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mourning dove 01 February 2022
mourning dove 01 February 2022Tuesday 01 February:
And OUR day together began at 7.15 this morning... with CONVERSATION! In the still silence of this Winter morning, the house was suddenly FILLED with the the soft-but-resounding “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. I answered, immediately, with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” and, almost as quickly, came the next call. My similar return was echoed from the next room and then followed, after a brief pause with “woo-HOO!” WELL! OK then! Enough with the chatting through the door, I had better get busy here, then. And so, I did, to be sure.
Yonah was, most definitely up, awake and ready to charge into this new day, this new month.
When I opened the door to his house and leaned in for our usual morning “kisses and pecks”, he came right over, and the affections were more than “abundant”! And the coo'ing just kept rolling. You'd have though we were old friends, separated for many years, over-joyed with our re-union this morning. NOTHING, in ALL of Creation can compare to the absolute ELATION of such camaraderie, with knowing that your presence is actually not only appreciated but anticipated. But, with no doubt at all, what-so-ever, it's perfectly reciprocated. We had our “kisses”, we had our “pecks”, we had our “snuggles” and Yonah was off to his other perch, prepared to head out and into what is, essentially, “his world”. He hopped over to his food, had a quick nibble and, as I moved his house and went to his windows to open curtains and blinds, he “followed” me from inside, watching, “supervising” AND CHATTING AWAY! Another morning of “dialogue”. SO AMAZING! SO GRAND! SO GREAT! SO UP-LIFTING TO HEART, SOUL, MOOD!
Out-side, the day-light was coming on in earnest, though the sun hadn't yet managed to rise over the old white pines across the road. But the sky was clear, and the rising sun gave promise to a glorious, though chilly day ahead.
As I moved out of the windows and put his house back into position and to get the accoutrements needed for the morning “changes of the waters”, he was IN FLIGHT! OFF AND AWAY... First stop, the pillows on his futon where, once established, he coo'ed again, with gusto! Oh... SOMEBODY had a GOOD night's rest and was in a GRAND mood this morning!
I got his house set with the little platform on his roof and the perch at his door, and as I went to the kitchen to begin fetching today's fresh water, I could hear the “whistle of wings” in his room. Mr. Taube was ON THE MOVE! When I returned, water containers in hand, he had moved back to what's become a “favourite” little “hang-out, of late... he was back in the orange tree! Well, at the base, in the large pot. It still bewilders me, te attraction, and I can't help but think that there's some kind of “nesting instinct” in it. And as I recall... February is the beginning of “mating season” for mourning doves! This is the month where dove hearts take to the airs of LOVE and ROMANCE, in search of that “one” with whom s/he will begin filling the world with more flocks of little “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's”! Well, Thursday can't come soon enough now... the “decoy doves” and the little “eggs”... In some respects, I feel the cad, with “substitutes” for a mate and off-spring. But, then too, Yonah seems to be “OK” with the two of us being together. I can't fit in a nest, and I can't provide actual off-spring, but, hopefully, I can provide “reasonable facsimiles”. Once again, the faults and short-comings of “humanity”. But my heart is in this and the truth is that the only way I will ever know, with any certainty at all, one way or another, is to give EVERY notion a try. (After all, I didn't know how he'd respond to the little “dove pillow” until I'd made it and presented it... and no I know... he's NOT impressed, and NOT happy about it. It's “competition”, and because I held it as I worked, it appears that Yonah sees it as competing for my affections. OH! But NOTHING could be farther from the fact. THERE'S NOTHING IN THE WORLD that competes with him... for my affections, my heart, my soul.) We shall see... we shall see how it all works out. Hopefully next week there will be more to report (and perhaps, additions to the “Care” pages on his site!)
And so, that was how the morning came in... AWE-FULL AND GLORIOUS! And in quick course, I moved into his room, to get to the affairs and tasks of the day... by “base” being his work table, where, between other tasks about the rest of the house, I returned, regularly. AND... we carried on conversations through the morning, room-to-room! I'd step away, Yonah would call, and I'd reply, to let him know that I was just in the next room and he would call back, as if acknowledging. “Conversation” and “dialogue”! (Now, if only I could understand him and learn enough so that he could “understand” me... But, truth is, I believe HE understands me, to some extent, and I'm the one at a complete loss here.)
New growth white pineAn “Item of Note” here: Yonah has, in his house, two small, potted white pine trees, one to the front-right corner, where he “sleeps” and the other, atop the rocks in his pool, in the rear (window-side) left corner. The one at the pool has been there from since, oh, at least the end of Spring of 2021, and is doing very well, still quite supple and healthy. The newer, in the front, was brought in some weeks ago, when we had a temporary “thaw” and I'd brought the new mosses in for “the house”. The previous one had, sadly, succumbed to the heat of Yonah's radiator. I was more concerned with Yonah being warm through the night and failed to pay attention to the little pine tree. It got planted out-side, in the yard and was, at last check, doing well with recovery. But I needed one to replace it, because Yonah enjoys “sleeping in the trees”. As I was gathering the moss, I spotted a small white pine in the snow and when I “tested” to see if I could dig it up, well, the soil round it had thawed sufficiently and so, it came back with me and was placed in a pot with it's own soil. I really didn't expect it to do well at all, considering the sudden temperature change from the out-side Winter to Yonah's toasty room. BUT... TODAY, as I was working in Yonah's place, I happened to notice... NEW GROWTH! THE LITTLE WHITE PINE ISN'T JUST “FARING WELL”... IT HAS FRESH, NEW GROWTH! “SPRING” IS IN, AT YONAH'S PLACE! THERE ARE SEVERAL NEW GROUPS OF FRESH, PALE GREEN NEEDLES SPROUTING! NEW LIFE! “LIFE”... IN YONAH'S HOUSE! HOW ENCOURAGING! And I'm so happy to see that the little tree is “comfortable” and “happy” in its new “abode”. And Yonah has a nice, LIVE tree to roost in at night. (I can't give him the mountain wood-land, but I can provide some of it for him... I try to mimic the world he was born into, as much as possible, and this “new life” in a little tree is “comforting” to me. And I'm sure Yonah appreciates it as well, since that's the “tree” he sleeps in at night.)
Now, completely NOT on the daily list of tasks... today, we FINALLY took the “hard-ware” out of Yonah's house. His “meal shelf” has been held in place, for entirely too long, by metal “corner brackets”... metal. They looked out of place and because they were a temporary solution to an immediate situation, they always looked so “temporary”. I'd taken a few photos of Yonah and when I looked at them, those metal brackets just annoyed me. I wanted something that looked more “intentional” AND more “organic”. It was my original intention to do so anyway, but, as it can be with a day, I'd gotten to where I simply didn't pay much attention to any of it... until today. WELL! THIS was an issue with YONAH'S house and today, I was determined to get to “home improvements”. Remembering I had some “corner cuts” from lumber that I'd used for various other little “jobs”, I gave them a try, under his “meal shelf” and his “corner loft shelf”. They served the purpose perfectly! So... ALL else in the house got dropped and, after a while, well, the results are, MUCH MORE appropriate to a “wood-land”. Instead of horrific “metal” hard-ware, the shelves are now nice and sturdy and their supports are wood... natural wood. (BUT... I HASTEN TO NOTE... *NOT” “PRESSURE TREATED” NOR ANY OTHER SORT OF “TREATED” WOOD! NO “TOXINS”!)
True to who he is, as I worked along, making the little wooden brackets, placing them where they need to be before making and “installations”, Yonah was at ALL possible places in his house, watching, checking, as if he were the foreman of the project, making certain that all actions met with the strictest of standards, rules, regulations and protocol. It was, for the most part, absolutely WONDERFUL! I say “for the most part” because at moments, he would come over and “perch” on my hand as I tried holding hooks and brackets in place, or as I reached in for something. It wasn't so bad for me, but the movements of my hands and arms would then send him flying about, as if he thought I was being obnoxious. Still, the entire project was SUCH a delight... ESPECIALLY because he took SUCH an interest in it all. AND THEN... JUST as I'd installed the brackets and put the little “shelf” on them, and was wondering if it was all strong enough to support him... THERE HE WAS... HOPPING FROM THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF HIS HOUSE, STRAIGHT ACROSS, IN ONE LEAP, AND ONTO THE SHELF! STRENGTH AND STABILITY ESTABLISHED, OBVIOUS, CONFIRMED. THE “SUPERVISOR” APPROVED! ME? I HAD TO LAUGH SEEING HIM JUST STANDING THERE FOR A MOMENT, AS IF “TESTING” THE DURABILITY, AND THEN PRANCING BACK AND FORTH ALONG THE LENGTH. IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE DELIGHT TO BEHOLD! And, I have to say, with the wood there now, instead of that metal, his house takes on a much “richer”, more “organic” appearance... “warmer” and more “natural”. I had no intention of getting into it today, but I'm certainly glad it's done (and I do believe Yonah is pleased, as well.)
OK, that matter settled and his house put back in order, I cleaned my little mess of tools and such up, got his room back in proper order and returned to the tasks that I'd started. THEN came the NEXT “event” of the day...
As I was sitting at the work table, I noticed that Yonah was making repeated little “trips” from his house to the potted orange tree in the corner of the work table. At first, I just attributed it to his “energy” of late, and I was quite glad to see him so active, until...
I watched him, as he went back and forth a couple of times, and I happened to notice that he was carrying little “sprigs” of moss, from his house to the tree. There's a bit of moss already in the pot, the little bits that come loose from the little “mats” or “carpet”, as it dries and Yonah pulls at it. Instead of throwing the bits away, I've been putting them in for the tree. And there are a few leaves in there as well, because the tree does shed from time-to-time. It's always has, especially “seasonally”. It is, after all, a legitimate “orange tree”, grown from a seed from an orange from some-one's yard in Florida, so I expect it to “behave” as it would other-wise. BUT... YONAH WASN'T ONLY ADDING TO THE MOSS, HE WAS ARRANGING THE FALLEN LEAVES... HE'S MAKING A NEST IN THE POT! AND HE'S DOING SO WITH OBVIOUS PLANNING AND DETERMINATION! HE'S MAKING A NEST! February is the beginning of “mating” season for mourning doves and he knows it! He's “preparing”! . WELL, IF I HAD ANY HESITATION ABOUT GETTING THOSE “DUMMY EGGS” IT'S GONE NOW! Thursday's “Shopping List” is at the ready to be sent along and of course, it's ALL “Yonah's Necessities”. SO, the very first thing on Thursday morning... the order for the “dummy eggs” and the “decoys” will go out! And I was thinking that I'd put the eggs in the little divot that he uses as his place of “lounging”, in his house, but no, they'll go into the pot under the orange tree. THIS is to be yet another lesson I'll learn, taught by the TRUE “expert” on the subject matter. And indeed, “reports” will follow... and information will be added to his “Care” pages on his site! (I have to admit that, at this moment, I'm feeling that “loneliness” that I felt when I'd first brought Yonah in from the yard: there's no-one to turn to for advice, suggestions, recommendations. Even the one “forum” that I'd joined, some months ago, turned against me. I'd been corresponding with a young lady from some-where in Europe, I'm imagining, who was trying to help a badly injured pigeon and, in my desire to be of all help possible, I posted Yonah's web-site so that she could see what I'd done for him. Ah... SOME-BODY saw it as “self-promotion” and “reported” it as such and I was instantly, and with-out warning or explanation, “banned” from further participation AND ALL my posts were deleted. It was much later, after I'd contacted the “administrator” asking for a logical reason for their self-serving actions, that I was told of the situation. Yes, I was reinstated with full participation privileges, but, as they say: once bitten twice wary. So I don't dare to turn there for help. And as for “local avian vets”, well, they've already been mentioned in this journal and no, I've NO trust or confidence, never mind “faith” in the lot. So? So... Yonah and I are back to our “gut” and “natural” instincts. I dare say, we've done quite well thus far... we can only hope we continue.)
But that he's “nesting” is, to me, AMAZING! ASTONISHING! And that he's chosen a flower pot! That's SO “MOURNING DOVE”! He's just a never-ending spring of AWE, my little Heart-and-Soul! And now, I look forward to seeing the results of his labours. He's not in any particular hurry, and it doesn't really look like a “nest” as yet, but, to be sure, there WILL be photos... if not videos to come!
SO THEN... all the while all of this was going on today, his room was FILLED with BRILLIANT sun-shine! We had a perfect little day together... and TOGETHER we certainly were. Out-side, it was still chilly, though warmer than the past many days, but we were so busy that “out-side” gave us no concern at all. And, will all of Yonah's activities, I had barely any time to notice anything but HIM! which is, quite frankly, all that matters to me anyway.
This evening came on abruptly... or so it felt and we BOTH took our “evening meal breaks” for about 45 minutes and I was right back in with him... for “evening routine”. By 18.00 already, Yonah was all but “settled” for the night. He was TIRED! Poor Little Guy. He'd had a BUSY day! So, whilst I did the “water run” from room to kitchen and back, he had his evening snack and settled on his perch to watch. We got the waters changed, I closed the blinds and curtains, just to be sure they were attended before any sort of “chill” could work into to the room and again, tonight, I put the back board up right away. Now, I'm wondering if that board doesn't “signal” something to Yonah about the time to get to sleep because...
I'd put the back board up at about 18.30 and by 19.00, he was on his perch, apparently ready for “tuck-in”. I'd “dimmed the lighting” as I do at that hour, and turned all the musics off an moved the chair over to “chat” for a while but, by 19.15, Yonah was more than just “settled for the evening”, he was obviously ready for some serious sleep! He was on his perch, where he spends the night, and seemed a bit “annoyed” that I was talking.... just a bit “fidgety”. So I got up, an placed the roof board atop his house and as I did, he went over to the little mirror on his “loft” (which, by the way, also got a “replacement” bracket... from metal to wood), bade the “reflection” there, a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” (“Good night”, as it were) and returned to his “night spot” on his perch. Well? When Yonah is ready for sleep... the world is ready to oblige. So, “tuck-in” was at 19.15 again, tonight. I don't mind at all, actually, because in my “research” I've read that mourning doves usually “retire” at about 19.30 (“in season”, of course... during the Winter months, one can well imagine that that's earlier, with the setting of the sun being so much earlier), and that they “normally” require 10 to 14 hours of rest, daily. So? So... lately, Yonah's been well-settled at 19.30 and he's been waking earlier... like this morning at 7.15. So he's getting approximately 12 hours of rest. So I'm glad for that... even though no matter how many hours we have together, they're never enough.
But and so, he was ready, I was there to oblige him and “tuck-in” was complete by 19.30... We had our little kisses and a brief “cuddle”, and the lights went out.
mourning dove 01 February 2022 First day of February... and tonight there's quite a bit of wind out there, and it's expected to be blowing up from the South which means... against Yonah's windows (and my bed-room too). But between the outer screens, the windows, blinds, curtains over-lapped to a thickness of about 3 layers generally and 4 in places, and the back board on his house, Yonah's well-protected. And his little radiator is close by to provide a nice current of warmth through the night. Nothing is “good enough” nor “too good” for my little Heart-and-Soul. And there's plenty of fresh food and water for him too. There's a threat of some kind of “Winter storm” to come, beginning tomorrow night and continuing through Friday... typical “February”, mostly a lot of snow and some strong winds. If age calculations are correct, Yonah has never had to face any such things, and now, he certainly won't. He's safe, secure, he'll be kept warm and dry and out of winds' harm. We've made it to February, made it through the first day... and we'll make it through the rest, should “Fate” be so kind as to give us that time together.
Now? The suspense of when he'll wake tomorrow... I'll be here... waiting!
mourning dove 02 February 2022Wednesday 02 February:
The clock struck the 7.30 hour this morning, and there'd been no “call”, not even the sound of activity. I didn't want to disturb Yonah, if he was sleeping. Last night was quite windy, and I could hear it blowing against the house, even as I'd gone to bed. Yonah's windows and the bed-room windows are on the same side of the house and so, even though his windows are “new” and quite sealed against the Winter's onslaughts, I had no doubt that he could hear it, as it blew through the white pines out-side and pounded against the outer walls and the windows of the house. So, he might have had a bit of a “late night”, if he'd been concerned about the wind-sounds. If that had been the case, then he probably needed the sleep this morning and I just didn't have the heart to deny him of that. But, because it's part of my “being” to worry about him, because, well, I am, admittedly, rather obsessed with “time-lines” and “life-spans”, for me, the “constants” are:
I'm always pre-occupied of a night as to whether he'll “survive” through, and, of a morning, whether or not he HAD survived the previous night. (My heart won't tolerate the pain of missing him, and my mind won't accept even the fleeting notion of a moment with-out him in my life.)
I had no choice, really, but to go to check on him, other-wise, I'd just sit and seethe in my anxieties. I got up from the kitchen table and as quietly as possible, opened the door to his room.
It was delightfully warm in there, in contrast to the cool chill of the rest of the house. His room is kept much warmer, especially through the night when he's inactive and resting. As I say, there's NO logical reason why he should need to “fluff his feathers” against any coolness or chill through a Winter, and I have the ability to ensure that his room is sufficiently warm enough to provide him with a comfortable environment in which to get a good night's rest. I walked in, making sure to avoid any loud, sudden noises.
Not wanting to frighten him, as a “motion”, approaching in silence, the actions of a predator, I spoke in a whisper:
“Hey you... Are you awake?”
As I got closer to his house, I could see his silhouette, and I could see that his tail was moving ever-so slightly. And from the end of his futon, I could see that his head was moving as well. He was awake, and aware that I was in the room. So I sat at the edge of the futon, and quietly coo'ed:
IMMEDIATELY came the reply...
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo-hoo.”
WELL! What-ever it was that I'd said with my “greeting”, it was obviously worth repeating! And my heart was FULL of JOY! OH! Yonah was awake, AND he was in a mood to “chat”! AND... CHAT we DID, ALL through the opening of curtains and blinds... and the “morning routine”. Every “coo” I made, I got an instant reply. For the most part, it was a lot of simple repetition, but Yonah would change the “pattern” as we went along. I pay strict attention to his coo'ing patterns, mostly, in the hope of, some-how, deciphering a message that he's trying to convey. My studies have claimed that mourning doves are particularly aware of sounds, and can recognise one particular other dove in a flock, or from distances. They're aware of “qualities” in sounds: timbre, tone, volume... Ii do suppose that, if we, humans, paid attention, we too, would be aware, as well, and be able to distinguish a particular morning dove in our yard, in a meadow, a wood-land. Yonah has proven that he recognises my voice by his reactions when I speak, and he's shown that he “understands” when I say “seepie-nigh-night”, whether I “chirp” it or simply use the expression in a matter of course when we “converse”, as we do. I'm trying, in our time together, to notice even subtle differences in, not only the patterns (the three “hoo's” after the emphasised “HOO”, or the four and five, as well as the pauses) but in the volume, because yes, he DOES, sometimes, “whisper”. The first time I heard that I thought he might be weak, or there was something wrong, but he's done it many times since and usually when he's on the pillow, beside my head, when I have a lie-down. THAT strikes me as though he's aware that he needn't “speak” loudly because of his proximity. (OK. I admit, I could be completely mistaken about this, but I'm just noting my own observations here.) Maybe, one day, I'll become familiar with at least ONE of his vocalisations to know what it is that he's telling me. Meanwhile... as it is when one tries to learn another language, I'm in an “immersion lesson” here and I'm “adjusting my ear”, as it were.
What-ever the case this morning, Yonah was awake and certainly looking for companionship, conversation, and “together time”. So much so that, when I'd done with morning routine, I returned to the kitchen to finish a few items on the internet, which I do my bet to avoid whilst in his room... because I'm just not comfortable with having “WiFi” streaming through HIS room; although I understand that it's there anyway, either mine or somebody else's; these days, in this world, mobile phone signals, internet signals, radio waves... there's no escaping them, but I see no reason why I should intentionally draw any into Yonah's room. All was well, all was fine, all was still and I'd caught-up with everything and as I stood up, I called:
“You've been awfully quiet. So where have you gotten to?”
And as I got to my feet... WOOSH AND WHISTLE! YONAH HAD SILENTLY TODDLED INTO THE KITCHEN AND HAD BEEN THERE, BESIDE ME, ON THE FLOOR! FOR HOW LONG? I HAVE NO IDEA. BUT INSTEAD OF MAKING ONE OF HIS “SURVEILLANCE FLIGHTS”, THIS MORNING HE SNUCK INTO THE KITCHEN, EVER-SO SILENTLY... AND STOOD THERE, WAITING FOR ME! He's come to his door several times in the past, but has stayed close to that spot, as if he didn't really want to venture any farther. And, as I've said, he's made brief flights into, around and out of the kitchen, just verifying my presence. BUT THIS MORNING WAS A NEW ADVENTURE... DEFINITELY FOR ME, ANYWAY! LOOKS LIKE I'LL BE PAYING MUCH MORE ATTENTION TO WHERE I TREAD, NO MATTER WHEN, NO MATTER WHERE I AM! I've actually been waiting for the day when, coming into the house from out-doors, I open a door and either he's there or he comes flying toward me. I'm EXTREMELY careful about opening and closing doors now. This morning just strengthens then resolve to me VERY aware of EVERY bit of the house form now on! But as I stood up, he headed right back to his house and came to rest on his door perch... as if waiting for me to move the lap-top and my coffee to the work table. He's got my routine down, I can say that much with all certainty! He pays attention, he learns. (It STILL makes me wonder how he was attacked in the first place. He's SO aware, SO attentive, SO brilliant! The only reason I can think of is that he was beginning to moult for the season/year and was unable to take flight quick enough, to gain speed and altitude quick enough to avoid what-ever predator attacked him. And having witnessed the “Hell” he suffered through the more recent moulting, it would be of no wonder that he was pre-occupied with the discomfort, as well as having lost integral flight feathers. Well, what happened then won't be repeated. He'll moult again, but there won't be any predators waiting to take advantage of the situation. He's well-protected now, and he'll remain so... for as long as I take breath!
mourning dove 02 February 2022This morning's grey sky turned, for a while, to another day of brilliant sun-shine, and just in time for it to come flooding into Yonah's room. And as I sat at his work table, gathering my wits and what-evers together, he was an almost never-ceasing bundle of action! Flying from his house to futon, pillows, floor, MY SHOULDER... MY HEAD... THE BACK OF THE CHAIR... He'd come to my shoulder and peck at my ear from time-to-time. When I paid attention, he'd take flight, and roost on the little “extended perch” above me, daring, with wing-snaps, any sort of contact. And when I'd reach up to caress or hold him, he was off again! Today was “Play Day”! And of course, I had NO trouble obliging! And even when he wasn't enticing, all I needed do was to look at him and he took that as “Play Time” and came RUSHING over to my shoulder or to the table, landing with a wing-snap as if saying “C'mon! C'mon!”
He's also spending quite a bit of time in the orange tree today, again. And his floor has a lot of little bits of moss from his house... or, he's replacing the moss in the flower-pot with moss of his choosing. (as a nest). It DOES appear that he's making a bit of a nest in there. (Tomorrow, we order the “eggs”... and I'm looking forward to seeing what the reaction will be to those.) And the “doves” (“decoys”) on the shopping list, come in a pair. I'm now wondering if I should put one in the flower pot. (If the “pair” is male and female, I'll have to take that into consideration when and where they get “placed”. I'd been thinking of using one in Yonah's house.. as a bit of “company”... over-night in particular, and putting the other one on the back gallery to draw the attention of the mourning doves in the yard. But... I see this is going to be more “trial and error”. Oh, never a moment where I'm not learning something... and it's WONDERFUL! in spite of feeling, essentially, “alone” since there really is no-one to turn to for advice.)
Well, as the day rolled along, and the clouds of the threatened “Winter storm” began to gather, fortunately the temperatures didn't drop too drastically, and Yonah and I passed the day, VERY MUCH TOGETHER through it all. The previous accumulation of snows on our “tin roof” slid off, most often with a resounding “BOOM”, but, for the most part, Yonah appeared too engrossed in either his “adventures” round the room, or his new “hobby” in the orange tree. Every once in a while, there would be a louder “BOOM” and he would stop... AND LOOK AT ME! IMAGINE? SOMETHING STARTLES HIM AND HE LOOKS FOR ME! HE KNOWS I'M HERE TO PROTECT HIM AND KEEP HIM SAFE FROM ALL HARM! So I'd reach out my hand to him and stroke him, telling him, in soft voice, that he was “OK”, and that he was “safe”. It seemed to calm him because with-in moments, he was off to what-ever it was he'd been engaged in before the “disruption”. (As the night passes tonight, I'm hoping less snow will fall and that any that does, won't disturb him. I'll be “sleeping light” tonight, listening for a “call”. And should any come, I'll simply move into his room and stay on his futon for the night... of course.)
Meal time came, and I “excused me” as I moved me into the kitchen for about 45 minutes. And as I ate, I looked in on Yonah and saw that he too, was having his “evening meal”. In OUR house, all was well. It does so VERY much good, and calms my soul to see him eating. He has a good appetite and that means the WORLD to me! As long as he's eating, I can rest assured that he's well... and that's pretty much my only concern. If he's well enough to eat, he's content... or as close to it as he can be.
After our “meal break”, I returned to his room to get our “evening routine” completed... Waters were changed and this evening, his pool had to be cleaned of various pine needles and moss-bits that he'd tossed in there during the day. (He was BUSY with all the vegetation today!) And as I removed bits from here and there, he watched, attentively, as if taking note of “inventory”. I wondered if he was already plotting for tomorrow... replacing what I'd taken or, if he was making sure that his pool was as clean as it ought to be. After all, as I say: If I wouldn't drink it, it doesn't belong in his house. And, because he has a preference to the water in his pool, I make certain that THAT'S CLEAN, AT ALL TIMES! And yes, the water in his pool is always fresh enough to where I would drink it.)
When he was satisfied that I'd performed my tasks to his satisfaction, he headed over to his pillows for a while, and I closed his blinds and curtains for the night, and installed the back board so that I wouldn't have to disturb him again, later, moving his house about. It was then that he returned to his house and took his place on his perch. I AM of the belief that he DOES associate that back board with 'seepie-nigh-night” time, and it's not that I want him to “settle-in” any earlier than he's ready for, I merely put the board up so as not to disturb him later in the evening... and, to make sure that his house is protected against any chill that might manage to come through the layers of blinds and curtains whilst he does “get settled” for the night. But he didn't seem to want to get to sleep, just yet, so, when it was all done, I got to work on his photo pages for today and when the clock got to 19.00, as I do, I turned the musics off, dimmed the lights, stopped the “babbling fountain”. It appeared then, that he WAS ready for “tucking-in” because he went over to the little “lift mirror” and gave the reflection there, a few of what I've come to know as “Good nigh pecks”. So I leaned in and whispered:
“Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night already? You've had a really busy day today, with all the flying around, and playing and that nest-building you've been working on.”
He came over, gave me a couple of gentle pecks on the nose and went back to his little mirror. He was so quiet. But, he did have a full belly, and the room was calm... so I got the roof board and put that up, to see his reaction.
He looked up at his “roof” and came forward to his “night spot” on his perch. It DID appear that he WAS, in fact, ready to close the day. So, I just went about setting his house in order for the night... By 19.15, again, tonight, he was all tucked-in. (NOW... I just HOPE he manages to get a proper night's sleep! But the snows are expected to start at about mid-night, so hopefully they'll stop the “banging” out-side his window.)
There's more wind blowing out there tonight. It's quite audible, even in the kitchen. A bit more snow is sliding off the roof, but not as much as there'd been earlier. As I close today's entry, Yonah has been tucked-in for about 45 minutes and all has been calm, but I'll keep listening... for falling snows, heavy winds and ANY sound that comes from his room. And, as I say, I'm prepared to go in and stay with him for the night, should there be a need. His radiator is on, as usual, so his room will be quite warm for him. Hopefully that will give him a sense of “security”. And the rest of the house is comfortable tonight. We're not expecting any “bitter cold” but the house temperature will be set so as to keep the place warm, in the event the storm takes the electric over-night. And, I already have several “early” alarms set to wake and check through the night.
Such is life in the old mountains. The calendars might read “212st Century”, but here, we're just a tiny hamlet along the road to... well... since the Interstate is just beyond... we're on a road to no-where anybody but us locals would want to go to. Winter is still very much here, and we're very much surrounded by it. But my responsibility and resolve is to make certain that my little Heart-and-Soul is safe, at all times, and comfortable... at all times.
Tomorrow? Well, if it rolls as “threatened”, Yonah and I will have another full day together. And the storm is expected to run through Friday as well, so... we both have all the provisions we'll need, and, we have each-other and one-another. But most important... Yonah has me... and he's my reason for being... I'm here for him... for the duration.
mourning dove 03 February 2022Thursday 03 February:
What began as a grey, “almost late” day moved, too quickly, into an absolute FLURRY OF ACTIVITY! “OMG”, as they say... BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!!
To begin at the beginning, the clock had gone for 7.30 and there'd been no “call”, not a sound from Yonah's room. I was “curious”... and, of course, “concerned”. After all, he'd been ready for “tuck-in” by 19.15 again, last night, so I rather expected another 7.15 morning. But no...
And I'd been busy already this morning, my-self, SHOPPING FOR YONAH! (Oh, but this “on-line shopping”... especially at 6.00 in the morning. Too convenient.) HOWEVER... next week is going to be fun (and interesting). Yonah has more food coming, all the “best” stuff, to be sure, and I ordered the little “faux eggs”, and the “decoy” mourning doves! A pair of those. Now I'm wondering it they're male, female or one of each. I almost expect males, because they're a bit more colourful, with their iridescent collars and “blue-grey” heads. I suspect they're made to “impress” people and not necessarily other doves. But we'll see when they arrive. And I'm SO curious as to what Yonah's reaction to them will be. And as for the eggs? Well... more on that a little further along.
At 7.30, I took the chance and crept into his room, as I do, quietly, and made my way over to his house. His room was slightly lit by the dim day-light that was only just beginning out-side his windows, and it was SO comfortably warm. If he was still asleep, I didn't really want to disturb him at all. Last night, late into the night, the snow falling from the roof out-side continued to make an occasional “BOOM” as it hit the ground, and I have to wonder if it didn't some-how disturb Yonah during the night. Strange, loud, sudden sounds, in the dark. If that had been the case, then he hadn't really gotten a “good, solid night's sleep so, a little “sleep-in” this morning would be just fine.
I made my way to the end of his futon, and sat, quietly, looking at his little silhouette on his perch. I waited for any indication that he was aware of my presence and for several moments, he was very still. Then came the slightest movement of his head. I could tell by his beak, moving so slightly. He was aware that I was there, but he wasn't making a sound. I wondered if I should just get up and leave him, and wait for him to call when he gave a bit of a “ruffle” of feathers, and started “preening”, as if making him-self “presentable”! The room was still rather dark but I could see him, “arranging” his feathers and then... the “morning stretch”... wings up and out.
“Are you ready to get up?” I asked. “You can sleep for as long as you want. There's no rush to get up. It's another one of those dreary days out there. Nothing pressing to be done.”
The response?
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! So I answered “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo” and got an immediate reply... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”. OK! WE were up and awake and it was time to open the windows to what-ever was “out there”. I got right up and removed the roof board, letting a little bit of light into his house, and as the light came in, Yonah hopped across to the perch at the other side of his house. So we got right to “morning routine”... back board removed, curtains and blinds open, letting what-ever light there was out-side in.
One of the most fascinating qualities that Yonah has is that, right away, in the morning, he's SO full of energy and picks right up where he'd left off the night before, as if he'd merely taken but a moment of “shut-eye”. And again, this morning, WE HAD CONVERSATION... the back-and-forth coo'ing! Once he started, it all rolled along. He had something to say, I replied, he said more, I responded... and all the while I was moving, back and forth, in and out of the room with his fresh “pool water”, we continued to “chat”. Even when I didn't “coo”! I was telling him of the purchases made this morning, what they were, why I'd gotten them, how I hoped he'd enjoy them, and as I spoke, he coo'ed! Energy and chat! There isn't a more glorious way to begin a day. There just isn't.
Now... as the morning progressed... it was obvious that Yonah had “an agenda” for the day. He'd had a bit of “breakfast”, I'd finished his house-work and he was IN FLIGHT! Off to the futon, to the pillows, back to his house, and then... as it's been of late... to the orange tree!
It's almost as if he's “excavating” in there, preparing a proper foundation for a proper house of some kind! He gets in behind the lowest little branch and moves the bits of moss and the fallen leaves and then the work rolls in blatant determination and purpose.
All morning, he flew from his house to the orange tree, and each trip from house-to-tree brought another little sprig of moss. And in his house, he tugged and pulled at the little carpet of dry mosses, holding a sprig, giving it a shake, and if it with-stood the force, it was “accepted” and he was up on his door perch and then, with a WOOSH, over to the potted orange tree. There, he obviously had a particular place where he thought it appropriate and, if need be, he'd move the other bits about so that he could “place” the new material where it belonged. Watching the process is absolutely FASCINATING! Mourning doves aren't known to make “intricate” nests, in fact, it's most common for their “nests” to simply crumble or be blown away by some of the most gentle breezes. BUT, as I watch Yonah's work, HE KNOWS what he wants, and, even though, at first sight, it more closely seems a random little pile of bits and pieces, it truly IS planned. And for all of the morning and into the after-noon, he worked on his little “masterpiece”... flying back and forth to “move the Earth” to suit his taste, plans and purpose.
We had several “breaks” during the day though. As I put the “book-keeping” from this morning's shopping spree together, I had “supervision and back-up”... on my shoulder, my head... and in the receipts and other paper-work! Yonah was on me, on the work table... and, when I'd stepped away for the briefest while, when I returned, I saw that he was “searching” the lap-top for some application or another because that little “window” was open on the screen. He's become SO comfortable in his room, and SO curious about every little thing in it. He never gave any indication that he was ever “uncomfortable” in the room, but he always stayed “close to house”, venturing about only so seldom.
This morning, I'd gone to get another bag of food for what I refer to as the “Yardies”, the Little Ones of the Yard, as they are, and I put it through a sieve, separating the smaller seeds from the larger, so that the “crop” birds, those that simply swallow seeds whole, store them in their crops, and don't chew or “hull”, have a “serving” of their own. AS I was working at the kitchen counter, I spoke to Yonah, who, I thought, was in his room, BUT, when I turned round... HE WAS IN THE KITCHEN AGAIN, ON THE FLOOR, STANDING THERE, STARING AT ME, almost as if to say “Why are you yelling? I'm right here. I can hear you.” When I turned to actually talk with him, he stood, for the longest moments, steadily staring directly at me, and every once-and-again, would tilt his head, as if trying to understand my blitherings and blatherings. And when I told him what I was doing and that I'd be finished in just a little while, he turned, started walking back to his room and then took flight, to his house, where he recommenced with his “construction” work of the day. Into his house, back to “sorting through” the mosses and bringing his choice sprigs to his “new residence”.
I can suppose that there are those who think me quite easily impressed or just quite simple, but the out-standing thought that stays with me at all times, and especially these days when Yonah is so close is: Yonah was born into a wilderness, no contact with or connection to ANY human. He was born with a natural instinct that made “people” one of his worst predators... NEVER to be trusted, NEVER to be approached, and certainly NEVER to be allowed in close proximity. The mourning doves that come to eat at the tray on the back gallery RUSH away at the slightest sound, even of the back door opening... the very back door that I have to step out of to provide fresh food for them. THAT is the flock into which Yonah was born. And if they're eating and ANY person happens by, no matter how near or far, that flock is UP and AWAY immediately! Again, THAT is Yonah's flock. THAT is Yonah's birth-right. And, honestly, from the beginning, when I brought Yonah in, my ONLY intention was to provide only the basic essentials and necessities for his recovery. I made NO gestures toward establishing any sort of camaraderie, and certainly did my utmost to ensure that there would be no “bonding”... certainly not him to me. HE came to trust me. And yes, when it became obvious that he wouldn't be back out with the “flock” again, unless I wanted to take the risk of him being injured again or worse, I began to make efforts, gently and slowly, toward establishing nothing more than a “tolerance”. Yonah was born “wild” and I NEVER wanted to “change” that. I NEVER wanted, and still don't want to think of him as “domesticated”. The very expression is, to me, sickening. It connotes an “acquiescence”, a “surrender”, as if he were “captive”, “captured”... “caged”. He's certain NONE of any of that. Although his “world” is now with-in the walls of this house, he has absolute run of EVERY bit of this space, and, as I've said, the ONLY time the door to his house is closed is at night... and that's only to protect him against any possible attempts he might make to take flight in the darkness of the night. Over all, I'm grateful, HONOURED, HUMBLED and, always... enveloped, swaddled engulfed, surrounded in “AWE”!
Other news: Yonah spent quite a lot of time in the orange tree today... well... in the “nest” at the base... actually, in the pot. He's TRULY becoming quite comfy in there! I'm thankful that the tree has been in the house for such a long while and is in good soil. No “bugs”, no chemicals. For the most part, it's been watered with brook or river water, so there's no “residual chemicals” in there. And with the moss covering the soil, I notice Yonah isn't “pecking about” in there, as he did, several times. I don't want him ingesting anything from any of the plants in the house. But it's actually become quite “cute”, almost comforting, to see him in there, all nestled and snug. And I keep thinking: flower pots and planters are where mourning doves commonly make their nests. Yonah is STILL A WILD MOURNING DOVE... His “instincts” are still VERY MUCH alive and intact. And I'm as pleased as I can be.
So, all during the day, I worked along at the work table, and Yonah worked at “nest building”. I mean... he TRULY STAYED SO BUSY-BUSY ALL THROUGH THE DAY! It was inspirational, to me, to keep on focus with my own tasks AND his tenacity is Awe-Worthy! From house to tree and back and forth, choosing sprigs, laying them precisely. And then, “trying it for comfort”. These are the moments in a mourning dove's life that most people have no idea of or about! And MANY are the moments that I was once clueless about, or had only “read” of or about, but have come to accept as part of my own life now. Yonah IS “my LIFE”... not merely “a part of” it. And each and every moment of each and every day that he's been, he's taught me more than I dare say, any “scientist” or such type could ever know... unless they've LIVED it. I'm SO HONOURED, SO BLESSED.
