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Emergency Medical

MAY 2022
Sunday 01 May:
A new month, a new day, and on some calendars, the beginning of a new week... And today, a “new house” for Yonah; it's the monthly “House-Keeping” day! (Today's “House-Keeping” has upper-case letters because it's the thorough cleaning where everything is removed, everything is cleaned, and what requires replacing gets completely replaced. It's more an “over-haul” than just house-keeping. But, it's one of those things that really ought to be done to make sure that there's nothing that can cause any harm to him, health-wise. SO... that said...)
This morning, I was up and about, attending to my own “morning routine” and preparing the kitchen for the whirl-wind of activities to come with the washing and such when, in between bits of commotion, softly came, from behind the door to Yonah's room... “woo-HOO!”. Not his regular “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”, but that stern-and-hearty “woo-HOO!” When I replied with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”, the response was THREE, almost consecutive “woo-HOO!s” Seems I must have been making some “extra” noise and missed the first “call”... OR... I was making SO much noise that I'd become an annoyance (?). Any-way...
The clock read 6.14, the sun was just rising over the Eastern mountain-tops and making its way in through the blinds and curtains of Yonah's room. Out-side, the sky was clear, the air, cool at “0°” and Mr. Taube was impatient. It was time to get this day, week, month rolling along! (Thankfully, I'd done with most of what I was engaged in so... Off and away and into his room I went!)
“Greetings”? As I opened the door to Yonah's room and called “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... I was “told”, with no question or doubt about it: “woo-HOO!” So, with apologies a-plenty, I went directly, opened the door to his house, leaned in humbly and... “morning kisses”! I was either forgiven or given some sort of “consideration”. After all... I'm the “human” in the house and really, I have my short-comings. “Kisses” ARE better than arguments, especially first thing of a morning. Hey, forgiveness or simply tolerance... I'll accept both and/or either. And “cuddles” too, followed by wing stretches and a hop across to the other perch... in preparation for the “escape to the futon” as I rolled Yonah's house about so that I could get to the windows to open the curtains and blinds and let in the light of this new day.
That's how it began... AND, as I sat at the kitchen table to jot the notes for this morning... from the corner of my eye I happened to catch a bit of “movement” coming across the beige of Yonah's floor. He came toddling out to “check”... to see WHAT could be keeping me from this morning's important chores (the afore-mentioned “House-Keeping”). We hadn't done the morning's “tidy and water relay” and the day was moving along! WELL! OK then...
I'd swear that, over our months together, I've become “predictable” and Yonah's come to expect a certain routine to his day. Maybe I'm just projecting my own take on the matter, but, truthfully, I'd have to say that it's more a matter of Yonah “knowing”, literally, what's to be expected of a day, what's in his surroundings and where all things are. He DOES notice when I re-arrange, he DOES actually LOOK and WATCH when I tidy and clean his house, even on a daily basis. Sometimes he objects, and will peck at my hands and fingers as I move things about. And at other times, he looks and just walks away. So this morning, I opened the windows, put the fountain on, finished the chores I'd started before he woke... it was time for the “water relay”... and what-ever was to follow... He KNOWS... just as he “KNOWS” when I'm merely thinking about leaving the house for errands.
A great part of my fascination with him is that he, and other birds, and deer, wolves, even cats and dogs are able to communicate with one-another with-out making any sound at all. They don't “talk” in any way, to let each-other know what they're thinking, and yet, birds will flock together, follow one-another. Deer can be seen wandering about, in and out of the woods, crossing roads, regular routines and they'll follow one-another. Does can convey messages to their fawns, wolves to their pups, bears to their cubs... and never a sound. And Yonah seems to “know” when I'm getting ready to leave the house... even when I'm in another room. He's also EXTREMELY AWARE when the slightest thing annoys me, and he's EXCEPTIONALLY AWARE when I'm not feeling calm or well. He's got some sort of what people commonly refer to as “telepathy”! I have to wonder to what extent the “Yardies” have this ability... though, if they had much of it, toward people, I'm sure they'd understand that I, in particular, mean them no harm and wouldn't be so quick to take flight every time I happen to be at or out of the door. So again, I recall the claim of “humans” being the “highest-evolved” and realising that I can't “telepathically” know what Yonah's is thinking, I also realise that that claim is utter nonsense. Humans are SO BLATANTLY INFERIOR... and I WISH I could learn to “know” and “understand” Yonah... But I'm trying to. I truly am trying to.
House-Keeping got done today though! And did it ever! Poor Yonah! It wasn't even quite 8.00 this morning when I started taking his trees out of his house, and from there, it all just kept going. And he was NOT AT ALL HAPPY about that! He's really quite the character when things in his house are disturbed. He watches INTENTLY, even when I simply remove poops in the mornings (which I do to keep his house clean AND to check it for any “abnormalities”). If I move a stone, a bit of moss, anything at all, he hops right over to check to see what I'm doing, what I've done and, if anything isn't where he expects it to be, if there was some importance to the “missing item”, he gives quite the wing-snap and, if he feels it appropriate, will come over and peck at my hand, as if “punishing” me. Needless to say, monthly “House-Keeping” is quite the adventure since every bit of his house is taken apart for cleaning.
SO... trees out, the pool got drained and the rocks removed. The pool got scrubbed to make sure there's no “build-up” of minerals from the tap water, which happens, and to make absolute certain that there's no algae of any sort or any other “growth” on the glass. It then got set in the kitchen basin, filled with pure, white vinegar and the pump and tubing for his fountain set to run. The dish, tubing and pump were flushed for an hour, to disinfect the entire thing. Mean-while, the rocks from the pool were soaked in boiling water for half an hour, twice, and then scrubbed under running tap water.
From there, the most drastic of events followed.
The trays of sand were removed. Since the warm weather has arrived, there will be fresh river sand to come, but for today, we had plenty of it in containers from last Summer. But when THOSE went, Yonah took off and headed for this roof-top. He knew that this was “serious”. He watched, pacing across the wire top, looking down at every movement under him. The trays were removed and taken to the kitchen to be scrubbed with dish detergent, thoroughly rinsed and set aside to dry.
Next step, the bottom tray of his house was removed and that got bleached, in the shower. The layers of kitchen roll were discarded. They're not “soiled”, because they're under the other trays, but it's precautionary... just in case any “invisible parasites” or the sort may have gotten under there. (I take NO chances with such things because I do NOT want ANYTHING “feasting” on my Little Guy!)
Empty now, his house got a good wipe-down and then... “re-assembly” began.
Thankfully, today was a GLORIOUSLY beautiful, bright, clear, warm and breezy day so his window was open and fresh air flowed through. The back and front doors of the house were open so the air was on a constant move, replacing the Winter “stale”, and between the air and sun-light, it made for a great sort of day, as close to being “out-side” as we can get in-side.
ALL the while, Yonah was flying about, from the top of his house to his perches in-side, watching, noticing, taking note of every bit of “change” that was going on. And, when I was working in the kitchen, he came out to check and see where all of his belongings were going. Toddling in and out of the kitchen, passing through, and into the living-room to “report” or “comment” to the decoys on the limb there, I wished that I could have explained to him what I was doing so that he could understand, but I settled for simply saying: “When this is done your house will be all clean, and safe, and healthy and comfy again.” If there's one thing I have learned over the course of our time together it's that talking to him as I work, even when I do the daily “tidying” is essential. It does calm him some-what, and it's obvious that, if I do anything in or with his house in silence, he's “skeptical”... ill-at-ease. After all, as it's said: birds live in a world of sounds... all sorts of sounds, from other birds to the rustle of leaves in a breeze, and the calls of other animals. Complete silence is usually indicative of some threat, a predator. So, even if it's just reciting the lyrics of a song, as long as there's sound, especially the familiar sound of a voice, it really is necessary.
Well, after all the “parts” were cleaned, the rest of the house as well, it was time to put it all back together and some-what similar to as it was before all the commotion and mayhem. (I make minor adjustments to the placement of trees, and the rocks for the fountain are seldom ever exactly the same as they were before. That' always an “experiment” to see what configuration works best, to keep some motion in the water, a little bit of sound of splashing and to take as little space out of the pool as possible. It's a bit of fun, stacking and re-stacking the rocks, trying to see how the water flows, and it's probably nice as a bit of a change of “scenery” for Yonah... just a “bit”. Even the trees get moved round a bit. They too, are always a bit of “experiment”. I try to give the ledge and loft a bit of a “feeling of being in the high limbs” as Yonah would be, were he in the woods. But there needs to be enough room for him to exercise his wings and, in particular, a comfortable area at his night-spot on his perch where he can rest with-out any constrictions or “bending” of his tail-feathers.)
Fresh kitchen roll installed, the trays of fresh sands, the trees all placed, and the pool re-assembled... fresh water flushed through as we would have done in the morning “water relay” (there's never “too much” flushing of the pool)... from start to finish it was another 5 hours... and every second of every minute so worth the effort because it's one of the greatest comforts knowing that Yonah's house is clean, healthy and comfortable.
As soon as I was done with all the work, we Hoovered his room quite thoroughly too, removing any bits of anything that might have come out... like sand and/or mosses. It was quite the morning-into-after-noon! And Yonah handled it like a champion. (I suppose that after 18 months of my insanity, he just accepts it all from me, if not expecting it.)
The window still open, fresh breeze blowing in, his house got positioned back where it belonged and, as soon as I put his food dish back in, Yonah hopped over and had a bit of lunch. We'd finished just in time for that. And, as he had his lunch, I put together a little something for me and sat at the work table. We lunched together after a morning's work.
The rest of the day I re-settled the rest of the house after all the flurry of things all morning and Yonah took to his “nest box” to relax and enjoy his fresh surroundings. We'd made quite the day of it and now it was time to enjoy the results.
I DID get a quick snooze in too... or, should I say “WE” got a quick snooze? I'd set an alarm for 30 minutes, as I do, and laid down on Yonah's futon and he came to join me, first at the pillow where he came over to have a good, stern look as if to say “Yeah, it's time to relax here!” and, as he does, 2 minutes before the alarm was set to sound, he came up to peck at the top of my head to wake me. After that, for a while, we had “Play time”... on his roof-top... “Catch Me!” and “Let's cuddle”! He's amazing lately. He actually enjoys being held close, under my chin, and I make little “clicks” as if preening him and he just “nestles” in my cupped hands. Oh but how he can “soak-up the affection”! There's never “enough” for him to enjoy nor for me to give. I SO appreciate that he enjoys the attention and affection and I'm never not amazed at how comfortable he is through it all. He seems so content. And his peace gives me such an inner peace... It's really indescribable. We are, I suppose, not just “mates” in any sort of the term... we're our own “flock”! And it's WONDERFUL!
Came “evening meal” hour and we settled, together, to dine. It had been a hectic day and it was a pleasure to just sit, together, quietly. Yonah had his meal and when done, came to sit on my shoulder for a while, as I finished mine. And after washing-up and, yes, the regular “water relay” (as I say... no such thing as too much clear water, and... “If I wouldn't drink it, it doesn't belong in his house”... and he DOES tend to drink from his pool instead of the little dish of water I keep available to him... just for drinking... though he does seem to like putting sprigs of moss into it, and then the dish gets cleaned and fresh water added). So the water in his pool is changed not less than twice daily, and after he has a swim... and any other time it needs changing.
And after “water change”, we had time together to cuddle and play before I started on today's Journal entry.
But as I was typing, I happened to look behind me and see Yonah on his door perch, where he “settles” in the evening and the clock was reading 19.30. The room was quiet because “musics” and such were silenced at 19.00 for our “wind-down” and I caught him... YAWNING! My pool Little Guy was TIRED! Often-enough, when he gets tired, he'll let me know with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” but, for some reason, he didn't, this evening. (I wonder: If I were to stay up all through the night, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't do the same; and I'd LOVE to be able to stay up with him... LONG into the night, but he needs his rest just as any do, so I try to make sure that he gets his 10-14 hours each night for sleep. Now I can't help but think that he too, has those days or nights when he just wants to stretch the day longer so we can be together and, when he doesn't let me know he's tired, it just makes me wonder all the more.) Anyway, it was “time” anyway, for “tuck-in”, so I said:
“My poor little Heart-and-Soul... are you ready for seepie-nigh-night?”...
He headed right up to his perch, scuttled over to the loft mirror... and “Good night” pecks were given to the little reflection there and then scuttled back to the “front” of his house to his “night spot”. I got right to closing his blinds and curtains, putting up the back board... “closing the day”. And all the while, he preened, as he does before going to sleep. Yes, he was tired... it was quite the day!
By 19.50, we'd had our nightly cuddles, snuggles and kisses... everything in his house was fresh, settled, and too his room. Light went out. My Heart-and-Soul was warm and cozy, safe and sound for another night of good rest. And today, we venture into a new week... and a new month. We're going for 19 months together now. We're passing the “year and a half” mark! And I'm still in as much AWE as I've ever been. And with this month of May, warmer days and nights are to come. Open windows, breezes, longer days, shorter nights, more time together. And maybe we'll have thunder storms but my Little Guy won't have to battle winds, rains. He has his own house and the security... just as he SO deserves. And me? Well, for every day he wakes, I have another day to do the same.
Monday 02 May:
Dreary sort of morning, and the sun was trying to make an appearance as it poked above the Eastern mountains. There was a “yellow tint” to the sky. Odd, at that hour. But, in short course, it was gone, replaced by “North Country grey”. At least the temperature out-side was 4°... and no “minus”. Still, the house-heat was running.
I'd been thinking of how Yonah's “wake-up” of late has been between 6.15 and 6.30, on average, and how Deborah, down the main, had said that, at her place, the mourning doves have been waking her with their “calls”, at about the same time every morning. She has “flocks” at her feeder. Me? I consider it quite the excitement when there's even one here. Anyway, as I was thinking of how Yonah's schedule matches the flocks in the wild...
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” from behind his door. The clock? 6.11. Close to the “6.15-6.30”. But it was a rather “quiet” call, so, just to see if he was actually awake, I called back, softly. Almost immediately, a reply. So I replied, in kind and, sure enough, my Little Guy... my “Heart-and-Soul” was up and awake and ready to hit the day!
When I got to the door of his house, he was quite still in the warm (23° in his room) early morning relative dark. So I “coo'ed”... no reply and really no response either. But when I asked “Are you really ready to get up and face this day?” he responded with a wonderful wing-stretch. So I opened his door and leaned in for “Good morning kisses”. I was heartily greeted and so, our day was “engaged”. AND, as I worked on opening curtains and blinds, this morning's “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” became a couple “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo's”. And we were chatting along.
His house is still so clean after yesterday's “House-Keeping” and even though the water in his pool was fresh yesterday after-noon and then changed last night, we got to the “water relay” and as I made my runs, Yonah took off for his futon to watch. But by the time I was done... he headed to his “nest box”. He seems content there.
When I moved into his room for the day, settling at the work table, after a couple of flights about the room, to the futon and back, he roosted at the door perch... wing-snaps in abundance. We were going to have another “together” day... and nothing else makes a day “perfect” ... Yonah is happy and in good health. “Creation” is fine.
And so, the sun was covered by grey clouds, and we had a short period of a light rain-fall. But in Yonah's room, all was as warm and cozy as could be. And there was enough light to keep us both “comfortable” with it. I worked at the work table, Yonah came to “visit”, sitting on my shoulder, pulling my glasses off. (I'm not sure why, but he doesn't like it when I have them on. I wonder if there isn't some kind of “finish” or “coating” on the lenses that might block UV light, in which case, Yonah can't see my eyes through them.) When I took them off and looked in his direction (with my eyes closed because he likes to peck at eyes for some reason) he pecked, “preening” my face... eyes, nose, cheeks. So we cuddled, and snuggled until he decided to go back to his “nest box” or... at one point, he took a toddle out to the living-room... and came flying back, some moments later.
Because it was a perfect day for it, we snoozed too. We had 2 two thirty-minute snoozes today and again, I laid down with my head at the end of the futon beside his house. Well! It's as I've already said many times in this Journal: EVERY little change is, for Yonah, cause to wonder and investigate. He's not used to me laying down in that direction so, I no sooner got my head on the pillow when he came RUSHING down from his perch, landing not at my head but at my face (far enough away so that I couldn't be taken by surprise with a peck... to the eyes) and stood staring at me for a good while. It's as if he curious as to why I've made the change. But once I softly said “I'm taking a snooze.”, all was well and he headed back up to his perch... from where he seemed to be watching me... “watching-over” as it were. I dozed and yes, as he does, 2 minutes before the alarm was set for... “peck peck” and “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... my little “wake-up”call came... for BOTH naps. (Oh, but how I'd SO like to know how he knows when the alarm is about to sound.)
For the rest of the day, I was busy at the work table and Yonah was busy in his house, toddling about, coming to keep me company, watching me work on the lap-top... and playing every-thing from sneaking up onto my shoulder and back and pecking at my ears and neck to a few games of “Catch Me!”. WHAT a perfect day it was... of course. Yonah is here. A day couldn't possibly NOT be “perfect”.
This evening? Well, as we do, we did again... Dining together and catching-up on the news from the “out-side world”.
After, I headed out to the kitchen for the washing-up. Yonah came soaring by... it was another of his “surveillance” flights. Into the kitchen, saw that I was there and went flying right back to his house. I “invited” him to stay in the kitchen but he doesn't really do that. I'm thinking of getting another limb of some kind to see if he'll make use of it and maybe come in and spend some time with me there. He'll pass it on his way to the living-room so he'll see it... We'll give it a try as soon as I can find a suitable limb and a suitable place for it (away from the stove, of course).
After washing-up, we did tonight's water, during which Yonah made him-self comfy on his perch and when done, I sat back at the work table to catch-up with today's Journal... until... 19.30 on the mark... he came to his extended perch, just above my left shoulder... It was time to wrap things up, close the blinds and curtains... He came to remind me! But, we had a bit of a “resistance” tonight, when it came time to actually settle-in. As I was closing the windows up, Yonah decided to head to his little roof-top platform... so that he could peck at my head which was at the perfect level at that point. Well, of course, I happen to delight in his playfulness but, when it came time to actually get in and settled down? Oh no, we weren't having that. So, as I've done before, I had to bring Yonah into his house... on his little platform, and bringing it level with his perch, I said:
“Hey you... it's time for seepie-night.”
No sooner had I gotten the words out, he hopped onto his perch and I thought he was going to go over to his loft for “Good nigh” pecks for the little reflection in the mirror there. OH no! Instead, he headed to his nest-box where he got him-self quite cozy, with the little twitches of the wings and his soft and gentle “woo-HOO” (“perch coo” is what I believe it's referred to as... it's something he does during the day as well, when I'm not in the room with him). Well, I expected that that's where he'd chosen to spend the night tonight and he is, of course, in control of where he wants to be and go so... I put the roof board on, leaned in, gave him a couple kisses and closed his door to his house... and went over and turned the light out. I thought he was tucked-in, and so, I moved me out to the kitchen for the night.
About a minute later I heard the flutter of wings... went in to check on him and found him on the perch beside the little ledge where his food and next-box are... so I stepped out, put on the kitchen light to give a little illumination to his room so that he could see well enough if he wanted to get to his usual night perch and when I went back in to check, there he was... right where he sleeps. He was settled-down and settled-in. So I opened his door, leaned in, gave him a couple more “Good night” kisses and got a couple of pecks in return... 19.55... my little Heart-and-soul was tucked-in for the night. Of course, I would have liked to stay with him longer tonight, at least just to be in his company, but, the concern to me is his rest at night. I don't know, for a fact, how well he sleeps through the night. I can only assume that he sleeps well-enough because he wakes when he's ready and he appears to be well-rested in the morning. But, if Yonah, as all mourning doves, requires 10-14 hours of sleep, well then... 20.00 to 6.00 is his minimum and I won't interfere with that. After all, I don't want him tired during the day and ill-rested is un-healthy. So? We both have to put-up with sticking to a schedule. Besides, with the dreary weather today, most of the Little Ones were likely roosting for the day anyway and Yonah had LOTS to do and company and his musics played and we played so... “Seepie-nigh-night” time it was.
We have tomorrow... should Fate be kind and loving toward us... another bit of a dreary day. I have no errands, and if the weather doesn't permit, I won't have any yard-work to take me away... My Little Guy and I will have another full day together...
Tuesday 03 May:
Not a “bright” sort of morning out there, this. The sun was trying its best to bring some sort of light to the world, but the clouds were heavy, as if determined to prolong the night. The house was still-enough, as it can be in the earliest hours of a day when, as the clock marked 6.39... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” came floating out from behind the door to Yonah's room. Tuesday had officially commenced. My Little Guy opened it and it was time to get us both together to confront what-ever this day held in secret until...
I quickly got to him, to open the door to his house... “Good morning” kisses in abundance this morning. SO MUCH ENERGY so early in the morning! He never ceases to amaze me with that. I have all to do to get me out of bed in the morning, and yet, this Little One is up and ready and off and hopping about! A few kisses, a stretch of the wings and WOOSH... across his house and, as I get things together for morning tidy and water relay, he was up and out and off... to his futon, to his roof-top. WHAT a start to a day: the gentle, beautiful, heart-warming “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” and the flutter-whistle of wings. Life... and the reason for it.
Well, today was a “strange” sort of day for both of us, even though I spent the greatest majority of the time with him. I had some new work to do with his web-site, and we had somebody in to do a bit of necessary maintenance work on the rest of the house so, between trying to keep-up with site-work and running back and forth as needed in the rest of the house, we kept each-other company, but Yonah is amazing in that he can make and find his own “busy-ness” in a day.
But he DID take every opportunity to come to my head or my shoulder to remind me that we were together. A bit of a hop from door perch to the “extended” perch and then down onto my shoulder for a few pecks at the ear. Of course, we had cuddles... and kisses, and chats. NOTHING, literally, takes my time from my Heart-and-Soul. NOTHING! No matter what else might “ought” to be done... the ONLY thing that MUST be done is time given... to my Little Guy! It does a WORLD of good... for BOTH of us... and that's obvious. COMPANIONSHIP, first and fore-most, above and beyond ALL!
And we DID manage, later in the day, to catch a little 30-minute snooze... together at the beginning but, as I dozed, Yonah had other things to do. I wonder how often he heads out to the rest of the house as I'm unaware. But, it really is a comfort to know that he's taking FULL advantage of ALL of the space in this house. For too long he stayed, for the most part, to his room. But now, it's obvious that he sees “HIS” room as being “HIS” AND now he's adding ALL of the rest of the house to “HIS”. Hey, after all... it IS... “HIS”! From wall to wall, window to window, door to door, floor to ceiling... (I see my place here as being the one who will do anything and every thing necessary to make sure that he has perfect protection, the best-possible nourishment and comforts. HE CHOSE to “take to me”, to give his affections... I'm in HIS debt... and SO PERFECTLY DELIGHTFULLY SO.)
That's pretty much how our “today” went though. Me at the work table when I wasn't at the door or in another room to assist with the goings-on. But Yonah and I DID have a LOT of “together moments” during the course of the day... to be sure. AND... DELIGHTFULLY, it was a perfect day for an open window! So we enjoyed the fresh air and the gentle breezes that blew through.
And this evening, when the place returned to our “normal”, we sat to dine, together. We caught-up with the news of the world out-side our walls, and I was thankful that we were here, together, safe and sound... as the world did what the world will... As I say: do/day/be what-ever you wish, but don't drop perturbations on my door-step. Yonah and I have plenty of “diversity”... and we neither want nor need commotion that isn't ours.
SO today went by entirely TOO quickly because of the distractions and diversions... but at 19.00, the musics went off, the dim light of the desk lamp gave us both a time to wind-down... and I got to starting the Journal. Sadly, before too long, I looked at the clock... water relay was done... but now it was time... blinds and curtains... and... “seepie-nigh-night” time had arrived.
It seems Yonah was relatively ready to tuck-in by 19.30... I got up and got to the windows and put up the back board and he was in and out of his house, from roof-top to perch. And when I put the back board up, he headed over to his food for his “nightly nosh”. When I put his house back were it belonged for the night, he headed up to his roof-top and I had to bring his little platform, with him on it, into his house. But when I got it level with his perches, he simply stepped off the platform and onto the perch. From there...
We got our “Good night” kisses and cuddles in, and Yonah prepared for “settle-in”... by 20.00, the lights were out, my little Heart-and-soul was tucked-in...
Out-side, the rains started to fall softly, and breezes blew, chilled. But in Yonah's room, his radiator was on... he was safe, warm, dry... and protected... for a night of careless rest. Another day... another day...
Wednesday 04 May:
Out-side, the skies were heavy, rather dark grey. The ground, still damp from last night's rains. A quiet breeze blew, and remnants of drizzle hung in the air. The world was calm, the Yardies and neighbours were tucked-away,taking advantage of the shadows of the early morning and, at 6.40... the walls of the old house echoed:
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... my little Heart-and-Soul was awake and calling to get a start to another day.
And when I responded, in kind, our morning conversation began... and DID IT EVER! The dialogue was steady, and, as it goes normally, after about the 4th exchange came the “woo-HOO!” Time to stop with the schmoozing and get on with the “routine”! The clock was ticking-away the relatively few, precious moments we have together during the day! And when I got into Yonah's room and opened the door to his house, he was ready with “morning kisses”, a wing stretch and AWAY! Hopping over to his other perch by his “lunch ledge”, as it were, we had a few more “kisses” and I got to my assigned duties of opening curtains and blinds. The light that came in wasn't really all that much, and his room was only as light, or dark, as “Nature” provided, but it was enough to get Wednesday on a roll... AND for a LOT of conversation!
My Little Guy was SO SO SO VERY VERY VERY VOCIFEROUS THIS RATHER DARK AND GREY MORNING! SO much to be said, and our dialogue moved along, and non-stop. Each of his coo's was answered and each answer was replied-to, with-out a pause or break. We talked all the while I ran the water relay, AND even as I settled things in the kitchen! AND, as I wrapped things up in the kitchen, I heard the flutter-whistle of wings and sure enough... Yonah came out to the kitchen to check-up on me. And when he confirmed that I was there, getting the day together to head into the work table, he took a toddle to the living-room... a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” to the decoys and, a quick flight back to the house.
CHATTING! Chatting! Chatting. It was quite the vocal morning and it was BEAUTIFUL! Each coo was clear, sounded determined... and FILLED THE HOUSE!
Creation... at it's perfection.
Now... TODAY, we had THE MOST NOVEL experiences... *** NEWS ***
“Visitor” at the front door this morning, and I went and answered and we chatted for a while, I standing in-side and he, on the front porch. I had the screen door closed as we talked. As we were talking, I happened to look down and behind me and THERE, ON THE FLOOR, RIGHT BEHIND ME... YONAH! HE'D COME TO THE LIVING-ROOM, NOTICED ME STANDING AT THE DOOR AND WAS SO CURIOUS THAT HE WAS WATCHING... AND LISTENING! So I “introduced” him and recounted his story... and all the while, Yonah just paced a bit, back and forth! NO FEAR OF A NEW PERSON, A NEW VOICE! In one respect, I'm quite happy that he's becoming accustomed to other voices and people, but in another, it's saddening me to think that he's coming to view people NOT as a THREAT any more. I've never wanted him to be “uncomfortable” when other people are IN the house, BUT, I also NEVER wanted him to come to “trust” other people! I don't believe he does, and I don't believe he ever really will. But I'll just have to see how this develops.
IF, and I HOPE AND PRAY with my ALL, that this NEVER comes to be, there should come a time when some-body else will have to attend to Yonah, for any length of time, I would like him to be able to “adapt” to a “new people”. (My deepest plan is that I'll be “around” for about not much longer than 15-30 minutes “after” him... He IS my ONLY reason for even bothering to take a next breath, and with-out him, I'm not planning on taking any more than is necessary to make sure that he's “cared-for-and-about”. When his little “spirit” takes to the skies, mine will be right behind, hoping to catch-up to and with his... no matter how.) At present, I see that “other” person being Deborah. She has the kindest heart and soul and she has an “attachment” to Yonah and understands his history... and importance to me. I'd like him to become comfortable with her... just in case. But certainly NO OTHER! Well, as I say, we shall see how this evolves. Mean-while... IT CAME AS QUITE A SURPRISE TO ME TO SEE HIM THERE, AND NOT RUNNING (FLYING) AWAY, AS HE'S ALWAYS DONE WHEN THERE'S ANY-BODY ELSE IN THE HOUSE!
