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Emergency Medical

Certification: Rescue, First Aid, Care 06 January 2022
mourning dove 01 January 2022Saturday 01 January 2022:
Almost unbelievable, a new day AND a new YEAR! January 2022 already! Yonah and I will be observing 15 months together in another 12 days! 15 months! But what's SO amazing is all of the changes that have taken place over the past year! January 1st 2021 was still in the period where, although he had a proper little house, I was still of a mind where, come the warmer weather, he'd be leaving me, heading back to the flocks out in the mountains. Plans were being drawn for how and where his “people house” (“cage”, as some might call it, but I NEVER thought of is as such... it was merely a necessary place to keep him safe and comfortable for the duration of his sojourn with me) would be placed, out-side. He was, already, to me, such a beautiful spark of LIFE, an AMAZEMENT, a GLORY! I couldn't believe his healing as he began to use his legs and wings. And I couldn't accept the absolute HONOUR bestowed upon me, that I should be able to provide him with a successful place and attention to help him heal from his injuries. But, all the while, I knew, already, that I would miss him terribly when he was “gone” from here.
And as for his little “house”, looking back at the few photos from then, it was so stark, sparse. I'd done the best I could, the best I thought necessary for his comfort and best health. But, compared to today, a year later, it was “sufficient” and that's about all. TODAY, his house is more like a little piece of the mountains, with little trees, mosses, a “sandy beach” to lounge in after a dip in the “pool” where the water trickles over rocks taken from the local river.
AND our COMPANIONSHIP! I often refer to Yonah as my “Heart-and-Soul”, but I can't ever say it enough. And I can't stress enough, how truthful it is. He's literally become my next breath. I just can't imagine being, in the strictest sense of the word, with-out him. From the greetings I receive when I come into his room, to our “snoozes” together on his futon, there really isn't anything else in the world that matters at all, when compared to him.
This morning, true to form on a holiday, on THIS holiday, we BOTH had quite the “sleep-in”.
If he wakes before I do, in the morning, and he's ready to get out and get to the day, he'll call me, and, even though I'm in the adjacent room, I hear him. (I'm “tuned” to the sound of his coo'ing, even when I'm asleep. He HAS called for me, especially in the Summer months when the sun rises early in the morning, and of course, I wake with that JOY in my heart and get right to him.) But this morning, I slept later than usual (no surprises, after working frantically, on his house for most of the day, yesterday) and Yonah did like-wise. It was just after 8.00 this morning when we were finally under “morning routine”. And when I walked into this room only moments before, he was quite cozy there, on his perch. But the curtains and blinds were opened and he was on his way... bidding “Good mornings” to the “doves in the mirrors” AND supervising me as I changed waters and tidied his house... with the fresh sands, fresh mosses. Once he was up and about, the day became “another day with him”, no “holiday”, just OUR-day.
It wasn't exactly “cold” during the day but it was “cool” and so damp! The snows were still melting and there'd been a “heavy fog” at some point, the likes of being so “heavy” that it was more like a “mist” in the air. But, to be sure, Yonah's room was ever-so comfortably warm and toasty. And we spent the entire day together... I'm still working with the closing of 2021 and there are still photos to be added to his “Portfolio”, his Journal and we're adding to his “Cage Care” page, including a little “photo history” of yesterday's work. He's a never-ending source of inspiration and information and I'm doing all I can to make it so that others who are in the same situation as we are, will have a place to go to for information, referrals, reference... Yonah and I were so ALONE at the beginning of our little “journey” together. We'll make sure that nobody else ever has to experience that emptiness. (And, of course, we're getting the message out about how so many find it so acceptable to simply murder his compatriots... and how there ARE “good people” still left in this old world who have a heart to give to mourning doves - as well as other Little Ones of the wildernesses.) Anyway, the “work” (that really is more “JOY” than “work”) kept me at the work table and in Yonah's room... and his company through it all.
And it was a “slow” sort of day. Compared to yesterday's mania, I worked at the table, and Yonah lounged... save for the moments of playing and affection. And I say again today, he KNOWS the work that was done in his house yesterday and he DOES actually show “appreciation” for it all in that, again today, he wanted to be close, wanted the little caresses, stroking, the “jousting” and the snuggling. (And me? Well, of course, I'm never too busy to enjoy our “together” moments... minutes... hours... days.) It was THE GREATEST way to begin another year, just the two of us, together. And I put the furnace up a bit higher today, to dispel the dampness, warm the coolness and keep the both of us as “comfy-cozy” as any two could be. Between the warmth from the rest of the house and Yonah's radiator, the world out-side just didn't exist. We were just “hunkered” together and it was GLORIOUS!
That's how the entire day passed, just us, listening to bird-songs and, for a while, the radio... which got changed to our own music, softer and calmer. 2022 came in PERFECTLY!
And, I took a mid-day snooze... and, as it is with snoozes... Yonah came over to “keep watch” from the pillow for the 30-minutes. I don't know that I'll ever take a proper “snooze” if not with him beside me, or, snuggled against the top of my head on the pillow. He's just the GRANDEST!
And so, I worked, the rest of the day and into the evening, on getting his photos together to close 2021 and open 2022, and all the while, he was out and about in his room... and he's even discovered “new places”! Not that things are re-arranged any, in his room, but he's becoming progressively more inquisitive, flying into new corners, finding more places to “hide away”. It's now at the point where, I MUST look before moving away from the work table AND I MUST stop at the door before coming into the room! He amazes me with the way he just seems to “know” where to be, and to stand perfectly still when he's there... so that I truly HAVE to look to find him! And if he doesn't want to be discovered, when I “call”, he won't answer! Clever Little Guy! If he DOES want me to know where he is, he'll “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” back so I can find him. All-in-all though, I'm just waiting for the time when he gets bored with his room and REALLY heads out to the rest of the house! I'm looking forward to that. He already has a little “tree” in the living-room, should he want to go there for a change. It's a leafless maple branch in a terracotta pot. But it's a “natural tree” and the branches are of a width that are comfortable for him to perch on. So... one of these days. (Not until the warmer weather though, I might suspect, because the living-room tends to be quite a bit chillier that his room and, well, he obviously enjoys the warmth... as he perches and roosts on his door perch, over the warmth of his radiator.) Anyway...
And I have to add... he LIKES the “new moss” in his house! Especially now that the “softer” moss in closer to the front, as it were, and closer to the warmth of his radiator! MOST of the time, when he wasn't out exploring, Yonah was “lounging” right beside me, in his house, in his “new nest”! Now I wish I'd been able to find more of that sort of moss and will look forward to the next “thaw”. I know where to find it and since he likes it so much, I'll get more, to give him even MORE space to “nestle-down” in! Hey, as I say: Nothing is too good and nothing good enough for him.
So, today was “busy”, for both of us and, in spite of the fact that the days are “getting longer”, they're not getting “noticeably” longer just yet... before I knew it, the sun had set! I took 45 minutes for an “evening meal break” and was right back in to close the day with him. We changed the waters in his pool and drinking dish. He “knew” that meant that it was close to “seepie-nigh-night” time. His blinds and curtains were already closed earlier to keep the night chill out so I simply “dimmed the lighting”... turning the “FullSpec” off and we sat together by the dimmer desk lamp and we had a bit of a snuggle, a cuddle, a schmooze... He's enjoying the closeness all the more these days. Looks like we're certainly a “flock” of our own now. And I couldn't be any fuller of absolute ECSTASY if the world tried, if the Heavens came with a personal delivery! This Little Guy is my “ALL”, and as long as he's OK with my company and companionship, as long as he's healthy and well, (and today, he has his “special” mix of sun-flower seeds, peanuts, the good seeds from the wild song-bird mix that I separated for him... and he had his “before bed-time snack as I began moving my “stuff” from his work table) ALL is perfectly well and fine with my world. It's ALL that matters at all to me!
Oh... tonight I tried a little something: I recorded my “chirping”... “SEE-eepie-nigh-night” that I say as I put the night boards up at day's end. Yonah's come to recognise that as “Time to get ready for sleep” and when I say it, he “makes his rounds” bidding “Good night” to the little reflections in his mirrors and then toddles to his “sleep spot”. I gave it a try, playing it back, to see his reaction and... well... WELL... it has the same results! So, if, for any reason, I might not be able to hit that “pitch” on a particular night, I can simply play the recording and he'll know... the day has come to a close and it's time to settle-down and settle-in. (And for those who have been wondering what it is and what it sounds like... here's a copy. Silly little thing, but the expression has been a personal favourite for many years... not “chirped” but just spoken. The “chirping” came one night when I was feeling a bit “silly”... and it's just stuck.)
And so, there we have it... Yonah and I have made it together, to see out the year 2021 and see in the new 2022. It was a peaceful day, a calm day, a typical Northern Winter day, and we were together, warm and dry, safe and sound. And tonight, again, he has his own little place,mourning dove 01 January 2022 his own little house where he can sleep peacefully with-out a care about anything coming along to do him any harm. I don't know that I'm providing him with a “perfect” life, but I'm hoping that I'm providing him with all his needs. He appears to be comfortable, happy, maybe even “content” with the way things are for him. Other people say that he “knows” that he has a “good life” here. Those who know and those who have seen tell me that he couldn't have been any more fortunate than he was that it was me who found him that rainy day in October 2020. They say that NOBODY would EVER give as much to such a little being. Well, I'll NEVER stop trying to give him all-the-more, but for now, I do my very humanly-best for and by him. After all... there's me because there's him... and... with-out him... there's neither.
Here's to 2022... and all the time we might have of it.

                * FULL SCREEN *
Sunday 02 January:
A January morning in the Adirondacks... it was grey, a light snow falling, and the temperature was just at the point where the cold met damp and both met the house. And as I sat at the kitchen table, the clock ticked-away the minutes until I noticed “8.00” and no “call” from Mr. Taube! So... I got up and went, softly, into his room. It was the kind of day where, if he was awake, well then, that would be fine, we'd open the windows to the out-side and get the day rolling, but, if he was still asleep, surely he's more than entitled to enjoying the warmth of his room and house for as long as HE wants. I wasn't there to disturb him and neither of us have a “clock” to be aware of (at least I don't, until it gets to be later in the day and heads into night... which I always resent anyway because it happens too quickly and too soon, when-ever it happens). So I went to his futon from whence I could see his silhouette against the light coming into the room through the closed curtains.
At first, he seemed motionless. Asleep? Doves, they say, “half-sleep”, one side of the brain sleeps whilst the other side remains aware, in case of predators. Was I at the “asleep” side or the “awake” side? I wasn't sure. But then... his head moved forward, looking at me. So I spoke, softly, asking if he was ready to get up and “have at” another day. “Hey!” I said, “We did it! We saw a year out, saw another one in, and here we are, still rolling along! How about THAT? Eh?” He stretched his wings, gave a “ruffle”. My little Heart-and-Soul was up, awake and prepped to take the day and what-ever it had to offer! (And I was relieved... I know such a Blessing isn't forever. I'm never “prepared”, but it's always on my mind.) Yeah, it would have been a perfect day to just “tuck-in” and forget about the rest, but... we were both up...
I removed the night boards, opened the curtains, then the blinds, and as the day-light (what there was of it) came into the room, Yonah made his “rounds”... “Good morning” to the little birdies in the mirrors... and then he was off and flying! Over to the other perch on the other side of his house, checking to see what was for breakfast and I got on with my “chores”... “morning routine”. Whilst I worked (“pool-boy” that I am), Yonah had a bit of a light breakfast and was in full-flight mode, to his door perch and then... off to the futon! OK... we were in action, out day had been declared “IN SERVICE”!
After “morning routine” was complete, I settled-in and settled-down at the work table. Still had a bit of “closing” to do for Yonah's 2021 Journal. Photos to add, some texts to check... and by now, it was heading for 9.00 and I wanted it done today... Well? I DID managed to accomplish it all, so 2021 is now “closed” and 2022 is “open”. (It'll be fun to be able to look back and follow our 2021 together and compare to 2022. Even now I see SO MUCH that we've come through... and, every account just deepens my AWE! This is a most indescribably magnificent “journey” with Yonah! Just AMAZING!
At about 10.50, saw another male mourning dove having something to eat on the back gallery! I haven't seen very many of them thus far, this Winter. I was becoming heart-achingly concerned, wondering why they weren't returning this Winter. There's particularly good food there, with the “little extras” that Yonah gets (peanuts, sun-flower seeds - ground to “swallowable” size, and, of course, the “left-overs” that Yonah doesn't eat with-in a day... they're not “stale” and there's nothing “wrong” with the left-overs, I just prefer to keep Yonah's food as fresh as possible, since he's in the house AND it's my responsibility to make certain that his nourishment is fresh, food AND water). I'm to understand that the males will stay up here, in the North, through the Winter more-so than the females. Still, I see them out there, as the snows fall and accumulate, I look at the weather forecast and SO wish that I could either provide them with some sort of “heated shelter” or just bring them all in until the cold passes. But the fact is, if I put up a “heated” space for them, it does them more harm than good because they'll have to leave it to find water, to congregate, they'll have to fend against the cold “out there” and, too much time in too much heat won't allow them to “adjust and acclimate”. They'd be more likely to freeze to death. And then too, there's the danger of them being in one place... convenient to predators! The hawks, owls and crows are still “out there”, not to mention the coyotes, and “domestic” cats. It would be un-kind to entice a flock to gather in one place for a length of time, a perfect “target”. (As, I recall, a comment made to me, some time ago, when I was told: “They're the easiest to shoot a lot of in one shot. They're ground-feeders so there's a lot of them right there, together. One good shot and you take quite a lot of them out.” People... the very thought sickens me to the core. “Sport”. “Fun”. What sort of mental, moral and ethical illness.) Deborah, who lives about 2km down the main tells me that she has a flock of about 15-20 who come to her feeder, so I'm comforted knowing that, even if the mourning doves aren't coming here to eat, they're well-served at her place. It's not “where” they eat... it's THAT they eat, that concerns me.
And of course, I see a mourning dove out in the yard and I think of a “companion” for Yonah... but, I'm not so sure he'd appreciate “sharing” his house and home with another... and I most seriously doubt another male would be a wise choice. “Competition” for space, house... and... affections. A fight for “dominance”. Oh well. There are perfectly legitimate “reasons” against such a thing. (Of course, if there are any “injuries” out there, it won't make any difference to me. I'm more than willing and able to provide separate quarters for “recovery”.

                * FULL SCREEN *
“LATE LUNCH” BUT, FROM BEHIND ME, I HEARD A MOST-FAMILIAR “SPLASH”... YONAH WAS IN THE POOL! SWIMMING ABOUT... IN THE POOL! HIS ROOM THERMOMETER READ 20,7°... THE OUT-SIDE WEATHER REPORT CLAIMED A RATHER BRISK -6° WITH A CHILL OF -11° UNDER THE GREY SKIES AND LIGHT SNOW STILL FALLING... *** BUT... AT “CLUB TAUBE” IT WAS, OBVIOUSLY, “SWIMMING TIME” **** !!! NOW... IMAGINE THAT ! IT'S AS I SAY: WITH YONAH, THERE'S NEVER A DULL MOMENT, NEVER A MOMENT WITH-OUT SOMETHING TO BE AMAZED BY AND WITH! SWIMMING... ON THE 2 JANUARY ! (And I'm so worried about giving him a “proper and good life”... not to mention those who would come and take him from me... and THIS! Clueless lot, that.) AND HE REALLY ENJOYED HIS SPLASHING ABOUT TOO! FIRST THE LEFT WING UP, AS HE DOES, AND THEN THE RIGHT WING! A BIT OF A “LOUNGE”, A BIT MORE SPLASHING. IT'S ALWAYS A JOY, FOR ME, TO SEE HIM ENJOYING THAT LITTLE BIT OF A POOL, AND ESPECIALLY NOW THAT, UNDER THE CLEAR GLASS, THE SAND IS VISIBLE. BETWEEN THE RIVER ROCKS AND THE RIVER SAND, WITH THE LITTLE WHITE PINE ABOVE, IT ISN'T ACTUALLY A MOUNTAIN POOL, BUT IT SURELY DOES HAVE THE ALL THE ASPECTS OF ONE... INCLUDING THE TRICKLING OF THE WATER AS IT COMES UP OUT OF THE LITTLE FOUNTAIN, SPLASHES OVER THE ROCKS AND GIVES SOME “MOTION” TO THE WATERS. (I have to wonder if that motion in the water isn't what's most enticing about it... AND... it gives such a sparkle of delight to my old soul, I'm so grateful that it occurred to me to include that little fountain with Yonah's pool. To think: ALL of this, from the “crate”, as it is, to the sands, mosses, trees... the “pool”, the fountain... ALL of it is the result of my own “gut instinct”. And it works so well! And I'm SO grateful that I have this little “internet” venue to pass this along to others. Maybe I can be instrumental in making the lives of other mourning doves, other birds... and other “Little Ones” of all sizes and kinds, more pleasant by getting Yonah's story out to the world. I can only hope... I can only hope that “apathy” hasn't taken control, and that “self-serving” isn't yet, the predominant sentiment.) MEANWHILE... YONAH HAD HIS DIP IN THE POOL, HIS “NEW YEAR'S BATH”... and I of course, got video of it because it's always amazing to me to see him so happy, splashing about.

When “swim-time” was enough, he simply hopped out, came over to his door perch, gave his wings a good “shake”, and as he dried in the warmth that rises from his little radiator just below... he was in a mood for play. So we played a bit... until he toddled off to his “moss” where he snuggled into his little “nest” there, and took a snooze.
And so our day went along, peaceful, really. And I kept at the photos and videos that are now on their respective pages. 2022 is “officially open”... photos AND videos! And Yonah snoozed, ate, flew about the room.
For a while, he “snoozed” on the very pillow I lay on when I take my lie-downs! It was touching, deep into the core of the soul, when I saw that. He has another pillow, several other pillows, in fact, and the folded blankets, the entire futon to “rest” on, BUT HE CHOSE THE VERY PILLOW THAT I LAY MY HEAD ON. I DO believe that it can be said, with all certainty, that the LOVE I have for him is TRULY RECIPROCATED! He DOES KNOW that I mean him nothing but the very BEST-POSSIBLE. He DOES KNOW that I DO LOVE him with ALL that I am. I don't know HOW he knows, but, just as I feel we are a “unit”, two parts of one, I just “sense”, in that “place” we can't exactly describe or locate, inside each of us, that, in his own way, to his own extent, he feels the same way. I've been reading more on how doves will “marry” their “people” just as they'll “marry” their dove-mates. I came across this several times already, as I ponder getting Yonah a “dove-mate”. One account that comes to mind is where it was said:
If one does get a mate for a dove, after the dove has “bonded” with his/her “person”, there very well might be a period where a “divorce” becomes necessary. In this, the “person” has to decrease contact and affections so that the original dove feels the “absence” and the “distance” and, in a quest for a “bond”, s/he will, eventually turn to the “new comrade”. A “bond” may form and, eventually, BOTH doves will come to “bond” with their “person”. As if the first one says “I understand... All's forgiven now.”
At this juncture, it appears that Yonah and I are now “mates”. I'm so HIGHLY AND DEEPLY HONOURED because it's the GREATEST of ALL BLESSINGS that one can imagine! And that my efforts, my LOVE isn't just acknowledged, but it's appreciated is ALL that ANY-one could even HOPE for! And, I recall the documentation stating that mourning doves will show signs of “mourning” the loss of a “mate” and will, in time, seek another, it's the thought that, should anything happen to me to take me from Yonah, (or, should ANY-ONE EVEN SO MUCH AS TRY TO TAKE HIM FROM ME... good luck with that... I daren't even imply or insinuate the HELL...) he would mourn the loss! Ah well, the truth of the matter is: should Life, the world, Creation take him from me... we won't be “parted” long. And that's a certainty beyond the existence of this little planet we reside on.
That said... the day became late evening all entirely too soon. My comfort is that Yonah and I WERE together ALL day today, save the time I had my evening meal... which was, again, just under 45 minutes. But the day-light, grey as it was, turned to deep indigo out-side the windows. I closed the blinds and curtains right away this evening to make sure that the cold of tonight (threatening -16°) had no chance of “creeping in”, but Yonah stayed on the futon and I continued to work on his web-site for another 90 minutes.
And again, tonight, “seepie-nigh-night” was difficult for me, and none-too-joyful for Yonah. (I swear, I thought, for a moment's time: If only I could “shrink” me, to about his size... he could sleep on the perch and I could sleep on his little corner “loft platform”. And, after all, his “house” is a “large” size “dog crate” so there's quite a lot of room in there! Yes, OK... “bordering on”... just about passing legitimate “eccentricity”.) But, as I put the night boards up and mentioned the chirping “sEE-pie NIGH night” Yonah went right about bidding a “Good night” to the little doves in his mirrors. And by the time I went to put the lights out, he was getting settled in his “night spot” on his perch. We exchanged our usual “cuddles, snuggles and kisses”,mourning dove 02 January 2022 his door was closed for the night. His radiator is placed so that the warmth will rise to where he sleeps. We've already made it, quite well, through -16° nights already and that really isn't all that brisk, but I won't have him getting chilled to where he HAS to fluff against the cold! (Friday night will be interesting if and when it drops to -20° though... Still... we have all of January and February to get through and -30s aren't so out of the ordinary... But, should the nights get TOO cold, Yonah and I will be together... I'll just go back to sleeping on his futon so that I can generate a bit of body heat in his room and we'll hunker together...)
Another day has passed, much like others, and now, the house is still, Yonah is tucked-in, and I'm about ready to do the same. And tomorrow? Monday... the “holidays” are done now, the world returns to the normal banalities of existence. And I've more to do... at Yonah's work table, for the day. (It's not that I “create” tasks and chores to do to be with him, but I often wonder if I don't, unconsciously, slow my-self down as I work... so that I WILL have more to keep me in his room with him. Oh... it's of no consequence, circumstance, importance, matter... it's the way it is and tomorrow... we'll “work” together... and play and snooze.) Me and my little Heart-and-Soul
mourning dove 03 January 2022Monday 03 January:
8.05 this morning! Imagine? BUT... in all fairness, the morning was rather Wint'ry dark and last night, “out there”, the temperature dropped to a chilling -20° over-night, and that lingered until just after 9.00 this morning, so, it was the perfect day for “sleeping-in”. Of course, when I crept into Yonah's room, it was a delightful 21° in there and, I suspect, that's what his room held through the night. Mean-while, out-side, the only Little Ones who came to breakfast were the little juncos. The crows were, of course, up and about, calling to one-another, but that was the lot, juncos and crows. So, if there were no blue jays, and, as it's been of late, no mourning doves, I imagine they were huddled together, keeping warm, in one of the local barns. I take “cues” from out-side where Yonah is concerned. After all... he never was, and in spite of our “marriage”, he still really isn't a “domestic”. I imagine he holds most of his out-door, “wild” instincts and so, I appreciate and honour that. No matter how “close” we may have become or might become, I never want him to completely relinquish his birth-rights. I admire them... I admire HIM for those attributes, and I'll do all I can to help him maintain them.
This morning, as I walked in, I “coo'ed”, to see if I'd be blessed with a reply but, it wasn't until the curtains and blinds were open that he had anything to say. And even then, it was his “greeting” to the little dove in the mirror. WELL! OK! I'd opened his door, first thing, of course, and he seemed quite content to “stay in” for a while longer. But, as I picked-up the water containers to get on with “morning routine”, it must have been some sort of “sign”... Yonah was “on the wing” and off to the futon... then to the wall shelf... and back to the futon until I got to the business of changing the water in his pool. OH! THEN it was “supervision time”! He came rushing over to his door perch to watch as I went back and forth, pouring the fresh water. He does that, rather frequently. My arm passing over him doesn't “disturb” him at all! But, sometimes, in an almost “playful” move, he'll reach up and peck at my arm as I'm pouring. I mention it because it still amuses and amazes me that he has no fear, no trepidation as my hand and arm pass over him. It's more of his “TRUST”, that trust that I consider the greatest of ALL blessings and gifts he's given me over our time together.
Luckily, I had quite a bit to get to today, at this work table, so, as the temperatures held their chill out-side, in spite of the sun rising in a crisp-clear sky, Yonah and I settled-in together in the delightful warmth of his room.
For the most part, he chose to “nestle” in his little “moss nest”, directly in-side his house, in the “front”, by the warmth of his radiator, and right beside me. As I worked he either kept an eye on me or dozed. (When he dozes, with me in the room, I'm just SO honoured in that he's actually come to be comfortable with my presence. I'm truly NOT perceived as a “threat” or “predator”. Again... he “KNOWS” that I'm here to protect him in every way I possibly can.)
One thing I HAVE to mention is a “new development” in recent days:
Just out of curiosity (and a selfish want to really “cuddle” with him), I tried to open my sweat-shirt and, as he was on “his” pillow, I leaned forward and, “swaddling” round him, brought it closed with him next to me...and stood up, holding him, ever-so gently. To my absolute AMAZEMENT... HE “NESTLED”, COMFORTABLY, CALMLY IN MY SWEAT-SHIRT! JUST AS STILL AND CALM AS HE COULD BE! Now, I MUST say that one important reason I wanted to know his reaction to this is because I dread a power-outage come the truly colder weather. We've had them before and, well, before Yonah was in the house, I was fine, bundling in blankets when the house got colder. BUT, with-out power, we have no furnace, no radiators, and, sadly, even the stove and oven are electric so... the ONLY source of warmth for Yonah would be... me. I've thought about that, often, and have tried to figure ways of, perhaps, making a little “tent” of some sort for the both of us. Something perhaps the likes of what a child might build... with chairs and blankets. It would give him space, and with me in there, it would provide warmth. But, when the temperatures out-side plummet to -30° or lower... I have to think of the best way to keep him from freezing! So... I wondered if he'd object to being held, close. Obviously, he doesn't! And THAT TOO, is a matter of him trusting me. He just KNOWS, some-how, that, no matter what I do, I have NO intention of causing him even the slightest harm... never mind, discomfort. And so, I'm really quite relieved to know this. My Little Heart-and-Soul will NOT be cold! There's no reason why he should. “Cool”? OK. Yes, But “cold”? Never, as long as I can help it.
He HAS been under a light blanket with me as I've laid on his futon. There too, he has NO panic... he just takes it all as a new experience, another “new space” to toddle about it. And again... NO “fear”, no “nervousness”, no “trepidation”. (So, if we had to make our own “blanket fort”, we'd probably have quite a lot of fun in it!) He SO obviously trusts me. Yes... I suppose one could say... “we're quite the unit”...
And so, our day moved along, and although it did nothing to raise the temperatures out-side his windows, the sun POURED into Yonah's room! It was bright and, as if came through the glass, the sun bathed him in a wonderfully welcomed warmth. (Though not enough to warrant another dip in the pool today. But, I suppose there's a limit to bathing, even when the pool is “indoor”.) I got to work on the final closings of things for 2021. Thankfully Yonah's Journal and photos are caught-up too. And we stayed, for the most part, in his room, together. (I had to go out for a while to clean the snow and ice off the truck and make a run into town... and, when I returned, as I was coming back into the house I saw and heard 3 or 4 MOURNING DOVES IN THE TREES IN THE BACK OF THE HOUSE !!! It strikes me how “attuned” my ears are now, to that “whistle” of their wings. But it was such a delight to see them! Even though my heart goes out to them and my desire is to bring them in for the Winter. But... we've been through that already. It's just “me”... I'd like to be able to make their lives easier, more comfortable... safer.)
When I think of the mourning doves in the wild, I now think of their “average life-span” of 18 months with a remote potential of about 5 years. And I think of Yonah... who has been in my life now going for 15 months. it's been estimated that he might have been but 2 or 3 months old when he came in so... we're looking at him at an age of, perhaps 17 or 18 months now... It frightens me, when I think of it. I just don't see “me” with-out “him”. But, he's had a nice warm place for the Winter, a cooler place, protected from extreme heat, during his Summers. He's eating VERY healthy and well, has plenty of fresh, clean water. His “housing” is clean. He gets his exercise and flying space. And we have our “play time” together. He appears to be in the best of health... and... there are the accounts of doves living some 20 years so... If I've learned anything from Yonah, it's to take the time at hand and live that, LOVE it, enjoy it. EVERY moment in time passes... bet grab each as it comes. We might be looking at 5 years together (one of which has too, already passed)... We might be looking at 20 years together. We might be looking at a day, month... we don't know, but right now... we have the time we have... and it would seem we're both quite happy with just that. I know I am...
This evening, a check of the forecast and tonight's expected low temperature is -21° with a chill of -25° around 5.00 or 6.00 tomorrow morning! So we'll have Yonah's radiator all set. His blinds and curtains got closed the very moment the sky darkened, to make certain to keep ANY chill out-side.
And again, this evening, as I sat at his work table, Yonah made himself most comfy on the futon... and again, on the pillow where I lay my head when I nap or snooze! It seems to be a favourite place of his lately. There are so many other places he's been, in his room, from shelves to perches and such, but he's choosing that one pillow, in particular, of late. I wonder why. I just wonder why.
Well, we had a GRAND day today (of course we did, we were together). Tonight though, for some reason, Yonah was a bit more hesitant about getting tucked-in. He'd made himself quite comfortable on his roof-top, “basking”, as it were, in the “FullSpec” light. Even after I turned it off (at 19.00... so he has a “routine”), he wanted to stay up there. It took a bit of “coaxing” to get him to finally leave his “roof-top platform”, but he got only as far as perching on his door which always fascinates me because it's such a narrow “wire” and his little feet just curl round it and he balances so perfectly! Were I to try such a thing, I'd be off and on the floor before I could even think about such a thing. Anyway, he wanted “cuddles”... that “wing-snap”! So, we did our cuddles until he decided it was enough and took off... and finally made his way back into his house.
I put the night boards up, the back one being quite a little “blessing” on nights such as this is expected to be. The curtains and blinds do block a considerable amount of the out-side cold, but the board on the back of his house gives even more protection. And the half-board on top catches some of the warmth of the radiator below so, with curtains, boards, radiator and, of course, the furnace for the rest of the house, Yonah will be kept quite nicely warm through the night... and THAT, to me, is of the utmost importance for him during these cold nights of Winter. (He's never really had to fend against an actual “freeze”, and I'm not about to put him in a situation where he'll even have to fend against a “heavy chill”. There's no need. He's not going out into it... so long as I draw breath.) So with every-thing set, he made his way up to his night perch, the desk lamp was turned off but I leave the door to his room open so that the dim light from the kitchen illuminates just enough for him to “navigate” to where he'll be settled and comfortable for the night. 19.30... Mr. Taube was tucked-in.
My Little Guy, my “Heart-and-Soul”, safely nestled, nice and warm, protected, LOVED, SO VERY CHERISHED, for our first “real Winter” night. (Thankfully, we'll be getting a bit of a respite until Friday... “negative” temperatures at night but only single-digit.) And me? Well, I settle too, knowing he's safe and warm. There's oil in the furnace, there's a radiator to kick in when the furnace isn't running... and come the morning... I'll be here, looking forward to (maybe) a call when Yonah wakes from a night's sleep. I've nothing to take me away from the house so... We'll get to “explore” another day and see what sorts of mischief and such we can get into... along with a snooze (no doubt) and, of course... PLAY-TIME... and snuggles. (It's supposed to be a clear day too, so... SUN-SHINE! But then again, no matter what the weather out-side, in this old house, it's ALWAYS delightful... After all, Yonah Taube is in residence... and NOTHING can be better than THAT!)
mourning dove 04 January 2022 Tuesday 04 January:
The weather report this morning, at about 5.30, claimed -20° with a “chill” of the same temperature! (And, it's forecasting -25° for Friday!) And when I checked Yonah's room, it was SO delightfully warm, comfy, cozy, so I was at peace. Meanwhile, I'd gone out and put some extra food up for the Little Ones out in the yard, including some hulled sun-flower seeds, ground to that the tiniest of them could get that extra fat and oil, and some ground peanuts mixed in as well. When I'd put it out, it was still before day-light but with that temperature, it wouldn't go “bad” any time too soon and it was there, available to them, when they got up and came looking for some “fuel to burn” in their little bodies. How I DO marvel that they can manage to tolerate such horrific cold conditions! (And again... how I wish there was something I could do to make things more comfortable for them!) But my Little Guy was tucked-in, safe and sound and WARM.
And today's “news”... I'm registered and enrolled in the course for certification for “Rescue and Rehab”! I was so excited to get started, not knowing what to expect and expecting to have to take copious notes, really get this old brain focused and working, that I DOVE right into it... I registered, paid and the materials were available immediately! Aside from wanting some sort of “evidence” (other than all of this journalling of Yonah's and my adventures here) of my learning and experience and education (all due and thanks to my GREATEST PROFESSOR AND MENTOR... Mr. YONAH TAUBE!), I DO want as much proper education as I can acquire and accumulate so that I'm prepared for emergencies. Our beginnings, and the darkness, the oppressive loneliness and general abandonment I felt have left a “scar”, so it would seem, and one that I doubt will ever “heal”. (I believe this is what's known as “bitterness”, but, quite frankly, I don't care what it's called. Those months were breath-takingly heavy, almost depressing, as I felt so useless, worthless, helpless, and, with every passing moment, so un-sure of what to do at the time and in future... Of course, then too, there was the more recent experience, being flatly shut-out by a so-called “professional” at an “institute of natural science”.) So now, in addition to all the research (as is on Yonah's “Bibliography” page on his web-site), I'll be adding actual professional education! And so... INTO THE REALM OF “FORMAL EDUCATION”! (Certificate to follow... “suitable for framing”?)
And well, as “Fate” would have it... I was into the first 10%, and rolling, happily, along. The introduction was, for the most part, covering just about all I'd already done for Yonah! I was excited with my own progress when...
8.05... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SOUND IN CREATION came floating through the morning air! My REAL Professor was up and awake and looking to take-on the WORLD! I called back “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and, as if impatient with me, Yonah replied... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” I wrapped-up the “module”, with the notes I'd been taking as I read, and headed into the wonderful warmth of Yonah's room.
Oh, he was awake and ready alright. I no sooner got to his house to open his door when he was at the front, on his “night perch”, with his head bobbing forward to greet me! So I opened the door, leaned in and immediately got the “kisses” that begin and end our day together! Following our mutual re-assurance of “Love in the morning”, I got directly to the “morning routine”... and as the curtains and blinds opened to let in the dim morning light, the sun was coming through the lower branches of the trees across the way. 8.00 and there was sun shining in the sky! Oh yes, indeed, our mornings are beginning earlier again! AT LAST! (But honestly, the cold out-side was “waiting” for the opportunity to come through the glass. When I'd done opening them to bring in the light, I moved Yonah's house just a bit farther into the room, away from the panes where the warmth of his radiator could keep the chill away. Clear as the morning might be, the fact is that, out there, Winter is coming in with all it has.) As I went about changing the water in pool and drinking bowl, Yonah “made his rounds”, bidding greetings to his “little doves in the mirrors”, and when I'd done, he headed up for a bit of breakfast... fresh food served as well.
OUR day was in full swing and we were both well and fine after a night of quite brisk cold.
I'd been “up and down” almost hourly through the night, last night, making sure that the house was keeping warm enough. Thankfully, the forecast for the next few days and nights is for “single-digits”. Yes, their still below freezing, but at least not until Friday will we have to deal with the likes of last night again. But we made it through last night... MUCH colder nights are to come before this Winter is done, but, we're prepared... obviously “well-prepared”. My little Heart-and-Soul will be kept warm, safe and cozy.
As the day progressed, the sun rose in the Southern sky, which is perfect because it FLOODS Yonah's room with brilliant light and it does lend warmth to his room... and, mostly, his house, just inside the double windows. And as I continued with my “studies” and a bit of other small tasks around the house, Yonah enjoyed flying about his room, on his shelves, his futon... relaxing on his pillows... and taking a “snooze” in his “moss nest”. He ALSO took a few “strolls” about the floor again today and, at one point, as I was studying in the kitchen, he called-out several times so I got up to “investigate”.
As I carefully walked into his room (as I must now that he's taken to strolling about the floor), I couldn't find him in ANY of his “usual” places! He wasn't on the shelves, nor on the futon or his pillows. He wasn't on the floor either! Not even in the little places he's come to find and that he likes to “explore” in a day! I couldn't imagine WHERE he could have gotten to this time. And he hadn't come to the kitchen! I “called”... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”, to which he often replies, but... silence! I was beginning to worry, wondering where he'd gotten to, and wondering if he'd gotten into a place where he just couldn't figure the way out of when... a little movement caught my eye... HE WAS ON THE SHELVING UNDER HIS HOUSE! In and amongst his containers of foods! And there he “strolled”, almost literally, as if checking the goods, out for a bit of “shopping”. He's SO, SO VERY curious about things and places and spaces! It's really a delight to see him strutting along with his little “hop”, checking each and every little item he sees. As I say, I don't see Yonah as being a “pet”, I don't see him as being “domesticated” (a term that truly sours me because it sounds like some form of “conquer”, as if he's been “captured”). Yonah and I have a particular “bond”... a “marriage”, if you will, and in this “relationship”, he is as free as he can possibly be, considering the situation and circumstances. He might not have the entire Universe to explore, the mountains, the trees, the wilderness out-side... and to put him into that would be certain death to him, particularly because of his limited ability to fly, and now, his comfort with food and water always being immediately available... and the comforts of his “climate” being maintained. But he DOES have absolute liberty to come and go as he pleases, to be with or with-out companionship as he chooses. He HAS been to the living-room, the kitchen, the other rooms in the house. He has absolute freedom to choose where he wants to be when he wants to be there. And I do nothing to change that... and I never have done... never will do. So when he sets-out on some new little venture, it does my heart a world of good... and I have to smile, if not laugh, out-right, with delight!
Once I'd located him, I sat on the floor to chat with him about what he's found, telling him what is in each of the jars and containers, and as I spoke, he continued walking along the shelving, in and out between the jars, looking into each one as he passed. He's seriously curious about SO much! I've read about parrots being “social”, “curious”, “affectionate”... I've read about doves (generally) being “interested in the goings-on” in a house-hold, and I've been in the company of curious cats and such, but Yonah is just making the rest look apathetic in comparison. (And I have to add: it's often the very same as having a curious, precocious little child in the house. I find myself arranging things so that he can't injure himself. I cover electric receptacles/outlets so he can't peck at them, and on the “power-bar/surge protectors” I have the un-used receptacles covered so that he can't step into them. It's the “smallest of things” that most people simply ignore or take for granted. But, as I say: Yonah is NOT a “caged pet”. This entire house is HIS domain and MY responsibility to to ensure his safety. And, it's a privilege to have this responsibility. I DO want him to be curious, to go through the house at will. Not only for his own entertainment and amusement, but for mine as well because it's a JOY to see him out and about, comfortably wandering. Were he out in the open world, there would be so much for him to explore! Limited as this house might be, there are no predators, and I make it certain that there are no “hazards” to his well-being.
And our day went along, with me at the work table for a great part of it, both of us enjoying the brilliant sun-shine as it poured in through the windows. I took a “lunch break” and went into the kitchen to work more with the “Certification” lessons. (I don't use the WiFi in his room. Even with the allegedly “safer” “2G”, I just don't want to “attract” all those “waves” and such. I don't even bring the mobile phones in, unless there's a call I'm expecting. It might sound a bit “over-the-edge”, and I understand that, no matter where he is, and if he were out-side, there are those “waves and frequencies” and such, passing through... it's quite obvious when I check for my own WiFi and I see a signal from neighbours up and down the road... Still, I see NO reason or excuse to “attract” any more into Yonah's room. Just one of my many eccentricities, I suppose.) That said... I went to the kitchen where I had a coffee and lessons and, about 30 minutes later... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”! My little Bestie misses the company in his room... even though he'll ignore me for quite a while, when I'm not where I'm “supposed” to be... he calls! So I called back with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”... he replied, I repeated... he didn't. Instead, I heard the “whistle of wings” and next thing I knew, he was on the end of his futon... where he could see and watch me in the kitchen! OK... BRILLIANT! (Now, imagine ALL mourning doves, EVERY-where, being this intelligent... and remember: they're the most-murdered... because some think it “sport”, “fun”, “amusement”, entertainment”... just to MURDER them.) To be sure, I finished the “module” I was working on and wrapped the lesson... and brought me back to where I was “supposed” to be... at the work table.
Had a bit of a 20-minute snooze after lunch break and... YONAH CAME RIGHT OVER, LANDED ON MY SHOULDER AS I LAID ON HIS FUTON. HE TODDLED DOWN MY TORSO, LEG AND TO MY FOOT WHERE HE PAUSED A MOMENT BEFORE COMING BACK UP TO MY SHOULDER. I closed my eyes and half-dozed but when I opened my eyes again... HE WAS RIGHT THERE, STILL ON MY SHOULDER, AS COMFORTABLE AS HE COULD BE! It's not that I have a snooze during the day... “WE” have a snooze! I used to think it a “one-off” or “coincidence” that he came when I lay down but, after all this time and as often as he does, it's obviously “intentional”. So... so much for “simple instincts” and the likes.
Ah... sun-down came along, as it does, and although just a bit later than it has done in recent times, all too early no matter what the hour. I was gathering thoughts of the day to record here, and Yonah had taken his usual “evening place” on his door perch, beside me until... I turned to “chat” with him a while and as “we” did (him listening to me, not so much “chatting”, he “took the position and stance” and stared up at his “night spot”. It was only but about 19.10, but he was already looking to “settle” for the night and in a moment's time, he was up and off to the corner mirror where he bade the little reflection a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”... “Good night”! Early tonight! (I wonder if he didn't notice that I was up during the night last night and then, quite early this morning. I wouldn't and shouldn't doubt that he did. He misses NOTHING in this house.) His “FullSpec” light had been off for about 20 minutes by this time, and the room was illuminated by the dimmer desk lamp, as we do of an evening. Radio and bird-songs had been, like-wise turned off. So, it appeared he was tired! Night boards were installed and by the time his house was “settled”, he was obviously ready to “call it a day”.
We had our cuddles, a snuggle, exchanged “kisses” and he “scooted” to his place for the night.