And messages are in: his shopping has, for the most part, SHIPPED! We're on our way! I'm SO looking forward to seeing what arrives first. He doesn't NEED the foods that are coming, we have more than plenty... I just want to be certain, at ALL times, that, no matter the situation in the rest of the house, Yonah will NEVER have to skip a meal, go with-out ANYTHING... EVER! So I'm keeping the place WELL-STOCKED! But it's the other items... Since he's “nesting”, the “faux eggs” will come in handy, I'm almost certain. And I'm looking forward to seeing his response/reaction to them. I'm wondering if he'll notice that they're not “real”, or that there are no females about who could have laid any. Males, it's said, take equal time in tending eggs and young, usually “split shifts”. But with no female to take over, I'm wondering what Yonah will do. Well? Another lesson, taught by the BEST teacher in Creation. My “concern” though, is how he'll react to the “new dove”... especially since it will be inanimate... and silent. Am I making a horrid mistake by introducing a “fake”? Will he be offended? Will he be “hurt” because the other dove doesn't react? Will he “understand” the absence of response as “rejection”? Will he perceive the “other” as more competition... for food, affection, space in HIS house? Well... honestly, if he rejects the eggs, so be it. They can be removed as easily as they can be placed. And I'm wondering where I ought to put them now... I was thinking that I'd put them in his house... which is probably the best idea, so he can be “with” them over-night. I thought of putting them in his “new nest” in the orange tree, but then, he won't be able to attend to them or know that they're “there” through the night. If he tends to tend to them through the day, I'll have to see how he is in the evening when it's time for “seepie-nigh-night”. If males and females take turns and Yonah takes “the day shift”, it might not be too difficult to “separate” him from the eggs at night. Then again, mourning doves tend to stay together. Maybe I could put the eggs in the orange tree nest and put the “new dove” there... or, put the eggs in his house and put the “new dove” in with them... as if she were tending them. There are a great many things to be learned... SO MANY things Yonah will teach me... and I'm SO looking forward to them all!
We had our “evening meal” break today, as usual, and after, we got the “evening routine” completed. I sat back at the work table and Yonah “retired” to lounge on his roof-top platform, as he does of an evening. He takes to the roof and “rests”, facing the FullSpec light, as mourning doves might, facing the sun on a dirt road or in a meadow. His blinds and curtains closed, curtains drawn across, insulating him from the cold that we're to expect tonight. I put the back board up whilst I was at it, again tonight. I'm still wondering if he associates that board with “time to retire”, but as I worked at the windows and then put the board up, he just “watched”, from the comfort of his little “platform”... we shall see... Last night he was ready for sleep by about 19.10... and today, HE HAD SUCH A BUSY DAY... It wouldn't surprise me if he wanted another “early night” tonight. He's just SO, SO PRECIOUS!
Today's snows started falling when the morning rains changed, at about 13.00 this after-noon, and tonight, they're still drifting about on the night air. Can't call it “falling”... they're very light, but accumulating. And sadly, our “warm spell” is coming to an end. We'll be back to “February” weather by the week-end. But, in Yonah's room... all was a delightful 23°... he has NO need to be concerned about what's happening “out there”.
At about 19.05 this evening, Yonah, still on his roof-top, became quite “vociferous” . “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”, repeatedly. The musics had been silenced at 18.55, the lights were dimmed. It seemed he was preparing to “call it a day”. So I removed my little things from his work table, and we had a bit of a “chat” for about 20 minutes. He climbed onto my arm for a while, gave a couple of pecks on my ear, but then returned to his roof-top. I brought his platform, with him still on it, though he was standing now, down to the door of his house and he alighted, heading right for his little “loft mirror” where he gave the now-familiar, to me, “Good nigh” pecks to the reflection there-in. Yes, it did appear he was ready for a night's rest. He had an exceptionally busy day, VERY active, so it came as no surprise that he'd be tired by now. So, I replaced his roof platform with the night's roof cover board. He continued with his “Good night” pecks for a while, and then came to the front of his house, by the little white pine (which is impressively sprouting new growth... another one of my “amazements”) and “took his place” where he usually does, just before heading to his nightly roost. I leaned in, gave him a “caress” in my hand, and a snuggled against my face. He gave me a couple of gentle pecks on the cheek. This day had reached “closing time”. So, I closed his door, and bade him a good, quiet, peaceful, restful “seepie-nigh-night” and put out the desk light. He was “tucked-in” for the night. And thankfully, tonight, there will be no sliding snows to disturb him with their “boom” in the darkness.
mourning dove 03 February 2022 Out-side, the snow is now “falling”. The small flakes managing quantities such that the roads are covered in white. There's a slightest breeze and the temperatures are noticeably falling. “February” has returned... “out there”. But in Yonah's room, all is comfortably warm, he's protected from any of the Wint'ry chills. He's in HIS own house, safe, warm, SO LOVED, SO VERY CHERISHED. And tomorrow? Well... tomorrow will be “today” when it arrives, and there's to be even more snow falling through it so... Yonah, my little Heart-and-Soul, and I, will pass it together again. I can't wait to see how much more work he'll be putting into his “new place” under the orange tree. (And I can't help but keep thinking: He's the ONLY one of his “Adirondack sort” to nest 'neath the branches and leaves of an actual “Florida orange tree”! He's SO unique in just about EVERY fashion imaginable!) That's my Little Guy, my heart-beat, my next breath... my Life... by Being.
mourning dove 04 February 2022Friday 04 February:
Oh, but 'twas another one of those mornings where my anxieties struck when, at 7.49, there'd been no “call”. Granted, it really wasn't “late”, to say, but, after a few days of 7.15 and such, well, I have to admit that I'm forever concerned. It's that “life-span” information that I read, repeatedly, in multiple sources. “18 months”. OK. That's “in the wild”, where there are so many predators, and so much that mourning doves have to battle, like weather, the need to forage for food and water, and such, but, I just can't be sure-enough, no matter how protected” Yonah is here. And, again, if “calculations” are correct, he was 2 months old when he came into my life. We've been “together” for almost 16 months this month... this will be the “18-month” mark in only 9 days. Then too, there's the “5 year” time, which is on the “longer” term. I look forward to that... AT THE EVERY LEAST. Still, my primary concern is that he NEVER has to “suffer”, in ANY manner, fashion or form. I do my best, but I know that “Nature” does what “Nature” will, and “all” is helpless against that. It doesn't make it any easier on my heart. Yonah is my breath...
So, at 7.49 I crept into his room, hoping that he was just having a “quiet morning”, and that I wouldn't disturb him, if he was getting some extra rest. I whispered, quietly, asking if he was awake, not wanting to “sneak-up” on him, and certainly not wanting to be “silent” as I approached. I took my place at the end of his futon and looked carefully, at his silhouette... His head was moving about, and as I spoke, I saw that beautiful stretching of wings! Oh, he was awake, and he noticed me there. It was just one of his quiet mornings. So I sat for a while, whispering of the night, and of the snow that fell whilst he snoozed the night away. We had QUITE A LOT of snow over-night, last night! QUITE a lot! But, Yonah hadn't even the slightest cause to be even remotely concerned about it. His room was safe from the winds, the snows, and it was comfortably warm and cozy. It was a couple of minutes until he “greeted” me with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”, and it was THEN that my anxieties disappeared, and this day came into full “commencement”! Yonah was fine! The WORLD was perfect! And we got into the “morning routine”... the curtains and blinds opened to the grey morning, all the snow that covered the world out-side, and was still falling, quite steadily. Be that as it was, in Yonah's house, all was nice and warm and dry... and we had a day ahead of us!
It didn't take but mere moments after I opened his door and was heading to the kitchen to start the “morning water changes” when... HE WAS UP AND OUT AND IN FLIGHT! I'm always quite impressed with his “burst” of energy first thing in the morning. Personally, I was looking at several hours of shovelling the snow out-side and didn't want to be bothered, but here was Yonah, up, stretched and FLYING! Now there's “inspiration”!
Indeed, the snows of last night continued steadily, all through the day. But Yonah? Oh, he's still working... on his “new little corner of the world”, 'neath the limbs and leaves of the orange tree. He hasn't lost interest at all, and from the very first thing this morning and through well into the after-noon, today was another flutter and bustle of wings as he flew from house to tree, bringing sorted and assorted sprigs of more moss. And yes, he DOES appear to be quite cozy there! For most of the day, it's where he stayed, when he wasn't on the floor beside me, or, after I'd done with the work out-side, I had a brief lie-down... and he took his place... on my head! Rooting on my temple, he made himself most comfortable and decided to stay there for a while!
When, again, as he does, he woke me, two minutes before the alarm I'd set... with his usual little “pecks” on the head, I pulled the light blanket up, over my head AND over him! Since the blanket was over my head, I could see him, under there, and... AMAZINGLY, he appeared to be quite comfortable under there. The blanket is actually a flannel sheet, but it allows light through, so he could see where he was, and I could see him clearly, so I could see that he wasn't frightened, nor did he even seem slightly “confused”. In fact, as I spoke to him (“Well! Aren't YOU just comfy here.”) he snuggled against my face and almost got “comfy” enough to take his own snooze! He has the most ASTOUNDING TRUST in me! But then, it's well-placed because there isn't ANYTHING that I would EVER do to cause him ANY harm! AND... as time goes by, he makes it obvious that he truly “KNOWS” that... that he's perfectly safe with me around. For me, it's one thing to intend protection, LOVE, and ALL sorts of affection, but, that this Little Guy actually shows that he “understands” and accepts me is truly, indescribable. People put value on so many silly little “honours”, but the TRUST of a Little One, a “wild” Little One is, well, it makes all the rest so completely insignificant. I can't even begin to imagine what I've done to be so BLESSED, nothing I've ever done is “extraordinary”. I've provided Yonah with all that I'm obligated to provide, and obligated with all the willingness humanly possible. There's so much more that I probably should be giving him. But he “appreciates” all that I do... “appreciates”... It's not a simple matter of some sort of “instinct”, a “bonding” with another who happens to be there for him. He's come to a point where this is organic, physical, actual “understanding”. He has NO reason to trust me. It's not a part of his species, his ancestry, his lineage. But he does. And again, my heart breaks and I become so angry to know that there are those who find some mentally ill “happiness” in simply going out and murdering these little LIVES! Horrific! Disgusting! Repulsive! Morally, ethically and mentally ill.
Yes, as the world has been created, in order for something to live, something else must die. Even a plant must be destroyed in order to be consumed. And when we give it honest and sincere thought, that some birds (mourning doves) are “granivores”, eating only the seeds from plants, obviously, THEY don't “kill” in order to survive. Other birds do, such as raptors, kill “prey”. Other animals have to kill in order to survive. People who are “vegetarians” or “vegans” have to kill living plants. But “granviores” simply consume the seeds of plants, allowing other seeds to grow into living plants that will provide even more sustenance. Mean-while, “people” shoot, trap and other-wise murder... Mourning doves are not essential to human nourishment. There isn't nearly enough to them that would provide proper nourishment. And, it can be verified that there are those who “get their jollies” simply going out and shooting FLOCKS of these little ones. No, my mind just will not accept that... it never did, and again, I can only hope that SOMEBODY will take the time to read through this journal and LEARN... and then pass that learning on, and hopefully, that “18-month average life-span” of mourning doves will, eventually increase, as well as those for other Little Ones who are murdered... for “sport”.
And so, that off mind and heart...
The snows continued, unabated, through the entire day. And I kept busy with house-chores and tasks, most of which were done in Yonah's room... in his company. And Yonah? MOST of his day was spent in his “new place”... under his orange tree. We listened to bird-songs... We listened to the radio. We had the FullSpec light on and the radiator... light and warmth... and “music”... birds and people. But most importantly, we had each-other's company through the day! A perfect Winter day... absolutely perfect.
This evening, we both took our “evening meal” break, and after, we got to the “evening routine”... the snows were still falling and the temperatures were dropping... blinds and curtains got closed, and Yonah, who had been on his roof-top platform, lounging in the light, wanted some CUDDLING! He's been SO affectionate these days, wanting to be close, wanting to be cuddled, held in my hands, stroked on the breast, kissed on the head. He REALLY enjoys the closeness that we have. And I still remember the very first time he gave me a “wing-snap” and I took it as wanting to fight. I still remember the first time he actually allowed me to make ANY contact.. it was a gentle stroke on his breast. I still remember those “firsts”. And now, when we're SO close, SO often, I'm still just as AWE-STRUCK as ever. I' not so surprised when parrots or budgies, canaries, parakeets enjoy their human companions. The poor Little Ones are, for the most part, born into a horrid “captivity” and spend their entire lives in the company of “humans” (all too many who ignore them, or other-wise abandon them, treating them as some “nick-nack” decoration). This reminds me of a visit to a local “Pet” store where a woman was “buying” only ONE little canary... The sales-dolt reached into a cage and snatched one of an obvious pair and removed it. The one that remained looked around, noticing it's companion was gone!!! And it continued looking for the missing “other” !!! I was SO physically sickened !!! And recalling the incident, CLEARLY, I harbour the worst possible sentiments... for the customer, the sales-dolt, the store, the company... and ALL who engage in the buying and selling of these Little Ones. And I can't stress enough... “the worst-possible sentiments”. But Yonah? Yonah's only contact with people, other than those who ignored him, or disturbed him as he ate or flew about in the wild, is me... and what I've done to be deserving, not only of his Trust, but his close companionship, maybe I might call it “LOVE”, will, forever, elude me. But, we are a “pair”, a “flock”, a “unit”... we're “US”... two separate beings, but one “LIFE”. He is, as I say, repeatedly, my “Heart-and-Soul”... not each one separate, but both, together. I'm... I'm... in “AWE”... in the very truest sense of the word. Anyway, these days, we're ever-so close, and if there ever was such a place as the “Heaven” of lore... Yonah is it!
So, windows closed, he headed for his pillow on his futon and I put his back board up, more so that I don't have to disturb him before he settles in for a night's sleep. And we sat together, on his futon, snuggling, cuddling. He hopped from pillows to my arm, to my shoulder. (He'd been on my shoulder several times during the day today too, as I went about the house. And he's getting “comfy”, riding about in the hood of my sweat-shirt!) And we chatted a bit until he decided to go to his house... and I moved to his work table to get to his Journal for today.
At 19.30, he was still on his door perch, beside me. The lights had been dimmed, the musics off... the furnace kicked-up... the house was beginning to take the night's chill. Yonah was still on his door perch when I put his roof board on and as soon as I did, he headed up to his little loft mirror... apparently the roof board signalled “seepie-nigh-night” time. He gave the little reflection the usual “Good night” pecks and then came over to me. I leaned my head in beside him and he gave me a few gentle pecks on my cheek. I got “seepie-nigh-night” pecks too! I asked him if he was ready for “seepie-nigh-night” and he went right for his “night spot”. Poor Little Guy! He had such a busy day again today, with his “construction project” and all the flying about. Well? Tonight, he'll have a nice warm, calm place to get a good night's rest. Tomorrow, part of his “groceries” are due to arrive and his little “presents” (eggs and doves) are due Monday or Tuesday! (I don't know what to do for him, to provide him with ALL he could possibly need, and I would much rather have a live companion dove for him, but the “decoy” will give me a better idea as to what his reaction to another dove will be... If it proves that he'd like another dove, well? Our next adventure... we'll find him one. I still hold hope that I could find one that needs adoption. The thought of “buying” from some heartless mercenary sickens me. But if I'm left with no choice, and Yonah would like, well... as I always say: Nothing is too good for Yonah, and nothing is good enough for him... as far as I'm concerned.
So, we close another day together. Tomorrow there's a promise of sun-shine in the forecast and I'm looking forward to that... REAL light instead of the bulb. And hopefully it'll fill his room with light and warmth... We have another day together to look forward to and... what that will bring us is to be seen. And in the morning, I'll be up and waiting for the “call”... anxious as I always am. But tonight... my little Heart-and-Soul is tucked-in, safe, warm, LOVED and CHERISHED... as he'll be... forever.
mourning dove 05 February 2022Saturday 05 February:
7.04 THIS MORNING! WELL HEY! “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! And I replied in kind, the reply was immediate. Yonah was up, awake, ready, raring to have at the day! And, at that point, I'd been up and about for about 2 hours already, on a bitter-cold, snow-covered morn, but only NOW was I able to accept it all, and actually feeling like even bothering with any of it. (My days rest, solely, on Yonah, his health, his being.)
Last night, tuck-in was “on time”, and the night was peaceful, his room was warm. The only “draw-back” was that I'd drawn his blinds, but had closed the curtains over one window... and hadn't closed the blinds. I'd notice the intrusive, harsh, miserable light from the street-light out-side, glaring in through the 5 layers of curtains, when I looked-in on him for our nightly “good night, I LOVE YOU”, which is the very last thing whispered in to him, from his door, EVERY night before I go to bed. I was, of course, annoyed, agitated, with myself and those who promised to attend to the horrific trash hanging on the utility pole out-side his windows, but, at that hour, I wasn't about to disturb Yonah's rest. Fortunately, those back boards keep a lot of the intrusive light out through the night, as well as lending insulation against the chill that tries to infiltrate. Yonah was well-protected against all the glare, so I let it be, hoping that the diffused light in his room wouldn't disturb him in any way.
So it would seem, he slept quite well through the night. But, because there was more day-light coming through with the dawn, that seems to have caught his attention. (I'm still not sure how these blinds are going to work-out come the Summer months, when we'll have windows open through the night for ventilation. But I see today, that the breaking of day is definitely a factor in what will become our “Wake-Up” hour. We'll learn as we go along.
Mean-while... when I got into the room this morning, Yonah was already up, stretching and obviously looking forward to “getting on with the day”! I opened his door, leaned in and got many little “Good morning” pecks! Obviously, he slept well last night too. As I greeted him with my “Good mornings”, he was hopping back and forth between perches, ever so anxious to get to his daily agenda! So, we got straight to opening the house to the snow-covered, but lightening day beyond the window panes.
The sky was clear, the sun was still trying to make way above the trees across the road, but the room filled with wonderful morning light. Curtains open, blinds drawn, we got to the water changes and house tidying. (And, of course, the “poop check”... that too, confirmed a calm night, all on his moss-floor, in one place, and all looking quite “healthy”. THAT TOO, lifts my spirits in the morning.) It was quite “bitter-cold” out there, but his thermometer was reading 23° this morning! VERY good, indeed. No chills. No need to “fluff against the cold”. So, I proceeded with my personal morning duties... I was off to the kitchen to fetch the waters... and Yonah was off to stretch his wings with a quick flight across the room to his futon and pillows.
He was TRULY ENERGETIC this morning! When I'd finally settled his house, situated to catch the earliest morning sun-shine, Yonah was already at this mosses. Obviously, more “construction” to be performed with the day ahead. He really IS occupied with this “nest-building” venture of his, and it's really quite fascinating and wonderful to watch him, pecking, picking and sorting through the little sprigs of moss, picking one up, tearing it from the rest, dropping it to get a good look at it. Then, he seems to lift a choice bit and hold it, as if trying it's weight, length and stability. When approved, he takes to wing, out of his house and round to the flower pot on the work table and he arranges and settles the new addition to what he's already accumulated there, at the base of the orange tree. If need be, he's back to the house for more, but not before “nestling”. Apparently, there's one more “standard” that has to be met: is it comfortable there? If not, there's more “arranging”. If so, he settles-in, gives a few “shuffles” of his body, apparently to give shape to everything and there he stays for a while. More material? Off he goes, out of his little hide-away corner, back t the house to repeat the process and procedure.
As the day moved on, he decided to stay there, under the orange tree, for some time... until I walked into the room! Ah... THEN, he got up, came to rest, momentarily, on the edge of the pot and when he understood that I was staying... WOOSH! OUT HE CAME, MOST OFTEN, TO ME, TO MY ARM OR SHOULDER. And again, this morning, I'd stepped out of the room for a short while and as I came back, he was standing AT his door... waiting for me! More? If, when I stepped back into his room after a brief absence to get coffee, the times he was under the work table or the shelving under his house, he came, almost at a “run”, to meet me! In all honesty, I'm at the point where I have to compare him to a “dedicated puppy”, because THESE aren't the sorts of actions or behaviours that I'd EVER expect from a dove! AND, these too, support the “sentience”, the ability to “KNOW”, to “learn” to “BE AWARE”, “COGNIZANT” of environment, presences, and to recognise particular people. (After all, Yonah will come to greet me, but, the few times any OTHER person comes to the room, he's quite blatantly obviously disturbed, un-trusting, will fly to the highest point on the highest of his wall shelves, and he will NOT come near... the other person OR, for that matter, me... until the “other” is gone and we're alone and I can talk with him a while. He “differentiates”... people, faces, beings. Oh too, he's VERY aware of even the slightest re-arrangement in his house, which he's proven, repeatedly, when we get into the thorough house-keeping... or, even when I do the lightest “house-keeping” and I have to move rocks or any item if his... in HIS house. He “misses” NOTHING... recognises EVERY-THING! He's “AWE-inspiring”, teaching, generally inspirational, often astounding. Best of all, he's my morning-to-morning and ALL time in between. He's my heart-beat, my breath... He's my “Heart-and-Soul”!
And as our day continued... WOW! The sky cleared to absolutely PERFECT, and a MAGNIFICENTLY BRILLIANT WHITE “WINTER SUN” POURED IN THROUGH HIS WINDOWS... FLOODING HIS ROOM WITH PURE LIGHT AND THE NICEST WARMTH. I situated me at his work table, his bird-songs and the radio playing, and Yonah? Oh... we had our play in between his flights with construction work. We had a LOT of play-breaks! No matter how busy he may have been, if I made a move, even to turn in the chair, he was ready! On my shoulder, my head, on the back of the chair... or on the futon where he stood and stared at me until I turned to look at him and he could give a wing-snap! And this after-noon... he took a bit of a break to BASK IN THE WARMTH OF THE SUN-SHINE! He hasn't done that in some time and it was BEAUTIFUL to see! (I'm still working on some way to get him into the sun-shine, out-side, come the warmer weather this year. He'd be in some sort of protected, protective enclosure, of course, other-wise he's open prey. But, surely, there's some way... and we have several more weeks before we're confronted with - blesses with? - temperatures warm enough for such an adventure... I'm thinking... to be sure.)
All matters told, WE HAD A TRULY WONDERFUL, MAGNIFICENT, SUN-FILLED, AWE-FILLED DAY TOGETHER TODAY! The affections never stopped, the play was just, well, more “frequent” than “frequent”. Yonah was is SUCH GRAND SPIRITS ALL DAY! The loving, being on my shoulders, back... the chair... even following me around the room, on the floor. He doesn't fly away. Instead, he literally FOLLOWS me... even into the kitchen! That's becoming a common-place activity for him now. And it's to the point where, no matter where I am in the house, I tread with ABSOLUTE and UTMOST CARE AND CAUTION because I just NEVER know where he is! He could be under his orange tree, or on his pillows... or under his house either on the shelving or on the floor. He goes under the chair, the work table... He's ALL OVER the place now. AND too... in the kitchen! And he's so silent when he toddles about the place! he has moments when he'll “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” when I call his name or if I call “Where ARE you-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo?” But those are only “moments”. Other-wise, he stays where he is, still, blending-in perfectly with just about EVERY place in the house (and having beige and brown carpeting, earth-tones on most of the furniture, well, I swear he KNOWS he's “hiding”... just one of his “instincts” I imagine), it's ALWAYS a game of “Hide''n'Seek” with him. And you know? Sometimes, from the look on his face when I “discover” where he is, I'd swear he's thinking “What is WRONG with you? I've been RIGHT here, ALL along?”
And this after-noon, after his little “basking”, I'd stepped out of the room for a short while and when I returned, again, I didn't see him in ANY of his “usual” places... past or current until... THERE he was... splashing about in his POOL! Knee-deep snow all round out-side, clear skies and BRISK breezes and there he was, having a bath! But when he saw me reach for the camera... he was OUT and over to his door perch! I honestly don't believe he enjoys all this photo-taking because he'll fly or toddle off the moment he sees the camera in my hand. Anyway, he did so again today, but I wanted to see what he'd do if I splashed my fingers in HIS pool! (I have to say, the water was delightfully warm. But it IS in the sun-light and the tubing for the fountain passes by his radiator so, of course it would be comfy.) WELL! As can be seen by the photos, he was none-too-pleased! Imagine MY audacity, splashing in HIS pool! At one point, he came directly back into the water just to give my had a couple of stern pecks! Apparently, I've been put into my “proper” place where “bathing” is concerned. Oh, but if there were any doubts about his “masculinity”... they're regularly obliterated. He KNOWS who and what he is and there will NO mistaking that... to be sure! But for me, it's part of the most heart-warming delights, and I DO SO LOVE him for ALL of his personality, poise, stature, and though he IS my MOST PRECIOUS AND CHERISHED LITTLE GUY, I accept HIS position in the flock... ALWAYS. (Still, it was wonderful to see him enjoying the warm water... as the world out-side was completely blanketed in fresh snow.)
So as I say, we were together ALL through the day. Some of this “groceries” arrived this morning; the food I use as a “base” for it all. There's more en route to arrive during the coming week. We're in no dire need. I just prefer to make sure that there's always “more than enough” on hand, and, checking the “Sell By” on the packaging, we've NO worry about ANY of it EVER going “stale”. Other-wise, I got a LOT of my backed-up correspondence completed and more “research” on foods and necessities for mourning doves... not just for Yonah but for the “Yardies” as well. We listened to bird-songs and the radio as we do, and we both took a “break”, mid-day, for a little bit of lunch. After which, I took a 30-minute lie-down during which, Yonah came to “visit” a few times, but again, as always, moments before the alarm was to sound, he came over to the pillow, beside my head, let out a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” which he followed with several carefully-placed pecks on the temple. (His timing... I don't believe I'll EVER come to simply “accept” that!)
We had our “evening meal” break, after which we changed waters, tidied the house. I made certain to draw AND close the blinds tonight but waited for a while before putting the back board up. I wanted to see if it made any difference in when he was ready for “seepie-nigh-night”. Tonight was a bad night for that because... he WAS ready... by 19.00! I dimmed the lights, silenced the music and hadn't put up any of the boards and as I got situated at his door to have an “evening chat” he headed right up to his little loft to bid “Good night” to the little reflection! SO... by 19.15, boards were installed, MOST affectionate kisses were exchanged and he was AT his “night spot” on his perch. WE had “closed the day”.
Thinking about it though, he DID, at that point, have about a 12-hour day which leaves him with 12 hours to rest. And, as I'm to understand, mourning doves prefer 10-14 hours of rest, daily. So this works well for him, indeed.
mourning dove 05 February 2022But, a day together could be 12, 14, 24, 36 or more hours... they're never “enough”. Sure, at the end of a day I'm tired too, but... it's all about the time together with Yonah... no matter how much, it's never “enough”. He's a JOY, he's a DELIGHT, he's an AMAZEMENT, he's ELATION... he's my LIFE, my BEING... he's my Little Guy... he's my Heart-and-Soul... my breath. But for tonight, he's my Little One, in the safety of his house, nice and warm, well-nourished, and he's my “tomorrow”... and I'm curious as to when that will commence and how. No doubt, there's more “construction” to be done on the “new place under the orange tree”, and it's supposed to be slightly warmer than today, but slightly cloudy. Still... “slightly warmer”, after tonight's expected -22°... tomorrow's -8° will be delightful! And we have it to spend together. And really, that's all that matters.

Sunday 06 February:
Another cold... COLD, SNAPPY-COLD morning, this. And grey but with breaks just long enough to cast morning “red” across the Western mountains. I stood on the front porch, marvelling at it all for a moment and then hurried back into the warmth of the house behind me... the clock read “7.14” and, as I stepped-in and closed the door, the old house was filled...
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Never mind the sun-rise across the sky, my Heart-and-Soul was up, awake and calling for the day to begin!
Immediate, straight line to the next door, from behind which came the most BEAUTIFUL, HEART-FILLING MELODY! And as I walked in, quietly asking “Are you really THAT awake already?”, I could see, already from the distance of the door, a little head bobbing, a tail fluttering. INDEED! Oh yes, Yonah WAS very much... awake! AND, this morning, even just a bit more, if that's at all possible, ready to get morning snuggles and kisses! THEY began, in earnest, right after I opened his door and leaned my face in to give him MY snuggles and kisses! He really has been in a most affectionate sort of late. And my heart couldn't rejoice more fully, more jubilantly. Not only is my “Bestie-ever” awake and energetic, he's WELL, and he obviously slept a restful sleep last night.
We'd no sooner finished our “mutual lovings” when he hopped over to his food... It was breakfast time too! He had an appetite and was eating! OK! THIS was now “officially”... A GRAND DAY!
Whilst Yonah ate, I got to the chores of opening curtains and blinds to the CRISP, still rather dimly-lit morning that waited out-side his windows. And as I opened the blinds fully, bringing a full view of the snow-covered world beyond the glass, Yonah hopped back over to his little “loft platform” in the corner, the very one he visits last, each night, before “seepie-nigh-night” and there... another “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... “Good morning” to the little reflection in the mirror there.
I still wonder how he'd react to another dove in his house though. The little reflection doesn't compete for space, food, water. Yonah doesn't have to be concerned with the “wants and needs” of the little one in the mirror. It doesn't get in his way, vie for air-space or floor-space. Another actual dove? Well... these are things I need to consider... seriously. I'm hoping that the “faux doves”, due to arrive this week, will give me a better understanding as to what might happen in the event of the presence of another dove. I'm looking, very much, forward to that lesson. Mean-while, Yonah seems quite content with his little “reflection-friend” so, I take some comfort in that.
As waters were being changed, house being tidied, “poop-check” performed (all well there too... all in the one place where Yonah had spent and obviously serene night), Yonah “finished his business at home” and he was UP, IN-FLIGHT, ACROSS THE ROOM AND... shelves, for a quick check there and then down to his pillows from where he watched me finish the “morning routine”. Bird-songs on (no radio this morning though), fountain trickling in the pool, I went to the kitchen to finish it all and tidy there... and Yonah called... and we “chatted”, back and forth, for quite the while!
During the day today, WOW! Was he EVER “attentive” to my EVERY move! And “talkative” too! If he wasn't on the futon, watching me as I went from work table to kitchen and back, giving me a “Where are you going now?” call when I'd leave the room, he was either near-by in his house, very close, or... on my shoulder, in the hood of my Sherpa... on my head, my arm. And almost with-out fail, every time I looked in his direction, he gave a wing-snap! Today, he almost “demanded” attention, affection, contact! SO MUCH SO THAT...
Of course, all the while this was going on, my heart was just DANCING, and my smile never dimmed. I was JUBILANT and FULL of AWE! There truly is NEVER a “dull moment” with Yonah in Life... NEVER!
The rest of the day followed the very same manner... ALL of it! Yonah and I were almost inseparable, at HIS choosing. I sat, for the most part, at the work table and with very few exceptions, when he decided to do a little more work on his “new condo”, he actually WANTED to be close, with or on me. I gave no encouragement, made no motions, gave no calls. He simply took wing and came right over. And EVERY time I left the room, even just for a quick run to the loo, he called, and didn't stop until I answered... some-how... whether talking or coo'ing. I've NO idea what prompts this. He's often just fine on his own. He always seems to find something to “do” or some place he wants to be. It certainly isn't that he simply “roosts” when I'm not in the room. Although, he will when I am in the room... but even then, that's either on his futon pillows or... right beside me, either in his little moss divot or on his door perch. Today was particularly a “contact” day. Again, I have no idea what prompts it, but... I thoroughly enjoy every moment of it.
The sun did manage to make an appearance, later this after-noon, and for a brief while, the room was GLOWING with brilliant light! I took the briefest lie-down... of course, WITH Yonah on the pillow at my head. I didn't set an alarm because it was to be brief and when, after about 5 minutes, I got back up, Yonah FOLLOWED me! He hopped down to the floor and toddled along beside. (I TRULY, REALLY, MUST PAY SO MUCH ATTENTION NOW, MORE THAN EVER BEFORE, BECAUSE I NEVER KNOW WHEN HE'LL BE ON THE FLOOR AND WHERE! He's taken to “hanging about” behind the chair, or he'll find a little place where he can't be seen right away when I come into the room and then SUDDENLY... THERE HE IS, COMING TOWARD ME! AND YES... HE DOES COME TO GREET ME WHEN I ENTER HIS ROOM! SO... attention and diligence and caution are in demand!)
And the day rolled on all too quickly, as ALL days with Yonah do. Suddenly, it came time to have evening meal... and, at 16.00 when I went to the kitchen to put food on the hob, Yonah hopped in to have his evening meal! It's uncanny, really, but we seem to be coordinated in that respect (too?). I go to start my evening meal and he goes to have his. It's been like that almost all along, as I recall.
The saddest part of the day though, is when the washing-up is done because, well, these days, when the sun sets “early”... in spite of it doing-so a minute later each day now, after meal is “evening routine” time... changing waters and tidying house. The day, OUR day is obviously, rudely, coming to a close. But Yonah appears to be in accordance with the “schedule” because when I went in to set-up for water, he hopped to his door perch, gave me another wing-snap, we snuggled and cuddled and kissed and pecked and I told him that I was going to change the water in his pool and I no sooner said... he was off to his pillows on the futon... where he could watch and “supervise”. I'd swear... he's learning certain phrases... even if it's just the “key sounds” of some words. MORE people should be MORE aware of this! I just have to figure a way to slam it out there and into as many as I can... One of these days... perhaps Yonah's web-site is a beginning. (If nothing else, it's quite the “documentary”... if anybody cared.) And so, I got to my “assigned duties” and when done, I closed the blinds and curtains (properly, tonight). The night's chill was about to start clawing at the window panes! And, I put the back board up... I'm still curious as to whether or not that “signals” the need for “seepie-nigh-night” and if so, I'd rather change that... but only slightly because, come the Summer nights, that board WILL be going up just about last, at the end of the day and then, it'll be later than 19.00, to be sure... although, if it's “dark enough” and the other mourning doves... the “Yardies”, as I call the flocks now, are “tucking-in” at 19.30... I'll do my best to keep their routine for Yonah. Time will tell all. Meanwhile, the board does give him more insulation against the chills and that, to me, is tantamount in importance.
Well then... at 19.00, I was at the work table and turned... Yonah was, as he is, on his door perch. I dimmed the lights, silenced the musics and was sitting to chat with him when... at about 19.10, he headed up to his little loft and began the nightly ritual of “pecking 'Good nights'” at the little reflection there! HE WAS TIRED! READY FOR TUCK-IN... IT WAS “SEEPIE-NIGH-NIGHT” TIME! SO... well then, I asked if he was ready, and he toddled along his perch, came over to me, and we exchanged OUR pecks and kisses. Yes, he was ready, it was time. Hey... it was almost 12 hours of a full day for him so... he was due his 12 hours of rest! So I put the roof board up, made sure he has more than enough food for the night, and ready for the morning's start tomorrow. We got in another cuddle and he went to his “night spot” on his perch. Our day... I closed his door, went over and put the desk light out, pressed my face against his door and whispered “seepie-nigh-night my Heart-and-Soul. You sleep warm, comfy, well, restful. Everything's fine, nothing will ever harm you or even threaten you. I'm here... always in the next room... listening, in case you need me... You just call. I'll peek in later. You call me when you wake up tomorrow. We have a week of deliveries ahead... You have more food coming and a couple of surprises! So... get your rest! I LOVE YOU.”
With that, heavy-hearted as I always am at end of day, I tip-toed out and slightly closed his door so as to let just enough light in so that, should he need to move about at all, he can see, but enough to keep the warmth of his radiator in HIS room... where it's intended.
Another day closed... and another day to look forward to... tomorrow... And as long as Yonah is in it... so too, will I be.

          * FULL SCREEN *
Monday 07 February:
A day of “education”, today, that began at... the early hour of... 7.07! (On the 7th day of the month; imagine that.) A hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came floating through the door and my “reply-in-kind” was answered with a rather firm “woo-HOO!” OK! Never mind the idle chat, let's get this morning rolling here! AND... to be sure, so we did! Obviously he'd had a restful and refreshing night, last night. I couldn't have been happier. And we were a bit on the “chatty” side, when I opened his door and leaned in for “Good morning” kisses and pecks. Not as much as yesterday, but, there was NO lack of energy. I'd no sooner gone to the windows to open curtains and blinds and Yonah was on-the-wing, off across the room to his futon pillows! He's really quite amazing in that respect; he's up, a few fluffs of the feathers, stretches of the wings and WOOOSH! It's “inspirational”, after a fashion, and puts me in my proper place, needing to open eyes, consider getting out of bed and then not wanting to be out of bed until well after morning coffee. Imagine! And after my coffee, I'm greeted with such a magnificent BURST of such energy. I think of how it must be for the Little Ones “out there”, of a morning: waking up, stretching wings and NEEDING to set out for something to eat after a night of rest. (As they call it “breakfast”... the breaking of the night's fast.) At least my Little Guy need only hop across to “the buffet” for food, and as for “needing” to take flight... that's all his own choosing as to when and where.
The morning was grey again, but this morning wasn't the bitter cold we've been hit with of late so, the diffused morning light was an acceptable exchange, and it was nice to open the blinds and not feel the frigid cold radiating through the window panes. Yonah had slept well, was in good spirits, was obviously feeling well... the bitter cold had passed (for a while)... it was a great start to the new day!
And AGAIN, THIS morning, as I headed to the kitchen, after the “morning routine” of water-changing and tidying, (all of which, by the way, was “supervised” from the door perch this morning), I happened to look back on leaving the room AND... I WAS BEING FOLLOWED! Right behind me, toddling at open speed, there was Yonah, coming to see where I was going (or, to make sure I wasn't actually “leaving” him). OH! BUT THAT DOES A HEART SUCH GOOD TO SEE! He notices what I do, where I go; he's comfortable enough in this old house to not fear leaving the familiar surroundings of his own room and he's comfortable enough with me to know that he CAN follow me about. Then too, one might expect a dog or cat to follow along but... a little bird? Who thinks of such a thing? AND, that Yonah WALKS behind! He doesn't fly out of the room, over my head. (And if you've never seen a dove “toddle with determination”... you owe it to yourself to watch, carefully, doves, pigeons, any little bird, I suppose. The little legs just seem to RUN at all-out top speeds! Precious little Beings... with their short legs, trying to “keep up”. I've actually taken to walking slower though, of late. In the first place, because Yonah has taken to walking about, I can never be certain where he is at any given moment and if on the floor, there's a HORRIBLE accident potential there. Second, of course, if he's following, I don't want to make it any more difficult for him to keep some sort of pace with me. I'm not running away from him. And it's a good feeling... being considerate of him. Heavens know how much I appreciate him and him being in my life. And, I like him being with me, so if I don't move along too quickly, he can keep up and we have that much more time together. THERE'S an absolute “WIN”!)
So the morning sun rose and did manage to clear away quite a bit of the clouds and there was, for quite a while, a WONDERFUL sun-shine washing over everything in Yonah's room. After my own morning chores, I moved in, settled down at the work table. We were expecting a “parcel” today so I passed the time whislt we waited to give the post office enough time to sort through their mail and such and, round about 10.30, I “toddled” over to see what, if anything, had arrived today...