Later, I'd stepped out the door and was on the front porch, alone, but I had the screen door open just a bit, behind me. When I turned to step back into the house... YONAH WAS STANDING THERE, AGAIN, RIGHT BEHIND ME! I REALLY HAVE TO MAKE SURE THE SCREEN DOORS ARE SECURELY CLOSED... AT ALL TIMES... NOW. MY LITTLE GUY IS *** ON THE MOVE *** !!! Thankfully, he didn't come TO the open door! I don't know WHAT that would lead to. Would he go “exploring” out there? Would he try to take a flight? Would he simply stay here? And if he “took off”... would he come back to what's been his “home” for over a year? I don't know. WORST: Would he take a flight and be discovered by the local hawk? THAT, my entire being could NOT cope with! SO... from now on... I NEED to be more attentive... Yonah truly is... *** ON THE MOVE ***! I don't want him “trapped”... but I SURELY don't want him injured... or... “taken”.

I have to add... I was asked, by “our” visitor: “What about the droppings?” to which I replied the truth; they're small, they dry, they're easily picked-up and disposed of... I do it every day. (I also made certain to add that I have “certification” now and am working on even more, so that there's no “problem” with him being here. I ALSO made QUITE CERTAIN to tell, so that it's understood, that mourning doves are the most-murdered in the US. Our visitor found that to be ridiculously un-necessary and can't understand it any more than I. So, Yonah remains “Spokes-person” ... “Spokes-birdie” for him and his flocks!)
And so, for the rest of this dreary, drizzly day, we got back to being “busy”... together... in his room. I'm re-working his “Portfolio” these days... at the work table... with my “Supervisor” beside me (or, on my head or shoulder).
This evening, we took a break and dined together... and after dinner, we had a LOT of cuddles and play. Yonah's been SO affectionate and close lately... there's more than a simple “bond” between us. It really is more like being “One”, just comprised of what appears to be “two”. My heart and soul are SO attached to him... as if my lungs breathe the air he takes in. It truly IS just indescribable! And I couldn't be any closer to an actual “Utopian Heaven” or a “Heavenly Utopia”! “AWE”... just... “AWE”.
At 19.00, I was wrapping-up the day's work for today and as I did, I was “informed” that it ought to be time to start “closing shop”, as it were. “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. He was telling it to the little mirror that's down in the front corner of his house... right beside me at the work table. So I got up and, since we'd done the water relay already at 18.00, I started to get the windows closed-up for the night. As I did, he took off for his roof... He can watch from up there and peck at me, if he wants... and I'd not sooner gotten that done when the phone rang... we were to have a return visit this evening. (No, I was not happy but... I knew it wouldn't be too long.)
Well... indeed... “company” came and before leaving, I invited them in to see Yonah's place. Our visitor is a “chicken-keeper” (so to speak) so there was an appreciation of the Little Ones and he was most impressed with Yonah's house.
What impressed ME was that Yonah was on his perch by his food... he'd just had his “night-time nosh” AND... he was just as calm as he could be... partially hidden, of course, behind one of his white pines. But it does my heart good to see him so calm now. “People” in his room and home don't bother him. He must know that, since I'm there, he's safe... He “Trusts” me THAT much! And I can't describe how humbled I am for it!
Well... the visitor left and I went back in to Yonah to give him some cuddles, snuggles and kisses and to assure him that all was well and he was safe. I didn't want to simply turn the lights off and put him into darkness after a stranger was in his room. He cuddled and snuggled and gave me some pecks on the nose and when I said “You can go seepie-nigh-night now... Everything's OK.” he hopped from his perch to my arm and from my arm over to his night spot... All was well, fine, settled... WE were back to where we belong.
Sadly, it was about 20.10 when his light went out... LATE! So we'll see what time the “morning call” comes tomorrow.
But, for now, for tonight... the house is settled and calm and my little Heart-and-Soul is tucked-in, snug and safe. Out-side, the rains have passed, the sky is clearing. It won't be “cold” tonight, but there's a dampness in the air... but the house heat was running to take that away and Yonah's radiator is there... his blinds and curtains are closed, night boards are up... My Little Guy is set for the for night... and tomorrow? Well... I've got more to do on his web-site and nothing much else, save a bit of yard work that I can give an hour to at some point... especially now, since Yonah is so comfortable travelling the house. But we'll have a day together... just as it ought to be.
mourning dove 2022 05 MayThursday 05 May:
The morning was only just beginning, the day-light was filtering through the early-morning cloud cover from last night, the house was still, silent when... 6.13 on the clock, the air carried the “call”... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”. My Little Guy was awake, and another day officially came to be. As I do, to let him know that I'm “here”, I called back with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo” of my own, a little variation on his call, to see what sort of response I'd get. Well, Yonah was sticking to his “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” so I changed to his... but only for 2 “exchanges” because after that... “woo-HOO!” Enough with the “chat”, we had a day to get to and thought it was nice to talk, there's was business to attend.
When I got to his house, to open his door, he was already prepared to get to what-ever was to come along, and we had our “Good morning” kisses and cuddles and he was off to the other perch. Ready and raring to get on with other things. And we chatted as I went about opening blinds and curtains to let in the still-dim sun-light. What was important to me though: we were talking, chatting and conversing. Yonah was up and well this morning so, I was too.
Well, we got the water relay done, as he had his breakfast and then settled on his roof-top to watch as I ran back and forth, freshening the water in the pool and tidying his house. And when it was all done and I headed back to the kitchen to settle things there for the day, Mr. Taube got himself settled, after a couple of flights to and from his futon, on his little ledge, in his “nest box”.
We were fortunate today: the sun DID come through and cleared the morning mists and clouds, and the temperature out-side rose just high enough so that we could open his window. Fresh air and a light breeze blowing through his room. The window opens at a “tilt” so that the breezes from out-side don't blow directly across his house. There's still a bit of a remaining “chill” to the air these days, so I don't want it blowing on my Little Guy as he “rests and roosts”. So the position of the window is perfect... the air comes in and up toward the ceiling, above where Yonah tends to “hang out”. And the fresh air now is such a welcome relief from the months of being closed-in. Just wonderful.
And me? Well, I've been re-working Yonah's “Portfolio”. The earliest photos are some-what repetitious, and others aren't exactly the quality that shows him for or at his best. Back in our early days together, when I was still expecting him to be back out to the flocks out-side, with the “Yardies”, as I call them, I clung to absolutely EVERY photo I could possibly capture of my little source of “AWE”. I couldn't bear the thought of “deleting” or not including ANY photo of him, so all but the truly blurred was saved... and included in the “Portfolio”. As time has passed, the collection has grown. “Space” on the web-site is growing quite crowded so the latest endeavours are toward “editing”. (NO photos are being deleted though, I have to admit. They're still being saved, in other places. I still don't have the heart to part with any... especially those of the earliest days. They're excellent references to the changes, developments, the healing that took place then... and brought my Heart-and-Soul and I to where we are these days. They're saved, and they'll continue to be saved, but not on the web-site.)
For the most part, we were together, in his room, through the day. And of course, there were breaks... PLAY-TIME, cuddle time, snuggles, and all of that sort. Yonah is SO affectionate these days! He truly does actually want “physical contact” and attention. It's really rather amazing to me... and a complete DELIGHT! (I'm never “too busy” for him. And, I can't mention enough, how important this COMPANIONSHIP is to him (and, of course, to me... I don't refer to him as my “Heart-and-Soul” as a matter of passing; he truly, actually, honestly IS).
As the day rolled on, the sun managed to come SHINING in through the windows and across Yonah's “beach” and pool... and too, the work table. And as I sat at the table, working along, from behind me, I heard a soft ad familiar sound of water splashing. I turned to look and there, to find... YONAH WAS IN THE POOL! As it always does, it gave me such a JOY to see him, soaking and splashing. The temperature out-side wasn't really all THAT warm, but the sun-shine coming in through the windows brought warmth, not only to Yonah's room but to the water in the pool, and he was REALLY enjoying every moment of it! In fact, he was SO enjoying it that he didn't even mind when I grabbed the camera for a couple (more) photos and videos! Usually, he notices the camera and heads else-where. Today, it must have been perfect in the water because, for the most part, he simply ignored me. (I, of course, was quite happy about that.)
When he'd done with his bathing, he hopped up to the door perch for a sturdy “shake-dry”, and a sprinkle and spray all over me! I REALLY got himself quite soaked today. It must have felt SO refreshing!
Later today, I had to take a “kitchen break” and get to some cooking so I “excused my-self” and headed out for a little while and today, AS I WAS MIXING AND COOKING, YONAH CAME OUT TO THE KITCHEN, STOOD BEHIND ME AS I WORKED AT THE COUNTER AND WATCHED. And, as he does, as soon as I acknowledged him, he just went toddling off, out to the living-room, for a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” to the decoys in the limb and to just “hang-out” there for a little while until, well, the decoys got to be a bit of a bore and the next thing I heard was the fluttering of wings as he passed through the kitchen, close enough to me that I felt the breeze from his wings, on the back of my head and neck! It's an AMAZEMENT to me, that he comes through the rooms as he does, AND it's a PURE DELIGHT to see him so comfortable in the house now. (Not to mention, I'm still in AWE... and to think I can be working in the kitchen... in the company of... such BEAUTY!) This IS, after all, HIS house and home, maintained with HIM in mind, above and beyond all else. It's a comfort to see him taking advantage of every bit of it. I still remember “the early days”... What a difference this time had made!
And so, this evening, we “sat to dine” (as it were... since Yonah doesn't “sit” to dine) together and when all eating and washing-up was done, “we” (I) ran the water relay and got his house tidied for the night and THEN had time to play some more! From his house to the futon, to the floor... on my shoulders, head... cuddles, snuggles and, of course “Catch Me!”, being with Yonah, playing with him, chatting with him, it's all the perfect way to start a day and, sadly-too-soon, to close a day too.
mourning dove 2022 05 MayIt's getting a bit on the difficult side now, to get him settled-in at his “regular” hour since there's still quite a bit of “day-light” at 19.00. But above all, I keep in mind his “required” sleep hours and I do check out-side to see how many of what sort of birds are still about at that hour. It does seem that the 19-19.30 hour of the day IS when the mourning doves tend to head to where-ever they'll spend the night so at 19.30... “we” (I) got to the blinds and curtains to close-up the windows for the night. Yonah didn't seem to mind at all, to be honest, and put up precious little resistance to settling-in for the night.
After “Good night” cuddles and kisses and a “seepie-nigh-night”, he was at his night spot on his perch and ready for lights-out. When the desk lamp is turned off and the blinds and curtains are closed, with the back and roof boards in place, it does get to be closer to “night” in his room and so, by 19.50 he was all tucked-in. There was a bit of a chill to the house as the sun disappeared, but his radiator is still close by to keep him cozy warm through the night.
All told, it was another FANTASTIC day with my little Heart-and-Soul, and a comfort to see him so safe and warm, protected and settled, able to have a restful night of sleep... no concerns, no fears, no need to “watch”... just to rest... until we face a new day... tomorrow.
Friday 06 May:
Another week... they're just going by entirely too quickly! The days slip by, no matter how early they start, and this one started at... 6.06! “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo”. I'm always intrigued by the different “patterns” of “morning calls”, why some are short, others are longer. How I SO wish that I could understand Yonah, even to the slightest bit. I WISH I could actually know at least SOME of what the patterns mean, the differences in the length. What I CAN hear is the clarity and the volume. There are mornings when the call is “soft”, sometimes almost a whisper, and then there are others that are clear, almost “loud” (though none of his coo's are ever actually “loud”... at least, not to me they aren't... and NEVER “too loud”... they're just always BEAUTIFUL). I'm sure there's a specific reason for all of what he has to say and I always find it to be a reminder: Humans are, most certainly, NOT the “highest-evolved” species in Creation. We're actually quite blatantly inferior to just about ALL others. As I say: our cats and dogs develop a comprehension of human vocabulary, no matter what language. Yonah “knows” my voice, and, even to the phrase “seepie-nigh-night”, he's come to understand that (in spite of claims that birds tend to “hear sounds, and the quality of those sounds” more-so than a “word” or “phrase”... Yonah is teaching me that he if not ALL Little Ones, the birds, are EXCEEDINGLY MORE INTELLIGENT that “humans” are willing to accept). As it stands now, despite my desire to learn “coo's”, the best I can claim is my “projection” or “interpretation” of Yonah's calls. But, I'm still trying... Maybe one day (though I tend to doubt it). At least what-ever my responses are, they appear to be acceptable...
And this morning, indeed, again, as Yonah called, and I replied, he responded and it's our “conversations” that touch my heart, give me the re-assurance that as inferior as I might be, lacking as I am in so many respects, he accepts me. It doesn't stop me from wishing I could know more so that I could do more, but, we're together, and he calls and... that's when my day actually begins. Anything before that is merely me preparing for him
And as early as the hour might have been, as relatively dark as his room is of a morning, before the curtains and blinds are open, oh, but it's a PURE DELIGHT, A JOY, AN “AWE-FULL” MOMENT when I open his door, lean in and we exchange our “Good morning” pecks/kisses. And what BEAUTY to see him stretch his wings in preparation for the flights of the day to come. Hey! If I get morning greetings, I know he's still looking forward to seeing me, is glad to see me in the morning... and that really IS the ONLY thing that matters... in a morning.
Today, after morning “routine”, water relay, tidying and settling the rest of the house, I came into Yonah's room, settled at his work table and got back to the chores I've taken-on with his web-site and such. The sun came up this morning and broke through most of the clouds, and there was quite a bit of light coming in through Yonah's windows. It wasn't a particularly “warm” day, all told, but it certainly was a far, FAR cry from the blustery, cold, snowy, icy, dark mornings of so many months before. (Looks like we've finally made it out of “Winter”... and “Spring” is taking a firmer stand... at last!) For the most part, we passed the day together, me at the work table, Yonah flying about (and once in a while, coming to “check on my progress”... with a “head or shoulder view”). And we took a little “lunch break” together. I find it truly amazing how, when I sit at the work table with a bit of something to eat, Yonah goes to his food, has a bit to eat and will then come to his door perch and wait as I eat, and when I've done with my little snack... he gives a wing-snap as if to say “Now that we've done eating... it's PLAY TIME!” And OH YES, did we take breaks for THAT during the day!
One ever-so UP-LIFTING EVENT TODAY... THIS AFTER-NOON, WE HAD VISITORS ON THE BACK GALLERY. THE HUMMING-BIRDS HAVE RETURNED FOR THE SEASON! AND TODAY, TO MY ABSOLUTE “DANCING DELIGHT”, A BALTIMORE ORIOLE CAME TO THE HUMMING-BIRD FEEDER! I HAVEN'T SEEN AN ORIOLE IN ABOUT 55 YEARS! IT WAS SO ENCOURAGING TO SEE THAT THEY'RE STILL AROUND AND THAT THEY'RE LOCAL! (I only hope that there are more of them, and I'll be getting a feeder for them and, on the marketing list, including oranges and jellies that they like. The “menu” here is expanding... with JOY!)
It is, I have to note, quite a change for me, over-all, in that, although I've always had a particularly warm place in my heart for ALL of the “Little Ones of the wild” and have always had an appreciation of and for birds, I've never thought of myself as being, particularly, a “bird person”. But, Yonah has, as is probably obvious, taken my heart, expanded my imagination and taught me SO VERY much about the winged Life of this world. And my “appreciation” has expanded into “fascination” beyond anything I would have ever thought possible. Yonah's brilliance, his “devotion”, his intelligence... they're all so much that I wish I could present to the world, to ALL people, EVERY-where. These 19 months have been, as I've said repeatedly, “AWE-FULL”! From the most simple aspect of seeing the diversity, hearing the variety of sounds and songs, learning the unique traits and characteristics of the different birds... and how, of ALL things, companionship” is so integral... my most sincere regret is that I'm only just now, at my age, learning so much. And from Yonah's teachings, even the “predatory” birds have come to have a place in my heart. No, I don't “like” knowing that some must perish that others might survive, and seeing the “results” of an attack still saddens me, I have a better understanding and yes, I can appreciate. (I still find that this “Creation” is FAR, FAR, FAR from “perfect”, no matter the spin put on any of it. In a “perfect” Creation, Life would never have to be taken to support another. But, for all it is, it is, indeed, fascinating... and thanks to Yonah, I've come to better deal with the imperfections. But HEY! Yonah might be only one of his species, but he's alive, well, and, as I've been repeatedly told, living VERY well. He could have perished... he could have suffered so, on that cold and rainy October day. But these days, he's safe, secure, properly and well nourished... and he has LOVE... and companionship. A little Life, SO integral to ALL of the “energy/energies” that is/are this “Creation”... Yonah is HERE, teaching me so that I can record his teachings and pass them along... on his web-site.)
And so, our day of “teaching and learning” moved along. The Humming-birds came and went. The Oriole explored the region (and I'm hoping, will find a nice place to settle-down for the warm weather, find a little mate and bring us even MORE, in the times to come). I kept to my tasks, Yonah flew about the house, and we spent MUCH time together. (Work can always wait... there's nothing that I “must” do that will make much difference in the “Greater Scheme”... but when it comes to Yonah... NOTHING-and-but-NOTHING takes precedence!)
This evening, as we do now, we dined together and after, we did a weekly clean-and-tidy of his house and room with the evening water relay. And when all was complete, we settled-down for some play and cuddles on his futon. He was in a mood for “togetherness” today and I'm just in such JOY when he is!
At about 19.25, as I was “wrapping-up” the day, preparing for the time of day that I like least (the “closing” when it's “tuck-in”... “seepie-nigh-night” time), Yonah was ready to “close shop”... From his door perch he “called” with a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”... and then another. “Hello? It's time for some rest here.”
So, mindful of “rest requirements”, we got to the business of closing the windows against the coolness of the night and the intrusion of the street-light. The back board went up. Yonah supervised from his roof-top platform and when I got his house in position for the night, I brought his platform, with him on it, into his house and set it on his perches... He hopped off, went over to his little loft mirror to bid a “Good night” to the little reflection there. He was tired (and, honestly, so too, was I).
When he came forward on his perch to his “night spot”, we got in our snuggles and our own “pecks and kisses... Good night” and, well, by 19.50 the lights went off. My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a restful night's sleep. We'd had a good day together... (of course we did... we were together), and it was made “special” with the return of the other Little Ones on the back gallery. I'm still always saddened, to a point, that Yonah is in here and not with the rest of his flocks. But he seems to be happy... if not content. I'm told he couldn't really have things much-if-any better, that I provide exceptionally well for him. Well? At least I know that, during the nights, he doesn't have to be concerned with or by temperature, rains or snows, heat or freezing, predators of any sort, and in his waking hours, food and water are plentiful... and he will always have me here to make certain that this and more is always his...
As long as he is... I am.
Saturday 07 May:
I'm a bit taken by surprise. Yesterday morning, as the clock read “6.06”, Yonah called his first “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” of the day. THIS morning, at the very same time came his same call! He's waking earlier these days, as the days grow lighter earlier, and now I'm wondering if he'll wake, progressively earlier yet. The sun will continue to rise earlier, and it won't be long before we'll have day-break at about 5.00. If Yonah's going to be rising and coo'ing at 5.00, I'll be looking at mornings of getting up at 4.00. (I HAVE to be up and ready when he calls in the morning. I can't tolerate the very thought of him waking and calling and there being no response, reply. I NEVER want him to feel that he's been left alone, abandoned, and, since his blinds and curtains are closed, the night boards are over his house, his door closed, I just don't even want to think what that would be to him... alone, in the room, in the relative darkness, “closed-in”. It's why I make sure to I'm up and about well before he wakes.)
But this morning, I WAS up and waiting, and when I got into his room, I could see, even from the door-way, that he was quite awake and just waiting for the door to his house to be open. And he was ready for “Good morning smooches and cuddles” too! (And so too, was I!) I hadn't waited for his usual “woo-HOO!” before getting in to him this morning and it appears, that was appreciated. As I opened his door, he was stretching his wings. And as I got to opening curtains and blinds, he was ready for a “chat” with a hearty “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”! There's nothing (that I can think of or appreciate) better than starting a day with him being in good spirits, good health, and looking forward to seeing me. Every morning like this is a re-assurance that what-ever I'm doing to make him comfortable, his life easier, is “good enough” for him. (Though, I always want to do more, better, more often. Things may “suffice” for him... for me, I'll never be or do good enough to satisfy me and my own demands for and toward him. I call him my “Heart-and-Soul”... and not just as a matter of expression. He truly, TRULY is just that!)
And this morning, we got SUN-RISE... SUN-SHINE! It was a chilly, damp morning out-side, but Yonah's room was comfy-warm. And the sunlight coming in through the windows just made it all the better. AND, the ONLY thing I had on my agenda for the day was to sit in his room with him, to work on his web-site pages, to play and nap with him... Saturday... and nothing else in the world needed ANY attention.
As it turned-out, that's exactly how the entire day managed to pass: exactly as planned. I got to the work table earlier than usual, and got right to the little tasks. And that's where I stayed, for the most part, all through the day. I worked along, Yonah came by to “supervise”, to “check on my progress” and, of course, to snuggle on my shoulder where he got to peck at my ear and I got to nestle close to him and give him the little kisses that he obviously enjoys so much.
And I got two “snoozes” in during the day... together... on his futon, with him at my head or on my leg. And both times, as he does (to my continued amazement), two minutes before the alarms were set to sound... “Peck, peck, peck on my head and a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” in the ear. And we played about for a while when I woke. I marvel at the fact that he's actually come to see it as “play” when I bring the sheet up and over him and my head, and we get to “snuggle” that way, under the sheet. He KNOWS that what-ever I do, I would NEVER cause him any harm. And, under the sheet, he either just stands there or he nestles closer to me. Although, the very second he spots an “escape”, he's on it! NOT in any “panic”... he just toddles over to the opening and either steps out from under and stands on the futon or he climbs up and round to my shoulder where, usually, he stands and stares at me... almost as if asking “Are you crazy?” But, as I say, there's just NO indication of ANY sort of discomfort about it. Oh, yes, indeed... he KNOWS I'm here to keep him safe.. no matter what.
And we had lunch together today. I brought in a little sandwich and as I sat back at the work table to eat, Yonah went over to his food and had his lunch too.
The sun shone in beautifully all through the day and it was “just warm enough” to open one of his windows, as I do of late: the windows open out, for cleaning and so, I can open them by tilting the top of the bottom window in which lets fresh air into the room but doesn't blow directly onto Yonah when he's in his house. The breezes are still quite chilly these days so I try to keep him out of direct blasts of cold. And opening the window this way also allows for a nice exchange of air when the back door of the house is open. SO... we had fresh air and sun-shine today. (No pool though... but then, we just had a little bath so...)
This day just went by ENTIRELY TOO QUICKLY today. But most of that was because I had purpose and determination to get as much accomplished... IN THE ROOM WITH YONAH... as I possibly could and when we're together, I swear the world turns faster, the time passes quicker... it's as if we're being robbed of our precious time together. But we did have evening meals together again. I brought my plate in, sat at the work table and Yonah went for his evening meal. I don't care what might be said about it, but I still hold to the notion that he recognises when I bring in food and he knows: WE are going to have a bite to eat now. And, as I say, I tend to eat better these days. Instead of being alone in the kitchen and Yonah is alone in his room, and I tend to eat as quickly as I possibly can so that I can get back to being in his company, I now just sit and eat, knowing he's beside me and we're together and he won't feel alone. And I tend to believe that he enjoys the company too, because, after all, WE are our own “flock” now... he and I. (And I am indescribably HONOURED by it too.)
After meal and washing-up was done, we got to the water relay so that we had more time together with-out all the fuss. I closed the window because as the sun was setting, the temperature was following, and Yonah came round to the back of his house (the window side) and I got some little pecks through the wires of his house. And as I ran the water relay, he stood at his door perch... mostly so that he could get more little kisses when I made each of the 7 trips with fresh water. He knows where to be when he wants some attention and affection. BRILLIANT LITTLE GUY, THAT HE IS.
Ah, but then... as the sun was setting and we were getting to the “wind-down” time, I put the desk lamp on, which has become part of our “routine” of an evening, before it's time to “tuck-in” and of late, I'm of the belief that Yonah is now associating that with... “that time of the day”, when “seepie-nigh-night' is due and, as I've been saying, that's the time when the “recalcitrant kid” comes out in him. Unless HE tells ME when it's time, when he senses that I'm getting ready to “close the day”, he takes off. And this evening, oh but didn't I put the light on and he headed for his roof-top platform and gave a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!” as if saying:
“Oh no. Not yet! Not so fast, you, there.”
And when I stood up to give him a couple of kisses and a snuggle, he took off for his futon and went over to his pillows where the little “dove pillow” is still wedged between the other pillows, and he got to it, gave it the usual “head nod/bob” and told it:
“woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”, as if saying
“You see that? He thinks he's so smart and that I don't know what's coming next.”
Yeah, well, OK... it was a little bit of snuggle and play time before tuck-in and shut-eye. I would certainly stretch our time out (and, if we could both tolerate it, I'd stretch it right into the middle of the night, just to spend more time with him), but, I don't want him fatigued, tired, and lacking needed proper rest so... while he was preening on the futon... I got to closing blinds and curtains and putting-up night boards. Ah, but tonight, I had to BRING him from the futon back to his house. Of course, as I held him in my hands, he got kisses all the way over. And the striking thing is, when I opened my hands and he saw that he was in his house, he looked round as if he just still can't quite figure out how it is that he gets to where he is... and he neither walked nor flew to get there. He has a bit of a “bewildered” expression as he looks about. And I have to admit that I wonder what he thinks about it when that happens.
Anyway, he was no sooner on his perch and as I closed the door to his house, I caught him yawning. He was tired, he just wasn't going to give-in to it. Precious Little Guy. But, again, I want him to get the rest he needs, even if it means him being up earlier. So, a couple more kisses, a little snuggle, he went over to his little loft mirror... and “Good night” to the little bird in the mirror and he was back at his night spot... and... the desk lamp was turned off... Peace and silence in his room. Our day had come to a close. His room is comfy-warm for the night and, for my little Heart-and-Soul, another night of safe, restful sleep ahead. It was another day that passed us by entirely too quickly. But tomorrow promises to be bright and warm again and I've just got little tasks to get to (including the on-going work on his web-site) but none to take me away. We'll have another day... together... and to me, that's my “world”... my “Heart-and-Soul”.
Sunday 08 May:
'twas only but just yesterday, when I wondered whether or not, with the earlier rising of the morning sun, would my Little Guy, Yonah, be waking and rising with the change.
And this morning, as I was gathering together, the wares of morning coffee, came, soft but hearty that GLORIOUS chant, floating on the air, filling the rooms of the old house... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”.
The clock read... 5.48. I wonder no longer. (Unless this is a “one-off”... We shall see.) But I WAS up and about and ready to ROLL! And so too, was Yonah, there, on his perch, stretching his wings, even before I got to open his door. And when I DID open the door and lean my head in for “Good morning” kisses, WELL! He was ready for those as well! He might not want to go for “tuck-in” when it's time at the end of a day, but first thing in the morning, he's rested and ready! An seeing him in such good spirits just sets my entire day. When he's energetic and moving about, I am too. Conversely, when he seems “out of sorts”, it sets my very being out as well. It might not seem likely, but, it IS, in ALL actual “TRUTH”, that HE IS my SOLE purpose for even existing.
And the day went on to be BRILLIANTLY sunny today! To think, two years ago, today, we had a rather impressive snow-fall! Today, the doors of the house were open, Yonah's window was open (from the top). There's still that lingering “chill” in the breezes, but the sun-shine really does make for a better sort of day.
