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Emergency Medical

JUNE 2022
mourning dove 12 June 2022
Wednesday 01 June:
June... Already. Half of another year has passed, and, with Yonah in my life, entirely too quickly. And this month marks our 20-month Anniversary! 20 months! AND in October... TWO YEARS! In August, if our calculations are correct, he will be TWO YEARS of age! That's 6 months more than the "average life expectancy"! (But 2 years into the "5 year" average of those who live longer.) June... already. It's all passing entirely too quickly.
And this June morning was cool, dark and damp. Rain in the forecast (which never came until evening, but the sun never really managed to break through the clouds). Yonah apparently took advantage of the darkness and had a bit of a "sleep-in" because it wasn't until 6.32 this morning that he blessed the day with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". And when I replied (JOYFULLY, as always), he called back only one more of the same before that final "woo-HOO!". He was well-rested, to be sure.
When I got in to start the "opening" of curtains, blinds and windows (it was cool, but warm enough to open the windows... and the fresh air is always welcome, especially after a Winter of being "sealed in") he was up and ready to GO! Kisses, cuddles, snuggles and WOOSH! He was off and flying! Little did I know at the time, that was to be today's general "theme".
I had so much that I needed to get accomplished today, being the beginning of a new month, and the carry-over work that is a "constant" any more, so I got the rest of the house settled and resolved to stay with him, at the work table, for the duration. Hey, it was dreary out there and there was nothing "out there" that called for any immediate attention so...
But as the day went along, the truth of the matter is, I didn't get as much done as I'd thought I would because today was "LOVE ME!" day!
OH... but Yonah was active, to say the least. Flying and toddling about the house! As I tried to get work done, he was up and all over the room, from house to futon, shelves... and strolling out to the kitchen, the living-room. Every time I wanted to move my feet or legs, I had to look first because there was never knowing where he'd be! On the futon, on the floor, on the back of the chair. Seldom were the moments when there wasn't some kind of activity going on.
We did have a "break" during the day, for a snooze... As usual, my head shared the pillow with my Little Guy and before the alarm sounded to wake me (I only really "half-snooze" anyway)... "TAP TAP TAP TAP" in my head. Truthfully, I do prefer the "tap" to the alarm, but I'm still amazed that Yonah has a "sense" of when the alarm is supposed to sound... 2 minutes before, he wakes me. Maybe he's trying to get me up before the alarm so that I can turn it off before it sounds? Ii don't know, but his timing is constant so there must be something... I wonder if the "phone" that I use for the alarm doesn't make some kind of sound just before the alarm? All more of the fascination... the AWE!
Just before we dined together this evening, we had a brief time to stand at the back door to look out. The doves out there were scarce today, perhaps because of the drizzle, but we looked out and as I stood there, Yonah literally "nestled" on my shoulder. He fluffed his feathers and rested his head, as if he were just there, comfortable and cozy, as though he was taking a little nap. It was one of those moments when I wished we could have just stayed there all evening... hours... maybe even days. It's such an honour, to me, that he's so calm, and obviously enjoys being together with me. But... our evening meal time was approaching so...
We did dine together this evening, delightfully, and after meal, we did the evening "tidy and water relay" and I got started with the daily journal.
As I typed, listening to bird-songs and a little radio, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... 19.38... There was a light rain falling out-side, the room was getting a little darker and that was my "reminder"... It was time to close the day, somebody was tired. It really is amazing how Yonah's come to know that he can tell me when he's ready to settle-down at the end of a day. And so, we got right to it. He obviously was tired and ready because, as I attended to curtains and blinds, he had his "before sleep snack". THAT does my heart a WORLD of good and peace, knowing that he doesn't go to sleep hungry. Surely, out in the "world", he would have to go searching for food or go to bed having to wait until the following day. But here, he has his food and water at all times... and he doesn't have any concerns about predators and the likes. Just as it should be.
Well, by 19.55, all was still, and my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in, all secure. We'd had quite the busy day behind us. The month of June has rolled in. The night was expected to be "fairly cool"... not "hot", but just cool enough to be comfortable and warm enough to not worry about chills. Summer is just down the road and round the corner... and we're together... That's all that matters.
Thursday 02 June:
Well, it did turn out to be an OK night, last. This morning, the house was "cool" but comfortable, even for a little mourning dove who was, when I got out of bed, still snoozing in the relative darkness of an over-cast day. And as I went about my morning routine, trying to be as quiet as possible, because the door to his room was open, at 6.21 came through, the "call"... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". The "official" opening of a new day, and it was clear, delightful, beautiful... comforting, to me, because it was the sound of a well-rested, healthy little feathered bundle of LIFE itself.
I replied with the same and the response was an equally clear "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". My "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" was answered... quickly, with a "woo-HOO!" OK... no time for chit-chat this morning. We had a day to get to and so, indeed, we did just that. When I got into Yonah's room, he was there, as he is of a morning, in his "night spot" on his perch, and it seemed he'd been "watching" for me. As soon as I got to the door to his house, he stretched his wings and when I leaned in for "Good morning kisses", I received some gentle pecks on the nose and he scuttled over, ready to hop over for his breakfast.
And as I opened his curtains and blinds to the grey morning out-side, Yonah bade "Good morning" to his little "mirror friend" on his loft and... we were ready to roll along through the hours ahead.
We got the "routine" done, including the water relay, during which, Yonah had his breakfast and when I was finished and went to the kitchen to settle there, he was OUT... toddling through the kitchen and out to the living-room... to have a look out the front door. (Inside door open... screen on the latch, of course.)

The rest of the morning went along quietly, calmly. I had telephone calls to make and made them from Yonah's room, at the work table. It seems he's quite content when I'm in the room... talking... even on the phone. I suppose it's the sound of my voice, a familiar sound, one that he associates with companionship and safety. Oh, that I can provide ALL the safety he deserves. Anyway, it was a delight, to me, when, from time-to-time, Yonah would let out a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" as I spoke. (I often wonder if the person on the other end of the call can hear him... I don't doubt that they can, and what they mus think... Perhaps I'm calling from some wood-land, or in a meadow? Oh, what-ever they think... they'd never understand that actuality of the situation. I'm living it and I still don't completely understand it!)
When calls were done and the morning had come to "mid-day snack", Yonah and I had ours together as I wrapped-up the morning business and then, we had a snooze. Yonah came to join me as I laid down but was having his own snooze, in his "nest box" when I woke. I have to try another night together... I'd love it, waking in the morning and seeing him there... (I keep thinking: if I could get me shrunk-down some-how, to fit, I'd be in his house with him... or... if I could think of a way, and I'm pondering... clearing obstacles out of his room and just expanding his "house". I'd keep the "crate" as it is for him, but just not close his door at night... and give him the entire room. I'd keep the futon where it is though... and that way, we really COULD spend the night together. Yes... He IS THAT important to me.)
As for the rest of the after-noon? Well... as usual, I had LOTS to get to at the work table, so we were together... and we had a few "Play" breaks... and several "LOVE ME" breaks. It was almost another one of "those" days... but I HAVE to say that Yonah REALLY DOES ENJOY ATTENTION, AFFECTION AND CONTACT! And me? Well, I couldn't be any happier, more content, than I am when I get to give him LOVE!
This evening we dined together and after, we did the evening tidy and water relay... and Yonah positioned him-self on his door perch where (as he knows), he gets kisses every time I come in with a fresh "batch" of water. He LUVZ THAT SO MUCH! And when that was done... we put on bit of "Stjepan Hauser" (cello music) and I got to the day's journalling....
Ah... at about 19.18, Yonah was coo'ing at his little reflection in the little mirror in his house... It was approaching "that" time of the day already. The sky out-side was on the darker side, with the clouds and I had had to put the desk lamp on so... I believe Yonah associates that light with "seepie-nigh-night". So I chatted with him a bit and returned to the journalling. When I looked up again at 19.28, he was having his "before bed" snack. My Little Guy was getting ready for a night.
So I got up, moved my things from the work table and went back in to start closing the blinds and curtains.
At 19.44 came the "definitive call"... woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... Indeed! Time for tucking-in.
Thankfully, tonight will be "cool" but not cold so again, it was mostly a matter of closing again the intruding street light. And whilst I worked on the windows, Yonah headed over to the futon and it seemed he was saying "Good night" to the little pillow-dove and after, he headed up to his roof-top so that he could keep better watch over what I was doing! WHAT a "supervisor"! When I was done with the windows and putting up the back board, as he followed me from his vantage point... and I interrupted the process with reaching up to give him kisses, to which he responded, as he does, by sanding quite erect, head raised so that I could give better kisses, I brought his roof-top platform down, with him on it and he bounced off and into his house. From there, it was a matter of more "Good night" kisses and... in short order, the roof board was installed, the door to his house, closed... and with a good "Seepie-nigh-night"... the desk lamp was turned off... 20.00 my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a good night's rest... safe, sound, comfy.
Although I feel good knowing he's safe, that he'll have the opportunity for all the rest he requires, it still leaves a bit of a pain in my heart... It's as I often say: If we could both tolerate it, I'd stay up with him through the night, all night, every night until... well... But I want my Little Guy to be healthy, rested, well-nourished... And again, as I say... he IS my "Heart-and-Soul", the only reason and cause I have for taking my next breath. And for as long as he takes breath, so do I. He's my own "BLESSING", my personal "MIRACLE" and we'll be together for as long as... time... and then beyond.
Friday 03 June:
At about 6.35, I hadn't heard a sound from Yonah's room. Un-like the recent "calling hour", with heart in throat, and almost in hand, I stepped, silently, into his room and sat at the end of his futon, closest to his house. In the dim morning light shining through his curtains, I could see his silhouette. He was on his perch, but he was so still. For a second, I thought I'd seen some motion of the feathers on his neck, but wasn't sure that it was actually him moving or just my eye-sight. I continued to watch and then, it appeared that he'd moved his head, only slightly. But again, he was so silent and, over all, so still... In a very low whisper, I asked, "Are you awake? Do you want to sleep a little longer? It's OK. You can sleep longer. I only just need to know that you're OK." I thought I saw him move hi head, slightly again, so I stepped out of the room... silently...
6.44... as I was pouring morning coffee... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" !!! My heart took a leap and I replied with "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo", one "hoo" short of Yonah's call. And he answered with "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo"! Right after I repeated his coo... "woo-HOO!" OK! My Heart-and-Soul was up, awake, and that "woo-HOO!" in the morning always seems to say "Enough with the chatting. It's dark in here and I know the day out-side has come. Let's get these windows open and let in the light!"
I was ON IT almost in a single step! When I got back to Yonah's house, I opened the door, leaned in and "Good morning" KISSES! Stretching wings, a little scratching of the head, "adjusting" feathers and... a hop across to the opposite perch! Yes, yes, YES, indeed! Friday was under way, my Heart-and-Soul was well-and-fine! And as I opened curtains and blinds to the grey day out-side the window, and his room lightened, another "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" to the little reflection in the mirror. WE were rolling into Friday... TOGETHER!
My first real error of the day though: In my excitement and distraction, I stepped out to the kitchen for what seemed briefly and... I'd forgotten to close the lap-top which was now on the work table, in preparation for a day's work. HAH! When I stepped back in the room, Yonah was on the key-board... His Journal was open, ready to be up-dated for today and, at 8.28, he had already added his own accounts of the morning:
(Looking at it, I have to wonder... seems there's a "message"... subliminal. If I could, I'd get him his own little tablet or something of the sort. It would be interesting to see what he'd come up with.)
Well, when I went back to the kitchen to finish the settling there so I could come in and get to today's project (mostly finishing the "Photo" pages for his refreshed web-site), I was at the basin when I heard the faintest flutter of wings. I turned and there was my Little Guy, standing just behind me. He'd come in, flying, with-out the "whistle". "STEALTH"! Sneaking up! Clever Little One! And when I turned and spoke to him, he toddled along, across the kitchen and into the living-room (where the in-side door was closed because, again, this morning, that cat from across the road had been there...). But it's his stance, stature, poise as he toddles away. It appears SO confident. It really is BEAUTIFUL to see though. This is HIS house and home and HIS territory and he's taking ever bit of it as his own. I'm DELIGHTED!
Oh and but the sky did clear today, and the breezes were just perfectly comfortable for open windows and no fan. And Yonah and I were together ALL DAY! I worked on his Photo pages and he flew about the house, and toddled. And we had a "snooze" together (and he woke me... just before the alarm... "peck peck peck peck" on the head). We took a "Lunch'n'Luvin" break at mid-day... together, of course, And for the rest of the day, Yonah took it easy (between excursions about the rest of the house), either in his "nest box" or on his futon.
It's rather painful for me, that we don't have the luxury of a little place in the yard for the both of us, and can't use the back gallery yet, for getting out to for sun-shine and fresh air. But I'm looking and working on changing that... some-how. I'm glad I have work to do in the house, so I can be with him. I know he prefers the company and I'm absolutely DELIGHTED to provide as much as I possibly can! it's as I say:
Yonah is NOT a "pet"... he's a Companion, a Friend, Family, a MATE! I'm here for him when-ever he feels a little need for some contact. And he's here... for me... in everything.
So we had our evening meals together again tonight... and then, the water relay. And after the relay... "CATCH ME!" on this roof-top! OH but he's a riot these days with that! He does that "pecking and preening" on my hand and between my fingers and sometimes he gets a bit "aggressive" too! Never causes any hurt. It seems he knows just how far and how much he can get away with. But it's such FUN!, especially when he does something he's particularly proud of and steps back and gives me a stern glare as if to say:
"See? You see what I can do? Mess with me and I can show you even more!"
He still has that "maleness" about him... and I wouldn't have him any other way. Between him finally taking to the rest of the house, comfortable enough to actually walk around, and playing "rough", HE IS MY MATE!
Well, as all days of GLORY (with my little Heart-and-Soul) do, this one came to a close... at about 19.45. The sun was still just over the ridge of the mountains to our West, but, it was obvious that both of us were "done" for the day. And again, heavy-hearted, it was time to close-up the blinds and curtains and get us settled-down and settled-in for a night that threatens a bit of a chill. (Tonight, 9°... tomorrow night... a mere 6°! But thankfully, Sunday, we return to more "civil" temperatures... no chills and no fans.) Once again, curtains closed so as to direct any sort of chill away from Yonah's house and I moved his house a bit farther away from the windows... and as I did, he hopped up to his perch. He knows the "routine" and tonight, there was no flying about the room. My Little Guy was tired... and I was making sure he'd get his full night's rest. It didn't take but several moments and we exchanged our "Good night" kisses and cuddles and, but 19.56... the light on his desk was off... he was tucked-in for a safe and sound, secure night during which he can rest, peacefully.
Me? Well, it's the same now as it's always been: as soon as I walk out of his room, I miss his company so much. He's only in the next room but... when one spends an entire day in the company of one of the GREATEST of Creation's making... But, at least he's safe, away from the elements, out of the night's chill, and probably, a heavy dew. Yonah is in his own place, sheltered... and CHERISHED... as always. My Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul.
Saturday 04 June:
A truly "early June" morning to day... the sky was clear, the sun was rising beautifully, there was just a trace of last night's "chill" in the soft breeze out-side. Yonah's room was still relatively dark but growing lighter and it was "comfortably cool". Certainly nothing like the Winter mornings we've managed through, nor was it the beastly hot of a couple of our recent mornings. And as I made my own way, in almost silence, through a morning routine in the kitchen...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... 6.14. Apparently somebody ("somebirdie") was well-rested through the night and was ready to face a new day. Well, that's all I needed to hear. And when I replied, in kind, we had our little "volley" of coo's but only twice before the final "woo-HOO!" As I put things in the kitchen out of the way for this morning's water relay, I obviously wasn't moving quickly enough because there were two MORE "woo-HOO's" to follow! Oh my! Patience... not this morning. But to be absolutely honest, I HAD to smile because Yonah was also telling me that he was feeling well this morning, energetic and ready to GO! And for me, that's the ONLY thing I MUST know in the morning. My Little Guy is well... and so too, at that point, the rest of the day.
It was another "interesting" morning followed by another "interesting" day! And yes, Yonah WAS quite in good form and mood.
As I got to the morning routine, he got to "travelling"... flying from house to futon, to shelves and about the room. He paid no attention to me... he was too busy getting about. "Exercise"! And it does my heart and soul so much good to see him flying so much and so well. It still reminds me of that October 13th... when he couldn't even raise him-self, one leg being utterly useless, and the left wing so badly "chewed". It's a far, far distant time, looking at him today. (Though he still doesn't fly at 100%, he does manage to manoeuvre through all the rooms in the house... when he's not toddling about. It really is quite amazing to watch him, so confident, and even flying round a room! No more collisions with windows, walls... he's got it all down to perfection now! He's indescribably BRILLIANT!)
Well, I attended to all of our usual morning tasks, and got settled-down at the work table as promptly as possible. I still had quite a bit on what is becoming an "over-haul" of his web-site and was determined to get the bulk of it finished today! And it was a grand sort of day... bright sun-shine, and the breezes were warm, once the sun had completely risen. No window fan today... just open window and wonderful, fresh air... and a day with my little Heart-and-Soul. Nothing else.
And we DID spend the day together! And each and every time I had to leave the room, be it for a tea, our mid-day snack or "other little necessities", in mere moments, Yonah was out and about the house too. He followed me just about every-where! What an absolutely PERFECT JOY to the heart to see him toddling along. And he'd come into what-ever room I was in, check to make sure I was actually there and when I acknowledged him, he was off on his own journey... and when I returned to his room... he was back in a "flutter and whistle" of a wing. Yes, indeed... we're "Mates".
And during the day, all through, I was beckoned... for play time, cuddle time, or just some sort of attention. In between, Yonah took his walks or rested in his "nest box" and the soft, warm breeze blew in through the window.
I managed to grab a 30-minute lie-down and, OH BUT AND INDEED... as I dozed-off, Yonah was on the pillow, a-top my head... and when I woke, he was on my leg at the knee-bend. And when he say that I was awake, he came toddling up to my shoulder, gave me a little peck on the side of my head and flew back over to his house... as if he knew that, now that I was awake, I'd be getting back to work... and, quite truthfully... I did, just that. He knows my every routine... I've become "predictable"... he hasn't, and I doubt he ever really will, for the most part.
We took mid-day snack together, listened to bird-songs and some of our own music... no radio today. And he joined me, on my shoulder, on the little shelf on the work table that I made so that he could be beside me and see what I was doing, or, roosting on the back of the chair. It was about "closeness"... proximity, and I was just in perfect Utopia.
Well, I DID manage to get ALL that I'd set-out to accomplish with the day, today. There's still more work to be done, but the most difficult is complete and, in great part, due to my "supervisor" who kept me company and who serves as a constant reminder as to why his "global internet presence" is so VERY important.
And this evening, we took the usual break to dine together... evening meal... he ate whilst I ate and when we were both finished and the washing-up was done, we had more time for more play.
I was back into being busy working and at about 19.06 I had to turn the desk lamp on because it really was getting oddly dark in Yonah's room this evening, in spite of the clear skies and the sun in the sky. (Although, at this time of year, the sun tends to travel more over the top of the house than it does in Winter... farther "North", so there really isn't the same BRILLIANT sun-shine that POURS into the windows and FLOODS the room as it does in Winter.) But... apparently, Yonah associates that lamp with "seepie-nigh-night" and he was up on his roof, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo'ing" as he does when he reminds me of "the time". But since he wasn't on his perch, I gave a try to see if he really was ready to "settle-down" for the night. He wasn't. In a moment, he was off to his futon for a toddle about across that and he wanted more play time too... with a wing snap. So we got to that until... well...
By 19.40 he was back in the house and having his "before bed-time snack", so I took that opportunity to close-up his blinds and curtains. Tonight we had to situate blinds and curtains against the 7° we're to expect so I took extra care at arranging the curtains to block any chill that might try to make a way into his room and... and I worked... WOW... DID HE EVER EAT! Stocked-up for the night ahead. (I have to wonder if he knows that it's going to get cool and he's prepared for it. But as always, it gives me peace, knowing that his little crop is full and he can digest quietly over-night... my Little Guy will NOT go to sleep hungry!)
Well then... by 20.00 all was settled, boards installed and... Yonah was established at his "night spot" on his perch. We exchanged our "Good night" kisses, with a little cuddle and the light went out.
All done... another day... together. And tonight, my Little Guy's room is protected against the night chill, and he's safe from predators, plenty of food and water... my little Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound.
Sunday 05 June:
A "holiday photo" morning, though a touch on the cool side, the sun came up in a nearly cloudless sky, and the breezes were so gentle, humidity delightfully low and at 6.35 the soft sound of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" came floating through the house. My Little Guy was awake and OH, so ready for Sunday!
Only one response from me and the reply came, "woo-HOO!" OK! So off we were, heading into another day... together. Well, most of it anyway.
After morning routine, Deborah came by and went in to see Yonah who, to my amazement, wasn't too "welcoming" at first but, I managed to get him on my shoulder. He took flight almost right away and headed, at first, to his wall shelf, as he does when there's somebody else in his room, but then, he went to his roof-top! And from there, he watched and Deborah and I talked a while! He REALLY IS getting used to "some" people being around. For me, it's really "bitter-sweet". I don't want him to be afraid of people when they're in HIS territory. I look forward to him feeling secure enough to know that no harm will come to him as long as I'm with him. But, I really don't want him to EVER completely lose the distrust of people in general. (After all, to be honest, I don't have that which is, in large part, why I'm just as happy being in the house with him all through the day, every day. If it were possible, we'd be in here, together, always... save, for some hours in the air, breezes and sun-shine, which neither of us gets anyway... until we relocate to more suitable surroundings. Still, I do suppose it's good as it's going. Hey! Yonah came to trust me on his own terms and in his own time. I trust his instincts and know that, if he chooses, there will be people he'll come to trust... and those will be the people I'll learn to trust as well. (Some people say "If the dog/cat likes you, you're OK by me." With me, it's "If Yonah likes you...")
That said and done, I did take a little time away from the house this morning... Off to the wood-lands for fresh mosses and some new rocks for the fountain! We have a major "House-Keeping" due this month and there will be nice mosses for Yonah to rest in and new rocks for his fountain. The mosses came in and went to the tray for a while... to make sure there's no parasites in it, of course. The rocks will be boiled and we'll see what sort of configuration we can come up with for the next assembly. A little "change" of scenery for Yonah and a "new" water-fall. (Next, new trees, fresh sand from the river. A whole "new place"... but in the comfort and security of his own house.)
For a few hours this after-noon, my Little Guy had his room and the rest of the house to him-self while I worked on the yard. But when I came back in and had showered (primarily because I always want to make sure that I'm not bringing in any parasites from the woods or the yard), we had "PLAY TIME"... and LOTS of cuddles, snuggles and kisses. From the responses I get after being "away" I can almost declare that he misses me nearly as much as I miss him (if not more-so). What a pair we are. (And to think: I've never really considered my-self as being, what they call, "bird people". OH! The things I never knew... but am being taught... by the "most bestest" teacher EVER!)
But the day REALLY turned-out to be quite beautiful. The sun shone, we opened windows and doors and a comfortable breeze blew through as I worked a bit more on Yonah's web-site... after a quick lie-down, during which we played, more than I rested.
Evening meal time came (ENTIRELY TOO SOON) and we sat, together... well, I sat, at the work table, and Yonah had his meal on his ledge in his house. "Dining together"... as we do now, as a rule and routine. And it's still strange to me that he eats when I do. Mid-day snack and evening meal. I find it fascinating... and pure JOY!
And after all the washing-up was done, we ran the water relay and started to "settle-down" for the evening. I say "started" because Yonah found a sudden burst of energy and was all over the room and truly in a mood to PLAY! So, of course... I headed for the futon, he came to join me and we "played" with that little "pillow dove" I'd made. Now that's take a turn too... When I'd first made it, Yonah literally attacked it with what looked like a brutal force! He chewed, pecked, and it looked as though, if he could have done, he would have taken the little pillow's face off. But lately, we have more fun with it. He now tends to "attack" the pillow similar to the way he "attacks" my hand and fingers when we play! And I know he's playing because he's ALWAYS free to fly away, but he'll "attack", then step back and wait for the pillow (or my hand) to make an advance, at which time, he all but lunges forward to have another go. And this repeats until, at some point, he grows bored, or weary and then heads off, away, most often to his house. Anyway, it really is a LOT of fun... for BOTH of us (obviously).