TO MY DELIGHT... BOTH, THE “DECOYS” AND THE “FAUX EGGS” ARRIVED... SAME TIME, SAME DAY! I'd been thinking it would be nice to have both at the same time and here they were! I was excited and anxious to see what Yonah's reaction to “another dove in the house” would be, and because he's been nest-building and “mating” with the pillow on the futon, I wanted to provide him with the ability to experience his “parental instinct”, but with-out the need to “get” a real egg, and then, facing the difficulties of providing proper foods for him (well, me) to feed the young. (NOT TO MENTION: WERE I TO HAVE AN EGG HATCH IN THE HOUSE, HERE, I SEE THAT AS A MORAL AND ETHICAL ATROCITY BECAUSE THE NEW CHICK WOULD BE BORN... IN... TRUE “CAPTIVITY”! It would never truly be able to fly freely in the out-side world, would never truly have legitimate “parents” to raise it, would be entirely TOO comfortable with people... and I WILL NEVER DO SUCH A THING!) But I DO want Yonah to be able to experience what he was born to do: to tend eggs. So, today, we got “another dove” and the eggs (and I HAVE to say that these “faux eggs” are AMAZINGLY realistic! Not only in appearance but in weight and general “feel”... and more on that to follow...)
mourning dove 07 February 2022Well then... I was DELIGHTED to see the “pretty close to natural” colours of the “decoys' and, considering they're from China, the construction was “almost fair enough”. (The seams are so visible which makes them what I call “Obviously Made In China”.) I'd looked at a lot of different brands, priced a lot of different retailers, and I'd made the proper choice. So, when I got them out of the packaging, the first thing I did was file-down the little “hanging loop” on the back of each one. I wanted them to look as close to “real” as possible, and that little “loop”, well... It was easy enough to file down nicely... and THEN CAME THE MOMENT....
The “doves” came in a pair, and one more-resembled a female, the other, more a male. I brought the “female” into Yonah's room and placed it on his roof-top platform, which is where he was at the time. WELL! HE IMMEDIATELY RUFFLED HIS FEATHERS, FLUFFED HIM-SELF UP FULL, GAVE THE “NOD” THAT DOVES (and pigeons) GIVE ONE-ANOTHER AS A FORM OF “GREETING”. THIS WAS FOLLOWED BY A RESOUNDING, CLEAR “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” and THEN... THRUSTING PECKS! I WASN'T SURE, AT FIRST, WHETHER THEY WERE “GREETINGS”, “AFFECTIONATE” OR... AS I WAS TO LEARN AS THE MOMENTS PASSED, “AGGRESSION”. I left the “new addition” on his roof for a while and watched from a few steps away as Yonah “preened”, the ROUGHLY RUFFLED AND FLUFFED AND ALL BUT OUT-RIGHT “ATTACKED”! His pecks were “thrusts”, his other-wise “affectionate nibbles” were BITES! HE WAS NOT PLEASED WITH THIS INTRUDER! I tried moving the “other dove” to the futon pillows, to see if Yonah's response would be any different. It was not. I even tried to put it into his house, on the limb on his floor. THAT just gave him clear access to the “breast” of the decoy and he made EVERY use of that advantage, striking at it, repeatedly. When I tried to put it up on the perch where he spends the night, thinking he might appreciate a “presence of company” through his nights... he flew up to it, attacked it's face, pushed his way past it and went directly to his reflection in his mirror there and gently pecked at that. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS... THIS “INTRUDER” WAS NOT WELCOME! I tried the same routine with the “male”, which sat a little higher and THAT WAS ALMOST A BIT OF A HORROR! THE ATTACKS WERE QUICKER, STRONGER, MORE DETERMINED! NEITHER ONE WAS A WELCOMED ADDITION TO THE HOUSE-HOLD! WOW!
Ah, but then... THEN... a HORROR !!! Thinking that I could “advertise” the good food I make available for the “Yardies”, as I refer to the flocks of the yard, these days, and, particularly, the mourning doves, I thought I could put one of the “decoys” at the tray where meals are served... a bit of an “enticement”. So it did... and it looked quite nice, convincing. IN FACT, THE DECOYS ARE SO CONVINCING THAT, WHEN, NOT 5 MINUTES LATER, I LOOKED OUT THE LOO WINDOW TO SEE... A HAWK ON THE RAIL !!! STANDING THERE, STARING AT THE DECOY! WHEN I WENT TO GET THE CAMERA, BY THE TIME I GOT BACK TO THE WINDOW IT WAS ATTACKING THE DECOY !!! DUMBSHIT! I HOPE IT GOT A GOOD BIT OF PUNISHMENT, TRYING TO TEAR THAT PLASTIC BIRD APART !!! BUT NOW I KNOW WHAT ATTACKED YONAH !!! BUT THE SIGHT OF THAT HAWK SICKENED ME ! SCRUFFY AND SO MUCH LARGER THAN A MOURNING DOVE ! THE TRAUMA YONAH MUST HAVE SUFFERED, BEING ATTACKED AND THE ATTEMPTS TO SHRED HIM... ALIVE !!! AND THAT HE SURVIVED, NOT ONLY HIS INJURIES BUT THAT TERROR !!! SICKENS ME. YES, I UNDERSTAND THAT THAT'S THE WAY THIS “PERFECT” WORLD IS CREATED: IN ORDER FOR SOMETHING TO LIVE, SOMETHING MUST DIE. NO MATTER WHAT... BE IT ANIMAL OF SOME KIND OR PLANT. BUT THE DECOY IS NOW REMOVED ! I'LL NOT ENTICE MOURNING DOVES TO COME TO EAT, ONLY TO HAVE THEM DESTROYED, OR WORSE, INJURED, AND ESPECIALLY NOT BECAUSE OF MY INTERVENTION !!! LET THE HAWKS EAT... ELSE-WHERE !!! Both decoys are currently on the branch I'd “potted” for Yonah... in the living-room. They look quite cute there and there is where they'll remain until I find a better place for them. WHAT a lesson! WHAT an experience! Thankfully, no harm came from any of it... either for Yonah or the other mourning doves. And now I better understand why mourning doves come to eat so early in the morning... before the “rest” wake... for breakfast.
At our usual 19.00, when musics go silent and lights are dimmed, I was concerned that Yonah wouldn't leave the egg and get something to eat... and, if he'd return to his “roost” for the night or stay on the egg, BUT... like a little Champion, he went for his usual evening snack... HE WAS EATING !!! AND HE WAS EATING VERY WELL !!! I WAS SO RELIEVED THAT I STAYED OUT OF THE ROOM, SO AS NOT TO DISTURB HIM. HE WAS EATING !!! AND I WAS GRATEFUL TO SEE THAT!

I was wondering if he'd return to the egg but... AMAZINGLY (to me)... HE DIDN'T! I hadn't touched it nor moved it... but he went on about his “usual” business in his house... we got a few pecks and kisses and a little “cuddle” and we went over to his “loft” for a preening, took a little toddle back and forth across his perch... NOW I'm wondering what tomorrow will bring...
When I sat back at the work table to begin his journalling for today, he came to his door perch as he usually does, so I moved the chair over to “chat” about all the events of the day. He listened for a little while, we got a bit of a “snuggle” as we do and he went up to his “loft”...
By then, it was about 19.20 and he seemed to want to “wrap the day up”...
At 19.30 he seemed “hesitant” tonight, about going “seepie-nigh-night”, lingering at the little “loft mirror” reflection, softly pecking at it quite often. He usually “gives the little reflection” some “Good night pecks”, but tonight he prolonged the “ceremony”. I wondered if he was expecting “the other dove” to take his place at the egg, for the night. I asked him if he was ready for “seepie-nigh-night” and he all but ignored me. And when I “coo'ed” from behind the front mirror, as I do of an evening, which usually entices him to come to his “night spot”, he came, pecked at that mirror and returned to the previous reflection. But, he didn't go back to the egg, and didn't give it a look. I'm not sure how to take this, and am wondering if I haven't made a horrible mistake today... with the “decoys” and the “faux eggs”. (And, of course, I have NO references, NO resources, and, as has been the case for most of our time together, the information that I've found, thus far, on multiple “Bird-Oriented” web-sites and forums is simply a waste of internet server computer space. Drivel and nonsense, for the most part, AND, of course, the common “ending” for ALL “dove-related” dialogues I find on alleged “bird-loving” forums: That statement with reference to the “MBTA” and a notice that further communications have been blocked.
Yes, I AM agitated, annoyed and disgusted... again. But again... I'm left to learn on my own, taught by my one and only REAL PROFESSOR... (and in our “chat” I told him so).
Considering the early hour he woke this morning, and the “excitement” of the day, I thought it best to simply go about turning the lights out and letting him get his rest, so... the roof board installed, I closed his door, watched to see if he'd come forward to his “night spot”... he didn't, right away. So I bade him a “Good seepie-nigh-night” and put the light out. In the dim light from the kitchen, I could see him moving to his night spot and so, I left his room, as I always, do. About 20 minutes later, I did go back to check on him... he was on his “night spot”... all seems “normal”.
WHAT A DAY! WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! And now... I wait to see WHAT sort of morning is to come tomorrow! I'm feeling that “alone” again, having no-one knowledgeable to turn to for information or advice... about the eggs, the decoys... But, my Little Guy, my Professor, my Heart-and-Soul has been SO patient with me for this past 16 months... I can only hope he'll “teach me through” this as well. Mean-while, it's a comfort to me to know that he knows that I LOVE him... and how much. It's a comfort to have seen how much we ARE a “unit”, one “spirit”, as it were. And of course, it's a comfort to know that he knows that I mean him NO harm... EVER, AT ALL! That's my Little Guy, my Heart-and-Soul, my next breath... and tomorrow we'll face another day, together... with more to learn. WHAT a LIFE!
mourning dove 08 February 2022Tuesday 08 February:
7.43 I went in but he was awake... not very chatty this morning. But his usual energetic self, he hopped over to the other perch after a bit of a “stretch”, I opened the curtains and blinds and he took off for the futon pillows. That was a relief to my soul, to see that he was well-enough to take a flight. So I got right to the rest of the morning routine and as I was finishing the water for the pool, he came over to his door perch to “check on progress” and, as I see it, to “inspect” the work. I'll suppose it passed because he went back to the futon and then to the floor, which meant I HAD to be exceptionally careful, because, I NEVER know where he'll toddle to.
THEN, as I came out of the loo, having emptied the “flush bucket” (the water that came from his pool)... HE CAME OUT OF HIS ROOM, INTO THE KITCHEN, TO LOOK FOR ME! He's AMAZING! And, now I see that, when I might not be in the house for a while, he DOES come looking. We ARE “a unit”... and he DOES have a certain affection, interest and he DOES, apparently, “miss” me when I'm not where I ought to be (at the work table, beside him). Sadly, this morning, I had two brief errands to run before getting on with the rest of the day, so I had to leave the house for about an hour, right away. These days, I've taken to using the front door of the house for errands because the back door is in direct sight-line of Yonah's house. So, in order to not make it obvious that I'm leaving, I sneak out the front. OK. Some might think that rather silly, but, in my mind, I don't want to cause Yonah ANY anxieties, as long as I can avoid. And going out the front door is of no inconvenience. (And even if it were, well, I'd do so anyway... Changes to my routine for Yonah's comfort are insignificant. This is HIS house, HIS home... and because he rather depends on me for comfort, protection, nourishment, companionship, needs, wants, necessities, all are my responsibility... and ALL are given... with LOVE!)
Well, I DID get the errands completed in just about an hour's time and when I came back into the house, as always, first stop was Yonah's room, since I didn't see him any-where else in the house. I walked in, calling him all the way and there... THERE HE WAS... ON THAT EGG! When I left the house, he was in his house, on his perch... BUT... he has a “sense of responsibility” to the little egg! It's quite a wonder to see him, SO “PARENTAL”. I ALMOST wish I could give him a real egg, but then, a “child” calls for an availability of such a variety of foods, and other necessities that I don't know I'd be able to provide, especially since the world out-side is covered with quite a bit of snow and ice yet. And again, a Little One born in a house, in the presence of me, a human, is a horrific environment for a “wild” one. The new mourning dove would trust people, and releasing him/her into the wild, well... trust in people would be a certain death. Best to simply leave all as is.
The “plan” now is to leave the egg there for the 14-day “incubation period” that would normally be. Then, I'll remove the egg and replace it with egg shell from a “domestic market” egg... cleaned, of course, and of a quantity and shape to resemble a hatched egg, as closely as I possibly can. That way, the egg won't have “disappeared”... it will appear that it's hatched and the young one has “flown the nest”... (I HOPE that's how it will appear!) No “anxieties”... (Again... I HOPE!)
And so, the morning moved along, as it does, the sky was clear, the sun, brilliant! The out-side world was still chilled, but the sun brought warmth, with the light, to Yonah's room, where I settled at the work table, he rested on his “egg”... bird-songs played, the radio, low, the fountain trickled... and the rest of the day was OURS... TOGETHER. It's like a contrived story, really. But we're living it, we're writing it, we are the story, and as only-imaginable as it might seem... here we are...
This after-noon, I noticed that Yonah's sticking with that egg and that HE DIDN'T EAT BREAKFAST AND AT NOON, STILL HADN'T HAD ANYTHING TO EAT. HE'S ON THE EGG AND I'M GETTING QUITE NERVOUS ABOUT IT! I DO understand that doves will cut-back on their eating whilst attending eggs, and I do understand that, should Yonah become hungry (enough), he WILL go for something to eat, but I just don't like seeing this. He's not “thin”. As a matter of fact, in the past 2 weeks, I've noticed that he's finally “filled-in and filled-out” a bit. My “error” though, is that I've been comparing him to the doves out-side lately and they're “fluffed” against all the cold weather, so, of course, he's going to appear “meagre”. I don't want him becoming the proverbial “fat”, but I certainly don't want him to be under-weight, and NEVER do I want to even think of him being hungry. I'm glad he got that bit of extra weight. Hopefully it'll help through this “egg” business. And the egg ought to be there for 14 days, which means we've got another 13 to go. But, if he doesn't get into some sort of routine of eating... we might not make the 14 days... I don't know HOW I'll do it, but I WILL cut the “incubation term” a bit short... 7 days, perhaps. Hopefully he won't notice... other-wise... I'll just continue to worry... as I always do anyway. HE'S MY LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL! I DON'T WANT HIM EVEN SLIGHTLY UN-COMFORTABLE... EVER!
The day rolled along, the sun didn't return to the sky, and Yonah and I passed it together, in his room as he remained tightly nestled on his “possession”. I did my own work at the table, and he? Well, for the most part, he ignored me... and seemed to “snooze” for the most part. In fact, I had a lie-down today... on his futon... ALONE! He wouldn't come to join me, as he usually does, for THAT! To me, it was so strange but, I understood. Ah, but this is an experience, a learning experience, for me. I can only hope that it was the correct decision, but only time will tell... and hopefully, when it's done, all will return to as it once was.
As day came to a close this evening... right after I had my evening meal, as usual, I went about the “evening routine” of changing water and light house-tidying. Yonah would NOT move from the little egg! During the day, he DID come away, but not far, and only briefly, when we had a few cuddles and kisses. He doesn't fear me, but he's devoted to that egg! His “paternal instincts” are quite strong! Amazingly-so.
I tried to coax him into having something to eat, because he hadn't had anything since last night, but even moving his food down from the little platform and closer to him was futile. He just would not step away from that egg long enough to eat! I was, by this evening, extremely concerned!
In a “search” on the matter, I happened across an account of a university team who were studying mourning doves. I wanted to know what mourning doves do when they have a “clutch” and one mate vanishes, for any reason at all. In the text I read the following, where a male mourning dove survived the female mate and they replaced the missing female with a male Ring-neck:
“... Both males immediately started to brood the egg (singular), sitting side by side upon the nest all day but deserting the nest at night to roost upon an open perch in the cage.”
Last night, Yonah DID go to his perch for the night, at about 19.00 or so. I was hoping that he'd do the same tonight, but it didn't seem he would. He wasn't even leaving to eat or drink all day! But this gave me some hope for later. To “encourage” him to at least eat, right after the “water-changing”, I closed his blinds and curtains and stopped the fountain, dimmed the lighting in the room to only the desk lamp and left him to do what-ever it was that he would do. That was at about 18.00, and hour earlier than usual.
At 18.35 I was about to go back into his room, as I do of an evening, to spend the last hours together, and as I walked into the room... HE WAS EATING! AND EATING MOST HEARTILY! It was a relief to see him eating, but heart-breaking to see him eating so fervently. HE WAS HUNGRY! So I stepped away, as not to disturb him but when I returned, moments later, he was still eating, so I sat at the work table to record this. As I typed, he continued to eat, as though I wasn't in the room. I turned his bird-songs and the radio off, to bring “silence” to the room... he continued eating and then... returned to the egg... only this time, instead of resting with his back to me, he turned and faced me. When I looked up at him... he blinked. He acknowledged that I was looking at him, but still refused to move at all. I was just happy to know that he'd eaten!
At 19.00, he allowed me to pick him up, as I do, for some snuggling. He SO enjoys being under my chin, and nestles, motionless, except for nudging his head up against my chin. (I wonder if it isn't the bit of beard that he enjoys, scratching lightly against his head.) This was no exception. And when I opened my hands, he flew to my shoulder and nestled against my cheek. All was “OK”. And when he'd been there a while, he took flight and into his house, to his perch, the one opposite the one he sleeps on though. But in a moment, he was in the corner, on his loft, pecking at the reflection in the little mirror there. I took the opportunity to cover the egg with a little mat of moss, hoping that he wouldn't be compelled to return to it. He'd eaten, I was hoping he'd “retire” for a night's sleep. But, he hopped back over to the opposite perch and proceeded to poop into his pool, which, at this point, is his source of drinking water for the night! I scooped the rather large “blop”, for lack of a better term at the moment, out of the pool, but because it was “fresh” it fell apart so... I immediately repeated the “exchange” of water... to make sure that what was in there was clean, for the night and early morning.
AS I was pouring fresh water into the pool, Yonah hopped right in and began drinking! He was thirsty! And the cold tap water had no effect on him at all! I continued pouring... he continued drinking. And when he was done, he hopped out and went up to his “night perch” where he “preened”... and did he ever preen! I finished the exchange of water, completely, the usual “7” complete flushes. (We're going to be doing a complete “house-keeping” very soon now anyway... end-to-end, top-to-bottom, sands and all.) The water was fresh, clean, and Yonah was preening... AND, APPARENTLY, HE HAD NO MIND OF AN EGG!
Well then, by 19.25, I simply put the roof board on, got his house all ready for a night's sleep. Yonah gave no indication that he was thinking about the egg... he was preparing to settle-down for the night. And so, as I put the light out, leaving his door open so that he could have enough indirect light to navigate as he settled, his little egg is secure under the moss mat for the night. Tomorrow morning, if there's any sign that he misses it, I'll uncover it, again, when he's not looking. If it's to be, I'll leave the egg with him for at least another week and then go to the “egg shell”, to make it appear that the egg had hatched.
I'm not sure whether I've done a good deed or made a terrible mistake with this, but I'll know, soon, I'm sure, and I'll take it from there, whether we do this again or not. When I think that mourning doves can produce 8-10 broods in a season... I'm not sure about going through this that many times again. But, if nothing else, this is a lesson... and I'm paying strictest attention to EVERY aspect of it. My main concerns: Yonah's nutrition, rest and exercise (since he doesn't fly about during the day whilst protecting the egg) AND, whether or not he'll experience any sort of “loss” when, after all the “incubating”, there are no little mouths to feed. Then again, in the wild, other birds and other critters will steal eggs from nests, and nests, especially those of mourning doves, will crumble or be blown away and the doves manage to recover from those calamities. I'm sure Yonah will “rebound” from this. After all, he's showing NO signs of missing “that dove” that was in with him, briefly, yesterday. (Thankfully, there was no time for “bonding” with the decoy!)
So, for tonight, there we have it. Yonah is tucked-in, safe, sound, warm, cozy, for another night's rest. What tomorrow brings will be... and we'll handle that, as it presents. Now? My Little Guy, my Heart-and-Soul can sleep peacefully, undisturbed, with no need of any thoughts of predators... human, animal or “natural event”... just as it should be... just as he SO deserves... and to which HE is MORE than entitled.
Wednesday 09 February:
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” at 7.35 this morning. A beautiful call in the calm of the early Winter-morning hour. I was beginning to wonder, but didn't want to barge in on Yonah. He beat me to it! The call wasn't as clear as most other mornings though. Sort of like that first time a person speaks in the morning, after a night of “heavy sleep”. But, as I went about “morning routine”, he did manage a clear “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” so, I take it as “breathing is clear”... and I'm relieved.
As I tidied house this morning, I managed to “slip” that egg out because Yonah was EATING BREAKFAST instead of skipping nourishment! He didn't do that yesterday. Yesterday, he went directly to the egg and that's where he was for the entire day. He didn't eat, as I noted, until later in the evening. I watched though, to see whether or not he'd actually miss the little white oblong, and, if he made ANY indication that he did, I knew I could simply return it and leave it there, for the “normal duration”.
Well, the morning moved along and he did, only momentarily, pick through the mosses, but not so much appearing to be searching for the egg, rather, he was back to picking sprigs... and bringing them over to the orange tree again and, he was back to spending time there, in his “new nest”, as it were! AND... as time passed... he was behaving as though the “egg never happened”! He flew about the room again, as he always has done, greeted me as I walked in, occupied his time with all of the little “routines” he's always done, including his “conjugal visits” to his favourite pillow on his futon! He's also back to being “playful”, enjoying little “snuggles” and “cuddles”. So, it appears that all has “returned to normal”. I'm rather amazed. But then, truth is that, in the “wild”, ANY number of things can happen to the eggs of ANY birds. From falling out of nests to being “stolen” or, simply destroyed by other birds or animals, eggs will go missing, disappear before hatching. Then too, there are those young chicks who are attacked, taken, fall from the nest... not to mention the “siblings” who are tossed by the stronger of them. I rather think of it as human parents who, after losing a child to disease or some other “act of Fate or Nature” will go on to produce others, more children. It's “Creation”, the cycles, life, death, and all before, after and in between.
THIS has been QUITE and education to me. I've learnt that the introduction of another dove isn't only not necessary, but isn't advisable... for ANY of the parties involved. I've read accounts that describe the relationship between a dove and a “people” as a “marriage”... as much a “marriage” as any could be. And, it's not uncommon for a dove to “marry” his/her care-giver. Even when introducing another dove, there can be a period of “divorce” where-by the human needs to with-hold affections from the primary dove for some period of time. The dove will experience a period of “loss” of the former “mate”. And there will be a period where-in the dove won't understand the sudden “avoidance”, decrease in affections and contact. But, eventually, should all go well, a new “bond”, a new “relationship” between the dove and the new “companion” will come about and there will be another “marriage”... between doves. In a “best care scenario”, doves and humans will, eventually, develop a mutually beneficial relationship amongst them. But I've come to learn that that's not exactly easy, and it could prove unpleasant for “all parties”. Yonah was quite vicious in his attacks on the “decoy” dove(s). It was immediate resentment. As I say, I'm relieved that I didn't introduce a live dove. Yonah is quite capable of inflicting quite the serious series of harsh blows! And as for the egg... well... I'm glad that I've been able to introduce one and remove it as well... and... Yonah STILL trusts me. THAT is tantamount to ALL, to EVERY-THING in Creation!
And so... the morning sun rose in the sky, flooded his room with brilliant light and warmth. He even took the opportunity to bask in it, instead of being in the “darker” corner of his house, “brooding”, as it were, on the little “faux egg”. That was something that was causing me quite a bit of concern because he had chosen one of the two eggs I'd placed in his “moss”, and intentionally moved it close to the little potted white pine. But it was almost against the terracotta pot, and the location was where the sun-light doesn't reach at all. And that's where he'd been passing the entire day... in the “shadow”, as it were. But, today, “Life” returned to it's “regularly-scheduled programming”. We were as we were... and as we'll remain: me at the work table and Yonah flying about and enjoying every bit of space available to him.
As the day moved along, it was a JOY to see him up, about, flying, hopping, here and there. The sun just FILLED his room, beautiful blue skies out-side the window panes. It wasn't a “bitter-cold” day, but there was still the “February” chill to the air out there. And, of course, the “world” still covered in a hefty blanket of white... snow. Some of the ice and snow on the roof of the house would fall, from time-to-time, and a shadow would pass the window, followed by the resounding “CRASH”, as it slammed to the ground. I'm always rather amazed that that sound doesn't seem to catch Yonah's notice, but, the slightest “odd” sound in the house will cause a raised head, at the very least. (He's especially sensitive to a sneeze. When I sneeze, he stands rather erect, head raised, looks about as if “alarmed”. I make sure to follow each sneeze with a few words of some sort of “comfort” to let him know that all is “OK”... I can only imagine that he hears something similar to, perhaps, a gun-shot! Understandable. People tend to start at a sudden burst of noise too. I just don't want Yonah to be frightened, especially having read that one of the primary causes of death to birds is “heart attack”... If a “domestic” bird is susceptible to heart attack, I CAN imagine what a moment's terror a sneeze must be to a Little One of the wilderness! (Oh, the insanity of shock.... “humans”... honestly!) Anyway, as I say, the snows fell and we both just enjoyed the comfort of his room... safe and sound, warm and wonderful.
He's eating VERY well, again too! THAT caused me quite the concern... Whilst “incubating” the little “egg”, he was up in the morning and, following his usual “stretching”, he headed directly to the “egg”, no breakfast. And as the day progressed, he wouldn't leave... not for food nor water. OK, he's certainly NOT “meagre”, by any stretch. He's NOT going hungry, nor under- or mal-nourished. (In fact, I'm noticing that he's finally “filling-out”. For a while now, I've been wondering if he isn't a bit on the “thin” side of mourning doves. Of course, I'm comparing Yonah to the “Yardies”, the doves in the back yard, out-side, which isn't even appropriate at this time of year. They're “fluffed” against the Winter chill out there so, of course, they're “fuller”. Still, Yonah just seemed as though he could use a bit more “heft”. Well, he's getting it... and I'll be watching carefully to make sure he doesn't get too much of it. He doesn't eat very much, nor very often. He does tend toward three little “meals” per day, and sometimes a little bit before “tuck-in”, of an evening. But... I'll be watching. I just don't have the heart to take his food from him... especially during the day. When we had our little “invasion” of mice, earlier in the season, I had no choice but to remove his food over-night. That bothered me, terribly! I HAD to rush, in the morning, to make sure that his food was available to him immediately. But now... we're fine, the mice are no longer competing for food so... I prefer that his “breakfast” be available as soon as he feels a desire to eat. Yes, OK, I AM as accused: “spoiling” him... terribly. Although I don't see it that way and yes, I DO keep careful watch.) I'm just relieved that his appetite is as strong as ever. (He's not “mourning” the “loss” of the egg.)
One “odd” item today: I had a bit of a lie-down today and, unusually, Yonah didn't come to the futon to snooze with! Of course, he's NOT “under obligation”, but I did notice and I do wonder. He wasn't “as” affectionate as he used to be, either. I'm hoping I haven't done something irreparably wrong by “introducing” that decoy and the egg. I'll truly HOPE that, one day, soon, all will return to as it was before my moments of insanity. (It would be SO comforting to be able to “reach out to” some-body who KNOWS about such things, but... we're on our own here, Yonah and I. And obviously, I haven't done too terribly wrong thus far. And I DO believe that Yonah KNOWS, for certain, that I mean absolutely NO harm to him so... we'll see, as time passes, how this all progresses.)
And, alas, as they say, the day went by entirely too quickly. But EVERY day goes by entirely too quickly now. To think, but just so shortly over a year ago, to me, my days were burdensome, more a “curse” than a “gift”, full of nothing that I looked forward to facing at a dawn. How time, “Life” has changed. How I've gone from “existence” to “Living”, and ALL because of this Little Guy here. And the moments, each and every one of them, now, are just pure delight, wonder, AWE! They say “Time flies when you're having fun.” Indeed, it rushes in a blur... and today was no exception.
This evening, as we do, Yonah and I took our “evening meal” round about 17.00. By 18.00 I was back in his room, keeping busy. (I'm compiling ALL of the photos I've ever taken of him... and, as difficult as it might be to believe, I have almost DOUBLE the number of those that I've put onto his web-site. The original intention of his “Portfolio” was to create a “source” where, no matter where I was in the world, I could always simply get to the internet and have a constant view of the collection. When I'd started it, I never thought of it being a “part” of a greater work. But... there it is and although I've gotten better at “editing” photos, I still hang tightly, to ALL of those seconds, minutes and moments. But then, when there's “hope in” and “purpose to” one's existence, one would hold tightly to that “Joy”, that “Splendour”.... I should think.)
So, for the next hour, I sat at the work table, compiling, sorting, editing, and copying photos, videos, the audios and the “graphics” that are “Yonah Taube” and Yonah had a little “nosh” and made himself comfy on his door perch, as he does of an evening. The warmth of his radiator must feel so nice as the sun disappears and the temperatures begin to drop... even in the house. And at 19.00, I silenced the musics and dimmed the lights. The waters had been changed so all was fresh and clean. His house was tidied, put “in order”, as it were. Though, there's much to be done in near future... we're about due for another “thorough house-keeping” day. It's not “dirty” and there's nothing “detrimental to his well-being”. But, I keep his room clean... his house deserves equal attention. And I won't tolerate ANYTHING in there that would or could present ANY threat to him, his health, his comfort. But that's not for the end of day. For the 30 minutes following, it's our time to “wind-down” the day. And so, in the calm, I put “work” to the side and we had our time for an “evening chat”. I pulled the chair up, Yonah sat, on his perch, beside me, and for a few moments, we had “our time together” until, of all things, he raised his head and gave a little “yawn”. (It's endearing to see him do that!) Right after, he headed up to his “loft” where he gave “Good night” pecks and a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” to the reflection there. (I'll never know just what or who he sees in that mirror, nor how, exactly, he perceives the reflection, but, I've come to learn: all is well as it is.... and another “dove-in-residence” isn't something that Yonah is looking for.)
At 19.30... he was at his perch, ready to “close the day” and so, that's what we did. His windows were closed to the night out-side, and the back board was already up so, I replaced his little “roof-top platform” with the roof board that provides even more privacy and a block against the intrusive horror that hangs from the utility pole out-side our windows. (Ah... to be away from that... I continue to search...) I bade a good “seepie-nigh-night”, we had a cuddle and a couple of “Good night kisses and pecks”, I closed his door for the night, gave a couple more kisses and put the light out. Our day had come to a close and it was time for a night's rest.
Another day of much activity. Another night of safe, protected sleep. My little Heart-and-Soul is warm, safe and sound. Tomorrow? Well... that's to be seen... when it arrives. For now, for tonight, for this night... well, one important lesson that Yonah has taught me is: enjoy the “NOW”... “later” isn't guaranteed and is to be dealt with when it becomes “now”... He's my teacher, my professor, my “Bestie”, my “Only”... he's my constant “AWE”... my LOVE.

          * FULL SCREEN *
Thursday 10 February:
Chilly, but not “cold”. This morning was that temperature where “Winter” touches on “Spring”. The skies were grey, there was a chill to the air, but it was such that it was just warm enough to be “damp”, “humid”, so the coolness seemed more toward “cold” than warm. And I had just finished washing the linens from Yonah's futon and was about to put them on the line when... 7.19... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... that sweetest sound to touch a heart and soul. MY little “Heart-and-Soul” was awake and looking forward to taking-on the day ahead! So I hurried to put the washing on the line and get to the business of “morning routine”! OUR day had officially come to “commencement”!
Yonah, as Yonah was before the “dove and egg fiasco”, is returned! As I walked into his room, I was greeted with a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” and he was, already, over by his breakfast and not on his “night spot”! WELL! Indeed! He was anxious to get started with the day! And when I opened his door, he hopped across to the other perch where he usually is of a night and morning, and we got in our “Good morning” cuddles, a snuggle and some kisses and pecks. Not only was he up and about and awake, he was REALLY awake! And me? I was IN HEAVEN! My Little Guy and I were looking forward to another day together... never mind the weather... I still had MUCH to get done with all of his photos and that meant... I got another day at the work table... to spend in his company! THAT, to me, was “perfect”! And as I opened curtains and blinds, Yonah was in a “chatty” sort of mood. Several “woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoos” were exchanged. (I'd forgotten to close the one window-blind last night, and, although there wasn't “full light” from the offensive apparatus out-side, blaring in, AND, thankfully, the night boards block any direct intrusion, his room was a bit brighter than it should have been through the night... I had to wonder: was I being scolded for my over-sight?) But, over-all, it's a GRAND beginning to a day when Yonah and I can have a bit of morning conversation. (More people should be more aware of the potential they have, for communicating with the feathered Little Ones. How my stomach sours and my heart aches when I think of how often I've heard that people have a little bird in the house... in a cage... left alone... because “They don't require much attention”.)
Well then, “morning routine” was completed, and, as always, “poop check”. Yonah DID have a peaceful night... all poop being right where he'd been for the night, thankfully. And it was “healthy”. Another GREAT relief to me of a morning! And when I'd done... we were OFF and INTO the day! And Yonah? Well... he had a bit of breakfast (seems he's making up for the couple of mornings that he skipped breakfast... and brunch) and he was ON-WING! Off to his futon, his shelves, his roof-top... and... his orange tree. He REALLY likes hunkering at the base of that little tree. I have to figure something out for his house... a few more white pines, at the very least... perhaps a small maple tree, and “pottery” that's large enough for him to get comfy in, but that doesn't take his open space. Oh... “redecorating” to come! Hey! “Spring”... a change of scenery. Why not?
BUT AND HEY! Today, I had a 3-minute lie-down AND... as I drifted into a bit of a sleep, I heard... “whistling”... Yonah came over to join me! AND... when I woke, just before the alarm was due to sound, I opened my eyes, looked round and... THERE... ON MY SHOULDER... YONAH HAD JOINED ME FOR A SNOOZE AGAIN! JUST AS HE ALWAYS DID! I WAS JUST JUBILANT! WE WE'RE SNOOZING TOGETHER AGAIN! He'd stopped that too, whilst “attending” the “egg”! (And I'm rather intrigued by how quickly everything “returns”... I'm learning how doves respond in the wild, when their “young” are there... and then they're not. “Life” picks back up almost immediately. What surprises me is that mourning doves are known to “mourn” the loss of a mate, although they will find another, eventually. They DO experience the “loss” and they ARE saddened by it. But with an egg, apparently that isn't so. Then too, they're known to produce off-spring many times during a season, and animals are known to raise their young, for the most part, only to the point where the young are expected to leave. And with birds, it's really a matter of “Thanks for the care. Must go now.” and the young are off and gone, seldom staying with the parents... never mind, the same flock. So? But I'm relieved... I almost expected a period of “awkwardness”... I suppose we had it, that morning when Yonah woke, looked at the spot where the egg had been, seen that it wasn't there and... well... “Life” went on. He's an inspiration, to be sure. He's a “teacher” of the highest quality... to me... in OH! SO many ways.) But for today, I was ELATED to see him, just nestled on my shoulder, so comfortably. And when he saw that I was awake, he took off... to his house... and I got up and returned to my business at the work table.
Ah HAH... and THEN... As I was working along, looking at and through the many photos, moving them about, reviewing the earliest photos and work on Yonah' web-site, mingled with the low bird-songs and soft radio, from behind me I heard... “splashing”!!! In the room, the temperature was about 22°, out-side, all of about 3°. Out-side, the roads were wet with the slowly-melting snows, but the rest of the ground, still white with a great deal of snow. The ice and snow from the roof-top of the old house was falling to the ground. It's still, very much, “Winter”... BUT... HERE... in his little “haven”... YONAH WAS IN THE POOL! He SO VERY MUCH ENJOYS HAVING THAT POOL! I would have NEVER imagined that a mourning dove would enjoy THAT MUCH bathing! But Yonah most certainly does! And what a JOY it brings to my heart when I see him in there, splashing and soaking and lounging, and I think back to the earliest days when I put the first little dish of water in there, thinking he “might” enjoy an occasional “dip” or a little “splash” of water, now-and-again. And the idea for the fountain was more “aesthetic” than much else. Just a little something to create a bit of “motion”, the sound of a little “brook”, something to mimic the “wild”. But it's become more than just simply “obvious” that that TOO, makes quite a difference, an impression. The motion of the water certainly must add to the attraction. And, as I see, Yonah has a choice, really, of places from which to drink, a little dish of water, separate from his pool, and the “moving” water of his little pool... and he shows quite the preference... The pool... the moving water. (And I was concerned that the constant trickling sound would become an annoyance to him. Well, no, obviously he enjoys the sound!) How I DO wish I knew of a place where I could bring this message “to the masses”: BIRDS NEED A PLACE TO BATHE... WHEN THEY WANT TO, NOT JUST THE OCCASIONAL TODDLE TO A BOWL ON THE FLOOR OR TABLE. I actually feel horrid when I think of Little Ones, again, in “cages”, for weeks, months... even years, with-out the joy of being able to splash about, as they were born to do. Ah... well... but Yonah has his pool, right there, at all times, to enjoy (obviously) at his own whim and wish. And, really, between us, THAT IS all that matters! Unusually, today, he didn't seem to mind when I grabbed a few photos and videos. Usually, as soon as he sees the camera coming, he's up and off and away. Not today... today, he almost seemed to enjoy the attention. I wonder... (And I have to laugh when I tell him: “I got a photo of you in the pool.” and him thinking “No... you're taking photos of me 'bathing'!” But... today, as I say... he didn't seem to mind at all.) Oh, the weather out-side might be frightful, but in his pool, it's all delightful. That's my Little Guy! (If we're to stay here for any further length of time, I REALLY MUST try to construct some sort of place where the Yardies can come for fresh water... though, when the temperatures are in the -20s, I don't want them getting wet... a “heated bird-bath” is out of the question... but a little some place to come for a drink... a “warm drink”... We shall see... I shall search for ideas.)
Other-wise... Yonah was quite “talkative” during the day today. AND ACTIVE TOO. From his orange tree, on his roof-top, and he spent quite some time on the little “extended perch” over my shoulder, and more frequently that most times, he had a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” or a few more “hoos” to say. It's not only a comfort to me, to hear him, because I know that he's well, but the sound of a mourning dove's coo'ing is such a tonic to heart and soul. And that he “talks”, as if “to” me! And he's not in distress, so it's a JOY to hear!
And so our day rolled on, and I worked through it all, with little breaks for “LOVIN', HUGGIN', SNUGGLIN' AND KISSIN'”. OH! But it's SO good having Yonah “back” again! AND, this evening, when I went to the kitchen for my evening meal, he went for HIS evening meal too! Oh yes... “back”. PURE GLORY!