And this morning, Yonah was coo'ing SO BEAUTIFULLY! He spent a LOT of time, up on his roof-top and futon, calling “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo!” And for the earlier part of the day, we were together, as I worked more on Journalling and the likes.
Sadly, what was supposed to be a day together was interrupted by a delivery of a much-needed new kitchen appliance... yes, on a Sunday. It was delivered and removing the old one and setting-up the new was left to me so... Poor Little Guy... for a while, I had to keep the door to his room closed because the front door of the house was open. I can't but say that it tore me apart, leaving him alone in his room, door closed. Aside from the usual “separation anxiety” that I suffer terribly when I'm not close to him, I don't like him being “confined” in any sort of way. But, it was some-what comforting when I was asked “Where is the bird?” It was considerate of some-one else to think of Yonah and his safety. Still, it wasn't just a matter of the delivery, but the setting-up as well that stole time from us. And all the while the commotion was taking place in the house, I could hear him, in his sun-drenched room, coo'ing so beautifully. Now, most people think of his coo's as 'mourning”... hence the name “mourning dove”, and they think of it as being “sad”. But, the truth of the matter is, Yonah coo's his “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo” where other Little Ones “chirp” and “whistle”. So, that coo is his “song” and to me, although I don't “understand” what he's trying to convey, I DO notice a distinct difference in “tone” and other aspects of his calls. There really IS a difference between his “singing” and “calling” and there ARE differences between “singing” and “sadness”. Thankfully, today's chants were more on the “happy” quality. He was taking the interruptions in stride. Stoic Little Guy. I suppose he DOES “KNOW” that I would NEVER just abandon him in his room, lock him up, confine him. When the delivery was done, I made quick work of set-up and was right back in his room with him. We spent the rest of the day... together... as it was meant to be... as it should have been. And when, at last, I managed to come back and start to settle, he showed that he appreciated my return... we had all sorts of cuddles and kisses!
I managed to grab a 20-minute lie-down too and as I laid my head on the pillow, Yonah came FLYING over, landing on the pillow and staring into my face. And when, not quite 20 minutes later, I woke, he was on my shoulder, just as “settled” as he could possibly be. And when I opened my eyes, he looked over and tilted his head as if checking to see if I was actually “awake at last”. So... of course... it was PLAY TIME! And we had a little “Catch Me!” and “running about” as I “chased” him with my hand, and he pecked at my fingers. We were getting our “stolen time” back! Or, as much of it as we could.
One thing I HAVE to mention today, that I've noticed all along... When I sneeze, Yonah's SO CUTE! I sneeze and he perks his head up, neck straight, eyes blinking. I do my best to make light of it, but I can't help but think it's still part of his “instincts”... “gun shot”! I DO try NOT to sneeze when he can hear it, but there are those sneezes that just come suddenly and I don't have time to stifle them. He's always reacted to them the same way: startled. I suppose the best of us are taken by surprise when we hear a sneeze... a sudden burst of loud noise. But for Yonah... I keep thinking “gun shot” or some other threat. And, as I say, as soon as I've done, I talk and make light of it. I don't know that his response will ever change, but the thought of frightening him... EVER... does touch me... to my core. Life for my Little Guy MUST be calm... as much and often as is humanly possible. (My insides tighten when I hear ANY noise in this house.. be it traffic or the neighbours. Another incentive to get to a place where we don't have to deal with such un-necessary nonsense. “People”... the “highest evolved”, can be so utterly ignorant... banging about when it's simply a matter of stupidity and inconsideration.)
At 16.00, as I do of habit, I put my evening meal on the hob and when I turned to look, Yonah too, was having his evening meal! Our “timing” on so much, coincides. It's really quite amazing. I can't get over our similarities. It's no wonder I've come to call him my “Hear-and-Soul”. He truly is, in SO MANY WAYS! He controls my mood, attitude, general well-being... and our “habits” are so similar... I don't know how. I don't know if he takes “cues” from me or if it's his Natural clock and being. But what-ever it is... our relationship is SO much more than a simple “bond” or “imprint”... unless both are from each one of us... I've “bonded” with him and “imprinted” him as the very heart-beat and breaths I take. What-ever it is... it's more of the *AWE* that is Yonah... my “Life”... my “being”.
Well... as it does, even when it's later on the clock, the sun set... the day came to a close. Yonah and I had a bit of play'n'snuggle on the futon and it was time for me to get to my tasks... closing blinds and curtains, putting the night boards up. There was still quite a bit of light out-side those windows, but, if Yonah's going to be up closer to the 5.00 hour, he'll have to get to his rest (as much as I'd prefer staying up until, oh, mid-night or later).
Oddly enough though, the moment I put the back board up, he came flying over to his house to get settled for seepie-nigh-night. I guess he was ready, because he came of his own. So, I finished-up getting his house settled for the night, and we had a couple more snuggles and kisses and, when I put the light out at about 19.50, he was quite ready to settled-in.
It's nice now, that the windows get closed against the street light, which, I happened to notice last night, has been changed by the power company. It IS considerably dimmer, and not that horrific, loud and piercing “blue-white” it used to be. Yonah will be getting a better “night” of it now, and we'll see how to arrange the window fan so that he continues getting a good night. But what is REALLY great is that we don't have to “layer” curtains against the cold! (Friday will be telling though... the day-time temperature is expected to jump to... 28°! I have to get the fan out during the week to see where and how to set it in his window. Although, after Friday, the nights will return to being cooler again for a while so... we'll arrange for that as well.)
His radiator is still on, though set down from the “4” (out of a maximum “6') to “3”. That's because the nights really are still getting a little chilled. One night, soon, no more radiator (I hope). But I'll always make sure that his room stays as cozy-warm as possible, no matter what.
For tonight? My little Heart-and-Soul is safely tucked-in, comfy, cozy, and the sun has disappeared behind the mountains and his room is nice and dark. (There are a few birds out-side, still chirping... but... it's the clock... and Yonah's rest that matters.) And tomorrow? We'll handle that when we're faced with it. For tonight, it's safe, no predators, nothing to be concerned with or about except that my Little Guy gets his well-deserved rest. All said, it was, of course, another beautiful day!
Monday 09 May:
Well... THIS morning... in the silence of a "classic Spring morning", the sky, absolutely cloudless, the sun rising and drenching the Western mountains with golden light, the palest green of the fresh buds on the wood-lands... the clock read 6.01 and, through the stillness of the house came, through the door... a soft and gentle "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". Yes, to be sure, Yonah IS getting up earlier these days. As the sun changes night into morning earlier, the heart-filling sound of my Little Guy washes away the yesterday, and brings on a new day, fresher than the new flowers and leaves of the Spring season out-side our doors and windows.
As softly, I called back "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... and went directly into his room where, as I opened the door and stepped in, was greeted with another gentle "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". Hearty morning greetings from my Heart-and-Soul. NOTHING could be better, NOTHING could even come close or even compare to the ELATION I felt. And when, after opening the door to his house, I leaned into his house to give some "Good morning" kisses, he leaned forward and the caresses were... well... "abundant"! Yonah was happy to see me, to be together with me again... and I? Well! There's still just no describing the JOY I feel being together with him, especially first thing in a morning. There really isn't... there just isn't any way to describe or explain it other than, perhaps, more "AWE"!
And as I got busy with opening curtains and blinds, Yonah took his morning wing-stretches... But the time I was setting things up for the morning water relay, he was off to his roof-top... and MORE coo'ing! He called to me as I worked at the kitchen basin, and I called back... and our dialogue just continued on.
Before I knew, he was on his futon, on his pillows, a strategic position from where he could watch me as I came and went... and... of course, took a moment to give him a few more kisses as I rushed with the fresh water.
WHAT an ENERGETIC start to a day! No matter how dreary or weary I might be so early, seeing Yonah flying about just gives a BOOST... to mood, spirit and soul.
When all of the "morning routine" was complete, windows open to the day, fresh water in the pool, his house all tidy, Yonah grabbed a quick breakfast and I was on to a couple of little tasks in the kitchen, hoping to get them done soon so that I could get to the work table and spend GOOD time together with the BEST COMPANION ANY-ONE could even imagine!
Now... THIS MORNING... as I worked on a project, sitting on the kitchen floor, Yonah came toddling out to actually watch and to look at the parts of wood and such that I was working with! SO CURIOUS! SO INTERESTED! He just stood there, for the most part, staring as my hands worked with the materials. And from time-to-time, he came closer to look at the bits and pieces AND to watch as I assembled! Once and again, he tilted his head, as if trying to get a better look at what was going on. (I can't stress enough nor over-stress... COGNIZANCE !!!!! He SEES something happening, going on. He KNOWS that I'm engaged in an activity. He acknowledges the different parts, from wood to glue, the tools. And his interest is obvious!) And I talked with/to him as I worked, explaining what I was doing and what I hoped would come of my efforts, and he stared at me as I spoke, as if trying to actually understand what I was saying. (I've read that birds don't actually recognise "vocabularies"... words, per se, but they "hear the sounds" and the characteristics of those sounds. They recognise "chirps", coo's and other sounds that other birds make. They recognise the sounds of predators, from the squawks of hawks to the "coo's" of owls... the barks of dogs, the "meows" of cats. Mourning doves recognise the coo's of other doves and can decipher the calls on one, particular dove in an entire flock. As I talk with Yonah, I can see him trying to decipher my voice... and he DOES recognise it... whether I'm talking or coo'ing. He "KNOWS" my voice now... the "character", the "quality" of it. And to me, it's "AWE-FULL"! He's BRILLIANT! And I can't help but wonder the extent of "recognition" the doves in the wild develop. I've been told, many times, that people who put food out for the Little Ones can step out and call, and the like of blue jays, sparrows, chickadees, will come flying to them, "recognising" their voice and/or their presence. I have come to know that blue jays, when expecting food at a particular place, at a particular time, will call if food isn't available when they arrive. With all that Yonah has come to "know", I have to wonder how "clever" mourning doves in the wild are, what they "learn", what they expect and yet, why is it that, even though I'm really no different with them than I've ever been with Yonah, THEY don't come to develop a trust in me. Ah... again... the inferiority of, the limit to the knowledge of "humans". Anyway, seeing Yonah take such an interest in my tasks and actions, and seeing that he has such a "Trust" in me that he comes, of his own choosing, to sit with me, keep me company... One has to possess the capacity to be "AWE-STRUCK" and to experience these moments in order to fully appreciate and understand my lack of ability to describe the ... "AWE" I sense at these moments.
And through the day, as today, when I break at mid-day, for a tea or a bit to eat, Yonah too, takes a break for the same. "One Unit" comprised of two so dissimilar components. That's what Yonah and I are. ("I am because he is.")
It was quite a warm day today, as well as brilliant sun-lit. And warmer days are due in short order, though for a brief while. And so, it's time to finally seriously plan the installation of the fan that I purchased, specifically for Yonah's room. Because of inconsiderate neighbours who insist upon smoking all sorts of matters almost directly out-side the windows of the house, I've taken the task of getting some "activated carbon" filtre material to install either on the fan or part of the window where the fan will be. I know that I don't want that smoke, along with the road dust, coming into the house and I most certainly do NOT want it coming into Yonah's room! And with the heat to come, better to have the circulated "natural" air in his room (as with the rest of the house) than to keep the place closed, as it has been all through the Winter. So, as soon as the material arrives, we'll be figuring this all out for him... and, Friday's forecast is calling for a sudden jump... today we reached about 24°... Friday is expected to be even closer to 30°! SO... we WILL have the fan installed and ready to go! (And there will be more "water relays" during the day to keep Yonah's pool fresh and cool because I've no doubt, he'll be making good use of it, should the temperatures rise as threatened.) So between my tasks and an errand today, I was occupied around and about the house BUT Yonah and I had a LOT of time together... I made certain that he NEVER had a moment in which to feel "alone". It's obvious that he enjoys my companionship as much as I enjoy his so... And I've come to learn that it's quite integral, necessary, to provide him with that... always. (And a greater pleasure in Life there couldn't possibly be.)
Came this evening, I'd moved the lap-top into his room so that we could catch a bit of the day's "news" together as we had our evening meal and he noticed when I put it on the work table... he headed over to his food! And when I returned with my plate and sat down to eat, he began eating as well. We DO "dine together"... Another aspect of his "knowledge"!
I enjoy his company as I eat, and I dare say, he enjoys my company as well... but... the down side of evening meal is that it takes place from 17-18.00 and... well... by the time washing-up is done after, it's time for evening water changes and then... before long, time to settle-down and prepare for... "seepie-nigh-night". But Yonah and I DID have a good 45 minutes and play time this evening!
He and I were on his futon and we played "Catch Me!" for a while, and he "pecked and preened" my hand as we played. And we even had a couple of moments of actual "snuggling" where I get to "surround" him with my arms as I lay on the futon, and lay my head on them, creating a little "enclosure". And he presses his head against my cheek, pecks at my face, softly, and pokes his head out of any little "opening" I might make, whether intentionally or simply by my position. BUT... he DOESN'T make any attempts at leaving! He enjoys it all! And when he DOES hop out and head for his house, he gets there and stands, staring at me... and often gives me a wing-snap! Along with all else, he KNOWS that I mean him NO harm in ANY way and that our interactions are ALL play and affection.
That said, at 19.30, though, again, I would so much prefer to just roll our evening into the night, it really was time to settle-down and get ready for "seepie-nigh-night". After all, my Little Guy was up and about at 6.00 this morning and he does need his rest! So, I got to the task of "blinds and curtains" and as I did this evening, Yonah flew up to his roof-top and from there, pecked at the back of my head! He's quite the character. So I turned to give him a few "pecks" right back and he just came forward... even closer... for MORE! I put up the back board after the windows and Yonah headed right into his house and to his perch. (More of our "routine" that he "knows"... the board goes up and it's time for rest.) No coaxing tonight. He was tired! So, I finished-up by putting the roof board on, and getting his house in order for the night and when I leaned in and said:
"It's time for seepie-nigh-night for both of us."
I got a few "Good night" pecks on the nose. Yes, oh yes... it was time for both of us to wrap this day up.
And so, with things settled, his door closed, light out... my little Heart-and-Soul was cozily tucked-in for the night. Temperatures at night are still "single-digit", though, happily, not "negative numbers", so his radiator, which was off all day and his room maintained a comfy 23°, even with his window open, is on and in it's usual place where the warmth will rise up to where he sleeps. Come the end of the week, night temperatures will rise to the mid-teens so... we'll see about the fan when that comes. But, my Little Guy hasn't had to fend against chills for 19 months... we're not going to change that. So he's warm, protected and cozy... for a night of good rest. (And tomorrow? Well... it's going to be interesting to see how early he calls... but... I'll be at the ready!)
Tuesday 10 May:
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... The clock had only just struck 5.45! And the morning smile came to my face, the JOY to my heart. And yes... a bit of a surprise too. I've been trying to prepare for these earlier mornings, and fortunately, I was up and almost ready... still putting the kettle on for morning coffee when the call came. I wasn't sure that Yonah was actually up and awake and ready to begin the day, so I waited a moment... Sure-enough, came the second call. So I answered with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and the reply? "woo-HOO!" He was up, awake and raring to get on with what-ever it was that he had on his agenda! Kettle on... I headed in to his room to find him waiting on his perch, by the door. And when I opened it, leaned in, KISSES! Those "Good morning" pecks that mean the WORLD to me, especially first thing in the morning. From them, I know my Little Guy is OK, well-rested, feeling fine. And after that? There is nothing. That's ALL that matters... first thing in the morning.
And we got right to the "routine"... curtains and blinds open to another perfectly clear sky, and the sun rising, the world out-side a-wash in a sun-white light, and the trees across the road, pale greens. A beautiful day... a little chilled from last night, but promises of MORE SUN... and warmer temperatures! AND... time together!
It DID turn into a grand sort of day too! The sun shone beautifully! And the temperatures rose rather quickly. Really more like a Summer morning than Spring. But, Summer isn't all that far off, and much warmer days are to follow. (Although, cooler nights will linger for quite a while yet, but the balance is refreshing, really.)
And Yonah? Well, I had some tasks in the kitchen this morning and as I was getting to them, I HAD COMPANY! Twice, today, I'd look up from the table and there, on the floor beside me, that PRECIOUS little face, staring up as if asking:
"Will you be long? I'm all one in there, you know."
Seemed my company was required, so, as quickly as I could, I got my-self together and moved to the work table where, not only could I continue with my little duties, I could be with the BEST COMPANION IN CREATION! And WOW! Does Yonah EVER make it obvious that he's happier when I'm there. I was no sooner seated at the work table when he TOOK OFF... IN FLIGHT, ALL AROUND HIS ROOM, FROM HOUSE TO FUTON AND BACK AGAIN. THEN UP TO THE WALL SHELF... THE FUTON... MY HEAD... TO HIS HOUSE... TO MY SHOULDER, PECKING AT MY EAR! And I can't resist... "tasks" vanish... it's PLAY TIME! And "Catch Me!", snuggles, YONAH takes precedence over any and every-thing else! And WHAT a complete DELIGHT! "The flock" was together!
Eventually, things calmed and Yonah headed off to his house, to his little "nest box". He seems to REALLY like that little make-shift cardboard on his food ledge. He'll spend quite a while there, "woo-HOO'ing", as it were... I'm supposing it's what's referred to as the "perch coo". Anyway, that's where he appears to be comfy and content. And I sat, at the work table, "other-wise engaged".
This after-noon, at lunch-break, I stepped out to the kitchen to put the kettle on and when I came back into his room... Yonah was IN THE POOL! It wasn't all that "warm" today, but, in his room, I suppose it's always a bit of Summer, if not a warm "Spring". He didn't stay in the water long though. No sooner had I sat down (ready to get the camera, of course), he HOPPED out and toddled over to his door perch where he gave him-self a proper "shake"! Yonah got a dip in the pool... I got a bit of a refreshing "shower". But what struck me most was that he was so excited that I was back in the room that he came over, immediately. (Can we talk about being a "flock"? To be sure!) Anyway, it still does my heart so much good to see him enjoy that little bit of a "refuge" in his corner, under his little white pine, water trickling down over the river rocks. And I'm pretty sure HE enjoys using it.
So... as the day moved on and the temperatures out-side started to REALLY head up-wards, and Yonah's room got to be quite warm (MUCH warmer than it's been all through the Winter). I'd ordered a sheet of "activated carbon" fabric, the kind used in air purifiers (of which, Yonah has one) and it arrived today! My intention was/is to cover the back/out-side of the fan so that air drawn into the room is cleaned of road dust and the annoying cigarette smoke that billows into the entire house when the neighbour next door sits so close by. Hopefully the filtration fabric will clean, at least some of that out before it gets into the room. (It's advertised for use in "stove-hoods", to clear cooking odours and smoke so... I'm hopeful.) I checked the forecast and... well... I saw "28°" coming! Today, before it gets to where it'll be a panic, it was time to get Yonah's NEW window fan out of its box and into his window! I got it during Winter, to be prepared.
Well? Today... THE FAN IS IN THE WINDOW... We're still looking at night temperatures in the very low double-digits, so I'm not sure how that's going to be, come the night-time, but for now, at least there's circulating air in Yonah's room. We'll figure out the logistics as we go along. (And I still have some work to do on the placement of the flitre to make sure that the fan and window are properly "sealed"... A new experience!)
Fan installed, it was "evening meal" time. Yonah had been SO busy "supervising" my efforts at the window that we BOTH were late! But I'd had my food on the hob and it was ready to go by the time the fan was installed so, together, we dined; Yonah at his ledge and I, at the work table. And the fan drew fresh air into the room. (I'm hoping Yonah will become accustomed to the soft sound of the fan so that it won't disturb him during the hot nights to come when it'll probably be running all through. I tend to believe it'll be much the same with him as it is for me: I too, have to adjust to the droning at night so. And in the wild, I'm sure there are a great many sounds that ALL Little Ones adjust to... especially when they have to live so close to humans, many of whom are averse to peace and quite... no matter the hour of a day.)
When we'd both finished with evening meals, and washing-up was done... the evening "water relay" was under-way to "close" the day and give us time to play around a bit before "tuck-in".
We had QUITE the time playing tonight! I'd gone to lay on Yonah's futon and took the little "dove pillow" that he still has and gave it a little movement. Yonah came flying over to the pillow where I'd laid my head and I gave a little ""coo" to the "dove pillow" as if chatting with it. WELL! Seems Mr. Yonah was having NONE of THAT! He toddled over to my head and gave me several "sturdy" (but not at all painful) pecks on the head! They were followed by what looked like an out-right attack on the dove pillow as he literally "chewed" at the little "beak" on it! Oh, he's still making it obvious that there's to be no "sharing" of "his"... his room, his house... his people! It really IS a continuing education with him. One of my favourites is when people tell me that mourning doves are so "calm, benign"... Obviously, they've not seen the "strength" and determination. Impressive! (And, of course, admirable and LOVABLE!) I have seen males "battle", as it were, but no matter what I learn of doves in the wild, Yonah NEVER ceases to amaze me! He's my "professor", my teacher... and I'm his "eternal student".
And so... play-time over, too soon... TOO TOO SOON! I'm trying to stick to "tuck-in" between 19.30 and 20.00 so that Yonah can get his proper rest and it was "time". I got up and went to close the windows for the night. I removed the fan so that I could work on the flitre some more... in the morning, of course, before Yonah wakes. And it was supposed to be a bit on the "cool" side tonight and I don't know how much chill will come into the room with the fan there so, better to be safe (and warm).
AS I removed the fan and closed blinds and curtains, Yonah flew back into his house for his "before bed nosh"! He * KNOWS * our "routines". He "KNOWS" that when the curtains get closed, it's time for "seepie-nigh-night"! AND, what fascinates me is that he now eats, regardless of what I'm doing. He USED to stop eating, when I'd come into the room, make a move at the work table, any sort of movement. Now? I'm just part of the environment... and I couldn't be happier about that.
By 19.45 though, he was on his perch, where he spends the night. He was ready to close the day. I often wonder if he'd just keep going if I were to run late. (And, this gives me even more cause and reason to NEVER have to put him in a position where some-body else would have to come to tuck him in at night. It's timing... routine... not to mention, the pain my heart would have to endure, not being with him at the end of the day, cuddles, kisses and "Good nights". I can't say which one of us would suffer more, but I CAN say that it would rip my soul ... missing him so much.)
So, tomorrow, we'll get his fan back in, one way or another, so that there will be, at the very least, circulating air in his room come the "hot" days and nights. But for tonight, my little Heart-and-Soul is tucked-in, safe and sound and comfy. Radiator still ready, in case of night chills. Our Tuesday is closed... my heart is FULL!
Wednesday 11 May:
OH... but yes indeed, our mornings are opening considerably earlier... THIS morning, I was in the midst of getting kettle on, preparing the kitchen for coffee and what-ever was to follow when, to my most-pleasant surpirse... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo" came as the first sound of the new day. The clock? 5.41! Looks like we're past the 6.00 now, running backwards. And to think, the sun will continue rising even earlier as the days go by... at least until June (which, unfairly, is but less than a month away now... I LIKE that Yonah and I have longer days now... more time together... more time of play and chat and just our companionship). And the longer the days, the slower the rest of our time together will pass... "Time"... it's rushing SO quickly lately... just TOO TOO TOO quickly. It wasn't so long ago (19 months come Friday!) that I had absolutely NO cause or reason other than simply getting up each morning and waiting until it was time, again, to get back into bed... and all through a day I simply watched as minutes dragged, feeling like never-ending hours....
I called back with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and immediately came the familiar "woo-HOO!" Well, OK then! THIS day had "officially" come to an opening! And I toddled, quickly, into Yonah's room to find him at the ready. I opened his door, leaned in and got MANY "Good morning" kisses! (My morning coffee waited... for the in-between stops in the kitchen with the water relay and the house-tidying and such.) Indeed, there were hours ahead... and they were about to pass... It was time to get rolling!
And so, the the hours, the DAY did roll along and it was quite interesting today; "we" had "visitors"!
Yonah's been leery of other people in his room, few as there have been. His reactions have been to either fly up to the highest point on the wall-shelf and watch from the distance or, short of out-right "panic", to his house and o to the farthest corner where he tended to sit perfectly still. He's maintained that healthy distrust of/for people and I've done nothing to change that. He's NOT a "pet-shop" commodity, NOT hand-raised, certainly NOT "domestic" and I will NEVER think of him as being a "pet". I keep "visitors" to an absolute minimum and at a proper distance. But today, TWO "others" came to call and his reactions were remarkable, in the strictest sense of the word.
This morning, I happened to see the fellow to whom I'd gone, initially, for help, advice, support (I'll refer readers to the earliest entries in this Journal for particulars on that matter). Allegedly, he's affiliated, some-how, with the local chapter of the Audubon Society. To be honest, with all the reading I've done on the "illegalities" of "possessing" a mourning dove, my main interest was to PROVE, beyond ANY doubt that Yonah is being exceedingly-well cared for and about (along with proving, again, beyond any doubt, that, "releasing" him or even moving him "away" would be detrimental to his well-being). I also wanted to show that Yonah was not the "hopeless case" that was, indeed, the way his condition was presented. ("He's not endangered. He's not a raptor. Nobody will want to see him.") I invited him in. (I was also curious to see Yonah's reaction to a "new face" and "new voice" in HIS territory.)
The out-come? WELL! The first comment was to the effect: He's not going any-where. He's spoiled here.
I reject the "spoiled" reference. Yonah can NEVER be "spoiled". He has absolutely EVERY right to ALL that he has AND SO MUCH MORE! But that seems to be the general impression that others have: I spoil him. Well, they're entitled to their opinion. And if there's more that I'm ever able to give to my Little Guy... he'll have it... one way or another.
One thing I found "interesting" is when I was asked: "Will be peck at me?" Of course, I didn't know. It's never been an issue.
Yonah was on his "ledge", in his "nest box" all the while we were talking and when the finger went in, yes, he did peck. But, although I'm sure it was perceived as an attack and hurtful, I can attest to the fact that it was most-likely a little "warning" that he, Yonah, would tolerate NO abuse. Bottom line: no injuries... to Yonah or the other.
Still, for me, it's QUITE A RELIEF NOW, knowing that somebody who ought to know the rules, regulations and "laws" is aware of Yonah's good environment and care. It's no "guarantee" that, someday, some-one won't try to take him from me, but, at least, for now, it's known by more that he, Yonah, is NOT being neglected or abused.
His second visitor was Deborah, this after-noon. And I noticed that Yonah was much calmer when she came in. I believe he recognises her face and voice as being familiar. She's got such a love for him... and I've o doubt he knows that.
So... TWO "others" in HIS room... HIS territory.
That said, I have to admit that, as much as I might be consoled to know that he has less trepidation were "people" are concerned, there's a massive part of my heart that's being torn-out. I NEVER want him to become completely comfortable around people, in general. I can't help but think of (with more horror than I can describe) the possibility of him being "out there" for some reason (Heavens and Fate FORBID). Even the fellow this morning agreed: it would be certain death... slow and horrid. He's so accustomed to food be plentiful, in the same place t all times, fresh water in his pool, no predators, always protected. And if he becomes "too" acclimated to "humans"... he'd turn to them for his needs... and, well, even the stats at the beginning of his web-site show how that, alone, would result in his death. So, although I'm comforted in knowing that he now feels secure in his home, the "acclimation" to/with humans is concerning... and shows that his "natural instincts" of "predators" is diminishing.