Thankfully, tonight isn't expected to be “as cold” as it was last night. (Although, come Friday and Saturday we're threatened with even COLDER than last night's chill.) But his radiator stays set as it was last night, just in case. And tomorrow, the high is expected to be... PLUS ONE! ABOVE freezing! And SUNNY! I've got nothing on any “agenda” to take me away from the house. In fact, I've got more “course work” to get done, so WE have another day together! And me? I'm full of wonder about what Yonah will find to “explore” during the day, now that he's become so “explorative” of late. “Never a dull moment”, to be sure.
But for tonight, he's tucked-in, safe, warm, sound and I too, am about to wrap this day up neatly. And tomorrow? Well, tomorrow will take care of itself... once the morning “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” is sounded. And I'll be waiting, as I do EVERY morning... still, tomorrow, LOVING and CHERISHING my little Heart-and-Soul as I have, as I do, as I always will.
Wednesday 05 January:
As I sat, engrossed in this morning's “class” on “Bird Rescue”, deep into “First Aid”, at 7.53 came “morning serenade: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! And, sweetly, since I didn't reply immediately, as I closed my studies, another followed with-in seconds! Surely, I called back... with the same cooing pattern and to THAT I was “told”: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. It was another of our “dialogues”! So I got up and as I walked into Yonah's room, I gave a “Good morning to you-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... The reply? “woo-HOO!” We were in a “chatty mood” this morning! And when I opened the door to his house, and poked my head in, as I usually do, it was “morning kisses”... the light pecks on the nose. (I MUST NOTE HERE: WHEN I GET MY FACE CLOSE ENOUGH FOR YONAH TO PECK, I CLOSE MY EYES AS TIGHTLY AS I POSSIBLY CAN! I LEARNED, VERY EARLY ON, THAT HE ENJOYS “PECKING AND PREENING” ON THE FACE, BUT HE'LL GO FOR THE EYES ALMOST IMMEDIATELY AND, WITH HIS BEAK BEING AS POINTED AS IT IS... WELL... HE COULD, UNINTENTIONALLY PUT AN EYE OUT! SO I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS TO ANY-ONE. IN FACT, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT NOT BE DONE AND THAT PARTICULAR ATTENTION BE PAID TO ENSURE THAT OTHERS DON'T PUT THEIR FACE THAT CLOSE Even when I have a lie-down and Yonah comes over to the pillow, as he does, I make certain to have my face AWAY from his reach before opening my eyes, and when I know that he's close, I close my eyes TIGHTLY, move away and only when I'm sure he can't reach, with his extended neck, THEN I open them. I understand that pecking at my face is his way of “preening” and the pecks are indications of “affection”. But, as I tell him: “If you take my eyes, I won't be able to see and if I can't see, I can't give you all the things you need!” True, that. Oh, the “things we do for love”.)
Moving along... our “chatting” this morning, continued through the “morning routine” too. As I opened curtains and blinds, and moved on to setting-up for the “changing of the waters”, as it were, the little “doves in the mirrors” were “greeted”, almost as if Yonah were saying “Oh, he's at it again, first thing in the morning!” But when the “doves in the mirrors” had been addressed, I got a few “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo's” as well. I replied. Yonah replied. It went on until I put the “song-birds” on! Seems Mr. Taube had an “OK” night's sleep last night and was ready for another day... and for me, the morning couldn't be more perfect.
The day? Well, we had EVERY moment together today. And we had TWO snoozes... TOGETHER. I was up quite early this morning, to get to the “class” so, during the day, I was a touch fatigued. And... though they were short snoozes, about 20-30 minutes, EACH time I went to the futon, Yonah came FLYING over, and today, BOTH times, he settled himself ON my feet... for the duration. I felt him “land” there, and dozed off for a brief while, and when I woke, there he was, exactly in the same place. And just to be clear about this, I don't call him, all I say is “I'm taking a snooze” and there's something in that that he understands now. (Again, so much for the expression “bird brain”... It's a higher compliment than most people I've ever met in my entire life-time deserve. THIS Little Guy is BRILLIANT FAR beyond description!)
And so, our day rolled along, and I managed to get in another hour of “class”... with Yonah at my side as I went through my “notes”, putting them in order, correcting my typos, and committing as much as possible to memory.
This course is truly worth every moment, every bit of what I'm investing in it. I'm learning SO MUCH MORE about Yonah (and a LOT of other birds as well)! How I SO wish I'd had this education when Yonah first came into the house! If nothing else, it wouldn't have been such a “dark, oppressive Winter, so packed with worry, anxieties. Would I have done anything different from what I'd done? I doubt it. But at least I would have had the comfort of knowing what could be done, were it to become necessary. This course is going to get quite the supportive post on this site (if I can get permission from the staff there). Other-wise, if any reader is interested, I hope s/he will contact me (Yonah), and the contact information will be quickly sent along! And what makes it even MORE fascinating and educational is that much of it is so familiar already... thanks to my GREAT TEACHER AND MENTOR... PROFESSOR YONAH TAUBE here! As I'm reading through the information presented, I'm recalling how, 15 months ago, poor Yonah was discovered, with a wing that wouldn't support him in flight, an abrasion under the wing where feathers were missing, as if they'd been plucked from his little body! And when I brought him in, out of the rain, from the darkness under that old step, with the condition of his left leg, he had only one to stand on! And my heart breaks today, as much as it did then. And I recall the apathetic “advice” from one who is referred to as “bird people”... “Nobody'll take him. Put him in a shoe-box with some paper...” Well! Things, situations, circumstances are SO UTTERLY different today than they were then! Not only where Yonah is concerned but, I learned SO much from him over the course of time, and now, I'm learning what he can't really teach me. I HOPE I'll NEVER have to use ANY of what I'm learning these days for Yonah, but, should I ever be confronted with the same or similar situation that Yonah had to endure, at least I'll have a much better understanding of the circumstances and how to address them. “Nobody'll take him”? Fine then. Let “nobody” go on about their affairs. Let “somebody” do like-wise. Yonah and I will “take” the Little One from here on in. Am I a “professional of great experience”? On paper and in texts, no. But with knowledge and understanding and... experience, WE, Yonah and I, are the ones who WILL take, and care for and about. (I'm HOPING I NEVER HAVE to though... I don't want to ever see another Little One in such distress again.)
And speaking of Little Ones and mourning doves... This evening, as I was preparing evening meal, I happened to glance out the window to the tray on the back gallery, expecting to see the usual little juncos and, perhaps a sparrow or thrush or... and to my absolute DELIGHT... for the first time in the longest while, there were, to my count, FOUR MOURNING DOVES IN FOR SNACKING! I haven't seen but ONE, and she's come so rarely of late. So now, there are MORE doves who know that there's food here! And, with the coming bitter nights, they'll have sun-flower seeds and peanuts... good, protein-rich, fat, to help keep them protected against the bitter cold! And the seeds and peanuts will be small enough for them to fill their crops to as much as they want and need! I'm SO happy to see them... even though my heart breaks, thinking of them in that miserable cold. But... they were here last year... I don't know that these are the same ones, but it's comforting to see them, and to be able to provide them with the proper nourishment they'll need.
AND, on the matter of seeing mourning doves in a place they haven't been seen...
I'd finished evening meal and Yonah had been calling to me from his room as I ate. So, as I do, I finished eating in as little time as I possibly could do and by 17.30, I was at the basin doing the washing-up. Yonah had been quiet for a while, so I thought he'd settled-down a bit or was having his evening meal, which he tends to do when I go for mine. As I was drying the dishes, I called out: “Hey! You're awfully quiet. Whatcha doin' in there? Where are you?” No response. No “woo”, no “hoo”... nothing. As I turned to put a pot up on a shelf behind me, (the time was 17.40) my eye caught something on the carpeting long one wall in the kitchen... YONAH! HE WAS JUST STANDING THERE, IN THE KITCHEN, WATCHING ME AT THE BASIN! I HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG HE'D BEEN THERE, BUT... THERE HE WAS, JUST AS CALM AND FINE AS HE COULD BE! Yes, he's come for a “fly-through” before, flying in from his room, across the kitchen, and looping right back to his house, as if he'd just come through to make sure I was there. BUT THIS TIME, HE'D WALKED OUT OF HIS ROOM, ACROSS THE CARPETING AND WAS JUST STANDING RIGHT THERE! So I knelt down and asked “Who're you looking for, you?” And Yonah just looked up at me, as if answering “You! Who ELSE would be in this kitchen?” I wanted to get a photo of him there, and as I headed into his room where the camera was... HE FOLLOWED ME! HONESTLY... HE'S BECOMING MORE LIKE A PUPPY IN THAT, HE WALKS RIGHT ALONG BESIDE OR IN FRONT OF ME! He does the same when I move about in his room too. But... as we got just into his room, he took flight and headed right into his house! Seems that's all he wanted... me to be back where I “belonged”... in his room, at the work table, where he could see me and know that I was there.
(I can't help but think, as these moments happen, that there are those who would sooner take him away... Well, it just goes to strengthen my resolve that “people” are obviously NOT the “highest on the evolutionary ladder”, NOT the “most intelligent” species. And I'm glad that I get the opportunity to prove it... with each and every page of this Journal.)
And so, I finished the kitchen work and... when Yonah saw me bring the lap-top back into his room, he hopped over to finish his evening meal. As far as he was concerned... “Life had returned to it's proper place”. And as I approached his house, he turned, gave me TWO “wing-snaps”. He wanted attention, contact! So, we got a few snuggles and cuddles in and Yonah? OFF! Out of his house, up to his roof where he stood at the front edge, staring at me and... MORE WING-SNAPS! Yep... Life was “normal” again and he was in the mood to play. And so, of course, we did, with great pleasure and gusto!
And me... never considering my-self to be a “bird person”... Well? Yonah isn't “just a bird”... he isn't even “just a dove”... THIS Little Guy is... well... “HEART-AND-SOUL”! AMAZING! AWE-INSPIRING! BRILLIANT!
Now, in closing this day, one last bit for the reader-ship...
The clock was moving toward “the” hour... 19.30, and I'm trying to keep a regular schedule now for Yonah... for “tuck-in” time anyway. When he decides he wants to be awake, that's entirely up to him. But, at night, he'd have been on a perch some-where already for at least an healthy hour, so...
Anyway, I was sitting at the work table, jotting today's events and Yonah was, as he is of his usual, on his door perch, soaking in the warmth of the radiator. I turned to him and softly “chirped” (as is recorded and included):
And he turned, looked up at his “night perch” in readiness to hop up there and, when I asked “Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night?” HE TOOK WING AND HEADED DIRECTLY TO HIS NIGHT SPOT... THEN OVER TO THE LITTLE DOVE IN THE MIRROR! HE NOW UNDERSTANDS... “SEEPIE-NIGH-NIGHT”! HONESTLY, THERE'S SO MUCH MORE TO MOURNING DOVES THAN THEY'RE GIVEN CREDIT FOR! THESE LITTLE GUYS ARE BRILLIANT! AWE-PROVOKINGLY BRILLIANT !!! They're beautiful, charming, a delight to hear as they coo in the trees. But they're BRILLIANT !!! HOW I SO WISH I COULD JUST FIGURE A WAY TO LET THE WORLD KNOW WHAT THEY'RE MISSING... WHAT THEY'RE MURDERING IN THE NAME OF “FUN” !!! Well, maybe SOMEBODY will see this Journal and get through to this point and learn... LEARN... and spread the word!
And so, as I placed the night boards, Yonah got himself settled-in for the night. We had cuddles. We had snuggles. We had our “kisses good night”. And so, now, he's tucked-in, safe and warm for the night. And me? I'm looking forward to learning more about the “medical necessities” so that, should I ever need, I'll be prepared. As I said to Yonah this evening: I'm learning SO MUCH now that I should have known then, but you'll never have to worry about needing any of this because I'm here to make sure that NO harm EVER comes to you again!
One of these days, of course, as Nature holds, we'll both be off and out and away... together. But for now, in the mean-while? Yonah Taube is safe, sound, warm, protected... SO LOVED AND CHERISHED... my HEART-AND-SOUL!
Thursday 06 January:
Certification: Rescue, First Aid, Care 06 January 2022”CERTIFIED: AVIAN RESCUE, FIRST AID, CARE” It was 8.13 this morning when I still hadn't gotten “the morning call” and so, as always, with a bit of worry and a lot of concern, I crept into Yonah's room to check on him. It was a “dark” sort of morning, this, with light flurries dropping from the sky. And the house had its “chill”, in spite of the furnace running. But when I got into Yonah's room, it was a delightful 25° and he was on his “night perch”... and seemed ever-so still. I took my place on his futon where I could see any sort of “motion” and spoke softly... He stretched his wings... he was awake. I suppose it was the relative darkness of the room and the comfort of the warmth? So, slowly this morning, the night boards were removed, bringing in the out-side light, what little there was, gradually. As I opened the curtains and blinds on the last window, he FINALLY went to the “dove in the mirror” on his corner "loft platform" and gave a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo.” My heart started to dance, because THAT morning coo sets the World correct, for me. I know then, that Yonah is well. The coo was clear and "full". He was feeling fine! And from there, we got to “morning routine”. As I changed the water in his pool, he supervised from his door perch... The morning was “normal”... and I was SO relieved!
As I finished running from kitchen to "house" (Yonah's house) with the water, as it were, he took to his wall shelf, “top shelf” of course... nothing but the best, and, I imagine, it's the warmest place in his room too, and, when I reached up to him, he “preened” my hand, as he does. I find it a sign of his affection, his way of saying "We're fine... We're OK. I'm OK and I hope you are too." So? I'm thinking that the morning was just a “slow starter”. Hey, we all have “those” mornings, and with the chill out-side and the lack of sun-light, these are good days for “hibernation”. (And I wonder if he'd have been one of the doves who "stayed the Winter" or would he have gone with the "migrators"? I know today, that, on that morning in October 2020, he was beginning his moulting and that would have kept him here, at least for a while longer. And I still wonder if that didn't have something to do with his being attacked... too weak to escape. Well, what-ever it was that caused him to be here that day... I can only HOPE, that I've made better of it for him. "Nature can be cruel", but it can also be "kind"... and hopefully I'm the "kind" that Nature intended that day.) Meanwhile, where this day all goes as we plod along, will be seen. But for now... fresh food, fresh water, the bird-songs are on, the desk lamp too (until it's time to put the FullSpec light on). And we're warm... and we're together... and that's all that matters. We're “good”.
And so... as time passed, we DID have the ENTIRE day together today! With determination, I sat at the work table, as Yonah's room became FLOODED with BRILLIANT SUN-LIGHT, and the temperature there rose to a delightful 25°, and Yonah nestled into his moss-nest beside me as I studied, learned, took copious notes, and went through the “quizzes” at the end of each module ... and the closer I got to "completion" the more excited I became to get through the entirety and get that "Certificate" so that, should ANYBODY have ANYTHING to say on the matter of Yonah being here, I can, at the very least, in addition to all of the documentation that's become his "web-site" show that I am making the effort to be able to provide him (and his) with the best-possible care, treatment and LOVE! (Personally, I don't much care for or about "papers on a wall"... "certificates", diplomas, degrees, but, sadly-enough, they seem to mean all too much to all too many others... especially those who wish to create "disturbances" and "perturbations" so... ) And, as well, the information in the course is fascinating, and reads like a good book that's almost impossible to put down! So... I just continued along until...
HOW I WISH I'D HAD ALL THAT INFORMATION ON THE 13 OCTOBER 2020! But, as I look at Yonah today, and how all that I've done has worked-out, I have to say that, had I done anything differently... well... perhaps the original plan of releasing him in the Spring would have gone through... and had that been the case and situation, well, honestly, I wouldn't be here recording this on his Journal... I wouldn't have completed this course... and, the bottom line: in all likelihood, I wouldn't be here... I just wouldn't “be”. He was the ONLY reason and cause for me to attend to my own health-care situation then. He has been the ONLY reason and cause for me to attend to it even now. And, to see him today, knowing what we went through that Winter of 2020-2021, as strong and healthy as he is, flying about his own room, bathing even when the temperatures out-side are sub-freezing, eating all the very best, healthiest foods I can find, his feathers are beautiful, healthy, even those “black and bleeding pin feathers” have stopped coming in and his wing feathers are so strong and healthy now... especially after that last moutling; his “voice” is clear and beautiful, his energy is magnificent, and his curiosity and sense of adventure is bright and sharp, well... he's obviously rather happy here, in his large and spacious house, with beach, pool and wood-land. AND... I dare say, he's happy having me as his companion. (And I still hold the hope of, one day, giving him another dove to be an even better companion... soon, I hope.)
But the course was truly BRILLIANT! And I've learned SO much more than I even had imagined. If, may Heavens forbid, another dove, or other Little One, be in need of help... I'm prepared to provide, And, may the Heavens forbid, Yonah should ever need some sort of “rescue” intervention, I'm prepared to provide him with that as well. It's quite a glorious day, all told.
And Yonah tolerated my pre-occupation ever-so well all day. We were together, his bird-songs playing, no radio, no other distractions (and I dare say, the bird-songs encouraged me to just continue with the lessons because they served as a reminder of the “goal”). When I came across an item of “particular interest” (to me, anyway), we “discussed” it. I asked him his opinion of my conclusion and, really rather quite often, he'd stare at me and tilt his head! He DOES “understand” that I'm talking to him, even though he doesn't “understand” what I'm saying. But then too, I understand that he's talking to me when he calls and coo's, even though I truly don't and truly can't understand what he's saying. Some-how though, we managed. And I'd almost swear that there were times when his expression changed when I spoke. Sometimes it appeared that he was asking “Why are you asking ME?”, or “I believe you know the answer to that already.” And then too, there were the times when he just wanted to play, and he'd stand up and give a “wing-snap”... my only real distraction all day. (And, of course, the lessons were put “on hold” whilst we jousted, and cuddled, and he preened my hand... and all until he either simply walked away or flew to another spot... in his house or in the room.)
And as I learned from the course, the necessities to administer to Little Ones in need of help, I did and DO understand that the purpose of “Rescue” and, as stated, “husbandry” as it relates to “rescue” is to bring the Little Ones back to proper health and condition where they can be returned to their flock(s) (which was my heart-felt intention with Yonah from the very beginning and all through the early time together)... the repetition of “law”, and “permits” and such kept gnawing at me, as it does even now as I type this (with the certificate hanging, now, proudly, in a frame, on the living-room wall where all can see)...
There are are “laws” prohibiting the “capture” and the “keeping” of mourning doves, “migratory birds”, and “legal limitations” to the length of time one may provide services to those who are injured and in need of attention and help. There are “laws”, “rules”, “regulations” that state that any-one “in possession” of an injured mourning dove must hand them over to a “Rehabilitator” who will then either take the dove for what-ever duration s/he deems fit and proper or will then pass the dove onto another person who will decide where to “place” or... “dispose of” the dove. BUT... these very same “laws”, “rules”, “regulations” also provide permission to, simply for the sake of “sport”, for “pleasure”, for some sort of demented, psychotic “joy”, just go out and out-right MURDER mourning doves! And as for killing them for FOOD? All one need do is look at the size of these Little Lives to know, all-full-well that there's precious little to them that would provide even meagre sustenance. And with all the larger creatures available for such, there is, in the mind of the sane, logical and rational, NO sense, no need to murder such a benign being... and a SENTIENT little being! Oh yes, I completely understand the need for a law prohibiting the “capture” and “taking” simply for the sake of “possessing”. And in such a case, I see no fault in imposing the heftiest of punishments for such activities. Let me just say that, indeed, it would delight me to be able to provide Yonah with a mourning dove companion, and, in my location and with those that come to eat the food that I provide for them, surely, I could, with ease, “capture” one from the flock here. But to what end? For what purpose other than personal “greed”? To “capture”, to “take” a Life from its natural habitat, deny it its birth-right to the open skies and wood-lands... Even the very thought sickens me. And still, “laws” permit open murder, but give no allowance for those who give of heart and soul... to provide for, protect, LOVE and CHERISH these little ones... especially when they honestly could not survive in the environment and habitat into which they were born. Ah... “Humans”... the “highest on the evolutionary ladder”. The only “sentient” beings in Creation. The only species capable of “intelligence” and “learning” and “knowing”. And I close this diatribe with one point of incontrovertible fact:
It was a human who posited “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. And God created all things including man. And God gave man dominion over all the Earth.” It was a “human” who recorded the claim. The very same species that, when it prays, admits “Lord, I am not perfect.”
I leave this at that.

