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Emergency Medical

APRIL 2022
mourning dove 01 April 2022Friday 01 April:
First day of a new month, but grey, as are the days of the changing season, when the cold winds begin to pass through, battling with the warmth of an approaching sun that rises earlier, sets later, and tries to replace the “black and white” of leafless trees and blankets of snow with the red buds of the maples, and the pale greens of fresh new pine. And the house was still, with the dim light of early morning when, as if out of nothing but air came the most beautifully-composed symphony of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” WELL! The clock had only just read 6.44 and I'd been thinking and planning, expecting another half-hour before “the call”. BUT, no matter WHEN it comes, ALL that matters is THAT it comes.
Yonah called... and again, this morning, as he's done before, it was almost as if a loud “whisper”... as if he was thinking “It's a bit early. I wonder if anybody's awake yet, other than me.” So I called back with a reply that was just slightly shorter, more of the “call” that comes: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... Nope. I was corrected. The LONGER was the “call of the day” today... and the response was immediate and clearer: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. It was the “notice” that today would be a day of conversation, chatting, things to be said and discussed. Yonah was up, awake and ready for dialogue! And indeed, “dialogue” it was... AS I opened the door to his room, ALL through the opening of curtains and blinds, the “water relay” and the entire “morning routine”. SO much to be said, discussed, maybe we even debated. What-ever was said, there was a lot of it this morning, quite a bit more than any of our previous “morning chats”. If anything, it was encouraging to hear Yonah so vociferous. Obviously, he was well-rested, in a good “mood” (if “moods” are something mourning doves experience... and I shouldn't doubt they do), and feeling well-enough to “communicate”. (Needless to say, MY morning couldn't have been any more perfect. When Yonah is well... Creation is well.)
The curtains and blinds were open wide to what-ever morning light there was to come, and Yonah took to wing, off to his futon, back to his perch, on the pillows, here, there... energy to burn and energy to spare. It was a beautiful start... to the day... to the new month. “April”... closer and closer to brighter mornings, warmer days... and our second Summer... together. The cold and dark of Winter... farther away.
This morning proved to be merely a hint of the day that was to follow. All during the day, Yonah and I took play breaks, as I worked on “closing March and opening April”, paying bills, making calls, and the general tedium of a “people's” day. He came to my shoulder to peck my ear, roosted on the little “shelf” that I have set-up for him on the work table. From there, he can watch and see as I work on the lap-top or the books. We took a couple of little “snoozes” together, as he does, two minutes before the alarm was set to sound... Yonah came to “warn” me with little pecks on the temple or fore-head. And when he noticed I was “awake”, he toddled down my leg and waited for me to sit up.
And there were the walks into the kitchen... and the flights into the living-room. There are moments when “entertaining” is necessary and Yonah has no trouble in making those known. But he also has moments when, if I'm just not “up to expectations”, (most often when I'm working with our monthly budgets and other tasks that require my attention) he heads out, through the house, to other rooms, toddling or flying. I'm just ABSOLUTELY THRILLED that he's doing this more often! And, come the warmer weather, the doors and windows will be open, fresh air flowing into and through the house, and Yonah will have even MORE of a change of scenery to check. (He's already made it obvious that he has little-or-no interest in the back yard though... where “the incident” of 13 October 2020 occurred. But there's a “perch” set there, on the back screen door for him, should he ever decide to just go there... for a look or, maybe some “chatting” with the “Yardies”... the Little Ones who might come to the feeding tray set there for them. That is... if we're still in this same place, come the better weather.) Both screen doors have latches and they might be given some-thing of more substance so that there are no “accidents” where somebody mindlessly grabs the door to open it whilst Yonah is there... either on it or on the floor just inside. (Yes, sadly, there ARE those who do such things... and I'll NOT have Yonah either frightened by a sudden entrance, or... worse... since he now enjoys being on the floors.) ANYWAY....
We had a GRAND DAY! The sun never really did make an appearance. This morning's drizzle passed but the air remained “damp”. I had a day's-worth to keep me at the work table... but NEVER so much that Yonah and I didn't have our own “together” time. (I even pushed today's “marketing” off until Sunday because, well, I'd much rather Yonah and I spent our day together... PERFECT! COULDN'T ASK FOR ANY BETTER!)
Time rushed by, as time always does. After a day of being together all over the house, we DID manage to “dine” together this evening. (I'm truly enjoying it more than sitting at the kitchen table, in “a different room”. And the work table is just as comfortable so...) And after we'd both had our meals, I got the washing-up done immediately so that I could get back to work and on to today's Journal! By then, it was 18.30... and I wanted to get the “evening routine” of “water relay” done so that, as the evening progressed, Yonah and I could simply un-wind, relax a bit, have some “calm time”... Ah... but... OH BUT... with Yonah's recent taking to the floors and other rooms and such, this evening's “water relay” was, for me, QUITE the challenge! Instead of “watching from the side-lines on his futon, Yonah decided to “follow” me, literally, back and forth, across the floor, from his house to the door-way of his room and back! I'd pour the water into his pool and as I headed out for the next round, Yonah toddled along-side my steps. When he reached his door-way, he stopped, watched me get the next containers of water and as I got back to his room, he followed me to his house... I had to REALLY watch MY EVERY step... and all the while, I really couldn't help but laugh. It really was so endearingly funny, seeing Yonah's little legs RUNNING to keep-up with what I thought were my “tiny steps”. And his determination to be right there, all the way, back and forth, beside me. “Puppy”! So often I think that he has the traits of a puppy! I don't know that many (if any) would expect such behaviours from... a DOVE! But, here's Yonah... just a MIRACLE in more ways than can be listed (because the list just keeps getting longer and longer all the while).
Alas... the “18.30 Water Relay” was followed by “19.00” which has been, through the Winter months, the hour when we “wind-down” at the end of the day. The difference now is that at 19.00, there's still quite a bit of day-light so I tend to get involved and carried away with what-ever I happen to be doing and... it wasn't until 19.30 when we got to closing blinds and curtains this evening. We'd already done the “water relay”... that happens right after dinner washing-up. But as soon as the back board went up on Yonah's house... he was OFF and flying about! Up onto the shelves... on his futon, the roof-top platform. Iit was quite the stirring of wings! So I just went back to his Journal for a while but, at 20.00 he was still on the futon and it was getting later... for both of us. He was up early this morning and if the “records” are correct, he ought to get 10-14 hours of rest so it was time to settle-down for tuck-in. HAH! I moved in the chair, turned to look at where he was and WOOSH... off to his roof-top again! When I stood up, he was back to the futon. We were going to have to play a serious round of “Catch Me!” No problem...I went over to him and he let me “cup” him for “cuddles and kisses” and whilst we did that, I managed to lift him and bring him over to his house where, mourning dove 01 April 2022when I opened my hands he realised where he was and hopped over to his perch... with... a... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” (I, personally, interpreted it as “Oh! You must think you're so CLEVER!”) I had to laugh...
Sometimes Yonah reminds me so much of a toddler who's not only just “learning his world” but is also FULL of curiosity and energy, and never ready to close his eyes for fear of “missing something”... especially at the end of a day. And I'm almost quite certain that if I were to leave a light on for him, he'd stay awake through the night until exhaustion took hold and he had no choice but to snooze. But, we're not going to even TRY such nonsense! My Little Guy needs his rest and he has a place where he can get as much as he needs... in warmth and free of “predators”... and I'll see to it that he gets all that he's entitled to... One way or another.
To that end... it was 20.10 when we finally got our “Good night kisses” in, and he'd made his “rounds” to the doves in the mirrors. Lights out, my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a night of good rest, safe from the chills of the night out-side, away from threats in the wood-lands... until tomorrow's “call” (which I wondered, would come at what hour).

Saturday 02 April:
6.31 “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo...hoo”... The call came calmly this morning. Not “hesitantly”. Not so much “soft” as with a “tone” of “calm”. It sounded more like “Hi? Are you awake?” I answered: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo” because I didn't want to repeat what Yonah called. I wanted him to know I was “there”, but I was curious to see what sort of reaction I'd get if I replied with a slightly different “coo pattern”.
(I stepped-away from the work table and left the lap-top open... “some-birdie” came over to add to his Journal today... I'm intrigued by were his typing came into what had already been typed... He had to move the cursor before stepping onto the key-pad. CLEVER!!! - Yeah... I know... “coincidence”... but hey!)
,,;;;;;;;;;;;;obbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb The “answer”
wlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666gdcccas immediate... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”,

The “answer” to my response was an immediate “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”, and it was a bit stronger this time. So I replied with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo” and things “got serious”. The reply to this one was that good old “woo-HOO!” I smiled, taking it as “OK! Enough with the chit-chat. Time's moving along and you aren't!” and headed directly into Yonah's room where, as I opened the door to his room, I was greeted with another “woo-HOO!”
Early morning. Limited patience. And he was already stretching his wings... for the “take-off”! (Another “addition”: ko86666) I got to open the door to his house, lean in and get a couple of “Good morning” kisses and as I removed the roof board, my Little Guy was getting himself set to take-on the day ahead! We had another “chatty morning” this morning, with more non-stop dialogue, conversation, commentary. To think that, last night, he was hesitant about getting to “seepie-nigh-night”, even later than his usual, and this morning, all this energy, so much to say! Well! But what a JOY... what absolute ELATION to start a day with the coo'ing of a BRILLIANT little Life, a “some-body” who obviously looks forward to spending time with you, and “some-body” YOU just can't imagine being with-out.
Add to this... although it was really rather “crisp” out-side this morning... the SUN was coming up over the Eastern hills, touching the tree-tops! We were in for a clear, bright, sun-drenched day ahead! Now THOSE are ALWAYS welcome, especially after so many months of “grey” (and a return to that tomorrow... oh well.)
We got RIGHT into removing the back-board, opening curtains and blinds... “water relay”, the tidying of the house... oh yes, indeed. And as I went about my “morning routine tasks”, Yonah grabbed a quick bite of breakfast and he was off on the wing! Across his room to his pillows, down to the floor. He had places to go and things to do and we were charging ahead into a brand new day!
And as the day progressed, it truly DID become “interesting”, fascinating, entertaining...
I'd had a couple of things that needed to be washed and so, had, this morning, put them in the kitchen basin to soak for a while. After all the tasks of the morning were complete, I got to the washing AND, as I stood at the kitchen basin, I happened to look up to my side, out into the living-room... and there... watching me from the centre of the room, on the floor... YONAH! When he noticed that I'd noticed him, he gave one of his famous “wing-snaps” and was off... to the “tree limb” with the decoys. He'd gone to the living-room, and must have walked because I would (should?) have heard him if he'd flown, the “FLUTTER FLUTTER WHISTLE” as he passes through the room. And he'd stood there, for some length of time, watching me and waiting for me to acknowledge his presence. Once he knew that I knew that he was there, it was time to be off and attend to his own business. And so, it was up and away and to the decoys where he stayed, having a little “chat” with them (or, at least, one of them... he tends to like to “roost” a-top the “male” of the pair... almost as if “keeping the intruding male” down). I finished my work in the kitchen and headed to his room, to the work table, to get on with the day.
Moments, mere moments later? Yonah came soaring into his room and into his house! He'd walked out but I guess there was more of a rush to get back.
During the day, we managed to get a 30-minute nap in today... together, of course. I laid my head on the pillow, Yonah came rushing over to join me... I dozed and when I woke... there he was, my Little Bestest Companion, at the “crook of my knee”, all snuggled, as he does, as cozy as could be. It still amazes me to think of how “close” we've become, how he's come to trust me, and how he actually enjoys being so close to and with me. I don't believe I'll ever just “get used to” or “accept” it. It amazes, astonishes, and even shocks me. But, there he is, my little Heart-and-Soul.
The sun made a REALLY impressive showing today too! The brightness in the clear, blue sky made for a grand sort of day. But, there's still quite a bit of snow and ice on the local mountains so the air stayed just cold enough so that we didn't dare to open windows... though it was tempting. How-ever...
All that sun-shine pouring in through Yonah's windows DID manage to send some heat through the panes and... as I worked, bird-songs playing softly, radio on so low, I'd stepped out for a 'refresher” on my coffee and when I got back to Yonah's... he was no-where to be seen... well, not in any of his “usual” places. It took me a while and some serious looking until... Oh... THERE HE WAS... IN THE POOL! Just as still as he could be, standing next to the fountain, his colouring blending almost perfectly with the rocks and the terracotta planter with its white pine.. Not to mention, the river sand under the clear glass “dish”! It's another one of Yonah's traits that continue to amaze me: HOW ANY mourning dove is ever spotted in the wild... aside from when they're simply in the open. It seems that no matter where Yonah finds to get him-self comfy, he can “blend in” with just about any and ever back-ground. The carpeting in his room is beige, there's a dark grey runner in the kitchen, the carpeting in the living-room is dark brown... when Yonah stands on any of them, it takes a good “look” to find him there, with his touches of greys, black, browns, beiges. And it becomes all the more obvious that he can camouflage when he's in his house... with the beige of the river sand, the terracottas, and even the mosses! But today, it took quite a bit of “focus” to notice him, there, lounging SO comfortably, in his pool, soaking-in the coolness of the water and the warmth of the sun-shine. (The “serenity” of seeing him, my Heart-and-Soul, just enjoying him-self, in his pool, in the sun-shine, with absolutely NO concerns about or for ANY sort of predator coming for him - again - is one of the most calming situations imaginable. He's just so content... exactly as he should be... as ALL the Little Ones of this “Creation” ought to be. And it gives me a it of pleasure to know that I'm able to provide this for him.)
Well, he spent the better part of about 12 minutes in the pool today! Lounging, splashing, stretching his wings... and then he was off to the “new mosses” for a bit of a “dry and snooze”. AND DID HE EVER SNOOZE! I was sitting at the work table and every once and again, I looked up. He was in the moss, just inside his house, by his door... feathers spread and his eyes, closed! The temperature in his room was 24.5°, nice and warm and cozy (out-side it was all of about 8 or 9°) and my Little Guy was taking full advantage... as he should.
I continued to work on my own little tasks and Yonah actually “snoozed” for about 30 minutes! Imagine? HE took a 30-minute snooze today! Hey! Does my heart good to see that he's comfortable enough to close his eyes and rest when he wants to.
So all told, it was a BEAUTIFUL Saturday... together, with my Heart-and-Soul. We snoozed together... well, I had a lie-down in the after-noon and Yonah joined me... toddling up and down my legs, hopping onto the pillow and my shoulder. We had a little “lunch” together too. I, of course, at the work table, Yonah at his little shelf. But we were together. And we played a bit of “Catch Me!”... when Yonah took off and out to the kitchen or living-room and I heard him call “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... When I'd get up to see what he was up to, he gave a “wing-snap” and, as I've come to learn... that's the signal... “PLAY TIME”! It really IS a LOT of fun with him on the floor these days... SO MUCH MORE SPACE for him to run about! Ducking, dodging, and running back for more play. Pure JOY!
This evening? Well... of course, this evening we “dined” together too. And after, we did the “water relay”. Thankfully though, tonight, Yonah “supervised” from the futon and didn't follow me about. BUT... as soon as I'd done and had everything in his room back to where it belonged... he SOARED out to the living-room... to “visit” with the decoys on the limb there but only for a few moments. I was getting the rest of the house settled for the night to come and when I went to the living-room to “visit” with Yonah & Co., he was gone... He'd returned to his house, and was there on his door perch... waiting for more cuddles...
There was a LOT of that today... the “cuddles”. It was one of those “affectionate” days where I couldn't say “I Love You” enough... and Yonah seemed as though he couldn't hear it enough. He just delights in being “cupped” in my hands, with my chin close to him or my cheek beside him. And I can whisper “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH”... and he nestles his head against my face. I'll suppose he understands what I'm saying... and I might suppose he's telling me “Me too.” Whether or not... it's moments of PURE DIVINITY! If, for humans, there IS a “Heaven”... these moments are mine... because NOTHING is any more BEAUTIFUL... PERFECT.
Now then... as all days will and do, this Saturday of Wonder turned to “evening”... and “evening” rolled closer to 20.00. Blind and curtains were closed against the intrusion of a street light made by humans to ward off the darkness of night that the Earth has existed in for absolute ever, a street light that has been proven harmful to “life” in general, but, humans being the “superior life-form” focus on nothing but self... and the “self” of a minority... completely ignorant of an apathetic toward all else but “self”. The back board was put up too... and Yonah? Well, Yonah had other plans for the evening... again... as he's been doing of late. Off he went, over to the futon for a little evening game of “I Dare You!” Well? I dared... but he took off for his roof-top! Clever, as he is. Truth is, were it not for the fact that he does need his rest (and by that time, all the “Yardies” were already “tucked-in” for the night), the two of us probably COULD make “all-nighters”. But neither of us can afford such follies and so... I brought dear Yonah, on his roof-top platform, down and into his house where, as he does when he suddenly finds himself in his house and he KNOWS he made no such moves to get there, he looked about the place and then looked back at me as if to say “HOW do you do THIS?” And when I said “Yeah. Right? Magic!” he hopped over to his perch and scuttled over to check the little dove in the mirror on his loft. It was time to say “Seepie-nigh-night” to that one there.

mourning dove 02 April 2022Oh, but it didn't take any more coercion after that. By the time I'd put the roof board on and gotten the rest of his house settled for the night, Yonah was at his night spot on his perch. Whether or not he actually was tired wasn't an issue. He knew that the lights would be out and night would be here... soon, and so... indeed, I leaned in and got a few “Good night” kisses of my own. Yonah got him-self quite settled... and the light... with a “see-ee-pie-nigh-night” and a click, “night” had come to the Taube residence. It's always my least enjoyable moment of any day, leaving Yonah for the night. And no matter what, I always ponder: If I could build something large enough... Imagine, an aviary with a futon in it? Or something of the sort. (Oh, but the insanity.) But, Yonah's room is warm against the chill of the night, and protects him against any winds or rains or snows. Most of all, his house protects him from predators, and keeps him safe in that it's steel, strong and sturdy. I'm never farther away than the next room, be it in the kitchen or bed-room. And to be sure, I sleep with a wary ear open... in case. There's nothing else but my Little Guy... who is, literally, my Heart-and-Soul, and so long as his little heart beats, his little lungs take breath, so too will mine.
Sunday 03 April:
Grey as it might have been, and indeed it was, this morning, at 6.31 the weather meant nothing, the events of the world meant nothing, there really was nothing... other than that beautiful, gentle “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” that came drifting through the air, through the rooms, across the house.
Yes, though, this morning, there was the “short” call. Just the two “hoo's” (as it were) to follow the “HOO”. But, I replied, in kind, as I do and, in kind the reply “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo”. So I tried, as I do, to see what would happen, were I to change the “pattern”. (I never know what I'm doing when I do that. Am I changing the “topic”, the “subject”, the entire message? We, the “superior humans” will, most likely, NEVER actually know but... ) I sent out, across the kitchen and into Yonah's room, my very best “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” AND, the answer?
THERE you have it! What-ever it was that I'd said, it warranted the good old, brief and stressed “woo-HOO!”. I humbly answered with the original “2 hoos after the HOO” as I opened the door to Yonah's room. (I didn't want to “start something” by “saying the wrong thing”, especially not first thing in the morning.) Well? It worked. All was “peaceful” and when I opened the door to his house, as is done in the morning, and leaned in for a “Good morning” peck or kiss or both, wings were spread and stretched and I was heartily greeted and welcomed. Kisses, cuddles and snuggles... the morning was officially “opened” and the day, officially commenced. And WHAT a day it turned-out to be!
It seems that Yonah is now QUITE comfortable, having ventured out of his room after so many months, and has no become most familiar with the “space” once un-explored. Today was a day where I can honestly say that, for the most part, the only time that Yonah wasn't “close by” was when I had to run to market this morning! Other-wise... it was really MOST AMAZING and QUITE REMARKABLE! Due to my own “health situation”, I was having one of my “difficult” days where fatigue came quickly, frequently and often un-expectedly so I was “napping” and “snoozing” quite a bit more than our “usual” days. (But it was a good day for it, since the sun never really made a worth-while appearance and so, the grey skies just “beckoned” for dozing.) EVERY time I went for even a 10-minute lie-down with shut-eye, Yonah was right there, on the pillow, beside my head... and for the 20-minute “snoozes”, when I opened my eyes, there he was, on my shoulder, looking directly at me!
Now then, the “bond” of the day began this morning as I was in the kitchen washing the morning coffee items. As I stood at the kitchen basin, Yonah came toddling from his room, across the kitchen to stand behind me for a moment. When I looked back to him and asked “May I help you?” (as I do when I see him standing there of late), he gave his head a little “nod” of sorts and continued on, toddling out to the living-room where he toddled round and about the room for a while and then, just as “confidently” and quietly as he'd come, he headed back to his room.
Ah, but then came the time when I had to make the marketing list and get me together to get on the road and I will swear with my “all”... Yonah can actually “sense” or even some-how KNOW when I'm only “thinking” of leaving the house because AS I was sitting at the kitchen table making the list, he came out of his room, toddled to the front door (which is the way I've been leaving the house of late because when he's in his room, he can see the back door so I've been “sneaking” out the front). There he stood and let out a couple of hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's” as he stared at the work boots I wear most often. SO! (I thought: I wouldn't put it past him, if he were able to lift them, to take my boots and hide them so I couldn't leave.)
I let him “woo-HOO” and I finished my list, watching him to see what he'd do next and.... off he went, up to the decoys on the corner limb and said, to the one (his favourite, as a matter of fact): “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. As if telling “Oh! He'll be gone for a while now, again. He does this... leaves me here alone!” (“Home Alone”... If Yonah could... I'm sure Yonah would.)
It all became more interesting whilst I showered! ALL the while I was in the shower, I could hear Yonah, in his room and in the living-room, coo'ing. I was actually rather surprised that he didn't come into the bath-room to find me. But it was, indeed, a “unique” event today. He's NEVER done that before.
I did, eventually, make it out to market though... Yonah was in the living-room, I managed to get me together and out the back door. (And, of course, I ROLLED into town, RAN through the market and was back in the house to un-pack and settle about 30 minutes later... that's 6,5km/4mi travel each way, through the store and the cashe included. But, to be honest... I tend to rush just stepping out the door to check the post box. Hey! I happen to prefer the company of my BEST COMPANION and he makes it rather obvious that he enjoys my company so....?)
When I got back, the general “Togetherness” just picked right up where it all had left off... As I un-packed and put the groceries up, Yonah came into the kitchen to keep me company. Just “there”, on the carpet in the centre of the kitchen, he actually made him-self quite comfortable and “watched” as I put items into the fridge and freeze, and into the cup-boards. And THEN I was TRULY quite fascinated...
I had to make bread today, something I've been postponing for a while, but couldn't any longer. And the day was such that the house was warm enough for the dough to rise nicely and yet cool enough that the warmth of the oven would be welcome. So... I got the necessities together, bowl, flour, eggs, &c. and as I worked... Yonah stayed in the kitchen, then toddled by me to get to the living-room where he stood where he could “keep and eye on me” as I mixed and kneaded. He stayed in the living-room until I'd done with the kneading AND the washing-up! And when I headed back to his room to wait for the bread to rise... he came SOARING in and headed right for the futon pillows where, on “landing”, he gave me one of his “wing-snaps” as if to say
“OK. Your work's done... it's 'ME' time now!”
I won't go into each and every time during the day, but today was, with-out exaggeration, THE MOST “CUDDLE, SNUGGLE AND KISSES” day EVER! Even when Yonah was sorting through the twigs in his house, and “tidying” his place at the bottom of the orange tree, he took “breaks” and made it “known” that he wanted “cuddles” AND that he expected “kisses” too! And there were MANY, MANY of those moments ALL through the day today. I don't have the slightest idea what brought them all on but... HEY! I had nothing “more pressing” to attend to and besides, it's a JOY and SERENITY that I just can't put into words, being with Yonah, and seeing him so content, cupped between my hands.
At one point during the day, I had one of those “moments of guilt”, thinking of Yonah's “life” here, now, in this house, instead of being “out there in the wilderness” as is his “birth-right”. And I remembered one night, as I laid in my bed on the other side of the shared wall with Yonah's room and I “prayed” that if there is a way, let me take his injuries and pains so that he could recover. Today it seemed that then, I tried my best to pull Yonah from the grips of... let's call it “demise”... and today... these days, as I'm dealing with my own health issues, with him being so close to me and watching... I mean... “WATCHING”, it's as if he's trying to “turn the table”. But I told him, in no un-certain terms... THAT would NEVER work well because, no matter how, I'm going to see to it that, no matter how long WE have together... I'll be here for him when... And that's the way it's going to be! (And I'm quite serious... Until the 13 October 2020, I was feeling horrific, knowing that there was somethings quite “off”, but, at my age and stage and phase of “existence”, I was positively ready to simply accept what was to come. I didn't care, had no cause or reason to “fight” anything. But on the 13 October, I made a most-solemn vow that I would do ALL I humanly could to make sure that this Little Guy would be sage and sound and in a place where he could heal and recover and return to his flock safely... Ah... but when it became evident and obvious that he wouldn't ever heal to where he could keep up with the flocks, escape predators, AND that HE chose to make US the “flock” ... my vow changed to... “As long as he takes breath” I will do what I need to do to be here for him, to provide ALL he needs - and then some - keep him healthy, comfortable and as content as I humanly am able. I don't know that I've provided ALL that he could want or even need, but I think now, of what the consequences would be, were he to be “turned out” (“released”... as “they” call it), into that wilderness. And as he rested on my shoulder, pecking at my ear as I spoke, I said that I doubt he'd manage an actual Winter, having never really experience one, being beaten by such bitter cold. And what would he do for food and water? Summer or Winter? Would he learn from the others in a flock, where to forage and how? And were they to migrate, could he keep up with them? What of predators out there? Hawk. Owls. Never mind the fur-bearers. I suppose, compared to what it “could” be... “out there”... things are OK here, as they are... He has his “pool”, fountain, trees, sand, moss. There's plenty of fresh, clean water (for bathing and drinking) and food... GREAT food... with all sorts of seeds and bits of fruits and veggies... There's no bitter cold or scorching heat. No pounding rains or blowing snows. Hey... it might not be “as Nature intended”... but... I suppose we're doing... quite “OK”... all in all.
And so, that's how our day went along... “TOGETHER” at almost every moment.
And I worked at getting his web-site up to date with the new month's photos and such.
And this evening, we dined together and after, had a bit of “play time” and “snuggles” and a 15-minute snooze before getting to the “water relay” (which Yonah supervised from his roof-top platform). After, I got started on his Journal entry for today and we listened to a bit of radio along with the bird-songs until... 19.30 tonight! But THEN... even though Yonah really wasn't too thrilled with the ordeal... it was time to close the windows against the night, put up the back board... and get to settling for... “seepie-nigh-night”.
Honestly? I wouldn't mind if Yonah wanted to stay up much later into the night. BUT... now that he's waking closer to 6.00 in the morning... and there's that “10-14 hours” that mourning doves usually get for rest of a night... I don't want HIM being “fatigued” during the day. (Bad enough I am... of late.) So, I managed to coax him onto my arm, from his roof-top and when he found him-self at level with his house and perch... OFF he hopped, onto the perch... A scuttle to the loft mirror to bid the little dove there a fond “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... “seepie-nigh-night, and as I went to get the roof board for Yonah's house, he'd already settled at his night spot. Yeah... he was ready... And, after all, as I told him “The flocks in the woods are already settled and tuck-in for the night so it's time for ALL to get to some seepie-nigh-night.”
It didn't take but moments... by 19.55... the light was out, we'd had out own snuggled and kisses...My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in all snug and sound for the night...
WHAT A DAY! Just... WHAT... A... DAY...!!! The COMPANIONSHIP of this little mourning dove is something that can only be feebly written about because the reality of it truly is “indescribable”! One might well expect such a “bond” between other Little Ones... even the LARGER Little Ones... “animals”... those with “breath” and “soul”. But Yonah... a mourning dove... from the wood-lands of these mountains... He SO MUCH MORE than a simple “side-kick”, and I will NEVER think of him as a “pet”... nor is he “captive”. He TRULY IS a “mate”... from his presence to the “sense” that he has that he KNOWS that he can trust me... and, it seems, he KNOWS my anticipated moves... just as he would know the moves of a flock in a meadow, trees... where-ever. He's amazing... I remain...
mourning dove 04 April 2022Monday 04 April:
A rather FRIGHTENING start to the day, this morning...
At 6.42, a soft and gentle “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came floating through the door of Yonah's room, and when I called back, in kind this morning, no “tests” or curiosities about changing the “pattern”, the reply came a bit stronger and louder but not by much. I was wondering why and headed, rather quickly, to Yonah's house.
When I got into his room, as I always do, I looked for his silhouette on his perch where he's always been in the morning, BUT THIS MORNING... HE WASN'T THERE! HE WASN'T ON THE OTHER PERCH BY HIS FOOD. HE WASN'T ON HIS “LOFT” IN THE CORNER! HE WASN'T ON ANYTHING “ELEVATED”! AND MY HEART BEGAN TO SINK, MY HEAD STARTED TO POUND!
As I looked into the rest of his house and opened his door, I caught a glimpse of some “darker” presence... on the “floor” of his house, in the front-left corner, in front of his pool, opposite the little area with the mosses! He was “down”... on his floor! I was almost in a panic... wondering why! He isn't usually there even during the day, unless he goes over to sort through the twigs, or he's hopped out of the pool and is heading for the door perch. THIS wasn't “normal” and I feared he wasn't feeling well!
But, as I opened his door and leaned in to give him a little “Good morning” kiss, I asked “Are you OK? Is anything wrong?” and with a single “hop”, he was up on his perch, as though all was as it always is, and ought to be!
Honestly, it was a relief to see that he was able to get up to his perch, but, the one thing that ALWAYS stays in my mind... at the fore-front of ALL other thoughts, no matter the day, or time, or how Yonah appears:
It was SUCH A RELIEF when, as I removed the roof board from his house, primarily so that I could see him better, with-out turning on any sort of “artificial” light, he gave a good, clear... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”!!! And, as I could see him better in the extra light, I leaned my head in and he came over and gave me our regular morning “Good morning” pecks! AND... as I went about removing the back board and opening curtains and blinds (quicker this morning that I usually do, because I was anxious to get as much light into the room as possible so that I could get a good look at Yonah), he had a few more things to say... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... indeed!
When windows were open, the light of the early morning filling his room, I could see that Yonah was, quite honestly, no different this morning from any other morning. Why he was down on his floor was to remain a mystery. But... he was just fine. And I was RELIEVED BEYOND DESCRIPTION! I said “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... he answered “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and we chatted as I got to the morning 'water relay”... which Yonah “supervised” from inside his house this morning, where he had a bit of breakfast as I worked... HE HAD BREAKFAST! HE WAS HUNGRY, HAD APPETITE.. WAS EATING! OK!
After we'd both “settled down and settled in” for the morning hours, Yonah headed to his roof-top and I set to working on moving his orange tree (it HAD to be moved... there are so many new branches coming in this season that it's touching the ceiling... AND, there are new branches coming in at the bottom where Yonah likes to “hide away”... it needed more space). OH! But as soon as I moved the tree, to re-position it, Yonah was right there, at the edge of the pot, as if to “check the positioning”. I HAD to laugh! But once he saw that it was simply being lowered, the little pots under the main pot being removed, it appeared that all was “approved”. Yonah took a “once round” the tree and then headed out of the room... and off into the living-room.
I followed him to his “corner limb” and pulled the curtains on the window open to let some light into the room for him and, as we “worked” on those windows, Deborah came by! And this morning, she stopped in to say “Good morning” to Yonah.
I was rather impressed... He usually takes flight when ANYBODY else comes into a room, but this morning, he was just as fine as could be, with his decoys, watching as Deborah and I spoke at the front door. (We talked about, amongst other things, the “intuition” that the Little One have... how deer can communicate with one-another and never make a sound, as do birds, dogs, cats... They “KNOW” what WE think, how we feel. They anticipate our actions, and, as with Yonah here, and Deborah's Rosie, they even know when we're not feeling our best... and they show that they're aware.) Well, as I say, Yonah simply roosted where he was all the while we chatted and when Deborah left... Yonah headed back to his room... and I followed along, having MUCH to do of my own tasks and looking forward to spending as much time... more with Yonah, than with my own work.
