over the higher peaks and is approaching, slowly-but-surely. No problem. Yonah's NatSpec light and radiator provided a most delightful “Summer retreat” and he watched from his roof-top, out the window. Well, when he wasn't flying around the room!
And was HE ENERGETIC again, today! So much so that he literally “buzzed” me quite often as I sat at the work table! From his house, to the shelves, to the futon... where-ever he decided to go, each trip included “skimming” across the top of my head or over my shoulder! Oh! But he wanted to PLAY!
So “play” we did! Often! And seldom did he show any signs of letting-up!
But, when he'd finally had enough, and I do mean “enough”, he took to his bed of mosses and it was obvious that he wanted a “snooze” of his own! He nestled right into it, in a cozy corner of his house and there, little eyes closed, he napped. For about two hours, the only “break” from snoozing was a quick bit of “lunch”, and drink of water, a bit of sand and he was right back to rest-and-relaxation. For me, it was the most spectacular way to spend a day with him and it's SO comforting to see and to know that he has good energy and is obviously feeling well. (All the more support for all the “Companionship” information I put on the rest of his site. I seriously doubt that many actually KNOW just HOW MUCH play and “together” time a mourning dove actually enjoys. But then again... Yonah and I are “the flock” now and, where he doesn't get to fly about the mountains and mingle with the other doves and such, I'm “it”, the play, entertainment, amusement and exercise... AND I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER OR MORE HONOURED!)
So when given the time, I managed to get more photos and videos (from yesterday, for the most part), onto his “Portfolio”. OK. I know... SO MANY PHOTOS! It's been suggested that I go through and keep the “best 10, or, stretching it, 20” on a monthly page. But the truth is: all of that “Portfolio” was, originally, put there for me. I never really expected anybody else to actually look. And so, although I AM getting better at being more discerning, I just can't bear to part with ANY photos, ANY records of this time with Yonah so that entire segment is very dear to me. Sure, if/when he “leaves” me, I won't be looking at all of this for very long. After all, I'm here because he's here and he's here because I brought him here and my responsibility is to be here with and for him for as long as... but I sincerely don't see me “hanging about” with-out him so... Meanwhile, his photos are on the internet, accessible by the entire world and, quite frankly, they ARE a part of this entire site because they're a photo-journal of the information on the other pages, and, I believe, they substantiate anything that I might include as an “educated opinion”. After all... I'm riding on “gut” and “instinct” for the most part and, well, Yonah having mended, survived and is now BUZZING me during the day, I must say that I must have been doing something correct. Oh well...
The worst part of this day? Sun-set. 16.30 was the “official” but it began to get quite dark round-about 16.00! And I always consider that, “out there”, Yonah would be “nestled” some-where VERY shortly before darkness came round. So I try to avoid keeping him up and awake for too long after. But I just don't like to be parted from him so, at 18.00, the NatSpec light goes off and his room is lit by the small desk lamp (and I work on the day's journalling at the table). This evening, the “evening routine” was done already at 18.00 so... the volume of Yonah's bird-songs is turned down (the “others” are off to their wood-land or where-ever they head of a night), his fountain stops “splashing”... we “wind-down” in preparation for the night.
By 19.30 it's certainly “time to tuck-in” and even Yonah lets that be known: he heads for his “night perch” and roosts comfy. And so, as I finish today's entry, he's all settled. In fact, TONIGHT HE RODE ALONG, ON MY SHOULDER, AS I PUT UP HIS “NIGHT BOARDS”! HE TRULY IS BECOMING SO ACCUSTOMED TO EVERYTHING AROUND HIM! From coming over to “nap” with me on his futon, to today's “buzzing”, and he's come to where he'll ride on my shoulder through the house when I go to the kitchen or need to attend to something in another room! Oh... but WE ARE QUITE THE FLOCK!
Well so, the flurries have become “snow” out-side. Thankfully it's not “COLD”. The snow is expected to pass in about 3 hours, but then... we're looking at a night of -6° with that “chill” of... -13°. Certainly much warmer than the -20s that are to come and perhaps a -30 or lower, January and February. But Yonah's room is well-insulated this year (SO much better than last year), and his radiator is set and maintains comfort in his room. The only important matter to attend is well-attended. And, should temperatures fall too much, THIS year he has a futon in his room and I'll be in there with him, through the night, to make certain that he doesn't HAVE to fend against any coldness. Oh yes, but this year IS so MUCH better than last (as can even be seen in his “Portfolio” history). My Little Guy will ALWAYS have the very best I can humanly provide. (Though, I still wish there were some way we could “snuggle 'neath the blankets” together, when the Winter cold comes rolling in. Who knows? Maybe one of these days he'll venture even THAT far. At the rate he's going, I wouldn't doubt it.)
Tomorrow... Saturday... my day of “no errands”... a day guaranteed “together” with my BESTEST COMPANION... my little Heart and Soul! I'm looking forward to what he'll come up with during the day. He's my reason for taking care of me (so I can take care of him) and for waking each morning. As “Deb”, from down the road put it: “It's LOVE!” and so it is.

*** VIDEO ***
Saturday 27 November
Well... we made it through another night of “threatening cold' and the house wasn't all that chilled this morning when I got up and about. And I'd no sooner gotten to the table to start “commenting” for the Journals (Yonah's and mine) when... 7.29 “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and TWICE, because I didn't respond to the first “call” immediately. He's just really AMAZING, that Little One. It's SO obvious: He CALLS for me, needs to know I'm in the house! So, of course, everything else stopped IMMEDIATELY, I “called” back and went directly in to him. There he was, my HEART AND SOUL, on his perch, comfy and cozy. So I sat at the edge of his futon and bade him “Good morning” and he stretched his wings! He was up and awake and our day commenced... and my heart was FULL again!