The rest of the day went along peacefully, pleasantly and wonderfully, especially when I'd completed the course and saw the little "box" on the screen that offered: “Get Your Certificate”! And so I did, I "clicked" and the "Certificate" appeared on the lap-top screen! I'd completed the course and when I'd done, Yonah was on the futon and we “celebrated” together with play, and cuddles and snuggles, and pecks and kisses! My Teacher, Professor, Mentor! And as he flew about the room, from shelves to house, to what's become one of his favourite places... the floor, I busied with framing and hanging the certificate. Now, there's tangible evidence that Yonah is in the care of someone who truly DOES put HIS needs in "priority" and who DOES truly hold him in LOVE and HIGHEST esteem!
And when, at last, all things returned to “normal” in his room, and all the tidying was complete, I took a break for evening meal... and OH! did I hear about it! Yonah is SO accustomed to being “in company” that when I left, as I ate, he called out... and I called back... and he replied... and I responded and this continued for almost the entire 45 minutes of my absence! When I returned to his room, he was standing on his door perch, like a parent waiting for the return of a child who'd “stayed out late”. And I got a stern “wing-snap”! So, of course, it was time to “re-establish the relationship” with “LOVES”! AND, when that was done, Yonah went up and had his own “evening meal”. (Sometimes I wonder... He's of the type who, by birth, is accustomed to “dining in company”... Does he wait for me to be in the room? I KNOW, for a fact, that, during the day, if I'm not there, he DOES eat. And he eats very well! And, thankfully, he's active enough to where he eats what he wants, when he wants and not so much that he's getting “fat”. He's quite trim, and, from looks alone and my constantly comparing him to the mourning doves I see at the feeders in the yard, he's “quite the looker”... trim, beautiful plumage, and all the rest. So no, he doesn't wait for “company” all the time. I suppose it's when it suits him. Still, I'm thankful to know and comforted that he does eat very well, and what he eats is healthy and nutritious.) So I re-settled at his work table to record our events for the day for his Journal.
Of course, we had “evening routine” before. Waters in pool and drinking bowl got changed to fresh, and his house got tidied, free of any “poops” and stray food. That's something that gets done twice daily... to be sure. And as I did so, Yonah went to the futon to watch... from afar, and to watch as I made the trips back and forth to the kitchen to fetch the water. And be assured... he DOES watch... following me with his head as I come and go. It's really quite amazing how he takes obvious interest.
And, at 19.00, the FullSpec light went out, the dim desk lamp illuminated the room. The song-birds and radio were off so that the evening could “settle in” as I began typing. Yonah took his place at his door perch, to watch me closely, in the warmth rising from his little radiator... Our day was coming to a close.
And AGAIN, tonight, when I looked at the clock... 19.30, I turned to him and asked: “Are you ready for 'seepie-nigh-night'?” and yes, I “chirped”... Yonah looked at me, then up to his perch and immediately took wing... up to his little “dove in the mirror” at his “loft” where he bade a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... as if to tell “Time to get some sleep here, my friend.” He DOES understand that “chirp”... the “seeeeepie-nigh-night”! Imagine THAT! Just as a dog or cat can learn the sound of his/her name, and beckoning calls and such... a mourning dove can learn expressions... like “seepie-nigh-night”... and yet, the best a “highly-evolved, intelligent human” can do is guess at deciphering barks, meows... and chirps from birds. I say no more.
So, blinds and curtains drawn, night boards installed, Yonah and I exchanged cuddles and pecks and he settled at his “night spot”... Lights out, his room in order... we closed yet, another magnificent day. His room is a comfortable 22° tonight. Out-side it's expected to drop to only -7° so he'll be safe and warm through the night, and I'll rest comfortably knowing that. And tomorrow? Well, as always... we'll handle that when it becomes... “today”. Meanwhile... my Little Guy is safe, sound, LOVED, CHERISHED !!! My Heart-and-Soul.
Friday 07 January:
Oh, but it was an “8.00 Morning”, this. Not a sound, not a call, not a “coo” on this grey, chilly-damp morning. So, as the clock made its way to 8.00, I decided to “have a check-in”... Ever-so quietly, but with a soft whisper (I wouldn't move about Yonah's room in complete silence because, well, a large being, moving silently... too much opportunity to be perceived as a predator!), I made my way to the end of his futon and had a sit-down. Not only was he in his usual spot, but his head was extended, he'd been watching me as I made my way over to his house and now he was staring directly at me! But still, not a sound. Not even a little “coo”. So I wondered if he was OK. He didn't even reply when I said “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... so yes, I was “concerned” until he stretched his wings and gave a shake. It was a “normal” morning and Yonah was just “lounging” in the early-morning warmth of his radiator and the dim morning light as it made its way through blinds and curtains.
So, I opened the door to his house and... he hopped across to the other perch at the opposite side. Now THAT was a welcome relief! The top half-board on his roof was removed and as the light “from above” reached him, Yonah was “animated”! So I moved his house round, as I have to, and removed the back board. Made my way to the windows and as I opened the last of the two sets of curtains and blinds... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo!” It was “Good morning” to the little dove in the “loft-mirror” and THEN, the little dove in the front mirror and THEN, as I got things together to get to the changing of the waters... it was a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” to ME! “Good mornings” all round! And our day was off and rolling! (And my heart was dancing along, smile on my face. My Little Heart-and-Soul was awake, up, about and obviously fine!) So I stuck my head in for “Good morning kisses” and indeed... there were plenty this morning. Hey! Yonah wasn't only just awake and feeling fine... I was still in his “good graces”! No more needed to be said.
mourning dove 07 January 2022Ah, but the next little “move”... I was standing at the kitchen basin, filling the first containers with fresh water for his pool when... FLUTTER-FLUTTER-FLUTTER- WHISTLE-WHISTLE-WHISTLE! YONAH WAS ON A “FLY-THROUGH” IN THE KITCHEN THIS MORNING! He flew in, flew toward the back door (NO COLLISIONS! HE DOESN'T DO THOSE ANY MORE!), made the turn and headed right back to his house! I was under surveillance! Thankfully, I was where I was supposed to be when I was supposed to be there! And what made it all the more “entertaining” is, when I got into his room with the first of the fresh water, he'd made his “fly-through” and gone right back to his house... and to the little “moss nest” he's made, at the front of his house, and there he was, all snuggled-in, as if he'd been there all along. “Flying? Who? ME? Nope. Not this morning. Nope.” I HAD to laugh! I just HAD to!
He stayed there, all “snuggly” until I got rolling with the trips back and forth with the water, and as I went back to the kitchen, he called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” and I answered... and almost immediately, he called back! We were in a “chatty” mood this morning. Conversation was called-for... until I got back into the room when, there he stood... at his door perch... ready to monitor and supervise. Talk about “taking active interest”! If he could write, I'd expect to see a little note listing my “assignment and chores” in the mornings. But, it's a never-ending fascination, to see, to be made aware of the fact that this Little Guy is SO VERY ATTUNED to events of a day, that he anticipates moves, he expects certain routines. Yonah is SO VERY MUCH the same as a young child, from his curiosity to his demeanour, his responses and reactions. He's actually LEARNING... AND, what's more, he's actually TEACHING... ME! I'm learning SO much from him! I've already learned SO MUCH from him! And it's truly quite sad, pitiful, perhaps even pathetic, that this, his story of HIS LIFE, isn't more well-known, that his lessons aren't spread to the WORLD! But then... even if it were possible, there's a part of me that doubts it would make any difference to a great majority. The best I can do at this juncture is to keep recording our daily events and adventures, and even the generally banal days, and HOPE that SOMEBODY, out there, will see and read and care... learn and then go on to teach others. Maybe... one day... maybe... one day... For now... Yonah and I continue our “Teacher-Student” “Love affair”. He appears happy, in good health, and he obviously doesn't hate me so...
And speaking of... I had to make a “town run” this morning... “HAD”... other-wise I wouldn't have done. (I go through a LOT of anxiety when it comes to leaving the house for that 45 minutes... It's one thing to be in the yard... it's another thing to be 9km away!) So, I made a dash out the door shortly before 10.00, cleared the snow from the truck and RAN through the errands! By shortly before 11.00 I was back. Yonah was in his “moss nest” where he'd been when I left, and, immediately, I went in to him to let him know that I was back and that all the errands were complete... He got up, toddled, as he does, to the door perch, gave me a wing-snap, and when I leaned my head down... I got KISSES, AND PECKS AND A BIT OF A PREENING! Now that, (call me crazy) just struck me as “Oh, stop worrying. I know you have to go out some times and I don't mind. I'm right here when you get back, and we're just fine.” So we exchanged cuddles and kisses and I went to the kitchen to put today's groceries up...
As I was putting some goods into the over-head cup-board, I happened to look behind me and THERE... AGAIN, on the KITCHEN RUNNER... YONAH... HE'D WALKED OUT OF HIS ROOM AND INTO THE KITCHEN AGAIN! HE'S GETTING BOLDER! AND I'M LOVING EVERY MOMENT OF IT! I DO want him to be out and about and go where-ever his curiosity brings him. I've got the house “safe” for him, where-ever he decides to go. Nothing “toxic” that would cause him harm. And at this time of year, the curtains are closed most of the time, as insulation against the cold, so there are no “clear panes” that he could collide with. The stove in the kitchen is electric so there's no heat there. Anything on shelves is placed securely, so there's precious-little chance of anything falling if he lands on it. His radiator is covered in wire mesh (the same I used to make his first “cage”) so he can't stand directly on it. The toilet is always closed, so he can't get into it. Cleaners are behind doors. So he's free to come, go, get to, when and where-ever he chooses. As I thought today, as I watched him fly about:
He doesn't have the open world to fly about in, and that saddens me. But when I see him flying, it's obvious that he wouldn't be able to soar about, at 88km/h... nor could he fly for any great distance. That wing just never set properly... the damage was just too extensive. Although it looks beautiful today, with the new feathers from the last moulting, it's the flying that's just telling. So, he's learned to fly as best as he can, and he knows his way around the inside of the house... so... small as it might be... he does have every opportunity to fly, to exercise... and, if he chooses, to walk about. And in the house... he has NOTHING that would cause him harm, NO predators. In this house... HE is the “King”! This is HIS domain. He's safe... and... he's LOVED!
And through the rest of the day, we were together, in his room... and WAS HE EVER SO PLAYFUL TODAY! He was on the floor, under the work table, on his futon, up on his shelves... and calling for play, wing-snaps... or just toddling about the floor, and every now and again, he'd stop, and I could see him staring up at me as I worked (I'm putting together all the notes I'd taken for the “Rescue” class so that I have them at the ready as reference), and when he noticed that I'd noticed... WING-SNAP! And we played... “jousting”, “catch-me”. (He likes to fly up to the shelf, stand there and wing-snap. I've come to learn that that means “Come and get me... if you can!”) He calls, we PLAY! And today, there was a LOT of that!
I DID manage to get in a 20-minute “snooze”... though it was more a “lie-down” than a “snooze” because, as it goes, I no sooner got to the futon and Yonah was right on the pillow, at my head. For a moment or so, he “battles” a little with the corner of one pillow. (At times, of late, he's been “using one particular pillow as a 'mate' of sorts, as well as a “play-mate”, and THAT'S a sight to behold... wings flapping, feathers all fluffed and when he's done... he's off to preen, “putting himself back together”, as it were, and then, he'll stand there, looking at me as if so proud of himself.) After his little ordeal, for the briefest of moments, he settled-down and gave me the opportunity to get comfortable. Ah, but 'twas short-lived. Today was “Play Day”... and he hopped about the pillows, then onto my head where he stood for quite the while. Next, it was onto my shoulder, a flight to the back of the futon, with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. Then onto my arm, down to my legs and back up again. Honestly, Yonah was in “rare form” today! And, in ALL sincerity, I just LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF IT!
The day followed that way, for the most part. No matter how I tried to keep-up with what I'd hoped to accomplish, little Mr. Taube had other plans... and, I, of course, was MORE than happy to oblige! It was a FULL day together... and “together”, it truly was.
Came the evening and I had to leave the room for my meal, and as I prepared, Yonah flew about, from shelves to work table, almost as if inspecting everything in the room! From the kitchen, I could hear that unmistakable “whistle” of wings. I was beginning to wonder if something in his food had gone “off” and he was getting a bit of a “high” from it. (And then, being the worrier that I am, I started to worry, terribly, that, if something in his food HAD gone off, was he “working in off”... or worse! So, I quickly went in, checked the food in his dish... it smelled proper, no different from any other time. I looked, with TWO sets of glasses for magnification, to check for anything “abnormal”... Nope. All looked perfectly fine. I checked the food in the glass canister. That too was perfectly fine.) After all the checking, I emptied his food dish and as I did, he came RUSHING up to watch what I was doing! He's done that before; when I remove the dish with food in it, he appears to be annoyed, as if I were taking his food away! But then, as soon as the fresh food is placed back on the little ledge where he enjoys going to eat, all is well... and so, this time too. And I no sooner turned my back when, looking over my shoulder... he was eating! So... I always remember the advice from a vet, some years ago, when we'd taken-in a stray cat who had a terrible abscess on his face. The first question the vet asked was “Is he eating?” and when I said “Yes, and very well.” she advised “That's a good sign. As long as he's eating, there's no need to panic.” I've since learned that the Little Ones will, when they know that there's no hope, instinctively stop eating... and... for the most part, simply wait to either die of what-ever it is that's wrong or starvation... which-ever comes first. So when I saw Yonah not only had an appetite but that he was eating... and VERY well, indeed, my heart was at rest. Obviously, he was just in the mood for “togetherness” today. So I went about my own meal preparation.
When my meal was done, I went in to close his blinds and curtains. The sun had long-ago set and the world out-side was darkness. Yonah was on his roof-top platform, lounging in the light of his Full-Spectrum lamp, as if “sun-bathing”... so peaceful. And when I went about closing the windows against the chill of night, he “followed” me around, watching and coming forward for kisses.
When the curtains were closed, we got to the evening changes of waters, and Yonah watched from his roof-top as I worked along... Some-how, he knows that, when the waters are changed in the evening, it's time for “winding-down” and he went into his house for a bit of a snack. (I happen to delight in that, because I know his little crop will be full and he'll have something to digest before a night's sleep. He NEVER goes to bed, hungry!)
I re-settled at the work table to get to the day's journalling, and Yonah took his place on his door perch to luxuriate in the warmth of his radiator and so, I typed, we listened to his bird-songs for a while, with the radio playing low for a little “extra music” until... 19.00 when the FullSpec light went out and we were in the dim light of the desk lamp. Yonah got quite comfy on his perch and I worked a bit more until 19.30 when I got up, brought the lap-top out to the kitchen and when I went back into the room, we got a snuggle in and I whispered “Time for seepie-night-night my Little One.” On cue, Yonah headed up to his little “dove in the mirror” where he bade the reflection a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” “Good night”. I placed the night boards and got his house in order for the night. When I'd done, he came over to his “night spot” and as I stroked his breast, he “preened” my hand. Our day had come to a close.
Light out, his door closed, I whispered “Good night, my Little Love. You sleep well tonight. Tomorrow is Saturday and we have the WHOLE day together. No errands. No running. Just what-ever we want to do with it. So you get a good rest tonight.”
So my little Heart-and-Soul got tucked-in for the night, his room, nice a warm, protected against the chill of the night ahead. And he can sleep soundly, all protected from the rest of the world... in his little house. I still wish it would be possible to spend the night on his futon and let him be where-ever he chooses in the room, but I've the feeling that he's come to feel most secure on his perch, in his own little house, at night. And what-ever makes Yonah happiest, gives him a sense of security... that's perfectly fine by me. After all... in quite the most strictest of senses, I am here FOR and because of him.
mourning dove 08 January 2022Saturday 08 January:
And this morning's “call”... 8.04. And earlier, I'd looked out the back door to the food in the tray on the back gallery and there were TWO mourning doves there, then one dove and the “Mrs. Cardinale” (I'm heart-sick-concerned that I haven't seen “Mr. Cardinale” in several months... and I wouldn't doubt that some harm has come to him. Sadly, I have horrible mis-trust of “people” any more. Knowing what and how much I've come to learn about mourning doves... people “trapping and capturing”, and then too, the cats around here, though we're down to one or two... that's more than enough to threaten the little birds in the area... and, in a bit of “sanity”, the temperatures are plummeting these days, “chill-factors” of -28° at night and in the upper-teens... colder. Maybe Mr. has taken to the South? Maybe one of the local owls or hawks...? “Nature”... and a “perfect Creation”. Senseless as they can seem to be.) But the Little Ones were SO FLUFFED against the morning cold! Today's primary chore: shelling and grinding peanuts and grinding sun-flower seeds... for the Little Ones in the yard. COLDER nights ahead! They need the extra fat and protein! And we have it!)
So much for THAT tangent. Meanwhile... at 8.04 I'd been up and waiting and when “the call” came... I softly crept into Yonah's room and to his futon BUT he wasn't at his usual “night spot”! In the early morning light, through the curtains, and because of the night boards, I had to LOOK for him... he was on the OTHER perch, over his pool! I checked the area under his usual 'night roost” to see if there was any poop there. One thing I'd learnt early-on is to look for that. If it's all in the same place, that means Yonah had a restful, peaceful night. If it's in another spot, he'd slept else-where. But if there's none, and/or it's in several different places, something disturbed him during the night. And should THAT be be case here, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT DISTURBED HIM! (During the “invasion” of mice, some months ago, they would get into his house at night and literally CLIMB, some-how, up to his food! I'd notice the droppings IN his food dish in the morning... and, of course, the food got thrown out, the dish got replaced with clean, and that particular dish was disinfected before being used again! And... I'd notice that Yonah's poop was, in the morning, in different places which showed me that the mice were disturbing him during the night. Sure, Yonah's from the wild, and surely, were he “out there”, some-where, there's more than a mouse or two to disturb him during the night. But he's in here now... and I wasn't having ANY-THING disturb him! Another serious “concern” of mine is that there's another “unit” in the back of this old house, currently rented by a some-what self-serving sort who, for some incomprehensible reason, will bang about later in the evening and sometimes at night. And when there's a sudden “thump” or “bang” at night, it startles Yonah... and he'll “call-out” when it happens. There have been nights when I've gone in to sit and talk with him after such incidents, to calm him, assure him that he's not alone, that he's safe. Honestly, it sets me off quite a bit. But, I am, presently, looking for more suitable, civil quarters... where we can live quietly and in comfort... no harsh street-lights blaring in through the windows of a night, no horrid cold coming in through all sorts of spaces and openings, no cigarette smoke oozing in from... We're looking... We're hoping...) And so, it would seem that Yonah DID sleep restfully during the night because the poop was where it usually is of a morning. He must have been awake for a while already and had gone for a morning nosh before calling. And he appeared to be in “good spirits”... I got “Good morning pecks”, and a wing-snap ... and cuddles. And so, knowing that he was good... we got on with “morning routine”... curtains and blinds open and, as I did, Yonah “made his rounds”, greeting the reflections in his mirrors. And as I made the trips to change his waters, he had a little breakfast, then took his place on the door perch to watch and supervise morning chores. AND... we took brief moments to cuddle a bit. He was just fine! And so too, I was... If Yonah is “good to go”... WE are “good to go”.
And, when all was done, and I went to the kitchen to put things up and get all together... Yonah began his daily flights... he was up and out... to the futon, the shelves, the futon, his house... Yes, our day was under way... and we were just fine.
I sat at his work table, getting my day assembled and as I tried to “arrange and agenda”,Yonah was on his futon, but, it seemed he wasn't quite “happy” that I'd something to distract me from... him... and so... FLUTTER-FLUTTER-WHISTLE-WHISTLE AND... THERE HE WAS... ON MY HEAD, where he stayed for quite the while... until I acknowledged and reached up to stroke him... Apparently, all he wanted to do was make his presence known but NOT to be “involved” because, the moment my hands were raised... he was OFF... back to his futon. What a character! Just NEVER “boring”... NEVER!
Oh, and one NEW item I've learnt this morning... I was quite nervous... Yonah's been doing quite a bit of his little “wing-twitches” and the short “woo-HOO!” cooing of late. And me, knowing too much of too little and too little of too much, I got QUITE nervous and concerned wondering if, some-how, he hasn't contracted some sort of “parasite” or the likes, and is he having little seizures! So, as I do, I DOVE, face-front-head-first into researching... multiple web-sites, including forums and videos and such... Come to find out... pigeons and doves BOTH will do this sort of thing... as “mating”, affection, a sign of “bonding”, mating... in the wild. Males, in particular, are known to behave this way as an attraction to a mate. And when mated, it's a little sign of “let's make a house here, dear”. (If they feel threatened, males will do this to “warn” intruders... but it's usually accompanied by their wing-snaps, so, with Yonah, it's a sign that he's content where he is, but wants “together-time”. WHAT a relief! Oh! I still have SO MUCH to LEARN! But I've a most-excellent Professor here, to be sure.)
Other-wise... today was “Prepare A Winter Menu” for the Little Ones out in the yard! The temperatures are expected to drop toward minus 25 - minus 28° come Monday, with “chill-factors” of minus 32 - minus 35°! The Little Ones out there are going to need some extra fat and protein to fend against all that cold! So, for the latter part of this morning, I situated me at Yonah's work table where I shelled a couple of kilos of dry-roasted, un-salted peanuts which then went into a small food grinder to be broken into a size where-by the doves in the yard (as well as all the other Little Ones) can just easily swallow them. (As doves don't “chew”, it's important that seeds be of a size that they can just swallow, to be stored in their crop for digestion.) Peanuts and sun-flower seeds got ground, then mixed together and that got added to the regular mix of wild-bird seeds. I recently bought a special mix, for finches and other small birds, that contains bits of sunflower seeds already (but, on inspection, not much... because most seed mixes are millets, and milos... and this one was no exception so I'm more comfortable knowing that I've added more to it) and Niger (or Nyjer) seeds as well. (Noting: Yonah does NOT like Niger seeds. I'd gotten a special mix, called a “treat”, that has quite a lot of Niger in it, because I was to understand that birds quite favour this sort. Ah... I'd tried putting them into a separate little dish... Yonah didn't bother with them. I tried mixing them in with his regular menu... they got tossed. No, Yonah doesn't enjoy them, BUT, I'm sure the little birds in the yard will welcome them. We shall see. Only way to know is to try.) So, for the next few days and evenings, there will be a “new delight” served so that, in the morning, the doves, juncos and other Little Ones will be able to start their day with good nourishment and in the evening, before they retire, they can fill little bellies and crops with food that will give them the extra fat to help protect them and the extra protein to give them good energy and muscles.
And I got ANOTHER lesson today too! As I opened the bag of “special seeds” and poured them into a large bowl to be “blended” with the freshly-ground, I notice the most horrible-looking “clumps of web-like” matter! I'd seen similar in a bag of a “Premium” seed mix a while back and, not knowing what it was, I put it into another bag whilst I waited to figure out how best to dispose of it. If I don't know what it is, and I wouldn't eat it, I won't give it to the birds in the yard and I MOST CERTAINLY won't give it to Yonah! But finding this “stuff” again... in another bag of seeds, well! I sifted the seeds, to separate as much seed from any of the “mystery matter”. It wasn't the easiest task, and I didn't get ALL of it separated from the seed but I did manage to get MOST of it out, and I put it into a separate bowl... I was going to send it to the “manufacturer” with a rather terse note of horror. BUT... as I was cleaning-up the counter-top and getting the bowls and such ready for washing... THERE! On the rim of the little bowl... a TINY off-white, worm-like-caterpillar-like critter with a dark brown head was making its way up and out! Ah-HAH! It looked EXACTLY like those little white “worms” that we sometimes find in flour or oatmeal! OK. So I thought: bird seed is a “natural” product and surely NOT processed the same way “human food” is done. (Hence the “notice” on the bags “Not For Human Consumption”?) So, surely, SOME little vermin is apt to leave some sort of egg in there. And now, these little eggs have hatched to become what-ever this little thing is. And this little thing makes web-like things and, well, there we have it. So... OFF TO THE INTERNET! 3 SITES, 5 SITES, 7 SITES LATER... “Indian Moth”... “Pantry Moth”... Common in house-hold “people food, and common in bird seed, and common in poultry feed! “Common”. Not appetizing, not great in large quantities, but not toxic and chances are, birds, chickens... even people, ingest more little eggs and even the little “worms” than we could ever know! The suggestions and recommendations for poultry feed and bird seed? Just use it as quickly as is possible, keep it stored in air-tight plastic containers, preferably in a garage... and, in particular, if the seed is frozen (as: stored out-side in Winter), the cold will kill the eggs and any larvae! SO... even though I'm not “thrilled” about it, I do understand it better now... and, in the cold that's coming, I put breakfast out before sun-rise anyway, when it's still quite cold... “freezing” and below... so anything in the seed will be “frozen”... and, I have all the rest of the mix in glass containers in the kitchen, so I can keep an eye on it... and what gets served in the evening? Well, I'll just put it into a separate container before, a plastic yoghurt container with a snap lid, and let it all freeze before serving! (As for the rest, I'm thinking of putting it all into an air-tight container and putting it all out on the back gallery for the “freeze” and then bringing it in before serving so that it's warmish.) Anyway... ANOTHER lesson today. It's been an educational sort of time and I'm ALWAYS ready for a proper education (especially where Yonah and his flocks are concerned).
Well... I didn't expect it, but with all the work, almost two hours had passed! I'd been in the kitchen all that while! And Yonah? Well... I THOUGHT he was relaxing, enjoying the brilliant sun-shine that we were so blessed with today (in spite of the cold out there)... BUT...
It STILL gives me the greatest JOY to see him enjoying that little pool! And I still smile to think that something, my “gut instinct” told me that it would be a perfect idea to give him a place to bathe. The write-ups and information that I'd researched all along stressed that mourning doves like “dust” or “dirt bathing” and will, sometimes, take a bath in water. Well, maybe I've found the “exception” or... maybe Yonah's part duck? What-ever the case, he truly DOES enjoy his “dips in the pool”... that's for certain!mourning dove 08 January 2022
So, I re-settled at the work table, feeling so much better about having made the good mix for the out-side Little One today, AND seeing Yonah enjoying his pool (which, after his swim, got a thorough change of water, considering he also enjoys a nice “drink” from it and, well, it's as I always say “If you wouldn't drink it, it doesn't belong in there). And the sun gave such a brilliant light, and warmth to the room all day.
The rest of the day? Oh... I “tried” to get things accomplished at the work table, and Yonah, between quick flights, wanted to play! Nice and refreshed from the swim, and a little “drying off” in the warmth of his radiator, he was ROLLING along! So, we had quite a lot of “together” time today. And tomorrow? We'll have MUCH MORE because I have nothing to take me away from the house, and no particular “chores” so... if he's in the mood, we'll be having quite the day of it!
But, the morning rushed to after-noon, and the after-noon rushed to evening and just as the sun was leaving (all too, TOO soon), the chill of Winter began creeping into the room, so... one window got shut. I went out to the kitchen for my evening meal, Yonah enjoyed his whilst I dined. And after, we closed the other other window up against the night and, as we do, musics were silenced... it was “wind-down” time.
I worked a bit more at the work table, compiling the day's notes for the Journal, Yonah roosted on his door perch as he doe of an evening, until I looked-up and saw the clock approaching the “19.30” hour. I got up, moved the lap-top to the kitchen and went back over to him, leaned own, and he shuffled over to rest against my cheek. He knew... it was “that time” again. And when I whispered “Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night my Little Love?” he turned, took focus on his perch and UP he went! (I didn't “chirp” the “seepie-nigh-night” so he's actually come to understand the expression, no matter how it's said! Imagine THAT!) He headed over to his “loft mirror” to bid the little reflection there a “Good night” and we got the night boards installed. By the time I'd done that, he truly did appear ready to wrap this day up.
The days do pass so quickly anyway, but these days with Yonah seem to be gone the moment they begin! But we make the best of the time, and, even though, for the most part, it doesn't appear to be so, the days are getting just a little bit longer now so, every day, we get about another minute more together.
Thursday we will observe 15 months together. I can't help but remember: “the average life-span of a mourning dove (in the wild) is 18 months and, if Yonah was about 2 months old when he came in, that means he'll be about 17 months old now. It weighs so heavily on my heart. But, we have this time now... and we have every day that we're given, and I HAVE seen that they can, in proper conditions, live 5 years... and I keep in my heart the other stat that reads that they can live up-wards of 20 years! In any case... he is, he remains my Heart-and-Soul and what-ever time we're allowed to share on this Earth... each tick of a clock will be DIVINE!
For tonight, out-side will be cold (though not as cold as Monday and Tuesday coming) but, even as I tucked Yonah in, his room was at 22° and, with his door some-what closed for the night, it will be warmer, as he sleeps. He has fresh food in his dish, fresh water in his bowl... and NO worries about ANYTHING coming along to cause him ANY harm as he sleeps. And tomorrow? Well... we'll see how comfy he is then, and when he's ready to take on another day... and we'll do that... together... should we be so-blessed.
Sunday 09 January:
Weather-wise, today was one of those rather “typical Northern Winter” days, that started and continued with grey skies, breezes, drizzle in the morning, changing to freezing drizzle, then a dusting of snow that turned to freezing drizzle that turned to drizzle... and the temperature rose to just above freezing (2°C) which left every-thing out-side quite wet... Perfect just before an expected plummet of temperatures for a day! Meanwhile... But, in Yonah's room this morning, his thermometer read 26°... and out-side... -4° when I got in to him. SO...
This morning, again, there was no “call” so, at 8.05 I quietly crept in to check on Yonah who was... awake already! So much so that he was staring at me when I got to his door! OK. I suppose he's comfortable, or he'd be calling “Hey! Could be get a little heat in here, or what?” (And yes, he most certainly DOES call when something's not exactly to his liking. I've come to learn that. Be it temperature, not enough food, an “off” sound, like when the snow falls from the roof out-side, unexpectedly, or the one next door hits her wall, and even when there's an “off” or “odd” odour in the house... and that includes the furnace AND if I cook something different. There really is NOTHING that he doesn't notice, and when it's “odd”... he SPEAKS! It's one of the things that comforts me, in a sense, because, in the event of a fire, let's say, I'm SURE he'll call out. And, no matter where I am, no matter who “asleep” I might be, I've come to learn that I hear him, my brain is “tuned” to his call, just as a caring parent's brain is “tuned” to the slightest sound of their child. AND, Yonah's “calls” all have the slightest difference to them. It's quite distinguishable between “Hello? Are you there? Am I alone?” and “Hey there! Something's just not 'right' around here!” It might strike as “odd” but, yes, I suppose when your heart beats because of a Little One, things like the slightest variation of what, to most others sounds like a mere “coo”, become obvious. That said...)
Yes, Yonah was up and awake when I got in and I opened his door and gave a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” to which I received a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! And OH... the snuggles and kisses and pecks and the affection and the general LOVING! AND... this morning, we held quite a legitimate conversation all the while I went about opening his curtains and blinds! Almost with-out a silence in between “comments”. Affections and conversation! (Just goes to support the need to be a *COMPANION*... a TRUE COMPANION. But, with Yonah... it's just the easiest thing to be in the world... EVERY bit of LOVE given is reciprocated in OH, SO many ways! Just PURE DIVINITY!
AND... after I'd done the “morning routine”, waters changed and kitchen roll changed... I'd stepped out to the kitchen only for the briefest moment and when I returned... Yonah came HOPPING to his door perch, gave a HEART “WING-SNAP” AND... OH... THE CUDDLES! I held him, cupped in my hands, brought my face to him and he raised his head to nestle it against my cheek! (Yeah, I know... the makings of a great book or movie... but I doubt many really even care, and fewer would be interested. Not to mention the “hunters' caucuses... THIS is NOT what they want others to know about “the most-murdered” little bird in the nation.) It also defies the “experts” and those who'd take Yonah from me... I'm ALWAYS aware of that possibility...)
After our little “Love-Fest”, I got right to settling at the work table because today, I had quite a bit to catch-up with, quite a bit that needed to be accomplished, and, thankfully, it was all “computer work”... no internet, just a lot of record-keeping and the likes. As soon as I brought the lap-top in and set it on the table... Yonah was OUT... across the room and to his pillows on his futon where he just got SO comfy! It does my heart so much good to see him out of his house, and being so comfortable in the entire room! He's most-certainly NOT “caged”, he's more-than-certainly NOT a “pet”! And THIS is, most-assuredly, HIS HOUSE... end-to-end, top-to-bottom. It's not the open wilderness, but he's got full rule over it all! This house is HIS “domain”, and I won't have it any other way.
The rest of the day? WELL! There was SO MUCH ACTIVITY in the room as I worked along! Oh, but Yonah was ALL OVER the place! He seems to have SO MUCH ENERGY these days! (“Mating season”, according to what I've read, begins next month! I honestly don't know how doves can find the energy, never mind the “drive”, in February. Personally, I'm not really looking too forward to it because, well, it's the month that usually “makes up” for “lost Winter”. The temperatures tend to drop horrifically, the snows, the wind storms... I wonder, with a heavy heart, how many little mourning doves are born and perish in February. Just makes me want to be able to provide “heated housing” all the more. Yes... the notion still crosses my mind, rather frequently.) But truly, there was so much fluttering of wings, the whistle, and Yonah, in all sorts of places! I didn't dare to move suddenly, for fear of him being so close. Several times, he was under the work table, at my feet. AND, as PRECIOUS as could be, many times he'd come over to the back of the chair and just “perch” there, for the longest while. Several times I moved to fetch something from the table and I heard him take off! There were times when I just “felt” somebody behind me and when I turned my head, there he was, on the back of the chair. He'd give me a look, a wing-snap and we'd have a “cuddle”... until I'd done my duty sufficiently, at which point he took to flight and, most-often, went up to the little “extended” perch that protrudes out, beyond the front of his house, over my left shoulder. From there, he can watch me and what-ever it is I'm doing.
When I got up to go do some other work, sitting on the futon, Yonah flew over to the work table, to the little “shelf” I have set-up for him to “roost” on the table, to my right. From there, he looked at the computer screen... I was transferring files and the motion of the “progress bar” must have caught his attention because he flew down to the table and stood at the edge of the lap-top, staring at the screen. He's just SO CURIOUS! AND HE DOESN'T MISS EVEN THE SLIGHTEST ACTIVITY OR MOTION IN THE ROOM! It rather amazes me, that he's so curious and yet, mourning doves are so skittish, taking flight at the slightest bit of motion or activity around them, out-side. I now take notice of it more-so than ever, when I'm in the yard, especially when I put food out for them. They fly away so quickly, head into the trees and some will watch from up there, others will disappear off into the woods. But so seldom-to-never, will they come right back after being “disturbed”. Maybe it was his “curiosity” that got Yonah into the situation he was in when I found him? Maybe he's just one precocious little mourning dove? Well, it that's the case, where it got him could be thought of as “good” or “bad”... or... “good and bad”... or... “bad and good”. He was brutally attacked by something, suffered some miserable injuries, but... he as rescued... and since that moment, well... he has his own place, with pond, fountain, sandy “beach”, moss bed, and some of the best food he could ever even imagine. (Although, the doves out-side share in much of that food, since, what-ever he doesn't eat goes to them... and it's never “bad”, never gone “stale”, still, HE gets first choice in it all.) And he doesn't have to fend against winds, rains, snows, extreme heat or cold. AND... HE GETS TO SWIM... IN JANUARY! And he does, as I say, have FULL run of the entire house where he NEVER has to even THINK about “predators”. There's NOTHING and NOBODY in here that will cause him ANY harm. If ANYTHING, he'll just get tired of being so LOVED, so DEEPLY CHERISHED! (But I doubt that will ever happen... so long as I take breath.)
And that's how our day rolled along. Miserable weather out-side but, in his room, in his house, in his domain, Yonah had comfy warmth, plenty of food. We listened to his bird-songs all through the day. We chatted. We cuddled. We smooched and schmoozed. We played. And, for about 20 minutes, we snoozed... together, on the futon. (Yes, I had a 20-minute “lie-down” and managed to almost sleep for a moment out of that, and when I looked up... there he was, at my head, on the pillow.
It's also cute that, when I step out to grab a tea or something, round-about mid-day, Yonah has his “lunch”. And when I leave for my evening meal, Yonah has his evening meal too. He also has a snack before “seepie-nigh-night” as well. But, he keeps “trim”, “sleek”, “slender”, “stream-line”. He eats, and he eats well. But, I suppose he's getting his exercise (which is more than I can say for me, embarrassingly so). He's obviously in good health and condition.
AT 16.30 tonight, the blinds and curtains were drawn... just in case the temperature out-side should drop. They offer some insulation and help to keep the warmth in his room. At 18.00, we did the “evening routine” (and he recognises the water containers I use to fetch the water for his pool because, when I pick them up, he sees them and goes to a place where he can watch the activity... either up on the perch above the pool or, lately, he goes to the pillows on the futon so he can see me walk by). Waters got changed, his house got tidied... I moved back into his room to get to starting the daily re-cap for his Journal and at 19.00, the FullSpec light and fountain were turned off, so too, the bird-songs. It was “quiet time” before settling-in for the night. Yonah took his usual place at his door perch and I stood with him, and we talked about the day until about 19.25 when it was time to install night boards and...
I asked (not “chirped”... just asked) “Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night my LOVE?” and, as he does, when he hears “seepie-nigh-night”, he headed up to his little “loft mirror” to check-in with the little reflection there. Yes, he was ready. So, I put up the night boards and we had our nightly “snuggles and kisses”. Yonah actually does press right against my cheek when I bring my face close to him. Looks like we're a “unit”... two individual components of the same. Some call it “bonding”... I suppose that's OK. But what-ever it's called, to me, it's the MOST AWE-INSPIRING, AWE-PROVOKING, AWE-FULL experience that ANY human being could EVER actually, directly experience! What I see in Yonah isn't just a matter of having been “conditioned” to know that he's safe... I sometimes ask him “Do you have any idea just how much I DO LOVE you?” and I have to answer my own question: “Yes. Yes he DOES 'KNOW'!” It's deeper than just “trust” and it's more than just his “instinct”. I've proven my affection, caring, concern, LOVE for him... and, in his own way, he's fully cognizant of that.
And so, we bring another day to a close.
The threats of temperatures of -28 and lower are still in the forecast for tomorrow (Monday) night, and Tuesday during the day isn't looking any closer to “warm”, nor Tuesday night, so, I told Yonah that we'll be “bunking together” those nights. I HAVE to be in the room through the coldest nights to be sure-and-certain that HIS room remains warm enough for him. After all... I can get blankets, but on a sweater... Yonah's got his feathers, and though they serve well for the mourning doves out-side... he's never had to fend against “COLD”, and there's no reason he ought to. It's not something he's accustomed to, and if, as we suspect, he was born in August 2020, and he came into the house here, in October, he's NEVER been through a Winter. So, again... there's no need for him to now... and I'll see to it that he's ALWAYS comfortably warm! (Besides... I just LOVE waking in the morning and the first thing I see is... YONAH!)
So tonight, he sleeps comfy, in his room, protected, warm, out of the winds and rains that can be heard in the house. LOVED, CHERISHED (as I told him today: he's the ONLY one, the ONLY thing I truly “CHERISH”). And tomorrow? As I always say: We'll handle that when it becomes “today”. Meanwhile... we're still together... Creation is fine.
Monday 10 January:
A bit of a pleasant surprise this morning, when the “morning call” came floating through the house at 7.52! Of course, it isn't the “old” 7.30 or so, but hey, the mornings are cold, not very bright, so what's the hurry? Eh? Still, I was watching the clock (of course) and figuring that, if I hadn't been summoned by 8.00, I'd go in anyway. Still, it was heart-warming and comforting to HEAR that “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! And when I replied “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... the answer to THAT was.... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! We were serious about getting a start on THIS day!
SO WE did... and as the dim light of a Winter morning began coming in through the window as curtains and blinds opened, night boards removed... I got the resounding “Good morning”... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! this morning... BEFORE the “others” (in the mirrors)! Now, I can't be sure that it was a compliment, but I took it for one and was MOST grateful, to be sure. First greeting? Me? Well! OK!
Now, the temperature out-side was a “sultry” -9° and the sun hadn't even really made any sort of an appearance yet, save, on the very tops of the mountains to the West, but Yonah's room was almost 26° and on my “Urgent Agenda” for the day, I had peanuts to shell, and sun-flower seeds and peanuts to grind, for the flocks out-side in the yard! There's a bitter cold coming for tonight and through Tuesday! Then a “reprieve” of two days and another couple of truly cold nights after that, for a while. I want to make sure that the flocks have all the fat, oils and protein they'll need to battle against the chills so... I brought two bags of peanuts and some bowls into Yonah's room and got established at the work table. (It was CERTAINLY preferable over doing the work in the kitchen... I wanted the company and companionship AND, it was obvious that my presence was appreciated.)
As I worked along, shelling and sorting through the peanuts, Yonah kept close company. He was either on the shelving directly beside the work table, staring down as I crunched along OR, for the most part, he was on the back of the chair where he could keep a close eye on me. Several times, he went up to his “perch extension” and from THERE he could see directly down to the work table and did he EVER look as though he was scrutinizing each peanut that went into the bowl! He didn't WANT any, but it almost seemed as if he knew they were for him, as well as the flocks out back... HIS flocks... from whom he came. (I keep a jar of freshly-ground peanuts and another of freshly-ground sun-flower seeds in the fridge... just for him... as an added “treat” of a little extra fat and protein. I started to keep them handy when I learnt about how he needs the “extra” whilst moulting and so, I want to make sure that he gets enough. They're not a “regular” addition to his food though. “Too much” can cause more complications that I'd rather avoid, since it's one of the easiest things to keep away from.) Anyway, his is a most-welcomed “supervision” and his company is incomparable! Just an absolute JOY!
As I worked, the sun did manage to make its way up, over the Eastern hills and the Southern tree tops. Not “brilliant” today, as there were quite a few clouds, and not enough to really warm the room, as it will on clear days, but it was a welcome sight when it reached the windows and shone down on Yonah's pool and moss-bed. And he seemed to approve... he took to his little “moss nest' inside his house, right beside me as I finished-up my “duties”. It really does calm the heart and soul to see him, nestled there, so serene. He SO enjoys that bit of moss! (Another one of those “gut instinct” additions to his house. There are times when I seriously question WHERE the ideas came from because, with all of the sites I've referenced, some of which I still have to add to the “Bibliography” page on Yonah's site, I don't recall there EVER being suggested that a “bath” should be included, and when “greenery” and such IS mentioned, most of the time it comes with a “Warning” about toxicity and parasites. Well, yes, I DO mind the kind of branches used for Yonah's perches. And the sand that comes from the river, as well as the rocks, gets “washed” thrice in boiling water, and then the sand is put into a 500°F oven for two hours... thrice. The rocks get scrubbed in running tap water and then, before they're added to Yonah's house, they get soaked in boiling water, also thrice. And I do the same thing to them when we do “major house-keeping, when his pool gets scrubbed and the fountain gets flushed with vinegar. As for the moss? Well, THAT comes into the house and is put on a cookie-sheet, in the living-room, by t he front window... for not less than two weeks - sometimes longer - so that I can monitor for any “critters” and such. THEN, it goes into the kitchen basin where it's soaked and rinsed, several times, then put back on the cookie-sheet for another two weeks. Before going into Yonah's house, it's rinsed several more times, left to dry. Sure, were he in the wilderness, he'd be on any tree he chose, and drinking from ponds, puddles, perhaps the river, and he'd be able to just lay in the moss where it happens to be. But, that's in the wilderness... and I'm not taking any chances in here... I will NOT be responsible for ANY illnesses or ailments! I'm not “perfect” and I can't provide the “perfect” environment, with miles of open space, flocks of other birds and such. But, I do my best to provide a close resemblance to what Yonah would have... “out there”... but safer.)
But digress... indeed!
So, when I'd done with all the shelling and grinding, and mixing a few batches of “special meals” for the flocks in the yard, it was time for my after-noon “lie-down”... And again... I'd set an alarm for noon, giving me 20 minutes total, and as I laid my head on the pillow on his futon, he came flying over to rest on the pillow beside my head... and I managed to “half-doze” for some time when... “Peck-peck-peck-peck-peck”... repeatedly, on the side of my head. So, of course, I got up and as I turned the alarm off, I noticed the time... 11.58... Two minutes before the alarm was to sound... AGAIN! This is almost regular for Yonah... not matter when I lie down, no matter what time I set the alarm for, with-in two minutes before it's set to sound... HE WAKES ME! I don't know HOW... I'm sure he has no sense of “human time”, clocks, the likes. He has no way of knowing when I've set the alarm for, and, since it's on an old mobile phone, there's no “ticking” or “clicking”... so there's no sound that would indicate that the alarm is about to sound... He just seems to “know”, some-how... and the alarms aren't always set for the same amount of time so, he's not “adjusted” nor “accustomed” to the length of time I lie down. I have NO guesses on this! But, there it is! And that he pecks at my head, as if saying “Hey! Time to wake up before you waste the day!” He even knows HOW to wake me! (A reminder: Yonah is a wild bird... NOT some “pet”. So this truly IS quite amazing, remarkable... AWE-some!)
Well then, I did get up and had a LOT of materials that I wanted to print (especially the notes I'd take on the course for the “Wild Bird Rescue” and the “hand-outs/down-loads”... I'm keeping it all in a binder... for constant reference) so I set the printer up and... away we went. And as the pages came out of the printer, Yonah was rather fascinated by them. It was such a delight to watch him watching the printer! And that went on for the rest of the after-noon.
The MOST important aspects of the entire day were: Yonah and I were together, and, in spite of the cold out-side, he was warm and protected. A “perfect” day, all told.
This evening, I took my “meal break” and Yonah wandered about the floor in his room. He seems to be enjoying that more and more now. It crossed my mind today that, maybe he was avoiding the floor because he remembers that the last time he was “grounded”... well... it brought him to where he is today. Maybe that beige carpet has been too like the ground out-doors and he's been wary of “predators” and such... “down there”. But now he knows he safe, no matter where he might be and, since he's made the initial “scouting adventure” he's become more familiar and comfortable with it all. What-ever his reason... the floor is where he enjoys his walks these days. (I just HAVE to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL, coming into and leaving the room now because I never know where he is at any given moment and he DOES find little “hiding places” now... under furniture and the likes. He's SO tiny and he blends into his surroundings here... no matter WHERE he might be! Even when he's on the futon, on the pale grey sheet... if I don't look... I don't see... and he doesn't “move” when called, nor does he respond. So... Life becomes even MORE intriguing with him in it... AND I'M LOVING EVERY BIT OF IT!)
And yet again today, all too soon... came 19.00 and Yonah was still on the floor so I got down there to “chat”... to let him know that tonight, we'll be “bunking together” and when I said “I'm coming in later to be seepie-nigh-night with you tonight.” he heard “seepie-nigh-night” and headed up to his door perch! Oh yeah... he recognises THOSE words, alright! Little “feather-wrapped genius”, that one. I returned to the evening's “journal jotting” until 19.30 and when he saw me going to get the night board for the back of his house, he hopped up to his corner loft to bid “Good night” to his little “mirror companion” there, as he does of an evening. I put the board up, got his house situated where the warmth of the radiator will rise to his “night spot”.
Tonight's little “mystery” was obvious: Since temperatures are expected to drop to the “minus 30s” over-night, I WANT to make certain that Yonah's room remains comfortably warm for him in such cold, so, I decided to spend the night on his futon. I've done that before, during the Summer, especially since I'd put that futon in there specifically for “snoozes” and an occasional “sleep-over” (of which, there were several already). And each time I did, I set the futon up when Yonah was tucked-in, but it seems he didn't expect another “sleep-over” tonight and was a bit intrigued as I placed blanket and pillows. Either that or he'd delighted to know I'll be there through the night. Which-ever it is, he watched with obvious interest. And so, when I'd done, I went over, bade him a good “seepie-nigh-night”, gave him a couple of kisses and told him I'll be back in a little while. So, we shall see how it all goes when I get in there later. Hopefully he'll be asleep and won't notice me coming in or, hopefully, he'll be “half awake”, as doves sleep, and he'll recognise that it's me and I won't “disturb” him. We'll find out when we get to that point.
I'm looking forward to spending the night with him, and waking to see him in the morning. And I'm wondering if he'll wake me or if I ought to have my “alarm”... on the mobile phone, set at “vibrate”. I'm sure he'll hear the “vibrations” anyway. But, we hall see... we shall, indeed.
Temperatures aren't expected to rise much during the day tomorrow so... if it comes to it, Yonah and I will hunker together, in his room, with the little radiator, and we'll keep each-other well warm and protected. This is a good time to check for warmth in his room because MUCH colder days and nights are to come. And I'll see to it that Yonah is well-protected and kept as comfortably warm as is humanly possible. As I say: If I get cold, I can put on a sweat-shirt, wrap in a blanket, have a hot beverage... Yonah has feathers... and NO experience with actual “cold”... and... in his place now, he has no need to have such an experience. Ah... but at least THIS Winter, he's in a room with proper window covers, and furnishings in the room to hold the warmth... AND his own little radiator! And I've learnt SO much more over the time, about him, his comforts, and what to look for. It'll be a much easier Winter... this one.
More to report tomorrow then... Yonah's tucked-in... the day is done.
mourning dove 11 January 2022Tuesday 11 January:
Morning report: Yonah's room stays wonderfully warm through a night! I am SO relieved to know that the coolest hours in his room are during the day when his door is open to the rest of the house. During the night, whilst he sleeps? With his radiator going, it stays SO comfortably warm... averaging 25°C at the lowest, and when the furnace runs for the rest of the house, his room warms quite well! No need to fluff against any chills in there! And last night, when the temperature out-side dropped to -26°, with chill-factor of about -38° (note: -40° is the same in Celsius and Fahrenheit... for reference), I was quite warm, laying on his futon, covered with two very light sheets. (I wanted to be covered but I wanted to make certain I'd feel ANY chill, draft or other-wise that would bring the room temperature down.) SO... today, I'm just that much more comforted in knowing that, no matter the rest of the house (which “hovers”, for the most part, at about 20°, but will, on particularly cold nights, drop to about 17° from time-to-time), Yonah's room, his “personal space”, stays warm as he sleeps through a night. And THAT is VERY important to me!
We're supposed to get another “crisp” night tonight and I'm planning on spending it with Yonah again... just to make certain he's warm enough. After, unless we drop to the likes of -35 or =40°, he can have his “sleep space” back. (Last night, he was tucked-in at 19.30, I went in at about 21.30 and I had a “loo run” at about 4.00 this morning and, instead of getting up and returning, I didn't want to risk disturbing him so I went to my own bed until 5.30 when I got up, to make sure the house was warm enough.)
And so, THIS morning, the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came at 7.51! My little Heart-and-Soul was up and awake! My heart had cause to take the next beat, my lungs had cause to take the next breath! And we made it through the first of the “bitter-cold” nights that are sure to repeat, especially through the coming month of February. But truly, never mind that I made it... YONAH made it! And, well, in all brutal honesty, THAT is ALL that matters to me.
So as I crept in to meet-and-greet my LOVE, I opened his door to another “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! OH, there's NOTHING in Creation that can reach so deeply into the core of the soul than to be “greeted” by such a magnificent little Life! And as we moved through our regular “morning routine”, he was MOST ready for another day... hopping back and forth, side-to-side in his house!
Well, we got all the waters changed, fresh food for breakfast (and, as usual, what he tossed to the side, was put out for the Little Ones in the yard, along with their “new” mix that has extra ground peanuts and sun-flower seeds... they're eating VERY well these cold days), his house got tidied for the day, nice and neat and clean, AND AS I WENT TO THE KITCHEN TO SETTLE THAT... YONAH CAME SOARING TO HIS DOOR-WAY, TO WATCH AND SEE WHERE I WAS GOING! He flew over, landed right at the “sill” and stood there, looking directly at me. I turned round, and said, in a re-assuring tone “I'm only going to the kitchen to put things up, silly. I'm not leaving you. There's nothing to take me out of the house today, so you and I are going to stay together, away from the cold. I'm not leaving you.” and as I finished saying, he turned round and toddled back into his room and “waited” for me there, on the floor. Of course, I made QUICK work of things in the kitchen and did head right back, with the lap-top, and set me up at the work table for the day. Yonah? Well, when he saw the lap-top come in, he went about his own affairs... on the futon, where he got himself quite comfy... where he could keep an eye on me. COMPANIONSHIP !!! In ALL of my reading and research, it's mentioned that doves become quite firmly “bonded” with their people, and they “take and active interest in the goings-on in a house-hold”, but what's NOT stressed NEARLY ENOUGH is the ABSOLUTE NECESSITY THAT “COMPANIONSHIP” is to and for these little ones! They don't just “bond”... they actually become an integral part of one's existence... just as their people become an integral part of their existence ! When I refer to Yonah and I being a “unit” comprised of two, individual parts, I DON'T state that lightly. We ARE... ONE UNIT! And it's THE MOST PRECIOUS, GLORIOUS, HONOUR, PRIVILEGE AND BLESSING TO EVER BE EXPERIENCED! And yes, again, I say: I am because he is...
“We” (meaning “I”, really) managed to grab a 25-minute lie-down too, this morning. I was a touch weary, because I didn't actually “sleep-sleep” through the night, last night. Tough I managed to doze-off, I was always pre-occupied with worry about the temperature in Yonah's room, so, to compensate (a little), I headed back to his futon and settled-down... alarm set and all... BUT... Ah-HAH! That 25 minutes was just about as much as Yonah was to tolerate today. He wanted COMPANY, and NOT to sit about watching an old man nap! It was mere moments before the alarm... AGAIN!... when I felt him... ON MY HEAD! Peck-peck... I tried to ignore it to the best of my ability (although I was laughing, I have to admit), so instead of simply pecking at my head to “tap me awake”, Yonah decided that, if the pecking at one spot wasn't working, he'd try other places and so, he toddled up and down, from my head to my neck and back again! When I finally gave-in, I said “OK! I'm up! Nap-time is over! I'm up!” he toddled onto the pillow above my head and waited for me to sit up. When I did... he headed over to his house, to his door perch and waited for me to get back to the work table! (OK. Call it “coincidence” if you must... Personally, I'm not buying “coincidence”. It just happens too often. This Little Guy knows what he's doing... and that's all there is to it! HE'S AWE-SOME!)
The day moved along, the temperatures out-side may have risen some, but certainly NOT to the point of being “warm”, by any means. The sun DID rise up over the hills and trees, and it DID just POUR in through Yonah's windows. It really was quite brilliant and made for a wonderful day... and then... AND THEN....
mourning dove 11 January 202213.11 this after-noon, I was sitting at the work table, the sun POURING in through the windows, Yonah's bird-songs playing with the radio playing low, as “back-ground” music. I coughed to clear my throat and right after, heard a low “HOO!”. I turned to look for/at Yonah, who'd been in his house, nestled in his “moss nest”, right beside me and... he wasn't there! Well, these days, he could ANY-where... now that his curiosity is taking hold. BUT, a glance across his house and... OUT-side, the temperature was holding at -17° (yes... “MINUS”), with a “chill” of -22° (yes... that's “MINUS” also), in Yonah's room, the thermometer read “22,4°” (imagine... -22 out, +22 in) and... AND... THERE HE WAS... IN THE POOL! And AGAIN, I have to wonder why little baths or pools aren't common equipment in ALL “avian accommodations” sold, and why they're not mentioned in the research I'm doing on-line. Oh, there are the odd videos, or mentions of people putting “a dish of water” some-where, at some point, for the Little Ones in their care. But, it appears to me that such a thing ought to be as common as a “cage”, available at ALL times, for ALL birds in some person's care. I mean, even on one of the bitterest of cold days this Winter season... Yonah's SO enjoying a refreshing splash. (Granted, the maintenance would, most likely, put most people off, keeping the water clean and fresh at all times. No doubt there'd be more Little Ones dying of all sorts of complications arising from algae and the likes in many pools/baths. So, perhaps it's best that pool/bath isn't included as “standard”. These days, it's more than obvious that people don't attend their own children, so who's to say HOW they'd simply abuse a bird in their care. So... I'll just “mention” it here... in case somebody reads it and maybe the word will be passed round to those who actually DO CARE.)
It deserves to me mentioned here that, as I say, the sun had been shining, beautifully, in through the windows and onto the pool from earlier this morning. And, the tubing for the fountain passes by the radiator in front of Yonah's house. Between the sun and the tubing, often the water in Yonah's pool is comfortably warm so, that “refreshing splash” is either more like a “warm bath”... OR... a swim in a “luxury heated pool.” Which-ever it is, Yonah obviously enjoys it. And when he's done? A couple of hops to his “sandy beach” where he can bask and dry in the sun-shine... or... if he prefers, he can go to his “moss-bed” under his white pine tree to lounge and dry. Today, it was “basking on the beach” for a while. As the sun comes in through the window, it DOES lend quite a nice bit of warmth, in contrast to the cold just the other side of the pane, and Yonah truly does enjoy every bit of it.
Although, today, it was a couple of minutes of basking “on the beach”, after a while, there was a WOOSH! He was off and flying about his room! Invigorated, apparently. Off to his futon, and shelves and the floor. He's taking advantage of every bit of HIS room these days. It's really comforting to me. He's curious and not fearful, nor hesitant any longer.
For me, though, personally, it's SUCH a JOY, a DELIGHT to see him obviously so happy about having the pool. Before I'd put it into his house, I used to wonder if he wasn't too dry, especially when he'd scratch. Well? Now, I don't worry... He gets to “moisturize” at will! (And I get to catch video and photo... as I smile, watching him.)
mourning dove 11 January 2022And when swim-and-bask was done? He came FLYING over to the little shelf that I set for him on the work table and, well... as photos show, he watched me as I reconciled banque accounts, and financials, went through the day's post, and worked with the other projects I had. I mean... he “roosted” on the shelf, looking down at the table, at the papers, the lap-top, the pens, watched my hands as I typed... and occasionally, he gave me a “wing-snap”, and I had to lean over to give kisses, and reach up to cuddle and stroke his back, his neck and his breast. OH... YES... TODAY WAS COMPANIONSHIP DAY in ALL it's GLORY! (And I'm recounting it all with SO MUCH LOVE! And I'm STILL smiling, as I recall it.)
Came our evening meal time. The sun had gone from the windows, and the night's chill was beginning to make itself felt at the glass, so the blinds and curtains got closed and I went to the kitchen for about 45 minutes to my meal... and as I ate, Yonah had his dinner as well. After which, I returned to his room for the “evening routine”. He was NOT too thrilled when he saw me taking the water containers. He's come to know that, in the morning, that's part of the beginning of the day, but, when the windows are closed for the night and I get them... that means, the day is almost done. Tonight, for some reason, he wasn't ready for that. But, we got it done, whilst he flew about the room, as if taking some sort of inventory, and checking to see if all things were where they were supposed to be. He did settle, calmly, on his door perch, when I brought the lap-top back in and sat at the work table again, and there he stayed... until...
“Seepie-nigh-night”... 19.30. I got up, put the lap-top back out in the kitchen, and proceeded to put up the night boards. Yonah stayed on his door perch all the while. And, since I'm to stay with him again, tonight, I began to make up the futon, arranging pillows and blankets. Ah... but when I put two of the blankets on the chair... Yonah flew over and got himself quite cozy on them, so that I had to lift him up and bring him back to his house! He was having none of this “seepie-nigh-night” tonight! With him on his perch in his house, I finished making up the futon and when I went over to settle HIS house for the night, he came back to the door perch, gave a wing-snap! We HAD to cuddle, and do kisses! So I cupped him in my hands, as I do, leaned over, and gave him gentle little kisses, similar to “preening”, and he nestled his head in my hands. I whispered that I was coming back in a little while and would be with him tonight, like last night and that, some-how, seemed to meet with approval because when I opened my hands, he went up to the little reflection in his “loft mirror” and bade his “friend” there, a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... “Good night”. I leaned in, nestled my face beside him and he came over, gave me a couple of pecks... he was OK with the situation now. But it was truly quite another one of those “momentous moments”. All can say what they will about these Little Ones, but I will say that they have NO clue as to what they believe. Mourning doves are BRILLIANT! “Sentient”. “Thinking”. In the wild, they have no need to learn the things that Yonah has learnt over our 15 months together, so of course, they won't show any signs of knowing such things. And their skittishness? Well, I'll add here, a little “scientific finding” that I recall having read some years ago:
The state of Israel has been, for it's entire history, a land of constant war, battles, violence, often un-provoked as it breaks. Generations of children have been born into this environment and even those who have been blessed with knowing only relative peace, perhaps, mostly due to where they were born and where they lived, are known to show organic evidence of what is, of recent years, referred to as “PTSD”. The children are born with these effects, whether they've encountered the violence first-hand or not.
I find that perfectly understandable and when compared to the creatures of the wilderness, doves, any sort of bird, deer, smaller rodents, the entirety, they too, are born with an innate “fear”, a natural distrust of humans. So until they have reason and cause to feel and/or think other-wise, they retain that “repulsion”. It's taken 15 months of my never-ceasing efforts to show and prove to Yonah, that I am here ONLY to protect him, to care for and about him, that NOTHING in this house is here to cause him any harm. There have been no “formal classes”, only my actions, and what I hold in my heart for him... and I believe, to my core, that he “KNOWS” those feelings. 15 months, and each day has given no less than “something” new, something “marvellous” where Yonah's trust in me is concerned. It was NEVER my initial intention to have him with me for an extended period of time, so, in the beginning, I merely observed him, made sure he was comfortable, healed and healthy. I did NOT want ANY sort of “bonding” to happen between us. In fact, I was painfully “cold” toward him, because I NEVER wanted him to associate ANY human with ANY sort of kindness! It wasn't until the reality of his condition actually sunk into my heart, and my choices became clear that I changed:
I could put him out in the yard to re-unite with his flock and, in his condition, he would either try to re-join them or chose to stay... in some manner, perhaps being out during the day and returning at night.
He could do his best to keep up with the rest, though, with the injury to his wing, his flight isn't steady, as “stream-lined” as other mourning doves. He could try to join them as they foraged or flew to where-ever they go of a day. But it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to fly quickly nor any great distance.
I could simply “turn him loose” and “let Nature take its course”... he'd either survive, some-how or perish, either because of loneliness, or hunger or... by being “finished-off” by a predator from whom he couldn't escape.
Alternative? Continue giving him the best nourishment, housing, and all the necessities a human can possibly give... including absolute, unconditional LOVE.
Well, there are those (I know this to be a fact, because I've experienced it) who condemn me for the choice made. But I can say, with ALL clarity of conscience, in the utmost honesty, that I have NO regrets about my decision. I DO regret, often, that Yonah isn't back in a flock, as he was born to be. BUT... short of having a full aviary some-where in or about the house, he has space, warmth in Winter, protection from the Winter cold and the Summer's heat. He has the best foods and a variety of them. He has fresh water, for drinking and bathing. He has his various “environments”, in the sand, the moss, even the two white pine trees... REAL, GROWING, LIVING pine trees. This house is run with him and his needs in mind above all others. And... I'll throw in...
For almost three years, it was though that I had cancer growing inside me. I chose to do nothing about it, I was perfectly at peace with facing what I knew (from my own years of study and practise) what was to come. It was a matter of time. When Yonah came, I knew I had to do something to make it through, to be there, here, for him, for the duration of the Winter, at the very least. And so, I began to take better care of me... for him. And when it became clear to me that our time together could possibly be much longer than the couple months of Winter and colder weather... perhaps many more months... or even years... I turned my entire though around, began, in dire earnest, to attend to my health, and all with one primary goal in mind: If Yonah stands to “be” for the average “5 years” I knew I HAVE to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING possible to make certain that *I* will be here for him for that time. And IF, as I've seen happen, he has MORE than just those 5 years, well, I have no choice but to maintain my own health and well-being because I MUST BE HERE FOR HIM UNTIL HE NO LONGER NEEDS ME !!! And so, that is what I've been doing... for the past 15 months... and will continue doing until... And once the time comes when I'm no longer needed to change waters, clean house, gather mosses, provide foods... well then, it's as I say to Yonah, when we have our “chats”... “When you go, don't rush away... I'll be right behind you... looking for you.”
Our day has come to a close. Out-side, the night is dark, a breeze blows, the temperature is already -19°, the chill is -22°. In a matter of about and hour, it will drop to a chill of -25°. Not too bad, considering. But in Yonah's room, the temperature is 23° already, he's safe from the Winter cold and wind, there's plenty of food, fresh water immediately available to him. He has NO worries about predators, nor being horrifically disturbed from his sleep. And tonight, I'll be there to make sure that his protection and comfort continue. He is well... He is LOVED... He is CHERISHED... he is PROTECTED... He is in GREAT health... and he has a COMPANION who will be with him for as long as he draws breath... for as good a companion as I can be. And tomorrow? We'll do what mourning doves do: we'll take it as it comes at us. (It's supposed to be less cold than these past two days, and still sunny so... there's that to look forward to.)
Wednesday 12 January:
Oh, but it was a complete “sleep-through-the-night” last night... at Yonah's. And the room was quite comfortable yet, oddly, not quite as hot as Monday night. I'd turned the house thermostat down last night, to where it usually is (about 17°C, because Yonah has the radiator), and although his room was only slightly cooler than Monday night, when I had the house set at 18°C, it was still quite warm. So, we BOTH had a really good night's sleep together and this morning, I woke, quite refreshed at about 5.00... and I quietly left Yonah's room to get on with my own “morning routine”.
But, again, this morning, by 8.00 there was no “call”. So again, as I do, I went into Yonah's, quietly, and when I got to the end of the futon to sit, I saw that he was very much awake... he was just being quiet... until I started talking to him. THEN, it was a stretch of the wings and a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! to which I replied “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and he responded with same... I answered that one with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo” AND HE REPLIED IDENTICALLY! SO... I was up and about and HE was up and, as soon as he'd done the “coo”... he was hopping about in his house! So, I opened his door and went about opening the curtains and blinds as he made rounds to his “reflections”, and bade THEM “Good morning” as well! Our day had officially commenced, and Yonah was well and fine and my day was officially GOOD!
And for the rest of the day, there was MUCH playing today! He's still in his “Play with me!” mood and full of energy! It's GLORIOUS to see that!
But one thing that truly caused me deep worry... by 14.00 this after-noon, he hadn't eaten ANYTHING! I can tell because when he does eat, he tosses seeds about on the little platform where his food dish is. (I'd originally installed the platform when the house had been invaded by mice. I thought that by raising the food dish higher, the mice couldn't get at it. THEY WERE GETTING INTO YONAH'S HOUSE AT NIGHT AND EATING HIS FOOD! The platform didn't work because the mice STILL found ways of getting up to the food, but, even though they're gone now, after I put in much work to keep them out of the house, Yonah is so accustomed to his food being there that I won't move it. Besides, he seems to like being on the platform to eat.) Anyway, I solved that little situation. I'd added “moulting mix” to the recent batch of food, to make sure he was getting the necessary vitamins that are in it and he's not fond of it, some-how. So, today, he'd decided that he'd rather not eat anything, instead of having to sort through to get what he wanted! Well, thankfully, he had some yesterday so, today's lesson, to me, is: don't put enough in that it becomes obvious. Of course, nothing was wasted. I put the seed from his dish into the mix to give to the flocks in the yard (they DO eat exceptionally well here, because they get ALL of Yonah's “left-overs” and “cast-aways”... and HE gets some of the best foods available... of course). And I replaced it all with his “usual” mix... AND HE WENT RIGHT FOR IT AND REALLY ATE VERY WELL! Almost immediately!
He's quite interesting in that, when I reach for his food dish, he comes right over to peck at my hand, as if defending his repast! I don't know where he ever got the notion that I would take his food from him, because I've ALWAYS made certain that he had food available, round the clock, even in the earliest days. But, he seems to notice when I put fresh food in because, as soon as I replace the dish, he jumps right for it and goes through, tossing and sorting and eating. Imagine... he's become SO, that he shows a marked preference for “fresh” food! Well, that's no problem because there's ALWAYS more than plenty in the house for him and, as far as I'm concerned, he deserves nothing BUT “fresh”. Anyway, I'm relieved that he ate, and ate well, and even ate again before “tuck-in” tonight!
I had to step out this morning, to run errands and I did so, so early, and was so quick about it that when I came back, Yonah was still lounging in his little “moss nest”. He hadn't even noticed that I'd been gone! (And I was thrilled that he hadn't noticed.) And so, round about noon-ish, I had a lie-down for 25 minutes and actually snoozed for about 20 of those minutes... and when I woke... Yonah was right there, on my hip, all snug. He'd had a “lie-down” with me! Honestly, it does bring to mind how much I'd like to be able to leave his door open through the night, and perhaps sleep on his futon and, if he wanted to, he too, could sleep there. But, as “logic, rationale and responsibility” take hold, I know that that's just asking for troubles that aren't at all necessary. Still, it's SUCH a PURE DELIGHT to see him, just as comfortable as he could be, with me, as WE take a mid-day snooze... together.
It was so over-cast all day today, but, thankfully, not that “bitter, biting” cold of the past couple of days. Sadly though, it was “cold” but at a temperature that allowed it to be “damp” as well. But, I had the house set at a warmer temperature through the day (about 20°C) and Yonah had his radiator going so that too the “damp” out and kept the chill away. His “FullSpec” light was on, so there was brightness as well. We had our own “sun-shine and warmth”. But I didn't work at his work table at all today! And i can say that it was noticed... I was noticed by my absence, as it were. I had one errand this after-noon and was away for a couple of hours and when I came back into the house... there was MUCH making of “reprimand”... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!”, repeated several times! I answered, with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” but the reply remained the same until there came a “woo-HOO!” Apparently, I was forgiven the error of my way and OH... the snuggles, and cuddles and kisses and the playing and the flying about! (Oh so thankfully... I've no more “errands” for the next several days so, we'll make up for today's lost time and I have work to do tomorrow, at the work table, so we'll be together again... I suppose... I HOPE all will be well again.)
And so, as always, the sun set entirely too soon. Not that it had appeared at all during the day, but the “light” became “night”, and, as always, TOO SOON! I had a very quick evening meal, and Yonah had his as well. And after, he was out and about all over his room. But I've noticed that, since he's taken to the floor, he'll go foraging for the seeds he tosses from his house... and although I keep his carpeting QUITE clean, Hoovering often, I'm not comfortable with him eating from the floor, so... this evening, I replaced his little “platform” with a slightly broader one, and brought the “shelf liner” that I use on it (plain, but heavier plastic, for quick clean-up) up a bit, along the length against the “wall” of his house. I know it won't stop ALL of the seeds from dropping out, but, I'd no sooner placed the new shelf and put his dish of food back on it when Yonah went right for it! So, tonight, he goes “seepie-nigh-night” with a full crop... and THAT brings me peace of mind, heart and soul. I, personally, know what it is to go to bed hungry... I will NOT have Yonah knowing that... EVER!
I closed his blinds and curtains for the night and, at 19.00, musics went silent, the FullSpec light and fountain were turned off. (The waters had been changed immediately after I'd done with my meal.) I'd been doing a bit of work at the table for a while and at 19.30... I turned to see Yonah on his door perch... So I asked “Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night now?” and... YES, he DID... he turned, looked up and headed over to his loft mirror to bid “Good night” to his little reflection there. I placed the night boards. He hopped over to his “night spot”, and when I put his house back in place, the radiator positioned to where Yonah would be “bathed in warmth” through the night, I leaned in and we got a snuggle and some kisses. He was ready, tonight, for sleep.
And so, there was our day. Ever-so brief, it seems, but another beautiful, perfect day.
I won't be sleeping on his futon tonight, so as not to disturb his sleep with my coming and going, as much as it saddens me. But, he's been perfectly alright with being in his room alone at night and, well, the past two nights I've gotten up and out in the morning before he wakes. So... I'll be on the other side of his wall, and, as always, sleeping with both ears tuned-in... should he “call-out” during the night for any reason. I know his room stays warm, and I know that he's safe in there. And when the bitter-cold nights come rolling back, as assuredly, they will, should there be any doubt about his comfort... his futon is there... and we'll bunk together again.
Meanwhile... my little Hear-and-Soul is tucked-in for the night, his room is comfortably warm, no matter what the weather out-side his window. We've had another day... and tomorrow... if there's a Heaven with any Love in it at all, we'll have another.