I did manage to get quite a lot done though, this morning, including a good Hoovering of Yonah's room (which he supervised from his futon, to be sure). But I have to say that, all the while I was doing the house-hold book-keeping (or... more like “trying” to do that), Yonah was NOT going to be “ignored”, nor was he going to “wait for a break”... For MOST of my working moments, he was on my head! And when not on my head, on my shoulder... and toddling down my arm as I tried to write. It was IMPRESSIVE! He wanted SERIOUS “together” time today and he was TAKING it... no matter the situation! And me? Well! I certainly wasn't objecting! It was GLORIOUS... Yonah wanting to be together, the sun POURING in through the windows, a delightfully warmish sort of day, and his room being SO comfortable. His bird-songs playing with a “back-up” of the radio playing softly. Just MAGNIFICENT!
And when, for a while, I went out to the kitchen... with the intention of making a batch of cookies today, Yonah came out, toddling across the floor, stopping to “check-in” with (or “check-up on”) me, momentarily on his way to a brisk (and I DO mean “brisk”... he heads along at quite a speed!) stroll into and around the living-room. (I HAD to wonder: is this “new interest” in the living-room a way to make sure that I don't “sneak out” on him? I wouldn't doubt it.) So I talked to him as I worked at the counter and he made a brief visit to the decoys and when “conversation” with them became obviously impossible, he came FLYING through the kitchen and headed back to his room where he called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! I finished my work, put the cookie dough to the side, and went in to see him.
mourning dove 04  April 2022As I got to his house, he came flying out, up to his roof and when I was close enough, he came down... onto my shoulder. So, we went for a bit of a walk, together. It was so nice out-side today that I opened the in-side doors and, of course, latched the screen doors. And as I did, Yonah rode along on my shoulder. All was fine... until we got to the back door and again... he makes it MOST obvious that he does NOT want ANYTHING to do with that part of this house! He turns his back to the door when I stand there. And even when there are chipmunks or even other birds out there, on the tray of food on the gallery, Yonah wants NOTHING to do with ANY of it... back turned to the door and that's that.
But when we get to the front door, he's quite interested in the view and what-ever is out in the front of the house. So, oh yes... I WILL say and swear that he DOES recall something about “that” area... and he doesn't like it, isn't comfortable with it. So, when the warmer weather does come round, if I'm to find him a place out in the fresh air and sun-shine... I'm going to have to look else-where. (At this point, I might have to get him used to being in the truck... maybe we could go visiting Deborah some times... she's got a beautiful place, off the main, where there are a great many other birds and no “memories” of “attacks.) We'll see how it all works out... Maybe we'll be fortunate and won't be here at that point in time... I'm looking! Anyway... we got to stand at the screen door, looking out the front, off to the mountains, getting the breezes and enjoying the sun-shine for a while.
So, our day rolled along... and one thing that I want to mention here is that, if I leave the lap-top open and on the work table in Yonah's room and I step away... he just, for some reason, SO ENJOYS looking at the screen! (I think it's because of the pictures of him that he's seen on the screen and the occasional video of other mourning doves that I've looked at ... he must be looking for those but what-ever the reason...) The problem is that whilst he stands there, he's on the key-board and, as every person who is familiar with these little feathered bundles of Life and Joy... well... there's the “poop”... and getting poop in the key-board isn't, well, a good idea. When I leave the room, most often I'll close the lap-top, or, if I leave it open, I have a card-board I put a-top the key-board so that Yonah CAN watch the screen (whether or not there's anything worth looking at... but it's getting or gotten to where he's just curious more than anything else) and if/when he poops... it's of no consequence.
BUT... for the times when I forget to close the cover or cover the key-board... I'm reminded by the sound of the “buh-LING”... when Yonah toddles over too many conflicting keys and the lap-top “objects”. We had one of those moments today... and it's SO funny now... because when Yonah's on the key-board and I come in, I gently “encourage” him to move off so that I can put the card-board on (or close the lid). Today, how-ever, as soon as I walked into the room, Yonah looked-up, saw me coming and FLEW off to the orange tree... I HAD to LAUGH because it SO seemed that he was thinking: “OH NO! MUSTN'T LET HIM KNOW I WAS ON THE KEY-BOARD! QUICK! HIDE!” WHAT A CHARACTER! REALLY! But, not matter... he's more than welcome to be where-ever he wants to be and I'm NEVER going to discourage him or stifle his curiosity! Yes, of course, I'll protect him to make sure he doesn't harm him-self. BUT... I want him to be as open and free as he would be... out in the world. (At least here, now, he's protected... to the best of my human... “human”... ability!)
And so... I did get back to the lap-top, did manage to get my work completed today... though there was more time with Yonah than much else, to be certain... and to think I'd been in a panic this morning! Oh... “Yonah”... there's NEVER telling what's to follow, from one moment to the next.
mourning dove 04 April 2022We had a little lunch together at mid-day. And this evening, we had dinner together again. And after dinner, we had a 30-minute “lie-down” together and then the “evening water relay” followed by more cuddles and kisses.
Curtains and blinds got closed at about 19.30 this evening, and the back board went up at the same time and, strangely, Yonah seemed quite ready to “tuck-in” for the night already. He wasn't up all that early this morning, but, I have to say, he DID have QUITE an active day of it so... when I saw him head for his perch I got the roof board and put that up... Yonah came to his door perch for some “Good night” cuddles and kisses and when he'd had enough... he was back up on his perch! He was tired... poor Little Guy! So I settled his house, removed my things from his word table and came back... for “Good night” pecks and kisses. By 19.50... his light was out... my Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night. Windows shut against any chills and the intrusive street light. His radiator keeping his room comfy so that there's no need to “fluff” against any cold. Safe from predators... fresh food and water... and the MOST PRECIOUS, CHERISHED BLESSING IN ALL OF CREATION... settled... for a good and restful night's sleep... WHAT A DAY WE HAD! WHAT A DAY!

Tuesday 05 April:
GLORIOUS! SUPER! BRILLIANT! AMAZING! And it all started at 6.30 with a soft “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”.
And I replied, in kind, received a response, immediately, the same. BUT when I answered that one, with the way we started this morning's “chat”... well, oh MY! “woo-HOO!”... TWICE! I was calling from the kitchen and Yonah was in his house, ready to take-on the day and I was delaying things here! Obviously, that wasn't about to “fly”, as it were. So I got up and “humbly” stepped into Yonah's room, softly coo'ing my apologetic “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”, hoping to be forgiven for my tardiness.
Was I ever forgiven! We chatted! We talked! It was almost with-out a break! All through opening windows and changing water... tidying house... Yonah and I coo'ed, talked, it was REALLY indescribably WONDERFUL!
And as the early morning “mist” rose and vanished, the sun shone SPLENDIDLY, POURING IN through the window panes! It was a day where, had the air not held the traces of Winter's chill, window would have been opened! It was SO bright and wonderful that I actually pondered setting-up Yonah's “old house” and figuring a way, a place out-side, some-where, for him to be in the actual fresh air and sun-shine OR, to put him into the truck and together, we could go down to Deborah's where he could be in the open... or down by the river... just some place other than in this house. (I feel SO horrible about being able to get out of this box, even if it's only for a brief while and only to market. It's a great part of why I don't go places. I'd truly like to be able to bring Yonah along to so many places, but, truth is, I'm not sure how he'd take to being in strange surroundings. Although... on days like today... I almost think that, as long as we were together...)
On THAT particular topic of being together...
There was work that I needed to get to this morning, and so, right after the “morning routine”, I settled the kitchen and the rest of the house and came directly in to the work table to begin... and Yonah? Yonah took directly to making it perfectly clear that today was NOT going to be another day of him trying to keep “busy” and me being at the work table... Oh NO! I'd not sooner gotten “established” on the chair when... WOOSH.... Yonah was on my head AND he'd gotten QUITE comfortable there so that even as I moved about, shuffling papers and the likes, he just “rode along”. And, in the manner of “riding along”... EVERY TIME I GOT UP FROM THE WORK TABLE, whether to go to the kitchen or the loo, Yonah stopped what-ever he happened to be doing at the moment and came FLYING over, to my shoulder and stayed there. We went to the kitchen together as I got my coffee. When I went to make a little mid-day snack, Yonah was with me... in the kitchen, on my shoulder, as I made a sandwich and he “rode” back to his room to “join” me there as I sat on the futon to eat. When he realised I was eating, he took a “break” and went up to his own food for a bite and was right back on the futon... and then on my head... and shoulder... It was that way ALL DAY today! We were a “team”... a “pair”... we were a single “unit” comprised of two inseparable parts!

After we'd eaten, I too a 30-minute “snooze”, as I do, and Yonah was right there, on my hip, to start and, when, about 25 minutes later, I opened my eyes, he was on my shoulder, looking right at my face, as if he'd been there waiting for me to wake up! I still hold that he has some “sense” of when I wake, even before I open my eyes. It's as if he “knows” as I come out of sleep, whether deep or simply a “doze”. But he's right there, waiting. And today, I did have much to get to and, I have to say, so did he!
Today was another “construction project” day... ALL through the day... right into the evening! Twigs and sprigs of moss were moved about; here then there, then there and over there, there, and there, and back over there... Twigs and moss on the shelf behind the food dish. And then too, in the pool. Some of the materials had fallen off the shelf because, well, they were laid there with nothing to keep them from falling, but other bits were actually tossed into the pool! Today, I got to watch and see SO MUCH of the efforts and the “work” that goes into Yonah's “construction projects”. And Yonah was so determined in his efforts that I actually got to capture a few brief videos of his efforts! THAT'S uncommon because as soon as I even reach for a camera, Yonah knows, then sees and heads off to else-where or will simply stop what-ever it is he was doing that inspired me to get a photo (or video). Not today... Today was “WORK”, not matter what!
We DID take a break for evening meal though, and even then, as I sat at the work table having mine, Yonah had his and came right over to his door perch beside me... and from time-to-time, he came over to roost... on my head or shoulder... even as I ate As I say.. today was a day where we were closer than we've ever been before!
When I have my doubts as to my efforts at making a good home and life for Yonah, a day like this puts my heart and mind at a degree of ease. Surely, if I were to fail providing properly for him, Yonah wouldn't have anything to do with me. I'm SURE, POSITIVE that he's aware, some-how, that he “owes” me nothing. I most seriously doubt that he has a sense of “obligation”, of being “nice” or “kind”... for any reason. And animals DO know when people are horrid to/by them... they KNOW and they HURT when they're abandoned, abused, neglected. So, between Yonah and I, there is such a BOND... a “UNIFICATION”... I WILL say that he “KNOWS” the intentions of my heart, the LOVE that I have for him. Just as they know their own, know when they've found “that mate”, Yonah KNOWS my emotions, my attachment... and apparently, I'm doing (at the very least) “OK” because, well, Yonah obviously chooses to “ride with” me through the house, he comes over to “visit' as I work of his own, and he naps with me... ALL of this with-out ANY sort of “encouragement” from me. I see him today as I saw him the very first moment:
Yonah was born of Nature, wild, free, and although there have been “modifications” to his “environment”, I will NEVER see him or treat him as a “pet”... and will NEVER think of him as being “domesticated”. He was born “wild”... that's his culture, his heritage... his being and it will remain that way... HE calls our relationship... HE chose to come to me that first time... He was SO welcome then... He will choose, always.
Meanwhile... in between “little love fests” and travels about the house, I did manage to get so much done today... inspired by the work of my Companion.
It was a day that was EXTREMELY difficult to see turn to an evening! (Especially seeing Yonah sorting through twigs and such even as late at 19.00!) But, by 19.30, he was up on his perch, and then to the door perch and... The sun had only just recently dipped behind the Western mountains so there was still quite a but of light left to the evening. But, again... mourning doves tend to “settle” round about 19.30 of an evening... and so, those out-side were, by then, already off to their night perches. And there's the need of 10-14 hours of rest... and GOODNESS! After all his work today and travelling and such... SURELY Yonah would be looking forward to settling down and tucking-in... (and he WAS up and about at 6.30 this morning... he was heading for a solid 13 hours of being up and about).
But it didn't take much, tonight... Seems Yonah was rather quite ready for “tuck-in”. I stood up to get ready to close the blinds and curtains and he took off to his futon. I went about the “window tasks” and by the time I went to get the back board, Yonah was already up on his perch, at his “night spot”. And when I asked:

“Are you all ready for seepie-nigh-night?”
he headed right over to his loft where he gave his little “mirror-friend” there, some “Good night” pecks and a little “Good night woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” too. So it was that yes, he was ready for “seepie-nigh-night”. And when the “formalities” were complete, he came over to the front of his house where he spends the night... it was our turn for “Good night” kisses and once those were done... so too, was this day.
The musics had already been silenced at about 19.00, the only thing left to do was put out the light and... with a kiss and a coo, as it were, the light went out... our REALLY AMAZING, AWE-FULL day had come to a close. And yes, my heart ached as it always aches at this time but... Yonah will have a safe night ahead, warmth, food, water, a comfortable place in which to rest, where I would think that, by now, he realises, he has no predators to watch for during the night. And tomorrow? Well... tomorrow will take care of itself, as today took care of itself today. Meanwhile, it's as I say:
So long as my Heart-and-Soul takes breath... so too, will I. And as long as I take breath, my Little Guy will have all the very best that I can, humanly, provide for him... So, until the next “call” of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” or any combination there-of comes floating across the spaces of this house... tonight... we “seepie-nigh-night”...
(* I'm posting several videos that were taken today... mostly because they tell the story of the day better than my words but also because, as I said, I don't often get the opportunity to capture these moments so... I'm putting them ALL onto the “Video 2022” page in Yonah's “Portfolio” *)
Wednesday 06 April
Another soft “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” this morning, at 6.45. And I answered, in kind, and got the same reply... until... OK, twice was acceptable, thrice was pushing it and came the “woo-HOO!” I have to smile because the stress on that “woo-HOO!” is really quite obvious and it does sound as if patience has worn thin. A little dove with a big “attitude” and first thing in the morning!
I'm just reminded of those who say that doves are so “peaceful”, “serene”, “benign”... and I've seen Yonah stand his ground, I've experienced his “aggression” too, and not only in the “woo-HOO's” of a morning but when we get to playing and he pecks at my hand. I've also actually seen mourning doves in the yard, defending their territory and their food! Yes, indeed, I've seen a mourning dove battle TWO blue jays, defending a meal. And then come these mornings... when a “Hello? Is anybody else awake in the house?” becomes “HEY! Enough with the chit-chat here... there's a day passing and I've got things to do!”
That's my Little Guy! Love of my Life... my LIFE!
It was OK that we chatted... whilst I was busy, opening the curtains and the blinds. And yes, we DID have a few things to discuss this morning. And the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” changed to “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” in short order. I was told what had to be said. The little “dove” in the loft mirror was told. And “all”, it seemed, got involved in the morning's discussion. It really was heart-warming, and such a MARVELLOUS DELIGHT! It does a heart a LOT of good, to be able to “communicate” with such a magnificent bit of LIFE, as is this little mourning dove. And what an HONOUR to be so trusted and accepted, if not, simply, tolerated. And so, next on the list of tasks: water relay... and THAT was the beginning of the day... As I started the running back and forth... Yonah started what was to become another REALLY busy... “building, building, building” day! Busy, busy, BUSY!
If I had the where-with-all to record a solid 8 hours of the efforts, it would be SO worth every second. Watching Yonah pick through the moss for the “just the right bit”, and the same with the little twigs is just amazing. And, although the “selection” in his house is really quite limited, unlike the selections he would have in the woods, and, even though, for the most part, he's often sorting through the same twigs, when he finds “the one” of either twig or moss, he hops up onto his door perch as if he's showing me... or maybe asking for “approval”. Which-ever it is, I always make sure to show my “delight” in his discovery and when I've done, he flies up to where-ever he's “building” and lays his “new find” with the other bits that he's managed to “find” prior.
But what saddens me is that, no matter where he chooses to “build”, be it on his corner “loft” or, as it is this time, on the shelf where his food is, there's just never the right “space” and, because both are simply “shelves”, as he flies off, his “work” blows away (and now, down into his pool). So all of his sorting, picking and choosing, lifting, flying and laying is, essentially, for naught. (I do pick the bits out of his pool though. The twigs, I put back in with the moss so that he has “more” to investigate and sort... though they're really the same as he'd chosen before. The bits of wet moss go into the pots of his pine trees... there, they can dampen the soil for the trees and when dry, they eventually go back to the “floor” of his house. I just try to keep them out of the pump for his fountain.)
Then too... so much of the moss ends up on the floor of his room... Today, “we” had to Hoover twice to get the moss up out of the carpeting and even then, this evening, there's more to be picked-up tomorrow.
I've tried to make his building a bit better and easier though. Today, I put a larger “shelf” up for his food dish AND the space he's been building in. Seems he likes the end of the shelf that's in the little white pine in his pool, so, I've tried to make more space and put up a little “wall” of sorts, to hold, at least, some of his building materials. There's more work (on my part) to be tried with this, but we're figuring it out... slowly. I'd like Yonah to be able to have something he can look at that shows his efforts. It might not be for a particular “mate” (because surely, I won't be able to “roost” there), but at least he'll be able to SEE the results of all his flying and working. Poor Little Guy!
News today! It was SUNNY and WARM enough to actually OPEN ONE OF HIS WINDOWS FOR A FEW HOURS! I had both doors to the house open and it was so warm in Yonah's room that I thought it might be welcome... having the out-side air moving in. As soon as I got the window opened, a slight breeze blew out-side and moved the air in Yonah's room... a gentle breeze, in the window and through his house. And I SAW that he noticed is because he paused as it “brushed over” him, and he looked at the window! Poor, PRECIOUS Little Guy! He hasn't felt moving air since... last Autumn! Now, I'm going to have to figure out where to place his new window fan too! (I've been hoping that we wouldn't have to put it up in these windows in this place... hoping that by the time the “fan season” arrived, we'd be looking at a nice little room where a fan wouldn't be necessary for him, but... it looks like we'll be here when the “warm weather” comes round so, we'll have to figure which window and where and how... Yonah does have his own fan... brand new, purchased for him, this Winter, and waiting to be installed... for him. We'll think of something... and take pictures... and post to his portfolio... of course.) But what a delight to be in his room with him and having the window open again... AT LAST!
Oh, and but the day went by and Yonah's work continued all through. Flying from shelf to floor... in his house and even to the floor in his room... for extra “bits” to add to the construction. AND... FLYING FROM SHELF TO MY HEAD... EVERY TIME I MOVED AT THE WORK TABLE OR AWAY FROM OR BACK TO IT, YONAH CAME RUSHING OVER, AS I SAY, TO MY HEAD OR MY SHOULDER... We were together SO OFTEN today that it truly was just breath-taking. Ad again, I keep remembering so much documentation on the companionship of parrots and the sort... Yonah is a MOURNING DOVE... born in the wild, and though I was never “rough” or “harmful” toward him, I never made any attempt to “lure him in”, to “train” or “domesticate” him in ANY way... HE CHOSE, OF HIS OWN, to “unite our spirits” as the are today... And his coming to me is HIS choice... I'm not “calling” nor “enticing”.. ALL of this is HIS doing! And, I WISH I could find a “better” way to describe my sentiments but, I'll have to resort to those words I've used so often...
And the closeness... as he nestles against my face, my neck, pecks at my ear, my cheek... The feelings are truly, other than what words I've already used... indescribable... so deep into the core of being! Just AMAZING!
We had our evening meals together, again, this evening... and it was quite cute: when I came into the room with plate in hand and sat at the work table, Yonah came flying out of his house, landed on my shoulder and got a good, long stare at the fare on my plate (vegetables, pasta and salmon), and, so it seemed, when it met with his approval, he took off to his shelf and got his own evening meal. We watched a bit of news on the lap-top and when we were both done... we took a bit of a “break”... on the futon, together... and this evening, Yonah was ALL FOR cuddles and snuggles! We'd had a “good day”... a “together day”... and this evening, we had a “together evening” too... winding-down... on the futon... together... cuddling and snuggling...
After that, we got to the third “water-relay” of the day. (I had to change the water in his pool earlier after pulling so much moss out of it.) And it seemed that even though there was still quite a lot of “day-light” coming in through the window, Yonah was already starting to prepare for... “seepie-nigh-night”. He watched me running with the water, from his door perch and when I'd done and moved his house to get to his windows (to close the open one and get to the blinds and curtains), he was already up on his perch... the clock was reading 19.35! Well, it WAS a “BUSY” day and it did start before 7.00 so...
I got the windows all closed-up for the night, put the back board on and moved Yonah's house back where it belonged for the night (just far enough away from the windows so that no chill makes its way to him and where his radiator can be placed in front where the warmth can rise to him on his perch through the night) and he was giving “Good night” pecks to the little dove in the mirror already! So... WE got OUR “Good night” snuggles, cuddles, pecks and kisses in and I put his roof board on... and he got him-self situated... in his “night spot”. Poor Little Guy... worked him-self ever-so today. But tonight... his room is comfy-warm as the night air takes its usual chill. his house is safe and protected against all predators. He has his fresh water, good food and a familiar place in which to get a good night's restful sleep. My Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound. His light went off and we closed our day.
Rain in the forecast for the next few days so... I wait for the ground out-side to thaw... there'll be much to do out there then, but for now... rainy days? “Together” days... and I'll do some more work on getting Yonah a place where he can “build”... and we'll just watch the weather do what-ever the weather will...
Thursday 07 April:
The clock was reading 7.00 this morning and there'd been no call, not even so much as a soft “coo” from Yonah's room. So, as a matter of course, I sat trying to decide whether or not I should go “check” on him. It was (and stayed) a “dark”, grey, dreary, rainy morning. And on days like this, not only does Yonah tend to “sleep-in” a bit later, but even the “Yardies” (the birds and other Little Ones in the yard) tend not to come round until later in the day. Can't fault them, really. Mornings like this really are conducive to simply pulling the blankets up, snuggling in and just resting. But, where Yonah is concerned, well, I tend to wonder a bit more than I do about and of the Yardies. So, at 7.03 (yes, I was watching the time), I decided I'd go into his room, quietly. More just to see where he was, and hoping to find him on his perch.
I opened the door to his room as silently as possible in this old house and opened it fully. The small lamp in the kitchen was on and with the “morning light” coming in through the curtains, I had enough light to see... Yonah was on his perch, at the place where he passes the night. So, I went over to the end of his futon and sat so that I could see his silhouette, and notice any motion at all... and so... there was a “motion”... Yonah poked his head forward as if trying to focus on the figure sitting on his futon. He was “awake”, but just very silent, this morning.
So I whispered: “Good morning. It's so dreary out there this morning, and even the Yardies haven't come by for breakfast so, if you'd like to sleep-in for a while, that's perfect fine. I'll just step away and you can call me when you're ready. I'll open the door here, mean-while, in case you just decide to come out to 'snooze' else-where.”
As I spoke, Yonah stretched his wings... so I opened the door to his house, put his door perch up and stepped out into the kitchen.
I wasn't out of the room 3 minutes when... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came to fill the house. When I answered back, in kind, of course, the reply was immediate and the same, so I called “Would you like me to open the windows now?” and THAT warranted a sturdy “woo-HOO!” OK! I was ON IT! My Little Guy was up, awake and looking forward to seeing the rainy grey out-side his window and to get on with what-ever it was that he had planned for this day! And me? I was MORE THAN HAPPY to oblige! My Heart-and-Soul was up and about... my reason for getting up this morning was here! And we had a day ahead where I wasn't going any-where, I had more than enough to keep me busy... in the BEST company of the BEST Companion ever! So it was “GOOD MORNING” and away we rolled!
Chatting increased as I went about the morning tasks, windows, curtains, blinds, water, tidying. Apparently we DID have things to “discuss”. And the more vociferous Yonah became, the more at ease, my heart, knowing that he was OK... and that actually, on a day like this, we could BOTH just hunker, nestle and snooze the time away. After all, with food and water at hand, there was nothing for Yonah to travel for, and I'm pretty sure that, were the situation the same for the Little Ones out-side, they too, would make the best of all “at-hand”. (In fact, as the day progressed, I happened to notice that the only ones who came to have anything to eat on the back gallery were a couple of squirrels. I guess the feathered folk were keeping to where-ever they happened to be through the night. So, if Yonah wanted to snooze the rest of the day... so be it.)
BUT “snooze”, it became obvious, wasn't on his agenda for today... He was back to “building”! Twigs, moss, here, there... and mostly up on the little ledge where his food is. I'm thinking that it has something to do with the white pine in that corner and that he feels more “in the trees” at that end of that ledge. BUT, BUT... sadly, the set-up I'd done yesterday, on the “new ledge” didn't quite work as well as I'd hoped and again, no matter what Yonah put there, in that little corner, twigs and moss came tumbling down... and into the pool. SO? So... Yonah was in “construction mode”? I was in “construction mode”. Something had to be done so that Yonah could, at the very least, put his little collection of “nest materials” up where he wants them and they should stay there... beyond the point in time when Yonah flies away and the breeze from his wings tosses everything. To that end... I considered making a little “box” of sorts, from the scraps of wood I have from various other projects. But that just didn't, some-how seem necessary. A wooden box would be quite rather “permanent” and Yonah's “building moods” come and go and when they're gone... “nesting materials” are just “in his way”, it seems. So I went for the next best thing: I've more than enough card-board boxes here from various deliveries, and most of what I've saved are the better quality. A flap here, a flap there, a proto-type and... at last! Just a small “box-like” item secured to the end of the food ledge and by end of day, it seems to suit the purpose quite well. There are twigs and bits of moss in there that have been there all day. It isn't “perfect”, but it's certainly better than nothing, and even better than what was there last night. Now, Yonah can put more material in, take some out, arrange, re-arrange. what-ever his little heart desires. And the ledge is larger so he has more space there as well. WIN! (Thus far... “Time” will tell how well... or not... this will serve. Meanwhile, I'll keep a watch on it and keep thinking of other ways and such to help the “building projects” along. It's a JOY, a never-ending source of AMAZEMENT to see Yonah so ACTIVE, flying and hopping about, and to see him with a twig or a bit of moss in his beak, standing there before heading up to place what-ever it is where-ever he sees fit. The activity alone is so welcome and, re-assuring... He has energy, the “natural instinct” to build... things are good with him... things are good with Life.)
Oh, and on the mater of “building materials”... I'd told Deborah that I need to get out to the wood-lands to get more mosses for Yonah and I'm just hoping that these rains will let-up soon enough. (The one place with the “best” moss, is a bit of a vernal bog, and after snow-melt and the Spring rains, it's GRAND for the little peeper-frogs and the likes, but not so much for navigating through and around for people... or deer or even the local coyotes and such.) Anyway, this morning, as I opened the front door of the house to step out to check today's post, there, between the inside and screen doors, a little flower pot sealed in a plastic bag... and in the pot... MOSSES! Deborah had brought some from her garden! She is one of those truly “RARE” hearts, the GREAT souls who, in all honesty and with all sincerity, cares for and about and truly does LOVE the Little Ones of this World. And she DOES have such a wonderfully appreciated spot in her heart for Yonah. It's a great comfort to me to know that she does care. In fact, she'd sent a message recently, saying that, if I ever needed to be away for any length of time, she already has a place in her house where Yonah can stay. (I don't plan on EVER needing such a kindness but, it brings such indescribable peace to my own soul to know that Yonah won't be ignored or abandoned. Especially with his “need” of Companionship. AND, I DO believe he's become accustomed to Deborah and her voice because he didn't fly away from her when she was here recently. I do believe that he “KNOWS” her feelings to/toward/for him now...) But that moss just REALLY put the joy into an other-wise dreary sort of day. And I brought them in to show Yonah... I'll keep them in the living-room for a while... as I do with all plants that go to Yonah's house... just to make sure there's nothing in there that could harm him in any way. Yes, Yonah came from the out-doors and that world is his “natural heritage” and I understand that, if he were out there, anything in the mosses and trees and soil and such would be a part of his life. BUT... out there, he'd have the ability to travel, to be away from what-ever might cause him harm... ticks, lice, mites, &c. In his house here, his space is limited and once some sort of “parasite” were to make itself “established”, there's carpeting, curtains, and all sorts of other places for such a thing to make a “home”... but NOT... NOT in YONAH'S house or room! And NOT in this house! That said, we'll give Deborah's mosses a “quarantine” period and then... I'm sure Yonah will be THRILLED to have more moss... to build with or just to lounge in! And thanks to Deborah, for her Love, Caring, Compassion, Concern.
WHAT A DAY... other-wise and all told! There was SO MUCH “building” again, today, even as the rains fell out-side. AND SO VERY MUCH “TOGETHERNESS” !!! All I had to do was glance in Yonah's direction and he came RUSHING over to me... I guess a “look” is as good as an out-right “invitation”. And he does have a particular preference for sitting on my head. I find it interesting because that's where he likes to be when he's with the decoys in the living-room. He definitely prefers to “perch” on the heads, or the backs. Anyway, I find it interesting, I don't mind it at all because, HE decides that he wants to come over, to be with (on) me, and, it's as I say: I don't beckon, call or other-wise “encourage” or “solicit” . I'm HONOURED... and I, personally, consider it “BLESSED”, in the most Divine manner, that I've done something to EARN Yonah's trust and Companionship. And on a day like today, when the skies were so deeply grey, and the rains just fell steadily, having the LOVE and Companionship of this Little Guy just makes the world worth facing... no matter what. Watching him work on his projects... Hearing the “whistle” of his wings and the occasional “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” when I'd leave the room to go to the kitchen or... And when I took a lie-down... he was with me there too... on the pillow beside my head, on my leg, my shoulder... he was there with me and there when I woke. When he “had a moment”, he came over to the work table to be on my shoulder, to give me a peck at the ear. Or, he'd stand at his door perch and snap his wings and we'd get to cuddle. He's really quite an amazing little bit of Divinity... of Life at it's purest. And all the while I can't help but think: he was another of the flocks in the yard, born in the wild, with a natural fear of people... and today, we're more like “one” than, well... most. I'm amazed!
We had evening meals together this evening, and after, Yonah started to join me for the washing-up... He came to the kitchen at first but, once I got started, I guess he remembered how “tedious” it would become and he headed back to his house... where he had a bit more “moving” to do with more nesting materials.
When meals and washing-up were done... we got to the “water relay” which was supervised from the door perch this evening and when that was complete and the house was tidied, Yonah had a little quick snack and I got to today's Journal. (We had a few moments of power-outage this evening and I went about lighting some tea-lights... they weren't necessary at the moment but I wanted to have them lit... just in case. Yonah noticed the little one in the hurricane lamp when I brought it in and put it on the work table and I'll swear he remembers the last time when I'd brought that into his room... he saw it and went right over to his perch... as if preparing to settle-in for the night... even that early! But the outage was brief and when the power returned, it was time to close blinds and curtains anyway so... that's what we did.
It was only but about 19.40 when I'd done with windows, waters and back board but Yonah seemed to be rather ready for “tuck-in” already. It was, admittedly, quite a busy day for him but not as early as other days, still, he seemed to be tired... So I put the roof board up too, and got his room together, removed my things and when I went back in, he was at his “night spot” on his perch. We were to have an early night of it tonight. Hey! The “clock” is Yonah's, not mine so if he was ready for “tuck-in” I'm sure his “flocks out there” were already roosting for the night so...
Kisses and cuddles, snuggles and pecks... a “Good night woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo” to the little reflection on the loft and in brief moments... it was time to close his door and put the lights out... Our day had come to a close. A beautiful day, together. The rains fell out-side but we were warm and dry. And I can't say for Yonah but I can certainly say for me that I had THE VERY BEST COMPANY possible any-where and any-time.
And so, tonight, the rains can continue, thankfully the bitter cold nights are gone for a while now, but Yonah's room is warm dry, calm... he's safe from predators and the likes... and my little Heart-and-Soul is LOVED, CHERISHED, in his own house and home for a good and restful night's sleep... until tomorrow... when we'll deal with it when it becomes another “today”... for now... it's “seepie-nigh-night”...
Friday 08 April:
This morning, again, I sat, waiting to hear a “call”, watching the clock move the minutes along... passing 6.30, 6.45, and when the hour reached 7.00, I was more curious than concerned but “concerned” none-the-less. Out-side, the temperature was only but about 4°, and a steady rain was falling so, again, this morning, as yesterday, it was relatively dark out there. And in Yonah's room, with blinds and curtains, any “day-light” that makes a break through is very diffused and rather dim. Add to that, the “back” and “roof” boards that are up to block the horrific intrusion of the painfully brilliant LED street light that was mindlessly and selfishly installed directly out-side the windows, the morning comes “dimmed” even on the clearest of days. So, OK, “sleeping-in” on rainy days is, even for the rest of us, a pretty great idea. I checked out-side... nobody (“no-birdie”) had been by for breakfast. In fact, not even the squirrels had been by yet, so “Nature” must ave been taking advantage of the calm and chill, damp and dark. But my Little Guy? I HAD to go check...