I'd been in to see him before I went to bed, last night, to make sure his room was warm enough, the radiator was running well and safe. And whilst I pftuzed about, in the dark, I spoke, softly, quietly, to him, to let him know that the “motion in the darkness” was me. He didn't budge. Quite a difference from many months ago when, if I'd come into the room with-out some sort of lighting, he'd be obviously nervous. And he can't be blamed. After all, if he saw anything, it would have been a LARGE, DARK shadow, moving about. “Predator”! But now? He recognises my voice and all's well. (I remain in AWE! This Little Guy KNOWS my voice and KNOWS I'm a “comfort”... NOT a “predator”. He KNOWS I mean him only the best of Life, and NEVER ANY harm. He “KNOWS”. What a little bit of “MIRACLE”... “HEAVENLY MIRACLE”.)
And there's *NEWS* from the back yard this morning too! At 10.05... marking the time here, THE FLOCK OF MOURNING DOVES HERE AT THE LITTLE “PLATFORM” ON THE RAIL ON THE BACK GALLERY! THERE MUST HAVE BEEN 5 OR 6 OF THEM, HAVING A LATE BREAKFAST! THEY'VE FOUND THE FOOD AND THEY'RE EATING! MY SOUL IS FULL AND AT PEACE! THE “WINTER FLOCK” IS BACK AND THEY'RE EATING! AND THEY'RE EATING “GOOD” FOOD TOO! (Much of it is Yonah's “left-overs”... high quality stuff, that.) NOW I HAVE TO MAKE SURE THEY GET A “HIGHER FAT” DIET, SO I'LL BE GRINDING SUN-FLOWER SEEDS, of which I have more than plenty, FOR THEM. The jays and other birds can have the “whole” seeds, but I WANT to make SURE that the DOVES get their fill... and for that, the bits have to be small enough for them to simply swallow... a little fact I've learnt... THANKS TO MY GREAT TEACHER: Mr. TAUBE!)
In other “news”... Yonah's pool, fountain pump and tubing got a thorough “flush and cleaning” this morning. The tubing takes-on a bit of a “red” tint, from the “iron” in the river rocks that come down from the mountains. Not “a lot”, just a bit of a “tint” that probably wouldn't be noticed by many others, but I look for it and see it and so, when it begins, it's time to FLUSH! So pool and pump got taken to the kitchen, and all were flushed with a solution of approximately 75% white vinegar and tap water. It runs through for an hour, followed by 30 minutes of clear, running tap water, cold, then tepid, then cold again. The pool gets scoured to remove the “minerals” in the tap water and RINSED completely. Three hours total, but SO worth every click of the clock! AND... strangely enough, it was good timing today too... This after-noon, as I was sitting at the work table, catching-up on Journalling, I hadn't noticed but...
I turned to see Yonah at his door perch, so I reached over to pick him up, because, well, that's usually what he waits for when he's there, and I noticed that he was WET! HE'D BEEN IN THE POOL! Well, the sun POURED into his room (for the brief couple of hours we get any sun-shine these short days), and I saw that the temperature in the room was “21,6°”. Not exactly “tropical” but certainly not “Arctic”. Obviously, it was perfectly suitable for a bit of a “swim”. Out-side, the ground was still lightly covered with last night's snows, the winds were blowing quite briskly, but... in Yonah's Place, it was delightfully suited for a swim!
I picked him up and placed him on my shoulder where he got comfy on the sweat-shirt and PREENED! He was perfectly content to be there, dry off and “attend to his feathers”!
And today I noticed his feathers... I'd had a brief lie-down earlier and he came over to the futon to have his own lie-down-visit with me. (Needless to say, I didn't “nap” because, well, when he's in the mood to “visit”, I oblige, happily.) The sun came in and caught him as he stood on my knee and I couldn't help but see how full, thick, soft and shining his “new” feathers are now, after this past moulting! Honestly, I can't say that I “know” for certain, what it is that I've done for him, but what-ever it is, his voice is clear, his eyes and beak are healthy, his feathers are beautiful, he's active (OH! IS HE EVER ACTIVE!), AND he OBVIOUSLY enjoys my company, companionship and “contact”. I MUST be doing SOMETHING PROPER AND CORRECT! (Not to mention, where “company and companionship” are concerned, as I was lying on his futon, he came over, from his house, “landed” at my feet and came casually, toddling up to the pillow and made himself quite comfy at my head! THAT'S becoming quite the “habit” of late: I lie down and he comes over to join me. I NEVER would have imagined such a thing! And some people have the audacity to claim birds aren't really “intelligent”... OK, save parrots and crows. But this past year has been MORE than an education for me... it's debunked all those “other claims”. THIS Little Guy is just BRILLIANT! I now HOPE that enough people read these accounts and learn the truth. I'm not particularly counting on it. I admit it's a lot of reading, but... here it is! And I'm not an “expert”... Just a nobody living with the GREATEST LITTLE BEING IN THE WORLD! And here we are... in a humble “box”, tucked into the NY Adirondacks, in a long-other-wise-forgotten little hamlet... Here we are... and here's our story... for all it's worth.)