                * FULL SCREEN *
Thursday 13 January: Our 15-Month Anniversary !
Quite the “late start” this morning... I was up early and got involved with house chores. But when I looked at the clock, it was 7.00. I thought: “Another hour, I imagine, before 'morning call'. Yonah must be taking advantage of the grey morning.” BUT the NEXT look, it was 8.25 and still no “call”! I considered waiting longer but HAD to go in and check on him.
Oh, but he WAS up, awake, and as I approached, he turned and looked at me. Hmmm... OK. Up. Awake. Quiet? I wondered (and, of course, worried, as I always do in the morning when he's so quiet). BUT, he saw me and his head rose, wings stretched, and he gave himself a good “fluff and rustle”. He was OK! (And so was I, at that point.) So I sat, for a moment, on the futon, and quietly asked if he'd like me to open the windows, let in some of the dim light from out-side. I got no real response, so I tried a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and I got a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! SO! Just to see what sort of “conversation” (if any) we could have I answered with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... Another “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! OK then! Door open, night boards removed and as I opened the curtains and blinds... ANOTHER “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! and a couple of hops back and forth, perch-to-perch. Not only was Yonah LOOKING good this morning, he seemed well-rested and ready to take-on the new day! So we go right to business of morning routine!
As I got his house situated and went for the tray of water containers, HE WAS UP, OUT, ON TO THE FUTON! THAT didn't take long at all. He obviously wakes ready to take wing! And so, as I went about the trips back and forth to and from the kitchen, with fresh water for his pool, Yonah stood on his pillows, just inside the door, supervising the activity.
From there... our morning rolled along, indeed! He was in another “Play” mood too! Much wing-snapping, and coming toward me when I'd pass the futon.
15 months ago today... at about 10.30, he'd come into this house, dangling left leg, horrible injury under his left wing. I'd placed him in a some-what large cardboard box, lined with newspaper, and had gone in desperate search of help, advice. I received a “referral”. The referral didn't care. I wanted a veterinarian who would compassionately look at this suffering little Life... I couldn't find any, locally. 200km away was the closest! I just couldn't put this Little One in a box, in the truck and roll along that distance and then, as I'd thought then, roll back with him, not only in a bit of shock from the attack he'd suffered, but being handled. And the “advice” that I'd been given: Nobody'll take it. (“IT”!) It's not endangered. It's not a large bird. It's not a raptor. Put it in a shoe-box with some paper and keep it comfortable for as long as...
15 months later... HE is bright, healthy, gone through TWO moultings. Feathers are beautiful! BOTH legs and feet are perfect. AND, HE has learned SO much about me... and HE has taught ME SO VERY MUCH MORE ABOUT HIM... AND “LIFE”, IN GENERAL! “...for as long as...” and “nobody'll take him...”
15 months later...
The 13th of these months is an extremely important date to me. And it's the epitome of “bitter-sweet” in that, it's always a JOY to know that Yonah is now living in GREAT comfort, is doing so very well, has the best food, fresh water (and can take a swim when-ever he wants to). And being in his company just gives my heart reason to beat, lungs cause to take the next breath. BUT... it's the “time-line”... that “average life-span” of 18 months, and the constant thought: He may well have been 2 months old on that October day... which means... I add 2 months to the “anniversary”... Today, Yonah is 17 months old... and my heart is lead-weight... The “stats” also say that “40% live longer”... the “average” of the “longer” is 5 years. Yonah eats well, has no predators, no threats, is in warmth in Winter, cool in Summer... Do WE have the “average longer”? There are other statements that say that doves can live for 20 years (and more). I wonder... Do WE have 20 years? Do WE have 20 hours, minutes...? Time is, in one respect, so kind... to both of us... and in another respect, a bit of a torture (to me). But, today, we have each-other and we have the moments at hand... and we'll enjoy each and every one of them! To their fullest!
One of our “moments” today, I HAVE to mention: “preening”. It's the only thing I can think of that he does when he :has a go at” my hand. It's the lightest pecks along the fingers, as I curl them under, in a VERY lose “fist”. But with my index finger, I can stroke his breast, head and back. And when I just leave my hand there, beside/in front of him, he pecks, rapidly and repeatedly, up and down the fingers, across the back of my hand. But what becomes interesting is how he “digs” into the space between my fingers! With determination, eyes closed, he pokes down to where the fingers meet at my hand, and he'll twist his head side-ways, to get to what-ever spot and space he seems to want to get at! And we can go on like that for a solid 10 minutes! I'll move my fingers, even slightly, and he goes back at them. It isn't harsh, nor is it painful. But it DOES appear to be some kind of “preening”! I have to say that this is a more recent activity. And how I remember the first several months when I wouldn't even, so much as touch him for ANY reason (other than to intercept a spreading of the wings, when he'd lift that left wing and I dared to put a finger under it so that I could see what it looked like under there and monitor how it was healing). We had virtually NO contact for those months. I did NOT want him to become “trusting” of ANY people... I did NOT want him to become “accustomed” to people. And I recall, all too well, the very first time I DID actually try to “touch” him... He took off and tried so to “escape”! Imagine... In all honesty, I didn't make any further attempts to touch him... until it came the day when I HAD to accept that he wasn't going to survive what's called “release”... when I knew that we were going to be together from that point forward THEN I tried to establish some sort of “rapport”... build some sort of “comfortable relationship” with him. I NEVER even thought that it would come to where we are today! Yonah has NO trepidations, no fear of me. I'm in AWE... he's in a safe, comfortable, nourishing home. SO much has happened... changed... in a mere 15 months. WHAT A GLORY! HONOUR! PRIVILEGE! BLESSING!
Because he's “taken to” the pillow on the futon, I want to make a little “dove”... out of the same colour fabric, a little “stuffie”, as it were. So I asked “Dan” if, when he went shopping next, he would see if the store had the same cases so I could use at least one, to give this project a try. WELL... as Yonah and I were all “hunkered and nestled” in his room, came the knock on the door... THE PILLOW CASES! YAY! AND ON THE “ANNIVERSARY DAY”! A GIFT FOR YONAH! And, because I talk about Yonah so much, and, of course, I'd said what I wanted the cases for, Dan came in to see Yonah... AND THAT'S WHEN MY LESSON COMMENCED...
*** I'd let Dan walk into the room first, but I was immediately behind him. Yonah was in his little moss-nest, at the front, in the corner of his house, under his white pine. BUT, the very moment he noticed that there was somebody ELSE in the room, HE TOOK FLIGHT! First to one of his perches and then, out of his house and to the ceiling! He fle =w round the room a couple of times as I spoke to him, gently, trying to allay is fears, but, he wasn't listening... to me, to my voice. He seemed to just want OUT of the room! Finally, he SAFELY came to rest on the highest place on the highest wall shelf and from there, he kept a most-careful eye on both of these “people” in HIS room. II reached up to touch or stroke him and he was OK with that, but still not “settled”. There was a “HUMAN” in the room, one he'd never seen before! Well, Dan got a look at his house and exclaimed “He's so spoiled.” and then, looked up to Yonah and said “Do you know you're spoiled?” (Of course, I assured that Yonah is NOT “spoiled”, and that what-ever I can give him, he SO deserves SO MUCH MORE. Dan smiled a “knowing” sort of smile. “Imagine?” I said, 15 months ago today, I was told “Put it in a box with some paper and keep it comfortable for as long as.... And, now, after all this time, we're still together, and there are some who'd simply come it, take him from his house and home to do what-ever it is they do.” Dan replied, kindly “If they took him, they'd kill him. He won't live with-out you any more.” HE understands. Such a shame that those who claim to “know better” simply can't understand. Anyway, once up on his “height”, Yonah appeared to calm quite a bit and he was more “curious” about this “other” than he was fearful.
Dan didn't stay long but said “He really is beautiful. You're doing good.” And we left Yonah's room together. Yonah stayed on his shelf until I got back in. And when I did, I reached up to him... he came forward toward my hand. He KNOWS me, my face, my voice and hand. We were OK again. All was well and fine and “the way it should be” in HIS room.
It didn't take but a matter of moments and we were right back to where we'd been before the “incident”. Yonah went back into his house, had a drink of water... I sat back at the work table to jot all of this and when he'd had his drink, Yonah came hopping up onto his door perch and gave me a “wing-snap”... We cuddled, we snuggled, we exchanged little “kisses”... HE KNOWS that he's safe with me. And I DO believe he knows that I'm here for him... for... as I say... “our duration”... I'm here... for as long as he's here.
Well and so... as all days do, this one paid no respect for the particular importance of it (our *ANNIVERSARY*), and came to a close entirely too soon.
I finished working on including past images on Yonah's site (“Portfolio” pages... and including some here, on the Journal), until it was “meal time”... for both of us. And that's quite true; I go to the kitchen to have my evening meal and Yonah takes his evening meal whilst I'm “out of the room”. I finished mine in 30 minutes and was back in Yonah's room to close the blinds and curtains against the night's chill. (Yonah watched from the futon and I decided to put the back board on whilst I was there, so that I wouldn't have to disturb him later, again). So, waters fresh, back board installed, I “installed” me at the work table, to “wrap up” the daily chores there, and Yonah? Well, he made himself comfy “at home”. (I caught a video of his house this evening... the back board up but not the roof board... and his FullSpec light was still on... until...) Before I knew it, 19.00... and the WAY I knew it was because Yonah called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” from his corner loft! Now, OK, THAT'S most-likely pure coincidence, but hey, he IS familiar with “bright lights and musics off at 19.00” so... we'll hold opinion on that matter. Anyway, I obliged and the “ambience” in the room was “calmed”. I got to “tidy” his web-files in the quiet until it was “seepie-nigh-night” time.
I'm just THRILLED to be able to say that he's “quite over” this after-noon's little “visit” from Dan, and he's back to “all normal”. (And yes, I AM thrilled and comforted and consoled. I'd been worried that he might still be nervous about it.)
It struck me though, as we were doing our “snuggles, cuddles and kisses”... his distrust and mistrust of people... It just PROVES that, should he ever be taken... it's a signed “death sentence”. Now I wonder: I've no faith nor trust in humanity, the beings or other-wise, with exceptionally few exceptions; is or are there any who could and would be so cruel to Yonah? (Of course... yes... there is, there are, they are. But, well... we can't live every moment of our lives occupied with such evil. After all, just as they'd harm Yonah, they'd harm any Life. So... That's the way of the world... this “Perfect Creation”.)

But for tonight? Well... tonight we are well, fine, safe, protected, together... and that's how it is and how it will stay.
And “seepie-nigh-night” time? Well, again, tonight, at 19.30, I got up from the work table and went over to Yonah who has at his usual door perch, and I said: “You've had quite the day, with visitors and playing and being all over the place. Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night yet?” and I no sooner uttered “seepie-night-night and he was UP and on his perch... toddled to the left mirror, had a look, then came back to the front to his night spot. Oh... he was ready. So we cuddled and snuggled and kissed, and I assured him again, that he's safe, nobody and nothing will ever cause him any more harm. I told him that tomorrow night and Saturday night, we're supposed to get more terribly cold weather and I'll come keep him company on his futon, to make sure his room stays warm. And with that, the roof board went on, and he saw that and settled right down for the night.
15 months... it's been a never-ceasing education of fascination, SO MUCH LOVE, and the most indescribable AWE. I can't imagine Life with-out Yonah... and honestly, I don't have to. And tonight, he sleeps, again, warm, protected, LOVED, CHERISHED, RESPECTED... safe, sound... peaceful.
Friday 14 January:
We had a bit of a “strange” sort of day today... beginning with, of course, “morning call” which came at about 7.45 this grey and “chilled” morning. I was THRILLED to hear that “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” floating through the house! And when I got into Yonah's room, there he was, at his perch, ready and waiting for the door to open and “kisses” to commence! He was in a good mood this morning and, indeed, it set my mood for the day!
And I had so much to get to today, and all of if was at his work table so we were together ALL DAY! THAT was the “GREAT” part, and we were warm and toasty, in spite of the chilled out-side. Sadly, it was grey though, but the FullSpec light gave a brightness to the room and as soon as I put it on, Yonah was up, out and all about the place! In fact, today, as I was working, he came to sit on my shoulder to watch! He seems SO fascinated! He looks at my hands, watching my fingers, as I type, and alternates with watching the screen of the lap-top as letters move across or, if I'm working with file transfers, the changing graphics as their movement is recorded. But what seems to get most attention is when I'm working with images, changing, moving, adjusting... The colours on the screen change, the images move about and he doesn't miss a second of any of it! Honestly, all the accounts I've ever heard about parrots seem to apply to this Little Guy just as much! From fascination and involvement, to the companionship, I don't know if ALL mourning doves, or doves in general, are the same, but Yonah is ONE GLORIOUS COMPANION! He takes notice of and interest in EVERYTHING that happens in his world! (I have to wonder though: are the mourning doves in the yard the same? Even if at the distances they keep? It does seem that, when they're disturbed, they tend to fly to the trees but to the branches where they have clear views of the food and the yard. Do they watch for an “all clear”? It doesn't seem they do because they'll disappear, often for hours, before returning. And they don't seem to recognise “me”, as the one who disturbs them in order to put more food out for them. I just have to wonder. I can't believe that, some-how, *I* met the “Genius” of mourning doves here. But, Yonah certainly, beyond ALL doubt, is quite the BRILLIANT Little One, in OH, SO MANY ways!)
And when he wasn't on my shoulder, he came to the little “shelf” over the paper-work files and stood there, staring at me until I looked-up, and then I got the “wing-snap” that strikes me as his “demand for attention”. So, of course, we had to take a “play break”, and he enjoys those SO much! It's the “touch”, apparently. He DOES enjoy having his back stroked, which is something I've read, most doves don't take to. Although, he's NOT fond of having the back of his neck stroked or “fluffed”. I've tried, only a very few times, and have come to the conclusion that, stroking his back is OK, but not his neck. How-ever... he DOES enjoy little “kisses” on the back of the neck and the top of his head. Especially the little ones with a little “clicking” sound. I suppose they're more like “preening” and he doesn't mind that at all.
This after-noon we had quite a bit of “fun” when I took the mosses out of his house. I like to put them into a basin of warm water, give them a good soaking and a thorough rinsing... several times, and as I do, I check the water for “bugs” or any sort of “foreign matter”. And it helps to take the smaller bits of moss out, as well as any other little “plant-life”... like fungus. Anyway, as I removed the moss, Yonah was on his perch and on his “loft” in the corner, watching and flapping his wings! He was NOT happy with the situation. And when the moss was gone? Well! I'd taken the entire tray out so that I can clean and re-boil-and-bake the sand that's in there. (It's not “soiled”, nor is it “contaminated” with anything, and it certainly IS cleaner than it was when it came from the river, but I just feel better, taking it out, and, since I can't get fresh from the river now, all the sand being frozen solid and buried under snow and ice, I simply wash and bake and sterilise and return it. I keep extra containers of sand in the house though, that I've already put through the “process”. When it comes in from the river, it's thoroughly rinsed under running tap water right away. The next step is putting it into a stainless steel mixing bowl and rapidly boiling water added to cover. When cool, the water is poured off and the boiling water step is repeated twice more... boiled thrice. After the third “boil”, which can happen over the course of two days, we get to the “baking”. Just before the first “bake”, boiling water is poured into the bowl, again, to cover the sand, and when it's cool enough to handle, most of the water is poured off and the bowl of sand is placed into the oven at 500°F for at least two hours. That way, the excess water boils away. Then, I leave the bowl in the oven to cool. The next day, in the morning, the sand gets another blast of 500°F for two hours, in the morning... cools during the day and then, once more in the evening, and cools over-night. Next day it gets poured into an air-tight container to be stored until needed. Now, today, we've started with one of two trays of sand. Today was “boiling”... tomorrow will be baking.) OK... THAT was a lengthy parenthetical....
When I removed the tray, Yonah was out and about in the room so things were OK until I brought the tray back, put the fresh sand in and replaced his moss with a little “fabric nest”... the same as he'd had last year, before all the “extras” and the new house came along. AH-HAH! SOMETHING was “different” now! And believe it, Yonah noticed immediately! He came rushing over to his house and hopped all about, looking at the “fabric”, and checking the white pine that's always on that side of “the house”. He looked at the “nest”, then up to the tree, then to the “loft platform” in the corner. He seemed to be checking to make sure that nothing ELSE was “wrong” and that nothing ELSE was missing. He noticed that the mosses were gone! His house had been tampered with and it made him slightly un-easy! BUT, it didn't take but a couple of moments and he was traipsing about on the “new nest”, testing it, I suppose. He didn't “settle into” it, but after a stamping with his feet and a peck here and there. he toddled over to his pool, got a drink of water and headed back out into his room.
This evening, after letting the mosses “drain” in the kitchen basin, removing most of the water, I gave it all a good shaking to get rid of any other excess water, and went to put it back where it came from. WELL! “Supervision” (by Yonah, of course) went from simply watching to coming over and pecking at my hand as I situated the moss. Then, HE had to come over and pull at it, apparently putting it into it's “proper” place and position. But when I'd done, and all was back to the way it was before my “invasion”, Yonah walked about on the damp moss, looking and pecking and, at last... “approval”... he hopped up to his door perch and was back out and about.
One thing that happened today, though, that had ME in a bit of my own “deep and serious concern”:
Yonah started “clicking” his beak, as if “smacking his lips”, if he'd had any. It was as though he'd eaten something that didn't taste just right or that something had gotten stuck in his mouth. He kept titling and turning his head as he “clicked” his beak, and scratched at his beak! There wasn't any sign of “distress”. He wasn't having any trouble breathing, because he wasn't breathing with his beak open. And for as much as I could see, as he'd open his beak, there was nothing “in there”. But the longer it continued, the more concerned I became.
The rest of the day moved along just fine! Yonah is back to being “Yonah”... wanting to “joust”, to be LOVED. And he's eaten well, so what-ever it was in his mouth or throat is obviously gone. “Eating”... that and checking his poop can be so telling!
Other-wise, his house is settled... and this evening, the waters got changed and his windows closed against the chill. Tonight we're expecting another “bitter snap” in the temperatures, so his room has been kept quite warm through the latter part of the day, a head start in the battle against the cold. (And I'll be on his futon again, tonight... more for my own peace of mind, to make sure his room stays warm!)
And his house smells of a wood-land after a Summer rain... the mosses are still slightly damp. But it's a “clean” scent... like walking through the woods on the mountains. A little “touch of the out-doors”... a pleasant fragrance... “natural”. By tomorrow, I expect it will be gone because the mosses will be dry.
And so, came “the night”... and “seepie-nigh-night” time again. Oh, but the day did rush by!
At 19.00 the lights got dimmed, the musics were off and I was at the work table, recounting for the Journal. Yonah was on his door perch, watching me, and preening. And when I looked-up, he gave a wing-snap, and we had a bit of “stroking”... and he “preened” my fingers. It was “normal” again.
At 19.30... time for “tuck-in”...Oh, but Yonah wasn't really quite ready tonight, even though he'd been situated quite peacefully on his night perch for the while. When I said it was time for “seepie-nigh-night”, he did go up to his “mirror” and gave a soft “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” to the reflection but then...
I began setting his futon ready for me to come back in later and... so strangely, when I moved HIS pillows to the work table chair, he came FLYING over to them! They weren't where they belonged and he had to investigate! BUT... when I reached down to pick him up to bring him back to his house he seemed quite fine with that and with-out any hassle, I brought him up and to his night perch. He paced twice to and from the corner “loft” and with-in a minute, he was “established” in his “night spot”. I gave him some kisses, he returned them, I closed his door and put the lights out. He was fine... it was, indeed, “seepie-nigh-night” time.
So, in a little while, I'll be joining my Little Guy, my Heart-and-Soul, for another brisk night. Temperatures have already dropped to where this old house is “snapping” as it freezes. But, Yonah's room is a comfortable 23° and I'm hoping it will stay that way because, by 5.00 tomorrow morning, we should expect -25° with a “chill” of -35°! (The forecast claims that we'll have the same on Saturday night as well and then temperatures will remain, for the most part, in the “minus teens” for a while.) My ONLY concern through all of this is that Yonah's room remain warm enough so that he won't have any cause to fend against any really bad “cold”. His radiator is on, set at it's usual “4” out of “6”, and, with his door closed, as it is during the night, that usually keeps it warm for him. Tonight, should it become too chilled, I'll be there to set it higher. MY LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL WILL NOT BE CHILLED! (And I'm grateful that he's eaten too... his little crop has something to work on through the night. And tomorrow? Saturday! And I've got more than plenty to keep me in the house... and making sure that it's warm and comfy... and Yonah and I will “attend to the day” as it presents.
15 months... and into the 16th... and may he have as many as Creation will allow... and all of them... in perfect health and well-being! THAT is ALL I have to hope for in my life... a life I wouldn't have... with-out Yonah.
Saturday 15 January:

                * FULL SCREEN *
mourning dove 15 January 2022Oh, the weather out-side was frightful, but in Yonah's room, delightful. Sadly, I didn't manage to make it ALL the way through the night with him, because of my oft'times “usual” muscle contractions in leg and foot. The first one wasn't too bad but, the second one, well, I tried shaking my foot, which some-times works to get the “kink” out, how-ever, it was about 2.30 this morning and, though I laid other-wise still on the futon, moving only the foot, I heard Yonah fly to the perch closer to the futon! He SAW my foot moving! Ever-so-thankfully, it didn't frighten him. He was more “curious” than much else, getting closer to get a better look. What I still find amazing though is that he SEES THAT WELL in the darkness of the room! I've always been of the belief, from all of my reading and studying on mourning doves, that they don't see well in the dark. OK. Yonah's room isn't completely dark at night (thanks to the horrendous and intrusive street light that was installed out-side our windows), but there are blinds and several layers of curtain to block most of the light. And, he has the back board and the roof board to block even more light. None-the-less, he noticed my foot! So, rather than disturb him any more, should I have another contraction, I chose to get up, walk-off the cramp and went to my bed for the next 2,5 hours. Oh yes, I was up and about by 5.00 this morning! We had that bitter cold last night and I wanted to make sure that Yonah's room remained as warm as it was during the night (and it WAS quite comfortably delightfully warm, I will say), AND I HAD to make sure that there was enough food set for the Little Ones in the yard when they came or breakfast! After such a bitter-cold night and with the day's temperatures not promising much in the way of warmth, I have that special mix for them and I DO make sure that there's more than enough for as many of them that come to partake. And, oh yes, indeed... when I stepped out the door, it certainly WAS quite COLD!
And it was good that I'd put more food out this morning. At 7.15, I looked out the window to see, amongst the juncos and other tiny feathered ones... SIX MOURNING DOVES! That's the most I've seen here in all too long! I guess the “word” is getting out that there's “good food being served” in the yard these days! OH! It did my heart SUCH a world of joy to see them. Poor things though, SO fluffed against the cold. AND, from the looks of some of the tails, it appears that they'd started or are starting to moult! If so, I SERIOUSLY DO NOT KNOW HOW THEY MANAGE TO SURVIVE THE COLD! They're losing feathers AND the discomfort (if not out-right “pain”) they suffer through with moulting... THAT tears at my heart so deeply! BUT, I take a bit of solace in knowing that they have the fat in the oils of the peanuts and sun-flower seeds that they need to “insulate” AND there's a good amount of protein in there as well, which they need for proper feather growth and development. I can't bring them all into the house for Winter, but I CAN, and I DO provide them with as much as I possibly can.
As I was pondering ways of building some little “shelter” that could be warmed for them... at 7.47... from behind Yonah's door, came: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! And a mere moment later, another “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! He was UP AND READY TO ATTACK THIS MORNING! AND, when I walked into his room and called to him “Did I hear a 'woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo'?” he replied with another “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”, only this one was just a bit louder than the previous! SO! I suppose I was being told “Hey! Do you know what time it is? I've got things to get to!” So WE got right to the “morning routine”... I opened his door immediately, stuck my head in for “Good morning kisses” and got about 3 pecks on the nose and Mr. Taube was OFF and about his room! He flew back in, momentarily, to give “belated good mornings” to his “mirror friends” and as I went to the kitchen to fetch the morning's waters, he was out again, on his futon, quite comfortably established on his pillows... where, of course, he could keep an eye on me and make sure the I performed ALL the necessary morning tasks... and properly too. What a character! That's my “boss”. And there never was, isn't and never will be a better.
We got the windows open and the sky out-side was delightfully clear this morning! We were to get SUN-SHINE! It wouldn't warm the world, but as it POURED (and it DID) in through the windows, it would give more warmth to the room, on this side of the glass. Warmth and brightness... we had a great day to look forward to! And I had nothing to take me out of the house today so, we looked forward to passing this sunny, Wint'ry day together!
And WHAT A BRILLIANT DAY IT WAS! The Winter sun FLOODED Yonah's room ever-so BRILLIANTLY through the day! And as I worked a bit on my own little tasks-at-hand, Yonah passed his day flying about, here, there and where-ever his little heart wanted to take him. Although he chooses to stay in his room, especially whilst I'm there, he manages to take flights, short that they are, and get his exercise. And today, he at well... breakfast, lunch and a snack after lunch.
And this morning, I'd boiled some eggs for both of us AND TODAY, HE ACTUALLY ATE QUITE A BIT OF HIS! The eggs cooked to perfection, and I crumbled the yolk of one into one of his original little dishes (the plastic cap from a spice jar) and put it beside his usual dish of seeds mix. He ate almost half! Vitamin D! Protein! I'm quite comforted. Of course, one of my greatest joys in life is seeing him eat anyway. But when he enjoys something a little different, I'm even more pleased. And egg yolks are so nutritious. Now, he USED to enjoy broccoli as much, but, for some reason, lately, he has no interest in that. And that has vitamins and the calcium he needs for his bones. Not to mention, the general “roughage” of vegetables. I wonder why he's turned from fresh broccoli, but, I keep giving it a try... one of these days. (Now to get him to eat carrots and sweet potatoes. They have vitamin A and he needs that as well, but he simply won't even go near them. Still, again, I try. I offer, even though one of the ingredients in his daily, routine mix is something that contains carrots, sweet potato, as well as greens and some fruits. Though, I'd rather he ate the “fresh”... well, as “fresh” as the local market will provide us.)
But, all told, the highlight of the day... A SWIM! The time was 13.05, I was sitting at the work table, as usual, the sun illuminating the room, and it had brought the temperature up to a cozy 23°. We were listening only to Yonah's “bird-songs collection” all day, and it was peaceful and delightful. And, as it happens, from behind me, in addition to the “splashing” of Yonah's fountain in his pool, I head the distinct sound of... WINGS IN WATER! The temperature OUT-side was -15° with that “chill factor”, as they call it, of -23°! (How serendipitous that the temperature out-side was MINUS 23° whilst, IN-side, it was PLUS 23°.) Anyway, I turned and, sure enough, there he was, IN THE POOL, splashing about, wings raised... first one, then the other, head dipping into the water, and fluffing and shaking it all about! He's REALLY enjoying that little “pond” of his! And I do suppose that the sound of the running water is attractive... sounding quite like a little brook. (And, it aerates the water, as well as helping to dissipate and dispel any “chemicals” that might be in it, though I'm told that there's nothing but “filtred water”... no chemicals are added unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary, and even then, it would be only the barest of “needed” chlorine... and once the need passes, nothing further is added. It comes from a well, across the road, out-side Yonah's window too.) Of course... for me, it was “video time”! I had to sneak the camera up because Yonah some-how senses I'm taking photos/videos and he makes it obvious that he really doesn't approve of such things. But I can't help myself. I just MUST get something to remember the moments with/by. Today though, I managed to get a full minute of him... in all his bathing glory! And the moment he realised what I was doing, he hopped out of the pool, came strutting to his door, stood sternly and gave me a hearty wing--snap! And I could tell by the “force”, this one wasn't “C'mon in! The water's fine!” No. This one was “Will you STOP taking pictures of my whilst I'm BATHING‽” After which, he hopped up onto his door perch, gave his feathers a sturdy shaking and proceeded into a “post-bathing” preen.
I grabbed the video and photos that I already had from this morning and began working with them, to get them onto his site and he called... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! I turned to another wing-snap. THIS one was “Play Time!” and so, for the next 10-15 minutes, we jousted, played “Catch Me”, until he'd had his fill and flew off... to his little “nest in his moss” where, for the next couple of hours, he lounged as I continued working with his photos.
When “lounging time” was done, he was off again... back to his futon, to his pillows and there, the preening and lounging continued through the afternoon... in between assorted flights about the room.
It was SUCH a PERFECT day! And before I had time to even notice... the clock was reading “15.00”! Yes, Yonah and I had spent the ENTIRE day together today... and I got quite a bit accomplished... AND... we had quite a bit of FUN!
“We” even had a little snooze this morning (since I was quite ready for one at about 10.00... having started the day at 5.00). And yes... for the most part of the 25 minutes... we “snoozed” together. (I find that interesting, that Yonah comes, immediately, over to the futon when I lie down. And I DO wonder what he'd do through the night... especially now that I know that he SEES quite well. But no, I'm not ready to “test” that. I'm not about to “tempt Fate”. He appears to be comfortable with the situation at night. Best to leave well-enough alone.)
But, came the “evening routine”... the pool water HAD to be changed tonight! And, so sadly (for me, anyway) that happened after WE had OUR evening meals which meant only a short while together before... “seepie-nigh-night”. And sure enough... 19.00 rolled in. The lights dimmed and tonight, I put the back board up right away so that I wouldn't have to disturb Yonah's house before he settled-in. His blinds and curtains had been shut already before evening meals because of tonight's bitter cold again. And too, as soon as the sun disappeared, the cold started making it's way through the glass, replacing the warmth of the day. We had a bit of “Stepjan Hauser” playing for something soothing. Yonah actually appears to enjoy the “Baroque” music. He rests on his perch, and often, I see his closed eyes, as if he's listening and imagining something, some-where. I always wonder just what, exactly, it is he hears in music. But what-ever it is, it's obviously pleasing to him.
With-in what felt like nothing more than seconds... 'twas time for tuck-in... “seepie-nigh-night” time had arrived...Yonah was on his door perch as I went to cuddle him and whisper “seepie-nigh-night” time. We had a few kisses and pecks and he headed up to his perch... not to his little loft. He was, it appeared, quite ready. So I removed his roof platform, where he enjoys spending time during the day (he likes it up there and the platform is so much more comfortable than the “wire” of his house), and replaced it with the roof board. He watched, as he does. He knows what that means... And I put his futon together for my arrival in a little while... and he watched that too. I DO believe he knows that when I do that, I'll be spending the night with him. And, to be honest, other than my “disturbances” during the night, I tend to believe he enjoys the company. (It's me, really, feeling horrific about waking him, and the thought that I might startle him, in the darkness. He deserves a quiet night's rest. So tonight, I'll just HOPE that I have a “sleep-through night”.) When I'd done, I went back, stuck my head in, and snuggled my face beside him. He snuggled against my face, gave me a couple of pecks and I withdrew, closed his door and, bidding him a good and restful night, I assured him I'd be back in a little while. The light went out. Our day had closed.
Tonight's “threat” is for -24° but with a chill of -30°. Not “horrific”, when compared to what is surely due to come in a matter of weeks. Nights of -30s with chills of -40s can grip in February. But tomorrow, a reprieve of -9° and a day FULL of sun-shine again, and a night of a mere -12°. I'll be back to sleeping in my bed then. But for a while, the furnace is set higher for now, to take the “chill” out of the house and give Yonah's room a good chance to warm. Should that change during the night, mourning dove 15 January 2022when the thermostat is brought back to it's regular setting, and Yonah's room take a chill... I'll be right there to rectify and correct. My Little Guy will NOT be chilled in his sleep time!
Well, indeed, quite the day. A beautiful day too. A “PERFECT” day... with my little Heart-and-Soul. And tomorrow... should be still be together, it will be another “PERFECT” day. I've no-where to go and more than plenty to keep my in the company of the VERY BESTEST COMPANION a soul could ever imagine!
mourning dove 16 January 2022Sunday 16 January:
I DID manage a complete “sleep-through” last night with Yonah! I don't believe I even disturbed him when I went in at 22.00. And, of course, as I do when I sleep in his room, and sleep through the night, I was up and about at 4.45 this morning... So I silently left his room, and left him to sleep. And why not? It wasn't day-break, and OH, was it COLD again, this morning! His room was delightfully warm and cozy, so... there was no sense and no need for him to be up and about just yet.
BUT... it was a strange beginning to the day, this. At about 8.00, I hadn't heard a “morning call”, so I went in and took my place on his futon, as I do, when I go in to him. He was on his perch, ever so still and silent. I spoke, in a whisper, and he didn't seem to hear me! He didn't move at all! So I started speaking in a regular-but-low voice, and I could see only the VERY slightest motion in his head. And I mean SLIGHTEST. And he made no sound at all. I opened his door, removed the roof board, opened the “Eastern” window... curtain drawn back, and just opened the blinds. I wanted to see if letting in some light would change him... He did stretch his wings and hop to the other perch, but he roosted there, still, and silent. He was “awake” but I was beginning to be concerned.
Thought I'd try and “wait and see”, so I laid down on his futon, and though I'd just allow him to “wake” at his own pace. I gave it an hour... and, when, at about 9.00, I got up, he made a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... twice, went over to check the “loft mirror” and, as I prepared to get to his “morning routine” HE HAD A LITTLE BREAKFAST! HE ATE! So I was more at ease and got on with the rest of the “morning routine”.
One thing that “concerns” me this morning is that, as I was settling the kitchen, he came out of his house, but he's on the floor again... already, and a bit “fluffed”. The house is uncomfortably chilly this morning... these past two days have probably made their way into the studs and beams, and in spite of the sun rising through the trees across the road from Yonah's windows, when I opened the blinds on the one window, the cold of the glass was already radiating into the room. I wonder if his house is too cold? I wonder if ALL of this old box is too cold? Well, I've put the thermostat up this morning, and we're going to try to give the place quite the “warm-up”. (There's a “threat” of quite the Winter storm to come tonight and through tomorrow, so I want to “warm the walls”, so to speak, in preparation anyway so...)
But it was an “off” start to the day...
As it rolled along, I was in the kitchen, preparing for an errand later in the day when there was a gentle knock at the front door. Deborah! She'd come by to bring a little “gift bag”.
“This is something you should have and some cookies.” she said, as she handed me the little bag. She didn't stay, sadly. But when I got back into the kitchen, I reached into the bag. Indeed, a little bag of home-made cookies and some blue gift paper. And in the gift paper...?
mourning dove FROM DEBORAHA LITTLE CANDLE-HOLDER, WITH A VOTIVE IN IT... A *** MOURNING DOVE *** !!! IT APPEARS TO BE HAND-PAINTED AND GLAZED! AND IT'S JUST SO BEAUTIFUL! A LITTLE “YONAH”! I REMOVED THE VOTIVE AND REPLACED IT WITH A TEA-LIGHT! IT TRULY IS SO BEAUTIFUL! And yes... I had a bit of a “cry”. When later, I spoke to say “Thank You”, Deborah said that she's not sure who made it, but she felt it belonged in this house. “You're just so sweet to that little bird.” (Yonah) SO... tonight, we have a threat of a Winter storm... to be sure, there will be light and warmth from the new little “mourning dove”. And, when I showed it to Yonah... it was quite interesting. He obviously recognises it as a “mourning dove” and he PECKED at it rather fiercely! “Competition”? Well, that tells me what I wanted to know about getting him a “companion”. I mentioned it to Deborah and she agreed: He'll see another dove more as competition than a companion, so... best to leave things as they are. He obviously isn't at a “loss”. So... (Now I wonder how he'll address a little “stuffie” when I make one. THAT will be another lesson, no doubt.)
So, Deborah left, I wrapped things up for the morning. Yonah appeared to be “back to normal”. We'd both had a rather “heavy” morning, but he was up and out and all about. In fact, I'd stepped out for a moment and when I got back, I couldn't find him! He was “hiding”... amongst the containers of food on the shelving under his house! I was in a state, not being able to find him ANY-WHERE in his room! And I looked about the house, thinking he might have gone looking for me. He'd come through the kitchen this morning. A “surveillance flight”! So I was wondering if he wasn't in the other rooms... checking to see where I was. Ah, but, as I returned to his room, he toddled out from behind the “food”... and just stood there, on the shelf, looking at me as if saying “WHAT? I'm right here! Been here all along!” WHAT a relief it was to see him! Well? I've always wanted him to take the rest of the house as well as his room... this is only just a little “preview” of what I need to expect, should he do so. He HAS gone to the living-room though, when I've had to make longer errands and taken over an hour away. I've come back, expecting to see him in his house, only to find him on the futon in the living-room! So, he's no stranger to the other areas of the house. I suppose it's just a matter of time...
AND THE SUN WAS ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT AGAIN TODAY! AND IT FILLED HIS ROOM SO BEAUTIFULLY! AND IT WAS “WARM” TOO! In fact, it was SO delightful that Yonah took to his “loft platform” and, for a while, was “splayed”... wings out, tail spread, soaking in EVERY bit of it that he could possibly get! He truly IS stunning when he does that. And it must have felt SO glorious to him! Especially after all the bitter-cold we've been having. (Although, honestly... I don't let his room get “cold”. It does get “cool”, thanks to the ridiculous heating ducts that spew cold air from time-to-time, when the duct-works in the cellar chill. But I make certain that his room never drops below 21° for any time too long!) Still, in all, OH! But he DID enjoy today's brilliant warmth radiating from the windows!
Oh, and when I returned from errands? I came into the house and called “Where's my Little One? woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” AND YONAH CALLED BACK WITH “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” He doesn't reply often but it's becoming more frequent of late! Maybe I'm finally getting this “conversational coo'ing” thing? Or, he's at the point where my “voice” is familiar enough? I doubt I'll ever really “know”, but for now, it's SO HEART-WARMING! (Now, if only he'd reply more often, like when I can't see him any-where. But... all things in time.)
So we spent the rest of the day together, me at the work table and Yonah, either lounging “at home” or on his futon (or, toddling about the floor as he's coming to do all the more frequently lately... he DOES like being on the floor though) until “meal time”. And that's become another “moment” because it appears Yonah's “evening meal time” co-ordinates with mine! The only difference between us is that he eats first, then flies over to his futon, or a vantage-point on his wall shelves where he can “keep and eye on me” as I eat in the kitchen! It's really quite endearing, though I still don't understand why he still won't come into the kitchen. There are places where he could “roost” comfortably, and safely, but he chooses to stay in HIS room. Oh well. Obviously, he feels comfortable and secure there, and that, for me, is quite “good enough”. After all... it IS “HIS” room... I just come to “visit”. (And truth be told, I'm quite glad that the work table is there because he appears to truly enjoy and appreciate the company... all through the day.)
And I managed to get a 20-minute lie-down in too, later in the after-noon and... oh yes... OH YES... Yonah came FLYING over, sat, for a while, on my chest and then made himself quite comfy on my leg which is where he was when it was time for me to get up again. It's really become the “normal event” now: I lie down... Yonah comes to join. It's comforting to me... another JOY of my Little Heart-and-Soul.
Weather report for tonight and tomorrow is “heavy snows and gusty winds”. Thankfully though, the temperatures will be warmer than they've been the past couple of days. Still “below freezing” but instead of minus 20s and 30s, it'll be minus single digits and teens. Yonah's room will, of course, be nice and warm, no matter what. And if the power should fail, well, we'll come up with “remedies” to make sure he doesn't get uncomfortably cold. There won't be any “travelling” tomorrow so, we'll be together. I've much I can do in his room, either at the work table or on his futon, so, let the snows fall! We'll be perfectly just fine, watching it from inside. (Although, my heart goes out to the Little Ones of the Yard, as I think of them now. I TRULY CANNOT understand HOW, especially the finches and juncos, tiny as they are, tolerate and survive the bitter cold nights... never mind that the days of late, haven't been any kinder. If I could, I'd bring them all in on the coldest nights. But then... there IS a limit to what we can and ought to do and what we could and shouldn't. I can't “be here” forever, so... And they DO seem to fare well as they are. I just make sure they have enough good food to keep them healthy... and there's quite a bit of Yonah's “left-overs” which is REALLY good food.)
Came the end of this “odd” but sun-filled day. And tonight, “seepie-nigh-night” was just as “odd”. Although, when I asked “Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night?” Yonah headed, immediately, for his perch, he really didn't want to be left alone. He went to the perch closest to the side of his house, the one that extends out the front, and when I put my face next to his house, he came over and “nestled” against me. It breaks my heart, but, I DO want him to get his rest, and 19.30 IS the hour that's been “mentioned” often in my readings, as the hour mourning doves normally settled for the night. (Even though, Yonah's hours are some-what different, since the sun sets much earlier than that hour, and, until 19.00, he has his FullSpec light on. Still, 19.30 seems to be the hour that he “normally” is ready to settle-in so...) But I gave him some kisses, and we had a cuddle before I closed his door for the night.
His room is nice and warm and will be quite nice and warm through the night tonight as the house thermostat is up a bit higher... mostly to keep the house warm, in case we lose power at some point. (I'll have an extra-early alarm set for the morning... just in case we lose power in the storm over-night. I'll just take what-ever little “terracotta heaters” I can manage to set-up in his room, and we'll “bunk” together for the duration, keeping HIS room as warm as possible. And, should it come to it, we have two other places, locally, to head to, where there's a generator in one and a wood-stove in the other. We have “back-up”. Yonah will just have to be in his “former house” for a while, but, at least it won't be completely “foreign” to him. It just won't have the pool, trees and fountain. I'll have to see what I can arrange though, to keep him comfortable. Both houses have dogs... I'm pretty sure Yonah's not going to be too pleased about that. Although, they both are large enough for him to have “his own room” so...
Meanwhile, for tonight, as I say, the house thermostat is set higher, and his radiator is on. He's all tucked-in for the night. I was contemplating spending the night with him again but... I think it better that I don't... I'll be in the room right beside him, no matter what.
mourning dove 16 January 2022Well? It was, as I call it, an “odd” sort of day and now it's come to a quiet close. My Little Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound, and we get to look forward to weathering a STORM tomorrow. It's coming up from the South and that's the direction his windows face so, it'll be interesting to see how we both fare. His windows are well-sealed, and they're the “newest” windows in the house so, all should be just fine. We shall see... and we shall see... together.
Honestly, in closing, I just want to add: it was one of those days, for me, where Yonah is the sole reason I'm journalling tonight. I call it an “odd” day, and it certainly was, in a great many respects. And had Yonah not been here, more than likely, I would have gone back to bed and just stayed there until... what-ever. But, my Little Guy is THE MOST IMPORTANT LITTLE LIFE to me... and he too, seemed to have an “off” sort of start to the day so... not only do WE enjoy each-other's companionship... it would appear that we both share a “need” of and for one-another. I'm sorry that he's grown to “need” me in any way, but I'm quite content in that I'm able to give him a good home, plenty of proper nourishment, and that he enjoys my company... and I'm most content having him be such an integral part of my “being”... because with-out him... well... truth is... until the 13th October 2020... I really had no reason or cause to even bother. I wasn't looking at or toward 2021, and here we both are... 2022... and still rolling along! That's my Little Guy... that's my Heart-and-Soul... that's quite literally... my.. Life, my “being”. He IS “THE BESTEST”!
mourning dove 17 January 2022Monday 17 January:
SNOW! We woke to a considerable amount this morning. BUT... there was no “call” from Yonah, this morning so, with my regular “trepidations” when, by 8.00, I'm not “summoned”, I went to check. Oh, but Yonah's room was SO comfy-warm! And as I got to the futon to sit... there he was, on his perch, where he is of a morning. He was awake and I was relieved! As I opened his door, he gave a couple of stretches, an “arrangement” of feathers, which I liken to somebody just waking and running their fingers across their head, putting hairs in place. Ah, but he wants to look his best... at all times. (Sometimes I wonder, when I see him preening: he'd be “quite the looker” in that flock of his. It still pains me that he can't go back to them, I suppose it always will bother me. I DO LOVE him so VERY much, and he IS my heart-beat. But, he was born into a beautiful mountain wilderness, that was the intention. He should have the world, in its entirety, to wander, explore, fly so freely in! But... this isn't a “perfect” world, and “Creation” isn't at all “perfect”. At least he's still safe now. Sure beats the potential alternative, had I just left him under that step, unable to fly or walk! Then again, there's no telling who would have shot him... simply for the sick sake of getting a jolly! He IS safe here. And through the Winter months, he's warm. In Summer, no storms to shelter from. I'm not the perfect companion. I'm not even close. But, I DO make sure he has the best nourishment. He does seem to like his “house” AND his room, especially his pool. And we DO have fun together... and chats. I try... I truly do.)
And today‽ WELL! We got that “Winter storm” that was threatened. The snow started falling last night and fell all through and into this morning. When I opened the curtains and blinds, there was a world of “white” out there! Quite a bit of snow had fallen and it was STILL falling! I'd already put extra food out in the yard for the Little Ones out there, and as I saw how deep the snow had already accumulated, and looked at Yonah, preening and fluffing, my heart ached for the Little Ones of the yard, but I felt good, knowing that Yonah was here. In this weather, chances are, had he even survived until now, he'd have had quite the time of it, trying to fly through the falling snow, and then, being on the ground to eat, he'd have been perfect prey. So yes, I did and do take comfort in knowing that in that respect, he's alive... and it's because I had the heart, and the responsibility to see to it that he was and is and always will be, well taken care of. Still, yes, the scenery was beautiful, and, thankfully, it was MUCH warmer than it's been for the past many days. Hey! Even -1° is MUCH warmer than -25°! And as for the grey skies? Well, we had no trouble from them... Yonah's got a delightful “Full Spectrum” lamp that hangs above his house! He's got “bird-songs” that play through the day, no matter the weather. AND... as we see from the photos here and in his “Portfolio”... he has... A POOL to enjoy! Even if it's snowing out-side! There! “Livin' the life!”
I'd no sooner finished with the “morning routine” this morning, waters changed to fresh, breakfast served, his house tidied, and he was IN FLIGHT! I do marvel at how quickly he wakes up and picks up and takes wing! Off to his futon first, then up to the shelves. And as I worked, settling the kitchen, he was QUITE active! (Apparently, he slept well and restful last night. His room was SO “cozy” this morning, and the rest of the house too so...) And the rest of the day went right along on that venue. He was flying about, and when not flying, he wanted attention, affection, connection... PLAY! Why NOT? It was a “snow day”! I wasn't about to head out for any reason (other than to shovel the snow for a while, which I did in the after-noon), so there was nothing other than some little “catch-up” tasks (like loading new photos and getting his Journal to-date) that I had to get to. OH... DID WE EVER TAKE THE TIME TO ENJOY! We even got some REALLY CLOSE PHOTOS! And that, I have to say, is unusual because I DO say that Yonah KNOWS when the camera is set... he even KNOWS when I reach for it because, no matter where he is, what he's doing, other than the “quick captures” of him in the pool, he's off and toddling or running or flying! For some reason, he really does NOT like being photographed! (And it isn't the “click” or the “buzz” of the camera because I have it “silenced”. I don't know, don't understand, and I don't believe I ever will.) But today, he didn't seem to mind at all... hence, the “portraits” for today's entry! YAY!
So yes, I did get out to shovel the snow and when I came back in, I was quite exhausted. I took a few moments to have a coffee and to “settle” a bit and then, as we do of a day, I went for a quick bit of a lie-down and... AND... I did so with company! Yonah stayed with me, on my shoulder, for almost a full 25 minutes! Right there, as comfy as he could be! I didn't “sleep”, it was more a “rest”, and I could feel him there. And I pondered what Life would be with-out him there, when I'd go for a lie-down... I don't see me experiencing that though, so I didn't give the notion much time. No Yonah? No me. That's that. And when I opened my eyes again, he “sensed” it, as he does, and toddled, as he does, down to my waist. Ah... but when I reached up to stroke him, he rushed down toward my feet! He wanted to be with me as I rested but he didn't want to “play”. Ah-HAH, though, as I got up, I lightly “tossed” the little sheet that I'd covered me with, and IT COVERED HIM! NOW... BELIEVE IT OR NOT, IT DOESN'T PHASE HIM IN THE LEAST! NOT ONE BIT! When I lifted the edge of the sheet, he was right there, ever-so calm, peeking out. No effort to “escape”, he just stood, right where he was. So, just to see if he'd even move, I lowered the sheet again and... nope... not a budge. So, I positioned my face where I'd open the sheet the next time and when I did, he saw me and reached forward to give me a peck on the end of my nose! It was “playful”! No “panic”. Nothing even remotely similar to an “attack”. In his way, he KNEW I was playing with him then, and he was playing back! I HAD to laugh! And as I held the sheet up, as I laughed, Yonah simply toddled out from under it, went to the end of the futon and went back up into his house, to his perch where he just roosted... staring at me. When I looked up at him, he gave his “wing-snap” and I got up, leaned in and he snuggled next to my face, pecking at my cheek. Now, again, I defy those who claim that mourning doves behave on nothing but some alleged “instinct”, a “lower intelligence”. Yonah displays absolute “TRUST”, not just some “simple instinct”, and he shows “knowing”... he KNOWS that I mean him no harm... EVER! Again, how I DO wish that I could get this to more people. But even if I did, MY “instinct” tells me that they'd reject it anyway. What a shame... disgrace, really. But there are those, there ARE some who DO know what I'm learning. And my heart will just have to settle for that. (Honestly... and these Little Ones are “protected”... by “law”... For what? I ask. To provide “amusement” for the demented who find pleasure in murdering them? Ah... “Humans”... what a waste.)
Let's never mind that now... Yonah and I had the most BRILLIANT day together and that's all that matters, really.
And again, this evening, when I went to the kitchen for my evening meal, Yonah had his in his house. as he listened to his bird-songs and the radio as back-ground... and I finished all with-in an hour and was back at his work table and he was on his door perch, beside me.
We brought another day to a close, together.
And tonight, “tuck-in”? Well, I'd closed his blinds and curtains and had hung the back board at about 18.30 already, the “evening routine” was done by 18.15, so he was almost “set” for “seepie-nigh-night” a bit earlier than usual. (Now that the snow has stopped falling and the skies have cleared, the temperatures dropped, noticeably, so I wanted to make sure that “insulation” was up before the coolness had a chance to get into the room.) I worked on his Journal and “Portfolio” for a while. He had his “before bed snack” and when 19.30 rolled round, I got up and went over to him, cupped him in my hands, brought my face down to him (THIS is something he TRULY, TRULY ENJOYS... HE MAKES NO MOVES, OTHER THAN TO PECK AT MY HAND, BUT HE LITERALLY “NESTLES” IN MY HANDS WITH HIS HEAD AGAINST MY CHIN!) and I whispered “Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night?” and when I opened my hands, he was up and away... to his perch! Yep... he WAS ready. Well, he DID have quite an active day, all told. Musics, the FullSpec light and the fountain had been off from since 19.00 anyway, so the room was quiet and calm. He “knew”... we have a “routine” now. So I leaned in, we had a “face-to-face snuggle”. I gave kisses, he gave pecks. I do, some-how, sense that he's not terribly fond of us “parting” at night, he “seems” to want me to “stay with him”! And, if I could, I most certainly would. If I could shrink me down to fit in his house, or if I could let him have the entire room at night, I'd just settle me in there for the night. But, I DO believe he sleeps better with-out me getting up in the night, and as I've said before, I don't know if I snore or make any sorts of noises in my sleep, so, at least as it is, he gets a nice, quiet, calm night (provided all else in the house remains civil). So, it's all for the best as it is. Perhaps when we move, he'll have a room in which he CAN have it all, through the night. I'll be working on “arranging” that for him. He can “roost” in his house if he chooses, or, we'll “decorate” so that mourning dove 17 January 2022he has his choice: in the house or in the room, and from there, we'll see how it goes. But for now...
He's tucked-in safe and sound and warm and comfy. The snows out-side are nothing but a lightest flurry, but the temperatures are dropping. It's of no consequence to Yonah though. His little crop is full, his radiator is on, his blinds are closed, night boards are up... My little Heart-and-Soul is protected and can sleep with-out care or concern. And tomorrow? Well... that'll take care of itself when it becomes “today”. Until then, we have now... and “now” is good.
Tuesday 18 January:
Somebody must have slept ever-so well last night because, this morning, at 7.35 came the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” call to rise, stretch, fluff, preen and SHINE! Yonah was up and ready to take-on another day! And again, this morning, he was SO “conversational”! As I “performed morning routine”, he had SO much to say!
It began with his usual “greetings” to the “doves in the mirrors”. First, the one on his “loft”, and then off to the one in the “front”. After that was attended-to, he hopped over to his other perch and as I opened curtains and blinds, I got a “Good morning, woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! I, of course, replied in kind and he repeated. And when I said:
“Goodness! But there's quite a lot to be said this morning.”
He replied with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”.
Oh, but indeed there WAS quite a story to be told today! And the “chatting” continued all through the changing of the waters and tidying!
Meanwhile, this morning's skies were delightfully bright, after being cleared by last night's high and strong winds... that obviously, didn't disturb Yonah's rest. But there were some remnant gusts that blew the snows that had held onto the trees, and at times, made it look more like a “squall” out there than a clear day. And they were really quite “crisp”! We were still in the lower negative temperatures, but, in Yonah's room, his thermometer was reading a most-comfy 23°! So, we were quite well-with-the-world.
At about 10.30, the sun finally rose clear of the tree-tops and managed to fill the room with brilliant light... and added warmth! I'd “established” me at my usual place at the work table by then and in that glorious light, Yonah took control of his space, flying about from house to futon, to shelves and to his roof-top platform. And as I worked on the day's project, he came by, on the floor, to “settle” by my side for a while.
We were together all through the morning, but I had to get out for about 45 minutes, to shovel the drifts and to put more food out for the Little Ones of the yard. Last night's winds had all but cleared any seeds that had been there yesterday. When I came back in though, OH! was I “told” that my absence was noticed! I was no sooner back in the door when the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came drifting through the house. And when I got back into Yonahs' room, he was on his door perch, standing in his “stern” position, head up, feet apart. Honestly, he DOES take a look of a stern parent, ready to scold a way-ward child! Contritely, I went over to him immediately, cupped him in my hands, lowered my face to him and softly offered my apologies and explanations. He “nestled”, as he does, and pecked lightly at my chin. I was forgiven. (But I could almost hear “Just don't let it happen again.”)
And this after-noon, there was a 30-minute “snooze-break”... which, again, today, we took together as Yonah came and “roosted” on my shoulder for the duration. And when I sat up, ready to return to the work table, he hopped up onto my shoulder and made his way round to the hood of my sweat-shirt! I call it “Birdie in the hood”. He seems to be able to get quite comfy there, though, for a short while. Once I start moving about, he still has something about being on the move when he's not the one “moving”. So, when I sat back at the work table, he took off and roosted on the little “extended” perch where he could “keep an eye on me”. What a “team”! What a “unit”!
And so, that's very much how our day moved along... I worked, Yonah went on about his own business, here, there, there, and there and any-where his little will desired. He amazes me in that he's SO content being in HIS room... and more-so, as long as I'm in there with him.
We spent the day together, listening to his bird-songs” and a little radio... and all seemed quite well. And, absolutely, we took quite a few “breaks” for some “jousting” and a couple of games of “Catch Me!”. He calls, I get up, we cuddle a bit, he takes flight... usually to the opposite end of his futon where he stands, looking at me. And when he sees me looking at him, he gives a wing-snap. I go over, sit beside him, I start to talk and he takes off... usually to the highest shelve where, there too, he stands, looking at me until I look at him... More wing-snaps, and when I reach up, he heads for some-where else where I'm expected to follow... and when I arrive, I'm allowed a couple of “jousts”, maybe a stroke on the breast and we start another round until he heads back into his house... and goes about his business, ignoring me. That's my cue: play-time is over.
Hey! It gives BOTH of us quite a bit of exercise! No complaints there. And I'll suppose it also gives both of us some amusement because I'd swear he does a lot of it for the pure entertainment... watching me follow him about.
This evening, I took another 45-minute leave, to have my evening meal and he had his at the same time, and I was no sooner finishing the washing-up when I was “called back”. Yonah was on his pillows, watching for me, so I took advantage of the situation and went for the “evening routine” of closing the windows against the night's chill and to change the waters in his pool and drinking dish (which he seldom-to-never uses... since he favours the water in the pool... and I'm still supposing that's because it “moves” and “splashes” so it must resemble a natural “brook”). All the while I went back and forth with the water, Yonah watched, carefully, from his pillow until I began changing the kitchen roll on his front tray, the one with the little rocks and grass. Oh! But he saw me remove that tray and he was right back in his house, on the perch, watching... making sure that what-ever I removed from his house, I promptly returned. He misses NOTHING! And he's especially keen on when I take his food dish, to put fresh food in. All I need do is reach for the dish and he's on the perch, pecking at my hand! But then, when I return it, with the fresh food, he tends to over, immediately, and “sort through” what-ever's in there, as if he's “checking the freshness” and making sure that it's “approved quality”.
When all the work was completed and I returned to the work table, Yonah returned to his pillows for a brief while and then came back to rest on his door perch, as he does of an evening. And, when the clock reached 19.00, we dimmed the lights, turned the “musics” off for a while. It was time to wind-the-day down.
At 19.30, I turned to him and said “I guess it's seepie-nigh-night time. What do you think?”
It was obvious, what he thought... he headed right up for his perch. I put the roof board on (because I'd put the back board up earlier this evening). He made his “Good night rounds” to the little doves in the mirrors and then came to the front of his house for his “Good night cuddles and kisses.” Tonight he was more comfortable with the end-of-day than he was last night. It's easier on my heart when he doesn't seem to mind when we “close house” in the evening. And so... cuddles and kisses and pecks taken care of, I bade him a “Good night.” and told him I'd “check back” before I went to bed.
It's supposed to be another rather chilly night, tonight, with chances of some flurries. But not like the past nights of -20s and -30s. Yonah's radiator is still close by so his room will be nice and cozy through the night. Tomorrow's forecast is for more flurries, but that's perfectly fine... We'll be together, and I have more than enough to keep me busy in his company. Tomorrow night brings us back to the “crisp” nights though. But, thankfully, we've made it through quite the chills... we'll do just fine... together, through what's to come. (February will be the worst of the cold, if “history repeats”, but, as I say... we're prepared. Yonah's room will ALWAYS be kept warm for him!)
So we wrap another day and move along on our journey's time-line. What tomorrow brings will be dealt with accordingly... meanwhile... my little Heart-and-Soul is safely, warmly tucked-in... LOVED and SO CHERISHED! “Life” is just wonderful.
Wednesday 19 January:
MORNING CALL THIS MORNING! 7.37! Closer to what I'd come to think of as “regular”. “Woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” came floating through the door and as I got up from the kitchen table, I didn't “respond” so another “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came out shortly after! When I opened the door, Yonah let out with another, but this one was his “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. GOODNESS ME! He was impatient this morning! And when I got to his door, he was right there, on his perch, stretching his wings and ready to FLY! It was STUPENDOUS! Getting that call at a “regular” hour, and seeing him so full of energy! Yonah was feeling quite well, well-rested and that just set my day properly!
And again, this morning, as I moved about his house, removing the night boards, opening curtain and blinds, he “followed” me, from inside his house, and had SO much to say! And the more he said, the more I replied; the more I replied, the more he had to say! It was a particularly “chatty” sort of morning today!
Well then... we completed “morning routine”, Yonah head out... and that, little did I know, was to set the routine for the rest of the day. Off to the futon... to his pillows, up on his shelves, on the floor... he was all over his room! And I'd no sooner established me and mine at the work table, he was right beside me, on the floor, toddling and pecking about... but right there! I suppose it was his way of saying “We're in this day together, there, you.” I couldn't be any more please, happy, THRILLED or CONTENT! I got busy with my own chores and tasks and Yonah... he went on about what-ever struck him at any given moment. It was a case of “the flock is all present and accounted-for” and all was well with our world.
Out-side, things were just a bit on the dreary side, though the sun was making an effort to break through the heavy clouds. And it did, for about 2 hours... during the day. Thankfully, it wasn't that “bitter cold” we've been having of late, so Yonah's room was “cozy” with-out it but when it did manage to fill our space, it lent quite a welcome extra warmth, and Yonah managed to get to “lounge” in it, on his little corner loft. Hey! That's HIS sun there, and he's due all the light and warmth it can provide!
Just before lunch, I went for a little 30-minute snooze, as I'll do, and the VERY moment I sat on the futon and reached for the little sheet/cover, Yonah was in direct flight... to the pillows! I laid my head down, pulled the cover up over my shoulders and Yonah took a quick flight... from the back of the futon to my head! And THERE, he seemed to have become quite comfy, because he rested there for a considerable length of time. But as I dozed-off, I felt him hop off and onto the pillow where, when, moments later, I opened my eyes again, he was “nestled” and comfortable... right beside me.
Since he saw that I was awake and made no attempt to leave, I drew the sheet up over my head and in doing, it covered him too! Not so much as a head-nod or blink! He just took it as a matter of course! And when I moved my head to look at him, he looked at me... not making any other motion. It was as if he was enjoying “sharing our space”! He DOES KNOW that I'd NEVER do ANYTHING to cause him any harm! It's “Trust” beyond description! And to me, for me, I've NEVER been SO HONOURED in ALL of my life-time! This Little One, who has NEVER had ANY cause to even “tolerate” humans, has come to KNOW that he can TRUST me. No, there is NO greater Blessing or Honour in Creation, than this! So we “lingered” that way for a couple of moments until he discovered an opening... and “exit”. He hopped down along the pillow, to the futon, and when he got to the “opening”, he calmly stepped out, onto the futon, took a brief look about and was off... to his roof-top! (And I got up and back to the day at hand.)
Today, I had to get out for a little while, to start the truck, to make sure it was alright in all of this colder weather, and whilst at it, had to go to the cellar as well. But the “notable moment” was when I was in the cellar, directly under Yonah's house... He must have heard me down there and he called to me, through the floor-boards! “Woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” I called back, the same. He replied with the same. I replied to his reply and this went on whilst I roamed the cellar! We had a bit of a “chat”... he kept me “company” as I checked the furnace, the oil and other conditions in the old dirt cellar! It truly WAS quite amazing... to me, anyway, that Yonah called to me and when I called back, he replied... even through the old floor-boards! I've read that mourning doves register “tones”, and “timbre” and other “qualities” in the sounds of other birds and such, and that they're able to distinguish one particular member of a flock amongst all the sounds. Seems Yonah's come to recognise my voice... my “coo” (poor as it might be), even to the point where he'll “talk” even though he can't SEE me. BRILLIANT! AWE-FULL Little Guy, this one! And when I got back into the house and back into his room, as I walked in, he came SOARING over to me and landed in the hood of my sweat-shirt as if SO happy to SEE me! Talk about “HONOURED”! I couldn't be any more-so! And astonished too!
Well, we did spend the rest of this oddly-warm (3° today!), but sunless day together. I was, when no playing around with Yonah, at the work table. And Yonah? Well, he was ALL OVER today, when he wasn't in the little divot he's made in his mosses, right inside his house, at the front, where he can lounge beside me. But for quite a lot of the day, he was active, flying about, house to futon or shelves. And, when he was ready for “play time”, he was QUITE vociferous about it! “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” And if I didn't respond quickly enough, I was “summoned” again, only just a bit louder. I'd some-what noticed before, but today, it was more pronounced: Yonah can actually “whisper” at times, coo'ing softly, almost in a “low voice”. More often than not, he's in “good voice”, very crisp, clear and rather loud, just as the mourning doves in the woods and yard. But there are moments when the volume is lower, and it actually does sound as if he's whispering. He alternated through the day today. The “call to play” was louder than the “call for attention and contact”.
Now, to this point, I've read, in several different places through my searching and researching, that mourning doves have been documented as showing signs of “mourning” when they lose a mate. Obviously, “sentience”, the ability to “feel emotion”, to recoginise and to “KNOW” the loss, and to experience “sorrow”. So I see no reason why they're not capable of moderating the volume of their coo's, appropriate to their “feelings” and the message they want to convey. And so, Yonah can and does. “PLAY TIME!” is a louder call than “I'm over here... Hello? Can we cuddle?” AND, I dare say, he DOES enjoy the contact in a “cuddle”! Just nestling in my hands, head pressed to my chin when I hold him. Between that and the “snoozes” together, this is one BRILLIANT Little Guy! (MORE people should know these abilities... and even MORE OUGHT to respect them. My opinion, of course.
ANY-waaay... We kept each-other great company during the day today. I really can't imagine a day with-out him at my side, on my shoulder, my arm, my head (as he does when he REALLY wants attention). I won't imagine a time or life with-out him. And I still wonder how it is that he happened into my Life... especially at the moment he did. (I WISH it had been under different circumstances, conditions, reasons and causes, though.)
Today though, it was a bit different from others in that, EVERY time I left the room, for loo-break, putting the kettle on for tea, what-ever the reason, he called! And if I didn't reply, he called until I did. It was as though he some-how “needed” to know that I was still in the house, that he wasn't “abandoned”. Silly Little Guy... I couldn't and wouldn't EVER abandon him. But, I don't suppose there's really any way I have to let him know that... other than being with him... every possible moment. And again, this evening, he had his “evening meal” in his house as I had mine, in the kitchen. I believe he knows he can come out to the kitchen with me, but he chooses not to. It might be the difference in room temperature. The kitchen is cooler than his room. Or, it might be that it's not as brightly lighted in the kitchen. What-ever the reason, I'll be paying attention when the warmer months arrive and there's more sun-shine in a day... and MUCH more in the other rooms in the house (if we have to be here then... which, I hope we won't).
After evening meal, we closed the blinds and curtains against the night's cold. (It's not expected to be as bitter as has been, tonight. But tomorrow night, we plummet once again so...) And I changed the waters in pool and “beverage dish”... and hung the back board right away. That way, I don't have to disturb him with moving his house about before “tuck-in” time. THAT seems to put him “off” a bit, having that board up so early. He stares at it for a while after it's up. He's come to know it as “seepie-nigh-night” time and it must seem strange when it's up and the lights are still on. One thing that I still think of though, almost every time I hang it: we started with just a piece of old card-board, leaning against the curtains, at night. Back then, it was to block the on-coming head-lights of traffic on the road. Today, it's actually a nice board, made with hooks, to fit the entire back (window side) of his house... and too, his house is MUCH larger now, more sturdy... it's an actual “house”, How time has changed things over the 15 months. And they continue to change... the closer I can make his environment to what it should be “Naturally”, the better. Where we go from here, what we do next, is to be seen. But, nothing, as I say, is “too good” or even “good enough” for my Little Heart-and-Soul!
At 19.00, the FullSpec light went out and the fountain was off. So too, the musics of bird-songs and radio. It was “wind-down” time... Yonah wanted some “smooches” and so we did the “cuddle” but then he headed up to his roof-top. Oh... one of “those” nights: the little kid who doesn't want to go to bed. And for the next half hour, he was as vociferous as he'd been this morning! We “chatted” a bit but when I didn't reply... he just coo'ed a little louder until I did. And it went on for the full half hour! Me at the work table and Yonah on his roof-top platform! But, when it came time to “close the day”... I brought his platform down, we exchanged little kisses and pecks and he took off... right to his perch. I placed his roof board a-top, as he settled-down and settled-in for the night. All was well... “our” day was now, “our” night. The furnace kicked-on... the night chill was coming into the rest of the house. Yonah's room was a cozy 22°, but with the heat up, it would get much warmer and with his radiator on and his door slightly closed, he's assured a good night of 24 or 25°. No need to “fluff” against any chills in there!
And so, we close another day... running through the month of January. Time passes oh-so quickly with Yonah in Life. Tonight, we'll have “moderate” temperatures. The roads are wet from the day's melting, but tomorrow night threatens us with another -27° and we return to “our regularly-scheduled Winter”. No problem. Yonah will be as Yonah always is: safe, warm, protected... LOVED and SO CHERISHED. And I look forward to what our “tomorrow” will be... when “tomorrow” becomes our “today”.
Thursday 20 January: I hadn't finished 1st coffee, hadn't even dressed yet and... it was 7.25... MORNING CALL! WOOHOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...YEAH! Yonah was UP! Today was “officially today”, and I was “officially” a part of it! WHAT A BRILLIANT JOY to walk into his room and see him there, up, awake, stretching wings... AND TALKING! I gave a “Good morning 'woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo'” and Yonah gave me a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... So I opened his door before removing the night boards and getting to curtains and blinds and, as I went about my “tasks of a morning”, YONAH WAS IN ANOTHER MOOD TO TELL OF HIS NIGHT! Every-thing from a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” to a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo”! And we actually had “dialogue”... for every coo he told me, I coo'ed back. And for every coo I gave, he had one in reply! Oh! But it makes the “morning routine” pass SO quickly when we're talking through it!
It was almost nice, opening the blinds, this morning. There was a bit of “day-light” in the morning sky, and the “chill” that's usually hiding behind the blinds, between them and the window, wasn't “horrific” this morning. And the forecast is for “sun-shine” so... we had that to look forward to this morning: the sun coming in through the window panes and giving the room some well-deserved and much-appreciated warmth! (May as well get it today... tonight... back down to the -25 or -27°. Oh well. It IS still only January.).
What put a stronger smile on my face this morning: as I made the trips to and from the kitchen with the water for Yonah's pool, he had breakfast! He paid me NO attention as I scurried about! THAT's ANOTHER aspect of my LOVE for him that gives me “peace of soul”... that my activities are simply just “matter of fact” to him. “Naturally”, my activities should serve as a distraction, something he should be minding. In the wild, I'd be a “predator”. But, over our time together, Yonah's come to “know” that I do what I do for his benefit, that I LOVE him, CARE for and about him, and I present NO danger or threat. (But it's still interesting that he has a “fear” of “other people”... he does NOT like it when somebody else comes into his room, his “space”. Humans, in general, STILL present a threat to him... and I'm not going to do anything to change that. Of course, IF ever, at time should come when somebody else would have to come along to attend to him, it won't be “kind”... who-ever comes in will cause him anxieties... if not, out-right fear. So? So... all the more reason for me to “attend” to my health... WE ARE IN THIS FOR THE DURATION... TOGETHER! OH YES WE ARE!)
And so... “morning routine” was completed, Yonah took flight, off to the futon and his pillows and I went about settling the rest of the house... as I do.
At about 9.30, I took a break, had a “lie-down”... and Yonah? Right there, on my shoulder. The alarm had been set for 30 minutes and I “half-dozed”, as I tend to do on a “lie-down”... BUT... again... about 2 minutes before the alarm sounded... “Peck, peck, peck” on my temple! And when I didn't respond (mostly out of curiosity, to see what Yonah would do next), he went back to my shoulder and there he was, when the alarm sounded and I looked up. WE have OUR “lie-down” during the day... WE are a UNIT! WE are “the flock”. HE is my existence! When I got up, Yonah headed over to his house... the sun was up and shining in on his little moss-nest and he had a little drink of water (in the pool, of course) and off to his “divot” in the moss. I settled to the work table with him beside me. Our day was in “normal roll mode”.
At about 11.30 I took a break to check the day's post and when I came back in, I moved Yonah's house so that he'd get the most of the sun-shine that managed to rise beautifully in the sky... AND, after some kisses and cuddles on the futon... he went to his little corner “loft”... to BASK in the light and warmth! I went back to the work table... Seeing him basking gives even more peace and serenity to my soul... the world is fine with-out us being “in it”... and when he's basking, he's THE EPITOME OF PEACE! And it makes everything just so bucolic, serene... calm.
Here's a little something for the records: This after-noon, I had errands... I was gone for just about 45 minutes, and when I walked into the house... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! JUST as I walked into the house! Yonah noticed that I'd been “away” AND that I'd returned! AND... he called to me when I came into the house! SO! OK! Let's discuss “birds” and that they don't “know”, don't “notice”, don't “understand”. Yonah CAN'T be some “extraordinary” little mourning dove! He can't be some “anomaly”! These Little Ones are BRILLIANT!
Quick change of thought... it physically causes me pain, tightness in the chest... disgust and repulsion.
OK... so the sun managed to shower us with brilliant light and delightful warmth, and Yonah got the chance to “bask” a while. And when I returned from errands, he had a bite to eat, a drink of water and as I returned to the work table to “balance books”... he took his little “nest in the moss” beside me. We were back together... the “flock” was gathered, two Friends re-joined, two companions re-united... our “Family” was whole again, and Yonah could relax... and seeing him so calm... I did too.
So our day moved along and I got quite a bit accomplished, including another 45- minute evening meal, during which, Yonah had HIS evening meal as well. And when I got back into his room, he was in a mood to PLAY! It was another “CATCH ME!”... I'd closed his windows for the night and put up the back board right after changing the waters and he may have seen that as a “seepie-nigh-night” sign. But the temperature is supposed to drop to the -20s again tonight and I want the windows covered before that chill works its way in! But the moment I'd done with the “work” and put his house back in “position”... he was OUT AND ABOUT! We even played with the flannel sheet I use to cover for “lie-downs”... we made a little “tent” and we played a little under it. It truly IS amazing how Yonah understands that covering him will bring him no harm... He was quite playful under the sheet! I had my head in and he pecked, lightly, at my nose... until he discovered an “opening”, and he made his way to it, stood at the edge of the sheet for a moment and simply hopped out and onto the futon where the game of “CATCH ME!” continued... as he took off and headed to his house... got on a perch and gave me a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” So... we played some more for a while, until I sat back at the work table... and Yonah came to the little “extension”, over my left shoulder, and roosted there, staring down at me.
By about 18.45, he'd had his little “nightly snack”, we had just a bit more “playing about” and I even got a “preening”... as he pecked along my fingers and the back of my hand! Oh... but what a couple of... we are!
“Tuck-in” was rather “quick” tonight. Considerably. Yonah was on at the door perch when I went over for “cuddles and kisses”. He nestled in my hands, gave me pecks on the cheek and when I opened my hands, he went, immediately, to his “night spot”. No “Good nights” to the little reflections. He must have been quite ready for a night's rest. (Truth be told, I was too, and am.) I placed the roof board, leaned in for a couple more kisses and in moments, he was “settled”. Hmmm... Our day has “officially closed”. And his room is nice and warm. I put the furnace on for a brief while, just to make sure that his room has a good “start” for warmth tonight. It holds the heat from the radiator, but I just want to make sure that it's warm before I close his door (which I leave partially open through the night any-way, for circulation and so that I can hear him, should something disturb him during the night and he calls). There's already a “crisp chill” out-side and, well, I won't have Yonah feeling a need to “fluff” against it.
And so, we bid “fare well” to this Thursday, 202 January. Tomorrow's forecast is for sun, but a high of -15°, but as long as the sun shines... Yonah's room will be nice and cozy... and I've no errands to run so... we get another day together! And THAT, is a forecast for... PERFECT! Another day with my Little Heart-and-Soul! And tomorrow, there are more peanuts to shell and grind for the Little Ones of the yard so... we'll be working on “cuisine” for the flocks!
mourning dove 21 January 2022Friday 21 January:
7.28 this morning! From the next room, through the silence that is the morning, the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came drifting through the rooms in this old, cold house. (Last night was quite “chilled” again. Winter in The North Country.) It goes with-out saying, but Yonah's “morning call” warms even the coldest of mornings, the coldest of houses, turns ANY place into “home”, and sets a glow in my heart and soul.
And this morning, he was, again, in a “chatty” mind-set... greeting me as I walked into his room, and again, as I opened his door... AND ALL the while I went about opening curtains and blinds, through the “changing of the waters and tidying of the house! OH! But he had SO much to say! It was better than ANY music, ANY other sound in Creation! When he's active (which he was... right away, again, this morning) and speaking, my heart and soul just GLOW, brighter than ANY sun or other light! He shows that he'd slept well (so too, the location of where he'd pooped during the night too... all in the same place... he wasn't disturbed, and that too, is something I check every morning), and woke well-rested and that he's feeling well. As long as Yonah is well, the day is perfect.
And did we ever have “a day” today! And, for the most part, all of it... together.
This morning, right away, I brought to the work table, the bowls, kitchen roll and two bags of dry-roasted, un-salted peanuts to be shelled. They're for the mourning doves and all the other “Little Ones of the yard”. Night temperatures are dropping to the minus-30s lately, and the Little Ones out there are in need of fats and proteins to help keep them warm, so we make sure that they have a hefty portion of them and sun-flower seeds for their breakfast in the morning, snacks during the day and their last meal of the day. It takes a good two hours to shell all the peanuts, and that time is spent with Yonah... chatting with him and listening to him flying all about his room. And today, I was honoured with many little “visits” on my shoulder, as I worked! Maybe it was the sound of the cracking peanut shells that sparked his curiosity, but he came and sat on my shoulder, as I say, several times, watching, intently, at what I was doing. And every now and again, I got a peck on the ear (which meant: “Hey! Me! I'm here!”) which meant it was time for a play break and I took the time with the utmost JOY! Not only was Yonah feeling “well”... he was feeling like it was a day for “close company” too! Me? I LOVE these sorts of days because I don't “force” the closeness. I'm there for him when-ever HE gets the notion and when HE decides he wants to be “close”, wants the physical contact, I take that as the highest honour and nothing else has any importance to me.
When the shelling and sorting was done, I went to the kitchen to get to the grinding and, while there, Yonah flew around his room and called, every once and again... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” So I called back and he replied... until he was satisfied that I was still in “close range”, at which point, I could hear him flying about in his room... looking for a good “vantage point” where he could either see me directly or at least hear me best. And when the grinding was done, it was time to mix the peanuts and sun-flower seeds (also ground to a size that was “swallowable”... since, admittedly, my primary concern is the mourning doves... and the tiny ones who don't “chew” and don't remove outer shells of seeds... the “crop” birds, in particular). They got mixed with a combination of commercial “finch and canary” blend seeds, and I add the smaller seeds that come in a “Wild Song-bird” mix that I sift to separate the larger seeds from, which are put in a separate place for the larger birds out there. All the while, this goes on under “strictest supervision” of Yonah... and we get to talk about it all... something he seems to enjoy. (OK. It's the “sound” of my voice, but still, I've come to actually “see” that he does acknowledge when I talk with him so...)
All of this went on as the sun rose and came pouring in through the windows, drenching Yonah's room in beautiful light and warmth! (Meanwhile, out-side, the temperatures stayed well-below freezing. But in Yonah's room, it was most-comfortably warm and cozy... and that's my concern above all else.) We “worked” together through the morning and into the after-noon! And THEN, it was time to mix-up more of Yonah's meals!
HIS “recipe” is equal parts of his “Witte Molen”, “Healthy Select” and a “ZuPreem Fun” (which has little pellets of fruits and vegetables in) and the milo/millet seeds from the very same “Wild Song-bird” mix that he'd come to the yard to eat in the first place, and that he'd had in his early days of healing and convalescing.
Back in the “early days”, it was my intention to get him back up and re-united with the rest of his flock, so I really didn't get “too much” extra where food was concerned. Yes, he got the yolk of a hard-boiled egg, and some cod liver oil to make sure he was getting his vitamins. And too, “High Calcium” grit as well. But that was the extent of it. When I came to accept that he and I would be together for longer, I searched for “the best”, the “most nutritious” foods that were available. No one particular “blend” seemed to be “satisfactory” (to me), so, I decided to get the “top three”, at least, to make sure he got ALL the proper nourishment... and it's become the steady diet (along with broccoli and egg yolk, of course, and some “moulting mix” and, especially whilst moulting, Yonah too, gets the extra fat and protein when I add the peanuts and sun-flower seeds to his meals). Anyway, it was a day of “haute cuisine”, “meal making and mixing”... for ALL the little feathered ones in and around the house. And, of course and to be sure, under the supervision of the “Haute Chef” him-self. WHAT a GLORIOUS way to pass a Winter day! And when it was all complete? Well...
I put Yonah's food canisters back on his shelves where they're kept and as I went to the kitchen to do the washing-up from all the bowls and such... YONAH HOPPED ONTO MY SHOULDER AND CAME ALONG TO THE KITCHEN! He SERIOUSLY wanted “together time” today! Granted, once I got busy with the dishes and running water, he lost interest and went back to “bask” on his corner “loft”. BUT... when I went back in to get some of the left-over papers and such that I'd used... HE WAS BACK ON MY SHOULDER AND BACK INTO THE KITCHEN! (When I had to go back into his room though, he was in flight, to his futon, to his pillows. It was as if he just wanted to see and know where I was going when I left and once he realised I was only in the kitchen, he was satisfied.
There is one other “item” I've come to realise though: Yonah notices when I put my hat on, when I have to step out-side... whether for a moment or to run and errand. He recognises the hat, and the jacket and when he sees me wearing either or both, he becomes rather slightly “agitated”. Blatantly obviously, he doesn't like the idea of being left alone in the house... especially for any length of time, and he “knows” that the hat and/or jacket means that I'm “stepping out”. Today, when I had to just step out, for a brief moment, I'd put jacket and hat on and was just heading for the door... Yonah could see me from his house and he immediately started “calling”... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” And when I said “I'll be right back. I just have to step out for a minute or so.” he replied “woo-HOO!”, almost as if “OK!” (“But don't make it too long.”) There we have it... “acknowledgement”, “recognition”, the understanding that “hat and jacket mean going away”. More BRILLIANCE of a ... “bird brain” (which is obviously quite a compliment, in contrast to the intention).
After our culinary duties were complete, I went to have a bit of a lie-down... and, yes, of course, head no sooner on the pillow and Yonah on the pillow beside. 20 minutes later... “peck, peck, peck” on the head, followed by the hopping from head to shoulder. My “rest time” was complete! So I was up and off to the remainder of the after-noon... which was almost evening by then... and I had to return to the kitchen to prepare MY food for the evening meal. Yonah was “OK” with that, at that point, went for his late-afternoon snack and took to his “roof-top platform” to rest and digest whilst I busied in the kitchen.
When I'd done with my meal and washing-up... I was back in Yonah's room... to close-up windows against the night's chill and to change waters and tidy. Yonah took a place on the futon to watch the activity as I came and went for the water. When that was complete, I put up his back board as well, in preparation for the night and to put up the “insulation” of the board. Done... I took my place at the work table where I started today's journal entry but, Yonah was on his door perch (as usual) and, well... we needed some more “together time”, so I put all else aside and we had one of our “evening chats” for a few moments... and I returned to the “typing”... BUT... at 19.26, I got a gentle “woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... seems I was “reminded” of the hour and that it was “seepie-nigh-night” time. OK then... it was a “wrap” on the journal, the lap-top went to the kitchen and Yonah and I had our “cuddles, snuggles, kisses and pecks” as he stood at his door perch... until he'd had enough. With a “woosh”, he was up on his perch, a quick toddle to the little bird in the “loft mirror”. A brief “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” and he came back for our “end of day snuggles, cuddles, kisses and pecks”. He was ready to wrap this day up! (Honestly? Me too!)
So, I made sure his radiator was positioned to where he'd benefit most from it's warmth during the night. (Close enough to the shelving under his house, and, since it's low enough, the warmth rises to where he roosts for the night... No chills there!) When I reached round the side to put out the light on the desk, Yonah came over and I leaned my face against his house... a quick “peck” and he was back to his “night spot”. I said my “Good night. You'll be nice and warm tonight, no matter the weather out there. You sleep well... You know I LOVE you!” and Yonah was “tucked-in”... lights out.
These are the days that pass too quickly... ALL days since Yonah has become my Life, pass too quickly. Even though the “day-light” hours are lengthening, there's still not nearly enough time to be with him. But tomorrow... I've nothing to take me away, it's supposed to be “generally sunny” and still “below freezing”, but, as I say, I've nothing to take me out so... I've a little list of all sorts of things to do... and all of them, either at the work table or the futon so... TOGETHER AGAIN! But for tonight, with an expected -25° and a “chill” of -31°, the furnace will run, Yonah's radiator too, he has plenty of food and fresh, clean water to drink, should he want during the night. He's in his house, protected, and I'll be just in the next room... always attentive, in case he should call. That's my Little Guy, my Heart-and-Soul, my Life... my Being... a PRECIOUS, MOST-CHERISHED little mourning-turtle dove! My Joy, Delight, Honour, Privilege... my Blessing!
mourning dove 22 January 2022Saturday 22 January:
The clock “struck” 7.30... ON THE MARK... and... MORNING CALL !!! Honestly. I was sitting at the kitchen table, checking today's weather (another “bitter-cold start to this one again, and, by day's end, it didn't get too much warmer) when I heard the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. I looked at the clock and it had JUST hit the 7.30 mark! OK... Nobody needs an “alarm” at this rate, and Yonah must be heading into the longer days and earlier mornings because, for a while, he was getting up closer to 8.00! Still, he's “tucked-in” by 19.30 at night so today, it was 12 hours later, and I've read that mourning doves prefer 12-14 hours of “rest” so... he's on his mark too!
What was heart-breaking though, for me, was that it was -31° this morning, when I checked the thermometer on the front porch and yet, at 6.30 already, the Little Ones of the yard were up for their breakfast and at 7.00, it wasn't much warmer and the one mourning dove who shows-up first, a female, alone, was there already! In that bitter cold! I see them out there on these mornings and I SO WISH that I could do SOMETHING, provide them with SOME kind of warmth. Sure, they fluff their feathers, and I DO provide the extra fat and protein they need to protect themselves, but, seeing them SO fluffed, and almost lethargic is literally painful for me.
But, when I got into Yonah's room, the first thing I did was check HIS thermometer (which I monitor almost obsessively)... 27,5°! Oh, but indeed, HE was nice and warm and toasty, comfy! (But too, the furnace was running at the time so that brings the temperature in his room quite high, at least, for as long as it's running. And no, I don't mind - if Yonah doesn't mind - because it's as I say: If I'm chilled, I have clothing to put on, blankets to wrap in; Yonah has his feathers... and that's it. (Although, as I've come to learn, he doesn't mind being under a blanket... with me, so, should the need ever present, we CAN hunker under the covers for a while. “For a while”... he's not exactly “thrilled” under a blanket, but he isn't at all fearful. That's a good sign.)
AND... again, this morning... QUITE THE CHATS! I got TWO “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's” as I came into the room! And, sever “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's” as I went about the “morning routine”! So, I spoke, I coo'ed, we had quite the active dialogue, I DO have to say! And when I started the “water change relay”, Yonah was right up and having breakfast! He woke up with a bit of hunger and was EATING! Seeing him in good spirits and being active and chatty is a delight, but seeing him EATING is, to me, PURE BLISS! He has appetite, he eats... according to “veterinarians”, as long as the Little Ones are eating, things are “GOOD”! So today was “GRAND” for me... because it was, “GOOD” for Yonah!
And, what made it nice too... SUN-SHINE! In spite of the cold out-side, there was a clear, blue sky, and the sun rose just a bit earlier today than it did yesterday. So, just before 10.00, Yonah's room was FULL of BRILLIANT, BRIGHT SUN-LIGHT! That's ALWAYS a PLUS for us... and Yonah enjoys his sun-shine. He has the “Full Spectrum” light over-head, but, really, nothing beats or compares to the natural light of a bright sun! It just makes EVERYTHING so much BETTER!
My morning ran a bit on the slow side, and I was in the kitchen for most of it. But as I was working in the kitchen, Yonah was “lounging” in his “moss nest” and was up on his “loft” in the sun-shine. And every now and then, he'd call: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. It's his “HEY! ARE YOU THERE?” call, and when I get that, I HAVE to reply “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” (Yeah! I'm here.) or he'll call again AND, at times, he'll make a “surveillance flight” into the kitchen... just to check on my presence. (But I don't “play” with this. When Yonah calls, I answer as quickly as possible... I don't want him to EVER feel “alone and abandoned”. It's just one of the reasons why, when I know I have to be away on errands, for several hours, I literally miss him and wonder how he is, and yes, I worry that he'll feel “alone”. WE'RE COMPANIONS, A “FLOCK”... and I have a responsibility for, toward and to him... delightfully so.) By noon, though, I was in his room... I had a little “project” I needed to get started, at least, today: I've wanted a little “pillow” in the shape of a mourning dove for Yonah, made from the “batting” in one of his favourite futon pillows AND from the pillow cases he happens to find “attractive”. It was ALL work that could be done whilst sitting on his futon so... I was looking forward to getting at it, not only to see how well I could do (I have no pattern, just my own imagination), and how long it would take. Not in a rush though... I want this to look GOOD! So... I finished my coffee and headed right in to Yonah... who was, when I arrived, in his “moss nest”, taking life easy, enjoying the BEAUTIFUL SUN-LIGHT AND THE WARMTH IT BROUGHT INTO HIS ROOM! (A perfect place to sit and do a “craft”... but then, his room is a perfect place just to “be”... with him there.)
It was REALLY “interesting”, as I worked with the pillow and case on the futon. There truly IS something about the case, I imagine it's the colour... almost the same beige as some of Yonah's feathers, but as I worked with it, wrapping it round the little “dove shape” that I'd cut out of the batting, Yonah kept flying up and landing on it, as if “protecting” it! And as I manipulated it round the shape, he watched, as attentively as a “mate”. That was HIS, and I was doing things with it that I probably shouldn't be doing... twisting, pulling, shaping it.
BUT THE ONE THING THAT REALLY GOT TO ME WAS WHEN THE ROOM WENT RELATIVELY SILENT, JUST YONAH'S BIRD-SONGS PLAYING, AND I HEARD A STRANGE-BUT-FAMILIAR “SPLASHING”... YONAH WAS IN THE POOL! MINUS 15 DEGREES OUT-SIDE TODAY AND THERE HE WAS, “LOUNGING” IN HIS POOL, WITH THE OCCASIONAL SPLASHING OF WINGS IN THE WATER ! HE LOOKS SO COMFORTABLE, STANDING THERE, IN THE WATER, WITH THE FOUNTAIN SPLASHING BESIDE HIM. SO COMFORTABLE, AND SO CONTENT. If I EVER had ANY doubts as to the comfort of his room, wondering if it's warm ennough, THAT dispels ALL ! And I DO SO enjoy seeing him enjoying his pool! (Especially for bathing, as intended, and no drinking, as he seems to prefer anyway. Fortunately, that water is changed, completely, twice, daily, so it's clean enough for drinking... after all, in the wild, birds drink from bird-baths... and those who do aren't the only ones who've been “in” that water. At least Yonah is the only one who's ever in his “bath water”. And too, I mind to make sure there's no poop or anything “untoward” in it... and if there is, it gets flushed and changed as needed.) And I STILL wonder how it is that, to the best of my recollection, I've NEVER seen anybody put an actual “bathing something” into those mostly hideous “cages” they “keep” the Little Ones in. And I'm rather surprised that it isn't (as far as I've ever seen) mentioned, let alone, stressed, that a place for bathing should, MUST be included. Well, if anybody ever gets to this page of this Journal... here it is. (And I've been wanting to “up-date” some items on his “Care” pages anyway... so here's another item to add... if I haven't included it already. SOMEBODY HAS to see his site! SURELY! And if Yonah can help make even one little bird's life better... Well then... Good for him!) Anyway, he “lounged” and “splashed” for several moments, in the sun-light, and when he'd done... WOW! HE WAS OFF, IN FLIGHT, ROUND THE ROOM, ACTUALLY “BUZZED” OVER MY HEAD before returning to his door perch to “shake dry” in the warmth of his radiator. It was QUITE THE SIGHT TO BEHOLD... especially considering the temperatures out-side (and the Little Ones of the Yard... out there, with their “good, Winter food”, fending against the cold). mourning dove 22 January 2022All the while, I was still working on the “base” for his pillow (though I did take a moment to grab photos... of course... I feel I MUST, when he's bathing, it's so wonderful to see... and it does prove that his room is kept QUITE comfy... in case anybody would question, though, locally, NOBODY would because, according to those who know Yonah is here and where he lives, he's “spoiled”... HAH! they have NO clue... there's SO MUCH MORE I wish I could give him... because he deserves SO MUCH MORE!).
Well, I DID get the “base” cut and sewn into shape... It's a touch larger than Yonah, and it DOES have the form of a mourning dove, and now I have to figure how to get the fabric (the pillow case fabric”) over it, smoothly. But, I was curious as to what Yonah thinks of it, thus far, so I wrapped the base and held the pillow case fabric in place with some rubber bands, and “attached” it, with more rubber bands, to a rock to hold it sturdy and steady. Ah-HAH! Oh the head-bobbing and weaving! Yonah was giving it QUITE the “inspection”! And twice, he tried to “mount” it, but because it's only temporarily steadied, it tilted a bit and he was caught off-balance. BUT, it appears that he's not too thrilled... it must appear to him as another dove and, well, as has been said and documented, he seems to see it as “COMPETITION”! I'm not sure if it's competition for me, for attention, affection or just space... HIS room and HIS house! But, after a moment, he simply gave it a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and toddled off across the floor. And when I brought it to him, he looked at it and walked away. I tried putting it on his roof, to see what his reaction to it, up there, in “HIS territory”, would be and, he looked at it and literally went to the opposite side of his house! I'll with-hold “final thoughts and results” for when it's completed, but, thus far, I'm thinking that getting another dove for him as company or companionship might not be in anybody's best interest. I've been hesitant, mainly because I don't want to bring another dove into the house only to have her (yes, “her”) shunned, resented, and possibly “abused” in any way. Yonah has obviously come to expect me to be here for HIM... not some “them”. And it's been documented, repeatedly, that, if another dove is brought it after a “bonding” (or... “mating”) with a “people”, the other dove might well be resented, if not out-right hated. And in order for any sort of “boding” to take place between them, there is often a period of “divorce” during which the “people” must ignore both doves, providing ONLY the essentials (food, water, clean environment, &c.) and with-holding any and all sorts of “affections”. Yes, the original dove will wonder what's wrong, and perhaps even “mourn a loss”, but, it's said, that will pass and eventually, when the bond with the “new comer” is established, both doves will accept the “people” back... as a third party member of a “flock”. Still, I see no reason to cause Yonah all of that, and, it doesn't appear that he misses the presence of another dove. I mean, when I walk into the room, after being out for a bit, he comes to his door (if he's “at house”) to greet me, most often with a wing-snap. And he DOES appear to know that he can hop on my shoulder (or head, as he does) when he wants “contact” or “closeness”, and he's certainly NOT hesitant to do so. So, as I say, there's still work to be done on his “dove pillow”... full report when it's complete. Meanwhile, I'll continue the work on it. If nothing else, it'll make a nice “conversation piece” (and one day, when I'm “departed” and people go through my meagre belongings, they'll have something to talk about... the “old bird-man”... and how eccentric he truly was... and others will say “No... he was in love.”... and they'd be bang-on correct!)
Well? The night rolled in... out-side got cooler... 19.30... “Seepie-nigh-night” time arrived... I was at the work table, typing and “came the call”... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... several times! I was being “told”. So, yes, indeed, immediately, I got up. Yonah was on his door perch, patiently (?) waiting. So we got our snuggle and cuddle and kisses and pecks in and he was UP to his perch! I put the back board on, and when the roof board was placed, Yonah was obviously ready to wrap this day up! So... a couple of last-minute kisses, a little “chat” about the day... the light went out. Yonah was “tucked-in” safe, sound and snug for the night.
It's always a bit sad for me, at the end of a day, leaving his room. To me, it's the same as leaving the house of a most-beloved Friend, or of a most-beloved Family member. He's only in the next room, but I still “miss” his company. But, I'm re-assured, knowing he's getting the rest he needs, and that he's warm and safe through the night. Hey! After all... he IS the ONLY reason... I'll say no more.
Tomorrow, I'll work some more on his pillow, sitting on his futon with him. The day is expected to be a bit cloudy, but certainly NOT as bitter cold as days have been of late. (Though tonight... well... -13° with a “chill” of -20°... not the -35 or -39° we've been having... quite a bit of a “relief”.) We'll take the “warm” even if it means less sun-shine... we have the “FullSpec” light for that.
For now? It's a night's rest for my most PRECIOUS, most-CHERISHED Little Heart-and-Soul! And we'll address tomorrow as it presents... when it becomes... “today”. Until then... it's “seepie-nigh-night”.
Sunday 23 January:
7.43 this morning... The Little Ones of the Yard were served breakfast by 6.30... there was almost NOTHING on the tray this morning! I don't know where all the food went to over-night, and, thankfully, this morning wasn't “bitter cold”, although, hardly what could be called “warm”. And I was at the kitchen table, having done with the general affairs of a morning, thinking of Yonah (as always), and wondering about him when...
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came drifting through the stillness. It was a “quiet call” though, not one of his other-wise “usual” clear calls. I was elated to hear him, but, of course, in a bit of my common panic. Was he weak? Was he just tired? Why so quiet?
But when I got to him, there he was, already stretching and ready to start the day. AND, as I said “Hey! Good morning... woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo.” He replied, quite clearly, with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”! and gave a morning shake of the feathers. And when I opened the door and leaned in for morning kisses. all was “well”. Kisses, pecks and a hop across to the other perch. OK! Yonah was fine, I was fine, the day was fine, the world was fine.
And again, this morning, as I opened curtains and blinds... we had a “conversation”! The back-and-forth of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo..hoo-hoo”. HOW I WISH I KNEW WHAT THE PATTERNS OF HIS COO'ING MEAN! I, just like all other humans, am just so incompetently stupid, and this little genius, who has come to “understand” me, to “know” my actions, can some-what comprehend my voice and words, just puts me in my proper place in Creation. We, humans, are a sad lot, really. Dogs and cats “learn” our speech, our vocabulary, no matter the language. Yonah proves that mourning doves do the same. And, all the while, all we “intelligent”, “highly evolved” beings remain completely clueless. Ah... what a smack in the head, first thing of a morning. BUT... I don't mind. The important thing to me is that Yonah OBVIOUSLY understands my “heart and soul”, KNOWS that I LOVE him so much, and that I'm here to protect and CHERISH him. There really isn't anything else in the world of any importance.
So we got to the “morning routine”, chatting all the while. Waters got changed, house tidied and Yonah was up, out and about his room... futon, shelves... back home again. HE was in great spirits this morning!
Out-side, the clouds covered the morning sky. “Day-light” was coming, but it faced a bit of a struggle against the cover. The forecast is for some sun-shine during the day. My hope was that there would be enough to illuminate Yonah's room properly. HE deserves only the BEST of a day, and sun-shine, natural light, can't be improved upon. And it was still warm in his room this morning, and THAT is, to me, SO important. He slept warm, he woke warm. There are no “elements” for him to fend-off. My purpose... and I accept that, with all my heart!
At about 9.30, I was ready for a lie-down this morning, after a “commonly restless night” last night, so, I brought all my “necessities” into Yonah's room, got settled for the day and went to the futon... and... indeed, oh yes, moments... and he was on my shoulder, then on the pillow beside my head... I gave him a little kiss and he hopped over to my hip... I had a 45-minute “snooze” and when I woke, he wasn't on the futon... BUT... he MUST sense that I'm awake... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” from some-where in the room and the very next moment, there he was, on the pillow, staring into my face! (“Hey! It's about time you got up!”) And... there was some “filtred” sun-light coming in through his window! Our day, together, was “engaged”.... WOOHOO(hoo-hoo-hoo)!
The day moved along, the clouds got a bit heavier and, by late after-noon, light snow started to fall. Good news, snow, because it brings and holds some “warmer” temperatures and those are always welcome, And Yonah and I were together, watching the bits of flurry falling out-side the window. We were quite cozy, warm and comfy.
BUT... I sat on his futon, working on the little “pillow” that I've been trying to figure out for the past couple of days, and, as it progressed and is actually coming to where it's looking more like a “dove”, though a bit larger than I'd originally intended, I'M BEING “TOLD” SOMETHING, TAUGHT A BIT OF A LESSON HERE:
ALTHOUGH HAVING THE REGULAR PILLOWS ON THE FUTON IS PERFECTLY FINE, IN THEIR BEIGE COVERS, AND, ALTHOUGH THE “DOVE-SHAPED PILLOW”THAT I'M WORKING IS, OF ITS OWN, “OK”... IT'S NOT OK FOR ME TO BE HANDLING THE “DOVE PILLOW” !!! IT'S NOT OK FOR ME TO HOLD IT, OR TO HAVE MUCH OF ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT! YONAH IS SHOWING SIGNS OF “JEALOUSY”, MAYBE EVEN “RESENTMENT” !!! As I worked with the fabric, trying to “fit it” to the batting form, Yonah was FLYING ALL OVER THE ROOM, AND SPENDING A LOT OF THE DAY EITHER ON THE BACK OF THE FUTON, AT MY SHOULDER OR, ON THE WALL SHELF, OVER MY HEAD, BUT HE WAS ALWAYS WHERE HE COULD CLEARLY SEE WHAT I WAS DOING “WITH THE OTHER DOVE” !!! AND WHEN I PUT IT ON ONE OF HIS PERCHES IN HIS HOUSE? THERE WAS POKING, PECKING AND BITING! ODDLY, IF IT WAS ON THE FUTON, HE APPROACHED IT WITH THE “NOD” THAT DOVES AND PIGEONS USE IN “GREETING” (OR THREATENING) ANOTHER DOVE OR PIGEON, HE GAVE A “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” AND THERE HAVE BEEN A COUPLE OF ATTEMPTS AT “MOUNTING” IT. BUT HE'S MADE IT QUITE OBVIOUSLY CLEAR: IT HAS NO PLACE IN HIS HOUSE !!! AND IT CERTAINLY ISN'T APPRECIATED IN MY HANDS OR ON MY LAP !!! I'll keep working on this little project, to see what it brings when finished. I have to sew the fabric around the “body” and then, add “wings”. I'm not going to “embellish” it at all, because I don't want “loose threads” or any sort of colouring that Yonah could ingest. And, from all the attention he gives to the pillows on the futon, there's no print on the cases so no “art-work” is necessary. I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing his reactions when it's done. (And I'm working on how to weight it so that it can tolerate his attacks, and I'm wondering if he'll “accept it” into his house... if so, I'll need to figure a way to affix it to a perch, no doubt. But that's WELL after I see how he reacts to it generally.) This might be a mistake, on my part, but if so... the “pillow” will either go or just become a “conversation piece”. No matter... As with every moment with Yonah... this is just another learning experience for me... and he's still THE GREATEST TEACHER! Well, this is, for the most part, the way Yonah and I passed this Wint'ry Sunday together. There couldn't be any better way than in the company of one's VERY BEST companion. (Though, I'm not really too sure how Yonah sees me, after the experience with the “new dove”.) Before I could even realise it, the evening had arrived! So, I moved along to the kitchen where, as briefly as possible, I had my meal... and moved back into Yonah's room to see the evening out... together. We changed waters, closed windows against the night's chill, and before I sat at the work table to get on with today's “Journalling”, with a little soft music and Yonah's “bird-songs” playing... we had a bit of “Love re-affirming play”, including some “preening” of my hand. (Looks like we're still Besties). Yonah had a bit of a nibble and then took his place on his perch... just over my left shoulder. Our day was winding-down. I turned the FullSpec light and fountain off, and by the dimmer, softer light of the desk lamp, went about “recording” this Journal page and as I typed, Yonah took his place... on his door perch, beside and just behind me. Our “last half hour” of the day... soft music, soft light... and just the two of us... It IS the perfect closure of a day.
Oh well... came “the hour”... 19.30... the time when my heart gets heavy... “seepie-nigh-night”... and again, tonight, although Yonah obviously knew what time it was, because when I stood up to give him cuddles, he went up to his perch, he really didn't want the day to close. Hey! Neither do I... ever. If we both could manage it, I'd be up with him until we both took our last breath. And, as I say, if there were to be a way, I'd be in there with him through the night... not just on the futon... But, as it is, we both need a night of sleep and so... cuddles, kisses, the night boards went up, the musics went off. Yonah got “settled” with LOVE. His room is comfortable, and the furnace kicked-in to give him a little added warmth to start his night. The snow is falling ever-so lightly out there in the darkness. -21° with a “chill” of -25° ahead, but Yonah's room won't let that in. He'll be warm, protected... and, as always, LOVED, CHERISHED, CARED FOR AND CARED ABOUT. That's my PRECIOUS Little Guy... That's my Heart-and-Soul... That's my every breath.
mourning dove 24 January 2022Monday 24 January:
Busy day, this chilled but “mostly sunny” Winter Monday! And this one began with “morning call” at 7.27 with another exchange of all sorts of conversation and dialogue. Yonah woke, very ready to face the day, and, as he always does, he gave strength and elation to my spirit.
All during the “morning routine”, he coo'ed, in a combination of “woo-HOO....”, from the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” to the more length “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo-hoo”. How I WISH I could know, for certain, what they all mean, but I won't even venture to speculate. All I CAN say is that, when I answer, in what-ever combination, it seems to evoke some kind of response, and none sound as if I've insulted or aggravated him in any manner. (I wouldn't doubt that at least ONE of his responses is something along the lines of “WHAT? Have you gone completely insane?” But, no matter, he takes my ignorance in stride and I still get wing-snaps of play and cuddles, so I'll suppose I haven't offended him... too much.)
Most of the morning was sorting through photos taken in the past couple of days, and coding them into the “Portfolio” pages and adding them to this Journal. And I have to say here that, although the “Portfolio” might appear to be quite “heavy” with so many photos and videos, the truth is that they're less than 25% of ALL of the photos and videos that have been taken. I keep the rest on “peripheral drives”... of “terabytes”. I just can't bear to delete any of them because each one, no matter how good or seemingly insignificant, records a particular moment in time... time with Yonah, his presence, his activities, his antics and his quieter moments. And just as he is SO PRECIOUS to me, they're each, only just slightly less, and that's only because they're not actually him. NOTHING in my entire existence is more PRECIOUS, more CHERISHED, of ANY greater importance to me than him, his presence, his “being”... his happiness, comfort, well-being. But thankfully, today, there were only a few days' worth of photos to sort through and, as I sat in his room, at his work table, with him as my supervisor and COMPANION... we got them all the where they ought to be.
We DID, of course, have “play time” too. Everybody's entitle to a break now and then, and Yonah has NO reservations when it comes to making that all-too-well obvious! Flying around the room, coo'ing, roosting on his perches beside me, or on the work table... AND, of course, one of his more favourite “posts”... on my head, with-out a word (or a “coo”) he gets his message across in perfect clarity. And he KNOWS where the best places are in the room to settle, where he can be seen and where he can stare, directly at me. And if I don't look up quickly enough, I hear the “wing-snap”! Now THAT I've come to learn and understand. When he does that, he expects me to drop what-ever it is I'm doing and reach out for “play”... a little game of “Chase and Catch Me... if you can”.
And what makes it all the more clear that he's “playing” is that, as I “cuddle” him, cupped ever-so lightly in my hands, he slips out, steps away just a bit, turns, looks at me and gives another “wing-snap”. He's always free to leave, to go else-where if and when he's had enough, and some-time he does. But, for the most part, he dives right back toward my hands, so we can repeat the whole process again. Sometimes, he WILL fly away, most often to the wall shelf and from there, he'll give another “wing-snap”. I've come to learn that THAT means “C'mon try and get me up here!” If I don't, he'll either wing-snap until I do or, he'll follow the snap with a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo!” As can be imagined, it does require some time, any-where from a moment or two to... well... we've been involved with all of it up-wards of 20-30 minutes at a time! But no matter... this is what I'm here for. It's all a part of making certain that Yonah is happy and knows, at ALL times, that HE is THE one, and that he's as happy as I can possibly provide for.
We did have a “snooze” today, too. And again, for the full 30 minutes, from the moment I put my head to the pillow on his futon until I woke and sat up to return to the tasks of the day, Yonah snoozed with me... on my shoulder. As I drifted off, I felt him land... and when I opened my eyes, there he was, as comfortable as he could possibly be, and I sensed that I'd woken him up when I moved. I seriously can't even imagine a “snooze” with-out him... and when I say “can't” I mean that most literally. I don't see it.
One of the cutest and, to me, fascinating little habits he's taken to of late is that he enjoys being in the potted orange tree! I've NO idea what the attraction is, and, honestly, that tree IS an actual orange tree, grown from the seed of an actual Florida orange, so it's not exactly a bit of “flora” that a “New York mourning dove” would have ANY familiarity with. And he doesn't try to “roost” IN it. He just likes to be in the pot, at the base. Sometimes he'll “scout around” and at other times, he'll just “lounge about” in there. (Thankfully, the soil is clean and chemical-free. And there are NO indications of any sorts of “pests” in it... I tend to care for that tree with no exceptions... having grown it, as I did, from a seed from some oranges I was sent as a gift... oh... TEN YEARS ago now - now THAT doesn't even seem possible but... “time”... NONE of THAT seems possible... nor how quickly it's given and taken.) Anyway... as the photos attached here show... I worked at the table, Yonah watched... from 'neath the orange tree... on the table. WHAT A CHARACTER! WHAT A LOVE! WHAT A MIRACLE! THAT'S MY LITTLE GUY!
But there was an “exciting discovery” that became an out-right “obsession” for me and occupied the ENTIRE rest of the day... As I was looking for my current “brain storm gone amok”, looking for little “mourning doves” of some sort or another, being, quite frankly, angered in that the little “clip-on decorations” are marketed as “decoys” with more mention of “filling sacks” (with murdered doves) than attracting doves for the purpose of enjoying their presence and offering and providing them with nourishment and a safe place to eat it... and making the next food-shopping list for Yonah... I happened to stumble upon some NEW information on the internet! A most enlightening, wonderful, heart-warming article, written by a Mr. Etienne van Blerk who writes of the “sentience” of mourning doves, and, in particular, their sense of “love and loss”! And it references a video captured by a Mr. James Yule, who recorded the response of a mourning dove to a deceased mate! At the top of the article, a photo of two mourning doves on a pavement. One had been killed and the other stood, head lowered, eyes, closed, beside it. And the text of the essay, proving the “organics” of the sentience of these two little lives, these two little beings, referencing the “chemical aspects” of the brain, comparing them to humans! I was SO deeply taken by all the information and the extent to which the material delved. Finally, a document to PROVE that these little “targets of the demented” actually DO have as much (“more” and “better” as a matter of fact) sense of “LOVE” and “LOSS” as those who heartlessly murder them... in the name of “sport” and “fun”. I decided that I wanted to incorporate the information into Yonah's site, with some predominance! BUT, I want to get proper permission to do so, and to let Mr. van Blerk know of my desires. But above all, I truly DO want, so very much, to have it in a place where it will be found, read, and the information LEARNED (as if that's possible and that it will make any worth-while difference to those who might, at least, glean it). So I got busy working a new page for the site, including a “PDF” of the actual article, providing the due credits and links of both, the author of the article and the videographer. It took a while, because of how much I wanted it all to take a dominant place on the site so that it can't be by-passed, and then, when I'd done as much as I could (at least for the while), I dove into finding ANY contact information on author and videographer. That proved to be a bit more difficult than I'd thought it would be. Seems the author is located in South Africa, and the only “contact” potential is on “LinkedIn”... which is, for a great part, a dead end unless, as I came to learn, one participates in the service and pays for a “subscription”. So, I went to social media... “Twitter”, and posted a request for information... or, at least, a “re-post” of my request, in the hopes that SOME-BODY will SOME-HOW “link” to either the author or some-one who can direct me appropriately.
Well, to-date, as it were, I did get a re-post from some ONE and then a “lead”, but that went directly back to “LinkedIn”! OH! BUT... the person who responded so quickly offered to send word via LinkedIn because s/he has an active account there! SO... I'm hopeful. (Yes, I do suppose this has become and “obsession” of sorts, but I'm quite excited! It's been over a year of feeling SO “alone”, helping Yonah based, primarily on my own gut instincts, and though they seem to be doing just wonderfully, since he's healthy, strong and we're both getting along perfectly well... as our own little “flock”, I see no end to the extent of my learning abilities where Yonah and other mourning doves are concerned, and my heart is SUCH a part of all of this learning experience that, well, call it an “obsession”, but, it does keep me alive... quite literally.)
And, as concerns the “video” from which the “still” photo was taken... I DID manage to find that posted, in whole. And so, perhaps, with the videographer's permission, I might be able to include THAT, on Yonah's site, as well. (After all, the intention of Yonah's site is to be a repository of a variety of information, so that others can find the site and get as much information, help and support as possible, with-out having to go through the Hell I've gone through... trying to find something other than “Just put it in a box...”)
And, to me, personally, it's a comfort to see and learn, come to know, that there truly ARE others, “out there”, with whom I share this compassion for the Little Ones of this Creation. As I say, it's been a frightening and lonely year with Yonah, “guessing” and “hoping” that what-ever it is he needs, I can and do provide. It's been a lonely year, looking for somebody I feel I can trust him with and to, whether it be a temporary situation where I might have to be away for a little while, and/or even a proper veterinarian (and thus far, I'm not very assured in the competence and compassion of those some-what near-by). I never thought I was completely “solo” in my passion and compassion, but, as time passes, it's good to see that I'm not... and, as I see, never have been.
Meanwhile, I decided to post a “Disclaimer” with the essay, expressing that I mean NO violation of copyright and providing as much information as I have on the creators and links to the original presentations on-line. Where it all comes to is to be seen... but for now... both, Messrs. van Blerk and Yule have more “presence” on the internet... and I HOPE this helps them in some way...
One thing though, that keeps repeating in my mind, as though a “mantra” of some sort: the statistics of how hunted and murdered mourning doves are, and yet, the claim that they're “protected”! That it's “illegal” to have, capture, keep, possess, &c. a mourning dove. Yes, I understand that they're NOT to be “captured” and “kept”... and I do NOT think of Yonah as either, NOR do I think of, consider, see Yonah as a “pet”... nor the trite “part of the family”. Yonah is as free as he was born to be. I'm only providing him with the life-essentials, the comforts that, if I hadn't brought him in, he'd never have had, and, well... he'd have perished. He has HIS room, HIS house with-in HIS room. He has HIS food (which is the best, to my knowledge, that I can obtain and provide). He is “confined” only by the outer walls of this house... just as I am. And the ONLY reason for ANY “confinement” is to provide him with protection, from elements, predators, and the likes. Yonah isn't a “possession”, a mere source of amusement or entertainment. He is, as I've said often before... literally the ONLY reason I'm here, today, typing these words, maintaining this web-site... he's the SOLE reason for my taking nourishment, rest... breath. I'll repeat: In October 2020, I had come to terms with a potential life-ending situation, I had NO intention of “doing” anything to combat what-ever was to come. I was at the point where I had comfortably resigned my existence to simply waiting for... There was NO reason or cause to do or be anything other. Then came Yonah, in need of a place of comfort and safety, in which to convalesce. And through the bitter-cold weeks (months) of Winter that followed, I looked to the day when he would be back with his flock in the mountains. But, as the time passed and his wounds healed strangely, and I came to terms with the possibility that he wouldn't survive “out there”, unable to fly properly, quickly nor at any great distance, I realised that he'd only have a brief future of potentially being ostracized, left alone, “rejected” as a hindrance. And, come the next Winter, he'd be unable to escape the bitter cold nights, flying to warmer climates (migrating, as it were) with the other mourning doves... and, in all likelihood, he'd simply freeze... to death. Then too, came the moments when he exhibited an “attachment” to me, making it abundantly clear that he KNEW that I meant him only LOVE, compassion, and in his way, he reciprocated. (It's called “bonding”... well, if that's the term, then, so be it.) HE accepted ME, with all my insecurities, faults, short-comings. And with me, in my own solitude, we'd become our own “flock”, and I became determined that, for what-ever time we had together, I would do ALL that I possibly could and can, to make certain that he'd want and need for nothing... so long as I took breath. It was then that I began my own battle with what-ever it was that ailed me, and sought the additional help and support necessary to ensure that I could and would be here for him... And today, to this moment, Yonah has become, in the most literal sense, my next breath, my health and my very existence.
Well? Some may see it as “eccentricity”, some may see it as a touch of “insanity”. All are entitled to their opinions... but none are here, none have seen or experienced, and, none are participating in the JOY that is Yonah... so, let the opinions be. Yonah IS my “Life”... and, as the days pass, it would appear that I am his as well.