When "Play Time" was done, he did head back to his house, and I went back to the work table to get started on today's Journal entry. Yonah headed to his little mirror in the lower corner of his house, said "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" to the reflection and then went about situating him-self on his door perch... where he could watch me and give a wing snap or two if/when I dared look in his direction.(It was getting closer to "seepie-nigh-night" time by now, and I had the desk lamp on so I didn't want to get him too excited. No, seepie-nigh-night time isn't my "favourite" hour of the day, as I've noted a lot, previously, but, when Yonah gets up in the morning, all well and rested, I understand... he's supposed to get 10-14 hours of rest at night and so... that's what I have to make sure he gets. That's my Little Guy and it's my responsibility to see to it that he's rested, well nourished with plenty of food and water... and yes, of course, companionship but... if I could... if he could... if WE could... I'd stay up with him all through the night... every night. Time together is never long enough.)
Ah... and so... It was about 19.40... I was wrapping things up at the work table when, in the quiet of Yonah's room, I heard a faint:
That's the sound Yonah makes when he's startled by something. But nothing had moved and there was no other sound in the room (that I heard). When I looked, he was staring off to the wall shelves. Nothing there was out of place and he seemed almost un-responsive when I asked "What's wrong?" I was, to be honest, terrified. He'd sensed something and I couldn't see or figure out what it was. So I just stood there, with him, for a moment or two and when he looked up at me, I leaned over, cupped him ever-so gently (as I always do... gently) in my hands and gave him our usual soft kisses and stroked his back. We did that for a few minutes and he pecked, lightly at my hand until it seemed all had passed and he flew up to his perch... as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
I physically pains me when he does this, and he's done it twice before. It always reminds me of the evening when the one next door had gone on some kind of fit and was banging against the common wall. It was late at night and Yonah was making the "HOO!" coo'ing and then repeated "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"s. Then, I went into his room, with a "flash-light/torch", aimed at the ceiling so as to diffuse the light, opened the door to his house and spoke softly, telling him that I was right with him and that all was OK. It helped then... and I suppose it helped this evening too. He recognises my voice as being "safe", and for that, I'm absolutely grateful. Still, it sets me off when he's upset. He's gone through the WORST-POSSIBLE trauma in his life-time. Imagine being gnawed at, chewed, and you're still very much alive! Being killed, slowly, being devoured... It's a thought that never leaves me... and I've vowed that nothing... NOTHING even remotely similar to that will EVER happen to my Heart-and-Soul again!
Anyway... once we'd settled matters again, and he appeared to be consoled, we got to the affairs of closing his blinds and curtains. It was 19.58... time for his rest. And as I worked at the windows, closing things against tonight's forecast 10°, Yonah went to his little "loft reflection" to say "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... We were OK again.
Windows closed, boards up, I leaned in and we exchanged our own "Good night" kisses and pecks and by about 20.05... the desk lamp was turned off... My Little Guy was tucked-in for the night. (The door to his room stays open now, because the whole house is comfortably warm from the day's sun-shine. And I have the thermostat for the house furnace set at about 20° so it won't get any cooler than that through the night, should the temperatures suddenly drop.) My little Heart-and-Soul is safe again, tonight, from the elements, predators and all that could harm him in any way. And that, to me, is the most important aspect of Life.
And tomorrow? Well... as always, we'll take that on when presented with it... together.
Monday 06 June:
THIS morning was QUITE the "call" at 6.11: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! and there really wasn't much in the line of our usual "volley" because, when I responded with my own "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" Yonah's reply was an immediate "woo-HOO!" I HAD to smile, sincerely and so strongly because it sounded as though he had something of grave importance that he needed to get to and there was no time for "congenialities". So... I got right into his room and got the door to his house open. But when I leaned in for our "Good morning" kisses, they were plentiful. There was time for "Luvins", and then, he was off, hopping across to the other perch as I went about opening curtains and blinds.
I wasn't even finished at the windows when he took flight and was out and about... to the futon at first and then to his roof-top... and I'd JUST managed to get his little platform up there only seconds before his arrival.
It was GRAND to see him, so full of energy first thing on this chilly morning. The sun was rising in a clear sky, but the temperature out-side was still but a mere 9°! Thankfully, Yonah's room was a comfortable 20°. Not really what he's accustomed to, since, during the Winter, his room has been upwards of 23° in the morning. Still, the house furnace hadn't run so the house, as a whole, was still "warm enough", and, Yonah wasn't "fluffed against the cold" so he was obviously OK with it all.
So... I got the morning routine attended, as is my task in a morning, water relays, which Yonah all but ignored this morning, and tidying his house. Right after, I got the rest of the house settled for the day and was at the work table... there was more work to be done on the "refresh" of his web-site. By then, Yonah had had his breakfast and was settled in his "nest box" when I got in. Our day had officially commenced... in full.
And during the day? Well, I kept as focused on the site work as possible... and it warmed nicely, so we had his window open and the door to the house as well... a nice circulation of fresh air for both of us, and comfortable.
Just before "mid-day break" I grabbed a 30-minute snooze and Yonah joined me, settling-down only after making quite the "journey" from my leg to my head where, and he does this from time-to-time, he simply hopped from my shoulder onto my head and toddled off to the pillow. I have to laugh when he does that because he just sees my head as another "something" on his "trail". Never mind my ears and face are there, he just navigates his way along as if all's just fine. And as for the rest of me? I don't understand why (and I never will, I'm sure) but he REALLY seems to enjoy toddling up and down the length of me... shoulders to feet and back. He actually almost paces at times. As I close my eyes, it's quite a unique sensation: his little feet travelling along. But it's something that I've become so accustomed to my-self that, honestly, at night, when I get into bed, in a way, I actually expect to feel him there as I drift-off to sleep. (I can't image life and rest and... well... "LIFE"... with-out him, and this is just one aspect of his PRECIOUS, CHERISHED presence.)
As is his routine... it was 2 minutes before the alarm was to sound and... "peck-peck-peck" on my temple and a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" at the pillow. I was awake, but laying with my eyes closed, waiting for the alarm and when I did open my eyes and Yonah noticed, he took off from the pillow and headed back to his house to wait for me to gt up. (When I did, he flew up to his roof-top to make him-self comfy there... and by then, it was time for "mid-day snack"!)
I went into the kitchen and got a little something to eat and finish my morning coffee with... and Yonah went into his house and to his food... we snacked together and listened to our musics... song-birds and some personal tunes. In his company, it's such a joy... especially since the sun was shining and the room was quite nicely lit. AND, by then, the air coming in through the window was such a welcomed "warmth".
Now, I have to add that today wasn't one of simply "work". WE HAD SO MANY "PLAY BREAKS" TODAY! Yonah was certainly in another of his "PLAY" moods, and "AFFECTIONATE" too! Seems he had a bit of a "routine" planned for our hours together because it was almost as if he had some sort of "clock" set... just about ever 30 minutes, he came to his door perch and from behind me, I heard that unmistakable "wing snap"! So, of course, we took the time for "Catch Me!" as he flew about, from house to futon and to the back of the chair and back to his house. We played on his roof-top, on the floor. We had snuggles and cuddles on the futon. I could help but think:
I, personally, never would have expected a wild mourning dove to be so affectionate, to even "welcome", never mind "tolerate" my presence... me... a human. But Yonah has made it more than abundantly clear: "WE" are "MATES" and "WE" are the "FLOCK" now. And I have to say that I am SO humbled and honoured that he not only enjoys my company but actually makes it obvious that he WANTS my presence. As I was recently told:
He obviously misses you when you're not around.
I can't sufficiently explain or describe how "empty" I feel... when I'm not around him.
Well, that's how our day went along and I did manage to get a bit more done with my own work than I'd expected.
At evening meal, we both took our break from the day to dine together, and when we were both done, I got to the evening water relay and tidying so that we both had more time to be together... I got the Journal entry for today started, but, of course... Play time too! It's become another "habit" to play on the futon in the evening and Yonah's even getting to enjoy playing with that little "dove pillow" that I'd made for him! (He literally "attacked" it when he saw it for the first time! It was quite an exhibition of his strength. But I'm coming to realise that then, he may have seen it as a "competitor" and now, as time has passed, he understands: there is NO OTHER... dove or other-wise, other than him in this house. So now, he really is rather "playful" with it, pecking at it, fluffing up to show who's bigger and whose territory this truly is. And it's great fun... for both of us.)
At about 19.25, once again, though, came the "notice of the hour". From his roof-top, as I typed, he called the evening "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... until I turned and acknowledged. Once done, he headed for his food... it was time for "before bed snack" so I got busy with closing window, blinds and curtain as he ate. (I SO LOVE to see him eating before "tucking-in". It's a comfort to me to know that he doesn't pass the night with and empty stomach. It's not that his food isn't ever-present... something that I've read, often, shouldn't be because a dove... or a bird, in general, will tend to over-eat. But Yonah has never done such a thing and he IS quite active... he sees to that and so too, do I. And, as can be seen in all of his photos, he's hardly "over-weight" so... if he wants to digest through the night... so be it.)
When I'd done with my tasks and he was done with his snack, he headed directly to his perch and to his "night spot" there. He was ready to close this day so, I'd already put the boards up for the night, so I leaned in and we exchanged out "Good night" kisses. He scuttled over to his corner loft, gave the dove in the mirror there some "Good night" pecks and was right back to his night spot. All evening "closing matters" attended... for both of us... 19.58... the desk lamp (which I'd turned on at 19.00 anyway) was turned off, the door to his house was closed... our day had come to its "official" close. My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in, safe and sound.
Tonight's forecast is for a bit of a "cool" one at a mere 16°, but a FAR cry from the chills of 6° and even father from the -20s we'd had over the Winter. But no matter, my Heart-and-Soul stays protected... from temperatures, weather, predators (of all sorts)... and can rest, peacefully, through the night. Tomorrow? Well, that's for tomorrow. Tonight, all is well.
Tuesday 07 June:
Quite the day, quite the morning! It was busy for both Yonah and me all day. Almost non-stop. Well, for me, it was working on what's almost become a "re-build of Yonah's web-site. But... never mind that...
This morning was another over-cast June morning, a steady breeze blew out-side, and the house, and Yonah's room was only just "cool". Not "chilly", but, last night's 16° kept a bit of warmth away and yes, it did manage to get into the house. Ah but...
A touch to my surprise this morning, and when I really wasn't expecting it... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" came the call. The clock read a mere 5.55. One thing that can be guaranteed is that there's no "guarantee" as to a time when Yonah wakes in the mornings. I suppose that's obvious, from the recorded times, and, in fact, it's one of the reasons why I do record when he wakes and when he's tucked-in at night. This journal is a reference, for me, for all who read it, and the hours that Yonah gets to rest at night are so very important. Especially now that he's so active around the house, flying, toddling, playing... Granted, he does take his rest periods during the day as well, but at night, he gets the darkness and the quiet, and, as I say, he gets to actually "sleep".
Doves, I've read, generally don't ever really, actually "sleep", even at night. "Half" of their brain shuts-down, as in sleep, but the other half remains aware of every-thing around them. The same with their eyes. Although they have a "cover" that can take the place of an eye-lid, to keep their eyes protected, one eye remains "open" and alert. The half that stays awake is always available, at the ready, to take flight, in case of predators. As one article mentioned, it's a wonder that mourning doves don't suffer from "sleep deprivation". BUT in his house, Yonah has no need to be concerned about predators, or sudden bursts of inclement weather or any-thing of that sort. He can sleep, peacefully, protected, all through the night. I'm not sure that he's come to know that or if he still "half sleeps" but, at least, over our almost 2 years together... he's never really had to worry. The worst that he's ever had to deal with in the night were the mice that we had in the house at the beginning of the Winter-passed. Indeed, at night, they'd manage to get into his house and into any food he had there. Fortunately, the only real "threat" they posed was bringing in any sort of parasites. But we managed to stop all that early on in the season. Other-wise, there are no predators in Yonah's house, nor in his room... and certainly not in the rest of this house. So, he gets a well-protected place in which to simply sleep, restfully.
Apparently, last night, he got just that and this morning, he was ready to take on the day... early.
We had another one of our "short chats" as I got into his room. One exchange of coo's before the final "woo-HOO!" And when I got to his house to open his door, he was already stretching his wings, preparing for "take off".
I was relived, as I always am, to see that he wasn't "fluffed" against any of the coolness in his room. He must have been quite comfortable, as he ought to be, always. But he got right to "preening", straightening his feathers all out, ready to present in his finest. We exchanged our "Good morning" kisses and... WOOSH... he was off to the other perch and ready to head out. I made short work of removing the night boards, putting his door perch and roof-top platform in place and I'd no sooner done and started working on opening his windows when, at the first sign of day-light, he was up and out and on his way!
Mornings like this just make me all the better, all the happier, and all the more comforted knowing that my Little Guy had a good night's rest and was feeling just FINE, first thing in the morning. It does set the rest of my day well.
It became a rather "odd" sort of day though... The breezes were steady and warm, and the air was a fog of yellow-green! Pollen! So much of it, in fact, that it literally filled the air as if a heavy smoke from some great fire! It billowed and floated across the trees and grass. It even discoloured the roads and cars and roof-tops! I'd stepped out to the front porch after "morning routine" was complete and could actually feel the accumulation in my nose when I breathed!
A neighbour commented that she'd not seen the likes of this in the 35 years she'd lived here. It was a bit of a shock to all.
Today, I was most grateful for the "filtration fabric" that I'd put on Yonah's window fan. It's there primarily to filtre out any local cigarette smoke (primarily from the next-door neighbour) and road dust, but today... I ran both sides on "exhaust" so to pull any sort of "pollen" or the likes out of Yonah's room and to blow away any pollen that might try to settle on his window screen or the fan itself. Sad to keep the window closed on a day like this but, with THAT quantity of pollen, even the "Yardies" didn't come round for snacks out-side. (And the roads were quite empty, the hamlet, quite still... nobody dared to venture out today.)
But, since I didn't dare to go out, it gave me all the more cause to stay in, with Yonah, and get to the work on his web-site... and we kept each-other company all through the day! We listened to bird-songs and other music. We took ALL sorts of "play breaks", to be sure. And MANY breaks for snuggles and "Luvin's". Yonah obviously enjoyed the fact that I was there, in the room with him all day. As I worked along, he'd remind me to sit back and step away... with a "stance" on his door perch and a wing snap. And as I worked, he came to "check on progress"... landing on my shoulder and pecking at my ear, watching the work on the computer screen, and generally almost "demanding" attention. (I, of course, am NEVER too busy to oblige. I still consider it quite the Honour, in the highest order, when he comes over to me. He does that of his own decision and choice and, well, that he actually wants to be with, close to and even "ON" me is, well... nothing in Creation could be more appreciated.)
Before our mid-day break, I grabbed a 30-minute snooze and, for most of it, Yonah was with me, on the futon (or on my shoulder, my leg, the pillow...). And yes, I need not say, but, instead of the alarm notifying me that "snooze time" was over, I got the usual "peck" on the head. A little "OK... time to get back to work... or what-ever it is you do over there."
I got up, went to the kitchen to put the kettle on and when I returned to Yonah's room, he was already having his mid-day meal. We "snacked" together.
The rest of the day stayed over-cast, which was OK, considering the windows remained closed, the window fans drawing the air from the room out-ward, and thanks to my little "Supervisor", I DID manage to get a LOT completed on his web-site... in between play and snuggle breaks, of course.
This evening, we dined together for evening meal, and after, we did the "evening routine" of water relay and tidying... followed by more play time on the futon, with the little "dove pillow". Yonah really enjoys that time together. This evening though, no time at the door as we do of late. There was still quite a bit of pollen floating about in the air so we kept doors and windows closed. But we made up for it... on the futon... and a game of "Catch Me!" across the floor. If there's one thing for certain: Yonah gets his exercise.
Well, the evening moved along, as it does and at about 19.35, Yonah headed to his house... for his "before bed-time/seepie-nigh-night" snack. First stop, the roof-top, where he called "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" to let me know the time, and then, WOOSH, down to his food to fill his little crop for the night. And as he ate, I attended the blinds and curtains.
Tonight, I'm much relieved to be able to say that the primary concern with the windows was to make sure that they laid such that any "chills" from the windows would be directed away from Yonah. Yesterday, the electric company came and made and adjustment to the horrid street light they'd installed last Summer and it's SO MUCH BETTER NOW! No intrusive glare pouring in through the blinds and curtains. Maybe that had something to do with Yonah being so well rested earlier this morning: his room was actually much darker than it's been in a good, long while and he managed to get REST! Anyway... as I worked at the window, Yonah worked at snacking and by the time I'd completed my tasks and his house was in position again, I'd even put the back board up (to block any light and as "insulation" from the window... some things just never change and beside that, Yonah has come to recognise those board with "end of day" and "tuck-in" time)... and Yonah finished his eating.
Well... once again, another day came to a close. It seemed as though we'd only just begun this day. Every day is the same: gone by too quickly, no matter what time we begin.
But Yonah was already on his night spot on his perch and so, our exchange of "Good night" kisses and a little cuddle... 19.55... lights were off... and my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for another safe night of good rest.
The rains that we were supposed to get during the day but didn't, began falling... a bit of "tapping" on the tin roof out-side... but the world was still...nicely conducive to a good night's rest... especially for my little Heart-and-Soul... my Little Guy... my reason for "being".
Wednesday 08 June:
It was one of our more "busy" days today, with me sitting at the work table almost from the moment we finished the morning routine until just before it was time for "seepie-nigh-night"! I set-out this morning, to re-fresh Yonah's web-site, removing old files and some extras that weren't particular to the site (because, well, in my "zeal" form the beginning, I was making adjustments and such to the pages and keeping very old copies there... I just never had the heart to remove anything because, well... it's YONAH'S site), and changing the "navigation" links.
But, "morning call" came, this morning, at 6.12. The sun was well on the rise, and the day promised to be comfortably warm and mostly bright (and so it was, to be sure). The "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" came drifting across the house, and it was another one of those mornings where the "volley" of chatting was cut rather short before the "woo-HOO!". And I was still preparing my own morning coffee and such so... what is normally just a "water relay" on other mornings, was a relay of water, tidying, kettle, coffee and an entire situation. In fact, what was rather "interesting", in an endearing sort of way was that I opened the windows and removed the night boards and then returned to the kitchen to prepare coffee and such as the water containers filled. Then, I went back to Yonah to continue with preparing his house and tidying there before returning to the kitchen to make coffee. It was quite the "back and forth" and at two particular points, it was obvious that I hadn't returned to Yonah in the time expected and yes, he DID CALL me on it. "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo", but quite "crisp" and clear! There truly IS a noticeable "quality" to his coo's, from soft and gentle to something that truly does sound rather "demanding". This morning, the first calls were the usual "almost mellow" of a morning. Those that came between my "visits" were quite, as I say, obviously some-what "demanding". Not in a "LOUD" fashion, but just not quite as "soft" as are his usual coos. Ah hah! So, there we have another indication of the BRILLIANCE that is my Little Guy. He CAN get his point across, and there truly IS obvious thought behind what he has to say and how he says it.
Well then, I DID get things together, and he DID show his "appreciation". Yes, we did get in our usual "morning kisses" when I got into the room at first, and then... we exchanged a few more after things had settled. Seemed I was forgiven for my "tardiness".
As for the rest of the day? Well, we were together ALL through, although I was, for the most part, quite pre-occupied with codings and the likes for his site.
Not, how-ever, completely. There were, to be sure, several-to-many "breaks" during the course of the day when Yonah came to rest on my shoulder and peck at my ear (to remind me that he was very much present in the room and that I wasn't paying much attention to him). And when I didn't respond quickly, he toddled across my back to the opposite shoulder and pecked at the other ear! So, yes, we did take breaks for play and snuggles, kisses and "Luvin's". (To my pleasure and Yonah's obvious delight.)
We had our mid-day snack together, as we do and after that, I grabbed some time for a "lie-down" which was supposed to be about 30 minutes but was cut a bit short. As I laid down, Yonah came over to "roost" on my leg, after making a few trips up and down, from feet to head. And he's gotten a new "habit" of late: as my head is on the pillow, he stands on my head, foot almost in my ear, and he'll stay there until I raise my hand! It's really sweet, but I do tend to be concerned about him deciding to poop... in my ear. He doesn't realise, and it's his habit to poop when the moment arrives, so it really is up to me to "guard my ears". Other-wise... I don't mind it at all.
I did manage to doze a while, but then, was "reminded"... with a few gentle pecks on the head, when it was time to get back up and back to work. What a character! And so... "dutifully", I returned, with after-noon tea, to my task.
This evening, we took our meal break together and I made short order of all of that from eating to washing-up. And as I was doing the washing up, just as ALL through the day, each time I left Yonah's room, Yonah came out, toddling along, checking to see where I was and what I was doing. Now THAT'S just one of THE most heart-warming sights... to turn and see him just casually strolling by, then stopping to look up (to make sure it's me standing there). And he always waits until I've acknowledged his presence in some way before continuing on into the living-room or returning to his own room. It keeps the day "fascinating", to say so.
So, I did manage to get quite a bit of work done over the course of what was a purely delightful day of soft, warm breezes, plenty of sun-shine, open doors and windows. But...
I found it rather interesting that between 19.30 and 20.00 Yonah must have eaten at least THREE times! At 19.30 he started and I though that that was his way of saying "It's almost time for 'tucking-in' so I'm going to fill up for the night." So I started to get things in his room prepared for just that. We'd done the water relay and tidying already, and I just wanted to get things settled in the kitchen. I saw that Yonah had "finished" eating and as I went back into his room to remove my things from the work table, he headed back for more to eat. So I just went about clearing the work table and bringing my things into the kitchen. When I looked into Yonah's room again, he was on his roof-top so I went over to get his blinds and curtains close and as I was working at that, Yonah went back for even MORE to eat! That was something rather unique. Usually, he goes to eat just before settling-down for the night, and only the once. He truly WAS quite hungry tonight! He DID eat during the day though. But, I don't worry. He's certainly no-where near "too heavy". In fact, he's quite slim and slender, ever-so "stream-lined". Feathers are water-resistant and with a good sheen. Some are coming out, but there are no "empty" spots. And the colouration, especially the turquoise round his eyes, is beautiful. So, tonight he must have just been a little extra hungry. So... I let him finish eating, which he did, as I put the roof board on and moved his house away from the window... as I do when the nights are expected to be anything cooler than 20° and tonight we're to expect about 17° so...
But, it was about 20.00 when he'd done with all the eating and came out to the chair at the work table where we got in some kisses and a little "cuddle", after which, he headed up to his perch for the night. A couple more kisses and... at 20.05, the desk lamp was turned off... his door was closed and my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in, snug and safe and sound for the night.
There never seems to be any two nights that are identical with Yonah, especially where "tucking-in" is concerned. But, at least I know that he's getting his needed and necessary rest time. And even though there's still some day-light left at 20.00 and his room isn't in complete darkness, at least he gets to settle as the night comes along... rather than that sudden darkness of Winter when, the desk lamp is off and so too, all the rest of the light.
A comfy sort of night ahead, all was well, peaceful, calm, settled... my Little Heart-and-Soul was set for a night of safe and restful sleep.
Thursday 09 June: On a grey and rainy, chilly and damp June morning, at 6.16 came the "call" to start the day:
A short call this morning. And Yonah and I exchanged only two "greetings" before the "woo-HOO!". Apparently, even though it wasn't bright and sunny and warm and such, there was a bit of an "urgency" to getting things rolling. So, of course, other distractions and diversions came to a complete stop. Well hey! My Little Guy was looking forward to what-ever was ahead today so... away we went! And yes, indeed, he was quite already at the ready when I got in to open his house-door and the curtains and blinds. We did manage a few more "comments" as I worked at the morning tasks. And my "supervisor" was at his vantage point, on the roof-top in short order.
No matter the weather or any other circumstances and situations, every morning that starts with a "woo-HOO" of any length, duration or... is SO worth the getting up, out of bed and on with all that comes along after that.
And no time was really lost, because, even with our "play" and "Luvin's", there were tasks that did manage to get accomplished. For one, in particular, I got Yonah's fresh mosses soaked and rinsed so we'll be ready for the major House-Keeping to come. I want to get some fresh trees for him though. A couple of his need to be replaced. After all, they're white pines and in pots so I don't want them pot-bound. They'll be planted in the woods area in the yard and the replacements will follow. And there's just enough river sand for another change... more of that will come as well, once things dry again after this rain.