Another “note” of “note-worthiness”... Yonah's taken to “lounging”... on his futon! Yesterday and again today, I've come into his room to find him there, just “there”, as comfy as can be. I'm SO glad that he's “taking more of his room”, that he doesn't feel a need to stay in his house. Yes, it's obviously the place he feels safest, since, no matter where he goes, he'll always return to it, even if only to his “roof”. But I'm happy to see him out and about, especially exercising his wings! And it's SO GOOD to hear that “whistle” as he flies about. (It had stopped during his moulting but it's back, just as strong as it ever was.) His wings are strong again, and his flying is obviously quite good! Heart-breaking though, it doesn't appear to be “perfect”. I wouldn't expect him to do well if he'd need to escape a predator or make a long distance flight (foraging, general distance travel, and certainly not a “migration”). But for flying round and about his room, and the rest of the house, he's IMPRESSIVELY GREAT! AND, he's doing MUCH MORE of it lately! So, there too... what-ever I've done for him, as far as healing and nutrition are concerned... it's GOOD! And my soul couldn't be more full. Yonah HAS “recovered” from his trauma and injuries! THAT was my PRIMARY desire last year. We've BOTH made it through the roughest time. AND... WE DID IT ALONE, TOGETHER! (Maybe we were “destined” to meet? Who knows? Who can tell? Who can ever know? But here we are... our own little “flock”, and we're both doing quite well... certainly much better than a year ago... both of us. Had it not been for Yonah... I certainly wouldn't be here typing this, today.)
And today, Yonah's new “Power Surge Bar” arrived! We're moving along so much... Instead of all sorts of wires and such in his room, for fountain, light, music, we're pulling it all together nicely and neatly. It wasn't expected until Monday, but arriving today was such an added “extra” to the day. Clean pool, clean fountain, and now, a proper place for all the “power cords”. (He's got his own MP3 player coming too. Nothing but “bird-songs”... which I have to get my own “act” together and work on compiling. New, fresh sounds! I often wonder if he doesn't notice the repetition of the several recordings that I put together, what seems so long ago now. Well, I suppose it's like my own “collection of music”: it grows as time passes.)
What made the “installation” SO MUCH MORE FUN was, as I moved his house about, to get to the wall, and his lamp and such, I had to go round, front-to-back and side-to-side, and as I did, he FOLLOWED ME, from in-side his house, coming over to me when I got close enough... and we made kisses and I got pecks and he WATCHED, EVER-SO INTENTLY, at my every move. Again, it was truly as if he “supervised” and had some comprehension of “work” being done... AND... he appreciated it too because, when it was all done, the fountain was back running, his house was back “in place” and his NatSpec light went on, he took to his roof, to “bask” in the light... as peaceful and content as he could be. And when I peeked up and asked “What do you think of THIS?” he got up, came forward, toward me and, stretching his neck forward, gave me a few “pecks on the fore-head”. So, all's well and the work is “approved”.
And so, we settled-in for the evening. I had my evening meal, and Yonah too, had his. And when I'd done, I went in to “perform evening routine”. Ah, but it was a delight to know that his pool, the tubing and pump for his fountain, even the rocks for his fountain, were nice and freshly cleaned. (The rocks, by the way, got soaked in boiling water for an hour and then thoroughly scrubbed and rinsed... as they usually do on a “pool cleaning”... just to make sure there's nothing “growing” on or in them.) And as I worked about his house, Yonah took the time to have a “before bed-time snack”. He usually does that of an evening. His little crop is nice and full and he's set for the night.
NOW, for yet ANOTHER “MILE-STONE” in our little “Life Together”. I wanted just a 15-minute lie-down before wrapping the day up, nice and neat, so I turned his NatSpec light off and put the desk lamp on, set an alarm for the 15 minutes and went to his futon to lie down. As I did so, Yonah, in his house, coo'ed. I got up and brought him to the futon with me and rested him on my chest, and for a little while, he was quite content, nestled under my chin. When, apparently, that wasn't comfy, he took off and headed back to his house and I closed my eyes... only for the briefest while though because... there was the flutter and whistle of wings and THERE HE WAS... BACK ON MY CHEST! HE DECIDED HE WANTED TO COME BACK! HE LANDED ON MY CHEST, THEN STARTED WANDERING ABOUT, ACROSS MY CHEST, OVER TO MY ARM AT THE BACK OF THE FUTON, DOWN TOWARD MY WAIST... AND AS HE WANDERED ABOUT, HE PECKED, MOSTLY AT THE ZIP ON MY SWEAT-SHIRT. IT MUST LOOK LIKE SOMETHING THAT DESERVED “ATTENTION”! AND HE MOVED UP MY CHEST TOWARD MY CHIN AGAIN, THEN HOPPED UP ON THE PILLOW... STROLLED ACROSS THE TOP OF MY HEAD AND BACK DOWN ON THE OTHER SIDE TO MY CHEST AGAIN! HE WAS THERE FOR THE FULL 15 MINUTES AND THEN SOME! The alarm sounded and he was on my chest and I didn't want to disturb him. I WAS FASCINATED! HE CHOSE TO COME TO BE WITH ME! So I laid there for a full 10 minutes, at the very least, whilst he just wandered about, up and down, from chest to legs and back again. And when I wanted to get up, because it was approaching “nigh-night time”, he went up to his “extended perch” by the work table, I got up and began working with the little video and photos I managed to get of him at “lie-down”, and up there, over my shoulder, he preened and then settled. “AWE”... nothing short of it, nothing other than it... just “AWE”!
So the time went by, I got the photos and video pages coded with the latest additions and when I looked up, PRECIOUS LITTLE YONAH WAS DOZING... so, I turned his “bird-songs” off and got his “night boards” to prepare his house for the night. The curtains and such had been closed just before 17.00 tonight... sun-set having been round-about 16.30 again and, as soon as the sun is gone, things out-side start to get quite cool and I wanted to beat that. Anyway, I got the boards up but Yonah was hesitant about going in for the night so I gently lifted him and brought him to his “night perch” where he hopped out of my hands and waited for “Good night kisses”! Oh, and when those were done, and I'd gotten my “Good night pecks”, he was ready for a night of it. So I said “Good night”, put the lights out and whispered “You sleep well now. It's going to be cold out there tonight, but no colder than last night. You were safe and warm then, and you're safe and warm tonight. I LOVE you my PRECIOUS HEART AND SOUL.” and in the dim light from the next room, I could see him settling-in. Indeed... “Seepie-nigh-night” time had arrived.
