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  AUGUST 2022  

mourning dove 2022 31 August mourning dove 2022 31 August mourning dove 2022 31 August
mourning dove 24-30 August 2022 mourning dove 24-30 August 2022

mourning dove 2022 31 August mourning dove 2022 31 August mourning dove 2022 31 August mourning dove 2022 31 August

"August"... it's been a hectic month, with much happening and more "doing" than journalling. But notes were taken for the days, and so, much of this month's entries are "fill-ins". Thankfully, where my little Heart-and-Soul is concerned, every moment is "memorable", every moment directly corresponding to another of my own heart-beats. And so, with that in mind, where the notes were taken, the particulars are recorded, because, well, they're important to record, not only for our review and reflection, but as a resource for any and every one else who comes here for information, guidance, support and... hopefully, some sense of "entertainment". "August"... when the days are almost scorching hot, the nights, an almost chilling cool. "Summer"... for as long and short as it is, and always full of chores, tasks... and, in the case of Mr. Yonah Taube... LOVE!
In the earlier days, judging by Yonah's size and colourations, we couldn't be specific about his actual time and date of birth, but we were able to speculate as to his general age when he was found in the yard, following the horrors of his attack and the resulting injuries. And based solely on what we could see of him and compare to other mourning doves, our belief is that he was, on the 13 October 2020, merely about 2 months of age... meaning that his approximate date of birth was at the latter part of the month of August 2020. As "Fate" would have it, that means that his birth was at the same time of the same month as mine! (How, even to today, I wonder, how serendipitous, when I think back to my own general state of affairs, my attitude toward "life", in general... how dark those October days were and how this little bundle of life made such a drastic change... how this Little One gave so much purpose to my own existence!)
That said, if our suppositions and speculations are, and even it they're not, correct, "August" will now be observed as OUR "Birth-Month"... and, since, in 2020, the "latter" week of this month commenced on the 24th, hence-forth, my Little Guy and I will observe our "Birth-Week" from the 24th through the 30th of August.
"August" will be our "Birth-Month"... THIS will be "OUR Month" of celebration of our having made it through a year... and to that end... here... OUR August Journal page... OUR time together... and my time of HONOUR, PRIVILEGE, BLESSING... DIVINE JOY, DELIGHT, HAPPINESS, CONTENTMENT AND... * AWE * !!!

Monday 01 August:
THIS was one of THE MOST DIFFICULT days for me, since the very first few when Yonah arrived! And with no exaggeration, I will say it was... "HORRIFIC"! It was the very first day that I had to be separated, by MANY, MANY miles, for the entire day from my Heart-and-Soul! And I was in terror, ALL day, with worry and wonder about how Yonah was dealing with being alone in the house for what turned to be almost 14 hours! It was, for me, physically sickening, and all because of my new "employment".
Insignificant particulars aside...
I was up and about the house at 4.00 this morning, getting my morning coffee and regular "morning routine" done, and had closed the door to Yonah's room so that the house lights and my activity wouldn't disturb him. I didn't have to leave until 5.30 and was SO hoping that he'd wake so that I could, at the very least, open his door and windows for the day and that he could know that he hadn't been abandoned during the night.
Well, to my PURE DELIGHT, at 5.18... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! And when I replied, in kind, Yonah was in a bit of a "chatting" mood. All I could think was that he sensed my anxieties and was trying to tell me that I was being ridiculous about the worry. Still, the more we "chatted" as I opened his room and house for the day, the deeper my own agony burrowed. Being out of the house and away for so long was one thing, but being SO FAR AWAY... A HOUR DRIVE... well... But we got his door open, perches and platforms set-up, the curtains and blinds open. Last night, instead of his usual "night boards" to block the out-side light, I wanted something there, but didn't want to have to "roll" the shelves and Yonah's house about so early in the day, so I'd draped a couple of blankets over the top and down the "back" (window-side). The blankets were light enough to not put any extra weight on the shelves but "heavy" enough to block any street light or "head-lights" from any traffic out-side. And taking this down was really quite easy... all I had to do was roll it all up and removed the roll. And Yonah knew that this was "different"... he watched, so carefully, intently, as the fabric rose up, letting in the early morning light. He stood on the floor of his house, head tilted, just watching, until all was removed... at which point... all returned to a relatively normal sort of day.
I had his fan set to come on if the temperature in his room rose above 24°. At the very least, there would be air circulation, considering the doors of the house would be closed. I didn't do our "water relay" because I'd done an "extra thorough" change of water in the pool last night, not knowing whether or not I'd have the time to gt to it this morning (and, since I waited until Yonah woke... it was a good decision). Also, I didn't want to rush through it all, giving any sense of "urgency" to anything... especially not immediately after my Little Guy woke up!
It was a "strange" start to the day... for both of us, but I was SO relieved to be able to get in some kisses and cuddles and snuggles before having to leave him for the day. (Not that it put my heart at peace, by any means.)
Well, indeed, the farce that was the day ended when, at about 18.00 I FINALLY arrived back, and came RUSHING into the house and directly to my Little Guy's door! Of course, I started to call from the front door of the house as I entered, but I didn't hear any reply! But, AS SOON AS I REACHED YONAH'S DOOR, HE CAME HOPPING DOWN, FROM HIS LOFT PLATFORM, TO HIS DOOR, AND GAVE A WING SNAP AND CAME FLYING OUT TO ME! Now... there are those who will claim that the Little Ones don't "notice" things like our "absence", or the time of separation, and I've never believed that to be true. Dogs, cats, birds... they "know". They have a sense of "time", and Yonah has ALWAYS made it more than abundantly clear that HE notices when I'm away for lengths of time. And so, this evening, it was a GRAND 're-unification" when I got back... for BOTH of us! SO MUCH AFFECTION!
What TRULY tore at my core was that we had a mere 2 hours together before it was "tuck-in" time. I will NOT allow "external affairs", as they were (or aren't) to interfere with Yonah's schedule. Today had already been more than a fair share of disturbance, and I will NOT have him missing his "night rest", no matter what, and so, indeed, it did run just that way. By 19.30, waters in his pool and drinking dish had been made fresh and clean and my Little Guy was already having his "before tuck-in snack". HE was "on schedule" and I was saddened because of the short while we had together. Worse? I had to get up tomorrow... and be out the door, AGAIN... only tomorrow, an hour EARLIER! I'd have to be up and out of the house before Yonah usually wakes! Not to mention, well before day-break! Needless to say, tonight was another "heavy" night... heavy of soul, for me. My only moment of "grateful" was knowing that tomorrow would be the last of my "early departures" for a day.
19.50... Yonah was on his perch, in his place where he spends the night. I couldn't help but think that it was a combination of being "alone", unusually alone, for so many hours, and the anxieties that must have caused him, and the relief of knowing that he HADN'T been abandoned... and that, for now, all was back to the way it was supposed to be.
Tonight, again, I put the blankets on to block the night lights, only over the top and the "back"... I left the fan on because it was expected to be another "quite warm" night. And after many more kisses, snuggles and cuddles, I closed his door and turned off the desk lamp. My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a good night's rest.
Tomorrow... well, the was a "challenge" to be faced: I'd be removing the blanket at about 4.30, hoping that it wouldn't disturb my little Champion... and again, we were looking at another 12 hours... separated. I was NOT at all pleased, but... only tomorrow. My Little Guy managed through today. HOPEFULLY he'd be OK with one more day. (I was NOT "blessing" anybody tonight... to put it politely. But the fact of the matter is/was/always: I am because Yonah is...)
Tuesday 02 August:
A morning that began as dark as a "pre-dawn" sky... but, thanks to "Fate", it was "salvaged"!
My heart was SO heavy this morning. I had a "business trip" that took me away from the house and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, from my literal "Heart-and-Soul"! It was still dark when at 4.30, I removed the blankets from Yonah's house and opened his door. I wasn't "there" when he woke this morning and I ached, to the core, thinking of him waking and calling "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and, for the first time sine we've been together, there would be no reply. BUT... "Fate" stepped in... "vehicle trouble"! I honestly couldn't have made that trip today! I didn't have to leave my Little Guy today! (And something from "inside me" believes that it truly was intentional... on the part of "Fate". After all, NOTHING in Creation is closer to the way Creation was intended, than this little feathered bundle of Life. So we were supposed to be together today. Perhaps it was because of being separated yesterday and that 2 consecutive days was "not meant to be". What-ever the case... ALL WAS WELL with the world... and I settled in to be together with my Heart-and-Soul.)
For me, it was a some-what "off" sort of day, since I'd been up and about from since 4.00 this morning. And there was the sudden "relief" of not needing to leave for more hours. BUT I WAS THERE WHEN YONAH WOKE FOR THE DAY... and "woo-HOOs" were PLENTIFUL all through the day! He was OBVIOUSLY happy that I was here... WE were DELIGHTED... we were TOGETHER!
I DID manage to get quite a "snooze" in for a whole HOUR today too! It was as though Yonah understood my fatigue. I took a mid-day "break" and had a lie-down on his futon and, as he does, he came over immediately, to peck at my head and toddle up and down, head-to-toe... but that was all of it. He got to my feet, hopped off of me, then off the futon and back to his house where, I suppose, for the rest of the hour, he watched as I actually got a good sleep in... And, as he does, JUST before the alarm was to sound to wake me... "peck-peck-peck" and "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... it was HIS time for me to wake up. BUT he let me sleep... for AN HOUR! (Yes, I'm convinced: he could sense my fatigue. I SO WISH I could have the same sense when it comes to how he feels. Again, "humans"... SO INFERIOR!)
So though, we had a perfectly WONDERFUL DAY together, and I put the time together to the best use... I was SO DELIGHTED to be with him... and HE appeared to be equally delighted that I was there with him. There's nothing better in all of Creation than to know that my Little Guy enjoys time together with me.
We had an appointment with a veterinarian on Thursday, but the forecast is for HORRENDOUSLY HIGH TEMPERATURES... and the vet's office is 114km(71mi) away! I just couldn't subject this little bundle of feathered LOVE to the "torture" of being confined in his old house, in a vehicle, rolling along through uncertain traffic, in such heat and, no doubt, humidity. He's obviously not really feeling all too well, with that "anomaly" on his wing where the feathers are looking "chewed" or broken. There will be time to come when weather is better and we can make the trip in more comfort. I phoned and changed the appointment date for Thursday-week. We'll hope for more pleasant weather then... and it gives us both some time to see how the "feather situation" progresses. If needed, we'll make an "emergency" visit. But for now, we'll do our best to try for some "normalcy"... what-ever that may be at this juncture.
Mean-while, tonight, the night boards were "installed" as is part of our "normal", and "tuck-in" was at 20.05. No "blankets" on the house, and a calm night ahead, before a regular day ahead. My little Heart-and-Soul all snug and cuddled and kissed and LOVED, safe and sound. Tomorrow will be "just another day"... thankfully.
Wednesday 03 August:
mourning dove 2022 03 August mourning dove 2022 03 AugustA wonderful morning that "officially" commenced with the call "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" at 5.42, and what a morning it was! Apparently, we were BOTH SO happy that it was back to normal because as I walked into Yonah's room to "open house", he was FULL of conversation! The coo'ing went back and forth, almost with-out a break in between! He had much to say and I too, had to much that I wanted to tell him, especially because our "routine" was as it ought to be. No sneaking in, in the early morning darkness. No opening his door and running out on some ridiculous errand before sun-rise. I didn't have to leave my little "Heart-and-Soul" alone for hours! It was PERFECT! (But, then, EVERY day that begins with my Little Guy couldn't possibly be anything else.) AND, that he was "chatty"? Well! Yonah was in good spirits, I couldn't help but be anything other.
And so, we got into our own "routines" (mine, of course, including him at EVERY possible break in what-ever tasks I had at hand). For the most part, I had a lot of tasks to get to at the work table, so I set me down and got to "busy". And as I worked along, Yonah flew about the room and the house, as freely as he always is. It was obvious that he was happy... we were together, and I was where I was "supposed" to be; at the work table, in his room... but we were together and, well, for both of us, that seems to be most of what we both require. (Though, for me, it's ALL that I need, to be honest.)
Now, I'd stepped away from the work table to check on the day's post and then, to get another coffee and when I came back into the room, I didn't see my Little Guy any-where! He wasn't in the living-room, nor was he in his house. And what makes for a difficult situation all round is that he tends to blend-in with SO MUCH in his room and in the rest of the house. (I still can't figure out how mourning doves can be such "favourable targets", of hunters and other predators since, well, if THIS Little Guy can "disappear" into a house-hold, imagine how many MUST be missed out in the wild!) I called for him. I coo'ed. No response. No reply. I was becoming seriously concerned (as always, because I wonder where he'd gotten to, and I'm always fearful that he'd managed to get him-self "trapped", as he used to do, at a window, or on the floor, in a corner, under some bit of furniture). BUT... as I looked round the room... THERE HE WAS... on the upper-back of his futon. BUT, BUT, BUT... he was "nestled" there, on his belly, instead of standing, as is his regular stance when he's up and about! He looked almost "lethargic"! So, of course, my "panic" set-in. I was SO afraid that he'd flown into something and was there, either stunned or injured! So I went over to him, ever-so quickly and when I called to him, he really didn't "respond" at all. Didn't even really look in the direction of my voice! I got onto the futon and reached over to cup him in my hands, to let him know that I was there for him and to get a good look at him... and as I touched him, he felt WET and COLD! I had NO idea WHAT could have caused THAT! And then, as I lifted him closer and held him so gently, I happened to glance over at his house... There were splashes of water on the rocks beside his pool... My Little Guy had been IN THE POOL when I'd stepped away! He was just on the futon, resting after a good SPLASHING about! WOW! WHAT a relief! So, when I put him back down, comfy, on his futon, he immediately went about "preening". He was still wet from the "swim" and I'd only made matters worse by picking him up before he'd dried! Pardon me!
When he's wet, though, it does make the missing feathers on his wing even more "pronounced", more visible. And they became even MORE visible as he was preening. Hopefully, after the visit to the vet, we'll know more about what's going on there. But I have to say that, when I first noticed him, looking almost "lethargic" and then felt that "wet and cold" it startled me! Terribly! But what a fool I felt when I realised... he'd been BATHING! And I'm glad he can still enjoy the pool. That's assuring.
Well... this after-noon, the sun shone, the humidity was low, the air was comfortable... WE WENT OUT! I wanted to do a little "gardening" in what's left of the "kitchen garden" in the back of the house and so, for about an hour or so, Yonah and I enjoyed a wonderful August after-noon in the sun-shine! I puttered and he SPLAYED, SO BEAUTIFULLY! SOAKING-IN ALL THE SUN'S LIGHT AND WARMTH. IT WAS A MOST BEAUTIFUL SIGHT TO BEHOLD. HE SO LIKES HIS TIME OUT OF THE HOUSE! And I HAVE to figure something better than that little "old house" of his for him to get out more often and have more space to get around in. I'm working on something that would allow him more "exposure" to the Yardies.... and, a little place for his "Ms. Lady Dove" to come visit with him. If I could configure some sort of way for her to come and go but keeping Yonah safe... well... a little project to occupy those moments in a day when the mind is clear. And a little project to look forward to. (I'm almost considering a complete "aviary", but in the space we have available, it doesn't seem likely in the immediate future. But... where there's a will, there's a way, and I have the will. We'll figure the rest in time.)
After our "moment in the sun" we came back in for a while, and Yonah grabbed a bite to eat and I got to the day's tasks round the place.
This evening... meals together, as we do now... and after, even though there really wasn't all that much sun in the sky, the evening clouds covered the entire sky today, but there seemed just enough to make a "jaunt" worth the while, we went back out for another hour. The other doves? Well, Ms. Lady Dove did come by to visit. (I have to wonder if there isn't some "connection" between her and Yonah... perhaps from the same parents/flock? Or... a "romantic interest". What-ever it is, the other doves didn't come by this evening... but she did.) And we sat quietly, just enjoying the evening and general stillness.
By about 19.30 e were back in and Yonah had his snack, while I settled the rest of the house.
20.10 was "tuck-in" tonight... It had been a generally grand sort of day today and I'm rather glad that we don't have to look forward to tomorrow's heat-wave... on the road, travelling for hours. Tonight, my little Heart-and-Soul will be able to sleep, restfully, safely... and tomorrow? Well, we'll confront that when the "tomorrow" becomes our "today". For now... all is well.. all is well...
Thursday 04 August:
Our day began with "call" at 5.38 this morning! All of our regular "woo-HOO's" back and forth. And it was a perfect way to begin a day with "new experiences" taking place. It was "normalcy" for me, and, I might suspect, for my Little Guy too. Last night with the regular "tuck-in", and this morning, with our little "chat" and the opening of windows, the water relay. But today, as it will be in times to come, I had to get both of us "together" and I had to leave my Heart-and-Soul to the house... Another day of "home alone"... but only for about 2 hours (thankfully... because, honestly, I don't know which one of us it's harder on).
The one thing that I'm happiest about is that we did NOT have to leave to go to the veterinarian today! Between me being away in the morning and today's HEAT and HUMIDITY... the very thought of all that travelling... it weighed so heavily on my heart. A different vehicle. A "new voice", since Deborah was kind enough to offer to drive. Well? Sometimes things turn out for the better. This was one of those times.
The highlight of the late morning? As I came back to the house after work, I used the back door and it was SUCH A RELIEF, SUCH A DELIGHT... PURE DELIGHT, to look in through the screen-door and there, directly across, I could see my little Heart-and-Soul, "roosting" on his little corner "loft platform", by the window, enjoying the sun-shine and the softest breeze that was coming through his screen.
What TRULY STRUCK ME WAS, WHEN HE SAW ME COME IN THE DOOR, HE IMMEDIATELY GOT UP AND CAME TO HIS DOOR PERCH AS I CAME INTO THE HOUSE! No matter the day, no matter the events, my heart was SO FULL! I missed him (even though I was only just next door and it was only 2 hours) and, he was happy to see me return. NOTHING could be any better than THAT!
And so, we got right back to our regular routine for the rest of the day. I had a few things to attend in the house and made certain to be "available" for my Little Guy when-ever he wanted a little "company".
And this evening, we had our evening meals together.
We didn't get out to the yard though. The heat was oppressive and the humidity made for quite an uncomfortable time of it. Even the Little Ones who usually come to the feeder in the back yard didn't come for very long. Just enough time to come, grab a quick bit to eat and they were off, into the shade of the wood-lands. So it was more time together for us... water relays and preparing for a night of rest.
And so, tonight, "tuck-in" wasn't until 20.00! Tonight, we left the one window open a bit, behind the blinds. (The blinds stop the intrusive lights from out-side during the night but thankfully, they let in any breeze that might bless us during the dark hours.) The fan, in the other window, was on, set to stop if when the temperature in the room dropped below 24° (75°F), not that that was expected tonight. My Little Guy was safe, sound, in his own room, his own little house, and we'd made it through another day... together. All was well as today became "tonight"... and we could rest until "tomorrow" became "today" again.
Friday 05 August:
6.18 and "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... on our "new today". And morning chat with morning water relay and coffee after so many kisses and cuddles! And yes, last night WAS quite warm and humid and this morning was only slightly better, with the coolness of an early August morning. But, my little Heart-and-Soul obviously slept well through the night and was more than ready to take-on what-ever was to follow our waking up.
And today was another morning of my needing to be away for a couple of hours... this new "job schedule" is probably harder on me than it is on Yonah, but we both do what we must, when and for how-ever long we must. He's taught me to be more patient with things, times, events... the "order" of the way the world goes and what we face and handle each and every moment of a day. He's been the GREATEST inspiration, the GREATEST teacher in more ways than I can even start to list.
What makes it all easier for me to accept is the greeting when I come back into the house: again, today, SO MUCH AFFECTION! As soon as I'd changed out of my "work clothes" and back into my "around the house attire", and managed to get into his room and sit to chat on his futon, my Little Guy was on my shoulder AND, as I went about the house, putting things in order in the kitchen, he was right with me... there... on my shoulder! (I still say that we've more than "bonded". The affection we hold for each-other is just amazing, to me... as I put it... for me, it's literal AWE! Our COMPANIONSHIP is, honestly, indescribable! And as always, how I wish I knew of a way to make this all known to so many more people! ALL people should be aware of the "sentience" these Little One possess! It's truly stunning... to most, I'm sure.)
But... we had a VERY calm rest of the day together... it was still a bit too warm to be too active, and we took advantage of the gift of being able to just spend time together.
It was one of those truly wonderful days, in spite of the heat and humidity, which Yonah seems to actually enjoy (though I'll never understand how). I had some work to do because the week has been completely out of the usual order, so I was at the work table most of the time, and Yonah was in his house, unless he was on the back of the chair or on my shoulder, which he did almost regularly. (He too, was enjoying our time together and that makes any and EVERY day, for me, just perfect.)
We had our "mid-day snack" together for about an hour and then, I tried for a 30-minute snooze after. Yonah had other ideas for the time and was on the pillow or on my head from the moment I laid down. So "my snooze" became "our PLAY" time! And it was DELIGHTFUL, as my Little Guy toddled up and down, from my head to my toes, taking a little break to "rest" at the bend of my knee.
Although this new job takes me away for only 2 hours each morning, those are 2 of the longest hours in a day and being with my Heart-and-Soul is SO appreciated now, especially since he makes it quit obvious that he too, enjoys our time together.
This after-noon, it was "PRESENT TIME"! An order of "Healthy Select", the "Witte Molen Pure", another bag of "Kaytee Supreme" and 2 bottles of "Kaytee Molting Mix" arrived! FOOD for my Bestie Companion! (The "ZuPreem Pure Fun" with veggie and fruit "pellets" is due to arrive soon too.) We weren't at all "out of" anything other than the "Molting Mix" but I feel better having at least 3 bags of ALL of Yonah's food on-hand at any given time. Not to mention... I'm SO TICKLED when parcels arrive for him! So it was a FUN DAY!
And this evening, we had our evening meals together as I sat at the work table and Yonah had his meal on his "ledge" in his house.
After... at about 18.15, I got his old house ready. The Yardies were showing-up for an evening meal and there was a bit of sun breaking through the clouds in the Western skies so... WE WERE OUT TO THE YARD! And, at about 19.00, there must have been 7 mourning doves out there with Yonah! Oddly, they don't seem to pay him much attention... other than "Ms. Lady" who tends to be "removed" from the flock. They congregate round the food and she toddles about the drive and the walk, watching Yonah who watches her... for a while... and then he goes on about having a bit to eat and then to pacing a bit. But this evening, he had quite a bit to say to "Ms. Lady" and so, this evening, I did my best to stay out of sight (though, NEVER just letting Yonah be on his own... I keep a stern and careful watch from the window and door... lest ANYTHING even "slightly untoward" should occur out there). And from inside, I could hear the "whistle" of wings as Ms. Lady flew about, getting close to Yonah, and moving about to get a better look, but never actually getting "too close"... e.g. on his house. Maybe, one of these evenings...
But it really is a delight for me to be able to get Yonah out into the air, the sun-shine, the yard. He gets to be out there with the trees... instead of always in his house... in the trees. And he gets to see the other mourning doves. And maybe, one day, he'll get to chat with them too. (I also think of the potential of, may Fate forbid, one day, one of the flocks out there needing a place of attention... as with Yonah, and him being accustomed to seeing them would make a "stay" of another dove, easier... on both Yonah and I. So, these evenings are good in a multitude of ways.)
Well, by 19.30, the sun had dipped behind the Western mountains, and the Yardies were about on their way to their nightly roosts so... as much as I would have like to give Yonah more time out... it was approaching his "seepie-nigh-night" time... and his house was all settled for him... water changed, place tidied, the desk lamp on... and it was time to come back in and settled-down for a good night's rest.
By 19.55, my Little Guy was back in his house. And as he teetered on the top edge of the door to his house, holding tightly to that coated "wire", as he does and CAN, I closed the window blinds and put up the back board and moved his house back into position for the night. When I'd finished, I sat on the futon for a moment and Yonah headed in for his "pre-seepie-nigh-night" snack. I closed the door to his house so that, when he was ready to settle for the night, I could turn off the light and not fuss about. Whilst Yonah nibbled, I went out to settle the rest of the house for the night.
20.00 came the call: "woo-HOO-oo"... My little Heart-and-Soul was all settled, on his perch, on the spot where he roosts for the night. It was time for me to come and turn the light out... So, I opened his door, leaned in for "Good night" kisses and at 20.05... our day was closed... the light was off and Mr. Yonah Taube was settled for a night's restful sleep.
Saturday 06 August:
It was quite a rather "interesting" night, last night... At about 4.30 this morning, I was truly suddenly startled out of sleep by what sounded like a young child, hoarsely screaming out-side the bed-room window! I jumped up and looked out the window to see... a small COYOTE, on the road, just out-side the house! A COYOTE! Shrieking! It was alone and at first, my heart went out to the Little One, thinking it might have separated from the pack and was wandering about, alone. But THEN... so immediately that it was more "simultaneously" I thought of YONAH! Did HE hear the sound? And if so, did it frighten HIM? I made haste to get to his room, to his door, in the darkness, and as I walked in slowly and silently, there he was, on his perch, "roosting" calmly.
I was both relieved and concerned. Relieved because I'm certain he'd heard the sound out-side his window but it didn't effect him at all. He now knows that he's safe, protected. But something in my heart was disturbed... he's lost his "natural trepidation" where predators are concerned. I have NO thoughts or intentions of him EVER being in a situation where he would EVER need to be wary of any harm, we're together for our duration(s) now. But, I have a deep aversion to him being referred to as a "pet", in the common sense of the term. Yonah isn't a "pet". He's not a "domestic" or a "domesticated" being... He was born into the "wild" and will, in my esteem, ALWAYS be "wild". That he's chosen to accept, tolerate, take me as his "companion", is, to me, an honour, a blessing, a gift. But, in no way have I ever done anything to deny him of his "Natural Heritage". Ah, but this morning, it appeared... one aspect of that "Proud Heritage" has, I dare say, "vanished". Still, the HIGHEST HONOUR is that he's come to know that I'm here to protect him, that I'm giving him that protection and that, truly, he has nothing to fear... I'm here, and to get to him, "Life" will have to go through me (and I'm ever-ready to take the battle)... and my Little Guy knows this. I'm humbled... beyond description.
Seeing that Yonah was calm and safe, I returned to my bed... until... at 5.00, ANOTHER SCREECH out-side our windows! THIS time, I got up, looked out the window and saw nothing. The little coyote must have been off in the woods across the road, either calling to the pack or re-uniting with them. But again, I went to check on Yonah to find him... "roosting" restfully. What a morning! What a Little Guy! I returned to the bed and this time, mostly to simply rest for the little while I had left of the night.
At 5.33... from the next room... "woo-HOO!" I got up, went to Yonah's room and looked in. He was still roosting, peacefully. He wasn't moving about, so I let him be, and went about my morning routine to prepare my coffee and begin my own day. Ah... at 5.54... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo". NOW it was time for the world to get up, wake up, my Little Guy was VERY MUCH AWAKE... and we had a day ahead of us!
I called back, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo" and he replied with a "wooo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo". So, as we "chatted", back and forth, I went in, opened the door to his house, leaned in to SO MANY KISSES! (I had to wonder if he'd heard the disturbance of earlier, knew that I'd come in to see him and I was being "Thanked". No matter... I was just DELIGHTED... he was calm, safe, and had rested well... even in spite of the disturbance.)
So... for the next 2 hours, we went about our "normal" morning and the routines... window blinds open, water relay and snuggles and more chatting. At 8.00, I began getting ready for my 2-hours "away" and Yonah settled into his own morning, having a bit of breakfast, hopping about in his house, a few visits to the futon... and when the time came for me to leave, we exchanged kisses ("See you later. Have a good time. I'll be back before you know I'd left. I promise.") and I was off and out the back door... as I usually do these days.
Well, the separation went by rather quickly (for me). And when I got back in, it was as though I'd never left. Yonah was "basking" on his little corner loft shelf, all comfy and wonderful. And so, we got right into what our "normal", "regular" days are... I, attending to house-hold tasks, Yonah, attending to his own matters, as they present, as he sees fit... both of us, very much together... as we are... the way a day "ought" to be.
We took a little break together, for a mid-day snack... and then, this evening, we had our evening meals together.
The sun was shining clearly at 18.00 when we'd done with our "evening nourishments" so I set-up his stand in the back yard and, at 18.30, we went out to catch the warm, bright rays. It was another hot and humid evening though, and I really don't know HOW Yonah manages in such weather but he seems to actually enjoy it. Then too, I remember that a mourning dove's base body temperature is about 40,5° (105°F). The 32-34° heat out in the yard is probably still "cool" to him. But, as the sun shone in the "sunny half" of his old house, he laid on his belly and splayed his wings and tail... literally capturing as much of it all as he possibly could. That's always such a wonderful sight to see. He looks SO calm and it's obvious he truly DOES enjoy it all. (Maybe, in addition to a "UV" light, I need to find some sort of bulb that would closer-mimic the light AND warmth of the sun... after all... Winter is coming - again - and this year I WILL make my Little Guy's darker months more pleasant... as is humanly possible.)