Be that as it may... the best comfort is knowing that he'll never have to be confronted with or by a need to be wary of "people"... so long as we both take breath. I'm here as long as he's here... I am because he is
Mean-while... we got his new window fan properly covered with the filtration fabric today! JUST in time! The temperatures soared above 25°! It was 42° on the front porch of the house this evening at 18.15! And the fan is working perfectly. So, as it draws air in from the out-side, it will be filtered through "activated charcoal". The "fabric" is the same material used in "stove hoods" (amongst other things), so it grabs the likes of dust and, most important to me, smoke. It has controls for the directions: into the room, drawing out, and both, simultaneously. It also has a "thermostat" so that when the room reaches a certain temperature, it will turn itself off. So, I can leave it in the window, leave it "on" and, at night, should the temperature in the room drop too low, the fan will stop. And it really isn't at all terribly noisy. Well see how it works on an "over-night". But not tonight though. The forecast is for 10° which is a bit on the "chilly" side, should Yonah's room cool too close to that. As it is, the blinds and curtains can be drawn over the fan which has the added "block" of the fabric-material, and should any cool air come through, it'll be drawn up and away from where Yonah sleeps. And, now that the nights are going to be warmer again, I won't close the door to his room. That way, if his room cools and the coolness gets to the rest of the house, the furnace will kick on and he'll have heat. (I will NOT have him chilled. I know he has feathers... but I see no reason why he should HAVE to fluff them. He's never experienced a Winter out-side, so... And no, he's not "spoiled"... he's just LOVED and CHERISHED beyond descriptives.)
As the day moved along... we dined together again, this evening, and right after, we did "water relay" to get that out of the way. I sat at the work table to get to some notes on the day to record our "events" and Yonah flew about the room, from his door perch to futon pillows and back and forth. And we had some play time on the futon; "Catch Me" and playing with the little dove pillow. He enjoys that, I can tell, because if/when I go over to that end of the futon, he come FLYING over and starts coo'ing at the pillow, and when I move it about, he preens and nibbles on the little "beak" on the pillow. (I'm still not sure whether it's friendly or a warning to the pillow... I DO know that Yonah isn't particularly fond of "sharing his people". But it seems mostly playful.)
And so, all too soon, as I say (probably all too often), the "19.30 hour" came... and... "seepie-nigh-night" time. I guess all the excitement of the day took a bit of a toll because this evening, all I had to do was close the blinds and Yonah headed right for his perch. As I closed blinds and curtains, he had a quick nosh and went right back for his perch. Whilst he noshed, I went out and closed the curtains in the rest of the house and when I got back into his room, he was all set for seepie-nigh-night.By 19.48 the lights were out, the fan was off, my little Heart-and-Soul was all tucked-in, sage and sound. We made it through and closed another day... together. Now? Well wait and see what tomorrow brings... and when it begins... with a 'morning call".
mourning dove 2022 12 MayThursday 12 May:
We're moving "back in time" in the mornings now as the skies get lighter all the earlier as each one passes and this morning, it was a mere 10 minutes later than yesterday but still... where we began at "7.00-ish", this morning's call came at 5.51! (I NEED to get my routine adjusted here. To be honest, I wouldn't mind following Yonah's but, I still need to be up and awake when he wakes and there for "tuck-in" at night. But so far, we seem to be doing well-enough.)
Anyway, it was another "vociferous" sort of a start to the day. First call, softly, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and an immediate reply to my response. But there were only 2 such exchanges before the "woo-HOO!" that, to me, sounds like "Enough chatting! Hello? I'm in here and the door is still closed, and the curtains too!" BUT, the conversation kept going, right through the opening of curtains and blinds! A regular, actual dialogue. (And OH! But how I DO WISH I have even a hint of a clue as to what we say to one another. No matter, really, because Yonah coo's, I coo in reply and he coo's in response to my reply. What-ever it is that's being said, it keeps us "coo'ing" and in the morning, that's just THE MOST WONDERFUL beginning to ANY day!
This morning, shortly after all the running about (me) and flying about (Yonah, of course), I noticed that my Little Guy was back at gathering the few remaining twigs, left over from the previous batch that I'd put into his house and most of which were tossed out the door, "rejected", as it were. So, since the morning was good weather and more, fresh twigs, were easy to find on the saplings about the yard (since the trees are only just beginning to come "into leaf", so to speak), I went out and clipped some maple and white pine (* non-toxic * woods only) twigs from the trees. They were cut to about 8cm in length and various thicknesses... "variety". When I came back in, I put them in a little pile on the floor of Yonah's house and tried to "offer" some to him, one at a time. He actually accepted 3 out of the 5 I offered, taking each one from my hand and immediately placing them into his little "nest box"! HE ACCEPTED MY OFFERINGS OF NESTING MATERIALS! I was SO, INDESCRIBABLY HONOURED AND HUMBLED, YET, AGAIN! AND... AS THE DAY PROGRESSED, HE ADDED SOME OF THE GREENS FROM THE SPROUTING SEEDS I'D PLANTED IN A LITTLE PLASTIC CUP! My offerings were "acceptable house-building material"! AND... my choices were... well, 3 out of 5! So, after a fashion, WE have built a home together! There is, as far as I'm concerned, NO greater "validation", NO better "purpose" for existing. This little "wild Life" has accepted me, in all of my imperfections, and my offerings of housing materials! WE ARE A PAIR... OUR OWN LITTLE FLOCK! WHAT A DAY TO BE ALIVE!
As time moved on, the temperatures out-side, rose again. It became SO HOT! WELL above the 25° mark, to be sure! I was grateful that the fan was up and running... drawing-in fresh air, pulling the room/house air away. The doors were open to keep the air circulating and I watched the thermometer on the fan to make sure it didn't get "too" hot in Yonah's room. (I won't use an air conditioner though. Sealing the house up again, after an entire Winter is, well, ridiculous and must be un-healthy... for BOTH of us. But Yonah has his pool and I'll be making certain that the water in it stays as fresh as possible... especially after he's had a swim... which, surprisingly, he didn't take today so I'll suppose the temperature in his room was "comfortable". I've read that mourning doves prefer slightly warmer temperatures than I would consider "comfortable" and I do recall last Summer when the house reached 30°. Yonah didn't seem to mind even that much heat. Still, although I don't want him "chilled", I surely don't want to see him panting from heat. So... cooling waters... and, if need be, the blinds will be drawn. The sun-light is always welcome in his room, and the warmth, most welcome in Winter. But, there's a limit, and I'll be watching... and learning.
I had a task to complete out on the back gallery today, before the horrible heat of the week-end arrived and so, for several hours, I was out there, with the back door of the house opened... and the screen door closed (of course). And from time-to-time, I saw Yonah toddling about through the kitchen and heard him "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" in the living-room. (His voice does carry... and to me, it's beautiful. I hear mourning doves in the yard, though much less often this year, for some reason, than in the past, but to hear my Little Guy is SUCH A BLESSING! HIS coo's are calls, and when I answer and he replies... I can't help but smile... to the core of my being.) And it was SUCH a DELIGHT to see him wandering about the house and not simply being "confined to quarters". I'm relieved that he knows there's more space available... SAFE space, and that he's not afraid to use it to it's fullest potential. Other-wise, I made quickest-possible of my task out-side... looking forward to getting back with my Heart-and-Soul!
When done, I came in and it was time to put evening meal on the hob... and, as it happens, I came into the house, immediately went to Yonah's house where he was "roosting/resting" in his nest box, to let him know that I was back and finished for the day. Kisses and pecks and I went out to the kitchen to prepare my meal and I'd no sooner put all together when I looked into Yonah's room and he was grabbing his evening "nosh". So, as we do now, this evening, we dined together and I finished from start to finish, early enough to make play time... with the little dove pillow. Yonah was over there when I came back into the room so, I assumed he wanted to play. And... I was correct. I bounced the little dove pillow about, he coo'ed at it, preened, nibbled the nose and pecked at my hand and head. We played for the longest while tonight, mostly because Yonah was "in a mood" AND he was CHATTY! I was... "above Heaven".
mourning dove 2022 12 MayWhen he was done with the play-time, which he makes clear by heading off to some-where else, and this evening, his some-where was his roof-top, I headed back to the work table for a little while and BUT, I got distracted and lost track of the time! Yonah was up on his door perch, as usual when, at about 19.45 I heard a resounding: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" (He CAN and DOES actually whisper his coo's, as he'll do when we're playing on his futon so I can hear the difference and this call was to grab attention.)
In a bit of a "panic", though a "calm panic" so as not to appear upset (with my-self, because Yonah senses that), I got up to apologise for my irresponsibility and got right to "closing shop". Thankfully, the water relay was done earlier so this was just a matter of the windows and back boards. And as I worked on the windows, and adjusting the fan, checking to make sure that it wouldn't let in tonight's forecast 15°, or too much of the intrusive street light and such, Yonah watched from his futon. BUT... the very moment that I'd put his house back in position, back board hung and such, he came SOARING back, into his house and onto his perch! He was SO ready for tuck-in and I was running LATE! By 19.55... the desk lamp was off, and my little Heart-and-Soul was all settled for the night... safe and sound and secure...
WHAT A DAY... FOR ME... TO BE SO ACCEPTED AS SUCH A PART OF HIS DAILY LIFE! TO HAVE MY LITTLE OFFERINGS OF HOUSING MATERIALS ACCEPTED! AND... ON THE EVE OF OUR *** 19-MONTH ANNIVERSARY *** !!! TOMORROW... 19 MONTHS! To be sure, I closed this day in such absolute AWE! Yonah and I have gone through so much! And... WOW! WHAT...A DAY!
Friday 13 May: 19 MONTHS * ANNIVERSARY *
I HAVE TO NOTE TODAY: "AWE" IS NEVER-ENDING! 19 MONTHS !!! And I can still recall, in detail, that rainy, chilled, dreary October morning when Yonah was attacked and how I happened, by Fate, to find him, there, immobile, under the step. And TODAY, 19 months later, my heart beats ONLY because HIS heart beats. He IS "THE ONLY reason and cause for me to bother waking and getting out of bed on any given morning. He's become my SOUL... and I don't say that with ANY trace of triviality. I didn't expect us to be together for 19 days... nor weeks... but now... MONTHS! WE'VE PASSED THE 18-MONTH "AVERAGE" LIFE EXPECTANCY! HE'S PASSED HIS 18-MONTH "AVERAGE" LIFE EXPECTANCY! And TODAY? He's my COMPANION, and I'm his. We ARE... a "unit comprised of two disparate components"... and I couldn't be happier, more content... I don't know that I've EVER been happier... more content. "AWE"... plain and simple, and yet so complex!
This morning, I'd started my day a bit later than usual because I woke at 3.00 to check and make sure Yonah's room wasn't chilled by last night's drop in temperature. I'd left his fan running, because it has a thermostat that monitors the room temperature and when the set temperature, it's supposed to stop running. I'd had it set at 21°C/70°F and, if the rest of the house had taken a chill of under 20°C/68°F the furnace would take over. Well, when I looked into his room, the fan was running, the thermometer read 18°C/65°F! (I learned later that I hadn't set the "thermostat" to read!) So I turned the fan completely off, checked to make sure Yonah wasn't fluffed against the chill. He wasn't. And the temperature out-side was due to start rising with-in the hour. I didn't want to go in and take the fan from the window and disturb his rest, so I went back to bed, restlessly, making sure the house didn't get any cooler. SO... instead of getting up at my usual 5.30, I over-slept until 6.00! WELL! I jumped out of the bed, put the kettle on for morning coffee, hoping that Yonah hadn't called and I didn't hear him and, at 6.16... from behind his door, which was open all night but closed before I started getting things together in the kitchen this morning...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... so softly. Not "weak", but another of his "whispers". And yes, he does "whisper" his coo's at times. I was OVER-JOYED to hear him and called back "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo." His reply? "woo-HOO!" OK! YONAH WAS UP, AWAKE, and I don't know if he HAD called before but he wanted things to get rolling! So, kettle on... I got right into him.
There he was, waiting and ready, and I opened the door to his house, leaned-in for "Good morning" and "Happy Anniversary" kisses. MANY, MANY kisses this morning! And conversation as I opened his curtains and blinds and checked his fan. (I wondered: Did he get up earlier, call and when I didn't answer, he waited? Is that why there were so many kisses? He was happy and relieved? And this morning's conversation; was it a scolding? I don't believe I'll ever know.)
But it was another MAGNIFICENT start to a day that was about to become oppressively HOT. The morning was nice a cool. The night's chill was tempered and the sun was rising brilliantly! And it was our ANNIVERSARY! AND I had SO much work to be done today... ALL of it in Yonah's room, with him, beside him. No errands. No yard-work. OUR anniversary... TOGETHER... ALL DAY!
Well, I did have one item on my "Task" list that had to be done in the kitchen so, after morning house tidy and water relay, with an extra "flush" to make sure the water was fresh, clean, clear and cool, I headed, quickly to the kitchen for my coffee and to get that one task done.
Seems Yonah was having his breakfast as I went to the kitchen and had finished and wasn't about to be alone this morning because, as I was working along... THERE HE WAS, in the kitchen, toddling through. He stopped, looked up at me, and when I turned and asked:
"You heading for the bus? Have an Uber? Expecting a delivery?"
he simply looked at me with tilted head and continued on to the living-room were he strolled about and made a visit to the decoys and, momentarily later... WOOSH... he came flying through the kitchen, back to his house... to his futon. I finished my work and moved into his room.
It turned into a brilliant sun-filled day today... and yes, it DID manage to reach about 28°! The window fan, set to "intake and output" simultaneously, kept the temperature in Yonah's room at "tolerable" for me and must have been OK for him because, even in the heat, he didn't use his pool today! I was quite surprised. (Had his pool been large enough, I would have availed my-self, to be sure.) So that was good.
As for the rest of the day? Well... we WERE together through it ALL. We had a 30-minute snooze this after-noon... together. Well, we started "together", Yonah on my leg when I dozed, and when I woke, he was on my shoulder, pecking at my head, as he does.
I managed to get half of my actual work done today... because Yonah and I had a WHOLE DAY together... and there was MUCH play-time and cuddle time and all sorts of other frolicking. It was our Anniversary!
And I tried another "vegetable chop", hoping he'd have ANY interest in having nice, finely-chopped veggies... this evening, I put that out for the Yardies... He just has NO interest in vegetables! But, there's plenty more. I'd made quite a bit and frozen it in individual bags so... we'll just keep trying.
That pretty much covers our HOT day together. Nothing out of the ordinary other than MUCH MORE "together time" today... because, well, I had work to accomplish but... NOTHING supersedes my little Heart-and-Soul on a regular day, but TODAY was special.
And this evening, we dined together... and I got every-thing done in under an hour again so that we had time before I got to his Journalling for the day.
And... as I sat at his work table... the clock read 19.30 on the mark and... the "evening reminder"....
It was time to start wrapping this day up! "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... from over my shoulder. Yonah was on his door perch... and when I looked-up, he hopped into his house. OK. Time to close the blinds and curtains, put up the night boards? I thought so, but seems "Mr. Taube" had a couple of other thoughts.
As I got to the windows, he took to his little extended perch. BUT... when I'm standing, that little perch is perfect for "cuddles and kisses" and that's what he got AND, it seems, that's what he wanted because, he seemed happy enough to head for his roof-top again... to his platform where, I simply brought it down, level with his perch and he hopped off the platform and onto the perch. He was "in for the evening".
So we had a couple more kissed and cuddles and snuggles, and... his desk lamp was off. My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night. His fan is running, the thermometer is reading 28°C/83°F and it's a bit on the humid side tonight. Tonight's low is supposed to be 17°... not cold, not bad... Tomorrow? Maybe some showers. That would be nice. But tomorrow? Another day of nothing to take me away from the house or out of the house so... TOGETHER WITH MY LITTLE GUY!
For tonight though... he's tucked-in, safe and sound, comfy... fresh food, water and a good place to get a good night's rest... the way it must be and will be.
19 months... and I am still... in...
mourning dove 2022 14 MaySaturday 14 May:
Last night's coolness brought the temperature in the house down a bit, closer to "comfortable" than it had been all through the day. And the morning was still, being Saturday. The usual "commuter" traffic, light as it might be, in general, was absent. Quiet in the house. And Yonah must have been enjoying a bit of a "later rest" too because it wasn't until 6.25 when the first "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" came calling. Well, after all of yesterday's heat and humidity, it was a perfect chance to get some pleasant rest. And he deserves it, to be sure. As a matter of fact, it wasn't until then that the Yardies were beginning to appear as well.
So I called in reply to the wonderful "coo" that came from behind the door, just to make sure that Yonah was, in fact, awake and ready to face another day and immediately came the response. "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". The "hoo's" were being extended! And when I replied with the same? "woo-HOO!" OK! That was my cue: it was time to open windows to the day, and get this little show on the air!
When I poked into the room, I called, softly, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and received the rare reply from across the room. So, I moved quicker to get to his house and open his door. He WAS up, awake and VERY ready for this morning. Kisses. Wing stretches. AND... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". WOW! Talk about "vociferous". My Little Guy was all FULL of things to be said this morning. And what and ABSOLUTE PURE DELIGHT it was to me, to be able to have one of our actual "dialogues".
And they didn't just stop there. Oh no! We chatted as I opened curtains and blinds. We conversed whilst I set things up for the morning water relay. We talked all through the morning routine. In fact... there were a few ""woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's" broken by "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's". Most of the conversation came from Yonah's roof-top where he'd gone and gotten situated on his little platform there.
At one point, I happened to look at the clock and noticed that we'd been holding our dialogue, back and forth, with negligible breaks, for just over a whole HOUR! It didn't stop until Yonah decided to head back into his house for a brief breakfast, after which, he was off and flying about his room and out for a few toddles round the house!
THIS was one AMAZING morning! Conversation and activity! The house was in motion! And... It was SUCH a JOY to behold! He's SO comfortable in here now. It's all so familiar to him, at last. It's ALL "his territory". And obviously, he feels secure... and THAT is my ULTIMATE concern (after his health, of course). I've always wanted him to feel secure in ANY part of the house, looked forward to him taking full advantage of every bit of the place. Well, this morning was my assurance. And since it was at the beginning of the day... this day was PERFECT, in SO many ways.
BUT... it soon became that threatened "HOT"! The sun had no sooner risen and it brought with it, the heat, the sort of which we, in this region, really don't expect at this time of the year. But I thought how good it is that Yonah has been kept quite warm all through the Winter so, for him, this is merely a slight increase in temperature. He didn't have to fend against the -10s and -20s of Winter... his room averaged 22-24° at all times. So today's 26 and 27° really wasn't too much of a difference. I'm grateful for that!
Anyway, it was a perfect day to sit quietly and attend to matters at the work table and that's what I did... as soon as water-relay and house-tidying were complete, I settled the kitchen and headed right for the work table... and there is where I saw the day through... with my Best Companion.
There was much to be done to bring his web-site up to date and today, I was determined to get it completed. As I worked, Yonah hopped around his house, then took a break to bask, on his "beach", in the sun as it poured in through his window. His fan ran through the day, circulating the air, but not causing any disturbances. But what surprised me was that he didn't use his pool! I know I would have joined him (were the pool large enough) on a day like this. But, as I say: since he never really had "cold", today was a mere slight rise in temperature. Still, he and I DID manage to get quite a bit of "together" time in... and a LOT of playing. AND, we took two snoozes... although, Yonah didn't stay with me through either today. He preferred his "nest box" which I'm just as pleased with because, well, it was another one of my "instincts"... "hunches"... and he enjoys it.
That really does cover today. It was, as I say, very hot, and quite humid, and I was determined to catch-up with what HAD to be done. (Photos for the end of April hadn't even been posted to his web-site! But they're there this evening... thanks, in most part, to my "Inspiration" who came to "visit" with pecks on the ear and cheek when I seemed to be slowing. Oh, but Yonah misses NOTHING in his room!)
And the hours passed. We DID take a brief break to "lunch"... together. Though Yonah was more interested in cuddles and kisses today... ALL through the day, as a matter of fact. So he ate quickly and came to his door perch when he noticed that I wasn't "other-wise occupied". I made sure that HE had HIS time. (Admittedly, because it does me as much, if not more good to be close to and with him as he seems to enjoy the personal contact... Yonah DOES LOVE HIS "CONTACT", and I make SURE that he gets as much as he wants. I "hold" him with more than enough free space for him to go about what-ever he chooses, when he chooses with-out any struggle at all. And when he leaves, I know "our time is up".)
Before I had time to realise... it was evening meal time! And so, I headed out to put my meal on the hob and... when I returned with my plate and sat down, Yonah took a brief nosh too, as he does. He sees me eating and goes for his food too. It really IS quite amazing to see and note.
And, after meals, and washing-up (all with-in about 45 minutes this evening), we got to the evening water relay. I wanted to make sure that his water in his pool was fresh, clean and cool. And when done, we had a couple more moments of "play together" time and I got busy getting prepared to jot his Journal for the day.
As I worked along, the radio and the bird-songs played... AND AT 19.00, which is when I usually turn them off, for "pre-tuck-in quiet"... Yonah hopped to his door perch and rather loudly called "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! I noticed the hour and put the musics off... and he hopped back up to his perch by his food! It was as if he WAS reminding me "Hey! It's time for some quiet here. Remember?" So, in the quiet, I went about his Journal entry and he made him-self comfy until...
At about 19.40, he called again, so I got up and went to get his blinds and curtains closed for the night. I was, again, fascinated because AS I worked about, moving his house, meddling with the windows... he went to eat! AND, AS I put the night boards up, he continued eating... even right through my moving his house back into it's position for the night. And he ate, steadily, for a good, solid 10 minutes! My activities are SO "common" to him now that it makes no difference to him... and I'm just as pleased as I could be! I remember the earlier days when, if I were to move, or even be in the room as he was eating, he would stop, and come to his door. It bothered me so, for the most part, I would leave his room so that he would eat. I didn't like doing that because I believe that, being a "flocking sort", he would have liked the company, but my presence was a distraction. Well, now, we eat together during the day... and when he's hungry... he eats... no matter what.
I let him finish his "meal" tonight, and when he was done, I went back to his house to "close things up". We exchanged our "Good night" kisses and he was obviously ready for "tuck-in" because he got him-self to his "night spot" and got comfy. So, I closed his door and whispered:
"Thank you for a perfect day again. And here we go... into month 20. Can you believe it?"
He was settled... and the desk lamp was turned off. The fan is still on because it was 28° in his room. It's set to stop running when the room reaches 21° which it might or might not tonight... the low being forecast for 17° out there.
Anyway... as I say... we head into our 20th month together, and into the heat of Summer (though, after tomorrow, for about a week, the night temperatures will be single-digit again... thankfully not "negative" single-digits though). And my little Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound, comfy and protected. And tomorrow, there are calls of storms (preceding the "cold") and I have little on the agenda other than... of course... TOGETHER TIME! So... for tonight... our day is closed... and my LOVE is resting... peacefully.
Sunday 15 May:
Sunday morning, the house was still, the skies out-side were rather dark from the heavy cloud cover. Last night's temperatures held at a truly comfortable level so it was only cool in the house. Rain in the forecast... I had only one errand to run today, nothing longer than 45 minutes at most so I was looking forward to a day spent, again, together, with my Little Guy.
And where was he this morning? The clock passed the minutes and went beyond the currently normal 6.00... and then 6.05... 6.10... and then...
Out of the silence of the earliest hours of the new day, across the still air, filling every corner of every room, the most BEAUTIFUL sound the ears can carry to the soul...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... "Good morning. Are you there?"
I called back, softly, the same "greeting"... but there was no reply. I waited a moment and tried a second time. Again, only silence. Maybe Yonah had decided to take advantage of this other-wise some-what dark morning and went for a bit of a snooze. (I've done that... all too frequently, after turning a morning alarm off.) He was more than entitled. After all, the Yardies weren't up and about yet either. So I sat, pondering the silence, waiting...
The clock read 6.13 and from behind the slightly-closed door came another "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". And again, I answered, just to see if he actually was awake and ready for the morning. Immediately came my answer:
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and then, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo".
It really IS all about the "pattern", the softer "hoo" after the "crescendo" of "HOO", that I SO wish I could understand, or, could have even the slightest idea of what Yonah is saying. But, when I replied "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo" his response was, pretty much as I'd expected...
This little "chit-chat" was over! It was time for me to get busy, get in there, open his door and roll last night away, open the windows to the day! I was up and into the room right away! And when I got to his house, as I opened his door, even in the morning darkness, before blinds and curtains were open, my Heart-and-Soul was up and ready to GO! Kisses. Pecks. And magnificent wing stretching! He looked more like he was ready to take off and SOAR, than just waking up. I knew I needed to get things done here so, the night boards came off and I moved his house round so that I could get to the windows to open curtains and blinds. AND, as I worked at the windows, opening the blinds to the morning light... our conversation continued! "Dialogue" again, this morning! Not quite as it was yesterday, but WOW! When Yonah has things to say, and I manage to encourage him to coo, I'm just beside my-self with PURE DELIGHT!
It wasn't moments later when, as I started to set-up for the morning water relay, he WAS UP... and OUT... and FLYING across the room to his futon! BUT... when I started to bring the water in, to change the water in his pool, he IMMEDIATELY returned to roost... on his door perch where it was obvious that he expected the little kisses he gets there after each time I pour the fresh water. AND HE STAYED THERE until I was finished... kisses between each and every run! He was in a "together" sort of mood today... and, to be honest, so was I. I was looking forward to spending the day together with him. I had MORE than enough to get done, at the work table and MORE than enough time to spend WITH him... in my "breaks" (of which there were many today, to be sure).
So, I got his house settled for the morning, and he got him-self settled as well... I got the kitchen and the rest of the house settled for the day and moved right into his room, to the work table... after, of course, CUDDLES! As I came into the room, Yonah came hopping to his door perch and gave the wing-snap that I've come to understand as his "almost-demand" for attention and cuddling. And OH... was he ever in a mood for cuddling this morning! Cupped in my hands, he just nestled as I gave him the little "kisses" that resemble, as closely as I'm able, "preening". He SO enjoys that! And I keep my hands open enough so that when he's done, he can simply fly up and off and away. (He was in NO rush this morning though... it was WONDERFUL! Cuddling him, there's NO time or space for anxieties. He's the most comforting Being, the BEST! And I have cause to believe that the effect is mutual... his serenity gives me serenity which I, in turn, give back to him. It's all a part of him being my "Heart-and-Soul" and the cause of my continued AWE.)
And so, this morning, I did manage to "steal away" for the one errand, and I was gone for such a short period of time that, when I got back, it seemed as though Yonah hadn't even noticed that I'd left. Although, I have a tendency to believe that he some-how "knows" when I pass his window, either walking or driving. I can't say why or how, exactly, but I DO believe that he knows when I'm out-side his window, even when I'm in the truck. BUT, when I got back, he was just as content in his nest box, as if I'd only stepped into the next room so, I was content as well.
I put the shopping up and he didn't come out, as he's done of late, to keep me company (or supervise), but I made quick work of that chore and in the briefest while, I was settled... at the work table and ready to attack my daily tasks. Yonah? Yonah was in his nest box, which is where he spent most of the day today. I attribute that to the "darkness" of this rainy sort of day. After all, the birds out-side were surely in their own places of shelter and comfort as the rains fell. Yonah was just doing what mourning doves do on dreary, rainy days. (Beside which, it was just such a day when he'd been attacked... 19 months ago, so, if there's ANY association with this sort of weather to that event... it can be no wonder that he prefers the safety of his little place, "in" his white pine, in his house.)
We DID have MANY "Play breaks" during the day today. And he joined me in a 30-minute nap... well, for the first and last parts of it any-way. He took several strolls out to the living-room and back. And when I stepped out to prepare a mid-day snack for my-self, he came almost RUNNING out, right behind me, as if making sure that I was only going to the kitchen and NOT trying to "sneak out" (as I'd done this morning and, as I say, I just some-how believe he knew any-way). And with play breaks, we had snuggles and cuddles. It was more a day of us together than it was for me to get any sort of work done. BUT, for me, there couldn't be a better day, or a better way to pass a day. And... the rains kept falling... softly. We did have a few rolls of thunder and I was curious as to how Yonah would perceive that. Didn't phase him in the least. I'll suppose he knows: We're together... He's perfectly safe!
This evening, I'm quite pleased to be able to say that we actually "dined together". Un-like last evening, Yonah had a healthy dinner break. He ate well as I sat at the work table eating. And when he'd finished, he came to his door perch to keep me company as I dfinished.