This after-noon, we got to open the window to let the fresh air blow through the room. It wasn't all too warm, but it was just good enough to enjoy. And, of course, it's rather nice that Yonah can enjoy the breeze in the comfort of his "house and home". There's no consideration necessary for finding a place of shelter against any heavier winds, or having to worry about a sudden down-pour. Never mind, the worry of a predator that might be waiting in a branch some-where, or a corner of a building. He's safe, in the familiar surroundings and the protection of his house... of ALL of this old house. Sure, it would be nicer, I suppose, to be able to head out into the wood-lands, up the mountains, across the river. But, it's always on my mind: that "average" life-time of 18 months of a mourning dove in the wild... or the 5-year "exception" in "best-possible" conditions. We're going toward our 2 years together... he's passed the 18 months... we have the "5-year" to look forward to... if we're so Blessed.
It's really just the way of "Creation": nothing is ever "perfect" so we do the best with what we have. A little "exchange". In this case, we exchange the "world" for the safety of "home" and, well, I suppose, the ready availability of good, fresh food and clean water (for drinking and for swimming). At least my Little Guy is healthy... as well as safe.
So I "parked" me at the work table and worked on the "final touches", the little "clean-ups" on the newer pages of Yonah's web-site. There's still a bit more that I want to get to. There are "adjustments" to the information that I need to make, since I've learnt, from the EXPERT (my "Professor Taube" here) that I want readers to know, but for now, the pages are in order, and photos and videos are available. Yonah's story is WELL-documented.
And as I worked through the day, my progress was regularly checked. A sudden "flutter and whistle" of wings and the next thing was a peck on the ear and a bit of "nuzzling" against my face. Yonah came over to rest on my shoulder to watch what was going on on the lap-top screen (and, of course, to spend "together time"... to my absolute DELIGHT!).
We managed to get a 30-minute nap in too! When I laid down, he came rushing (as he does) over to settle on the pillow at my head. And as I dozed, he hopped and toddled across my head, down my arm... When I woke from the snooze, he was quite nestled on my leg, at the knee. He must have snoozed with me all through the time! He's done that before and I'm always SO happy to open my eyes and see him there, so peaceful, content. And when he notices that my eyes are open, he gives me a wing-snap as if to say "Hey! Hi there! Have a good nap?" Nothing can beat the JOY that that gives... to open your eyes to be greeted that way.
I'm noticing too, these days, that when he pecks at my face and nose, as he does (* AND I HAVE TO ADD HERE THAT I KEEP MY EYES CLOSED TIGHTLY WHEN-EVER HE'S CLOSE TO MY FACE BECAUSE HE GOES FOR EYES FIRST... AS DOVES DO WHEN THEY GREET ONE-ANOTHER AND ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY PREEN SO... READERS BE WARNED: NO MATTER HOW TEMPTING IT MIGHT BE TO PUT YOUR FACE NEAR, YOU CAN LOSE AN EYE IF YOU'RE NOT EXCEPTIONALLY CAREFUL! I LEARNED THE HARD WAY... DIDN'T LOSE AN EYE BUT THERE WERE "CLOSE MOMENTS". *),lately, some-how, he's less forceful. The pecks are lighter, gentler. Yes, he still goes for the eyes, but it doesn't seem so "direct". For the longest while, it was almost painful. Not "horrifically", but obvious that, should he get to the eye, it would be a done deal... a lost eye (for me). (I still don't know how mourning doves don't blind one-another.) Anyway, he's getting gentler now and it's SO appreciated. (And I still won't open my eyes until I KNOW he's not with-in pecking range... no matter the situation. As I tell him:
If you poke my eye out, I won't be able to see and if I can't see, then I can't give you your house here, with all the food and the pool! So, we need to be careful. (Maybe he's come to understand? I wouldn't doubt it. He's shocked me with SO MANY OTHER things.. He really is BRILLIANT!)
And so... my Little Guy and I spent a bit of a dreary day together. We had a little lunch-break together and this evening, we had our "evening meals" together. For me, it was a perfectly wonderful, delightful day. But then, of course... it couldn't be anything other... I was in the VERY BEST of company!
At 19.45 it was "time"... and Yonah was waiting for me, perched on the top edge of his door. When I leaned forward to give him a little kiss, he hopped onto my shoulder and gave me a little peck on the ear. I thought he might stay there as I closed-up his windows, but as soon as he realised what I was about to do, he immediately flew into his house and went for his "before seepie-nigh-night" snack. Again, this evening, he's SO hungry! He ate as I closed the blinds and curtains and even as I moved his house back into "position" (far enough from the window so that any chill that might come in during the night won't get to him as he sleeps). He was almost oblivious to my presence in the room. So I got his house situated, put the back board on and all the while, he continued eating. I know he eats during the day, but his appetite is amazing of late. It does my heart good though, to see that he has such a good appetite. Obviously, he's feeling well. I don't worry when he eats... I always worry that, one day, he won't. But for now, indeed, all is quite well and fine.
Tomorrow morning, I'll have a "mix" for him with a bit of cod liver oil in it. He doesn't really like that. It's said that doves don't smell their food and they don't really taste it either, since they swallow the seeds whole and it's in their crop that all the grinding and digestion takes place, but it appears that the oil must have some sort of perhaps, "residual taste" of some kind because I notice that he almost "smacks his lips", well, his beak anyway, after eating seeds with the oil on them. And he gets every-so particular about eating, almost "searching" through the seeds, trying to avoid any that are "oiled". Still, with the sun not shining so directly into his windows at this time of year, I worry about his "vitamin D". Cod liver oil is allegedly an excellent source and so, I keep some handy. (And to test whether it's "good" or not, I take a tablespoon of it my-self, the day before giving Yonah any. As I say in his "Care" pages: "If you wouldn't eat or drink it, it doesn't belong in a dove's diet." And yes, I had some today... no "side effects", nor unpleasant flavour so... Tomorrow, my Little Guy gets his vitamins.)
And so, at 20.05 he'd finally filled his little crop for the night and took to his perch so I put the roof board on and he got settled for the night. I was in NO rush, really, although I didn't want him up too late, since he was up and about shortly after 6.00 this morning. But, he was ready, so we exchanged out "Good night" kisses, I closed the door to his house and put out the desk lamp. The world was "tucked-in"... well, MY "WORLD" was tucked-in for the night.
Out-side, the sky was clearing after the rains, the air was quite still so my little Heart-and-Soul was set for a restful night of it. Tomorrow's forecast is for sun and 22°... hopefully, open windows, fresh air and "LUVIN'S"!
Friday 10 June:
It was a little "concerning" again, this morning, as the clock ticked the minutes away and there was no "call" from my Little Guy. I tend to wonder if he's just "sleeping-in" or...? So, at 6.33 I ventured into his room, quietly, to sit at the edge of his futon and watch his silhouette in the morning light that came through his blinds and curtains. Oh... he was awake! And just as I sat down...
I answered with a quiet "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and he replied:
I REALLY WISH I had even the slightest idea as to what the patterns of his coo'ing mean. There are different "qualities" to some of them... volume, clarity, tone. It's as I learned in my research over the time: Mourning doves listen to "sound", and they differentiate all sorts of "qualities" to where they can distinguish one dove in an entire flock. Well, I've come to listen for the slightest variations in Yonah's coo's, hoping to come to where I could even speculate on the meanings or the intended messages in at least some of them. But, nope. This morning, the best I could notice was that the coo's were clear... and apparently, those pauses were intentional... I just wish I knew the intention.
As the day progressed, with the exception of about 2 hours this morning, when I had to run an errand, we had the ENTIRE day together! I worked at the work table and around the rest of the house and Yonah was with me, almost all of the time. As I worked at the work table, he came over, often, to my shoulder or on my head. He seems to enjoy being on my head, for some reason, and he'll stay there until I move, to look in one direction or another. And, of course, when I was a the work table, there were the wing-snaps when he wanted to get my attention. Brilliant, as he is, he knows that those wing snaps won't go un-noticed and certainly, not ignored. I know what THOSE mean... "Hello? I'm over here." and I'm more than happy to stop what-ever I'm doing to get in some "Luvin's".
And today, he got a portion of his regular seeds that had been absorbing some cod-liver oil over-night. Oh, but it's so obvious that he notices something about the presence of the oil because, after he'd done eating, he makes the cutest little "smacking" motion with his beak, as if there's an "unusual" taste or after-taste. It's said that doves (and birds, in general) do smell or taste their food before eating. And doves don't "chew", they simply swallow the seeds whole, to be ground and digested in their crop and gizzard and such. But there's some quality to the cod liver oil that's noticeable to Yonah. And he's not really "fond" of it because he eats less during the course of the day as long as those seeds are in with his other food. But I leave them in there until evening, and then all of the food in his dish is taken away... and put out for the "Yardies" (we waste nothing and the Yardies seem to like the "oiled" seeds... and it's good for them too). Then, a fresh dish of his regular diet is put in place so that he can eat well before settling down for the night. I'm just glad that he gets some of the goodness of the "oiled" seeds... it's got his vitamins A and D in there and those are essential. I don't want him lacking ANYTHING! After all, his good health and mood are my good health and mood.
We had a LOT of "together time" too, during the day, and again, I notice the gentility of his pecks lately. He's not "weaker", so it's not a lack of energy. He just seems to "know" that "thrusting" isn't really necessary. And when he pecks at my nose and cheeks, it's all the more as if he's "preening" me!
One of the most amazing things that he does is how he will poke his beak in the space between my fingers when I put my hand up to him! He literally closes his eyes and pokes until his face is all but "buried", touching my fingers! And then, he'll peck about my hand... again... "preening"! I don't understand it... It's said that birds, generally, don't understand that a hand is attached to the "person" whose face they recognise. If that's the case, I wonder what Yonah perceives my hand to be.
Other-wise, the documentation that I've read claims that it's a "bonding" response, that he IS "preening me".
Which/what-ever it is, it's fascinating. It doesn't hurt in ANY way, and, yes, it is rather comforting in that Yonah feels safe and secure being that close to me (or any part, as it were, of me).
So we whiled-away our day together, taking time for play and "Luvin's" and we had a little lunch together and again, our evening meal. After all the eating and "washing-up" was done, we got in a bit of a rather thorough "tidying" of Yonah's room and as I Hoovered, he took his place on his pillows on his futon where he "supervised". (It does seem like he's supervising because he watches my every move... especially when I move his house about to get to the windows. He doesn't miss a single motion or movement of ANY thing in "his territory".)
As I cleaned the extra seeds that he tosses about in his house, I had to get to his little "nest box" and that meant that I had to take all the twigs out. I really didn't want to "mess his nest" but... and so, when I'd done removing them all, cleaning the shelf and box, the best I could do was to put them all back. But of course, I couldn't put them in the order he'd arranged so, I was curious to see what he would do with them. So far, by and of day, he'd just gone over to see what "damage" I'd done, looked about, check it all out and, for the most part, just left all as it was. We'll have to see if he bothers with them at all. (More for me to "learn"...)
I took the opportunity to change his food and the dish. The "oiled" seeds went into a container to be put out for the Yardies and fresh dish with fresh, regular food went in and onto his ledge.
After all the mayhem of cleaning, we got to settle-down for the rest of the evening. By then, at about 19.00, there was still considerable day-light out-side but I put the desk lamp on. I know Yonah's come to associate that with the "end of day" and I DO want to make sure he gets his proper hours of rest at night, which means that by 20.00 he ought to be "tucked-in" and has time to un-wind. Meanwhile, I sat to get started on some of the day's journalling.
The time swept by and the next thing I knew, it was already 19.40 again! Yonah was in his nest box, nice and calm, so I started to close his window, blinds and curtains and as I did, he turned round and started to have his "evening, before bed" snack. And again, this evening, he ate... almost non-stop! This evening, I imagine it was because he didn't eat as much as he usually does during the day, because of the cod-liver oil but... I don't interrupt him when he's eating and I went on with all of the evening routine except for the placement of the roof board... Yonah just kept eating! I waited...
It wasn't until almost 20.15 when he finally hopped away from his food and over to his perch... for the night! His little crop must have been quite full!
I put the roof board on, we exchanged our "Good night" kisses and... at 20.18, the desk lamp was turned off. The room was settled, neat and tidy. Yonah's house was all ready for the night and my little Heart-and-Soul was all "tucked-in" for a night of restful sleep.
Tonight's forecast: clear and 10° so I made sure the curtains were closed to keep any chill away from him And tomorrow's high is expected to be 22°! Open window day! Fresh breezes and comfy temperatures... and another day together because I have NOTHING to do that will take me away! An entire day... of just relaxing and being together with my sole reason for taking a next breath... my "Heart-and-Soul"!
Saturday 11 June:
I HAVE to say that I was just on the verge of "worry" this morning. The clock went by the minutes, and the minutes went to hours (because I make sure that I'm up and about way before Yonah wakes... so that I'm there, at the ready, when he calls), and there'd been silence... no "morning call" even by 6.30. I always tend to worry in the morning, as I wait...
But 6.45 I had to go in and check. I don't want to disturb my Little Guy if he's resting. After all, he's entitled to rest and relax for as long as he wants. And I hadn't seen any of the Yardies out in the yard as yet. The sky was clear, the sun was rising, but last night's chill still lingered in the air so... if the Yardies were snuggling, I understood that Yonah might be doing like-wise. But, I had to check anyway so, silently, I went into his room and to the end of the futon, as I do, so that I could clearly see his silhouette and watch for ANY motion...
Sitting there in the dim light that filtred in through this blinds and curtains, I could see just the lightest motion in his feathers... and I mean "slightest"... until...
Very nicely, clearly... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo"! and his head rose, wings stretched! With all the "hoo-hoo's" it struck me as though he'd been watching me watching him and he was asking:
"What are you doing, just sitting there, staring at me? How about opening the door and getting on with the day?"
I answered with a simple "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and he replied with his previous "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo...hoo"! So I got up, whispering "I didn't know that you were awake and I didn't want to disturb you"... and as he REALLY stretched his wings up and out he replied with the same, lengthy coo-pattern! Again, I SO wish I could "know" what it all means, but WOW! What-ever it was that he was telling me, apparently it had to be said! AND... as I opened his door, put in the door perch and went on to open his windows up to the morning, he repeated the same pattern. SO VOCIFEROUS! It made me wonder if he was just "testing" me, to see how long it would take before I'd come in, if he hadn't called me at all. (And I wouldn't doubt that he's perfectly capable of such a thought... little genius that he is other-wise.)
Well... we got the windows open, his house all settled in place and I got on with the water relay and morning tidying. And until I was just about finished, Yonah watched from his door perch. Of course, he knows that if he's there as I'm bringing the fresh water in for his "pool", I stop to make sure he gets a kiss or two in, between trips ack and forth to the kitchen. Oh, but he does "know" that, and of course... kisses were abundant this morning... and he delighted in each and every one.
When I'd done and had gone back to settle things in the kitchen in preparation for the day ahead, I heard the "scratching" of twigs in his "nest box". Sure enough, he was RE-arranging them in a fashion that was more suitable and acceptable to him! And then... he settled into it, as comfy as could be. When I went back to look, sure enough, he'd arranged them all in just about, if not exactly the same "configuration" that he'd had them in before I'd gone in to "damage" it all. He knows what he wants and he knows how to put his house in order as HE sees fit. BRILLIANT!
We got to open the window again, as the morning moved along. The sky clouded, so the sun was rare, but the air temperatures warmed so nicely. And it was relatively still, so no hard breezes came in. It really was delightful to be able to enjoy the fresh air!
And all the "conversation" of this morning? Well, that went on for over three hours! There was SO much to be said, and as Yonah coo'ed and I answered, our chatting rolled along until, I guess he'd said all that needed to be said and he settled back in his little nest box and I went about my own "tasks".
Today, I put a dish of hard-boiled egg yolk in for him. I'd cooked them yesterday, primarily for Yonah today. At first, he shows no interest in them. But even if he gets a little, I'm happy. (And, as always, nothing goes to waste because what-ever is left at the end of day, it goes out to the Yardies the following morning.) Today, I won't worry too much if he doesn't eat much of the yolk... he had his cod-liver oil yesterday. And there's more egg... for tomorrow... just in case.
This after-noon, we had a bit of play... on the floor. Yonah was beside me, as I sat at the work table, and I got down on the floor with him and we played "Catch Me!" He's quite the little riot... He wants to play, so he gives me a wing snap and a stare until I come to him. Then, it "cover him" GENTLY in my cupped hand and he RUNS away... just out of reach, where he stops, turns round, looks at me, gives me another wing snap and lets me reach over to "cup" him again and he repeats the whole procedure. Such a little tease. Such a little genius. He knows it's all in fun and he knows how to get me to play with him like that. We play the same little game when he's on his roof-top platform too. But when he's up there, I think he believes he has the benefit of being just above me. (Though I can reach up there easily enough... it's just that to Yonah, he can see the top of my head so it seems he has the advantage over me. HAH! But again... he does the same thing: let's me "catch" him, runs away, and waits for me to come after him again.)
Well it was a lovely day out there today, in spite of the clouds that covered the sun for most of the day. And Yonah and I were together, in his room, and I managed to get caught-up with SO MUCH... even with all the "play" and "LUVIN'S" breaks that we took. (And one "snooze"... but today, I snoozed on the futon... Yonah snoozed in his little "nest box"... until it was time to wake me, which he did by flying down, landing on my shoulder and toddling on me until he was sure that I was awake.)
And we had a little mid-day snack together. But, I'd put a little dish of hard-boiled egg yolks in for Yonah today and... he wouldn't touch them. I'm not sure why not. But sometimes he enjoys them... sometimes not. This was a "not" time. Oh well... he had his cod-liver oil yesterday so at least he's gotten that much. (And there's more of those seeds in the fridge... I'll slip some into his regular diet during the week... just the once more.)
And this evening, as we do, we had evening meals together too.
Of note: I was just reading today, as I took a break from my tasks to browse more on doves and their habits, particularly why Yonah likes "pecking and preening".... or, as it's called, I see... "beaking" my hand:
Doves (and other birds as well) will develop habits around their people's habits. So, when Yonah sees me eating, he figures that that's his time to eat too. It explains a LOT! And as for the "beaking", apparently it's part of his "bonding" with me. He IS "preening" in a sort of way. And since he associates my hand with playing and the little "cuddling" that I do, "cupping" him, it's his way of playing and showing "affection/thanks".
I've been saying all along that, as far as I'm concerned, Yonah isn't just a little "Life" in my own life... he IS, quite literally, my "Heart-and-Soul", he's the reason I do take better care of me these days, and so much more. It would appear that I'm a bit more than just his "people", I call us "Mates"... he's my "house-mate" (for those who just don't understand the LOVE). Indeed... it looks like the sentiments actually are "mutual". It's SO HUMBLING... an HONOUR and a TRUE BLESSING!
So, after our meals, we got the water relay done and a bit of house-tidying and Yonah had a little extra snack as I sat at the work table to start today's journalling. Bird-songs and the radio playing softly...
Sadly, somebody in the area decided to burn refuse or garbage and the smoke and fumes that poured in through the open window were utterly ACRID! It burned my eyes so it MUST have irritated Yonah's eyes... AND his little lungs! So the windows got closed and that "filtre" on his fan got a REAL test. The fan was set at "exchange" so that one side drew air in and the other blew it out. Well... "smell test"... all I'm saying is: I'll be buying MORE of that filtre because the air coming in was just FINE! No smoke smell at all! (The "fabric" is "activated charcoal" infused and the sort that's used on stove exhaust fans. I got it because I figure, if it's made for the greasy smoke from a stove, it ought to do a wonderful job on smoke and other pollutants in the air out-side. Seems it's passed the test.) So, we settled-in for the evening....
Tonight, we were a bit late again getting to "seepie-nigh-night". It was 20.00 and my Little Guy was just having his before-bed-time snack, so I waited until he'd finished eating so that he didn't go to sleep, hungry. NEVER! As long as I can do anything about it! But tonight, he wasn't as long and didn't eat as much as he's done that past couple of nights. I guess all that eating during the day made it all well. So, when he was done, I'd already closed his blinds and curtains and had put up the back board. The only thing left was the roof board and to close the door to his house.
It's my least "favourite" time of day, tucking him in. Not because he'll be getting sleep but because I actually miss being with him through the night. But, he does need his rest so... And tomorrow, I'll be keeping a careful watch on the clock to see when he wakes. Perhaps a bit later, as this morning. But I'll worry anyway after 6.30... I just do that.
But now, for tonight, my little Heart-and-Soul is tucked-in, safe and sound, on his perch, at his "night spot". Windows are closed against the 10° chill due, and the door to his room will be open anyway, the house furnace set at 20° so that the house won't get any cooler than that, no matter what. (Imagine... "June" and the furnace is still set. Oh well... the hotter nights will be coming in no time.) And tomorrow? Well, "Sunday"... and hopefully a nice, peaceful day ahead. Honestly though, no matter what the "World" holds... as long as Yonah is still part of it... the day will be perfect.
mourning dove 12 June 2022Sunday 12 June:
Well, all my "uncertainties" of a morning were for naught, and my wondering when my Little Guy would be waking was settled. 6.21 this morning came the "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! WOOHOO! And it w as another morning of "short chatting" before that final "woo-HOO!" Last night's "late-to-bed" was obviously no "set-back" and he must have gotten all the rest he needed... ready to get up, get out and get on with the day ahead! And we did have a bit of a "dialogue" during "window openings", though Yonah was out and about his room before I could finish what I was doing. It was only the "precursor' to how the rest of this almost lazy Sunday was to go.
We got the water relay done, house-tidying and the likes and before I knew it, Yonah was on the floor and heading out. Into the kitchen, round the corner to the living-room, he was on the MOVE! And, for a great part during the day, that's how it went: If he wasn't toddling about the floor from room-to-room, he was hopping or flying to my head or shoulders. Even when I was working in the kitchen, he made sure to "check on me". It was quite the "together" day. And "conversations"? We had QUITE A LOT of those... especially when I left his room. No sooner was I on the other side of his door-way when he was calling... and wouldn't stop until I called back to let him know where I was.
Today was quite a "LOVE ME!" day too, I have to say. He was in quite the mood to be close to me, and when not on my shoulder (or head), he wanted to be "held" (as it were, "cupped" in my hands, though so gently so as to give him the space and freedom to take flight when the mood struck). He wanted the "touch". And he wanted to be talked-to. He wanted the little "kisses"! It was unusually "close". But I enjoyed EVERY second of it all.
We were together, in one manner or another, ALL through the day today too. And I did a little "work" on his corner "loft" platform. It still needs more attention because, when he lands on it, it's a little "wobbly". BUT...
TOMORROW IS OUR * 20-MONTHS ANNIVERSARY * !!! And it's "June House-Keeping" time! So, my Little Guy will have another "interesting" sort of day. Today, I had his house moved in different places as I worked on the platform, but tomorrow... EVERYTHING gets taken out! Sand and kitchen roll changed... pool cleaned. OH MY! Today was just a little "preparation" for the "Bid Event".
And we took mid-day break together, followed by a bit of a snooze. But we didn't snooze "together"... I was on the futon, Yonah was in his "nest box". BUT, just before the alarm was set to sound... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... from over my head. Even though he was in his house, he some-how "knew"... "nap time" was done! (He amazes me when he does that! I'll never know how he "knows". But he does.)
And for the day, sunny, warm, breezy, windows and doors open (screens closed, of course), we went on about little tasks and chores. Nothing heavy, serious... for the most part, we took it all easy today.
Evening meal? Once again, I went to the kitchen to get my plate so to bring it in to the work table and Yonah hopped up to his ledge and had his evening meal with me. And after, I did the washing-up and we did the evening water relay... and out-side, the rain that was in the forecast for during the day (which never happened) began to fall, lightly, tapping on the metal roof of the little shed out-side his window.
At about 18.30, the sky had darkened, so I put the desk lamp on and... sure enough, Yonah went and had a bit of a snack. Because that lamp was put on before "tuck-in" all during the Winter months, when the sun set considerably earlier than it does these days, he still associates it with "end of day". But I'm glad he ate. I'm ALWAYS glad to see him eat. At least he has that much more in his little crop for the night.
So, I settled at the work table to get started on his journal for today and he came to the little ledge that I have for him on the work table, and there, he made him-self comfy... preened a bit and then fluffed and made him-self comfy... watching me type. It didn't last long though, the peaceful "cozy"... Wing snap! He wanted "LUVIN'S!" so, of course... ALL things stopped for that, until he decided "enough" and took off to his roof-top where, for a while, he stayed, watching me from his "look-out".