It was an exceptionally quiet evening in the yard. The only dove out there was Yonah's "Lady Dove". It's strange, to me anyway, how she comes by EVERY evening, has something to eat and will spend the rest of her time, whether or not there are other doves around, flying to her different "vantage points", watching Yonah, but never venturing over to actually "see" him. (I even have an old window screen that I put under his old house so that there's a place where she can eat the food/seed mix I put there specifically for her and she can "roost" comfortably.) She didn't really stay around long this evening though... by 19.45, Yonah and I were coming back in for the night.
I'd done the evening water relay and set his house up for "seepie-nigh-night" while he was out in the yard. All but the roof board was in place. And when we came back in, I put his old house on the futon, opened the door and IMMEDIATELY, he came out and headed directly to his house... and to the little mirror in the lower corner. He always goes to that little mirror when he comes in from out-doors, and gives the reflection there a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". It's almost as if to say "I'm back and you should have been there!" Well, after that little greeting/announcement, my Little One headed up to his food... it was time for a "pre-seepie-nigh-night" snack! And he ate very well, indeed. It always does my heart so much good to see him eating well, especially in the evening because I know that he can go to sleep with a full crop... never going to bed hungry, as it were.
20.20 and my little Heart-and Soul was on his perch, at his "night roost" ready for "tuck-in". So I leaned in for kisses, as we always do of an evening, and, with that, the desk light was turned off and my Little Guy was safely tucked-in for a night of peaceful, good rest. The world around both of us was a million miles away now... and all was peaceful, as it should be... as I will see to it that it is for my little heart-beat. As long as he's safe, healthy, comfortable, nothing else is even worthy of a passing thought. And tomorrow? Well... I'll be up and waiting for the morning "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo"... in what-ever length and pattern may come.
Sunday 07 August:
mourning dove 2022 07 AugustFinally! An entire day of nothing other than a little bit of catching-up with house-hold chores! It's been a full and horribly hectic week past, and I've been at home and away all too much, too often, too long. Then again, ANY time away from my Little Guy is "too long", and I DO miss him terribly. This week though, I've noticed, he DOES notice when I'm away for "extended periods and he too, misses me. We might not be in the same room all the while we're in the house together, but just as I would (I know, for a fact) miss him in this old house, some-where, knowing that he isn't just in the next room or the likes, Yonah's behaviour shows, beyond all doubt, that he's VERY MUCH AWARE of when I'm not just in the next room. And when I return, his happiness is as obvious... kisses, cuddles, snuggles... and so much energy, from hopping about in his house to flights around the place.
That said, today, as I laid in the bed, taking what-ever time I had available to just relax, at 5.46 came the "Hello? Are you here?"... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". I was UP AND OUT of the bed and INTO my Little Guy's room! I was as ecstatic as I could be, to hear his call this morning, knowing that he was up, awake, and ready to take on the new day... a day where I didn't have to "go" any-where, "do" much of anything, but above all, we had a day together! And THAT was the ONLY thing that mattered... to me, any-way... and to Yonah too, I'm quite sure.
The day? Well, I had tasks and chores to address that I'd put aside, what, with a new job (thankfully, so close to "home" and for only a few short hours... after being away for the entire day on Monday), but the important aspect was that I didn't have to leave! And as I worked, around the rest of the house, tidying, preparing things in the kitchen, what-ever, my Little Guy was busy too... hopping about in HIS house, taking flights into and through the kitchen or what-ever room I was in. The flights were obviously "checking" to see that I was, in fact, in the house, here, with him, together. And I made sure to take EVERY break he wanted, to spend time playing, on his futon, or on the floor as he toddled by. Being "together"... the "contact" that he obviously enjoys, the assurance that he wasn't "abandoned". It truly IS amazing how close, how "tight" our "bond" is. It's SO obvious that he wants to be as close to me as I want to be to him. And to think: this little LIFE here, born into the wild, with me, a "human", a "natural predator", has accepted me and my companionship, understands my true "LOVE" for him. No fear, no trepidation... we're together... we're a "flock"... we're one "unit" comprised of two entities. I AM humbled, honoured, privileged... BLESSED.
And so, on this Sunday, I went about the house-chores, Yonah went about his resting, comforted by knowing we were together. And we had chats too! Oh... from the first moment of the morning and all through the day. Room-to-room, he called to me, I answered. We "chatted". It was GLORIOUS!
We took our mid-day break. I had tea and a bite to eat, Yonah had his own mid-day snack. I'm relieved to see that he has such a good appetite, and I wonder if he eats even when I'm not near. He doesn't appear to be losing weight, although the "odd" feathers on his wing still concern me terribly. But his mood is good, his flights are REALLY GREAT (I always think back to his first days out and about... the collisions with windows and such... all in the past now, thankfully). And as long as he's eating and drinking properly... I know we're going to be just fine. And I'm looking forward to our visit to the veterinarian next week too. I don't doubt that my little Heart-and-Soul is well, but surely, a "check-up" will help settle my heart and concerns.
This evening, we had our evening meals together, which was TERRIFIC! We'll be getting into a "new daily routine" once I'm back to working (though, I'll be away for just over 2 hours each morning... NOT, thankfully, an entire day), but sitting together, with the news, our food... it was comforting... to both of us, I imagine.
And after meals, we got out into the yard! And hour in the air and evening sun-shine!
One thing though, that I particularly noticed this evening: The Yardies came round, as they do, and the mourning doves came by for their evening meal and I'm REALLY noticing how much darker Yonah's feathers are, compared to theirs. The doves out-side are various shades of "beige", over-all, and Yonah's feathers are shades of "brown" and very noticeably darker. I've read that dark-colours can be a sign of "liver" troubles. (As a matter of fact, I'm reading several sources that say that birds who are "granivores", whose diet consists, primarily of seeds, tend to have a lot of "liver" troubles... I'm concerned now, but, I know that Yonah gets a bit of variety in his diet... with the pellets of the "ZuPreem Pure Fun"... with little fruit and vegetable pellets. Still, I have to wonder if it's actually "enough".) Anyway, thankfully, we have an appointment come Thursday. The veterinarian will tell me whether or not I ought to "worry".
Another matter of fact is that the "Yardies" are in the sun more often and for longer periods of time, so their plumage will, naturally, be lighter, bleached by the sun-shine. I WISH I could get Yonah out more often and for longer periods But now, these days, the heat is almost prohibitive... and to be out in the sun-shine too long would be detrimental. Yes, as I've learnt, birds CAN be sun-burned. NOT happening to MY Little Guy! We'll just stick to our time out in the evenings... for how.
And so... by about 19.30, the Yardies had come and gone, as they do. They came, took their nourishment at the feeder. Ms. Lady Dove came by, and I'd swear she has "some kind of interest" in Yonah, but she just won't go over to him. Maybe one of these evenings... maybe. So, I'd already done the water relay, settled Yonah's house and room for the evening and we came in... I placed his "old house" on his futon and with-in moments, he was back "at home"... and settling there, for the night. At 20.00... his desk lamp was turned off... my little Heart-and-Sou was tucked-in for a good, safe night of restful sleep. The day went by entirely TOO quickly! As do ALL of our days together. But we were together. I got to tuck my Little Guy in as we've done for so long, and tomorrow... I'll be here for him when he wakes... and he'll be here for me... when I wake! That's it... that's all that matters... it's "ALL".
Monday 08 August:
'Twas the day before my next and last day away, the morning was still, the air was comfortably warm and at 5.54 came the first "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and another Monday came to a start. And when I got in to my little Heart-and-Soul, there were SO MANY KISSES! Ear, nose, face... just SO MANY KISSES! There's NOTHING in ALL of Creation, ANY better than a hearty "Good morning" from Yonah... my Little Guy, who, obviously, slept restful last night and was blatantly as happy to see me this morning as I was to be with him! In fact, at one point during all the kisses, he lifted his head and let out a full-throated, hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!", right at me! He doesn't do that often, so when he coo's at me at close range, WELL! As well as taking me by surprise, I SO appreciate it! It always reminds me of the very first time he coo'ed when I was in the room with him. He'd been here for some weeks, and had never made a sound. And, one day, as I sat in the room with him, making sure he was healing, eating, drinking properly, from his perch he suddenly raised his head and "announced"... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!" (Honestly, THAT was the FIRST indication that the little bundle of LOVE who I referred to as "she" was/is, in fact "HE"! Since, I've come to learn, "lady doves" don't "woo-HOO!". They're the "quiet and demure" ones.) THAT day, I came to understand that I was no longer a "predator", little Yonah didn't fear me. We were going to be just fine. I'd done OK by him... and, quite honestly, the "dark heaviness" of the days and nights before brightened, lightened. The Little One was going to be FINE! Who could have known we'd come as far along as we've come? The surprises.
Well, sadly, I had to step out of the house this morning, after we got the water relay and house-tidying settled. It was a work day... but, as I say, I'm SO thankful that it's only a mere 2 hours away which is about the time I usually take in the morning to settle things like internet, coffee, clean-up, and getting things about the place together for the rest of the day.
Truth be known though, and I know I've journalled this repeatedly already, but it deserves repeating (constantly): 2 hours or 2 minutes... Yonah is such an integral part of my general existence now that ANY time being away from him, even to go to market (which we both need, obviously, at some point in time) is a burden to me, a great stress that I feel emotionally and physically. But better the 2 hours than an entire day... and that's tomorrow...! Tomorrow will be a living HELL for me! SO FAR away, effectively for the entire day (I don't see me getting back any earlier than 14.00... and I'll have to be leaving by 4.30!). I won't be here when my little Heart-and-Soul calls out for the first time in the morning. The house will be empty. No replies. Nobody moving about. I seriously do NOT like it at ALL!
I DID look into whether or not and how, if at all, birds actually perceive "time"... and, do they actually sense the time when we're away from them. The over-all "claim" is that no, birds tend to "be... at the moment". One reference was to the situation in the wild where they have to be so aware of their immediate surroundings, on constant watch for predators that their "natural instinct" makes nothing of what has happened before "the moment" because it passed and they don't see a "future" because the threats will happen "now", if at all. As for the concept of "time" in general, again, multiple claims are that, unless it's for an extended period, a lengthy period (the "time concept" of "period of time" being "human" here), birds simply do what they will at the present and the time before that isn't actually "measured" in their mind. So, for example, a period of hours alone is, effectively, no time at all to birds. It's when the hours become the "sun-rise, sun-set, sun-rise, sun-set" days... THAT is when they're likely to realise "absence"... and solitude... and loneliness... and depression... and THOSE can lead to self-mutilation, cessation of eating and drinking, and... ultimately, a horrid, slow death!
For a moment, I had the thought of what my own "being" would be with-out Yonah... and I had a true, genuine "sob". I don't see it being a particularly "long" time with-out him, with my age and such, but the sense of emptiness... For now, as it has ALWAYS been... I just want that he NEVER suffer, in ANY way, at all! Illness, loneliness... I know that I can't make his Life absolutely perfect at EVERY moment... but just NO SUFFERING! He's already experienced all too much of that. I'm here to do my human-best to make sure that such things NEVER repeat... as long as his little heart beats.
Yes, these days are, for me, at least, extremely heavy and difficult... but... we'll get through them and won't have to repeat them.
And so, for the rest of the day, when I got back from work, we spent as much time as close together as we possibly could.
This evening, we dined together, as we do. But after, there was so much rain, heat and humidity that we didn't get to go out to the yard. Instead, we put his "NatSpec" light on... HIS "UVA/UVB" light is en route! SOON, we'll have the necessary "UV" light for those times when we can't get out to the actual sun-shine! I look forward to that! (And I'll be watching to see if there's any change to the darkness of his feathers... and such.)
Tuck-in this evening was... well... "'early-ish". Tomorrow morning I have to be up and out of the house and on the road at 4.30 so I'll need to get some rest. And I'm NOT looking forward to ANY of it! Worse... I can sense that Yonah "knows" how "heavy" my heart is over this. He's "affectionate", wants to be close to me all the more. And he's not been his usual "vivacious" self these days. One thing I MUST do is keep the thoughts of any sort of "negativity" out of mind. He knows what I'm thinking. (I've seen that made all-too obvious at moments when I become even slightly frustrated over little things that go "wrong" in a day. He responds and reacts in ways that make it blatant that he does have a sense of my thoughts. So, for tonight...
At 19.54, I put the blankets over the top and down the window-side of his house. That too, I'm sure, makes the entire situation "wrong" some-how, for him. Something different, "odd". But I don't want to put the boards up, especially not tonight. Tomorrow morning, it will still be quite dark, and I won't move his house about to get to the windows, to remove the night boards. I don't want to disturb his rest, and certainly not by moving his world about! At least (the way I'm hoping it will go) this way, I'll (hopefully) be able to simply drop the blankets, silently, to the floor, opening his house. The room will be dark, the blinds will be open but it'll still be dark out-side. I'll open his door, put his door perch on, roof-top platform up and (hopefully) not disturb him. (I know he'll be "awake" though... if he's still sleeping the way mourning doves sleep naturally, half of him will be awake and aware... but, hopefully, the quietness and my presence won't be frightening in any way.) I have a lot of "hope" for tomorrow...
For tonight, I close the day with a heavy heart... But my Little Guy has been SO resilient over these months. He's been through a LOT WORSE... being attacked... something trying to tear him to death... We'll get through this OK. (I've no doubt HE'LL get through it better than I will.) "Time"... will tell. "Time"...
Tuesday 09 August:
At 4.28 this morning I was in Yonah's room, treading ever-so quietly across the floor in the dim light cast by t he kitchen light. I could only just barely see what I was doing as I moved over to his house. I could see his little silhouette, on his perch, so still, so calm. My little Heart-and-Soul, resting so peacefully. Softly, I moved the blankets on top of his house toward the window and let them drop to the floor... silently. He didn't move... Gently, I opened the door to his house and placed his perch across the thresh-hold. Still, no motion, no sound, not even the little "hoo" he'll make when sleep is disturbed. I didn't know if he wasn't aware or if he was confident that it was just me there, and he felt safe. Which-ever it was, he was definitely calmer than I. And when that was done, as softly and silently as I'd come into his room, I left... and with keys in hand, I left the house... SO HEAVY OF HEART... No matter the time away, it was to be a VERY LONG DAY ahead.
On the 2,5-hour drive, along the way, as the day broke, I thought:
There's a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" now that will go un-answered. WHAT? I wondered, would Yonah think of the silence in the house? His radio was on a timer, set to go on, quietly, at 6.00. The house wouldn't be completely silent. Would the sudden "voices" startle him? Did I make a mistake by using the timer? And, as the time passed, the sun rises, the room brightens, will he notice that nobody else is around? He'll be alone! Will he remember last Monday when he was alone for the day then too?
Needless to say, this day that was supposed to be "informative" was, in that respect, a complete loss... I thought of nothing but what was happening "back home" as the minutes passed to hours.
To my "almost relief"... the day was short and by noon, I was back on the road for the 2,5-hour drive BACK! And again, all along the way, in my mind, I was going through what a "regular day at the house" was, and wondering how my Little Guy was taking it all in.
When, at almost 15.30 (I had to stop on the trip, briefly), I FINALLY WALKED BACK INTO THE HOUSE... MY LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL WAS COMFORTABLY RESTING IN HIS NEST BOX! I got to the door of his room and called "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" and HE HOPPED UP... OVER TO HIS PERCH AND CAME FLYING TO HIS DOOR PERCH FOR SNUGGLES, CUDDLES, KISSES, OH... OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER! I have to wonder if he was as TOTALLY DELIGHTED to see me as I was to see him... and was he expressing HIS delight or was he revelling in all the LOVE and AFFECTION I was giving? Oh... it didn't matter then, it doesn't matter now... He was obviously happy to see me... and that's ALL that matters to me! AND HE WAS WELL... AND WAS JUST SETTLED IN HIS NEXT BOX... JUST AS HE DOES OF A REGULAR DAY!
THIS was the LAST day I would have to be away for this length of time. All the "job-related" nonsense was complete! From now on, I'll just have my 2 hours in the mornings and ALL of the rest of the time we'll be together again! WE MADE IT!
And this evening, evening meals were a bit late because of the "adjustments" I had to make in preparations and getting things that I normally did in the morning done. But at 18.00, I sat at the work table, as we do usually at 17.00, and had a quick "dinner"... We had to get the evening water changes and house-tidying done! And there really wasn't much in the way of sun-shine out-side by then, and the Yardies had come and gone so... I put the "NatSpec" light on as I worked on Yonah's house and we "chatted"... and cuddled, snuggled, kissed, played... at his house, on the futon... it was "make-up time"!
And tuck-in was rather late tonight too... I didn't want our time together to "end" and Yonah seemed more to want to stay up too, but, just because I had nonsense to attend in the "human world", his rest was more important now, so... there was a bit of reluctance when I said that it was "seepie-nigh-night time"... Yonah headed for his roof-top... then to the futon where he made some sort of comment to the little "dove pillow" there... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!" When I went over to be with "them", he headed back up to his roof-top... so I had to "bring" him back into his house and settle him on his perch for the night.
At least tonight... the window blinds were closed... the night boards were up... the desk lamp was on... tonight was "normal" again! And it seemed that Yonah saw that... especially when I'd gotten him into his house and settled... More snuggles, cuddles, kisses... back and forth. It was as though he was telling me that he understood that it was all back to the way it ought to be and that I could relax now too... and I was only JUST beginning to do that... (even though I'm still quite "anxious" about Thursday now... these 2 weeks have been Hellish for me... and now, after the twists in our routine with me being gone for entire days... Thursday will be an evening of travelling... and late back... no evening meals at 17.00... OH! We JUST HAVE to make it through this!... and we will... )
At 20.20, I finally said "Good night" and turned the desk lamp off... My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a GOOD night of un-disturbed, restful sleep! AT LAST! (For now...) And, to be honest... it was time for me to do the same... Tomorrow morning? WE'LL BE TOGETHER AND I'LL BE HERE FOR THAT FIRST "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"! That's ALL that matters... ALL that matters...
Wednesday 10 August:
Our day began at 5.58 this morning with the morning call... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... clearly, and I was relieved and delighted... these past days have been quite difficult on both of us, and my Little Guy, in particular, I've no doubt! (Though, tomorrow? Well... I just can't even think about that. I know that going to the veterinarian will be good for both of us. It'll be particularly better for me to have some idea as to what Yonah's general health is now. But it's the time in the car, the rolling along, the "different" environment, the different voice... as Deborah will be driving and surely, we'll be talking as we go. Seems as though this is all a bit more stressful on me... now... I can only hope that it won't be stressful on my little Heart-and-Soul! But as I say, I can't focus on that... he'll sense my every trepidation and it won't make for any good for either of us. For now, for this morning... we're GOOD!)
As for the rest of the day? Well, frankly, I'm still "recovering" from the days away, the terribly early starts on the 1st and then a gain on the 9th. And I'm getting into the new routine of leaving the house in the mornings to go to work... not to mention, I'm still "anxious" every day, hoping that all of these changes aren't negatively affecting Yonah! I can't help but wonder about the little "area" on his wing where the feathers appear to be "chewed". Is he "stressing" because of me? Is he chewing because of all of this "turmoil" in his other-wise calmer life? Again, I know I have to stop thinking such things... especially when I'm in his room... and we're together.
Anyway, we DID manage to make our way through the day, though I was rather exhausted... Still, we had time, made time for play and LUVIN'S!
And, thankfully, this evening, we DID have our evening meals, together, at our usual hour... and since the weather was good, the sun shone kindly... we went out to the yard for an hour this evening. And as the Yardies came round to eat from the feeder, and Yonah soaked in the sun-light, I sat on the back gallery, calmly and quietly. It was a a delightfully "normal" evening, and one I SO wished could be always... more-so, these days. But, once tomorrow is done... WE GO BACK TO OUR REGULAR LIFE... with the little difference of me going to work for a little while in the morning. I'm SO looking forward to the return! Days together with my Heart-and-Soul!
Tuck-in tonight was rather "normal" too. I'd done all the preparations, water changes , tidying, closing the blinds, back board up whilst Yonah was out in the yard. And when we came back in, he made his way right back "home" and had his little "snack" before seepie-nigh-night. Ah... for the days when "normal" returns. But by 20.30... he was on his perch, all safe and sound and calm and quiet. My little heart-and-Soul was safe and sound... ready for a good night's rest. Tomorrow? Well, we'll know about that with tomorrow evening's Journal entry... For tonight... we rest... gather our strength. We'll be together tomorrow... no matter what!
*** Thursday 11 August ***:
mourning dove 2022 11 AugustThis morning began rather "oddly", I have to say... and then, the day closed with as much stress, concern and worry as the earliest days when Yonah first came into my care and became my "Life". TODAY, WE WENT TO THE VETERINARIAN. What transpired, follows, as objectively as possible.
To begin, I woke, this morning, from a dream... of Yonah:
In the dream, I was laying on my bed, and Yonah was there, at my waist, as he often is when "we" nap together during the day. We were both, quite content, all was well, and then, with-out any alarms, I woke. I'd been sleeping on my side and as I opened my eyes, I was facing my left shoulder and, in the dim light in the room, Yonah was there, standing on my shoulder, exactly as he does when he wakes me from a nap. Being in what might be a "hypnagogic" state (not really awake, not really asleep), I turned my head to him and smiled. What a BEAUTIFUL way to begin a day... my little Heart-and-Soul there, first thing. Aloud, I said, to him, softly, "I LOVE you SO, SO MUCH!" and raised my head to give him a few little kisses... and as I laid my head back down on the pillow, still looking at him, the dim light behind him remained, but he faded away!
Needless to say, THAT woke me completely and I was sick with fright, wondering why I should have such an "apparition", and especially today, when we had our appointment at the veterinarian's office this evening! I looked at the clock. 5.03. Too early for Yonah to be awake, but, sick with panic, I went to his room to check him. In the early morning, dim light, I could see his silhouette, on his perch, in his "night spot". All seemed well, so I didn't disturb him and went about my regular morning routine... wondering, waiting for the morning call... and running the "apparition" over and over in my mind...

At about 5.45 (I can't remember the exact time because I was just TOO excited to notice)... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" came from Yonah's room! HE WAS FINE! HE WAS OK! And I BOLTED into his room, for "Good morning" kisses, snuggles and cuddles and, well... just to be close to and with him! I'll never know if he had any sense of what I'd woken to, but it was just SO COMFORTING to be WITH him... close, and see, for certain, that he was rested and well! And so, we got right to our "morning routine"... opening blinds, changing water, tidying his house and preparing us both, for the day ahead. And we chatted... "woo-Hoos" and me talking about out journey that would come this after-noon. (I was FULL of trepidation about that... the time, the rolling of the vehicle, a place/vehicle he wasn't at all familiar with, and, since Deborah would be driving, her voice, a some-what different/unfamiliar voice... and his old house, which is what I use now for trips to the back yard and for "travelling", would be covered. It's recommended to cover the "carrier" in the vehicle. Apparently it provides a sense of "security". I can't say whether it does or doesn't but... That's how we'd be rolling today.) Anyway, we had a GREAT morning. And seeing that my Little Guy was FINE... and UP and FLYING about his room, woo-HOO's and all, I was as "OK" as ever, to face another new day!
And so... as I needed, when it was time, I headed out to get to work for the couple of hours, feeling confident that the rest of what we needed to do would go well. There wasn't much time between my return and our leaving to head to the veterinarian's office, and I still needed to get Yonah's old house together for the trip. It was washed, as were the towels... one for the car seat, the other to cover. And I'd washed the swatches of green flannel that served as a make-shift "nest" for him in his "earliest days" of "recovery". Something to place in a corner, where he could "roost and rest"... on the trips to and from the "doctor". It was just a matter of arranging all of it and hoping that Yonah wouldn't mind being in there... and not going to the back yard this time.
When I got back from work, my Little Guy was in his house, resting in his little nest box, as he usually is. I got his house together, changed my clothes, and brought a little snack into his room so we could have our "mid-day snack" together.
At 14.00... Deborah arrived, ready to roll along. I got Yonah into his old house and he and I into the back seat of the car... we were OFF AND ROLLING into a "new experience". I was quite anxious about the entire affair, but looking forward to FINALLY getting some "professional" help, and perhaps, advice on Yonah-and-my future together. (I was also SO hoping that he was in GLORIOUS health... that I've been doing all that he needs. THAT was an issue that concerned me most. He's always been in good spirits, flying about, eating well... His "poop checks" have been good and "very good". But, I can never be "too sure" nor... "sure enough".)
The trip to the veterinarian's office went along quite well! The sun shone. The temperature wasn't as terribly hot as it had been recently and the air-conditioning in the car helped quite a lot... not too cool, nor too warm. And the route was truly quite direct. It seemed all was going tremendously well... and then, about 2 hours later... we arrived... and...
It's still one of "those" situations that wear on the patience of patients... Sit in the parking lot, telephone the desk, wait for them to "prepare an examination room"... It went rather well, though slowly. But we were about 15 minutes early (for all the good it does these days). And when the room was prepared, we were called (telephone) to come in...
The facility was reassuringly clean, contemporary, comfortable, calm. The people at the reception were quite cheerful and welcoming. (It was a complete opposite of Yonah's first "attempted" visit, over a year ago, at a "VCA" facility where we were all but "shown the door" with apathy.) The "examination room" too, was truly immaculate, comfortable. And the "Tech" who welcomed us and took all of Yonah's particulars was so sweet, compassionate, sympathetic. It all appeared to be genuinely caring, and I was feeling quite comfortable. Yonah too, was calm... even in the new environment, with the fluorescent lighting and the different furnishings, the truly new voices and people. I was quite impressed... especially with Yonah's demeanour. He's usually quite "skittish", as it's called, when a new person is around, a new voice. This time, it didn't seem to affect him at all. He was in his old house... and, well... we were together. For me, it was the HIGHEST comfort and compliment: Yonah was OK with all of this... we were together... and he knew I wouldn't let any harm come to him... Well... not as long as I saw it coming... and, I have NO idea why I let the entire situation progress to the point it did, but...
The "Tech" left the room assuring me that "Dr. Lucas" is quite qualified, and cares about the Little Ones as much as we, who share our Lives with them, care for and about them... she would be right in.
For our few moments alone in the room, I spoke to Yonah, letting him know I was there and watching over him. And he was quite calm... interestingly. No pacing. No signs of any anxiety. (Even the Tech commented on how calm he was... especially considering he's not a "common domestic bird". And she commented on how well he looked. "What-ever you've been doing, you're doing it really well." I was relieved!)
Ah... but THEN...
With a sudden swoosh, the door to the room opened and in stepped a... woman... perhaps in her late 30s to mid-40s in age, heavily made-up. On her face, a red-glittered face mask covering all but her eyes and head. On her head, what can only be described as a cheap "Dollar Store" red-glittered "tiara". Her skirt, a primarily red print, literally tied in a knot above her left knee at the hem. I heard her approaching through the door and now I could see why; she was wearing "70s disco-style" thick-soled, high-heeled shoes! AND, on EVERY finger, some sort of silver-ware/jewellery! I was truly shocked at the sight, but, I thought that, perhaps she was attired for children who might be anxious about bringing in their puppies or the likes. (Giving benefit of doubt.)
She stood, door close behind her, and instead of any sort of proper introduction, she snapped:
"You have to cover your nose!" (with the face mask that they demand all "visitors" wear on the premises).
When I explained to her that I have a respiratory condition that makes breathing difficult, particularly with my nose and mouth covered, especially in this hot and humid weather, her response was:
"You don't have to be here. You can wait out in the lobby."
In retrospect, I should have realised that she was a charlatan at that moment, but... again... I wanted Yonah to have a proper "professional" check-up, perhaps a "beak trim" (which I knew he needed but, being inexperienced, I wouldn't attempt), and some sort of "assurance" that he will continue to be in good health. I kept my umbrage to myself, in deference to this, what I now think of as "Phairie-Princess" licensed veterinarian.
Calmly, I explained that not being present was NOT an option, and told the situation with Yonah and the importance of him to my own life, living and existence. She was obviously not interested.
She gleaned the printed "dossier" that I'd submitted, over the internet, in which I briefly explained how Yonah came to be with me...
"He was attacked?" she asked.
"Yes." I answered.
"By what?"
"I'm not sure but I believe it was a hawk."
"You don't KNOW what attacked him? He's in that cage." she snapped, and pointed at Yonah in "that cage".
My patience with this merry lunatic was waning, but with as much calmness as I could possibly pull, I replied
"He was in the yard, in the grass, in the rain when I discovered him. He's a mourning dove, from the wild."
Apparently, "Dr. Phairie-Princess" was insulted, some-what and that's when the "visit" began to turn into a
She grabbed a small, dark green "towel" in one hand, with the free hand, she reached behind her and turned the brighter light off. The room was considerably darker but there was enough light to see what was happening... and with a steady motion, she reached over to Yonah's "house", with the uncovered hand, she opened the door, and with the the covered hand, thrust in, she grabbed Yonah, covering him (as is common practise) and removed him to her lap. Holding him there, between her knees, with her free hand, she reached behind her and turned the light back on. All that was visible of my Little Guy was his face.