And when our meals were done, we had a bit of a chat, I did a bit more work and listened to some music, together. (Yonah responds with a look of "interest" when I sing along with a song. It strikes me as, he hears something "new"... it's my voice but it's neither speaking nor coo'ing, and he appears intrigued. I've noticed this almost all along our months together. Mourning doves hear "sounds", and they recognised pitch, tone, timbre of other birds, so I suppose he's learnt all the aspects of my voice as a sound. But when I sing, especially a song he's not heard before, I imagine he's trying to decipher some meaning for and of that sound. He stares, tilts his head, blinks, but mostly... he stares and when he does, I almost always give him a cuddle and kisses and sing some more so he associates singing with something relaxing, calming.)
Well then, the time kept passing as time tends to do (TOO QUICKLY, especially with Yonah there) and I got started on today's Journal and as I got to his Journal, we'd been listening to some softer music from the iPod and, in the calm, as the rain tapped on the roof of the cellar shed out-side the window, he had his "late snack". I was SO DELIGHTED to see him eating again so I stopped what I was doing so as not to distract him.
At about 19.35, I looked up and Yonah was on his door perch... seemed it was "time" to wrap this day. So I got up, moved my things from the work table, as I do and JUST as I was getting to move his house to access the windows (his water relay had been done shortly after evening meal), he took off to the futon! OK... we were going to need a little "coaxing" tonight. No problem. I just went about the windows and let him be on his pillows, where he watched me. But then, I wanted to see his reaction if I were to simply set his house up and turn the light off. There was just enough light to see things rather clearly in the room, but I was curious to see if he'd head to his house, in the darkness.
He didn't. Instead, he just stood on the pillow, still. So I went over to him, talking, of course, so he knew it was me, in the event he could "see" me, and I cupped him in my hands, lifted him up, and, giving kisses of assurance all the way, brought him to his house and placed him on his little corner "loft platform"... Ah... when I turned the light back on the look of SURPRISE! He obviously knew where he was, knew where he'd just been, didn't recall walk or flying but some-how, he'd been transported! I tell you, he misses NOTHING! So I leaned in, he came along his perch and we had our "Good night" kisses... I closed the door to his house and... my Little Guy was tucked-in for the night... 19.50.
I set the thermostat on his fan to stop running when the room temperature reached 75°F tonight. The "low" is expected to be about 13° so I don't want his room to become too cool before then, and I'm of the thought that the filtration on the back of his fan will effectively block much of any "chill" that might happen during the night. Besides, the door to his room is wide open through the night now. There's no reason to confine the heat of his radiator in there so, what-ever the temperature of the rest of the house, his room will match. And the house furnace is still set to run if the temperature reaches 60°F and Yonah's room gets the best of the heating. He'll be warm enough.
But there we have it. Sunday came... Yonah and I lived our Sunday together... and now... Sunday becomes Sunday night, in preparation for giving way to Monday. My Heart-and-Soul is tucked-in, safe and sound and comfy and LOVED and CHERISHED. There's a light rain falling out-side his window. But... all is well... Indeed... all is well.
Monday 16 May:
Oh, but it was quite the dreary morning, this. Over-cast. Strong storms in the forecast. And for a Monday, it was rather still. Even the usual Monday morning traffic was sparse. A mist rose from the full-foliaged trees that had gone SO green, in only one day's time. It was really quite peaceful when... the silence was so gently disturbed by the beautiful call from behind the door...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo-hoo".
The clock read... 6.06... Ah... what's become a "common" time for "first call".
I responded with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and received a reply of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo".
My response of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" was promptly answered with a "woo-HOO!"
Monday had officially been "called to order"! A new day, a new week and it was time to get things moving! And so, into the dim light of early morning I went to find my little Heart-and-Soul awake and stretching his wings! I opened the door to his house, leaned in, whispered "Good morning my most PRECIOUS Little Guy" and we exchanged our morning kisses and pecks.
As I went about the business of opening curtains and blinds to the rather "dark" morning light, we had our morning "chat", and when I got to the water relay, Yonah hopped down to the door perch... where... of course... it was kisses between runs. And when that was all acomplished and the kitchen was settled... I moved me into his room, to the work table, where I had a full calendar of tasks to get to today... in his company, in his room.
Monday... new day, new week, new experiences, to be sure, because I don't believe ANY day has passed since Yonah has been in my life, with-out at least ONE some-thing or another that still causes me to stop and take note... and be amazed... in AWE!
We had quite the day. Although I had some chores to attend, and a little "construction project" that I was able to do in the comfort of the kitchen, that didn't keep Yonah and I apart. Oh no... not at all. As I was working on "assembly", Yonah was right beside or behind me through it. He seemed so fascinated by every movement I made! He watched with such focus, as I screwed boards together. And when I'd move anything, he watched where it went, as if keeping track of parts and tools. Only for brief moments did he leave me, to toddle about the living-room, or take a quick trip back to his house. AND, when I went out to the back gallery, to check measurements and such, he came to the back door to watch there too! I can't say who was more "intrigued", more "amazed". Yonah wanted to be in the room with me, and wanted to see what I was doing there, and I was intrigued and amazed by how "fascinated" he seemed to be with my efforts!
It appears that there's really nothing at all that I do that he doesn't simply take in stride, from house-keeping and cleaning to wood-working projects. He comes to the kitchen when I cook and wash dishes. He comes to find me if I'm on the computer in another room. He's come to keep me company when I make the bed. He's even come to "check on me", when I'm in the loo! I'm almost at a complete loss for descriptives where my feelings and bewilderment are concerned. I keep recalling having read that "doves", in general, are known to take "active interest" in the affairs of a house-hold, but I NEVER expected SUCH INTENSE interest... ESPECIALLY considering (as I do, ALWAYS), that, to the best of my knowledge, I'm the first "person" Yonah has had such close contact with, that he's from the "wild" where I and other people are threats and predators. Oh sure, I'll accept that over the past 19 months, I suppose I've proven to him that I mean him no harm and only the very best of all that I can provide. Still... that he follows me, comes looking for me, will stay with me as I go about daily tasks... NEVER would I have even imagined such a thing!
AND HOW I SO WISH THAT I COULD IMPRESS UPON THE ENTIRETY OF THE HUMAN SPECIES, JUST HOW EXTREMELY BRIGHT, HOW COGNIZANT, HOW SENTIENT THESE LITTLE ONES ACTUALLY ARE! The statistics of their systematic mass murder, mostly for "SPORT" stays with me, at the very surface of my conscious and un-conscious thoughts, and, to be honest, the very notion, the idea repulses me. And knowing that there are those who will, even accidentally kill these PRECIOUS little Beings and simply ignore the travesty... Well... It's all so "telling" about "humanity"... in general... Sickening. To my core, it's physically sickening.
There are those who claim that I "spoil" my Little Guy. "Spoil"? Not even in the slightest. What-ever I give him, have given him, will give him is certainly NOTHING, compared to all that he's owed, due and entitled to. All I can say is that I provide him with protection, from predators and weather. I try to provide him with foods that are filling and nutritious. He has fresh, clean water to drink. Both food and water are available to him when-ever he desires each or either. I TRY to provide him with CARING, KIND, LOVING COMPANIONSHIP, even to trying to communicate with him. I TRY to provide him with "entertainment", amusement. I do my best where his safety is concerned. But still, no matter, I will NEVER truly feel "sufficient". I do only to the very best of my ability. He's not "spoiled". He was injured, I brought him in. To turn him out would be his death. So... If I'm providing him with Life... I owe him nothing but the BEST! AND HE SHOWS ME, IN SO MANY WAYS, THAT HE KNOWS WHAT I'M DOING, THAT I'M TRYING AND THAT HE APPRECIATES IT. Now, I wonder how any sane person of proper thought or ethics can be so apathetic toward such little MIRACLES! It's terrifying to me.
Well, we had quite a storm for a while today too. A LOT of heavy rain-fall and the skies darkened to what they would usually be at about dusk! There was a bit of thunder as well. So, I took an opportunity to grab a brief lie-down (my "project" being finished for today). I'd set an alarm for 30 minutes and as soon as I was on the futon, Yonah was there with me. Not at my head, but beside me, in the curve of my torso! I managed to "half-doze" for about 20 minutes and when I opened my eyes, he was right where he'd been as my eyes had closed! The rains were still falling out-side and there was quite a strong wind blowing, but... BUT... my little Heart-and-Soul had stayed with me through the storm... WE stayed together through the storm. It was as though he knew he was safe with me and he CHOSE to be there! I was, as I always am... in AWE! He's my little MIRACLE! He truly is!
Well? As the storm moved through this evening, my little Bestie and I dined, together, in the protection and comfort of his room, and when done, we "frolicked"... it was "PLAY time". Yonah flew to me and then away to his roof-top. He hopped to my shoulder and pecked at my ear, and when I put my hand up to him, it was a distance game of "Catch Me!". So I followed him round the room until he went to his perch. Time for the evening "water relay" which he supervised from his perch.
And as things calmed for the evening, I sat at the work table to begin his Journal, and he took a bit of a rest on his roof-top platform... just where he could watch me, from a perfect vantage point.
Tonight, our "heat-wave" will be broken, and though certainly NOT as cold as nights we've managed to survive, there will be a "chill" to the air. So I'm going to try and see if I can get away with leaving his fan in his window and still keep his room warm enough so that he won't have the need to "fluff" his feathers against any cold. We're expecting several nights in the single-digit temperatures to come. Tonight will be about 10° so this is a good start. (I'll note the results because this Journal is my best reference... It's "Live and learn/Trial and error" but it's better than all of my searching in our earliest days together.) I'll draw the blinds over the fan and close the curtains and I believe the filtration fabric will help keep some of the coolness out too. We shall see.)
At 19.30 though, from his roof-top, as I sat at the work table, Yonah called "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... and then "woo-HOO!" TIme to get the room settled for the night! Out-side it was quite dark, over-cast, so, to be sure, the Little Ones of the wilderness were, most likely, roosting so...
But it was a rather interesting "tuck-in" tonight...
By 19.45, blinds and curtains were closed, and Yonah was at his night spot. All seemed to be settled until... out-side, some-where, a "call"... Another mourning dove in the trees across the way. "woo-HOOoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". Yonah must have heard it because he called back! It all but shattered my heart to think of him hearing one of "his", calling, and he was calling back! For me, there was a sense of "sadness" to it, and again, tonight, I felt that I ought to get back to finding him a "better companion". But, I see how he is, even with photos of other doves. This is HIS territory and he's not fond of "sharing" it. I couldn't and won't put another dove in a situation where s/he will be resented and possibly injured. So? So... I went into Yonah's room where the lights were out, his door was closed and he was "roosting", and we had a soft, quiet "chat" in which I apologised, assured him that I just can't be sure that another dove in the house would be acceptable to him but that I'm here... for all the good or not, and I'll always be here... he's not alone. Some-how, it seemed to calm him and he settled back down... for a night's rest.
Well... another day passed. We managed to muddle through... together. And tonight, my little Heart-and-Soul is tucked-in, hunkered-down, safe, warm, sound. I've set the house thermostat for 62°F just in case a chill rolls in during the night. The door to Yonah's room is open at night now, because we don't have to heat his room specially. So if the house takes a chill, he'll still be kept warm. And hopefully, he'll get a restful night's sleep... his "10-12 hours" and tomorrow... we'll confront that when it arrives... under the name of "today". For tonight, he has nothing to be concerned with or about... and that's just as it should be and, as long as he takes breath, I'll do ALL I possibly can, to see to it that it remains that way.
Tuesday 17 May:
It was quite an almost "crisp" morning, this. The heat-wave of the past several days was obviously washed-away with the rains of yesterday. The sky was "laden" with a few ominous-looking clouds but other-wise, it was clean, clear. And the sun was beginning to wash the mountain-tops with a bright golden light. A soft breeze blew and, off in the distance, a heart-warming, familiar, beautiful "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo" came out of the trees across the road. That sound literally touches my soul now. And hearing it in its "natural environment" is, to me, beautiful and yet, only the slightest bit saddening. Some-where, out there, this morning, a mourning dove was calling... For whom? I wondered. Mean-while, in the house, my Little Heart-and-Soul was still snoozing in the early morning hours.
I came back in to have morning coffee and start attending to my own "morning routine" and had no sooner begun when... at 6.04 came THE MOST FAMILIAR "morning call" of ALL...
I wondered if Yonah hadn't heard the call out there and was answering...
I hadn't closed Yonah's door last night, and this morning, I'd left it open and went about my own affairs as silently as possible. I'd checked the temperature in his room this morning though... The house had reached a temperature low enough to cause the furnace to run, but his room was no "cooler" than the coolest of mornings this past Winter, so, he was fine.
I answered with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... He replied with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo".
My response of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo" was answered with a simple "woo-HOO!" Well-hoo! I needed to get in there and get things moving along! And so... in I went to find my Little Guy on his perch, ready to ROLL!
I opened his door with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo" and leaned in for MANY "Good morning" kisses and pecks, a GRAND wing-stretch and a hop across to the opposite perch. And as I got busy opening the curtains and blinds, we had a brief "chat". Nothing like the more recent full dialogues, but, for me, even a "chat" is heart-lifting, first thing of a morning. It tells me that Yonah is in good spirits and, apparently, feeling well. That's ALL I really need to know in the morning. We both made it through the night... but HE made it through AND he obviously wasn't at all "chilled" because he wasn't "fluffed" against any cold.
Out-side, the sun was rising, the breezes were blowing the clouds aside and the Little Ones were waking and getting to their own agendas and tasks of the day.
I'm still working on a "re-work" of Yonah's "Portfolio" on his web-site and there were MANY more photos and videos to go through. (As any-one who has actually checked those pages is aware... the entire "collection" is really quite large and, because of my zeal in our earlier days, there are a number of similar photos and others that are too dark, blurred, poor representations.) Anyway, the forecast was for quite chilly and not sunny so, I'd determined to get on with the editing... which was perfect because... it would all take place at the work table and, having no particular "dead-line"... there would be time for a snooze and play... with my Best Companion! I made quick work of water relay and house-tidying... for Yonah's house and the rest of this place as well, and hurried back into his room to settle-down for the day.
Well, the sun did manage to make a bit of an impressive appearance this morning, for a few hours. Its warmth couldn't battle the chills of last night, and the breezes are still carrying the coolness of the higher peaks of the mountains BUT... shortly before noon, I got up from the work table to go to the kitchen to put the kettle on for mid-day break and... AND... as I stood up and looked to see where Yonah was (since there's NO telling where he might be at any given moment these days) I noticed... HE WAS IN THE POOL! Just resting there, enjoying the water,. And I was only just recently wondering why he hadn't been in there during all the heat we'd had. How odd he is: during Winter, it was on some of the coldest days when he decided to take a splash. While out-side, the temperatures were registering "negative double-digits", here, in his own world, Yonah would be splashing about in the water and then, heading over to his "beach" to bask. Then, as I say, Winter subsided for a while, a heat-wave of "positive double-digits"... in the high 20s, set in and Yonah was content with lounging in his little nest box... no pool.
This morning's temperature hovered at about 15° out-side. Yonah's room was at about 21°. But he chose today to head to the pool! There really is no "figuring him out". But that's my Little Guy... as UN-predictable as could be. All a part of the AWE, that is HIM!
So, I left the room for a short while to put my mid-day snack together and when I returned, he was up, out and about. He'd already taken a good drying shake and was "on the wing" again. I re-settled at the work table with tea, got back to the photos and Yonah took to roaming about his room and the rest of the house.
Our after-noon went along that line for the most part, with one 30-minute snooze from which Yonah woke me... yes... 2 minutes before the alarm was set to sound. And we took many breaks for "Catch Me!"... on his roof and across the floor and on the futon. AND there were many MORE "cuddle and kisses" breaks today too, prompted by wing-snaps from the door perch. (He REALLY DOES enjoy the contact, PRECIOUS Little One... and I won't say that I don't enjoy them as well... I'm STILL just SO amazed that he gets SO calm when I hold him, "cupped" in my hands... I doubt that will ever fade.... my amazement.)
Well, as days do, this one just blew past as quickly as a brisk wind and... we dined together this evening. Happily for me, Yonah ate when I ate so I was sure that he'd gotten a good "dinner". And when it was all done (in under 45 minutes again... because I wanted to get to his Journal AND wanted to be available to play with him more, if the mood moved him), I settled the house, ran the water relay (for the third time today... since his pool water was changed after his bathing... since he drinks from the pool too), and settled back at the work table. Yonah settled on his roof-top... where he coo'ed... as I typed, as we listened to some softer music on the iPod with a back-up of his bird-songs.
Came 19.30... and... my least favourite time of day... blinds and curtains and... "seepie-nigh-night". And tonight, Yonah's radiator will be running again... a low of 5° with a "chill" of 3°! Oh well... it isn't June yet... MID-June... yet. So...
It was another one of those "I don't want to go to bed now!" evenings too. I'd no sooner started at the windows and he took off for the futon! What a character! But, he made the mistake of hopping onto my shoulder when I went over and sat with him there. I got up and we moved over to his house and... well... either he actually was ready to settle-down or it was an impulse but he headed right in and to his perch so...
I put the roof board on and got his house ready... leaned-in for some "Good night" kisses and cuddles... I got very few though... HE'S AMAZING! Even with an "attitude", but, it didn't take long and he was at his night spot. So I closed his door, passed more kisses and put his desk light out for the night.
As I was closing, the house furnace kicked on! It's set at 17°, which is the "low end" setting for Winter, and what it was for the past Winter nights! So, indeed... Yonah's radiator is running tonight. My Little Guy will be kept warm and cozy! I'm grateful that I can provide warmth, food, fresh water, safety from predators and the likes. Yonah deserves no less than that. And it's comforting to know that again, tonight, my little Hear-and-Soul is all tucked-in... in his own house... in his own room... his own territory for a night where he can actually sleep, restfully. And tomorrow? Well, IF it's possible yet, we need to get fresh river sand! His beaches need replenishing and there's no rain in the forecast! And maybe more trees? Definitely more mosses! Another "Yonahday"! And I LOVE THAT!
Wednesday 18 May:
Another one of those "quiet" mornings... mostly because it was CHILLY! Clear skies, and sun washing across the ridge, but... a definite chill to the air. The house furnace ran first thing this morning, but Yonah's room was comfortably warm when I checked. His radiator was on through the night. "May"... imagine. But I'd bee settled and running through the morning chores I do before he wakes up when, silence was gently pushed aside at 6.15 with the wonderful call of:
Mid-week commenced! I called "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and the reply was the original "long" coo. When I repeated that one, Yonah called back with a shorter version to which I replied with the same and he replied to THAT with the longer... We "chatted" back and forth twice more until... as expected... "woo-HOO!" and THAT got repeated, by Yonah, about THREE TIMES! WELL! We had NO patience this morning! (And I had the greatest smile... on face and in soul.)
I'd been out this morning, checking the weather and such and again, this morning, from across the way, in the trees, a mourning dove was "calling"... first thing in the morning. (I seem to be SO "tuned-in" to that sound now... the coo'ing and the sound of the whistle of wings... and the differences in volume, tone... My "Professor" has taught me well!) When I got into Yonah's SO comfortably warm room, he was still coo'ing... and I could hear the dove out-side. Yonah's fan is still in his window, so sounds from out-side come in easier.. and he could hear the other dove. These are the hard times for me: I WISH I could KNOW how Yonah would take to another dove. I WOULD prefer another mourning dove, but I'm not sure if he'd be more comfortable with another male or a female. I'm not even sure he'd be comfortable "sharing" his "territory" with either. I'm just not sure. I'm told that he really, probably doesn't "need" another dove, that he's quite happy with me, and that I've "learnt" his coo'ing probably makes-up for the absence of another dove. But...
Then too, I'd SO VERY MUCH like to figure a way to give him access to the out-of-doors... SAFELY! I'd like to be able to put something out-side his window, perhaps to draw the doves, a feeder, a perch, a platform... something. But... his window is so close to the road and "people" pass so quickly that they're more likely to strike a dove a sit comes and goes. I'd like to be able to "extend" something out the window... perhaps a "cage-like" situation where he could go to for sun-shine, safe from predators (people and hawks, to be sure). But, again, there's the road dust, the traffic, the fact that I just DO NOT TRUST the people locally, and that his windows are over the cellar shed but they're "reachable"... Ah... "people". Repulsively irresponsible. Hopefully, one day, soon... we'll find ourselves in more suitable accommodations. One day... soon... hopefully.
But, mean-while, this morning's "Good morning welcome" was quite wonderful! Yonah was, indeed, up and about and thankfully NOT fluffed, so he wasn't cold. And KISSES WERE ABUNDANT! It's such a JOY to be as "welcomed" in the morning as my heart looks forward to seeing and being with my Little Guy. And we got right to the business of opening curtains and blinds, to bring in the day-light... Day-light! YAY for us! Water relay followed and Yonah was up and about... roof-top, futon... Wednesday was under-way! And it was WONDERFUL!
And it turned into quite a lovely Wednesday... with plenty of sun-shine and open doors and fans running, mostly to circulate the fresh air... especially in Yonah's room. Poor Little Guy, stuck in the house all the time, but, with open doors, he had plenty of the out-side air... cool as it was. And with the exception of a short while, we were very much together all day today. We had a snooze in the after-noon, as we do. It began and ended with Yonah beside me. (What happened for the 20 minutes while I dozed, I can't say, but, as he does, two minutes before the alarm was set to sound... there he was, on my shoulder. "Rest"... beginning and ending with the BEST little LIFE in Creation.)
For most of the day, I worked on Yonah's "photo collection" and he wandered about the house. He's taken to doing that more often of late and it thrills me every time he does! I'm SO happy that he's so comfortable in EVERY room now. AND, when I went to the kitchen at mid-day, to fix something for "our" mid-day snack, he came out to stay with me. I'm not sure if it was to check that I hadn't left or just to have the company, but it was, for me, a pure DELIGHT! And we had our mid-day together... Yonah in his house, I at the work table. He even came out to join me when, later, I put the kettle on for tea. We had QUITE the "together" day today. AND... I have to add, he was quite "affectionate" again, today, "calling", as it were, with wing-snaps, for cuddles and kisses... which, of course, I stopped everything else to make sure he got... and he got as many as he wanted... until he either stepped away or flew. He knows when "enough is enough" and is quick to let me know too.
Oddly, this evening, we didn't dine together though. Yonah had gone out to the living-room when I brought my meal into his room, and he stayed out there until I was almost finished eating (which, again, this evening, took all of about 30 minutes, from start to washing-up). But he DID come back when I sat to have a bit of dessert, and then had his "dinner", so I'm comforted in knowing that he's eaten... and he ate well. He even had another snack after-wards. I'm always concerned about his eating habits. Between eating and pooping, those are two of the most important indications as to his health and well-being so I tend to keep an extremely watchful eye on them... always.
After all of that, we got to this evening's house-tidying and water relay... Yonah watched from his pillows on his futon. Best place, out-side of his house.
Now... this evening, I sat at the work table to get his Journal started for today and decided to listen to a bit of music as I typed. Yonah was up on his roof-top. The room had darkened with the late sun being off to the West, and there was the slightest "coolness". I put the desk lamp on, which has always been an "indication of the hour"... "seepie-nigh-night" time was approaching (and the clock did read 19.00 already). But, quite fascinating:
The first piece of music I played was Rusalka, Op. 114: Song to the Moon,Antonín Dvořák, played by Joshua Bell. It was the very first piece of music I'd played that Yonah "sang with", so many months ago. And he's ALWAYS coo'ed when the piece plays. Apparently, it's his favourite!
The next piece of music was Scottish Fantasy for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 46: I. Introduction: Grave, Adagio cantabile, by Max Bruch
Both pieces were played by Joshua Bell, AND FOR BOTH PIECES, YONAH COO'ED, ALMOST CONTINUALLY! "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo", repeatedly! HE DOES have his music that he truly enjoys! (People should be aware of this... even the smallest of Creation's Lifes hear, sense, favour.) It reaches VERY deep into the core of being, to see, to hear, to be in the presence of such a most AWE-FULL experience! And so, as I typed, we listened to even more of the same kinds of music... I'm "compiling"... and will put Yonah's favourites on HIS "MP3 player" to play for him during the day. (And yes, he does have his very own player... with his bird-songs on it... and soon, with his classical music as well.) As I say: Nothing is too good and nothing good enough for my little Heart-and-Soul!
So, 19.30 came rushing in, as it does. Tonight's temperatures are expected to drop to 5° so the windows had to be closed-up accordingly. The fan stays, but the blinds and curtains were closed to block as much as possible and direct any chills away from Yonah's house. His radiator is on for the night again. (Forecast is for the same chill tomorrow night... but tomorrow, during the day... rain. We'll have a day together, for certain... and I have more than enough to do... at the work table... and I'm looking forward to the time together with my Little Guy.) As I worked at the windows, Yonah took off, again, for his futon, but when I'd done, I went over and cupped him in my hands and, as he got his kisses, we went to his house. When I opened my hands, he headed directly into his house. He "knew". Shortly, he was on his perch... As I always say, I would truly SO ENJOY stretching our day to the last moment, but, with him getting up at 6.00, I want to make sure that he gets his proper rest. 20.00 to 6.00 is his 10 hours, which is the "usual" rest for mourning doves. And if he chooses to sleep-in come morning, that's his prerogative. And if he chooses to stay awake a bit longer before going to sleep, there's still some light in his room for a while.
For now? He was tucked-in, all cozy, in his own house, where he can sleep peacefully, safe, no cares, no predators, protected from the night's chill and tomorrow's rains. There's fresh food and water right there. Tonight, again, my little Heart-and-Soul can rest... as I will always provide... so long as he takes breath.
Thursday 19 May:
The house had taken a bit of last night's chill, the skies were heavy-grey. There was the slightest movement of the air out-side the windows, it was early and still. The furnace had come on for a brief moment. It was a "Spring" morning, and even the mountains looked as thought they didn't want to wake just yet.
The clock was passing the minutes, a the dim light of a shrouded sun did its best to illuminate the world when, at 6.21 came through the door to Yonah's room...
Thursday had commenced. My little Heart-and-Soul was awake and the time to get things moving a s they ought, was now. I answered... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and the reply, of same, was immediate. Oh yes, indeed, Yonah was up and ready and waiting. And me? Well, my only reason for waking again, this morning, was obvious.
We had a few moments of "chatting" as I got the kitchen ready for the "morning routine" and when I opened the door and stepped into his room, it was delightfully warm, comfortable, protected against the chills of the world out-side the windows. And when I opened the door to his house, Yonah was at the ready with "Good morning" kisses... The world was a perfect place. My Little Guy was rested, happy to be in my company. There was nothing more I really needed... other than to get his curtains and blinds open and his house tidy and in order. Our "flock" was on the move. The day was under-way. Everything was as it should be.
Well, indeed, the day DID get moving, and the house was busy through most of it...
Yonah was ALL OVER, from his house to the living-room and all stops in between. And he had quite the day of "supervising" because I got busy finishing a gate for the back gallery, put up to protect the Yardies from the local "day-time predators" (house-cats that wander about from the houses of the irresponsible neighbours). The gate is something that I've wanted to install from since the day I put the feeders out. It makes no sense, really, that people should bring a cat into their home only to set it loose in this area. We have a major through-fare on which cars and lumber trucks travel at rather great speeds. To the South of here, there are reports of Little Ones laying dead in the road on a regular basis. But worse is that the cats wander into the yards of others and there, they're known to destroy little Lives... feathered and furred. I'm not fond of the situation but I do understand that these cats are simply behaving as they're intended... it's the fault and problem of those who have no respect... for self, those in their care or others. So, rather than respond in any way that could harm the Little Ones, I choose to make their access non-existent. Thus, the gate.
The work I had to do today was done, primarily, in the kitchen, and my "boss", my "supervisor" was SO intrigued... or... simply wanted me to remember that he's in the house. Yonah wandered in and out of the kitchen as I sawed and assembled. And when my activities became boring, he was off, on his own, to other rooms or his house. He CAN entertain him-self... and that's a comfort to me, although, I'd hoped to spend the entire, rainy, grey day with him. Still, I'm relieve that the gate is up... maybe we'll get the other mourning doves back, once they realise that they're protected as they eat. I hope...