I can't, never could, and probably never will be able to describe the feeling, the sensation that goes so much deeper than just my heart, to think that this little “wild Life” has come to Trust me so much, and that there is, SO obviously, a “bond” so strong between us. From “out there” in the yard, from the wood-lands of these old mountains, this Little Life has come... and has become my sole reason for existing... has changed my mere “existence” into a “Life”. It is, absolutely, indescribable. Everything has changed so very much since he came... and it will never be as it ever was before again. (As I think and type these words tonight, I HOPE that others WILL actually see them and read them, LEARN from them. Yonah is merely representative of ALL the Creations of the “wild” and the “wilderness”. This site is HIS story... but it's THEIR story as well. And although I know, for certain, it never will happen, I'll just say that it'smourning dove 27 November 2021 WAY PAST DUE TIME for “people”, “humanity”, to stop, take hold of the realities, and RESPECT ALL of those LIVES “out there”! They're SO CERTAINLY NOT as “simple” as others... “people”... have claimed them to be. They truly ARE even MORE intelligent than humans. It time to learn to live as they do... respecting one another.)
The day is done. Tomorrow, Yonah and I will wake to face another... together... if I'm to be so blessed.
Sunday 28 November:
“Our” day commenced at 7.35 this morning! A little bit of “sleeping-in”, so it seemed. But with a temperature out-side of -12°, there really wasn't any need for “rise and shine” or even “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” much earlier than that. At least in Yonah's room, it was 21° and that's all that mattered. So, as is a morning, this one began with “first call”. All else stopped and we were on our roll. But as soon as the curtains opened, it was “FREEDOM!” and Yonah was off and in flight, round the room and too, to his roof! And the day went along that same general, energetic mood, all through!
I had some chores to attend round the house and HE wasn't having ANY part of being left out of ANY of it! And today was a MOST REMARKABLE day where that was concerned. He was in a “Let's play!” mood, and he took EVERY opportunity to show it!
Every time I'd walk past his door, he stood, whether on his roof or at the door to his house, and gave a sturdy “wing-snap”, that “beckoning” to come and either play or snuggle. And when I'd walk into the room? Well! Today it was impossible NOT to have him on my shoulders or my head! I had a few things to do at his work table and he spent MOST of that time on my head, or on my shoulders, watching, 'supervising” and, if I didn't at least acknowledge his presence, I got numerous pecks on the ear! “HELLO-HELLO? In case you hadn't noticed, I'm over here.” Oh... today was “Together” day, one way or another.
In fact, TODAY, even as I went room-to-room, tending to chores, Yonah was, for the most part, WITH ME, on my shoulder or at the back of my neck! NOTHING seemed to phase him at all! And at every opportunity, he'd scurry down my arm toward my hand and stand there, staring at me, as if to say “HEY! Do you SEE ME HERE?”
What gave me the greatest joy, and a bit of a surprise is, last night's winds took down the feeding tray on the back gallery, so it had to be replaced and re-filled. It gave me a reason to get into and sort-out the new bags of seeds which I like to separate so that the smaller seeds, a dove's choice, can be put in one place in the yard and the larger seeds (for the blue jays and such) can be in another (so that the doves can eat in peace). I put all the seeds through a strainer and then put the different sizes in separate containers. WELL! AS I was working on this little project, in the kitchen, Yonah had been on my shoulder but... he decided he wanted “a closer look” and hopped down my arm and stopped at my wrist, got himself comfortably situated and as I moved the seeds about in the strainer, he just stood there, watching! Usually, any motion of my arm or hand whilst he's there, gives him cause to take off and head back to his house. BUT NOT THIS MORNING! He was there for the duration, until, at least, he'd grown bored with the general tedium (or the fact that I was paying more attention to what I was doing than paid to him?), at which point, off he went, back to his house. As I say, it wouldn't be of any consequence other than he usually doesn't even like going into the kitchen, AND he usually doesn't like it when he's on my arm and I move it at all. THIS was another one of those “Miracle Moments” for me.
As the day moved along, so did I, getting things done around the house, and Yonah was in his house or coming to my shoulder or resting on my head all the while.
BUT... A TRULY unusual event came this after-noon: His pool water needed changing. For some reason, it was looking a bit “bubbly”, which happens when he takes a “dip” (and if he had done, well, I'd missed that one). He drinks from that water so I make sure it's always clean. So I got to the business of “water-changing”... AS I was leaning in to pour the fresh water into the pool, he came right over from his perch and onto my shoulder! And he stayed there ALL the while! When I'd done “my chores”, I went over to his futon, thinking we'd sit and chat a while and as we did, I got the notion to try and put my head down for a moment, so I gradually moved into a reclining position, head on the pillow, and YONAH WAS IN THE CROOK OF MY ARM, ON THE FUTON, AND THEN UP UNDER MY CHIN! AND HE WAS QUITE COMFORTABLE THERE! IT WAS AN ACTUAL “SNUGGLE”! AND, I GOT AWAY WITH IT... TWICE !!! He was REALLY in a mood for “closeness” today! And when he'd had “enough” of the “snuggling”, he just manoeuvred his way out from under me, stood at the edge of the futon, gave me a bit of a glance and headed back to his house where he turned back to look at me, as if waiting for me to come over for MORE PLAY!