At about 19.40 I caught the clock and thought, for the sake of "routine", and to make sure that Yonah gets his proper rest, I'd start closing the blinds and curtains and see what sort of response I get from him. He was still on his roof-top and when I moved his house and went to his window, he followed me from his "vantage point", as he often does. And when I'd finished closing blinds and curtains and put the back board up, as he does (BRILLIANT LITTLE GUY) he took the "hint" and headed into his house to say "Good night" to the little dove in the loft mirror. I said that it was "time for seepie-nigh-night" and stepped out of the room so that, if he wanted to, he could take his "before bed" snack. It wasn't but a couple of moments and when I returned, he was already at his "night spot" on his perch. Yes, it was "time for seepie-nigh-night" and he was quite ready.
So, the roof board went on, the door perch and roof platform went to the work table. We exchanged a couple of "Good night kisses" and... by 19.54... the desk lamp was turned off and my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night. It feels "odd" to me these evenings, tucking him in even though there's still sun shining. And the rains of earlier had stopped and the clouds were clearing so there really was quite a bit of sun-light out-side. But, as I say, my concern is for Yonah getting proper rest. And if he's to get 10-14 hours, being up and about at 6.30 in the morning, well, 20.00 is a good time to start.
Tonight's temperature is expected to be about 14°. Not "cold" but still, not exactly "warm". The storms that had been forecast earlier have been changed... clouds over-night and possibly a bit of light rain. But be that as it may, my Little Guy gets to rest, fully protected, against chills, rains, winds... predators. He's safe in his own house, in his own room, to sleep, unaware of anything else but rest... as it should be... as I make certain it is for him.
He has quite a day ahead tomorrow... for our "20-MONTH ANNIVERSARY". It might not seem like a terribly long time in the greater scheme of things, but I think of it as: the average life-time of a mourning dove in the wild is 18 months. Out time together has already passed that. And if calculations of Yonah's age are correct, at the end of this month, he'll be 22 months of age... surpassed that "average" there, as well. And we're rolling into our 2-year anniversary now... so, each month, each week... just as with each day, is "special" to and for me. We're still together, Yonah appears to he healthy and in good spirits. THAT is, to me, tantamount to ALL things. And tomorrow... we do a thorough house-keeping... so he can "observe" or "celebrate" in healthy surroundings. My Little Guy... my Heart-and-Soul.
mourning dove 13 June 2022Monday 13 June * 20 MONTHS * !!!!! And it all began at 5.45 this morning with a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! My little Heart-and-Soul was up and about and we had a short "volley" of "chat" before I got in to open his house for what was to become SIX HOURS of "HOUSE-KEEPING"!
We chatted as I opened the curtains and blinds to a beautiful sun-lit day, and I waited for a while, so he could actually wake up before I started disassembling his house.
POOR LITTLE GUY! It obviously "disturbs" him when I take everything apart, but today, I wanted to make absolutely certain that EVERY-THING in there was completely CLEAN. Yesterday, I'd discovered some little black flies on his ledge, where his food and "nest-box" are. Thankfully, not "mites" or other little parasites. The black flies could have been in the potting mix where his "garden" of sprouted seeds are. Well... we made sure there's nothing to keep them "welcomed" today!
ALL the trays got removed and sanitised. And all the sand was removed and discarded. One of the three trees was removed, because it was going a little "dry" for some reason. His pool and "fountain apparatus" got THOROUGHLY cleaned with white vinegar. And the little brackets under his corner loft got re-made so there's no "wobble" when he lands on it. And the "new rocks" were stacked for a different "fountain" (which I'll have to work on further, when next, I get to the river for more rocks. I'm not absolutely pleased with this configuration, but it does give him more room to splash about in. Anyway, rocks were boiled and ALL is quite clean! AND, I put a bit of the new moss in for him as well... though, this time, there's a layer of kitchen roll under it... just to make sure there aren't any parasites or other "things" in it. I'll be checking... THOROUGHLY!
All the while I worked, running back and forth from his room to the kitchen, the poor Little Guy just couldn't seem to find a place in there where he felt "comfy". I worked at a feverish pace, because he won't eat well if I'm tearing his house apart, and he won't drink. So, I wanted to make sure he was properly nourished no matter what.
But, when, at long last, his house was back together, and I ran a double water change through his scrubbed pool and fountain, and all was settled, he DID have a bit of a snack...
and WE GOT TOGETHER TIME !!! PLAYING AND SNUGGLING ON THE FUTON! He gave me the assurance that it was all "OK"... pecks on the nose, the fore-head, and quite the toddling up and down on me as I laid there.
And it was a really WONDERFUL day for it all too. Sunny, breezy... windows and doors open. Comfortably warm. A perfect day for "House-Keeping"! Now, we won't be doing this again until September/October. (But, of course, in the mean-time, there will be more house-keeping, as necessary.
The neighbour who was purported to being the "bird people" was by today and was telling me that "birders" have 4-letter "names" for different birds that they track... Mourning doves, I'm told are "Modo". Well, they can call them what they will... and it's nice to know such things. But MY Little Guy will ALWAYS remain...
my "Heart-and-Soul".
A note though... of major concern: Yonah seems to have one area on his RIGHT wing now, by his shoulder, where the feathers just aren't "correct". On inspection, it appears to be a little bit of some kind of "injury"! I checked today, to make sure there's no "abrasion". There isn't. But it has me MOST concerned! It isn't always noticeable, for the most part, the feathers, from the surface, appear to be OK. Still... I don't like this. And this evening, I checked again... only this time, I covered his head as I held him to get a better look. I HAD to make certain that there wasn't a tick! Well... no tick, but... YONAH WAS JUST SO CALM AS I HELD HIM AND POKED ABOUT ON HIS WING. AND WHEN I REMOVED THE LITTLE COVER FROM HIS FACE, HE LOOKED UP AT ME AS IF ASKING "HAVE YOU QUITE FINISHED?" NO A BIT OF PANIC OR STRUGGLE. HE KNOWS I WOULD NEVER HARM HIM! That does my heart more that a "world of good". Now, I have to figure out what happened. I'm quite hopeful that it isn't an injury due to any sudden noise in the middle of the night that he might have heard and tried to "escape" from. I've NO patience for such things. But I'll be keeping a careful eye on the situation, to be sure. I'm just relieved to have gone through his house today and there were no indications of any sort of "bugs" or parasites... and now... his house is ABSOLUTELY CLEAN!
We missed our mid-day snack together today because I didn't take the time to have one, but we DID have our evening meal together and he did eat well...
But this evening, when it came time for "seepie-nigh-night" he didn't seem to want to eat before tuck-in. I got up from the work table where I was getting prepared for today's "journalling" and moved his house to get to the windows and he went to his door perch, and then a quick flight to his pillows on the futon. When I'd done with the blinds and curtains, he came back to his perch and, well, he was rather ready for "tuck in" and not interested in eating. He did manage several little snacks during the day so I'm not panicking at this point. But that too, is something I'll be keep careful watch of.
Well then... at almost 20.00, lights went out... my Little Guy was all tucked in for the night, in his clean house. It's supposed to go down to 14° tonight, quite a difference from today's warmth, so his windows were closed accordingly. But, over all else...
Tomorrow, I might take a bit of time to check the local wood-lands for some better trees for his house too... I'm ALWAYS on the look-out for those. Yonah seems to enjoy having them so....

                * FULL SCREEN *
Tuesday 14 June:
I took a few more minutes this morning, of staying in bed, just to relax a little while longer and as I half-dozed...
Looked up at the clock... 5.41! My Little Guy was up, awake, and looking to start his day! But the one thing that made me smile, SO sincerely, as I scrambled to get to him, was that I heard him... AND... that THAT was my "wake-up call"... first thing in the morning! It was GLORIOUS! The sound of Yonah's coo'ing, knowing that he was awake and feeling well... NOTHING in ALL of Creation could be better than that!
And, indeed, he was awake, and he was ready to roll with the day too! Well rested, looking GORGEOUS, and FULL of "Good morning" kisses! And a little conversation as I muddled my way through our "morning routine", opening his windows to a clear, bright, almost-warm world out-side his window... which got opened right away, so fresh air along with all the rest! PERFECT!
And to make it all the better, I had NOTHING pressing that would take me away at any point during the day! I had photos for the months of May and June to edit and post and code into the respective pages so I was looking forward to spending ALL of my time with my BEST COMPANION
And Yonah was FULL of energy today... ALL through the day.
He SO enjoyed the fresh moss that we'd put in yesterday! He gets a kick out of pulling at it and tossing it all over the place! And it tickles me to watch him as he does. Everything from just a "sprig" to larger clumps, they end up from his loft to his nest box and yes, in his pool (so I have to be quick to pull that out before it gets to the little pump for his fountain). Bits all over his house AND his room! (We Hoovered this evening, just before evening water relay.) But it truly IS such a DELIGHT to see him so "occupied" and obviously having a bit of fun.
AND... as I tried to get his photos situated and coded into the pages, he came over, many times, during the course of the day, to rest on my shoulder and look at what I was doing... in between pecks on the ear and little adventures across my back... Shoulder-to-shoulder, back and forth... and pecks in between. And, as I managed to catch part on a "video", he had SUCH FUN, playing with and attacking a bit of kitchen roll as he stood on my shoulder! A playful day, it certainly was
Ah... but then, a telephone call took me out of the room for a few moments and when I returned, Yonah was standing at his door perch and gave a wing snap so I thought it was a call for "Luvin's", but when I cupped him, as I do, in my hands... HE WAS WET! HE'D BEEN IN THE POOL FOR A SPLASH! (The temperature in his room was, to be fair, about 26° and though the sun doesn't shine directly in through the windows at this time of year, there WAS, obviously, just enough to enjoy.) Fresh water, clean pool, new rocks... and he's enjoying it all! And I'm so glad that the "new configuration" for his fountain gives him so much more room to splash in. I just wish I could have seen it... so I can know, for certain, that this configuration will work in future. But, what-ever and how-ever... he obviously got to enjoy it today! AND, after his "bath" even his wing feathers are looking better! (I wish he wouldn't drink out of the pool though, so I might be able to put some sort of "bathing additive" in the water for him. But, we do the best we can. He has another dish of water for drinking... he just prefers the pool so... I keep that water clean, the rocks in there are boiled before they're put in, the fountain and all it's parts are thoroughly cleaned with white vinegar so. Better he drinks from the pool than not at all.)
The photo work to the entire day, and together, we played, cuddled, no snoozes though, and I did the best I could with the "work" (though I have to admit, time with Yonah was much more fun, of course). Still, I did managed to get all the work done and all the pages and images on the server so Yonah's site is current! YAY! And we did take a bit of a "tea break" during the day. I had my coffee and a little snack and Yonah had his little snack too.
And this evening, as we do, we dined together, particularly because Yonah stood by his food dish and "called" to remind me that it was time. He's gotten to where our "routine" is so familiar to him and when I'm not running out to the kitchen when it's time to eat, it appears, he remembers and let's me know about it. (I don't doubt it, for even the slightest moment, that he DOES know, that he IS aware of a "clock"/routine. He's AMAZED me EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER! The world should only know just HOW BRILLIANT he is... and, I shouldn't doubt, mourning doves, in general, actually are. They might appear to be skittish and not at all too very bright but there's SO MUCH MORE happening in them. How horrid to think how many are murdered... as "sport". It's repulsive, really.)
Anyway, we got the evening water relay done after evening meal and this evening, I ran a bit more fresh water through everything, just to make sure it was clean and clear... especially after Yonah's "bath" and I settled down at the work table to get to today's Journal and Yonah got to his roof-top platform where, of late, he "calls"... repeatedly coo'ing. I've heard another dove, out in the wooded-area across the road, out-side his window and I'm still trying to figure a way to "entice" the doves to come by... keep him company, give him somebody to "coo with". But, for now, it's obvious that the "dove in the woods" hears him and, across the distance, they call to one-another. (Obviously, the other is a male as well, because the females don't "converse". But hey, it's "somebirdie" to chat with for Yonah. If I could get another dove to come to his window, it would definitely show me how he'd react to another dove... though, I'm still not so sure about "sharing" his territory... never mind his house. We shall see.)
At about 19.40 this evening, I put fresh food in his dish because this morning, I'd added some more of the "cod-live oil" seeds into his regular mix and I don't leave that over-night for fear of it spoiling. And tonight is supposed to be 13°. Not exactly "warm" but, I won't take any chances. He went right for it! Then, hopped down for a drink (from the pool, of course) and then back up for more eating. My heart warms to see him eating, especially in the evening. I know he won't go to sleep hungry... and I think of the Little Ones in the wild, having to travel to find food, especially in the evenings before roosting, and then having to find shelter. My Little Guy has NONE of those worries... and I'll see to it that he never does!
By 19.50 my Little Guy was finished with his eating and off to his night spot on his perch. The "indication": it was time for seepie-nigh-night. So, I got straight to closing-up the windows, blinds and curtains and by the time I'd put his house back in position... he was obviously settled-in. So... "Good night" kisses and we made short work of "tuck-in" for the night.
It was a GRAND AND GLORIOUS DAY for both of us, I must say. Being in Yonah's company is such a PURE DELIGHT! And knowing that he's safe and sound for the night is a GREATEST comfort to me. My little Heart-and-Soul can sleep, with-out a care. He's sheltered from the elements and the predators. And should he want (and can find his way in the night), there's plenty of fresh food and water for him.
I'm not "perfect", though I try my best to provide. But it appears I'm doing "OK", because, I'm always welcomed and we DO manage to be together... often. Room for improvement? Oh yes. For me... always. But we've made it through 20 months... MAYBE we'll make it through 20 years? (Or even the 5.) As I say:
I am because Yonah is.

                * FULL SCREEN *
Wednesday 15 June:
Today was a day that could be recorded in diamond-studded, 24 karat gold. If I could, I etch the whole thing directly on the sun and send it off to glow through the night, and all nights, and days to follow! It was nothing short of indescribable ELATION, AMAZEMENT and, as I'm wont to say... AWE !!!!!
From the very first woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo at 5.24, yes, 5.24 this morning!, and the reply of woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo when I answered the first call, it was something that simply HAD to be SEEN, first-hand, to be appreciated.
Opening Yonah's house was almost our regular "conversation" but he was, some-how, a bit more energetic this morning, even though he'd awakened quite early. He MUST have gotten QUITE the restful night's sleep last night because he was ever-so ready to take on the day ahead. As I worked along with water relay and the rest, he had things to say and places he felt he had to go to. Granted, the "places" were on his wall shelves, futon, the back of the chair at the work table, and that sort of destination, but he was ANIMATED... FLYING ALL OVER THE PLACE, BACK AND FORTH AND FORTH AND BACK! It was SO up-lifting to see!
And today, ALL THROUGH the day, he was out for toddles... almost constantly! From his room to the back door, the living-room, even into the loo!
Thankfully, the day was warm enough to keep the in-side doors open and the screen doors shut, to let in the fresh air because my Little Guy spent quite the long moments at both the back AND the front doors, looking out, checking to see what was going on. It was the MOST time he's ever spent out of his room! How I WISHED that we had the space for him, some-where, to have been in the yard today, in the sun, the breeze, the fresh air! (I have ideas for creating a space for him and now I MUST get busy on them before the weather changes and we head back into the days and nights of cold again. Or... what I, personally would like the most is to be able to move away from But, all said, it was such an AMAZING DELIGHT to see him, so comfortably toddling about the entirety of the house! He's finally where he feels "safe" in what is, essentially and effectively, HIS domain!
All the while, and all through the day, I gave my best attempts at accomplishing everything from getting to the river to get fresh sand for the next "house-keeping" event to keeping up with Yonah's web-site but... I don't believe I need say much on the matter because the video here, on this page, (and of course, on Yonah's "Video" page) there's a video of just 2 minutes of what the day was like, for the most part. The flying back and forth from house to shoulder. Did I get everything that I "intended" done? Oh no! Do I mind at all? Absolutely NOT! In fact, I was, at the time and still am, just SO GRATEFUL for the closeness, and that Yonah came to me of his own choice! I didn't have to speak, didn't really have to even move and he flew over to me, landed on my shoulder, gave pecks on the head, and actually preened and then got comfy there, on my shoulder! Oh, but we ARE "MATES"! And I can't help but feel ULTIMATELY BLESSED, HONOURED, PRIVILEGED, JOYFUL, DELIGHTED! (It appears that my feelings toward and for Yonah are "reciprocal"... There CAN'T be ANYTHING greater than that!)
This evening, we did "dine" together... and that's become our "normal routine" now. And it's quite remarkable to note that, when I go to the kitchen to prepare my own evening meal, Yonah too, is already at his own food, for his own meal. (I wonder if he associates the sound of pots and pans with eating and now KNOWS that when he hears those sounds, I'll be coming in and eating. He's INDESCRIBABLY BRILLIANT! AND, HE PROVES, SO FAR BEYOND ANY TRACE OF DOUBT, JUST HOW BRILLIANT HE IS, AND OTHER MOURNING DOVES ARE! Again, how I so wish that I had the means to disseminate this information broadly and boldly! MORE people ought to know and understand that these Lives are NOT to be murdered, which is what "sport" actually comes to. Mourning doves are NOT "targets"... They actually KNOW when they're shot, trapped or other-wise injured. And those who remain after the travesty, KNOW that one of their own has been "taken". SENTIENCE... but how I doubt that those who delight in murdering these previous Lives even possess the capacity or capability to actually understand the offence of their actions. Pathetic, really. Beyond "sad".. simply, repulsively pathetic.)
Came the hour... 19.45 the sun was just covered in the Western sky, by the early-arrival clouds that were to be expected for tonight and tomorrow. It was later than "usual", and Yonah's room was darkening... and he was roosting on his door perch as I tried to get to his Journal for the day. It was time to "close shop" for the day, and he was there to remind me. It's that time of a day that actually, literally, physically "pains" me because ahead, we have a night where I'll be in the next room... and we won't be "together". But, my Little Guy needs his rest, no matter how dark or light the day or evening might be so...
I got up from the work table and moved my things out to the kitchen, as "we" do in the evening and, seeing THAT must have been another "indication" that Yonah is all-too familiar with because he headed for his food for a "before tuck-in snack". When I got back, we closed blinds and curtains and I put the back board up... "THE" indication of "close of business". Yonah headed for his perch and I went about getting his house and room settled for the night.
By 20.05.... we were "settled" and my little Heart-and-Soul was kissed, cuddled, snuggled and tucked-in for the night in his own house where, through the night, he could sleep, resting peacefully, protected from the elements and predators. And tonight... comfortably warm... no concerns about "chills". One night, soon, we'll have the windows open... fresh air through the night.
Thursday 16 June:
5.42 this morning... and the call was clear. (I always listen for the "quality". Yonah's "call" and "poop"... the two most important moments of any day. "Voice" clear? He's rested and well. Poop all in one place... he slept peacefully through the night. And the "quantity"... oddly enough, the "normal" is 4 little bits. So I count and inspect, making sure that the "brown" and "white" are in proper proportions, and how wet or dry. Thankfully, this morning... all checked-out to be just as they ought to be.) And there really wasn't all too much "chatting" first thing because I'd been up and about and ready to head right in at first "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo".
There he was, my little Heart-and-Soul, waiting and at the ready as soon as I opened his door! And we exchanged "Good morning" kisses and he scuttled away, across his perch for a GLORIOUS wing-stretch! INDEED! Time to get on with the day ahead! I was DELIGHTED!
Morning routine... water relay and house-tidying moved along, under supervision from the "roof-top vantage point" and I'd no sooner gotten it all done when Yonah came down to his door perch for some kisses and cuddles! He was in a good mood... and so too, was I. Come what may for the rest of the day, as long as my Little Guy was fine... nothing else mattered!
And today, AGAIN... as I sat at the work table, it was another day of "back and forth", house to shoulder, pecking at my ear and cheek! AND as I went from room-to-room, to get coffee, check on other things round the place, Yonah was on my shoulder. I am in SUCH AWE... He comes to me, just suddenly, by his own choice, and he's SO COMFORTABLE on my shoulder, being with me. It's as though he WANTS the "closeness"! Oh, were he the size to just HUG... how I'd enjoy being able to do that! Especially when I have a lie-down... and today, as I laid on his futon for one of "our snoozes", he came over, immediately, and made him-self SO COMFY on my leg... after, of course, hopping up and down, from my head to my feet and back up again. And too, today, the "new" place for him to "stay a while" is right at my chest... on the futon. As I say... were he of the size to just "hug and cuddle". But he's just as happy with a little "cuddle" in my hand, a "scratch on the back of his neck". And he settled, right there, for quite the while. Not for the full nap-time but... It was SO COMFORTING to me!
One thing that I don't know and can't even speculate on or about is why, for the longest while, he'll stay in his little "nest box" (which, by the way, he's actually turned into a nest, with the twigs and mosses... it's quite amazing), and repeats a clear, but deep-sounding "oo-oo-HOOoo!" I know it's merely my own interpretation and perception, but seeing him in the little "nest" and calling only that sound, it strikes me deeply, he seems "lonely" and the "coo" sounds like a call to others, to let them know he's there. I've posted to another "forum", where mourning doves coo's are being discussed. I don't (of course) expect to ever see a reply but, there's really nothing that I could find, thus far, on the matter. I suppose this will jut be another one of those lessons Yonah will, in time, teach me... and I'll be able to post them here... on his site... one day. Mean-while, I can only HOPE that he's not feeling "lonely". Aside from those moments, he appears to be quite happy... especially lately.
In fact, this evening, when I was running the evening "water relay" (changing the water in his pool), after a day of flying back and forth from his house to my shoulder... he hopped onto my shoulder and rode along for TWO WHOLE TRIPS to and from the kitchen! And yes... giving pecks on the ear along the way, of course. He'd done that only once before, and only for one round-trip. He's become SO familiar and comfortable with being on my shoulder now that it's just another place to perch... but perching there, he can get around the house with-out exerting ANY effort at all! (And yes, I had to give him a couple of kisses... in between my laughing with delight.)
Evening water relay was complete by 18.45 and I sat at the work table to catch-up with today's "events". Yonah took to his door perch and at about 19.10 he started wing snaps. He wanted to play a bit, as the day closed. Well, I'm not one to "deny"... either Yonah's play or our time together, so I took to the futon and his little dove pillow... Well! We had the greatest little time together because he wasn't so much interested in the pillow as he was toddling from by shoulders to my toes and back again, stopping, every now and then, to let go with a hearty, and I do mean "hearty" "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Ruffled feathers. A bit of preening. And more toddling up and down. He just wanted the "togetherness" and he was having quite a wonderful time of it! (And, to be honest, so too, was I!) We played "Catch Me!" on my legs and chest. We (I) got a few "cuddles" in too, along the way. It really was SUCH GREAT FUN! But... at about 19.40, it was "enough" and Yonah headed back to his house. "Seepie-nigh-night" time had arrived and he was ready.
So, I got up and started to close his window, blinds and curtain, and as I did, the faintest rolls of thunder off in the distance, rumbled across the cloudy skies. Only the slightest drizzle fell, and only for some mere moments, and the breeze that came in through the window was a comfortable "cool-warm". Were it not for tonight's threats of "storms", it might have been a good night to have the windows open (now that the street light out-side has been changed to something truly much more pleasant). But, I don't want poor Yonah being awakened by blasts of wind in the night. His fan is still in the one window, so there's air, and the door to his room stays open now that there's no worrying bout the house getting so cold. All said, and done though, by the time I was done with all of my "assigned evening tasks" , Yonah was quite settled for his night.
We exchanged our "Good night" kisses, pecks, cuddles and nuzzles and at 19.55... the desk lamp was turned off and all was settled.
My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in, protected from any "storms" that might pass through in the night. No need to worry about "proper shelter" against the winds, or predators who might take advantage of a late-night flight (which too, Yonah doesn't have to be concerned with or about). Food, fresh water... and somebody who'll hear him, if he should call-out in the night. My Little Guy is safe... and sound... for a night's restful sleep.
Friday 17 June:
It was so comfortably "warm", so early this morning, and the sun was actually making an impressive attempt at breaking through the lingering "night clouds". There was the gentlest breeze blowing out there, beyond the doors and windows and...
At 5.42... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo... hoo".