As I did yesterday, I crept, quietly, into Yonah's room and over to the end of the futon. Again, I saw his silhouette on the perch, where he'd be most-likely to have spent the night and... there he was, his head bobbing about, looking at me and, like yesterday, probably wondering why I wasn't saying anything... HE “broke the silence” this morning with a whole-hearted “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” which I repeated, he replied with a longer “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” and when I repeated THAT... “woo-HOO!” and we were off and rolling with the morning routine as is to be expected of a morning, and chatting away! Friday... officially open for business!
And let's make no mistake about it...”open for business” it was... “BUILDING DAY” AGAIN! And Yonah was “on the wing”, lifting twigs and sorting mosses! Right away. First thing. A “man on a mission”... he was picking-up right where he'd left-off yesterday, and I'd only JUST finished the water relay... which Yonah watched, mostly on his door perch... waiting for me to stop interrupting his tasks. Oh... my Heart-and-Soul was up and running and rolling, toddling and flying with a purpose! (And my heart was FULL... because of him.)
The morning went right along that way for the most part. I went on about my own business, in the kitchen, at the work table, I grabbed a lie-down before checking the post and expect for that moment when I went to the futon, Yonah kept SO busy, bringing more materials to the little “box” on the ledge... Well, at least what he brings is now staying better, longer. (And for me, more mosses and twigs were on today's “agenda”... If Yonah wants them... Yonah gets them!)
SO... that said, the morning went by, the rains fell, Yonah flew about grabbing twigs and mosses,building his little “nest” in his “nest box” (as it were) on the “food ledge” and I grew impatient waiting for the sun to break through or, at least, for the rains to let-up and.... at just about noon, the sky brightened just the slightest bit as the rains changed to the finest mist. It was time for me to attack my “agenda” and I knew just where I needed to go to get the mosses AND maybe another tree (or two) for Yonah's house.
Well, between the thaws and the rains, the river was quite high, and the “seasonal brooks and streams” were running strong and clear. BUT, the “bog” where the best mosses grow and some of the greatest little white pines come along, was just low enough to give perfect access along the streams and ponds! Today, we managed THREE NEW TREES and a LOT of fresh mosses! And because of the thaws and rains, the ground was soft enough to allow the trees to be carefully but simply “lifted” right up, roots completely intact. It was a GREAT day for “wood-land hunting”... of greenery!
mourning dove 08 April 2022With the “catch of the day”, great little white pines and several “mats” of fresh moss, I HAD to hurry back to Yonah and to get these new “additions” to his house settled and figured-into the “scheme”. Yes, I want Yonah to have green, to have trees, to have as much of his “natural habitat” as possible, but I don't want him “crowded” in his house to where he can't “spread his wings” and hop about freely! The new trees were measured, with care, before being removed from their habitat and so, it was time to check, “on-site”.
When I got back from my task, Yonah was in his “nest” and as I walked into his room, he came to his door perch to greet me. I showed him the trees and mosses and explained, with an “excited” voice (so he got the sense that these “new items” were good) that these were HIS trees and HIS mosses! MORE mosses for his nests and more trees to “hide and snooze” in!
I brought everything to the kitchen and laid the mosses onto the baking sheet where all mosses go for at least a week so that I can make sure that there are no parasites in there. That went to the living-room table by the window where there's enough sun-shine and the temperature is closer to out-side... but warm enough to encourage any “living things” to come up to the surface. The trees? Well, I just happened to have fresh, clean terracotta pots handy and with the soil I brought from the woods, with leaves and bits of mosses, it was all perfect for the new additions.
As I was checking the soil and the trees for any signs of “parasites” or “infestations” or the presence of anything that would present ANY threat to Yonah, I happened to look over my shoulder to the carpet on the kitchen floor and... THERE HE WAS... MY “SUPERVISOR”... just standing there, staring up at me! I can't say how long he'd been there but he was quite comfy, situated as though he was ready for a snooze or something of the sort! BUT... as he always does in this situation, the moment I acknowledged him and invited him to come up to my shoulder where he could see more and see better, he stood up and toddled off, out of the kitchen... at first, he headed to his room but then changed his mind and went to the living-room (to the decoys). Interesting, because for most of this morning, he wanted to “roost” on my head at almost every minute but now, when I “invited” him, it was “No, thank you.” Honestly... What a character. So he made himself comfortable on the limb with the decoys and I went about the business of potting his new “forest”. When I was finished potting and ready to bring the trees into his house, I called out to him to tell him I was going to his room and to his house and... no kidding and no exaggeration, he came FLYING through the kitchen and into his room and directly to his house! Well? Call it what-ever, but I'll just call it “uncanny”.
So with Yonah on his perch I arranged the new trees so that he had room to get around, no tree took any of his “resting space”, especially on his “night perch”, and I put the smallest tree in the other-wise empty “quarter” of his house where the “floor” there has always been just “kitchen roll”. It fit perfectly at the end of the “food ledge” and so, now, there is a tree at both ends of the food ledge, the “nest box” is “in” one tree and his food is “in” the other. The way the other trees are now, his “corner loft” is now more “in the trees” as well. Oh indeed... his little house is now his little house in HIS little “forest”. And because the pine are young, it DOES have a certain resemblance to being in “the tree tops”. And Yonah? Well, as I was moving trees about and “getting things settled” he was pecking at my hands, flying about through the “new space” and checking, and I DO mean “checking” the new trees, the pots, the placement... AND I could see that he was looking to make sure that his mosses and twigs that were there all along were there even then. Not the ones in the “box” but the ones on his floor (in his house). He's always been that way: he notices when even the smallest object in his house is moved even the slightest bit. And even when he's watching me move things around, he has to check to see what got moved and to where. I often wonder if mourning doves “out there” are the same... and just how much do they actually notice say, after a heavy wind or any other disturbance of their surroundings. (It might explain why, this season, there are no mourning doves at the back gallery tray here, but Deborah says that she has large flocks at her place. I wonder what made the doves suddenly not come here this time... and I wonder if they'll be back. And I wonder, when Yonah and I are fortunate in finding a better place and we leave here, will the Little Ones who have been coming, regularly, to eat, notice that the food isn't here any more and how will they respond to that? In our time together, Yonah has taught me that he and his are extremely “cognizant”, aware of SO MUCH MORE than most “people” would even expect or consider. So I DO wonder, now more than ever, just what ALL of the Little Ones “out there” think... especially when people suddenly appear, tear their habitat apart with no consideration, and settle-in. (But as I think of it, people do the same to other people too so... It's a “human” thing...)
I could get lost in that but I won't... let's just leave it at that and...
It was, for the most part, over-cast all through the day. We got the break in the rain and then, as “Nature” will, there was the slightest clearing in the sky and the sun came beaming across... just before disappearing behind the Western mountains. But Yonah and I enjoyed it as we had our evening meals together this evening. At that hour, the sun doesn't “pour in through his windows, but it did give us a bit of brightness as we ate... together... Yonah at his “ledge”... in his new trees... and I, at the work table.
It was a good day though, the new trees, lending more of the “natural habitat” that Yonah was born into, and the fresh mosses that will, eventually be added to his “wood-land” house. And we were together for almost every moment of the day. The Little Ones of the wood-lands and mountains were where-ever it is that they “tuck into” on these dreary days, and Yonah was “tucked-into” his own house, where the winds and rains were of no consequence to him. He had warmth, food, water... space to fly about it, and always protected against any sort of predators. We listened to his bird-songs... and a bit of the radio, so the “sounds” of his surrounding were varied. It was a good day...
Then came... after our meals... and at 18.30... the “evening routine”... “water relay”. What makes it “difficult” now is that, during the Winter months, the sun was gone, the sky out-side was dark, the night was set... 18.30 was a goo time to settle-down, settle-in. But now, there's still quite a bit of day-light and though I think of the time that Yonah should be getting for a proper night's rest (10-14 hours) it just seems that we could have so much more time together now... But no... by 19.30, which is about as late as we can push “tuck-in” and allow for needed “rest time”, we closed the blinds and curtains. But hey! At least now we're not closing against COLD! The nights might not be “balmy” or “tropical”, but they're certainly MUCH warmer than they've been! (Now, if “people” would attend to their responsibilities and that street light blaring and glaring in... ) AND... we had a few more minutes of snuggles... Yonah took off for his pillows on his futon and we did get some more “cozy” time before... 20.00... when he headed for his house and his perch. The back board was already up and I know that he sees that and knows that it means the day is done... So there were “Good nights” to the little doves in the mirrors and a few hops back and forth in the house before finally getting settled at the “night position” on the perch.
Lights out with a “seepie-nigh-night”... my Little Guy was “tucked-in”, my Heart-and-Soul, all safely snuggled for a night's rest. The rains had returned out-side, but Yonah had his protected little place... “in the trees”, on his perch... no rains, no winds, no cold, no predators... just a nice, safe night ahead... the way it ought to be... the way it will be... as long as he takes breath... as long as WE take breath.
mourning dove 09 April 2022Saturday 09 April:
It was another dark, grey, damp, cool morning, this, and another “sleep-in” sort. I sat at the kitchen table, watching, waiting, wondering. And the clock read 6.00... 6.15... 6.30... At 6.45 I got curious. As I say, the day was “dark” this morning, and the rain was just beyond the horizon, moving slowly toward us. The forecast held no promise of sun-shine... And on the back gallery, the breakfast served was still un-touched. The Little Ones of the yard were still “tucked-away” and rightfully so. There wasn't much cause for hopping about yet... So, Yonah seemed to be having a “late” morning too. Hey! Just because I was up and about wasn't exactly an excuse for anybody else to be up and about. And if “sleeping-in” was at all possible (I just had to be up and ready... that's my own responsibility), this was the perfect morning for it.
But, all well and fine as it might have been, when the clock read 7.15 and there was still no sound, no call, no “woo-HOO!”.. I HAD to go and check... and so... up from the table, I quietly opened the door to Yonah's room. It was delightfully rather “dark” in there and OH, SO comfortably warm and cozy! (It was, according to the “weather report” this morning, a mere 4° out-side... but Yonah's thermometer read 23° so... comfy, cozy, yes indeed.) As quietly as possible, so as not to disturb in case of “sleeping”, I made my way across the floor and over to Yonah's house and to his futon from where I could see the familiar silhouette... Oh, but he was up and awake and VERY much aware that I was sitting there. So I whispered, ever-so softly “Good morning my Little Love”. He stretched one wing but made no sound, so I decided I'd just open his door, put his door perch up and let him decide what to do from there. And I walked out and went back to the kitchen...
Moments later, brief moments later, came “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” which was followed by “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! WELL... WOOHOO! And when I replied with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... the answer was... “woo-HOO!” OK! FINE! Yes, we were up, awake and waiting for the back board and roof board to be removed, the curtains and blinds to be opened AND... there was water in the pool that needed to be “changed”! It was time to get on with it... So we had a bit of a late start... it was almost 7.40 by the time things really started rolling, but... HEY! MY HEART-AND-SOUL WAS UP AND READY TO ROLL, HAD OBVIOUSLY GOTTEN A GOOD REST AND WAS OBVIOUSLY FEELING WELL... AND AS FAR AS I WAS CONCERNED... NOTHING ELSE MATTERED! HAPPY SATURDAY MORNING!
Well, we got our “Good morning” kisses and cuddles in. I got the windows opened to the grey day out-side and “water relay” got done too! And, as I went about my “responsibilities”, Yonah had a quick bite to eat and... as I finished with the water... he was OFF AND BUILDING! THERE WAS MORE WORK TO BE DONE ON THAT “NEST” HE'S BEEN WORKING ON! And this morning, with the new trees, I suppose it was all the more inspiring because his house truly HAS taken-on an “atmosphere” of being “in the tree tops”. There's more “privacy” and “protection” (from prying eyes?). The new trees and their locations do give Yonah's place more of a resemblance to the “word out-side”... all the comforts of the wood-lands.... with-out the “predators” (or harsh weather).
I HAVE to say that it crosses my mind, regularly; the trees, the pool, the fountain (moving water), the mosses, the twigs... all that keep Yonah's “natural” environment in his not-exactly-perfect home. Obviously, he still has the “nesting” instinct, the “building”. And he DOES enjoy the running water of his fountain, preferring the moving water for drinking over the little other bowl of still water. AND he OBVIOUSLY enjoys being able to bathe in the moving water of his pool (as it would be in the brooks and streams “out there). And it strengthens my resolve that, no matter what, I MUST do all I possibly can to be here, or there, where-ever Yonah is, for as long as he “is”. I don't doubt, for a moment, that there is, some-where, another person with a heart and soul to give to Yonah, as he deserves, is entitled to. But I do have my doubts that another would put forth any effort toward providing as much as I do... to go and get wild trees, mosses... to maintain the little fountain with rocks from the river... the sands, from the river, washed, rinsed, baked to sterile. And now Yonah is accustomed to these “little things” in his home... I HAVE to make certain that he NEVER misses ANY of them... And I wonder... about other birds... especially and particularly those “bought and sold” in stores and the likes... and how miserable the hearts and souls of people who engage in such a “business”. Then too, I wonder if there are any people who actually look into the “natural” habitats of the Little Ones they take into their care... and make ANY attempts at providing what these little LIVES so deserve... and are entitled to... even in the care of a “people”. Yes, I have to say that it crosses my mind... regularly...
And as the day moved along and I had my coffee, we had our mid-day break... and Yonah accompanied me around the rest of the house when I had to move about, and came to “check on me” if I spent “too much time” in the kitchen... away from the work table or futon in his room. He's SO comfortable on my shoulder, and particularly when I wear a “Sherpa” sweat-shirt... THERE, he can get quite comfy in the hood and travel around in comfort and style! “In da HOOD”... as it were. And it really IS a joy to the heart to look at my shoulder and see that little face staring at me, often with his head tilted which always strikes me as him questioning “Do ALL of you 'people' sorts do that?” What-ever it is that I happen to be doing and he's been watching.
And when he wasn't busy with me... he was REALLY busy... moving things about in his house, and adding to the materials in the “new nest box”. And THAT is something that I SO cherish seeing! Him standing there, holding a twig or moss sprig in his beak. And if I happen to turn to him, it seems he comes to the door to show me what he has, as if looking for “acceptance” of his choice. (Of course I always compliment...)
And that's how our grey, rainy day went along... until, again, this evening, at about 16.00... the rains FINALLY let up, the sky lightened a bit and... just in time for evening...
That's OK. It was time for both of us to start getting ready for our evening meal... which, of course, again, this evening, we had together... Well, not exactly “together”. Yonah was in his house, at his “ledge” and I was at the work table. None-the-less, we were together, and we got to catch a bit of today's news as we “dined”. (Thankfully I make sure that none of it effects Yonah... neither politics nor... While we're together, the World is a beautiful place!) And it (the sun) didn't stay for very long... by the time the washing-up was done, so too, was our sun-shine... it had succumbed to a new wave of clouds and more rains. Oh well... alas. It really didn't mean anything to us though... we just went right along with out usual... meal was done, washing-up was done... it was time for... the “water relay”! YAY! And Yonah carefully supervised this evening, from his door perch (where, as I emptied water into his pool, I stopped to plant a kiss on his head... and he REALLY appears to SO ENJOY THAT! He actually raises his head, expecting a kiss... every time, after the first one...).
Bu the time that was all done, I was ready to sit and start with gathering new photos for his Portfolio and getting his pages together and so I did and I was working along with editing and coding when, from over my shoulder... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and then, when I didn't turn to see what was going on... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... I looked up... the time was 19.17... and the blinds and curtains were still open... and the horrid and accursed street light was on! It wasn't completely “dark” out-side as yet but... “time”... (Now tell me, I dare: Yonah has no sense of “time”... You'd be the right fool trying to sell that notion in THIS house, to be sure.) He was telling me that it was time to close the blinds and curtains! (Now I'm beginning to understand that, I'm going to have to pay MUCH stricter attention to when the birds in the yard “disappear” for the night... and my evening hours will be adjust accordingly... so too... for Yonah. I can't recall last Summer's routine but... we have a “JOURNAL” to refer to. YAY!) And so, yes, I got right to closing the windows up for the night and putting up the back-board as well.
mourning dove 09 April 2022I thought I'd wait until 20.00 to see whether Yonah was ready or not for seepie-nigh-night but it didn't take long... he made a quick trip to the futon for some “last minute snuggled and kisses” and was soon off to his perch! Yes, he was ready... and, after all, 19.30 has been his usual hour for tuck-in... only recently have we made it later because of the extended day-light... AND... he's been “sleeping-in” later in the morning too. So it seems we'll be sticking with the 19.30 tuck-in.... until something comes along to change that. My Little Guy needs his REST of a night!
By 19.37 Yonah was tucked-in, lights out... kisses, snuggles, cuddles all done. My little Heart-and-Soul was in for the night as the rain fell out-side his window and the Little Ones of the wood-lands all tucked-in some-where else for the night. For Yonah? He's in “his trees”, above his pool, across from fresh food... in the warmth and calm of HIS house, in HIS room ... his “wood-land”... safe and sound for a night of rest.
We had another SUPER SPECTACULAR DAY TOGETHER... as are ALL days... when we're together.
Sunday 10 April:
Since it was another one of those “April Showers” mornings, no sun shining brightly in through the blinds and curtains, I thought I'd “wait it out” today, not go in to disturb Yonah, to let him decide when he wanted to be up and about and when he wanted to let me know that he was ready. So I sat, in the kitchen and had my coffee and checked the weather forecast and... at 7.04... ever-so softly came a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” through his door and into the kitchen. It was SO soft... and I replied as softly, to see what sort of response or reaction I'd receive. Well, it was immediate... and the same... the same pattern and the same “volume”. I had to wonder: was I being informed that it was time to get on with the day or was it just a little “Hello”? The only way to find out... I got up from the table and as I approached Yonah's door I called, quietly “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and from the other side of the door came... “woo-HOO!” crisp and clear. Again, it was SO as if he was calling:
“OK! Enough with all the chit-chat through the door! I'm up, awake and you need to get in here!”
(Sometimes I DO wonder if doves can lose patience... I HAVE seen them defend territory, food and the likes. I've seen mourning doves take on blue jays and I've seen the jays retreat. So maybe, yes, my Little Guy CAN lose patience. No matter what though, it causes many a sincerely brilliant smile in the morning AND a hastily-moving me!)
So it was fine when I got into the room and there was Yonah, on his perch, waiting for me to open the door to his room, which I did, promptly. And when I leaned in for morning “kisses”, OH THERE WERE MANY of those waiting! MANY! It was as though we hadn't seen each-other in YEARS! (We have mornings like that, for some reason. There's the general sort of “Good morning, nice to see you.” greeting and then there's the “WOW! WHERE have you been? Oh, but I've missed you! We must make sure we see each-other more often, you know?” This morning was one of those.) After all the “greetings and salutations” we go to the business of “morning routine” and Yonah got to his own business of watching as I moved about his house, getting to the windows and such, and “following” me about, him on the in-side of his house, me, on the out-side. (And I, of course, taking a little break to give a little “Good morning kiss” through the spaces on his house.) And we had a little “chat” as I worked. And the “water relay” was “supervised” from the door perch where MORE kisses were “called for” with wing-snaps. What a way to start a day! DIVINE! (We even had a few moments where the sun managed to make an appearance, just rising above the Eastern hill-tops... before rising into the cloud covering that took the skies for the remainder of the day.
Over all, it was a “lazy” sort of April Sunday. I had a little bit of washing to do this morning and as Yonah “got himself together” for the day, I managed to get that done. I had a quick (REALLY QUICK) run to the market and put that out of the way in short order... And for the rest of the day? Well, the clouds dominated and the breezes blowing were chilled. There was that “residual dampness” to the air following all the rains we've had of late so... So Yonah and I did what the “wood-land folks” might be expected to do on such a day: we “roosted”. Yonah got himself cozy in his little “nest box” on his ledge and I got cozy on his futon.... when I wasn't checking e-mails (Yonah's and mine) or other little “items” and topic on-line. But, for the most part, we both just didn't bother with the day today. (I'm learning to “live” according to Yonah's ways: I'm watching him, paying closer attention to the “Yardies”. Even they came and went now and then during the day but there wasn't and “great presence” in the yard or the trees so.. We ALL just “roosted” for the day. I have to say that I had the BEST of it though... spending the time with my Little Guy...) Oh, we did have our “play time” too... especially when it “appeared” that I was going to take a “snooze” on the futon... I don't know WHAT sort of message Yonah gets but, when I go to the futon and move a pillow, he comes SOARING over now, lands on my head and wing-snaps... It's PLAY TIME! (And too, I'm noticing he's taken to becoming quite comfortable on my head more often now... I wonder... He prefers it to being on my shoulder... except when I'm moving about the house... and THEN it's on the shoulder OR IN the hood of the Sherpa. Never “just another moment” with Yonah... there's ALWAYS some little something “new”... always.)
And I did go back to April of last year, to check on when Yonah was waking... This Journal is a great reference for me... I see I wasn't keeping “strict records” back then, but, back then, this month, a year ago, our day temperatures were still “-4°” for the “high”... it was still quite cold! (This year, at least we're “+4°”.) AND, I was still planning on Yonah being back out and back to the flocks. This month, last year, we were counting days until Yonah wouldn't be around any longer. His “wake-up” time wasn't important... what was important was that he woke up at all, and was healthy! (I also still thought he was a “she”... THAT wasn't corrected for another 2 months... OH MY! Though I came to learn that it's almost impossible to tell whether a dove is male or female for some time... until they develop the “identifying” colours... the blue-grey head and iridescent collar for the male, in particular.) Anyway, there was a “mention” of him waking at 6.30, so, 6.30 or 7.00... all is well and fine... As long as he gets enough restful sleep at night... I'm happy... and on days like these where the mornings tend to be darker because of the “April showers”... well, sometimes it really is just nice to “sleep-in”. After all, he doesn't have to get up and forage for breakfast and there's no competition for food or water... There's no “rush”... for my Little Guy.
I'm thinking though, that I might try opening the door to his house in the morning whilst I have my coffee and such. I'll open his house door and the room door, since I don't make noise in the morning t hat would disturb him... and I'll see what time he decides to “make a break for it”. Hey! He's still teaching me... and I'm still learning! (And hopefully, what-ever I manage to get into his Journal will help others know more and know better and may more come to respect mourning doves MORE, stop MURDERING them... and, developing a deeper respect for ALL the Little Ones... thanks to the teachings of “Professor Yonah Taube”.)
But we DID have a bit of an “event” today... Indeed... For most of the day, because it was rather chilly, grey and damp, Yonah and I were together, in his room (where it was comfortably warm, no chilling dampness, and we had bird-songs and radio, and the desk lamp to keep us cozy). I got busy working with Journals, some research (comparisons between this year and last, because, well, I went looking for one item of interest and just got carried away... mostly because I can't believe that as of Wednesday, Yonah and I will be together for a year and a half already!) and other bits and pieces of things I've postponed and ignored for too long. Yonah had been in his little “nest box” for most of the while and there was the occasional “visit” to his door perch for some stroking and chatting and such. But, as I say, most of his time was spent “snuggled” in the wisps of his white pines.
At one point, I happened to look up because he'd been SO quiet and I saw that he wasn't “at home”... not in his house... AT ALL! He wasn't on his futon. He wasn't on the floor in his room. He wasn't in ANY of the places he's come to be “usually” in his room. So, I figured he'd toddled out to the living-room again, as he does of late, and went to “visit” with the decoys on the limb there. I got up and carefully walk through the kitchen (“carefully” because, these days there's no telling where he might be... and, as I've said before, no matter where he is, he can blend into just about ANY and EVERY back-ground) and peeked round the corner in the living-room... HE WASN'T WITH THE DECOYS! HE WASN'T ON THE LIMB! HE WASN'T ON THE FUTON! HE WASN'T ANY-WHERE IN THE LIVING-ROOM! I couldn't imagine where else he could be... I checked my bed-room and didn't see him there. But that point, I was becoming heart-sick! I wondered if he'd gotten into some remote cranny under a piece of furniture... or, perhaps, a “hole in the wall” that I'd never noticed (this old house shifts terribly from Winter-to-Summer and then Autumn-to-Winter and “places” appear and disappear as the shifting happens). I was dreading... did he get to the loo? Did he get into the toilet? Was he in the shower? Under the sink? Under the stove? I was on the verge of absolute tears, worrying that he might be some-where, in pain or afraid! I went back into the living-room and called his name... Nothing. So then I tried... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and I listened... No reply... and I was now in tears... Cleared my throat and gave my best... “woo-HOO!” and.... AND... from in the bed-room I heard the FLUTTER AND WHISTLE of WINGS! I BOLTED TO THE DOOR-WAY OF THE BED-ROOM TO FIND... MY LITTLE GUY, TODDLING ACROSS THE FLOOR TOWARD THE DOOR. I got down on the floor with him and he came over, stood right there looking at my face and I could almost HEAR him saying (or thinking):
I have NO idea where he was when I went in there to look for him but now I know that, from now on, I have to pay even CLOSER attention when looking for him. (And too, it just reinforces my determination to NEVER have to be away from him for any considerable length of time because if anybody else were to have to come to attend, the number of places he can hide-away in... well... even though it was only he and I in the house today and I KNEW that nobody had come to visit, I even thought, when I couldn't find him “Did somebody come by, open the door to the house and let him out?” First of all, I'd know if they'd come in through the back door because that's across from Yonah's room were I'd been sitting. Secondly, the front door is always locked and somebody would have to open the screen door AND the front door and they both make noise... Thirdly... I was just being a complete mess even thinking such a thing at the time. BUT, Deborah is the only one I can think of who would come to be with Yonah for any while if I were to have to be away, and I'm pretty sure she'd be especially careful to look for him... still....)
WELL! I laid on the bed-room floor for a little while, Yonah gave me the “once over” to “check my sanity” (I'm sure) and when he was satisfied that I was safe enough, he took to the air, circled round the room once and headed back to his own house. And when I got there, he was on his perch... as if the incident had never happened. THERE! THEN! DONE! (Never happened.)
I re-settled... Yonah re-settled... we returned to our regular sort of day... and I went for a bit of a lie-down... relieved that all was well... and Yonah came over to join me for a little while.
This evening, we had our evening meals together again... and caught up on the latest news... as it were.
The day had been over-cast all through. A constant “breeze” blew. Thankfully, it wasn't a “wind”, but it seemed the branches of the white pines out-side never stopped moving all day. And the breeze was cold. There's still quite a bit of snow on the ridge and peaks on the mountains to the west so any air that moves over that will be chilled and bring the coolness down to us. But Yonah's room was cozy, to be sure.
When meals were done, I went out to do the washing-up and then we got to the evening “water relay” which Yonah watched with intense scrutiny... from his door perch where, as I ran back and forth, I could get a quick kiss in. For most of the day today, Yonah was in another one of his “VERY AFFECTIONATE” moods... so much so that, at one point, I'd laid on the futon, he came over and was “snuggled” between my chest and arm, “hugged” more-or-less. And he was under the blanket when I'd played after the lie-down. He'd nestled against my face on the pillow. I'd never thought that bird could be so affectionate! If Yonah were a dog or cat, he'd have been on my lap all day, or snuggled with/beside me. As I say... this Little Guy NEVER stops teaching me!
But after the water was changed and his house was made tidy, I'd started to get to his Journal for the day and happened to look up at about 19.00 to see him “fluffed” on his door perch... as if ready to settle-in for the night. So I got up and got to closing his blinds and curtains... I started to and then had to step out of his room for a moment and he CALLED! He wanted the windows closed! He was TIRED! So I closed his blinds and curtains, put the back board up and he headed up to his little loft for “Good nigh” pecks for the little dove in the mirror there. Well... I'm trying to adjust me and my time to his now that the days are longer, and I'm trying to learn when Yonah needs to get “tuck-in” at night. I gave it a try tonight... I remember reading in several places that mourning doves, for the most part, tend to “settle-in” for the night at about 19.30... and that's been Yonah's hour through the Winter months. It's been dark enough by then anyway. But now, there's still a bit of day-light at that hour... still... So, the clock doesn't matter here and now, what matters is the length of rest-time Yonah gets of a night and so, if he's going to be up at 6.30 or 7.00... 19.30 it is!
There were no objections tonight when I put the roof board up and get ready to close his door. We got “Good night” kisses, cuddles and such in and done and Yonah got to settling him-self down for the night. The curtains and blinds and boards blocked quite a bit (though, sadly, not “all”) of the light from out-side (they don't block ALL of the street light either... which is the bane of my life these days...) so his room was “darkened” enough to make for “night”. I bade Yonah a good “seepie-nigh-night” and he got him-self situated... The light went off...
So we'll see what time he wakes tomorrow morning. I'm not going to go in and disturb him. I have to “learn” his clock and timing... and he'll teach me, to be sure. But for tonight... IT WAS A WONDERFUL DAY TOGETHER... IT WAS A GLORIOUS DAY... AND A GREAT LESSON LEARNT ABOUT HOW MUCH OF THIS OLD HOUSE MY LITTLE GUY IS COMFORTABLE AND FAMILIAR WITH! From start to finish, waking to tuck-in... my Heart-and-Soul makes ALL of this old Creation SO worth the living in! And hopefully, tonight, he'll get his rest and tomorrow, together, we'll face another day... and he can teach me a few more things that ONLY HE can teach!
Monday 11 April:
Chilly April Monday, this morning. But the skies were clear, which was most welcome, AND the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo...hoo” came a-calling at 6.28! Was it the difference in “tuck-in” last night? We were back to the “previously normal” 19.30 instead of closer to 20.00. We're going to give the 19.30 another try tonight to see what time “HELLO?” comes tomorrow morning. Mean-while...
It was QUITE the “warm and cozy and cuddly and kissy” start to the day today. Yonah called at 6.28, I called back. He replied and I started the “woo-HOO!” this time AS I opened the door to his warm and comfy room. (It was, I'd just seen, -5° out-side this morning... cars were passing and they had frost on the roofs. But Yonah's room? 25°! Nice and warm.) I called “woo-HOO!” and Yonah replied with an equal “woo-HOO!”. When I opened the door to his house and leaned in to give morning kisses and “snuggles” (which I've come to understand that he not only appreciates but, it appears, he needs as well... a re-assurance and re-affirmation of out “bond”), I was heartily greeted with a bit of a wing stretch and a LOT of kisses as he nestled against my face. (My eyes were closed, OF COURSE, because Yonah tends to like to PECK AT EYES! I keep telling him “If you peck my eyes out I'll be blind and if I'm blind I won't be able to see you and I won''t be able to get you the things you need and like and it'll be terrible! for both of us!” He just pecks anyway... of course. And I keep my eyes closed tightly because, to me, our “closeness” is important and closing my eyes to allow him to show his affection is no inconvenience to me. THOUGH I DO NOT RECOMMEND OR SUGGEST IT TO OTHERS. Just noting.)
So we got to the “morning routine”... opening curtains and blinds to the new-morning light that was just starting to illuminate the clearing skies and as I worked along... water relay and such, “poop check” (as I don't always mention in this journal but it's something that's done EVERY morning), and tidying... under supervision... Yonah situated him-self at the door perch again... because there, as I come along with containers of fresh water for his pool, I can make a “quick dip” of the head and give a little peck on his head... kisses! When he's in the mood, he's come to expect them... and I'm more than happy to provide!
After all was complete, I went back to the kitchen to wrap-up what I'd started this morning. Yonah was already flying about in his room... busy, busy... and gathering sprigs of moss. Another “building morning” on the way.
Seems though, that I was taking too long out there in the kitchen and the next thing I knew, Yonah was out with me, toddling across the floor, standing and watching. As he does, when I turned and said “Hello there! Staying a while this morning?” he continued to toddle out to the living-room and then... flew back to his room. My presence in the house was confirmed... and I acknowledged that I saw him checking on me... That was all that was necessary. So I finished the kitchen chores and, as the sun began pouring in through his windows, I headed to Yonah's room... We had, in the forecast, a bright Monday to spend together!
As for the rest of the day today? WELL! IT WAS BRILLIANTLY SUNNY! JUST BEAUTIFUL! Brightened and warmed Yonah's room so perfectly... even though the breezes out-side are still chilled by the high-peaks snows that are holding on.
I had to be out and away for about 3 hours today and never mind why, yes, it was important BUT OH HOW I DO MISS BEING WITH YONAH !!! IT'S TRUE! AND I WORRY ABOUT HIM AND I DON'T LIKE THAT HE'S IN THE HOUSE, ALONE... BECAUSE HE ENJOYS COMPANY AND COMPANIONSHIP! Oh sure... 3 hours, once in a while, isn't really all that much of something, BUT... I'm really so accustomed to being in the house, at the very least, with him, even in the next room. Not being in the house is probably (?) worse on me than it is on Yonah.