I had to make a quick run to the market this after-noon (I HATE having to leave him, especially when he's obviously in a mood for company and companionship) and I made it another “30-minute RUN”. When I got back, I immediately went into his room to find him on his roof, relaxing in his NatSpec light, listening to his “bird-songs”, and the moment I got to his house, he got up and flew to my shoulder! So I went out to the kitchen to put today's shopping away... AND HE STAYED ON MY SHOULDER ALL THROUGH MY UN-PACKING AND PUTTING THINGS AWAY! NONE of my motions phased him at all! To me, that's the GREATEST exhibition of TRUST EVER! He KNOWS that, with me, he's safe and that I wouldn't ever let any harm come to him! I HAVE to say that it appears that we've “more than simply bonded” at this point. THIS degree of Trust is just indescribable! And the JOY, the ELATION it gives me... well... THIS TRULY IS “HEAVEN”! To think, a little dove from the great out-doors, flying about with all the other doves “out there”, has come to a point where he feels safe and comfortable... even as I move about! AND, as I say, HE made it known to me that he WANTED to be with me! I suppose the closest I can call it is: Yonah and I are now our own “flock”! I've been “accepted”, by him!
As I was saying earlier on in the day, talking about him with some-one in town: None of this would be particularly impressive if Yonah were a “store-bird”, or a “pet”, purchased in a shop or raised by people. Had he been accustomed to people being “friendly”, I'd almost rather expect all of this “connection”. BUT HE'S NOT! He was conceived and born into the “wild”, away from people, learning to dread humans (much like I'm feeling about them, myself, these days). His “natural” instinct is to fear a person, especially one who came and snatched him away from his flock and kin (as I did, a year ago), put him in a “cage” in a room in a house. Oh sure, my intentions were and are and always will be nothing other than what-ever comforts (and luxuries) I can give to him, and NEVER harm him in ANY manner! But he has no way, really, of “knowing” that. BUT HE DOES KNOW THAT! He DOES KNOW my feelings for and toward him and he's come to Trust me and, obviously, enjoy my company and companionship. This little “beast of the wild” has, pretty much rather, “joined in spirit”. It would be one thing were he a larger being, coyote or even bob-cat. But this tiny little bit of LOVE... trusts me to hold him, to play with him, to be close to him, so YES, to me, this is “major miracle” here! I'll never really understand what it is or was that I've done or am doing to be deserving, but I AM... as I say... in “AWE”!
And all of this is how our day moved along, as I went about my own “amusements” and “responsibilities” of a day. And like ALL days, ESPECIALLY THESE “Winter” days, it seemed that I blinked and the sun was setting and the night was approaching and time had come to wrap-up and settle-down. TOO SOON! Just TOO, TOO SOON!
By 16.30, blinds and curtains were closed, NatSpec light on... and the bird-songs volume was turned lower... I went to the kitchen for my evening meal, and Yonah took to his roof where he settles, facing the light. I wonder about that. Since it's “Natural Spectrum”, does he some-how see it as a “setting sun” or something of the sort? Anyway, he had his “winding-down” time as I had my meal.
After I'd done with the washing-up... 19.25 was “tuck-in”... and Yonah obviously would have preferred some sort of “company” this evening. He wanted contact and attention and affection, pecking at my hand, hopping onto and off of my arm as I got his house together for the night... and how I DO SO wish that we could keep each-other company together, through the night! Only just last night I was reading how mourning doves sleep closely together at night, especially during the Winter months. I can only imagine how “alone” he must feel some-times. I wish I could KNOW how he'd take to another dove... I wouldn't “capture” one from out-side, and as much as it sickens me to even think about it, I'm MORE than willing to get him a “ring-neck” companion. But then too, I don't know how he'd take to another sort of dove... in “his” house. I COULD, very well, give the other dove his “old house”... I would, of course, set that up in his room first, and wait to see what transpires. But if he DIDN'T like “sharing”... it would be so UN-fair to the other dove, especially if they couldn't share the house... particularly at night. I just don't know. I'll have to keep my eyes open... maybe somebody, “out there” might have taken-in a mourning dove that they just can't provide for... “'adoption”. It's the same risk, but at least it would be another mourning dove. I'll have to check.
Anyway, Yonah's in for the night. He all but let me know that it was time to “stop the madness of the day” and I hadn't even started to put the “night boards” up and he was at his night perch. So? So there we have it. All “kissed, cuddled, snuggled” and tucked-in for a warm and safe night.
Tonight is the beginning of Chanukah too and, although this year, I'm not really in any particular mood for “holidays”, the first candle is lit on the Chanukiah in the living-room and I WILL say that THIS year is especially and particularly “BEAUTIFUL” because THIS year, un-like last, I KNOW that Yonah is safe, healthy, doing very well... we're not just “bonded”... it's more like “melded”, and his presence is more brilliant than ANY “light' of ANY “holiday”... and so too, is the special “light”... in my soul. Last year, my primary thoughts were of wonder: whether Yonah would heal and recover and live on. THIS year... my primary thoughts are of his comfort, safety, health and well-being... and the DIVINE COMPANIONSHIP that we give to one-another. In that respect, this IS truly a “Happy Chanukah”!
There's a light snow falling tonight, but there's no wind so the house is quite calm... and Yonah? Well... Yonah is warm, with plenty of food and water... and safe... and CHERISHED MORE THAN WORDS CAN EXPRESS.
OH... Yonah's MP3 player is due tomorrow! I'm going to be busy moving his “bird-songs” onto it AND... LOOKING FOR NEW! NOW THERE'S A DAY TO LOOK FORWARD TO! WOO-HOO (hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!)
Monday 29 November:
“Morning call” came at 7.24 this morning, and we began today very much as we did yesterday.