As though with-out thought, she pulled a "trimming tool" out of a drawer of other tools and went directly at trimming Yonah's beak... clipping several times. I saw Yonah flinch, but expected that much. It couldn't have been comfortable for him, a new and different sensation, having his beak being clipped.
When she'd done, she looked at him and, with-out looking at me she said:
"His beak is a softer than we like them to be. I want to take a look at it in surgery." and got up, in a swoop and, with Yonah still wrapped in the towel, left the room... I listened as her "clopping" foot-steps moved off into the distance and all became silent.
My thought: better lighting, equipment that would give a better look at his beak "in surgery". I was pulling ALL of my resources to find ANY cause to trust this oddity.
When, after a moment, she returned, she came back into the room, and as quickly as she'd removed Yonah from his house, she returned him. She took a long swab with which she scraped a bit of his recent "poop" and said that she wanted to run a "fecal test". (I was hoping she'd do that anyway, though I wasn't sure that the little bit she'd swabbed would be enough... but... she was the "veterinarian" so...) And with that, she was gone again... clopping along the corridor.
Alone, I looked at Yonah... he was completely still, "resting" on his little belly, in his house...
mourning dove 2022 11 AugustHIS EYES WERE CLOSED !!!!!
THAT'S NEVER REALLY A "GOOD" SIGN! IT SHOWED THAT HE WAS STRESSED! THIS ORDEAL WAS NOW A "TRAUMA". He closes his eyes when we "cuddle", when I hold him and give him kisses... THIS was NOT such a situation... HE WAS TRAUMATISED! I WAS NOW NO LONGER IN A MOOD TO BE EVEN SOME-WHAT "POLITE"... BUT... I wanted the results of the "smear" so I held my tongue.
I tried talking to my little Heart-and-Soul, softly, assuring him that I was here, we were together and that "that one" won't be handling him EVER again. As I spoke, he opened his eyes, so slowly... MY HEART WAS BREAKING !!! WHAT HAD I DONE TO THE ONLY LITTLE BIT IN ALL OF CREATION THAT MEANS ANYTHING TO ME ‽‽‽ WHAT TORTURES HAD I SUBJECTED HIM TO ‽‽‽ WOULD HE REMEMBER THAT IT WAS ME, WHO BROUGHT HIM TO THIS ‽‽‽ WAS ALL OF HIS TRUST IN ME DESTROYED ‽‽‽ AND WORST OF ALL, WOULD HE SURVIVE THIS MALICIOUSNESS ‽‽‽ My throat tightened and the one thought that kept repeating in my mind was "Hold on! Hold it together! If anything happens to me, they'll take me out of here and separate us! I WILL NOT HAVE THAT HAPPEN! I WILL NOT LEAVE MY HEART-AND-SOUL HERE A LONE WITH THIS!" Yonah MUST have "known", as he does, my agony and anguish and he obviously tried to open his little eyes as I spoke again and again.
One thing in particular that I DID have the chance to see... the "green towel" used to cover Yonah through all of this ordeal... "Dr." left it, tossed, in the small sink in the room. From where I was sitting, I happened to notice a "dark spot" on it and got up to get a better look...
BLOOD! THE LARGEST SPOT WAS THE SIZE OF A 25-CENT PIECE! AND THERE WERE OTHER SPOTS, ABOUT THE SIZES OF NICKLES AND DIMES! YONAH HAD BEEN BLEEDING! I THOUGHT: MAYBE WHEN SHE CLIPPED HIS BEAK SHE CLIPPED TOO CLOSE... BEAKS HAVE BLOOD VESSELS! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS ONE ‽‽‽ WHY WAS IT NECESSARY TO CLIP YONAH'S BEAK TO THE POINT WHERE IT WOULD BLEED... AND THIS AMOUNT ‽‽‽ AND IN THE TOWEL... WHAT TURNED TO BE A HAND-FULL OF FEATHERS !!! IT WAS AS THOUGH SHE'D PLUCKED HIM... "IN SURGERY" !!! BLOOD! FEATHERS! HIS EYES CLOSED! WE WERE AT THE END OF THIS FARCE! I RESOLVED THAT, SHOULD SHE REACH FOR YONAH AGAIN... WE'D ALL BE "ESCORTED FROM THE PREMISES". THAT WAS THE END OF HER PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH HIM! I gathered the feathers and put them in my pocket... "Evidence" to support my "report" and account of the incident (and this posting). Well! SWOOSH! The door opened again. "Dr. Phairie-Princess" (who had STILL not even bothered to introduce her-self properly, I have to add), came prancing into the room. She leaned against the wall and, in a condescending tone of voice, almost "spat" the words:
"There's a small fracture of his beak, but I repaired it with (she named a product, but I didn't catch the name). It might rock a little and cause him some discomfort for a while. If he isn't eating properly in a week, bring him back." (SHE HAD TO BE OUT OF HER MIND... "bring him back"? NOT even remotely possible.)
She continued: "His smear (fecal) shows a 70% gram negative bacteria count. We don't like that. I'll prescribe a probiotic."
Now, here, on his Journal, there's a daily account of the care of his house, his room... what he has to eat and drink, so I had to ask:
"What could cause that bacteria count?"
She literally "snapped"... "HE'S WILD! HE PROBABLY HAD IT WHEN YOU GOT HIM!"
Oh... so "HE'S WILD!" and THAT gives you the freedom and liberty to maul and molest him? You should have been informed that he's "WILD" before you agreed to look at him! And I TOLD your "staff" that he's a "mourning dove". I TOLD your "staff" in the "dossier" I completed on-line a week ahead. AND... I TOLD your "staff" that he has his own web-site where there's a daily Journal with ALL of his particulars. But... "HE'S WILD" so YOU're under NO professional, moral or ethical obligation to address him and his medical needs with ANY sort of compassion? Or... WHAT? I held my tongue... I let the rest just roll along... ALL I wanted at that point was to get the bill and GET OUT!
THEN she added:
"Obviously there's something wrong with him. Look how his eyes are closed. Birds usually recover much quicker from examinations."
(I'm thankful, at this moment, that I'm recording this on Yonah's daily Journal... where his "something wrong with him" would have been recorded before this entry. Odd... one might think: He was perfectly wonderful... even up to the moment we got into the car to ride to the appointment. Gee... AFTER HIS "EXAMINATION" HE'S MISSING FEATHERS, WHICH I HAD I MY POCKET, THERE'S A BLOOD-STAINED TOWEL THAT HE WAS WRAPPED IN WHILST HIS BEAK WAS BEING TRIMMED... AND NOW HIS BEAK IS "FRACTURED" AND HE MIGHT HAVE TROUBLE EATING... NONE OF THIS WAS PRESENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO THIS "EXAMINATION". I DON'T "ACCUSE"... I DON'T HAVE TO... THERE ARE PAGES OF INFORMATION THAT SERVE AS A PERFECT REFERENCE.)
"Dr. Phairie-Princess" did me a kindness... she walked out of the room and clopped her way away.
Moments later, the "Tech" returned... all smiles, as if ALL had gone splendidly... not that she was any-where present during the ordeal. She commented on Yonah's web-site. I asked "You've seen it?" She replied "We're ALL looking at it!" (SO... THEY WERE AWARE OF JUST HOW IMPORTANT YONAH IS TO ME, HOW MUCH HE'S SURVIVED... AND YET... THIS "Dr." ADDRESSES HIM AS "WILD" AND NOT WORTH HER EFFORT. TELLING... ALL SO VERY TELLING.
Fine... The Tech handed me 3 little "sandwich" bags, each holding a syringe of some sort, two had small plastic "squeeze bottles". Each bag had a label stuck to it with instructions for the administration of the contents...
The large syringe contained "probiotics"... "BeneBac Plus", avian and reptile. Beneficial bacteria for the digestive tract and to counter the "negative" bacteriae in Yonah's little tract. Instructions: "Give a beak full orally twice daily"
One bottle of "beige" liquid contained "Milk Thistle and Lactulose". Over the course of our time together, Yonah and I, I've come to learn that "milk thistle" is a highly and strongly recommended additive to repair any "liver" troubles that birds tend to suffer from. Instructions: Give 1 drop orally once daily."
The other bottle... pink liquid: "Tribrissen/ml". Instructions: "Give 0,05ml orally twice daily."
The Tech read the instructions, asked if I had any questions and before I said anything that might "offend" any-one in the office (not that it wasn't warranted), I smiled, politely, and said that I didn't, everything was quite clear, and thank you for all your time and the appointment.
"You can go to the front desk and they'll check you out." she said... and she vanished through the same door the "Dr." used for her escape.
Talking as softly as I possibly could to Yonah, whose eyes were still closed... I picked his house up from the "examining table" and went to the "front desk" to cover the bill... All the little ladies there were so "charming". Of course they were. Bill paid... I headed out the door where Deborah was waiting... We got Yonah into the car, settled, and just before I got into the car, Dr. Phairie-Princess came clopping out to the parking lot... face mask at her chin. She "trotted" past me with-out an acknowledgement... and went to a parked car on the opposite side of the lot.
"That's the doctor." I said to Deborah who simply looked up and replied "Oh..." Well? There really wasn't anything else to be said! And... we were off and away... to bring my Little Guy back home.
All the way back, I kept checking on Yonah. I was sitting on the back seat beside him... he was in his house... RIGHT NEXT TO MY LEG... ALL THE WAY! My heart was heavy... almost in shatters, thinking of what HELL he'd been put through... and yet... HE WANTED TO BE CLOSE TO ME! HE STILL TRUSTED ME! I WAS SO HONOURED!
When we got back home, I brought his house into his room and put it on his futon, just as we do when we go out to the yard... he was READY TO GET BACK TO HIS HOUSE AND HEADED OUT ALMOST IMMEDIATELY! In his house... his usual "visit" to the little mirror and a weak, soft "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... it was HEART-BREAKING! And then he headed up to his little ledge where his next box is... he had a little bit to EAT! I WAS ENCOURAGED... HE WAS EATING! HE WAS "HOME"! WE WERE TOGETHER! HE WAS COMFORTABLE AGAIN... AND HE WAS EATING! (Even in spite of what "Dr. Phairie-Princess" had said... having fractured his beak.) HE ATE! OK!
Mean-while... I'd stepped out into the back yard for a brief while... checking on the Yardies and their food and when I came back into the house and into Yonah's room, Yonah was on his little ledge... PERFECTLY STILL... FACING HIS FOOD DISH... WHEN I CALLED HIM, THERE WAS NO RESPONSE... NONE! I WAS SICK WITH TERROR! I CALLED "YONAH! YONAH MY BABY! YONAHLE!" HE FINALLY RAISED HIS LITTLE HEAD... I ALMOST DROPPED TO THE FLOOR WITH RELIEF! THIS HORROR TODAY... I JUST DON'T HAVE THE WORDS... JUST DON'T HAVE THE WORDS... And what makes it worse... NOBODY understands the importance of this Little Guy to me... and nobody appears to even care just only enough to want to know... never mind, "understand". We're alone, my little Heart-and-Soul and I... just as we've been all along... I remember, so well, those nights of "dread", wondering if Yonah was in pain, was he suffering, was he frightened? I remember NEEDING, so much, to do the right thing at the right time. I remember the thoughts of "failing" him, either having him die, or worse, putting him back with the flock and having him suffer there... Tonight, I'm re-living all those fears, that dread... and "praying", from the core of my being, that, all of what I've done to bring him this far, will continue, that my "instinct", my "soul" will continue to guide me... as it's guided by some "Divinity". We were alone all these months... and here we are. We're alone again... hopefully, we'll do as well.
Deborah has been reminding me of the "trauma" of the car, the time in the car, the different people and place... she's trying to blame that for Yonah's state. She wasn't in the office and, I dare say, as I was recounting the experience on the ride back, she truly didn't appear interested in any of it at all. I'm TRYING to keep in mind all the compliments I've received over our time together: many have said that I've done an "exceptionally good" job of Nursing and caring for Yonah all along. Well... maybe I need to rely more on "US"... Yonah and I. He WAS in wonderful shape before this... Yes, maybe I'm being guided... by a "Divine" Instructor.
Well... I'm staying with my little Heart-and-Soul tonight... on the futon. Not that I think there's much I can "do"... especially if he doesn't show any signs of distress or the likes. And to be honest, I'm preparing myself for a lifeless Little Guy in the morning. As I say, I'm DEAD FRIGHTENED more-so because of ANY suffering at all that he might be going through right now. I've ALWAYS done my best to make certain that he NEVER suffers... WHAT HAVE I DONE ‽‽‽‽‽ WHAT HAVE I DONE ‽‽‽‽‽
For tonight, his "12-hour meds" are supposed to start tomorrow... an "antibacterial" to clear the "gram negatives" and the milk thistle to help his liver. And the "probiotic"... BUT... I'll be looking ALL of these things up... DEEPLY, before giving him ANYTHING... I DO NOT TRUST THIS "Dr. PHAIRIE-PRINCESS"! I DON'T TRUST ANY OF THEM!
Lights went off at about 20.00 tonight... My Little Guy is safe again, in his own house, in his own room, on his own perch... he's safe again. And his futon is prepared for me... I'll be in the room with him through the night.
I wonder what this morning's dream and "apparition" were about... I wonder...
Oh... We were sent on our way with 3 little sandwich bags, each one containing a different "treatment/med":
A large plastic syringe of "Bene-Bac Plus" probiotics. "Give a beak full orally twice daily"
A small plastic squeeze bottle of "Milk Thistle and Lactulose". "Give 1 drop orally once daily" Pink sticker on bag "SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING"
A small plastic squeeze bottle of "TMZ - Tribrissen/ml". "Give 0.05 ml orally twice daily AEG" 2 stickers on the bag, (pink) SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING" and (orange) GIVE WITH FOOD.

Oddly enough, I was already looking into getting the Milk Thistle for Yonah anyway... it's great for his liver, and birds tend, I've come to learn, to have trouble with their liver... especially granivores. So, once again... my instinct proves correct. (I have NO idea WHERE this "instinct" is coming from but I'm just SO GRATEFUL for it.) I have some more heavy/serious research and studying to get done on this stuff... After seeing this farce today, I have NO trust or faith in that place or anybody associated with it!
Friday 12 August:
mourning dove 2022 12 AugustLast night, I just didn't want to be "away" from my little Heart-and-Soul. After all the trauma of yesterday, I wanted him to know that I'm still here, and will be here to protect him, to make sure that nothing even resembling that attack happens to him EVER again. So I made-up the futon, and after settling the rest of the house, and after he'd been tucked-in, lights out in the rest of the house, I made my way into his room. And as I laid down, I whispered to him, letting him know that I was there, and I'd be right there all through the night. How my heart still aches, thinking about yesterday. And how much I hope Yonah will forgive me for it all. But more than anything, I hope that the "damage" isn't long-term, that he recovers from it, physically and emotionally. I can't but think that, before we went to that appointment, he actually was doing quite well. There was a spot, one little area, on his right wing, where the feathers appeared to be "broken" or "chewed". I was concerned about mites, or some other parasite that might be chewing on his feathers. And I was concerned about the length of his beak and that he wasn't yet, "trimming" it, as he's done in the past. I was concerned that the situation with his feathers might be some sort of "liver" trouble. Yes, I wanted those matters checked. And yes, it was "stated" (I can't say that it was "confirmed", considering the fact that it still seems we were more of an "inconvenience" to that so-called "veterinarian" than much else and that she would have said anything just to get paid and get us out of there as quickly as possible), that there were no indications of parasites... mites or the likes. Yes, she did "trim" Yonah's beak, though with such a gruffness that I still say that it was SHE who "fractured" it... after all, he was eating with no trouble BEFORE the "trimming". And, yes, I DID learn what more I could be giving him in the way of his digestion. (But I still hold that I was looking for the milk thistle on my own, so that wasn't really a "plus" to the visit.) But if it means making my Little Guy sick, or tramatised... Well... the very least I could do at this juncture is to be with him. He obviously feels comforted when I'm near, and we're obviously our own little "flock"... I just couldn't leave him alone in the room... in the dark... through the night last night.
As it was, I was up until quite late... having been given MORE incentive to learn MORE about potential ailments and illnesses of birds, mourning doves in particular, of course. NOT happy with or about the condition of Yonah's right wing... and CERTAINLY NOT please with the hand-full of feathers that I managed to bring home... PLUCKED from him!
I seriously focused-in on "fractured beaks"... how they can be fractured (naturally... not by being abused) and how they're treated. Most important... HOW THEY HEAL and HOW LONG IT TAKES FOR THEM TO HEAL! I ALSO CHECKED INTO THE "MEDICATIONS" I WAS GIVEN TO GIVE TO HIM. None of THAT information was given to me. (Of course... Yonah was mishandled as a "wild" life and I was addressed in a manner not even appropriate to a moron. Neither of us was worth the effort, as it appeared.) It kept me up until quite late, but then, I really wasn't in much of state to sleep... And I learned SO MUCH MORE... so there's that much that brings me a bit of comfort... and lessens a "need" for a "veterinarian" (which, now, I MIGHT continue looking for but, if/when I find one, I'll be literally "investigating"... and "interviewing"... in person BEFORE even making an appointment for Yonah).
My new education from last night, with regard to beaks, liver, mites and YONAH'S "MEDS"... well... I'll add them at the end here and then work them into his "Info Pages". "Share" the knowledge and experience... for others who might, may Fate forbid, find themselves in the same or similar situation as Yonah and I are now in.
And so, this morning, I woke, on his futon, silently, at 6.04, and left his room after looking into his house where he was on his perch, quiet, calm... I didn't want to disturb him. I wanted him to rest for as long as he wanted... no matter how long or late that would be. And as I was quietly preparing my own morning coffee in the kitchen...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" !!! 6.15... The "morning call" was a touch on the "quieter" side... "softer" than his usual morning call. But THERE WAS THE CALL! YONAH WAS UP, AWAKE, AND CALLING TO LET ME KNOW THAT HE WAS AWAKE AND IT WAS TIME TO OPEN WINDOWS AND DOORS AND... A SIGN OF "NORMALCY" AND THAT HE'S STRONG ENOUGH TO CALL! THAT WAS EXACTLY WHAT I SO TRULY NEEDED, MORE THAN ANYTHING THIS MORNING! The heaviness of worry lifted, the morning seemed so much lighter. All through the night, last night, and even this morning, as I went about my own regular routine, all of Creation was heavy, dark, oppressive... But NOT NOW! My HEAR-AND-SOUL was up, awake and CALLING! Needless (I imagine) to say, I made my way into his room IMMEDIATELY... still some-what expecting to see him in a "compromised" condition; weak, or worse.
When I got into his room and made my way over to his house, I was almost hesitant to actually look in on him. But I HAD to see, I HAD to KNOW... THERE HE WAS, ON HIS PERCH, IN THE VERY SAME PLACE HE ALWAYS IS IN THE MORNING... AND FROM THIS MORNING'S "POOP CHECK", IT APPEARED THAT HE'D SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT, CALMLY, PEACEFULLY, RIGHT THERE. (All the poops were directly under where he was this morning, so he hadn't been "fidgeting" and hadn't moved about. Although I can't attest to a "restful" sleep, it appeared that he had a "calm" night... EXCELLENT!)
I spoke so softly to my Little Guy this morning, and assured him that I AM SO SORRY that he'd been so mis-handled and all-but-abused yesterday... And I vowed that I'd NEVER allow ANYTHING, not even "similar", of that sort of thing to happen EVER again!
He seemed "calm" this morning, and even allowed me to reach in and stroke the back of his neck as I gave him our usual "Good morning" kisses. He wasn't afraid of me and THAT was just as important as knowing that he was "well"! After being so mis-handled yesterday, I expected him to be leery of any hand(s) coming toward him, any human face approaching. I was expecting him to be fearful of a human voice!
Thankfully (as far as I'm concerned), none of that happened... fortunately for that, what I can only think of now as "Dr. Phairie-Princess".... irresponsible, uncaring, abusive "veterinarian". Last night and this morning might have been "dismissed" by my Little Guy, but it all pressed, heavily, on my heart, soul, mind, mood.
This morning, I kept the window blinds drawn, but opened them to let the day-light and fresh, out-side air in. And I draped a small towel over the top and down the side of the corner of his house where his "loft platform" is. I wanted to give him a place that was a bit darker than usual, than the rest of the room, in case he wanted that place to rest in. The Little Ones, from birds to cats and dogs, tend to look for darker, quieter places when they're not feeling completely well. I wasn't sure how Yonah was feeling this morning, so, he had a choice between a darker area and his regular area in his house. And he wouldn't have to fly about, looking for a place of comfort. I felt so helpless... useless, really. It's difficult knowing that something MIGHT be "wrong"... It's oppressively difficult when, as with all Feathered Little Ones, they don't show if/where there's pain or discomfort, and even if/when they make any sort of sound, we, the "perfect, intelligent species" simply have NO way of actually understanding what we're being told. I just had to rely on my own "instincts"... again. More of those "heavy, dark, oppressive, ALONE" times this morning. BUT, THIS morning, the resolve that, no matter what happens from now on, WE, Yonah and I, will figure out what it is WE need to do to make him comfortable... and to keep him healthy.
After the apathy of the "VCA Hospital" in Ray Brook... (I'm grateful that they DIDN'T just "take Yonah" that day... after yesterday, when we made it early, were in no rush, proper appointment and all, there's just NO telling what the "VCA" would have done with/to him!) and the horrors of "Upstate" yesterday, WE'LL learn what WE can do... and I'll do ALL I possibly can... with LOVE... from now on.
After we got his room settled and the rest of the house was in order, I really had no choice but to leave for the 2 hours I put in at the "new job". It all but shredded my heart to think of my Little Guy being left alone, but, thankfully, work is practically in "the next room" and with windows open, I could hear if Yonah called out and I could be back with him in mere moments. And too, I thought, perhaps the time alone would be of benefit to him... no "people" moving about the place... just quiet time in which to relax, recuperate.
Before leaving, I mixed a batch of his regular seed mix and a little oatmeal and cooked it together. Something soft for him to eat, in case his beak was sore from the "clipping" and "bleeding" yesterday... not to mention... in case his beak actually IS "fractured" as "Dr. Phairie-Princess" claimed. ("If he isn't eating by the end of a week, bring him back in." she'd said. As if I'd EVER subject him to any of that sort of trauma again.) When all had reached the consistency of a "porridge", I took it off the heat and put it aside to cool while I was out. To be quite honest, it smells quite delicious! Then again, it's all "grains", all of which are quite edible. A bit of a "vegan" sort of "cereal". And probably quite healthy... for my Little Guy and me, I wouldn't doubt.
And so, I checked-in to see how Yonah was doing before I left. He was calm, quiet, in his little nest box. At least THAT much was "normal". But he was just a little "too" quiet for my comfort. He was obviously still suffering... and my heart was SO HEAVY... not being able to know exactly what was troubling him. I left, hoping that a couple of hours on his own, in a quiet house, would be of some benefit to him.
When I got back, late morning, my first action was to check-in... Yonah was still quiet... and seemed a bit "withdrawn". I couldn't help but think he was recuperating, re-grouping, gathering his strength.
I changed from work clothes to "house clothes" and went back into his room to have a proper look at him, in the sun-light...
When I got back to him, he seemed to "cheer up" a little. He became a bit more "animated". HE WAS GLAD TO SEE ME! AND THAT MADE ME ALL THE BETTER! He wasn't fearful of me, and he was moving about... AND HE DIDN'T MIND ME REACHING IN TO "CARESS" HIM! I opened the window blinds completely, and removed the towel from the corner (since he wasn't on the platform... it didn't appear that he wanted a "dark corner"... a really good sign, all things considered). As the day-light came into the room, he appeared to be "happier"... and then, so too, was I.
Since it was cool enough, I put a spoon-ful of his "porridge" on top of the seeds that were already in his food dish. That way, he had a choice: either the seeds as usual, or, if they were too difficult to pick up, he could get really good nourishment from the "porridge". He hopped over to his dish to see (as he does) what I'd added, looked at it but went for the seeds beside it. He had NO interest in the soft food. But I left it there... just in case he'd get hungry and couldn't get enough of the regular seeds.
We're on our own... again!

As the day moved on, my Little Guy seemed to be returning to some state closer to "normal". But he really wasn't at all interested in the "porridge", so, I removed it and replaced it with fresh seeds.... AND *** HE ATE *** !!! AND HE ATE WITH "GUSTO"! HE WAS HUNGRY! HE WAS EATING! I WAS A BIT MORE RELIEVED! AND... HE ALLOWED ME TO CUDDLE HIM A BIT !!! AND EVEN "BEAKED" MY FINGERS AS HE DOES! THAT LITTLE "PREENING" ACTION! THAT GAVE ME MORE HOPE AND RELIEF !!! EATING AND BEING ABLE TO PECK LIGHTLY ON MY HAND !!! HIS BEAK SEEMS TO BE "OK" !!! BUT I'M WATCHING, LOOKING AS CAREFULLY AS I POSSIBLY CAN, TO CHECK FOR ANY SIGNS OF "FRACTURE"... AND THE "REPAIR" THAT THE "Dr. Phairie-Princess" CLAIMS WAS NECESSARY. (I don't see ANYTHING of the sort of either a fracture or a repair... BUT MY LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL IS EATING AND RETURNING TO HIS LOVABLE AND LOVING SELF !!! The days ahead will be FULL of my own trepidation but... today is a good sign. We HAVE been through MUCH worse than this... when he'd come in, back ont he 13th October 2020, he was quite badly injured. We made it through those days... we'll make it through the days to come! YES WE WILL !!!
He's still a touch on the "lethargic" side, but IMPROVING !!!

We spent the day together, he, in his house, and at one point, even on his roof-top! And I was at the work table or on the futon, always near, so that he KNEW he wasn't simply "abused" yesterday and abandoned today. It seemed that we both benefited from being together today... My presence assured him... His closeness assured me. And we had only the "bird-songs" playing during the day, some-what softly... just so that there was a semblance of other Little Ones about... not to mention I don't doubt that those little chirps and coo's are, by now, familiar to Yonah so he knows he's in his proper, safe environment now.
The "Upstate Animal Centre" had sent me, via e-mail, and invoice for the "services" and "medications" and as I read it, to see what, exactly, they were claiming (since I didn't receive a printed invoice or receipt as we left... I didn't really care about anything more than getting Yonah out of and away from there), I see a "notice" of sorts, included at the very end. I'm quoting here, directly (but will keep a "PDF" copy on the server for posterity and substantiation):
UAMC WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY BEHAVIOR OUR STAFF DEEMS ABUSIVE - This includes but it not limited to: Foul Language/Lewd Comments, Threats of any kind, Violent/Physical Violence towards staff or fellow clients/pets. ALL OF THIS BEHAVIOR compromise safety & will result in removal from the premises & future service!
Thank you kindly,
THe Upstate AMC Team
When I saw this "notice" I sat, calmly, and sent them, "THe Upstate AMC Team", an e-mail of my own, letting them know that neither Yonah nor I will EVER be on their premises again, nor will we either of us be seeking ANY of their "services", BUT, expressing my "curiosity" as to why... WHY they find it necessary to include such a "notice" on their invoices. To me, it indicates that they've been abusive to and toward others... "client/pets" and perhaps, such "behavior" has been warranted or provoked.
Today... no reply... in fact, not even an acknowledgement of receipt! BUT... there have been a few e-mails "thanking" me for "trusting" them, offering "specials" and even some sort of "mailing list" messages encouraging further visits. (All have been responded-to with assurances that NO manner of "encouragement" will entice me to bring Yonah back for further abuse.) I don't expect to receive ANY sort of response/reply to my e-mail(s), and I hope their little "messages" stop... so that Yonah and I can put this experience away into a "learning"... not to forget, but to simply celebrate that it didn't result in any further injury... or worse. As Yonah and I have come to know, in our time together, with-out help, support, guidance from else-where: we live... we learn... together... alone.
We didn't go to the yard this evening. The skies were over-cast and thought he's let me cuddle and caress him, he does seem a bit leery when my hands approach him. And, I don't want to bring him back to his "old house" to be out-side now... for fear of some/any association with the trip and the trauma of yesterday. He travelled to and from in his old house and it was his "carrier". I'm hoping that he didn't/doesn't make any association with the old house and any trauma. That's the best place for him when we go to the yard... for now. If it causes him ANY discomfort, well... we'll be looking for other ways to get out. But, as I say, tonight, we'll stay in... and relax.
He DID "roost" on his roof-top platform for quite a while during the day. At least he's not afraid to come out and he IS in his "normal" environment... and obviously, comfortable in it. I'm not going to "rush" him in any way as he recovers.
Tonight, my Little Guy was still a touch on the "lethargic" side of things. Not "eye-closing" or showing any signs of "injury" to spirit. Just not quite as "active" as he usually is.