It was rather “cute” though, tonight, when we approached the “19.30” hour... Yonah was on the futon. I'd only JUST typed, in my own Journal, that he was there, and that I was concerned about whether or not he'd want to go back to the house for the night when... flutter-and-whistle from behind me. It was as if he was reading as I typed. But he'd gone for his roof and not his perch. Prior, he'd been on his door perch, as usual, but suddenly decided to take a “late flight” to the futon. Anyway, thanks to his little “roof platform” I lifted it up and brought it and him to his door and quietly said “You do know it's 'seepie-nigh-night' time.” and... off he went... to his little corner mirror to say “Good night” and then, came forward for “Good night kisses”! HE'S AWESOME... IN THE STRICTEST SENSE OF THE TERM! SO... we got a little cuddle and some kisses in, and he didn't seem all too thrilled about the idea of “lights out” but... once I'd put his roof board on and closed his door, he seemed “OK” with it all. He settled-in and I put the light out.
mourning dove 10 February 2022We had a WONDERFUL day together, today! And I'm so relieved to have ALL of his photos together at last. I don't know that anybody will ever see ALL of them, or, if they do, what they'll do with them. Maybe some “official” ought to have a look at just what CAN be done by a “human” who DOES have a heart... and gives both it AND soul to caring for and about a Little One. OK. I understand that, with-out the “law”, no doubt, those same sorts who “hunt for sport” are the same who would “trap and keep for personal jollies” these little LOVES. It's been discussed with others and yes, I agree... there ARE those who'd “want one for a pet”... just like toddlers who want tigers and the likes “for a pet”. Not bright, all too many. Still, there's no allowance made... and, well, one would have to admit (one might believe), that, with the photos and this Journal, there can be little doubt that MY heart AND soul are dedicated, primarily to Yonah's comforts, health, safety, well-being and well-fare. And yet... the threat of having him PULLED from me... OK. So... as I say, unashamedly... Taking Yonah will be taking my heart and breath. And if anybody really wants to do that... well... the only thing I can say is: Cause Yonah ANY harm in ANY manner... I WILL be around.
Meanwhile, tonight, his room is a delightful 22,8° and will be warmer when his door is closed, in a little while. His water is fresh and clean, there's MORE than plenty of good food for him. His windows are closed against the chill (and that horrific street-light) of the night. He's SO LOVED, SO CHERISHED... and we'll face tomorrow when it arrives as “today”... and we'll do so together... again... as we always will... for as long as time and Fate allow.
Friday 11 February:
The clock was marking 7.17 this morning. I was putting the washing up when I heard a faint “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”. Not completely sure that it meant that Yonah was quite awake, I called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo” and the reply came, almost immediately and clearly: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Oh, but yes, my little Heart-and-Soul was, indeed, up, awake and ready to face the day! I was all but done with my little chore, so I headed into his room.
Yonah was awake, on the perch opposite from where he'd spent the night (as I could tell from morning “poop check” which I do, meticulously when he's not at his “night spot” in the morning... noting where the poop is so to know whether he'd had a peaceful night or was “active”... last night was peaceful, all poop right where he'd slept). He'd been up, and already on the move, so we needed to get the curtains and blinds open to the grey, cool-but-comfortable morning light!
As I opened his door, he came forward on the perch and leaned forward. “Good morning” kisses and cuddles! He was in GOOD spirits! And THAT set my entire day. Yonah had rested during the night and was obviously feeling well this morning so, for me, the World was in perfect order, and we got right to the “morning routine”, during which, Yonah supervised from his perch until it was almost done, when he hopped down to his door perch for the “final inspection”.
I left to dispose of last night's “pool water” and as I did, Yonah hopped back up to his food. HE HAD BREAKFAST! So, “eating”... ALWAYS A GREAT SIGN OF GOOD MOOD AND GOOD HEALTH! Yes, it was about to be a “GOOD” day ahead.
When I'd done with his house-work and made sure that all things were in good order, I had to run short errands this morning and wanted to get them out of the way so that, for the rest of the day, Yonah and I could be together, uninterrupted so, with bird-songs on and “soft radio back-up”, I headed out.
I was gone just under and hour and when I came back into the house, I called, from the door “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”. (I gave it a little longer, just to see what sort of response I'd get. I'm still not completely familiar with the “patterns”, though I DID manage to find a little information on that today... I'll mention a little further on here.) From Yonah's room came a simple “woo-HOO!” Of course, as I always am after being away, I was anxious to see him, to let him know that I was back and, as I walked into his room, Yonah was there, on the floor, mid-room... and when he saw me coming to his door HE CAME RUNNING TOWARD ME, TO GREET ME! This wasn't the first time he's done the very thing, but this morning, it just struck me because, well, I come into the house and call to him, he responds and it's really rather obvious that we're BOTH HAPPY to see one-another! Yes... MY WORLD is PERFECT! Yonah is here, he's well, he's happy, he actually enjoys my presence, AND we had an entire day ahead... together!
And we DID have the entire day together!
Yesterday, I'd washed most of the linens for his futon and WE put them back on. I say “WE” because, as I was putting the cover on the futon cushion, Yonah made himself most comfortable on the pillows and blankets that I'd stacked on the work table chair, and from there, he was watched EVERY move I made. At one point, he came over and stood on the end of the futon that I'd covered, and it was as if he was “testing” it to make sure I'd put the cover on properly. He DOES take an OBVIOUSLY ACTIVE interest in things that go in in HIS room, and it's a JOY to see him do so!
I had two flat sheets to fold as I was putting his room together as well. As I folded, I had them laying on the futon and he came over and was biting at the end that laid on the futon! I couldn't help but think: he's helping to put the crease in nice and neat at the fold! And, it truly is “odd”, and yet, almost a bit amusing, but, when a sheet covered him, he REALLY DOESN'T PANIC, DOESN'T SEEM TO MIND AT ALL! When I saw how calm he was about it, I stuck my head under to see where, exactly, he was, under there and as I peeked in, he simply turned to face me and came over to give me a peck on the nose! Honestly, HOW he's come to trust that, as long as I'm around, he “knows” that he's safe! Selfish as it might seem, my heart is SO FULL with the HONOUR of TRUST from this Little Guy! He has, “naturally”, NO reason or cause to trust me at all, and yet, over the course of our time together, he's come to some-how “know”... I have only the purest Love, Respect, Care and Concern for him and his well-being! It truly IS a MOST MAGNIFICENT GIFT, a BLESSING, really, to receive such an HONOUR and REWARD for giving of one's heart... and soul. I even said to him, as we looked at each-other under the sheet “You KNOW I would NEVER cause you any harm.” and Yonah simply moved round the the side of my head, giving me a peck on the ear as he passed and nonchalantly walked out from under the sheet and hopped onto my back. I stood, carefully, he flew over to his house and I finished putting his room back together.
Today, I found, on-line, a “close-up” video of a mourning dove, and was curious as to the audio part, perhaps an addition to Yonah's “song-birds” collection. As I played it, on the lap-top, Yonah, who was in his house at the time, heard the “call” from the lap-top, saw the video-dove and came, IMMEDIATELY, to the lap-top! He stood on the key-board, close to the screen, head tilting from side-to-side for a while and then, fluffed a bit and tried pecking at the dove on-screen. He didn't appear “agitated”, rather, more curious, especially when the other dove didn't respond to him at all. I wondered if he was interpreting it as being ignored or worse... rejected! But I let it play through the 11 minutes and when it stopped, Yonah seemed perplexed... the dove had suddenly gone! BUT, it didn't take but a matter of briefest moments and, well, the entire event was all-but-forgotten and Yonah was back to flying around his room. I have to admit that I still have pangs of sadness, thinking that he has only me in his life, and no other doves. And, in my own way, I wonder if he might feel something similar... Does he realise that ALL I have in my life is him and that neither of us has another of our own species. OK. So I run errands and am forced to be in the company of other humans. Frankly, I prefer Yonah's company. In our time together, he's been here when I've had a cry, and he's forever doing something that gets me laughing. He CAN be down-right comical at times. And as for “love and affection”? Well, our snoozes together, and he flies over and will perch on my shoulder. In fact, when I sit on his futon working on some project or another, it's not at all uncommon for him to come over to my shoulder. And as I work at the table, he's often on the back of the chair with me. So I've no need for better company, a more cherished companion. Oh, but if I only could be certain that another dove wouldn't be resented. I suppose I'll never really know for certain... and I'm really not willing to “try and fail”. Yonah and I have a well-functioning relationship... I disturbed that with the “decoys”. I won't risk another. But I have a copy of the audio and will check his “play-list” to see if it's not already on there for him. The more, the better, the more varied, the closer to the “wild”.
When all the commotion of work and putting his room in order was complete, I got back to my own little projects for the rest of the day. The sun never really made much of an appearance, so we had the “FullSpec” light on and Yonah passed his time between his house and his little “hide-away” 'neath his orange tree. That too, is quite a delight... There he is, in the corner of the table to my left where, if I actually look, I can see him, but from where he is, he can always see me. Every once in a while, he came out of hiding, flew to the “extended perch” over my shoulder and gave a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”, and I, of course, took a “play break” with him.
A little note too, for today, on a bit of information that I happened-upon. I'm still wondering about the pattern of doves' coo'ing and what the “meanings” are, for the different numbers of “hoo” that follow the higher-pitched “HOO”, and came across ONE site, which is part of the “Bibliography” on Yonah's site (for reference for others) where interpretations are offered.
It seems that the more common “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” is s “conversational call”. Two “hoo's” after the “HOO” is a “perch coo”, a little call to, more or less, attract the attention of other doves, particularly single females, but a way of saying, in the trees “I'm here.” and either “Let's chat.” or “Let's make a nest.” The longer string of following “hoo's” is their “song”. And then there's the “woo-HOO!” which, well, I've come to hear quite often when Yonah's simply “lounging”... THAT is either a more serious “HEY! I'm here!” or, as some-body put it, a coo of contentment, that “I'm comfy, all is well.” I have a LOT more “investigating” to do on this because I really WOULD like to have SOME idea as to what Yonah and I are saying to one-another AND, more-so, what HE'S saying to me! (He DOES have an obvious “HOO!” that he makes when he's startled by something, and if there's a sudden sound at night, it reaches my heart knowing that he's been startled. I don't want for him to be startled... for ANY reason. And THAT is one of his calls that I'm particularly sensitive to and aware of. It's quite different from the “HOO!” that says “I'm here.” or “I'M HERE!” which is most often what I hear when I come into the house, after having stepped out.) No matter what we “people” might say, write or think, I have a LOT of learning to do... and I have a strong desire and resolve to learn as much as I possibly can. I keep thinking: dogs, cats, birds and OH! so many other Little Ones can learn the “sound” of their name... and humans, so “highly evolved”, so “greatly intelligent” fail to learn even the basic sounds, calls and speech patterns of other species. How presumptuous, pompous, arrogant... and proven to be ridiculous.
So went along another of our days together, with work, play, cuddles and simply keeping each-other's company and companionship. It was, of course, MAGNIFICENT! The sun came, went, the clouds passed and returned. Out-side, the temperature remained cool, but, thankfully, not “cold”. In-side, Yonah and I were comfy, protected against any changes in the world that we are safe from. And it went, as ALL days together with Yonah, entirely TOO quickly!
This evening, I went to the kitchen for my evening meal, and as I had mine, Yonah had his. When I see him eating, I try not to disturb him because, I've come to learn that, if I walk back into the room as he's eating, he stops... to come to “greet” me, and then, it might be a while before he gets back to eating. I know he eats when he's hungry, so I let him finish. But when he eats while I'm eating, it works out perfectly well.
After we'd both done with our meals, we got to the “evening routine”. I fetch the fresh water for his pool for the night, and Yonah? Yonah takes to his futon where he sets himself on the edge of his pillows there, to watch me walking back and forth. In fact, yet another interesting point about Yonah is that, I've made a habit of lifting the containers I use to get the water so that he sees them before I get busy AND HE'S COME TO RECOGNISE THEM. I show him the containers and tell him that I'm going to get the water and he goes to some part of the room or, even in his house, where he can “supervise”. It's almost immediate, and he's done so repeatedly so, it isn't a 'coincidence”, it appears intentional. He's just so BRILLIANT!
And after all the little “house-work”, “evening routine” was complete, at 19.00, the lights were dimmed, the musics were silenced, the splashing fountain was stopped and we got our “chat time”. I sat on his futon, Yonah rested on his perch and we talked about the day passed, the night to come and our plans for the day to come. For the longest, he rested on his perch and then gave a stretch of the wings and a bit of a yawn. It was time... “seepie-nigh-night” time.
Tonight, he pulled his “Once more round the room” again and, as I stood up to get the night boards in place and get his house situated, he headed off for the futon! I went about what needed to be done and went over to him, picked him up and held him, as I do, under my chin. I softly said “It's time for you to get your rest, silly Little Guy, you. I'll be off to get mine too, very soon. But you need to be settled, safe and sound first.” As I spoke, he nestled his head against my chin. He DOES enjoy being held closely... under my chin. I always wonder if it gives him a sense of “security”. Imagine? A little Life born to dread ANY proximity with people... so comfortable in my hands, so close to me. Ah, he understands... he knows.
I brought him back “home” and as I opened my hands, close to his perch, he hopped over onto it, toddled to the little loft mirror for a few “Good night” pecks and a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and then, came back over to me so that we too, could get our “Good night” pecks and kisses in. He was “settled”.
At 19.30, his lights went out as he took his place for the night and I stepped out of the room.
Yonah was safe, sound, settled, “tucked-in” for the night. My Little Heart-and-Soul was ready for a well-deserved night's rest. His radiator close enough to give warmth through the night. Another day... had come to... a close. And tomorrow? Well... as always, I have little tasks that will be done at his work table... we'll have another day together... should “Fate” be so compassionate. I take NO day for granted, and I'm grateful, to the very core of my being, for each and every one we receive.
Saturday 12 February:
Never the one to become “predictable”, at 7.03 this morning, Mr. Yonah Taube gave his morning greeting of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... That was it. Just the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” this morning. What worried me was that is was, again, as yesterday, so quiet! And when I replied “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”, he returned with a slightly more audible “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. I was truly concerned... and worried. His voice seemed “weak”! So I went, IMMEDIATELY into his room to check and see where and how he was! My heart had risen, as they say, into my throat, choking with anxiety. I anticipated... well... I was in a state. My primary concern is now as it's always been: I DO NOT WANT TO EVER SEE YONAH IN ANY DISCOMFORT, SUFFERING TO ANY EXTENT! And the sound of his voice this morning sounded almost strained! In the brief seconds between his call and getting into his room, my mind was saturated, drowning in all sorts of horrors!
I opened his door, looked into the room and to his house, trying to find him. There was no silhouette on the perch where usually is after a night! And as I got closer, I strained, in the dim light, to see EVERY bit of his house. I expected the worst: My little Heart-and-Soul on his floor, and I was sick, to the very core of my being.
Now... for those who might think this quite a bit of “over-reaction”, allow me to remind:
From my research, I've come to see, in many different sources, that the “average life-span” of a mourning dove is 18 months, and, granted, that's the statistic for mourning doves in the wild, in their natural environment, with an abundance of predators (including and not limited to “humans”). The claim is that some mourning doves have been known to live an average of 5 years, against the odds. And, “doves”, in general, in the best environments, have lived 20 years or longer. Yonah is is the safest environment, here, in his own room, his own house, eating a variety of the best foods on the market, drinking fresh water daily. There are no “predators”, and, to the very best of my knowledge, no “parasites” to attack him. But that “18 months” stays with me, in my mind, heart and soul. 18 months...That said, it's been calculated, from the appearance of his distinctive “colouration”, the beautiful blue-grey on his head and the iridescent red, yellow and green on his collar, that, on 13 October 2020, when he came into the house after being attacked, he was quite probably a mere 2 months old. Born in August, perhaps in the latter part of the month. Taking from that, calculating (as I do every month) our “Anniversary”, as of the 13th (tomorrow) February, Yonah has been my Life for 16 months. Adding the extra 2 months from his assumed birth... THIS MONTH HE IS 18 MONTHS OF AGE! THIS IS *THE* MONTH !!!
In all other aspects, from energy to animation, he appears to be in the best of health. His poop is checked twice daily and shows no signs of “abnormalities”. Granted, his left wing still shows signs of injuries, in that, it lays lower against his body and there are still some edge feathers that appear slightly “out of place”, in spite of twice moulting in these 16 months since his injuries. And his left leg, although perfectly functional, does show, against his body, a bit of an “abnormality” in that, the feathers there don't lay against his body as to the feathers above his right leg. And yes, his beak is growing long again, as it did this time last year (until HE did something to “trim” it... and I would file it but I don't want him to associate me with the discomfort and inconvenience so, I'm hoping he'll attend to it... and if he doesn't, well... either I WILL attempt a “filing” or, I'll have to risk a visit to a vet... and the “risk” is that some over-zealous individual might just decide to “TAKE” Yonah and NOT allow him to come back to what IS, HIS HOME. Other-wise, as I say, he's energetic, he flies about his room and where-ever he chooses. He “talks with” me, not only in the morning but during the day, as well. His feathers are healthy in appearance, his eyes are clear and obviously sharp (since he misses nothing that happens in his room and house). And he makes it obvious that he enjoys my company and is quite happy to see me when I come into his room. Still... my heart holds the fear...
I know neither Yonah nor I are “eternal”, and that, for each of us, there will come “the time”. And, shortly after his, mine will arrive. (I'll see to that. Yonah is literally “THE ONLY” reason I continue.) But, it doesn't make the entire fact any lighter to bear. So yes, I DO, constantly, worry about his well-being. And this morning? It was no different.
I walked over, closer to his house, looking carefully and intently, for ANY sign of him, any-where and THERE... on the other perch, over by his food ledge, THERE HE WAS... AND... HE WAS UP, AWAKE AND GAVE QUITE THE STRETCH OF HIS WINGS! AND, AS I OPENED HIS DOOR, I GREETED HIM WITH A SOFT BUT HEARTY “Good morning my MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE YOU!” AND IN REPLY, HE ANSWERED WITH A CLEAR... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo.”! HE WAS OK! I'll never know why the original coo'ing was so faint, again, this morning. “Morning voice”? Do doves have “morning voice”? Well, whether they do or not... Yonah's voice had returned, and was quite clear, and he was engaging in conversation with me! I WAS SO RELIEVED!
And conversation continued too! All through morning routine! My “worries” diminished and Yonah took flight! WE were FINE! It was about to be another GRAND DAY!
Yes, this Summer passed, I did come back, after being out for some hours, to find him on the futon in the living-room. THAT came as a bit of a shock, to be honest. I NEVER “lock” him in his house when I leave, because I NEVER want him to feel “caged”. And yes, I thought he might take to the rest of the house, but last Summer, he really didn't leave his room AT ALL! He wasn't ever on the floor, never mind, close to the door to his room. So when I came back in and couldn't find him any-where in his room, I all but panicked, wondering where he was and what had befallen him! I looked through his room, I looked through the rest of the house... and because he blended-into the colours of the cover of the futon, I ALMOST missed him completely! But... TODAY, now that he's WALKING about... OH... I DO HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION. BUT I DO SO WITH SO MUCH GLADNESS IN MY HEART. YONAH IS TAKING THE HOUSE FOR HIS OWN... AND THAT'S HOW I'D HOPED HE WOULD DO.
We spent the entire day together, as I worked to catch-up with all sorts of documents, and book-keeping, and general little tasks. The day was another “chilly-damp” sort and not very sunny, unfortunately, but we were just as cozy as could be. And today, when I had my “lie-down” I was “accompanied”. As a matter of fact, Yonah spent quite a lot of time perched on the back of the chair at the work table! (I had to make sure to look before I made any movements because, there he was, at my back.) One might say that today, we were “inseparable”! In ALL the readings that I've done to-date, that claim the immense strength of a bond between doves and their “people” I NEVER even remotely imagined that it could or would be as strong as that between Yonah and I. It's THE MOST comforting experience of ANY life-time! And to know that I've earned such a devotion is so heart-filling! It truly is as though my “LOVE” of and for him is “known”... AND... it's reciprocated!
This evening, as I was preparing my evening meal (having been reminded by Yonah that it was time to do so, because he tends to have HIS at the hour that I put mine on the heat), I was in the kitchen, Yonah was on his door perch and WE HAD A DIALOGUE! He “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and I replied in kind. And when I threw a change, “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”, he replied with his “woo-HOO!” and a couple of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's” as well. Not simply a matter of repeating everything. There was a diversity in the chatting! And it went right through until I returned to the work table! WHAT a difference from this morning! What a MOST WELCOME difference from this morning!
More? As I was doing the washing-up, we had ANOTHER out-right conversation AND... as I was getting the water to change his pool, AGAIN, MORE conversation! AND YONAH INITIATES THEM! He calls to me, I answer, and it just keeps going, back and forth. And it isn't just a repetition of the same “pattern” of coo'ing! tonight we varied from the 3 “hoo's” after the “HOO” to 2 hoos, 4 hoos and even 5! Not in any sort of order, it seemed that each coo had its own meaning. And he didn't simply repeat what I'd called, HE changed! It truly WAS a “dialogue”. HOW I WISH... I SO DO WISH THAT I HAD ANY IDEA WHAT HE'S SAYING! But what-ever it is, with all the play and Love and affection after, what-ever it is, it isn't angry. After closing his blinds and curtains (it's supposed to drop to -15° tonight... which is just slightly cooler than tomorrow's “high” so windows are closed-up for insulation tonight), we PLAYED! OH, he was in a REALLY playful mood! Starting from our usual “chase and jousting” on his roof-top to a little game of “Catch Me” as he flew from roof-top to futon and round about the place... each time, stopping, looking back at me as if “challenging”. This Little Guy... an absolute NEVER-ENDING SOURCE OF ABSOLUTE AWE!
Well... another day draws to a close, and “seepie-nigh-night” hour came RUSHING. It always “rushes”. It feels as though the hours from 15-19.30 are nothing more than about a minute. And that's every day. I wonder... I can't recall last Summer, when sun-set came at 20.00 or 20.30, and traces of day-light lingered close to 21.00. (Ah... there this Journal to check-back on!) And I wonder when Yonah will be ready to wrap-up and put a day away then. But for now, for today, we've gone through the “evening routine”... and his house is in order for the night with plenty of food ready for a night's snack or tomorrow's breakfast. (He doesn't snack at night, but... he does have the food there, should he ever choose to do so.) Fresh waters, in his pool and the little dish. And the radiator just below his “night spot”, low enough so it's not “hot” but convenient enough to keep any chill of night away, and tonight we're to expect quite the chill so... my Little Guy won't have to “fluff” his feathers to keep warm and comfy. But tonight, when I placed the night boards on the back and roof of his house, he appeared to be quite ready for a night's rest. He headed up to his loft mirror... a couple of “Good night” pecks and on to his night spot. We had a cuddle, a snuggle and some kisses and yes, he was ready. He was TIRED! It was quite the active day! (For both of us, to be sure.) And so, now, as the rest of the house is settled and quiet, this Saturday is done for both of us, my heart is SO FULL, from all the activities of the day, all the conversations we had, all the “Lovin'” and playing. Yonah is tucked-in, nice a snug, safe from all the world. He'll be warm, protected, secure... and, as he always has been, and always will be, CHERISHED FAR beyond definitions, descriptives and interpretations of the term. He's my Heart-and-Soul, my joy, elation, my next breath. And tomorrow... we'll have quite the day together again because Sundays are days of “rest” for the majority, and we'll be of our own, on our own with nothing and nobody to disturb us. And THAT is what “Life” actually is.
mourning dove 13 February 2022Sunday 13 February:
Sixteen months! One year and 4 months! WHERE did all of that time go to? In my mind, it's about 16 days ago I happened upon Yonah, in the back, beside the walk, laying there, in the cold October rain. 16 days ago I came back from errands to noticing him gone from where he was when I left him, and feeling relieved that what-ever his injuries, they weren't serious enough to keep him “grounded”. And then, as I approached the steps to the back porch, under the bottom step, on the wet pavement, in a corner, pressed against the riser, there, a little bundle of feathers, in the dark. 16 days ago, I'd put groceries on the porch and came back down the steps and reached down, hoping that this Little One would suddenly take flight and be off... but... HE DIDN'T. He didn't even TRY to “escape”. And so, my heart shattered and I felt the responsibility to give him a safe haven in which to either recover (which is what I'd hoped most) or, to simply pass on in comfort, safely, warm and dry, protected from any further assault, attacks. 16 days ago I brought him into the house, and carefully placed him in a little box lined with flannel and a soft pillow case and went searching for any help available... searching... only to find apathy and a deep, dark feeling of being so ALONE... This Little Life was now in my care. I had no actual idea what to do for him, other than provide comfort, warmth, a bit of darkness, a place where he might understand my intentions and find consolation as he... well... as he would either recover or... not. And the “wise words of wisdom” from one acclaimed to be a “bird people”? “Put it in a box with some paper and make it comfortable for what-ever... Nobody'll take it. It's not endangered and it's not a raptor.” ”IT”... So much for “bird people”, so much for compassion, so much for anything! WOW! The next 9 months were, for me, dark, heavy. I relied on my gut instinct. I watched. I tried to find help, on this “internet”... There really was none to be found. I was afraid to cause more harm to this Little Life. I was afraid to cause her-or-him fear. I was a “predator”! I was NOT to be trusted, I was to be FEARED! I was of the species that trapped, hunted, shot! But all I wanted was for this Little One to recover, to be well, to get to a state where she-or-he could return to the flocks in the wood-lands, in the mountains... back to the Life into which s/he had been born to live. But OH... that Winter was cold, bitter cold, and it seemed so DARK as I watched, hoping for recovery... expecting... death.
Sixteen months later and here HE is! Here WE are! HE is quite recovered, healthy. HE is comfortable, has a “house” and a “home”. HE is safe from the wet rains, the cold of Winter, the heat of Summer... the claws, talons and beaks of predators... the buck-shot of human morons, idiots and dolts. HE is MY LIFE! And HE has a name (an e-mail address, a web-site, a phone number). Yes, HE is my LIFE!
The trouble though, with this particular anniversary: as I've read, come to know, have included as information on his web-site, and I live with each and every moment of each and every day we're together... It's claimed, in many readings written by many various sources, that the “average life-span of a mourning dove is 18 months”. From size, colouration, and other indications, it's been guesstimated that *Yonah* was born in the latter part of the month of August... 2020. When, in October 2020, he suffered his injuries, he was, it's believed, merely 2 months of age. Today, we have been together 16 months... that would mean that this month, at the “latter part” of the month, he will be... 18 months of age. That said, I DO take into ALL consideration, the fact that that “life-span” was calculated based on a mourning dove in his/her “natural environment”... and environment that presents harsh weather, the need to forage for food and water, uncertain shelter, and predators... natural and “human”. Here, for these days of these 16 months, there is no harsh weather, shelter is guaranteed and safe, food and water are fresh and plentiful and of the best quality, and predators are non-existent... Not even I am a “predator”. Summers are sunny but shaded as well. Winters are warm. Rainy days are dry. There's a “pool” i n which to swim and bathe, with fresh, clean water.
It's also claimed that a “best case scenario life-span” for a mourning dove is 5 years. Like-wise, there are accounts of “doves”, in general, living wonderful lives of 20 years, and though they're “exceptional”, they ARE known.
The problem then? Me, and my proclivity to worry, to ponder, more often, the “disasters”, the potential horrors... Yonah's demise. The worst of it all is that I worry about him suffering, in ANY manner, way or fashion. I simply cannot and will not accept that, at any time, to any extent. So, as time passes, I REJOICE in EVERY second that we have together, tempered always, with the dread of a second with-out him... or worse, ANY second that he might be discomforted.
Yonah came to me at a point in time where I had resigned to my age, the problems with my health and this old body. I was merely travelling along through the days, with no particular purpose. Yonah gave me a reason, cause, purpose to continue at my best-possible. And these days, HE is my next heart-beat, my next breath, my next second... So today, 16 months... 18 months... this is all so bitter-sweet. But today, we are still VERY MUCH together... and I continue to look forward, to more time together.
MEAN-WHILE... OUR today commenced at 7.04! Yesterday the morning “call” came at 7.03! These are the “earlier” mornings as Winter approaches Spring, the sun rises earlier and sets later... the “days” grow longer... the “nights”, shorter, and Yonah and I get to spend MORE waking time together! THIS morning, I had actually JUST finished all of my own “morning routine” and as I gave thought to the next little item on my agenda the house was FULL of the sound of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! And thankfully, THIS morning, the call was “soft” but “full” and “clear”! And when I replied, in kind, the response was almost immediate! And when, after I'd replied twice and received the “triple-hoo” in the original call and the reply to my reply... came the “woo-HOO!”, as if:
“Enough of this little chit-chat! I can see the day-light coming in through the blinds! There's a morning out there and it needs to be let in here!”
My “agenda” ceased to exist. I had “morning routine” to attend... and “attend” we DID! SO MUCH CONVERSATION AGAIN, THIS MORNING! ALL THROUGH, FROM OPENING WINDOWS TO REFRESHING POOL WATER! AND ATTENTION, AFFECTION, PLAY, CONTACT! It was even more amazing than ANY other day that I can recall... aside from the earliest days, and THE FIRST day that Yonah actually allowed me to make ANY sort of “physical contact” with him. I have NO idea WHAT is happening lately, but today just seemed as if Yonah had been BORN-AND-RAISED here, with me, together. The closeness, the contact, the chatting... This house was ALIVE this morning, first thing!
And it only got MORE AMAZING as the day rolled on!
I had to run an errand this morning, for about 30 minutes, (making sure other Little Ones have a healthy breakfast at a farm not far from the house), and when I got back, as I came in through the front door, I called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and IMMEDIATELY, the reply came, “woo-HOO!” as if “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?”. When I walked into his room, Yonah was on his futon, on his pillows and he came RUNNING across the top of the pillows to meet me! Wing-snaps! And THEN... a DIRECT FLIGHT from futon to my shoulder! (I had no idea that that's how the rest of this day was to go but...)
I had a few more things to settle in the rest of the house this morning and got on to those chores. Yonah's bird-songs played, the radio, low, as “back-ground sound” as I worked along. BUT... room-to-room, there was an almost constant conversation! Truly, it was no different from two people discussing plans, the weather, what-ever as each occupied time in another room! And as I say, there was little break in the communication for the longest while!
When I'd done with the rest of the house, there were bags of peanuts to be shelled... for the “Yardies”. The weather is going back to the “bitter nights” of Winter for a while, and I make sure that food served on the back gallery has peanuts and sun-flower seeds... ground to “crop-size” (since doves and some other Little Ones don't chew, and food has to be of a size that can be swallowed as is). So, I brought the bowls and peanuts into Yonah's room and set-up at the work table... WELL! THAT HAD to receive SOME sort of “supervision”... or, perhaps, an “inspection” of the “quality” of the food being “processed”. What-or-which-ever, I'd no sooner gotten settled at the work table when... WHOOSH! Yonah was out of his house and ON MY SHOULDER! AND HE STAYED THERE FOR A WHILE, AS I BEGAN SHELLING PEANUTS! The motions of my arms made NO difference to him! He's even become comfortable with my activities as he rests on my shoulder! AH BUT... NOT JUST THE SHOULDER! AS I REACHED FOR MORE PEANUTS, YONAH TODDLED (as he does) DOWN MY ARM AND TO MY HAND! HE WANTED A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT HAD MY ATTENTION, AND HE STAYED THERE UNTIL I MOVED MY HAND OVER THE BOWL AND CRACKED THE SHELL OF A PEANUT!
And that wasn't just a “one-off”! All through the couple of hours that I sat at the work table, shelling, Yonah came and went... shoulder, head, arm... and if not on me some-how, he was at his door perch, watching or, on the little extended perch over my left shoulder... staring down as I moved about!
Now then... when the shelling was done, I brought the bowls of peanuts and shells out to the kitchen to be ground. (I grind the shells too, and scatter them in the back yard where gardening is done. Hey, they're “organic”, they decompose and, essentially, they're “compost”... and, if there are any bits of peanut that fall into the mix, there are plenty of Little Ones out there who appreciate the little snack.) Anyway, I'd set things up on the kitchen counter and was about to get into the chore of grinding when... behind me, just coming out of the door to his room... YONAH! HE'D COME TO THE KITCHEN... either to watch or to simply verify that I was still in the house! He doesn't stay in the kitchen though. It's more a matter of, as I say, verifying that I'm there. He comes in, stands there until I speak and once he sees that I'm there and that I've noticed him, he returns to his room, to continue with what-ever it is he does of a day. BUT THIS COMING OUT TO CHECK ON ME IS QUITE NEW! VERY DIFFERENT! AND SO ENJOYED, APPRECIATED AND, IN IT'S OWN WAY, ENTERTAINING AND UP-LIFTING! I'm just SO relieved to see that Yonah's becoming so comfortable being in other rooms in the house, that his “territory” is expanding. He's “getting out” now, moving about. Good exercise! And thankfully, I've worked on making the house “safe” for him... so no wall or window collisions!
The ONLY new necessity I now have is that I MUST be careful, no matter where, in the house, I walk, to keep an eye on the floor! There's NO TELLING WHERE Yonah might appear next! And I LOVE IT!
He also comes to “greet” me when I walk into his room, when he's on the floor, some-where, any-where. He sees me come in and comes RUNNING! These are purely “OH MY GOD” days! These are the sorts of actions that one might expect of a puppy, perhaps a cat (though, for a cat, perhaps not so “expected”). BUT A DOVE? AND A MOURNING DOVE? A MOURNING DOVE FROM THE WILD? I'll NEVER actually know what I've ever done to deserve this LOVE and AFFECTION from Yonah, but I am SO HUMBLED by it all! Truly, to my core, I am HUMBLED, HONOURED, PRIVILEGED AND GRATEFUL!
And when, after my “house-hold chores” were complete, and finally, I was able to go to his room, the day went on with even MORE AMAZEMENT!
As I sat at the work table, typing and putting “things” together, Yonah was out and about the room, from house to futon and on the floor. And every once in a while, he'd start a conversation. And we'd “chat”, back and forth, is all sorts of “patterns” of coo'ing. On more than once occasion, he came to the chair, looked up and coo'ed and when I answered, we'd continue until something else grabbed his attention and he'd toddle off or fly up to his shelf or where-ever he felt he wanted to be.
For most of the day, the sun shone quite brilliantly which made today all the better. It flooded the room with bright light AND gave us its warmth... and Yonah took some advantage of that... basking, as he does, in his little “sand bed” closest to the window. (I half expected him to grab a bit of a “swim”, but, not today, for some reason... although, in spite of the coolness in the rest of the house, we managed to maintain 24° in his room... Nice and warm and cozy for him.) And I took advantage of the great natural light and worked, diligently, at the table... with Yonah almost “at hand”... or “ON” hand... and shoulder, head...
Came this evening... and... “company” (almost) at evening meal! As I sat at table... little feet came toddling over, IN the kitchen, from the door-way! And when I said “There's room here for you, any-where you want to come to.” Yonah turned round and went back into his room... and up onto his pillows... a vantage point where he can see me at table. Another “surveillance check”!
THEN... after meal and washing-up, we got to the “evening routine”... BUT THIS EVENING proved to be quite a little challenge for me... Yonah was ON THE FLOOR, FOLLOWING ME! As I came in with containers of water, he met me at his door and followed me to his house and waited as I poured. When I started to the door again, to the kitchen, for the next “round” of fresh water, he FOLLOWED me and waited for me at his door. I came back with more water... he followed be back to his house! IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND SO ADORABLE! And so it seemed that, when he saw and realised what I was doing, and he “approved”, he went on about his business, looking about the floor as he does.
Granted, I'm positive that there are some “Certified Rehabbers” and avian veterinarians who, if ANY of them came across this web-site, wouldn't bother to read this Journal, and even if they did, I've no doubt they'd be appalled, aggravated, if not infuriated. And what they wouldn't pay any attention to is the fact that I had NO intention of “bringing Yonah into the house to stay”. They wouldn't understand that he is NOT, by ANY stretch of ANY imagination, a “pet”. I'm quite positive of this. Likewise, I don't and never will doubt that SOMEBODY would see perfectly with-in rights to simply come in and TAKE Yonah from this, his house, his home. But, as I've stated before, I state clearly again:
Taking Yonah will be to take my “Heart-and-Soul”... Yonah is, literally, my heart-beat, the next breath I take. Take him... you take that too.
That said... as for the entire day, it was “AWE”... purely. We were together, literally, he on my shoulder, arm, hands, head, for SO MUCH of the day. I managed a 30-minute snooze this morning and he was there, on my shoulder, and there, when I opened my eyes, right there, with me. To some, this might seem like some sort of scripted story from some “Family Chanel” sort of presentation, but, the fact is... NONE of it is fabricated, NONE of it is elaborated. ALL of it is “AWE-FULL”, AWE-INSPIRING, just pure AWE! And I'm in as much shock and surprise as I am... in LOVE with this Little Guy!
And, as always, this day, full as it was, came to a close SO entirely TOO QUICKLY! THIS was a day I SO wish I could keep, some-how, to re-live repeatedly. But, the sun, as the sun does, disappeared from the sky, and as it did, it took the brilliant light and wonderful warmth. We had to close blinds and curtains against tonight's threatened “crisp cold”. And when I'd done that, and settled Yonah's house, fresh waters, fresh food (to replace the seeds and egg yolks he had today... oh yes... egg yolks... vitamins and proteins... and he ate VERY well too), curtains closed, NatSpec light on for a while... he came to settle on his door perch, as he does of an evening, as I sat at his work table... jotting today's events for his Journal. At 19.00, the NatSpec light went off, and the desk lamp gave the room that soft, warm “incandescent” glow. Bird-songs and radio off, and the fountain as well... It was our “30 minutes of serenity” before... “seepie-nigh-night”, our time to “chat” about our day, our days, our yesterdays... our... tomorrows. This evening though, by 19.15, Yonah was ready for “tuck-in”! All I did was mention, as I spoke, “seepie-nigh-night” and he headed for his loft mirror, gave a “Good night” coo to the little bird in the reflection, came forward on his perch, gave me a wing-snap. WELL! We had our cuddles and kisses for the evening. I'd already put the back board up earlier, but now it was obviously time to put the roof board up, close his door, put the lights out. My Little Heart-and-Soul was TIRED! And, no surprise there! He'd had QUITE the active DAY! So, yes, cuddles and kisses and tuck-in it was.
Again, tonight, how I wish there were some way to spend the night closer together. It does cause me such sadness to leave him in his room, alone, of a night, especially after a day when we were so close. But I'm sure he sleeps better with-out me on the futon, turning and making any sort of noises in the darkness. And I am right on the other side of his wall, and his door is open enough for me to hear any sound he might make during the night. (And, to be honest, I know that I sleep, listening, through the night anyway. There's never any certainty about complete quiet during a night in this house.)