No sooner was Yonah's door open, the curtains and blinds open to another mostly-grey morning (with a slight “blanket” of snow on the ground out-side) when he was “ready for action”! Out the door and around the room! Well, until I began the “morning routine”... when he HAD to come back in to check and make certain that I was performing my tasks properly. He took his spot, for a while, on his perch, and with “interest”, watched, as I went on to fetch the clean water for his pool.
But, as I worked, just as he did yesterday, he moved to his “door perch” and every time my arm passed over him as I poured the fresh water, he pecked at my arm... until I paused for a moment to bend over to give him a kiss (on the back, because that was the only part that was convenient for me at the time). One kiss each of the seven trips I make. (Each trip is 2 containers of water, which fill his pool as it drains out into the bucket. By the end, ALL of the water has been replaced completely and is fresh and clean... and I wouldn't have it any other way.) When I'd finished, I turned his “bird-songs” on and went back to the kitchen for a bit, to finish my coffee and Yonah took off to “lounge on his roof” for the while.
Yonah's daily house-work done, and the kitchen settled, I had JUST taken my place at the table in his room, to work and... WOOSH! (Well, flutter and whistle), he came RUSHING over to me and “parked” ON MY SHOULDER! And, as he does, gave me a few pecks at the ear. OK. So we were BOTH, “officially” up and rolling with our day, and as I moved about, getting my little “items” together for the day's work ahead, he made himself entirely comfortable... moving around my neck from time-to-time, taking a moment to nestle in the hood of my Sherpa sweat-shirt and then back to my shoulder. And yes, there were a few “trips down the arm”, to my wrist, for a better look at what I was doing there, on that table.
HONESTLY! He is SO curious as to what I do during the day! It reminds me so very much of having read, last year already now, the story of how doves will take an active interest in the goings-on in a house-hold to the point where they'll come into a room where “their people” are gathered, find a comfy vantage point and “observe”. Back then I thought it a beautiful notion, but NEVER, AND I DO MEAN “NEVER” (at that point in time) did I EVER even IMAGINE that Yonah would EVER come to that. Well? As has been the case many times in my life-time... I'VE BEEN PROVED SO VERY WRONG! This Little Guy isn't just “interested” in what I do... he has to gt “right there” as close as possible, to watch! He has absolutely NO reservations about being close to... rather... right ON me if it means he can watch and see my every move! He practically becomes an extension of, if not a “part” of me as I move about now!
This after-noon, I THOUGHT I'd try for a 30-minute nap, since last night was another rather restless night, as I have as a rule of late. So I got up from the table, set an alarm and had a lie-down on his futon. Not 20 minutes later... Yonah was on my shoulder, staring at my face! I was under a light blanket and the only part of me that was visible to him was my head... and he came right for it! So I laid there to see what he'd do and he came right to where he could look directly at my face and was looking directly at me! And when he saw that my eyes were open, he moved down, across my chest, onto the futon then up onto the pillow and just level with my fore-head, let out a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” OK then! It was time for me to get up and get back to the tasks of the day! And with that, he took off and went back to his house.
Ah... but THEN... when I sat up to get up and move back to the work table, he saw me sitting up and WOOSH AGAIN! HE IMMEDIATELY CAME BACK TO MY SHOULDER!
I had a bit of washing on a soak in the kitchen basin and got up to attend to that, expecting Yonah to head back to his house, as he'll often do when I stand up, but NOT THIS TIME! He'd made himself most “to-home” and was coming with me this trip! So, I walked into the kitchen and YONAH made himself a nice place IN MY HOOD... AND STAYED WITH ME AS I WASHED AND RINSED THE ITEMS IN THE BASIN! And he stayed there until I'd put the washing on the drying rack. OH MY! But not only are we getting “comfy” on the shoulder, we're becoming quite comfy with being a part of the house-hold routines as well! And it STILL didn't just stop there... OH NO... THIS was yet another day of “head and shoulders”!
ALL through the day, as I sat in his room, whether at the work table or on the futon, from where-ever he happened to be at the moment, Yonah came FLYING, wings whistling, over to me! For the most part, he'd land on my shoulder (and he seems to have a preference: the left shoulder), and either “roost” right there, staring at me, or, if I didn't speak, or other-wise acknowledge his “presence”, I'd get a few pecks on the ear. Then, the little journey down the arm, to the hands... Wing-snaps for playing, attention and LOVE! All I can say is “O MY LAWRD”! THESE are the characteristics I've read and heard about regarding parrots! And, occasionally crows (who are, it's reported, are smart enough to recognise and remember human faces and will especially remember “bad experiences” with particular people). But here it is, the actual, factual, living evidence that MOURNING DOVES ARE JUST AS BRILLIANT! Yonah isn't just “OK” being here with me... He actually knows how to get my attention when he wants it, as well as where to find me (when he comes buzzing into the kitchen, flies about the table, and when he sees that I'm “in”, will go back to his house, satisfied knowing he's not alone), AND, no matter where he might be in the house, he knows his way back to his house! Oh yes... LIVING PROOF and NO-ONE will EVER convince me to the contrary!