Good news though... After much searching about on the internet... I FOUND SOME MILK THISTLE! PURE AND SIMPLE AND NOTHING ADDED... JUST GROUND MILK THISTLE. It comes in capsules... "For Human Consumption". And the "ingredients" on the label are milk thistle and the gelatin for the capsules! Nothing else! 60 caps to a bottle... I can open the cap and sprinkle the milk thistle onto Yonah's seeds! None of this "syringe" nonsense as is the case with the "meds" from the "vet". I just can't imagine causing Yonah any more trauma, holding him and, as "instructed", squeezing stuff on his beak! Never mind, the claim that his beak is "fractured"! I mean... NO! Lunatics! The lot of them!
So we had our day together... and I spent most of the day in the room... quietly.
At 19.24, my Little Guy was on his roof-top, I was at the work table and he called... CLEARLY... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! It was "time"... time to get back into his house, for me to get busy with water relay, to settle his house and him in for a night's rest. ("NORMALCY"! My soul is encouraged... and JOYFUL!) So I did just as we "usually" do of an evening, and got the waters in his pool and dish changed... and started setting things in order of a night. Blinds closed, night board on the back and as I did, he headed into his house... 19.38... so I put the roof board on and closed the door to his house so that he could simply get comfy on his own.
At 20.10, he was done with eating and on his perch... his "night spot". He appeared to be "settled", content. Maybe our day together in the calm has helped him realise that he's back in HIS house, in HIS room, in the place he can call "Home"... He's SAFE! No matter, really, to me... I'm going to be keeping a most-careful watch for quite a while longer now... just to make certain that all goes well... and that that "Dr. Phairie-Princes" hasn't inflicted ANY pain or suffering! (NOW I'M SICK WITH WONDER AT WHAT SHE DID TO HIM WHEN SHE TOOK HIM TO "SURGERY"! WELL? IF ANYTHING, LET'S CALL IT, "UNTOWARD" HAPPENS TO MY LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL... SHE'LL HAVE SNUFFED TWO LIVES... IT'S AS I'VE ALWAYS SAID ALL ALONG:
I am because Yonah is. When he "departs"... I'll be right behind him.
For tonight... we're together... and he's safe again... in HIS house...
************************* CLOSING NOTE FOR TODAY **************************************
A few hours and much research into the "medications" we got today, treatments of ailments and illnesses, and beak fractures.
Beak Fractures:
Beaks don't "heal together". In severe cases, there are "severe" treatments, including "cementing them", wiring, and even "prosthetics" that can be used to replace them.
"Healing" can take MONTHS... when the beak grows out, as it grows constantly.
In the most severe cases, "euthanasia" is considered the most humane approach.
Since Yonah's alleged "fracture" isn't obvious, if there IS a fracture, it ought to simply grow out.
I still don't see a fracture, so I'll just be watching to make sure he's still able to eat (and he's eating now, quite well.)
Liver Disease:
Indications of liver disease are varied, but the most obvious are dark-coloured feathers and various changes in "poop"... green, yellow, watery. Well, his feathers are darker than the mourning doves in the yard. And I watch his poop every day. There have been days when it's been quite "green" (never yellow), and passing bouts of "water".
Milk thistle is a highly supported treatment and can be given with little-to-no side effects.
Mites, ticks, fleas:
There's a "treatment" for these parasites that's considered quite safe (when properly used).
"Permethrin, which is available in a "concentrate" and a "ready to use" solution. It can be sprayed directly on the feathers and/or housing, bedding, &c.
It's available under the name "Avian Insect Liquidator".
As for medications:
Ivermectin is quite effective against a multitude of illness and ailments BUT it's EXTREMELY STRONG and dosing has to be done with EXTREME CARE! Too much can cause death!
mourning dove 2022 12 AugustTribrissen:
Liver failure can result when a sensitive individual receives this medication. Nausea, jaundice, and all the other complications that occur with liver failure of any origin may result.
Side effects include swelling of the liver
It can cause severe and massive liver damage. There is suspicion it may cause pancreatic inflammation.
(* This information from an internet search "Tribrissen + bird".)
Since I can't be positive that Yonah doesn't have any liver ailments, which, I've learnt, can also cause problems with his beak, I will NOT be giving him the "Tribrissen" at all!
The "Bene-bac" is a "probiotic" and can be beneficial in increasing the "good" bacteriae in his system which could, effectively, eliminate the "negative". But I'll be looking into getting that else-where. I have too many doubts about the "veterinarian" now, and the "Upstate Animal Centre". More research to follow, to be sure. Mean-while, first thing tomorrow: looking for Milk Thistle... that's even recommended for people and is highly touted for treatment of the liver. Hey! It's natural, no "severe" side effects... We'll start there. ********************************************************
And last night, I slept the night on Yonah's futon again. (I'm getting back in the habit of sleeping on his futon again. I just feel more comfortable being in the room with him and he seems to enjoy getting up in the morning, seeing that he's not alone. I even had a few moments where I was trying to figure a way to simply move me into his room. But then, it might be a bit selfish of me, in a way. I tend to get up during the night, or move about, and there's a bit of a "squeak" to the futon of late. So I'm pretty sure I disturb his sleep. I don't want to do that. But, again, it's just SUCH a GREAT way to pass the night, being "there", in case anything else should disturb or startle him. And, waking, first thing of a morning, to seeing him there. Anyway...)
I'd had a soft alarm set to make sure I didn't sleep too late this morning (6.00am) and when I woke and looked up, I saw that little silhouette, there, on the perch, little head bobbing about. My Little Guy was awake, to be sure.
As I laid there, silent, the minutes passed... and... at 6.10.... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo". He noticed that I was up. I'm still a bit in amazement. I wonder how long he'd been awake but didn't call me. I know that he knew that I was there, on the futon. And I know, from our time together, that he notices when my eyes are open... I've experienced that from our snoozes and when I have a "lie-down" and close my eyes, when he comes over to the pillow, he'll wait until I open my eyes and as soon as I do, he gives me a little wing-snap, as if to say "THERE YOU ARE!" So this morning, he MUST have seen that my eyes were closed and didn't "disturb" me as I "snoozed" for the last moments of the night before. WHAT A LITTLE GENIUS! The AWE never ceases!
So I got up immediately, to open his door, remove the night boards, open the blinds to let the morning light into the room, and when those tasks were complete and the morning rushed into the room... it was "KISSES TIME"! AND OH! THE KISSES! AND THE SNUGGLES! AND THE CUDDLES!
Today, they meant more (if that's at all possible) to me than ever before. Not only was today another "MILE-STONE" in our time together, but I'm still, admittedly, shaken, from our experience on Thursday, always watching for ANY "change" in Yonah's behaviour, his appearance... (I'm being told to "let it go", that the effects were temporary, people... "people"... trying to "normalise" the event. "It was a momentary trauma. He's a resilient little guy. He's survived much worse." referring to the original attack. Well, that might be "factual", that the "attack" 1 year and 10 months ago, was much worse than the "attack" on Thursday... 1 year, 9 months and 29 days prior, but it's been my determination to keep this little bundle of Life free of stress and "trauma" to the best of my human ability. And now, the ONLY one who can forgive me for subjecting him to THAT incident is HIM. So, until such time when our Lives return to what they've been for these past months following his original recovery, I'll continue to watch, with intensity, to the appearance of his feathers, his gait, how often he takes flight, the "quality" of his voice... and his reactions and responses to me. No... I will NOT "let it go". "People"... they just refuse to accept the importance this Little Guy holds in my own daily existence. But then... that's just "people"... they're just "people"... the very species that finds it "sporting", "amusing" to murder these little Beings. THAT puts it all into proper perspective, as far as I'm concerned.)
MEAN-WHILE... one of the BEST parts of this morning: As I do EVERY morning, "poop check"... and THIS morning... AT LAST... "Normal" again! AT LAST AT LAST AT LAST !!! Four little rounds, with the usual "dark brown-slightly greenish (from the pellets in his food), with the other-wise usual white. All quite firm, properly-formed, and directly under where he'd slept through the night last! My Little Guy's little belly is settled! And he's obviously EATING WELL! (In spite of the damage inflicted on Thursday and the advice: "If he doesn't eat properly in a week, bring him back." As if I'd EVER bring him back to that!) No, my "resilient" little Heart-and-Soul is on the rebound! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US!
Oh, but sadly, I had to run out this morning, for about 4 hours, to get to the new job. Yonah would be on his own for the time, again, after being alone for those 2 days when he'd had the entire day with the house to him-self. It was a heart-ache for me, to be sure. More-so now than ever before. Thankfully, the job is right next-door so I wasn't far away. Still, as I say, after the trauma of the week, I was heart-sick. BUT... when I got back at about noon, my Little Champion was in his house, all snug and comfy, taking a bit of a snooze AND, as I came in, he took flight... OUT OF HIS ROOM, THROUGH THE KITCHEN AND OUT TO THE LIVING-ROOM TO HIS LIMB WITH THE 2 DECOYS! YONAH IS BACK TO FLYING ABOUT THE PLACE AGAIN! AND I SO DELIGHTED IN SEEING HIM ACTIVE, FLYING AGAIN, COMFORTABLE AT HOME, IN "HIS TERRITORY"!!! OUR "LIFE" IS RETURNING... AND HE'S ON A GREAT REBOUND! (He's OBVIOUSLY more resilient than I am.)
And so, we got re-settled into our "regular Saturday" of being together, and we both went on about our "business as usual", I, attending to the little tasks around the house and Yonah, to his flights and "roosting" in the comfort of his little "nest box", as he so enjoys during the day. And it was a comfortable, bright, sunny day too. Windows and door open... just a perfect "Anniversary" day.... to make-up for the actual reason WE have this "anniversary". (I can't help but remember "the" day, particularly on our anniversary. And I continue to hope that I've done well by and for my little Heart-and-Soul over the course of these days together... to provide him with the best-possible, proper nourishment, rest, peace and health. "Nature" might have dealt him an injustice, but hopefully, "humanity" (me), can make good for the horror he had to endure... back then.)
Today, we put his new "UVA/UVB" bulb in the fixture over his house too. I can't say, one way or the other, whether it will make any particular difference in his health or conditions, but I DID notice that he appears to really like it! One of the claims I've been reading is that the "UVA" helps him see truer colours. That might be a fact (though I can't say because it doesn't effect my own vision) because Yonah seemed a bit more "lively" with it on. Right away, he seemed to "take notice" of more around the room and he did become a bit more active during the day. And the "UVB" is supposed to help him with calcium absorption and vitamin D production. Well, over our time together, I've seen the claims that all of this is true, and I've seen the claims that it isn't. What- or which-ever the case, I left it on from noon until 20.00. (There's supposed to be a "burn-in time" for the first-use, of 10 days at 10-12 hours per day. The "UVB out-put" is the strongest at that point and it's recommended that the distance between the bulb and where-ever Yonah will perch be adjusted ... farther away at first. Well his regular floor lamp is plenty tall enough and so, although we don't necessarily "need" the bulb now, if it helps my Little Guy in any way... we'll give it a try.) At any rate, he DOES seem to "approve" and so... I can only hope it WILL help him... not only with "vision" but with general health, over-all. As I say: Nothing is too good for my Little Guy and nothing is good enough for him.
So, we had a really good day together today. And, as we've done, we had our evening meals together. I'm keeping a most-careful watch now as to whether or not he eats properly since I was made aware of the "fracture" in his beak. It's still not obvious and it doesn't appear to effect his eating other than he obviously has some difficulty holding some of the seeds he eats. (The "damage" and "injury" inflicted is... well, I'll refrain from making any "particular" comments, but I'll believe that they're already understood.) He did, I'm happy to say, eat his "regular diet" tonight and he does have a really good appetite. All I can do now is watch, and, if need be, get deeper into researching repairs and treatment and hope that what-ever damage was caused will, over time, "repair".
Again, tonight, we didn't go out to the yard for evening sun. First and foremost, I'm leery about getting him back into his "old house" again too soon after the fiasco on Thursday. I know that he has some recollection of being attacked in the back yard, he's made that more than abundantly clear from the times we'd gone to the nack door and he became some-what agitated. Now, I have to be aware of any association he might make with going into the old house and the events that took place on Thursday. But the Yardies didn't come round until quite late this evening, so it would have been lonely for Yonah out there. And there wasn't all that much sun-shine either. And with the new light, well... it had been on for a good 8 hours all day and he was in and out, under it, so he DID get a "healthy dose" of his "UV light"... if these bulbs are at all true to claims.
It was about 19.30 when, from his door perch, Yonah called... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... it was time to settle-in for the night, so, I got to the water relay and the usual tasks of our evening and we did just that... "settled-in" and "settled-down" for the late evening. I closed the blinds, put up the night boards, put the desk lamp on...
By 20.20, he'd had his little "before seepie-nigh-night snack" and was up on his perch in his "night roost", so, with hugs, kisses, snuggles, cuddles... and a soft but most-sincere assurance that all is well, he's home in his safest place, protected from all, and my thanks to him for becoming my "Life", I closed the door to his house and put turned his little light off.
We made it to another "anniversary"... and now, we're on our way into 1 year and 11 months... we're approaching our 2-year anniversary! AND, IF OUR CALCULATIONS ARE CORRECT... YONAH'S 2nd BIRTH-ANNIVERSARY! If nothing else, he's made it past the "18-month" life expectancy in the wild... and WE'VE made it past that point too.
And tonight, yes, again, I prepared his futon... for another night of being together... through the night.
Sunday 14 August:

WHAT A GLORIOUS MORNING! Last night, again, I slept on Yonah's futon, and didn't set an alarm so that we could both wake, when we were rested. And at 6.00 this morning, on the mark, I was softly awakened by a call of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo". (One of these days, I'll have to record his morning call and set that as my "alarm sound". It truly IS the MOST MAGNIFICENT sound to hear, first thing in the morning.)
When I didn't move immediately, he called again and in my best "morning voice", I answered: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... to which I received his "woo-HOO!" It was time... "Get up! Open the blinds! There's a day out there and we need to let it in!" And so, with a quick toss of the blankets, on this almost chilly, 10° but clear-sky morning, I was up. And as I opened his door, another "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". We were both DELIGHTED to be in each-other's company, first thing of a morning. Kisses! Cuddles! Snuggles! I got gentle pecks on the nose and about the face, and my Little Guy got every kiss I had to give. He's "recovering" from the

trauma of Thursday, at last! (And a LOT better and quicker than I, to be sure.) And, although his feathers are still not quite as they ought to be, even those are beginning to look a bit "improved". But what gives me strength is when, after our morning greetings, he went to have a bite of breakfast as I opened the blinds, removed the night boards and settled his house for the morning.
(I went back to the futon for a bit more of a lie-down since the morning was calm and Yonah was free to wander at will. At just about 7.00, he called me again, as if to say "You're wasting a LOT of time over there. We haven't have much peaceful time together for the past 2 weeks. Hey!" It was time to get up and get this day rolling! And he was absolutely correct. I had tasks that needed attending... and TIME TOGETHER for the rest of the day. Our Sunday was officially "OPEN"! And I was indescribably THRILLED! Time with my BESTIE! And he appeared to be ever-so well. Nothing more was necessary, as far as I was concerned!)
We had a really GREAT day together, all day, today. I had SO MUCH to be done at the work table, and we took breaks for cuddles and snuggles and Luvins. We had our evening meals together, and this evening, because I'm still so un-sure about getting Yonah back into his old house and into the yard, we skipped that. There really wasn't much sun until later anyway. The usual evening clouds rolled over the Western mountains and the other doves in the yard didn't come round until after 19.00 so by then, it really was too close to "seepie-nigh-night" time. I put his new "UV Light" on for the hour he'd be out-side, instead. BUT, when the sun DID manage to break through for a while, my Little Guy took flight and as I ran the evening water relay, he perched on his limb in the living-room where the sun shone in through the sheers, brightly. The front door was open, the screen, of course, on the latch, so he had the little bit of breeze as the air moved softly and the sun-light shone all around him. No "good substitute" for actual sun-shine, but, tomorrow's forecast looks favourable and we'll make sure to take our share of it... even if it's during the day. If UV and sun-shine are a benefit to my little Heart-and-Soul, he'll have as much of both as we can humanly provide.
Well! It was a "reluctant" sort of "seepie-nigh-night" tonight. My Little Guy eventually made his way back to his room as the sun had set behind the mountains, but he wasn't "ready for tuck-in" just yet, so we sat, together, on his futon for a bit of play time with the little dove pillow. And as we talked a bit, he

headed over to the back of the futon where he stared at me, head tilted... I, of course, took advantage of the situation and gave some kisses... which inspired him to take flight to his extended perch on his house. And when I got there, he headed for the top of his door. It took about 20 minutes before he finally headed back into his house and to his perch. But there, it was definitely "tuck-in" and so... blinds closed already, when I'd done the water relay whilst he was in the living-room, back board on too, all that was left was the roof board and, in moments, that was up and all was done for the day... 20.23. Kisses and cuddles and lights out. My little Heart-and-Soul was safe and sound f or another night... and his futon, all set for me in a short while.
That said, I just want to add here that I've posted my "Upstate Animal Medical Center review" on "TrustPilot" this evening. That said, TrustPilot notifies the business of the review... now, let the what-ever is to come, commence (and honestly, sincerely, I seriously believe that IF anybody there actually sees the "review"... they'll simply ignore it).
OH... This evening, Yonah was "nibbling" on the "beak" of the dove pillow and it appears that that much is OK. His beak isn't giving him trouble with that so... I'll just continue to keep a MOST CAREFUL watch of the situation. AND, this evening, I ordered a little "mirror heater" for him. Fascinating concept: a heated mirror. I'm anxious to see how well (or not) it works. The night's are taking a chill... and I want to be prepared.
For now, tonight, my Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound and well be "seepie-nigh-night" together again. (And we'll see how "things" progress and when I can return to my bed-room... for now though... I'm just as happy as can be... knowing that, first thing in the morning, the first thing I'll see is my Little Guy... my little Heart-and-Soul. I hope he'll be as thrilled as I am.)
Monday 15 August:
It was a perfect night, last night, on Yonah's futon. And this morning, he woke me with a couple of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's". He must know that I'm there and he KNOWS whether I'm awake or not. But what a GLORIOUS sound to wake to, first thing in the morning! Just PERFECT!
One thing that concerns me though: this morning, at 3.45, I was awakened by the sound of him fluttering about in his house. Something must have startled him in his sleep and when I went over to him, he was at the door to his house, on his floor. Off his perch. I looked in, opened the door, gave him some assuring kisses. He was fine. But I want to know what caused him to wake, startled, in the dark! I wouldn't doubt he has recollections of being mishandled on Thursday, and I HOPE that that will all pass... soon.
I've ordered a little "heated mirror" for him. Something to take the night chill away. This morning's temperature was only 9° out-side. His room was 22° though. Still, even 22° is a bit on the "cool" side for him and I won't have him being uncomfortable... especially now, while he's "recovering" from his "trauma". (I just hope the "positive product reviews" stand here, for the mirror we get, and not the negatives. But, the only way to find out is to give it a try.)
All said though, his "wake-up" call came at 5.58 and he appears to be fine this morning. We have some challenging days ahead, with his new "milk thistle" for his liver and what-ever else I can do for his feathers and general well-being... not to mention, the chilly nights coming. But no matter what... we're together, and I'll do my absolute best for him. We're on our own again now... until and unless I can find a "proper" veterinarian some-where. It doesn't look likely though. Gone are the days of "compassion and empathy". The world of people has changed... and not for the better. If I could just lock us away from it all... maybe just find us both a little piece of the wilderness... My Little Guy is the BEST companion possible... and I can only hope that I'm the same for him.
Well then... and SO... Today... Yonah's "meal worms" arrived! Addressed to him and all! What an experience that was! First, trying to get the cardboard tube open (I've never done such a thing and tried a tin opener and butter knife and finally got the container open... then, put the worms into a small, plastic container with some oatmeal. I covered the container with a piece of window screening held in place with rubber bands and put it all into the fridge (as recommended/suggested on-line). They were ALL alive on arrival! Poor little things. What they must have gone through. Tomorrow, to market. They need a piece of potato too... for moisture... to drink.< br /> I put two into Yonah's house to see what he would do with/about them... It appears I'm going to have to "teach" him to eat them. He shows no interest in them, even though they move, and he pecked at one, a few times. But no attempt to eat. His beak seems to be fine for eating... he's been eating quite well again, at last. I suppose since he's never seen a meal worm and nobody ever showed him that they're edible... yes, I' going to have to try to teach him about these little delicacies. Should be interesting.
The best part of the day: after work (only 2 hours away), we got to spend the rest of it together! Just the two of us! And so, I got busy with a LOT of work that's been put aside these past couple of weeks... and my Little Guy was in his house, on my shoulder, in the living-room... the "trauma" is finally passing. I'm relieved about that.
One thing I have noticed: the little areas on his wings where the feathers were missing (and that "vet" plucked even more) are looking a little bit better. Not "reassuringly better" but just the slightest bit better. I'm just SO GRATEFUL that it isn't interfering with Yonah's flight (and he's making it obvious that he's still QUITE able to fly about... and that's GLORIOUS!).
And he was playful quite often during the day today too. THAT'S ALWAYS a lift to my heart!
So we had out time together, I tried for a 20-minute snooze but, well, after all the time we've been so busy of late, "snooze" was NOT something Yonah "approved", so it was a more a "lie-down/play-time". No complaints from me, to be sure.
And this evening, we had our meals together. I wanted to get out to the yard, to catch some sun-shine, since the sun-sets are earlier now, but I was rather leery of bringing my Little Guy to his old house again, afraid that he might associate it with t he horrors of Thursday. But, I thought, the only way to know for certain is to try, and so, I cleaned his old place up nicely, fresh kitchen roll on his "floor", a dish of fresh food and I set his "stand" up in the yard. When I went to get him, he was perfectly fine as I carried him, softly and gently, to the futon where his old house waited and when I got him to it, he seemed only slightly reluctant. But when we went through the kitchen and out the back door to the yard... it seemed that all was well! He was SO HAPPY being in the sun-shine, surrounded by what is now "familiar" trees and grass, and the angle of the warm sun. He coo'ed quite a few times, which gave me the sense that he WAS OK there and was calling for the other doves and with-in moments, he was settled-down and basking. Yes, all was well... we WERE "back to normal"... at last.
So I brought a chair out and the lap-top to get some of his journalling done, and as we sat, five mourning doves came by to visit and to eat. It was a most peaceful situation. And his "Lady Dove" came along, and watched Yonah from her usual vantage points. It seems she "knows" and "expects" him out there of an evening, and he too, seems happy to know that she comes round, even though she doesn't get too close. (I have to wonder what "we'll" do, come the Winter months... I'd SO like to "invite her in" but thus far, the only way it seems that would be is to "capture" her... and I will NOT do that! So... as the days shorten and cool, we'll just have to see what's to come.)
My Little Guy was out this evening until the sun actually dipped behind the Western mountains! 90 minutes this evening! Better than the "UV Light", to be sure. And he seemed to enjoy it so. So, as long as there's sun-shine, we'll make a point of getting "his share".
Back in the house though, he wasn't really ready for "seepie-nigh-night" and was still flying about at 19.45. His "Lady Dove" was still out-side so we waited for a while. His house was all set for the night though, blinds closed, back board up, desk lamp on... Fresh water in pool and dish. (I have NO idea what ever happened to the 2 meal worms though... they've "disappeared". I hope he managed to eat them, but, I'm sure they'll "turn up" when we get to house-keeping...)
By 20.18 it was "time". Yonah was on his perch, at his "night roost", so, with a kiss and cuddle, the desk lamp was turned off for the relatively warm night ahead. My little Heart-and-Soul, in his home, safe and tucked-in for another night of care-free (we hope) rest. And me? Well, I'm looking at another night on his futon... I sleep well there, knowing that I'm immediately available... should any need arise and, I have to say, I rather believe Yonah enjoys knowing I'm in the room too.
Tuesday 16 August:
Well... today "officially" opened at 5.45 with a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"!!! Now if THAT isn't something to say, I don't know what is. And my Little Guy was in a mood for chatting! The volley of "woo-hoo's" seemed to go on for a small eternity! Somebody (somebirdie) got a really good night's restful sleep and it was a pure JOY to hear him, so vociferous, engaged. And when I got to open his door to our new day together, there were kisses and snuggles and BOTH of us, apparently, were quite happy about it all.
And "morning routine" got under way... water relay and tidying after opening the blinds to the some-what warm and light morning out-side. It wasn't "clear skies", sadly, but the sun was making a bit of an appearance here and there and the clouds were just thin enough that they couldn't stop a sun-rise from shining through the trees and across the little "park" across the road.
Now, if only we could "heal" the places where feathers are missing, to get all things back to the way they were prior to our "adventure" with "Dr. Phairie-princess" on Thursday-past. But, Yonah has a good appetite, in spite of the injuries inflicted and the damage to his beak. He eats quite well (though I'm still grinding a lot of his seed mixes to make them easier for him to pick-up and eat), and obviously, his mood is light. There's some "milk thistle" on the way in, and fresh "probiotics" on the order for his little tummy. "Hope"... we still hold tightly to that, and with mornings like this, "Hope" glows brightly.
It was a comfortable morning too. Not at all "chilly", as have been some of the more recent days. And last night was quite comfortable too. The little bit of "Summer" that we have here, in The North Country, is holding tightly, keeping things tolerable. These are the days not un-like days in stories written. And my little Heart-and-Soul keeps them (and me) very much alive.
And I made it through a morning's work, away, for a couple of hours, and when I got back, Yonah was resting in his little nest box. When I walked into his room, he hopped down to his door perch to meet-and-greet me and we cuddled and kissed... and I changed into "house clothes", poured a coffee and came into his room to settle for the rest of the day... together! And I worked on quite a bit of journalling that needed to be caught-up with. These days, this month, has been so hectic and so much was simply "noted" through and at the end of the days. But it gives more reason for me to be at the work table... with my BEST COMPANION... and he seems to enjoy our time together. In fact, at one point, he came over, perched on my shoulder and watched the screen of the lap-top as if "checking"... spelling, punctuation, grammar... facts? (I tend to think he's just fascinated by the way the little "black marks" - letters - appear and seem to "move" across the screen. No matter. What-ever it is, he enjoys watching and I TRULY DELIGHT in having him close.)
We managed a 20-minute snooze this after-noon too! I, with head on pillow, and Yonah on my leg. I "woke" to feel and see him there, on my leg, just below my knee... as comfortable as he could be. So I laid still until he decided to toddle up to my chest and then hop up onto the pillow where he "greeted" the "pillow dove" and since his attentions were taken else-where, I got up and got back to my own tasks at hand.
The day just drifted by, the two of us together, in his room, and the sun shone and then faded slightly as the time did, pretty much, the same.
This evening, we took a break at day's end, and we had our evening meals, catching-up on the world news, as we do... There was no rush this evening... the forecast looked dreary with showers and a threat of a storm. And the skies did darken for a bit, clouds blotting out the sun-shine. So, instead of going out and risking getting caught in some sudden down-pour, the new "UV Light" was turned on for about 2 hours.
The light DOES make a marked difference in Yonah's general mood, I have to say. He 's much more "animated", flying about the room, hopping on his perches. No doubt it's the "colours that he's seeing clearer" with the light on. For me, I'm happy that he's happy and I'm even happier knowing that the UV is helping him, as would the sun, with his vitamin D and calcium needs. (Tomorrow, according to notice, his "milk thistle" is due... I'm anxious to get him started on that just in case he has any of the liver troubles so common to birds.) So, he has his "UV" now, milk thistle coming, and in the fridge, mashed sweet potato for his vitamin A and other nutrients. We also have fresh eggs to boil... yolks... more vitamin D and protein! (He doesn't seem to have ANY interest in the meal worms... but there are lessons on "culinary appreciation" coming... I'm still uncertain how I'll "teach" him to enjoy one or two, but, for my Little Guy... NOTHING is impossible... He's proving that every moment of every day...)
Meanwhile, out-side this evening, about 5 of the "Yardie" flock of doves arrived for a while. They all went and had their dinner, and Ms. Lady Dove toddled about as if she were looking for Yonah. Times ahead will be extremely challenging... when the sun sets earlier... and then... come the snows. But we'll think of something. And the Yardies will always have plenty of good food available... even through Winter. (Some of what they get is what Yonah doesn't eat after a day or 2. There's nothing wrong with any of it and, as it's listed on his "Nourishment" pages on his site, it truly IS "Top Quality" so... out-side, they'll be well-cared-for... And I'm making plans on building some sort of "dove roost"... with a bit of heat... for the bitter days and nights. Nothing "too warm"... just something enough to make their little lives a little easier.)
At about 19.00, I switched... Yonah's desk lamp on, the UV light out so that the room could "darken" with the setting sun... and at about 19.45, no more "bird-songs" or radio... calm, quiet... before seepie-nigh-night. Yonah was on his futon...