We did take a mid-day break together though... Yonah had his snack as I had mine, and we got the chance to play for about an hour.
But before I had a chance to realise how quickly the time passed... it was time for evening meal! I put mine on the heat, went through and tidied and Hoovered Yonah's room and we settled-down to eat... I, at the work table, as usual now, and Yonah hopped up to his own food and had something to eat. And when that was done... well... it was time for evening water relay already! Got that finished quickly and then... PLAY TIME, and CUDDLES on the futon!
It's SO OBVIOUS that Yonah notices when we don't have much time together during the day because he's SO appreciative, SO HAPPY when, at last, we have time to be together. He livens right up, and OBVIOUSLY enjoys out play-time! AND the cuddles? WELL! THOSE seem to be the part he enjoys MOST! Nestled and snug, whether I'm "holding" him gently in my cupped hands or not, he gets SO comfortable next to my face as we "nestle" together, and I get to talk to him, softly. "COMPANIONSHIP" ! It's an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY... and one that I GLADLY give... because it's something I SINCERELY GRATEFULLY receive.
Ah... but by then, the clock was running toward 19.45 and... "seepie-nigh-night". But tonight, interestingly, Yonah seemed rather ready to tuck-in. As I closed his blinds and curtains, making sure they're "set" properly because of tonight's 5° "low" again, he began "settling" in his house. No running to the futon! And by the time I'd put his house back in "night position", with boards installed, he was on his perch... We exchanged snuggles and kisses and "Good night pecks" and, by 19.55... his light was out, and my little Heart-and-Soul was all set... for a restful night's sleep.
Tomorrow there's nothing on the agenda other than his new pages, new photos, work on his web-site... AND TOGETHER TIME FOR US! There's supposed to be sun-shine and the weather is expected to be quite warm again so... we'll be able to pass OUR time together. And I'll be making sure that his pool is ready... tomorrow's high... 25°... But THEN, Saturday and Sunday... in the 30s! POOL TIME! And to think: This is still, technically "Spring"! Anyway, at least my Little Guy is getting his rest tonight (with his radiator... of course... just to make sure he's warm and cozy... no matter what happens out-side).
Friday 20 May:
A REALLY pleasant morning, this. The sun was coming up, there was the slightest breeze out-side, and it wasn't "chilled" as they've been of late. The promise for the day was "sun" and a high of... 24°! Apparently "some-birdie" had an "insider's info" on the forecast because... at 5.56 came such a soft "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" from his room! Not "quiet". It was quite clear but just "soft". And when I replied, well, our "morning conversation" was on the roll! Back-and-forth and forth-and-back.
When I went into Yonah's room, it was ever-so warm. Last night I'd put his radiator on and although there was a bit of a chill to the night air, his radiator kept his room quite toasty. Hey! It wasn't horrifically hot... but, at least he didn't have to fend against any cold! And that's ever-so important to me. AND... he was up and ready to take the day ON! Wing stretches and kisses and pecks. And as I opened curtains and blinds, chatting! For the water relay, he watched from his pillows on his futon and when I'd done and headed back to the kitchen to settle things there for the morning our conversations continued this morning! THE MOST MAGNIFICENTLY GLORIOUS WAY TO START ANY DAY! Maybe it was the weather? The time of year? What-ever it was... ALL was WONDERFUL!
AND, again, this morning, there was a mourning dove out-side, some-where, calling his own message and when I opened Yonah's window, he heard the other fellow and it sounded as though THEY were having a chat! (It's one of those truly, physically painful "bitter-sweet" moments for me though. I would be SO delighted if Yonah had a "dove companion"... if I could manufacture something so that he could be out-side where the other doves could come round to visit with him... or, even, if it were possible, to get another dove. These are the times that tear at my heart and soul... How I WISH I could know... for certain. But I doubt I ever will. Maybe one day, when Yonah and I are "out there together", we'll meet some-where and "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" all about these days. Romantic reverie? Perhaps. But, it's nice and comforting to ponder.
Well, as the day moved along, today became all the more fascinating for me...
This morning, I was making a wash in the kitchen basin after all of Yonah's "morning routine" was complete, and before I went into his room to get to the tasks I had planned for the day. And, as I was washing, I heard that flutter-whistle behind me. When I turned to look, he was on the floor, almost at my feet, staring up at me. It was a bit as thought he wanted to ask:
What ARE you doing? And do you remember that I'm in my room?"
When I asked him if he was heading out to catch a car service, he gave me a stare and a slight tilt of the head (asking, no doubt "Have you been drinking the laundry water?") and toddled off to the living-room for a quick visit to the doves (decoys) on the limb out there. I joined him for a while, and we chatted as he hopped from one "dove" to the other. And when I "had the audacity" to touch one of the decoys, he showed his dislike... he literally BIT at the beak of the decoy, as if saying:
"Don't get any ideas! This is MY territory and he is MY flock!"
(All part of my dilemma about whether or not to bring in some other dove companion for him. He obviously wouldn't appreciate my giving another dove any attention, let along... "affection"!)
Once he was satisfied that his message had been delivered and understood, with a WOOSH and a WHISTLE, he was off and returned to his room... to his house and to his nest box where he re-settled for a while.
I managed to get the washing done and put it out on the line to dry and came back into the kitchen to tidy-up when... WOOSH! FLUTTER! WHISTLE! Yonah came back out to the kitchen and this time flew AROUND me... TWICE! And then, landed on the kitchen floor over by the table where he gave me quite the stare before toddling out into the living-room, around once and then flew back to his room! It was the flying round me that startled ME! He's not done that before so now he's getting comfortable with "surveillance flights" and making certain that I SEE him when he comes out! OK! (Needless to say, I hurried my tasks so that I could head to the work table... where I obviously belonged this morning.)
And so, when all the work in the rest of the house was complete.. to the work table I went... and settled-down until I was "beckoned" from the door perch. KISSES and CUDDLES! Wing snaps and all! It's an indescribable DELIGHT to know that your presence is actually wanted and appreciated... and MORE-so when that appreciation comes from such a MAGNIFICENT little LIFE!
AND... I HAVE to add that, today, again, when I'd left the room for a moment and returned, Yonah came rushing back to his door perch, stood waiting for me to go over to him and as I approached, he actually braced him-self for CUDDLES! He's done it before but today, for some reason, it just struck me. It's not a "defencive" stand, and he obviously has no "fear" because he makes the effort to come to his door-way (of his house... the "door perch") when he sees me come into the room. He KNOWS that I'll go to him, cup my hands round him and give him little "kisses" on his head and back. But he looks forward to the affection and contact! AWE... pure and as elaborate as "AWE" is!
In fact, when he'd had enough "cuddles" for the moment, he flew over to the pillows on his futon and I, looking to play a bit, went over, leaned forward and "surrounded" him with my arms, as one would to give a hug. He just nuzzled against me, calmly, until I opened my arms and he simply hopped out and stood on the pillow looking back at me! Oh yes... ABSOLUTE AWE ! So much obvious cognizance... and sentience! LIFE! at it's purest.

We were together through the entire day today. I still have SO MUCH work to be done with the "clean-up" of his web-site, so I was at the work table... when we weren't playing or cuddling or the likes.
We had a 20-minute nap... Yonah was on the pillow at my head as I dozed-off and when I woke, he was "roosting" on my leg. So yes, WE had a 20-minute nap, together, today.
This evening, right after we dined together for evening meals, we (I) ran the water relay, got his house all neat and tidy, and his room as well... for the week-end, and then, listening to his bird-songs and a bit of "people music", he settled on his roof-top and I got busy on his Journal entry for the day.
But time... on days such as this, it passes... and a day is no longer than a blink of an eye... As the sun was dipping below the ridge across the way, I heard, out-side, another mourning dove, with a higher-pitched "voice", coo'ing somewhere in the distance. Yonah heard it too and was calling back. Yonah's "voice" is noticeably so much deeper. I wondered it the other one wasn't younger. Anyway, I thought:
I do wonder if Yonah is communicating that he's well and fine and safe. I wonder if he'd tell the others that he's being cared for and cared about... I wonder if he'd tell them how much he's LOVED, CHERISHED. And I'm SO tempted to try and see if I can't create some sort of place for mourning doves to come to his window... It's just that I worry so much about the vehicular traffic on the road along-side the house. People are inexcusably selfish, self-absorbed, speeding along, If another dove were to be injured, coming to the window... I'd take that hurt and guilt with me far, FAR beyond this life-time. But... perhaps I'll find a way... it would be nice to see other doves keeping Yonah company... even if he can't go out to join them. (Though, I wonder too... would he remember that this is where his house is, his pool, food, water... perch for the night? If he were to go out, would he come back here? I don't dare to risk it though. He honestly could never out-fly a predator... animal or other-wise. And there are MORE of those out there than I care to think about... especially, and not limited to the "domestic" cats. It's not worth the chance. I won't have my Little Guy terrorised... let alone, injured... again!)
Well, as it turned-out, my little Heart-and-Soul got a later "tuck-in" tonight. The sun had only just dipped behind the mountains at 19.56 so there was quite a bit of day-light out-side. And the other mourning dove was still calling from the distance. And prior, I was working on today's Journal entry when... at about 19.35, Yonah took off from his roof-top and headed to the wall shelf! I looked at the clock and thought it best to, at least, get his house and windows in order for the night and, as I closed blinds and curtains, he came flying back... into his house and to his perch... to where he passes the nights. Tonight, there was no coaxing, no "play time". Apparently, he was tired and it was time to settle-down. So I continued with closing-up his windows and putting up the back board and all the while, Yonah was in his house, making no moves to leave. Yes, he was tired, it was time for "seepie-nigh-night". Well, after all, he was up quite early this morning and we did have quite a day together. So, I put the desk lamp on, as I do when it's time to "close our day" and my Little Guy just made him-self most comfy in his house. I finished-up with getting his house in order and by 19.56... the light went out. My JOY, DELIGHT, my AWE, was officially tucked-in for a night's rest. What's really quite nice now is knowing that the door to his room will be open through the night. It's always bothered me some, closing him up through the nights, though I've always left the door open a bit anyway. During the Winter, it's done to keep his room warmer than the rest of the house, should the house get too chilled. But now that the nights will be warmer, the house will be too, and his door will be open. (And I rest better that way as well... knowing that, should he call-out during the night, as he's done in the past, particularly when the inconsiderates next door slam something in the middle of the night and it startles him, I can be there, quickly, to calm him, assure him that he's in no danger... and I have to add that he DOES, in fact, calm down as soon as he knows I'm there. We're... the "flock", and he's aware that he's not left alone in the darkness.) And so, with the house settled, the light out... my little Heart-and-Soul is tucked-in, safe against the elements and such that be.
It was a GRAND day, together, with him! And tomorrow? Nothing to take me away again... and plenty to do on his web-site... more time together... and it's expected to be quite hot, so... we'll both take it easy, together. Hey! He's got his pool too! Fan in the window to circulate the air... through a filtre, and a pool, which I'll make sure is fresh through the day. As 'tis said: "Shabbat Shalom"... "Sabbath Peace"... with a little dove.
Saturday 21 May:
A grey start to a warm day, and it would seem that last night's "tuck-in" was well-worth the hour... The clock rea 5.41 this morning when, from the room off the kitchen came that hart-warming melody of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". Yonah was awake, and, apparently, ready to take wing and soar into the new day! And, yes, indeed, the morning dialogue was accompanied by many kisses "Good morning"!
Last night's temperatures were really quite mild and his room was delightfully comfortable, ahead of the threatened 30-something temperatures that were forecast for the rest of the day. And, this morning, in preparation, the water relay went double the usual, just to be sure that ALL of the water in his pool started out quite fresh, clean and cool. Good thing too because I happened to notice that he was already in for a drink as soon as I'd done. (The most comforting part of that was that it explained some of the more "watery poops" recently. I suspected that Yonah is drinking more that he'd done during the cooler weather. I'm grateful that he's eating well and drinking too. I'd be "concerned" if not for...)
And WOW... was he EVER well-rested and ready to take-on this day, this morning!
As I settled the kitchen, in preparation for going to settle at the work table today (TOGETHER DAY!), he started what was to be multiple "visits" and trips round the house!
This was a morning where I had to be alert, seriously alert, as I moved about because Yonah was ALL OVER the place! He came into the kitchen to "check on" me at first, then moved along to the living-room to visit and check on the decoys in the limb there. Moments later, he was SOARING through the kitchen and back to his house. But it wasn't to stay for any length of time.
As I went through the house, opening doors and windows to "freshen the air" with the breezes from out-side, preparing for later when we'd probably have to close the place up against the heat, Yonah was in the living-room again, back in the kitchen, even at the back door! (The inside door was open, the screen door on the latch, of course.) AND... HE WANTED TO PLAY!
We had a rather long game of "Chase and Catch Me!" through the kitchen. He initiates with a wing snap, knowing that I'll reach for him, and he'll just let me get close and BOLT! RUNNING! But not far away. And then he'll turn to me and give another wing snap, and the whole process repeats until he's done... and when that happens, he takes wing and is off to another room... usually back to his house. It's the greatest fun!
But as I say, today was a day of "High Alert" because there was never any telling where he'd be next, AND he does have a way of flying with-out the "signature whistle" of mourning doves! So he can almost glide into the room as I'm doing something and, he's already taken me by surprise when I make a move and see him there, on the floor, beside me... staring in silence. That said, I'm DELIGHTED... He truly IS taking HIS territory... the entirety of his house.
He was also busy with more "gardening" this morning too. There are two little containers in which some of his food has been sprouted. (Recommended by many sources, to provide some "greens" for him to nibble on, and since I can't get him interested in his "vegetable chop"... I'll try anything to make sure he has a proper, nutritious diet.) He was busy plucking the sprouts out and tossing them about his house. (Hopefully it's not because of boredom. I worry about that quite often, and I try my very best to make sure that it doesn't happen... I don't want him "suffering"... boredom or loneliness... EVER!)
So, later, because of my own late close of the day last night and early start to today, I wanted a 15-minute lie-down... HAH! My head was no sooner on the pillow when the fluttering began... Yonah was over to the futon, hopping along my shoulders, toddling along down my legs... and up to the futon at my face, staring at me. It was a day where "the flock" had to be together.
NOTHING makes a day more worth living in and for! My Little Guy, my Companion, my Heart-and-Soul... in good health, good mood, energetic...
For the rest of the day, it felt more like and August day than May. The sun tried to clear the thick haze from the sky but the only thing that managed to penetrate was the heat. The temperatures out-side reached into the low 30s. The humidity rose with the heat, and climbed into the upper 90s. And in Yonah's room, the one window was open to the warm breeze and in the other window, his fan drew the air back out. It was more for circulation than cooling, though the movement did help a touch.
I sat at the work table, working a bit more with the newer "Photo" pages on Yonah's web-site. Yonah spent a lot of the day in his little nest box. I was quite surprised that he didn't take a little "soak" in his pool. The water was nice, fresh, clean, and the little fountain splashed a bit. The only time he actually did get into the water was later in the day when we were playing. I'd noticed that one of his twigs had fallen into the water and when I reached in to remove it, Yonah came over and started pecking at my hand, as he does. Well, I was about to change the water anyway so I splashed a little bit in the pool and Yonah came jumping in to play. (It's said that birds don't see our hands as being "a part" of the rest of us. They're more a separate entity in a bird's perception. As time has passed, I've come to see that. My face is "me" when I get close to Yonah, but my hand is something "else"... "removed"... separate. And so, with the "stranger" in his pool, he was ready for some good old play time!) One of the best "discoveries" about our play time in the pool was that I got to see that Yonah's fathers still repel water. I've noticed that he can get quite "soaked" when he sits in the pool for a while and I was concerned that some-how, his feathers lost that repellent quality. No. All's still very well where feathers are concerned. That was a nice relief to me.
He is dropping feathers though. But, nothing drastic. One or two, here and there, now and again. There are no "bald" spots and over-all, his feathers are looking quite good... except the one or tow on the left wing. I doubt those will ever grow properly. That's where there was quite a bit of damage from the attack that brought him here. What-ever it was that "got" him must have tried to chew his wing off. (How it still sickens me to even think of such a thing... but the absolute WORST of it all is:
Even as they're being ripped apart, still very much alive, they make no cries, no calls for help... and no matter how severe the injuries, they don't "cry", whimper... they're silent. It brings to mind the account in the text of my studies for the Certification where a bird was brought to the veterinarian after an attack of some kind. The "patient" was most-obviously severely injured, horrifically! But, even through all the manipulation of an examination, the poor Little One never gave any indication of pain. The injuries were such that there was no treatment possible... and the only truly humane course was... euthanasia. And all the while, the precious Little One never appeared to even be discomforted. In that respect, Yonah has been my greatest inspiration... injuries,physical or other-wise, become nothing to me now. I watch Yonah, remember his horrors, see him today, so Loving and Trusting... he puts my "inconveniences" into proper perspective... He IS my "strength"... in SO many ways.
Well then... we splashed in the pool for a while and, since we'd both had our evening meal already, together, of course, it was time to change the water, tidy his house for the night. As I went about the water relay, Yonah watched.... from his roof-top.
When it was done, I had a brief 15-minute lie-down... with Yonah at my head, then on my legs, and he sometimes "roosts" on my stockinged toes, and this evening, that's where he spent quite a bit of time as I just rested.
Tonight, "tuck-in" was later than usual. Since the birds out-side were still very much chatting, I stretched our time and didn't start the "close of day" routine until almost 19.50. Interestingly, although he'd been "resting" on his roof-top, I no sooner began to move things about to get to the windows and Yonah headed directly to his perch! (I still say: If I were to sit in there with him through the night, he'd stay awake. Then again, if he didn't need the rest, I WOULD sit in there with him through the night! Time with him, even just in his presence, is the MOST PRECIOUS aspect of my existence. He's loving, caring, intriguing, "teaching"... just, as I always say... pure AWE !) Anyway, we did get his blinds and curtains closed... leaving the fan on over-night tonight. "Low" of 17°. Thankfully, his fan runs quietly and will shut off if the room gets too cool. I have to work on his other window so that it too, can be open, at least a bit, through the hotter nights to come.
Mean-while, we had our kisses and cuddles and "seepie-nigh-night" and by 20.05... light out, tuck-in done. My little Heart-and-Soul was all set for a night of rest... There's a bit of a "threat" of a storm during the night. I'll set an alarm just to be awake to check on him. But... at least, in his house, he has nothing to be concerned about or with... no winds, rains... just a good night of good rest... the way things ought to be for him.
Sunday 22 May:
It was a some-what cooler morning, and the sky was just hazy. It was a fore-warning of the heat and humidity that was about to come in as the day progressed.
Yonah's fan had been on all night, but, thankfully, the thermostat stopped it before his room had taken the over-night coolness. His room was so calm, so quiet, and I went about my own morning routine until... at 6.03 came that most beautiful herald of a new day: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". Now, we were both awake to confront the Sunday. I replied, in kind, and the response was an immediate "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". The usual dialogue lasted but only one more volley when, at last, came the "finale"... a "woo-HOO!" and I was "on the case". It was time to open the house!
When I arrived to open the door to Yonah's house, he was already stretching his wings in anticipation of taking the first flight of the day. But, as I leaned in to say "Good morning", there were plenty of peck and kisses waiting before getting on with the "business end" of the deal.
And as I went about the affairs at the windows, Yonah had a quick bite of breakfast, hopped back over to his corner "loft" and gave a quite-resounding "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". It was GLORIOUS! He was well-rested, in spite of the later "tuck-in" last night, and, apparently, feeling quite well. Nothing more could be hoped-for, and, we were rolling along to the water relay (which he watched from his futon pillows this morning and THEN, as I was finishing, from the opposite end of the futon, closer to his house.)
When all of our (my) tasks were complete, I went about settling the kitchen and Yonah took a flight out, round the kitchen, into the living-room and back to his house. It does seem, when he takes these short flights, that he's checking to make sure I'm still in the house, some-where. This morning, I had to wonder if he "sensed" that I had to go out at some point... there was yard-work to be done before the heat arrived. He DOES seem to "know" when I'm getting ready to leave for errands. He'll come out and either fly about a few times or, he'll fly into the living-room and roost on his "limb" or even on the futon out there, as if to watch me. (And I don't mind admitting that it breaks my heart, because, well, as should be obvious by now, the one thing in Creation that I TRULY can say that I "hate" is any time when we're not together. We don't have to be in the same room, but just being in the house with him, knowing that, should he need anything, I'm right there at the ready is enough of a comfort to me. And knowing that I'm right there, should he come looking, well, that's my solace.)
And so, the house was set for the day... windows open to let the ever-warming breezes blow through. Yonah's fan was on and his window was open too, to let as much air flow through as possible. His pool was full of fresh, cool water, his fountain, splashing, and the sun was making an appearance through the morning's haze. I headed out to the yard to make short work of the tasks out there.
WELL! It certainly DID turn into a hot and humid one today! I'd done with my work well-enough before noon and came back in to take a brief shower (mostly to remove the dust, grime and to be sure that I didn't carry any ticks in from the grass in the yard... I didn't want to carry any of all of that to Yonah, should he come to rest on my shoulder or we'd have any other sort of contact... the LAST thing either of us needs is for him to have any sort or parasites!)
After the shower, I went directly back to Yonah to spend time with him and had a bit of a lie-down on his futon... It turned into quite an all-out "nap" and when I'd laid my head on the pillow, Yonah had come over to be there, at my head (to coo at the little "dove pillow" for the most part, but he seemed to settle on the pillow where I was laying, at the top of my head). And I dozed... When I woke, to the sensation of little feet pacing up and down my leg, there he was. Obviously, I'd slept enough. And when he saw my eyes open (he notices that so quickly), he came, almost at a "hop", up to my chest and stood there, staring at me as if to say "So? Did you sleep well? Are you rested now? LET'S PLAY!" and so we did! "Catch Me!" and all sorts of other chasing and cuddling. But not as much as other times... seemed the heat and humidity got to Yonah as well today.
Nothing much more happened for the rest of today. It was truly a "lazy Sunday after-noon". But as the day progressed, we were gifted with a bit of rain and that started the cooling process that's expected to follow during the week ahead. And with the coolness, Yonah (and I) got a bit more active.
Now... late this after-noon, there was, on a large rock across the road, a mourning dove who'd taken to "roosting" for a while. I hadn't noticed, I'll say "him" because... well... until I'd heard Yonah coo'ing and then heard replies coming from out-side! I went into his room and looked out his window, through his house. He was on his roof-top. And when he coo'ed, the dove across the road replied! I tried to join in on the conversation and, to my amazement, as I coo'ed, Yonah stopped... BUT THE OTHER DOVE REPLIED! OH... DID I EVER GET LOOKS FROM YONAH! He stared at me, tilted his head and was silent. I have to wonder if he didn't resent my "talking to another dove". But for me, it was PURE HEAVEN, chatting with another mourning dove, until he decided to take off and head else-where. (Now, I refer to the other dove as "he" because it's the males who actually do the most "coo'ing". The females, for the most part, are silent, unless courting and mating... so I've come to learn.)
This evening, we dined, as we do, together and when all was completed, washing-up and the likes, we changed the water in Yonah's pool. (I was quite surprised again, today, that he didn't take a swim. It was certainly hot enough. And I can't help but smile when I remember that, for the most part, the days he DID swim during the Winter seemed to be some of the coldest of the season. Oh... go figure.) And then, we started to settle-down, as the temperatures were dropping to a most-comfortable coolness.
As I passed the back door though, I noticed a female mourning dove at the "post tray" in the kitchen garden out back! She was alone and obviously quite hungry. I've not seen much of the "flocks" out there in quite a while so I was both surprised and delighted! And, out of curiosity, I went in and got Yonah. As he settled comfortably on my shoulder, we went to the back door... in silence, and I situated me and him so that he could see out the screen door to the female and, should she look up, she could see Yonah.
We stood there for the better part of 45 minutes, at least, watching the dove in the yard eating... and she was obviously quite hungry because she paid little attention to us standing there. But Yonah didn't seem to have ANY interest in her. He more-or-less simply stared out into the yard. But this evening, he was so calm about being there. In the past, I could sense a bit of nervousness in him when we stand at the door. This evening, he seemed comfortable on my shoulder, enjoying the truly cool breeze that blew in across us. Maybe he's come to know that although that yard was where he was attacked, in the house, on my shoulder, he's safe now. I can only hope. But, seeing his absence of interest in the other dove was a lesson to me for the day. He didn't even make a slight "hoo". So... I'll be keeping an eye out for more doves out there and we'll see about the future.
And so, as the time passed and the sun began to set, the temperatures continued to drop to a more pleasant and tolerable level... just in time for...
When Yonah and I came back into the house, we went to his room and there, he went directly to his house. It was 19.45 already! Sure, there was day-light, and ONE lone mourning dove was out there, obviously still awake, but... it was approaching "seepie-nigh-night" time for Yonah... I'm trying to keep some sort of "steady routine" for him. Anyway, he went directly for his food and his "before tuck-in snack" and, as I went about closing blinds and curtains, he ate. (I'm ALWAYS SO RELIEVED to see him eat before tuck-in... I know that his little crop will be full and he won't be hungry during the night.) By the time I was putting on the back board... Yonah was already at his night spot on his perch. PRECIOUS Little Guy... he was ready to close this day!
So.. I put the top board on, leaned in... "Good night" pecks and kisses and by 20.10... lights were out. Sunday came to an official close and my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a safe night of good rest.
Tonight will be cooler than last, and before I close the house for the night, we'll stop Yonah's fan so that he doesn't get a chill during his sleep. But the breezes blow and the night is quiet... and my little Heart-and-Soul will rest... until tomorrow's "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo........"
Monday 23 May:
I slept late... and hopped out of the bed, put the kettle on, was only JUST getting to putting coffee in the press when... 5.51 came the "MORNING CALL"! OK! Monday had come to a grand opening... and I 'balanced" my morning coffee and Yonah's morning routine through. And, all the while, we had our morning dialogue too!
Right away, I opened the door to his house, in case he wasted to head out some-where and returned to the kitchen to get my affairs together and prepare for water relay. AH... but when I was in the kitchen, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" followed me. It was as if it were a "Hey! Hello? It's still dark in here. Boards? Curtains? Hello?" I HAD to laugh, and called back with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... to which the reply was... "woo-HOO!"
Well, we got everything all together, boards, curtains, blinds... morning light came into the room softly and fresh water was in the pool, bird-songs were on, the radio on softly... and the "mourning routines", both, Yonah's and mine, got completed.
But... this morning, I needed to run a brief errand and, well, I have to comment here because I discussed this situation with someone else who's as sympathetic and empathetic with Little Ones as I and we're in agreement:
No matter what I do to hide my preparations for stepping out, even to the point of trying not to even think about it in Yonah's presence... he KNOWS... some-how he KNOWS that I'm even considering stepping away from the house AND he tends to follow me... as he did this morning. He came to the kitchen as I was making my little shopping list... then, when I went to the living-room to check for my boots, he came there too. I returned to the kitchen, he flew in, around me and to his house. He's done the same thing almost EVERY time I've had to step out, so, it can't be coincidence. Then too, as was discussed this morning... we see deer who make NO sound at all and yet they know each-other's next move. Fish in a shoal, birds in massive flocks, coyotes, wolves... dogs, cats... There's a "sense"... a "telepathy", if you will, that they have. And it goes along with how Yonah will react to my own emotions, even when I make no outward visible indication. When I'm upset, he'll become some-what tense, or come to rest on my shoulder and give gentle pecks. When I hold him and am SO at PEACE, he nestles, snuggles, so calmly. It truly IS AWE-INSPIRING! But this morning? Well... I had to manipulate about the place until I made it out the door. I wasn't gone even 30 minutes though and when I returned, Yonah was in his house... basking in the morning sun as it came through his window... and warmed his "beach". On the sand, behind the closed window, it was warm... Out-side this morning, the temperature was a "struggling" 14°, and after the 32 and 34°, it was quite cool. The sun brought a welcome warmth through the glass pane, and Yonah was enjoying every moment of it.