Well, the only “negative” to this entire day was that his new MP3 player didn't arrive. Apparently, “allegedly” (I'll put it that way) an attempt was made to deliver but, as has been the case all too many times in this place, the almost common error was made with the address. Sadly and annoyingly, this is also the address for the local post office and when the “carrier service” (I won't mention the company, but it wasn't the postal... not that they're any better, mind) came to the house, the driver thought the delivery was to be made to the PO and since it was closed... well... But we've gotten that straightened out and the player should arrive tomorrow. It's OK (not really... that's a gift for Yonah and I've no patience when delays or other such nonsense happens where Yonah is concerned). We're in the process of looking for better, more suitable quarters to actually call “Home” anyway. A nice, quiet little place with trees and a place where we can continue providing for the Little Ones out in the wild. A nice little place where the sun will shine in through the windows and we won't have any traffic passing by, kicking-up road dust in the warm weather or scratching by before sun-rise on Winter mornings removing a dusting of snow. AND... EVEN MORE... where we won't have to all-but-seal the windows against intrusive street lighting through the night! It will probably take some time, but... hopefully we'll have enough of that to be together, relocate and still enjoy our Companionship for a GOOD LONG WHILE to come.
So... as the sun set and the world out-side Yonah's windows turned to deep indigo, (16.45 in the Wint'ry evening), said windows got closed blinds and curtains. I left the NatSpec light on whilst I had my evening meal and by 18.00 I was back with Yonah and working a bit on the “Home” page of his site. I'd found more “troubling statistics” on the lives of mourning doves and wanted to put a few more lines there, on the first page people come to on his site. AND... AS I WORKED ALONG, Mr. TAUBE CAME TO MY SHOULDER, DOWN MY ARM AND RESTED ON MY WRIST AS I TYPED ALONG THE KEY-BOARD! But... but 19.30, he'd made it “known”... it was time to wrap this day up! He headed up to his extended perch just above my left shoulder, preened a bit, as he does before settling-in for the night and when I looked up, he was already in “sleep position”... head resting between his shoulders... eyes closed. So I got up, gathered and removed my “items” from his work table. The night boards got put up and he removed to in-side for the night.
Kisses and snuggles and lights out... Mr. Taube is now tucked-in for a good night's sleep.
I took a look, again, this evening, to see if, by chance, there might be any possibility of adopting another mourning dove, a little companion for Yonah. I do NOT want to “buy” because that's only supporting a trade/business I detest, and my “purchase” only helps to support such horrific activities and promotes and encourages them! BUT... IF it were to come to it, I might. (It's the “shipping” that literally, physically sickens me, to be honest.) I'd adopt a ring-neck if it came to that. I'd like, very much, for Yonah to have a little companion “of his own”... just because. But for now, it appears that he's happy with me... as inferior, in OH SO MANY WAYS, as I am. So, we're here together... and not matter where we are... we'll be togther.
And on that little note... we close today... in a little place that's quiet... and warm... and safe. And tomorrow? Well... tomorrow we'll be on the constant watch for his “present”. (I found a few more recordings of song-birds today, on the internet. I played them and watched to see Yonah's response... and when he appeared to enjoy, I grabbed copies. I still have MORE searching to do so tomorrow, as we await the delivery... we'll be “surfing the web”... TOGETHER!)
Tuesday 30 November:
YONAH NOW HAS HIS VERY OWN MP3 PLAYER, TO ACCOMPANY HIS VERY OWN “SOUND BAR” (which is what they're calling “computer speakers” these days), TO LISTEN TO ALL OF HIS VERY OWN “BIRD-SONGS MUSIC”! HOURS OF BIRD-SONGS. ALL SORTS AND KINDS OF BIRDS SINGING AND CHIRPING AND “woo-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO'ing”! And it played for a good 5 hours already today... and sounding quite good!
(OK. He's got his own room, with his own “house” that has his own pool, with his own radiator for his own “heat zone”, his own window fan is brand new in the box waiting for the Winter to pass... Now all we need to do is move it all to his own place where he and I can call it “our own HOME”... because... oh, never mind. It's been a GREAT DAY! And we live in the time we have now.
And I spent the entire day with him, in HIS room, at the work table, sorting through and “cleaning” all of his “song files” so that the really short ones play a bit longer, and the ones that had a lot of “empty space” on them, or some sort of “talk-over” are now just BIRDS! Was it worth it? OH, but YES, most certainly it was because his “music files” lend an air of the out-doors to his room. Many of them were, it sounds, recorded in a wood-land, so they have that “open” sound to them. And the rest were obviously recorded out-doors, with the back-ground sounds of all sorts. So it's not only more “natural” for Yonah, it really IS a great, relaxing place to be in, on these, our days together. And I have to say that I haven't even wanted the radio on for the longest while because being in the room with Yonah, listening to the birds is just the grandest way to pass a day, especially these colder, grey days. AND... of course, Yonah being in his “togetherness” mood of late, having him on my shoulder (or my head, as he chooses) just makes “our world” the BEST place to be during waking hours.
Anyway, I am SO happy that he has his own little repository of his own “music” now. It's officially “HIS”, and nobody else's.