But when I finally got back today... I called, from the front door and today, I didn't get a reply! Hmmmm.... So, when I got to Yonah's room, there he was, on his “food ledge”, all comfy in his “nest box”. AND WHEN HE SAW ME AT HIS DOOR... HE CAME RUSHING TO HIS DOOR TO MEET-AND-GREET ME! Wing-snaps of WELCOME AND SNUGGLES AND KISSES... FROM BOTH OF US TO THE OTHER! Obviously, he noticed that I wasn't in the house and though I don't know HOW they perceive time, I'd have to say that Yonah DOES notice the passing... especially when he's alone in the house. It breaks my heart, because there's no way I can explain my absences. BUT, when there's such a hearty, excited welcome when I come back... it's comforting to know that “missing” isn't just my own little eccentricity... HE obviously misses me as well. THERE'S why I call him my “Heart-and-Soul”... It's obvious that we have more than a simple “bond” or “imprint”... That's my Little Guy... my next breath.
One thing I WILL (because I MUST) note today: Our “together” time, the cuddling and contact, was much more than usual and it was ALL initiated by Yonah. So... COMPANIONSHIP... Mourning doves, just as much as parrots and the likes, REQUIRE COMPANIONSHIP... and when it's not given or available... well... they're known to “mourn” the loss of a mate... let that be all that need be said... “Word to the wise”.
Well, again, this evening, we dined together. All the more-so this evening because of my “extended absence” during the day. And after, Yonah accompanied me too the kitchen for the washing-up! And then, I sat at the work table for a little while, catching-up with some of the day's work that went to the side during my absence and Yonah watched... from his door perch... the extended perch... my head, my shoulder... Indeed... it was a “TOGETHER” day for both of us.
But at 19.00 I remembered last night and the notes that I'd made to my-self earlier today about “seepie-nigh-night” time... As much as I would have rather not, I started getting Yonah's room “settled” for the night. It seemed that he suspected something because as soon as I got up to get to the blinds and curtains, Yonah took off for his roof-top and then to the high wall shelf. When I moved his house, he came back to the roof-top but it seemed he just wasn't too happy about the “closings”. I DO say that, if I were to keep the lights on in his room all through the night, and I stayed in there with him, Yonah would pull “all-nighters”. (But, the truth of that matter is: I couldn't possibly tolerate any such thing and I seriously doubt that it would be at all healthy for Yonah so.... Not happening!) I just went about the business of closing windows and hanging t he back board and when I'd done that, I reached up to Yonah's little roof-top “platform” where he was standing, watching me. I brought it, with him on, down to my eye-level... gave him quite the kiss and brought the platform into his house by his perches. He always seems so surprised... getting from roof-top to perches... travelling and yet never raising a wing! But he hopped onto his corner loft platform and gave the little reflection in the mirror a most hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... a combination “DID YOU SEE THAT?” and, I guess “Well? Looks like another day comes to a close.” And yes, indeed... another day came to a close.
Once he was back “in the house”, Yonah got busy settling-in and settling-down for the night. I finished-up the “settling-in” and when I said “It's time for a good and restful seepie-nigh-night for both of us.” Yonah seemed to be some-what OK with that... though still not “thrilled”. He settled-down, I put out the light with the promise of a “check-in” in a little while.
My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night... all nice and snug. It was a beautiful day today and tomorrow, after a night of rain tonight, we're “told”... more sun-shine and temperatures up to 15°! I was SO sorry that I hadn't opened Yonah's windows today... but tomorrow... we'll sit together in the warmth... SPRING... AT LAST! AND I HAVE NO ERRANDS SO... A GRAND DAY TOGETHER! (Hopefully, after a good night's restful sleep... for both of us... my Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul... my next breath-and-heart-beat... and me.)
Tuesday 12 April:
Last night's rains were clearing away. It wasn't all that cold out-side and, as the day-light came to wash over the world, ONE mourning dove came to the feed-tray on the back gallery. There really wasn't much of anything there to eat. I haven't put as much food out as during the colder weather. And I didn't dare to add just then because mourning doves are an odd lot: once startled, they don't tend to return all too soon so, opening the door, putting more food out and frightening the lone diner would simply be putting more food out for whom-ever would come along later... and that would more than likely be... squirrels. So I waited for this Little One to finish sorting through what-ever could be salvaged and then went out with fresh food... in case of “return” or another member of “the flocks”.
And out to the west on the ridge, along the mountains, lower, along the brook, a mist was rising through the trees, and higher up, there was white on Greeene and that patch on Bald. Winter was still holding tightly to the elevations as Spring was trying to take the lower...
And in the house? All was calm and silent, and then...
7.05 “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... came... “The Morning Call”. Yonah Taube was awake, and it was time to get his house open and together. The sky was still over-cast, but the day-light was rolling over and there were hours ahead of both of us! And as long as my Little Guy was the day... WE had chores and tasks to get to!
I replied in kind, from the kitchen, and got a response, in kind from the other side of Yonah's door. But this morning, before the usual “woo-HOO!”, I was up and in the room and at the door to his house... and opened it! Leaning in for morning “greetings”, kisses, pecks, a wing-spread and more kisses and pecks. Yonah was in good spirits... no matter what else... all was fine with this morning! And we got on with the morning routine and Yonah “greeted” the little reflection in the loft mirror and then took his place at his door perch... to supervise my “water relay”... and, of course, get the little “kiss” with each of my “visits” with fresh water for the pool. Our day was officially “in action”.
At the end, how did it all go? Well, for one thing, this after-noon, the sun broke through... BRILLIANT, BRIGHT AND CLEAR! IT WAS WONDERFUL! AND WARM TOO! So warm, in fact, that Yonah's window was open and the doors to the house! There was the most wonderful breeze blowing through and it was SO obvious that Yonah was SO enjoying it! I mean, for the first time in MONTHS, this wasn't just a bit of an air “current”... this was a full... BREEZE! (How I've often wondered if Yonah remembers anything about “moving air”... breezes and such. If calculations are correct, he was only but about 2 months of age when the “incident” happened and I brought him into the house here. So, I do wonder what and how much of his “natural” environment he knows, knew, remembers and perhaps misses. And on days like today, how I WISH I could bring him out into the yard, into the sun-shine... though today, the out-side breezes still carry the “snap” from the snow and ice up on the Western mountains... still, I DO wish I could figure a way to get Yonah out into the good sun-shine! And too, he's not at all fond of the “back”, because that's where he'd been attacked so it's a matter of getting him else-where... I'll keep thinking... and I am still looking for another place where we can move to so.. As somebody once told me about something else my heart so yearned for... “It's out there... and it'll come... keep looking and be patient... it's out there.”)
Mean-while, just having the fresh air blowing through the house today made an obvious difference... Yonah was FULL of all sorts of energy! A little building, some resting, more flying about the house and PLAY !!!! And CUDDLING !!! It truly made him feel much better than he's been in a while. (To be honest, it made ME feel a LOT better too... the light, the air, the warmth... TRULY welcome!)
I worked in the “kitchen yard” (off the back gallery) on the area that I'd fenced-in for the Yardies' tray on the pine pole. The fence had been brought down by the Winter snows and I'd put ground peanut shells out there over the Winter and some crushed egg shells as well for the Little Ones and what they didn't get at was just “there”. The ground needed tilling and the fence needed to be put back up and since it was right out-side the back door and Yonah knows how to get to that if he wants to, I didn't mind being out for a while.
So the ground did get tilled and the fence, put back up and I've taken some of the smaller seed from the wild song-bird mix that didn't get mixed with the crushed peanuts for the Winter feed, and I've sprinkled some of that into the freshly-tilled soil. I don't know what, if anything, will actually get to sprout since there are some rather cold nights still to come, but, I want to give it a try. In that mix is canary grass, milo, millet, safflower, canola, and other seeds. When I get the next bag, I'll put in what-ever is in the mix as it is, including the sunflower seeds and see what comes of it. If anything, it might be nice to be able to offer the Little Ones the actual fresh seeds as they grow... So, I'll give it a try. And I still want to work on making some sort of “feeding area” for that's “hawk-proof”... so now that the nicer weather is finally coming round...
Other than that hour or so that I was out... just out-side the door, Yonah and I were together for the day and he spent a LOT of time on my head as I worked a bit at the work table. It truly was another of our “CLOSE” days, and THAT ALWAYS makes for a “perfect” world.
And this evening, we had our evening meals together and after, more “Luvin' Time”, BUT... at about 18.30 or so, I went to hold Yonah in my hands, as we do with play and cuddles and he felt COLD! I looked at the thermometer in his room... 19°! It's been at 23-24 and sometimes 25° in there and that was a noticeable difference! And when I held Yonah under my chin, “snuggling”, he didn't make ANY moves to get away! It must have felt nice and warm for him! OK. 19° isn't “cold” but... compared to 23°.... So I quickly put his radiator back on (I'd turned it off for the day) and went to the thermostat for the house heat (that had also been turned off for the day) and set that at 65°F (which is what it's usually set to for the day... 62F for the night) and the furnace came on! SO! I closed the doors and windows and as the warm air rose from the heat registre in Yonah's room, I could see by his fluffing and fluttering that he was quite happy about the warmth! POOR LITTLE GUY! There will be more days like today to come but I'm going to have to make certain that the house doesn't take a chill... after all, I have shirts and such to put on to keep warm... Yonah has his feathers and... that's it. My Little Guy doesn't HAVE to be chilled and I'll see to it that he isn't... as long as I can help it.
Well, in moments, his room was nice and toasty again... we changed the water in his pool, listened to some more musics for a while and then... sadly as always... the clock went for 19.00 and then 19.20...! Because the sky was so clear, there was still quite a bit of day-light out there, though the sun had dipped behind the mountains already, so it was a bit difficult for me to get to closing blinds and curtains and the likes. BUT... 19.30 seems to be, not matter what, a “good time” for Yonah to “tuck-in” and he was up at 7.05 this morning so... I got his windows attended and then put the back board up on his house... and he took off for his futon! And when I went over to the futon, he headed for the floor! OH... we HAD to play “Catch Me!” and we did until I did... So I caught him, as it were, and brought him to his house, opened my hands and in he went... He noticed the board and the desk light and knew... it was “seepie-nigh-night” time... “for serious” now. It broke my heart because, of course, I could spend the entire night up with him but... he needs his rest and if I'm to be up and ready when he calls, I too need mine!
Kisses, cuddles, snuggles, “Good night” coos... all the “necessities” of a day's end attended, Yonah was “settled-in”... the roof board was on and the desk light went off. After a GLORIOUS day of sun-shine, clean breezes, flying about, play and LOVE... my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a night's rest.
Tomorrow... is a MILE-STONE for us... 18 MONTHS... A YEAR AND A HALF ALREADY !!! I wish I knew what to get for Yonah now, but I other than a nice, quite house with a back yard and, perhaps, even and aviary... (I can dream)... But we'll see how tomorrow is when it gets here... the forecast is for 13° with some “rain showers” but... no matter the weather out-side... we'll be together... and make the very best of it... Yonah has his radiator for warmth and a “Full Spectrum” light to fend-off the drear. PLENTY of fresh, good food and water... he's also got “vegetable chop” and there are fresh eggs... healthy snacks! AND... of course... LOVE... RESPECT, ADORATION... AND MY HEART AND SOUL! So for tonight... a good rest... safe and sound.
mourning dove 13 April 2022Wednesday 13 April: 18 Months !!! A Year and a Half !!!
“18 Months” doesn't really “feel” like a long time. But then, “a year and a half” doesn't either. Then again, thinking of the “life-expectancy figures” that I've read in so many places, from so many sources, this is the “average life expectancy” for a morning/turtle dove”... in his/her natural environment, of course, where there are predators and other factors that threaten health and life. In Yonah's “world”, “out there”, he would have been fighting hawks, crows, “mountain felines” of all sorts, coyotes and, of course, the worst predator of all... “sports people”... “people”... “humans” who have no better purpose in existence than to annihilate the lives of little being simply for the “pleasure” of the act.
This morning, I sit, in the early-day stillness, remembering that day, 18 months ago... and thinking of how I had SO SINCERELY looked forward to the day when I would bring a healed and recovered little mourning dove out to the open meadow across the road, out and back to the mountains where the Little One had been conceived and born. There was such a Hope in my heart that I could watch him take to the open skies and fly, free, far, rapidly, hearing his wings fluttering and whistling as he vanished into the brilliant sun-light, to go off on his way, where he could re-join his flocks, meet a mate, bring his own off-spring into the wilderness.
This morning I remember being advised:
You could try to release him, but from the looks of it, it''ll be a '50/50' as to whether or not he actually survives.
mourning dove 13 April 2022From the condition of his wing, the way the feathers wouldn't grow back properly, and the way the new feathers stifled his flying, he would never keep up with the rest of the flocks out there. He certainly didn't stand a good chance of being able to escape predators. (And that, obviously, is what caused him to be attacked in the first place.)
Could he forage for food? Was he able to stand beside the river or even a brook, to take a drink of water... in safety?
What of wind and rains in Summer storms? Could he battle those?
It was a “50/50”...
And there was a chance that he'd “leave” and then continue to come back, if I were to leave him a place (his little house... -cage-...) out-side. He might think of this as his “home”. But was that “good”? What would happen when it was time to migrate, to get away from the bitter cold Winter nights? Would he stay because this is where he feels “at home”? And... could he “fly South for the Winter”? Would his wings carry him... with the rest of the flock?
18 months later... He answered all the questions... he CHOSE, more or less, to stay... and, well...
6.49... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... No more questions... This Little One, this Little Guy, this little Life, a touch of “Divinity”, my Heart-and-Soul is here, safe, as healthy as can be, warm, protected and, apparently, quite content with his decision to stay... and, as I call back to him... in my own attempt, feeble as it might be, to respond with “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” our day commences... our ANNIVERSARY day... 18 months. It isn't all that long a time but, considering it could have been Yonah's entire life-time... and here we are.
And we had a GOOD “Good morning” this morning... kisses, cuddles, coos, conversation as I went about the “morning routine” and even through the “water relay”... which, again, this morning... supervised from the door perch... for those “quick kisses” between pours of fresh water into the pool.
To think... 18 months ago... 16 months ago... even 12 months ago, I was keeping “contact” at an absolute minimum... as well as “chatting”. I didn't want this “Yonah” to become accustomed to “people”... not even me, who meant him absolutely NO harm at all what-so-ever and yet, he “saw into my heart” and knew that I wanted to help him... to protect him, give him a place to recover and heal. And today... we're as close a s we could possibly be and still remain two individual entities. And... HE TRUSTS ME... HE KNOWS I WOULDN'T AND COULDN'T EVER CAUSE HIM ANY HARM! Imagine... to think. But here we are... no “'thinking”... HERE we are!
mourning dove 13 April 2022Well, “Anniversary” or no, the day was, actually, quite similar to “the day”... over-cast, grey, drizzly, wet, not really cold, but certainly not as warm as promised in the forecast. How strange to consider: 18 months ago, the day was dark, grey, raining, on the end of the warm Summer weather and today, on the anniversary, 18 months later, the weather is the same but today, it's on the end of the bitter cold Winter and we're looking forward to warm days and great breezes (like we had yesterday). Yesterday was clear, bright, warm, brilliant... today... the same as 18 months ago. Hmmm...
BUT... not matter, OH DID WE HAVE QUITE THE DAY OF IT ANYWAY! LOTS OF “PLAY-TIME”, PLAY BREAKS. IT'S JUST AMAZING, “AWE-FULL” TO SEE JUST HOW MUCH YONAH DOES, IN FACT, TRUST ME AND HOW WE CAN PLAY AROUND TOGETHER! I can cup him in my hands, draw him close, under my chin and he just settles right into my hands and enjoys the closeness. I can “chase” him around the floor or across the futon with my hand and “catch” him in my hand and he scurries out, stops, turns round, pecks at my hand expecting more of the same. But the one thing that TRULY gets to me is how I can, when I take a snooze (with him on me now), lift the light sheet that I use as a cover, and COVER HIM with it and HE DOESN'T PANIC! In fact, he just takes it in stride, as just more “play” between us! We did quite a bit of that today... to play, to spend time together, to break the monotony of the other-wise dreary day. WE are OUR amusement... and as far as I'm concerned... HE is ALL I actually “require”, in ANY manner, way, fashion.
19 months ago, I didn't care whether the next month, moment or minute came... 18 months later... my little “Heart-and-Soul” is here... and as long as he takes breath... so too, will I, and as long as I take breath, I'll do so to make sure his moments and minutes are as close to “perfect” as is “humanly possible”.
All said though... at the end of this “Anniversary Day”, as the photos from the day show, it was BUSY! Actually, for BOTH of us because it was a day of a LOT of PLAYIN' AND LOVIN' AND ALL SORTS OF CLOWNIN' ABOUT AND AROUND! Yonah was “building” in his “nest box” when he wasn't on my shoulder, watching what-ever it was that I happened to be doing at the moment. OR... when I went for a lie-down, he was right there with me... until I dozed-off, at which point I can only imagine what he was doing! (One thing I have yet to commit to memory is to make sure I close the lap-top when I walk out of the room... I had to step out for a “loo break” at one point and when I got back... OH THE THINGS... THE LETTERS, THE LINES OF LETTERS THAT WERE TYPED ACROSS THE SCREEN! AND... OF ALL THE THINGS, IT WAS THE CODED PAGE FOR YONAH'S PHOTO PAGE!)
On the matter of the “Photo Page(s)”... I am SO HAPPY to have gotten the photos of Yonah in the pot at his orange tree today! They're a great way to actually document how well he's doing, how well he's housed, how MUCH HE'S LOVED and CHERISHED! BUT... OH, how much he TRULY does NOT like to to photographed AND he's not too fond of seeing the photos on the computer screen! I don't know HOW he knows when the camera it ready to take a picture and I don't know HOW he KNOWS that I've got a camera ready at all but he see's me reach and he's OFF and running or flying or something! And when I'm trying to “edit” through the images, he just LUVS to toddle across the key-board, peck at the screen (his image there), give a few hearty “woo-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOOs!” as if telling me:
Or something of the sort.
Anyway, that was part of the “playfulness on the shoulder” today. Me, trying to edit photos and Yonah, trying to distract me with pecks and pulls on my ear, toddling across my back, sneaking-up on the other shoulder... and, of course, me taking time for cuddles, snuggles, kisses and re-assurances of LOVE. But it really, truly, honestly was a GREAT, GRAND AND GLORIOUS DAY with him!
And again, this evening, we dined together... and literally, because as I brought my plate into the room, Yonah went to his food too. AS I ate, I heard him eating! Maybe we're now both on the very same schedule? Well, after all... we HAVE been together these 18 months... (I still can't believe it... I'm still quite in AWE!)
mourning dove 13 April 2022So we “lunched” and “dinnered” together and during the day, I had my coffee whilst Yonah worked on his “project”... and the rains drizzled down out-side... and we had the “FullSpec” and desk lights on. (And the furnace came on twice during the day too... so the rest of the house must have taken some sort of chill... but Yonah's room was just perfectly, delightfully cozy. Sadly, we didn't get to open the window today but... there will be more days to come for that. The important matter is that Yonah is warm and comfortable... and he was... and will be.)
This evening? It was a bit later than... The rains had let up and the sky got brighter... just as the sun was setting behind the mountains. But of course it was. The sun shining... just as it's setting. But it made for a bit of a strange situation because at 19.00 it was actually lighter out-side than it had been during the day! So, the “water relay” had been done (supervised at the door perch again... I DO believe Yonah now does that on purpose because he KNOWS I'll take quick stops to give quick kissed on his head or his back and yes, I can honestly and sincerely attest: he DOES enjoy that!) and I silenced the “musics” to get ready for “seepie-nigh-night” but, Yonah was having NONE of it at that hour. So we held-off on the closing of blinds and curtains until 19.40... and I took my time of it too. (OK. Some of it was selfish. THIS day was REALLY difficult to “let go of” because of the affections and the “anniversary” and looking at Yonah's room and house and comparing it all to 18 months ago... not to mention the memories of the early days... I just didn't want the day to close today!) But... by 20.00 it really was time. Yonah had been up from since almost 7.00 this morning and I always want to be certain that he gets his proper rest at night. And he DID have QUITE the busy day today, flying about... riding on my shoulder round the house... playing... loving... all that sort. So... I got blinds and curtains closed, the back board was on his house and I managed to coerce him into his house and to his perch... from my shoulder. It was “OK” until... the roof board went on and I leaned in for a few “Good night” kisses! Oh... it seemed we had to “Say good night to the bird in the mirror on the 'loft', and then check the food dish, the work in the nest box... and THEN... the “Good night kisses” went on and on and on and... every time I backed away, Yonah wanted more kisses!
Listen, Dear Readers... NEVER doubt the sentience of a mourning dove! NEVER doubt their ability to LOVE and appreciate BEING LOVED! This Little Guy is SO aware of EVERYTHING... from the placement of items in his house, to where he is at any given moment, to the presence and absence of his “mate” (in this case... his “people”). There's SO MUCH going on in his mind and heart that, if anybody can witness this and NOT be over-taken by pure, sheer “AWE”... well...
That said, we did get the kisses and cuddles and snuggles and such all in and at about 20.05 I did manage to get the light out... and my Heart-and-Soul was “tucked-in” for the night.
mourning dove 13 April 202218 months... a year and a half... I have NO clue as to where the time has gone. Some moments it feels as though we've been together for a mere 18 minutes... At others, it could be 18 years. SO much has changed SO drastically in that short time. Yonah has come to trust me, I've come to depend on him just for the basic action of getting up and out of bed of a day. His house? Well... from a horrible little “box” of wire mesh and kitchen roll to a a “LARGE” size “dog crate” with pool, fountain and pines... and that's actually just to provide a “personal space” for the “out-doors” area... Yonah has FULL RUN AND USE of the entire house! AND... he flies about so calmly now... AND NO COLLISIONS! 18 months isn't a very long time but this Little Guy has done SO much with the time... and we've grown SO close to one-another. It's going to be an interesting Summer, this year... and I'm hoping for so many more changes... for the better... for my Best Companion, my Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul...
But right now, for tonight, may he get a peaceful, restful sleep, protected, LOVED and SO CHERISHED... SO VERY EVER-SO CHERISHED... SO VERY... EVER-SO...

Thursday 14 April:
For the record, this morning's “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” came floating through the house at 6.35, and I hadn't even taken the time to change from sleep-scrubs (instead of pyjamas), since first coffee had only just been poured. BUT... when I called back my “Be there in a minute... woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” and the response was a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” WELL THEN... no “minute”, no “moment”, we had business to attend to this morning and “attend” we would! Right away!
Oh, and yes, even though the sun wasn't breaking through the morning clouds and mist as yet, “a little bird” was QUITE up and ready to take on the world! I opened the door to Yonah's room just as he was calling his morning “woo-HOO!” So I hurried over to his house and opened his door, leaned in for our “usual 'Good morning' kisses” and he was ready for SNUGGLES... as well as kisses! He leaned right into my face as I brought it close enough for him, and I got the greatest, energetic pecks on the nose and ear! (Of course, in my own way... all that LOVIN' was reciprocated. It's one of those moments when I just wish I could actually “hug” my Little Guy, but, the “hug” comes as a “cupping of hands” and I get to lean over him, when he's on his door perch. It appears he understands that and it's OK so...)
So, since Yonah was up and ready for the day, we just got right into the morning routine and after opening curtains and blinds to the dull, grey morning out-side, I got to the water relay and Yonah took his “supervisory” position at his door perch... where... of course... there were kisses between runs with water. I DO HAVE to believe that he does that intentionally now... he KNOWS that if he's there, he'll get those “kisses”... and he DOES ENJOY THEM! But HEY... if I could, I'd sit, for HOURS, holding him and snuggling and kissing him. But, he'll give me moments... and not really “snuggling”, so we get our “together” moments when, where and how we can. All said... he DOES enjoy it... PRECIOUS Little Guy!
And in spite of not much sun-shine during the day, the temperature out-side DID manage to climb to a comfy 21°! It was 21° out-side and 21,9° in Yonah's room. So the radiator got turned off, his window got opened, the front and back doors of the house and OH! The BREEZE that blew in through Yonah's window was a delight! Nice fresh(?) out-side air! Although it did blow havoc with the dry mosses and we did have to Hoover. But HEY! Fresh, moving air! WOOHOO(hoo-hoo) indeed! Sadly, today was an early “one-off”. Tomorrow's high is expected to be only 14° and then we're back to a -3° on Wednesday-week. But, for today, it was GRAND!
And Yonah? Well, he's REALLY taken to walking through the house! I'd had a lie-down for about 30 minutes today and when I “woke”, I heard him coo'ing.... in the living-room! I didn't coo back but waited a moment and then got up and went into the kitchen to pour a coffee when... FLUTTER-WHISTLE... Yonah came flying right by me an into his house! Still, later, I was at the work table when I happened to notice him toddling out of the room and into the kitchen and back out to the living-room. He's getting exercise (which is good) and he's taking more of the space available to him... a change of scenery too. And when the curtains are open, I'm sure he'll enjoy it all the more. (Now that he's getting to know this place... OH... if only we could find another place, with as much space, more light and a more peaceful environment... I'd still like to be able to get him out into the sun-shine and fresh air in the - a - yard... but... “It's out there”... I hold hope.)
All day today, again, he's been SO “affectionate”, actually “inviting” the cuddles, being held, kissed... and WE PLAYED SO MUCH TOO! A couple games of “chase” across the floor, and “Catch Me” on his roof-top! And we got in quite a few moments of “snuggling” as I/we sat on the futon. As I say... Yonah's been VERY affectionate these past couple of days. It's been an absolute delight! (And again, as I say, were he a puppy or kitten... OH... the hugs he could be getting... but he seems to be SO happy with being held either in my cupped hands or even just against my chest as I lay on the futon. If there was ever any question about the care and LOVE he gets... all questions would be answered and all doubt removed in a matter of moments...)
One thing that's bothering me though is that his poop during the day is, so I find when I'm the “recipient” of same, on the “warm” side and often clear. The warmth could be because of a dove's normal body temperature of 40° (where-as people are about 36°). Still, it feels “hot”... to me anyway... and that's usually on my neck, as he sits on my head or shoulder. The clear? Well. That, I'm reading in various sources, could be that he's drinking more water, and with the warmer weather and warmer room temperatures... and the breezes from open window, I have noticed him drinking more often. Fortunately, the poop in the morning (from over-night) has remained the same quantity and “quality”... and all normal. But I'll be keeping close watch for quite a while now.
And this evening, after “evening routine”, I took the tubing and pump out of his pool and ran pure white vinegar through it all for about 2,5 hours and a flush of clear, running tap water for about an hour after that, just to make sure there's nothing “harmful” in that system. The tubing is “clear” so I can see if there's anything “off” in there and it's just the normal discolouration from this tap water and the river rocks. I can't see in the pump so that's why I put pure vinegar through that. But again... I'll be keeping close watch over it all. We're soon due for a change of tubing anyway so...
And I noticed, today, that there's one feather on that left wing (the one that was so badly damaged when Yonah was attacked) that's growing-in with “splits and frays” again! It doesn't appear to stop him from flying... goodness knows, but it bothers me to see it and I'm hoping it's not causing Yonah any discomfort (never mind... any pain). Birds are so strange in that they show NO out-ward signs of suffering any sort of pain and Yonah's being SO affectionate of late that it literally HURTS me, to think of him in ANY sort of discomfort at all. He's just an inspiration when it comes to “pain tolerance”. Those first nights when he came in, I used to “pray” (as it is that I do... call it “pray”, for lack of better term) that I could “take his pain and suffering” so that he could heal and be well again. I don't know that I did, but he's recovered SO miraculously... but there's just that “remnant reminder”... and, sadly, I have no feathers to trade, still, I'd take what-ever pain he has... gladly. That's my little Heart-and-Soul right there and there's nothing I want for other than his happiness and comfort! So I'll be watching that wing and his flying and his general health and welfare... EXCEPTIONALLY CLOSELY! to be sure.
Well, it rained for most of the day but it stayed quite nicely warm. Doors and window stayed open and it was really quite delightful.
And this evening, we dined together again... and I'm enjoying being in the room with him... since he won't come to the kitchen (yet... perhaps when the sun is shining in through the windows and the kitchen is brighter in the coming Summer evenings). And when I'd done with eating and my washing-up... I had a moment to have a brief lie-down and we BOTH shared the pillows on the futon for about 20 minutes. He's a character: he sees me heading for the futon, arranging the pillow and with a WOOSH... there he is, right beside my head! I say: we're “CLOSE” and he's so affectionate!
After snooze... we did the “water relay” (Yonah on the door perch, to be sure and to be kissed)... and I removed the “fountain”. THAT caused quite the stir in “the house”. I was removing something! WHAT was I thinking? But I did manage to get it all out and there was fresh, clean water in the pool, and the rocks were set back as they ought to have been and, apparently, all was “approved”. I set the “fountain” up in the kitchen basin and returned to Yonah and the work table to begin the daily journalling.
Well... Well? But at about 19.30, although there was a trace of “day-light out-side, it was “time” to wind the day down, close the blinds and curtains and get the “seepie-nigh-night” set up. As I moved Yonah's house about to get to the windows to close everything up, he took off for his futon. So I went about the task at hand and when done, went over for some more “cuddles” at the futon. Yonah hopped up onto my shoulder and we went over to his house where he get onto his perch... He was obviously not “thrilled” but he didn't make a fuss and as soon as I said that it was “seepie-nigh-night time”, he went over to his little “friend in the loft mirror”... “Good night pecks” were given and he scuttled back to his “night spot” on his perch... by 19.50... the lights went out... my Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for another good night's rest.
As I told him tonight: that's my least favourite part of any day... I feel good that we had such a wonderful day together, and that he can sleep protected, through the night, but... it's just the hours that we're kind of apart. Still, again, at least I know that he's safe from predators through the night... there's food and water available to him at all times and, when the sun rises on a new day, he'll have been safe... and he'll be safe all through the next day.
I'm not perfect, and this isn't the world he was born into, but, I do my best to provide all that I can to try to ensure his happiness... I suppose I'm doing OK... I can only hope... and I do.
Friday 15 April:
I got off to a bit of a “late” start to this morning, occupied with several little tasks first thing so I was caught, un-prepared, at 6.42 by the soft and gentle call of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” from behind the door that I'd closed when I got out of bed. (I close Yonah's door first thing, so to block some of the sounds of me putting the kettle on and going about any business I have round the rest of the house and to keep the kitchen light out of his room, so to let his room lighten according to the sun-rise. I don't wake him... I let him wake as close to his “natural” time as is possible.)
When I heard the “call”, I replied, as I do, in kind and the reply came right away: “woo-HOO-hoo-ho-hoo-hoo... hoo-hoo”. OK. That, I've come to learn (amongst and with SO MANY other of Yonah's “habits”) means that he's up, awake and ready to “roll”. So I replied with the same and, as is Yonah's “routine”, he replied with “woo-HOO!” I knew then... it was time to stop what-ever was going on in the rest of the house and get busy... opening the windows to the morning, get on with the “water relay” and... KISSES AND CUDDLES AND GOOD MORNING PECKS! And so, I headed directly in to his house.
He was awake alright, and he was certainly ready to get to his day!
When I got to his house, opened his door and leaned in for our morning “greetings” of kisses and cuddles, the greeting was energetic, to put it mildly. Yonah “scuttled” over to the very front of his perch, thrust his head forward and the pecks of “Good morning” were plentiful. A couple of stretches of the wings and as I put his door perch on and went to remove the roof board, he was hopping about, to the other perch, then to his “loft” in the corner. I moved his house round to remove the back board and he was already “chatting” with the reflection in his mirror... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. WOOHOO! We “chatted” as I worked along opening curtains and blinds to the grey day out-side the windows.
It was a some-what “dark” beginning to the day today, with a few “mild warnings” of some showers to come as the day progressed. Thankfully though, it wasn't cold. Not as warm as yesterday, but still, as I opened the blinds, that “Winter chill” wasn't hanging there, as with SO many previous mornings. And my Little Guy? Well, he was quite ready to get on with his day's events... what-ever those were to be...
And OH... were there “events”!
Not only was this morning the “usual” boards, blinds, curtains, “poop check” and such, but I had to re-install the pump and tubing for his “fountain”! Something “different” to the morning before the “water relay”. And, it was SO MUCH MORE than “obvious” that Yonah noticed the “novel routine” because, as I brought the fountain paraphernalia in and started working about in his pool, he was RIGHT THERE, watching closely, intently, and pecking at my hands as I tried to move rocks and trees to get things all safely situated. (The rocks for the fountain have to be stacked “just so”, so as to support the white pine... and NOT tumble when Yonah's house is moved... and more importantly... when he's in having a splash! It was a challenge for me, trying to arrange and stack and get the tubing just right and all the while, Yonah pecking at my hands and hopping up onto my arm... then scuttling up to my shoulder. BUT, as I say... HE DIDN'T MISS A SINGLE MOVE I MADE!)