And so... this is how this day is, how each and every day is... and, for as long as there is a “Yonah”, how every next day will be.
And so, the day, snowy and grey and cold and damp simply drifted by... the WHOLE day, with Yonah and I together, in HIS room, just the two of us, as I digested new information and he digested his little meals as I typed and searched and such.
Before long and, as always, all too soon, the day slid through the evening and... the time passed into the night. And at 18.00, we attended to the “evening routine”... waters were changed, house was tidied, the blinds and curtains on the windows were closed against the coming night's chills. Yonah had his little snacks before sleep. At 19.00, his FullSpec light and fountain were turned off, the light in his room... the little desk lamp, soft and dim. (Almost a replication of the setting sun... as it were.) And at 19.30... it was, as we call it, “seepie-nigh-night” time. I'd been at the work table all through the day, with the exceptions of briefly leaving the room as needed. When I saw the hour, I wrapped-up what I was involved with, and Yonah was on his door perch, waiting... When I got up to get to “tuck-in”, he “knew” the time. I stood up, he gave a “wing-snap”... it was “cuddle time”, and we had a good, heart-felt cuddle. We “chatted” about the day's events and when I asked: “Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night?” he flew up to his perch, as he does when he hears that expression. I put up his night boards, positioned his mourning dove 24 January 2022 house so that the warmth of his radiator would rise to keep him comfortable during the night. He gave his little “Good night” coo's to the little reflections in his mirrors. We had another cuddle and some “kisses”... and I put out the desk light. We closed another MAGNIFICENT DAY... TOGETHER. And though, as it always is at the close of a day... my heart missed him, in spite of the fact that, no matter what or where, I'd always be in the very next room. But, too, as always, tonight, again, I know that little Mr. Yonah Taube is safe, warm, protected, LOVED, CHERISHED ABOVE ALL ELSE IN CREATION! And now we'll look forward to “new experiences” with today's new “lesson”, information, and potential contact with others who have a kind, compassionate soul, who know the MIRACLE that is mourning doves... That's my Little Guy, my Heart-and-Soul... that's my LOVE, PASSION.
Tuesday 25 January:
Oh my! 7.38 this morning! Looks like the earlier sun-rise really IS having an effect on our “rise and shine”! A bit sad though, considering the season, and that the earlier day-light only serves to bring attention to the cold, grey and white. But hey! HEY! Mr. Heart-and-Soul is up, about and... as we chatted again, this morning, through “morning routine”, I can't find a care to give about the rest of the world. What made it all especially SPLENDID was that, when Yonah called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... I replied with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... to which HE replied “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” and when *I* replied with the same... HE called with a “woo-HOO!” (I took it as “Well, enough with the 'woo-hoos'; I'm up and awake in here and you need to open this place up!”)
And this morning was rather “cute” in that, I'd opened the door to Yonah's house, leaned to immediate smooches! We got a cuddle in too, and I went round and opened the curtains and blinds, all the while, having another dialogue. BUT, when I retrieved the containers to fetch the waters... Yonah took flight, headed up to his wall shelf and when I came back into the room with the “first round” of water... he was still up there... and that's where he remained... UNTIL I'd done with the water-running! It was as if he wanted to “stay out of the way” or... he didn't want to be “in the vicinity” of my running and passing-by. When I'd finished with the water-changing and house-tidying, he came over to his roof and gave me “a look”. I reached into his house, took his food dish out, held it up where he could see it, gave it a “tap” and said “Listen you... it's time for a little breakfast. Come. The food is fresh and good for you and you haven't had anything to eat from since last night.” And I put the dish back and went to the kitchen to straighten and settle that... When I came back in, moments later... the evidence was clear, there were little divots in the seeds in the dish and a few scattered about... YONAH HAD HAD HIS BREAKFAST! So there! (Talk about “understanding”... He recognises the “water containers”... he KNOWS where his food is, he KNOWS when fresh food has been served and he recognises... “It's breakfast time and you need to eat something.” SO there for THAT! Indeed!)
And so... the “morning” came drifting in... with a light cloud-cover of the sun that tried to make a noticeable appearance and the lightest snow continued to fall... but that was out-side. In-side, in Yonah's room, the temperature rose to a nice 24°, the bird-songs played... and we both “settled into the day”... together.
The day rolled along and I let it pass, at the work table, with Yonah flying about, up on shelves, on his futon, on the floor. (He's a laugh... For some reason, he seems to enjoy being under the work table, toddling about my feet. But I have to be SO careful now... looking before making any sort of move, especially my feet! I never know when he's down there and he doesn't always answer when I “call” for him... unlike how I answer when HE calls me. I don't understand why he's taken to the floor. It's colder than the rest of the room, and with the sun pouring in through the window, as it had done... sporadically through the day, he's taken to the “shadows” of late. It used to REALLY concern me... thinking that he was looking for a “dark and secluded” place... he's not moulting, so I was worried that he wasn't well. But... it's become so common now that, well, this IS HIS room, and this entire old house IS HIS domain so, where-ever he wants to go and be... I'm in perfect agreement. As I say, I just need watch my movements and steps now... there's NEVER telling WHERE Yonah is to be found!)
And I got his Journal caught-up. I'd been SO distracted yesterday, with the excitement of the new information, that all I actually did for his Journal was to type and jot “notes” through the day. But this morning, I stayed at the work table (with the exception of “play breaks” and a snooze) and got the particulars down. The most important part of it all... YONAH AND I WERE TOGETHER! And that's all that need be said on the matter.
As the morning drifts to after-noon, so too, the after-noon drifts to evening and into night. But Yonah and I had a FULL day together, and time for play, for cuddles, kisses, chats.
I'm really excited about the potential new “connection” with the author of the essay. Imagine... Yonah will make it to South Africa! He already has notoriety with some-one new on social media. “Missy” has been a God-send in more ways than can be mentioned! She's the connection between van Blerk and Yonah... (technically). And as I tell Yonah, “You're the spokes-dove for ALL of your flocks!” Well, I can hope that his story gets out.. I know there are people who will try to come to take him from me, one day. I'm ready to fight them. But then too, should they take him... well... they can deal with having killed an old man too because they'll rip my heart out at the same time. But for now... well...
For now, Yonah Taube is safely tucked-in at his house, for the night. The rest of the house is warming with the furnace and his room is so wonderfully “toasty warm”. No need to fluff any feathers. And his waters are fresh and clean, there's plenty of fresh food there, if he gets the urge to nosh. His house is clean and tidy... and from the next room, but under our shared roof, he has SO MUCH LOVE, and he' SO CHERISHED! And in a few days, we'll be “shopping”... for more food and what-ever else we can find that he'd enjoy. The rest of the world can deal with itself... We're here... with and for one-another... for as long as “our forever” is.
mourning dove 26 January 2022Wednesday 26 January:
At 7.06 this morning, checking Yonah's e-mail, as is done daily, tears welled and fell freely. A MESSAGE FROM ETIENNE van BLERK! GIVING PERMISSION TO INCLUDE THAT MAGNIFICENT WORK THAT APPEARS AS THE SECOND PAGE OF THIS SITE! AN HONOUR, A HEART-TOUCHING PRIVILEGE TO BE ALLOWED TO PRESENT, IN ANOTHER VENUE, AN ESSAY SUPPORTING THE SENTIENCE OF MOURNING DOVES! IT'S BEEN OBVIOUS, TO ME (Yonah's secretary here) THAT YONAH IS AS SENTIENT, “KNOWING”, “FEELING” AS ANY PERSON, IF NOT EVEN SO MUCH MORE-SO THAN CAN BE DESCRIBED, BUT TO HAVE “SCIENTIFIC” EVIDENCE PRESENTED... WELL! THERE WE HAVE IT! AND I DON'T MIND ADMITTING THAT I TREMBLED WITH HUMILITY AND GRATITUDE FOR THIS PRIVILEGE! This site was, as I've said before, was originally created so that I could, no matter where I happened to be, access a display of photos and videos of Yonah, thinking of a time when he wouldn't be with me, for what-ever reason or cause. And as I built it, I remembered that, if I can access it, others will be able to as well. So came the “Care” segment, to provide help, support and inspiration to others who may be equally blessed with the presence of mourning doves in their own lives. It was supposed to be a repository of information, gathered from the various web-sites I discovered, as I stumble through a learning process, in an attempt to be able to provide Yonah with EVERY (or as much as is humanly possible) comfort and necessity required for his happiness and contentment. It was to be not only a source of reference for others, but notes and notations for my own reference as well, as time passed. BUT THIS ADDITION, TO ME, MOST CERTAINLY INTRODUCES AN ELEMENT OF “PROFESSIONALISM”, AND, AS IS MY SINCERE HOPE, AN INSPIRATION TO THE READERS TO TAKE MORE SERIOUSLY, THE LIFE, THE LIVING BEING, THAT IS, AS I WAS TOLD WHEN FIRST LOOKING FOR HELP TO NURSE YONAH BACK TO HEALTH... A LIVING BEING THAT “Nobody will take. Nobody will have an interest in.” AND, HOPEFULLY, IT WILL CAUSE OTHERS TO PAUSE TO CONSIDER THE “SOUL”, THE “SPIRIT”, THE “MIND AND HEART” OF, NOT ONLY MOURNING DOVES, BUT OTHER LITTLE LIVES OF THE WILD AND WILDERNESS... NO MATTER THE SPECIES OR SIZE. EVEN AS I TYPE THIS, AT THE END OF OUR DAY, I STILL HAVE TEARS OF APPRECIATION, AND A TREMBLING OF DISBELIEF IN THE GREAT FORTUNE OF THIS MORNING! WHAT A DAY! WHAT A MORNING!
And as I sat, quietly, at table, reading and re-reading Etienne's words... at 7.37 came the GLORIOUS “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... the “morning call”... The STAR of ALL of my existence was up, awake, and ready to face the day! And I went in to him, still a bit trembling, eyes still wet with tears, and as I greeted him, opened his door and put my head in for our usual “Good morning kisses”, he MUST have sensed something from me because he IMMEDIATELY came over and nestled against my face! So, with greatest care, I softly told him of this morning's event...
“You're REALLY moving along to 'international status' now, my Little Heart-and-Soul! You're REALLY becoming the 'voice of the doves'! From New York to South Carolina... From Canada to South Africa, YOU and YOUR story are becoming the word of you flocks! Maybe, one day, together, you and I will make a difference in how your fellow doves are treated. Maybe, one day, we'll see that lowly humans will have respect for you, for doves, the cardinals, robins, even the hawks, eagles, the squirrels, chipmunks... Who knows? Maybe. But if that happens, hopefully YOU will ALWAYS be remembered because, well, it really IS 'ALL' about YOU! And you're not loved just by me... you're getting love from around the world... literally. Imagine that? From places you'd probably never get to on this great big old planet. How about that?”
I got my “morning kisses”... repeated little soft pecks on the face, the nose, and Yonah stretched his wings and hopped across to the other perch, by his food... I guess he's not interested in “celebrity”, he just wanted to get on with his day.
And so, I composed myself, content with his companionship and knowing that he was with me again, today, that he'd had a good night's rest and we got to the “morning routine”... AND, I'd no sooner stepped out of his room to go to the kitchen to fetch the first of the fresh water for his pool when he was on the wing... and up to his shelf. I'd heard the “whistle” of his wings and when I returned, there he was, “perched” at the perfect vantage point from where he could “supervise” the activities. Me? I was just GRANDLY ALL BUT OVER-WHELMED... Yonah? He just wanted the chores to finish so we could get on with the rest of our day.
And the rest of our day consisted of BRILLIANT SUN-SHINE pouring in through his windows... and a nice warm space, protected from today's crisp cold out in the world. (It was, as it is, hard for me to see the other doves, out in the yard, having their “Winter” breakfast, all fluffed to keep warm. But it was a comfort to know that Yonah was quite comfy... and was eating just as well... if not a bit better... only because he was able to eat in the warmth of HIS room, in HIS house.)
This morning, Deborah came by with an article from the NY Times, 2020 July 2021. Entitled “Calls of the Wild” it recounted the experiences of a man, not really so much unlike me, who rescues injured, abandoned and other-wise ill Little Ones in the Southern part of the state. It truly IS comforting to know that there are, “out there” in this other-wise self-serving world, still SOME who have and give the respect and compassion to the Little Ones, as they SO deserve! Shameful, really, that most of them do so as “volunteers” which means they can't invest a “full-time schedule” to their efforts. Then again, those few who actually collect a “salary”, well, it's rather like any sort of “health care”: once a salary and schedule are associated, it all becomes nothing but a “job”, a source of income, with a “defined and confined” period of time in which to provide “services”. So, I suppose the “volunteer” aspect is better. At least “volunteers” give of themselves because it's their ambition, and they give from the heart, not the “wallet or purse”. Still, as I read the article, I was drawn to tears again. I've become so very sensitive to the issues of “wild-life” and “domestic” Little Ones. And though it's a comfort now, to have read the article, to have met Deborah and now, Etienne, as the “social circle” increases, my sensitivity follows. I tend to think it's because the “stress” of being so “alone” where Yonah and his proper care is concerned for so long is decreasing, now that I'm learning that I'm not “really alone” any more. And the comfort of knowing that others care too... well... remove the “stress” and there's room for the tears. It could be worse... MUCH worse... I could be weeping because there's nobody. Better this way. And BRAVO, KUDOS AND GRATITUDES TO THOSE WHO CARE! It CAN be so difficult but SO worth the efforts when we think: there's a little heart beating out there, a little LIFE... because we took the relatively little time and effort to help, as best we can. (It brings to mind the “experience” at that veterinarian's office when, after driving for HOURS in the late-Summer heat, and arriving late, being made to feel that I was “intruding”, “interrupting” and the apathetic “So sorry you couldn't make your appointment today.”... and then I had to almost beg for another appointment. Well? It was, most-likely, for the best. There's just no telling what sort of abuse Yonah would have been subjected to, had we “made the appointment”... or gone to the next one. Not to mention, the risk of having that one, the “vet”, taking him from me... and THAT, I would NEVER doubt was a pretty good possibility. No... Yonah is here, happy, healthy and CHERISHED. We're fine.) I digress... as usual.
We DID have quite a busy day together though. I had Journals to record, other work to attend to, and ALL of it from Yonah's work table. There wasn't even time for a good “snooze”... though, I did manage to grab a quick lie-down... of course, with my little “Guardian” on my shoulder. But for the most part, I was “engaged” but present. AND YES... DID WE EVER HAVE PLAY-TIME TODAY!
Yonah's been in a “contact” mood of late... wing-snaps and even calling for attention! It's amazingly delightful! I'm actually being SHOWN that my company isn't just appreciated, it's also being requested! He WANTS to play with me! He WANTS the interaction with me! He WANTS to contact! And this, again, reinforces the importance of...
I can't help but wonder how many people have, in their homes, a bird, of ANY sort, in a cage some-where, on a table, a stand... and all they do is provide food, water and a change of “substrate”, as it were... “flooring”, or “bedding”, never taking the time to BE WITH the Little One, to show and exchange compassion, friendship, to make contact, or even to sit and “chat”. I DO wonder... and it saddens me to think... I've known, and seen, all too well, incidents of dogs being chained to little “houses” in yards, left out in the bitterest cold, the searing heat, pouring rain. Cats too. As they say: in the evening... bring in the dog and put out the cat. There's NO thought given to the conditions and it sickens and disgusts me to hear “Oh... they're fine. It's what they're used to.” No, not really. It's what they're being forced to contend with because of apathy, ignorance and stupidity. But to think of a little bird, dropped into a cage, confined... well... Yonah will NEVER come to know that... so long as I draw breath! Yes, at night, I close his door... and as I've noted, it's more to keep him from blindly flying about the room in the darkness. But... most assuredly... when he wakes in the morning... that door is opened... and it stays that way through the day... he's free to go where-ever he likes, and today... it was all over the room as I worked... and when I was on the phone? He literally watched me. He made me SO aware of the fact that he didn't understand that I was actually speaking to somebody else who wasn't in the room with us. So he was happy... it appeared that I was talking with him... and that's perfectly perfect... for both of us, I believe.
Well? This evening, just before “tuck-in”, I was sitting at the work table, jotting some notes on items I wanted to include in today's Journal, and was having a little “after dinner snack” at the work table, and when I turned round to see where Yonah was... HE TOO, was having his “before bed-time snack”! It's uncanny, but he's done the same when I've brought a bit of lunch into the room. It's as if he sees me eating and goes to eat as well. I've learnt that mourning doves enjoy foraging and feeding together, as a group, being as “social” as they are, but, again, it appears... Yonah and I are... a “flock”. My heart just grows more brilliant with the honour I'm given.
“Tuck-in” tonight was another “heart-wrencher”. I don't know why, but he seems to “want” my presence, doesn't want to be “alone”. He was quite content with my mere presence in the room during the day. We had our “play and affection” times. I make SURE that we have those. But, some-how, it appears that he's even MORE “attached” of late. Yes, I understand the “bonding”, but I have to believe that mourning doves, no matter how “bonded” or “attached to a mate” they become, that they don't have “alone time” at some point during a day. I'm going to have to dig again, in what-ever information I can find, to see about this. There are times when I have to leave the house, but even if I go to the kitchen, for coffee... well, to make a point, this evening, when I went to have my meal, Yonah took his place on his pillow, at the end of the futon, where he could constantly see that I was “'there”, in sight. I wonder... HOW I wonder. It's an HONOUR, to be “wanted”. And, to be honest, the feeling is completely mutual, there's NO doubting that at all. And leaving him, even to step out of the house for the briefest of moments is a bit of a burden on my own heart. I just wonder... I just wonder.
But we did get settled, and he did take his usual place on his perch for the night. We did have our cuddles, kisses and “Good night”. And I do take great comfort in knowing that he's warm through the night, though I'm forever concerned, especially on these rather “bitter-cold” nights (-25° again, tonight) about the furnace not running properly, or drafts of cold in his room. After all, I have blankets to snuggle under... he has his feathers. Thankfully, he has his own “climate control” in his own radiator, and that does keep his room MUCH warmer than the rest of the house. And always, there's plenty of food and water for him, should he want. And I am only in the next room. And too... whether he “knows” it or not, and I'm rather sure that he does, he has my heart and soul... he IS my “Heart-and-Soul”... and he's safe, in a place of his own, protected more than he ever would be out in the “wild”. Well... we do our very best. I'm sure it's not “perfect”, and I wish I could be. But, for tonight... my Little Guy is safe, secure, warm, LOVED, CHERISHED, protected... and if Fate and Creation are kind... tomorrow will be another day... I'll have more than enough to keep with him... and I look forward to that... I suppose he does too.
Thursday 27 January:
The house was still, in the “early morning” and I was at the kitchen table, having morning coffee, checking e-mails, as I do at that hour... Yes, plural. I have mine, and Yonah has his (and his are much more pleasant to read, and of a better, more “welcome” genre and sort).
Etienne had sent another message, and I was, needless to say, just as “trembling with delight” as I was at the very first e-mail received. The message was extraordinarily up-lifting! I'm going to paraphrase here because the opinion expressed, by such a learnéd person, worthy of the highest esteem, is in concert with the general purpose of Yonah's web-site:
”To me, there has never been any question about sentience in all living beings. It is only recently that advances in science and technology is allowing us through novel and non-invasive means to uncover some of the mysteries of sentience in other species, for us to know for sure.
I have always thought there to be a deep irony in the etymology of the English word, “animal”, which is a derivative of the Latin noun, “anima”, meaning “breath”. Indeed, the derived adjective, “animalis”, means “having breath”. In Latin though, this adjective is cognate for “having a soul”!
Anglophone societies across the world for one, have come to refer to ourselves on the other hand, as “human”, from Old French, “humaine”, which was derived in turn, from the Latin, “humanus”, to infer that which has come forth from the earth or soil, “humus”, not unlike the mythical golem of our Jewish folklore if you ask me!”