And he had a “visitor” today too! Deb, the one person we both know who has a place in her heart and soul very much like mine, where the Little Ones are concerned, (I dare say, even MORE-so than “Tante Nancy”, and I say so because there's a strong sincerity in Deb's care, concern and compassion that is palpable when she speaks of the Little Ones), came by this afternoon. Primarily, she came to show a photo of a white bird that came strolling up her drive yesterday, found the food she puts out for the birds at her place AND RETURNED TODAY, AGAIN! PURE, SOLID WHITE, and she says it's larger than the mourning doves in the yard so I'm thinking it might be a pigeon... although, it very well might be a dove of some sort as well! Ah, listening to her voice as she recounted how it came walking up the drive toward the house, went to the feeder, chases the blue jays, and how deeply touched she is that it returned today, it was so soothing and comforting to me to HEAR the emotion, the compassion she holds in her heart. And that she, very much like me with Yonah, feels it a “blessing”! Well! To be sure, when a Little One from the wild comes to a person, it can't be thought of as anything other. She said that it doesn't appear to have a “fear” of people which makes me wonder if it isn't or wasn't in some-one's care and, as I absolutely DREAD EVER happening to Yonah, something happened and the Little One was “turned out” to fend alone! (Facing the facts of humanity, in general, the unadulterated, hate-worthy inconsideration of most, it would come as no surprise if that is the actuality... And to think of putting such a beautiful little LIFE out into the cold of these days... and the bitterness of these nights now... to potentially freeze... to death... I can't... I just can't hold that thought too long, lest I get the uncontrollable urge to “hunt”... But again, it would come as no surprise.) THANKFULLY, the Little One found Deb's house. And she and I agreed that she'd keep me informed as to what happens along the way. In fact, the GREATEST COMPLIMENT I COULD EVEN IMAGINE: When she thought the Little One was injured, she was going to come to get me to get him/her to bring here to be helped and recover! Now... I can't help but remember a year ago when, in my own desperation and pain over Yonah's injuries, I was told “Go across the road. They're 'bird-people'.” and then, to be told by the 'bird-people'... “Nobody will want to take care of it. It's not endangered, it's not a large bird, like a raptor or anything. Just put it in a box with some paper and make it as comfortable as you can for what-ever time...” and being told that by some-body who allegedly does work for a local “Audubon”! Fast forward a year, and “it” is now my flesh, blood, soul, essence (and is having a before-bed-time snack as I type this), looking MIRACULOUSLY WELL, INDEED, PLAYS WITH AND TALKS WITH ME... AND Deb, looking for help, support, compassion and care thinks of ME! Oh... yes, I'm purely humbled and honoured.
I'm looking forward to hearing that this little white bundle has found a place of comfort at her place and if ever need be, I'll certainly do what I can to be of any and all assistance... and of course, I'll be doing all the more research... I'll have to get to her place to see just what this little “miracle” actually is and take it from there. Meanwhile...
Of particular note that I found interesting: Deb came in to see Yonah today. She's been in only once before and she REALLY IS quite fond of him. BUT... he was in his house and in his “beach” corner (on his sandy area) and would NOT come NEAR his door while she was in the room! SO! It appears that I don't have to be concerned about him having a trust in humans, in general! I don't want him to “fear” people, especially when they're in HIS room... with me, but I SURELY DO NOT INTEND that he should develop an unwavering trust in humans over-all. There really is no need for him to do so because, well, as I say: I'm here for him for as long as he's here. He goes, I go, we go together... one way or another. Still, it was interesting that he wouldn't even come near ME when I reached in to see if he'd come forward. Better still? I saw Deb to the door and went back in to be with Yonah and when he saw me coming into the room... alone... he IMMEDIATELY GOT UP AND MET ME AT THE DOOR TO HIS HOUSE... WITH A “WING-SNAP”! I was back, alone, and all was well with his world. (To be fair... Yonah might feel more at ease and comfortable with me being close... but I too, feel at ease and at peace when I'm with him. So I DO suppose this is quite “mutual”. Couldn't be better!)
So, we were together all day. When I'd done with getting his new player together, I got to some of the tasks that I had to attend... all, thankfully, in his room. And for an hour, took my “meal” break.
By the time I'd done with that, it was, sadly, “close-up” time at the windows and as I did so, Yonah followed me from his roof. It seems he's fascinated to see me in places other than in front of his house! But it's really quite cute that he takes such a “focused interest” in what goes on in his room! AND HOW WE PLAYED DURING AND AFTER! HE'S STILL IN “THAT” MOOD! And I'm MORE than happy to oblige!
Anyway, blinds and curtains closed against the pending chill of tonight. Fresh water in his pool and drinking bowl. House tidied. I returned to his work table to record the days events (as I'm doing here and now). He had a bit of a nosh, we played a bit more to the light of his desk lamp until...
By 20.00, he was all tucked-in for the night and my heart stayed with him as I put the night boards up, as he got settled on his “night perch”. “Good night kisses” (“pecks” from him, of course), the light out and silence in his room. My comfort is knowing that he's warm, safe. He has plenty to eat and drink and a good place in which to sleep, with-out any concerns, through the night. Still, it does “hurt” me a little to leave his company. He is, after all, my LIFE. But, if “Time” and “Fate” are kind at all, we have tomorrow to look forward to and I have more than plenty to keep me with him through the day again... listening to his “music”... on HIS new “player”. And one day this week, he's got a new glass canister coming for his food, the “mixture” of all the ingredients, at the ready, in abundance. The gifts continue... and will never be “enough”.
My Little Soul is protected and CHERISHED... as he should be.
Meanwhile, I can't believe another month has passed us again! These days pass entirely TOO quickly. When I remember back, just about a year ago, I was at terms with my own aging, look AT only the moment-present, not caring for the next one to follow. Not “depressed” at all, just having nothing more to really look forward to or for. “Time” was just “here” and would pass and only the moment-at-hand was of any concern, and even then, it really wasn't a “concern” at all. But these days, from that moment I saw this Little One in need of protection, shelter against the cold and rain and the predators just waiting, just out of sight, for the moment when they could finish this little “LIFE”... EVERY day... EVERY moment of EVERY day has become ever-so precious to me. And the very notion that the average life-span “out there”, of a mourning dove, is a mere 18 months... BUT, ALWAYS keeping in mind and heart that, given the opportunity, this one could have 5 to 20 years ahead... well, it is as I said to the doctor one our first visit: “I have an obligation of at least 5 years, and I intend to fulfill that obligation. And if it be longer? Well then, so be it, I'll live to what-ever term we're given... gladly, happily, willingly. It's quite a complete turn-around for me... and looking to “tomorrow” is quite a novel experience. And all because of a Little One called “Yonah Taube”. Imagine that.