Well... “we” got the fountain back to where it had to be and I went about the “regular water relay” and Yonah supervised from his door perch. I wasn't about to get away with no “kisses” as I scurried back and forth this morning. And I flushed everything double this morning, to make sure that there was no residual vinegar or anything in the water that might be or become harmful (like any sort of residual soap from my hands, because I'd washed them before getting to work).
Well then... windows open to the grey morning, fountain re-installed and running quite nicely, I headed back to the kitchen to “settle” that and as I did I heard, from Yonah's room... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... several times. When I looked in I saw him, at the “front mirror” at his “night place” on his perch. It seemed he was “discussing” the morning's activities. (“Did you see all that? Imagine? First thing in the morning? Have you ever?”... You know, I wouldn't put it past him to say so... I really wouldn't.)
And so, after every little thing was done in the rest of the house, I got changed from my “night-wear” into my clothes and moved me in to the work table where I was, again, “greeted”... with a RUSH-FLIGHT... and a charming landing... on my head.
Friday morning... and we were off and running!
And WHAT a “running” sort of morning it was. I was another “construction project” day... MY, how the mosses went flying! It was a pure amazement and delight to watch as Yonah pulled sprigs of moss from the “carpet” in his house, chose, with care, a particular bit, gave it a sturdy “shake” side-to-side. The “rejects” went flying, of their own, and most of them landed in his pool! Sprigs that passed that test were accepted and with a quick hop, Yonah was up to his “nest box” to deposit it/them there. I continued with my own affairs at the table, having my morning coffee, and I let him work until... some time later, I got up and before leaving the room, glanced into the pool... It was a veritable pond of greenery! OK. So it did look quite nice, quite “natural wood-land” with all the moss so nicely saturated and floating about, but, well, in the first place, I still haven't figured a way to keep it from being pulled into the little pump for the fountain and I've a feeling that the precious pump stopped because too much moss may have gotten jammed in it. There's a “back-up” available, I make sure to have one on hand) but, I'd prefer to keep this one in working order for as long as possible so... the pool had to be “flushed” again... the moss had to be pulled out of the water, from under the rocks and from the intake tubing. I had to laugh... Yonah had to object.
There's another reason why I prefer to get the moss out of the water as soon as possible: I'm not sure what causes it, but when the moss is left in there for a while... even an hour or so, there tends to be “foam”... not much but some, from the splashing water of the fountain. It isn't “soap” of any sort because there isn't any soap on the pump or tubing, nor on the dish or the rocks. Something in or about the moss creates a “suds” and since Yonah tends to drink from there... well... I make sure that water is always as fresh and clean as possible.
That said, Yonah, it seems, happens to prefer the greenery in the pool and tends to “object” by pecking at my hands as I try to remove it. He's even jumped right into the pool to get at my hand and pull a few soggy sprigs from my fingers! (I've been wondering: there are the tiniest little fish in the local river, where the water is as clear and clean as could be... it would be interesting to get a couple to put into the pool to see what Yonah would do with them... I tend to think he'd peck at them, at least, and might even try to “nibble” one... I've read that mourning doves will, especially round-about mating time and, for the “Mrs.”, laying time, eat snails and small worms... which is why I put dried meal worms in with Yonah's food from time to time... I wonder if they'd eat fish too! Now that the warmer weather is coming, I'll have to check the river... maybe put the old, smaller pool in some-where, either in Yonah's house or some-where in the room where he can get to it... I'll put river water in that one and see what he does... More to learn! And, of course... report will follow when...) Anyway, all well and fine, the moss was removed, and the water in the pool was completely changed... for the second time today. But to be certain, I don't mind at all! As I say:
Nothing is too good nor good enough for my little Heart-and-Soul. Fresh water! Fresh food! The works!
Now, today, we DID have a bit of an “incident”... completely MY fault... A bit of sun-shine managed to break through this after-noon and I'd opened the doors to the house... though, because of the slight “chill” in today's breeze, not Yonah's window and I had some work to do out in the yard that I didn't plan on spending all too much time on so, I headed out... I did manage to get most of what I'd wanted to accomplish done before the clouds rolled back in and so, a few hours later, I came back into the house and, as I do normally, I looked in on Yonah... He wasn't in his house... he wasn't in his room... I called... no reply! (He'll often respond when I call “Where's Mr. Woo-HOO!?” with a “woo-HOO!” But he didn't today.) OK! My “search” began... IN EARNEST!
I checked his room, the kitchen, the loo, the living-room and the bed-room... I walked round the house twice and then, on the third round, started putting on every light in every room. Because the sun was gone, the house wasn't quite as bright as would have been “comfortable” for me and, as I've already noted in other entries here, Yonah's colouring blends into just about EVERY bit of furniture and other-wise in the house so, if he doesn't move... he's “invisible”!
Lights on in the kitchen... no Yonah... Lights on in the living-room... no Yonah. I headed for my bed-room because that's where he was the previous time I couldn't find him... and... lights on there as well... no Yonah... BUT WAIT... THERE. on the shelf, just inside the door, at the base of a small, old-fashioned table lamp... YONAH! Just sitting there, paying NO attention to me at all! I was relieved to see him but he didn't seem to “happy” to see me... he didn't make a move at all and I wondered if he hadn't had some sort of “collision” in his flying about the house whilst I was out. So I picked him up, put him on my shoulder. He just “roosted” there and we went about the house, together, as I talked to him, telling how relieved I was to have found him... and we turned the lights out. When we got back to HIS room, he immediately headed to his house and when I put my head in to check on him... OH THE PECKING ON THE NOSE AND FORE-HEAD! He was quite back to his “normal” self! I still don't know why he was so docile at first but, a careful check... no signs of injuries, his mood was just about what it was this morning, and so it appeared... all was right back where it was...
INCLUDING MORE MOSS IN THE POOL! HE HAD BEEN QUITE BUSY IN MY ABSENCE SO... we were off to another “water relay”... Hey! NO problem! At the very least, the water in the pool was as fresh as possible with all the changes today... and it was good after having flushed the pump and tubing. AND... this time, Yonah didn't seem to mind at all... He was “back in HIS house” and I was back in HIS room and we were back together and obviously, to him (and to me, to be honest) THAT'S pretty much all that mattered. So “we” got busy with that... though this time, Yonah “watched” from his food ledge. The “novelty” of the whole affair was dulled by now... after so many times in a day. And after... we had “together” time as I went about preparing my evening meal... with Yonah... on my shoulder.
And so... we dined together this evening, and after, I did a quick “water relay”... just enough to “change” the water in the pool. (Usually it's 7 round trips... 14 containers of fresh water through, but this time it was only 5 trips... 10 containers of water...) I “settled” the house for the “Friday” night and by then, it was about 19.20! The day had come to a close! And out-side, the winds were picking-up... “warnings” of “high winds” over-night... of course... bringing back the cold nights, cooler days... and even some mentions of... more snows Sunday and Tuesday. (Hey! This is The North Country and... it ain't July yet...) So blinds and curtains got closed... to keep out the intrusive street light AND, tonight, the cool winds... the back board went up and the roof board too... and Yonah? Well... tonight he made no fuss... he was in his house and apparently ready for “seepie-nigh-night”. So, indeed... the only light on was his little desk lamp, so the lighting was dim already, I just went about getting things settled... and as we had our “Good night” kisses, I told him:
“This is the part of a day that I like the very least... I miss you during the night, you. BUT, you were up early this morning and you obviously had quite the busy day with all your moving and construction so... it's time to get some rest. No being tired... you have to get rest to be healthy... no being sick. OK? OK.”
Kisses, cuddles, a snuggle and... I closed his door and as I put his light out, he got himself to his “night place” on his perch... Yes, our Friday came to a close.
My Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul all nicely tucked-in, safe against tonight's winds and chills, for a quiet, restful night... in preparation for a “tomorrow”... when I'll have nothing to to that will take me away... and we can do hat-ever comes along... together... ALL DAY! (Now THAT is a “PERFECT DAY” to look forward to!)
mourning dove 16 April 2022Saturday 16 April:
The morning was fighting to make an appearance through the morning clouds, the ground was still damp from last night's light rains, the air was chilled... it was another one of those “dark Spring days, but at 6.42, the silence of the house was only “moved” with the gentle call of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...” In the next room, my little Heart-and-Soul woke and nothing else mattered any more.
I answered, in kind and immediately received a reply, again, with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. And so... our day began... with a chat!
When I got into Yonah's room, he was quite ready for morning “greetings and kisses” and a “woo-HOO!” His room was SO cozy warm, in contrast to the chill out-side, which is just the way it always is and always will be, not matter what. The “day-light”, what little there was, was making its way in through the closed blinds and curtains, and as I opened the door to his house, he “shuffled” side-ways, to come closer so that we could share our morning cuddles and kisses. Precious little, if anything, else can compare to the elation of a heart knowing that a precious Little One actually looks forward to seeing you, and Yonah makes is obvious that he looks forward to seeing me as much as I look forward to seeing him. At my worst moments, the expression of “Love” from him takes any importance I might have given anything else in the world away, turns it completely non-existent. I never take his affection for granted, always bearing in mind that I didn't encourage it, but HE CHOSE to give it... There's no greater gift, no higher blessing. He would get my Love and Devotion, no matter what the circumstances. If there ever was a “debt”, it was mine, to him, to provide him with the best-possible life, every comfort as well as need. He never did, doesn't now and never will “owe” me anything. And so, it makes his affections all the closer to anything that might even slightly or remotely resemble a “Heaven”... human or other-wise.
So I went about my “tasks” for the morning, removing the “night boards” from his roof and the back of his house and as I opened curtains and blinds, Yonah stretched his wings and hopped about in his house, from perch-to-perch and over to the little reflections in his mirrors, giving each of them a “Good morning”.... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. And at one point, as I opened the blinds, looking out to the grey morning, I heard him let go a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” and when I turned round, he was staring right at me! So! What-ever that meant (and HOW I WISH I KNEW), it was intended for me! So I answered with the same... which warranted one of his shorter “woo-HOO!”s. AND... the windows let in the dim morning light and I got busy with the tidying (poop check, as it were) and the “water relay”.
Again, this morning, Yonah took his place at his door perch... so that as I made the trips with the water, I could pause for the seconds, to lean down and give him at least one little “peck”, and as I did so, he raised his head up so that I could get right to the top. Every once in a while, I'd get a kiss in and as I headed out for the next round of water I could hear him behind me... “wing-snap”! I guess he was enjoying my little antics of tossing-in a quick kiss as I raced against the water draining from the pool into the catch bucket... as it was all replaced with fresh, clean water for the day.
The rest of the morning went along quite peacefully. It was dark, because of the clouds and dreary, out-side. I didn't turn his FullSpec light on right away so that the room could lighten naturally, but after a while, when I moved me and my things into the room and onto the work table, for the day's tasks, I did put the light on. It brightened the room a bit and his house quite nicely and it was obvious that he enjoyed the light because he became all the more active... and... he was off and about... from his house to the futon and to the orange tree... Oh... to the orange tree... where the little bits of moss that remain there went flying all over the work table! He's been so busy moving sprigs of moss from the floor of his house up to his nest box and even though there's still quite a bit there, apparently the little bits from the base of the orange tree were something that he wanted to add and... as he does with moss, he picked through what was there, gave the sprig a good SHAKE and, what didn't “pass” sailed up and out of the pot... and landed just about any-where at all... on the work table, the floor, the key-board to the lap-top. What met with “approval” got take, with a flutter of wings, into his house and up to the nest box where it was methodically deposited... sadly, most often, to be blow out and into the pool when he took off for the next trip... to the tree or where-ever he was headed.
As for “headed”, as I worked at the table, Yonah took little excursions round the house. I could see, out of the corner of my eye, the little “dark object” (a little mourning dove) toddling across the beige carpet of his room and out the door. It's such a JOY, really, to see him “on the move”. He looks so confident now, just walking along, out the door, as if with some determination. It wasn't all that long ago when he'd get right to the door-way and stop, turn round and come back. Not any more. Now, he knows what's “out beyond” and he knows how to get there and that the way is safe. So there's a “confidence” in the “stride of his toddle”... It's heart-warming to me to see because, for a while, it was causing me concern that he wouldn't leave his room. Now? I just have to mind my every step, no matter where I am in the rest of the house because there's never any telling just where he might be at any given time!
What's more and more comforting to me is that, whilst I'm in the room, he does come over to my shoulder when he wants a couple of pecks or a stroke, and he will come over and roost on my head as I'm typing or writing, but, he's just as secure with leaving the room to “investigate” the rest of the house... if I'm not providing enough entertainment or amusement... of affection. He's still quite independent... and that reassures me. (Not that he truly needs such a thing... because if it's at all humanly possible, I'm here to make sure that he has EVERYTHING he needs... and, well... MOST of what he simply enjoys.) And he's confident... knowing his surroundings and that he's safe... and THAT is what's MOST important to me!
Anyway... our day went along as a “holiday Saturday” would go... thankfully peacefully. I had more work to keep me busy in his room and we listening to the radio, his bird-songs, a few tunes on the iPod and, of course, during the day, we took play breaks (LOTS of play breaks) and one quick “snooze”... during which I tried to snooze and Yonah tried to keep me from snoozing.
What took me a bit by surprise though is, the room got so quiet and all was so calm and I was so involved with what I was doing on the computer that I hadn't noticed until I turned round to see... Yonah... soaking in the pool! And OH... did he ever SOAK! He'd gotten himself SO “soaked” that when he came out of the pool and up to his door perch to give a shake, there was quite the impressive “sprinkling” all over the place! I felt it on my neck and, when I turned toward him I noticed he'd literally soaked himself almost through the feathers! His little head looked as though he'd come out of a shower... which, in a way, he almost did, considering his fountain. But when he's enjoying his “bath” he REALLY enjoys his bath! And again, with the shaking, it was “impressive”... to say the least!
What a contrast: the grey and drear out-side, the chill in the breeze, and, mean-while, in Yonah's room, the temperature was about 23°, his FullSpec light gave a nice “glow” and there he was... splashing about in his pool... as if in a brook in mid-Summer! Well? NOBODY deserves it more than he and again, I'm just SO relieved and glad and comforted that he has the chance to enjoy his splashing. (I still wonder about another little “pond”... with a couple of fish in it... but that really is bordering on a bit of “insanity”... teetering out of the “eccentricity” I'm already accused of. I think, for what he has... “he's good”.)
And so, that's how our day went along... and I kept working... when we weren't taking play breaks, of which there were a great many, to be sure. Yonah's been in such a playful mind-set these days. Could it be... “Spring”? Well, at least I have the time and the heart to be the best Companion possible. As far as I'm concerned, there is no other responsibility in my existence above (or other than) him and his comfort and happiness.
And this evening, again, we dined together. And I'm noticing that when I get up to get my dinner, he has is dinner too. We literally “dine together” now.
The problem with the “dinner hour” is that it's also the “signal” of the approach of the end of our day. Even though the day-light lasts longer, Yonah's hours and need for “sleep time” remain the same. So, I no sooner finish my meal and the washing-up and it's time for the “winding-down”. After all, if he's to get his 10-14 hours of “rest” at night, and he's waking at 6.30 of a morning, well... we have to keep as close to his 19.30 “tuck-in” as possible. And some-what strangely enough, when he sees me getting up from the work table to bring my plate to the kitchen, he actually does start to get more “settled”. It's as if he's become familiar with a “routine”: I get up with the plate and he begins to move about, as if making his house “ready for the night”. He becomes more “settled”, either on his door perch or at some place in his house... calmly. Honestly, he's SO MUCH MORE AWARE of things, events, as they are, than I'd ever have imagined!
So yes, I did the washing-up and went back in to begin the evening “water relay” and he took his place at his door perch... where, as I scurried with waters, he got his “kisses on the head” and, again, this evening, as I came back into the room and to his house with water, he raised his head... ready for the “kisses”.
After the water was changed and his house was settled, we listened to some more music for a while, and I started on his Journal for the day until... at about 19.30, I as I wasn't paying strict attention to the clock, I was “reminded”...
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and when I looked up, he was on his door perch, looking at me and gave me a wing-snap. It was time to “close shop”... close the blinds and the curtains and get things ready for a night's sleep!
mourning dove 16 April 2022So I got up and moved his house away from the windows so that I could get the them, and, as I did so, he went up for his “before bed-time snack”. That's something that calms my heart tremendously because it's a comfort to me to know that his little belly is full for the night, that he doesn't go to sleep hungry. How I think of the “Yardies” in the evening, and how the Little Ones have to scurry about before sun-set to find food for the night. And for the next few nights, we're supposed to expect a bit of a “cold snap” again. But, for Yonah, there's no worry and no cause for concern. He has fresh water and fresh food right there, always at the ready. And that he's so comfortable that he'll eat even as I work around his house... well... COMPLIMENT of the HIGHEST order! He used to stop eating when I'd start moving about, especially when I was at the windows or even putting up the night boards. Not any more. Now... it's all just another part of another evening. We've (the two of us) become such a “unit”... sort of “one being comprised of two parts”. Truth is... that's how I see it anyway. As I say...
I am because he is.
And so... it was a bit later than it ought to have been but by 20.00, windows were closed against the night, night boards were installed... and my Little Guy actually was ready for “tuck-in”. Tonight, he didn't even try to “make a run for it” as he some-times does, heading for the futon or his roof-top at the last minute. Instead, he was on his perch, in his night spot where we got to exchange our “Good night” kisses and pecks and when I put the light out, he was quite settled for the night. My little Heart-and-Soul was safely settled for a good night's rest. So, with a reassuring “You sleep well now. We have nothing on the agenda for tomorrow except more time together. And maybe we'll get a bit of house-keeping done and what-ever comes along... we'll face it all together. But you just remember that I'm always here to make sure you're safe and sound and that I LOVE you! You get your rest, my LOVE... my Heart-and-Soul.”
Another day came to a close... and I stepped out of his room... but, as is always the case, I left my heart with him... as I always do.
Sunday 17 April:
I was still moving about the house in the “early morning mist” of waking up, getting the coffee poured and such, and hadn't closed Yonah's door, as I do of a morning, so that my motion and the light in the kitchen doesn't disturb him when... at 6.47... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. Wake-up time! “Morning conversation” time too. He was talkative this morning! Obviously, he'd gotten a restful night's sleep... and that's all I really need to know, first thing on any day. Our calls back and forth carried right into when I got into his room to open his door! And so, with my coffee at hand, we got to the curtains and blinds on this rather chilly bit of a morning.
And I say “chilly”... there must have been a bit of a snow-fall during the night, last, because the tops of the farther mountains were white again this morning! Thankfully, we didn't get any “locally”... well, not until almost after-noon. And then, it was more a “heavy flurry” than an actual “snow-fall”, and it didn't stay, especially when the sun finally broke the clouds. It didn't “warm” the air, but it did remove the “dusting”.
All the while... Yonah's room was a “Summ'ry” 24° all day so, we had no concern about what was happening on the other side of the window panes.
This morning though, I HAD to take the Hoover... not only to his room but his house too. Bits of mosses, some seeds here and there. It was easier and quicker to simply Hoover it all up, and I changed the kitchen roll in the front quarter of his house too, right after “water relay” which my little “Boss” observed from his door perch... More kisses in between runs with water! He REALLY ENJOYS THAT! When he sees me coming in the door, even though I'm carrying the containers of water, he crouches and then raises his head when I get to him so that I can make a quick “dip of the head” and plant a kiss or two on the top of his head. And as I leave, he calls “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... as if complaining “Hey! That's ALL?”
And OH... as I put the vacuum hose into his house... WAS HE EVER ATTENTIVE! Something NEW! Something ODD! Something that was making strange noises... IN HIS HOUSE! And I don't doubt, for the briefest moment, that he didn't notice that that “hose-thing” was REMOVING stuff! He's not afraid of it, by any means. In fact, usually, as I Hoover the rest of his room, just as he did today, he goes for a bit to eat. (I'm reminded of a video I saw, many months ago, of a young woman and her parrots... The parrots would take a bath when-ever she ran the vacuum cleaner. As she mentioned: birds prefer sound, “noise”, so maybe they feel safer with the noise so that's when they bathe... or, as in Yonah's case, eat.) One thing I have to say is: after many years of dealing with cats who RUN in a panic when the Hoover starts, and dogs that bark and bite and attack the vacuum hose, it truly is quite amazing to see how Yonah just really doesn't care, one way or the other... In fact, he rather enjoys the noise... and, as I say, he's intrigued when it's in his house! In fact, a couple of times, he came right over and started pecking at my hand as I held the little attachment over his “floor”, picking up mosses and such. Not a bit of fear in this Little Guy! (Then again... he's been through the ULTIMATE HELL in Creation: literally being attacked and shredded... ALIVE AND CONSCIOUS! The very thought of that morning and what he must have endured still sickens me... physically, mentally, emotionally and literally. And thinking:
Put “humans” into a perspective and a not-so-flattering light.
But, after all of my commotion this morning was done... we got to settle-down and settle-in for this Sunday... for a while, anyway... Today was one of Yonah's MORE PLAYFUL DAYS... But... could there be anything closer to Perfect than that? I think NOT!
Taking advantage of the “holiday Sunday”, I managed to get to a LOT of old “paper-work” that had been “filed” after a fashion of “It fits in that folder so...” and raised quite a bit of havoc in Yonah's room (where everything is “filed” and stored-away... because his room has the best “hiding places” for such things). Poor Little Guy... his futon was literally covered in letters and all sort of correspondence, bills and the likes! But he took it as an “adventure” for the most part. SO CURIOUS! Every sheet of paper had to be scrutinized, as if he were the “book-keeper” and had to give the “stamp of clearance” on each page. It was an amazing sight to behold as he hopped about the pages and envelopes, and watched, so attentively when-ever I lifted one or put another down. Page to page and stack to stack he made his way back and forth across the mayhem.
And every now and again... a wing-snap... I'd paid TOO much attention to “those things” and wasn't giving any notice to HIM! And so... of course, it was “PLAY TIME”! “Catch me!” and cuddle, snuggles and re-assuring kisses. Today was one of his more “affectionate” days too! OH, but he wanted to be on my shoulder or, as I worked at the table, he HAD to be on that little “extended perch” over my left shoulder, where he could see me sorting and putting pages together... And when I went to the futon to actually place the papers into their appropriate folders, he had to be on my shoulder to make sure everything went precisely where it belonged (so I wouldn't have to invest more time later, in re-doing the work... and taking time from him). Again, I was reminded of having read, what seems so long ago now, that “doves”, in general, are notorious for taking active interest in a house-hold. And again, I'm reminded of accounts of how “attached” parrots become to their “people”... Well.. I can say, with no doubt at all, doves, if they're anything even remotely similar to Yonah, equal that attachment and the want to participate. (I have to wonder how “interested” or “intrigued” mourning doves in the wild are, where the activities of people are concerned. I know they're extremely skittish, and easily frightened. Even when disturbed whilst eating at the food in the back yard, they'll take off, wings whistling loudly, and more often than not, won't return, at least for a good long while. So if there is any “interest” in them, it's over-ruled by a wariness or even fright. With Yonah, the more that happens in his room, the deeper and more intense it seems, his curiosity... ESPECIALLY IN HIS HOUSE!)
And too, today, as I sat working, I noticed how, if he sensed that I was just “too involved” with what-ever it was that I was doing, he simply left the room. What an absolute JOY it is for me, seeing him just toddle out the door, into the kitchen where he makes a bit of a “round”, as if checking to see that things are in order there as they ought to be, and then, when satisfied (or figuring it's really all just hopeless anyway) he heads out to the living-room for a while. And I find it interesting that he'll walk out, but he always flies back. Anyway, there was quite a bit of that going on today. Ad I say, it does my heart a world of good to see him so comfortable in the house. He obviously feels secure here... in a “people house”. Some-how he “KNOWS” he's safe, that there are no threats to him, hiding round any corner or up on any shelf. I'm comforted by that. After all... I don't think of this place so much as “my place” as I do think of it as “HIS house”... all of it. All of this space, for what-ever it's worth, is his... before it's anybody else's.
Well... that's how our day “rolled”... The sun did make a few appearances through the day. And in Yonah's room, we listened to a few collections of “The Sound of Philadelphia”... good old music from the 70s. Not loud, mind. But there were a few tunes that he seemed to enjoy more than others. Understandable. He has his own “taste” in music. (I note: the very first time he heard Dvorak: “Song To The Moon” something in the melody evoked several delightful “coo's”. And even to this day, at parts, he still coo's to the music... delightfully. And there are a few songs that come on the radio that catch his attention, and will warrant a coo or two. I wish I knew or could even know what he hears in music. But as it's said: birds live in a world of “sounds”... many varied sounds and music? Well, the reason I play the radio and his bird-songs is so that the “sounds” vary as much and as often as possible. Hopefully it keeps boredom away... between listening to the musics and being able to toddle about the place, room-to-room.)
“We” got “our” sorting and filing done JUST as it was time to put evening meal on the hob and as I did, Yonah took a quick break for a quick snack whilst I was busy in the kitchen. But when I came back into his room with my dinner plate, he took, immediately, up to his ledge where his food is an we dined, quite literally, together, again, this evening. And when I'd done, I went off to do the washing-up and when that was finished... before I had the chance to get back to his room, Yonah CALLED, loudly and clearly, from his room... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! Oh yes, to be sure... it was time for the evening “changing of the water”! (And yes, of course... he “attended” my “attending” by waiting on the door perch... Kisses were NOT to be over-looked... It was THAT kind of day!) After I'd fulfilled my duty... I sat back at the work table to gather my “things” to be removed for the night and get started on this Journal. Yonah took his place on his roof-top platform where he waited...
At about 19.35 I got up and too the lap-top into the kitchen and stopped for a drink of water and... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... came the call from the “roof-top”. “Hey! It's evening here... time to get these windows shut.” And when I came back into the room... wing-snap! I'd been “informed”. As I wandered about behind and around his house, getting to the windows, Yonah “followed” me from his roof-top, waiting for my head to get close enough for a “surprise peck” from above. It's another one of his little games. And when I look up, he stands there with what I'd swear to be an expression of “I KNOW! Right? It just came down out of no-where, attacked your head and then flew off!” Mr. “It Certainly Wasn't Me!” But when I'd gotten the blinds and curtains all closed, the back board on and was about to get the roof board, just like that little recalcitrant kid who suddenly just isn't ready for “tuck-in” at the moment, Yonah took off for the futon! And when I went to the futon to get the roof board, he headed back to his roof and stood, looking at me... daringly. So, I reached up for his little roof platform and brought it up and then over and down to me where I could give him a bit of a kiss. He always has a look as if asking “How did I get HERE? I didn't fly! I didn't walk. I didn't even move and suddenly, I'm here and not where I was and YOU'RE here too!” I have to laugh every time. I wonder what he makes of that move and my sudden appearance there, in front of him, and so close.
It took a moment, but when I put the platform, with Yonah on it, into his house, he did hop over to his perch, scuttled to the little loft mirror where there were “Good night” pecks and then, he came back to the “front” to his “night spot” where we got a few cuddles and kisses... and when asked “Do you know the Yardies are all tucked-in for the night out there?” and said “It's 'seepie-nigh-night' time for Yardies and other birdies.” he settled right down... (He recognises the expression “seepie-nigh-night”!) And so, boards in place and door closed for the night, a couple more little kisses and my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in, the light went out. Sunday was “closed”.
Calls for -4° again, tonight, but Yonah's room is very comfy-warm, as it was all day, his radiator is still very much at-hand by his house where the warmth will rise to keep him warm through the night. Tomorrow? Well... expected to be sunny and about 12°. We'll see. It would be nice to have another day of open windows and breezes. Fresh air in Yonah's world here. If so, we'll enjoy... if not... we'll enjoy anyway... because my Little Guy and I will be together... and THAT is ALL that matters in and on ANY given day... EVER.

Monday 18 April:
WHAT can I say about this day? It was INDESCRIBABLY WONDERFUL! It started with a slightly over-cast morning, on the “very cool” side of the thermometer. Not “cold”, but not “comfy”, really. And, as fas as I'm concerned, it began at 6.16 with the morning call of... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! WOOHOO! Indeed! And quite a bit of chatting as I responded and replied!
“Morning routine” was “well-supervised” from immediately after many “sincere” “Good morning” kisses! Yonah MUST have gotten quite a nice night's restful sleep last night and woke in some of his best spirits this morning. It was a most amazing lift to my own spirits to see him in such a good mood, first thing in the morning. And, of course, as I ran the “water relay”, the kisses continued because he set himself on his door perch where he KNOWS I'll HAVE to cross over him to get the water into his pool... and, of course, I'll HAVE to “dip down” to plant a few kisses on his head.
And from there, once I'd settled the rest of the house and situated my-self at the work table, it all rolled into another one of those “We MUST be together at all times” days. He fluttered about in his house for a while, and then came over to my shoulder to watch as I went through records on the lap-top and paper-work that had to be sorted and “co-ordinated” with spread-sheets and the likes on the computer.
This morning, “we received” a visitor too... Amy, who has become quite the tonic to my ever-yearning-for-information heart, stopped by to see the latest situation and conditions at Yonah's “residence”. When she called from the front door of the house (it was open because the sun had come through BRILLIANTLY... in a perfectly clear sky and lent some warmth to the air), I was at the work table. When I stood up to go greet her, Yonah came FLYING over to my shoulder AND... he rode all the way to the door! Oddly though, as soon as he heard Amy's voice, he was OFF! Took a bit of a flight round the living-room and then headed to his house. He's still not “quite comfortable” with other people around. I don't mind that at all, although I don't see him needing to become all-too-comfortable around other people... after all... I don't see him having to be around other people... So long as he takes breath, I take breath, and so long as I take breath, I do so to make sure he's safe, comfortable, well and as “content as I can humanly provide for”.
But Amy did come into his room and Yonah, for the most part, kept in his house, at the farthest corner away from her... and me, for that matter, He just wasn't going to be “seen”. In fact, Amy noticed that he positioned himself so that he couldn't see her. We supposed it was a case of “If I can't see you, you can't see me.” The good thing though... the best part of it all... he didn't panic, as he used to do when somebody else was in the room. He MIGHT be getting accustomed to the presence of others... though not “comfortable” with the situation.
Amy is a pure delight, as I say, being SO knowledgeable about “Rehabbers” and the likes. She's such an inspiration to me, and a great source of information for me to follow as I pursue my own further education about “Rehabbing” and birds and their care, in general. In fact, she knows a couple of Rehabbers in the general vicinity so she's familiar with the protocol and educational and licensing procedures. It was a great relief to me when she said that, in her own opinion, she sees no reason why ANYBODY would object to Yonah's current situation. She sees how wonderful he's treated, how beautiful and healthy he looks. She's rather impressed with his house... pine trees, moss, pool, fountain. (Oh sure, there are those who'd object no matter what, those who live for any sort of conflict possible, but, even as Amy and I discussed, with the documentation on this web-site of Yonah's, the “Care” pages show that I'm forever studying and learning, and this Journal of his/ours is more documentation than anybody could ask for, expect or even bother to take the time to read. So... as the saying goes... “We're good”. And I'm thrilled!)
I did HAVE to get out of the house to run errands early this after-noon because of an expected “heavy snow storm” tonight and tomorrow, so, for about an hour, Yonah had the whole house to himself. (And, of course, I was RUNNING through ALL the places I needed to get to... one, most important, the hard-ware store. We have work to do on his perches and ledges and such during tomorrow's storm and I needed a few bits and parts. And I managed to get them all! Tomorrow? We “hit the house”... together, of course.)
When I got back, I came in via the back door, which is something I haven't done in a while... taking to leaving and returning via the front door, hoping my absence isn't noticed. And AS SOON AS I OPENED THE DOOR AND STEPPED INTO THE HOUSE... “woo-HOO!” FROM YONAH'S HOUSE! He'd heard me come in (or open the door) and CALLED... “It's about time!”? I have to wonder. So naturally, I went to him immediately and he came hopping to his “front door” to meet me.
As I un-packed the groceries, I had to sit on the kitchen floor to put the freezer items away and as I sat down... Yonah came toddling out of his room and over to me and sat beside me for a few minutes... We were keeping each-other company! AMAZING!