My one and only reason and cause for getting out of bed in the morning was awake... and this morning's first call almost sounded like "Hello? Are you busy?" (I'd been putting the kettle on for coffee... running water, and the door to Yonah's room is open so he heard me, though I tried to be quiet about everything.)
Of course I wasn't "busy". I was passing time, waiting for that little voice from HEAVEN. I called back "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" (thinking "Good morning MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE ONE! I'm on my way!") and right away came "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". I was allowed one more "call back" before... "woo-HOO!" I was ON the case and ON my way!
Oh, the stretches, the kisses, the morning greeting! Old friends, separated in child-hood, re-united after many years apart... when, in reality, it was but 10 hours ago when we'd bade each-other a "Good night". Still, WHAT an HONOUR to be SO greeted, first thing in the morning. (Odd, in a way, that it DOES seem that as much as I don't like parting at night, Yonah isn't too happy about it either. And when I wake in the morning, my excitement and anxious anticipation of hearing him call, and seeing him, OK, on another day, apparently, he's as happy to see me. I'm SO BLESSED! JUST SO VERY DIVINELY BLESSED!)
We got the morning routine done in quick time, from windows to waters and I got busy trying to get every-thing around the rest of the house done so that Yonah and I could be together as often and as long as possible today!
As I worked in the kitchen and around the house, Yonah got comfy in his nest box and made several "trips" round his room. He was quite active today. And this morning, when I had a moment, I headed right in to him, and, as I do sometimes in the morning, I grabbed a bit of a "lie-down" on his futon. He took that as a "call to action" and came RUSHING over... to the pillow, and "established" him-self at my head. I closed my eyes for a moment... no longer because... I'd no sooner gotten quite comfy when... "Peck, peck, peck"... at my eye! When I moved my head back and opened my eyes, there stood my Little Guy, staring DIRECTLY at me! It was as if he was thinking "HEY! You there! None of this 'seepie-nigh-night' stuff at this hour!" WING SNAP! I was up! We were playing! And I was just PERFECTLY DELIGHTED! That's just what Yonah wanted... to PLAY! So we did... until HE decided to head back to his house, to his nest box, and I was "given permission" to return to the "chores of the rest of his house here".
Took a "mid-day break" as things were catching-up. It was "snooze-time" and so... "we" had a 30-minute... and it was "WE"... No sooner had I gotten onto the futon when Yonah came over, to the pillow... a little peck on the top of my head and as I closed my eyes, I felt him toddle... across my head, down to my shoulder... and to my knee... and there he "roosted", apparently for the duration because, when I woke, he was still there, just as cozy as he could be. "WE" snoozed... together!
And so, the day rolled along. The sun came and went and came and went... and the temperature rose... almost 26° in Yonah's room! His window was open, his fan on "exchange"... drawing air in, through the filtre, and back out. And we got his room Hoovered for the week-end... OH! Did it NEED that! So much moss here and there and all about. What Yonah doesn't toss gets blown about in the breeze when his window is open. I certainly don't mind at all. He SO enjoys having that moss, and I enjoy being able to provide it.
One cause for concern though: there's something going on with one spot on his right wing (not the one that was injured). I've looked, several times now but can't seem to find a "culprit". But it appears he's been "plucking" at the "down feathers" in one spot. I was wondering if it hadn't been some sap, from the little white pine where he sleeps and happened to enjoy "hanging about in" on the perch that runs through it. There's NO sign of ANY sort of mites in his house... No sign on his face or legs. No signs of any sorts of parasites. It's a bit of a mystery. (And it tends to put be back, mentally and emotionally, to our earliest days together when I SO wished for a qualified veterinarian to help us both, but... there were none. I feel helpless, inferior, useless, alone.) I'll be keeping a carefully watchful eye on the spot. It isn't large, and it isn't visible at all when Yonah "fluffs". It's a little difficult to hold him still enough to get a look at it because, even when I cover his head, hoping to "calm" him, he sees it as a "game" and time for more FUN! OH... how he TRUSTS ME! Well, this will be another "lesson" I'll leran... taught by the BEST Professor possible.
Other-wise, as I say, our Friday moved along and it was another one of those days where Yonah wanted ALL the "close together" time he could get! For me, sitting at the work table was... an... experience again, with Yonah coming to my shoulder and pecking. And at one point, I moved the chair over to the door to his house, rested my hand on his door perch and my head on my hand... and Yonah came hopping along, stopped, pecked at my hand and head and went right along! ("Hello? Excuse me... just passing by here.")
He's gotten SO CLOSE, SO comfortable with me. And I keep remembering the accounts I'd read, in my "heavy research" days, claims that doves, in general, can become "attached" to their people. Well, in those days, I wasn't thinking of Yonah being with me for any "long-term". I didn't even know whether he'd recover from his injuries at all. But today? "AWE"... that's the only word that keeps coming to mind... just AWE.
So we had our evening meals together this evening, and after, I did the water relay. Yonah took to his roof-top and, as has become his "routine" of an evening, he coo'ed-away the time as the sun set lower in the sky. And we took a little time to stand at the back door to watch another mourning dove eating in the kitchen garden. (Plenty of food this evening... I'm doing my best to keep the chipmunks from stealing any more of it.) As we stood, watching the "fellow" out there, Yonah sat on my shoulder, preening, and when the other guy left, with a whistle of wings, Yonah went back to his roof-top, and I settled at the work table for today's Journal entry. This day, as all days with Yonah, passed too quickly.
At 19.45, I'm not so sure that Yonah was ready for "seepie-nigh-night" tonight. And there was a "lady" mourning dove at the kitchen garden so I took him for a little "stroll" to the back door. Apparently, she wasn't too pleased with his presence and was off in a whistle, so we went back and started to get his windows shut for the chilly night ahead. 9° tonight and again tomorrow night! Well? It was a warm day... we'll hope the house holds that warmth through. But Yonah's blinds and curtains are closed to insulate, and his house is moved away from from the windows, farther into his room toward the door. And the back board will give protection... and his door will be open too so, he should be just fine. I'll be up earlier tomorrow to make sure the place is "comfortable" for him. Those low temperatures don't last too long now... unlike Winter when the -10s and 20s would linger through toward the next after-noon! But, I have to say that, when things were settled, and it was time to turn his desk lamp off, Yonah didn't seem so hesitant to get to his night spot. It was a "full" day for the both of us, all told.
By 19.55 again, the light was off and my little Heart-and-Soul was all tucked-in for the night, protected from the dew, the dampness that will, no doubt, come with the chill. As always, I lingered to say "Good night" and to assure him that I LOVE him SO MUCH... he's not the only one who doesn't like the "end of day". Oh, but if I could find a way... if I could squeeze into his house for the night. He's my heart-beat, my next breath. And I'm always, at the end of the day, so concerned about the next morning... which is why I get up, to make sure that I'm awake to hear his first call. When I think back, it's always been that way... each and every night. I don't suppose that will ever change... so long as we're both...
Saturday 18 June:
Quite the chilly, dreary start to a "June" day today. It was all of about 10°, if that. Thankfully, the house did manage to hold some of yesterday's warmth so it was tolerably "cool"...
AND... this morning, Yonah's call came at 5.21! Apparently, he'd gotten a good night's rest last night, so THAT was my glorious relief, first thing on an "odd" sort of "Summer" morn. And in his room, his thermometer read "22°". Not bad, but quite the difference between that and the almost 26° of yesterday. Still, I was relieved... at least my Little Guy was dealing with the brisk winds and the 10° out-side his window.
And his "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" was only just a bit on the "early morning, just woke up" side. The best relief to me was our "chat". I responded to his call, he replied, and our "volley" of coo's went back and forth for four times... and I didn't give him the chance for that "final 'woo-HOO!'". I was right in to check on him.
Oh, but he WAS up and ready to go when I opened the door to his house. Wing stretches. Morning kisses and all. Weather out-side be as it will, all was well at the "Taube residence" and my heart was at peace knowing that my Heart-and-Soul was well. And so, we got on with the morning routine... curtains and blinds open to the grey day on the other side of the window, and Yonah was off... to his roof-top. He was well enough for flight. Chat and flight. A great start to a new day.
Today, my concern is for his "time in the sun". Because of the season, the Summer sun tends to rise more to the North and so, it doesn't "pour" into Yonah's room as it does during the Winter months. His room is "light", to be sure, but he doesn't have the same opportunities to "bask". As people do, he too, needs some exposure to proper sun-shine so, I've decided to give something a try: I believe I can use his "old house", which is MUCH lighter than his current house, and bring him out to the yard for a while. Today's "research" shows that "11-45 minutes per day" is good for him, and there were suggestions on how best to protect him from too much sun. So, I brought his "old house" off the shelf where it's been, in the living-room (because I've planned on using it, in the event we should ever have to go on another "road trip" as we did many months ago... and he seemed quite calm, riding along, in the back seat, in that "cage"). I put it on the futon in the living-room and brought him to it and placed him in. He looked about as though it was "vaguely familiar". Yes, it's my interpretation of his reaction, but it truly did look like he found it "strange, but some-what familiar". He stood, looking all around him, head tilting now and then, but he didn't panic. And when I brought my hand to the open door there, he came forward, looked up at me and hopped out, looked at every-thing from the out-side and then went on to fly up into the limb there (where the decoys are).
I brought the "cage" (how I don't like that word!) into his room and put it on his futon there and when he came in, I carefully "placed" him in it again... for a different perspective... since he can see the room through it. He doesn't seem to mind it at all so... now, I'll be looking to bring him out to the yard... or the little park across the road... SUN-SHINE! We'll see how he feels about that... and report... to be sure. But it won't be today... "brisk" breeze, over-cast... chilly. "To be continued".
Mean-while... another day of "TOGETHER"... and since it was a "no agenda" day for me, I got to do things at the work table, and think of ways that Yonah and I can get out of the house together and... of course... we had time for... "LUVIN'S"! and PLAY!
Mid-day, I took a tea break and had a bit of bread and butter with, and as I sat at the work table, Yonah went to his food to eat too! I have to say that he's become familiar with a plate and especially one on which there's food. He does the very same thing in the evenings when we dine together for evening meal. It's absolutely WONDERFUL, partly because I've always tended toward skipping little meals and such, but now I have to take those breaks... because my Little Guy needs to get his proper nourishment. So... together we eat... and play, and snooze... we're quite the "item"... or, as I've said before... we're a "unit", one, together. "Mates".
I made him a new "nest box" today... a bit wider, cut from another card-board box I had. The previous one was nice, but I noticed it didn't give him much space, so, this one is the same width as his ledge where his food is, and about half the length so he's got MUCH more room. And he was SO WATCHFUL when I replaced the old one! I had to take his twigs out of the old one and put them in the new one and I tried to put them in a similar fashion to the way he'd had them. OH! The very second I went for them, Yonah got to his perch, right beside, and watched EVERY movement of my fingers as I lifted the twigs. And when I'd put the new box in and put the twigs back, TRYING to get them in a similar fashion, it didn't take a minute and Yonah was right in there, "putting things proper" again. He's SUCH the character! BRILLIANT! Misses NOTHING... even to the slightest change in his house. AMAZING!
The day seemed to have gone by SO quickly today! Before long, it was time for evening meal... and together, we dined and after, we did the house-tidy and water relay... and settled a bit for the rest of the evening.
At about 19.15, I stopped all that I was doing at the work table and Yonah was on his door perch, where he tends to like to be as we head for the close of a day, and I moved my things out of the room and went back to Yonah's room, and to the futon where we had some "play time" with the little pillow dove. He enjoys that, particularly, it seems, at the end of the day. But, at about 19.40 he headed back to his house... apparently, it was time to just bring the day to a close... he was tired. And I happen to delight in that Yonah has his ways of letting me know certain things, like, when it's time to come open the windows in the morning, time to take a little "snack break" during the day, when it's time for "Luvin's" and when he's tired and ready for "tucking-in". (I'm also a little bit proud of me for learning his "signs" too. But then, he's my WORLD, and I DO pay attention to his every movement, mood and quality of his coo's so...)
When he got "back home", he headed for his food. That's quite the indication that he's ready to turn-in for the night... the before seepie-nigh-night snack. So as he ate, I got his windows closed-up for the night. And again, tonight, we're expecting a bit of a "chill", another night of only 9°, so the blinds and curtains got closed to insulate and to keep any chills away from Yonah's house. (Rather odd weather for Summer, this year.) Out-side, the winds were blowing, but in his room the temperature was holding at about 22° so, we need to keep that where it belongs! (Though, because tomorrow's high is only expected to be 18° and again, tomorrow night, another 9°, the door to his room is open and the house furnace is set so that, should the house take any chill, we'll have proper heating... not so much for me, since I can throw extra blankets, but for Yonah... who has his feathers and that's that.) As I worked at the windows, Yonah ate... in fact, he ate all the while I worked and even after I'd set his house in order for the night! He must have eaten steadily for a proper 10 minutes! (Perhaps because he knows of the chill to come? I wouldn't doubt it.) Still, what-ever his reason, I'm always comforted to see him eating and eating so very well! It gives me a sense of "security", he must be feeling well, and that's THE MOST important thing to me in ANY and EVERY day. So, I stepped out of the room for a while to let him fill his little crop.
When I looked back in, he was already on his perch, at his night spot, settled for the night, so I went in and put the roof board on, removed his door perch (so I could close his door) and leaned in for our "Good night" kisses. We exchanged a few but Yonah was ready for "tuck-in" so... with a kiss and a snuggle and a "seepie-nigh-night"... I closed his door and turned his desk lamp off. Our day was officially closed...
Oddly enough, moments after I'd left his room, the house furnace did kick on... the winds out-side were blowing a bit stronger. But it was also comforting to know that, no matter how chilly the night might get... my little Heart-and-Soul will be warm, dry, comfortable, safe to sleep through a care-free night. And no matter what, so long as I take breath, that is how his nights shall always be... because, I say again:
I am because he is.
Sunday 19 June:
OH... but it was 5.24 when this morning's "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" came floating through the house on a day that wouldn't ever be associated with mid-June.
The sun was rising in a clear, early-morning blue sky, but the winds of yesterday were still in gale-like velocity! And the temperature in the house was an uncomfortable 11°! The furnace, set at 18° was, of course, running. I'd been concerned about Yonah from the moment I got out of bed this morning, but I didn't want to disturb him, allowing him all the rest he could possibly want and need. So, at the first call, I answered, and waited just to see if he was really ready to get up. His reply came right away, but a bit longer: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". And when I replied, in kind... that "woo-HOO!" that tells me that I need to stop the "schmoozing" and get busy with opening his house and get this day, no matter how chilly, on the roll!
I was SO thankful to see that the temperature in his room was 19° and NOT the 11° I noticed at first in the rest of the house. But then, as I say, the furnace was running. My only minor "consolation" was knowing that, during the night, the lowest his room would have been would be that 19°. Not exactly the 21° that I'd prefer to be the lowest, but still, better than all that much colder. (The forecast was for 9° last night, so I know that it actually got much colder than that... out there. Our Deborah stopped by this morning, with fresh carrots from the local farmers' market... vitamin A for Yonah! and said that yesterday, at 16.00 already, the temperature at her place was 9°!) And Yonah didn't seem any the worse for the chill. He wasn't "fluffed" and as soon as i got to him, he was already stretching his wings... preparing for "take-off", as it were. So, he was in good health and mood this morning... and "Good morning" kisses were my absolute DELIGHT! Let the day be what it would, my Little Guy was GOOD! That's all I cared about. It's all I EVER care about, really.
And as I attended our usual morning routine, water relay, tidying, &c. we continued our "chat" where we left off. All was well with the world, to be sure.
For today's "nourishment", I mixed some of the "vegetable chop" I'd made and frozen for him. I'd let it thaw in the fridge over-night and it was perfect to add to his regular seeds. But, as is usual with Yonah, he was not impressed and only slightly picked at it. But I left it there for him during the day, hoping that, when he got hungry, even if by "accident", he might get some of the broccoli, carrot and sweet peppers that are in there. (I'll never understand how, but he actually CAN sort through what-ever is in his food and pick the very seeds that he prefers. I watch the doves in the yard do the same thing. Quite amazing, considering they peck through with their beak. But that's just more of the fascination and... AWE that is Yonah... and mourning doves.)
As the day progressed, the winds never let up, sadly. But the sun shone so brilliantly. Yet, the temperature never really rose enough to put much actual "warmth" in the air so we kept the house pretty much closed. I had chores in the yard, so there was opening and closing of doors, which gave us a bit of a "fresh air" exchange. And Yonah's fan is still in his window, so air from out-side came in through that... and through the filtre that's on the fan. Still, I was rather hoping to give a try to bringing him out-side for a little while today. But no, not in the wind. Poor Little Guy. The gusts really would have been rather brutal on him. So that much we put on hold. Hopefully tomorrow, with higher temperatures, the winds will have passed and we'll be able to give it a try. I'd like, very much, to get Yonah out in the sun-shine... vitamin D and maybe a chance to "woo-HOO" to the other doves. We'll see how it goes. (I'm nervous about it though. I don't want him to "miss" the out-doors and open spaces. Although, after 20 months in his own house and room... maybe THIS is his "home". He IS familiar with it, in any case. It's another "trial and error" and hoping that it's a successful "trial" and no "error". I NEVER stop learning.)
All told though, for the rest of the day, my little Heart-and-Soul was ACTIVE! Flying about, coo'ing. House to futon to house... to my head... shoulder... He was full of energy.
He has a little "spot" though, on his "right shoulder", as it were, where it appears he's been pecking and pulling at the feathers there. There's no sign of parasites, and no sign of any injury. I'm intrigued and still checking it regularly. Not sure what it could be, other than, perhaps, an injury he had, at night. He's EXTREMELY SENSITIVE to sounds, ESPECIALLY at night... in the darkness. And on the other side of our "common wall", which his room shares, it's been the case where, late at night, something will "thud" or "bang" against the wall. What and why is a complete mystery, un-necessary, to be sure, perhaps intentional, one can't ever know about the minds of others for certain. There were TWO such incidents where something was thrown against that wall after Yonah had been tucked-in for the night and when he heard the sound, he panicked, as even a person might do, startled! He tried to "escape" but was in his house. In the first incident, he was in his previous house, which is considerably smaller than his present "residence" and when I got in to check on him, there were small droplettes of blood! Thankfully, there were no serious injuries to him. And the second time, more recently, I heard the "THUD" against the wall followed by the frantic flapping of Yonah's wings. Fortunately I was able to get to him and calm him before he suffered any injuries. But now I wonder if something of the sort didn't happen very late, one night and I didn't hear him. As I say, there's no indication of any abrasion, no sign of bleeding... just that the larger wing feather are missing, and the "down" feather are there. I'll be watching... and listening... and remain prepared for what-ever action need be taken.
He suffered SO terribly with the original attack! I can't (and would rather not) imagine the horror, terror, trauma he endured, as something tried to destroy him! And birds don't express pain in any way, so I just can't really KNOW whether or not he's suffering. I can only watch how he is during the day. Fortunately for all, he's quite active, flying about... and... still... obviously happy to be with me. I count the BLESSING... and watch.
Well and so... our day together, brilliant, sunny, WINDY and chilly, rolled along and I finished my "out-door chores" shortly after noon. We had our "mid-day" break (well, I had a little something to eat and finished my morning coffee... Yonah "picked" at this food... trying to avoid those "nasty veggies").
After, we had a bit of a snooze for about 20 minutes. Yonah joined me at the beginning, then went on about his own affairs... and... yes... 2 minutes before the alarm, came back over to give me a peck on the forehead. ("AWE"... I tell you... "AWE"... with this timing.)
With the time I had, I got started on his Journal, searched through his "bookmarks" on the internet browser, so that I can up-date his "Bibliography" page. I'm trying to keep a list of every web-site I happen to find that actually provides pertinent information on mourning doves so that there's a ready list for anybody else who might need help, support, information.
Just before our "evening meal" break, I changed his food... The seeds and "chop" went to the Yardies, as does ALL of his food that he won't eat and that which needs "changing". (Those doves out there eat VERY well, indeed, to be sure, when Yoah's food goes out there. His food never "goes bad" and it IS quite special, so... the doves in the yard get treated special too... and I'm EXCEPTIONALLY happy to do so.) Fresh "regular mix" went into his dish and OH! did he EVER enjoy THAT! Went right to it and just filled his little crop! I'm not sure how he knows what's in there but he DOES, and he KNOWS what he enjoys and what he doesn't. So, if he was missing any food during the day, as we dined together this evening, it was more than well-compensated for. (There's more "chop" in the freezer... and fresh carrots in the fridge... I'll be "mincing" the carrots tomorrow for him... to be sure... and adding them, now and again, to his regular diet.)
When meal-time was done, and washing-up, we did the evening routine and while Yonah was on his futon, I closed up the window that has the fan in it before the sun set and the world got cooler... The forecast for tonight is, again, 9°... the house furnace on again, most certainly. And then I got to the "business" of starting his Journal entry for the day as we both... un-wound... bird-songs playing and the soft sound of the wind blowing out-side in the back-ground. I turned his desk lamp on too... and since he associates that with "end of day", we got settled and peaceful.
At about 19.30, he called a little "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and came down from his roof-top platform, into his house, beside me and then headed up to his corner loft platform... It was approaching "seepie-nigh-night" time...
19.45 and as I closed up the windows, blinds and curtains closed to keep away the night's chill, my Little Guy came flying over from his futon and into his house, up to his perch... for the night. (He must associate the closing of the windows with "seepie-nigh-night" and obviously, he was ready to close the day.) So I finished my tasks and put his house right, away from the window's chills. He came to "greet" me as I leaned in for "Good night" kisses and... by 19.55... my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night. Our day was officially "closed" and he was all secured for a safe night of good rest.
There'd been one mourning dove out-side this evening, in all that wind, filling her crop with the good food that had been put on the tray out there. Her feathers were being blown about in the wind and I had to think of Yonah, protected from all of that... the wind, the cold... and not having to travel for nourishment. Maybe I AM being successful at compensating for the horrors that brought him here. I can only hope. But indeed, a pool, fountain, trees, sand, fresh, healthy food, fresh water... I know it's not "perfect" but hopefully it's "good"... it's never "good enough", as far as I'm concerned... but we have some time... I'll keep trying.
mourning dove 20 June 2022Monday 20 June:
We got a little "break" in the chills and damp today. This morning, the house was "cool" but not as "uncomfortably as recent days. And, apparently, SOME-body ("SOME-birdie") had gotten a good night's sleep last night because at 5.20 we began our "morning chat" with an exchange of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" that moved along to an all-in-all-out "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" as I opened the windows to a refreshing morning sun-rise!
We spent ALL morning together today... as I went about working at the table and putting things together in Yonah's room.
This after-noon, I stepped out and went down to the river to begin bringing fresh sand back for him. We used all of what we had from last Summer, when we did the June "major house-keeping". There's a lot of washing and baking to come, indeed. Oddly, the sand at the river today was as find as beach sand. It went from ever-so fine to quite rocky. None of the "intermediate". So we have a lot of "fine" sand and a container of the "rocky" sand. It'll make a nice "mixture". The fine sand is OK for "dust bathing", but Yonah tends to ingest some smaller pebbles to help with digestion and there aren't man of those in this batch. But, there are three more containers to fill and time in which to do that, so I look forward to what comes as the season progresses.
I also looked for some more trees whilst at the river. There are several that would do nicely... in height, but after this Winter, and the flooding we had through the Spring, the little trees seem to spread quite a bit. Two of them would cover or fill Yonah's house, leaving little or no room to spread his wings. So... there's more I have on the list of "hunting and fetching". If all else locally fails, I'll head down to Deborah's land. There was a nice stand there, in the early Spring. We're in a designated "wilderness" area with a LOT of wood-land. Surely, we'll find something good. And if I can find little birches, that might be a nice touch too. Plans for the future. Anything to make my Little Guy's house closer to the "home" he was born into.
By the time I'd done with the sand-fetching and got back to settle, it was time for evening meal! And I was "reminded" of that as I was putting things in order. So we took our "break", together. I had my plate at the work table, Yonah had his meal on his ledge. But it was AFTER that we had a "new experience" this evening...