And so... we closed our “Anniversary Day”. The furnace kicked on as I was “tucking Yonah in” so his room is very nice and warm and will be so through the night between the house furnace and his radiator. He has fresh food, water, a tidy house. Tomorrow, we'll do our monthly complete house-keeping, scrubbing the pool and changing sand and kitchen rolls and the likes. Another busy day ahead. But for tonight, my Little Guy can rest, protected from harm, the elements, in HIS own house, on HIS own perch. No predators, no threats. No cold winds. No need to think about foraging in the cold morning. Just everything of his own... and surrounded by more LOVE than, well, more LOVE! He's “CHERISHED”, he's held so DEAR, he's SO INTEGRAL, he truly is “ALL”, EVERYTHING! And I close this day with the hope that we'll have not less than ANOTHER 16 months together... We'll see the snows disappear, the leaves return to the trees out-side his window. We'll feel warm Summer breezes blow through his windows, he'll bask in the brilliant Summer sun and splash in his pool. And we'll see what “new adventures” we can come up with in the better weather... perhaps a way for him to get out into the world “out there”... if he so wishes. Some-how. But of course, at this very moment, as with every night, I just truly look forward to tomorrow... when the silence of the house is broken and the rooms are filled with “morning call”...
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... or any combination of that sort.
mourning dove 14 February 2022Monday 14 February:
7.04 and MY “Little Valentine” was up and calling. “7.04”. Looks like the “7.00” hour is about to become the “regular”, for a while... I suppose, until the sun starts rising at 6.00. And this morning, though not as “chatty” as yesterday, we're “One” again, today... I was greeted with a stretch of wings and a scuttle over for morning kisses. No matter WHAT a day might throw about, just knowing that YONAH IS FINE, AND I'M IN HIS GOOD GRACES IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME!
And we made it through another COLD night, last night. And tonight threatens with even colder. But, we've made it through worse. YONAH has made it through MUCH, MUCH worse... We're doing quite OK! The cold can come, but, through the night, my little Heart-and-Soul is protected, warm and cozy, to sleep restfully, and to wake, the next morning, just as safe and SO LOVED as ever before.
And though there wasn't as much “conversation” this morning, as I went about the “morning routine”, the morning blessing was seeing him having his breakfast, ignoring me and my flurry of activities, and then, with a full crop, on the wing and off to his futon, to watch me complete my tasks. Appetite. Eating. Flying. There's a complete morning... of peace... peace of mind and soul.
But WHAT A BUSY MORNING it turned to! We did “house-keeping” this morning! Oh, the pool got taken out, sands got changed. Kitchen roll too! Granted, only half of the house got attacked, but it's the half that gets the most use, where seeds drop and water from the pool gets splashed about at “swim-time”. And the pool got a complete and thorough scrub, the tubing and pump for the fountain got it's monthly “vinegar flush” too. And all the while, it was just more amazement, watching Yonah's reaction. He notices absolutely EVERY change in his house, no matter how small or slight. Every time I moved or removed something, from the white pine to the rocks, he was right there, checking, looking, and then hopping about as if asking “Where are you going with that?”
And while the pool was gone, he “investigated and inspected” the sand in the tray that's under it, pecking and tossing it about. And when I removed that tray to wash it and put fresh sand in, he seemed some-what “intrigued”. The kitchen roll under all of his house, double-thickness so that nothing is on the main plastic tray below and, to add a bit of insulation against the cold plastic, was exposed... The corner where his pool had been was now WHITE! And with the bright sun shining in through the window, his entire house was even brighter than usual. I had to wonder what HE was seeing, since doves see “UV spectrum” colours, and I'm rather sure that the whiteness, reflecting the sun-light must have changed his perspective of things. (Oh, but I wish I could, even for just a little while, see what Yonah sees in this world. There are images on the internet of “UV photography”, and some of them are on his “Care” pages. But my research keeps coming up with the same thing: we, people, can't duplicate exactly what birds see; we, the “brilliantly most-highly evolved species” cannot duplicate the visuals of birds. I leave that statement with no further comment. But I DO wish I could see what Yonah sees.) Anyway, it was obvious that he noticed something wasn't “right”, in that corner of his house, and he was determined to find out what had changed, and where the missing items were. Pecking and scratching, hopping about, looking closely and from a distance. His little “world” had changed! And for me, it was educational and fascinating to see his responses.
Another moment I found fascinating was when the sun had come round to reach his little “beach corner”, it must have given some warmth there because Yonah decided to take to his “beach” and bask in the glorious light. Laying there, feathers spread, he was just as comfortable as he could be. AND... he paid NO particular attention to me working about, removing trays, replacing sands and kitchen roll. He was a snuggled-in-cozy as he wanted to be and the rest of the world was allowed to go on as it would. (There's a lesson in there: Grab the sun-shine whilst ye may, enjoy the moments that permit, and let the rest of the world do as it will, because, no matter what, “Creation” will do as it wants.)
Granted, there were the moments when curiosity got the better of him too... and as I wandered back and fort, in and out of his room, he'd fly over to me, set on my arm and accompany me as I went along. And, as he's fond of doing of late, he'd follow me, across the floor! I REALLY HAD to watch my EVERY step this morning! And I do suppose that there's going to be even more of this form now on... Yonah has discovered that he can toddle about the floor, off in to corners that have always been there but had never interested him to the point of investigating them. The REALLY almost un-settling aspect of it, for me, is that, when I come into the room, I USED to be able to look in “familiar” places and find him there. On the futon, his wall shelves, a perch, the corner under the tree limb that I have there for him (which he's never used for perching but does like to “hang-out” under). If not in any of those places, he'd be on a perch in his house, or having a bite to eat... or... on his roof-top. Now? He's fond of “hiding” under the work table or under the shelving under his house, or under the futon... and when I come into the room, he RUNS out toward me! AND, now that he's “discovered” the kitchen, well... He's found his room, he's found the kitchen... I suppose it's only a matter of time until he comes to the living-room as well! Even now, as it is, I open the doors to the house with extreme caution... there's no telling whether or not he'll be there, on the other side, as the door opens! But HEY! I'm just SO THRILLED that he's “taking HIS” house! And that he's “expanding his territory”. After all... as far as I'm concerned, this house is HIS more than it is anybody else's. So... dear Yonah... RUN FREELY! FLY FREELY! That's what it's ALL about here!
THAT said... the “high-light” of house-keeping... I'd done the cleaning, re-placed and re-set the pool and fountain, and flushed the entire situation with the regular “7 flushes” of fresh water (it can't be TOO rinsed). The fountain was going, and it all looked so pristine again when Yonah hopped up onto the rocks beside it and... IN HE WENT! At first, it was only briefly. I imagine the fresh water was a bit cooler than he might have expected. BUT... I turned round, went to the kitchen for the briefest moment and when I returned... THERE HE WAS, JUST “LOUNGING”, ALMOST LITERALLY, MOTIONLESS, IN THE POOL, BESIDE THE FOUNTAIN! “Timing”! Fresh, clean, clear water, running through a thoroughly clean “plumbing” and... suddenly... SPLASH! WINGS A-FLUTTER, WATER DROPLETTES IN THE AIR! FULL-ON BATHING, in the BRILLIANT sun-shine POURING in through the windows! Out-side, in spite of the gleaming sun, the temperature hovered at about -11°... with a “chill” of -16°. In Yonah's room, the thermometer read 22,6° and that must have been “just perfect” for a “bath”. And OH! Did he EVER seem to enjoy the water! From “soak” to “splash” it was “all-in”! I've seen him “lounge” in the water before, and I've seen him give it all quite a raucous round of wings and such, but today... today he actually got himself SO WET that, when he hopped out and gave his usual “fluffing and flapping” he was so wet that he sent a “mist” into the air! What-ever it was about the pool today, it REALLY WAS pleasant! (And me? Well, I was SO pleased that his pool and such had been fresh and clean AND that my Little Guy got to SO enjoy it all! It took several hours to complete, but EVERY second is SO worth any effort when it comes to SEEING the reward of the pleasure it all gives to this little LIFE! I'm truly happy that, although he's had to change the life he was originally born into, flying amongst the trees, in the open skies, at least I've been able to give him the little pleasure of a nice, comfortable bath... even in the coldest of Winter days.)
Well, right after the splash and the shake-dry, he was off to his little mossy area for a nice snooze, and I busied me else-where with other little chores and tasks, so as not to disturb him. It was already the after-noon by then! Again... ANOTHER day... rolls right by us! But, we got a LOT accomplished this morning... and... obviously for the best! Seeing Yonah “luxuriating” in his pool is always such a brilliant light in my heart! And to think: it was pure “instinct”, on MY part, to make sure that he had one! There are mentions, else-where, of providing bowls of water, from time-to-time, for the Little Ones to splash about in. And there are accounts of “misting”, with a spray bottle. And yes, there are “attachments” for showers, but those are for parrots and the sort. But I've yet to see ANY “recommendations” to include an actual “bath” or “pool” IN WITH! Granted, for those Little Ones, born into “captivity”, in the barren, “clinical” environments, constantly handled by humans, there's a slight chance that they wouldn't miss what they've never known. BUT... Yonah, if calculations are correct, had a mere two months of his “naturally-intended” life. And, had he been born in August, by the latter part of September, the days were cool, the nights even cooler. The chances of him having become accustomed to bathing are rather small. BUT, then too, I recall writings that strongly recommend that food NOT be made available at all times because of over-eating and excessive weight gain. Yonah eats when he wants to, food is always available to him and he eats only what he wants, in quantities that suffice and he's still quite sleek and slender. Like-wise, his “instincts” for finding food would have been to “forage”, looking about the ground (or the floor of his house), BUT, he IMMEDIATELY found his food and water when I'd put it into the little “dishes”, originally, and, ever since, he's had NO trouble finding it in the regular “food dishes” he has now. In fact, I've moved the location of his food many times over the past months, and each time, he's found it. So... a pool? Well, obviously “bathing” is something that ALL the Little Ones enjoy, and delight in! So, I see NO reason or excuse for NOT including “bathing” in a habitat... no matter what style. And oh yes, there are those who believe that it's perfectly acceptable to “confine” in a “cage” that takes ONLY the smallest of space in a room. That's another point of contention with me. Even from the very beginning, I yearned to provide Yonah with as much open space as possible, and that's why, even when my intention was to help him as he healed and then return him to his flock, once I realised that he would be with me for several months, through the bitter cold nights of Winter, I made certain to obtain a place that was as large as possible... And then? Well... his “house” now is probably just short of a full “aviary”... not that he spends much time in it anyway. Still... I went with my heart... and my heart is “nourished” often... when I see Yonah actually “flying” in his house AND when I see him splashing in his pool. Yes... THAT was all my “instinct”.
For the rest of the day, we spent it together, enjoying the warmth of the house, the light of the sun-shine, and we had a snooze... 20 minutes, together, on his futon. And I continued with the house-hold chores, spending time in his room, together, talking, cuddling, playing, “jousting” and playing “Catch Me”, as Yonah seems to get a thrill out of, flying about the room, landing some-where, mostly just out of easy reach, staring at me and wing-snapping as if “daring” me to try to get to him. And he's obviously enjoying running about the floor for the same game now. I walk into the room, he comes running from where-ever he's been, gets to my feet and when I bend down to stroke or touch him, he RUNS, even round in circles, making it all but impossible to keep-up with him!
Deborah came by this morning and we were talking about the “decoys” and Yonah's reaction to them and when I told her how he obviously did NOT appreciate “another dove” in HIS house, she said:
“He has you and that's enough for him. He's happy with you. He doesn't need a flock.”
We both agreed... Yonah and I are our own “flock”, and we are our own “mates”. THAT much, as I read about doves becoming attached to people, has proven beyond simply “true”. I just wish that there was more stress put on the “necessity” of “COMPANIONSHIP” where doves are concerned. Oh, there's the mention that they're very docile and will become “good pets”. No, they won't become “pets”... they WILL allow a person to become their “mate”... and the stress that needs to be made is that ignoring or abandoning them can cause them terrible pain and suffering... even death... from loneliness! But, I mention here, include it in the “Care” segment... I can only HOPE that enough people who NEED to know, find the information and take it to heart. (I can't depend on “forums”... I've tried that and it's proven disappointing so, I leave it here where it can't be “censored” or tampered with.
19.00 came as quickly as it possibly could this evening... the dimming of lights, silencing of musics... settling down before “seepie-nigh-night”. And tonight it seems that Yonah was quite ready for another “early” night because as soon as I dimmed the lights... he was up to his little corner loft bidding his little “reflection” a “Good night”! Well, he IS getting up earlier these days so I suppose it's to be expected. And his blinds and curtain were already closed, the back board up. Tonight's supposed to be about -21° with “chills” much lower, so I wanted to make sure we kept that OUT of his room. So, I expect that his early mornings, and the fact that, by 19.00, it is rather dark still, just lent to an early “tuck-in”. After all... mourning doves allegedly require 10-14 hours of rest so... “7-7.00” (19.00-07.00) falls nicely in the middle for a night's rest. Yonah knows what Yonah needs... and he's teaching me and I'm learning. So since he was “ready”, but 19.15, we put his roof board on and had our “Good night cuddles and kisses”. He headed for his “night spot”... Our day had come to a close.
mourning dove 14 February 2022“Valentines' Day”... imagine... and MY Little Valentine had quite a lovely day of it, with clean pool, fresh water to splash in, good food, lots of play and SO MUCH LOVE! And after all... isn't “LOVE” what “Valentines' Day” is all about? Oh, yes indeed.
Tonight, his radiator is near, the house furnace will run... the chills of out-doors will be kept away. No cold winds, no need to “fluff”, no cause for concern about shelter or “predators” in the darkness. My Little Heart-and-Soul is as safe as he can be. And tomorrow? Well... tomorrow... we'll have even MORE time for exercise and fun and MORE LOVING!
Tuesday 15 February:
After some time of waking at the “8.00” hour, it appears my Little Guy is the harbinger of “Spring”... “Wake-up calls” are coming at the “7.00” hour now... and this morning's came at 7.06! Clear too! No “morning voice”. And WHAT a delight it was to hear! And what a “chatty” morning too! From the “morning greeting” of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” as I walked into the room, all the way through the regular “routine” of opening curtains and blinds, we held quite the “conversation”, back and forth, comments, replies. It was the prelude to what was to be expected for the rest of the day...
OH, but Yonah had an ever-so-busy sort of day today! For the most part, he was seldom still in any one place for any length of time. There's no doubt he gets his exercise and it does my heart such good to see him out and about, in just about ever corner, nook, cranny in his room (when he isn't toddling about, out to the kitchen). AND he has NO reservations about coming to my shoulder as I sit at his work table. THAT was a major event through the entire day today! I sat, working, typing, noting, coding, balancing books, checking monthly “house-hold operations” and suddenly, I'd hear the heart-warming “whistle” and “flutter” of wings from some-where in the room. Next thing, I felt a “presence” on my shoulder and the peck at the ear. If Yonah wasn't over to simply remind me that he's here, it was for attention... PLAY TIME! And now play-time consists of him running from shoulder-to-shoulder, across my back and pecking at my hears from side-to-side! We've become SO “united” and I'm still in such deep “AWE”. To think... no... to SEE such a little wonder from the wild so comfortable with a sworn adversary, a predator, is a marvel that only a heart can experience fully.
I was working on up-dating the “Care” pages on his web-site today, mostly to include my own experiences of the past 16 months, and and as I did, I recalled all the research that I've been doing all through. (It's on-going, never-ending, never enough and never “too much” because more-so than ever before, changes are daily, at the very least, and moment-to-moment in general, and SO much MORE comes to be understood so there's always something new to question and learn.) In the earliest readings, as I keep recalling, there was so much mention of the “bond” that forms between doves and between doves and their “people”. I thought then, that it was a romantic over-exaggeration at best, to make for “fun and interesting reading”. All the “chummy-chummy” business, the “doves will take an active interest in the house-hold”, it all sounded a bit contrived. And when reading on the introduction of another dove as a companion to a formerly single, that there could well be a “divorce” (which is how it was put in the reading) period where-in a visible separation between “person” and dove has to take place before the “new dove” is accepted, the relationship between dove-and-person was referred to as a “marriage”, THAT struck me as being truly over-romanticised. I mean, it read as though doves form stronger, more intricate bonds than, say, puppies! I thought that a bit far-fetched (no puns intended). BUT... here I am today, trying to describe, in words, on-line, the intricacy, the depth, the strength of a “bond” here, between Yonah and I and words just continue to fail!
When I refer to “us” as being two component parts of one actual entity, it doesn't seem to express the situation adequately. There is a non-visible “bond”, palpable in a place in the heart, distinguishable by the mind, a silent unification of “something”, a sort of “energy”, if you will that transcends description. It's a bond of “senses”. There are no words to express it, to describe it. It's completely non-verbal, non-tangible in the common sense of the terminology. But it's very much present, existent. And it's always, to me, such an intense HONOUR, a PRIVILEGE, that this little LIFE, “naturally” so fearful, and, in a sense, repulsed, repellent where humans are concerned, can come to not simply “tolerate” me, but actually enjoy being, no only in my company but being close, touched, held. I've no doubt that it's difficult, if not impossible to believe, but, it simply, plainly... “IS”. We ARE, some-how, joined, as if disparate spirits, intended to be together. Not an “extension”, but a part that has been missing in my existence, all along. It's ... “AWE”-inspiring, in the truest sense of the term. It's really almost just incomprehensible in OH! SO MANY ways. And it's a pure, “heavenly” JOY!
And again, today, when-ever I'd leave the room, to go to the kitchen, for a coffee, tea, a bit to eat... what-ever the reason, Yonah followed me! If not as I left the room, shortly after, I'd be at the counter or basin and as I turned my head, I could see him, there, some-where in the kitchen, on the floor, starting at me! He's not flying in, so I don't know when he's arrived. Instead, he comes walking (“toddling”, as he does) into the room... silently. No “notification”, no “coo'ing”... just in complete silence. And he stands there, not too close but just close enough. I have to wonder too, if THIS isn't the “silent communication” that I've often marvelled at, amongst the Little Ones. Dogs, cats, fish, birds... even the larger of the “Animal Kingdom” can all communicate with one-another, and never make a sound. Often, they don't make any noticeable movements... well, “noticeable” to humans. And yet, they “know” something, some message being conveyed. It's very similar, I think, to how massive flocks of birds and shoals of fish can ascend, dive, twist, turn, swirl in unison, and there's no visible, audible, discernible signal given. They ALL just suddenly “know”. And as I stand in the kitchen, not seeing Yonah standing there, some-how I'm urged to turn, to look, and... there he is. I'm not thinking about or of him at the moment, but I'm some-how “prompted” to turn, to look.
One thing I will say: In the “humanly romantic” way that we, people, as a species, tend to do, I've often thought (and said) that Yonah came into my life at a time when I'd just given up on it all, and resigned to simply “wait it all out”... let “life and time” take their due course. In all sincerity, I wasn't looking to a next day... I wasn't even looking forward to a next “moment”. Not depressed. Not sad. Simply resigned to the inevitable. But since he's come, and as we've grown together so closely, I can't help but think of my notion of “living beings being a sort of 'energy'... our “lives” are, what we think of as “energy”. We're autonomous, for the most part, with our own “power sources”.. hearts and all that the heart... and brain... does to keep us “being”, existing. We eat, drink and continue to “be”, moving, animated, breathing. I suppose it's what's referred to as the “soul”... for lack and absence of a better term. And I've NO doubt, at all, what-so-ever, that even the smallest of “life” possesses that “soul”, that “energy”. And that when the physical presence ceases to “be”, in “death”, the “energy”, that “soul” continues, some-how, in some manner that isn't confined by the physical presence of existence previously. And I continue to believe that, after OUR cessation of existence in the physical, Yonah and I, in particular, will remain “joined”, some-how, in that “energy”. My purpose, goal, ambition, resolve, is to “be” for as long as he is to “be”. I'll continue to provide him with all that I possibly can, humanly, to ensure that he's safe, comfortable, healthy, happy. If I could, I'd take us both into the world that HE was born into, the “natural” order of existence, and I'd do for him there, all that I can to ensure his continued safety, comfort and happiness. Sadly, neither of us, at this juncture, would be free of suffering, were we to head off and out and away from all of this “civilisation”, as we know it. And I will NOT have Yonah suffering in any way! Winds, rains, snow, ice, cold, brutal heat, hunger, thirst... so, we're both rather “stuck” where we are. But whilst we're “here”, in this “state of being”, I can provide him with the shelter and necessities... and the best of my LOVE, COMPASSION, EMPATHY that is physically possible. And when the time comes for us to “cease being” as we are now... I truly have NO doubt that, when I follow him, which I will, in shortest order, we'll “find” one-another, some-where, in some manner or fashion. And where we “go” from there? Well, I doubt either of us “knows” nor can we “know” that (although I sense that Yonah has a better understanding of it than I ever could). But, I've no doubt, it will be fascinating! And, it will be as ALL “Creation”, from the very beginning, was intended.
That said... as for more on the day and his “appearances” in the kitchen, when he'd leave the kitchen, invariably, he'd head back to his room, to the futon, the pillows closest to the door. It's a point from were he can “keep an eye on me”. With-out sounding too “narcissistic”, I believe I can honestly say: he's happier, more content, when, even though I'm not in the room, he can see me. He wants to know, for certain, that I'm “there”, close by. I'm not sure why. It's not that he sits still and silent when I'm not in the room with him. To the contrary, he can find more reasons and causes to fly about and hop about his house, keeping “busy”. He's almost always “doing” something, be it sifting through the sand, poking about the mosses, moving bits and such about, or flying from house to futon and shelves. And now, there's the “exploration” of the floor space in the room! But, he seems calmer when he can confirm, by sight, that I'm “near”. (Truth is, that's pretty much more of the “mutuality” of our “relationship” because I am more at peace, content, when I know HE'S near. It's part of my “anxieties” when I have to leave the house... be it for marketing or simply working in the yard. I don't “worry” about him... I just yearn for his company. Call it “eccentric”... call it “insane”... call it what you will... that's how it is and it DOES appear to be mutual.)
LEARNED SOME-THING NEW TOO, TODAY: HAND-CLAPPING... APPARENTLY, THAT'S “ATTRACTIVE”. I hold my hands together at the palms and “clap” with the fingers and when I do, Yonah actually comes to me! Now, it's said that birds don't see our hands as being “attached”, a physical part of the rest of us. They DO come to recognise faces and voices and, as I've seen, Yonah associates those as being part of a “whole”... of “me”. But hands? As we joust and play, I often wonder if he understands that the “hand” is actually the “me” that he plays with, part of the “unit” that has my face, my voice. More often than not, it doesn't seem that way. It seems that he does see the hand as a separate entity. So, in “clapping”, rather rapidly, the “clap” might sound similar to wings flapping, and the action might appear to be some-thing bird-like. But what-ever it is that Yonah sees, or “perceives”, it causes great fun, for both of us, because he comes rushing toward and to the “clapping hands” and immediately wants to play... gives a wing-snap until I DO play! And there was quite a lot of that during the day today.
Other than all of this, I'm now working diligently on incorporating my “learning experiences” into the “Care” pages of his site and today, managed to re-work his “Cage Requirements” page. I'm truly amazed by how much he enjoys his little pool and HOPE that SOMEBODY finds his site when looking for information on the proper care and attention SO necessary to and for mourning doves. (I don't suppose I'll ever really know how many, if any, see his site, unless people actually take the time to drop a note/line/e-mail. But at least all of this information is “out there” for them, for when-ever they need. No matter what, it's a FAR CRY from all of the searching that I had to do at the beginning... and the loneliness and hopelessness I felt during those “dark and heavy” days when I wanted SO much to do the “right” things to help Yonah, and kept coming up short... and needing to keep “searching”. Surely, this will never be considered “THE ULTIMATE” resource, but it IS quite a repository of a LOT of information.. and hopefully... HOPEFULLY, it will change, for the better, thoughts and perceptions of these little LIVES... as well as all others... little-by-little, word-of-mouth at this point. His site still doesn't come up in the “top” of “search engines” for “mourning dove” on the internet... but we keep trying.)
So as the day drifted on, Yonah and I were almost inseparable for quite the better part of it. And so too, because of that, it was another GRAND AND GLORIOUS DAY! And that I had no errands, nothing to take me away, it was all the better.
But, as all days do, this one too, came to a “sun-set”... and REALLY ENTIRELY TOO SOON! (As always.)
I took my “evening meal break” at the usual time, and Yonah took his at the same time. And when I'd done, it was time for “evening routine”. The sun had set, the world out-side his windows had begun to grow darker. It was time to close blinds and curtains, mostly to keep the night's chill out of his room. And so... we closed-up, the “NatSpec” light was on for a while, to give him more time to romp, frolic, play, what-ever his little heart desired. Waters got changed, house got tidied, and I re-settled at the work table to jot the events of the day onto his Journal. And Yonah took his usual evening place, beside me, on his door perch, where the warmth of his radiator rose to keep him warm against the on-coming night's coolness.
At 19.00, the bright “NatSpec” light went off... so too, the bird-songs and radio and the fountain in his pool. It was “wind-down” time... I pulled the chair up beside his house and we started to chat but, Yonah was already obviously quite tired... and the dimness of the little desk lamp lent a sense of “late evening”. As I spoke, he flew up to his little corner loft and gave a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” to the little reflection in the mirror there. That was my sign: it was to be an “early night”. So, I put the back board up on the window-side of his house and he came forward on his perch to the spot where he spends the night. I put the roof board on, he took one last flight to the futon and then, as I went to sit beside him there, he hopped to my shoulder. I walked over to his house and he went in. By 19.20... we had said our “Good night”, exchanged our “Good night” snuggles and kisses and all the lights were out. “Tuck-in”... the day was officially ended... too soon. “Days” could be 24 hours of day-light and 24 hours of night... or 20 hours of day, 4 hours of night, no matter how they could be divided, there would never be “enough” time together with Yonah. It really is “indescribable”, the JOY, the JUBILATION, the amazement... the AWE. But then too, there's a great sense of peace knowing that Yonah does, of a night, get an undisturbed rest, that he has no need to be aware of his surroundings, on the watch for impending dangers, predators. The winds may blow, temperatures may plummet well-below freezing... but in his house, Yonah is safe, sound, protected... SO CHERISHED, so protected... and come the next morning, the next dawn, he can wake when he will, just as safe, as warm and comfortable, food and water immediately available, no need to take flight and search for nourishment. And no need to compete with ANY others, for all that he desires. Again, it isn't the world that he was born into, the world that he was “intended” to live in, but... in spite of the attempt to thwart his life, his existence... he's here, now, today... the little BLESSING that he is... the little GLORY that he is. My efforts might not be “perfect”, but, Yonah seems to be at peace with his life, as it is. And that's really all that matters to me.
mourning dove 16 FebruaryWednesday 16 February:
7.09 this morning! Well! In the silence that was this morning in the house, as a brisk wind blew out-side, pushing away the bitter cold of last night, to be replaced with a “warmer” day (as it were... any temperature higher than -20° is, at this point, a welcome relief and today's forecast was for “PLUS” 8°!)... in a clear, but soft tone, the air filled with the up-lifting “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”... OH! A longer “Good morning” this time! Obviously, we'd had a GOOD night of restful sleep and it was time to get to the day ahead! And so, off it was, to “morning routine”.
As I came into his room, Yonah greeted me with another “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo” and I replied in kind... and was graced with a reply of “woo-HOO!” (“Yes, yes, woo-hoo... Open the windows! Time to get busy here!”) AND, again, this morning, we “chatted” as I went about the business of opening windows, gathering things together for water changes, poop-checks and food services! For me, THIS is the epitome of a “GREAT DAY”! Yonah well-rested, in good health, good spirits. After that, nothing else is even worth a passing consideration!
After all was completed this morning, where “house-keeping” was concerned, I came into Yonah's room, to sit at the work table, as is our “daily” and no sooner had I gotten situation when... “whistle” and “woosh”! Yonah came to roost on my shoulder and peck at my ear! WELL! We'd been apart all night and “Hello” was in order. We exchanged our morning “greetings” with snuggles and pecks, and he moved along to settle on the centre of my back, close to my neck as I continued setting-up the lap-top and paper works and such. He was there to stay for a while! And me? I just couldn't stop smiling. A better way to begin a day? I seriously doubt that's at all possible. AND the day continued along similar lines... When I became boring, Yonah took wing and was ALL over the room, from house to futon to floor... AND COO'ING AWAY THE DAY!
He's even discovered that he can “roost” on the cross-pieces of the chair I sit on! And from under me, I could just barely see him, teetering from time-to-time on the smooth, wooden dowel, and I could hear, quite clearly, a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” every now and again. And when he wasn't on the chair, he was on the floor, beside me, waiting for me to reach down to play “chase”... He REALLY enjoys that, as I chase him about with my hand, and he runs away and then comes lunging back to peck at my hand and fingers. And its such a delight to see him so active, AND actually showing that he WANTS to play... with ME! It's heart-warming and soul-filling, to be so honoured by and with his “affections”. It's indescribable, the feeling that what little I've done for him, it's so appreciated, and that he “knows”... he “KNOWS” that my intentions and purpose are to provide all that I humanly can, to ensure his happiness, comfort, well-being. He doesn't fear me. He obviously doesn't try to avoid me. I'm “accepted” for my short-comings and inabilities, what-ever they might be. Yonah is, in my opinion, so FAR greater than I am... than ANY of my “species”. HIS “species”... HIS “animal kingdom” FAR exceeds ANY of my “kind”. THEY are “Creation”, here, MUCH longer than the rest of us. And to be “accepted”, even as a “companion” is a blessing, honour, privilege that can't be compared to any other. (Yes, my opinion, but my firm resolve as well.)
Once I'd caught-up with the morning, I TRIED for a 20-minute snooze... “tried”. I'd no sooner laid on the futon when Yonah was ALL OVER me as I laid there. Hopping onto and off of my head, face, shoulders.... toddling up and down from shoulder to feet. Wing-snapping. One of those “I'm here! Let's PLAY!” mornings! It's SUCH a delight to heart and soul when he's so active and want's, so much, to be “together”. I'm in “AWE” of this! It just never becomes “routine” to me, when he actually WANTS to play, to be close, to be touched, cuddled, snuggled. Even as it's all happening, it's unbelievable! So I “half-rested”, but mostly “played” with him. And what TRULY touches the core of one's being is when, in the midst of play, he stops, briefly, takes a breath and lets a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” fill the room! And this morning, there were SEVERAL OF THOSE! I DO suppose he DOES enjoy the playfulness of it all. I mean, he doesn't make any effort to RUN AWAY! And for me, it's a great diversion... from “things-people”.
Well, our day went along as delightfully today as EVERY day in Yonah's company. The sun made a few brief appearances, but it was extremely windy all through... EXTREMELY. But in Yonah's world, all was quite calm, warm, cozy, and we spent the entire day together. And by “together” I DO mean... “together”. He's come to the point where I'm as much a place to “roost” as any other place or thing in his domain, and he made NO distinctions between me and what-ever surface there was to land on. As I worked (on his site, mostly, today), he “visited” frequently... on my shoulder, my back... my head! As I sat at the work table, he toddled under and “attacked”, playfully, my feet, until I looked down and asked “May I help you?” at which point he came out, stood in the middle of the floor and, looking up at me, gave me the old “wing-snap”... A message that it was time for “play break”! And so, we played... either on the floor or on his futon or, he played “chase” and went to his house, to his roof, the shelves, always stopping, staring at me and yes, giving me the old “wing-snap”. It was all, always, a most-welcome break, diversion, absolute JOY!
I took a brief break for mid-day coffee and he took a mid-day break for lunch. This evening, I took a break for evening meal, and he too his own.
But, for the most part, we were together, some-how, and it was all perfect!
One think I've come to notice that Yonah is especially fond of is being “held” as he stands on his door perch, in my cupped hands, and I make little “pecking” sounds as I gently give him little kisses. He just stands there, so calm and still and when I lift my head up, if it wasn't “enough”, he looks up at me until I start again! HE LOVES the attention, connection, the affection, the contact! (And, to be honest, I LOVE it too! He's my little Heart-and-Soul and I can't really “hug” him, so this is as close as I can get to showing my affection.)
This evening, after I'd done the washing-up, we closed blinds and curtains... the sun had set and it was “time”. Not to mention, the winds were still blowing quite strong and we needed to close-up against any drafts or chilling temperatures that might follow. (Although, today's winds seem to be a precursor for increasing temperatures for the next few days, so that's a most welcome relief.) Waters were changed whilst Yonah “lounged” on his “roof-top platform” in the light of the “FullSpec” lamp. My activities made no impression on him this evening. I worked, he lounged. And when I'd done, I returned to his work table, he remained, for a while, comfy on his roof-top.
But, at 19.00, the usual time when we put the back board up, dim the lights and silence the musics, I was still editing when I heard a clear “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” from behind. I looked up and glanced at the clock... indeed... 19.00! Now, I can't say whether or not it was coincidence but it appears that Yonah has, some-how, set an “internal clock” and he now knows when the time has come to start closing the day! AND, when I looked up to find him, he was on his door perch! He'd come down from the roof-top and was getting ready to “settle-down” for the night! So yes, I put the back board up and dimmed the lights, and Yonah made his way up to his little loft to bid the “bird in the mirror” a fond “Good night”. When he'd done that, he came over on his perch and flew over to my shoulder and walked up and down my arm a few times, but at my shoulder, he stopped to peck at my ear each time, and then... took off to his pillows on his futon where he stopped, gave me a glance and a wing-snap. A little “cuddle time” before “seepie-nigh-night”. So, of course, I went over and sat beside him, and he came over to my arm and we DID have a “little cuddle”. It's AMAZING, REALLY, how he doesn't mind being in the crook of my arm, gently, of course. He doesn't sense ANY threat or danger, he KNOWS that I'd NEVER cause him any harm, and he appears to actually enjoy the closeness! Honestly, were he a dove “acquired” from another person, either by adoption or purchase, I might be able to simply accept this from him, but, the over-all fact is that he IS of a wild birth, other than our time together, he's never had any cause to trust a person, and, in spite of claims to the contrary from Deborah, I don't believe I've ever done anything “exceptional” that would warrant such trust from him. So? Yes, I'm “blown away”, as they say, by all of his trust and affection. AND... “LUVIN' IT”!
mourning dove 16 FebruarySo we spent a few minutes on the futon, playing and cuddling until he decided that it was all enough and it really was time to simply “close the day” and he headed back “home”. There, it was time for a few more “kisses and cuddles” and then... time for “tuck-in” and “lights out”. I whispered that it was “seepie-nigh-night” time, and that it will be nice and warm tonight, he's safe from the winds out there in that open world. He took his “night place” on his perch and gave me a peck on the nose through the door.
Our day had come to a close... all too soon, but, HE told ME when it was time! And, with these hours, I keep thinking that, if he does get to sleep by 19.30 or so and is up at 7.00 (or 7.04-7.09) he's getting about 11 hours of good rest every night. I don't wake him in the morning, I let him wake when he's ready, so, I'm taking it that he wakes when he's rested enough, and that's perfect.
Tomorrow is expected to be rain through the day... Yonah and I will certainly be in for that. And he has his “FullSpec” light, and good warmth in his room... and I have MORE than enough to keep me occupied in his room with him so... tonight he sleeps, protected from the winds as the trees creak as they sway, and tomorrow, more protection from the rains (and a nice pool, should he decide he wants a bit of a splash).
It was another most AMAZING day with him... and all the more reason (as if any more is needed... which it isn't) why he IS my “Heart-and-Soul”.

Thursday 17 February:
7.04 on a really rather dreary February morning, the mood and the world was lightened and brightened by the beautiful “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” from behind the door to Yonah's room. He'd obviously managed to get some rest through the night of constant winds, rushing through the trees and against his windows, and was ready to face the world on the day after!
He was already on the opposite perch when I got into the room, so he'd been up and about. And as I greeted him and opened his door, he stretched his wings, as he does in the morning, and hopped over to the other perch where, as I leaned in, he leaned forward for “Good morning pecks”. And as I with-drew from his house, to prepare for opening curtains and blinds, he gave hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”! Well then! Yes, indeed, the day had commenced, we were both up and about and it was time to roll along! I returned the sentiment with the same coo and a conversation was under way. We “chatted”, “conversed” all the while I was at the windows AND, a bit too, as I went to the kitchen to start fetching water for the pool and drinking! SOME-body (some-BIRDIE?) was in quite the great spirits this morning, despite the absence of sun-shine out-side in the snow-covered world beyond the window panes. WHAT A GLORIOUS BEGINNING TO A DAY! (But then, EVERY beginning of EVERY day is GLORIOUS... when it all starts with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”!)
It turned out to be quite the grey and rainy sort of day, all day, today. Quite warm, at about 8°, and that was most welcome, but, no sun-shine. And, thankfully, yesterday's winds passed and left behind only some rather gentler breezes. So we had the FullSpec light on and the desk lamp as well. There was enough “light” from out-side, really, but still, it was rather dark. We didn't mind though. It was a nice day for resting and relaxing, over-all.
Because I didn't sleep much or well through the night last night, waking every hour or so, preoccupied by the possibility of the electric going out, due to the high and sustained winds, I was ever-so tired for most of the day today. So, I napped for a few hours this afternoon... and Yonah napped with me, ALL through, in the fold of my knees! As I laid down, he came over to my shoulder, then onto the pillow beside my head where he stayed for a few moments. As I drifted off to sleep, I felt him hop back onto my shoulder and toddle down to my legs and settle at my knees. When, about two hours later, I woke, I looked down to see him, quite literally “snuggled”, quite comfortably, there, in the “fold”. He was just as cozy as he could possibly be and made no gesture of wanting to leave that spot and he didn't... until I started talking to him.
“Well,” I began, “have you bee there all along? Is it comfortable there?”
As I spoke, he stretched his wings, as if just waking himself, looked at me and came toddling, rather quickly, up to my shoulder and he gave me a few little, gentle pecks on the temple. I suppose we were both awake from our nap... together. So I reached up to give him a little stroke, he pecked at my hand, not making any indications of leaving. We chatted a bit as I stroked his back and, when, I suppose, he was satisfied knowing that I was awake and well... he took off to his house... for a little “late lunch”.