Then, after all was settled and I was back in his room, which was FLOODED with BRILLIANT SUN-SHINE this after-noon, there was a another call at the front door of the house. Deborah and her grand-daughter had come by... Olivia happens to LOVE seeing Yonah and I'm SO happy that she enjoys seeing him. They both came in, and into Yonah's room and Yonah? Well, as he does, he went off to his “far corner”. BUT, he must be more comfortable with Deborah's voice (since she's been here to see him and talk with, several times now) because, when I reached in to re-assure him, THIS time he more wanted to “play” than “escape”! Olivia was fascinated as Yonah pecked at my fingers. She asked if it didn't hurt and I told her how gentle he actually is when he pecks my hands, fingers and even at my face. (And he IS SO gentle really. He must know that it's me and that I'm never there to cause him any harm.) Still, no matter what, he insisted on staying toward the “back” of his house, not really comfortable enough to come forward to the door or out. But, as with everything... it's all on HIS time, at HIS choosing. But it was nice to see him not as “skittish” with them in the room. After all, Deborah is our “Godsend”, and, should ever the need present, she's the one who I would trust to take most excellent care of him.
The rest of the day? Well... I attended to my own tasks, all in Yonah's room, with him flying about, on my head, shoulders, the work table. And we played and snuggled and cuddled. It was a BEAUTIFUL day together. So much affection. I just don't understand it, how he can look so forward to being so close with and to me. I'm “BLESSED” beyond descriptives, HONOURED higher than humanly imaginable. He IS, in all aspects, my Heart-and-Soul and being with him isn't just a “life-line”... it's my LIFE.
This evening, again, we dined together. I've now gotten so accustomed to being with Yonah as I eat, and I eat better, though, admittedly, faster because I look forward to getting my dinner done, the washing-up and getting back to being with him. And he now eats as I eat, so we “take evening nourishment” together. As I think of it, mourning doves tend to eat in a flock so... I believe Yonah enjoys having the company as he eats... it's a mutual enjoyment, to be sure.
As we “settled-down” for the short while left of the evening, I began working on today's Journal page and Yonah took his place at his door perch, just behind and beside me... and at 19.35 I heard “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... He was ready for sleep! It's a comfort to know that he knows how to let me know that he's tired and that it's time to “close shop” for the day. So, I turned and asked:
“Is it seepie-nigh-night time?”
He headed up to his loft and to the little mirror there... Yes, it was time. So I got my things together and moved them out to the kitchen for the night and got to closing the blinds and the windows.
There's a “storm” threatened for tonight... quite a lot more snow expected... just as we were getting used to seeing the grass start to turn green and the Spring flowers start to break through the ground. Thankfully, not bitter cold, but still, snow and rain and bit of wind so, windows were closed-up accordingly, curtains drawn to provide as much insulation as possible, along with the back and roof boards. I set the furnace for warmer through the night, to keep it warm. There have been “warnings” of power outages so I'm keeping the entire house quite warm and setting an alarm for much earlier in the morning.... just in case there's a need for “back-up” warmth during the night. I know Yonah can “fluff” his feathers for warmth, but, in the first place, if our calculations are correct about his birth, that Winter of 2020-2021 would have been his first... and he didn't have to face that. He hasn't ever had to face a full Winter's cold, ever. So I'm not going to have him have to deal with it... because, there's no reason why he should! He has his radiator, his room is seldom even 21°, most often about 23° at it's coolest. And, as I say, there's no reason why he should ever be “cold”.
By 20.00 tonight... my Little Guy was all tucked-in, safe and sound, nice and warm. The night came on out-side, and the winds did pick-up... I could hear them blowing against the windows. But in Yonah's room, all was still, calm and ever-so warm... My Heart-and-Soul was surrounded by warmth and calm... just as his life ought to be, should be, must be, and as long as I take breath... will be. Another day... together... Another TRULY MAGNIFICENT day... together...
mourning dove 19 April 2022Tuesday 19 April:
Well... we made it through the night last night with-out any power outages, and this morning, the skies were quite dark and grey. Last night, there was a bit of wind, but nothing too terrible, and no matter what the temperature out-side reached, this morning, the house was quite comfortably warm. The snows had only really just started, lightly, softly, but when I stepped out briefly, in the very early hours, the only sound that could be heard was the soft “thud” as the heavy snow that had accumulated, dropped to the ground. It was a wet snow... the temperatures just stalled at 0°... cold enough to create snow but warm enough to hold a bit of rain with. But that didn't really matter one way or the other... the house was warm and surely, Yonah's room was much warmer.
I'd gotten along with my own “morning routine” and as I sat at the kitchen table, checking the forecast and such... at 7.06 came a soft and gentle: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. My Little Guy was up and awake! It was a bit later than his more recent hours, but then, as I say, the morning was on the darker side and so, perfect for a bit of “sleeping-in” (which is why I didn't disturb him... none of the Yardies were out there this morning so I saw no cause to disturb Yonah).
I called back, in kind, and was charmed with an immediate response of the same “pattern”. So as I got my-self together in ready for the “morning routine”, Yonah and I had a bit of a “chat”, a “dialogue” through the door... There were several exchanges, of different lengths until, well, came that “final”... “woo-HOO!” to let me know that “chatting” was nice but it really was time to open the doors, the windows and get on with the day! Needless to say (I should think), I made a dash for Yonah's room.
The morning light, what there was of it, was just coming through the curtains. I opened his door and stuck my head in for “Good morning kisses” and was heartily greeted with MANY! The sheer JOY that comes with knowing that Yonah is actually glad to see me in the morning is indescribable. It touches to the very core of being. AND, our “chatting” continued too! Even as I moved his house about, getting to the windows, opening curtains and blinds.
I had to wonder what, if anything, he thought of the “whiteness” out-side his windows this morning. (In a phone chat with Deborah later on this morning, we discussed Yonah not ever having had to deal with snow and I thought and even said that I try to keep as much of his “natural environment” for him in his house... we both had a laugh at the thought of bringing in a bucket of snow for him. I considered it though... just a bit to see what he would do, how he'd react. At least if it was too cold for him, he'd still be in a warm room. But too, he's been known to take a dip in the pool on some of the coldest days this past Winter... there's just no telling. Maybe one of these days... after all, we still have the potential for more snow-falls before the actual “warm” weather settles-in.) Meanwhile... I got to the windows and then to the “water relay” which, again, oh yes, again this morning, was “supervised” from the door perch and, on the times when I failed to give a “kiss” before running for the next round of water, I got a stern wing-snap as if to say: “Haven't you forgotten something here?” When I think of the affections... there's an AWE... the BLESSING, the HONOUR, the PRIVILEGE of being the recipient of such DIVINE affection... it just can't be described. As I say, regularly: Yonah is not and never has been what could be thought of as a “pet”. He wasn't and, in some ways, isn't “domestic”. I'm a “natural predator”... and he retains some of that “instinct” with other people. But to me... he's given his trust... and to each-other, we give our Companionship. But over all... ALL of our situation has been HIS choice. And there is no higher, greater, more “divine” Blessing than that!
Ah and well then... AS we got about the “morning routine”, the light snows changed... became impressively heavy, not just in the quantity but the weight! It was, most certainly, indeed, a “wet” snow and as it fell and accumulated on the trees, one could actually watch the limbs bend. The air was quite still... and thankfully, the power flickered only briefly once or twice... the furnace ran, the house stayed quite comfortably warm. So when all the work was done, I returned to the kitchen to tidy and get ready to get on with the rest of the day.
And the rest of the day was, for Yonah, one of a bit of confusion and “excitement”... There are little wood “brackets” under his shelves... the one where he has his “nest box” and food, and the other I refer to as his “loft”, to hold them up and steady. But they were put up rather quickly, and I intended to make them more sturdy but, being “me”, have been so distracted by so much else that I put it all off until... TODAY! It was the perfect day for such a project, and so... we got right to it. But it involved taking the shelves down... and out... REMOVING something from Yonah's house is ALWAYS cause for concern. As I say, he notices EVERY MOVEMENT OF EVEN THE SLIGHTEST ITEMS IN HIS “DOMAIN” AND REMOVING THOSE SHELVES... ESPECIALLY HIS LITTLE “NEST BOX”... WELL! To say the least, he was neither “amused” nor did he approve. While the shelves were “missing” he kept flying in, looking about his house, went up on the perches (which stayed where they were) and scuttled back and forth, looking at the places where the shelves were supposed to be.
One aspect, in particular, is that the “food” shelf is on the side that is actually another “door”, so I could swing that open to work on the placement and such. AH HAH! ANOTHER DOOR! ANOTHER OPENING IN THE HOUSE. INGRESS AND EGRESS... AND ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE! Oh, but that TRULY served as cause for “investigation” and Yonah wasted NO time in trying it... several times! Today wasn't the first time I'd opened that door, but it was the first time I'd left it open for such a long while. It seemed that, although he was obviously displeased with the fact that his shelf AND his little “nest box” were gone, he was rather some-what fascinated by this new “opening”. He flew in and out many times, and stood on his perch, staring at the opening. (I'm going to have to remember to try to change things more often for him... give life a little “twist” now and again... keep things from becoming too boringly banal. Oh, another “challenge” for me there.)
The “adjusting” and sanding and gluing of the little clips took some hours as the glue had to “set” well-enough before replacing the brackets so we had time... for PLAY! Cuddles, snuggles, re-assurances that all was well and that “life would return to normal” soon enough. We had time for a bit of a snooze together too. And oh yes, as I laid on the futon, Yonah got him-self most comfy on my leg and I dozed for about 30 minutes and when I woke, he was still there, at the knee-bend. When he realised that I was awake, he came toddling up my leg, hopped to my shoulder then walked up onto my face and gave me a couple of pecks. (I took that as a subtle: “Hey there... my house is still in disarray here. Time to attend to that, I should think.”) So I was up and back at the tasks at hand.
The timing was good though because the snows had stopped and the sun made quite a lovely appearance, so the room was quite bright as I put things back in order. And as I worked to install, replace and adjust brackets and shelves, Yonah jumped about on my hands, pecking at my fingers. “That intruder” was back in his house, fidgeting with things again!
BUT... As soon as I'd put the shelf with his “nest box” back up and closed that door, I'd put all his twigs and mosses back into the box and he headed directly for it! He HAD to check, take and inventory and once he saw that all of his “items” (twigs and mosses) were back where they belonged, he actually settled-in, so nice and cozy, gave a little “flutter of feathers” and began his usual, gentle “perch coo”... of a soft “woo-HOO!... woo-HOO!... woo-HOO!” He was SO HAPPY... SO content that his house was the way HE'D made it. I suppose he does “need” to “know” that his house is safe, secure, and “there” for him... just as “people” tend to need the same sense of security. Ah... that's my Little Guy. It's OK to have a little “change” of pace... but his “house” is his “house”. Indeed... he's got nothing to be concerned about... no matter what... HIS house will ALWAYS be HIS, and be secure for him... so long as I take breath.
Well... by the time all the work had been completed, we had a few moments before it was “dinner hour”... so we got a few more cuddles, and I re-assured him that his house was now safe and sound and secure... and his shelves were firm, steady and sturdy now. He seemed content with all that had been done. (I also got round to cleaning all the new mosses that I'd gathered for him a re days ago... so they're now on the tray, drying again... there's another “thorough house-keeping” to come... when they're completely dry... and another day of “mayhem and havoc”... but that's not for a bit of a while so...) Anyway, I went about putting my evening meal together and settling Yonah's room for the rest of the evening.
When, at last, I'd set the lap-top up on the work table to watch a bit of evening news as we dined, and I brought my plate in, Yonah saw me and as I sat to eat, he went to his own food... we literally “dined together” again, this evening. I will swear that he notices the plate and understands that I'm eating and so, he eats with me. We're “the flock” and “the flock” eat together. I'm sorry I didn't think of this sooner, but.. it's as I always say to Yonah... I'm learning... he's teaching... I'm paying attention... and I'll improve as time goes along. At any rate, I DO enjoy dining with his company... and apparently, he enjoys dining with my company.
Well, the sun had made a bit of an appearance before dipping down behind the mountains this evening. We'd had a day of it. And I ate, did the washing-up whilst Yonah took it easy after a day of being VERY active and VERY affectionate (all disturbances considered). I settled to get to the Journal for a little while so that the room could “settle” and we could both “wind-down” a bit... but... as it is with EVERY day, this one swept the hours away past us... Yonah had been on his door perch as usual and at about 19.35 I looked up to see him staring directly at me... I asked:
“Is it time for seepie-nigh-night?”
mourning dove 19 April 2022and he took a quick flight over to the futon and called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and came right back to his perch. Yes... it was time. I'd done the “water relay” immediately after our “evening meal” so the only thing left was to close the windows against the night. Oddly, tonight, as I did so, Yonah decided to “watch from a different perspective”... on one of the shelves below his house. And even as I moved his house about to so have access to the curtains and such, he just 'went along for the ride”. He's SO trusting... it's AWE-inspiring! But when I'd done and put his house and such into position for the night, it took a bit of “coaxing” to get him up and back in... but I did get to lift him up in my hands, hold him close, give little pecks on his head... which he obviously enjoyed and when I reached into his house and opened my hands, he hopped right onto this perch, scuttled over to the loft, gave the reflection a few “Good night” pecks and came right back to his night spot. It truly was “time” to wrap the day up.
By 19.50... the light was out, and my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night.
There's a -3° coming over-night, and a little more snow, but things should be OK. At least our nights of -20s and -30s are behind us, but Yonah's windows are insulated, the back board offers more protection and his radiator is on... and the rest of the house is quite comfy-warm too. No threats of power-outages tonight... a relief. And tomorrow? Well... day of sun-shine ahead! But, for tonight, all will be calm, warm, safe, dry... My Little Guy will get a good rest and we'll handle “tomorrow”... when it becomes... “today”.
Wednesday 20 April:
Imagine this: 6.10 this morning... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! WOOHOO! Early-ish AND such a lengthy statement to be made... right away! Obviously, my Little Guy managed to get quite the restful night's sleep and was refreshed and SO ready to take-on the new day! AND... WHAT A CONVERSATION we had as I got my-self together to get in to him! I answered his “call” in kind, as I most often do, and the same “pattern”, the same “six hoos” after that “HOO”, followed, back and forth, several times... almost “many” times before his “Enough of this chatting now... Come and let's get things together. The morning is slipping by”... “woo-HOO!” Needless to say, THIS day began with the most brilliant smiles on my face. And when I DID get into Yonah's room, opened the door to his house, leaned in... MANY kisses and then a good wing-snap. Yep... he was raring to get on with things this morning. And our “chatting” continued through the opening of curtains and blinds.
And the morning? Well, there was just the slightest bit of cloud cover, diffusing the light of the rising sun so there was a “brightness” to it... That must have been the “signal” for Yonah... “MORNING! LET'S GO!” And it wasn't exactly “warm” out there, but it wasn't as cold as one might have expected after yesterday's snow-fall... which, by the way, was almost completely gone... save for on the grasses. And even there, most of that was gone as well. Ah... “April snows”... their beauty is in the fact that they don't linger.
And so, we got right to the affairs of the day, with water relay, supervised from the door perch, and house-tidying which was comforting to me because morning “poop check” is always telling... health and the serenity of the night before. Poop looked fine, the regular “4”, and all in the very place where Yonah sleeps at night. So, his tummy is good, his general health is good and he had a perfectly peaceful night last night. No more could be hoped for... indeed.
So, as the “light clouds” cleared and the sun-light began to POUR into his windows, as it does of a morning, and the winds blew, rather strong, in the world beyond the windows' panes, we “settled-in” for a day of me catching-up with some more of the work that I tend, of late, to “postpone”. Bird-songs and radio on, fountain splashing the morning's fresh water, Yonah had a bite to eat and was on with his affairs of flying about, exercising his wings, checking his room (as he does, or so it seems, each morning) and me at the work table, busy typing and going about getting “things” together.
Ah but... then came the “brakes”... at about 11.45, as I was typing and Yonah was busy with “moving things” about in his house... the radio went silent, the fountain too... Power outage! Out-side, the winds had calmed and the sun was BRILLIANT... there was no fore-warning and no obvious cause for such a thing but... there it was. So? So...
I, personally, found it the perfect time to take the day's “snooze”... I'd been up for many hours already, and Yonah was other-wise occupied with all things “dove”... so I headed for the futon and... Yonah came over to join me! I'd set an alarm for 45 minutes, thinking that that's about the “normal” period of time for outages, unless there are horrific circumstances that cause it (as yesterday's heavy snows which did take power from several thousands in the area, including Deborah who, by the way is still with-out even as I type this this evening). And so... I dozed... Yonah on my leg, as he does.
When I woke though, the power was still out so I got me together to drop by a neighbour who, in circumstances such as this, usually has pertinent information on the situation (such as: when we ought to expect the power to return). I'd already lit the small “terracotta heater” in the living-room just to keep a chill away. And the sun shining into Yonah's room lent some much-apprecaited warmth. In fact, the temperature in the rest of the house had dropped to about 18° and yet, in Yonah's room... with no additional heating, was at 24,2°! I was relieved and felt OK leaving him for a little while. (Though, I did close the door to his room when I left... to keep the warmth in there... There was no cause for concern about the rest of the house, where the little terracotta heater was going. My ONLY concern was that Yonah's room stayed warm enough for him to be comfortable.
Cause of the outage? Never really told... and I was away for just over an hour. But interesting was what happened when I returned...
When I came back into the house, of course, I went directly to Yonah to make sure his room was still warm and that he was still safe... And he was in his “nest box”... silent... still, his head held some-what erect. But he made no indication of noticing that I was in the room. I coo'ed, a simple “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and... no response. It was as if he was in a “trance” of some kind, staring out the window. So I sat on his futon for a few moments, watching him. He remained silent and still for several long moments. I noticed that he was breathing, he didn't appear to be in any distress. None of his feather were out of place so I didn't suspect that he'd flown into anything whilst I was away. I decided to wait... and sort through some items I'd put on his work table before the power went out.
As I sat down, I heard a soft “woo-HOO” from behind me. I responded with an equally soft “woo-HOO” and, after a moment, Yonah gave another soft “woo-HOO”. I stayed where I was and just waited to see what would come next and... FLUTTER OF WINGS AND THERE HE WAS... ON MY SHOULDER, STARING AT ME! I can only think that he'd been asleep when I got back. Doves, so I've read, “half-sleep” usually, at any given time, in the wild. Half of their brain actually “shuts-down” at a time, but the other half remains awake and aware of their surroundings, so as to be prepared for predators. On the “awake” side, the eye is open, merely covered with a membrane, but the “sleeping” side eye will close. The “asleep” side of their mind is as it would be when asleep... and the eye on that side will close... just as it would in sleep. Seldom do they actually sleep completely. And it's not always obvious with side is which. All I can think is, Yonah has become so comfortable in his surroundings that he's able to sleep... completely. He's come to know that there are no predators here and that, when he's tired, he has the luxury of simply sleeping... completely. And when I was out, I'd put the iPod on, with a small speaker attached, and had his original collection of “song-birds” playing, softly, so his room, his environment, his little “world” was so peaceful, save the sounds of the other birds. He must have just gone right to sleep in the calmness! And when he finally coo'ed that first soft “woo-HOO”... he'd awakened and seen me there!
Well, first and foremost, it was, to me, the GREATEST JOY to know that he was OK, AND to have him come right over to my shoulder was SUCH A GREAT HONOUR! AND THEN... seeing him staring at me, form my shoulder, as if “So, where did YOU disappear off to?” was a JOY!
He pecked at my ear, and we had snuggles and PLAY time!
It was but about 20 minutes or so when, as we were at the work table... his fountain began gurgling again, the radio came back on... POWER RESTORED!
I had some food to prepare in the kitchen and Yonah's room needed to be Hoovered so... in the hour we had before evening meal... I got right to that! Food done and in to cook, I headed to the Hoover and away we went! A day's work... in an hour. And all the while, Yonah watched... from his roof-top platform. I struck me: A “power outage”, especially during a bright, sunny day, means nothing to him. All he knew was that I was gone for a while, there when he woke up and I was just doing what I do... as a rule... HE just went on with “Life as usual”. Any “inconveniences” were only mine. I do say: He's an INSPIRATION, and a TEACHER:
We, humans, create our own anxieties... My major anxiety today was worrying about keeping Yonah's room warm through the night, should we have no furnace or his radiator. BUT... all ended quite well...
This evening, at 17.00, I brought my dinner plate into the room, took my place at the work table... and as I ate, Yonah had his evening meal. And when he'd done, he came over to roost on my shoulder as I finished my own. And when we'd both done, I got up, did the washing-up and came back to his room to get to today's Journal entry for him... All the “excitement” of the day was in the past... and we came through it as if it never happened.
Well then... all was calm and settled for the while until 19.35 when, oh well, “seepie-nigh-night” time. Yonah must have “sensed” it because it was just as I'd looked at the clock... he took off for his futon! We'd already done the “water relay” and evening “house-tidying” so, as I say... he must have caught me looking at the clock. But I got up, took my things from the work table and as I came back into the room, he headed for his roof-top... from where he “supervised” my closing of blinds and curtains. And as I told him:
“It won't be long now until we'll be doing this at 8pm. I'm going to have to get a new routine again... BUT, for tonight, my Dearest One, you were up at 6.00 this morning... you need to get your proper rest so... it's 'seepie-nigh-night' time for you.”
I no sooner said that when he gave a wing-snap... a little “play” before settling. So we had a little game of “Catch Me” on his roof and I put up the back board... for the night and brought his roof-top platform down... with him on it, for “Good night” kisses... after which, when he'd had his “fill”, he headed into his house... to settle-in... for the night.
By about 19.50... the light went out... my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in... nice and safe and warm for the night. (We're expecting a night temperature of -3° again so keeping his room warm is important... and after a power outage, I'm always a bit on the “leery” side... an alarm will be set for during the night... just so I can check.)
So it wasn't a “record-breaking” sort of day, but is was one with at least ONE “lesson” which is about Yonah's sleep. Honestly, he never stops teaching me something, and I'm eternally grateful... and learning. But tonight... another safe, peaceful, restful night... Mid-week... done.
Thursday 21 April:
Well, my, my... 6.13 this morning. “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... soft and clear. And because I really wasn't even close to “prepared”, expecting closer to 6.30, we had to have a bit of a conversation to pass the time as I got dressed and put morning coffee to the side. And “conversation” rolled... Oh, but did it ever. Room-to-room, call-and-reply... Looks like that “tuck-in” before 8.00PM really does have its benefits. SOMEBODY gets a good night's rest. And as far as I'm concerned, THAT is ALL that is of ANY importance in this house-hold. M Little Guy's rest and health and happiness... NOTHING transcends that!
And when I finally got into his room, opened the door to his house, he was stretching his wings and ready to get on with the day!
We did get that cold snap last night, but this morning, his room was at 24° so what-ever the world did on the other side of the window panes was of no concern to anybody on this side. Yonah had a nice, warm place, protected from the winds and the chill. And the grey of the morning sky? Didn't matter to him. He was in a good mood, and well-rested... and VERY full of kisses. “Happy”... As long as he's happy... I'm thrilled!
And this morning, I made quick business of the “morning routine”... from curtains and blinds through the “supervised water relay” (“kissing breaks” included, of course... Yonah KNOWS that if he parks at the door perch, I won't get away with simply passing by or over him with-out a “kiss-break”) and I was settled-in in his room... and he was THRILLED... because he could roost on my shoulder and head, giving pecks and getting cuddles.
We had another “close together” morning, this morning. (Talk about a “Full Life”... THIS is it!)
Little did I know, this morning was just a “hint” as to how the rest of the day would go...
For the most part, it was quite over-cast. A bit of a strong wind blew almost constantly. It was more an “intro to Winter” than an “exit from Spring”. But, at least, it wasn't really “cold”... and the electric stayed on through, so there were no complaints there. BUT...
I'd fallen behind in editing and posting photos and videos to Yonah's site and today was a perfect day to attend to that so, I “established” me at the work table and got right to work. (Photos, videos, this Journal... I feel that they're ALL integral, especially in that they record Yonah's life AND provide insight and information for others who might be in the same situation as I was and am... looking for help, support, information.) WELL! As I worked on files and photos and filling-in the blanks... Yonah made him-self quite busy... on my head, shoulders, the work table... the futon... toddling out to the living-room. In fact, when I'd stepped into the kitchen to put a little something together for mid-day break, he came out to check on me! AND, this evening, he did the same thing when I went out to put evening meal on the hob! He's REALLY become SO comfortable with the entirety of the house at this point AND comes toddling out, not flying, but toddling out to check on me. If he were to fly, I might hear him come into the room, but he sneaks out, stealthily... not a sound... and suddenly, there he is, usually right behind me!
One thing I have to note though: when he goes back to his house from the living-room, I believe he flies, because he gets back so quickly... BUT I DON'T HEAR him flying through the kitchen and that's the only way back to his room! Seems he CAN fly... silently! So there's MORE I have to be aware of at all times:
I now keep a careful eye on the floor when-ever I'm moving about because there's never telling where he might be at any given moment... and to that, I have to watch the air... because there's never telling w here he might be floating about... I'm especially careful any-way, coming into the house because of the same... I don't know whether he's in the room or will be taking flight as I open the door. I'm certainly NOT “holding him captive” but, the truth of the matter is, I don't know how he'd fare... out-side. Would he come back if he were out? But what's horrific these days is the presence of a quite large hawk in the area... I don't believe Yonah would stand ANY chance at all, were he to be out there when the hawk was close. And he's suffered through MORE than one dove's share of attack and recovery. No, I won't have him in a position where ANY-thing ANY-where will present ANY sort of threat to him. So, best to make sure he doesn't simply go soaring out the door.
All said, that's how our day went along though... As long as I was in the room, we were quite “together”, one way or another. And when I stepped away, Yonah came looking for me. PRECIOUS Little Guy! I can sincerely say: NOTHING makes the world worth any effort other than my Heart-and-Soul here.
This evening, as has become our “evening routine”... we dined together, I at the work table, and Yonah on his now-quite-sturdy “ledge”. We ate casually and calmly. And I kept-up with the washing-up so that when we were done, we had more quiet time together and I got to work on keeping up his Journal for today. And as I stood at the kitchen basin, he came out to “check” on me. (I wonder if it's that he knows I'm there or if he's coming to make sure I haven't left the house. Which ever it is, it's a JOY to have his company, even if it is just to check.)
Out-side, the rains began to fall softly, as the “day” slowly darkened to later evening... with some help form the clouds over-head. But in Yonah's room, it was warm and calm and dry. And I got to where I could take time to sit on his futon and we played a bit of “Catch Me!” across the cushion, and Yonah took dives to the floor from time-to-time. It's almost as if he's challenging me to come get him. He really does enjoy when we play and on the floor, it's more of a challenge to me because he runs all over the room! And when he thinks he's “just far enough away” he stands there and gives a wing-snap as if to say “OK! Come on over and try!”. Hey! It gives both of us some good exercise!
But, by 19.30 tonight, he was up on his roof-top, snuggled and “nestled” and looking so ready for sleep. It was a bit on the dark side and even the “Yardies” had gone to tuck-in for the drizzly night so, as much as I would have like to stay up with him (I mean, if both of us could get away with it, I, personally, would never go go sleep again, to spend every moment left of Earth with him), I knew it was “time”. So, I moved his house round so that I could get to the windows and he got up to “supervise” from the roof-top. When I closed the curtains, he came over to the edge and was looking up and around. It was a different perspective on a familiar sight, I suppose, and then came over to give me a bit of a “peck” on the head. And when I put up the back-board, that was his “sign”. He headed off and into his house and onto his perch... for the night. He “KNOWS” the routine at night now... and that back board is “the” sign of “seepie-nigh-night”... and tonight, he was ready.
So I got the roof board on as well as he went over to give “Good night” pecks to the little reflection on his loft and when he was done there, he came to the front where we could get in our “seepie-nigh-night” cuddles, snuggles and kisses. Yes, indeed... our “routine”. Once we'd done that, he was ready to settle for the night so I closed his door, bade him a good, restful “seepie-nigh-night” with the assurance than he'd be safe and warm, nothing to think about but getting a good night's rest... and the light went off. My PRECIOUS Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for another night... after a BEAUTIFULLY BLESSED DAY TOGETHER. And thankfully, tonight will only be “drizzly”... and not cold (though his radiator is still on... just below where he sleeps... to make sure he's warm enough through the night). My Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul...
I am because...
He is.
Friday 22 April:
This morning was another one of those “nice to sleep in” sort of beginnings and Yonah took advantage of it... lounging-in until 6.48 when he filled the house with a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. I was in the kitchen, getting my morning coffee together when he called so I called back “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”.
Reply: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo”. How I SO WISH I could understand, could know what the different “patterns” mean when he changes his reply to my response to his call. But I answered with the original “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” and that's when I got the most-familiar “woo-HOO!” Now THAT one I've come to understand as something along the lines of “Yes, yes. Nice chatting with you but my door's closed and so are the curtains and there's a day rolling by. It's time to open things up here!” In other words (“coo's”?), “Talk time is over.”
He DOES have the same “woo-HOO” during the day, from time-to-time. That's mostly when he's “nestled” in his little “nest box” on his shelf in his house. But there's a distinct difference between that one and the “morning HOO!” During the day, it's a softer, quieter “woo-HOO”. It's more relaxed. I wonder if that one isn't what I've seed described as a “perch coo”... a little “call” letting other doves know “I'm on the nest and all's well.” Yonah seems quite content when he's doing that one so it really is soothing to hear. But again, the “morning HOO” has more “force” to it, it sounds more “insistent”. And so, that's when I stop what-ever else I happen to be doing and head on into his room.
This morning, his room was warm and comfy, and the morning light, what there was of it this over-cast morning, was coming in through the curtains. A “soft” morning light, as it were. And when I opened the door to Yonah's house, he immediately thrust his head forward... “Good morning kisses”! Now THAT ALWAYS puts my mood into “JOYFUL”, no matter the rest of the world. It's welcoming, and it's a pure DELIGHT to know that Yonah looks forward to seeing me (as much, I'd like to think, as I look forward to seeing him). But kisses and pecks aside and attended, he scuttled to the side... gave a hearty stretch of the wings... it was time to OPEN HOUSE! And yes, indeed, this morning again, “chat” continued as I opened curtains and blinds. A perfect opening to a new day!
We got a “slower start” to the day today, because of the clouds. But I had a LOT of work to do with the lap-top and there were photos of Yonah and his house and such that needed to be put onto the “back-up drive” so I got the rest of the house together quickly, after water relay (which, again, this morning... supervised... from the door perch... KISSES in between pourings of fresh water) and house-tidying. For most of it, Yonah watched, looked, supervised, all from either my head or my shoulder. He wanted us to be “together” this morning. Hey! For me... no greater HONOUR! And it ALWAYS makes me smile when I feel him pulling at my ear when, to him, obviously, I'm not paying enough attention to him. Pull on the ear, peck on the cheek and when I look at him, wing-snap, as if to say “Yes! Me! I'm here!” Honestly, again, I never would have even imagined him wanting to have me as so much a part of his day. But again... I couldn't be more humbled by the honour.
And this after-noon, I took a little tea break and as I did, at the work table, Yonah took one of his own. I'm not sure if he sees me eating and decides he ought to as well or it's just a coincidence that we break at the same time, but it's a lot of fun. And when we're both done eating... it's PLAY TIME! and then a quick snooze... together, of course.
There are times when I think I'd SO like to take him along when I have to run errands. He did handle the horrendous drive up into the mountains, when we were supposed to see the vet that day. We were in the truck, on the move, for HOURS, and when we got back to the house, it was as if we'd had just another day. No visible anxieties, not even during the drive! But I just don't know how he'd take being in the truck and then me leaving, when, say, I'd go into the market, for a while. Not to mention, I don't know what sort of lunatics there are “out there” these days and what harm they'd inflict on him if they saw him in the truck, in a parking lot. So... we'll just have to think of other ways to “change the scenery”. I'm always trying to come up with ways of bringing him out into the yard, come the warmer weather. It just tends to be so “busy” around this place, with traffic and such. One of these days... we'll find a nice, quiet little place... maybe where I'll have room to build a bit of an “aviary” for him... around an actual, little tree. I have dreams... and hopes.
One item though, for today: The sun DID make a GRAND appearance this after-noon and I had to do some work to make a better feeding area for the Yardies out on the back gallery, one where they're protected against attacks from hawks and the neighbour's new cat now and today, I just put my mind and time to it and actually DID manage to put together a large feeding area, some-what enclosed... with a roof over-head, and one where a hawk can't just swoop in and a cat can't simply pounce! I'm sufficiently pleased with the results but it took me out of the house for a couple of hours this after-noon and that always tends to give me some degree of “pain”. BUT...