I was busy at the work table for a while, and in the silence, I looked-up to see him, on his roof-top platform, staring down at me. I could almost "hear" the thought: "Hey! Y'know... it's time to wrap this day up!" It was already almost 20.00! So I closed the blinds, put up the back board and got his house ready for the night and when done, I brought his little platform into his house so that he could hop over to his perches... and no sooner had I done, he was over at his food... "bed-time snack time". I'm just relieved to see him still eating so well, in spite of the damage inflicted on his little beak. (I keep remembering the "advice" from that "vet": "If he isn't eating in a week, bring him back in." As if I'd EVER "bring him back" to THAT!) Anyway, by about 20.15, he'd eaten his fill and was over on his perch, getting settled for the night, so I put the roof board on and, being as BRILLIANT as he is, he situated him-self at his night "roosting" spot... Door closed, the only thing left to do was to turn off the desk lamp and... in short order, that was done. In the darkness, I opened the door, leaned in, whispered "You sleep well tonight. OK? Everything's good. Everything's safe. You can just rest now. I LOVE you SO MUCH!" and we exchanged a few kisses... I moved back away, closed the door to his house... My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for another night of good, restful sleep. Together, we'd made it through yet, another day.
And the forecast is for some storms possible through the night, though, at the moment, it's calm, just a few passing clouds and wonderfully warm and comfortable... a perfect little night for a Perfect Little Knight.
Wednesday 17 August:
It looks like our "Autumn days" are approaching, just from the hour they "officially" begin. This morning, the "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" came at 6.03! Our 5.00AM starts are becoming a thing of the past. But, for me, no matter the time of day, as long as the "morning call" is clear and strong, my heart is light and equally as strong. My Little Guy is OK, and had a good night's rest... though I didn't sleep on his futon last night.
And this morning was a FULL of "conversation" as I attended our "morning routine" of opening the blinds to the mostly-grey morning, and very much through the couple of hours we had together before I had to leave for work (which, as always, I did, with great reluctance... of course.)
This evening, Yonah's Milk Thistle arrived! I managed to find capsules that contain nothing other than milk thistle, ground to almost a powder, no additives or fillers, and the capsules are the common "gelatin"... the ingredients list the capsules as "cellulose and water", nothing more, nor less. I'm comforted and so happy to have found it. So I discarded the ground seeds that were in his dish (they went out to the Yardies, of course), put in fresh, opened a capsule and sprinkled the contents onto the fresh food. GOOD NEWS! My Little Guy took to the fresh seeds with the Milk Thistle as though there was nothing added! Straight away! AND, before "seepie-nigh-night" he had some more! It's only a total of "250mg" mixed in with much more seeds, so I don't worry about him getting too much of the "thistle" too soon. BUT, WE'VE STARTED THE "THERAPY"! And, in my research during the day, I've learnt, today, that although the "effects" can take a few weeks to a couple of months to be truly noticeable, they can be seen in a matter of a couple of weeks. SO... my little Heart-and-Soul's liver is on its way to being protected and if there's something "amiss"... on the way to being healed! I'm quite delighted! We have a 2-month supply, at one capsule per day. But I'm thinking that, with the way it is in his food, we'll change food every other day (because there's nothing to "soil" it and there's always plenty of it, since Yonah likes to eat when he likes, and, in our almost 2 years together, he's not gotten "fat"... at 114gm, according to the "vet", so all is quite well in that respect). But I AM rather excited that he's now getting his "UVA/UVB" lighting for vitamin D and "calcium absorption", and now, something to help protect his liver. I'm learning... He's teaching.
And so, as for our day, well... I had my 2 hours away for work and the moment I returned, I could tell I was missed and my return was GREATLY appreciated. And all through the rest of the morning, into and through the after-noon, I made sure to make as much time together with my "Bestie Companion". We had a LOT of snuggles, cuddles, kisses, play time breaks. I had a great many tasks to attend to today, but, there were considerably more "breaks" than tasks, and we BOTH enjoyed our time together! To be sure!
We didn't go out to the yard this evening because of the gathering clouds. I don't want my Little Guy out there, in case a sudden down-pour should come rushing in. But at 17.00, when we sat to our evening meals, I put his "UV" light on. At least he can enjoy the benefits of that, and with the UVB, he gets his vitamin D, with the UVA, I can't even imagine what the room must look like, since I'm to understand that's the spectrum that helps him see all those colours only birds can detect. And I do have to say that there IS a noticeable change in his mood when that light is on. He's more "active", seems happier. So... that was an investment more than "well-worth" it all.
Oddly enough, I waited this long to get this "specialised" bulb because I'd seen so many references claiming that they aren't truly necessary, and some claiming that they make no difference at all. Well, I can say, from direct experience that, although they're really no substitute for "sun", this bulb does appear to make a positive difference in my Little Guy's demeanour. And so, he'll be sure to have it available... especially when the Winter months come along and days are so much shorter. (Although, in Winter, the sun does tend to POUR in through his windows during the day... short as our Northern days are. But no matter the weather out-side, my little Heart-and-Soul will have his own "personal sun-shine" for as many hours as he wants and needs.
"Tuck-in" this evening, at 20.20, was a bit on the "reluctant" side. My Little Guy's been quite in a mood today for "togetherness". Personally, it's been a PURE DELIGHT, I'm always in my own little Utopia when he actually wants to be together. But again, after closing the blinds and putting-up the back board, I had to move him along, on his roof-top platform, into his house. And it was quite the sight. I moved him down and in, and rested the little platform across his perches and he was facing the window all the way, so that, when he was in his house, he was "suddenly" facing the beige back board... and he seemed perplexed. How was this possible? He didn't fly, nor did he walk any-where , but there he was, instead of facing the blinds and window, in front of him was a solid beige board! It took him a moment, so it seemed, to gather his bearings. But as soon as he realised where he was, he toddled over to the little mirror on his "loft platform" in the corner and pecked at the reflection there. It was almost as if he were saying "Did you see that? One moment I'm looking out the window, the next thing I know... here WE are!" Oh, but he's a never-ceasing source of some degree of amusement. And he "adjusted" in the shortest while and was off, shuffling across his perch to his night roosting spot...
Kisses and a few snuggles, which he apparently enjoyed tremendously (like a little kid who wants to postpone getting into bed at day's end with all sorts of "Luvins"), and, the desk lamp turned off and, as we did, out-side, the soft rains began to fall. A calm night ahead... and my little Heart-and-Soul all snug and safe for a good night's restful sleep... and tonight, with me on the futon again, to be "together" as much as we possibly can be.
Thursday 18 August:
6.03 on a cloudy, comfy cool-warm August morning, and the house filled with the GLORIOUS sound of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo".My little Heart-and-Soul was up, awake, and calling to get on with a new day! And OH! Was he ever "chatty" this morning! Not to mention, "affectionate"! It was one of "those" mornings with a LOT of kisses and snuggles when I got in, opened the door to his house and leaned in for our usual "Good morning kisses". If either of us had the time and tolerance, we probably could have spent the entire morning just snuggling, Yonah on his perch and me, leaning into his house. But, there were blinds to open, night boards to remove and waters to be changed to fresh! And, sadly, in a few hours, I had to leave for my 2 hours of work. Oh, but it was GLORIOUS, this morning, to be SO welcomed! And to know that my Little Guy obviously had a restful night's sleep last night. THAT ALWAYS lifts my spirits in the morning and gives me what it takes to head into the world. Our little "flock" was well and fine. And as I went about my morning tasks, we continued our chatting, back and forth. A GRAND Thursday morning!
And so, we got to our "business" for the morning, and I had my coffee, attended to the rest of the house in the time we had together. Yonah had a nice bit of breakfast (which is another aspect of a morning that gives me even MORE encouragement), and, since I pay even more attention to his "morning poops", from the night before, I note that they were the "usual" number and "quality": all good. Now, I'll be scrutinising even closer, whilst we're trying the milk thistle. Today is "Day 2"... I'll be watching for ANY signs of improvement or... I'm just encouraged by all the information on milk thistle and hopeful that it will help to give my little Heart-and-Soul best-possible health. And, should all go well... we can move on to other things like "pro-biotics" and the likes. Hey! next week some-time will be his SECOND BIRTHDAY! (I wish I could know the date, for certain, but we'll take the week to observe and celebrate !!! (And we'll hope for, at least, another 3 years... together... so long as good health prevails.)
And so, when the time arrived, I took my leave and made quick work of the time away... and indeed, it was quick (though never quick enough for me). When I got back, my Little Guy was on his ledge, in his "nest box" taking it easy. And as I walked over to his house, he got up, came hopping over to his door for MORE SNUGGLES! There's NOTHING in Creation that could even compare to the warmth of being greeted by a Little One who's obviously happy to see you return. I changed into house-clothes and...
Being tired today, I managed to grab a 45-minute NAP! AND, Yonah "let" me snooze the time away! I will always believe, beyond all doubt, that he senses my fatigue (as does he sense my every emotion and feeling). What struck me today was that, when I woke, I didn't open my eyes and hadn't moved, but I was thinking of him, grateful for the time to rest that he gave me and, as I was thinking of him, he came over to the pillow and "roosted" at my head! Call it "coincidence", but I will believe that he some-how knew that I was thinking of him, and that I was awake. He's BRILLIANT! AND... AS I'VE SAID, A NEVER-ENDING SOURCE OF AWE!
I'm still grinding his seeds to make it easier for him to eat, and will continue until his beak recovers from the injuries and damage inflicted at the "vet", so I made another large "batch" of fresh seeds for him this afternoon. All of his mixes and such, except the milk thistle which I'll sprinkle on the next time I put food in his dish. I'm thankful to have that now and I want him to get the most out of it. We've enough for quite a while, so... I'll be watching to see how he tolerates it. (As his "poop" showed this morning, what he had yesterday is being tolerated just fine... but "time will tell".)
And so, for the rest of the day today, we were together... we had a "mid-day tea break" together as I worked at the work table. And we took MANY breaks for cuddles and to play on the futon. It was a most "together" sort of day, and the companionship couldn't have been more DELIGHTFUL!
The day had been quite over-cast, no actual sun-light, the breeze was actually warm and comfortable, but at about 16.00, I put his new "UV" light on so that he could get the benefits from that. After we had our evening meals, together, of course, the breezes had become rather strong, and there was still no clearing of the skies so we didn't go out to the yard. I'm thankful too, for the "UV" light now, and as the days grow shorter, we'll get the chance to gradually grow accustomed to the bulb" instead of going out. Come the cold weather, well, going out will become impossible. (Yonah's never had to actually experience a "full Winter's cold" so... But THIS Winter... "UV LIGHT"! And probably at a point in time when it will be even more important, considering his age.)
So the day rolled softly into the evening... and as I worked a bit more at the work table, Yonah had a little snack, flew about his room, we played together with his little "dove pillow" on his futon and he "roosted", on his door perch, almost at my side. At 19.00 we changed the waters in his pool and dish and settled-down for the later evening... preparing for "seepie-nigh-night" time.
And "seepie-nigh-night" tonight, yes, again, was another little "adventure". As the clock passed the 20.00 mark, my Little Guy was a-top his house, looking at me as if to say "Oh no. Not yet." But I managed to get him into the house, "via lift" as last night. He hopped off his roof-top platform, headed to his nest box and "assumed" his little "roosting" position, wings and tail a-flutter, and the little "woo-HOO!" So I left him to his own until 20.15 when, at last, I managed to "coerce" him over to his perch, to his "night roost". Blinds were already closed and night boards in place... We had a cuddle, a snuggle, kisses and... his desk light off... my little Heart-and-Soul all tucked-in for another night's sleep.
The end of our day is so difficult for me. I could stay with him all through the night... if only we didn't require SOME rest. He IS, after all, my "Heart and Soul", and even though I'm gone these days, for mere 2 hours, if I could, I'd be with him ALWAYS! But I know he needs his rest and so... well... for a night... at least he has his own room, away from the rest of the house where I'm moving about, putting things in order for the night. And he has his own room where he doesn't have to be disturbed by me moving about in my sleep. He has his own "house" where he's safe from any harm, anything that might happen over-night. And he's safe from predators... he can actually sleep... unaware of his surroundings, no need to remain on any alert. What I can provide for him isn't "perfect", I know. But it's the best I have ... humanly. He's my Love, my heart-beat, my Companion...
Friday 19 August:
I was up and about and, at 5.55 this morning, my BESTIE LITTLE GUY was up and about too, with a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo-hoo"! And the sun was only just beginning to shed some light on the world out-side our windows. No matter what the world held in store for us, just that "woo-HOO" made it all just perfectly wonderful, just as it does on EVERY morning. Yonah had had a good night's rest and was obviously feeling "OK" first thing. That was ALL I needed to know.
And kisses for the morning greeting! More chat as we opened the blinds, freshened the waters and got into the routine of the day just brightened every-thing. When a day begins with a call and a conversation, there's nothing that can spoil it. And nothing compares to the JOY that the sound of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo", clear and strong.
It was another "work day" for me, so, with our morning time together, my Little Guy and I had our "morning nourishments" together. He had his breakfast, I had my coffee and we attended to the little chores at hand. When it was my time to leave, more kisses and assurances that I'd be right next door (true, that, I'm quite blessed in that I DO work so close), and that I'd be back as quickly as possible. As I left, Yonah was "resting" in his nest box, which is, as a rule, his favourite place in the house... his and the rest. (I'm always a bit amazed at how much one simple, little, "custom-made" cardboard box can provide such a place of "comfort" to him. Honestly, he truly is easy to please... even though many have said that I tend to go a little "beyond" for him. No such thing. As I've always said: Nothing is too good, nothing is good enough for my little Heart-and-Soul.)
When I got home, just before noon, he was on his little corner loft platform, enjoying the sun-shine there, and for the rest of our day, I went about daily house-hold chores... with MANY breaks, to spend time together. Again, I wish I could spread the word round the world, to every ear and heart, stressing how much "COMPANIONSHIP" means to these little Lives. Yonah SO obviously appreciates our time together, truly delights in our "play time". And, to be honest, those are my most favourite moments in any and every single day. There's nothing more calming, soothing to the heart and soul, than the affection and company of this Little Guy. And seeing him, "living in the moment", content, after all the horror he's experienced in his life... it's more an inspiration than ANY other. I AM "Blessed", as well as honoured and humbled.
Well, the day went by, as days do, entirely too quickly, and before I knew it, we were sitting together, me at the work table, Yonah on his little ledge... "evening meals"... together.
There was just enough time with the evening sun-shine to get out for a bit and grab about an hour, so at 18.05, I set his stand up, brought him out in his "old house" where he could soak in the warm rays of light of the early-evening sun. Ms. Lady Dove came by for most of the 90 minutes Yonah was out there. But as she does, she spent most of her time eating at the feeder. But as she ate, Yonah held a bit of a conversation with another Mr. Dove who was some-where out in the trees! The "banter" was, to me, fascinating: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" back and forth. It does my heart good to hear Yonah communicating with other mourning doves.(I just SO wish I could know, for certain, whether or not another dove here, in the house, with him, would be the right move. I'm told that he "doesn't need anybody else. He's so attached to you and he obviously is doing well with you." But when I hear the other doves, and he calls to them... well... I keep the opportunity to get another dove open. Another mourning dove would be perfect, but... unless another is injured and in need of help and can't be "released back"... we'll have to keep an open eye and see what comes along. One day... perhaps.)
When, at about 19.30, we came back into the house. the sun had already JUST set behind the Western mountains, as I do, I put his old house on his futon and opened the door, stepped out of the room to straighten the kitchen. I'd already run the "water relay" and his house was quite settled and tidy. Yonah headed right out and into his house and to the little mirror in the corner for a brief "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". It's almost as if he goes in to let the little reflection know that he's returned. And once done, he headed to the living-room... for a brief "chat" with the decoys on the limb there. Letting EVERYBODY know "I was out for a while, but I've returned! All's well." (More cause for me to ponder another dove.)
It wasn't long before he was back, in his room, on his roof-top, and by then, it was time to settle things for seepie-nigh-night. So whilst Yonah supervised from his roof-top, and then from his futon, I closed the window blinds and put the back board up, turned his desk lamp on. He knew... it was the close of another day. But again, this evening, he was a bit hesitant about "tucking-in" and instead of going in for his usual "snack", he insisted on staying on his roof-top. So... again... this evening, I gave him a few extra moments out, and when the clock market 20.00, I came back to him and as we've done before, I lifted the roof-top platform, with him on it, brought it into his house and rested it across his perches. When he realised what had happened, he hopped onto his corner loft platform, went over to the reflection in the mirror, there, and gave a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... I couldn't help but think he was saying "Did you see THAT? Did you see how THAT happened? One minute I'm on the roof, and now I'm HERE... and I didn't move a feather, raise a wing, take a step! Magic!"
Well, from there, it was a bit of hopping to his nest box, then over to his food, back to his loft and finally, I managed to coerce him over to his perch where, in seconds, he was at his night-roost spot. 20.12... We exchanged kisses, I close the door to his house, more kisses, the desk lamp off... My little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for a good night of safe rest. And it was to be a nice, warm night so... at the close of the day... all was, most certainly well. Tomorrow? Well... it's my "long" day... 3 hours away at work. But, I'm sure Yonah is adjusting to this "new routine" of ours and knows that, though he has the entire house for a while, I'll be right back. (It's said, in my searches, that he doesn't actually sense the length of time I'm away... but... from my own observations and experiences of these almost-2-years... I'd have to say... that's wrong. My absence is noticed... return, appreciated... or maybe it's just that I'm so elated when I return that that's what Yonah senses. We'll never know for certain but no matter... I miss him when I'm away, for any length of time, and he's always been happy to greet me when I return. That's really all that's important.
Saturday 20 August:
I was off to work... and the day promised to be HOT... (30's... and indeed, it DID get that hot!) Sun-shine all day though. That was good. When I got back, my Little Guy was in his nest box and when I walked into his room for "Hello Kisses" he came over and I got "a face full"! We're both so glad to be in each-other's company. I managed to grab an entire hour's snooze today! After a bit of play-time when I laid down. The rest of the day was work at the work table to get things settled, in order, neat in Yonah's room. There's another batch of river sand that got the "thrice-boiled" and then... because I want it available during the week for our "major house-keeping" that's coming for "Birthday Week", I managed to get it "twice-baked", to dry and make certain that there's no bacteria or any sort of parasites in it. "NOTES for today:
We started the milk thistle on Thursday. I sprinkled it on top of Yonah's regular seed mix, which I'm still grinding, for the most, and waited to see whether or not he'd eat his food with it on there. (He tends to not eat well when there's cod liver oil on his food so I wanted to make sure he got this new "addition", since it's supposedly quite good for him... though it's not the vitamin A he needs and he doesn't particularly like the mashed sweet potato either... picky little eater that he is). It appears the milk thistle is being tolerated. Yonah's general mood is TERRIFIC! He's energetic, vociferous, flying ALL about the place AND HE'S EATING SO WELL! This morning, I took out the little bit of food that was in his dish, put in fresh, added more milk thistle. The "plan" is to do this every other day for at least a week and keep watch of "poops" and his mood.
This morning's "poop check" gave us 5 little "poops", 4 of them "normal, regular", but one was a bit softer than the others. The colour is still quite good... nothing out of the "ordinary". But I'll be keeping a most-careful watch.
And this evening, I ordered the powdered version of the "BeneBac" for him. "Pro-biotics" which I'm to understand help reduce the "negative bacteria" in his digestive system. The "vet" had sold us a "syringe-style" version that's supposed to be put on Yonah's beak so that he ingests it, but, after the damage inflicted to his beak, I don't want to do anything that might cause further damage or any discomfort to him. The powder can be sprinkled on his food... so... I'll let him handle that. The other thing I've learnt is that it's highly recommended before and after any sort of "travel" or abrupt changes in "routine". Rather like people... when we get "digestive issues" from travel, or any sudden changes to our own routines. So, I'm hoping that much of the "troubles" the "vet" claimed, were caused by the long journey, strange vehicle, strange voices... and the after-math of the trauma of being abusively "mishandled", the clipping and injury to his beak and the "plucking". (It's a wonder my Little Guy is as good as he is after all that!)
His "missing feathers" aren't coming back too quickly, but my readings claim that it might take a full moulting for them to be replaced properly... and I believe there's on of those coming in the next couple of months.
I'm just relieved and comforted seeing him eating so well, in spite of the injuries/damage to his beak. And I'm hoping that the alleged "fracture" is something that will soon "grow out", as I'm to understand is the only way it will actually "heal".

Meanwhile... tonight, again, was a little "ride" from the roof-top to the perches, but it wasn't quite as much an ordeal. Looks like Yonah's getting accustomed to the "ride home" in the evening. I'd no sooner put his platform on his perches when he was off and over to his nest box and then to check on his food. So, since the blinds were already closed and the back board up, I put the roof board on, removed the platform, closed the door to his house and gave him a few more moments to "settle".
When I went back in at about 20.05, he was already on his perch... at his "night roost" spot... so... desk lamp turned off... KISSES... KISSES... and some more KISSES... I stepped away to prepare his futon where I'm planning on spending the evening.
It's supposed to be another warm one so I'm grateful for that. (His new "heater/mirror" is due on Monday, but from the looks of the forecast, we won't be "needing" it for a while... though I'm going to try to set it up and have it ready for when the night temperatures drop.) And I'm looking forward to being with my little Heart-and-Soul through the night and seeing him... first thing in the morning.
For tonight, he's all tucked-in for a good night's rest... the way it always ought to be and how I'll see to it that it is... for as long as we are together... my Heart-and-Soul... my heart-beat... my "Being".
Sunday 21 August:
mourning dove 2022 21 Augustmourning dove 2022 21 AugustThere seems to be a "common pattern" developing here of late... this morning, again, 5.55 and the "morning call" came: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". Yes, that long, too! But it's the "5.55" hour that catches my attention now. This is 3 days? Same time. It's as if my Little Guy has an "alarm clock" of his own, some-where, set. "Official sun-rise" this morning (I check these things, to see how Yonah's waking and sleeping hours coincide) was at 6.12. He's up before "sun-rise"! But, I'll be watching now, even more carefully, as the sun rises later... it'll be interesting to see. But the MOST important point in that he woke, and had quite enough energy to give a hearty LONG "Good morning" coo! THAT ALWAYS amazes and DELIGHTS me! He'd had a good night's restful sleep last night and that's SO important... to me... and surely to him.
I'd slept on his futon last night... no alarms. I wanted to sleep until he woke... So, by 6.00, we had the window blinds open and his house on the way to be "in order" for the day. I, however, wasn't quite ready to get on with the day yet, and so, after I got his windows opened, night boards put away, door perch on... I went back to his futon for a bit of an extra "lie-down"... AND, I was "granted" an entire HOUR! I laid my head down, Yonah was still on his perch, after "Good morning kisses", and, although he was obviously "awake" he wasn't in much of a rush to get to the day either. So, it might be that he too, took advantage of the opportunity and had a bit of an extra "rest" as I took mine! How-ever... as I say, it was only but just about and hour when I was awakened by the sound of another "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! NOW, it was time to get busy! And so, water relays and general house-keeping and the day was under way!
This morning's "poop check" was SIX little "poops"! SIX! And ALL of them, good colour, good division of brown and white, not too much "moisture" on the white square of kitchen roll. So my Little Guy's little belly must be doing OK with this milk thistle he's been having for a few days. I'm happy to see that, since it means it's doing good for his liver too!
And this week, his "probiotics" are due to arrive and we'll be adding that to his little regimen of menus. (I've learnt that the best approach is to offer the probiotics every 3 days, so, we're already in the planning: switching his food with the milk thistle for the probiotics and then back to the milk thistle. The food with the probiotics is supposed to be disposed of after 8 hours, the dish, thoroughly washed, rinsed and dried before using again. Good that we have 2 dishes... one will be for "regular" food... with thistle, and the other, every 3rd day, with the probiotics. By Winter, I should think Yonah's little body will be quite healthy... although, I'm expecting a moult between now and then... and we'll be adding more protein... sun-flower seeds, peanuts and egg. Oh... my little LIFE! he keeps me busy, keeps me learning... keeps JOY and AWE in each and every day! Not to mention, a house PACKED with LOVE!
It turned to be a truly "hot" and humid sort of day today... up in the 30s again, with quite a bit of humidity. I got the morning tasks done early on and then moved into Yonah's room, to the work table where I had quite a bit more than "a bit" of things I needed to do and catch-up on. (This has been one almost tumultuous month, to be sure). Perfect... I got to catch-up... and I got to be with my little Heart-and-Soul all day. Nothing could be better than that! We don't get entire days together any more, other than Sundays, so... I was exactly where I should be.
And Yonah? Well... he seemed to enjoy the company and companionship all day! We took a break at mid-day for a little snack. I had mine at the work table, he had his at his ledge. And in between my working and our snacking, we played...
I can see that he's still "picking" at those spots on his wings and I'm wondering if the "new" picking isn't because of all of the turmoil this month... me being gone for entire days, the trip to the "vet"... her abuse... the heat, humidity... I'm HOPING that that's all it is because we're about to re-settle into a "new" daily routine where I'll be away every morning for about 2 hours. Fortunately, I don't have anything else to take me away for any length of time any more... and if asked to do so... well... that's going to be an out-right "No." Yonah and I have had a wonderful Life together. This new job isn't an absolute necessity so... we'll do just fine, as we did before, should the job be dropped from "OUR" routine. I'll be spending as much time with him as is humanly possible from now on and watching to make sure that he's in the best condition, the best mood, the best health... the most comfortable comfort. And that's that.
So that's really how our Sunday went... and the sky was, for the most part, over-cast, though we didn't get any "rain" until later on while we were having evening meals together. Of course... after, the sky stayed cloudy... no going out into the yard tonight again. But, I'd put his new "UV" light on later in the after-noon so there was that much to be salvaged of the day. (I'm so relieved to have that light now, and SO hopeful that it will help with Yonah's vitamin D... Now, to get his belly in shape and his beak so he can get back to his "calcium grit". Oh... little by little... We've made it through the horrors of him being attacked. He's made it through the horrors of being attacked and then drawn into a "human's" house. Yeah... we'll work through this too... together.)
And so then, after we'd done with our meals, we took a bit of a "break" for some play-time on the futon, with the pillow dove and I was allowed a 10-minute shut-eye... and then, with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" was "informed" that it was time to get up and get the water relay done and house tidied for the night! On-ward we went!
Another warm-but-humid night ahead tonight... the coming week is expected to cool bit. But no complaints, really. Now, it won't be much longer before the nights will be getting "cool" enough to close the house! I dread the very thought because we're just getting used to open windows and fresh air! BUT... tomorrow, the "replacement heater/mirror" is due to arrive! We'll get to try that out for a bit, see if it works, how warm it actually gets, where to position it for when it becomes necessary. I'm relived that we'll have that little extra warmth IN Yonah's house this Winter. (After all... THIS Winter he'll be about 2 years old! A year older than last Winter... and we all can use the comfort of a little extra warmth... as we accumulate a little extra "age".)
And in the week coming, we have another complete house-hold over-haul too! A little excitement... but... TOGETHER!
And so, by 19.30, the song-birds recordings were off, as well as the radio. Waters were fresh, house was tidy... and we settled to settle before seepie-nigh-night time... I at the work table... under the desk lamp... Yonah beside, in his door perch... a day closing as it should, as it ought to, as it was meant to... as it was before the month of August came rolling in to turn us all about.
At 19.55, I was "summoned"... it was time to close house, close shop, close the day, and although I received "the call", there was the "delay"... for a last-minute "cuddle" when I had to lift my Little Guy from his roof-top, and, holding him in my hands, gave him "Good night" kisses. He snuggled in and enjoyed the affections for the longest while. His house was already prepared for the night, blinds closed, boards installed... so I gently brought him to his little ledge... he hopped over to his perch and... after closing his door for the night, my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for another night of restful sleep. We made it through another day... together. The day-light was already done by 20.00 when his desk light was turned off. The days are truly grown shorter, the nights, longer. But in the house, in HIS house, this Little Guy was safe and sound... for a night of refreshing and replenishing rest. And tomorrow? Well... we'll deal with that as it presents. We're well and fine for the night ahead.
Monday 22 August:
WHAT A DAY! WHAT A DAY! WHAT...a...DAY!!! I can't really say, one way or the other, definitively, but it appears the milk thistle is doing SOMETHING to improves of the state of affairs round the place! Yonah has been SO FULL of ENERGY today... right from the first thing this morning through to "tuck-in"! It's been one INCREDIBLY AMAZING sort of day, all told.
Started at 6.25 this morning... with morning "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and a little volley of coo's from him to me and back and forth. He woke in a chatty sort of mood this morning. And, it was rather odd because, I'd been up for a while and was starting to really watch the clock. I'd closed the door to his room, as I do in the mornings. This morning, at 5.30, it was still quite dark and I had to turn on a light in the kitchen, but didn't want to disturb my Little Guy's rest. (Ah... "Summer" is slipping by us so quickly now.) As the hour approached 6.00, I was becoming a bit "concerned". After all t he days of "5.55" and the "morning call", well... But when that first "woo-HOO" came through the door, ALL, in Creation, was well and fine and WONDERFUL!