We got about an HOUR IN THE SUN-SHINE this evening! I've been SO worried about Yonah getting enough sun-shine and vitamin D, and just couldn't seem to come up with an idea as to "how" to get him out of the house for a while. I read that it's suggested that doves get at least 11-45 minutes of sun-shine, as often as possible, but the past couple of days have been so cold and windy that it was quite impossible. And on the days when it wasn't windy, it rained. So I was becoming anxious. The sun that pours in through Yonah's windows through the Winter months is ever-so indirect during the late-Spring and most of the Summer months, so he wasn't getting the benefits. Thoughts and plans went toward making a picnic table in the yard, but I hesitated because of the weight and the "inconvenience" when mowing the lawn. BUT, we did have a little "dollar store green-house" that hasn't been used in many months, light-weight poles with several shelves, a plastic cover that I removed, of course and when I took the "arch" off the top, it was a perfect fit for Yonah's old house! High enough to keep him off the grass (no bugs, ticks, fleas... or other parasites), and just sturdy enough to hold his old house nice and steady!
After I'd set it up out-side at the end of the back gallery, I came in and put fresh kitchen roll over the plastic cover that I used to cover over the wire flooring. I just don't want him trying to walk on "wires". His feet get enough "exercise" on his different perches "at home" and that wire has to be uncomfortable. (I don't know why they make "bird cages" with-out bottom trays. At least Yonah's house now, has a removable tray, solid ground to walk on.. though, that's covered with trays of sand. Still...) I put the kitchen roll over the plastic so that it would be softer, "kinder" on his feet AND so that it wouldn't get so hot... the plastic, heating in the sun.
I got Yonah and put him in his "old place" and brought it out, put it on the "stand" so that half was in direct evening sun and the other, shaded by the shadow of the house.
At first he took to the little perch in the sunny corner and "called-out"... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" several times. A mourning dove, some-where in the distance seemed to respond for a short while and then stopped. I was hoping at least ONE other mourning dove would come around. I'm VERY curious as to how Yonah will/would react to another mourning dove... and particularly any difference between another male and a female. (I STILL hold to the notion of getting him a "friend" so... this will be a great opportunity to learn more about my Little Guy.) I suppose if I were to have left him alone out there, other doves might have come round, but for the first time out, well...
After he got "accustomed" to being in the "cage" and the corner there, on the perch, he changed... He paced a bit and indeed, didn't seem too terribly happy. I'm rather sure that it was the "confinement". He's not accustomed to being in such a small space any more. It was a bit "hurtful" to me to see him "enclosed". He's got the entire house now, and his house is closed ONLY at night while he sleeps. This MUST have seemed so "small" to him. BUT, the fact of the matter is that this is protection, in SO many ways, for him. It keeps him from flying about and off into a tree where I'd never be able to get him back home again AND, whilst he's "out there", there's NO telling WHAT might be "hidden" in the trees... waiting to attack him. And since his flying isn't perfect, he wouldn't stand a chance. Were a hawk to get him... I can't even think about the horror. So, it isn't to "confine" him... it's to keep him safe from harm. The good thing is that he was a little "anxious" but nothing horrific, so, I did a little "tidying" in the back yard and Yonah got his sun-shine! AND, he tended to prefer the sunny side which made me all the happier! It was evening sun, and though it was quite warm, it wasn't beating-hot.
We spent a good hour out there this evening! And I'm happy now to know that we can do this more often! (Sadly, not tomorrow though... the forecast is for rain. But... there will be other days... and Yonah will get his sun-shine, fresh air... vitamin D... and maybe a chance to "mingle" in a way, with other mourning doves.) This little stand is fine for now, but I'm still pondering something more stable so that eventually, I might be able to bring Yonah out and not have to be right beside him all the time... Something stable... and SAFE for him! (Though, honestly, I doubt I'd ever leave him along out-side... I just have NO trust... in "Nature" NOR the "folks around here". I'm not saying they're "evil"... but they've proven to be "non-thinking" and too many are just too irresponsible. It's part of the reason why I still can't really think of anybody I would trust enough to take proper care of Yonah... if I had to leave him for any time. It's just me, I suppose... HE'S MY * HEART-AND-SOUL *!)
When we got back in, I placed his old house on his futon, opened then door and he headed directly to his roof-top. He was FREE again! And, he was obviously happier. He wasn't "traumtised"... but OH, it was SO obvious that he enjoyed all the SPACE! (It really did make quite the difference. When I think of him as being "constricted" in his "travel area" so the inside of this old house... well... compared to that little old house... there isn't any comparison. And even with the door to his current house closed for the night... that "cage" isn't "tiny" by any stretch, but... my Little Guy has a WHOLE HOUSE... to wander about as he wants.
All said... I'm looking forward to another nice day... and time together... out in the yard, under the trees. Now all I need is a little folding chair. I'm excited... for Yonah.
And then... after we'd re-settled back in his room, water changed, house tidied, and I was at the work table... Yonah was on his roof-top, the clock got round to 19.40 and I wasn't paying attention to the passing time but... came "the evening call"... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". Yonah had taken his place at his door perch... it was "seepie-nigh-night" time! (That he calls in the morning to let me know he's awake and then again, in the evening, he let's me know when he's tired... BRILLIANCE! It just makes me wish, all the more, that I could put these things on MASSIVE signs and billboards, that I could grab some of these so-called "experts" and, if need, as they say "beat it into them"... Mourning doves may appear to be what we call "flighty", and yes, they care skittish (even Yonah retains that characteristic) but they are, IN NO FASHION, NOT intelligent! And I dare say that, in their own way, they're just as if not more BRILLIANT than ANY human being. Oh... If I could have recorded ever second since the evening Yonah came into my life...
So... we got to the business of closing the blinds and curtains for the night. It wasn't supposed to get "too chilly" tonight so it was quick work and whilst I got to "my tasks", Yonah grabbed a bit to eat and when he was done... I was done and he was on his perch... ready for "tuck-in"...
Good-night kisses, cuddles, snuggles... and... at 19.50... his desk lamp was off... our day had come to a close... and I wondered what my little Heart-and-Soul was thinking... after the experience of being back out in that yard where... 20 months ago... (which is another reason why I wouldn't leave him alone out there... I suspect he has some recollection of that event... I just hope he'll come to understand that he's safe now and that will NEVER happen again... which is why I want us both to be able to move farther into the back yard... away from... "the spot". But he seemed to take it all in stride and was all settled...as always, for the night.
One additional note tonight... It wasn't quite "dark" yet, and the house was still, calm and I thought Yonah was truly "hunkered down" for the night when... out of no-where, he called-out: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"! Thankfully, he wasn't flying about. So I crept into his room to check on him and found him, on his perch, where he spends the night. I'll check his "poops" in the morning... hopefully, they'll all be right there, in one spot... the "usual 4", and I'll know he slept peacefully... If not? Well... we'll address it when/if we must.
I checked on him again, before I went to bed... He was snoozing, peacefully... But I'll be listening... through the night.
mourning dove 21 June 2022Tuesday 21 June:
Another one of those dreary, grey mornings, this, with temperatures in the very-lower teens. Chilly, damp, we waited for the fore-told rains. The house was losing any warmth it might have gathered from yesterday's warm-spell and, as I stammered about, as one does of a morning... 5.41 and "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! HOO-HOO! My little Heart-and-Soul was up and awake! The weather out-side our windows was irrelevant. It was time to get to the JOY, the ECSTASY of "being"!
This morning, I was rather more concerned because of last night's little "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" that Yonah called-out after tuck-in. I didn't know what that was and I still don't. But he appeared to be OK when I went in to "console" him and he appeared to be OK when, before I put the lights out in the rest of the house before I went to bed, I crept in, silently, to have a look. And, the best indication of his night is the location of his little "poops"... and ALL of them (the four usual) were in one spot, as they usually are, so he had a peaceful night. Still... I take NOTHING for granted... where he's concerned. NOTHING... not even us being together from one day to the next. I simply REJOICE EVERY MORNING, when I hear him call.
When I replied with my "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" he responded with a lengthy "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and... our "morning dialogue" commenced! He was "chatty" this morning and still, there was all but a 3-call volley, as it were, before that "woo-HOO!" so I made haste to get to him, and open his house and windows to the morning's dim, grey light.
He was in good spirits, to be sure. Wing stretches, "Good morning" kisses, and as I opened curtains and blinds, he was up and about and off to his futon. Now THAT REALLY set my day! Up and flying... my heart too, was up and flying. Yonah was well enough for "chat and flight"... a GRAND start to ANY day!
I had a LOT of "work" to get to today too, so after the usual morning routine, from "opening house" to settling in the kitchen, I moved in and settled at the work table, and Yonah was obviously happy about that, even though, for the most part, when he wasn't on my shoulder, he took to his nest-box. I STILL can't find any information on the soft "woo-HOO" (which is audibly different from the "woo-HOO!" of the morning) that he repeats whilst "nestled" in the corner of his little box under the pine tree. It's aggravating, to say the very least, that there's no information on this. But then again... I always keep in mind my frantic searches when Yonah first came into my life, and how I simply could not find any answers to my many questions... Those have take WELL OVER a year... and yet... I still have questions. Seems I have more questions with each day. BUT... for MOST of what I've come to learn over time, I've been taught... by my Little Professor.. who knows all things better than ANYBODY, ANY-WHERE!
Oddly (or not, because it's almost "usual" now), the temperature in Yonah's room hovered at about 20-21° all day. I'd put his "FullSpec" light on this morning, just to "brighten things up" a bit. (He shows his appreciation for is too... he's more active when it's on... as opposed to the desk lamp, but I believe he associates that with "end of day" and "seepie nigh night.) As I sat, working, typing, getting paper-work together, I heard, from behind me, a "SPLASH"! Yonah had gone into the pool for a bit of a soak. Not his usual splashing about, this must have been just a little one of his "soaks", all in silence. WHAT a character! I would have expected that yesterday, but, it's as he does in the dead of Winter: on some of the COLDEST days, he decides it's a good time for a dip in the pool. Well? It's not for me to understand. I'm just SO relieved and pleased that I had the good "instincts" to put that pool in for him and I'm absolutely pleased that he enjoys it so much! And as I turned to look, he'd hopped out, come to his door perch for the "shaking" to dry off. After a bit of a "strutting about", he headed up to the little "extended" perch over my shoulder and preened. It's an indescribable ELATION to see that he enjoys what little I provide. How I wish I could give him so much more... how I wish I knew WHAT more I could give him. But no matter what I give, it could NEVER compensate, or even come close. For now, I do and give all that comes to mind... and, so far, Yonah appears to approve.
Well... we had a complete day together again, today. But it was dreary and damp and chilly. And the evening wasn't any better... especially when the rain came in the early evening.
We'd had evening meals together again, of course, but primarily because Yonah reminded me as I sat, working away at his work table. And after, right away, we did the water relay, making sure that his pool was filled with fresh, clean water... after his little "bath" of this morning. And we settled-in, music on the iPod, soft and quiet.
I got to the day's Journalling and Yonah went up to this roof-top where he was either "calling" or singing along with the music. Either way, it's always a delight to hear him. His coo's are so pleasant (and, it's my own preference, I'm sure, but I prefer the coo'ing to the chirping, to be honest. OK. so I'm "biased", but, unashamedly so). And the clock passed the time... TOO QUICKLY!
It was 19.50 when Yonah's coo'ing became just a bit louder and I looked-up. He was telling me it was "seepie-nigh-night" time! Of course, that was until I got up and moved his house to get to the windows to close them up. At THAT moment, he decided that he'd take one quick visit to the "dove pillow" on his futon. Oh... what a character! So I went on with my tasks at the window and as I did, he came back to "perch" on the door to his house. I'll never understand how he manages to keep his balance on that wire, but it's all part of the AMAZEMENT that is my Little Guy. And he does it even as I move his house about! (I can't imagine that it's at all comfortable for him, wrapping his little toes round so tightly. AMAZING!)
BUT... as I put his house into position, away from the window because of the damp chill, and though, at the time, the temperature out-side was already 15° and the "low" for the night is supposed to only be 14°, to keep that out, I made sure the blinds and curtains were closed so to keep that all away from him through the night, anyway, he headed back up to his roof-top platform! So I brought him down, into his house and THOUGHT he was ready to settle-down... I was mistaken. He was ready for a quick before-tuck-in snack. So I just put his house in order, ready for the night and stepped away for a moment... and that's all he wanted, really. I'd no sooner gotten to the kitchen and looked back to see him on his perch... in his "night spot". So, I went back in and we got all things settled... and at about 20.10... his desk lamp was out... my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a night's rest. (As I told him: "You'd stay up all night if allowed. But you need your rest and I'm here to make sure at least ONE of us gets a healthy night's sleep... and that ONE is YOU.")
We had our kisses, and he was all secured.
I put the house furnace back on earlier, to take the "chill" out of the house, especially so that Yonah wouldn't have to "fluff" against a chill over-night. I'm almost sure it wouldn't really bother him much, if at all, but... he's not had to do that before... and as long as I possibly can, I'll see to it that he never has to... that's just part of my "vow" to him... for as long as we both take breath.
Tomorrow... more rain, sadly... no "day in the sun" but those days are yet to come... in spite of the fact that today was the "longest" of the year... cold and damp as it was. We'll have our days... yes, we will.
Wednesday 22 June:
Quite another dreary sort of morning, made indescribably wonderful at 5.37 with the sound of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" through the closed door to the room of my little Heart-and-Soul.
I'd closed his door when I got up, early, this morning, so as not to disturb him with my coffee-making and such. And, he did manage to get about 20 minutes before calling. And when I called back, we exchanged a few rounds of comments before the "woo-HOO!" after which, I made a hasty entrance and went directly to open the door to his house.
He was ever-so ready to get on with the day this morning. Only but a few "Good morning" kisses, and when I leaned in for the one that was all that he would tolerate, he scuttled away across his perch and gave me a direct "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! Came as quite a surprise too. He didn't appear "annoyed", but it did come across as though he was quite anxious to have done with the "frivolities" and get along with opening curtains, blinds and letting in the dim, clouded light of the out-side world.
Of course, I obliged and no sooner had I moved his house round to get access to the windows, he was up, out and on his way... off to his futon for a little "greeting" of the "pillow dove". And as I went about my own "tasks", he had a "chat" on his futon until he came back to his house and up to his roof-top.
So much energy, so early in the day... it's INSPIRATIONAL... and truly UP-LIFTING to... as I call him, "heart and soul"!
Well, I got my own morning routine finished in as little time as possible and came back in, to set me up at the work table. I had much I wanted to get to for his photos (those from our "hour in the sun", in particular), and to make certain that "things looked presentable" on his web-site. After all, that (this?) is HIS presence to the WORLD! His "message" is here. His help and support to others is on his pages. Nothing but "BEST" will suffice and I was looking forward to a day together... as, of course, I always do. Whether we "do" anything (play, snuggles, &c.) or not, just being in his company, in the same room with him, knowing he's right here is my GREATEST COMFORT. I can't (and don't) even imagine time with-out him; he just makes every moment of time a pure DELIGHT!
Well? Apparently Yonah enjoys our time together as well because, during the day, as I went to the kitchen, for tea or other little things, HE FOLLOWED ME! I wasn't there but a minute and I heard the flutter-whistle. Next thing I knew, he was there, on the floor, toddling along, watching me. And when I went back to his room to the work table, it didn't take long before he came FLYING back to his house where he could settle in his little nest box... and keep and eye on me.
Another thing that I ABSOLUTELY ENJOY, MORE THAN I CAN EXPRESS... We took our little "Luvin's" breaks during the day (initiated by Yonah's "wing snaps"... "call to attention", as they are), and OH, but how he DOES SO ENJOY the little "preening kisses" I give him, as I "cup" him ever-so gently, in my hands as he stands on his door perch. I "hold" him so gently, and, leaning forward, make little "clicking" sounds with my lips and I mimic "preening" actions on his head and neck. How he "nestles" against my face, and will peck at my beard and moustache. (I often wonder if it seems to be some kind of "animal" to him. What-ever it is, he just DOES enjoy the closeness.) Interesting is that he seems to "sense" when I'm anxious and when I'm at peace because he's "animated" when I'm anxious, as if trying to "preen-away" my cares. And when I'm relaxed (which, no matter what, happens when we do these little "preens"), he's SO CALM, even to where he closes his eyes... just "luxuriating" in the attention and affection. Honestly, as I say, I just can't imagine a moment with-out him. He IS my "Heart-and-Soul"
So, even though we did, admittedly, take our breaks, I did manage to get through his photos, and the pages to display them. I fell behind in his Journal though, but managed to keep notes and, to be sure, I never forget the part of any day that involved my Little Guy. And the day just carried on with the grey, and the dreary... out-side our windows. Thankfully, it wasn't cold... just cool and damp. Not really what one might expect of a "June" day. Never-the-less, the weather "out there" is of no consequence. In Yonah's room, it's another world, another reality, and it's BEAUTIFUL! so long as he's happy... and he appears to be just that. Nothing else matters. One of today's "escapades" was that, in what appeared to be a sudden burst of energy, Yonah took flight and made a couple of "trips" back and forth from his house to the back door which was opened (with, of course, the screen door on the latch). So, when he came back after all the fluttering, I brought him to the perch on the screen door and, for a while, he "roosted" there, looking into the yard. Sadly, there were no other doves out there at the time... poor Little Ones, probably roosting in their own little corners, out of the chill and damp. So, apparently, since there was nothing to hold his attention, as I went about preparing my evening meal in the kitchen, he headed back to his house... in preparation of his own evening meal which, as we do, we were to have together again, today.
We dined together, of course, tonight, and right after, "we" ran the water relay to freshen the water in the pool and to tidy the house. I say "we" because my "supervisor" was comfortably settled on his futon pillows, watching my every move. Yonah is SO curious and SO attentive to EVERY movement in his room, and notices EVERY little thing i n his house, so, when I start "tidying" he watches so carefully. It truly IS another of his AMAZING characteristics!
After all the "evening tasks" were completed, we had time to "play" a bit, on his futon. It's quite a difference, of late, Yonah's reaction to his little "dove pillow". When I'd first made it, he appeared to resent it, attacking it with a ferocity. Now? It's become quite the "play thing" and we both get a kick out of it when I get to "bounce" it about, and moving hit about as if it's trying to preen him. Yonah "preens" it, and will, sometimes, straighten-up and let out a few hearty "coo's" at it. We play until he decides to take off, usually back to his house.
So tonight, at about 19.30, he'd had enough... of play and the day. He headed back to his house and had a little "nosh"... his "before seepie-nigh-night" snack. My cue: it was time to get to closing things for the day and settling-down for the night. So, as Yonah filled his crop, I got to the business of closing blinds and curtains. (I'm still quite amazed that he pays no attention to me as I move about now. He used to stop eating and would watch, intently, when-ever I was in the room, and especially when I was moving anything around. He trusts me now.) And, by the time I'd done putting up the back board, he was at his perch, ready for "lights out". (He's even come to associate the boards with "end of day", "time for rest". BRILLIANT LITTLE GUY!)
Tonight, at 19.50, all was settled, his desk lamp was turned off.. Out-side, the winds blew, the grey day was becoming a dark night, quite cool. But my little Heart-and-Soul was protected, in his house, in his room, where he could rest, peacefully, with no cares or concerns about the elements or anything else beyond "his" windows.
We had quite a good day together... as we always do. And tonight, he gets his rest... in preparation for another "great" day... when tonight becomes tomorrow and tomorrow becomes... today.
mourning dove 23 June 2022Thursday 23 June:
Another heavy-grey morning today. Breezy, on the brink of the rain-storms that were in the forecast. Thankfully, it wasn't "cold"... just quite damp with almost "Autumnal" humidity. And I was up and about for quite some time already... Yonah's door was closed so that I wouldn't disrupt his rest. The sun wasn't shining and the "Yardies" were scarce so I just wanted Yonah to have his natural course of rest but...
When the clock struck 6.00, I became my usual mixture of "curious, concerned and a bit worried". There'd been no "call", not a sound from Yonah's room. I wondered if he was just "sleepin-in". After all, his blinds and curtains were still closed and though some day-light comes through, it is rather on the "darker" side of light... easy enough to simply look at and think "Oh... there's more time to rest." But, considering the recent days and hours that Yonah wakes, this was getting late. I didn't want to disturb him but...
Very quietly, I opened the door to his room and crept over to the end of his futon and sat, in silence, watching the little silhouette on the perch above. I was some-what anxious because my Little Guy was so still. I wondered if he was really THAT much asleep and as I watched, focusing so that I'd notice even the slightest movement...
His little head turned, then he "stood up", head raised, took a breath and let out a BEAUTIFULLY CLEAR...
WELL! As they say... "WOO-HOO" indeed! I was relieved and thrilled to my core!
We had the greatest little chat too... I said "woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo", to which he repeated the same. But when I "pushed" for a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... the answer was an immediate "woo-HOO!" OK! So our day was "officially opened"! And so was Yonah's door... house-door. And he was off and on his way to "take on" what-ever we were to face.
For the morning, I got settled, directly, at the work table. Out-side, the rains came and I put Yonah's "Natural Spectrum" light on. He seems to actually enjoy it because he appears to be more energetic when it's on. It's not "brilliant" light, but I might suppose it helps with his vision... perhaps things are brighter, more colourful to him. What-ever it might be there is a noticeable difference in his energy when it's on so... And it does add a bit more light to the room, a crisper, "whiter" light than his desk lamp. Well worth having, even though it's no substitute for sun-shine... .which, when we get it again, Yonah will be out in, now that we have a way for him to be.
In fact, he had SO much energy today that he was busy, pulling the "sprouts" from his little "garden". I have a small plastic container in his house and I "plant" some of the smaller seeds from the "wild song-bird mix" that I get for the Yardies in some potting mix. Originally, I'd hoped that Yonah would pick at the sprouts and get his "greens" and those vitamins, but he has other plans and uses. He pulls them out and "sorts through" to find the ones he sees as suitable for his nest box. So, there were sprouts ALL over his house today. (Most of them I pick up at end of day so they don't just wilt there. But I leave the ones he chooses for his "nest" for another day... and, he has more to replace them with. And when this "garden" is gone, there's already another one sprouting to take its place. Always a fresh supply of "greens". I tried romaine and other green vegetables. He won't have anything to do with them. So, if he gets any nourishment or pleasure out of these "gardens", I'm happy.)
I did manage a 20-minute snooze toward mid-day today... on Yonah's futon. Well, about 20 minutes... As is the "nap routine", I get to lay down for as long as Yonah deems appropriate. And today, again, I was awakened by little feet, bouncing on my head and the "tap-tap-tap" of "Excuse me, but are you planning on laying there ALL day?" It's the most pleasant way to be awakened. It truly is.
For most of the day, we were together... and when I wasn't at the work table, we were "together" some-how... even if it meant Yonah coming round to check on me in other rooms. But as I sat at the table in his room, he didn't miss an opportunity to come over and "roost" on my shoulder, watching every little thing that was happening... what it was that was keeping me occupied and busy... though, NEVER too busy for kisses and cuddles and PLAY TIME!
This evening, as we were waiting for evening meal, I heard a couple of doves out-side... They were back out after all of today's down-pour! So I opened Yonah's window, mostly to see what his reaction would be to other doves calling. He went up to his roof-top, in the NatSpec light, and COO'ed! OH... how he COO'ed! It was SO literally "bitter-sweet". I would have loved to spend time with him out in the yard again, but it was still damp and grey, but to hear him calling to the other doves... and them answering. Now, to figure how to "attract" them to his window... Company. Though, sadly, through the screen on the window. Still, at least he gets to hear other doves, and maybe, one day, to see them and "chat".
How my heart breaks... He's come so far over our 20 months, and how I SO wanted him to return to the wood-lands and meadows. But now... with his limited flying abilities, not to mention that he's come to expect all of his necessities... it would be certain death, and I'll not have him attacked again! I just won't. The life he has now might not be the life intended by Nature, but, Nature almost destroyed him. Here, now, he's safe, with plenty of good, nourishing food, fresh water and though it might seem "confined", he does have the entire house to explore and fly around... and... he has me, and I don't care for or about anything more than I care for and about him. I suppose that's a pretty good situation... at least, I hope it is.
We had about 8 doves at the feeder in the kitchen garden this evening! It's been a LONG time from since last that many came. The local squirrels and chipmunks have become a literal nuisance of late and as soon as food is put out for the Yardies, the rodents attack. But this evening... 8 mourning doves decided to commandeer the "buffet" so I brought Yonah to the door again, to see his reaction.... Almost none. He really expresses no interest in the other doves and will spend most of the time on my back, at my neck. And when a dove seems to notice him in the door-way, he heads right back to his house. I'm hoping to be able to be out there, in the yard, when the other doves come, with Yonah in the sun-shine... I'm very curious to see the reactions on both sides: Yonah and the "Yardies".