I did all the cutting in the garage and brought all the pieces back into the house to construct in-side AND... when I walked into the house, Yonah saw me from HIS house and took a “flying leap” to the floor and came RUNNING, literally... across the floor, to meet me in the kitchen! Now... THAT'S that sort of thing one might expect from a cat or a dog, but a MOURNING DOVE? It was the CUTEST sight... as he toddled and full-speed, across his floor, out into the kitchen and stopped right at my foot! He looked up at me, gave me his ever-famous wing-snap, and turned and toddled back into his room. I swear, it's as if he comes to check if I'm here and once he sees that I am, all is well and he goes back to what-ever it was he was doing before the check.
I put all the pieces of wood on the floor and got the tools I needed to assemble the project-at-hand and when I returned to the kitchen, I sat on the floor and began to work... and moments later... Yonah came back out to the kitchen to see what I was doing! Again, I'm reminded of reading: doves will take an active interest in the activities in a house and will often come into the room where people are gathered, find a preferable “vantage point” and roost, watching. On yes, indeed... I don't can't say about other doves, but THIS one truly IS more “family” than most family members tend to be. And it's AMAZING! To think: Yonah is a wilderness-born mourning dove, in from the wood-lands, and yet, in our time together, he's become not only my Heart-and-Soul, but he's almost a “limb” on my person, an extension of my physical being. He's never had any cause to trust me, a “human”, and yet, some-how... here we are... one... comprised of two.
Well, he watched for a while as I worked, and as I worked, I talked to him, asking his opinion of the progress and the general idea of what I was constructing. And all the while, as I spoke, he watched my hands and actions and would stare at me, as if actually listening to what I was saying. “AWE”...there's no other word for it... I'm in “AWE”... absolute “AWE”.
So I got the new “feeding house” done and put it out on the back gallery. Thankfully, it fits perfectly and with the height of the roof on it, I'm sure it will deter any hawks... Now about the cat? Well, that's to be seen, but we'll attend to that as we learn if/how/when/where the cat manages to get at it... IF it does at all. I'm just happy that the other doves and Little Ones will now have a “safer” place to eat. And above it? A humming-bird feeder is up. (Yes, early, but, just in case one or two make their way up this far North... this early. They'll NEED nourishment right away and it will be here for them. After all... “rescuing” humming-birds is some-what how I got my start with this. For two Summers before Yonah's arrival, I had the great fortune to be here when a little “Hummie” needed a place of respite for a night. One each, for two Summers, and both times, it was only an over-night. Next day... they were off. But with them, it was, I believe, mostly because of the cold nights that had suddenly set-in. They were weak the following day and all they really needed was a little place of warmth, some nourishment. Neither had been attacked... thankfully. Hopefully, if any come by this year, it will be the same... and NOT because of being attacked! BUT... if so... I'm MUCH better prepared to help... thanks to my “Professor”... “Dr. Yonah Taube” here.)
The day rolled along and by the time I'd done with the feeder, it was time for Yonah and I to have our evening meal. And this evening, again, we dined together. But THIS evening, it was more like Yonah “accompanied” me as I dined. He had his meal as I started mine and when he'd done with his, he came over and, for the most part, he roosted on my shoulder as I at my meal. I mean... for the most part. It was a “first” because he'd made him-self most comfortable and was just as content being on my shoulder as I ate. To be honest, I wasn't just “happy”... I was HONOURED! And he really was quite content. Every once and again he'd give me a pull on the ear or a peck on the cheek, but for the most, he was just “there”... comfy and cozy.
After washing-up was done, I re-established me at the work table to get started on today's Journalling and Yonah got him-self quite comfy on his roof-top platform where it was “wind-down” time.
At about 19.45 though, I thought it best to get settled... “seepie-nigh-night” time. It's difficult now, at that hour, because it isn't “dark” out-side yet, but, as I thought: mourning doves are known to head for the night roost at 19.30... They tend to need 10-14 hours of rest at night, and if Yonah is getting up at 6.00 in the morning or there-about, 20.00 ought to be “tuck-in” time, so... I moved my things out of his room. His waters were fresh, we'd done that right after evening meal, his house was tidy. The musics had been off for about a half hour so the room was quiet. It was time.
As I moved my things out, Yonah headed into his house... I guess he knew too and then back up to his roof-top where he watched as I closed blinds and curtains. And when I said “You know, you need to get your rest at night if you're going to be up at 6.00 in the morning... he went back into his house... and to the little “loft mirror”... “Good night” pecks for the little reflection and then... cuddles and kisses for me...
By 20.00... light was out, my Little Guy was tucked-in. Tonight, again, -1° is expected. But Yonah's radiator is still where it's always been, and will keep him warm through the night, no matter what happens on the other side of his window-panes. Tomorrow? Sunny, “seasonable” temperatures. But I've nothing at all on any agenda... it's Saturday... so we'll see how we pass the day... together... just me and my little Heart-and-Soul. For tonight, he's safely tucked-in... comfy and cozy.
Saturday 23 April:
Another dreary North Country morning. -3° and over-cast out there. A perfect morning to just fluff the feathers a little more and roost cozy. Yonah's room was, of course, filtering the breaking day-light so it was really rather on the “dark” side more than “light”. And as it goes, he DID choose to stay-in, or “down” for a while longer this morning. It wasn't until 7.07 when “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came floating through the air, past his door and filled the house with that beautiful sound.
And this morning, after what we can only believe was a good night's restful sleep, he was, indeed, quite ready to take the rest of the day!
We had QUITE the exchange of coo's, each one with an immediate reply and the volley of coo's moved right along and right through the morning routine! Including, of course, but not limited to, the “water relay” which, yes, again, this morning, was supervised from the door perch.
But when I got into the room and opened the door, the “greeting” was a hearty one. Kisses, pecks and wing-stretches. The difference this morning was that he was already on the opposite perch, over by his food ledge. Oh, but yes, to be sure, he was ready to “get out of the house and on with the day”!
So, I “attended my duties” of the morning, opening the curtains and blinds, changing the water, tidying the house and getting the kitchen settled after all. And when I'd done with all of my own little chores of a morning, I moved right into his room to “my place” at the work table... Today, I'd decided to go through all of the photos and videos I've taken over our almost-19-months together. There are SO MANY of them, and, over the course of time, they've been “backed-up” in various places, directories on different “peripheral drives”. (Currently, the count of photos is 1977... videos are at 197. 1119 photos are on-line... 131 videos. Some of the photos on-line need to be “edited” too... but that's going to be on a day when I can glue my-self to the work table... or, dedicate a few days because changing the photos involves re-coding pages. For now though, the difference between what's been saved... which is EVERY photo and video, and what's on the site just goes to show the “record-keeping”... and my obsession too, I suppose. No shame on my part though. If I knew we'd be together this long and this close, chances are pretty good that, had I the ability, there would be a constant FULL coverage video capture of EVERY second since that October after-noon when Yonah first changed my existence to a Life and then BECAME my Life... my “Heart-and-Soul”. So, Dear Reader, if the current collection seems over-whelming, imagine what it COULD be! There we have it.) ANYWAY....
The best part of the work of the day was that Yonah and I were together... save for when I had to do some cooking in the kitchen. BUT... even then... As I worked along, Yonah made several visits to the kitchen. And, as he does, as it seems, he came toddling out and stood behind me, on the kitchen floor, until I turned and spoke. And once I'd spoken, he either headed back to his house or into the living-room. It seems that the living-room visits are to check on the “doves in the tree” (the decoys on the limb) out there. And THAT'S quite fascinating because it's come to where it appears that he goes out there, gets up onto the limb, gives the decoys a bit of a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”, hops from one to the other and then heads back to his house... almost as if he's out there to “remind them” that this is HIS territory and that they're here simply on his permission. He visits, stays but a while, gives a “woo-Hoo” and is off on his way. And I find it interesting that he walks out, but flies back to his house.
One thing I HAVE noticed though, as he's walking more often and farther: his left leg, the one that hung lifeless when he first came in, doesn't appear to have healed completely properly. He has a bit of a “limp” to his stride. It isn't “pronounced”, and if one wasn't actually paying attention, it would go by un-noticed. But, well, Yonah is, as I can't stress enough, my literal “Heart-and-Soul” and I notice even when a particular feather isn't exactly “just so”, so I DO notice these things. Obviously, it doesn't stop him from walking... obviously, but between the feathers that still don't come in as they should (he still gets one, in particular, on the outer aspect of that injured left wing that grows in “split” at the ends) and his leg not being “perfect”, well, yes, if he were to be out in the wild, it would all present a “threat” to his survival. He doesn't fly long or fast now, and with that little “limp”, walking in times of danger... I can't even think about the possible “end”. So, today, I have a little more comfort in knowing that here, where he is today, might not be “Utopia”, it certainly isn't the life he was born into, but he IS safe... MUCH safer than he would have been, had he been “released” back out into the wood-lands. The “quality” of his life certainly isn't all that bad. He has a large house, and surely isn't “caged” in any fashion. He has his fresh water to drink when-ever he wants; fresh food and grains of the highest possible quality, along with “chop” (vegetables), and, as today again, he gets hard-boiled egg yolk for the vitamin D and protein he needs. And, speaking of needed protein and even fats, when he moults, he gets a high-protein diet with extra sun-flower seeds and peanuts. His nutritional needs are met. AND his food is readily available to him WHEN-EVER he gets hungry. He has mosses and twigs to play with or to make nests with. He has 4 white pine trees in his house, so, where he is resembles being in the trees as he would be out-side. And he has his pool for bathing as he wants, and a nice little “beach” of clean (sterile, actually), natural sand from the river banks on which to lay and bask or, as his little crop might need, to eat. He hears other birds during the day with his “recorded play-list” and, for variety, he has the talk and the music from the radio. AND... he has company and Companionship... since I'm here with him more often than not. And he gets exercise, not only in his travels around the house but when we play too. No, it isn't the life he was born into... but, it's as close as possible, considering. AND... he's safe from the likes of owls, hawks, cats of all sorts, and anything else that would attack him for any reason... AND HE'S SAFE FROM IDIOTS WITH GUNS who would murder him... simply to make themselves feel “proud”... pathetic as that might be.
Am I perfect? Am I providing the “perfect” environment for him? Not by any means. But he IS my priority, above all else. For him, I make sure I'm up and ready to open his room up to the day as soon as he wakes, and at night, I do my best to make sure his room stays warm enough so that he doesn't have to fend against any cold... and that it's as dark as possible so that he can sleep comfortably. When possible, his windows are open to the out-side air. Come the warmer weather, he'll have a small window fan to keep the air circulating through the day and night. In colder weather, the door to HIS room is open to the air in the rest of the house and at night, he has a door to keep his own room at an almost constant temperature, but it's open enough to ensure proper ventilation. His little “natural” accoutrements (pines, mosses, sands, rocks, &c.) are my priority. His food? I shop for the very best, most nutritious, most-trusted in brands, even to where I order his food special. AND HIS food comes before mine in the house-hold. His water is always fresh and clean, as are the containers that hold it. From the little dish to his pool. Oh, and the mosses? They're brought in, set aside to dry thoroughly, then rinsed in hottest tap water, twice, then rinsed again, thrice, in warm-to-cool water, to make sure there aren't any parasites. And then, all are dried, thoroughly, again, to make sure there's nothing harmful in them.
Am I perfect? Is it all perfect? No. But if my Little Guy is going to have “quantity of life”... I'll see to it that he has the highest possible “quality of life” too!
That said... this day rolled along and I sorted through the many photos, and I took a “lie-down” break after WE had a little lunch break this after-noon. We had a bit of “play” too... There's NO avoiding that because when Yonah wants to play... we PLAY! He makes it abundantly clear when it's time... on my shoulder, my head... he has no reservations about hopping onto my arm and toddling down to my hand as I type, and looking up at me as if to say “Hello? It's me, here.” It's all a part of what makes him make my heart beat.
And this evening, we dined together... and again, as I went to get my plate to bring it into his room, he headed up to his food... we DO “dine together”.
After I did my “washing-up”... we changed the waters and Yonah took his place at the door perch... for kisses. And when that was done, we had “cuddles”. He REALLY DOES SO ENJOY that... cupped in my hand as I give little “kisses”. He just “nestles” as comfortable as can be. (Again... COMPANIONSHIP!) And when he'd had enough of that (made obvious when he suddenly takes wing and heads for his perch), I settled at the work table to start today's recounting for his Journal.
The day, as ALL days with Yonah in them, came careening to a close... and, this evening, by 19.30, Yonah was on his door perch, all “fluffed” and “nestled”... he was ready for “seepie-nigh-night” AND, when I brought my things out to the kitchen, he had taken to the floor for a brief “stroll”. But when I said “Aren't you ready for seepie-nigh-night my Little One?” he headed right back up into his house! Up to his food where, as I went about closing blinds and curtains, he filled his little crop for the night. (THAT'S one thing that still REALLY takes my heart: he used to not eat when-ever I was in the room and as soon as I made any sort of move, if he'd been eating, he'd stop. But now, no matter what, when he wants to eat, he does. “Trust”. It's the MOST PRECIOUS gift in general, but from Yonah? It becomes a “Divine Honour”.) So I went about my chores and tasks. His water was fresh and clean, his house was in order. And he was eating... a full crop for the night.
As I finished, and put his house back where it belongs for the night, and put up the back board, he headed over to his “night spot”. I finished by putting the roof board on and... we got our “Good night” cuddles and kisses in... My Little Guy was ready... for a good night's rest. And should all go as it should, he'll get his 10 hours, at least, and tomorrow? We'll be ready to attack another day! Together! And the forecast is for sun and warmth! 13°! Hopefully, we'll get the window open again... fresh, moving air! (I'll have to work on the particulars of installing his window fan soon. I'm looking forward to that. His own fan... brand new! Just for him!) Mean-while, for tonight, by 19.50 he was tucked-in... and our day is closed. And my little Heart-and-Soul can sleep in comfort, no “predators” to watch for, nothing to harm him... just as it must me.
Sunday 24 April:
6.13 with MANY “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's” this morning! Despite the relatively dark morning, over-cast again, as it was (though, thankfully, not as chilly as have been the recent mornings), Yonah was up and ready to charge into the coming day. And he was “conversational” too! When he called with such a long “coo”, I answered with the same. His responses after that were the “normal” “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” and so too, were mine until, of course, I seemed to have “played-out” the chatting, as I was pulling me together to get into him, and came the ever-familiar... “woo-HOO!” It was time to get busy... get the curtains and blinds open to the world an on with the day! And so... indeed, nothing else had any importance at all and into his room I went, directly.
I was “greeted”, this morning, with a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” and as I responded, our “dialogue” rolled right along all the while I “attended to my chores”... including, oh yes, positioning at the door perch... for kisses as I ran the “water relay”.
No matter how long we've been together, and in the “greater scheme”, our time together has been so very short (and yet, it will never be “long enough”, as far as I'm concerned) any affection, no matter how tiny it might seem, that I receive from Yonah, every time he shows that he actually “wants” to be near me or me be near to him, my heart is just SO FULL! I'm literally in “AWE”. If the body can stand perfectly still while the soul spins in “Divine Ecstasy”, that's what happens to me with Yonah. That's the only way I can think to describe it. When he “call” in the morning, as if saying “Hello? Are you awake out there?”, and when he “talks with” me, in the morning or at ANY time during the day... When he calls, I reply and he continues as though we're actually communicating, treating me as another dove... I almost actually FEEL some part of me just rise into some sort of “space” that can't be described, can't other-wise be touched or sensed. It's honestly such a “Divine” honour, privilege, to be accepted by this perfect little Life who, for ALL known reasons, should NEVER come to EVER “TRUST” me.
So, this is how our Sunday began... together... and when all of the “morning routine” was complete, I went out to the kitchen to settle things there and to get ready because I had (“HAD”) to run to the market this morning and I wanted to get that out of the way so that Yonah and I could have the rest of this day together.
I did get the house together quickly and gathered what I needed for marketing... thinking that Yonah wasn't noticing as he settled on his roof-top platform and was coo'ing to the day... But...
When I was getting ready to head to market, he was in his house, all “cozy” BUT... I went to the living-room to put on my shoes (and to “sneak” out the front door) AND SUDDENLY... “FLUTTERING AND WHISTLING”! IT WAS AS IF HE “KNEW” I WAS ABOUT TO SNEAK OUT AND HE CAME FLYING OUT TO LET ME KNOW THAT HE KNEW WHAT I WAS TRYING! He landed in the limb there, looked at one of the decoys and let out with a resounding “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! (I took that as: “You see that? He's trying that 'sneak out the front door' business again! As if I don't know what's going on! Can you imagine that? How insulting!”) But, I did manage to leave... I just opened the door and headed out... stopped on the porch after closing the door to listen for any “further comments” and when there were none... went about the errands-at-hand. When I got back, he was back in his house, in his “nest box” and when I walked into his room... WOOSH... he came over and roosted on my back as “we” put the groceries up. He made him-self quite comfy there, most of the while I un-packed and put things into the fridge and freezer! Of course, when it became obvious that I was “pre-occupied with other things”... WOOSH and away... off to the comfort of his house. But, he DID want to be with me for at least SOME of that time and that means more than ALL of Creation to me.
And we passed the rest of the day together, as I busied my-self at the work table, sorting through more files and the likes.
We... “WE” took a 30-minute “snooze break” this after-noon, just before lunch break... a lunch break that we had together... after a snooze... almost together. As I've noted: I no sooner get my head on the pillow on his futon and Yonah comes over to set on the pillow beside my head. A little “woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo”, as if to say “Snooze well... I'll be right here.” and... when I woke, there he was, on my shoulder... 2 minutes before the alarm was set to sound. (I'm STILL amazed... 2 minutes before the alarm... I wonder how he knows... He MUST know. It's no longer a simple “coincidence” because it's almost “no fail”. I wonder... I truly do.)
So we spent the rest of the day, as I say, together. I got some more “work” done and we had 'Game Time”... “Catch Me!”, as it were, on his roof-top and on the floor.
And this evening, we dined together... and again, as I brought my plate in to settle at the work table, Yonah went for HIS evening meal.
When the washing-up was done, I went into his room and he came over to roost on my shoulder. The sun had been shining for several hours this after-noon and managed to give some warmth to the air out-side so I'd had the doors open for a while and, since Yonah was on my shoulder already, we went to stand at the back door to watch as the squirrels and chipmunks tried to steal some food from the new feeder. (They're tenacious, if nothing else... No matter what the obstacles, they manage to get in for something to eat. I don't necessarily begrudge them their nourishment but honestly, that food is for the birds so when I show at the door and they leave, I'm not really too sorry about it. I know they're not starving... at all! And the nights are still rather chilly so the birds need the nourishment more. Anyway...) As is usual, Yonah turned his back to the yard, facing into the house. There's something that he truly does NOT like about that back yard... and I will swear that he has memories of being attacked out there. It might make him ill-at-ease to see it, but I'm hoping that he'll come to realise that he's safe in the house, on this side of the screen door. I have a special perch on the in-side of the door for him... At least he could get the fresh air there. But “Time”... we'll see what happens.
We then took a stroll to the front door where he seems more interested in what's out there... facing over to the mountains and watching as the sun sets. But, being in the living-room, there are the doves (decoys) on the limb and in moments, he was flying across the room and over to them. At that point, I wanted to get his “water relay” done for the night and so, went on about my business with that. When I'd done and gotten back to the kitchen I heard “Woosh. Flutter. Whistle.” Yonah had headed back to his house. So I went in and started gathering my things together to move them out to the kitchen for the night. Yonah? He had his little nosh-before-bed.
At about 19.40... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. The “evening call”. When he's ready to settle-down for the night, just as when he's ready to get up in the morning, he “calls”. (Tell me THAT'S just coincidence too... Not believing that, even for a moment. He's learned that calling in the morning opens house, and calling in the evening gets things settled for the night. BRILLIANCE beyond description! And, I remind: he's a mourning dove born of wild parents... in the wild. I just remind...)
So yes, I responded and went into his room to find him on the wall shelf... looking at me and then at his house. So I got the blinds and curtains closed and before I put the back board up, Yonah was back in his house... ready for the night. So the back board went on... followed by the roof board and... my Little Guy grabbed a little nosh, then scuttled over to give “Good night” pecks to the little reflection in the loft mirror and came right back to his “night spot” on his perch.
It does bother me a bit, having to say “Seepie-nigh-night” to him when there's still some day-light left in the sky, but... as always, his “10 hours” of rest are more important than keeping him awake. And I believe that if I kept playing with him and such, he'd stay up as long as I did. Truth is, I'd rather get to where I keep HIS hours... Anyway, by 20.00 the light went out and “tuck-in” was a done deal. My little Heart-and-Soul is safely in for the night after another wonderful day together. Another day behind us...
mourning dove 25 April 2022 Monday 25 April:
6.30 woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... and OH SO conversational this morning! REALLY... FULL DIALOGUE from the first “call” and right through ALL of the regular “morning routine”! And when I got in to open the door, there was an IMMEDIATE “kiss and cuddle”. We chatted, back and forth, through EVERY step of our usual morning, as I removed the night boards, opened curtains and blinds... and even as I ran the “water relay”. The “energy” was, to me, ASTOUNDING! AND, the interactions were, well, these are the times when I DO wish I could “video record” because it's amazing to me, so I'm sure it reads as an exaggeration, but, the truth of the matter is, I'm only just noting as it actually is.
I'd no sooner opened the door this morning, gotten the “kiss and cuddle” and, after a brief stretch of the wings, Yonah was over on the other perch and then... UP, OUT AND ONTO HIS ROOF-TOP... COMPLETE WITH “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's”! (Which is from where he watched me running back and forth with the water change, this morning.)
Well! I finished my morning chores and headed out to the kitchen to “settle” things there and get to my “internet” checks, as I do of a morning, because I don't like using “WiFi” in his room, and... as I sat at the table... my Little Guy made an “appearance”... There he was, toddling out of his room. He looked up at me and continued on through the kitchen and out into the living-room where, of course, he had to make a “visit” to the decoys. A bit of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” there and some moments later I heard the “flutter and whistle” and saw the “woosh” through the kitchen. Yonah was back to his house... for a bite of breakfast.
When he'd eaten, it wasn't long after, he was back out, toddling again, off into the living-room! And the “mode of the day” was set... This morning, he was quite “all over” the place, roaming about as though the entire house here is now his “territory”. I've been SO looking forward to this point, where he doesn't confine him-self to just “his room”, and, here we go!
In fact, I'd stepped out the front door for a few moments, leaving the in-side door open but, of course, keeping the screen door close and when I came back into the house... RIGHT THERE, ON THE LIVING-ROOM FLOOR, A LITTLE FEATHERED BUNDLE OF PURE DIVINE JOY... Yonah had come out of his room, into the living-room and was standing at the door waiting for me to come back in! (Yes, a MARVELLOUS development BUT... now, more than EVER, it's IMPERATIVE that I PAY ATTENTION when coming into the house... He “blends-in” almost perfectly with the browns and beiges of carpets and upholstery, and he just stands so still, tiny little guy that he is... I laughingly said “I have to get you a little bell now.” BUT, no matter what, I'm just SO happy that he's taking advantage of ALL the space in the house now!)
So, when I moved me into his room this morning, and I finally got to sit at the work table, I wasn't there but a few minutes when... Yonah came flying over, landing on my shoulder... and pecking at my ear! We're having quite the “attached” mornings today. I don't understand why, but it's just the most “JOY-filling” experience to be SO CLOSE with him. I start a day in “AWE”!
A little note today: I was working round about the house this morning and happened to notice, Yonah's been up on the little shelf in the bed-room, probably perched on the alarm clock there... there's little “tell-tales”... three little “poops”, nice and neat, of course. But it just goes to show where he's been. And I surely don't mind. As I've said, often, it's the easiest bit to clean up... Just let it dry, pick it up and toss. And as far as any potential “health concerns”, I happen to know what he eats, his general health so... no, I don't worry about such things. Still, I'm quite happy about him travelling about the entire house. I surely appreciate it. To be sure.
Later, this morning as well, I was working out-side the house, out-side Yonah's window, and ALL the while, we “chatted”... He coo'ing out through his open window and me coo'ing back. Honestly... “conversation”! And when I came back into the house, he was there, at the front door, waiting for me to come in! The in-side door was open, the screen was on the latch, of course. But it was a bit of a pleasant surprise to see him there. And as I made my way to his room, he FOLLOWED me... on the floor, toddling along. (It's really quite precious to see, but it makes walking a challenge because he darts... away from and back toward my feet!). And when we got into his room, he came FLYING up to my shoulder to give me some pulls on the ear and pecks on the cheek. Yes, he DOES notice when he's in the house alone... and he doesn't like it at all... and he makes it really quite obvious. People, in general, ought to know this. Maybe they'd see mourning doves for the sentient, cognizant little beings that they actually are. There's a LOT of information on the internet about parrots needing COMPANIONSHIP but I see precious little about doves, in general, on the matter. Never mind mourning doves... Then again, mourning doves aren't “pets”, and to be quite clear, I do NOT see, think of or feel that Yonah is a “pet”... in ANY fashion or manner. He's my “superior” in most ways, and, he is, as I refer to him, my “Heart-and-Soul”. (Though, knowing “people”, if most WERE made aware of the attachment mourning doves form with people, it wouldn't make any difference in their general disrespect for mourning doves... or any other Little Ones, for that matter, I've no doubt.)
We spent the rest of the day together, in his room, with his window open today... fresh air circulating through, and playing, snuggling, cuddling. He SO enjoys the closeness and it seems all so much more in recent days. And to be honest, having him close to me strips away ALL of any anxieties I might have, for any reason at all. He's calming, comforting... I tend to believe it's more about the “AWE” of having such a beautiful bit of Divinity so close. What-ever it is, it appears we give the same comforts to one-another because, as I say, Yonah is so docile, so “comfortable” when I can hold him in my hands and give HIM those little “pecks”. We are, in fact, one unit comprised of two disparate entities. It is, in the truest sense, “AWE-FULL”!!!
And this evening? Well, again, we dined together, and I managed to get all the washing-up and such completed with-in an hour so that we could have time together. And when, after the washing-up was done and I came back into the room, expecting to get to today's Journal, Yonah was having none of that! We were expected to PLAY! And PLAY we did... And “Catch Me!” is now expanding. He's flying across the room, away from me, and where-ever he stops, he stands, with that “firm stance” he takes and gives a wing-snap... expecting me to come get him. I know that's what he wants because as I approach him, he simply “crouches” into the position he takes when I “cuddle” him in my cupped hands. It's now a game of “Catch Me!” and “CUDDLE TIME”! Never, in my more remote imaginings, did I EVER even so much as entertain a possibility of such an attachment. But I am indescribably BLESSED... and HONOURED, beyond description!
When, at last, I did manage to get the time to get to this Journal, the room was silent, save for Yonah's “bird-songs play-list”. The sun that had shown for a few short hours late today, was heading down behind the mountains for the night, so the room was a bit darker again... and Yonah? He headed up to his food and, for what seemed the longest while, had quite the impressive meal! (Come to think, as I ate my evening meal this evening, he was on my shoulder for most of that time so he was HUNGRY! This is why I try to keep “seepie-nigh-night” and “tuck-in” close to the same time every night. I swear that if I were able to stay up all night, and were to be in the room with him, Yonah would stay up all night too. I know I couldn't possibly manage such a thing and I won't subject him to it either... He needs his rest and i need to see to it that he gets it.) Anyway, the good news: He'll have a nicely full crop to digest through the night tonight. It makes me feel better knowing that he won't be hungry during the night. And, he doesn't have to go searching or foraging for good food... it's all right there... with fresh water.
And on the subject of fresh, good food and clean water... At about 19.30 Yonah started his “nightly-ish” calling of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... He was up on his roof-top and I was closing curtains in the rest of the house, having finished the evening “water relay” (which is why Yonah was on his roof-top... watching). So I went in and thought that 19.45 or so would be a perfect time to start closing blinds and curtains in preparation for... “seepie-nigh-night” and, yes, indeed, even then, it seemed to be a good time. (That 10-14 hours sleep for Yonah...) So, I moved his house about and got to the windows, closing blinds and curtains and Yonah continued to “supervise” until I put up the back board. Well, he decided to take a little walk... across the top of his door. That always amazes me, that he can wrap his toes round that wire and still balance him-self. But it just looks SO uncomfortable. Still, that's where he chose to be until I leaned forward toward him and said:
“You know... it's time for seepie-nigh-night. You need to get your rest.”
UP he went, back to his roof-top platform but, from there, all I needed to do was bring the little platform, with him on it, into his house and say... “It's seepie-nigh-night time. If you want to get up at 6am, you need to get your rest.” AND...with that, he hopped right off and onto his perch... AND... got right to his “night spot” and stayed there. He WAS ready, he WAS tired. But he IS, sometimes, just like a recalcitrant child who, no matter how tired, will, at the last minute, put up a struggle to stay awake. Anyway, he was tired and I was relieved to have him settling-in so easily.
So, Yonah settled on his night perch, I put the roof board on. We had a couple of kisses, pecks, snuggles and... with-in mere moments, my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a night's rest. Food and clean water at the ready, no concerns about predators, he was all set for a good night's rest... before a “tomorrow” of what-ever is to come at both of us. Tonight, out-side, the forecast is for 7° which is a FAR CRY warmer than the -20s of not so long ago. A bit of rain to begin before tomorrow's high of 13° (but more rain, so, another bit of a dreary sort of day). Thursday night is threatening another -2° but... the steady days and nights of “freezing and below” are, for the most part, almost behind us for a while. Yonah's radiator is still set as it always has been so his room will maintain warmth... My Little Guy... safe and warm and dry (unless he decides to take a splash in his pool). Nothing else is of any concern to me.
Tuesday 26 April:
Quite the grey day from start to finish, but the rains held until the evening, and the temperature were quite pleasantly mild. And it all began with the “6.45 Call To Action”... a soft and gentle, but, by no means “mild” “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. And, as has been the case of late, Yonah was in the mood to converse this morning, answering, immediately, my “call-back”.
When I got into his room and opened his door, in what was still the relative darkness of an almost sun-less early morning, he was at the ready; head thrust forward... “Good morning kisses”! And there were more than plenty of those for some reason, this morning. The affection is just an endless source of absolute amazement to me, and I can't even begin to describe how ECSTATIC it makes me feel. It's an indication that I'm still “Loved” (as much as I Love Yonah), that he's happy that I'm there with him, AND, most important (to me), that he's feeling well, and has great energy! All that, first thing in the morning and nothing else in Creation matters. Nothing before, nothing after... my little Heart-and-Soul is well and fine. Period.
And how we chatted all the while, from opening his door, through the opening of curtains and blinds... AND, even as I ran the “water relay, which, for the most part, was supervised from the roof-top, with, of course, the “visits” to the door perch for MORE KISSES! But every time I went back to the kitchen for the “next round” of water... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... (and I make 7 of those trips, each with fresh water for the “pool”) until I returned. Out-side was grey and some-what dark, but in Yonah's room... in the entire HOUSE, the mood was BRILLIANT, and the energy was strong. A GLORIOUS beginning to a day!
The sun never did make an appearance, though the skies did get a bit lighter as the day went on. But I still had so much work that needed to be done and so, shortly after “morning routine” and getting the rest of the house in order, I settled at the work table... bird-songs and soft radio... and... my Little Guy. Need there be anything else? Certainly not for me.
I worked, almost solidly, through the day today, at the work table, and I say “almost” because as I worked, Yonah reminded me, from time-to-time, that a “break” was necessary. And he did so on my shoulder, with pulls on the ear and pecks on the cheek. Breaks... for snuggles, “Catch Me!”, and to follow him about the house... as he toddled from his room to the living-room, and then, when living-room time was done, I got to follow him back too his house... as he flew back, as he does. (I find it just a bit interesting that he chooses to walk out to the living-room but seldom will he walk back. Then again, as I do notice, he has a bit of a “waddle” to his “toddle”, as it were... a sort of “limp”, because of that left leg. It makes me wonder what, exactly, happened to it. It was dead-limp when he arrived, but with-in mere short days, he was standing on it as if nothing had ever happened. I'm certain that it didn't heal “perfectly”. Does ANY broken or damaged anything on any body ever really “heal perfectly”? But, the important point here is that he CAN and DOES not only stand on that leg but he DOES get around on it... and often at quite impressive speeds, I must add. Still, I wonder if he flies back because the walk out is just a bit too much for him. I don't suppose I'll ever know. Again, it doesn't stop him from strolling.)
And at mid-day break, I went to the kitchen to prepare a tea and a little something to eat and as I did, Yonah came out to “check”, to make sure I was where I belonged... in the house. He walked out of his room, came into the kitchen, stood for a moment until I acknowledged his presence. He headed toward the back-door which was open for a bit (on the latch, of course) and went right back to his house. When I got back into his room, he too, was having a “mid-day snack”. Maybe it's coincidence, but it does strike me that he has his little meals when I do. Call it what you will.