And Yonah was truly in a mood for chatting too... from the moment I entered his room, right through our "morning routine". There were things to tell... and how I SO wished I knew what he was telling! But there was plenty of it, and apparently, what-ever it was that I was saying in response either warranted a continuation of the conversation or, perhaps (more likely), he was asking "What's wrong with you? What are you talking about?" No matter... we were CONVERSING and my little Heart-and-Soul was in good spirits!
Morning "poop check" was a bit "concerning" though. Instead of the almost-usual 4 or 5 little "poops", this morning, there were SIX! They were good colour, consistency and a generally "perfect" combination of "brown and white". I have to wonder if, maybe, we can cut back on the milk thistle a bit... As it is now, Yonah gets at least some, every day... It's known to possibly cause diarrhoea (even in humans), so I want to make sure that my Little Guy doesn't get dehydrated or worse... malnourished, because his food is simply "passing through" his system. But it appears that he's digesting well... At any cause, when his probiotics come, we'll be switching things about anyway... either alternating between the milk thistle and the probiotics or.. some other regimen. (The probiotics, as I'm seeing, should be given the first time, then again, 3 days later... we could put the milk thistle in on the 'in-between' days... or... we shall see how it all works out. No matter what, we'll see to it that Yonah gets his food, his "meds" and all else he needs... To be absolutely certain!)
Anyway... as I say... a WONDERFUL start to the morning! And today, (sadly) was, for me, another "work day" so I was a little busy getting the house together and me prepared, along with other tasks... and at 8.36 I was taken by surprise...
I was sitting in the kitchen when... WOOSH... FLUTTER... WHISTLE... YONAH CAME SOARING THROUGH THE KITCHEN AND OFF INTO THE LIVING-ROOM! I WAS SO THRILLED! RESTED! ENERGETIC! FLYING! FIRST THING IN THE MORNING! IT LIFTED MY HEART AND SOUL! Little did I know... that was a "prelude" to what the day was to hold when I got back from work!
That said, when I DID get back in from work, there was my Little Guy... waiting for me as he heard me come in the back door of the house. "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!" INDEED! Of course, first line of duty... to get into his room for kisses and to let him know that I'm back in the house. WELL... SNUGGLES, LOVES, CUDDLES, AT HIS HOUSE... AT THE HIS DOOR PERCH! It was more like two old friends, separated for YEARS, finally meeting one-another! So I made quick business of changing out of "work clothes" and into "house clothes", getting me re-settled back in the house and moved into his room, with the lap-top... I had a LOT of work to do there, and so it seemed, Yonah was as happy to have me in his room as I was to be there!
As I worked, he was ALL OVER THE PLACE today! SO FULL of energy! In SUCH a GRAND state of mind and soul! Flights from his house to the little desk stand, where he stood, watching me and giving me wing snaps for MORE "Luvins" and play and affection! And then, off and over to his futon, for "woo-HOO's" with the little pillow dove. And, of course, I HAD to go over for play time. He SO enjoys the little bits of play we do with the dove pillow... as I "bob" it up and down, make coo's, playful little "pokes"... and he nibbles at the little "beak" on the pillow and pounces all over it, fluffs and ruffles his feathers, and preens... and then we play "Catch Me!"... followed my more cuddles, when I get to hold him and give him kisses on his head and he nuzzles against my chin. AND... OH MY! THE CHATS WE HAD ALL THROUGH THE REST OF THE DAY! The coo's, back and forth! I don't quite know what's gotten into him, but, he's REALLY coming to LIFE again! (Maybe it's the milk thistle? Maybe he's really feeling better these days? Or, maybe it's the "UV" light? More vitamin D? What-ever it is... IT'S AWESOMELY AWE-FULL! A PURE DELIGHT TO MIND, HEART AND SOUL!)
And today, the replacement for the new "Mirror/Heater" arrived... in perfect condition this time... nicely wrapped and packaged. I opened it up and plugged it in to "test" it. It doesn't seem to get too terribly "warm". He'll have to be directly next to it. And I'm not so sure that it'll "make up" for any extra warmth, come the truly colder weather. And it's not a "mirror" at all, rather, it's a highly-polished metal "case", similar to an over-sized mobile phone. Although, it is rather attractive, in its own right, and, I'm hopeful that it will give SOME extra warmth when the need presents. Now, we just have to figure out where to put it and how to "place" it... with the "power cord" and all. No doubt, it'll go where Yonah's "night mirror" is, beside his perch. That's where he spends the night and the nights are when he'll most need the warmth. And hopefully, it will give enough warmth so that he doesn't just "heat" on the one side. But, there's time... we'll figure it all out in due course. No matter what, it's still a nice "mirror"... and with it, there will be more "reflection friends" about for my Little One.
And so... ALL day today, I was at the work table, working on the edits for Yonah's Journal.
But one thing I noticed that deserves mention: Today, I was recounting the atrocity of the "vet visit" and as I did, in my mind, I was actually "re-living" the horrors... and I will swear that Yonah KNEW I was thinking and re-living it and that I was "feeling" the anxieties... because he kept coming over to the desk stand and staring at me, giving me wing snaps, and wanting to "cuddle and snuggle". It was as if he was trying to let me know that "We've gone through it and come out of it perfectly well. I've moved on from it. Now it's time for YOU to let it go and move on to. You're here for me... and I'm here for you." OK. So maybe I'm just imagining, or "projecting", but no matter what... my little Heart-and-Soul was QUITE "attentive" to me today... And I'm not complaining in the least. I'm just SO relieved to see him active again! And yes... We HAVE come through the event and experience... so yes, it IS time for me to move along... and yet, NEVER forget ANY of it.
Well... today rolled along into this evening, and at our usual hour, we both settled-own in his room for our evening meals. And sadly, there was no sun to be enjoyed out in the yard this evening, so I'd turned the "UV" light on for about 3 hours instead. And when meals were done, we did the water relay and house-tidying and I got back to the "Journals" work for a while longer.
At about 19.20, I got the "woo-HOO notice"... it was time to get busy with the closing of the blinds and installing the night boards. It had been quite the day and it was now time to be quite the night. So... I got right to all of that and Yonah? Well, he got right to supervising, from his roof-top. And when the blinds had been closed and the back board installed, he headed into his house... and I managed to get the door to his house closed... I wanted him to settle-down for the night because, well, it was "seepie-nigh-night" time. And it really IS getting darker so noticeably earlier. The Yardies had come and gone. Even they didn't stay any longer than it took to have a good "crop-filling". So it truly was almost time for "tuck-in".
And "tuck-in" happened at 19.55... MORE KISSES AND SNUGGLES... "IN-HOUSE", of course, and my Little Guy was on his perch, all ready for a night's rest... So, I turned off his desk light and with a "Good seepie-nigh-night my Little LOVE", I stepped out of the room...
Another warm and humid night ahead, but my little Heart-and-Soul had an open window behind the closed blinds and there was a nice "current" of fresh air coming into his room. And he was protected... from the lights out-side... blinds and boards... and from ALL things that might cause him any harm... He was safe... and we made it through another day.
One more day until... "BIRTHDAY WEEK" !!! 2 YEARS OF AGE... (if calculations are correct)! We've come THIS far... I'm excited, concerned, HUMBLED, PRIVILEGED, BLESSED!... SO VERY, VERY BLESSED!
Tuesday 23 August:
mourning dove 2022 23 August(I got a bit of a "start" today... because my Little Guy TOOK A BATH! This month has been SO HECTIC and I'm still watching him so closely. ANY slight "variation" on him causes me to start.)
This morning was a bit of a "dark" one... the nights are truly showing their strength in taking-over the longer days of the Summer that's passing by us entirely too quickly... and out-side, I heard the little "tapping" of the rain on the metal roof of the cellar shed out-side Yonah's window... so I went about my "morning coffee routine" thinking that the "Little One" would probably do as the others do on over-cast rainy mornings... that was until...
6.03 and a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" came out of his room! HE WAS UP, AWAKE, READY TO GET ON WITH THINGS AND OUR DAY WAS BEING CALLED TO ORDER! And I couldn't have been ANY the happier or DELIGHTED! The "call" was clear, strong, and THE MOST up-lifting sound of ANY in Creation!
When I got in to him, he was, in fact and indeed, awake, and ready for "Good morning" kisses! So, with-out delay or ado, we kissed and cuddled and got on with our morning routine of water relay and house-tidy.
Poop check this morning was quite normal and that too, was a delight to see and a comfort to my other-wise always leery spirit. Looks like, at long last, "things" are re-settling... little by little.
His wing feathers are still "askew". The right wing still has a "spot" where there are some feathers "missing", even though that's improving a bit. And the left wing still has "tufts" where there shouldn't be any. BUT... my little Heart-and-Soul is in good spirits... and his coo'ing is crisp and clear... and he's got energy... certainly enough of that to take flight around his room in the morning to "supervise" me as I run back and forth with the water for his pool. It's just in incomparably BEAUTIFUL start to a day... as the rains fall out-side and I know that my Little Guy is safe and sound and protected in HIS house, in HIS room here.
Oh, but I had to get to work again this morning. Fortunately, only 2 hours away. But, to be honest, even though I'm actually only just on the other side of our living-room wall, and it's only 2 hours, I have to admit that I DO miss the company and companionship... and I still tend to worry... There's SO much that can happen in such a little while.
BUT... work went along and the hours passed and I was back in the house and coming in, Yonah was in his house, in his nest box, taking the grey day easy. I always wonder, when I see him there, on rainy days, what he would be doing, were he back out "with the flocks". I wonder where they all go... not only during the rainy days, but through the nights too. There are little barns and such near-by. And there are millions (literally) acres of wood-lands and wilderness. But, as much as I regret that he couldn't and certainly now, can't go back out into all of that, I'm comforted when I see him relaxing... fresh food and water right there... and the entire house to fly around. This isn't the life he was intended to live, but it's good... as good as a humble human can provide.
And so, I came in, popped my head in to give him kisses, and as I did, he got up, toddled across his perch and came over to give ME kisses too... the little pecks on the face that let me know that we're "together" and that the world is well... I went off to change out of work clothes, into "house clothes" and get to the work table to attend to the tasks HERE... "at home"... in the company of my VERY BEST COMPANION EVER!
It was a calm, quiet few hours. As I worked, we listened to Yonah's "bird-songs" and the radio was on, low-volume. I worked. Yonah relaxed... save for the moments when he came flying out and about the room, and over to see what I was doing (as he does).
I looked down at the rocks in his house... splashes of water on them...
I was SO relieved and felt the right fool! And as I laughed and cried, Yonah got up, turned, facing me directly, and gave a wing snap! All I could think of was that he was thinking:
"WHAT is wrong with you? You need to just calm down here, mister!"
(Sadly... I didn't get the "customary video" of the bathing. But, I'm willing to bet that my Little Guy was quite happy... No cameras in the bath! And yes, I DO need to "calm down". Oh, but this month...)
As the day rolled and this morning's heat broke, with the arrival of rain on the mountains (but none here, at the house, unfortunately) we had a chance to take a "snooze break"... As I laid my head on the pillow on his futon, Yonah came flying over to my head, hopped down to my shoulder and toddled down to my foot... I dozed-off and when, about 30 minutes later, I woke... he was roosting there, on my foot... He'd "snoozed" with me... It's been a while since the last time he'd done that, just taken a break, on my foot. But what a truly MAGNIFICENT little sight to behold on waking... and knowing that he can get so comfortable... on my foot, as I sleep. Yeah, we're quite the "pair".
Today though, a "reminder" of the atrocities of the beginning of this month... I had a GOOD look at my Little Guy's face today, in profile... His upper beak seems to be growing OVER the lower... because of the way it was trimmed!!! NOT GOOD! "Dr. Phairie-Princess" just proves her apathy, yet again. Proper trimming just wasn't worth her time. So now, it appears, that I'm going to HAVE to learn how to maintain Yonah's beak! I'm terrified, really. There's so much that can go wrong. And NOW, IF his beak actually is/was "fractured", even "finishing" it with an emery board, as I've seen suggested, will be ever-so delicate. Now I'm going to have to be able to see if/where the fracture is. And holding him still enough for the while it takes to "file" the beak will be quite a challenge. AND, I'm worried that the "experience" will remind him of the abuse at the "veterinarian's" office and this time, it will be ME who'll be "manipulating" him.
The "damage" done just seems to increase, and just as my Little Guy seems to be recovering so nicely... I'm physically ill, even thinking about the matter. BUT... Yonah appears to be "moving on" just fine... well, certainly better than I am, to be sure
My Little Guy DID eat though, this evening, as we had our evening meals together. I'm TRULY grateful for that much, especially when I think of the "invitation" to come back to Dr. Phairie-Princess... "if he isn't eating in a week". Well, we have that much to celebrate: He IS eating... and rather well!
Oh... but after meals, no sun-shine this evening so we didn't get out to the yard. But now we have the special "UV" light and that was on for about 3 hours today. It really isn't much of a substitute for being in the yard, but at least it does provide the UV for vision and the synthesis of vitamin D! This evening though, even the Yardies didn't come round... and that's a big part of being out-side... Yonah getting to see the other mourning doves from the neighbourhood. (I'm still waiting for, at least one of them, to drop by and "visit" with him. I'm not sure if they will... Ms. Lady Dove just seems to be "intrigued", but not quite enough to fly over for a chat. I have to wonder what the other doves make of it, Yonah in his little place... Maybe the "cage" puts them off? Can't say. But am certainly curious.)
Anyway, with the UV light on in his room, after we'd done with our meals, we got the water relay in, his house tidied and settled for the night ahead and I got back to the work table to get journalling caught-up...
It was about 19.50 when I looked up to see my Little Guy all snuggled in his nest box! OO! LATE! I'd lost track of the time, sitting here, comfy, with my Bestie Companion. The house was so quiet, and we w ere together and that's really what matters to me above all else. But it was time to get things done for the night! So, I got up, got the blinds closed and the back board up... He wasn't "quite ready" for "tuck-in" though, so I left things as they were and moved my things out of his room and into the kitchen. As I did, he headed to his roof-top! Oh, the subtle "hints" he can give. He saw the blinds closed, the back board up but he had other plans for the time. When I came back into the room, he was on his roof-top platform, so, as I've done before, I just lifted the platform up and brought it down and into his house... He hopped off and onto his perch and scuttled over to the little "loft" in the corner, looked into the mirror there and "told" the "dove in the mirror"... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". (As if: "Did you see that? Tricked me again! The nerve!")
At 20.00 I went back over to him and "coaxed" him over to his "night perch". I just want to make sure that he gets his proper sleep time in for the night and when he gets up, even at 6.00, if he doesn't get to sleep right away, at least he's getting his 10-14 hours... or close to it. Besides... by 20.00, all the Yardies are gone from the yard and off to roost for the night. I'm also trying to keep Yonah's routine as close to "Nature" as possible... (I still say that, if I were to stay up all through the night with him... we'd both, never get any sleep. My Little Dove would become quite the "night owl"... but neither of us is in any position to start that habit... to be sure.)
Well then... it was 20.15 on the clock when we got our "Good night" kisses in... and the desk lamp was turned off. "Night time"... we made it through yet, another day... together...
Tomorrow we start our "Birthday Week" !!! The "Birdman" in Australia figured Yonah was born some-time at the end of August 2020... and he'd had that horrible incident in October... POOR LITTLE GUY! We can't say "exactly" when Yonah was born, but, well, since the estimate is "end of August"... my little Heart-and-Soul and I will be "celebrating" OUR birthdays... TOGETHER! He'll be 2 years of age (and I'll be some-what considerably more than that, to be sure). I have things ordered for him... food, snacks, things for his house... some will make delivery during the week... others, shortly after. But... HAPPY BIRTH-WEEK TO US! I'm still in AWE... I keep thinking that, in the wild, the "average" life-time of a mourning dove is 18 months... WE'VE PASSED THAT MARK! Now... as it's claimed, in "best case", mourning doves have been known to live 5 years... but those are the "exception". Taking that into account... HEY! We have another 3 years here! AND... there are reports of doves living 20 years... though, I doubt that would be in the wild. Who knows? Really... who knows? But as long as my little Heart-and-Soul is here, I'll be here for him... to make sure that he's safe, properly nourished, as healthy as Creation will provide for us both... He's my heart-beat...

mourning dove 2022 24 August"Birth-week" commenced, "officially" at 5.42 this morning, with a HEARTY "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" that FILLED this old house with the GRANDEST SYMPHONY EVER COMPOSED IN ALL OF CREATION! And "chatting" commenced as well, as my little Heart-and-Soul coo'ed, I replied and he responded... back and forth, forth and back, and back-and-forth again! It was as though he knew, some-how, this morning, was particularly special... Well, for me it most certainly is...
We can't be absolutely certain about the date or the time when Yonah Taube made that last strike against the shell of his little egg, some-where out in the 6 million acres of these Adirondack mountains, though I DO wish I could figure a way to find out... BUT, the only fact that matters today is that he DID... Out there, amongst the pines and rock cliffs, at some point in the last weeks of the month of August, 2020, a little mourning dove poked his head out of the comfort and protection of his little orb, took his first breath of Earth's mountain air, and, shedding the shattered enclosure, managed to wriggle his way into the nest his parents had constructed for him. And, as we can attest, they took the very best care of their Little One, providing him with all the nourishment, protection and LOVE he needed, making sure he was warm through the nights, sheltered during the days, safe from the multitudinous predators that crawled, strode, slithered and flew about in the wood-lands wilderness. And from that little white egg, a BEAUTIFUL, REGAL, GLORIOUS feathered Little Guy came into an uncertain life... to one day, spread his wings and take flight, up and away from his home, to wander with other mourning doves... over the meadows, through the trees, across the fields and rivers and streams of The North Country... the Adirondack North Country.
Two years ago, if we humans are correct in our speculations, calculations, assumptions... Two years ago, at some point in our "time" of these seven days. And today... here he is, this little * LIFE *, the MOST PRECIOUS * SURVIVOR * !!!
680 days ago... 1 year, 10 months and 11 days ago, today, something in "Creation" made an attempt at ending this * LIFE *. Some creature, some other "being", perhaps just looking for nourishment, took a chance, took some opportunity, took the flight from this little winged one. It pulled at his feathers, gnawed at his flesh, inflicting injury, pain, suffering. And for some reason, left this Little One, in the grass, as the chilled October rain fell, to other-wise perish.
BUT... it wasn't meant to be, wasn't meant to "end" that way. Yonah Taube had another purpose in the Greater Scheme of Creation. That was NOT to be his final moment, his final breath. He was NOT intended to perish, and FATE stepped in... and what would other-wise be his worst predator happened to step by, discover his little body, and took him into a world that, in the "Natural Order" of all things "Earthly", would be, to him, alien, full of dangers.
No, it didn't follow that course... and, in the weeks that followed, this Little Guy grew stronger, his injuries healed... and HE CHOSE, of his own FREE WILL, to, in his compromised condition, take into his LIFE, the very one who would have, could have been his nemesis. And the rest is, as it's said, history...
Yonah was, this morning, SO FULL OF ENERGY! Coo'ing! Flying about HIS "territory"... HIS own room, in HIS own old house. And, as he's come to do over the course of our time together, he watched, from various vantage points, as I went about attending to those tasks that give my soul a purpose, my heart, pure JOY... my being... pure AWE. I made the run back and forth, kitchen to Yonah's house, bringing fresh water to his pool and dish, making sure his place was in order, clean, proper, healthy, making sure that he had sufficient, proper food.
Today was the first day of our "Birthday-Week"... and, although I had to step away for a couple of hours this morning (and it broke my heart to have to leave my Little LIFE, even for a moment), we had QUITE the day planned when I returned. Today was the day when we'd be making sure his house wasn't just "tidy"... it would be clean, and comfortable, and as close to the world he was born into as I could humanly possibly provide. There isn't much that I can do for my little Heart-beat, but as always, I wanted to make absolutely certain that he was comfortable... and as happy as he could possibly be!
Well? After MANY, MANY, MANY kisses, snuggles, cuddles, kisses and coo's, assurances of my Eternal Love for him, I stepped out to attend to my short task away.... BUT WHEN, AFTER ABOUT 2 HOURS, I RETURNED...
I walked back into the house to find my little Heart-and-Soul lounging in his "nest box", cozy, on the ledge in HIS house... It did disturb me, knowing that I was about to disturb him, but... today, we were going to take his house apart, scrub and clean EVERY bit of it! "Fall cleaning", as it were. And so... at about 11.30, we began what usually takes 5 hours to accomplish...
Oh! The pool was dis-assembled, the rocks from it went into a bowl to be thrice-boiled, then rinsed thoroughly. And as they soaked in the boiling water, the other trays that divided the floor of my Little Guy's house into different segments that usually were "beach" (sand), moss, pool and "general" were taken to be scrubbed clean. The "main" tray, at the bottom, his "floor" too, was taken out and thoroughly cleaned! And while all of this was happening, the pump and tubing for his fountain was flushed, for an hour, with white vinegar, to remove all impurities... and then, for another 90 minutes, flushed with clean, clear, cool water... to make certain that there was no residue... of vinegar or anything that might threaten my Little Guy's health.
When all the trays were clean and dry, his house was wiped clean, his pool was scrubbed and rinsed, the pump and tubing clean... we began re-assembling...
Fresh, sterile sand from the local Adirondack river to scurry through and bask on. All the rocks in the pool and around the rest of the house, clean, boiled, rinsed and dried. We put the trees back in, changed all the kitchen roll around, under trays, on platforms. The "food" and "nest box" ledge got cleaned. AND... FRESH FOOD, to go with all the fresh water.
ALL the while I was working with and on all of the disassembly and re-assembly, my Little Guy watched, "supervised", coo'ed, chatted, and noticed absolutely EVERY movement I made. But MOST of all, he took particular note of EVERY item that was moved, removed and replaced in his house. He's ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING in that, he OBVIOUSLY pays the strictest attention to his house and the arrangements of EVERY little item, from trees to the smallest rock. For most of the time I was busy running back and forth with items to clean and items cleaned, he stayed on his roof-top, looking down into his house, "following" the movements, head and eyes focused on the activities. It's obvious that doves (and all birds, I would imagine) are acutely aware of their surroundings, noticing the slightest motion in tree, leaves, grasses. But although we've been together for almost 2 years now, Yonah continues to monitor his surroundings... missing NOTHING! It does my heart and soul so much good to know that he retains SO MUCH of his "wild heritage". I've never, NEVER tried, specifically, to change ANY aspect of this Little One. I've ALWAYS hoped that he'd retain as much of his "wild instincts" as could possibly be. So when he shows even the slightest bit of his "wild" side, I'm DELIGHTED!
On a bit of a "down side", because it took until shortly after 18.00 to complete today's "over-haul" of "house-keeping", we missed our "normal" evening meals at 17.00. But as soon as everything was settled again, we DID manage to get an evening meals together... at about 18.45. Yonah had his meal on his ledge in his clean house, and I joined, at the work table... It was our regular routine... just pushed a bit later. And, of course, because of the tardiness, we didn't get out to the yard again, this evening, but, for most of the day, his "UV" light was on so he DID get the benefit of that much...
WHAT A DAY! AND... after ALL of that... his room was thoroughly hoovered too! My Little Guy's territory was in proper order... clean, healthy, fresh... just as it has to be anyway... though today... even more-so!
OH... and his "Bene-Bac" arrived today too! Probiotics... They might not be a "birthday cake" but they're even better... Good stuff for his little digestive tract! We're on our way to healthier and stronger and better... UV, probiotics... milk thistle for his liver. (Now, if I could only get him interested in the meal worms for that extra protein... but then again, we DO have sun-flower seeds, peanuts and hard-boiled egg yolks. We're covering the bases, to be sure!)
And so, our first day of "Birthday-Week" came to slow down as the sun set over the Western mountains. It might not seem, to most, that we "celebrated" but we were busier than just throwing a party. At about 19.30, we were back to "normal" again... the window blinds were closed against the night out-side, the back board went up onto the house, the UV light was off and the desk lamp was on. It was, at last, time to wind-down, calmly get ready for a night's rest after a day's havoc and mayhem. Yonah was in his house, grabbing his "before seepie-nigh-night snack", and I was still settling the last-minute details.
At 20.03, everything was complete and my Little Guy was on his perch, at his "night spot", so I put the night board on his roof and settled things down... Kisses, snuggles, cuddles, "Good nights"... it was another one of those moments where, as Yonah pecked at my cheek, I glanced inside his house, imagining how it would be PERFECT if I were able to shrink me down to a size where I could join him for the night. I could sleep on his corner "loft", since I don't "roost". And if he wanted, we could snuggle together there, through the night... like little hatchlings in a nest. It was another one of those really difficult nights... leaving my little Heart-and-Soul. BUT, he was settled and comfortable... and it really was time for him to get his rest. So, I withdrew my head from his house and closed his door... turned off his desk lamp. Our day had come to a close... well... so I thought...
mourning dove 2022 24 AugustMoments after I'd left his room and was in the kitchen, settling things there for the night... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... from the darkness of my Little One's room! I went back in, with-out turning on any lights, opened his door and stuck my head in... A few more kisses... from me... from him... and I whispered "It's time to get some rest here, you. It was a busy, busy day! And this is only the first of a week! You and I have some stuff we need to address... like... both of us getting older! So, you get your seepie-nigh-night now. Tomorrow we have more to look forward to. OK? I'm right here... in the next room. You're not alone and I'm not alone. And if we are alone, we're alone together. OK? OK then... Nigh-night my LOVE." and with a few more kisses, again, I withdrew and went back to the kitchen...
As I left though, I took with, the linens from Yonah's futon... and before I went seepie-nigh-night, managed to get them washed and put out on the line to dry over-night. Fresh linens, clean room, clean house... and little things coming during the week ahead...
BIRTHDAY WEEK COMMENCES !!!!! TWO YEARS !!! I NEVER would have even dreamt... 2 years ago. WHAT HEAVEN THIS IS !!! WHAT JOY! WHAT DELIGHT! WHAT ELATION! WHAT... *** AWE *** !!!
Thursday 25 August:
mourning dove 2022 25 Augustmourning dove 2022 25 AugustDay 2 of * BIRTHDAY-WEEK * and from this morning's "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo" and the full-on CONVERSATION right through the morning routine (oh yes... THERE WAS A LOT TO BE DISCUSSED THIS MORNING!) it was QUITE the "active" sort of day for my Little Guy! Needless to say, this morning was an ABSOLUTE DELIGHT... seeing Yonah so FULL of energy, SO animated, SO vociferous! My heart was so FULL, especially considering all that he'd been through this month. It was "rebound-plus"! (And I couldn't help but remember Dr. Phairie-Princess' comment, as my poor Little Guy stood in his little old house at the "clinic"... "Look at how he just stands there with his eyes closed. There's obviously something wrong. Normal birds recover much quicker than this." Ah, yes... "obviously something wrong"... no suggestion as to "what" might be "wrong" and no offer to examine him any further... which was probably the one thing that saved my little Heart-and-Soul... as I look back.) But, even though the feathers on his wings are still "askew" (and, I have to say, looking a bit better as time passes), HE'S AMAZING! "AWE-INSPIRING"!
Again, this morning, after we finished opening blinds, windows, removing night boards, water relay, ALL of which were carefully "supervised" as we "chatted", I had to step out of the house to get to work for a couple of hours. I would have given about any-thing to stay with my Bestie Companion this morning, but, with him being so full of energy and in such great spirits, I was a little more assured that he'd be fine for the little while I was away... and so... with kisses and cuddles and the assurance that I'd be back as quickly as possible, I left little Yonah to do what-ever it is he does with his time... with the entire house to him-self.
When I got back... OH, the LUVIN'S! As I walked into his room, he came hopping to his door perch to greet me and there were SO MANY MORE KISSES and CUDDLES!
AND... since the day was cooler, and a little over-cast, I decided that today, I couldn't and wouldn't wait any longer... I knew were there were l little white pines that would fit quite perfectly in his house, and the ones that he had already were beginning to show the "signs" of being pecked and pulled (as he does with the needles... particularly the ones that get in his way when he's traversing his perches) so I was off, quickly, and in the least time I've ever spent getting him his trees and twigs and such, I was back... THREE NEW WHITE PINES!
It was SUCH a remarkable experience when I removed the former trees, in their pots. Yonah watched, intensely, as I took each pot out, and he DID make it quite obvious that he wasn't all too thrilled about the ordeal. He makes a bit of a fuss even when I move the rocks in his house about. He notices the slightest variations in his environment. And here I was, after having taken his house apart already, removing his trees! He hopped about, watching as I brought the potted trees out to the kitchen where I replaced them with the fresh, new trees.