Well... as it always does, our day together came to a close... I was busy typing away at the work table, getting today's entry here when I looked-up and saw the hour... 19.50! The sun, of course, was breaking through the clouds just in time to descend behind the Western mountains, but there was still considerable day-light out-side the windows. But the Yardies had all left, having had their fill earlier, and, for me, the most important thing at this hour is making sure that Yonah is afforded his necessary sleep time! So, sadly, I got up and got to closing blinds and curtains. Yonah was in his nest box until I started at the windows and when I pulled the blinds, he headed over to his perch. (HE KNOWS SO MUCH THAT IT'S ... WELL... "AWE"! TO ME!) I moved slowly, just in case he wanted a little snack before settling-down for the night, but he seemed to be quite ready to close the day... on his perch. So, when the windows were closed, the back board installed, I just continued on with the roof board and such. Yes, he was ready.
We exchanged our usual "Good night" kisses before "lights out". It's the hardest moment of a day, this "Good night" part, but as I say, if mourning doves are expected to get 10-14 hours of rest and Yonah is going to be up and about by 6.00... The door to his house got closed, I whispered my nightly assurance that I "LOVE HIM SO MUCH" and... the desk light was off. My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in... safe and sound for the night.
13° is tonight's forecast. Not too hot but certainly not as chilly as it's been... and much sun in the 3 days ahead... TIME OUT-SIDE AGAIN! Though temperatures might jump to the 30s! We'll be looking at a place in the yard, under the trees... "dappled sun-light", to be sure, and I'll set Yonah's house up as it used to be, with a little "pool" for splashing and drinking... in the yard. I'm looking forward to that. But for tonight, good warmth and a restful night ahead (we hope). Tomorrow? We'll handle that when we face it... with a morning "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo".
Friday 24 June:
Our morning, warm but slightly damp, yet comfy, commenced, "officially" at 5.48 with the "call" of my Heart-and-Soul... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo", and a wonderful little chat, short and sweet, between the first call and the final "woo-HOO!" It's SO heart-warming... I've come to "learn" ONE of Yonah's coo's... that one "woo-HOO!" And the differences in the "quality"... the tone, the volume, the "curtness" is so obvious now. If nothing else, I know when he's had enough of our "schmoozing" in the morning and when it's time for me to get in and open his house-door and get busy with my "morning tasks".
But above and beyond ALL else in Creation, until I hear the first "call"... well... the day seems heavy, no matter what, it feels "dark". It's been 20 months now and I still carry that wonder, every day, of whether my Little Guy will be awake, will wake... will be with me. I take nothing for granted where he's concerned... He's just THAT integral to my next heart beat... next breath.
It was a bit of a "hectic" sort of day for me, having a few errands to run that I've neglected for the past days, so, for much of it, my Little Guy had the entire house to him-self, and time to do what-ever it was that he wanted. AND DID HE HAVE "BUSY-NESS" HE WANTED TO GET TO TODAY! With the new mosses in his house, there was SO MUCH to be moved about, SO MUCH to sort through!
I'd been away for a few hours (and was sick with missing Yonah, as is always the case when I leave) and when I walked back into the house, my first line of duty was to let him know that I was back. I walked into his room to find him in his little next box, which is where he tends to like spending time during the day, but THE MOMENT HE SAW ME AT HIS ROOM-DOOR, HE FLEW DOWN AND TODDLED RIGHT TO HIS HOUSE-DOOR TO GREET ME! It really is as though he misses me when I'm away, as much as I miss him. And my heart just melts, as it BURST with such ECSTASY to see him, to know that he's OK, still here... still "here" and that he's in best of health, shape and conditions... not to mention... that GREETING! It's just indescribable to know that he looks forward to seeing me, that he actually enjoys when we're together. To think: he's under no "obligation" to even tolerate me, and he isn't under any, wheat people refer to as "civil obligation" to be "polite", never mind, pleasant. His enjoyment is purely his own choosing. And I am HUMBLED, HONOURED AND BLESSED WAY BEYOND DESCRIPTION!
As for the "mosses"? WELL! Not only had he moved some sprigs to his nest box, he'd been quite "particular" in his choices... and there was so much that had been rejected... on the floor of the room, the window sill. I've seen how he goes about plucking certain sprigs, gives each one a proper "shake" and those he wants, he takes to where-ever he wants them... those that just to "fit the purpose" get tossed... be it to the side or out the door... or, out the back of the house. So, from the looks of things, my Little Guy had been quite busy during my absence. (I have another trip into the woods, in short order, to get more mosses, to be sure.)
It's a bit of a relief to me, really, that he has, at least some of what he would have had, had "Fate" allowed him to live and grow in his "natural environment". I really can't provide him with the "usual toys" that "pet" stores offer, because, surely, to Yonah, they'd make no sense, have to purpose. I've tried making some little items for his "amusement" and all have simply been ignored. So this way, with the mosses, the twigs, the sands, and his little fountain with moving water in his pool, he has something to "occupy" and "pass" the time when we're not together.
Again, as always, how I wonder about other birds, Little Ones, that other people will simply "toss" into a "cage" and ignore. How cruel, vicious, truly evil... such disregard for the LIFE in their care. But my Little Companion has the absolute BEST that I'm capable of providing... and, as I think of more, I try. What-ever inspiration I get from the "Yardies" or as I look through information on the internet, I try. What works? We keep. What doesn't? We move on.
Bottom line: though we were apart for some time today... Yonah wasn't confined to some "cage", he had the entire house, rooms to fly to and through, explore, toddle about... as it ought to be.
Well, by the time I got back and managed to get our groceries put up, it was already our "evening meal" time. So, of course, as always, we dined together, I got the washing-up done and we did a water relay.
I'd wanted to get out-side again, this evening, but the sun wouldn't cooperate, hidden behind clouds and the weather was generally "unpleasant" so I decided to hold off... tomorrow's forecast was for 28° and sunny. If we don't get out before the heat, we have tomorrow evening after meal... for his recommended "11-45 minutes". I don't want to put him into direct sun, since it's been a while since he'd been in such, and yes, doves can and will "burn" in a beating sun so... sites set on tomorrow... even in the evening!
This evening, after water relay and house tidying, I got his room Hoovered for the week-end... (MUCH-NEEDED, to be sure) and we settled-down for a little play time on the futon. But, at about 19.40 Yonah was about ready to "close" the day. He'd been up and about from since before 6.00 so... he headed back to his house and I took the cue and headed over to close-up the blinds and curtains. It was 25° in his room, but tonight's low was expected to be only 14° so, we made sure that the windows were "insulated" against any potential "chill". And as I put the back board up, Yonah made him-self "settled" for the night.
By 20.00... his light was off, he was on his perch, settled and ready for a good, safe, peaceful, restful night's "seepie-nigh-night".
It does my heart good to know that he can actually "sleep", restfully, at night. But... it really is as I always do and will say: "tuck-in" is my most difficult time of a day. I just don't want to be out of his room, away from him. Sure, I'm never farther away than the very next room, but... he IS, literally, my reason and cause for the next breath I take. He's not just a "Companion", this Little Guy has become ... well ... my "being". But, again, at least these days, he's safe from predators... human and other-wise. He has the best nourishment I can provide for him. There's nothing that could harm him in any way... This might not be the "life"/existence he'd been born into/for... but, if his life-expectancy was to be 18 months... or so... he's managed to pass that, and, as much as I can, I'll see to it that what-ever time he has to come, he'll be safe, and LOVED... more than I can say.
Saturday 25 June:
HOT! WOW! From mornings of 10° to THIS morning of about 15°... and at 6.07 the "call" to get on with it came floating out from the room off the kitchen. "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... This morning, my "woo-hoo" voice wasn't quite ready to call back but I tried. It was "crackled" at best, but, it seems it was "good enough" to warrant a reply of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" so, I hurried into Yonah's room to bid a "Good morning my Heart-and-Soul. My 'woo-hoo' isn't working yet but... " and as I opened his door and leaned in for "Good morning" kisses, he snuggled into my face and gave me a few pecks on the nose and temple and them scuttled over so that I could get on with the affairs of the morning.
As I opened his windows to the morning sun-shine, he chatted until I was, finally, able to answer properly and when I did, that started our morning "dialogue" as I busied me with my "tasks". "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's" a-plenty. And I was no sooner off to the water relay when Yonah was up, out, and on his wall shelf... from which he "supervised" this Saturday morning's goings-on.
Out day was officially "open" and he was quite ready to take it on... and, since he was in good spirits, my morning was as perfect as ALL "perfection".
As the day progressed, oh but did we EVER get the threatened heat that had been in the forecast! By after-noon, the sun beat down and the temperature out-side reached quite the hot 32°! Of ALL days, I was more than happy that my Little Guy had his fountain, his pool, fresh, clean water... for drinking AND for a swim (although, in spite of the heat, he had no interest in such things). In his room, it reached 28° at one point and I had the one window at his house opened, and the fan ran on "exchange", to create a bit of "motion" in the air, as it pulled filtred air in from out-side and pulled the air from the room back out. The doors in the house were opened too, of course. Fresh, out-side air... no "air conditioning"... no stuffy, stale, recycled air for me or my Little Guy!
But I MUST have been QUITE "too warm" out there today because, right after the morning Yardies came round for their breakfast at the kitchen garden, they disappeared for the day... mourning doves, blue jays, sparrows, finches... all, no doubt, either down by the river or restfully roosting on the limbs of the trees, hiding under the leaves.
I'd wanted to get Yonah out-side at some point, during the day, but it truly was, just too hot... I took the "cue" from the Yardies. If THEY didn't want to be out in this heat, well... Yonah's never had to encounter the cold of Winter, nor the heat of Summer. So... We passed the day together. in his room, where the temperature was 28°, but, we were protected against the burning sun out-side. And as I worked on little tasks and projects, sitting either at the work table or on his futon, Yonah rested in his next box or... as he does, joined me on my shoulder or head... to see what it was that kept me "occupied".... Needless to say, the BEST "occupation" was exchanging all sorts of pecks and kisses when he came to be with me.
That's really, for the most part, how we passed this hot Summer Saturday...
I did try ("try") for a 30-minute snooze later in the morning. Had laid my head down on the pillow on the futon and was IMMEDIATELY accompanied... though Yonah didn't stay. But... SO TRUE TO HIM, that TWO MINUTES before the alarm... I felt the little "peck-peck-peck" at my temple, and when I opened my eyes, there he was, on the pillow, looking to see when I woke up. And, once he knew my "nap-time" was done, he headed back to his house... to wait... for PLAY TIME! Silly Little Guy. We played a while and I got back to my tasks... and Yonah got back to lounging in his nest box.
Indeed, for most of the day it was Yonah and I, together, in his room, and out-side, the sun came and went and the temperatures remained high. But, oddly, as it is with Yonah, he never took advantage of his pool. I wonder... On some of the coldest days of Winter, he's in there splashing around. But on these hot days... well, I've read that a dove's "normal body temperature" is 105°F. I suppose this heat is quite comfortable for him then. "Hot-blooded" Little Guy.
At about 16.00, he "reminded" me that it was time to put my evening meal on the hob, with a little "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and a "visit" to my shoulder, with some pecks to the ear. So, indeed, that's what I did and at 17.00, we settled-in to dine together. After washing-up, it appeared that we just might be gifted with a bit of evening sun-shine so I decided to get another try to a while out-side and so, I set-up the stand at the bottom of the stairs, out-side, by the kitchen garden and came back in to see if I couldn't get Yonah into his "old house".
It was quite the success! And, I brought him out, in his house, and set him a-top the little stand. And as the sun came through the gathering clouds, I busied my-self with a bit of gardening.
It was DELIGHTFUL, this evening! No sooner was Yonah situated when he let out a little "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and in moments, a female mourning dove came out of the trees and to the drive! She "buzzed" (or, more like "whistled") by Yonah several times, back and forth and then went up onto the roof where she stood, for quite the while, looking at him. Yonah seemed more interested in the rest of the world around him, looking to the yard, across the drive and such. But "Miss" kept her position, staring.
I finished my little bit of gardening and took a seat on the steps of the back gallery and sat, quite motionless for some time. Miss Dove took off to the trees but in a short while, she returned... with TWO OTHER doves! One appears to be a male and the other, a young mourning dove, just too young to ascertain whether male or female. But the three of them appeared to notice Yonah, who was, by now, on the little corner perch in his house, and the three of them toddled up and down the drive looking mostly at Yonah (and paying me almost no attention at all).
At one point, the male flew up to the gallery roof and I could hear him toddling about on the metal and when I looked up he was at the edge, staring down... directly at Yonah.
How I wondered what they all thought of Yonah and his "situation". And how I would have SO LOVED to let Yonah go over and visit with them. But, again, I wouldn't dare, lest Yonah decided to try and take a flight with them... and... well... if he made it up into the trees... If I could know, for certain, that he would come "home" before darkness, I wouldn't hesitate one moment to let him fly. But, I know, all too well, that, at this juncture, Yonah "out there" would be a certain death... and, most likely, at the claws and jaws of a predator. So? So, we had to accept our predicament.
It could be horrifically worse for Yonah, all things considered. And, when, about 45 minutes later, the sun was setting and "seepie-nigh-night" time was approaching, I brought him back into his room, I set him, in his old house, on his futon and went back out to close the back gate and door. When I came back in... he was eating. All was well... and so, I ran the evening water relay... cool, fresh water in his pool and little side-dish... in case he was thirsty after his "sun-bathing". He was back "home", where HIS room was familiar. And I was glad that he got more sun-shine today, a chance to see the other doves, and I was comforted to see that he was glad to be back in HIS house... in HIS room... on HIS personal territory.
I'm hoping for more sun-shine tomorrow... and if there is, in the morning, and the temperature is good, we'll try for some earlier sun-shine... and then, after evening meal, if there's more sun-shine... we'll get out to see the others... when they come for their evening meal. It's really a wonderful time (as is ALL time with Yonah), to sit, quietly, out-side, in the evening, with him. We have the beginning of a NEW "evening routine"... as long as he enjoys it... to be sure.
Well... the clock, by the time we'd done with all, approached... 19.57 and... "seepie-nigh-night". Yonah was on his roof, coo'ing along, his fan was running. The temperature in his room... 27,7° (28° out-side!). Tonight's "low"... 18°. A nice "comfortably warm" night to come... at last! So I got up, moved "me" (my things on his work table) into the kitchen and went back in to get my Little Guy settled for the night. BUT... Ah-HAH! THIS evening, he didn't appear to be ready for any "seepie-nigh-night" and when I brought his roof-top platform down, to let him hop onto his perch, he headed right back up to his roof-top and gave me a bit of a wing snap! Oh, but I SO would let him stay up and about for as long as he would, but I don't want him denied a good night's rest, especially since he's up by 6.00 and awake most of the day (I seldom see him "resting", even when he's in his next box) so... we weren't getting away with that tonight. I held him and brought him into his house and there, he calmly hopped onto his perch to settle for the night.
Blinds and curtains closed for the night, I turned his fan off because the door to his room is open so he'll have the coolness and air of the rest of the house... boards on, door perch off... he was set. I leaned in, gave him a couple of "Good night" kisses and turned his desk lamp off. I stayed to make sure he got to his night spot alright and when he'd done... whispered "Good night... restful seepie-nigh-night." Our day... closed.
It was hot, we did precious little, but is was GLORIOUS, none-the-less. And tonight, with a full crop, my little Heart-and-Soul can rest peacefully, safely... until he announces the beginning of a "new day"... a Sunday... (which is expected to be hotter-still, than today... reaching 31 or even 32... Hopefully, with a bit of sun-shine... for both of us!
Sunday 26 June:
WHAT a day together, with my little Heart-and-Soul! HOT? His room reached 30° with his window open and his fan blowing. BUT Yonah didn't seem to mind it at all! Not in the least. I don't now HOW, but not even a dip in the pool!
He called me, at 6.14 this morning... a nice, clear "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and because it was a bit later than usual, as I answered, I made my way into his room to find him "at the ready", on his perch, already stretching his wings for "morning take-off". I opened his door, leaned in for "Good morning" kisses and my Little Guy was in a mood for "cuddles" and "snuggles"! OH... such LOVE first thing in the morning! There couldn't be a better day... in ALL of Creation's history.
But, snuggles, cuddles and kisses done, he was off and so was I. He didn't even wait for me to open the windows up completely. Love and energy and not even 7.00!
By the time I'd done opening curtains and blinds, AND his window... the one with-out the fan in it, he was already up on his wall shelf where he could keep an eye on the rest of the activities in his room... especially me, running back and forth on "water relay".
From there, I made quick work of what-ever else had to be done round the rest of the house and, as the sun rose out-side (and the temperatures with), my Little Guy and I settled-down for the rest of the day.
Now, I have to make an exceptionally important note for today because, well, maybe it's my own interpretation of events or, it just might be a fact, but, today, I was busily engaged in "trip planning". I have a bit of a some-what "long distance errand" to run tomorrow, which will keep me from my Heart-and-Soul for several hours. No, I am NOT looking forward to it and were there ANY way at all possible to simply put it aside, to be sure, I most certainly would. (I do NOT enjoy time away from Yonah, and it literally grieves me.)
I'm rather certain that, some-how, Yonah "sensed" my anxiety through the day, though I did my best to keep it to my-self, because, as I worked at the work table, he kept making trips to my shoulder, to roost, peck at my ear, my cheek, look me straight in the eyes... And when he wasn't doing that, he'd stand on his door perch and give me a wing snap... He wanted "cuddling" and "kissing"... as if he were telling me that he KNEW that I'd be gone a while tomorrow and that he TOO, would be missing me! OK. As I say... possibly "projection" on my part? What-ever the case, it just struck me as "notable".
I've had to go shopping for us both before, and have been gone for several hours, but I haven't done that in a VERY long while. And, as the time together with Yonah has come along, I've grown unable, quite frankly, to even imagine a day where we're not together for most of it. And this time, the distance I'll be away is considerably farther. Thankfully, it's only a matter of a couple hours drive, still... I just dread the very notion of rolling along... with-out my Heart-and-Soul with me. I DO believe he sensed it.
And he came over often through the day. It was most bitter-sweet to me, and now, I wonder what tomorrow morning will be like... I'll HAVE to do my VERY best to keep from ANY sort of anxieties...
Of course, Yonah will have run of the entire house while I'm away, so he won't be "trapped" and won't be confined to his house. (I'll just have to make exceptionally sure that there's nothing about the place that could cause him any harm. Not that there is, usually, and he's EVER so good about where he goes... Still... he does get "curious" at times... and he's going to notice that I'm not in the kitchen where I usually am... when I'm not in his room.) Oh... I know, at some point, to some degree, that all this anxiety is of my own creation. Still, I can't put into words, any more, Yonah's importance to me and my existence.
Well though, we were together today, as the temperature in his room reached a warm 28°. And thankfully, the humidity held-off until much later on. The fan in the one window helped circulate the air, because there wasn't even the slightest breeze coming in through the open window... and the house door were open as well. Still, I was glad to see the sun shining.
So the day went along and, before I could even realise it, "evening meal" time arrived! I was "reminded" when I saw, from the corner of my eye, Yonah was having his "evening meal". So I put mine together a little earlier this evening... because there was SUN out-side and I wanted Yonah to get some of that! (Tomorrow is supposed to be over-cast so... grab t he sun-shine whilst we may!)
After meal and washing-up, Yonah appeared to have a burst of some kind of energy, so I laid on his futon and we played a bit with his dove pillow... I'd no sooner gotten to the futon when he came FLYING over, landed on my legs and so, there we played until...
At about 18.00 I set the "stand" for his old house up in the back yard, at the foot of the steps to the gallery, just as before, and when I brought his house into his room, it was almost as if he knew what was coming. He hopped to his door perch, I lifted him gently and brought him over and place him in. And I carried him, in his old house, out to the yard.
The other doves hadn't started coming yet... we were early, but off in the distance, we could hear one coo'ing and Yonah called-out with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo!" It took a couple of minutes and sure enough, the little female who comes round first appeared. This evening, she was quite curious about Yonah being there (again) and she took her places on the roof-tops, at the edge, where she could look down and watch this "new fellow". Yonah called to her, twice... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo...hoo" but she, as all mourning doves, was just too wary. My presence didn't really seem to bother her... but, I imagine the "cage" around Yonah must have given cause for some concern. But we stayed where we were... and Yonah DID get a nice time in the early evening sun-shine tonight. In fact, because there was a "break", where the clouds hid the sun for about 15 minutes or so, we were out there for about an hour tonight. Of course, I had Yonah's place situated so that half was in the sun... the other half, in the shade so he wouldn't be over-exposed. And he paced for a while, back and forth, in and out of the sun-shine.
It really is a pleasant time with him out there, and he seems to enjoy it! BUT...
When I brought him back in, I put his house on his futon, as I did before, opened the door and I went about getting set-up for evening water relay... When I went back in to Yonah's room... he was on his door perch... and... OH... DID HE EVER WANT SNUGGLES AND KISSES! I'm not sure it is was "I'm so glad to be back!" or "Thank you! That was wonderful!" Which ever it was... indeed we DID do the snuggles and kisses... until he was satisfied and headed up to his roof top... as I went about changing the water in his pool.
It seemed though, that, this evening, Yonah was tired enough to want to "settle-down" for the night by about 19.34.. "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and to his perch. So? Well... As much as "end of day" is my sad time, I obliged. After all... it's HIS rest time here. So I moved his house round to get to the windows to close them for the night. (Leaving his fan on for a while, until I get to my own "seepie-nigh-night" because it was almost 30° in his room... Probably fine for him, but at least the fan would keep the air "fresh"... drawing in through the flitre.) As I worked at the windows, Yonah had his "evening snack". Yes, he was tired... it was time.
Just before putting his desk lamp off, after the boards and such were in place and his house situated, I leaned in for some "Good night" kisses... Two were the limit tonight... My Little Guy was tired... and so... 19.45... light out... "tuck-in" was complete.
And so, another day comes to a close... and my little Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound for a restful night's sleep. Tomorrow? Well... we'll deal with it when it arrives... For tonight, we're together... even though one room apart... and I'm already missing him SO MUCH !!!!!
Monday 27 June:
Rain... light, steady, rain. And 20° after a night of rain and, as I happened to notice, quite early this morning, 26° in the house. And, of course, it was rather on the "dark" side, with the clouds hanging low in the sky above. A perfect morning for a bit of "sleep-in", so I went about my "morning affairs" and though I would have liked to know how my Little Guy, my Heart-and-Soul was faring, I chose to wait, and not disturb him.
But as the clock read 6.35, I became too curious and, quietly, I made my way into Yonah's room... just to "check". In the relative darkness, I could see the little silhouette of the little Companion whose existence gives credence and purpose to my own existence. There he was, on his perch, in the spot where I've come to know he passes the night... hopefully, in restful sleep. He was on his perch... a good sign that he was OK. So, as quietly, I stepped out of his room and returned to the kitchen.
No sooner had I gotten another sip of my coffee when...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... MORNING CALL! The soft and gentle coo came floating on the warm, morning air, and filled the rest of the house. 6.36... My Heart-and-Soul was up and ready to take on this other-wise dreary Monday morning! All was well with the World.
I replied with my own "rendition" of a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and he replied with his own... AND our morning dialogue commenced. Yonah was in quite a "conversational" mood this morning, and I was ELATED!
As I went back into his room, to open the door to his house, even in the darkness I could see him, on his perch, stretching his wings, prepping for "take-off". I opened the door, leaned in as I do, for morning kisses and was greeted with gentle pecks on the nose AND another "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" too! "Chat time"! We exchanged coo's all the while I removed the night boards and opened the curtains and blinds to the dim light out-side. The only other sound in the house was the tapping of the rain on the metal shed roof out-side his window. It was a peaceful start to a new day... but my heart was FULL of ALL sorts of sounds... my Little Guy was up, awake and obviously feeling well. That's ALL I needed to see and know for today. WE were up and ready for Monday.