And so that 's how our day went. Me working, until “breaks”. I managed two 25-minute snoozes during the day, both of which started with Yonah on the pillow beside me but when I woke, the first time he was in his house, in his “nest box” and the second time, he was on the back of the futon... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” (2 minutes before the alarm was set to sound... as always.) Both times, though, we HAD to play “Catch Me!” when he noticed that I was awake. Oh, but it was a particularly “close” and “affectionate” sort of day. (NO complaints from me!)
This evening? Meal time? We dined, together... me, at the work table... Yonah at his “ledge” until he wasn't there and he was on my shoulder. We watched the news together and although I understand it was most-likely t he motion of the images on the screen, at times, a color or something would catch his attention and he stared, intently, as if watching and paying attention to ever word coming from that image. And then, when I'd look over to him there, on my shoulder, he'd turn his glance to me and I could almost hear him ask:
“Why do you even bother listening to that?” or “What is WRONG with your species”?
(I thought, this evening: I'm glad that I don't really know what he's thinking and if he WERE to ask “what's wrong with this species”, I wouldn't know WHERE to begin... especially when it came to those stats... mourning doves being the most-hunted... “murdered”, I call it... I'd be inerested if ANYBODY could answer THAT question... for ME!)
When our meals were done and washing-up completed, we “ran the evening water relay”... Yonah supervised from his futon. And when that was all done, we played another round of “Catch Me!” and I got to the work table to catch-up with his Journal until... Oddly, as the skies out-side darkened and the rains finally fell, obviously... the clock read 19.22 and, from his roof-top, Yonah called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... loudly, and several times. It was time to close the blinds and curtains... and, as he's done many times before, he was reminding me. So I got right to the business at hand, whilst he “attended”... it wasn't so much “supervising” this time, as he went about his business on the roof-top, preening, as he does, in preparation for settling-in of a night, of closing the blinds and curtains and installing the back board. By the time I'd done with those chores and put his house back where it belonged for the night, he was obviously ready for... seepie-nigh-night. Though, I DID have to bring him, on his platform, into his house. But, as soon as he realised where he was (I always wonder what he makes of it: neither flying nor walking and suddenly, there he is... IN his house, after the world moved around him), with a gentle little “hop” he was on his perch and ready to hunker-down for the night.
A snuggle, some kisses and by 19.40 my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night. Radiator below to keep him warm through the night, out-side light blocked. A 5° night coming, with rain, but my Little Guy is snug, warm, dry... and nothing else matters at all.
Wednesday 27 April:
The winds are blowing out-side tonight, and there were flurries in the air again during the day. The “crisp” air has returned, and as I recount the day, Yonah is tucked-in, soundly, in a warm and calm little house, roosting, as he does, on his perch, in the branches of one of his 4 white pines.
It was another busy, Loving, playful day, that started with his “morning call” at 6.15, on the mark. “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” floated out from his room, filling the house with the most beautiful sound an ear could hear and a heart could take-in. And when I answered, in kind, the “hoo-hoo-hoo's” moved from 3 to 4 and then to his “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... just before the ever-now-familiar... “woo-HOO!” I was trying to get my morning coffee together, trying to stall for a moment longer and he was all too ready to get on with the day! It was only right and just: all else dropped. My Little Guy wanted the light of day (grey and over-cast as it was) and I was there to see to it that his room was filled with it... then and there.
Well! When I got in and opened the door to his house, the “Good morning” kisses and pecks were abundant! And the conversation that we'd started continued.
Coo's and “woo-HOOs” right through the opening of curtains and blinds and no sooner had I finished, he was out and about the room! Energy and determination... and nothing but Divine Joy! It was such a delight to see him so animated, first thing in the morning. He was happy... no doubt about it, and so too, because of him, was I.
We got the “water relay” done as he watched from his pillows on his futon, and when I'd finally done and headed to the kitchen for my coffee, he headed back to his house for a quick breakfast. I had my coffee, got me dressed (I hadn't even had time to change out of sleep-wear this morning), and... we were off onto the rest of our day.
Sadly (for me), today, I had to make a run into market and again, this morning, I went into the living-room to put my boots on to head out the front door, hoping to exit un-detected and, no sooner had I sat down to lace than... FLUTTER WHISTLE WOOSH! There he was... I don't know HOW, and I know I never will, but even though I don't say anything about leaving, and I get my things together out of his line of sight, he KNOWS! He came out to the living-room and perched with the decoys on the limb there and watched me. And I tried to make my “excuses” and explain that I wouldn't be going out if I didn't absolutely have to (and that's true). When, so it seemed, I'd given sufficient cause for going, Yonah took off and went back into his room... and I hurried on my way. I wasn't gone but 35 minutes, total and when I got back? I called from the front door as I entered and, from across the house... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”, which is better than a “woo-HOO!” (or so I tell my-self). When I stepped into Yonah's room, he hopped down from the nest box on his ledge, hopped up onto the door perch and gave me a wing-snap! (CUDDLE TIME!)
Today's little delight: I had cooking to do and preparations, of course, and as I worked in the kitchen, my Little Guy “made the rounds”. He came out to visit with me twice! Out of no-where, there he was, on the floor, just watching me! And, as he does, as soon as I noticed him and spoke, he toddled through the kitchen and headed into the living-room where he went about, end-to-end, looking at every-thing. I had to wonder if there was anything in particular that he was looking for or at or, was he checking to make sure that things were still where they'd been or where they belonged. I really did have an air of “investigating”. Of course, there were the “visits” to the decoys on the limb where he spent quite a bit of time, just “there”, on one or the other “bird”, or, roosting beside one... or the other. In a way, it saddens me that he doesn't have a “companion dove”, but, I'm really uncertain about how he would treat another dove in “his domain”. He still attacks photos of doves, and isn't all too thrilled if there's a photo of another dove on the lap-top. I just wish I could know whether or not another dove would be welcomed or resented.
When I'd done with all the kitchen work, it was time for “our” snooze... 30 minutes... I laid down on his futon with the alarm set and he came over to join me... on the pillow. And, as is usual... two minutes before the alarm sounded, he came over to wake me up. “Two minutes”... How does he do it? And, I suppose, “why”? Two minutes. And I set the alarm on an old mobile phone so there's no sound made at all, and it's never really at the same time... it depends on when I have the time for a lie-down. I have to wonder.
One thing that truly amazes me, as well as delights: He has NO fear when I reach for him and put him under the blanket! He gets him-self quite comfy under there, and I can see him because I pull the blanket up over my head so that I CAN see his reaction. He just sets on my arm and looks about. Today, there was space for him and he walked about a little until he discovered a space where he could get out from under and, ever so calmly, he toddled over, popped out from under the blanket, hopped up onto my leg on top of the blanket and proceeded to preen! He KNOWS that he's in no danger here... he just KNOWS.
And on the matter of him “knowing”... we're having quite a bit of trouble with the plumbing in the house in that, every time the neighbour uses her washer, it backs-up into the loo basin here. (We're supposed to expect the matter to be attended-to in a week's time... on that matter, it's to be seen but... mean-while...) Today, it became quite annoying to me, because it's the third day in the past 4 days that it's happened and I was seriously upset with having to catch it before it splattered all over the place, as it does. When, at last, the splattering stopped and the loo was cleaned, I went into Yonah's room to work on the book-keeping from today's shopping and it was so blatantly obvious: Yonah KNEW I was upset, even though I did my best to keep a calm demeanour about me. My insides were trembling, but I was intentionally calm... and yet... Yonah was fidgety, flying from his house to the high-point on his wall-shelves and then over to me and round about the room. I've no doubt he could sense my inner annoyance! So... of course, seeing him so upset because I was so upset deepened my aggravation until I realised that I HAD to calm ME, so that HE would be calm again. So we listened to his bird-songs as he hopped to his door perch and there, of course, there was cuddling and kissing and I did calm down... and as I calmed, he did too... noticeably!
(I have to add here that I AM constantly checking on-line and have put out word that we need another place. Must-have list: two “bed-rooms” so that Yonah will still have his own room. I won't put him in a living-room where he'd be disturbed by me being up and about later than his “tuck-in”. And being in the same room? Well... I don't know if I snore, and I don't want him disturbed during the night when he ought to be sleeping peacefully. Not to mention, again, if I stay up past his sleep time, I don't want to disturb him by coming into the room later. So? So... thankfully I can afford to be particular... and as long as these inconveniences don't become too common-place, we have a place. I'll continue the search though. Yonah deserves to live in a place where there's peace.)
Well, our day went along other-wise nicely and OH! But we played quite a lot today and spent a LOT of time close together. And as I worked at the work table, he spent a lot of time on my shoulder.
This evening, we dined together again... and I managed to get everything done in a short while so to have all the more time to play and be with my Little Guy. It was a WONDERFUL day... of course. ALL days with this little bundle of DIVINITY are WONDERFUL!
This evening, as the winds “roared” out-side and the day passed, we did the evening water relay and Yonah had his little before-sleep nosh. And at abut 19.30, I closed his blinds and curtains and put up the back board... Yonah's “signs”... it was time to wrap the day up and close it. And I made sure that the windows were closed securely against the winds... no breezes and, in case a window should be blown open. the blinds, curtains and back board would protect him... and the roof board gave even more protection.
He didn't fuss about settling-down tonight. I imagine after an active day that had started some 13 hours before, he was tired. So, when the rood bard went on, he headed for his perch and his night spot. I leaned in, gave cuddles and kisses and when I said that it was time for “seepie-nigh-night”, be hopped over to where he usually sleeps... Yes, our day had come to a close. A couple more kisses and...
By 19.45 the light went out. My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night. Out-side, the winds blew strong, and thankfully not bitter cold. (We'll be at -2° during the night again, tonight.) The snows had stopped and nothing accumulated. But no matter... In Yonah's room, all was warm, calm and safe... plenty of fresh water and good food handy... the rest of the house was quite warm... I'd turned the thermostat higher to warm the place, in case of power outage. But most importantly... my Hear-and-Soul, my Little Guy was secure... his radiator running to keep him warm through a chilly “North Country” night.
What a day.

          * FULL SCREEN *
Thursday 28 April:
Well, this morning... 0° with, what they call a “chill” of... -5° and yes, that's quite a “chill”, even though it's certainly not the -20s we were experiencing not really so long ago. But last night, and this morning, as I saw the thermometer in Yonah's room this morning... HE had 25° so, when, at 6.21 this morning, the “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” of “morning call” came drifting through the house, all was well... my Little Guy had gotten a comfortable rest through the night. Does anything else matter first thing in the morning other than him getting good rest and waking with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”? Not to me, to be sure.
And when I got in to open his door, and he thrust his head forward, prepared to exchange our morning pecks and kisses, the GREATNESS of this morning was sealed. Not to mention, the conversation that was held from the first coo right through the opening of curtains and blinds AND... the morning “water relay”! Oh yes, “things had to be said” and so they were... almost non-stop! I dare say that if you've never experienced it, my JOY probably strikes many as being quite a bit eccentric. But I remind Readers, again, Yonah isn't from a “domestic” back-ground; he wasn't “hand-raised”. He is a little Life, born in the wild, where his natural instinct (much of which remains stead-fast, I'm happy to say) is to distrust people! Surely we all have our own levels and degrees of mistrusting other people, but Yonah has had NO cause to “trust” ANY person. Oh sure, we've been together just over 18 months and in that time, I've done nothing to give him cause to be suspicious of me, especially in-so-far-as to believe I would cause him ANY harm at all. But, from the very beginning, I made no indications of wanting him to trust me any more than to know that I meant him no harm. And though now, I do my best to let him know that he's NEVER “abandoned”, that he's NEVER simply taken for granted, that he DOES have a “Companion”... when he wants Companionship, and that he DOES have ABSOLUTE LOVE, ALL of his affections are HIS CHOICE... and I am MORE than simply humbled, HONOURED BEYOND DESCRIPTION, and BLESSED in the most DIVINE essence of the term. Yonah is of the very basic essentials of purity of existence. He is a spirit unfettered, un-tethered. And he's chosen to give me moments of living that wonder, that beauty... of “Living”... and I can't express my gratitude in any fashion, in any words. These have been the “Days of Awe” for me, and each one begins when I hear the gentle “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” or any variation there-of.
“Days of Awe”.
And today, we had brilliant sun-shine pouring in through his windows, as I, when done with the tidying of the rest of the house, came to settle at the work table. Out-side, last night's winds had calmed to an almost-constant, almost-steady breeze... and that breeze carried the chills of the mountains where, last night and early this morning, there was the “dusting” of April snows. But IN-side, the illumination of the sun was augmented by Yonah's radiator, keeping his room at a steady 24°... nice and cozy, warm, safe.
During the day, I was in with him for the most part, still going through files on the lap-top, a job that takes entirely much more time than it ought, but it does keep us together so I'm just as happy about that. I'd thought of going out to do some yard-work but the chill kept me in... and too, I have to admit, unashamedly, when given a choice... staying with Yonah ALWAYS supersedes ANY “other” calls to ANYTHING.
I did step out for a little while, for a bit of a coffee break and to step out-side for a check of the temperatures out there AND WHEN I CAME BACK INTO HIS ROOM... THERE HE WAS... IN SPITE OF THE CHILL OUT-SIDE, MY LITTLE GUY WAS LOUNGING IN HIS POOL! (Photos, of course, because it STILL makes my heart DANCE to see him enjoying that little corner, so calm, beside the water trickling over the rocks... under the little white pine.) No matter the turmoil of the world-at-large, seeing him so calm, soaking, enjoying the water just puts the entire house here, at peace. He's free to simply enjoy him-self, to relax as long as he wants to do. There's no cause for fear of anything in the water, nor coming along from above. That's HIS little corner of Creation, safe and sound and clean and clear. It does my spirit so much good to know that he has that much... there for him when-ever he wants, for as long as he wants.
I settled back at the work table (after, as I say, getting some photos) and some moments later, from behind me, I heard the ruffling of feathers. He was on his door perch, drying and preening. And he just seems to be in such better spirits after some time in the pool. I can't imagine what a horror it must be for other Little Ones, kept in cages in other houses, by people who don't have the good sense and compassion to even consider such a thing as providing a little place to splash about for the precious Lives they “keep” caged... and so dry. Yonah makes it so obvious that he SO enjoys the splashing and I'm sure it must feel refreshing. Anyway, again, I'm just relieved that my “instincts” told me to make sure he had such a necessity at hand.
When he's done drying and preening, he was off and flying all about the room! From house to futon to house, to me, to his house... just flying about. He was “energised”! And it was GRAND!
And when he'd done with all that, he got back to his door perch and gave a wing-snap for attention... AND... affection. So I got up and, as we do, I cupped him in my hands and bent forward to give him the little “pecks” as I do. They're really nothing more than little “kisses” where I move my lips to make little “schmacks” that sound like actual preening. And all the while I do so, Yonah just “crouches”, “nestles” in my hands, as calm and still as he could possibly be. It's HIS calmness that gets to me... to my core. It's amazing. More Trust, and apparently, it gives him such pleasure... perhaps it gives him a better sense of being LOVED, and protected. What-ever it is, it's a pure DELIGHT... to both of us. And when I raise my head for a moment, he raises his head and gives the lightest pecks on my hand... until I start again, as if saying “Not yet. Don't stop yet. Just a little while l longer.” (I'm trying to figure out what sort of chair I might get, just so that I can sit high enough... to have more of that sort of time together with him... since he enjoys it so.)
After we had our “cuddle-time” I changed the water in his pool (because he not only bathes in there but that's his drinking water too and though he's not “dirty”, per se, well, we have the water and he deserves clean drinking water. After all, it's as I've said on his “Care” page: If you wouldn't drink it, it doesn't belong in there.) and after that, we both settled-down for the few hours we had left of the day.
And this evening, we dined together and after that, the sun had moved along and instead of shining in through his windows, it was POURING a BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN LIGHT in the living-room. So I got Yonah onto my shoulder and we headed out to enjoy the light until it ducked behind the mountains for the night. And, of course, he took off to the corner limb to be with the decoys. But this evening I realised that, while he's there, I can sit with him on that futon, and so, for a while, that's just what we did... Yonah flew from branch to branch, “dove to dove” and I sat on the futon and... we chatted a bit until the sun did drop out of sight and the living-room gave way to the late evening which, sadly (for me) was close to...
mourning dove 28 April 2022At 19.30, I was on a telephone call and Yonah was calling me from his room. It was “time”... He was tired and it was time to wrap the day! So, I got off the phone and went in to find him on his little “extension perch” out-side his house, by the work table. And when I went to move his house to get to the curtains and blinds, he hopped onto my shoulder. I thought he'd stay there as I closed the windows up but as soon as he could, he headed up to his roof-top... to “supervise”. And we had a bit of a “chat” as I closed blinds and curtains and when I put the back board up, he headed to his door perch. Oh yes, he was ready for “tuck-in” so, the roof board went up, the fountain and the bird-songs were turned off and his room was silent for the night. I moved his house back to where it belongs, leaned in and we exchanged “Good night” kisses.
At 20.00 on the mark... the light went out... my little Heart-and-Soul was “tucked-in” sage and snug... “seepie-nigh-night”... another GLORIOUS day came to a PEACEFUL close... as a soft wind blew out-side the windows of his warm and cozy room. -1° with that chill of -5° again, tonight. But let the world be what it will... my Little Guy will be comfy... and, as always... SO VERY CHERISHED...
Friday 29 April:
Sun-shine at sun-rise and at 6.29... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”! And to my reply of the same, the response was “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo-hoo”! OH! But how I SO wish I knew that the differences mean. How I wish I knew what ANY of Yonah' coo's actually mean. I have a general idea for some. For example, there's a particular “sound” to the “woo-HOO!” when, in the morning, I try to take a few extra minutes before getting in to open his door. And there's an almost-distinct “quality” to the “woo-HOO” I hear when I've been out of the house for a while and come in calling “Hello? Is anybody here?” (The former is quite clear and sharp, as if he's saying “Enough with the chit-chat! It's morning and this door is closed here!” And the latter has a “softness” to it, more of a “Hello to you. I'm in here. Where've you been?”) It's when he changes the “pattern”, adding or subtracting the “hoo's” after the “HOO”. Surely they mean something, have a particular purpose. I seriously doubt that they're just random coo's. And too, there are times when it's a continual “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”, with-out the pause between the first three and the last two. That's the most common. So when the pause is inserted, yes, I wonder.
But, no matter what was being said this morning, there was plenty of it to be said. The “long coo's” continued, some with, others with-out the pause. And then there were “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” which is, I can say, over the 18 months, rare. So there was something “new” that caught Yonah's attention and that he felt he needed to convey. In any event, we chatted from the first coo, right through the entire “morning routine”, including the “water relay” which was “observed”, not so much “supervised”, this morning, from the roof-top. (Of course, almost at the finish, Yonah came swooping down to his door perch... Kisses were expected, due and indeed, lavishly given.) And once the fountain was back on, kisses and cuddles were accounted-for, Yonah headed up to his food ledge... Breakfast time. And I went to the kitchen to tidy and settle things there.
My tasks and chores began first thing this morning and I didn't take the time to move into his room. I stayed at the kitchen table where I am in the mornings, waiting for him to wake and call. But that had NO bearing on his intentions of us being together, as we're “supposed” to be and “expected” to be. I hadn't but started getting to my work when... there he was, in the kitchen, on the floor, staring up at me as if to say “Leave me alone? Sitting out here? You need to get to the work table.” And when I looked up and said “I'll be in in just a few moments.” he continued on, through the kitchen and out to the living-room for a stroll about, a quick check of the decoys on the limb and... WOOSH-FLUTTER-WHISTLE, through the kitchen he came and right back to his house.
Now, I did go to the work table and no sooner had I sat down, Yonah was on my head, then on my shoulder, pecking at my ear. I leaned my head over toward him, he “nestled” into me for a moment and then... up and off and back to his house... He was “gardening” this morning.
I'd planted some wild-mix bird seed in a bit of plating soil, in a small, plastic container and it sprouted quite nicely, so I put it into Yonah's house, mainly thinking I'd give him some “greens” to nibble on. Well! That's not how it turns-out. He's having more fun pulling the seedlings up, by t he roots, and scattering them about the place! From his little “beach” to his nest-box, as it were, there are “sprouts” all about his place! And he's quite busy with them too. I'd read that sprouting bird seed is a good way to give birds a bit of “greens” to include in their diet. They're fresh, clean and they're actually the plants from which the seed mix comes in the first place. Yonah's not keen on his vegetable “chop” (of which I have more than plenty in the freezer), so I thought this might be a better way to get him to “eat his veggies”. HAH! They're an “amusement”. But, none-the-less, they're there for him and MAYBE he just might get to nibble on some. And if he just pulls them up and scatters them? Well, there's more seed available and we'll just plant more. Nutrition or amusement, if he enjoys having them at all, he'll have them. (And as for the “scattering”... they're very easy to pick up, so they're not just there, wilting.)
This after-noon, I had a bit of yard-work to do out-side and so, again, as with the trip to market, I tried to put my-elf together with-out being noticed... AND AGAIN, I'd no sooner sat to put my boots on when... WOOSH-FLUTTER-WHISTLE... into the kitchen came my Little Guy... Flew round my head thrice and went off to the living-room and to the decoys where, as I heard from the kitchen, a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! Seems my “plot” was noticed, noted and the particulars were being discussed. (“How DARE he even THINK he can leave and I won't notice!”) But, since he was in the living-room and there's nothing to worry about in the house... I managed to get out the back door and get my work completed.
Ah... but... I was out for just about an hour and came back in through the back door and as I stepped into the house... THERE, ON THE FLOOR, HEADING BACK INTO HIS ROOM AT AN “OPEN PACE”... I HAD to laugh! It just looked like he'd been at the back door, heard me coming but didn't want me to know he'd been there, so, as I opened the door, he RAN back to his room... I just happened to come in a bit too soon and discovered him... in the act.
“Heading for the bus station? Need a lift, do ya?” I had to ask.
Yonah stopped as I spoke, gave a “glance over his shoulder”... as it was, and simply continued on his way back to his room. WHAT a CHARACTER!
From then, on, we had the day together and, it being a Friday, it was “Hoover time”! I broke-out the vacuum-cleaner and away we went. Behind his house, which meant moving it from side-to-side and back-and-forth. And all the while, Yonah “lounged” on his roof-top platform. It still intrigues me that dogs and cats panic at the sound of the Hoover but Yonah? It means nothing to him. So much so that he'll be on the floor as I'm passing along and, if I don't watch, I'd swear he's liable to hop onto the attachment! I DO remember seeing a video on the internet, of a woman who had a couple of parrots who would head for a bath when she simply turned her vacuum-cleaner on. The assumption was that it was the sound... Birds don't like complete silence because they usually go completely silent in the presence of threats. So when the machine was running, they heard the noise and felt more at ease. Well, it that's true, I'll suppose that Yonah doesn't mind the sound and, instead of perceiving it as a “threat”, to him, it's just another “sound” so he's comfortable with it. Anyway, that was our “break”... and by then, it was time for “evening meal”. (WOW! But the days pass SO quickly! But then, it's as I always say: Now that Yonah is my Life, the 24 hours of a day could be 240 hours and there STILL wouldn't be “enough” time to spend with him.)
We dined together, this evening, of course. But Yonah finished before I did and as I ate, sitting at the work table, from behind me I kept hearing wing-snaps. Yonah wanted to play! So, with one hand I had my meal and held the other hand up at his door perch... He pecked and nibbled at my fingers, as he's so fond of doing... almost “preening” as I tried to keep up with both, entertaining him and eating. And when, for a moment, I'd taken my hand away and didn't respond to his wing-snap quickly enough... there he was, on my shoulder, pulling at my ear. And when I looked over at him, he started at me, head tilted, almost as if asking:
“WHAT? You don't want to play any more?”
Needless to say... I made quick work of eating and washing-up so we had more play time this evening.
When Yonah had had enough of the “play”, we got to the “evening water relay” and tonight's took a bit longer because a tiny bit of moss managed to get caught in the tubing for his fountain. I have to do something to make sure that that doesn't happen again and so, we have a little something to work on over our week-end. I don't want to use metal window screening with all the water, and I'm not comfortable with the “plastic” screening that's so popular these days. So, we'll have to think of something and see what we come up with. But for this evening, Yonah didn't seem at all too pleased with the extra time I was taking. He was visibly some-what annoyed with me, mucking about with his fountain and pool. But we got it done... the water got completely changed twice too so tonight he has REALLY fresh, clean water there.
It was a bit later than usual too, because of the extra time and at about 19.15, I was in the kitchen, putting things together there when, from Yonah's room came... repeatedly... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”. Loud and clear. It was time to get the blinds and curtains closed and on with the night! He's great at saying when he's ready to start the day and equally so when it comes time to close the day. (Me? I find it just one more truly LOVABLE aspect of his character, and my amazement!) So I hurried back and got right to the business of windows and back boards and such and while I did so, Yonah started to watch from his roof-top, then headed over to his futon until I'd put his house back where it belongs. When he saw that I was finished, he came back to his roof-top platform... and I brought it, with him on, down and into his house. Holding it level with his perch, I asked:
“Are you ready for seepie-nigh-night?”
And as soon as I asked, he gently hopped from the platform to his perch. He was ready.
As I put his roof board on, he scuttled over to give “Good night” pecks to his little “friend in the loft mirror” and then scuttled back to his “night spot” on his perch. Oh, but yes, to be sure... it was, indeed... “seepie-nigh-night” time.
So we had our snuggles, our own little “Good night” kisses and he took his place to settle for the night. And by 19.50, door closed on his house, lights out... peace and quiet... seepie-nigh-night.
Tonight's forecast is for light breezes... no more winds... 1° with a chill of -2° and clear skies. Not that it means that much in Yonah's room where the temperature is about 23,5° and the air is still. Tomorrow? Promises of sun-shine... and Sunday, even more sun-shine and 15°! So we have a perfect week-end for... HOUSE-KEEPING! Beginning of a new month and time for a thorough cleaning! I'm not sure that Yonah's looking forward to it but I'm sure we'll both make the best of it. For tonight? My little Heart-and-Soul is tucked-in warm and safe and cozy, LOVED and CHERISHED beyond ALL else in Creation. We'll deal with tomorrow when it gets here... and not until...
Saturday 30 April:
The sun was making its appearance in the clear sky. The weather reported 0° but it actually felt quite comfortable out there. I was sitting at the kitchen table, wrapping-up my first coffee of the morning when... the clock marked 6.36 and “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came floating through the air, clear and calm. My reason for waking-up this morning was calling... my Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul. I called back, “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. He replied the same. And as I got my-self “together”, ready to get into his room, open his door, open curtains and blinds to the day out-side, I called once more “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... “woo-HOO!” was the response. I'd “stalled” long enough... and I smiled.
The “morning greeting”, as I opened the door, in the early morning dim light and wonderful warmth of Yonah's room was heart-filling. “Good morning” pecks, a nestling against my face, a few pecks on the nose and a stretch of wings... and a hop from one perch to the other. It always impresses me how, first thing in the morning, he has such energy to hop about and then has the energy to take flight while I have to wake, ponder getting out of bed and am, pretty much, dragging until after first coffee. Oh, but it's just another “inspiration” to me and, truly, it does get me moving all the better, seeing him so energetic.
So, as we “chatted” again, this morning, we got to the “morning routine” of tidying his house and getting the fresh water in the pool (and the drinking cup that he doesn't use). And Yonah was out and about the room as I worked... and chatted.
Morning chores complete, I went back out to the kitchen to “settle things” out there and as I was just finishing my coffee at table... WOOSH... FLUTTER FLUTTER FLUTTER and MORE FLUTTER! Yonah came FLYING out of his room and made THREE complete “surveillance” circles round the kitchen, and then, went right back to this house. It was as if he was only coming out to check to see if I was there, and when he was satisfied that I wasn't getting ready to leave, all was well and he went back to do what-ever it was he had on his daily agenda. He's come flying into the kitchen before, but once in, turn round and head else-where. This morning was quite the sight!
Well, during the day, the sun poured in through his windows, but the breezes are still chilled, so we kept the windows closed. The doors to the rest of the house were open for several hours, to circulate some fresh air in the place, and I settled at the work table with much to get done. And as I sat there, when he wasn't lounging in his “nest box”, Yonah was “busy”... mostly with the sprouts. He's got almost all of them pulled now, and they're on his “beach”, up on his ledge and some are in the “nest box”. (We'll be planting more for him, since he enjoys them so much.)
In between “gardening” and lounging today, we spent quite a bit of time playing, and he spent quite a lot of time on my head, my shoulders, the back of the chair. It was quite the “together” sort of a day. And we got a “walk” together... One thing's rather certain: he does NOT like looking out the back door and into the kitchen yard. The “scene”... where the attack that brought him into this house occurred. He's a bit restless, on my shoulder, as we stand in the door looking out. But when we stand at the front door, he's quite interested in what's out there... until, of course, he remembers the decoys in the corner limb... and then, he's off to “visit” with them. It breaks my heart to think that he remembers the attack and that kitchen yard. But I suppose it helps explain why he's “taken to” me... If, in fact, he remembers being attacked, I can believe that he knows and understands that I brought him in because of Love and Caring... and that he “KNOWS” that I've meant only the very best for him ever since. He truly IS an AMAZING, AWE-INSPIRING Little Guy!
This after-noon, we had a little bit of a snooze... together! I'd laid down on the futon, only this time, in the opposite direction, with my head at the end where Yonah's house is. He was up on his ledge and immediately looked down. Something was “odd” and he noticed. In a WOOSH, he was down onto the pillow, but instead of being at my head as he usually does, he landed in front of my face and stood there staring at me. It was almost as if he was asking: “Are you OK? What's wrong?”
I reached up with one hand and brought him down, under the cover sheet and stroking his back with my thumb, I said, in a soft voice: “It's OK. I'm just laying down this way for a change. Everything's OK.”
All the while, he was as calm as he could possibly be. Didn't make any effort to fly way and didn't even make any movements at all until I just opened my hand and he calmly hopped up the pillow, back to my face, gave me another look and then, went up to the top of the pillow at the top of my head. I dozed-off a bit shortly after.
When, about 30 minutes later, the alarm sounded, I turned it off and when I looked, he was there, on my leg, at the bend of my knee... HE'D NAPPED WITH ME! I'd done something “different” from our normal routine at snooze-time and he'd noticed... and it seems he wanted to be close by... just to make certain that things were as they're supposed to be!
Now, again... I defy all who claim that doves aren't cognizant, sentient LIVES! Yonah is, beyond any and all doubt, my Heart-and-Soul!
For the rest of the day, we were together as I continued my work at the work table. We broke for a quick tea and some play-time, and the sun just shone beautifully all through the day. His room was delightfully cozy-warm as the chilled breezes blew out-side... and the trees started showing signs of “green”. Yes... “Spring” really IS making its arrival! Another Spring... for Yonah and I... together!
Well... as it does of a day... evening meal time rolled in and we dined together... Yonah grabbing a bite on his ledge and I, at the work table. And when we'd done, we got to the water relay so as to get it done with for the night. Tomorrow's plans are to get to the MAJOR MONTHLY HOUSE-KEEPING so water will be changed, the pool will be scrubbed, rocks will be boiled, sands will be replaced and if the new mosses are “safe”, they'll be put in for more pecking and sorting and being pulled apart... for the “nest box” (which I want to replace with something more suitable than the little bit of card-board that's there. Since Yonah is enjoying it, well then, he'll have something more substantial.) So tonight was more a matter of making sure that the water was clean... in case he wants a drink during the night or early tomorrow morning. And... he watched, from the pillows on his futon until I got back to the work table to begin closing my own affairs, at which point, he headed to his door perch... as he does of an evening.
Came 19.35 and, well, as much as I always dislike, it was time for settling-in... “seepie-nigh-night”. So I got up from the work table mourning dove 28 April 2022and as I moved Yonah's house to get to the windows to close blinds and curtains, he stayed right on his door perch. He “knows” what the hour is and the “routine”. I went about the business of window-closings and I no sooner got his house back in position for the night when he headed up to his perch... He WAS ready for “tuck-in”! We got out snuggles, cuddles and “Good night” kisses in and because he was obviously ready, I made short work of “lights out”. There was still quite enough of the out-side “day-light” coming in through the blinds and curtains for him to get around, should he want to but, it didn't seem that he had any “travel” plans.
So... by about 19.50... my Little Guy was snug and tucked-in for another night's sleep.
0° tonight with a “chill” of -1° but tomorrow... SUN! 16° and 14 hours of SUN! Perfect for HOUSE-KEEPING! My little Heart-and-Soul will have a clean and safe house! For tonight, he has a clean, safe place to rest.
Tomorrow? We venture into A NEW MONTH... TOGETHER!