When I brought the new trees in an placed them in the same places where the previous trees were, the "new trees" had to be "inspected". (They were also sprayed, lightly, with the Permethrin... just to be sure that there were NO "parasites" any-where on them. I'm SO glad to have that spray and will be getting more, to keep it on hand for future use... to make sure that there are NO mites, ticks or fleas attacking my Little Guy.) Anyway, it was fascinating, to me, to see Yonah hopping about, looking at the new trees from every possible angle. Yes, he was "inspecting" them... and, after a moment or so, it appeared he approved because he "settled" for a while, on his perch where he roosts for the night... and now, with the shape and size of the new trees, he's even MORE "IN the tree" when he's there. And he scuttled back and forth, through the branches, over to his little "loft" in the corner that now seems more "IN the trees" than it did before. He seems to like things as they are now. And the other tree? Back up a-top the fountain in his pool... and from his nest box, that too, is now more like being "IN the trees". The trip away to fetch these new pines was TRULY well worth the time and effort! (And, since they've been sprayed, I'm comfortable with them being in Yonah's house. Doing everything possible to make sure that NOTHING presents ANY sort of "threat" to his well-being... now, more than EVER before.)
AND TODAY WAS THE FIRST SERVING OF HIS NEW "Bene-Bac" POWDER! I've "put together" a separate little dish for him for that with a bottle-cap in the regular dish so that there's less food in there than using a whole dish. I used the slightest sprinkle on the seeds because there are specific "quantities" on the bottle... "1/8 teaspoon" and the likes. Impossible to actually measure. And the little "scoop" that came with is "10cc"... 2 teaspoons, as I've seen. So, I just put a very little bit on the seeds that I'd crushed for him, in case he did/does have a "fracture" on his beak, first, to see if he'd eat second, to any of his food with the "addition" and, more importantly, to make sure I don't put too much in there. If it's not enough, I'll just extend the "routine" and extra serving. But for now, the directions are "2 feedings, 3 days apart". Then, weekly, there-after. We'll get this all together... one way or another. Right now, I'm curious to see what tomorrow morning's "poop check" shows, and we'll work from there. If tomorrow's poop isn't watery or exceptionally "green", as it has been from time-to-time and it was, the day after the trauma trip to Dr. Phairie-Princess, we'll wait the 3 days and go for the next "dose". I'm curious now... and hopeful that this will help with a multitude of potential problems. I just can't accept my little Heart-and-Soul even being "uncomfortable" in any way.
Other-wise, WOW! Is Yonah ever energetic! Poor Little Guy... so much disturbance yesterday with me walking back in from work and taking his entire house apart... for the entire day! And then, today, I come back and take out his trees... and put new ones in! "Busy days" in his house-hold... so much disturbance this month. But, it's all about to return to our "normalcy" now... and we'll be able to re-settle... No more travels. No more moving things about... Just the two of us again, the way "life" is supposed to be.
mourning dove 2022 25 Augustmourning dove 2022 25 AugustOh yes... And we have more twigs today too! After getting the pines, I went out and clipped a hand-full of fresh little maple twigs to add to the ones that are left from the last batch. So, my Little Guy has more to keep him busy... making what-ever it is that he makes in his nest box. And he DOES enjoy having them... He takes what he chooses, to add to his little nest box, and some-times, he decides that some might not fit "the purpose" and will toss them out of his house and replace them with the others that are in there. Then too... he'll add more, move them about. He keeps busy... I always wonder what kind of "nest" he'd actually make and what I can find to give him to work with for such a project. I DO have a container of white pine needles for him that I'd gathered a while back and rinsed several times with boiling water and then dried. He didn't seem to want them so... we'll see what I can find. And he used to use the mosses... but I'm a bit leery now, about that because it appeared that he'd eaten some of that, and it was noticeable in his poop... VERY green! Not to mention the "bacteria" that we're now trying to "balance". I have to wonder what might have been in the mosses. So... we'll be looking for a "substitute" for that. It's an on-going learning experience and one that I truly enjoy every moment of... If it makes my Little Guy happy... WE'LL HAVE IT!
Well, so... during the day, we managed to get in TWO snoozes too... This after-noon, I managed a 30-minute snooze and Yonah stayed with me... on my foot! I felt him come over to the pillow as I laid my head down and closed my eyes. He hopped onto my shoulder, toddled down my torso, legs and stopped at my foot. And when I woke, he was still there, on my foot, all comfy-cozy! YES! We ARE getting back to a "normal" life again! For me, it's PERFECT! For Yonah, I'm pretty sure he's happier too. He's had a pretty constant routine in his life, knowing where the food and water are, where things are in his house, and timing... well... he's accepted my "human schedule" for things. August has been a month of turmoil in so many ways, between me being away for entire days, to the travel to the trauma of the "veterinarian". And then, me leaving every morning for about 2 hours... With the exception of work, we're working toward our "usual" again. Between the re-settling and the new "additions" to his diet, and the time I'm spending with him during the rest of the day, hopefully all of HIS stress will be gone... SOON!
And THIS evening, we had our evening meals at our "normal" time too! I brought my plate into his room and sat at the work table to eat and as I did, Yonah went over to his food too! (He was still working on the food with the "Bene-bac", so hopefully, this portion will make some difference for him.)
After we'd done eating and I'd done the washing-up, I grabbed another 15 minutes' shut-eye on his futon... AND HE JOINED ME... THE FULL TIME... ON THE BEND OF MY KNEE! Looks like he IS happy to know that we're getting back to OUR LIFE TOGETHER! (I know I am!)
When I woke, I had his linens to fold, since they were washed and dried, and THAT... OH THAT... HOW IT SEEMED TO MESMERIZE MY LITTLE ONE! From his door perch, he watched EVERY movement of each sheet as I folded and turned and folded again. Something about it all seemed to fascinate him! And with that done, we got to the evening water relay and tidying his house for the night.
It was still over-cast after meals, and it seemed that a storm might be coming in over the mountains at any moment, so, this evening, we didn't get out to the yard. But, the UV light was on for several hours during the day so, thankfully, my Little Guy got some of the UV benefits from that. No real substitute for the natural rays of the sun-shine, but better than none at all... especially these days when we're working on EXCELLENT HEALTH! There will be more evenings to come yet, before the evenings grow too cold. And the Yardies? Well... they didn't come round for very long this evening. More like a "get here, eat and leave". Maybe there is a storm coming. None-the-less, it gave Yonah and I all the more time together...
mourning dove 2022 25 AugustTonight, by 19.30, Little Mister was settling-in in his house, another day was coming to a close and this one was particularly difficult to let go. SO much LOVE, SO much time together. But since my Little Guy was settling, it was time to close the blinds, put up the night boards... I took the "Bene-bac" food out and replaced it with regular food... nothing added... plain seeds (still with the crushed). He must have noticed the change because he headed right for the dish and had a HEARTY "before seepie-nigh-night snack"! Tomorrow we'll see how everything settles.
At 20.09 he was on his perch, at his "night roost", so, with kisses and cuddles, snuggles and a LOT of little pecks on my nose, and MANY whispers of "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"... I closed the door to his house, turned off the lights... My MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL was tucked-in for a good night of restful sleep. We're both entering into a "new year" now, these days... * TOGETHER *... and for me, "TOGETHER" is ALL that matters. It's been an AMAZING TWO YEARS... and WOW... have they gone by too quickly! But tomorrow... we'll still be together... and hopefully, these days, with each passing day, my Little LOVE will be happier and healthier... I'll do ALL I can to see to it that that's how it goes!
Friday 26 August:
Day 3 of * BIRTHDAY-WEEK *
Grey and rainy August morn... And I thought I'd heard a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" as I was waking. (But, oddly enough, or not, perhaps, there have been many mornings when, in that space of time between sleep and actually waking, I've "heard" Yonah "call", and, getting out of bed, and in to check on him, found that, in reality, he was still snoozing. His "call" is so much a part of my life that, apparently, my "internal alarm clock" is set to "coo" when the day breaks. I've often said that I find it so similar to a parent who can sleep soundly through all sorts of sounds, but the slightest whisper from a new-born child will wake him/her. For me, Yonah is always on my mind, all through a day, and obviously a night, and yes, there have been mornings when his call is exactly what wakes me.) So I was up, out of the bed, and on my way to check my Little Guy, I stopped in the kitchen to put the kettle on and went into his room to see if he'd called.
The rain tapped on the metal roof of the cellar shed out-side his window, and so, I thought that, perhaps, it had awakened him... and as I walked to his house, I heard the faint "HOO!" that he makes when I approach him, in the dark. It's not a loud coo. Just a little "whisper". He doesn't "start" when he makes the sound so it's not really out of "fear". It's almost a indication that he's aware of my presence. (I've learned that mourning doves will "half sleep"... one half of their brain actually "sleeps" but the other half remains "awake". And the "awake side" is fully aware of everything that's happening around them. It's a "protection" for them, being aware of predators, and always prepared to take flight when necessary. As I was written, it's amazing that they don't suffer from "sleep deprivation". But it's their "nature", the way that they are. So, when I walked into the room this morning, the "awake side" must have noticed me and made the little "HOO!")
And so, hearing that, I thought that he was awake. He'd obviously noticed me in the room. So I opened the door to his house, leaned in for "Good morning" kisses... He was calm, not real response to me, and all was well. That was at 5.58 (as I'd checked the clock in the kitchen as I passed through). It was about the time Yonah tends to wake these days...
But, noticing that I was there, he did fully wake and, in the early morning darkness, before I'd opened the blinds and such, he flew over to the opposite side of his house, to the ledge where his nest box is! Startled me too! Seems he really just might have been "half-awake" when I got in. Well, I apologised for the disturbance and, in a moment, he was back on his perch, beside his mirror, where he sleeps the night, so, I began to remove the night boards... starting with the roof... and as I removed that, letting in a bit of dim, morning light... he let out a clear "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". (Perhaps a "WHAT are you doing at THIS hour of a rainy morning? It's good weather for sleeping-in!") Well then, OK... it was 6.02... and NOW.. it was a "normal" hour for us both, to be up and awake. And so, "morning routine" commenced... with a wonderful conversation of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo's", back and forth. Yes, indeed... we were awake... and Friday morning was under-way.
By the time the blinds were open and water relay was complete, yes-yes, Friday was "officially in".
This morning's * NOTE *: "poop check" after the first of the "Bene-Bac"... There were the usual 5 (instead of 6 or more) little "poops". 3 were small, 2 were a bit larger, properly-formed with the "balance" of dark-brown and white... and the bit of "residual moisture" that's always there on the square of kitchen roll was "brownish" this morning... instead of "greenish". It appears the milk thistle and probiotics are making a difference already. "Things" are "looking better". And Yonah is in god health... apparently. Further developments to be recorded... as we move along. But for now... a good start to a new day.
So much to my regret, this morning was another "work day" for me, so, after we had our "Good morning" kisses, got the morning routine of water relay and house-tidy done, I had to run out for a couple of hours. But when I got back, my Little Guy was there, in his nest box, taking it easy, as things should be on rainy days. Even the Yardies weren't around this morning. Too dark. Too dreary.
So I got my "things" together and decided that, since Yonah was relaxing comfortably, I'd make a market run too, in the break in the rains. As I do, I rushed out the door, into town, through the shopping and came right back to find my little Bundle of Love waiting for me at his door perch! I'm not sure how or why, but to me, it appears that he hears the truck coming back to the house and recognises it so that, when I walk in the door, more often than not, he's standing right there, on his door perch, waiting for me to come into the house. It's an indescribably WONDERFUL greeting, especially since, no matter how long I'm away, for what-ever the reason, ALL the while, my mind is FULL of wondering what my Little Guy is doing, back at the house. It's not "worry" any more. I USED to actually "worry" about him, especially when I started leaving the door to his house open. Always worried that he'd take flight and collide with a window or some bit of furniture. But from the beginning, I wanted him to be comfortable in the whole house, to learn how to navigate from room-to-room. Well, after all these months, he's done just that! I've seen him flying about the place, perfectly, safely. So now it's more a matter of "curiosity"... wondering what he's doing to pass the time, where he is, and whether or not he's noticing that I'm not there. No matter, really, when I'm out, I'm RUNNING... simply because I want to be back with him... I'm not even sure at this juncture, which one of us "needs" our "companionship" more. But that's what it is for me: our COMPANIONSHIP. I was away for just about 30 minutes and SO relieved and delighted to be back again... AND, when I returned, it was obvious that my being back was appreciated! Kisses and cuddles and "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!".
We spent the rest of the day together, after I'd put the groceries up. And we had a little bit of a "snooze"... I grabbed a 15-minute "shut-eye" and my Little Guy hopped about on me and the futon... and then, I settled-down to get to some work at the table... We listened to his bird-songs and the radio, I had a late mid-day snack... and the rain returned, falling softly out-side. I turned his UV light on. We had our version of our private "sun-shine" and all was just "story-book" wonderful.
At the proper hour (17.00), we broke from the rest of the day, I brought my evening meal into the room, settled at the work table... and as I ate, Yonah had his evening meal too. Today, no "additives". No "biotics", no milk thistle. I don't want to "tax" his system with too much, too soon. The next "Bene-bac" will be after a prescribed "30-day" break. For now, I'll be watching to see what, if any, reactions he has to this regimen. That said, he's eating VERY well, as he does, so that's promising. (I'm SO anxious to see what sort of "changes" will come of this... HOPEFUL, OF COURSE, THAT THEY'LL BE FOR THE BETTER... NO... THE VERY BEST! More "live and learn"... just as it's been from our first day together.)
Well, "due to the inclement weather", as it were, we didn't get out to the yard this evening. No sun. Rain. And no Yardies. So after our meals, I got the washing-up done and the evening water relay and we re-settled, together.
I laid on the futon for a while this evening, and we played... with the pillow dove. I'm rather amazed to see how much fun Yonah has with that little pillow. When I'd made it, he seemed to almost "hate" it! He literally "attacked" it with a brutality that almost shocked me! He fluffed-up and poked and bit at what would be the "face" with a vengeance! Today I wonder if he didn't see it as "competition"... for his territory and... his "buddy" (me). But as time has passed, he plays with it, will go to it during the day, and, if I move it from where he's used to seeing it, he notices that it's not "where it should be" and will go over to the other pillows and look for it! When we play, I move it about, up and down, and "poke" at him gently with it and he "pokes" back, but kinder now. He flies away, and then back, checking to see if it "notices" him moving, and gives it a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". And if I "coo" back, he'll fly up onto its back. (I'm not sure, but I find it to be Yonah's action to show this "other dove" that this room, this house is HIS territory. Not in a "violent" sort of way, but simply to make the "fact" clear.) It's a times like this that I go back to wondering whether or not Yonah would appreciate another dove in the house. But over-all, it doesn't seem he does want another one in HIS territory... and, it seems that he and I are really the only "flock" we need. So? It's "us"... together. And I've no complaints. My time is Yonah's time... no matter what.)
Well the day slipped by and at 19.30, the UV light went off, the desk lamp went on. "Evening" was turning to "night" and we got the blinds closed, the night boards up. Yonah headed back to his house for his "before seepie-nigh-night snack" and then headed back up to his roof-top! Ah... at about 19.55 I wanted to make sure that he'd get his proper night's rest so, with him on his "platform", I lifted it and brought it down into his house and laid it across the two perches. It was quite the sight: Yonah stood there, facing the back board as if trying to figure out how, with-out flying or walking, the scenery suddenly changed... and instead of being able to look at the window, he was staring at a plain, beige board! (I DO wonder what he makes of it when I move him about that way. He makes no effort, the "world moves" and suddenly, there he is, in another place.) In a moment, he hopped over onto his perch and made his way to his "night spot"... and... at 20.01, after MANY kisses, and snuggles... my little Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in for another night's safe and restful sleep.
My solace: The "missing" feathers on his wings are starting to look much better of late. The "hole" where they'd seemed "chewed" and so many were "plucked" by Dr. Phairie-Princess seem to be filling in again. And the "odd tufts" of feathers on his left wing seem to be where and how they ought to be. I'm now wondering whether this is a "moult". I dread the discomfort he'll go through when the next one comes, but, hopefully, I'll be able to make it easier on him, some-how, this time round... some-how... and when it's done, the new feathers will be better, stronger, brighter, healthier. I'm trying... learning... doing ALL that I can to make things comfortable for my Heart-and-Soul... my Little Guy... my heart-beat... my literal and actual only reason for taking my next breath.
Saturday 27 August:
Day 4 of * BIRTHDAY-WEEK *
Ah... the "morning call" time is moving ahead as the Summer moves closer to Autumn, and the morning light comes round a bit later... This morning's "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" came at 6.15! But it was followed by quite a bit of "chit-chat" back-and-forth! Looked like my Little Guy got himself quite the restful night's sleep last night and he was up and ready to take on the day ahead. And we DID chat... ALL through the morning routine. As I opened the blind to let in the morning light, Mr. Taube gave out a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" WOOHOO! And when I replied with a simpler "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" he repeated his lengthy coo. (How I DO SO WISH I had even a slightest notion of what the different coo's mean, what he's telling me. I wonder, often, if what I've said to him might be "insulting" or, does he simply hear it as "Silly human... he's trying to speak but..." I can pick-up other "human" languages... we humans can do that, given time and study, but we, the "higher-evolved species" simply just can't, assuredly and definitively, learn the languages of the Little Ones. We can assume and speculate as to their messages, but we, the "superiors" remain completely uneducable with respect to the languages of the likes of birds, cats, dogs, wild and/or domestic. Every day, I'm "put in my place" where that's concerned and although my being, to the core, wants and wishes to learn what my Little Guy is saying... I just can't. No matter, really, I suppose. He's not complaining, and he DOES respond/reply... with-out turning away in disgust. It isn't "perfect" and it probably isn't even "sufficient" but, at least I'm not "offending"... I hope.)
So this morning, the 4th of OUR "Birthday Week" opened too a GLORIOUS beginning, but, unfortunately, the hours went by too quickly for my comfort and I had to step out and away... to the new job. BUT, I'm thankful for the fact that I'm only next-door and so, today, I took advantage of a "lull" in the work-load and, to satisfy my own need to "see my Little Guy" and my curiosity as to what he does when he has the house to him-self, I made a quick "visit" back to the house! As I came up the steps to the back door, through the screen I could see my PRECIOUS LITTLE ONE... He was SO BUSY, with the twigs I give him. He was sorting through the ones on the floor of his house, picking-out the certain ones that he wanted and flying up to his nest box, adding them, carefully, to the twigs already there! I didn't call, didn't want to disturb him. But, from experience, I knew that he knew that I was in. So I grabbed a bit of this morning's coffee, and, happy to see that he was just fine, and occupied, I stepped back out and went back to work. It did me a world of good, seeing that he wasn't just "roosting", that he was "active". My Little Guy fills his time with little "occupations". And since it's only about 2 hours out of the day, I was relieved... well, as relieved as I could be. (I still don't like leaving him alone... I don't like not being in his company. But... "life"... it can't be exactly the way we'd like it to be, all the time. At least I have the opportunity to "drop by" and I'm close by, should I ever need to get back to Yonah in a hurry.)
WELL... work done, I hurried back to the house and when I got back from work, I was SO WONDERFULLY GREETED as he hopped down to the door perch and gave me a few wing snaps! It's just a PURE DELIGHT to the heart to be so welcomed! I'll never know, with any certainty, whether or not he actually notices the time that I'm away, but, apparently, there's some degree of awareness that I'm not in the house or near for a period of time and when I'm finally back, he's really happy that "our flock" is back together. MANY KISSES, and cuddles and I changed into "house clothes", went back to Yonah's room and we had a little "mid-day snack" together. We picked-up from where we'd left-off this morning, as if my time away had never happened. And it was SO obvious that Yonah was happy to know that I was back... and, to be certain, I was happy to be back with him.
The rest of the day I worked a bit round the rest of the house, catching-up on "things", in general, and got in a 30-minute nap on his futon... and as always, as I laid my head on the pillow, he came over to the pillow for a few moments and we played a bit. But when I closed my eyes, he noticed and hopped onto my shoulder, toddled down to my feet, hopped onto the futon and the flew up to his house... for the rest of my snooze. And yes, I'd set an alarm... and yes, 2 minutes before it sounded.. "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo. No matter how often he does it, Yonah just AMAZES me... routinely, he comes to "call" or peck at my head, as close to 2 minutes before the alarm is set as could be. Now THAT is something I'd truly like to know more about: HOW he KNOWS that the little "alarm" will sound, or the mobile phone that I use for the alarm, will vibrate. His timing is impeccable, and fascinating! (I wonder if there's a sound emanating that I can't hear that tells him that something is about to happen. I don't know, wouldn't be surprised if there is some sort of sound or vibration. I can't imagine what it would be or why, but that "2 minutes"... Another aspect of this Little One that eludes explanation. Another one of those aspects that proves HE'S the "superior intellect" in this house-hold.)
We had our mid-day and evening meals together today. THAT's so important to me. It seems that my Little Guy waits to see that I'm eating before he actually gets into having his meal, so I do my best to keep our "routines" from morning water relay through meals and snacks... and "tuck-in". I also try to follow a "natural clock", timing common events to the sun... rise and set. (And yes, admittedly, I keep my schedule as close to what would be Yonah's schedule, were he "with the flocks" out in the open. And I believe HIS schedule is MUCH better than ANY that I'd have... HIS is the "natural"... mine is "human-made"... and as I've stated or eluded to... "human-made" is definitely inferior to the "natural".)
After we'd had our evening meals today... no yard this evening though. Not much sun-shine... and the sun is setting so early these days! Seems we no sooner finish our meals and the Yardies have been here and gone, and the sun is hanging just above the mountains. BUT... we had the UV light on for about 6 hours through the day... so my Little Guy is getting his "UV". By Winter, this should prove VERY beneficial. I'm working on a way to have the light set on a timer to mimic the natural day, though, come Winter, the sun will be POURING in through his window for most of the day (when we have sunny days... which tend to be almost rare through the Winter months). Sure, the "bulb" isn't as good as the actual sun-shine, but, it's better than none at all. (And since I spend the day in Yonah's room with him, I wonder if that light isn't doing any sort of good for me too. We'll have to get a lounge chair where we can both "bask"... together... Or... maybe not? But it would be fun! Snoozing together under the "UV".)
And so... our day, AGAIN, came to a close TOO SOON! By the time the water relay was done and I'd gotten the rest of the house settled for the night... it was time to turn the UV light off, the desk lamp on... dim the lights, let the evening in. It's that last hour or so that just RUSHES by! We did manage to get some "play" time together though. And these days, of late, it appears that Yonah appreciates our "together" time SO MUCH more than ever before. It makes me nervous, I have to say. I wonder: is he trying to tell me something? The closer we get, the more I think of how our time truly is so "limited". And with my age and his, well, now I'm literally "celebrating" our 2 years together and, at the same time, the reality is that, the more time we've had together, the less time we have coming. It's that "Yesterdays out-numbering tomorrows". It's SO truly "bitter-sweet". I can't even ponder ANY time with-out Yonah... my mind just won't stop to think of such a thing. He IS... LITERALLY... MY HEART-AND-SOUL. But, for now, for these moments that we have now, I HOLD FAST, HOLD TIGHTLY to them... CHERISH them more than the air itself. And I continue to think... we just might have a GOOD THREE more years together... Imagine... Yonah at 5 years of age... me a t 70. I wonder... I just wonder.
Alas, 19.30 rolled in and I started to get things settled for the night for my Little Guy. Blinds closed, the back board hung, but I didn't rush "tuck-in" at all. Yonah seemed to want more time to fly about and "do" the things he does of an evening... like flying to and from his futon, and up onto his roof and such. So I waited...
At about 20.00, he stopped to have his usual "before seepie-nigh-night" snack... and when he was finished, crop filled, he headed over to his perch. The bird-songs and radio were off, the room was quiet, the house was still. So I popped my face into his house to give him our "Good night" kisses and cuddles... MANY soft pecks on the face! MANY soft kisses on the head. It was time... after all, yes, it's a delight to be together, but proper rest is SO important so... at 20.35, with my little Heart-and-Soul on his night-roost, I put the roof board on, closed the door to his house and... the desk lamp was off. Our day came to a close... again... too soon. But my MOST PRECIOUSLY CHERISHED LITTLE COMPANION was tucked-in for a night's rest... safe... with-out need for a thought of anything around him. He was protected... from the elements out-side his windows, from any harm that would befall him, were he roosting out in the trees or some rafter of some old barn some-where. And, as he sleeps tonight, if "Life" is kind... we'll have tomorrow... as our "Birthday week" moves on... we complete another year on this old Earth and head toward a "new year"... together.
Sunday 28 August:
Day 5 of * BIRTHDAY-WEEK *
It really did look almost as though we were heading back into Summer this morning. The forecast was for 30s (and it managed to slide just slightly above at 32° as the day progressed). Although, early-on, the house had a bit of a "chill" from last night's coolness. And at 6.13, when the first "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" came calling through the house, the sun hadn't really but only just barely begun bringing the night's darkness to a dim light. But 6.13 or not, somebody (somebirdie) was stirring and it was time, no matter what, to get on with this Sunday... a day when I had nothing on the house-hold agenda but to pass the coming hours together, with my VERY BEST COMPANION!
But, when I called back, with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... there was no reply! I wondered if Yonah was actually up and awake or, had I disturbed him as I put the kettle on for my morning coffee. I quietly went to the door of his room and peered in. He was on his perch, ever-so still. Well, since there wasn't any movement, but he was quietly "roosting", I thought that perhaps the "call" was just a little "something"... a dream, perhaps, or, perhaps I did disturb his sleep. So I let him be... until... at 6.19 came not one but TWO "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's!"Apparently it WAS time to get up and get rolling! And so, that's exactly what we did... I was "on it" in an instant.
OH... the cuddles and kisses "Good morning" this morning! Not only was my Little Guy awake, he was in GOOD spirits, and, apparently, as happy to see me as I was to be with him! And he was in a mood to "play" too... Kisses and cuddles, and then a shuffle away across his perch. When I began to withdraw from his house, he scuttled back over to me for more kisses and cuddles, and then, back away. It was a bit of a "back-and-forth" for a while this way too. He truly IS capable of playing his own little games, when he's of a mind. It's rather like when he "plays" with scraps of paper or fabric: picking them up, shaking them about and then tossing the aside... only to go after them and repeating the pick up and toss.
I'd mentioned this to some-one just recently and the sentiment there was the same as mine:
Who would think that birds would have that "playful instinct"? And who would have thought that a mourning dove would be so playful? Well, it's as I've been stressing all along, here, in particular, in this Journal:
Mourning Doves are highly UNDER-rated and UNDER-appreciated and VASTLY MORE intelligent and sentient than people, especially the "experts" give them credit for being. I've actually made no conscious efforts toward changing Yonah's behaviours in any way in our time together. To the contrary... I've been working on adapting ME to HIS ways. And HIS ways include a LOT of contact, affection and playfulness! So I'll say that it stands to reason that, if Yonah can possess all these traits... ALL mourning doves do. And here we have it.
Meanwhile... after the morning water relay and house-tidying, I went to the kitchen for my morning coffee and to attend to the task of settling the kitchen for the day. There were other tasks later, but this morning... I had the blessing of being able to spend EVERY moment of this day in the company that I TRULY LOVE! No running errands, no work, nothing but being busy, at the work table, beside my Bestie Babe, and so, just as soon as all else was done... I W AS THERE! And we were together... and Yonah made it clear that he was as thrilled as I.
So yes, indeed, my Bestie and I had an ENTIRE DAY together today! We napped, twice. Both times, Yonah came to the futon as I laid down, came to my head and we played a bit with the dove pillow... and as I settled, he toddled down from my shoulder to feet and then headed off to where-ever he goes when I nap and he doesn't nap with. And yes, indeed, 2 minutes before the alarm was set to sound, he was back at my head... "peck-peck-peck"... He truly IS an amazing little "time-keeper"! And there's no greater delight than to be awakened with and by the little "pecks" on the head and face... so carefully placed.
It was a "lazy" sort of Sunday... the way Sundays are meant to be. And we had our little "mid-day" break for snacks, together. I worked a bit on catching-up with little tasks that have been "postponed" during the week because, well, I have the 2 hours of work during the week and the rest of the time of day... TIME TOGETHER WITH MY ABSOLUTE JOY AND DELIGHT... MY LITTLE GUY... MY HEART-AND-SOUL!
This evening, jut before "evening meal break", I'd turned on his UV light, because the Yardies had come and gone already and hadn't returned. There was nobody at the feeder so the yard was empty. Also, the air was thick with all sorts of flying insects! It had been a hot, and almost-humid sort of day, still air. It's approaching Autumn and the insects are all coming out as if to meet one-another... for... what-ever reason or reasons they have with the little time they have before the chilly nights and cool days set-in. I didn't want to risk Yonah being out there with all of them flying about. Not "confined" in his old house, as he is. So...
For the most part, he was basking in the light on his roof-top and then... on his food ledge. He TRULY DOES APPEAR TO APPRECIATE THE UV LIGHT! HE'S HAPPIER, MORE VOCIFEROUS AND HE JUST LOOKS SO COMFY THERE, UNDER IT. I'm REALLY so happy that we have that now... and we'll be MUCH happier, come the dreary days of Winter (which, well, here in the North Country, are lurking just around the next flip of the calendar pages).