BUT... I'd stepped out of his room for a few moments and when I returned, I couldn't see him in his usual places and as I was wondering what new place he'd found in which to hide, my glance happened across the corner of his house where his pool is and... sure enough... THERE HE WAS, as still as he could be, literally "lounging" in the water! I had to laugh. During this Winter-passed, on the warmer days, he'd spend his day, up in his nest box, all snug, giving his little "woo-HOO"... his "perch coo" as it's called. BUT, on what were some of the coldest days, he'd hop into the pool and splash about, soaking and bathing and just enjoying. During our little "heat wave", he did the same thing: while the day away on his ledge, in his nest box. But today, when the temperatures were such that a light sweater (for me) was called for... there he was, just "soaking in", quite literally, the joys of his waters. (Sadly, no photo today though because in the time it took me to get to the camera, he was back out, back on his beach, enjoying the sun's warmth again.) As I always say: EVERY day with Yonah is a day of education... and surprise... and AWE! WHAT a character! WHAT a LOVE!
And so our day moved along... absolutely entirely TOO quickly. I'd been some-what pre-occupied with the house-hold, and catching-up on things I didn't get to yesterday because of yard-work. "Suddenly", it was evening meal time and, of course, Yonah and I dined together again. (I'm now at a point where I don't believe I'd enjoy a meal in the kitchen again... and it's a delight to be able to see Yonah having HIS evening meal too.)
This evening, after the water relay, at what is usually the "normal" time to settle at the end of the day, the female dove, who has been coming by in the evening to the feeder in the kitchen garden, came back! So I brought Yonah to the back door (screen on the latch, of course) and stood there with him on my shoulder. It's mostly curiosity, on my part, to see his reaction to another dove, but, if he seems to enjoy being able to be there, of course, we'll make it so that he can spend more time, as he wants, there. (There's already a special "perch" for him on the screen door so that he has a comfortable place, should he want to be there.) But this evening, for quite a while, he stayed on my shoulder and "watched" the "little lady" in the yard as she ate.
But then came along a male "suitor" and things got "interesting".
First of all, Yonah caught sight of the other male when he gave a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" to the lady dove. Yonah took off from my shoulder and roosted on my head and since I was standing as still as possible, he made him-self most cozy up there. The view must have been better because he was up there for about 20 minutes, quite still. But when the other male made advances, the female took off and he followed.
Moment later, she returned, alone and went back to eating (in peace) and later, the male returned, but he was on the back walk. He tried to get to the feeder, but Miss Dove wasn't having it and he returned to the walk where, for a while, he "glanced" at the door. Yonah gave two "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's" and took off back to his room. The other two "Yardies", as I call them, took off as well... for a couple of minutes. But, they returned, first the female and then the male. She went back to the feeder and he, to the walk. I went and got Yonah and brought him back to the door, on his roof-top platform and he hopped onto the perch on the door where he watched the other two... but really not with much interest until... The male must have noticed Yonah on the perch in the door because he came up onto the gate! And he stood there for quite a while, looking around, and at Yonah, who made no movement and no sound. After a while, the other male noticed the food in the feeder on the gallery and hopped over to get a bite to eat and THAT's when Yonah moved... He gave a bit of a wing snap and the other male took off... and as he did, the female left with.
Looks like Yonah wasn't having somebody eat food here? It's HIS, no matter where it might be? I don't know. But the whole situation lasted for over an hour! And when the other two left, Yonah went back to his house, as if satisfied he'd protected "his territory" more than much else.
So again, I look forward to trying this "door" situation soon. The perch is there, on the door, and will stay there. And if/when the "Yardies" return, I'll bring Yonah over, if he's not there already. I'm just curious, really, as to how he reacts with other doves, since it's been him and me for 19 months now and he's shown signs of aggression with photos (of him), the dove pillow, the decoys. His reactions/responses to the others will give me an idea as to whether or not a "companion" dove would be appropriate.
But, for now, when I went back into his room and sat on the chair beside him, he was on his door perch, he was as affectionate with me as ever... kisses, light pecks on the nose, and a little "nestling" against my face. I suppose "WE" are "THE unit" and he's happy enough. Well? More to be learned, to be sure. Summer isn't arrived yet and there will (hopefully) be more evenings with more "Yardies" to teach me. For now, my Little Guy and I are together, and I'll keep doing all I can to show him how much I LOVE him.
I got to start his Journal for today as he had a little snack and settled... until about 19.45 when "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... I looked at the clock... he was reminding me of the time... "Settle-in". And indeed, that's just what he meant because as I removed my things from the work table, he headed for his house! He was ready for "tuck-in". So I got to his windows... Again, tonight, the blinds and curtains had to be closed so that any coolness of the night that might come through will be directed away from him... just as in Winter. And all the while I worked at the windows, Yonah worked at getting settled. There was no "last minute flight" to the futon, no flying about the room, no "play" time... he was tired! So, as soon as all was complete, windows, boards, it was time for cuddles and "Good night" kisses. By 20.00... the lights were out... my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in, safe from the 7° chill of the night to come. No radiator tonight, but the house thermostat is back up to 20°, just in case, and since his room door will be open, should his room cool, the house will cool and he'll have warmth. Of THAT I make most certain.
So we closed another day... and one of great learning and more AWE for me. And my Little Guy is tuck-in, settled-down for another good night's sleep, with-out a care of elements or predators... able to sleep... for his 10-14 hours. And I? I am at peace... because HE is at peace... my Heart-and-Soul.
Tuesday 24 May:
Poor Little Guy, today! He had quite the hectic morning, and surely, neither of us had planned any of it.
At 6.31 this morning, Yonah woke with another Most-Beautiful "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo", and as I got me together to get in to see him, we had what has become, our "morning dialogue". The back and fort of coo's, ranging in length, switching from the "short" to the "longer". It's almost as if, perhaps, I'm finally beginning to develop some sort of "vocabulary", because there's a "variety" in our exchanges now. It's no longer a matter of repeating, on either side of our chats. How I do, SO wish, that I had ANY idea of what the differences mean, the pitches, tones, frequencies. But some-how, with the changes, of my "coo's" and Yonah's, it "feels" more like we're actually "communicating" instead of simply "making sounds" with and to one-another. I don't believe I'll ever actually "know" what I'm saying, nor will I ever actually "know" what he's saying. I don't believe anybody ever will come to learn the actual meanings of a mourning dove's "coo's". We can speculate, but, even the alleged "most highly developed, highly evolved" species remains... well... uneducable.
For now though, it's a pure delight, for me, particularly, to be able to engage in some sort of exchange with my little Heart-and-Soul.
I can still remember, vividly, that first time Yonah actually coo'ed... as I was sitting in the room with him. It was SO un-expected and came as a "shock". And when the shock had passed, I became aware of the Joyful vibrations of every cell in my being. He'd been so silent for so many weeks. And, as can be seen by the earliest records in this Journal, I was under the impression that Yonah was a female. He was so young and hadn't really developed the tell-tale colours of a male: the blue-grey crown, the iridescent collar. I'd learned that males were the vociferous ones and that females tended to be "mute", for the most part, or, usually when courting or mating, they had an entirely different "coo". It's been described on many web-sites as "ohr ohr"... I'm not sure what, exactly, that sound is, but it's distinguishable from the male's "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". That said, since Yonah have never previously made ANY sound at all, I expected he was a female, and would never make any sound at all. Then, that one evening, out of no-where, as I was talking, softly, to him, just to put him at ease, to become accustomed to the sound of my voice so that he would associate it with "caring" and "protection" and "Love", he raised his head, visibly took a breath and let out that first "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"! To me, not only was that the very first indication that he was a Little Guy, but it also showed me that he was comfortable-enough to coo... even as I sat, in close proximity! He was learning to * TRUST * me! And THAT was an intense "turning point" in my entire life-time. (As he aged, his crown turned less "brown-beige" and a deeper "blue-grey" and subsequently, one day, as he basked in the sun-light coming through this window, I noticed the "iridescent red" on his "collar". Indeed... Yonah Taube was "Mr." Taube!
(I have to add here that, as I deepened my interest and study, I came to learn that my mistake is most common. Even when purchasing domestic doves, those who sell - a horrid way to earn a dollar, in my opinion - post disclaimers that they cannot and will not "guarantee the sex" of any doves they sell. AND, the percentage of errors in identification are quite high. Today, I can surely understand how. It truly is difficult to tell before the Little Ones reach the age where their distinctive traits are visible.)
Well then, we got all of our usual "morning routine" completed and were about to settle-down as we do of a morning when, for some inexplicable reason, the fountain in Yonah's pool changed the pressure from the pump and water was being sprayed out of the pool and into the tray of sand under it! It's done that previously too, but not to this extent. In a relatively short while, much of the water from the pool had been expelled into the tray and, of course, much of the kitchen roll that lines Yonah's house had gotten wet as well. So, "we" had to remove the pump and tubing, the pool... As it all turned-out, half of Yonah's house had to be removed, cleaned and replaced! POOR Little Guy! We'd only just done a complete "house-keeping/cleaning" not too long ago and he really wasn't due for such a drastic intrusion (since it's done monthly any-way, but then, the entire house gets cleaned, sands replaced, and the likes). It took a couple of hours, and all the while, Yonah was flying about his room, and, as he does, investigating, watching, supervising as "his" house-hold was removed, re-arranged, replaced. At the end of it all, his pool was clean and too, half of his house. (The rest will follow, in a matter of a couple of weeks when we hit the monthly "mayhem".) But I have to say: he took it all in great stride. My intrusions have become part of his "normalcy". Poor Little Guy.
When it was all done and finished, I got the rest of the house together, managed a few of my own tasks of the day and we had a little break for mid-day snack.
By then, it was time for a bit a of nap. I took to the futon, Yonah came to join me, resting/roosting on the pillow at my head. When I woke, about 30 minutes later, he was, almost literally, roosting on my hip, just as cozy as he could be. We napped together! And it still amazes me that he comes flying to the pillow when I lay my head down and will stay with me as I doze. (Still makes me wonder how it would play-out if I were to spend a night on his futon, and leave the door to his house open. I've always closed his house-door at night because I've come to learn that doves don't see well in the dark and won't, unless forced, fly at night. There have been instances, in the past, where something has startled Yonah at night and he's tried to take flight. In his smaller house, it used to lead to horrors... injuries. But in the larger house, he has more space to move about it, even in the darkness. But, if his door were to be left open, he'd be out, into the room, in the darkness, and there's furniture, shelving, walls and windows he could collide with. So, although there are times when I wish I could simply turn the entire room into his "house", for now, closing the door at night is for the best, and as for testing my wonders about sleeping in his room and letting him fly about, I prefer not... My heart couldn't take seeing him with any more injuries. He's been through SO VERY MUCH that mourning doves don't and shouldn't have to experience... including the "adjustment" to me. All I want for him now is a peaceful place, proper nourishment, comfort, safety, good health... and the Companionship that he so obviously needs and enjoys... so long as he takes breath.)
Our day, from there on, was busy, because I had much to catch-up with/on and was in and out of his room. Yonah was all over the place (which ALWAYS comforts me), and kept busy too. AND OF COURSE... WE HAD PLAY BREAKS ALL THROUGH THE REST OF THE DAY! He was "charged-up" from all the activities of the morning and so, we had a lot of energy to discharge! THAT made the day all the more enjoyable but, as "good time" does, pass quicker.
Before I knew, it was "evening meal" time! And I got a little "reminder" when I looked up and saw Yonah eating. (EATING! LUV THAT!) So we settled-down and settled-in and as we do... dined... together.
After meals and washing-up, there was a quick "water relay" (although, not really any quicker than usual, but there really wasn't anything other to be done) and we had PLAY-TIME!
MUCH snuggled and cuddle time, games of "Catch Me!". And when Yonah had had his fill of that and took flight to the shelves (his way of letting me know that I'd "fulfilled the required 'together time'") I sat at the work table to start journalling the day's events.
At 19.35, as I typed, Yonah headed into his house and up to his perch. It's his way of letting me know that it's time to wrap the day up, get to "seepie-nigh-night" here. So I moved my "things" from the work table, out to the kitchen. There was still quite a considerable light out-side, and, across the road, I could still hear one mourning dove calling. But Yonah was ready so, I got busy, closing blinds and curtains. Tonight was expected, again, to be on the "chilled" side of things so we made sure that the blinds and curtains were set to keep that out of the room. AND... AS I WORKED ON THE WINDOWS... YONAH HAD HIS "BEFORE-BED SNACK"! THAT ALWAYS gives me peace of mind and spirit because I know his little crop will be nice and full during the night. My Little Guy won't spend the night hungry. And, it fascinates me when he just goes to eat, paying no attention to me as I move about. He USED to stop eating when I was in the room. Ah... we're just "Family" now... we're "the flock". I couldn't be more BLESSED!
At 20.05, Yonah was on his perch, settled for the night. His door was closed. We'd had snuggles and kisses... the lights went out. My little Heart-and-Soul was settled and set for a good night's rest. It wasn't necessarily a "long" day, but it was a busy one. And, at the very least, at close of day, Yonah had the chance to get his proper rest. And tomorrow? Well... "tomorrows" aren't guaranteed, but, for a major change in my life-time, as long as Yonah is part of that, I look forward to them now.
Wednesday 25 May:
Another cool start to another late-Spring morning today, and another rather "early" start when, at 5.51 the "call to action" came drifting through from Yonah's room and into the kitchen where I was only just putting the kettle on for morning coffee!
There are priorities in this house-hold and none supersedes my Little Guy so, it was a rather hectic sort of "morning routine" as I did my best to attend to both his and my first tasks. It all went very well and in no time, we were together... me at the work table, Yonah on his roof-top and we waited for the sun to rise high enough to clear the tree-tops across the road and come pouring in through the windows.
And for the most part, that's where we were today... thankfully... a calm day, except for our "Play" breaks, of course. And those come when "needed"... as I hear the "signal"... wing-snap from the door perch.
And this after-noon, after we'd both had a little snack, I went for a lie-down for a while and Yonah joined me. At first, on the pillow at my head and then, as I laid there, eyes closed, I felt him toddling along, across my head, a hop to my shoulders and down along the torso to my legs. He stayed there for a bit and then hopped off... things to do, places to go. But when I woke... I mean, when I was awakened (two minute before the alarm, of course), he was at my head, tapping, until I said:
"Is it time already?"
and he toddled down, to my hip, and got him-self really rather comfortable there and began preening! I suppose it was simply a matter of
"Pardon me, but I'm bored and it's time for you to get busy again."
I have to say, there's something delightful about the feeling of him toddling up and down on me, as if I'm just another bit of home furnishings or something. He's truly quite "at home" doing it and it always gets me smiling.
Except for a brief while when Yonah took a bit of a stroll out the door of his room and went for a visit in the living-room, we DID manage an entire day together! (There was a flight back though. I have to laugh: he walks out of the room and with his stance and stature, it almost looks as if "WELL! I'm SO out of HERE!" and then, suddenly, the flutter-whistle of wings as if "DID I MISS ANYTHING?")
But, over-all... it was quite a lovely, clear, sunny day today. Oddly enough, as the day progressed, it became much warmer out-side than in, so I put Yonah's fan on to draw both, the fresh air and the warmth in. The doors of the house were open, so there was much fresh air about. And from the Western (front) door, the breezes were warm... from the Northern (back) door, there was that tell-tale Spring "coolness". But we had sun. We had fresh air.
Another 45 minutes at the back door this evening. Seems 18.15-19.00 is when the Yardies come round. This evening, we had FOUR visitors. There seems to be one rather "dominant" female who stays close to or sits in the middle of the food on the raised tray on the pine stump. There's a "couple" in which the male chases after the female, but she makes it abundantly clear that she has no interest in him. They were here last evening and the evening before, and he chases after her as she toddles, "full throttle", away. Last evening and again this, he gave a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". She simply ignored him. BUT Yonah gave one resounding "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... and Mr. Suitor took off. I wonder... Yonah has the upper wing (as it were)? But as I say, there were four for a while. Two males, two females. The other male just comes round, toddles about the kitchen garden fence and then leaves. The other female though, tends to be quite confident as she's the one who comes along the back walk and will come to the bottom of the steps.
All the while, Yonah rests and roosts on my shoulder, preening. Once in a while he'll look out the door, but there still appears to be no particular interest in the other doves, at all. From time-to-time, he gives me a "glance", but for the most part, he's quite comfortable on my shoulder... or he'll scuttle to the back, and rest at my neck. It does seem that he has a sense of "security" with me there and he's not as "skittish" at the back door as he used to be. And with his lack of interest in the others, perhaps he and I ARE our own "flock", or, it's as others say, we're "mates". What-ever it is, I'm more at peace now, seeing that Yonah is more at peace. We've come through quite a lot together... and a VERY LONG way from that first evening. Both of us... together.
At about 19.30, there were about SIX doves out there, and I brought Yonah back to the door to see his reaction fo MORE doves... This time, the interest was even LESS... He wouldn't give them a second glance. Instead, he came back to me. Well then... OK. (I want to figure a way to get his "old house" to the back, in the evening, when the sun is still shining there, on the back gallery rail, and the other doves come along. I don't know what "good", if any, it will do, but it's worth one try, at the very least. (Hopefully I won't be making the gravest error of my life-time... causing Yonah to miss his flocks. But I won't know until...)
Good news for tonight: a bit warmer than the past couple of nights so he should be quite cozy. And to think: no predators to worry about, no concern about any sort of inclement weather. Just as life ought to be for him and will be, so long as we both take breath.
Tonight, my little Heart-and-Soul can rest peacefully and safely...
Thursday 26 May:
'twas a morning of no "chit-chat" today, this morning. 6.33 came a resounding "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo", to which I replied, in kind. The answer? "woo-HOO!" Well! OK. So I tried another "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo" and the answer was the same as before: "woo-HOO!" No, there was to be no "discussion" on the matter. It was time to get up and get this morning rolling, face the day and let's have at it! So, all else in the general house-hold was dropped and we had doors and windows to open, water relay to settle and a day to confront ahead. "All wings on deck", as it were.
And when I got into Yonah's room, opened the door and leaned in for "Good morning kisses", there was a brief exchange, a stretch of the wings and a hop about to the other perch. The sun was coming up over the mountains and apparently, we were in for some kind of day. But the most important aspect of the morning, as it is with EVERY morning: my little Heart-and-Soul was up, about and obviously well-rested and feeling well. It's "THE" delight of any day... every day... and makes waking all worth the while, to be sure.
And as the day moved along, we did make the best of it. I had much to accomplish and ALL, but one errand, done at the work table. Much of that was making phone calls and, as it seems to be, as I spoke, though on the phone to others, it gave Yonah comfort. He obviously enjoys hearing my voice... maybe as much as I enjoy hearing his. It's a comfort to me to hear him coo'ing, to know that he's near, to know that he's OK. And so it seems that, hearing my voice, since there's nobody else in the room, he takes it as though I'm speaking to/with him. (More than I can say for my perception of his coo's. I, the alleged "intelligent" one in the room, have little-to-no idea what Yonah is trying to convey, his reason for coo'ing, to whom. Ah, if only I had even the slightest understanding. Sometimes it seems obvious, as when I'm in another room, making any sort of sound, and he calls with more than his "perch coo". The "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" will often be part of a full dialogue between us. He calls out, I answer and he'll keep the interaction rolling. But, when that's not the case, how I DO wonder: is he just "singing", as is claimed of others Little Ones who chirp during the day, or is he calling out in the hopes of hearing another dove replying? I don't know... I don't "KNOW"... and I SO wish I could. I'm still so at odds with my-self over getting a "dove companion" for Yonah, some other Little One he might be able to relate to/with, chat with, instead of me, making feeble attempts at conducting some sort of meaningful conversation. But come the moments when it appears he resents even a photo of another dove and so... Again, me, the alleged "intelligent" being, "advanced"... at a complete loss. Maybe one day... either in this existence or... Maybe one day... )
We were together, as I say, for the greater part of the day but this after-noon I had to step out to attend to a task and it kept me away for a while. BUT... when I returned, I had to walk along the road, just out-side Yonah's window and, though his windows were closed (it was quite breezy today... comfortable temperatures but when I opened his window by his house, the force was such that I noticed he stayed away from the direct wind so the window got closed again) I could hear him, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo'ing". It was, to me, quite bitter-sweet. I DO SO LOVE hearing him coo'ing, but again, as I say, I don't know whether it's "song", calling for another dove or, as he's proven already, many times previously, did he "sense" that it was me passing the window and he was calling out to me:
(I wonder if he misses me as much as I miss him... and I DO miss him, deeply, when I'm away. I SO dislike having to leave the house for any length of time and when I return, Yonah always seems to be happy that I've returned. But I wonder... I always wonder...)
This after-noon came quite another bit of a surprise too, when I got back into the house. I'd gone in, of course, to let Yonah know that I'd returned and he headed out to the living-room, to "visit with the decoys", as he does. (No doubt, to tell them of my absence and return, as it were.) But then, I had to check the clocks, because the timing on them was some-how "off". When I went into the bed-room, a room he seldom goes to, unless on my shoulder, HE CAME FLYING, DIRECTLY, INTO THE BED-ROOM AND RIGHT TO MY SHOULDER! Obviously, he some-how knew that I was in the room and it wasn't just by any sort of "coincidence" that he came in, directly, as I say. HOW he knew that I was in there is another "amazement" to me. But it was such a GLORIOUS feeling to see and to experience. So now I can be rather assured that he IS aware of my presence in the house, even to the room I happen to be in. AND, the fact that he came to be with me is such a MAGNIFICENT COMFORT, a consolation to me. It's comforting to know that, at times, he truly DOES WANT to be with me. More of why I refer to him as my "Heart-and-Soul"... he TRULY IS.
And so, this evening, again, we dined together, as is our "normal course" of late, and after, we did our evening water relay and started to settle-down for the evening.
And we got another good 45 minutes at the back door. There were 3 other mourning doves in the kitchen garden this evening, though they didn't come often nor stay long as the breezes were quite strong and surely, it was a challenge to them when in flight. BUT, this evening, Yonah literally "rested" on my shoulder as I stood there. Ever-so comfortable, I caught moments when he was just so settled that he closed his eyes, as if dozing just a bit. THAT comfort is, to me, one of the GREATEST BLESSINGS. That he has such a trust and be so comfortable so close to me that he feels safe enough to close his eyes. And, that he does so at the back door now... Until most recently, he's always seemed apprehensive at that door, looking out to the yard where his attack had been some 19 months ago. But now, it appears that he realises that, with me, he has no reason to fear anything, that he understands that I'm here to protect him against all that would cause him harm. It was, for me, just one of the most consoling moments of my life-time. Yonah's trust of me is of such great importance. With-out it, I know his life would be a living Hell, feeling that he need be wary of me. And my intentions are always, first and foremost, to make sure that he's safe and comfortable, kept in best health always. And by rights, by "nature", other than our time together and all that's transpired, he has no cause to trust me at all. Yet, by his own choice, he does. My intentions are known... He's just BRILLIANT!
And too, as we stood, waiting for the return of the "Yardies", he preened, as he does, and he managed to pluck an "off" feather from his left wing (the one that was so badly injured) and it as he let it go, it drifted down... onto my arm. Yes, that was simply a coincidence, but it was, none-the-less, so touching to me. (It's not as though I don't have a "collection" of feathers... I've saved all of the feathers he's shed during his moultings. This one though, has a special sentiment... attached to the memory of a moment when we were together, so calm, so quiet, looking out the door as warm breezes blew, waiting for the arrival of other mourning doves... his "flock", perhaps.)
After we'd stood a while and it was obvious that the 5 or 6 doves wouldn't be coming round today, seems Yonah was more ready to settle-down for the night and he headed back to his house. I looked at the clock... 19.30. Though there was still considerable day-light out-side, and there were still some other birds flying about between gusts of wind, Yonah was tired... it was the end of our day. After all, he'd been up and about for well over 12 yours already and there was a 10-hour (at least) "snooze time" ahead. So I followed him into his room. He was already in, and having a bit of a snack when I arrived so I waited for him to finish eating. (To me, another comfort in my life is knowing that he doesn't go to sleep at night, hungry. He fills his little crop and has nourishment to digest through the night hours.)
When he'd done, I got to the business of closing blinds and curtains and thankfully, tonight's "low" temperature was expected to be only 17°... comfortable, and surely NOT the bitter -20s nor any hot and humid +20s. So we closed against the street light and against any potential gusts of wind. And as I worked at that, Yonah had another quick nosh and went to settle on his perch for the night.
By 19.55... my Little Guy was all tucked-in, nice and safe and sound. There was just enough light in the room so that he could move about safely, should he have any reason to do so, but it was just dark enough for him to comfortably settle and drift into a good sleep. We got our little last-minute kisses in and... lights out, and I moved into the kitchen.
It was, needless to say, a good day, together and now, a good night, safe and secure was to follow. My little Heart-and-Soul could rest, with-out a care. No predators, winds, rains, cold... just safe.
Friday 29 May:
Just as I was wondering when Yonah would decide to wake this morning, pondering his hours of rest, and waiting for my sole reason for getting up in the morning... 6.34 came, from the next room, wafting on the stillness of this rather grey but comfortably warm morning... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". Wonder no more, my Heart-and-Soul was up and calling and WE had a day ahead to attend!
This morning, we had a bit more of a "chat" though, as I got things together... we had an exchange of coo's, a dialogue of sorts, for a bit before the final "woo-HOO!" signalled that "chat time" was done. So that was a comfort to me this morning. At least there wasn't the same "urgency" of yesterday morning (which I remembered well).
Although, when I went into his room and gave a "Good morning woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo", from his "night spot" on his perch, Yonah replied with a "woo-HOO!" and a wing stretch. So yes, he was anxious to get curtains and blinds open, night boards removed and on with the light of day (such as it was this over-cast morning. I was on the case and into the morning roll... directly after "Good morning kisses". And as I attended my duties, Yonah was up and about in his house, ready to GO as soon as I finished and put his house back in position for the day. And it didn't take but moments... as I began the morning water relay, he was up on his roof-top, standing tall on the little platform there, coo'ing away... to start the day.
Ah, but the day... stayed dark, grey, got hot, humid. But it gave me time to get a lot of other things that needed to be done and all of them, in Yonah's room, his company.
One of his little habits is that, when I'm on the telephone, in his room, since there's only the two of us in the room, he hears me talking and it seems that he perceives it as that I'm talking to/with him... and he answers! Or, at least, he engages in conversation. As I was talking with some-one on the phone, Yonah was "woo-HOO'ing" almost all the while. Personally, I don't mind it at all. If he thinks I'm talking to/with him, all the better because it gives him a sense of my "involvement with him". But I do wonder if the person on the other end can hear him and if so, what they much wonder. But hey, I ask: is there anything more beautiful than the coo'ing of a dove to hear? (And I MUST admit that, when I'm on a business call and the person on the other end starts to get to my nerves, Yonah's presence puts my blood pressure and general mood in check. First of all, he senses when I'm upset. This much has been proven more often in our 19 months together. I can SEE the change in him when I'm upset, no matter how hard I try to keep it to my-self. As birds and other Little Ones can communicate with-out words, Yonah has an indescribable "sense" of my every mood and often, he responds accordingly. When I'm particularly happy, he's particularly boisterous. When I'm annoyed, he becomes calm, still, as if sensing some kind of "threat". So yes, indeed, I do my best to keep ALL of my anger, no matter how great or small, in check... no matter where I am in the house because Yonah can sense it, no matter where I happen to be. And the very last thing I want to do in this life is have HIM upset in ANY way for ANY reason.)