To my mind, I thought: How could I have forgotten the etymology of the terms? I once had them as part of my common vocabulary! And that animalis is having breath... how coincidental... in that Yonah, literally, has given and gives ME “breath”... because, with-out him, had he not come into my existence, I was simply waiting to my own “final breath”... but now... I cherish each one taken and look forward to the next... because he is here. He was all but abandoned that morning in October 2020... He's NEVER been abandoned since... and, I'll see to it that he never is again. And should he leave before me... he won't be “alone” for very long... indeed.
Well, as I sat, having coffee, digesting the words on the screen before me...
7.29... and through the door of Yonah's room came... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! My “breath”, my heart-beat was awake! I answered “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and received, in return “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. And when, as I was getting up from the table, I called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo” the reply to that was “woo-HOO!” almost as if to say “Enough! The chatting is lovely but it's time to open doors and windows and get on with the day now!”
As I softly but quickly entered his room, Yonah was on his perch and gave another “woo-HOO!”. Oh but yes, indeed... he was ready to take on another day. (And THEN, so too, was I!)
Again, this morning, he was up, in flight and out his door, off to the futon, then to the self where he supervised another “morning routine”. And before I had time to finish with the water-change, he was back on his door perch... watching for a moment or so... and getting kisses as I went back and forth. Moments later, he was up and having breakfast! My heart was complete: My Heart-and-Soul was awake, well, active, hungry and eating! There was nothing else in Creation and beyond that mattered. And when I'd done changing the water in his pool, all nice, clean, fresh... he hopped over for a drink. “Taking nourishment”... ALL was perfectly well and fine this morning.
AND... since I worry so about him being “warm enough”... I took note: out-side this morning, the temperature was, according to report, -25°... In Yonah's room? A delightful +27°! Oh yes... last night's “bitter cold” didn't stand a chance in HIS room! And that's the way I make sure to keep it.
As for the day, well, it turned out to be quite wonderful, but a bit on the “strange” side...
I had a LOT of work to catch-up on because there were so many distractions and the likes yesterday, so I moved right in to the work table and got straight to the tasks at hand. And for all but an hour, Yonah and I were together. And I got in a really “good” bit of a nap... and of course, as it seems it “must” be, Yonah came over as I laid down, took his place on the pillow beside me until I closed my eyes, and as I did, he took a “quick flight” to my shoulder and toddled down, along my torso, hip and legs, toward my feet... and I drifted off. BUT... ONCE AGAIN... TWO MINUTES BEFORE THE ALARM WAS SET... “Peck, peck, peck” on my temple, and Yonah was on the pillow again. Honestly! I AM STILL in AWE... that “to minutes before the alarm”... HOW could he know? HOW could he even sense? AND, what makes it all the more interesting to me is that the ONLY “reference” he might have is when I tell him “Just 20 minutes” or “I'm going to grab 30 minutes” and even when I come up with a time of “21” or “22 minutes”... TWO MINUTES BEFORE THE ALARM... “Peck, peck, peck...” And it's just too often to be mere coincidence. I'm not offering any opinion, theories or other-wise, but there we have it. Maybe one day somebody will figure it out... and tell the rest of us. Mean-while... I'm just thinking of it as “BRILLIANCE”!
Now, the “strange” aspect of the day... for the past week or so, Yonah has seemed to want a LOT of contact, to be “close”, to “play” to be touched. When I leave his room, even to use the loo, he calls out “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” or “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo-hoo”. Today, it was EVERY time I left the room, whether for another coffee, the loo or any other reason. And he continues calling until I call back. It's as if he truly DOES think of being “abandoned”! So we DID have as many “cuddles and snuggles” as we possibly could and even then, as I held him in my cupped hands and gave little “kisses”, he was as calm and content as he could possibly be! And, quite often, when I raise my head and open my hands, he'll take flight... not so today. He waited for “more” affection! And during the day, he spent a great deal of time either on his door perch, at my shoulder, or on the little extension perch, above my left shoulder.
Today, I had no choice but to run some brief errands and so, when, today, I got me together, in the living-room, because Yonah knows that, when I put on a coat and boots, I'll be leaving and he's obviously none-too-happy about that. I keep a little “waist-pack” on the work table chair where I keep my “cards” and such, and when I remove that, he shows obvious signs of some degree of what can only be called “anxiety”. He's come to associate that with me leaving as well. I'd removed it earlier this morning though, in preparation for today's errands, and put it in the kitchen, out of his sight, and returned to the work table. BUT... SOME-HOW, HE MUST HAVE SENSED THAT I WAS PREPARING TO LEAVE THIS AFTER-NOON AND FROM THE LIVING-ROOM, I COULD HEAR HIM “CALLING”... REPEATEDLY, AND MY RESPONSES WERE OF NO SOLACE! I have to admit that, for a while, I was becoming rather “anxious” my-self, with wonder: was he trying to tell me something... not to go for some reason? I couldn't help but think it, but the errands needed to be run today so... I continued getting ready and all the while telling him “I'll be right back. I'm not leaving. I'm not going away for long. I'll be right back.” It didn't seem to give any comfort and I left, feeling so “heavy-hearted”.
Well, from leaving to return, it was just under and hour, and when I walked in the door, as I removed foot-wear, I called “Hello? Woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and from Yonah's room came the reply... “woo-HOO!” As if to say “You're back!” And when I walked into his room, he was in his house and came RUNNING to his door, hopped up on his door perch and, standing there, gave a wing-snap! WELL! (I can't help but think of those who would, heartlessly take him from his home here... mindlessly, clueless as to his comfort and out attachment to each-other, one to the other. He's obviously NOT being abused, nor neglected. And he OBVIOUSLY IS comfortable in his room and house... AND... as obviously, he's at least “happy” having me as his companion. It's just the thought I live with... daily.) We had ALL sorts of cuddles, and I assured him that I was back, and that now, I don't have to leave the house again like that for several days, and that mean-while, we have OUR days together and that we can plan all sorts of things to do. All the while, he remained still, under my chin, his head pressed up against me. (OK... “Sentience”... )
And so, I put the shopping up and went right back to the work table... and Yonah took flight, to my head, my shoulder, and then back to his house... to his little divot in his moss, beside me, and that's how the remainder of our day passed until it was time for me to go to the kitchen for evening meal.
This evening, as I ate, Yonah seemed more at ease... I'll suppose that he “knows” the hour of the day, and my own routine, mostly out of necessity, is that at 17.00 I have evening meal. And as I ate, in the kitchen, I leaned over to look into Yonah's room... he too, was having his evening meal. (And I don't disturb him when he eats because he tends to become distracted and will come to me instead of eating. And I'd much rather he eat.)
Meal and washing-up were complete with-in the hour and it was time for “evening routine”... So I went into his room and gathered the water containers and lifted them for him to see and said “I'm going to fetch water now.” He took a place on his perch, out of my way, but from where he could watch and I went about the tasks at hand... with supervision. Waters changed and fresh, the blinds and curtains got closed... the sun was long-ago set and the night chill was about to try to make its way in. We're NOT having ANY of that! And tonight, as I did last night, I put the back board up on his house so as not to disturb him later. THAT draws his attention... because he associates that board with “seepie-nigh-night”... the end of a day. So he had to go over to examine it and when he was satisfied that I wasn't putting lights out and such, he went on about his business, as I re-established my position at the work table. And there were were... for the next hour.
I played a few selections by Stjepan Hauser... Yonah seems to like cello and a touch of light opera... go figure. So I got to his Journal, he had a little “snack” at roosted on his door perch, in the warmth of his radiator for the rest of the hour.
19.00... the FullSpec light and his fountain were turned off... and we wound the day down by the light of his incandescent desk lamp. (The FullSpec light is more brilliant, a “whiter-almost-faint-blue” but the incandescent is more subtle, subdued, that almost golden light of a sun-set... and with the softer music, and turning off the bird-songs... it tends to resemble an “evening”... So far, it seems to meet with Yonah's approval.)
At 19.30... I got up, removed my things from the work table and Yonah? Well... I made two little trips to the kitchen as I removed my item and both times, he called. It was heart-breaking... again, he seems to not want to be left “alone”... and I wish he could know that if there were a way... we'd “snooze” the night away together... either in his house or on his futon. But, he's always slept in his house at night, and, except for the times when I was on his futon, comparatively few, always by himself. Well, I'm looking forward to next week... I'll be ordering a pair of... gods help me... “decoys”. They're quite the same colouration and size as Yonah, little mourning doves, used to lure in other mourning doves for the demented hunters. But I'm curious to see how he'll react to them. If one passes a test, I'll go back to considering a companion dove for him. If not, if he responds to them as he did with the “stuffed dove” that I still have yet to finish... and he doesn't seem too happy with that one, well... we'll take the situation from there as needed.
Other-wise... the roof board went onto his roof, and his house was settled for the night. He had a couple of kisses... he seemed pre-occupied with something in his house, so I closed his door, bade him a “seepie-nigh-night” and put out the light. But before stepping out of his room, I assured him...
You're safe, and the cold won't get to you here, in your house. And I'm never out of the sound of your call. You KNOW I'll come immediately if you need me. And tonight, out there, there'll be snow... but you don't have to even think about such things... your room, your house, your home, here, will be warm and toasty. And tomorrow? I'm not going any-where... all day. And I'll be making eggs and broccoli for you! And I have more peanuts that have to be shelled... We'll have a grand day of it. So you get a good night's sleep... my most Precious, most Cherished Little Guy. We'll have a grand and busy day together...”
Some-how, in some manner, I have to believe there's something of that that he understood because, he “settled in”... I gave little kisses and on my way out of his room, closed the door against the kitchen light but left it open enough so as to give him enough illumination to navigate his way to where he'll spend the night... and Hauser played... “Song to the moon”... the very first piece of music that Yonah EVER coo'ed to. Our day... was closed... my little LOVE, my CHERISHED, PRECIOUS Heart-and-Soul... safely tucked-in for a good night's sleep.

                * FULL SCREEN *
Friday 28 January:
At 7.39 this morning, the beautiful call of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came drifting through the still morning house-hold. We're getting closer to the “old” hour! “Nature” is still in charge of the hours, and the most magnificent reminder, a PRECIOUS, CHERISHED little mourning dove is here to remind that no matter what we humans do to try and control, there are still those aspects of existence that we cannot tamper with. The sun will rise when it does, set when it's appropriate, and mourning doves will, as they always have done, remain in harmony with the way “all” should be. And Yonah, who was, for a while, during the longer nights, waking closer to 8.00 on our clocks, is now up and about... as the day-light comes through the curtains.
And with the morning's light, so too, came Yonah's energy again, this morning! We had a chat as I walked through the door to his room... we had a chat as I opened the door to his house and, as I moved round to open his curtains... woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo and WOOSH! He was up, out and off to the futon! Not only is his morning call a boost to my old heart, but to see his energy, flying about, right after his little “morning stretch” of the wings, THAT'S an out-right inspiration to me! Old me, getting up reluctantly, from the bed, and almost begrudgingly heading to the kettle for coffee, and here's this Little Guy, IN THE AIR AND ON THE MOVE... IMMEDIATELY! I say, he's not just a teacher, he's the BEST “inspirational presenter” EVER! Just gets me moving like a teen-ager again.
And he “supervised” this morning's “routine” from his door perch, watching as my arm passed over him to pour the fresh water into his pool. AND, with “intent”, so it seemed, he even watched as I “cleaned his little nest”. He roosts, at night, directly over the little divot in the moss and, as he does, poops through the night, and it drops directly into his “nest”. So, every morning, I go through to “clean”. (It also helps me because I get to “inspect”, counting how many, looking to check colour, shape, consistency, and such. “Poop” has become my closest “friend” where Yonah's health and well-being are concerned. I've learnt what to look for, how to compare from day-to-day, and how much things like colour, texture, quantity can tell about his health and, “location, location, location”... if it's all in one place, Yonah had a peaceful, restful night, but if it's in other places, he moved about for some reason. And if THAT ever happens, I'm going to want to know “Why” and address the cause promptly!) This morning's “report”: all is well. His digestion is working well and he had a peaceful sleep last night. So my morning was off to a perfect start!
Sadly, we had no sun-shine today. In fact, we got quite a considerable cover of snow. But this morning, I put several eggs on the boil and washed the “organic” broccoli that I'd gotten on yesterday's errands, and, today, Yonah and I had our lunch together. For him, I crumbled egg yolk into some fresh seed mix, and “shaved”, as I do, the greenest tops off of some “fleurettes” of broccoli into the mix. Both the egg and broccoli are good for him, providing vitamins D and A, and there's calcium in the broccoli as well. He used to truly enjoy both, though, lately, he's not as impressed with either. But it isn't a matter of eating only what we enjoy, all the time. And those he was a bit reluctant, at first, during the day, he did “pick and peck” and eventually did have a couple good portions. And there's no worry about “left-overs” because at the end of the day, what-ever he doesn't eat goes to the flocks out-side. (OH! But those Little Ones DO eat well! Between the special mixes I put together for them, with the peanuts and sun-flower seeds, they get Yonah's left-overs. And I don't believe I need to say: Yonah gets the highest quality and the “top of the line” when it comes to food. So, this establishment serves “haute cuisine”... inside and out!)
He didn't seem “impressed” with or by it all today though. I don't mind that he gets his regular mix of seeds. There are “pellets” in there as well, little bits of fruits and vegetables, and grains, oats and wheat, along with some sun-flower, Niger, and other good food. But I always worry about his vitamin and mineral requirements, especially his vitamin D, vitamin A and calcium. Granted, he doesn't have to worry about calcium depletion from egg-laying, but those little bones are what keeps his wings able to lift and transport him. And he's already been through MUCH MORE than ANY Little One's share. So, I left the egg-broccoli-seed mix there for him during the day and nothing else. And yes, he did eat some of it, and the mix was such that he really couldn't avoid the egg and broccoli so, even if it was a relatively little bit, better than none at all.
That said... No, we didn't get ANY sun-shine through the day. But we DID get more snow into the after-noon. It made for a “comfy” sort of day though, because I got to sit with Yonah. And at lunch break, I even brought mine in to the work table and, believe it or not, when Yonah saw ME eating, HE went to HIS food! WE LUNCHED TOGETHER! Happy little “flock” that we've become. I'm going to do that more often from now on. He does eat an “evening meal” whilst I have mine in the kitchen (when he's not on his futon, watching to make sure that I'm actually still in the house... which is what he does most often). In fact, whether coincidental or not, he seems to know that I'm setting the table and getting my food ready because it's at that time he goes to have HIS “evening meal”. I've had the routine of being at table by 17.00 every evening for quite some time now, and always, since he's been here, so I have to wonder. I've looked out to see the Little Ones of the Yard at about 16.30 of an evening, and I've noticed that, as long as there's some day-light, they tend to come by then. So it could be that Yonah's “Natural clock” tells him that 17.00 is “Dinner Time!”. If that's the case, then I must be following an excellent clock for my own “routine”. Anyway, we had a wonderful lunch today, and I'm already planning on a repeat for tomorrow... and the week-end! BUT, as I was finishing my little morsels, I happened to look up from the work table, to see what Yonah was doing AND THERE HE WAS... “LOUNGING”... IN HIS POOL! The snow was blowing about out-side, the weather report was claiming “-3° out there. Yonah's room was at 22° and THERE HE WAS, JUST AS CALM AND QUIET AS HE COULD BE, “SOAKING”, AS IT WERE, IN HIS POOL, AS THE FOUNTAIN SPLASHED AGAINST THE ROCKS, UNDER THE LITTLE WHITE PINE! It might have been January-Winter out-side, but in Yonah's house, it was a delightful Spring after-noon, and he was taking EVERY advantage of it that he could!
I know I've said before, but, I don't believe I could ever say enough: A little pool, a little place to have a splash is obviously important to these Little Ones. And I still wonder whether ALL who have the blessing of their presence even give such a thing any thought at all. (I'm going to be searching and researching that point next. I mean, it's one of the easiest little additions to a comfy place to call “home”. And I change the water in Yonah's pool not less than twice daily. The little “fountain” serves as a siphon, because of the tubing under the rocks. I leave the “intake” connected to the little pump, which drains the pump when the “out-put” is disconnected from it. Both ends are placed in a bucket on the floor and as I pour fresh water into the “pool”, it “flushes” the “pool” and the tubing. Personally, I run 7 changes through before putting everything aback together. It isn't a lot of water, and it doesn't take but mere moments. And Yonah's “pool” is larger than I'd expect for most “houses”... parakeets, canaries, budgies and finches don't usually have large living spaces. But even for the larger, parrots and such, a bath, a little place to splash about, WHEN THEY WANT TO... Yes, it'll become the next “research obsession” and, as I stumble on various forums, I'll be sure to mention (read: “stress”) the importance. Yonah REALLY enjoys his pool, as is obvious by how many photos and videos he has of him posted to his “Portfolio”.