With the time at hand, and the weather being prohibitive against any sort of out-door activities, I got to work on a little project with a photo I'd taken of Yonah a short while ago. I had several copies printed and had, as a curiosity, made a “cut-away” of him, from the back-ground. Well, it didn't serve my intentions, but it did make for a some-what cute “stand-up”, as one might make a stand-up cut-away of a celebrity, next to which, others might have their photo taken... for “appearance”. I made a little “stand” for it and placed it on the work table, just to put it there, but out of the way and Yonah caught sight of it. WELL! As I've already recorded, I'd made a little “pillow” in the shape of a dove, thinking Yonah might enjoy it and THAT didn't go well! He attacked it, rather sternly! And then, I tried getting mourning dove “decoys” which were quite realistic in detail, colours and sizes and THOSE, he attacked quite viciously! THEY showed me that he has NO desire to “share his world” (nor his “mate”... me, apparently) with ANY other dove! BUT the cut-away? THAT got the full force of his wrath! Not only did he peck at it fiercely, it's printed on a light-weight water-colour paper and can be tossed about quite easily AND SO IT WAS! He pecked, bit, tossed and trampled it until it laid there, face-down! OH NO! There will be NO “other” dove in Yonah's place! (I've been told: “He doesn't need another dove... he has you.” I've read that the “bond” doves build with people is quite similar to a “marriage”. AND, later this evening, I'd put the little cut-away on the shelf on the work table, just to put it out of the way, and Yonah saw it, from across the room and went SOARING over to it! Now, what happened THIS time actually had me laughing to the point of almost “painful”!
He flew to the shelving beside the work table and GLARED at the cut-away for a brief moment and then LUNGED, and yes, the way he “hopped” over to it, it was more of a “LUNGE”! He stood, firmly and sternly in front of it and began FURIOUSLY pecking at it... REPEATEDLY until he'd had enough of the “warnings”. The “other dove” wasn't leaving and Yonah wasn't have him stay SOOOooo... HE GRABBED AT IT AND, IN WHAT TRULY LOOKED LIKE A BIT OF A “RAGE” FLUNG THE POOR PAPER DOVE DOWN ON THE LITTLE DESK SHELF AND TRAMPLED ON IT! (OK. In one respect, had this been an actual, live dove, I would have been HORRIFIED! AND I AM SO GLAD THAT I DIDN'T RUN WITH AN IMPULSE AND TRY TO BRING IN ANOTHER DOVE AS A “COMPANION” FOR YONAH! But, seeing him SO INFURIATED, AND, BY A PAPER CUT-AWAY OF A PHOTOGRAPH OF HIM-SELF! WELL! YES! It really was VERY laughable!) When, at last, the “other dove” lay, face-down and motionless, Yonah turn his back to it and flew over to the futon from where I'd been watching all of this. He landed on the pillow beside me and I could sense a bit of a “prance” in his steps as he traversed the pillows and came to me as if to verify that I'd witnessed his “victory”.
Again, I am RELIEVED that I never did bring another dove into the house.
Meanwhile, during the day, all the while I was working with the rest of my project, every time I'd pick-up a copy of the photo and Yonah saw it, he came, IMMEDIATELY, to my shoulder and toddled down to my hand to stare (“glare”?) at the photo. If I put the copy I was working with on the table, he'd toddle over to it and stand on it.
Now, what I find most interesting is that, I can't say whether or not Yonah actually sees the photo as himself, but he DOES see it and recognise it as another mourning dove! He IS THAT “cognizant”! Even a photograph of a mourning dove is recognised as a dove! He's never reacted negatively to the reflections in the little mirrors in his house. Even from the very first moment I put the first of the two mirrors in, he simply looked, pecked and went on about his business. And to this day, in the morning, he pecks at the reflections and coo's a “Good morning”, and at night, before tucking-in, he bids the reflections a “Good night” coo. In fact, the one on his little “corner loft”, as I call the little corner shelf on the window-side of his house, is the first to get the greetings... morning and night. How it is that he doesn't mind the reflections, but a stand-alone cut-away can evoke such reactions is, to me, fascinating.
Anyway, that was our day... and I did managed to take time to focus on my ambition (although the diversions and distractions were absolutely worth EVERY moment!
And so that how it went... and the sun never managed to break the clouds, the rains continued, intermittently all through the day. We had the light of the FullSpec and the desk lamp... and the warmth of the little radiator and, occasionally, the furnace... There was just enough of a “chill” to the day to warrant that as well. But we were together and we were close again because Yonah made sure to come and sit on my shoulder to watch as I drew, cut, and worked. (I suppose I could say that I “work well with supervision”... as long as “supervision” doesn't distract with pecks on the ears and cheek.)
Came this evening... meals were had and I was back in to change waters and close blinds and curtains. And Yonah? Well, Yonah was still in quite his “comfy mood”, flying about for a while and then wanting to play, cuddle and snuggle. But by about 18.45, he seemed to be almost ready for the end of the day, so lights were dimmed, musics were silenced, he took his place on his door perch and I at the work table to record the day's events. We'd had QUITE the busy day... HE'd had QUITE the busy day!
By 19.30 he was ever-so ready to settle-in for the night. He was on his door perch and when I put up the night boards, and we had a snuggle, cuddle and our kisses “Good night” (which he SO OBVIOUSLY enjoys because he nestles his head right into my chin and just stays so still), he headed directly up to his little mirrors where “Good night” pecks were given and he went directly for his night spot.
This was another particularly difficult day for me to let go of. Being so close with Yonah is a blessing so indescribably magnificent. And I think of it as the highest honour ANY person could EVER have bestowed upon them. That Yonah actually comes to be with (“on”) me, of his own choosing, and appears to actually enjoy the contact is, well, I doubt I'll ever have a way of properly explaining or describing the ELATION I feel, having him on my shoulder, right beside my face, pecking at my ear, watching my movements on the work table. To those who are accustomed to having the company and companionship of ring-necks, or diamonds, or any other sort of “domestically” raised doves, I'm sure that my exuberance seems exaggerated, BUT, the point of fact here, with Yonah, is that Yonah is not, was not “domestically raised”. He was born of wild parents, in a nest some-where in the wood-lands of a mountain range. He grew in that environment. He was born to fear humans, to see humans as most truly are: heartless, mindless predators. And, I can say, with all honest sincerity that, at no time did I EVER make ANY attempts to change his natural instincts. I NEVER made ANY efforts toward encouraging any sort of “bond” between us. Rather, I simply provided all that I felt necessary for his well-being. I spoke with him, softly, from a distance of HIS comfort and no closer. I didn't attempt physical contact. I didn't encourage him to make any either. ALL of what has transpired and become our “normal” today is of HIS choosing. HE has accepted me... in a fashion that suits HIM... and it is, as I say, the highest HONOUR, the greatest GIFT, the most DIVINE BLESSING! I'll never know nor understand how it came to be, but I DO and WILL, FOREVER, CHERISH this time with him... MORE than I've ever cherished ANY time in themourning dove 17 February course of my own life-time.
Well, tonight the winds have gone calm, the mild temperatures of today are to drop over night and tomorrow, the chill returns. But the house is comfortable and dry and still, and Yonah's room will be even more-so. He has a warm, calm, safe, secure home in which to rest, peacefully. And tomorrow? Well... we'll address that when confronted with it. I have more “photo” work to do so... it might be another “interesting” sort of day... together.
mourning dove 18 February 2022Friday 18 February:
OUR day began at... 7.06 this morning. An icy morning, grey, with just a few light flurries of snow. Our “warmer” days have given back to Winter. But, the sound of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” made even the dim, grey light of dawn feel like a burst of brilliance! Yonah was awake, ready to take-on the new day, and so was I, at that point!
And it was another “Let's chat” morning too! All the while, from the moment I walked into his room, through all of our “morning routine”, opening the curtains and blinds to the snow-covered world out-side and changing waters. “Conversation”. “Dialogue”. He coo'ed. I coo'ed. WE coo'ed... WE “chatted”! And the WORLD was a perfect place.
It was a busy sort of day though, and I had an errand and many house-hold tasks to complete today, around the house. AND, even as I worked along in other rooms, Yonah called, I answered and he kept me the greatest company. When I returned from the my errand, as I walked into the house, from the front door I head “woo-HOO!” And when I called to say “I'm back!” he answered “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”! I'll never know what sparks his “talkative” days, but I SO enjoy each and ever one of them.
Twice, when I came into his room for something, he came to my shoulder and “rode along” through the house with me... for a moment. When he'd ad enough of being in the kitchen or living-room, he took flight and... directly back to his house. No matter where we are in the rest of the house, he knows exactly how to get back to “home” and as I watch him, it still amazes. I remember, all too well, the earlier days, when he was so awkward in flight, his wings just never seems to co-ordinate as he tried navigating his way, even in a straight line. His left wing has never truly, completely recovered. But these days, after all these months, although it's obvious (to me, anyway) that he's learnt to “compensate” for the “difference” between the two wings, he manages perfectly! And, so very un-like the earlier days, he obviously knows where he wants to be and how to get there... with-out any hesitations or wavering. This IS HIS house and he's perfectly comfortable in it... and my heart is at peace, knowing that. And I'm enjoying his company now that he's becoming comfortable “riding along” on my shoulder or just at my neck. It doesn't disturb him as I move from room-to-room as it used to.
The changes are just amazing! And the companionship is incomparable!
The sun did manage to make an appearance in the early after-noon, and, for a few moments, as I kept busy about the house, Yonah managed to take advantage of the light and warmth as they radiated in through his windows... on his little “beach”. Oh, to think, again: it was mere “instinct”, on my part, to “section” the floor of his house. He has “beach” (sand), water (a pool), a little mossy area, and now, in the one section that was simply kitchen roll, a place of just “space”, there's now a little tray of sand in which I “planted” some of the seeds I use as a “base-filler”... the smallest seeds, sifted from the “commercial” wild song-bird mix that attracted him in the first place. It's a little “garden”, just beginning to sprout. I believe there's millet, milo and safflower, and perhaps, “canary grass” growing in there. I thought he might enjoy a little “lawn”, and I've read that doves will nibble on “greens” and that sprouting seeds is an excellent source for them. Well, after all, these sprouts are the plants from which the seeds come so... Now he has a little “vegetable garden” in his house as well... and a place to romp through some fresh greenery. (And I've got my eye constantly looking for those “fungus flies” that have invaded other little plants in his house... little black flies that, once established, are almost impossible to get rid of with-out throwing plant and soil out. I read that the flies don't like sand, and that's all I have these sprouts in so... we shall see. So far... so good... no flies.)
On a little note: I did a “vanity search”, where we can type in our own name or the name of another, into a “search engine” on the internet, and looked for “Yonah Taube” today... and there he is! On the search engines! Then, I searched for my name and, in the list of assorted links... Yonah's site! AND, when I searched for “mourning dove care” a reference to his site from a forum appeared! Little by little... It's encouraging, since there's a lot of work that goes into his site... and, as always, the primary goal is to provide others with as much information, to help them, support them, AND to educate... in the hopes of decreasing the “murders” of mourning doves. Hopefully, one day, his site will appear in the top 3 for helping mourning doves. We shall see.
As the day moved along (entirely too quickly... as always), we DID have time, of course, for some affection and play. COMPANIONSHIP. At this point in our “relationship”, it IS up there on the top of the list of “Importance”, and, besides... Yonah IS THE MOST IMPORTANT part of EVERY moment of EVERY day for me. We played “chase”, and “jousting”. I gave him the little “cut-away” of him-self and again, he “had at it”, pecking, biting until finally, he grabbed it and gave it a hefty toss! (A bit of “exercise”... and keeps the circulation going, to be sure... his in his determination to get rid of the “intruder” and mine, with laughter.)
And this evening... after our “evening meal” break, we closed the windows against the night's chill. Tonight, again, we're expecting more of the “cold snap”. Yonah “followed” me around his house, from his roof-top, watching as I closed the blinds and drew the curtains. He takes such careful interest in just about EVERY activity in HIS room and it's a delight to see.
But, too soon after... at 19.00, we dimmed the lights and silenced the musics. I took my place at the work table to journal the day and Yonah took his place on his door perch But, when, at about 19.20, I looked up, he was already on his perch, ready for a night's rest. So, I put up his night boards and he didn't move from his place. He assuredly was ready to “close the day”. He made one quick trip to the little mirror on his loft, gave a few pecks at the reflection, as he does, nightly, and then returned to his “night spot”. Well... it was a busy day, and I suppose that, while I wasn't looking, he kept busy too. (He does. flying about the room and his house... and, his little strolls along the floor, investigating nooks, crannies, corners and such.) So I poked my head in for a couple of “Good night kisses” and when done, closed his door, and as I made my way round to put out the light, Yonah came to the side, we had a couple more “Good night kisses”... and with a “seepie-nigh-night”... the light went out on another truly splendid day together.
Odd... he's only in the next room and yet, at this time of day, I actually miss him, miss being in the room, miss looking for him. And these days, “looking for him” is MUCH more than it used to be because I NEVER know WHERE I'll find him, now that he's “taken the room” and “taken the house”. But it's delight to see him wandering about so confidently now. In a mere year's time, so much has changed, he's more confident in his surroundings and me, and for me, he's such an integral part of my day, my mood... my “being”. What a BLESSING! What an HONOUR! What a PRIVILEGE! What an absolute JOY! That's “my Little Guy”... my heart-beat... my... HEART-AND-SOUL !

                * FULL SCREEN *
Saturday 19 February:
7.11 “woo-HOO-hoo hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”... and full-in “dialogue” from the opening of curtains and blinds all through “morning routine”! We (people) are so indoctrinated as to hear the coo'ing of a mourning dove as being “sad”, “mournful”, but the fact is, this is their “song”, and it's actually so beautiful to hear. When I think of the “chirping” of others, and compare it to Yonah's “voice”, the gentle “woo-Hoo...” seems more to “waft”, to “drift” on the air, similar to an elegant sheet of pure silk, softly, on even the slightest current. The tone reaches deep into the core and soothes, calms, fills space with consolation, peace. It's a beautiful start to a day and a reminder that, no matter the turbulence of the world out-side the doors and windows, there IS a “peace”, a balance of Creation... and the doves are here to remind us of how “Life” ought to be and can be... if we simply pay attention and heed the message.
Meanwhile, this morning, the simple flurries of snow that appeared as night became dawn, became another Winter's snow... More peace as the snow fell silently, and the world out-side the window became serene. And Yonah? Well, it wasn't but a moment's time and he took to the base of the orange tree, nestled in the light of the little desk lamp... the sounds of his “bird-songs” and the trickle of his fountain, the warmth of his little radiator in HIS room, protected against the winds and cold. Food, water, comfort and LOVE... as he so much MORE than simply deserves. What a magnificent way to begin a new day. And me? I just hope that what-ever it is that I can give him is, at least, close to all that he could possibly want or need... in my absolute inferiority, compared to him.
Shortly after all of our morning routines were completed, I took my place, at the work table, and Yonah... well... he took “his place”... on my shoulder. It was to be a “Together” day today. It's really ever-so amazing to me, how he actually, obviously “wants” to be together. I make no motions, I give no “encouragement”, I merely sit on the chair at the table and, where-ever he is, he comes FLYING over, directly! In ALL sincerity, I can't think of or remember ANY time, in the entire course of my own life-time when I've felt SO “HONOURED” and SO PRIVILEGED! No matter the day, the time, the world, the situation... when Yonah comes over, rests on my shoulder, pecks at my ear... toddles down my arm and sets on the top of my hand, NOTHING but HIM exists, and the absolute JOY in my heart... and the very core of my being. He “chooses” to be close to me, of his own. I'll never know what I've ever done to be so deserving of such Trust and Companionship, but I don't question it... Rather, I take it as a most humbling experience and am grateful beyond description.
The snows turned, for a while, quite heavy and steady through the day, even to the point where we had a couple of momentary “white-outs”. The view out the windows was solid white! But as the day progressed, the flakes got larger and fewer. By after-noon, there was a break, and by later after-noon, the sun actually appeared!
I continued on my project at the work table, but a couple of times, I took a bit of a break... and I took that little “cut-away” of a photo of Yonah, that has a bit of a “stand” attached to it, and I placed it on the work table and in his house... and on the futon... and EVERY time Yonah's response was exactly the same as it was yesterday:
He tried his best to SHRED it! He pecked at it until it fell over (usually “face-down”) and grabbed it in his beak and SHOOK it, rather violently, I have to say, until he tossed it either to the side or to the floor. And when he'd done, he literally seemed to “strut” away, as if SO proud that he'd “done away” with the “intruder”. And I'd been working with a proper copy of the photo as my project and had to make sure that it was well out of his sight because, at one point, he happened to notice THAT and flew DIRECTLY AT IT! Although it's all fascinating, to see his reaction to what he perceives as “another dove” I'm again thankful that I never did manage to get another dove as a companion for him. I dread to even THINK of the consequences. I WAS hesitant because of a fear that he'd reject another dove (at best). I also thought of the possibility of some sort of “violent” response, a fight with another dove. I'd considered another male, thinking “the guys might enjoy each-other's company”, and I'd considered a female, in case Yonah would like a little “romance”. BUT... it appears that neither would be “appreciated” at this point. Another male would be brutalised and I can't be certain that a female WOULD be any sort of “romance”. Apparently, Yonah and I are “married” and he's perfectly content with the relationship we have. So? So... as it's been all along, I live, I learn, he teaches me.
Came this after-noon though, before the snows subsided, and I was at the table, working along. The bird-songs were playing, the radio playing low... and as I worked I heard that “familiar” splashing that wasn't the fountain in the pool. I turned my head, slowly and there. as the snows drifted about in the air out-side the window, Yonah was IN THE POOL! Some people might think that we keep the temperature in his room upwards close to some 30°C since, even in the midst of the bitter cold weather and even in the snow, Yonah takes to the water. Truth is, his room is usually at about 22° which is comfortable... and obviously comfortable enough for a swim! Although, the tubing for his fountain passes by his radiator and I have noticed that the water temperature tends to be comfortably warm. But still... I have more photos and videos of Yonah in the pool while, out-side his window, all is covered in snow. Well, I'm sure he'll REALLY be able to enjoy splashing about come the warmer weather. Sure, he had the pool all last Summer, but as gregarious as he's become in more recent time, and as “explorative” and “investigative”, well, I'm looking forward to him enjoying EVERY aspect of his house and home this year. And, since he's enjoying the “sandy beach” and the pool, I'm trying to think of more ways to incorporate both on a better scale. There isn't all that much space in his house, and getting something larger would mean, well, full-on “aviary”. I don't object but since he has run of the entire house... maybe I'll figure a way to simply move the “sand and sea” out of his house and some-where else. (Right now though, my main, serious concern is his windows, come the warmer weather. He has his own, brand new, never-used fan already. But there's a matter of a bit of “road dust” from out-side and the inconsideration of a neighbour who, in spite of being “advised”, will sit out-side, at a place where her cigarette smoke wafts in through Yonah's window. Well, I'm still looking and hoping to find more civil, suitable living conditions so that neither the road dust nor the cigarette smoke will be an issue.) Mean-while, we'll think of some remedy. (He already has a small “air purifier” but it doesn't remove ALL the toxins. It's better than nothing. But...)
mourning dove 19 February 2022Anyway... today, he enjoyed a bit of a swim and he did something he's not done before... Usually, after a nice swim, he shakes dry on his perch, gets in a little preening and then goes for a lounge in his moss. TODAY, how-ever, after the swim, he headed up to his little “extended” perch, over my shoulder and THERE, he gave the old “shake and preen”! I could feel the droplettes of water as the came floating down on my head! And when I looked up and asked “Do you have any idea what you're doing here?” he simply looked down at me, gave another vigorous shake and continued with his preening. I HAD to laugh! Did he have any idea? Well, if he did, he was on a mission... to dry and look good. Anything else was of no matter or consequence. But the droplettes didn't bother me at all, honestly. I was enjoying Yonah enjoying his post-swim.
And so, our day rolled along and as I said, the sun made an appearance for a brief while before plunging down behind the Western mountains. It was just enough to really brighten Yonah's room and our mood. It wasn't around long enough to make any difference in the temperature in the room, but then, obviously, it didn't need to. I'd had the FullSpec light on during the morning and it was a delight to be able to turn if off in the presence of natural sun-light. I always wonder how that bulb effects what Yonah sees...
This evening, when I stepped out for my evening meal, Yonah had already had his and was, as he does of an evening, on his roof-top. I'd turned the FullSpec light back on as the evening grew darker, and I notice that he enjoys setting on his roof-top, facing the light, particularly in the evenings. It makes me wonder, all the more, how he perceives it. I've read that FullSpec lights “are” and “are not” necessary. I know they don't have the UV waves that are necessary for vitamin D production, but I DO wonder how they change the colours that Yonah sees, compared to the sun-light coming in through his windows. (It's a matter that I'm still investigating and, thus far, keep coming up with the same claim: We humans just can't reproduce the full spectrum that birds see, we can only surmise and produce images that might come close. Oh... well... all the more “mystery”... AND all the more reason why these Little Ones OUGHT to be revered and respected... not murdered. But I'll digress on that matter, if I allow myself the time... and I won't.)
Alas, alas, alas... after such a MAGNIFICENT DAY... from the first “woo-HOO”... and all through, at 19.00 Yonah was on his futon, I'd already changed the waters, so I took the opportunity to close blinds and curtains and, so that I wouldn't have to disturb him by moving his house round, I put up the back board. I'd no sooner put everything back in order when he came flying over and onto his door perch where he spends the last half hour of the day, beside me, as I type his journal entry for the day. The lights were dimmed, the musics were silenced and we were winding-down. I'd lost track of the time when... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... I looked up... 19.33! I as being reminded: “It's seepie-nigh-night time here.” This isn't the first time he's done that either. He truly does have the 19.30 hour set some-how. (I wonder what it will be as the days grow even longer. In our “shorter” days of Winter, blinds and curtains were closed by about 16.30, the FullSpec light stayed on until 19.00 anyway, and seepie-night-night was at 19.30, routinely. Of late, the blinds and curtains don't get closed until about 18.00 but we stick to the 19.30 even so. But, come the Summer, there will be day-light at 19.30 and that is the hour I recall having read that mourning doves tend to “turn in” for the night in their “natural” environment. During the longer nights, Yonah was waking closer to 8.00 in the mornings and some-times slept-in until 8.30. These days, already, he's up close to 7.00 so... this will be interesting. I'll watch the mourning doves in the yard though, for cues and clues and we'll try to follow their habits. I don't want to “disturb” Yonah's “natural clock” in any way, if I can help it.)
mourning dove 19 February 2022None-the-less, he “called” with the “reminder” and we got right to “tuck-in”. I turned and asked, he was still on his door perch: “Oh! I'm sorry! It's seepie-nigh-night time, isn't it?” and as soon as I'd said “seepie-nigh-night” he headed directly up to his perch, over to his little corner mirror, gave a few pecks at the reflection (a nightly routine, to be sure) and came forward to his “night place” on his perch where he roosts for the night. Oh yes, indeed, THAT WAS A REMINDER... So we had cuddles, snuggles and kisses, and his house got settled for the night. By the time I'd gotten to put the lights out, he was well-settled. 19.30 it is... and no later.
Out-side, the day's snows had melted in the bit of sun-shine but another snow had begun to fall. The house furnace kicked on for a brief while and Yonah's room was as comfy as could be. No matter what the out-side world wants to be, Yonah is warm, dry, protected from the winds, breezes, snows, what-ever. My Little Guy will, for as long as we take breath, always be safe, sound, SO LOVED, SO CHERISHED, and I will always be SO HONOURED, SO PRIVILEGED and SO HUMBLED by his acceptance of me. These have been months of absolute “AWE” for SO many reasons, in SO many ways. AWE and AMAZEMENT! And... BLESSINGS of the most DIVINE sort.
mourning dove 20 February 2022Sunday 20 February:
WELL, OK THEN! 6.46 THIS MORNING! SOMEBODY (“some-BIRDIE”?) must have gotten a GOOD night's rest last night! Indeed! I'd only just looked at the clock, so that I could be right-and-ready for the 7.00-ish call when, I had to listen for the second call because I wasn't quite sure that I'd heard what I thought I'd heard. Ah yes... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came wafting through the stillness of this crisp and rather Wint'ry February Sunday morning. And when I called back with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo” I received a noticeably clear “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo” in return. OK! Not only were we awake, we were anxious to get on with the day too! So I replied “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo” and to THAT the reply was a firm “woo-HOO!” I HAD to break a sincere smile! I can't think of ANYTHING more wonderful than a morning dialogue with my little Heart-and-Soul. He was awake AND, apparently, he was feeling just fine, and NOTHING matters more to me than THAT!
With all due contriteness, I went, immediately, into Yonah's room to find his little silhouette already in the midst of morning stretches. Wings spread out and back, “combed” with his little feet, and a bit of a scratch of the head, the morning had begun... and I was “late”. HE was early... I was tardy. So I opened his door right away, begged forgiveness for the delay and when I leaned in for a quick “Good morning kiss”, I got a few gentle pecks on the nose and Yonah was off and hopping about his house. Yes, yes, indeed... all was well. He was rested. WE were on a morning roll. (And my heart was just FULL... my Little Guy was feeling well and quite energetic already. He amazes me, having so much energy first thing in the morning. Ready for flight straight out of sleep. Me? I'm admittedly useless before first full coffee. It's just more of the “inspiration” that Yonah is, in my life.)
We got right to the morning routine, opening curtains and blinds to let in the early morning light (Wint'ry grey as it was). This morning, the cold from last night came through as the blinds were raised, but the temperature in Yonah's room was a very comfortable 23°. The little radiator and the morning furnace... There was no need to “fluff feathers” against that chill on the other side of the window panes. AND... ALL the while, we continued our conversation. Was he ever “talkative” this morning! SO MUCH to tell! (And me, feeling the complete idiot... reminded that Yonah has come to “understand” some of MY vocabulary... like “seepie-nigh-night” AND his name, and me? All I hear is “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and variations there-of. Me... the “superior species”. Never mind...) But I SO enjoy it when the chatting goes on for a while, especially in the morning. It's the most up-lifting way to begin a new day.
So, since the day-light had already established itself, it was time for both of us to get on with our day and... AND... Yonah certainly had an :”agenda” for the day, and it wasn't to “rest and enjoy some leisure time”. It wasn't moments after water changes and house-tidying when he was truly “on the move”! Flying about the room as I tidied the kitchen and prepared for my own day of projects. I could hear the “whistle” of wings, the fluttering and as Yonah made his way round the room, I could see his shadow as he passed the window and his door-way.
When I finally got into the room to settle at the work table, he was under his orange tree, all snuggled, as he seems to truly enjoy of late. BUT... his house gave perfect evidence of his “busy-ness”! Today was another day of picking through the mosses to add to the little “nest” he's built in the terracotta pot where the orange tree is growing, and there were bits, strands and pieces ALL OVER... in his house and on the floor out-side his house! AND, as I sat at the table, he got back to work in earnest! Flying back and forth, many times, bringing more little bits of moss to the orange tree. Mean-while, it was almost mesmerizing watching him “sort” through the bits of moss that he'd picked from the little mats in his house. In fact, he'd managed to actually move an entire little circular mat away from the corner where it's been for months now, and all but shredded it, looking for “that one bit” that he apparently needed... else-where. There was no mistaking it: he KNEW what he was looking for and he searched and sorted, tossing all the “rejected” bits to the side. Those ended-up in his water dish, in the pool, some of it some-how got tossed into the little terracotta pots where his little white pines are growing! When he gets truly involved with this endeavour of his, nothing is stationary! He's got determination, stamina, tenacity and it's just amazing to watch! (Sadly, there's no replacement for the mosses now, and we have to wait for a solid thaw before more will be accessible. There's a bit left, but, his lush little corner where he often rests after a dip in the pool is now a thin covering over the sand-bed. Well... hopefully we'll soon get a few warm days to bring the snows down to where the mosses in the woods can be found. Until then, we'll have to just figure another way of “arranging” his “environment” when next we get to the “thorough, monthly house-keeping”.) Still, this was all quite the education for me... to see how mourning doves will pick through the materials they intend to use for nesting. (“Nesting”... yes. But I don't believe I'll be placing those “faux eggs” any-where again too soon. I'm still taken by how Yonah went to eating once-daily while the one egg was in his house. And how quiet he was... and how hesitant, at night, he was, to leave it. That was a couple of weeks ago and only for about 3 days... and he doesn't appear to miss that egg at all so... We're leaving “well-enough” alone. And if he wants to nest-build, I'm perfectly comfortable with that... even with the scattered moss about the room. A few moments of sweeping and Hoovering and all's well again. Besides... it's his “nature” and I will NEVER interfere with that... any more than has already been done.)
For most of the morning and into the earlier part of the after-noon, I was occupied at the work table, with my own little “project”... working with a photograph of Yonah, making a card and writing notes, and Yonah? Obviously, he was quite THRILLED that I was in the room, at the table, not moving about the rest of the house. BUT... when HE had a moment to take a break, it was time for US to take a break! All day he'd work a bit on his “construction” project and when the mood struck, in the middle of his flights between house and tree, he'd stop... on my shoulder.. my arm... my back.... AND, he'd watch, with SUCH intensity, at what-ever it was that I was doing at the moment! One note though: I HAD to HIDE the note-card with his photo on it because, when he caught sight of it, he “attacked”! It's really quite amazing... and I'm still not sure if he actually sees it as “him” or another dove, though, I can't understand why he doesn't react to his mirror reflection with the same animosity. When I'd put the little mirrors up in his house, we addressed the reflections with a “curiosity”, and now, well, those reflections are the first to get morning “greetings” and the last to get a “Good night” coo. What-ever the case, as I worked along today, I had to make certain not to leave the photo any-where where he could see it. To me, it was more “fascinating” than inconvenience. (Then again, NOTHING that Yonah does is EVER and “inconvenience” to me.)
That said, and to that point, we HAD to change the water and “flush” the fountain pump this after-noon. Yonah had tossed so much little bits of moss into the pool that it had all but clogged the intake for the pump! It was quite the sight! AND, as I picked out the pieces, Yonah seemed to “object”, pecking at my hand. Oh, but the moss was ALL OVER in his house, by the time he'd done with his “chore”. We did a little “clean-up”, and Hoovered his room.
But I did managed, between “Lovin' Breaks”, to get all of my current project completed so, the only “other dove” that's left is the cut-away. I'm going to keep that one... just to give Yonah something to “play” with... from time-to-time. It's harmless, and he makes “quick work” of tossing it to the ground... and walking away from it, quite proudly. (Thankfully, it's not alive!) But it was and “interesting” sort of day. Yonah was SO curious about what I was doing that he spent a LOT of time on my shoulder and arm. And, un-like before, he's become SO comfortable ON me that, no matter what I was doing, he didn't mind the movement of my arms or when I'd change position on the chair. He was genuinely “interested” in EVERY bit of motion that happened on the work table, from me moving pieces of paper to (trying) to write notes. He watched, SO INTENTLY, to EVERY bit of activity. As I've said before, I'd read an account, on-line, that said that doves will take an active interest in house-hold activities, even to the point of coming into a room where family are gathered, they'll find a place of best view to perch and stay with the people, watching the goings-on. Well, Yonah's certainly proving THAT to be VERY TRUE. And I can't help but compare to the accounts I've heard and read about parrots, and how the actually “need” companionship and contact with “their people”. I can say, assuredly, that Yonah is no different from any parrot. He WANTS to be a PART of ANY activities, even to the point where, when I step out of the room, if I'm away for any length of time, he'll call-out, as if checking to make sure I'm in the house, some-where. And that's not even considering, at the moment, the fact that he'll come looking for me, in the kitchen, in particular.
I have to mention again, what I've already documented, repeatedly, through this journal and else-where on his web-site:
Yonah is a “mourning dove”, not a “domestic” life. He is NOT, by ANY stretch of the imagination, a “pet”. I do NOT consider him as such, I don't accept any-one else ever thinking of a mourning dove as being a “pet”. Mourning doves are not “human-raised”, they're not legally bought-and-sold, so no matter the situation, they are NOT “pets”. But, to me, Yonah IS my “mate”. I'm certainly not his “equal”. He's MUCH more intelligent than I am, in SO VERY many ways. But he IS my sole responsibility, as is his comfort, health and well-being. He IS the reason I take care of myself (so that I can provide for him), the reason I wake in the morning, the reason I do anything, the reason why I keep us housed, sheltered, properly. He IS, as I call him, my “Heart-and-Soul”. And the LOVE, the JOY he gives, simply by being WHO and WHAT he is is indescribable... “Divine”.
This evening showed us, in a glory of light, that the days certainly ARE getting longer... At 16.30, the skies had cleared (just in time for pre-sun-set) and there was the nicest light in Yonah's room. Sadly, there wasn't enough during the day, but we had the FullSpec light on for a while to compensate. That got turned off for a while, so the room was filled with actual “natural” light, and I could see a change in Yonah's general mood: he does appear to be happier with the natural light. But then again, even I feel better, more comfortable, in the natural light... and now that it lingers longer, well, it's a “win” for both Yonah and me.
Oh but, no matter how long a day might be, light or grey, no day is ever long enough, there's never enough time since Yonah is in my life, since Yonah has become my “Life”.
He and I had our “evening meals” as we do, he at about 16.45 and I, at 17.00 and it seems the sun always just suddenly “drops” out of the sky at that point. And tonight, the winds came in with a vengeance! South-Westerly winds, blowing the snows about to, at points in time, it looked like a “white-out”, and at others, a heavy fog! The temperatures are supposed to rise in the coming days so these are “the winds of change”, to be sure. But how they do strike at Yonah's Southern windows. We closed blinds and curtains at about 18.30 to block against any chills. His windows are well-sealed against the Winter weather, but even the best-sealed windows will take a chill at night and with the blinds and the curtains and his “night boards”, well, we made sure that he's well-protected against drafts and chills. He didn't seem to mind the “early closing” tonight. In fact, by 19.00 he appeared to be rather ready to “tuck-in” for the night. I can imagine, after all that flying about, “building”, sorting through moss, in addition to all the flying to check on me during the day, he probably is a bit fatigued.
I'd no sooner put his house in order when he was on his door perch, all settled. He's so calm in the evenings. It's such a contrast to the little bundle of feathered activity that he is during the day. “Roosted” there, his little head tucked between his wings, awake, but ever-so cozy, he perched beside me as I sat at the work table, jotting today's “Journal Entry”. The musics were off, the lights were dimmed. The only actual sound in the room was the wind out-side in the darkness. And I'd set his house away from the window and in a position where the warmth of his radiator would surely rise to where he passes the night. I'm grateful for that little radiator for that reason. It keeps his room warm through the night and gives him more warmth as he sleeps. (Though tonight, I have several “alarms” set for me, to wake and make certain that the electric isn't disrupted by the wind. No electric, no heat and in that case, we'll have to make plans for making sure that he's not chilled. Oh sure, he can “fluff” against it, and, well, in “nature”, the mourning doves “out there” are able to fend against cold, but, Yonah has never had to confront such a harsh environment and although I'm certain he'd have no particular difficulty, I see no reason why he ought to. So? So, he's protected to the very best-possible extent.)
By 19.20 he made it clear that he was ready to close the day. I was chatting with him, I, standing at his door and he on his perch in his house when he took a short flight over to my shoulder and gave me a couple of pecks on the ear and was back in his house. I was given the “Good night”. So at that point, the roof board went on, and we set his house in order for the night. He hopped over to the little “loft mirror” and gave the reflection there a couple of “Good night pecks” as he does and came back to his “night spot”. So I closed his door, knowing that he's quite safe for the night, turned off the little desk lamp and bade him a “Good night”... a good “seepie-nigh-night”. All was settled... he was “tucked-in”.
mourning dove 20 February 2022We had quite a busy day, together, today. Tonight's forecast is for only “single-digit” temperatures and even “chills”, as opposed to the -20s of late. Tomorrow? Well, single digits also... and “PLUS” instead of “minuses”! The morning is promising some sun-shine, so it will be interesting to see what time the “morning call” comes then. (I have to get up a bit earlier now, to be certain I'm “at the ready” when it comes. THIS morning was a bit of a surprise.) It's a “holiday” too, so we'll have nothing to distract us from what-ever it is we decide to do with the day, and, for me, that's delightful. Even if it's snoozing together, at least we'll be undisturbed.
But for now, my little Heart-and-Soul is tucked-in, the house is warm and he's safe and sound. Other than that, nothing else matters.

                * FULL SCREEN *
Monday 21 February:
Last night's winds had subsided, but I was up every two hours through, checking to make sure that the electric was still up and running and so too, the house was kept properly warm. Thankfully, all was well and fine, the house was warm and each time I woke, I could settle back for another “nap”. And this morning, I was up and about at the usual hour, so that I could serve breakfast for the “Yardies” (and it's good that I did because this morning, two pairs of mourning doves were first to arrive and that's great because THEY get the “best” of what's served... the combination of their regular seeds mixed with ground peanuts and sun-flower seeds... for the extra fat and protein necessary to help them fend against the Winter's cold). As well, I wanted to be up, awake and ready when Yonah called.
But, this morning, when, by 7.33 the “morning call” hadn't come, my concern kicked-in. Yes, it was still with-in his “usual” and “normal” hour, to be snoozing, a little “sleep-in”, but after the winds last night and a brief “episode” after tuck-in when, from his settled room I'd heard a soft “WHOO”, and I didn't know what had disturbed or startled him, I was slightly anxious. I DID go in to check on him when I heard the little “coo”, and found him quite settled on his perch, apparently calm. I DID whisper that all was OK, that he was protected and safe and that he could sleep well and secure through the night. But I DO tend to “worry”... I don't know whether or not doves “dream”. It's said that dogs and cats do, so I would imagine doves, as brilliant as they are, do as well. But even then, I wonder what would cause a “dream” that would cause a little “calling-out” in the night. I suppose it's as it is with “people”: we'll never be quite certain. Still, it's un-settling to me to see Yonah un-settled... in any way, for any reason. And so, as the time passed in silence, I wondered if he was just “lounging later” or was he not feeling well. I went into his room to check.
When I got in, I sat at the end of his futon and looked, with special care, at his little silhouette there, on the perch, watching for any movement, and whispered, softly, to him. A moment passed and I saw: first his head tilted, his tail moved and then came the best moment when he stretched his wings! I whispered “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” and waited, and a moment later came “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”! I repeated Yonah's coo and he replied, in kind. He was OK... and so, then, too, I was OK... and “morning routine” commenced, slowly. And through it all, Yonah and I had another “conversation”.
As I made my “runnings” to and from the kitchen, fetching water for his pool, Yonah took off, into flight, to his futon pillows to watch me passing back and forth. And he gave a few more “coo's” as I worked along. It was a “later” start to the day, but... it was a “start”... and we were together, up and about. I was relieved (and, honestly, quite joyful).
After all had settled, bird-songs on, fountain splashing the fresh water, his house tidied, I returned to finish putting the kitchen together and as I did, Yonah began HIS “agenda”... more picking through the mosses to bring new sprigs to his little place at the base of the orange tree. ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL! AND... at 9.10... as I sat at the work table, typing morning notes for his Journal... Yonah took his “breakfast break”. MAGNIFICENT! He was hungry AND he was eating!
Out-side this morning? Well... not bitter cold... a full 2°! But the skies were grey. Ah... it's still February, still Winter. But the winds were still and there was no fresh snow so... we were perfectly fine and I had more work to be done... at the work table, in Yonah's room... in his company. A “Good” morning... a “good” start to another day.