That said, when "business" was done, we managed to grab about 30 minutes of "lie-down"... together. As I laid on the futon, Yonah busied him-self toddling up and down, from my head to my toes, literally. Every now and again, he'd stop on my chest and when I opened my eyes, there he was, staring at me. When he saw my eyes open, he went back to his toddling, as if he'd been "caught staring". Needless to say, it was a "lie-down" and certainly not a "nap". Fact is, I SO enjoy it when he comes over and gets comfy on me. I'm forever amazed that we've become so close and it's something I NEVER even thought of, particularly in our earlier days together.
So the day went on, and we were together. And when I went to the kitchen for a bit of a snack, or to put the kettle on... and do the washing-up, Yonah came out to the kitchen too, stood behind me on the floor until I acknowledged that I saw him at which point, he toddled along, either out to the living-room or back to his room. Though today, he did more toddling than flying. He flies as well as ever, but it seems he's become so comfortable in the house that he doesn't see the need to fly. He can walk about as safely as could be and obviously, he's VERY MUCH aware of that fact. But as I say, his flying is just as good as ever and he does get quite a bit of that in too. I'm happy about that. If he should stop flying, I start worrying.
And this evening? We dined together... and yes, we both ate at the very same time. Either he gets that hungry at the time of day when I have my meal or... he's come to associate a certain time of day with me sitting at the work table to eat. So, more often than not, we do eat at the very same time.
After meal and washing up, we did the evening water relay and as that was going on, the skies darkened even more and the rains came. No "Yardies" tonight, sadly. But Yonah and I DID manage to get about 20 minutes at the back door, looking and watching as the rains fell. He seemed to enjoy the time together, again, resting calmly on my shoulder. But by the time we'd done with all the rest of the set-up for "seepie-nigh-night", and the visit to the back door, he was ready to settle-down for the night. It was, by then, 19.46. So, I walked into his room and leaned my shoulder into his house so he just had to make a little hop to his perch... and he did, and went directly to his little loft mirror to bid "Good night" to the little reflection there. As I put the roof board on his house, he scuttled over to his "night spot" on his perch. Our day had come to a close. All was well.
At 20.00, kisses and snuggles and... light out. My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a good night's rest. And thankfully, tonight, warmer temperatures so no worries about chills in the house. The rains fell out-side but my Little Guy had no cause for concern about any of that. He was protected from the elements, the predators... the world.
Saturday 28 May:
This clear, cool, humid morning began with "morning call" at 5.57, in the calm, quiet stillness of the earliest morning hours. A soft but clear "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" from Yonah's room, as last night turned to this morning, and an immediate reply when I called back with my morning "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo". He was up, awake and ready to GO! And when I got to his house, that was obvious. As I opened his door, wing stretches and a stand on his perch that said "KISSES... and let's get going!" My day was perfect. My Little Guy was well-rested and feeling just fine, and to me, nothing else in Creation matters.
After kisses, and a snuggle, I got right to opening curtains and blinds to our grey day, and letting in what light the sun managed to shine through the window. It did seem quite "dark" for that hour of the morning, but it was obviously light enough for Yonah because,as I got to the matter of water relay, he was on the wing and up to his roof-top from where he watched me almost running back and forth with fresh water for his pool and drinking dish.
But after morning routine was done, and I went to settle the kitchen, there was quite a bit that had to be said today, and was Yonah ever vociferous! The "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's" rolled, with very little time in between for him to take the next breath! It was as if he was coo'ing in complete paragraphs. And when I interrupted with a "comment"... my own "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" or some variation, he had sentences in reply! It really was almost as though there were more than just one little dove in that room! AND... IT WAS MAGNIFICENT!
So often, people seem to interpret the cooing of a mourning dove as being sad, melancholy... "mourning". But over our time together, I've come to realise that the coo'ing of a mourning dove is the same as the "chirp" of just about any other "song-bird". (And yes, doves are classified as "song-birds" so their coo's are "music", for the most part... well... the males, anyway, since the females aren't known to actually "coo" as the males do.) And the repeated coo'ing that Yonah does in the mornings is his way of "greeting a new day", just as the other Little Ones do as the sun begins to rise. It's a comforting, warm, beautiful commencement, and it's re-assuring to me because, just as Yonah listens to the "qualities" of the sounds around him, as mourning doves listen to the "qualities" of other doves so that they can actually distinguish one from another, I always pay careful attention to the strength, clarity, length, patterns of Yonah's coo's... particularly first thing in the morning. They're indications of how well he rested and how he feels, over-all. (It's the "little" things in life that matter most.)
As the day progressed, we had a couple of good rain-falls, but Yonah and I were together for the entire day. I still have much that I'm working on for his web-site and sitting in the room with him is the greatest encouragement and inspiration. It's also a bit of a distraction because today was another one of his "Let's be together" days. As I'd work, we had his bird-songs playing with a low back-ground of radio (human voice and human music), and every so often, I'd hear the flutter of a wing-snap. Turning, there was my Little Guy, standing on his door perch, staring at me... waiting for cuddles, kisses and games. (And, of course, I'm ALWAYS delighted to oblige.)
And at mid-day, we both took a bit of a "tea break", as it were, for a quick bite to eat... together and then, as the rains fell out-side the window, we both headed for the futon for a 30-minute, mid-day snooze... also... very much... together.
I can't say how or why it is, but the moment Yonah sees me get to the futon and reach for the little blanket that I cover with, he heads directly over to the pillow where I lay my head. Some-times, he'll make him-self comfortable there, just at the top of my head and at other times, he'll rest on my shoulder (I lay on my side). As I doze, I can feel him toddling down to my leg and foot and sometimes he'll hop off, onto the futon and toddle back up to my shoulder and I feel him hop back up there. When I wake? He's either on the shoulder or resting on my bent knee. We DO, actually, nap together, more often than not. But if I happen to actually fall asleep, almost with-out fail, two minutes before the alarm is set to sound, I'll feel a "tap tap tap" on my head; Yonah telling me that it's time to wake up (and get back to the tasks of the day). Every single time, I'm amazed. As I say, I don't know how or why he came to that habit, but I'm always honoured by the privilege, and I will say that there can't be a greater JOY in life than to have such a Companion, and to see his little face staring, when one opens their eyes and sees it.
Well, the sun did manage to break through all the clouds this after-noon, and we opened Yonah's window for the fresh air. And as I continued to work, he came over to "check on progress" a few times, landing either on my shoulder (and pecking at my ear) or, on the little shelf that's set-up on the work table specifically for him. From there, he can see me and the key-board and all the other things on the table. And often, he appears fascinated, watching my fingers as I type. He really is so curious about even the slightest things that take place in his room.
This evening, at our usual hour, 17.00-18.00, we took a break for evening meal, together and when it was done, we had another 45 minutes at the back door to watch the "Yardies".
The "usual" female appeared first, and again, this evening, Yonah rested on my shoulder as we watched her toddle about on the back drive, and then fly up to the tray where I'd put fresh seeds for her and the others. In short order, another female came to join her and as they ate, together, Yonah flew up to roost on my head and got him-self quite nicely established there. It seemed that he needed to be in the "highest" position, but still able to "observe". He never made a move... just stayed, in one spot, on my head. A male came by too, this evening, but it was quite AMAZING to watch the one female literally CHASE him away! Not just away from the food but along the drive and up into the trees! And as Yonah and I stood watching, the two of them came SOARING by! Mademoiselle Dove was having NONE of him hanging about tonight!
Interestingly, when Yonah had had enough of watching, he took flight and headed back to his house where he had a little nosh and perched on his roof-top in his room for a while.
BUT... at 19.46 on the clock, he began calling, in earnest: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Clear. Strong. Firm. When I went into the room, he headed into his house. He was telling me that it was "time". He has his "set hour" for "seepie-nigh-night" and this was pushing it to the limit. So... no matter that there was still day-light out-side, I put his desk lamp on and he obviously began getting ready to settle-down for the night, with a little visit to his corner loft, and a "Good night" to the little reflection in the mirror there. And as I closed his window, blinds and curtains, he established him-self on his perch. Oh, but he DOES have his own clock, and schedule, and routine. It's more of the "AWE" that is my Heart-and-Soul.
Windows attended, we'd done the water relay after evening meal so his house was tidy and ready for the night, I leaned in, cuddles and kisses... and at 20.05... the desk lamp went off. My Little Guy was tucked-in for the night.
Forecast says 10° tonight, but Yonah has no cause for concern about that. The rains have passed and the air is still. But in Yonah's house, all is calm, safe from the elements and predators. My little Heart-and-Soul can rest, peacefully, safely until tomorrow when... I'll be at the ready for another morning call...
Sunday 29 May:
I watched the clock this morning... I watched it read and pass 6.00... then 6.15... 6.30.... The door to Yonah's room was open so I could hear any and everything that happened. At 6.45 I resolved that, if he didn't call by 7.00, I would go in to check on him. I didn't want to disturb him, if he was "sleeping-in", but, to be honest, by heart grew quite heavy, and though the sun was rising, in a clear morning sky, I grew darker with worry... this wasn't like Yonah, to be so quite this late in the day.
But as I sat, wondering and waiting... 6.51 and "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... HE WAS UP! AWAKE! AND CALLING! And the sun was back in the sky, and the world was well... and so was I! I called back: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and immediately came the same in reply. I headed RIGHT into his room, trying to keep happy but calm. I wanted to JUMP into the room but I didn't want to startle him.
He was, indeed, quite awake, when I got to his door, and ready for morning "greetings"... kisses and some cuddles and apparently, he was just taking some extra time this morning because he was really quite ENERGETIC too!
We had a little "chat" as I opened the curtains and blinds and as I got things ready for the "morning routine". And when I stepped out to get the water running for "water relay", Yonah headed up to his roof-top! From there, he gave a call, I gave a call back from the kitchen and when I started the back-and-forth of changing the water in his pool, he was off to the futon, off to his shelves and back to his house. As I say... ENERGETIC this morning. (If only he knew... but then, he probably did... my anguish this morning. But that was past and all was well with the morning.)
Since he was up and I still have work that I'm doing for his web-site, I got the kitchen and house settled quickly and was set-up at the work table in short time, ready to get on with our day together.
The sun shone but last night's coolness lingered in his room. Ah, but out-side, the air was warm, so I opened his window and put his fan on for a bit. Out-side was 24°, in his room, barely 21°. The warm air was most welcome by both of us.
For most of the day, we listened to bird-songs and a little of radio as I worked at the table. And of course... OH, but the "snuggle breaks"! Yonah likes knowing that he has company when I'm there. He tends to be calm, quiet, enjoys being in that little "nest box". But every now and again, he hops down to this door perch and gives a wing-snap... to catch my attention, and when I turn to look, he stares right at me and gives another... It's time for "SNUGGLES"... and there's NOTHING in Creation that's more important than that, to me. So? So... we break, I "cup" him in my hands and make little "pecking" sounds with light kisses, and he nestles his head into my chin until he's had "sufficient"... at which point, he heads up to his perch and then hops across to his "nest box". All is well.
We managed a 20-minute snooze today... together, of course, and he woke me just before the alarm, of course, with his gentle "tap-tap-tap" on my head.
And he was quite the little "walker" today too. As I worked, I saw him toddling out of the room and into the kitchen. And at one point, I'd left the room to step out onto the front porch and when I came back in, I couldn't find him. After a good search, there he was, in the living-room... he'd followed me out of the room when he heard the front screen door close! He's AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT! He KNOWS where I am and when I've stepped out! He notices every little thing in this house. It truly is ASTOUNDING!
I did manage to get quite a bit of my own tasks complete today... in between "Play Breaks"... and THOSE were PLENTIFUL through the day. (That extra sleep this morning did Yonah a world of good... obviously.)
This evening, as routine, we dined together and after all was settled, I took him to the back door again, as we've been doing in the evenings, now that the other doves are coming by for their evening meal. But this evening... well...
When we got to the door, there was another dove, off in the distance, coo'ing "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... He coo'ed a couple of times and Yonah, on my shoulder, replied! TWICE! Suddenly, the female who comes by almost routinely, came flying in and landed on the back walk. This evening, Yonah took notice... BUT... as soon as he did... he went RUSHING BACK TO HIS HOUSE! When I went in, right away, to check on him, he avoided me! Wouldn't let me come near him, was on his roof-top and stayed toward the window-side, farthest away from me! My heart just about shattered with fear thinking that the male who called and to whom he responded might have been from his original flock and he was missing them! I can't say the same for the female because she's obviously quite young and, although may be the daughter of one of his flock (in which case, I have no doubt he'd know), I can safely doubt she's from the original flock. Still, it was quite a bit of a shock to me and HOW I ACHED, thinking I'd brought my little Heart-and-Soul ANY cause for ANY sort of sorrow! I was at a complete loss for knowing what to do... and that I couldn't hold him or even "play" just put me completely "out". All I could think to do was let him be... so I went to the kitchen but stayed where he could see that he wasn't alone... I was still here... for and with him.
About 15 minutes later, I went back into his room and he was back in his house and I went over to him, leaned my face in and he came over to give me some pecks on the nose. Apparently, things were better. I just SO wish I could know what had happened. But I won't be taking him to the back door again... at least for a while. If we go on "evening walks", we'll stick to the front door... where he'll head for the decoys, no doubt.
At about 19.40, he began calling... and when I looked at the clock I figured he was reminding me that it was "seepie-nigh-night time". After all, no matter what, he does need his rest at night and when he gets tired, he knows how to let me know. I tried for more snuggles and kisses and cuddles as I started to get his room in order for the night and, well, it seemed that all is back to "normal". (At least, I HOPE it is.) And as I closed his blinds and curtains, he was getting settled in his house. I put up the back board, put his house in position, and as I removed my things from the work table, he had his "night nosh". He's eating, and well, so, that much is a great sign that he's OK.
By 20.00 my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in. 12° tonight, so we won't keep the fan running, nor the window open. Nights for that will be coming. But for now, there's safety from the elements, the predators and other such that would cause my Little Guy harm.
I'm relieved that we got our usual snuggles, cuddles and kisses in before "tuck-in". My heart would shatter if I were to cause him any discomfort, sadness, anything but his happiness. I'm not perfect. There's so much that I don't know when it comes to what I can and should and must do for him... and I don't mean only on some book-educated level. I don't want him to ever have to really miss the world into which he was born and, as far as I know, intended to live in. If one were to believe in "Fate", one could say that our Companionship was intended, some-how. I almost wish I could believe in such things. I'll always feel inferior to Yonah, but I'll always try to do what-ever I can to make the rest of his life the best I possibly, humanly-possibly can. After all, when I refer to him as my "Heart-and-Soul", he is, as one solid entity, he's both. I take breaths because he takes breaths. My heart beats because his heart beats. I am... because he is.
Monday 30 May:
This morning was really delightfully cool, and the sun rose into a wonderfully clear sky. The "holiday" (Memorial Day) traffic hadn't started, so the world out-side was still, calm, a wonderful mountain morning. And, at 5.51, it was made perfect with the call of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" from the corner room of the old house. Yonah was up, and, I supposed, he'd had a good night's rest because he was back to his "regular Summer hour". And when I replied, with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" he was in a bit of a mood for a little morning conversation again today.
He really was rested, and ready to take the day this morning because, I went in, opened his door, as always, leaned in for our morning kisses and as soon as we'd exchanged those, I went to open his curtains and blinds and he was on the wing! Right up to the upper-most point on the wall shelf where he attended his morning preening and watched (supervised) this morning's tidying and water relay. And through it all, he made "comments" here and there about this and that... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo" and "woo-HOO!" I couldn't ask for a better start to any day. Good conversation and my Little Guy was obviously well, and in good spirits.
As soon as everything that needed to be attended this morning, I brought the lap-top and coffee into his room and settled at the work table, intending to get back to the tasks but Yonah had other plans this morning... CUDDLES! Today was to be "affections", and of course, I put everything else aside when I got the wing-snap from the door perch. And OH! How he seemed to SO enjoy the attention, the kisses and gentle strokes on his back. (And, honestly, I enjoyed it every bit as much. It's the most soothing, calming, comforting of times when I see how calm he is, and when he nudges his head up into my chin, it's re-assuring to know that I'm still in his good graces... I'm doing OK as I fuddle through all that I try to do for him and provide for him.)
As the morning progressed though, and the sun rose higher, it brought with it, much welcomed warmth to the morning hours and we opened the window to let in the warm, Summer-like breezes.
By about 11.30, it had gotten SO comfortably warm in the room (23°) that, as I worked, I noticed that all was rather quiet in the room, save the radio and bird-songs. I turned round, looked over my shoulder and... indeed... there was my Little Guy, just lounging an soaking in his pool as the fountain splashed beside him. I was tempted to grab the camera, but he looked so peaceful and content that I didn't want to disturb him. The cool water must have felt such a delight and surely, if Yonah wanted a little "soak"... I just kept to my work and a few moments later, I heard the familiar ruffle of feathers... Yonah was on his "beach". laying on the warm sand in the sun-light, drying and basking. WHAT A MOST BEAUTIFUL SIGHT TO SEE HIM SO CONTENT, SO COMFORTABLE. And I always think, when I see him that way, that it's another of my little pleasures knowing that he can be there, as long as he wants... with nothing to disturb him, and no predators malingering, either on the ground or in the air. He truly is safe in his house... in his room... in this old house. If I provide nothing, I can provide him with that much.
And so, our day rolled, gently, on, quietly and pleasantly. And this after-noon, we took a little break for a mid-day "frolic"... a bit of play, a LOT of cuddling!
I had to step out of the house for a short errand and again, today, as Yonah tends to do when I'm preparing to run errands or any other reason I might have that takes me out of the house... He'd been in his room, in is nest box when I got up and went to the kitchen. But as soon as I started putting my shoes on, he was right there, on the floor, beside me! I'll never understand, nor ever know how he "KNOWS" them I'm preparing to leave the house, but, in more recent times, the same thing happens, with-out fail. I've even come to a point where I plan on when I have to leave for an errand of some kind and won't think of it until the very last minute, usually as I'm grabbing my shoes and getting ready to go. Even for the brief moments to fetch the daily post, I take the key, then go about something else in the house, and at the last second, I head for the door. (And of late, usually, I come back in to find Yonah in the living-room... waiting for me.)
The day was full of such moments, even when I'd step into the kitchen for a beverage or, when I'd returned from my errand, I walked into the house and Yonah came out to "greet" me. I envy him in his "telepathy". I envy ALL the "Little Ones" out there, because, from deer to fish, and birds in all, they all seem to have that ability to "KNOW"... with-out making a sound. The abilities humans attribute to some distant future, the Little Ones... the "wild" ones, are already that far advanced.
Well, when I came back and settled-in again, I grabbed a little mid-day snack and as I sat to eat, at the work table, Yonah too, had his mid-day snack.
And the day grew ever-warmer. By this evening, just before meal-time, the temperature out-side had reached 31°. Yonah's room was 27°. And again, whether or not he uses it, I'm relieved to know that, should it be too warm for him, he has his pool... and, for air circulation, his window fan. That might not "cool" per se, but at least it moves the air about and keeps it from growing "stale".
Well we dined together and after, we did the house-tidying and fresh, clean, cool water was put into his pool... for splashing and/or drinking. And when done, the doves in the back yard were calling. Two males, out-side, some-where, were calling back and forth and Yonah, from the roof-top of his house, joined-in.
Since Yonah was participating in the conversation from out-side, and I'm still trying to learn all I can about him and his interactions with other doves, I decided to try to bring him, on my shoulder, to the back door one more time. At first, he seemed hesitant, but then, he was quite comfortable, roosting, as it were, on my shoulder, as I walked slowly to the back door. And when we arrived, another male came in and rested on the food tray on the pine pole in the kitchen garden! Quite "a looker" too, I must say. For the most part, he ignored Yonah and I as we stood, perfectly still on our side of the screen door, and he had a bit of a light snack, so to speak. BUT, after a moment or so, he stood, quite proud and erect, at the edge of the tray and with head raised forward, let go with a most resounding "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" and Yonah was having NONE of it! He was off and back to his roof-top from where HE responded with his own rather boisterous "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!". It seemed as though he, Yonah, was aware of the presence of another male in "HIS" territory and he was making certain that it was CLEARLY understood that THIS is HIS territory and intruders are NOT to be welcomed. SO... there we have it. Were I to ever get a companion dove for Yonah... NO MALES! (Of course, should the need ever present where I would take another injured dove in, I'll just have to be EXCEPTIONALLY careful where s/he is housed AND how much time I spend with him/her. Although, knowing now, what Yonah has taught me over our time together, there will be a greater focus on "heal and release". And now I have a much better idea how to make such a thing happen. If the "patient" is a female, I won't worry about "territorial battles"... but if it should be a male, precautions will be taken.
Well... after that, it was almost time for both Yonah and I to settle our day... but, again, this evening, at about 19.40... "the call". Repeated "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's", telling me that it was time to get affairs together for tuck-in! It truly is remarkable how Yonah has his own clock, and no matter where the sun might be in the sky (though, it's rather low by 19.40... not "set" but low enough to darken his room a bit), when he's tired, he knows how to make that known. So I got to the business of closing his blinds and curtains and as I did, Yonah had his before-bed-time snack. (What comforts me is that I can move his house about on the shelving... it has wheels just for that purpose - work at the curtains and such, and even put on the back board and Yonah pays it not one bit of attention. I've become "routine"... and I'm quite happy about that.) And so, windows closed against the intrusive street light, but open so that his window fan can continue to run and as the night air cools, so too, his room, it was about 20.05 when Yonah hopped over to his perch, we exchanged our "Good night kisses", his door was closed and the light off. My little Heart-and-Soul was safely and securely tucked-in for another good night of restful sleep.
Tonight's forecast low is still 20° (thankfully no "minus" before that any more... for a while), so my Little Guy will be quite comfy-warm and tomorrow's high, 24° with possible storms, so, I'm looking forward to a good day of more working on Yonah's web-site... in his room... with him... and more play and cuddles. But for today? He's all tucked-in... for a good night's sleep... my Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul.
Tuesday 31 May:
Is it possible? How? May is done and we move into June. Half of another calendar year has passed. The days pass too quickly as it is, but now, the entire year. "Time"... Not so long ago, it dragged, ever-so slowly, with a sense and degree of "meaninglessness". Then, on 13 October 2020, that all changed. This little Life, in need of caring, attention, affection, Love, came along and since then, the World made a complete turn. Yonah came along and every second that has passed has been worth more than anything else, any-where. But the time started to accelerate, the world, it seems, began to spin faster, and I began to feel as though being robbed, time being stolen, constantly. Mornings snap to evenings, evenings to nights and the days are no longer than the seconds. When I was young, mother used to say "Life is not 'fair'." Indeed, no it isn't. Einstein said that "time is relative", that when we are dissatisfied or mournful, "time" appears to move slowly, the minutes, heavy. But in joy and jubilation, that same "time" rushes through and is gone before we have the opportunity to truly enjoy, relish it.
I understand that Yonah's time is limited, as is mine. I don't necessarily accept that, but I understand it... Understanding doesn't make it any the more palatable. Nor does it make me any the more likely to simply acquiesce. Yonah is my "absolute"... Yes, I suppose that's the term for it... my "absolute".
Ah... and I sat pondering this oddly very warm morning... 5.41 on the clock and from the next room a rather soft "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" came drifting out. And a moment later, and equally soft "woo-HOO!" It was SO "soft" that I didn't reply, wondering if Yonah wasn't simply calling because of something he might have heard or... perhaps he was dreaming. (A check, on-line, as to whether or not birds dream confirms:
"Do birds dream? Scientists at the University of Chicago observed that they exhibit REM sleep, with a burst of activity in a brain region called the robustus archistralis (RA), which is active when they're singing."
Of course, this is a para-phrased quote from one of many web-sites... I never take only one reference and never one that simply fits a particular narrative.)
There was nothing more from him so I went about my morning routine and waited for further "notifications" and at 6.04 came a more robust "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and THIS time, when I didn't reply immediately, it was followed by yet another "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". When I did reply, the response was that old familiar "woo-HOO!" and so, in was off and moving... into Yonah's room to "open house" with many PURELY DELIGHTFUL flutters of wings and kisses and pecks. My Little Guy was up and ready to roll!
As I say, it was an unexpectedly warm morning, and quite humid so early, so his window was opened and the fan went on to get the last vestiges of any morning coolness into the house before the temperatures rose during the day. And Yonah seemed quite well-rested, and energetic. The 22° seemed to meet with quite his approval. It's about what I tried to maintain in his room through the Winter, but the difference this morning: open window! Air circulating, and the sounds of the Little Ones out-side (instead of the recorded bird-songs). It MUST have made a difference to Yonah, and I can understand: fresh air and actual birds! Well! He was up and about, roof-top to wall shelves even as I got started with our "morning routine"! It was an absolute DELIGHT!
As the day passed along, I had a LOT of telephone calls to make and conducted them in Yonah's room, and all the while, he nestled, as it were, in his "nest box" and coo'ed as I spoke. So content... He makes it obvious that he's comforted by knowing that I'm there, just by the sound of my voice. And when I had to go to the kitchen to grab my coffee or to wash a dish, I must have spent a bit too much time there because, in silence, he toddled out stopped for a brief moment and continued on to the living-room. He was making sure I was in the house! He's been doing that quite often in the past few days. No matter where I go in the house, if I don't let my presence be known by talking with/to him, he comes looking for me. He knows when I'm preparing to leave for an errand, and he's gotten to where he knows where to look for me. To me, it's both fascinating AND one of the highest honours, and most humbling experiences of a life-time. When-ever I start to wonder if my adoration of him is even slightly reciprocated, I'm assured: Yonah cares about me as I care about him. "SENTIENCE". It's why I say, and not frivolously:
I am because he is.
Well, the sun shone wonderfully through the rest of the day. The temperature in Yonah's room, where, for the most part, we both stayed as I worked along and we played and had snuggles and enjoyed each-other's company. Windows and doors all through the house were open, and the breezes blew comfortably through. And today, we listened to Yonah's collection of bird-songs... no radio. It was a pure delight... almost as if spending time in the woods, with nothing but the sounds of the birds, and enjoying the comforting breezes.
This evening, as we do now, we both took our "evening meals", together, I at the work table and Yonah at his little ledge. And I finished quickly so to make up for some of the time with him that I'd lost during those phone calls. But we DID manage a LOT OF "LUVIN'S" today! Play, snuggles, cuddles, kisses... Never "enough" though. I'm never not aware that every second of time that passes is more time that we have together, and less time we have to look forward to. EVERY second of time with my Little Guy is THE MOST PRECIOUS to me... and I can't (and won't) even imagine "time"... with-out him.
We did manage to get a couple of moments in, again, this evening, at the back door. The "Yardies" had been and gone by about 19.00 though. I suppose the food is becoming more plentiful in the wilderness. But we stood for a bit, watching and waiting, and when Yonah had had enough, he headed back to the comfort and familiarity of his house. And so, the old clock swept our day away.
True to his course, at about 19.25 came the "reminder"... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... It was approaching the hour of "settle-down" before seepie-nigh-night. There was still quite a bit of day-light out-side but, when Yonah is tired... his clock prevails. He was tired, it was time to wrap this day up! And as I closed blinds and curtains, and even as I put up the back board, Yonah had his "before bed-time snack". There was no hesitation tonight. He was tired and ready for a night's snooze! So, we got his place together, everything settled nicely. Kisses, cuddles, snuggles and "Good nights" attended.. by 19.55, his desk light (which I put on in the evening because he associates that with "seepie-nigh-night") was turned off... There was plenty of residual day-light for Yonah to move about in his house, even to take a bit more to eat... if he chose to. But, he was safe and sound in his own house, on his own perch... and our day had come to a close. My little Heart-and-Soul... free to sleep, peacefully, restfully and safe through the night... as it should be... as I will always do my best to provide for him... as long as we both take breath.
Another month has passed... in less time than a blink of an eye. And tomorrow... the end of the first half of another year comes along. Yonah and I are passing time together... and it feels, always, that time is being taken from us at an un-fair rapid rate. BUT... we've both made it past the "average 18 month" life-span of a mourning dove... how much time remains for us will be seen, when both of us, together...