Well, our day just rolled along, as days in these old mountains will do. The snows stopped falling and the temperatures picked-up where the snows left off. They “fell”. But Yonah was perfectly snug and comfy. He had his “FullSpec” light, his bird-songs, a little soft music on his radio... and me. We had a snooze. I got back to the business of the house-hold... mostly in his room, with him. He lounged. We played. But no matter how many hours they put into a day, there's really never enough of them... We had our “evening meals”, I, in the kitchen and he in his house. I got the washing-up done and before there was a moment to realise it...
“Evening routine”... time to change waters, tidy house for the night. I replaced today's “special menu”, because I' never leave eggs and veggies over-night. Interestingly, Yonah had just had a nibble of the day's mix and when I put the new dish with his regular mix in it up for him, he headed for it immediately! It appeared that he really hadn't eaten enough all day! He DID eat, but apparently, he wasn't fond of the “gourmet” and hadn't really eaten his “fill”! This is good to know in future. But, at least I know that he did get SOME of the “good stuff'. It'll be a little while before we try the “egg and broccoli mix” again though. But it won't go to waste. It's in the fridge for tonight and will be added to the “mix” for the Little Ones of the Yard tomorrow. Good nutrition for them... along with the oils and fats. It's expected to drop to -20° tonight, and -24° tomorrow night so they'll need all the “extra” they can get. It really is a comfort to me to know that I'm able to provide them too, with good “extras”. (I should put a little card out there: “Compliments and Love from Yonah”.)
Tonight, I closed my own work at 19.00, dimmed the lights, turned the musics off and pulled my chair over to sit at Yonah's door. We had a “chat”. We used to do that, every evening, when it became obvious that Yonah wasn't going to be returning to the wild. A half hour or so, at a day's end. I would sit at his door. He had a smaller house then. Large enough to “move about” but not nearly as much space as he has now. And then, I was only just beginning to keep his door open, till wary, because I didn't want to risk him flying into walls and windows... he'd done that two or three times when I'd left his door open. But I would sit just below his door, and he would roost on his perch above me, and as I spoke, he would stare down at me. We'd talk about the day, about how he was recovering, what we could plan for as long as he was here, and even then, how much I SO LOVED him and how truly CHERISHED he was. At times, I'd have a little cry, mostly because of my disappointment in me, that I couldn't provide him with all he needed to fully recover. (It's something I still can't forgive myself for and probably never will.) And when I did, he'd tilt his head, looking at me, almost as if he saw that I was so sad and understood. And that would make me cry a bit more. Then, if I'd raise my hand at all, he'd shy away, shuffle away. But not “fly”. I suppose then, already, he'd come to know and feel and understand that I meant only the best-possible for him.
Tonight, as I talked, he came to his door perch to be closer to me, and I leaned my head on the perch and he pecked and pulled at my ear. And I reached up, and gave stroked him... and he made no effort to move away. How our lives have changed so very much!
And when it was time for “seepie-nigh-night” tonight, Yonah headed up to his little “corner loft”, gave a “check” on the little reflection in his mirror there, and shuffled over to the front of his house to “check” the little reflection in the mirror there as well. I picked-up the half-finished “stuffie” that I'd been working on, the little “dove pillow” and held it up to him to see what his reaction would be... OH MY! He gave it a “nod”, as doves and pigeons do, a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” and then... tried to CHEW at what would be the “stuffie's beak”! When I took it away, he came to his door perch and right to my face and when I leaned forward, he came to give me a couple of soft pecks on the nose. Seems he DOES see that as “competition”. So I gave him some little kisses and told him that he's the “ONE AND ONLY”... and the stuffie went under the blanket on the futon, out of sight. OK... Another lesson learnt.
And so... that settled, LOVE re-assured, Yonah headed back up to his perch for the night... I closed his door, gave kisses through it, bade him a good night and good rest... His light went off. He was “tucked-in” for the night.
Life with Yonah is one GRAND AMAZEMENT! He's BRILLIANT! He's “knowing”, “understanding” and so patient. He's also obviously LOVING. He's such an “AWE-FULL” GIFT, BLESSING, HONOUR, PRIVILEGE! And too, he's “Life-Giving” in the most literal sense of the term. (I told him that tonight too.)
And so we closed another day. Tomorrow? Well... nothing but little tasks on my agenda, and none of them to take me out of the house. -15° for the high. Not much promise for much sun-shine again. But... We'll be warm, we'll have our light... our musics, as the are... if Fate is to be so kind to us.
mourning dove 26 January 2022Saturday 29 January:
7.49 and as I look back to yesterday, 10 minutes later. “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. My Heart-and-Soul gave the “call”. It was time to greet another day... another North Country Winter morning, grey and chilled, but the light of this morning beckoned and, we were both to respond, and so I did.
From the kitchen, where the air was filled with the comforting sound of one of Creation's most magnificent symphonies, I replied, “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. A moment later, from the next room, a new chorus: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo”. The “call” was getting longer. Patience running low? As I got up from the table, I called back with the same lyric and almost immediately heard a most-familiar, curt “woo-HOO!” OK! Indeed, it was time to “roll on”!
I HAD to smile, fully. It's not just the sound of Yonah's coo'ing that sets the light in my soul a-glow, but when we engage in dialogue, it just strengthens me, in a way that I simply can't explain or describe. This Little Guy is my breath, my inspiration, my purpose, my essence. And when his calls are clear, and sound as “purposeful and determined”, I sense that he's well, after a good night's rest, and that truly is all I need to know at the beginning of each and every day. And this morning, he's in a mind-set that “allows” me, “permits” me to hold a conversation. I'm still in “good graces”, and he's still looking forward to our re-uniting. Creation is well and fine.
As I stepped into his room, the warmth in there was a contrast to the coolness of the rest of the house. Out-side, the temperature was a mere -15°, in his room, a some-what sultry 25° surrounded the little feathered fellow on the perch. I announced my arrival with a soft “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. I was greeted and welcomed with a reply, “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo-hoo”. Our morning, our day was “officially open”. I was ECSTATIC to see Yonah... He was “pleased” to see me. I opened his door, brought my head in to where we could make our morning contact. He stretched his neck out to meet my face and gave me a few gentle pecks on the nose, I gave him a few little “kisses” and retracted my face. He stretched his wings and hopped over to the opposite perch where, with a rustle of wings, he pecked to put himself together. “Presentation”... as if he could EVER be anything other than PERFECT!
Our conversation continued into and through my activities of “morning routine”... opening the curtains and blinds to the day out-side the windows, and even through my brisk walking from pool-to-kitchen, fetching the morning's fresh waters for pool and little drinking dish. “Chatty” this morning! “woo-HOOs” and other coo's a-plenty. A GLORIOUS commencement of a Win'try Saturday.
And whilst I finished changing the pool water, Yonah had a bite of breakfast! Appetite. Eating. Chatting. Yes, all was in grand order... ON WITH THE DAY!
I completed my tasks, from waters to tidying (“poop-check”... all in one place, a normal quantity, proper colours and textures... and removed), bird-songs on, a bit of radio, low... and Yonah TOOK TO THE WING... OFF TO HIS SHELF! Yonah was “ANIMATED”, and my usual morning anxieties of hoping that he's well, healthy, rested and such were as gone as if they'd never been. I moved me into his room... We had a full day ahead... together. Hello Saturday.
It was forecast to be a grey and cold day today, and so it was. Not nearly as cold as tonight is expected to be, but still, with no sun-shine, it all just even “felt and looked” cold. But Yonah and I had a whole day ahead, together, in the cozy warmth of his room, and so, I made short work of a morning house-hold chores and hurried in to settle at the work table with him. And Yonah? Well... all morning he was about the room, “exploring” all sorts of places. He's finally getting to the point where he's even going into the “little corners” where he's never ventured before (well, no to my knowledge). He was in the little “alcove” between the end of the futon and the wall, at the end where his favourite pillows are. He was in spaces between things on the shelves that he never bothered with before. He was like a little child in a new house! It was absolutely delightful to see him take HIS room and make even MORE of it, “familiar” to him. (I'm going to have to do a bit of a re-make, I'm sure, now. His room is arranged with him in mind: no places that would present any... ANY sort of danger to him, but now that he's “expanding hi horizons, it's time to re-check and re-arrange where necessary. I LOVE THIS!)
So, I watched him, taking notes of where he was going and checked as we went along. But, there's a day coming (probably tomorrow, since it's expected to be “bitter cold”) for a complete over-haul. I can't wait to see Yonah's reactions and responses to the “re-arragements”. He missing NOTHING... when ANYTHING is even slightly “out of place”. What's to come is, well, there'll be a report here, no doubt... no doubt at all.
And for most of the morning, I had my place at the work table, as Yonah made rounds. Came the after-noon, we took a “lunch break”. I grabbed the last egg from the hard-boiled eggs of yesterday and got right back to the tasks at hand. Yonah took a “lunch break” too... Now that he's got his favourite mix back, I'm sure he enjoyed it! And when lunch break was done, I had some sewing to get to... but THE most important item,, to me, was his little “dove pillow”... and... well... “Ah-HAH!” as 'tis said...
I put the “finishing stitches” on the little “pillow dove” today. Admittedly, it's not my “best” (nor even close to) work, but as I worked on it, Yonah was SO INTRIGUED! He was ALL over the room, finding vantage points where he could watch my every move. And when he wasn't satisfied with those, HE FLEW OVER AND ROOSTED, ALMOST LITERALLY, ON MY HANDS, AS I SEWED! He doesn't appear to be to pleased with this. I DO believe he DOES see it as another dove and as COMPETITION! I've put it between his pillows on his futon and he went over to it, once, gave the “nod” that they give, a couple of “sturdy” coo's and took off. He seems to be avoiding it altogether now. Oh, I wonder what his response to the “decoys” (I HATE THAT WORD... I HATE THE NOTION) will be. I'll be ordering them on Thursday. Well, if he truly hates those too, I'll put them on the back gallery and see if the Little Ones of the Yard are attracted. (I wish I could find something to repel the squirrels though. THEY'RE EATING EVERYTHING! And the little birds are left with almost nothing. I put out quite a bit of food this morning and it's almost ALL gone now... Squirrels! OK. They need to eat too, but... ) Anyway...
Now that all the “pillow dove” work is complete... let's see if we can't get back to a “normal” little life here. This is going to be quite another lesson for me... I'm sure of it.
The after-noon drifted away, the sun-light, little that there was all day, began to give way to the darker skies of early evening. Yonah truly DID appear to be QUITE annoyed by and with the new “pillow dove”! Even to the point where it seemed he was “avoiding” me! No more “affectionate” Little Guy, when I'd go to “snuggle” or “cuddle”, he “allowed” me to be close... for the briefest moments, and then... OFF and AWAY! No little pecks on the nose, or the little “preening” that he does on the back of my hand and fingers. Oh yes... He was upset today! I'd put it between two pillows on the futon, setting up-right and went to have an after-noon “lie-down”. It was in front of my face, wedged at the pillow where Yonah usually comes, by my face, when I'm on the futon. Ah... NOT today! No! He wouldn't come to the pillows! BUT... He DID come to my shoulder and then settled on my hip for the 20 minutes I was there.
So, the little pillow is now “hidden” under the blankets on his futon. I'll take it out tonight and decide what to do with it later. There was no cutting to the pillow case I used so, it's a complete case. The little “batting” shape? I don't know what will become of that. But one thing I DO know is: that pillow is “gone”. If Yonah feels ANY sort of “competition” or “threat”... it's NOT in this house! Period.
And, as I say, I'm still planning on ordering the “decoys” on Thursday. They're about the same size as Yonah (the pillow is slightly larger so that might play into his discontentment), and, if I receive the same quality as is shown on the web-site of the retailer, they're about the same colouration as Yonah. More “dove-like”. He MIGHT be OK with ONE of those... But again, if not... they'll be on the back gallery... for the other doves in the yard. (At this rate, I'm quite relieved that I didn't get another dove, of ANY sort, as a companion for him. I was worried that he'd reject another dove and might become “abusive”, either ignoring or attacking the other one. Well, if he treats a pillow as a potential “enemy”... How terrible it would be for another dove! But, we'll see what happens with the “decoy”. If he enjoys the “company”... I'll be back to looking for another dove. If he reacts to it the way he's reacted to the pillow... that'll be all there is to know... Personally, I'm HONOURED by his attachment to and with me. I'm as attached, if not even a bit MORE-so to him. But all I want is for him to be happy, and as close to truly “content” as is possible. These are the “learning days”... ALL of them... Yonah is teaching me more than I'm sure I could ever find on-line... and certainly, I've come to believe, MUCH, MUCH MORE than any “professional” would even care to teach. So it's all quite wonderful, no matter how it appears.
Evening routine took place immediately after evening meal tonight, and the blinds and curtains got closed early (although, by 17.30, it was rather dark out already... following a “red sky” JUST at the moment the sun was leaving the sky for the day). I even put the back board up after the waters were changed and his house, tidied. Any “insulation” against ANY cold... the sooner the better. And after, I took my place at the work table to begin today's “Journal entry”... Yonah had a bit to eat and took a place on his corner loft platform. (He's been spending the later hours of the evening there of late... but tonight, I'm hoping this has nothing to do with the events of today and the “pillow”... I TRULY AND SINCERELY HOPE he's not hurt! - More of the “sentience”... and I certainly, assuredly have NO doubt, not even a fleeting trace, that he's capable of feeling that sentiment. I'll just have to let “time” take a course and... well... HOPE!)
They say: “Red sky at night, shepherds' delight.” With the forecast and the temperatures and “frost-bite advisories” they'll have to be some VERY stoic shepherds... indeed. But, if there's sun-shine, that'll lend a nice extra warmth to Yonah's room during the day. A little “hope” for a new day.
Now, a little “Note” for the evening... I'd been sitting at the work table, catching-up on Journals, Yonah was on his door perch (back to “normal”... THANKFULLY!). At 19.00, the FullSpec light was turned off as well as the fountain, and all was calm. No radio, no bird-songs... just us, together. And at about 19.20, Yonah gave a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. I turned, he was as he'd been, resting there, nothing was “wrong”, but I wondered if he wasn't ready for sleep. So, I asked, and he just looked at me. Thought I'd give it a try and so, took my things off the work table, moved me to the kitchen and went back to get him settled-in for the night. Well! As soon as I put the roof board up... he was on his perch! IT WAS! HE WAS TELLING ME THAT HE WAS TIRED AND THAT IT WAS “SEEPIE-NIGH-NIGHT” TIME! HONESTLY! TO THINK THAT PEOPLE COULD EVEN REMOTELY DOUBT THE INTELLIGENCE OF THESE LITTLE ONES! (I won't get back into it... I don't want the aggravation of giving it the thought... Besides, it is a fact, as I say, frequently: “uneducable” is a perfectly legitimate term, though, even as I type it, it appears the “spell-checker” prefers “ineducable”... anyway... UN or IN... either way, there are those who simply cannot be educated, in any manner, by any means... so... I leave it at that.) Yonah was tired, and he wanted to be “tucked-in” and he was letting me know! So... ABSOLUTELY... IT WAS “TUCK-IN” TIME AND CUDDLES, KISSES, AND THE LIKES! We did... as we usually do. And my heart is relieved to know that “all is well” between us tonight. And he didn't go to his little mirrors either. He REALLY must be tired. But then, he had quite an active day today... especially whilst I was working on that “pillow”... which I've left under the blankets and will “remove from the premises” in the morning.
These are the times when I TRULY WISH that I could communicate with Yonah, in a way that he understands. But, some-how, I believe he knows even MORE than I could communicate with sound or any sort of speech. I believe that, in a deeper sense, he “knows” how I feel for and about him. It's “MY” need, because that's how I was raised, it's my “species”, inferior to his as we are, that feels that need to “speak”... even in spite of the fact that, for humans, speech is often meaningless, and with-out credibility anyway. So, maybe this is another aspect that Yonah is teaching me... I've been told, in my life-time, that I don't give my “gut instincts” enough credit and that I ought to. The truth is, even as I've been told, it was that “instinct” that kept me alive this long. So, maybe my “instinct” and Yonah's are... well... “communicating”. After all... deer don't vocalise and yet they communicate perfectly well.
That all said, my little Heart-and-Soul is safely tucked-in for the night. His radiator is set, as it was last night, a bit higher and the furnace for the house too, is set a bit higher in preparation for tonight's “cold snap”. The rest of the house might “take a chill” but Yonah's room will remain as warm as can possibly be. He'll have no reason to fend against cold... I see to that. And he's in his house, safe and sound. I'll be up duringmourning dove 26 January 2022 the night to make sure the house and his room are warm enough for him. After all... it is as I've said, noted, journalled and is my resolve: “I am because he is.”
Tomorrow? Well... let the world bring on what it will. I'll be serving good breakfast to the Little Ones of the Yard in the morning. There's already something out there in case they get to it before I do. And Yonah and I? Well... we'll be “hunkered”, together... And I'm hoping for some REALLY CLEAR SKIES... AND BRILLIANT SUN-SHINE! Who knows? Maybe Yonah will be back in the pool during the day! Now THAT would be a delight!

Sunday 30 January:
Caught me off my guard this morning... 7.15 came the “morning call”! WELL! Another step closer to the “Spring” season? Or simply a good night's sleep? But with the first call came my response, Yonah's replies, and CONVERSATION again, this morning... all-in and all-out “conversation”... “dialogue”! From the moment I stepped into his room, all through the “morning routine”, there was hardly a moment of silence between us. And I have to admit that I'd been wondering what sort of day we'd have, considering yesterday's little “fiasco” with the “dove pillow”. He REALLY dislikes it, and he certainly did show a great deal of “animosity” toward it. Last night's “tuck-in” was “OK”, at best, but still, there was a sense of some lingering disquiet, displeasure. I was curious, this morning, as to whether any of that would carry over to today. BUT, it seems that all is forgiven. I'm RELIEVED! But I'm certainly not going to even try bringing that “pillow” back into the room. He's back to his usual pillows on the futon so, we'll leave well-enough as it is. (I'll still give the “decoys” a try. Our time together has been, for me, mostly “trial and error” so this is just going to be another learning experience. Interestingly, there's so much and yet, so little information available on the internet for so much of what I want to know, to learn. So, my little Professor is my mentor, my instructor. And, so far, he's had more patience with me than, well, can be imagined... and I'm more grateful than I can express.)
Mean-while, this morning's weather report claimed a brisk -20° out there in the world, with a “chill” of -29°! I kept the house furnace set a touch higher than usual through the night, last, just to make sure Yonah's room stayed warm enough. Looks like I did quite a good job of that because, when I went in to him this morning, the thermometer in his room read: 28,9°! It might be Winter out-side, but in Yonah's house, Summer is rolling along quite well! And it's a comfort to see him NOT fluffed-up against a chill. I doubt we have to worry about the temperature in his room getting TOO hot. This old house and the cold out-side will keep it “moderated”, I'm sure. But, as I say, there's no logical reason why Yonah should be uncomfortably chilled, so I'll see to it that never is.
But again, I have to say that, between the early rise and the constant chat, today got off to a MAGNIFICENT start!
One little “item” that causes me quite a bit of concern today is that Yonah's BEAK is growing back again... I mean... the upper beak is growing longer again. And ALL of the references that I've looked-up over the past year or so tell of what a “vet” will do to “trim” a beak BUT EVERY ONE WARNS THAT BEAK-TRIMMING MUST NEVER BE DONE AT HOME !!! So no, I'm NOT going to even entertain ANY attempt at doing this myself. As can be seen in earlier photos in his “Portfolio” (what a great idea, that... an “illustrated history”... no wonder people take “baby pictures”), his beak DID grow to a rather LONG length at one time. And, honestly, it happened so slowly that I had really noticed until it became prominent. Back then, I started to look for ways to trim it, but, as I say, EVERY reference clearly stated NOT to attempt it. So I didn't. But I worried. And as for going to a “veterinarian”? Well... here again, I feel quite “alone” and that Yonah and I are “on our own” because, in ALL honesty, I really just don't trust any vets. That “apathy” that I received from a “VCA affiliate” just put me right off. And the nearest next vet is over an hour away, up and over the mountains, so there's quite a distance to drive, with poor Yonah in the truck. It's not so much the trip TO, but, after being handled by a stranger, and the “grinding” of his beak and such... to be in the truck for another hour-plus... Not to mention the chance, no matter how small, of another apathetic “professional”... Let me just say that, if there's a “compassionate veterinarian” reading... there's “contact” information all over this site... Meanwhile, I've come up with an idea (another “idea”... “gut instincts” again): I have another river rock that will fit into Yonah's food dish and I've boiled it, to make sure it's clean, and put it into a 450°F oven for about an hour, to further “clean” it, so I'm going to put that in with his food. Hopefully, as he pecks through the seeds, he'll “grind” his beak back a bit. The previous time, as I started to say, it grew to such a length that, as he pecked in his sand and at the little reflections in the mirrors, he managed to “snap” the extra length off. So yes, this time doesn't come as a complete surprise, but... He has other rocks in his house, and plenty of sand with large bits in it. I've tried with all I have. But... My little Professor is teaching me... and too, my “gut instincts”. And when I can get at more river rocks (since they come from the environment that Yonah was born into, and are being constantly “washed” by the crystal clear, flowing waters of the river) I'll put more into his house so that they're there... for beak and toe-nails. This isn't just a simple matter of “there's your house and all is fine”. But... as always... THERE'S NOTHING TOO GOOD AND NOTHING GOOD ENOUGH FOR MY LITTLE HEAR-AND-SOUL! So... we'll be reporting on the “new idea” as time goes by.
By 10.00 the “promised” sun-shine began POURING IN through Yonah's windows and FLOODING his room with BRILLIANT light! And Yonah? WOW! REALLY ALL OVER THE PLACE TODAY! Shelves, pillows, futon, the floor... and he's “discovered” a “new” place in the room where he can be closer beside me... ON ONE OF THE SHELVES one the unit that raises his house! The unit is one of those “industrial” steel shelving units with “grates” as the shelving so I don't know HOW he can be comfortable standing on it. But he seems to actually enjoy walking about, back and forth, and changing “elevations”. But it appears that the one aspect he enjoys most is... being RIGHT beside me as I sit at his work table! We get to play and cuddle! And he does get to get into the sun-shine too so that's good. But he's been SO BUSY all morning, with his “explorations” and just flying about! THAT does my heart a world of goodness... He's happy, healthy, comfortable in his room... comfortable with my presence. Yep... we're quite the little “flock”.
As the day rolled along, I got SO much caught-up, sitting with Yonah. And Yonah? Well, his energy and curiosities never diminished. It's been QUITE the day today! Play. Attention. Affection. And exploration! It's SUCH A DELIGHT, AN AMAZING THRILL, TONIC TO THE HEART AND SOUL, TO SEE HIM SO ACTIVE AND IN SUCH A GOOD MOOD! He truly IS my “Heart-and-Soul” because seeing HIM as he is today, just lifts me so much higher. I don't see me with-out him. And if/when that moment comes, I know it won't be long. “I am because he is.”
The sun-shine managed to stay in a clear sky through the day too, which made both of us (I suppose) all the better for it! In spite of the cold out-side, in-side, we were together and warm and wonderful.
I've put that rock in with his food... hoping that it'll help trim and keep trimming his beak. He's not “thrilled” with it being there, and I'll have to figure out where it fits best until I can get a better one. But for the time, we'll both have to make “adjustments”. If I can dodge going to a vet... well... it isn't so much a matter of much other than my lack of trust in the vets (and I have the same sentiments toward “people doctors” too). As I've said, that experience this past Summer just put me off of them. But we've done OK thus far... I can only hope. And I DO! Still, Yonah's eaten lunch, a snack, dinner and even an “evening snack” with that rock in there. So, I'll be watching... CAREFULLY!
mourning dove 30 January 2022This after-noon though, was REALLY SOMETHING TO BEHOLD! As I was working along at the table, and Yonah had taken to his “new hang-out” on the shelf just below his house, right beside me, he moved to the edge between his house and the work table and stood there, looking about as he does when he's “sizing-up” the region for his next flight. I went on with my own tasks, because he was just fine but, the next thing I saw was... he was in the little “tray” of paint brushes... and “sorting through them”! Honestly! It looked as if he was trying to find a particular brush, as though he was about to paint something! It was an obviously “intentional” sort of sorting too! (Or, he was trying to point-out to me that I'm supposed to be painting a water-colour of him and, well, “These brushes don't paint things on their own, y'know!”) But it was JUST delightful to see him, so focused on the various brushes. As I say: there's no such thing as a “boring day” with Yonah in one's life! And now... he's trying his beak at a “Dovecasso” or a “Yonah van Gough”! (I'll be watching him round the pens from now on... but I'll leave him a pad, in case he's inspired. One never knows...)
This evening, as I was having my meal in the kitchen, WOW, was he EVER all over in his room! Mostly at his door and in places where he could verify that I was in the house! He does that from time-to-time, as if he seriously does NOT want to be “alone”. I wonder why, when he gets like this. It's been over a year since his attack, and he's obviously come to know that I'm here to protect him. But, I wonder what “sets him off” to where he has to keep re-assuring himself that he's safe. I was out on errands for only 45 minutes today and when I got back, well...
So it appears that OUR “bond” is really quite strong. I didn't “call” him, he actually SAW me coming and came to meet me.
As I say, I just want this to be documented here because it stresses the IMPORTANCE OF COMPANIONSHIP for those who open their hearts and homes to doves, AND for those who believe they have a right to deny a mourning dove his/her “people mate”, and to crush the hearts of those people who DO provide all possible for ANY Little One in their care. (No, I won't let that latter point go...)
And so, I spoke to him as I ate. He knows how to get to the kitchen, he's done so MANY times already. And he knows that he has free run of the entire house... he's been to the living-room of his own choosing, many times. He's certainly NOT “caged” nor “confined” in any manner or fashion. He did call back a few times, and when I looked-in on him, he was on his little “corner loft”. He's been spending time there in the evenings of late, in the light of his “FullSpec”. A “wind-down” toward day's end. But I finished my meal and the washing-up as quickly as I could... and... right after... it was “evening routine time”! AND... tonight, I was “supervised” at the door perch again. I SO enjoy that! Yonah watches each pouring of fresh water into his pool, checks to make sure I check that he has enough food for the night. He DOES take an active interest in affairs of his house!
And tonight, again... an “early” night of it. At 19.15 already, he let me know that he was tired and that it was time to “tuck-in”. “Seepie-nigh-night”. Well, he DID have a REALLY “active” day today, flying all about. And we DID have a great many “play breaks” during... and “snugging, cuddling” and the likes. (And to be honest, I too, was a bit weary already too.) I'd put the back board up when we did “evening routine” again tonight. I'm wondering if that doesn't effect his “sleep clock”. The “night boards” are usually put up at the end of the day, and last night and again tonight, they were up by about 18.30, mostly to block the chills coming over-night. What-ever the case, he truly was ready because, I'd no sooner put the “roof board” on and he was up, on his perch, ready to settle-in. We got our “Good night kisses and cuddles”

in and even before I reached to turn out his desk light, he was “established” for the night. So... (I'm thinking that I ought to keep his schedule too. After all, HIS is “natural”... or as close to it as is possible in this “domestic environment”. But he knows when he's tired and when he's tired... it's time for sleep.)
All tucked-in, lights out, I left his door open just enough for him to have enough light to “navigate”, should he want to move about for any reason, his radiator is close enough for the warmth to rise to his position on his perch through the night. His little crop is full. My little Heart-and-Soul is safe, warm, protected, LOVED and SO CHERISHED for another night. It was quite the day today... and in two days, we venture, together, into our 16th month together! (Having the “Portfolio” of photos is an inspiration for me, seeing the major differences in the year that's passed... We've come a LONG WAY... my Baby and me! And I LOVE HIM AS MUCH TODAY AS I DID THEN... I'M JUST MORE “ATTACHED”... AND OH! SO CONTENT WITH THAT! And I believe he is too.)
Monday 31 January:
WHERE do the months go? And HOW do they pass us by so quickly? “Winter”, according to the “astronomical” calendar, is still, very much here, and January and February are, notoriously, in The North Country, the coldest, bitterest months. But Yonah and I have, as of today, seen January through and tomorrow, we venture into February. “Spring” is mere WEEKS away now... and although a part of me celebrates our time together thus far, and I look forward to the end of the short days of grey, and the bitter cold nights we've encountered unscathed, and the relatively few more that will come, it's a matter of “Time”. Spring will be here in 47 days... To some that might sound like quite a long time from now, but, with Yonah, a day passes as quickly to me as a second ticks away on a clock to others. I know that Yonah's time, and mine, aren't infinite, but with Yonah, well, I can't help but think, constantly, of the “averages” his life-time allows. I've already completed 66 years and am into my 67th. Yonah? Well, according to all of my reading and researching, in his “natural habitat”, his “average” life-span would have been 18 months... or... “would be” 18 months. OK, so where he is today isn't the “habitat” he was born into, and here, he has no “predators” about, so, unless there are other factors I'm not aware of, I focus on the next “average” which is five (5) years. I take into heavy consideration, that Yonah and I have been “together” just more than one (1) year already... 15 months, and are now into our 16 month. 5 years is 60 months, less our 16... leaves us with 44 months, on the “5-Year” basis. And I ask, always, if he will have that 5 years. (And I ask too, if I will have those 5 years... Neither of us is “immortal”, nor “infinite”.) I don't want him to “grow old”, to see his energies wane. I don't want to see him “suffer” in ANY manner, to fall “prey” to illnesses and ailments that all living things eventually confront. And truly, my time with-out him will be as brief as is at all possible. I've seen to that, because, although it might be taken as “eccentricity” or “folly”, by others, I refer to Yonah as my “Heart-and-Soul” with deepest sincerity. He IS both, together and no separate. So, as time passes, I try to avoid any thoughts of him being anything other than as he is now. We have both come through a period where, had circumstances been different, neither of us would “be” today. And here we are... in it for the “run”, as long as we are together. I'll continue to CHERISH, with ALL of my “heart and soul”, EVERY moment that we're given together, but... in some little recess of my consciousness, there is always a “voice”, marking the time... time that has passed... and the time ahead. At the end of a year, the end of a month, that “voice” reminds me... reminds me... reminds me...
7.20 this morning... and we're still leaning toward the “7.00” hour... Spring is coming! Nobody knows better than Yonah where the movements and motions of “Nature” are concerned. And this morning, a few lingering clouds in the -17° morning. (23° in Yonah's room though.) Today, the “call” began as a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”, the response to my reply was a lengthy “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo-hoo”! WOO! And the “greeting”, as I stepped through the door? A repeat! Much to be said this morning! And, from the morning “inspection”, it was a calm, restful night last, so, yes, indeed, ALL is perfectly well with Creation this, the final morning of January 2022. (As if Yonah pays any attention to “calendars”. For him, it's the “cycle of Nature”, and I envy him in that. How wonderful if we “humans” could stop “dividing” and “calculating” everything. Ah, but that's more of the education I'm given, the teachings of my “Little Professor”.)
Over-all, it was a quiet sort of day together. What began as quite a “busy” morning, with Yonah flying about, talking, in almost full “conversations”, actual “dialogues” (he'd coo to me, I'd coo back... and we'd go on for 10 minutes at a time and OH! what JOY that brings, thinking that I MIGHT be saying something that makes some sort of “sense” to him, but OH! how it puts me in my proper place, not understanding what he's saying to me... me... the “brilliant human”... never mind), calmed right down to me at the work table, when we weren't “cuddling” and playing, and him well...
mourning dove 31 January 2022At one point, it appears that I wasn't giving enough “attention” to him and as he went about the room, futon, shelves, floor, and where-ever he wanted to be, HE CAME OVER TO THE WORK TABLE AND RIGHT UP ONTO THE KEY-BOARD OF THE LAP-TOP! AND HE WAS QUIT CONTENT THERE, LOOK ABOUT AND AT WHAT WAS ON THE SCREEN! And what was on the screen was my “shopping”... for HIM! I was looking at the “decoys”, pricing and availability, so what was on the screen were images of “mourning doves”! I HAVE to wonder if he actually recognised them, and I seriously believe he DID! (I remember when I was looking at the “James Yule” video, cited in the article on what's now the second page of Yonah's site, of the literally “mourning” mourning dove, standing beside a deceased mate. Several seconds into it, Yonah, who had been on his door perch, saw it, over my shoulder, and gave a deep “woo-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!” and came RUSHING to the work table! And there, he stood, watching, intently, to the point where, the very second I understood that HE understood what he was seeing, I HAD to stop the video! He saw a mourning dove in pain, and a dead morning dove and he UNDERSTOOD! So, I've no doubt that he recognised the “doves” on the screen as I looked and shopped.) Needless to say, I caught a couple of photos and, because the images bothered ME, being “decoys” (the sickness of the very notion, for anything other than to attract to give safe haven and food), I quickly closed the “page”, closing the images. BUT, that Yonah took notice and came for a better look... well... if nothing else, HE'S PROVING THE SENTIENCE OF MOURNING DOVES AGAIN, AND AGAIN! And, again, he's teaching ME SO MUCH MORE... EVERY DAY, AND EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY! (I really ought to dedicate time to writing something more than this Journal, a “paper”, of sorts, an article, to be presented to, perhaps, the “Audubon Society”? Some “Natural History” group? I'm certain they'll refute, or at least, try to refute. But, I see what I see, hear what I hear and have come to know what I know... and that's all due to my Little Guy here, my little Heart-and-Soul. I continue to believe that the only reason MOST “scientific” types aren't aware of the MARVELS AND MIRACLES of mourning doves is because they consciously choose to ignore, and/or refuse to invest the time in actually learning. Meanwhile, this time with Yonah... how I wonder: Why me? And what can I do to make “life” better and safer for mourning doves... and ALL the rest of the “animals” - a term I'm more comfortable with since having memory jarred by the aforementioned article on page 2 of the site. “Animal”, derived from “anima” meaning “breath”... and Yonah IS my “breath”... LITERALLY!)
mourning dove 31 January 2022WELL! And... WELL! Today, again, he also took to the potted orange tree! He's done that before, for a little while. I still don't know what he “finds” in there. It's in regular soil, has been for years now, so there's nothing of any particular peculiarity in it. But today, he spent quite the while, nestled in the mosses that cover the soil, at the base. And I mean “nestled”. He was as cozy as he could be, and he stayed there for quite the considerable length of time! Now, I know that mourning doves can be attracted to planters and larger potted plants on porches, and they'll nest in them. So now I'm wondering if Yonah isn't “nesting” in the orange tree. He's not bringing any “nesting materials” to it. But, as I say, there's a bit of moss in the pot, and the moss is the little “toss-aways” from his house, the smaller bits that crumble off his “flooring”. And he does enjoy lounging in the moss in his house, having formed a little divot in his favourite spot. And mourning doves take equal share in tending to nests when mated (and, well, as it would appear, Yonah and I are... “mated” now). One of the items on the shopping list for this week is what's called “dummy eggs”. They're meant to discourage females from laying their own, especially those “in captivity”... the “store/business acquired” Little Ones. The laying process depletes their calcium and can prove harmful if not fatal. So these “dummy eggs” give them the impression that they've laid their share and will stop. Meanwhile, with mourning doves, both the male and female have a strong “feeling” of responsibility to their own Little Ones and BOTH will tend to eggs and young. So, I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to give Yonah the opportunity to “fulfill” his “sense of responsibility” and provide him, temporarily, with some “eggs” to tend. If he's “nesting” in the orange tree... it would appear this is the time for such action. And when the time comes, I'll remove the eggs... as though they'd hatched and developed into the Little Ones who, as Yonah himself once did, “flew off into independence”. And he can take his rightful pride in his success.
Thursday is “shopping” day... I'm looking forward to it!
And so, together, today, we passed another “Wint'ry” day. The sun never really managed to “clear” the skies of the clouds, but we had the “FullSpec” light on, and there were song-birds and a little back-ground “music” to fill the room with sound. As too, I've come to learn, birds live in a world of sounds, the calls and songs of other birds, the wind through trees, other Little Ones rustling through the leaves and grasses, and the sounds of insects... and, sadly, the noises of “humans”... motor vehicles and the likes. So I keep “sounds” going through the day, re-assuring Yonah that he's never alone. (Even when I have to step away, there are sounds of some sort of “presence”, until my return.) And I worked at various tasks at the work table, taking “breaks” away for a tea or, this evening's meal (which I managed to complete in the usual 40 minutes... start to finish). And we played. And when I was “called to cuddle”, with a familiar “wing-snap” from the futon, we played, cuddled and chatted until Yonah decided it was time for some other activity some-where else... and so, I was “dismissed” to return to what-ever it was that I was doing previously.
After meal this evening, again, we went through “evening routine” right away, and the blinds and curtains were closed in preparation to fend-off the night's on-coming chills, and I put the back board up, again tonight, at the same time. I settled at the work table to get to today's Journal, and Yonah roosted on his door perch for a while, as he does, beside me.
But at 19.00, as usual, I dimmed the lights and stopped the musics and sat at his door to chat a while, thinking we'd spend “together time” until it was “seepie-nigh-night” time but... by 19.15, Yonah headed up to his perch, to his place where he roosts for the night. He was tired already, just as he was last night at about the same time. Understandable... he was up and about “earlier” than he has been since Winter set-in. And he did have quite an active sort of day today. So, I got up, removed my little belongings from his table and returned to put up his roof board, and get his room and house ready for the night. He hopped over to his “loft” and checked with the little reflection in the mirror there (and I'm SO wondering how he'll “address” something that resembles another dove when the “decoy” arrives... I am SO VERY looking forward to that). When all was well to him, he came back to the front of his house where I leaned in, and we exchanged our “Good night kisses”. He was tired, and it was time for “tuck-in” and “lights out”.
And so, as I close today's “page” and the first month of this “new year”, my Little Guy, my “Heart-and-Soul”, my next breath, is safe and sound, his room, comfortably warm. He has plenty of food and fresh water through the night, and no matter what “Nature” might throw at this old house over-night, Yonah needs no concern. No winds, no cold, no snows... and most of all, no “predatory threats”; just LOVE, protection, and knowing that he is DEEPLY and SINCERELY CHERISHED above and beyond ALL else in ALL of Creation... and beyond.