Earlier in the evening, several mourning doves came to the feeder in the kitchen garden. They're coming by earlier each evening now... just about the time Yonah and I settle in for our evening meals. And today, I happened to notice one with wing feathers quite similar to the "odd" feathers that Yonah has! It appears to be a young female, perhaps about the same age, give or take, as Yonah! Now I'm wondering if this isn't just something that mourning doves experience at some point or another. Or, is it something cause by some sort of bacteria, virus, some sort of "trouble". Where Yonah is concerned, I'm doing the best I know how to do to make sure that he's healthy, and it appears that I'll just have to wait this out and hope that with the next moult, the new feathers will come in properly. But seeing the same thing in wild doves gave me a little spark of hope that it's "transient"... and a bit of comfort knowing that this sort of thing will happen. I wish I knew "why" and what, if anything, I should or could be doing about it. I'm just grateful that, what-ever it is, it's not stopping Yonah from flying about, and he doesn't appear to be in any discomfort. "Wait and see". "Live and learn". Just as it's been all along. As long as my Little Guy isn't suffering in any way... THAT is my MAIN concern... always.
So, we had our evening meals together... a little of the "evening news", and time together... "breaking bread"... or seeds, as it were, together, calmly. "Sunday evening"... the end of one week... the beginning of a new week... as our "Birthday week" RUSHES by... as "Time" seems to do... much to my personal chagrin.
Well... We took a little snooze this evening, before it was time for "before seepie-nigh-night snack"... Yonah was on my leg as I laid on the futon, and we played a bit. At 19.50, he headed "home" for snack... and I started getting his place settled for the night.
Tuck-in... 20.07 I'd stepped out to the front porch for a bit. Yonah was in finishing his snack when I'd stepped out of his room. But as I stood in the late evening, the sun already behind the Western mountains, I heard, from across the house... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... When I got back into Yonah's room, he was on the floor of his house, by his door. I'd already closed the windows up and put up the night boards, and closed the door to his house. But there he stood, instead of being on his perch. So I opened his door, lifted him up, gave him "Seepie-nigh-night" kisses and placed him on his perch. There he stayed, and got settled for the night. My Little Guy, my Heart-and-Soul, all tucked-in for a good night's rest. And it's supposed to be quite "comfortable" tonight... not hot nor chilly. Ah... "Summer" is grasping for its time... and it's agreeable.
Tomorrow we serve the second "Bene-Bac" of the beginning routine and then, weekly there-after unless "situations" call for more or less. Yonah seems to have tolerated the first serving, and it's supposed to be very good for his "internal bacteria"... I just hope it does him well. And then, in between, more milk thistle. When he starts moulting... we'll add the sun-flower seeds and peanuts for the protein. He should be quite wonderful, health-wise, in the coming weeks. And Winter is coming so he'll need his health and strength. We'll see to it that he's perfectly healthy... and perfectly comfortable... no matter what. That's my Heart-and-Soul there, my "Companion"... my heart-beat... my "being".
Monday 29 August:
Day 6 of * BIRTHDAY-WEEK *
Second serving of the "Bene-bac" today...
The clock read 6.10, the day-light was almost just breaking, looks like we're heading into Autumn, too be sure. And in the early quiet stillness that filled the old house, the most beautiful sound filled every bit of space...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! My little Heart-and-Soul was up, awake and raring to take-on a new day! And, needless to say, at that point, so too, was I. No matter the weather or season, NOTHING sparks the energy of the soul better than hearing the clear "call" AND a "long" one at that!
I called back with an equally long response and got the very same in reply! OK! THAT was, pretty much, ALL I needed to hear to know that not only was my Little Guy awake, he was feeling well-enough to call with MUCH more than a usual "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo"! Well... "WOO-HOO!" indeed!
When I went into his room to open the door to his house and get the day on the roll, and leaned in for "Good morning" kisses, he stretched his wings and leaned forward for so many "kisses". THAT is my assurance that he's in good health and good spirits, ready for what-ever the day ahead holds for him... for us.
We got right to tasks... opening the window blinds, letting in the early morning light as the sun made its way up over the mountains and over the trees. And as I got busy with the water relay, Yonah got busy... heading out into his room, up to his wall shelf, then to the futon for a "good morning woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" to the little dove pillow... and, of course, to "supervise" me as "house-keeping" freshened his house and room.
Since today was "second serving" of Bene-bac, we changed food dishes and I added the Bene-bac to fresh food. When I removed the previous dish, Yonah came FLYING back to his house and to the little ledge where his food dish and nest box are! He DOES notice when the food dish is removed and it either intrigues or upsets him, obviously. He comes over, stands in his nest box and stares at the space where the food is supposed to be. He must know that it's only temporary that I remove that dish, but, it's the same with ANY-THING removed or replaced in his house: He sees, he notices, he investigates. I always wonder what mourning doves must think when, since their nests are notoriously light and flimsy, the nest is blown a way or worse, when their eggs (or Little Ones) suddenly disappear in a heavy wind. If Yonah notices so much in his house here, mourning doves MUST be aware of the loss of their nest and/or young in the wild. (It's known that a pair of mourning doves will lose a nest and simply re-build... the same way as the previous nest was built, and when the young are "lost", eggs or nestlings, they'll simply have another little "brood". But, that they "mourn" the loss of a mate, there MUST be SOME sort of "sorrow" where nest and young are concerned. The stoicism though, is inspirational... to me, in particular. "Life", as it's said, "goes on". Just more of the support my Little Guy gives to me, each and every moment of each and every day. I AM SO BLESSED!)
One little note though: With the first serving of the Bene-bac, he didn't seem to mind it being in with his food and he ate quite well! This morning though, he doesn't seem as "eager". He pecked at the fresh food, as he does when-ever he realises the food is fresh and then he left it alone. Well, today was the prescribed "second serving" so I hoped that, during the day, he'd eat more and, since it mixes with the seeds, he'd get enough of the Bene-bac before today's food had to be discarded. (According to the label, it has to be discarded after 8 hours... understandable since it's "beneficial bacteria" and there's no telling what happens to all of those "bacteria" over the course of time, mixed in with the seeds.) And so... that's how we left it this morning.
From the changes in his poop and his energy, even the first serving seems to have made a positive difference, over-all... and after this, we'll see if we should try a "weekly" serving or "monthly". Either way, I'm planning on nothing less than "monthly"... at least for several months to come, and especially for the cooler months to come. Keep his "immune system" healthy. Oh, as always... we're in this together, as a "live and learn". BUT we've done quite well over the months, and we will NOT be "tempting Fate" with any more visits to the so-called "avian vets" in the area. We're "2 for 2" on the "not so great". We're not going to go for a 3rd calamity. We'll make it... Together... we WILL make it all GREAT!
Sadly though, today was another "work day" for me... another 2 hours away, and 2 hours of Yonah's "control" of the entire house. (I know... it's worse for me. I just keep thinking of him, wondering what he's doing, and true, that it's only 2 hours. I can spend that much time attending to all sorts of house-hold tasks and he's pretty-much on his own. I just don't like not being "in the house". I do wonder though, if he doesn't enjoy having the time to him-self with-out me running about the place... in and out of his room. I don't know that I'll ever "know" for sure. Mean-while... it's only 2 hours and I'm only directly next door...)
When I got back from work, of course, I went directly to Yonah's room before changing into "house clothes". He was on his "corner loft", relaxing, until I got to his "house door" when he got right up and came over to greet me! Nothing says "It's so good to see you back!" more than seeing him hop up and over for kisses!
So we kissed, I changed clothes and got to his work table... we had the rest of the day together. 31° in his room, 32° out-side, another really quite warm day out there... and...I had a 30-minute "lie-down" on his futon. (This one was "unaccompanied". I was tired this after-noon and I have to wonder if Yonah didn't sense that and just let me snooze. Ah, but, of course, I'd set an alarm for "32 minutes" and 2 minutes before the alarm... I heard the flutter of wings. It's that "2 minutes"... and I'm being "warned" that there's an alarm ready to sound.)
When I got up, we had our "mid-day snack time" and though he did go for a very light nibble, Yonah doesn't seem too happy that there's something in his food... the Bene-bac. Ah well then, I'm happy he's getting some, and I'm sure he knows best, how much he wants, needs and will tolerate. I trust him... MORE than I trust anybody else. And we have plenty for future. Even if he has just a little each time, hopefully, eventually, the "beneficial" bacteria will out-number those "gram negative" bacteria... and we'll "reverse the numbers".
Today, two more bottles of the "Permethrin" spray arrived. Spray to make sure we don't have to be concerned about mites, ticks, fleas and THAT sort of thing. There's still more left from the first bottle bought, but I feel better knowing t hat we have extra. And I'm wondering if I couldn't use it on the mosses. Poor Little Guy hasn't had any mosses in his house in a while. I've been SO nervous about bringing any more in, especially since this is "tick season" in the woods, and that's where the mosses come from. And there's only just so much I can do with that, to effectively "clean" them. So, our next "trial and error" will be to get some more, "clean and dry" as much as possible and then, give them a spray. Permethrin must be safe since it can be sprayed directly onto Yonah's feathers. I just have to do a little more research on it... He likes to pick at it and since that means he'll have it in his mouth...
As I think about it, I don't doubt that there might have been little "fungi" in the mosses too... MAYBE THAT'S where he got so many of the "bad bacteria"? More "research". (I often wonder though, how mourning doves in the wild get along, with all the "threats" to their health I KNOW that they know what's good and what's harmful. And I DO trust Yonah to "know"... I just don't want to put anything in his environment that he'd HAVE to "know" to avoid. Hey! It's one of the very least things I can do for him: provide a safe place in which to live. And that's really what I'm here for and to do: to make his "time" safe, secure, comfortable, happy and FULL of LOVE!
For now, we're protected against SOME parasites! Now, on to the other little threats!
OK... so the day rolled along, and I worked at the table, with my little Heart-and-Soul ALL through the day!
At about 16.00, when I got up to put my evening meal on the hob, Yonah DID eat better than he'd done all through the day! Not as much as he's done usually, but at least he's managed to get a bit more of that Bene-bac and from here, we'll keep watch to see if we'll go to a "weekly" serving or "monthly". His poops and general energy will let me know... We have the luxury of being able to take our time with this.
After evening meals, and he DID eat even more as I ate, sitting at the work table... he obviously prefers company when he eats, we did the regular water relay and I changed his food back to the regular diet... with milk thistle. At least he DOES seem to enjoy that. And THAT's good for his liver. (When I think: the milk thistle is a very fine, beige powder that I sprinkle on top of his seeds and he doesn't mind that, but the Bene-bac is a fine, white powder, sprinkled too, on his seeds... and it's said that birds, generally, don't "taste" their food, but Yonah's rather putting that theory out. The Bene-bac disappears into the rest of the seed so it isn't really visible. The milk thistle IS visible so there must be something, some quality that the Bene-bac has that the milk thistle doesn't. Oh... but MORE learning... lessons from the GREATEST TEACHER POSSIBLE!
We didn't go out into the yard this evening after meals. HOT and humid and even the Yardies were scarce today. Tonight's "coolest" expected to be 20°. For all the coolness that comes and goes, it looks like Summer is trying to keep its hold on things. But, open window over-night tonight. Fresh air from the out-side. Although, at about 15.30 today, there were were a few morning doves, Ms. Lady Dove waited until 18.00 to come round for a quick snack, and a Little Fellow came round too... but, she's quite the sight to see as she snaps her wings to send others off on their way.
I can't help but notice how the mourning doves out-side will coo, back and forth and Yonah hears them but only seldom does he ever even acknowledge their calls. He has a "perch" attached to the back screen door so he could "roost" there to "visit" or, at least "chat" with them. But he really shows no interest. He's obviously quite comfortable being in HIS house, on HIS perch, in HIS room... and he's quite cozy under his little "private sun"... his UV light. Well, at least he's getting the "UV" that he needs now too. It's not "natural sun-light", but (hopefully), it's providing him with his essential necessity.
This evening he pulled a little "stunt" he hasn't done before: as I sat at the work table, working on his Journal, he took off like a BOLT! Flew out into the kitchen and back again! Just a quick "there and back", as if letting me know that I wasn't paying enough attention to him. Out, away and back again! And when he got back, he went right back to his perch, as if the whole trip never happened. It startled me at first, but when he got back and just re-settled, immediately, it was SO CUTE! (I took a break in what I was doing and went over to him to give him kisses and to let him know that I DO know that he's here... and that I DO LOVE him SO MUCH! He seemed "re-assured", and I got some kisses back.) It always amazes me to see just how much "togetherness" this Little Guy actually wants... even from ME! somebody who, other-wise, in the "natural order" of things, he'd see as a horrible predator! I mean, even the doves in the yard, who see me bringing them food, ought to know, by now, that I mean them nothing but love, scatter the very second I step out the door. Oh... such is "life" and "nature".
By 19.35, all was settled and calm and quite in the room and Yonah was on his door perch... beside me... preening.
But 20.00, he was on his perch, in his "night spot"... it was "tuck-in" time. The window blinds were already closed, the night boards were in place, so I got up and leaned into his house, as I always do at the "end of day" and as I gave him kisses... HE SNUGGLED AGAINST MY CHEEK AND LIGHTLY PECKED AT MY FACE. I AM SO EXCEPTIONALLY BLESSED, HUMBLED, HONOURED, PRIVILEGED, AND SO UTTERLY FILLED WITH * AWE * !!! INDESCRIBABLY SO MUCH SO !!!
At 20.09, I turned his desk lamp off... the UV had been turned off at 19.15 already. My PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS HEART-AND-SOUL was duly tucked-in for a safe night's rest, protected from the elements out-side his window, no need for any concern about any predators who might try to attack as he sleeps. No need to ponder his next meal or place of shelter. And surely, no need to wonder about COMPANIONSHIP... We're together... and I'll continue doing the utmost best humanly possible, to make his days and (hopefully) years ahead ALL that he could possibly need and want! Again... I AM SO VERY EXCEPTIONALLY BLESSED!
Tuesday 30 August:
mourning dove 2022 30 Augustmourning dove 2022 30 AugustDay 7... Our BIRTHDAY WEEK COMES TO A CLOSE... ANOTHER YEAR BEHIND... AND A NEW YEAR AHEAD! MY LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL AND I.... TOGETHER
23°... overcast, and the sun was doing its best to provide some day-light to the world below it when, at 5.41 came the morning call of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... and it was only the beginning of full-on conversation this morning! Today is "the day" ON which, my Heart-and-Soul and I observe not only our "Birthday Week" but THE day. (Sadly, I don't know HIS exact birthday, but since the timing coincides with mine, I just thought we could take THE day, today, and celebrate that we've managed to "make it through another year".)
When I got into his room, he was right there, just inside, on his perch where he'd obviously passed a most peaceful night (all the little poops were directly below where he'd slept, and that's the perfect indication that he hadn't been disturbed, hadn't moved about and that indeed, the night was calm... just what I need to see in the morning). I leaned in and quietly bade my Little Guy a happy "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo", my attempt at a "Good morning and Happy Birthday"... and HE took a deep breath, straightened his neck, raised his head and, "in my face", as it were, let out with a HEARTY "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo!" WELL! THERE WE HAD IT! "Happy Birthday to US!"
AND, as I opened his blinds, removed the night boards, we had a completely FULL CONVERSATION! The cooings were almost non-stop! Back and forth and forth and back! (I have NO idea what I was saying to Yonah and, it bothers me more than much else, I just can't "know" what he's saying to me. But WOW! When the coo'ing continues, it truly IS as though we're having a truly meaningful dialogue!)
It isn't really completely unique that we have a chat as I open his windows, but THIS morning, our CONVERSATION CONTINUED... even as I ran the morning water relay and as I was in the kitchen, making my morning coffee! THIS morning ACTUALLY WAS "UNIQUE"! It was quite as though Yonah KNEW that today was rather "special", different from other mornings... something that set this morning aside from others. And he appeared to not only appreciate it all, he was "celebrating" it and had MUCH to comment on about it! The house was FULL of "woo-HOOs" this morning! REALLY... QUITE UNIQUE! And, to be factually honest, I sincerely don't and wouldn't doubt that my Little Guy knows that there was something important about today... He has an indescribable sense of SO much, from my moods even to sense what I'm thinking. So, that I was thinking of the importance (to me) of this day, I'm positive, he knew that and his "chatting" was his way of assuring me that he knew... and appreciates that, to me, he's THE integral part of my "being". (And he is too!)
One item of IMPORTANCE that needs to be noted:
Oh... but for all the JOY and DELIGHT of this morning, how I wished I could have dodged a morning at work, but... most of what I'm working for now is to make sure that Yonah's life is FULL, COMFORTABLE, HAPPY, CONTENT, and PERFECTLY HEALTHY so... off I went for the 2 hours and he had the house completely to him-self... to do as he pleased. And I went about what I think of as a "daily task"... holding him in my heart, giving me the strength and stamina to endure through our time apart today. And as if "Fate" were lending a compassionate hand... today's work-day started and ended ON TIME, and in the shortest order... I WAS BACK... TO SPEND THE ENTIRETY OF THE REST OF * OUT * DAY... * TOGETHER * !!!
When I got back into the house, I RUSHED in to Yonah's room and he RUSHED to his door to greet me! Kisses and snuggles and I was off to change into "house clothes", having absolutely NOTHING else to do but stay in the company of my BESTIE COMPANION !!! And although I did have some tasks, I put ALL that required being else-where aside and got all that I'd need for the day, together, in Yonah's room and settled-in there!
We even had a little 30-minute snooze... together! Apparently, Yonah wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with HIM!
As the day went on, it became rather "interesting" too... the temperature rose and with it, the humidity. It was almost "oppressive", and in the late after-noon, as Yonah and I listened to his bird-songs and the radio, a "Warning" came over the air...
Severe rain and "quarter-sized" hail! High winds. Advisories to "take shelter"!
I was SO relieved to be with Yonah, in the house, ready to take any necessary actions to make sure that he was safe and sound and perfectly protected! And the skies DID grow darker, the winds, stronger. The rains POURED for a while, out-side our windows! Torrents! BUT... Yonah was comfy and safe in his house... we were together. The UV light was on and too, the desk lamp. We had our own peace... light... plenty of food and fresh water... we had one-another, we had each-other and all was at peace in his room...
Fortunately, the threatened storms were buffeted by our mountains, and they took their toll down, in the lake valley. Yonah and I were snuggly safe for the day and... into the evening... cuddles, kisses, coo's, a little snooze on his futon... MUCH, MUCH, MUCH LUVIN'S TODAY!
Oh, the weather out-side was frightful, but together, in his room, all was delightful!
Storm past, we got to our evening meals together. A little food, a little news... a LOT more Luvin's!
When meals were done and washing-up too, we got into the evening routine... water relay, tidying the house... and settling-down for an evening "wind-down". And now, my Little Guy's back to his regular diet with the milk thistle. We'll check to watch for more "Bene-bac" and whether we'll do "weekly" for a few weeks longer or switch to monthly. In either event, he's LOOKIN' GOOOOOD! And he appears to be quite happy and THAT is THE MOST important aspect of ANY and EVERY moment of EVERY day!
Tonight, at 19.53, it was obviously time to bring OUR day to a close. I was heart-heavy... Time, generally, passes so quickly, but today seemed to pass even quicker than usual. And it was time for both my Little LOVE and I to settle-in for a good night's rest. Waters were changed and fresh, the windows and blinds were closed against the suddenly-dropping temperatures out-side. UV light was off, desk lamp on. Yonah's room was calm... and he was in his house, preening, as he does, before "seepie-nigh-night".
We made it... another year... this old planet had completed another round-the-sun for both of us. Yonah has made it beyond the "reported" 18 months of an "average" life-span for him and his... in his "natural environment". He's on his way to the "half-way" mark of the "next phase" of "5 years". Will WE have another 3 years together? Will WE have the ever-rare "20 years" together? Will EITHER of us have that much time together? There's no telling. All that we CAN say is that he's had TWO years of LIFE... and now... our next "Milestone"... 13 October 2022... when we'll have TWO YEARS TOGETHER!
mourning dove 2022 30 Augustmourning dove 2022 30 AugustOne of THE most important "Life Lessons" Yonah has taught me is to be exceptionally grateful for the time we've had and, other-wise, live for the RIGHT NOW... To grab onto, hold and CHERISH the moment immediately at hand. No matter what the circumstances, ALL "time" is merely "now"... And my "nows" have been THE MOST REMARKABLE... AWE-FULL... DIVINE... INDESCRIBABLY AMAZING! And as I say, I am ALWAYS...
At 20.16, we got in our snuggles, cuddles, kisses... LUVIN'S... and again, I pondered how it would be we could just turn his entire room into a place where he could just have free "run" even through the night... I could sleep on his futon and we could pass the night-hours together. And, out-side, as I closed his house, the rains picked-up again... and almost thundered against the roof of this old house... the winds rushed loudly through the trees, and the temperature dropped so that even in-side, we noticed the change. But, my PRECIOUS LITTLE BUNDLE OF LIFE was roosted, on his perch, in his house, in his room... safe, sound, protected, care-free and comfy for a restful, peaceful "seepie-nigh-night". He's been through more than most people could imagine, more than most people have EVER experienced... and tonight... he can sleep, safely... And tomorrow? Well... we'll both face that when "tomorrow" becomes "today"... Tonight is tonight and tonight is now and that's all we need be concerned with or about.
Happy Birthweek.
Wednesday 31 August:
Our *Birthday Week*... OUR *Birthday Month* has come to a close. "Time"... Where does it go? My little Heart-and-Soul and I have completed another entire year... Together? Yes. And am I grateful for the "time" we've had together? I couldn't be happier, no more DELIGHTED, than I am. It's been a year of SO MUCH LEARNING, and I've been taught the MOST important lessons of ANY life-time, by the ABSOLUTE BEST TEACHER... a little feather-covered bundle of * LIFE * ! "Professor" Yonah Taube, the FACTUAL "EXPERT" on ALL things "mourning dove". Our next "milestone"... 13 October, when we observe and celebrate our "2 YEARS TOGETHER"! As I say: "Time"... every moment of every day passes in less time than it takes to blink an eye. The years? One blink, another has passed. "Joy" is with us such a short while. The ecstasy that is my literal "heart-and-soul"... What we have now is actually a "life-time"... his... and mine.
6.16 this comfortably cool-warm last day of August, and the soft "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" came to surround me with the DELIGHT that is my Little Guy. The day-light had all but only just begun to wash over the mountains, and the mists from last night's rains was beginning to rise over the wood-lands. The world was still, calm. It hadn't yet begun the rush that people put on the hours ahead.
From the kitchen, I called back, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and immediately, the response wafted out through the open door of the next room where my Little Guy had been resting through the night. And I repeated my own rendition of my other-wise feeble attempt at communicating with him and he repeated his own first call. For the next few moments, as I put things to order, we "chatted" back and forth... "Conversation"... of the absolutely BEST fashion!
When I got into the still-dark room, blinds not yet open to the day out-side, he was there, on his perch, in the very spot where, last night, he'd slept, protected from the rains that fell and the winds that blew through the hours of darkness. He was awake, to be sure, and I opened the door to his house and, as we do of a morning, stuck my head in to bring my face close to give him our customary "Good morning" kisses. He straightened up, stretched his wings and returned the morning sentiments with a FACE FULL of the gentlest pecks... across my forehead, down my cheeks, over my nose. We were both equally delighted to have each-other's company and companionship for another morning... another day.
In short order, I moved his house round, went to the windows and opened the blinds to let in the as-yet dim morning light, and as I did, my Precious Companion sounded a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"
Wednesday morning had commenced... and August was being seen "out" with a morning of LOVE!
Water relay, house-tidying... poop check this morning was another positive experience. All was in one place which meant Yonah had rested through the night, and the appearance of each of the 5 little "rounds" was re-assuring that his little digestive system was working well. A great morning that followed an equally great night. And my little Love was obviously well-rested. A perfect beginning to a new day.
And so, after water relay and general "morning routine", I went about the business of setting the rest of the house to order for the morning and as I did, Yonah had a quick bite of breakfast and took to flying about his room, and we continued our chatting...
It was another work day for me, so, at about 8.55, I went in to give my Love a few kisses and the assurance that I would be VERY close by and would be back in shortest-possible order. I got a snuggle and more kisses across the face and, with my usual heavy heart, I went out.
When I got back, on time, shortly after 11.00.... as I looked through the screen door, I could see him, on his roof-top, resting, as it were. When he saw me come in, he immediately stood up, came to the front of his house-top and waited for me to come in to him... for MORE kisses! Reciprocal kisses! I don't "know" that he "missed" me for those 2 hours, but I DO know that, as always, I missed him and wondered how he was passing his time. The affection with which I was greeted told me that, no matter what, Yonah was DELIGHTED to see me and that's quite all that mattered... I hurried to change from work clothes to house clothes. And although I could have run an errand today, with the closeness of our morning, and the affection of the "Welcome Home"... there was nothing so important that I had to leave my Little Guy today... so, as the sun POURED in through his windows, and a comfortable breeze blew across his room, I brought all that I needed for the day, into his room and settled at the work table. We were together... for the day.
The temperature in his room was a delightful 23° through the day... and I managed to grab a 20-minute snooze on his futon.. Yonah too, took a snooze, on my leg. I woke to feel him there, all nestled, so calm and comfortable.
From there, the rest of the day passed with me working at the work table and taking MANY, MANY breaks, when my Precious Companion came down from his nest box, to his door perch and waited for me to slide the chair back and exchange kisses and some cuddles, where I held him in my cupped hands and he nestled his head against my chin. It was a page from a story written as from an old Victorian tale. A perfectly perfect sort of day.
Before our mid-day snack, I'd taken his "dove pillow" out to the basin for a needed "bath" and put it on the line to dry. Yonah noticed the absence and flew over to the futon where his "little friend" has always been, waiting for him, and when he saw that it wasn't there, he came rushing back to "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" at me. "My little chum is missing! What happened?" I consoled "Birdie needed a bath and is just out drying. He'll be right back." It seemed an acceptable excuse... for each of the several times Yonah came back for the same reason.
This evening, we had our evening meals together and when I'd done with the washing-up, I checked. "Birdie" was dry enough to come back in so...
I brought "Birdie" back into the room and I had a lie-down for another 20 minutes with "Birdie" balanced at the bend of my knee... When I woke... BOTH Yonah and "Birdie" were on my leg, together. Yonah had passed the time beside "Birdie", on my leg! Again... it was the sort of event worthy of a short film, and my heart was SO FULL! When Yonah noticed that I was awake, he immediately straightened up, looked directly at "Birdie" and let out a resounding "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo!" as if to say "Snooze time is over." And, yes, it was, and it was time to get to the evening water relay... and so I did.
Since tonight's temperatures were expected to be on the much cooler side, I thought it a good time to try the new "heated mirror" that had come for Yonah. I was hoping it would provide a nice warm place for him to roost, come the cold nights of Winter. So, with a little "doing" to get it into proper place, replacing the mirror beside the "night roost" spot on his perch, I managed to get it installed and plugged it in to see just how warm it would get. I also wanted to see Yonah's reaction to it, since the metal casing is polished to a mirror-clear shine and would give a reflection, just as the actual mirror that had been there did.
Well... the "report": First and foremost, Yonah went over, looked at the reflection there and... flew away, over to his food-and-nest-box ledge. "Disapproval" of the "birdie in the mirror". But I left it there, mostly waiting for it to reach its maximum warming temperature. And hour later, the only way to know, for certain, that it was "warming" at all was to actually touch it. I put my forearm across it and disappointingly, it wasn't very "noticeably" warm at all. Now, a mourning dove's normal body temperature is, I've learned, 105°F. This "heater" wouldn't give even a fraction of that warmth to Yonah, especially during our North Country Winter nights. And, in the hour of it heating, Yonah had gone back over to his perch, stood beside the heater and in short order, returned to the perch on the opposite side of his house. Not only did he disapprove of the reflection, it appeared that he disapproved of the entire apparatus. So? I removed it. There are other "heaters" for the Little Ones... this one serves no purpose so... we'll return it and put the money for this toward something that will keep my Little Guy warm and cozy through the many Winter nights that are soon to come.
Oh well... "Live and learn"... and on to the next item that might provide sufficient warmth and comfort to my Little Guy, come the cold nights of Winter.
The day, the month... came to a calmer close. We'd had our evening meals. We'd done the closing of blinds against the night out-side. The night boards were up. The clock passed the 19.00 and 19.30 hours... and my little Heart-and-Soul was calm, preening in preparation for "seepie-nigh-night". He'd had his snack. So, we got our "end-of-day" snuggles, cuddles and kisses... a little "play" because my Little Guy wanted to do the usual "I'm tired but not ready to go to sleep yet" game. Ah... but by 20.00 he was ready... on his perch, in his night spot. So, with just a couple more kisses... we closed the door to his house, and turned off the desk lamp. 20.06... another day.... another month... closed. Tomorrow? A new day... a new month... and soon... a new season... September... "Autumn"... and another month closer to another "anniversary"... another "year"... "October"... another... For now? No thoughts of another... tonight my Heart-and-Soul was tucked-in and safe for a night's sleep... safe and sound.