Because of being up through the night last, I grabbed a bit of a snooze this morning and Yonah took a break from his “construction”... obviously, because, as I laid on the futon, he came over, hopped about... across my head and face, to and from his pillows, for a while, and I dozed off for about 45 minutes AND WHEN I WOKE? THERE HE WAS... ON THE FUTON, AT MY FEET. HONESTLY... HE'S JUST COMPLETELY AMAZING! AND... we're napping together again! To think, he took time away from HIS schedule... to nap with me! That's my little Heart-and-Soul, right there. And when I was up again and back at the work table... he was back to his task... and a break for an early lunch. Ah... seeing him eat is one of my greatest joys: he's hungry and he's eating! The world is well.
mourning dove 21 February 2022All during this grey day, we were together. BUT, we had a NEW TWIST! Ever since I played that video of the other mourning doves, on the lap-top, for Yonah, he's taken to coming over to the work table and standing on the key-board... looking at the screen, as if trying to find the “other dove”. TODAY, how-ever, I was checking his e-mail account because he DOES get messages on it, mostly from a neighbour down the main, but others who have seen his web-site as well AND... AS I was was looking at the “In-box” listing... HE CAME FLYING DOWN FROM HIS DOOR PERCH AND LANDED ON THE KEY-BOARD AND WAS PECKING AT THE SCREEN! YONAH WAS CHECKING HIS E-MAILS! (Or... so it truly appeared.) I scrolled through the list of messages and when I opened one, he went right for the screen and started pecking about. If I had the “touch screen” enabled, (and, if it would work with a “peck”) it would have been interesting to see what he would have accomplished. But as it was, he merely managed to step on the “A” key on the key-board and “typed” a string of them in the “Reply” space. (I was almost tempted to send it... with his “signature””. I'm going to have to work on that... his “signature”.) It was quite the moment, to be sure! (And I wouldn't put it past him to actually TRY to respond, some-how. His BRILLIANCE really IS astounding at times.)
Other-wise, we had a relaxing sort of day until I had to step out for 20 minutes to run a quick errand and THAT was a bit of an “event”. He KNOWS when I'm about to leave the house... no matter how I try to “hide” the fact from him. I've noticed that he gets “vociferous” when he sees me with my jacket on. Some-how he associates a jacket with “time alone”... and he doesn't like it. Today, I purposely avoided letting him see me as I put my jacket on and yet, some-how... he must have “sensed” my impending departure and OH! the CALLING! It was almost non-stop... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”... repeatedly. And even when I coo'ed back he continued. And when I finally said “I'll be right back. Just a couple of minutes.” he wasn't consoled. It was HEART-BREAKING!
Truth be told, I don't enjoy being away from him, even if in the next room. And he makes it obvious that he doesn't enjoy being left alone... even if I'm in the next room. I suppose it's because mourning doves are “flock” creatures, and even though they might be “single” for a while, particularly right after fledging, they truly aren't comfortable unless they're in “company”. Yonah and I can be in the same room for hours and not give one another a glance. But MOST of the time, he stays some-where where he can see me. He's especially fond of the perch on the door to his house... it being almost directly beside me as I sit at the work table. And when I go to the futon, mostly for a lie-down, he does come directly and will “rest” on the pillow beside my head or, as he's fond of doing, he'll “roost” in the “fold” behind my knee as I lay there... and he'll “snooze” with me there, until either I wake or he feels it's time for me to wake (and which point, he comes up to the pillow to peck at my head). This is why I thought it might be a good idea to get him a “companion”... another dove... of some sort. But, it appears he's not interested in “another dove”... it truly IS... “US”... him and me... WE are the “flock”, “I” and the “mate” and, apparently, he's quite happy with the situation the way it is. So? So we keep it this way. (And I certainly don't mind because I'm not much for leaving the house. I've no-where else to be most of the time and even when I DO have some-where to go... I don't go for very long. I don't want to be separated from him any more than he wants to be separated from me! So, it works perfectly well... indeed. He IS the BEST company and the BEST “COMPANION” imaginable.
And for most of the day, our time together today, Yonah was either beside me, on my shoulder or, most of the time when I'd get up to use the loo or go to the kitchen for coffee or something, he rode along with me. In fact, he was on my shoulder ALL the while I went sorting through the closet for something to wear on my errand! Oh yes, right with me, no matter where I went. (Thankfully, he chose to go to his house when I had to use the shower. I remember, from the earlier days, that he doesn't like water spray. Odd, to think, because he IS fond of the pool. But he obviously does NOT like drops of water falling on him. I wonder... I HAVE to wonder, if he doesn't some-how associate rain with the attack that brought him here in the first place. I'll remember that day, 13 October 2020, as clearly, vividly and distinctly as if it were moments ago... for the rest of my life. He was there, in the grass, beside the back walk, in a cold October rain, when I'd left the house to go to market that morning. I was gone about 90 minutes and when I returned, I didn't see him in the grass and was relieved to think that he'd flown away. I had NO idea of his injuries. But THEN, my heart stopped when, as I approached the wooden steps, I saw his little body, under the bottom step, in the darkness, almost “cowering” against the riser... It was wet with rain, and so dark. And when I reached toward him, he made no attempt to leave, not so much as a “flutter”! So, maybe... just maybe, a “shower” would be a horror to him. I'd tried the spray bottle a few times, before “installing the pool” and every time the water touched him, he tried to escape it. I stopped it, of course... and went for the pool. And, photos and videos show how THAT works out!) Anyway, as I say, I couldn't move room-to-room with-out his company. And sitting in his room with him, well... we were all but “attached”. Me? I couldn't have been MORE at peace with delight. As long as he actually enjoys my company and companionship... the WORLD is of no consequence to me!
This evening, when it was time for me to put my evening meal on the hob, Yonah hopped up to his own food and had his... as a “reminder”: It's about time to eat. So I managed to prepare my meal as he had his, and for about 30 minutes, we were parted... me in the kitchen and Yonah? Well, he took to his roof-top to “lounge” in the light of his FullSpec, as he does. And when my meal and washing-up were done... we tended to the “evening routine” of water changes and closing of the windows for the night. I did it all... under supervision... as Yonah watched from his little roof-top platform. He's even become used to the movement of his house (which is on shelving, on wheels, so that I can move it about, to and from the window and to re-locate to give Yonah the most sun-light time during the day) as I manoeuvre it about. He just relaxes... right were he is, and watches.
When all that was done, we re-settled until 19.00 when the musics stopped, the lights were dimmed to only the desk lamp and Yonah took his place... on his door perch, as I typed today's Journal entry. (We're actually SO “settled”... as a “couple”... I do one thing, Yonah does something, I do another, Yonah does another... we have our “routine”!) And so, that's how we were until...
19.30... “Seepie-nigh-night” time. WELL! We were a bit on the “reluctant” side again tonight. We had our cuddles, snuggles and kisses and no sooner were they done when... UP and onto my shoulder. “NO! Don't leave me. I don't want to go seepie-nigh-night yet.” Yonah stayed on my shoulder as I got the back board to put it up, and when I'd gotten back to his house to hang it, he took off for the futon. So I installed it, put the roof board up and all the while, he watched... from his pillows on the futon. But when I went over to him for more cuddles and kisses, he hopped back up onto my shoulder and we went back to his house where he immediately went in. I don't now if it was “resignation” or, as I rather suspect, he actually was tired. But it didn't take much coaxing and he was on his perch, ready for the night.
It DOES pain me to leave him alone through the night. But, the fact remains: even if I were to spend the night on his futon and leave his door open, the danger of him colliding with something in the room, in the darkness... well... I'm not going to risk that. Besides, if I have to get up in the night, for the loo or any other reason, it would only disturb him... especially in the darkness, so it's best as it is. And he DOES, obviously, get sleep during the night so...
At least tonight, there's no wind, the temperatures are expected to be “cool” but not cold, and he's safe from all sorts of harm... His water is clean. His food is fresh. And he is SO SO SO VERY LOVED! CHERISHED! Protected. My little Heart-and-Soul, in his own house, his own room, and tomorrow? Well... we'll face that... together... when we must. For tonight? It's “seepie-nigh-night”... peacefully.
Tuesday 22 February:
Apparently somebody got a good night's rest with plenty of sleep because at 6.51, Yonah was up and calling “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo” and I was taken by a bit of a surprise! Of course, it was THE MOST WONDERFUL surprise because, it's NEVER “too early” and NEVER a “wrong” time to hear that MAGNIFICENT voice as it drifts from behind his door and fills this old house. And again, this morning, as I walked to his room, Yonah and I had another one of our “morning dialogues”... “coo-for-coo”, as it were. Not only was he awake, he was in a mood for “chat”.
Another grey morning, but quite nicely “warm”, compared to our recent mornings. And the morning light was rather dim, as curtains and blinds were open... and we “discussed” the weather, the sun, and what we had planned for the rest of our day... and we DID “discuss”.
It didn't take but a moment after I'd opened his door, we exchanged “Good morning kisses” when he headed over to the little loft mirror, gave his usual “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and... he was off and flying... A brief stop at the door perch and on to the futon where he watched as I made the usual “run” with fresh waters for pool and the little drinking dish. (Or, as it's been of late, with all his “construction” work, the little “soup dish”. Invariably, some sprigs of moss end up in there and by late morning, it just looks as though he was making some kind of “stock” with the sprigs. Either that or he's trying to revive the dried moss... perhaps to grow more? That's something that I'm sorry I haven't learned how to do because more moss is needed, and all of it is now under the snow and ice in the woods. I'm hoping for a good, solid “thaw” soon so I can get fresh for him. And what better than to get moss from under the frozen snows? No “parasites” crawling about in there. Though yes, I'll hold it, as I usually do, for about a week, on the tray in the living-room... just to be sure, and then give it all a most-thorough rinsing under the running tap water, before drying it and checking. Still, no matter, fresh moss is called for... soon.)
The forecast was for grey but temperatures topping at about 13° today! No more minus-20s! A relief, to be sure. Rain too... but not “snow” and not “ice”. And I had only one errand, brief, and the rest of the day with... MY BESTIE OF BESTIES... MY LITTLE GUY... MY HEART-AND-SOUL! So after morning routine, I brought me and mine into his room and got settled at the work table. Yonah? Well, he got right to his own business, bringing a few more sprigs of moss to his orange tree and he settled-in there, as cozy as he could be.
It's really quite nice, looking up and seeing him peering through the lower leaves. It must be a more “natural” environment for him there. I'm looking for some more little terracotta planters for his house, and when the earth has thawed enough, we'll be adding more little trees for him... Maple would be nice, but white pines seem to do very well there. The eldest, now almost a year old, at this pool, is still looking quite well. And the newer, a couple of months now, has sprouted new growth already! When the local nurseries open for the season, I'll be checking there too, for any *safe* trees and greeneries to add to Yonah's place.
Anyway, this morning, we settled-in, together, for the morning.
I managed to grab a 20-minute lie-down and Yonah was on the back of the futon when I opened my eyes again. It was as if he'd been there, “watching over” as I dozed. It makes me wonder if that wouldn't be where he'd spend a night, were I to sleep on the futon and leave the door to his house open. (I don't dare to try though... as I've said, I won't tempt Fate... a dark room and too many obstacles that he might not see, should he take flight for any reason.)
As the day progressed, I did step out for about 30 minutes and when I got back, Yonah was securely lounging under his orange tree. As I got to the kitchen, he called-out as if asking “You're back at last?” I answered with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo” to which he replied “WOO-HOO!” AND... I got busy, putting groceries up and beginning to cook... while my Little Guy flew over to his futon pillows where he could keep an eye on me... making sure I didn't “disappear” again... Oh... and the sun made a brief visit too, so his room was a delight.
As I say, the weather was, though grey, quite mild and so, we had the back door open this after-noon, it was that “comfortable”. We haven't done that since the Summer of 2021! Of course, the screen door was on the latch... just in case... So we took a stand there, for a few moments. Yonah was SO calm, on my arm, looking out into the yard, at the snow, ice and drear. But he didn't seem to want to go out at all. My heart just SHATTERS when I think that THAT is the world he was born into, but now, to put him back into it would be certain death, in very little time, I've NO doubt. His flying? I don't know. His ability to forage for food and water? I don't know. BUT... with the sub-freezing temperatures that we still have to look forward to... of THAT I'm sure... If he can't become part of a flock IMMEDIATELY... THAT is absolute certain death.
When we got back into his room, he IMMEDIATELY went into his house and to the little mirror in the corner, at the “loft” and gave a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... HOW I WISH I KNEW WHAT HE HAD TO SAY! HOW I WISH. I just hope that bringing him to the door doesn't make him “miss” anything. Although, his last moments “out there” were on that October day in 2020... That day too, was grey and wet. Today, there's snow and ice, but it's rather similar. I wonder if he has any recollection of that horror. I wonder if he recognises that stair-way. I wonder... I feel SO indescribably inferior again. I “know” nothing... and have no way of learning... It is as I say: “HUMBLING” to the absolute extreme of the very word.
He went to his perch in his house when we got back... and he was there for quite the while... and so quiet. My heart... just HEAVY. I can only HOPE I haven't caused him any heart-aches!
A couple of hours passed and suddenly, “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! I looked into his room and there was Yonah, my little Heart-and-Soul, roosting on his door perch. He'd called! So, of course, all else stopped and I went in... for cuddles, snuggles, kisses, and the re-assurance that I would FOREVER do the VERY BEST that I could, humanly, to make sure that he was always safe, secure, and would have the very best-possible in every way. And as he does, he nestled his head against my chin, comfortable, between my hands. I don't believe that “all” was “back to normal”. I'm sure that looking out that door left some sort of “impression”. I don't doubt, even for the briefest, that he DOES know that “out there” is where he was born to and that there are other doves with whom he ought to be. But I can only hope, with all the “HOPE” that a heart can hold, that he IS aware of my intentions, that he IS aware of my LOVE for him, and that he's NEVER dissatisfied or other-wise not happy with his house and his “home” here. Only time will tell. But for now... we're on “good standing” and I'll be OK with that much.
For the rest of the day, we were “good” again. I finished my chores in the kitchen, taking many breaks to spend time in Yonah's room with him. He hopped onto my shoulder several times, and pecked at my ear, and came with me as I went to the kitchen and around the house. He's become SO accustomed to being on my shoulder now. He doesn't “panic” and fly away when I move about or change direction. He's come to know that he's secure there and no harm will come to him. THAT brings so much peace to my heart. And it's a joy to see him looking about as we change rooms, as the scenery changes. I often think it must be “odd” for him: the world around him is moving about and changing, and he isn't flying or walking. Rooms get lighter, darker, change colour, and yet, all the while, he's simply standing. But, he just goes along, looking about as it all passes by. He IS aware of it all and he DOES appear to be curious about it. It's just another part of him that's SO endearing.
On “schedule”... 16.00 came around and he took his “evening meal” and that gave me more assurance that he was OK. (I always remember a veterinarian telling me, some while ago: As long as he's eating... though that was with regard to a cat... he'll be OK. So when Yonah eats, I'm re-assured.) And at 17.00 I took my evening meal break in the kitchen... but a short break... mostly because I wanted to get back to Yonah's room. Even if just at the work table, at least we were together, in the same room, and he wasn't alone. “Companionship”... one of THE MOST important necessities to be upheld and fulfilled! And so by about 17.45, all of my “kitchen duties” were complete, we got the “evening routine” completed... waters changed, house tidied, windows closed-up against the rain out-side, and we settled-down for the remainder of the evening... together.
At 19.00, lights dimmed... I put the back board up so I wouldn't have to disturb Yonah too close to “tuck-in” and he went to his roof for a while. I sat to get his journal typed for the day and...
At 19.23 he gave a quiet “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... I turned and he was on his perch... in his house... where he spends the night! I was being told... tHe was tired, it was time to wrap this day up! So, the roof platform was replaced with the nightly roof board, I removed my little things from the work table and we got our “seepie-nigh-night” cuddles and kisses in. He truly was tired and I'm always amazed at how he “KNOWS” how to communicate that. BRILLIANT Little Guy, this Yonah!
So, with musics off, all things settled, we made “tuck-in”, I closed his door, we had a couple of kisses again, just for good measure, and I RELUCTANTLY stepped out of his room. (It's damp in the house tonight, and there's just that bit of a “chill” so the furnace is up. The temperature in Yonah's room was only 21° so a little extra heat before the night... so there won't be any need to “fluff feathers” as he sleeps. When his door is closed, the radiator keeps the temperature in his room at about 23-24° and that makes quite a noticeable difference. And as I said: I'll provide the best-humanly-possible for him... ALWAYS. The night is supposed to be rainy, but only as low as 5°. Not really “warm”, but compared to -20s... QUITE nice. And Yonah's room? Rain, snow, what-ever... he'll be warm, protected from the elements... my Little Guy, my BEST Companion, my... Heart-and-Soul... literally.

                * FULL SCREEN *
Wednesday 23 February:
I wonder: are we heading for the “6.00 Hour” of the mornings now? Indeed, the “sun-rise” occurs earlier each day, but I'm about to set my own alarm for at least 30 minutes earlier in the morning. My MOST PRECIOUS AND CHERISHED little “alarm” called, this morning, at 6.49!
“woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo” came a-chanting through the door, to which I answered: “woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo..hoo”. Immediate reply: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. Oh, another day of chatting! That always picks me right up, first thing in the morning. So, I made way. Somebody wanted “Up and Out” and I wasn't about to delay.
And what a “greeting” I received THIS morning. The conversation just kept rolling along, almost with-out a break! I opened the “house door” right away, and was given the “head forward”. KISSES TOO! You'd have thought we were old friends, separated for YEARS! Now, there truly isn't ANYTHING in ALL of Creation that can top a morning like this. Kisses, cuddles, and I got right to the morning routine... night boards removed, curtains and blinds open. It was a clear morning too, and one that promised a day of sun-shine and mild temperatures. (I would have opened the windows as well, but, it wasn't all THAT “mild” and they're still quite “sealed” which we'll need for at least another month. Snows still fall into May, and tonight's forecast is for -17° again so... sadly, the windows stayed closed.) And all the while I went about my “responsibilities”, Yonah and I chatted. He's AMAZING when he gets into one of these “moods”. One might believe that we BOTH understand what the other is saying, as the coo'ing is almost non-stop. Yonah coo's, I reply, he responds, we just keep the “volley” going. And all the while, my heart just SINGS and DANCES! It's just an AWE-FULL experience, and such a PURE delight to the soul! Not to mention, it's always such a JOY to know that Yonah is feeling well AND that he looks forward to seeing me. I always feel so incompetent when it comes to him, never even simply adequate. I'm always learning, he's always teaching, and I'm relying so strongly on my “gut instincts”... and “trial and error”... too much “trial and error” for my own comfort. But, when he comes to me and we talk, I'm only just slightly re-assured that, what-ever I've done, what-ever I'm doing is “passable” and he's neither annoyed nor sorry that I brought him in. Of ALL things in my life, his comfort and happiness are surpassed by absolutely nothing.
I brought him in to give him the opportunity to heal, to save him from being torn apart, alive and aware. He's “healed”, he's chosen to accept me as a part of his life, as it is, and I will be, forever, constantly, in his debt. I have been accepted by him... by this little LIFE of NATURE. The honour, the privilege are mine, and I feel the deepest responsibility to maintain my worthiness of these blessings. (As I'm fond of saying: One day they'll talk about the 'crazy old man and the bird'... but I consider that a compliment. Call me crazy... call me what-ever suits the narrative... but this little mourning dove truly is... my “life”. And I'm proud of that.)
So... we got morning routine done, I tidied the kitchen and with the sun breaking over the tree-tops across the road and finally making its way in through the window-panes, I moved me and such into Yonah's room. He'd had a bite of breakfast, a drink of fresh water, and was already “occupied” with his latest endeavour... making his little place at the base of the orange tree comfortable. In fact, when I came back into the room, he was already settled there, behind the leaves of the lowest little branch. And when he saw that I was “setting-up” at the work table, he came toddling through the leaves, hopped up onto the rim of the terracotta pot and gave me a wing-snap! Next thing I knew... he was on my shoulder, pecking at my ear. It was to be one of “those” days. And I LOVED IT! He stayed on my shoulder for a while until I started with my task-at-hand at which point, he took off and headed back to his “place 'neath the orange tree” from where he could, in comfort, keep a watchful eye on me.
mourning dove 23 February 2022mourning dove 23 February 2022Later, we had a little snooze... my night was my “typical”... up every 2 hours, almost as if timed, so I was a bit weary this morning. (But no matter what time I manage to get to bed or to sleep, I'm determined to be up, awake, about and ready when that first “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” comes a-callin'.) I'd set an alarm for an hour, since I was caught-up with the morning tasks and laid my head on the pillow on the futon... Right away, Yonah came over and took his place on the pillow beside me and gave a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. I replied and he seemed satisfied with what-ever it was that I'd “said” and headed to his house. I dozed until...
AGAIN... TWO MINUTES BEFORE THE ALARM WAS SET TO SOUND... “Tap tap tap tap tap” on my head! It's indescribable and, probably unbelievable, but SOME-HOW... Yonah KNOWS... TWO MINUTES BEFORE the alarm is set to sound... I could set an alarm for 20 minutes, 22 minutes, 40 minutes... an hour and, TWO MINUTES BEFORE ... “Tap tap tap tap” on my head. (I wonder if the phone that I use as an alarm doesn't make some sort of inaudible sound before chiming and Yonah hears it. After all, doves SEE differently, and they HEAR tones and sounds that humans can't... and doves can actually recognise ONE dove out of a flock... or a meadow, wood-land. I wonder... TWO MINUTES... EVERY TIME.) But it's a GRAND way to be awakened. Nothing can compare. And then, looking up and the first thing I see is that FACE! staring at me as if to say:
“Hey! What is this? Sleeping the day away? Let's do something. LET'S PLAY!”
And yes... “play” it is.
AND OH! WAS IT EVER A DAY FOR PLAY! AND ATTENTION! ALL day, as a matter of fact. It was one of those “unique” days when it seemed that being “together” was THE most important thing to Yonah. As I sat at the work table, if he wasn't on my shoulder or head, he was on the back of the chair. And every once in a while I'd feel a “tapping” on my back, if I didn't turn right away to let him know that I knew he was there. And we HAD to take breaks to head to the futon, or for some snuggles as he roosted on his door perch. He's come to know that, if he stands on his door perch, snuggles, cuddles and kisses are soon to come along, and when he wants just that, that's where he goes and gives me a wing-snap. Now... after all these months of actually witnessing all of these behaviours (and documenting them here on this Journal) I will NEVER be convinced that this is all just “coincidental” or that Yonah isn't completely cognizant of what he does. These aren't really “learned behaviours”. OK. Some are, but for the most part, keeping in mind that he's born “wild”, as they call it, having NO ancestral connections with or to humans, yes, OK, of course, over a period of time he's come to “learn” that certain actions illicit certain responses from me. But to want “play”... with a “human”? To TRUST a human to be close, to touch, to hold? And to come to even TRY roosting on my shoulder? Again, I say: were he raised in “captivity”, hand-reared by people, touched, handled, mis-handled too, I can only imagine what poor little Lives endure in those “assembly-line” horrors, I could accept all of this as being part of his “heritage” some-how. But, I still say that I've never actually made ANY particular efforts... I've NEVER picked him up and placed him on my shoulder or my arm. HE CHOSE to “try” that him-self. From the very first time I placed my arm in his house to freshen water and he hopped up on my arm... then, the first time, when I didn't move, he CHOSE to toddle up my arm to my shoulder. Then too, and I have that video, there was the first time he CHOSE to “settle” on my shoulder and we “danced together”... (Toots and the Maytals, I've Got Dreams To Remember ... and there's a “dream” that I will FOREVER REMEMBER! Our “first dance”.) “Trust”, and some-how “KNOWING” that he was safe. it took some months, but, a human arm isn't a tree limb, a shoulder isn't a stone in the ground... and a human isn't a “friend”. So, some-how, Yonah “decided” that I wasn't a threat and, well... today, he sees me as a “companion” and a “play-mate”. BRILLIANT!
I have to add here that I'd never tried to change his distrust of humans, never wanted and still don't want him to think of humans as anything but what his “natural instinct” would have him think (know) of humans. And, as I see when somebody else enters his room, THAT “instinct” is still, very much, alive and well. Yonah heads for the highest point in the room or to his house when anybody else comes in. It's not that I want any sort of “one-on-one control” over him. NOT AT ALL! But, if a moment or a day should come when I'm taken away from him, perhaps for health reasons or the likes, it's a matter of my own trust of “other humans”, and I don't want him to associate them with “kindness”, cuddles, play. Unless I can find ONE person in whom I can put all my (limited) trust to take as much or better care of Yonah, who will dedicate as much to him... I don't want him to simply see another human and think “Friend!”... Humans, as a species, have more than proven, over an entire history, that they (WE) are NOT, generally, “Friend!”... we're not even kind to one-another! So, hopefully “Life” and “Fate” and “Nature” and “Creation” will have just enough kindness to keep me here, for Yonah, for as long as I can give him ALL the care he needs... and wants... and enjoys.
Moving along... the day rolled along with BRILLIANT sun-shine today! Winds came along, bringing tonight's return to the “COLD”, but they kept the clouds away and it was a great day to be in Yonah's room where the sun shines the brightest and for the longest while. Just wonderful... And I worked (intermittently, I have to admit, between “Yonah breaks”) and Yonah hopped about, flew about, came to visit and, even chatted from time-to-time!
The “later years” in Life are some-times referred to as “the golden years”. Strange, because as we approach and enter those years, we slow down, our bodies begin to remind us of our “time”. Personally, I never had much care, concern, thought about the “golden years”. BUT... these past 16 months have been “PLATINUM” for me. Even the darkest months, Winter of 2020-2021 when I watched Yonah, my heart breaking, feeling so terribly alone, frightened... I look back to them, I look at Yonah today and... “PLATINUM”... STRONG, SOLID, BRILLIANT!
The day passed... the sun set... and, as predicted, the snows from the mountain tops, visible during the day from “down here” made their way... by 19.00 they were floating about out-side the windows. I'd closed the blinds and curtains and put the back board up when we did the “evening routine” so there was no need to disturb Yonah any more before “tuck-in”. Honestly... it seems that once evening meal is done, the time just crashes-in on itself! From 18.30 to 19.30 seems like a mere eye-blink! But I'm thankful... Yonah had his “before bed snack” so he'll rest tonight with a full crop. That always makes me more at ease, knowing that he won't go to sleep hungry. And, oddly enough, by 19.00 he was already on his perch, in his “night spot”. (It must be because of the back board. The boards go up for “seepie-nigh-night” and that's that. Talk about “learning”. Of all the things. Still, I don't like getting the windows closed-up for the night and then having to move his house again to hang the board so... eventually he'll probably ignore that board altogether. I wouldn't be surprise.) Mean-while... we had a few moments of about 15° today... with all the sun-shine through the day and now... we have the snows, a bit of wind and... the forecast of -17° tonight. Hey! Better than -27°... and we've had those. At least Yonah will be safe and warm through what-ever happens out-side his windows.
But came 19.30 and, oh yes, Yonah WAS tired tonight! We had a 15-minute chat and I could see his little eyes closing. And the very moment I mentioned “seepie-nigh-night”, he went over to his little loft mirror and gave a little “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” to the reflection, then came right back to his “night spot”.
(Imagine... I, a “highest-evolved human” still can't quite understand his coo'ing but... YONAH KNOWS “seepie-nigh-night”. I wish MORE “highest-evolved humans” could read these accounts here... especially the ones who delight in murdering these most-PRECIOUS little LIVES!)
And so, the winds have calmed a bit, and the snows have subsided for a while. But the temperature out-side continues to drop. Yonah's room is at 22,5° so he's got a great start for the night... nice and warm. His little crop is full, fresh water in abundance, and a safe, secure place in which to get a good night's sleep. My little Heart-and-Soul is safe and warm, well-fed... and OH! SO VERY CHERISHED! Tomorrow? They say -8° for the high but more sun-shine so, no matter the temperature out there, the sun will keep Yonah's place bright and warm... and we have the day together. “Together”... in all honesty... THAT is ALL that matters to me.
Thursday 24 February:
6.19 One “woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... but when I answered, there was no reply. I went into see if Yonah really was up and awake, but all I got was the little “Hoo” that he makes when he's asleep and disturbed. Soft, almost a little “whisper”. He was on his perch, in his “sleeping posture”, all “tucked-in”. I asked “Are you really awake already”? and where usually, he raises his head, stretches his wings, he just moved his head toward me and nothing more. So, since it didn't look as though he was “awake”, I thought that it might have been a sound he'd heard, a passing car, the house settling, something of that sort, and I decided to step back out of the room and let him rest for a while longer.
Oddly enough, last night, before going to sleep, I thought I ought to set my alarms for about 15 minutes earlier, and this morning, I did. The mourning doves in the yard are arriving a bit earlier these days, so my thought was that, if they're coming earlier for breakfast, I need to make sure there's food available earlier and, if they're about earlier, no doubt, Yonah will be waking earlier. Well, I didn't expect “earlier” to come before 6.30, but...
6.57 “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came the “morning call”... But this time, when I replied, in kind, I received a response! AND... we had a bit of a dialogue! SO! THIS time, it was “time”. Yonah was, oh indeed, up, awake and I was being called to open the windows and get on with the day! And, to be sure, so I did.
THIS time, when I went in to “check”, Yonah was standing on his perch and as I opened his door, he stretched his wings. Now THAT'S a sign of being awake! And we continued our little dialogue as I went about my “assigned morning duties”. Yes, indeed... “awake”. (Imagine... once again, I relied on my own “instincts”, giving Yonah the “extra time”, and, so it would appear... “Good call!”) He went over to his little loft mirror, gave a “Good morning” to the little reflection and from that point on... the morning began its roll.
In fact, when I'd done with the water-changes and the tidying of his house, Yonah hopped onto my arm and came along with me as I straightened things in the kitchen, checked the thermostat in the living-room and gathered today's laundry from the bed-room. Just as comfy as he could be, there, on my arm, we went room-to-room and he watched as the scenery round him changed, some rooms a bit lighter, others a bit darker. It's fascinating (to me, anyway) to watch him tilt and turn his head as we move along. He's SO carefully attentive to EVERYTHING around him! And it isn't as though he'd never been in any of the other rooms in the house before. We've made “the rounds” many times, and he's gone from his room to the living-room several times, on his own. But he always seems some-what “fascinated” by the differences in the rooms. Never one to skip a detail. And he obviously remembers all, because he does know exactly how to get from room-to-room... no matter where else in the house he might be, he can always make a direct line back to his house. He always could... even in the earlier days... though, in the earliest days, there were a couple of “incidents” where there were some minor “collisions” with furnishings... and a window. THOSE always set my heart back with worry. But, today, obviously, we don't have those any more. He can fly, walk, toddle, stroll... out and into his room and house... That's my Little Champion, there!
So... OUR day commenced... and HIS day commenced... another day, early start, with adding to his little “nest” at the base of the orange tree... And me? Well... my day moved along as well... YONAH IS OK! Therefore... I'm OK.
For the most part, I was at the work table... when Yonah and I weren't playing... and it was a “Day For Play” today! The sun shone in through the windows, the room was bright and warm. We were both in great spirits and it was a day for “LOVIN'” too!
I “tried” to get things gone but Yonah was having none of it. He'd spent the greater part of the morning hours, working on his little “hide-a-way” under the orange tree, bringing more mosses over, “settling the new additions” by snuggling into the space he's created. I see that he even move ALL the other bit of moss that were covering the soil, over to “his little corner” and he's brought the few leaves that have fallen (as they do) over as well. He's made himself quite the little “cozy corner” in there. (I'm going to have to figure a way to keep that dry and still be able to water that tree, sufficiently. Looks like I have a project “in the orange tree” for tomorrow. I have ideas, some materials... and if all else fails, we'll just have to get one of those “nesting bowls”... and HOPE that Yonah “approves”. But... we've come through the “sandy beach”, the white pines and the pool in his house. We'll come up with something for this endeavour as well... I'm sure.... well... pretty sure.) Just as long as he's comfortable, I don't much care about the rest.
And we had “chats” during the day today too! As I worked, he took it upon himself to come over to the work table, and when I (apparently) didn't pay “proper attention”, he flew up and onto my shoulder or right at the back of my neck, and with a few “taps”... pecks, more like it, on the head, the ears, there were several “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's” to be answered. He was in “full swing” today! Of course, I had NO resistance, I had NO thoughts of any such thing, and I stopped what-ever it was that I was doing at the moment, sat back, and we “schmoozed and smooched”. I TRULY can't get over how AFFECTIONATE he can be so often! AND, that HE makes the moves to come to me! I'm just a presence in the room for the most part, and it isn't just one or two “odd moment” events when he comes over. As I say, today, it was “often”! And they weren't just a moment in length... Yonah was in for “serious bonding” time! “AWE”... that's all I can think of... just “AWE”. It's more a matter of the fact that I NEVER even remotely imagined that he, this little mourning dove, in from the wild, would actually WANT to make contact with me. I've never been “forceful” or terribly “lavish” in giving my own affections. I've never wanted Yonah to be anything even remotely similar to a “pet”. I don't see him as such... I see him and Love him as a “companion” and a cognizant, sentient “individual”. He's BRILLIANT! He PROVES, by every moment, that he has thoughts, ideas, notions... he understands SO VERY much (MUCH more than I do, to be sure). So, when he stops what-ever it is he's “doing”, and, during the course of a day there's seldom a moment when he isn't doing something, and HE decides... yes... “decides” to come over to me, to roost on my shoulder, peck at my ear, watch what-ever it is I'm engaged in, it touches the very core of my being. The affections and contact are HIS CHOICE. I have been “accepted”... lowly as I am. My intentions and affections have been accepted. WE are an “US”... two separate parts of a “One”. And I am more humbled than I can possibly put into plain words. What a privilege! NONE compares.
This after-noon, I stepped out of the room to go to the kitchen for a little bit of a “lunch”, for only but several moments, and when I returned to Yonah's room... he wasn't under the orange tree, wasn't on the futon or his pillows, wasn't on the shelves and there was NO sign of him any-where on the floor! He hadn't come to the kitchen other than the one time this morning when I was washing the morning coffee dishes. And he hadn't come out to be with me when I was there. I looked into his house... he wasn't on his perches, nor on his little corner “loft” platform. He'd been “basking” in the sun-shine, on his “beach” when I left the room, but he wasn't there either. I was JUST beginning to seriously wonder WHERE he could have gotten himself, thinking he might be behind the curtains, which he tends to become “lost” when he manages to get back there when... my eyes just happened to glean the pool... OH YES! In spite of the cold out-side again, the sun gave enough warmth as he was basking to warm him and the pool water so, there he was, splashing about, having the grandest time of it! I didn't want to disturb him in any way so... no photos today, and he obviously enjoyed his privacy because he splashed about with such an abandon that it was SO endearing! And I'm amazed at how, when the days are at their coldest, Yonah is in the pool. (Granted, the temperature out-side was about -5° but Yonah's room was 22,5°, but still... Now I wonder what Summer will be like! I fore-see many changes of pool water during the warmer weather, and perhaps even MORE for the short while when temperatures reach up-wards of 32°. BUT... I'm ready... more than willing... and quite able! Maybe by then I'll have configured a way to simply hook a like from a tap to just run fresh water through without carrying. We shall see... another “project” in the works.)
And it's GLORIOUS to see Yonah after his swim! He's SO FULL of energy! Hops out of the pool, gets to his door perch, gives some good SHAKES (as the droplettes of water go flying about the room) and gets to “preening”. But when the preening is complete... he's ACTIVE, ACTIVE, SO ACTIVE! And he seems to be “boasting” or “showing” after. He heads for the pillows on the futon and will stand there, almost “arrogantly”, he'll give me the “wing-snap” to get my attention and his posture almost “demands” some degree of sincere attention. Today, in particular, he struck that pose so perfectly that I had to tell him:
“You're becoming too much like a Hollywood celeb, you are. All fresh out of the pool and looking gawjus and expecting every-body to take note.”
I got another wing-snap... Yonah got cuddles and kisses... which he didn't object to. That's my little Heart-and-Soul!
Well then, after all the “admiration”, we got back to our regularly-scheduled day, already in progress... Yonah went back to his little “construction site” under the orange tree and I returned to my tasks-at-hand. We had breaks during the day and the sun just filled the room! It was just another “perfect” sort of day.
At 16.00 Yonah took his evening meal and with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” reminded me that it had already reached the hour when I had to put mine on! WOW... the sun rises earlier, sets later, but the days seem to pass quicker anyway! The quickest are the 90 minutes after evening meal... from 18.00-19.30.
Tonight, again, by 19.15, Yonah was already settled at his night spot. It was a full sort of day for him, busy, almost never a moment of nothing to do. Even his “basking” wasn't all that long, and he was up early this morning so... I can understand. (I'm still wondering what it will be like when it's still quite day-light at 19.00 in a few weeks... how we'll have to “re-adjust” our time-line for “seepie-nigh-night. I'll be watching with particular care, the mourning doves in the yard. Yes, they're the very first to come for breakfast in the morning, arriving only just as the night turns toward “day”, and they're usually by for “evening meal” by about 16.30, in general. But I'll be watching for the changes... and we'll work around them. After all... they ARE Yonah's flock.) Anyway, all of the evening routine had been completed by 18.30 and at 18.45 I'd put up the back board too. Tonight is expected to be cold again, with snow... through the day tomorrow, so I wanted to make sure that Yonah's house was “insulated” against ANY chills. The lights had been dimmed and the musics stopped at 19.00... so, when, at about 19.10 I turned to see him “roosting”, I asked:
“Are you settling-down for seepie-nigh-night already?”
He toddled over to his little loft mirror... bade the little reflection a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” ... “Good night” and came back to his “position”. There was my answer. It was “tuck-in” time. It's a difficult time for me, because I'd like to be with him longer, but, at the same time, I don't want him to not sleep when he wants. So, I put the roof board on, we exchanged our own cuddles and kisses and “Good nights” and... well... lights out. He made no fuss about any of it tonight. My Little Guy was tired!