So as I got right to the business of our morning water relay, Yonah took off. From the kitchen, I could hear the flutter and whistle of his wings... and when, with the first "round" of fresh water for his pool, I got back into his room, he was already on his roof-top... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo'ing". He had a LOT to say this morning... even though, out-side, the rain kept falling and there were no other Little Ones... no "Yardies"... they must have been tucked-in, under some eave or bough, waiting-out the weather. Ah... "weather"... my Little One doesn't bother with or about such a thing; in his territory, "weather" is what happens on the other side of the window pane. On his side, he's always protected from rains, snows, heat and cold. No foraging for breakfast or fresh water. It's all right there... his, and his alone.
I continued with my "tasks" and as I did, we "chatted", back and forth and Yonah took to his wall shelf, even in the early morning rainy darkness. Up and about, ready to roll with this Monday. And... AWAY WE WERE... ON THE ROLL!
Other-wise, it was an extremely difficult day for me... and, as I was to see later, not such a "comfortable" day for Yonah either.
I had a lengthy errand to run today. Several hours, in fact, and I haven't been away from Yonah for that long in quite a while. Leaving him this morning was SO difficult and I DO believe he sensed my anxieties because we had one of the longest "conversations" we've ever had thus far. The coo's continued through most of the morning while I was in the house. Yonah coo'ed, I replied, he responded, I answered, he coo'ed... And when I wasn't in his room or where he could see me from any of his "vantage points" in there, he came FLYING out, through the house, to find me. Oh yes, he KNEW that "something" was about to happen and he KNEW that I wasn't happy with or about it all. Sadly, it just couldn't be avoided. I did my best to keep from thinking about it, but... Yonah just seemed to "know". He always seems to "know" how I'm feeling and when something is bothering me, I do my best to keep it out of my mind.
One thing I truly must say is: since Yonah has come into my life, he's taught me how to handle and approach SO MANY situations that used to cause me such anxieties.
Learning how to put stressful thoughts out of mind has given me the chance to simply deal with and handle them in much more productive ways. And, his example of handling situations that most people couldn't even imagine, has taught me that nothing that tries to harm, injure or destroy is so strong that it can't be defeated.
The very memory of his condition that morning, 13 October 2020, his wing and leg all but useless, and the thoughts of what Hell he endured as something tried to tear his little body apart, and all the while, he was alive and aware, and helpless... Then, to be laying there, in the wet grass, as a light rain fell on him, on a dark, grey, chilled morning... Add to that, being picked-up by a known "predator" (me, a human) and brought into an environment so completely alien (the house)... For days he was in a "cage", surrounded by wire mesh, confined, and the only other being in the area... that "predator" who, other-wise was one of his most horrific threats (me, a human). No other birds, no other doves, he was "taken away" from the freedom of the open meadows and wood-lands. He had NO cause to trust me, for ANY reason. He had NO reference to ANY "possible good" I might have intended. And yet, he managed to heal as best as he could... over time.
For me, the most horrifying aspect of it all: being destroyed, slowly, having feathers and flesh torn from his body.. No, no matter what may come to cause me any grief, my own situations couldn't possibly compare to his trauma, terror, pain, grief. I keep this in mind... and putting my anxieties aside becomes, well, it's becoming "second nature".
And seeing, learning, knowing that birds, even in the most "un-Godly" pain, don't "cry", don't give ANY indication of their suffering... THIS is more inspiring than any-thing else in the world... in Creation. This Little Guy and "his" are so peaceful, calm, quiet, handling even the worst desperation. How truly superior to humans... and how they inspire me to be "more like them".
So, I did all I humanly possibly could to simply dismiss my own anxieties... and I focused more on getting the errand done, and being back together with my little Heart-and-Soul... later in the day.
As it all turned, I made the errand in much less time than I'd anticipated! And I was SO happy to return to my Little Guy in several hours. BUT...
When I got back, of course, as is always the case, I called-out "Where's my woo-hoo?" and from the distance, I heard a quiet "woo-HOO!". Since it wasn't Yonah's usual loud reply, I was in an immediate panic! So I bolted for his room to find him in his little nest box. BUT, he'd obviously bee "busy" during my absence; the moss in his house was ALL OVER! He'd moved an entire little "mat" of it from one side of his house to the other, and there were sprigs and bits on the floor of his room! Either he made him-self "busy" with his time OR he was upset and took it out on the mosses.
For the rest of the day, we were almost inseparable! A often as he could, Yonah came to rest on my shoulder, even as Ii went about the house, getting evening meal together! AND, of course, this evening, we dined together... and as I ate my meal, Yonah ate, very well. OUR house-hold was back, as it should be. (And I can't say which one of us was happier, if one were happier than the other. But what-ever the case, our delight was shared!)
I'd been hoping to get out-side again, this evening, after our meal but there was almost no actual "sun-shine" and the winds were such that it would have been more uncomfortable for Yonah, being in his little "old house", blown about, so instead, we settled-down for the evening... or... so that was the intention...
As I was getting ready to attend to the evening "water relay", and hoping to be able to sit and spend quiet time with my BEST LITTLE COMPANION, I noticed that, for some reason, his fountain had moved... and it had splashed water out of his pool and into the tray beside it AND... down onto the kitchen roll that lines the main tray in his house! All of it was almost completely SOAKED! AND, it was the hour when we were supposed to be getting ready for "seepie-nigh-night"! Considering that Yonah "sleeps" on a perch, raised high off the floor of his house, one might suppose it could have been left until the next morning, but I was NOT about to have him in there, all through the night, with all of that dampness so... the four individual trays had to be removed, and his pool, everything had to be wiped clean and dried and all of the kitchen roll had to be replaced... at that hour. POOR LITTLE GUY! So much commotion at such a late hour! BUT, he took it all in stride, watching, for the most part, as I took his house apart and put it back together again.
Ah... but when it was done, everything looked as though nothing had happened and it was done in short order. (Again, poor Little Guy... I just moved about, non-stop. He must have wondered what was wrong with me, just grabbing, moving... this was something that usually gets done during the day!)
Almost unbelievably, we managed to get everything done and "tuck-in" was done by 20.06! MANY re-assuring kisses and cuddles and firm assurance that everything was OK, that I wouldn't be doing any more of that... until tomorrow, when I'd have to re-re-arrange his fountain.
I wondered how Yonah would take to all that activity so late in the day, but, AMAZINGLY, with-in a half hour after his light was out, he was settled on his perch. I went back in to check on him and we exchanged more little "Good night" kisses... through his door and my little Heart-and-Soul was able to get on with a regular night of restful sleep. Tomorrow, we'd deal with the pool, the fountain and what-ever else needed to be addressed. Tonight, all he had to deal with was getting his due and needed rest.
What a day! And what a CHAMPION! What lessons I learnt: from the separation through how a little dove simply deals with "matters at hand" and once they're over... they're over... done. I can't help but think:
"Humans", the allegedly highest-evolved species, (just the very notion of such a nonsensical belief annoys me), have SO VERY MUCH to learn... from this little LIFE... and ALL of the others "out there". They're BRILLIAN, RESILIENT, just "AWE-FULL"!
Tuesday 28 June:
Glorious sort of "late" morning, this Tuesday! And "interesting" too...
I had a bit of a "sleep-in" this morning and woke much later than usual, but notice that, even at 6.30, Yonah hadn't "called". After yesterday, I was wondering if he too, wasn't having a "sleep-in". Poor Little Guy, it would have been no surprise if he was exhausted too. I'm really sure that he wasn't at all too happy with my absence for most of the day, and last night's disruption and disturbance at the last moments before "tuck-in" surely didn't help to make for a peaceful evening. But, as I made my way round the kitchen, at 6.54...
It wasn't the usual volume, so it was almost as if he was calling to check to see if I was around. POOR LITTLE GUY!
I made my way, directly, and when I got to his house, there he was, at the ready. I opened his door, leaned in and we exchange our "Good morning" kisses as usual. He appeared to be in good spirits and health so... I got right to the business of opening curtains and blinds. It was a bit of an over-cast morning, but comfortably "cool" and low humidity. A welcome break from the past couple of days... and no rain. That must have fallen during the night.
Ah, but THEN came the "interesting" part of the day:
I don't know how he managed it or why, but, I'd stepped out to the kitchen for a few moments, to have my morning coffee and when I returned to Yonah, to get ready for the morning water relay... his nest box was in the POOL! Twigs scattered about his house. It was almost as if he'd been annoyed or angry this morning. Perhaps he thought I was leaving again? Or, perhaps, it was because the "regular routine" of the morning had been changed... because I didn't get right to the water relay and other "morning tasks". I still wonder if the "change" of yesterday and the slight "change" of this morning didn't make him think that I was leaving again. He's just AMAZING... He "senses" SO very much... and he "notices" just about EVERY slight variation in my mood, and when I move anything in his house... and room. What-ever it was, I was taken bu surprise but, we just went about attending to the matter... removing the box from the pool, making sure it was OK. I put it on the window sill to dry and got to the matter of his pool.
This morning, for some reason, the "fountain" was flowing oddly and AGAIN, it had splashed over the edge and gotten the tray beside it quite wet. I had to re-re-configure the stones and the direction of the water-flow.
Poor Yonah... only jut barely awake and already I was at his house, taking things out, moving and re-arranging, working with the tubing and water and such! And I had to run fresh water through everything twice again. His day, yesterday, ended with me taking things apart, and this morning, his day began with the same inconveniences. I felt terrible about it all, but, I wasn't sure about today's weather and thought that, if it got too hot (which it didn't, I'm happy to say), I wanted him to have his pool... not only for "drinking" but for a refreshing swim, if he wanted. Well, the whole ordeal managed to take a couple of hours, but we did manage to get things back together. And there's a new "configuration" for the fountain... the rocks are arranged differently. Maybe that's not so bad... a little "change of scenery"... with-out having to travel.
After all of that got settled, I managed to have a bit of a lie-down... had set the alarm for 30 minutes and, no sooner had I laid on his futon, Yonah was over to "rest" on my shoulder... then took a toddle down my legs where he stayed until I managed to doze-off. Ah yes, but though... two minutes before "alarm"... peck-peck-peck on the head... there he was, to wake me.
It was another one of those "checking" mornings too... when I was in the room, Yonah came over to my shoulder... and when I stepped out of the room, he came flying through the house... as if to check to make sure I hadn't left him again. (Yesterday did make an impression on him... It pains me, literally, to think that he's come to expect me to be some-where in the house... at all times. I can't stay with him ALL day... EVERY day... as much as I'd truly like to do just that. Fortunately, I don't have many reasons to leave him for any length of time so... We're pretty good there.)
I did have but one, long ever-due errand to run today, short and done. (I admit, I look for ANY reason or excuse not to leave Yonah's company but today, well...). And so, this after-noon, I headed, quickly, out the door and onto the road. I wasn't gone too long and looked forward to getting back... and when I did return... well...
I got into his room right away to find him in his little nest box. And as I entered the room, he stood up and came over to his door to greet me! WHAT a relief it was to be back together with my little Heart-and-Soul, and what ECSTASY to be so warmly welcomed! And we were back together for the rest of the day!
This evening, we dined together, and the sky was mostly clear, only a very few clouds passing now and again, and the sun was in the Western sky, shining brilliantly. Right after our meals. I got the washing-up done and... we went out to the yard to take in some of those bright rays of "vitamin D"! I got the stand set-up as usual, so that half was in the sun and the other in the shadow of the house. I got Yonah into his old house and we went out for what felt like mere moments but... turned out to be AN HOUR!
One of the things that makes the time pass is watching the one little "Lady Dove".
As soon as we were out and settled, Yonah gave out a few nice, clear calls: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo", one right after the other. And in the distance, there were two other males calling about in the trees. But the little "Lady Dove" must have heard Yonah's calls and with-in moments, she was flying about, up on the roof-top of the house and toddling about on the drive. And every time Yonah coo'ed, she stopped and stared up at him. When she's out there, I don't dare to move, so I got my-self comfortable and watched, being perfectly still. I'm waiting for the time when Ms. Dove gets comfortable enough to come over to actually see and, perhaps chat, with Yonah.
The "amusing" thing though is that there's a male out there who appears to be in "hot pursuit" of the 'little Lady". She comes along and he's not far behind. And how he chases her about the drive and the yard! And she makes it clear that she's got no interest in him... RUNNING, as quickly as she can, away from him until she's just run out of "courtesies" and takes flight... with him in pursuit.
I wonder what she makes of seeing Yonah... She's very young, so I doubt they're "old partners". But my curiosity is whether or not she'll eventually land on the top of Yonah's house and what the reactions, on both sides, will be. If they "hit it off", well, I don't know how I'd handle that. But, that's something we won't have to consider... for a VERY LONG while... if at all, I'm sure. Mean-while, the escapades do pass the time. And this evening, what was intended to be about 45 minutes ended-up being the better of an hour! Hey! Yonah wasn't in the beating sun, he had food and water and shade. But being out there for that hour, with the sun being hidden a few times, hopefully it gave him enough for his little body's vitamin D needs... for today. (I'll keep bringing him out for as often as we possibly can do so now. He seems to rather enjoy the time... and I know I do... sitting quietly with him.) And when I talk to him, he comes over and tilts his head as though he's hearing a "familiar voice in an unfamiliar environment". (At least he doesn't panic being out there... after all... that's where he was attacked... almost 2 years ago. I guess he senses he safe now... I'm there and I've proven that I'll protect him... no matter what.)
And so... by the time we came back into his room, it was already 19.00! What an evening! And I placed his old house on his futon, opened the door and in seconds, he was out and back into his current house... glad to be back... in the OPEN space of his room and this house. While he was re-settling, I put his old house away and got things together for water relay... Yonah headed over to his pillows on his futon where he could supervise my tasks. And when that was done, it was time for... "seepie-nigh-night".
Yonah wasn't really quite ready for that, just yet, and took off to his roof-top where he gave me a bit of a "run" when I went to get him back in his house. (It was already 19.45 by then and, well... my Little Guy needs his 10-14 hours of rest...) It took come coaxing, but when I finally got him back "home", he actually went for his perch, scuttled to his loft mirror to give the reflection there a few "Good night" pecks... and by the time I'd done with closing blinds and curtains and putting his night boards up... all was well. He scuttled back toward the front of his house to where he sleeps... We exchanged "Good night" pecks and cuddles... I closed the door to his house, bade him "Restful seepie-nigh-night", turned his desk lamp off.
There was still quite enough light in his room, from his windows (even through blinds and curtains) and his room door so that, if he wanted to grab a quick snack, he could navigate easily. (I don't want him to EVER go so sleep at night with ANY hunger or thirst!) So I stepped out of the room... My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for the night ahead... Today, we had a GRAND time together, playing, cuddling and all. We'd even had a 20-minute nap! And tomorrow? More of the same to come. In fact, I have a little work I want to do on his futon so... we'll have LOTS of time... together... as we should and will be.
Wednesday 29 June:
It was another one of those "later-starts" to the day this morning... And another one where I took some extra time under my covers until.... from through the rest of the house, my "morning wake-up call" came floating into my "half-dozing" at 6.54.
It's not that Yonah is all that far away from me... in fact, he's in the very next room, but if there's one thing that my "mind listens for" it's his call. So, considering the hour, I got right up, out of the bed and into his room, and there he was, on his perch, up, awake and stretching his wings for the morning. And as I walked into the room, he called again... as if to say "Well! It took you long enough!" PRECIOUS LITTLE GUY! I wondered how long he'd been awake, waiting for me to move about some-where. But, he was so patient... until his patience had worn too thin. But hey... HEY! There's nothing sweeter than the call of a little mourning dove, first thing in the morning... ESPECIALLY a little mourning dove who looks forward to seeing you and being with you!
And although a little on the "cooler" side of temperatures (10°, as I saw) in his room, all was nice and cozy, and the forecast was for 25° and SUNNY! By the time the curtains and blinds were open and the water relay was done, it was perfect weather for opening Yonah's window... fresh air and sun-shine, a wonderful combination! And he was in good spirits, with a few things to be said: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and a little "morning chatting" too.
The rest of the day went along TOGETHER! Quietly, but SO TOGETHER! I had a LOT of work to get to at the work table, the sun was shining, the temperature rose out-side, windows and doors open, but, thankfully, the humidity was low so it was quite the most comfortable day. And as I sat, I had the BEST company... on my shoulder. Yonah, between tossing his mosses about and "arranging" his little nest box, made trips over, to check my progress and to just peck "Hi there!" It was just PERFECT!
And I managed to get in TWO 30-minute naps too! But Yonah now has a new "roosting" spot that he seems to enjoy... on my head, as I lay on the pillow! He used to simply hop onto my head on his way to my shoulder, but now it seems he rather enjoys standing there. I wouldn't mind, if I could be certain that he wouldn't poop... in my ear. But, eventually, he makes his way to my shoulder, heads down along my arm to my legs and toddles to my feet and he's off to where-ever it is that he passes the time whilst I snooze. (And yes, of course, the "30 minutes" are cut short by about two minutes when... "peck-peck-peck" and a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" just before the alarm is set. HOW? I'll never know... but he "knows"... two minutes before the alarm.
And so the day moved along and before I realised it, time for our evening meals. I was hoping to get mine done in enough time to head out for some more evening sun-shine... but sadly, this evening, the clouds gathered in the sky and by the time we'd done with our evening meals, a light rain fell... no sun-shine this evening. Well, I have a little chore to do tomorrow, on a local farm, which should take at least an hour, and am thinking of bringing Yonah with. It's a beautiful, bucolic place, with trees, grass, open space and other Little Ones of the Air. Yonah might enjoy it. And the drive is but a moment or two. Yonah didn't seem to mind those hours we rolled about, up into the mountains when we were supposed to see the vet... about a year ago. And, should he need the service of a vet, the "new" one is about 2 hours away now, so I'd like to see how he handles a ride in the truck. This will be a good start. And maybe he'll grow accustomed to it so it won't be traumatic. I can only hope... Hope that he doesn't mind being in the truck and HOPE that he NEVER actually "needs" a vet. But, best to be prepared, to be sure.
So, instead of going out into the sun this evening, we spent the rest of the time together, in his room, listening to some music as I wrapped the day up. And when it was time for "seepie-nigh-night", I started to close his windows up for the night and Yonah went to get his before bed snack. And he ate so VERY well this evening... right through my working at the windows and even after. It's always such a GRAND sight to see him eating, especially when he eats well. It was, by then, almost 20.00 and though I NEVER want to leave him, it IS about his getting enough rest at night, so I waited until he was quite done before putting the roof board on.
Tonight, I held him in my hands to give him kisses "Good night" and he nestled right in. He SO enjoys those "cuddles and kisses", and when he was ready, I brought him over to his perch where he got settled.
20.08... and his light was off... my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a night's rest.
(Oh, of course... JUST as Yonah was settled and it was just before the sun was to dip down behind the mountains... the skies began to clear... a sliver of sun-shine flushed across the land-scape. Oh well... there's tomorrow... and it will be better than this yard. The farm is off the road, on a hill, in a wooded area. And I can bring the little stand for Yonah's house too. Tomorrow...)
All said... it was another GLORIOUS day... TOGETHER... with my Little Guy... my literal "Heart-and-Soul".
Thursday 30 June:
Can't say, not sure, but after some weeks of Yonah waking closer to the 5.00 mark, again, this morning, "morning call" didn't come until... 5.56! But it was clear, which is what I listen for, above all else... when I hear him. And when I called back, we "chatted" as I got things together and headed in to "open house". So, THIS morning, the last of June, started on a REALLY GREAT "note"... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". And, I hadn't but just gotten the curtains and blinds open, the boards removed and was heading out to start the "water relay" when my Little Guy was already in flight, across the room, off to his futon where he could supervise the rest of the morning's events. THAT'S an indescribable JOY, first thing in the morning: to know that m Heart-and-Soul is well, full of energy and the world is fine.
Well, the day went along and we were together for all but about 30 minutes when I ran... RAN... an errand. But I spent all the while with Yonah in his room. It was a sunny, very warm day, but thankfully, again, lower humidity. Just an absolute pleasure all through the day. And again, I was surprised that Yonah preferred "roosting" in his nest box, when he wasn't shaking mosses about, and bringing his "choice sprigs" up to add to his twigs. No "swimming" in the heat. But his water was fresh, clean and ready for him all the while.
He made several "visits" to my shoulder and we had a LOT of "pecking" back and forth. He's such a character. He'll tend to leave me be for just so long and suddenly, there he is, on my shoulder, trying to pull my glasses off, as if to say:
"Hello? It's me here. Remember? Me? Hello?"
And I tried for another 30-minute snooze this after-noon... but... well... Yonah found that about 15 minutes as sufficient time and the 30 minutes was broken into 15 minutes of "shut-eye" and 15 minutes of play time. (And there are NO complaints from me, to be sure!)
This evening, I had a very light evening meal, but, of course, I had it at the work table whilst Yonah had HIS evening meal... and when I'd done, it was time... there was some wonderful sun-shine out there and we weren't going to miss that! So...
We had another hour-plus out in the sun-shine again, this evening! And as Yonah paced, as he does, in and out of the evening sun-shine, I worked on the kitchen garden which is in dire need of "rodent control". Chipmunks! No matter what I do, they simply get through all obstacles and devour all the food put out for the Yardies! They're "disturbingly voracious" this year, for some reason, and will dare any sort of deterrent! I won't kill them, I just don't have the heart for such a thing, and won't poison them (as has been suggested) because they're part of a food chain for the raptors. And although the raptors may well be the culprits that attacked Yonah, they are, after all, part of what this mountain region is so, I've no right. So, for the entire season, thus far, I've been working, diligently, to find a way to simply keep them from the birds' food. This evening, it was a delight to do the work because I had my BESTEST COMPANION with me. AND, Yonah seemed to enjoy being out there, with me. We even had a bit of a "chat" as I worked... A "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" from Yonah... and another from me, and we held a conversation for a while. DELIGHTFUL!
But the VERY BEST sight this evening was when that little female came round. I had to step into the house to wash my hands at the kitchen basin and had a perfect view of Yonah from there, and as I washed, I saw Ms. Dove come flying in! At first, she landed on the back walk, as she does, and toddled about for a bit until she noticed Yonah, WHO WAS BUSY EATING! (AND OH! BUT HOW WELL HE ATE THIS EVENING... IN HIS OLD HOUSE, OUT IN THE FRESH AIR AND SUN-SHINE! IF NOTHING ELSE, THAT WAS A TONIC TO MY OLD HEART!) Well then, when Yonah noticed her noticing him, SHE took flight, up onto the rail of the back gallery, just beside Yonah! They stared at one another for a while, and she flew over to the opposite rail from where she could get a better look at Yonah. All the while, Yonah looked at her, then went on about his own affairs, as if she really didn't mean all that much to him. (I'm rather intrigued at how little he seems to care about other mourning doves. Consensus of local opinion is that he's quite happy and content with his life as it is and he has no reason to have interest in the others. I can only hope so. Still, the disinterest remains a bit of a puzzle to me.) Ms. Dove seemed curious about Yonah though. Perhaps it's because of the "cage", but what-ever it is, she watched him, intently... until a chipmunk came along and frightened her off.
Sadly, really, by the time she'd left, and she doesn't usually return for quite a while once "frightened off", even by a critter, the sun was setting... and it was getting very close to Yonah's "seepie-nigh-night" time. So? We had to come back into the house for the night.
From now on, I'm going to see if we can't time his out-of-doors a bit closer to the arrival of the others. One of these evenings, maybe somebody will come by long enough to hold a chat with Yonah... and we'll see where things go from there. (I'm still curious as to how he'd react to another dove and still entertaining the notion of getting him a little "house-mate" at some point in time.)
So, I brought Yonah back into his room for the evening and got busy with water relay and tidying for the night and he came right out of the "old house" and went directly to his roof-top to "supervise" tonight's window closings.
When, apparently, he became aware that it was "that hour"... "seepie-nigh-night", he wasn't quite ready yet and took off to his shelves. When I'd done with windows, water and board, I had to reach over for him and bring him into his house and perch. But, as soon as he was in his house, he seemed OK with the idea of settling-down for the night. We exchanged kisses and cuddles, I closed his door and put his light out... it was 20.08... not TOO far off his "regular" tuck-in.
This evening, I took the sheet and pillow cases from his futon and washed them and put them on the line. Tomorrow, he'll have fresh linens for the new month.
But for tonight, it's expected to be quite warm so, he'll have a nice, comfy night of peaceful, safe sleep. My little Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound in his own house... in his own room... and tomorrow, we'll just take what the new day and new month bring. (We're heading for 21 months together now! I'm almost in disbelief... and can't even describe my absolute JOY!)