So let the temperatures fall as they may, let the snows come in, Yonah is safe and secure, warm and cozy no matter what. And tomorrow? Well, as I say... snow again, in the forecast, I have more than plenty to work on... beside him for the day. He'll have plenty of food, water and, I'm sure, exercise and entertainment through it all. And I'll have shoulders and arms to climb about on... and I'm looking forward to it already.... another day... in the greatest company of Creation's BEST COMPANION.
mourning dove 25 February 2022Friday 25 February:
“Sleep-in” this morning? Well, the threatened snows did, indeed, start falling during the night last night, and were still falling quite heavily this morning, so it was a perfect sort of time to luxuriate in the Winter quiet. It wasn't until 7.09 this morning, when the first “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came a-calling. But when I answered “woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... the reply was a clear “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. And to my “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came the definitive... “WOO-HOO!” Well! When Yonah replies with that, at that time of the morning and after we've exchanged a couple of other coo's, it rather sounds as if he's calling “ENOUGH OF THIS CHAT! IT'S TIME TO OPEN THE ROOM!” (Or, he'll do the same at other times and it's just the “tone” that sounds more like some sort of a “command”. It always gets me smiling. He KNOWS what he wants and that's his way of expressing it, GLORIOUS Little Guy that he is.) So I IMMEDIATELY dropped all else and went into the room. Sure enough, there he was, on his perch, wings stretching. I opened the door, leaned in and there were exchanges of pecks and kisses, and cuddles and... he hopped across to the other perch. It was wonderful to exchange pleasantries but he obviously had plans for the day and it was time to get to them.
As I went about my “assigned tasks”... removing night board, opening curtains and blinds, we had one of our “morning dialogues”. From “woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” to “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” an even the odd, truly lengthy “woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”, it was a call-and-response that had only the slightest pauses in between. There's precious little else that can brighten ANY morning as much as holding a “conversation” with Yonah, and as the snows fell out-side this morning... there was no need for “sun-shine”... he was in the mood to “chat” and it was THE BEST!
Now... after all the morning routine was done, I'd stepped out the front door to assess the need for shovelling the 25cm/10in of snow that had accumulated and when I stepped back into the house...
A NEW EXPERIENCE: YONAH WAS IN THE KITCHEN, AT THE DOOR-WAY BETWEEN KITCHEN AND LIVING-ROOM... AT THE FAR END OF THE KITCHEN! OK. He's come out to the kitchen before, but usually only along a straight line from his door to the back door, which isn't all that far away. And he's made “surveillance flights”, coming out of his room, flying into and then back out of the kitchen. And yes, he HAS come toddling out, but only as far as the table which is just out-side the door to his room. BUT THIS TIME, HE'D CROSSED THE KITCHEN, DIAGONALLY! QUITE THE DISTANCE! And when I saw him, I called over
“Well! Look at YOU! I told you I was just stepping-out, not leaving and here I am and there you are...”
He heard me, saw me and was OFF... IN FLIGHT... BACK TO HIS HOUSE! When I looked-in, he was on his perch... It struck me as “MADE IT! Maybe he didn't see me out there.” No matter... From walking in and seeing him out of his room to finding him back in his house... I was... well... DELIGHTED! I DO want him to be comfortable going about the entire house, into and out of the rooms, when-ever he wants to, going where-ever he wants to. This house is HIS house (more-so than it's mine, to be sure). And no matter WHAT house we ever inhabit, ALL houses will be HIS first. I'm just wondering if the rest of the house isn't too dark for his comfort. The sun doesn't shine into the living-room until later in the day, and the curtains are closed for most of the Winter as a bit of insulation against the cold so any light in there is much lower than in Yonah's room where the sun, when it's up, shines BRILLIANTLY in through his windows. And the temperature in the rest of the house is cooler than his room. Maybe he's more comfortable in his room (I know I am). So I'm curious as to what Summer will be like... if he'll take to the rest of the house when the curtains are open, the sun is shining in.
(I still recall one day, in particular, last Summer when I'd been away for a few hours, on errands and, when I came back, I couldn't find him any-where in his room. I looked from room-to-room all through the house and called him but... no response and I couldn't find him! I was beside my-self with wonder and worry until, stepping BACK into the living-room, I happened to look at the futon there... the earth-tones of the upholstery made the PERFECT back-ground! The colouration of a mourning dove lends wonderfully to just about ANY sort of environment... it's always been a curiosity of mine as to how their predators ever find them... never mind, how WE, people, can see them... and now, I've come to understand that they could be ALL AROUND and we miss them. But there he stood, still, staring at me, watching me wandering about, looking for him. He blended-in PERFECTLY with the fabric! I was THRILLED that he'd been out and about, managed to manoeuvre around in the house with-out collisions. And I was SO delighted to find him... safe, sound and looking at me as if saying: “What's wrong with you? I'm right here... been here all along.” What a “welcome” THAT was!)
I had to make a telephone call today, and thought I'd do so in the room with Yonah, so to keep him company (and, of course, be in his company) and THAT was quite a “new experience”. It seems he heard my voice and, having NO notion of a “telephone”, (and why should he?), apparently, he thought I was talking to him. Well! As I spoke on the phone to the party at the other end, Yonah had MUCH to say to me! When I was listening, he filled the silence with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. In the middle of the conversation, he actually came over to his pillows, beside me, stood there, staring at me as I spoke and then gave me what sounded quite like a “full paragraph” of some dissertation! I had all to do to keep from laughing. (The person at the other end made no comment so I don't know if Yonah couldn't be heard or it was just “politeness” that his “comments” weren't mentioned.) So now I know: I have to be careful about making calls from HIS room. (Maybe he DID sense that I was talking with some-one else and was telling me “Hey! I'm right HERE! What's with the talking to somebody ELSE? Eh?” I wouldn't doubt it. Nor would I be surprised if that were the case. After all, he can actually “sense” when, with-out making a sound, I turn to look at him and he immediately either turns toward me or comes hopping over. BRILLIANT Little Guy!)
Then too was the, call it “coincidence”(?), moment when I was checking his e-mails today. I make quick work of using WiFi in his room. I don't like the idea of having internet rushing through the walls and into his room, even though I'm aware that they do so anyway, from my WiFi and all the others in the surrounding area, not to mention mobile telephone calls and the likes, but I won't intentionally “pull” them into the room. Anyway, I wanted to check to see if there were any “messages” for him and... JUST as I'd logged into his account, he came SOARING over and landed directly on my head where he could clearly see the screen on the lap-top! “Uncanny”... as if he some-how knew HIS e-mails were being checked. (OK. Yes, as I said, “coincidence”. Still, it was “notable” to me and, obviously, “remarkable”. Life with this little mourning dove has NEVER been “banal”, by ANY stretch of the imagination.)
Over all, ALL through the day, as the snows just kept falling, it was a day of MUCH PLAY! And he just seems to REALLY enjoy it when we play “Catch”. I use one hand and will start with a bit of a loose “fist”, then use my fingers as little “legs” and “stand”. When he sees that, he gives a sturdy wing-snap and will come over, pecking at full force, at which point, I raise my hand, fingers “open” and bring it down onto him, loosely closing my fingers around him, side-to-side. He'll crouch a bit and then RUN out of my hand, stand a short distance away until I repeat my end of the “catch”... bringing my hand over to him and we repeat the whole process for, oh... 15-20 minutes... until HE decides it's “Game Over” and goes flying off. And today, he came to me, SEVERAL TIMES, almost as if to “instigate”... standing on the work table, wing-snaps and such, until I stopped what-ever it was I was doing and played. He even takes off and goes over to the futon pillows where he stands, looking at me, and gives more wing-snaps... as I say, he “instigates”! And as I approach, he crouches, as if in preparation for the game. Imagine... he enjoys the contact! (Now, I KNOW that, if he were to ever be back in the “wild”, all this touching would be a HORROR! It's certainly “forbidden” to touch, “pet”, stroke ANY wild bird, other than to administer first aid and that sort of situation. Their feathers are sensitive to even the slightest changes in the air, and their part of their defences... against rains, snows, dust, parasites, as well as cold. Touching them, especially with bare hands, can remove essential oils and such, destroying the water-proofing. AND, if there's ANY sort of “substance” on the hands, that can be transferred to the feathers and when they preen they're able to ingest. Hand lotions, soaps, ANY-thing we touch... The ONLY reason I feel ANY comfort in “handling” Yonah is, well, especially now, we're going to be together for our “duration”. I've NO thoughts of him being back out in the “wild” again and I watch him, his “condition”, the colour, texture, every aspect of his feathers... constantly, to make sure he's in best-possible health. AND, obviously, he's come to expect the contact and enjoys it! To with-hold that would be cruel at this juncture... I'm sure. “Presence”, companionship, contact... Yonah's come to expect them... and I don't give any of it any thought... it's ALL a part of him and the importance that is him, in my moment-to-moment existence.)
Actually, when-ever I'd leave the room for any reason (kitchen, loo, &c.), Yonah would come, almost running, to “greet” me. He's ASTONISHING, really, in that he'll follow me around the room, out to the kitchen... and not flying, but toddling along-side or in front of me! And, as I say, when I leave the room and come back, he'll come to me... again, not always flying but, more often, toddling across the floor! He's SO like a puppy in that respect, and I am... well... as always... in AWE! He's remarkable, fascinating, amazing!
And so we spent the day together except for evening meal break. But as soon as that was over and done and I'd done the washing-up, we changed the waters, tidied his house and I came back, settled at the work table to finish-up my own little tasks whilst Yonah “lounged”, digesting his own evening meal. BUT... at 19.00 this evening, when I'd stopped the musics and dimmed the lights, he was obviously ready to simply “close the day”. He was TIRED! Precious Sweet-Heart... he'd had quite the “busy” day! Early and active. The lights were dimmed, I sat at the work table and instead of roosting at the door perch as he usually does of an evening, Yonah was already on his “night perch”! When, at about 19.15, I looked up and saw him all “snug”, I asked:
“Are you so tired? Is it time for seepie-nigh-night already?”
And, as he does when he hears “seepie-nigh-night” he went over to the little loft mirror where he gave “Good night” pecks to the little reflection there and then came across his perch, back to his “night spot”. Yes... he WAS ready... By 19.30, lights were out, after OUR cuddles, snuggles and kisses.
Seems no matter how many hours we have together in a day, they pass quicker than seconds. Yonah is my “Joy”... he's actually my “Life” and at the end of the day, it's actually rather “painful” to tuck him in and leave the room. But, he, like all, needs his rest and I'm almost certain that, given the chance, he'd stay up MUCH longer and later into the night. But the toll on his health... No. He's been going to “bed” by 19.30 all along and he wakes when HE'S ready and rested so, when he's ready for sleep... that's when we wrap the day.
The snow stopped falling late, this after-noon. We had a passing moment of sun-light just before the sun hid behind the mountains. Tonight is expected to get “brisk” again, of course. The house thermostat is set to keep the place warm. Yonah's radiator is close by, just under his “night spot” so that the warmth rises to him. There's no wind rushing against his windows... It's all quite calm. And as for temperatures, well, his windows are well-sealed, he has the set of blinds and, as the curtains are drawn, there's a triple layer to keep any chills out. My little Heart-and-Soul is protected against the cold. There are no predators in his “domain”, no competition for space, food, water... his pool... my heart.
Saturday 26 February:
As I sat at the kitchen table this morning, in the peace that is before the rest of the world starts more of their nonsense, and even the morning traffic, locally, hadn't yet begun, I heard, ever-so softly, a little “hoo-hoo-hoo”. I waited but a moment, to see if another would follow. Not sure whether Yonah was awake or “dreaming” in some manner, I didn't want to disturb him. Shortly, another almost faint “hoo-hoo-hoo”. The clock read “6.46”. I got up and quietly went into Yonah's room, and went directly to the end of the futon where I could see his silhouette, looking for any sort of “movement”. I could see that his head was turned toward me, but not raised, as it is when he's awake. There was a bit of movement of his tail feathers, but he didn't stretch his wings, as he does in the morning. So I waited. I asked, in the lowest whisper “Are you awake?” He turned his head more toward me, his tail flicked a bit... I asked again... in a whisper “Are you awake?” and then... THE WINGS STRETCHED! He WAS awake... just not “bounding” into the morning until...
As soon as I opened his door, he seemed to come round... wings stretched again and a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! SO... time to remove the night boards, open the curtains and blinds. All said, it was a clear but “CRISP” morning... the kind of “crisp” that makes a day suitable for a sleep-in. That's what I was expecting Yonah to do but... he was up... and so... I was too! As I went about “opening the room to the day”, Yonah went to his little loft and bade the “reflection” a clear “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. And from that point on, it was time for chatting and hopping about, perch-to-perch. Amazing... just awake and already ready to TAKE-ON THE NEW DAY! We chatted all through the window openings and as I got prepared for the mourning water changes. AND, as I paced back and forth with fresh water, Yonah took his position at this door perch to supervise. We were up, the day was ours!
One “incident” though, this morning... After all the activities and chatting of earlier, while I was in the kitchen preparing to come back to spend the day with Yonah, I heard the low but rapid “hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” that he makes when something is “bothering” him, or something startles him! When I got into the room, he'd had a sprig of moss in his beak, as he does of late, with his “construction project” under the orange tree... he dropped it and went completely still... repeating the “hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...” There hadn't been any “odd” noises, save the sound of a plough out-side, but that's not unusual and it's never phased Yonah before. And when I spoke to him, he made no movement... not even to look in my direction. He stopped the “hoo'in” for a brief moment and then began again! And when I reached to touch him, he flew up to his perch and there, went still again... “hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. I felt SO insignificant, incompetent, useless! I had no idea what had disturbed him or what was bothering him! I had no way of “knowing” what was “wrong”. I wondered if something had happened that HE could “sense” but I couldn't. Did he hear something that I couldn't? Was there a “movement of something, some-where, that only HE could “feel”? What-ever it was, it obviously disturbed him, and there was no consoling him!
These are the moments that drive, clearly, deeply and sharply, the inferiority of “humans”. The Little Ones, even in the wild, are able to recognise our voices, our tones... even the sounds of our statements. We can step out of the door and call into the wood-lands and deer will come, to eat, to meet us. Dogs and cats recognise their names, simple statements like “No”, and “Sit/stay”, even the word “food”. THEY come to know our state of being, happiness, sadness, even pain and joy. But we? WE? The “highest” of the evolved species, know NOTHING of them! (And, in the case of birds who don't “cry” when in pain, no matter the severity, we can only surmise, conjecture, speculate their feelings. As with “mourning doves”, so-called because WE perceive their sounds as “sad”, but, even as I've come to learn, being with Yonah, there are SOME quite distinct “tones” and “patterns” to a mourning dove's calls and, as some birds chirp, others trill, oddly, people hear those sounds as “happy little tunes”... “The birds are singing.” Ah... “The birds are singing...” the mourning doves are “mourning”. Clueless... we, as a species, are utterly, absolutely clueless. And this morning as Yonah was behaving as he was, that ceaselessness became all the more profound to me. All I could do was hasten my settling at the work table, at the very least, to be a “presence” for and with him, and hope... hope that I'd either learn what disturbed him or that it would pass... soon. (The one thing that comforted me at all was that I noticed that he'd eaten a bit of “breakfast” this morning, so I could see that he'd been hungry AND that he'd eaten. One “good” sign of the morning.)
Time passed, the sun rose, BRILLIANTLY, this morning, on yesterday's fresh, white snow, and as it did, Yonah took to his “loft” to bask. I wondered: was he not feeling well? Was the warmth of the sun something he truly needed this morning? Or was it just a delight, after yesterday's drear? I moved all I had into his room, brought the lap-top to the work table and sat, ready to record this morning's events here when...
THE FLUTTER AND WHISTLE OF WINGS... AND... THERE... YONAH... ON MY HEAD! A SIGN OF “NORMALCY”! I made NO movement of my head and continued with the matters on the table... and Yonah made NO movement other than that I could feel as he bobbed his head, as he does, to watch my hands and the activities on the table. When he'd satisfied his curiosity, he took off, went over to is futon pillows for a brief moment... gave a little “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” there and... returned to the sun-shine of his loft. I wondered if all was “well” again... but at least he was flying about and vocalising again. Good signs. And seeing him basking was rather comforting as he spread his wings to catch as much light and warmth as the sun would give.
A few hours passed and, as I sat, still working along at the table, again, he headed for his futon and then... I heard him take flight but didn't see where he'd landed when, from “some-where in the room” I heard that “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Looking all around, I couldn't see where he was and then...
He was under the table (as he goes there at times as I'm sitting). I dropped my hand down to the floor and asked “What are you doing under the table?” and he came RUNNING... pecking at my fingers. It was “Play Time”! Things... were... “OK” again. So we played a bit of “Catch Me” until he'd had enough and he took to wing, back up to his house... onto his loft and... more basking. The sun was POURING in through the window and he wasn't going to lose a moment of it! (And me? Well... my heart was much improved... My Little Guy seemed to be “back”. I still wish I knew what had disturbed him this morning. I'll ALWAYS wish I could know what happens at these times. But, I'm just relieved that what-ever it was... it had passed.)
The day was FULL of BRILLIANT sun-shine! AND PLAY PLAY PLAY! It was such a relief! And in between playing, Yonah had the chance to “bask”. But it was the playing that gave peace to my heart. What-ever it was that disturbed him this morning was passed and gone. And we played “Catch Me”, and he “preened and prodded” my hand as he does some-times. It's actually fascinating in that he'll “dig” his beak in between my fingers as if prodding for something. (I have to wonder what it is that he's doing... is it “preening” or is he actually searching for something. What do my fingers appear to be to him? There's ANOTHER aspect I'll probably never learn, never understand, never know... more “human inferiority”... the list keeps getting longer all the while.) BUT... MY LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL RETURNED!
All said about the day? It was SUPER! This morning's event “passed” and nothing more “unusual” happened. In fact, it was just another day for the both of us... with SUN-SHINE! (Good too, because tomorrow? Snow again.) We had play. We had cuddles. We had a bit of chatting. All good, to be sure.
This evening though.. another “early” night. By 18.45 Yonah was on his perch, in his “night spot”, so music's stopped, lights dimmed. I got to add a few lines to his Journal for today but by 19.15, he was obviously ready for seepie-nigh-night... yawning! When Yonah yawns I KNOW it's time for sleep. (And when he yawns during the day, it's time to stop the musics and calm the room, move his house to where he has a comfy spot, with a shaded area for a snooze. That doesn't happen often so when it does, I'm particularly attentive. I know what it's like to want a snooze and can't get one, for one reason or another so...) The back board went up at about 18.30, after the waters were changed for the night, but I'd left the FullSpec light on. Yonah usually enjoys that in the evening... he usually heads to his roof and “lounges”, facing it, as if it were the setting sun. So at 18.45, as I say, lights were dimmed already, all that needed to be done was to put on the roof board and “close house”. But 19.30... lights were out. We'd had our little “Good night kisses” and all was settled.
It was a good day, but then again, EVERY day with Yonah is... a GRAND day. But this one was particularly good because I was so worried about this morning's little “event”. Tonight? Yonah is tucked-in, safe and sound, nice and warm and cozy. Tomorrow? Since the weather isn't supposed to be so bright and cheerie, consideration is: monthly house-keeping! Taking his house apart, cleaning it all... replacing sand and such. If he's in a “good” mood, we'll go for it. (We'll just have to figure out how to substitute something for the mosses though. There's precious little left now, because of his work at the orange tree and all the “fresh” mosses are under all the snow and ice... and no sufficient “thaw” to come for many weeks. Oh well... I'm sure we'll come up with something. More for the Journal when we do.) I'm just glad my little Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound and snoozing the night away... “Tomorrow”... we'll address that when we get to it.
Sunday 27 February:
The morning was grey, the lightest flakes of snow drifted on the air currents. It wasn't “cold”, but it certainly wasn't warm”. But it was delightfully peaceful, and I was busy with the usual coffee and checking the e-mails when... 7.07... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... my little Heart-and-Soul was ready too greet what-ever this day held in store for us. I replied, in kind, not really expecting to “hear back” but... almost immediately the reply came... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”! OK! I sounded as if I was delaying and the wait wasn't “appreciated”. So I answered, quickly and AS I headed for the door to Yonah's room, he was, again, letting me know that he was “in there” and anxious to get the morning routine under way!
Oh, but yes, indeed, when I arrived, he was in the middle of stretching his wings, prepared. First thing, I opened his door, leaned in to say “Good morning” and “I'm sorry I took so long.” and he leaned forward, gave me a couple of pecks on the cheek and was OFF! Over to his food! Breakfast! I wondered how long he'd been up and awake before calling. I might have to get some sort of “camera” now, so that, first thing in the morning, I'll know when he wakes. Then again, with day-light coming sooner each day, I'm wondering if he'll be getting up at 5.00 soon. (Looks like I'm going to have to “adjust my schedule” soon, drastically. There'll be no hesitating come the warmer weather and the earlier day-break. But... it'll be all the healthier for me, to be sure. The “Natural” clock, as it were, thanks to my “Time-Keeper” here.)
Once again, this morning, conversation carried all through the opening of windows and pouring of fresh waters. Yonah was in one of his “sociable” moods and I was IN LOVE with it! There's absolutely nothing in life that compares to having an actual dialogue with my Little Guy! The very notion that we, he and I, can, in our way, “communicate”, at least to the point where, what-ever it is that I “say” with my mimicked “coo'ing”, it deserves a reply of some sort. How I DO wish, SO WISH, that I had ANY idea of what I'm saying to him... AND, of course, what he's saying to me. And it all just brings to mind how “people”, in general, hear the coo'ing and immediately think of it as “sad”. Well, “people” tend to simply formulate opinions, too often with-out any particular basis, then accept, as truth, at surface-value. Alas. At least those who have been in the company of and given their heart to these Little Ones know, for a fact, as a matter of experience and learning, the major difference in tone, pattern, timing and situation. And I'm quite certain that those who care to, have had many conversations of their own.
Yonah was getting quite “scratchy” the past two days, and I was becoming quite concerned that there might be something in his sand or mosses so, this morning, shortly after morning routine and him taking off to other parts and corners of his room, I thought it a good day for a little bit of “serious house-keeping”. On Tuesday, I'd planned to do the “monthly” of taking the house apart and scrubbing it all down, but I'd already done that for half of the house when I pulled the pool apart to give that a good scouring. The only part left, really, was the “beach” and what was left of the “mossy” area so... We had at it!
Both trays were removed and the sand in each went into the stainless steel bowl for washing and boiling and the customary “6 hours” of being baked at 500°F. (We got a “preliminary” washing this morning... more to follow, then 3 more “rinses” with boiling water before the three, 2-hour “bakings”.) Each tray was carefully scrubbed. The mosses that we had left from the autumn gathering were put into the kitchen basing and soaked and rinsed thrice, in hottest-possible tab water and then soaked and rinsed thrice again, in tepid water. The soakings are so that I can see if there's anything “floating” in the water and if anything tries to “escape” from the moss. This way, after all the hot water and rinsing, I'm more certain that there are no parasites in it. The main bottom tray for the house got a good cleaning and the double-thickness kitchen-roll that covers that got changed.
All parts cleaned, the little trays got replaced, fresh sand into both. All the rocks and stones and tree and such were replaced.
Now, as all this was going on, Yonah was on the roof of his house, watching, and when I got really busy IN his house, replacing trays and kitchen-roll... he was on my shoulder, toddling down my arm, hopping about in the house, pecking at my hands as I worked. I'm not sure if the pecks were approval or “HEY! THAT'S MINE!” but which-ever they were, when it was all done he seemed to approve of the work and when I stepped away, I noticed him “checking it all out”... and scratching about in the fresh sand with his beak. Well, if nothing else, I feel better with him scratching and hopping about in there now, knowing that everything is clean! But it was quite the ordeal for Yonah.
I often wonder if he's come to “understand” that all of this is merely to freshen everything or does he see it as some sort of “intrusion”. One thing for certain, he DOES know that, when all the “removal and replacement” is done... his house is back in the same order it was in before the commotion. So I suppose he's “OK” with it all, over-all.
There'll be another one of these days for April now anyway, and, come the warmer weather, I hope to be able to put in more trees. Nothing to “close his space”, but just more so that it gives more of a “wilderness feel”... and hopefully a place that will closer resemble a place in the trees for him to roost, rest and sleep. (Plan is to check some local nurseries for small maples or something of the sort. Though, no “oaks”... as they, like hemlocks, can prove toxic. WOW! Am I ever glad I looked into that! Granted, there are hemlocks in the local woods and mountains, but, whether or not mourning doves roost in them, other than temporarily, I can't be certain. And to have them in Yonah's house on a regular basis... I've seen him peck at the white pines... I won't have him pecking at anything that could even cause him mild illness! NOT MY LITTLE GUY! So, there's to be “Yonah Landscape Shopping” come the season.)
The clean house must have put him in good spirits because he was SO PLAYFUL all the rest of the day today! AND energetic too!
I had some work to get to in the kitchen for a couple of hours, late this morning and all the while I was there, I could hear the “flutter and whistle” of wings! Yonah was BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! On his house! On the work table. On his futon! On the floor! For a while, it was almost non-stop!
AND.... as he's now in a bit of a habit of doing, he made TWO “visits” into the kitchen where he toddled in, stood by the kitchen table and just looked at me until I turned and spoke to him. At that point, he turned round and toddled back into his room. I had to laugh thinking that he'd come out, waited for me to acknowledge him and when I'd done, it was a matter of “OK, at least you still remember me and that I'm here.”
This after-noon, I'd brought the lap-top back into his room and was settling-down to get some more of my own tasks done but got distracted when I received an e-mail from a neighbour. She'd driven into a flock of ROBINS on the local main today! ROBINS! Here! In The North Country! And today, of all days, when the warm couple of days are past, colder days and MUCH colder nights are ahead... AND we had a couple of heavy snow squalls as well! Actual “white-outs” at times. She was almost devastated! One of the flock flew across the front of her vehicle! She stopped, got out to check... and moved the little victim to the side of the road. (She shares in my love of and for Yonah and is SO understanding of my obsession.) I was looking into robins, their diets, what one could offer them for food and such, since they're predominantly rather carnivorous, eating worms and insects and on the web-site, there was a small “animation” of different sorts of birds, “flapping their wings” as if in flight. Well... I telephoned the neighbour to get the particulars of the event and had stepped out of Yonah's room briefly and when I got back... HE WAS ON THE KEY-BOARD, PECKING AT THE SCREEN AND LOOKING AT THE LITTLE ANIMATED “BIRDS”! OH... BUT HE DOES NOTICE ABSOLUTELY EVERY-THING! And he seemed rather “fascinated” by the little animations. If ever there was any doubt that mourning doves (and other animals) are fully cognizant, Yonah, alone, can dispel ALL of those! Cognizant AND sentient! With NO doubt at all what-so-ever! Since he wasn't doing any harm to him-self nor to the lap-top, I continued my conversation on the phone and let him peck at the animations. Imagine... he recognises other birds! Even birds that aren't in his mirror! I wouldn't expect him not to, but, if, in fact, he was only 2 months of age when he came into my life, and we've been together for 16 months now... Indeed... it certainly twists the expression “bird-brain” into something HIGHLY complimentary! Yonah is BRILLIANT! AMAZING! ASTOUNDING!
Well and so, the snows came, the winds came, and as quickly as they came, they passed, and as they passed, they pulled the temperatures down. The day passed and the evening grew cold. As I say “It ain't July yet.”
Yonah and I had our “evening meals”... he at 16.00 when I put mine on the hob, and I at 17.00 and after that... “evening routine”. The sun had set and the “chill” was settling-in and the blinds and curtains needed to be closed for the night! So... the water in the pool got changed, the windows got shut and no sooner had all that been completed, Yonah headed for the floor and was toddling ALL over the room... under and behind his futon, under the shelving for his house, under the work table... I laid on the floor to be with him for a while and he decided to head to his roof-top. So, since he wasn't on the floor and I could move his house about, I put the back board up at that time so that I wouldn't have to disturb him later. He just “settled” on his little platform on the roof-top and made him-self quite cozy up there.
I sat at the work table to begin today's journal and as I sat typing, Yonah started “chatting”!
He: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo.”
I replied in kind to which he repeated the same. This went on for three full exchanges until HE changed it to his “WOO-HOO!” I again, replied in kind and that too repeated for another three full exchanges until Yonah decided the conversation was finished and he returned to his “lounging”.
Well! at 19.33... HE WAS STILL ON THE ROOF AND HE WAS OFF TO THE SIDE AND BACK. A place where I couldn't reach him! THAT was as if he knew that it was “seepie-nigh-night” time and that, if he didn't go into his house, I was likely to reach for him... and he wasn't having it tonight! Tonight, for some reason, he did NOT want to “tuck-in” at 19.30! But, since mourning doves “naturally” require their 10-14 hours of rest at night, I wasn't having him up and about until much later. (Come the longer days and shorter nights, we'll have to work on a “trial and error” schedule and see what time he gets up in the morning and adjust our “tuck-in” accordingly. And, as I've already said, I'll take my “signals” from the mourning doves in the yard. When they've stopped coming to eat... we'll see about “tuck-in” time.) I tried to reach toward him, hoping he'd come forward a bit but instead, he headed to the centre-back where it was impossible to reach him with-out moving his house about. I don't know what made me think of it but... that little cut-away of a photo of him came to mind. I brought that up to the front of his house, at the roof level and... SURE ENOUGH... ATTACK! (He truly does despise that “other dove”... even though it's HIM!) I let him “have at it” for a bit, then put it away on the work table, reached up, cupped him in my hands, brought him to me and whispered “No more other dove! Only you.” He just rested in my hands and when I brought him into his house... he hopped right to his perch.
When I said it was time for “seepie-nigh-night”, he went over to his little loft mirror, gave a couple of “Good night” pecks and came forward for some kisses. He really made it obvious that he didn't actually WANT to go to sleep just yet, but... I managed to give him some kisses and when I closed his door, he looked at it, then looked at me. I assured him that I'd be just out-side the door, that I wanted him to get a good nights rest and that we had all day tomorrow again and much more to do! That seemed OK with him and the lights went out... My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night.
It was another GREAT day... and I was taught even MORE about Yonah, doves, birds and such. And tomorrow... it's forecast to be sunny... but quite cold! But as long as the sun shines, Yonah's room will be nice and warm. For tonight, the house furnace will run, his radiator will be close to him for warmth. And tomorrow? We'll face that when HE's ready and gives the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. For now... all is well, calm and this day is “a wrap'.
mourning dove 28 February 2022Monday 28 February:
OH! But it's another “BUSY” day! And it began at 6.57 with that WONDERFUL melody of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” which, when I replied, was answered with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”. Imagine THAT! Obviously, somebody had a restful night's sleep, after all the hesitations and delays last night. But none of that matters this morning. THIS morning, ALL was well and fine and that's all that I could ask for.
And the “greeting” when I opened the door was immediate: a “scuttle” over to meet me and SO MANY “Good morning kisses”! Best Friends, separated for so many years, finally re-united! Oh... Yonah... never exactly the same on any given day! But what an absolute JOY to heart and soul to be “welcomed” so warmly, especially fist thing of a morning! And I hadn't even gotten to the windows to open the curtains on this clear but COLD day when he was off and hopping about, and chatting the morning away! SO MUCH to say this morning! And of course, we held a full conversation through “morning routine” again until I started the relay to change waters... at THAT point, Yonah was OUT and about! OUR DAY WAS OFFICIALLY “ON THE ROLL” and for me, another GLORIOUS day... My Heart-and-Soul was up, about, chatting, in good spirits. That's all I needed to see, hear, know... EVER.
I had to step out of the house briefly, just to run down to the basement, as I do in this cold weather. When I'd left Yonah's room, he was on his futon... BUT, when I came back into the house, mere moments later, he was in the kitchen... looking for me! THIS is getting to be QUITE the little habit: I step away... he comes looking for me. Goodness, but it's nice to know that he misses me... because I SURELY miss him... even when I merely step away for a moment. We're “one and the same being” and apparently, the feeling is mutual. Could there be anything better? Not for me!
One thing that is causing me the deepest concern today is that, when the furnace ran, Yonah headed directly to the warm air-flow coming through the register, settled on the floor, facing the register and was obviously languishing in the warmth! He's NEVER done that before! He's COLD! He's not “fluffed” at all, other-wise, but that HE's feeling the cold in this house today just concerns me. (And too, annoys and aggravates me because he's feeling the chill! This old house does tend to “take-on” the chills over the Winter months, and, once it “takes” it “holds”. It becomes increasingly difficult to re-warm the place once that happens. But I managed to get Yonah's room up to almost 27° and he still sought the heat from the furnace.) The sun was POURING in through the window today though. Interesting that he chose the warm, moving air to the warmth and light that he usually basks in. And I checked: the sun IS warming his house and his little “beach”. I can only just HOPE he's not feeling ill at all, in any way. But, as I say, he's been active and not “fluffed”. His mood is good. VERY playful. I'll be keeping a focused, careful eye on him... to be sure. And, the furnace is set higher too. It HAS been a “brisk” day and more of these are to come for at least a week. I'll just have to be more watchful and mindful... Yonah's not used to fending against actual COLD... and THIS is NOT the time he ought to start. I'll see to it that he doesn't.
He DID spend a few moments on his “beach” though... feathers all spread. But not as long as he usually does. More to report to follow... to be sure.
WELL, WELL, WELL, WELL !!! “More” DID follow! The sun DID manage to warm the beach and Yonah DID bask, in ALL of his absolute GLORY! Feathers spread to gather EVERY bit of the grand warmth that radiated in through the windows. A sight to behold that gave JOY to the core of the soul! He was SO content. So comfortable. Just BEAUTIFUL! BUT... there's even MORE “MORE”...
I was keeping busy at the work table, the bird-songs were playing, the radio on particularly low, the room was a such peace when I turned, just to check on Yonah who, last I'd looked, was still basking. He'd finished his basking... HE WAS IN THE POOL! JUST “LUXURIATING” BESIDE HIS FOUNTAIN. EVER SO CALMLY, JUST STANDING IN THE WATER, ENJOYING HIMSELF! AND WHEN HE NOTICED ME NOTICING HIM, AN ALMOST PAINFUL SMILE ON MY FACE (BECAUSE I WANTED TO JUMP UP AND JUST GIVE HIM ALL SORTS OF KISSES BUT WOULDN'T BECAUSE IT WOULD DISTURB HIS BATHING), HE BEGAN SPLASHING ABOUT, AS HE DOES, ENJOYING THE WATER! I carefully snapped a few photos, he paid no attention to me, and I went and put the thermostat up higher for the house, to make certain that the room would be plenty warm-enough for him when he came out from his “swim”. He must have spent the better part of 10 minutes in there and when he was satisfied, came hopping out, over to his door and flew up to the extended perch at the front of his house where he gave a few flutters of his feathers and began preening! HE WAS PERFECTLY FINE AGAIN! And the room warmed so nicely for him (got up to almost 28°!) that he didn't seem to mind being a bit damp at all! Me, mean-while? I had all to do to control my indescribable ELATION! My Little Guy, my Heart-and-Soul was feeling comfortable again, warm, cozy, and that's all that I could think of. Yonah was OK!
As the after-noon rolled along, I kept the temperature in his room up and it managed to remain at an almost-constant 27° until the furnace kicked-in, at which points, we were back up to 28°. Yonah? Well, he just picked-up where he'd left-off this morning, before “taking a chill”, and was up, out, about, all over the room! We even had a quick 20-minute snooze together, on his futon!
In between “flights” and “strolls” about the floor (and NOT going back to the heat register any more, I'm relived to tell), he was up on the work table, on the lap-top, and we PLAYED! We had a GRAND time... and at about 16.00, his “usual” hour, he had his “evening meal” and ate very well, indeed. Another relief to me: appetite and eating, SO important. When he'd done, I'd noticed that his fountain wasn't running as smoothly as it usually does and took the pump to the kitchen to check it... sure enough... a little bit of moss had gotten stuck in the “out-put”. A remnant of Yonah's “construction”. (He can toss things about in that house when he gets into moving things about... moss, twigs, what-ever is “in his path”. The room gets fully Hoovered every other day because of it. Thankfully though, we've come up with a little “arrangement” so that his seeds don't get to the floor any longer... but he can make up for that in mosses!) So, at that point, the pump got cleaned-out, put back and we did the evening water changes at the same time. It was necessary anyway because of the after-noon “swim”.
At 17.00 I went to the kitchen to have my evening meal and all through the 45 minutes I was out of the room... we held a bit of conversation! “woo-HOO's” a-plenty.
After meals, we settled back to our “places”, me back at the work table for a while and Yonah, between the futon and his house. And in what always seems a heart-beat... 18.30... time to close the windows against the night's chill. The day was coming to a close (all too soon... again). Again, this evening, when I'd closed blinds and curtains, I put up the back board on Yonah's house and when he saw it, he headed for his roof where he INSISTED we have “Play Time”! It was as if he was telling me that it wasn't “seepie-nigh-night” time and he knew it and wanted me to know that he knew it. So... we played “Catch Me” on his roof-top. He enjoys that because his vantage point in above my head so he can “sneak up” on me and get in a couple of good pecks on the top of my head. He does that and RUNS back from the edge and waits for me to move my hand to “catch” him, at which point, he crouches and “scuttles” under my open hand, waiting to be gently held and then “released”. We got in a GOOD 15 minutes of that before he decided “Enough” and headed into his house.
The at 19.10 this evening, the lights got dimmed, the musics, silenced... we sat, quietly, together, Yonah on his perch, and I, in the chair at his door. A little chat, this time, me talking. Yonah preened, getting himself for the night and when I saw him yawn I knew “the time” was at hand. When, after he'd preened and yawned, he got into his “sleeping position”, head tucked between his “shoulders”... the day was officially “closed”. So I stood up, leaned into him... he gave me several little pecks on the nose, went over to his loft mirror, gave the little reflection some “Good night” pecks as well and came back to his “night spot”... Yes, our day was complete. Door closed, lights off... little “kisses in the dark”. My Little Guy had made it through the day, my little Heart-and-Soul was fine, and ready for a good night's sleep in a warm and comfortable room.
It was worrisome today, seeing him looking for warmth. It was worrisome seeing him so less-active than usual. It just made me more aware of a day when his “Nature” will take its own course. I have to admit that I live with that thought each and every day... even more-so lately because of the “16” and “18 month” times. We've been together 16 months. It's been speculated that he was born 2 months prior to his arrival. It's said that the “average life-span” of a mourning dove is 18 months, though that's in the wild. Some have been known to live 5 years but that's rare. These points weigh on my heart, each and every day. I know the time will come... the ONLY request (“demand”, actually) of Creation is that Yonah not suffer in any manner, way, fashion, for any time at all. He's already done that. But, even if he grows older and such, no matter what, I'll be here for him, in any and every way I possibly can be. And, as I unashamedly state, when he “leaves”... I'll be right behind... trying to “Catch” up with him... “over there”. But for tonight... he's fine, well, good, warm, well nourished, comfortable, protected, LOVED and SO CHERISHED... my little Heart-and-Soul... literally.
And HEY! Tomorrow's MARCH! “Spring” is due! We've made it through another month! And (hopefully) this cold will soon be behind us (and I'll be filling Yonah's pool with fresh water regularly... and making sure his room is kept “comfortable” only this time... cooler... and I'll be enjoying every moment of it).
mourning dove 25 February 2022