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Emergency Medical

Thursday 01 February:
21.00 A late start to journalling today. The new lap-top arrived and it took a LOT longer to set-up than expected, but as of today, there’s a lap-top dedicated to journalling so my little Heart-and-Soul won’t have to be disturbed when he decides to take his rest on the original. I’ll never understand why he likes “resting” on the key-board of a lap-top, even over the heating pad, and he likes to peck at the screen too. I’ve looked into it, many times, on many web-sites, but it seems nobody has any idea why birds, in general, are so attracted to lap-tops (but Yonah isn’t the only one so... and he doesn’t do himself any harm, nor does he harm the lap-top now that I have a “cover” of card-stock over the key-board, so, if that’s where he’s comfortable, so be it. After all, his comfort and happiness and health are all that matters in Creation... to me.)
And today, it’s so good to know that January’s journal page is up, on-line, live! The links to the 2024 Journal entries have to be coded, but the page is there (awaiting photo additions... but the text is available and safe there, on the server as well as the back-ups here with us.) Now... to get to the last months of 2022 and all of 2023... I fell so far behind when I started back to work. But there are MANY notes and notations to work with, and as I do that, I find myself travelling back to those days... re-living the moments. (It’s why the Journal was created in the first place... and then has become documentation of the LOVE and CARE Yonah receives since coming into the house... and becoming my reason to continue my own existence... more on that matter here... later...)
For now...
The sweetest call came this morning at 7.20, with another soft “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo” in the darkness of yet another heavily over-cast Winter morning. February... we’ve had a relatively “easy” Winter this year, and when January passes with-out major storms and snow accumulations, February usually makes-up for the “lost time” and stretches it out into May. So, today, February, we’re about to start the “heavier” days... colder, to be sure, and darker, in spite of “earlier sun-rises”. Yes, the room was dark but the “song of the morning” negated all else. And when I replied with a bit of a “hoarseness” of a “morning voice”: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” my Little One called back: “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”.
After a bit of an exchange back and forth, the final “woo-HOO!” and I got up from the futon, in the truly comfortably warm room, and when I got to “the house” and opened the door, beautiful wing-stretches and leg-stretches and the little head-bob... time for “Good morning” kisses! And those were almost never-ending this morning! My Precious Little Guy was well-rested and obviously in a good mood... so... the day came to a perfect opening.
And as I opened curtains and blinds, our little chatting continued right along! Even when I stepped out of the room to set the kitchen for this morning’s water relay! Morning chats are always the greatest for me... and they leave me AWE-struck! To think, here we are, “the old man and the bird” carrying on what surely does appear to be a full conversation... “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...” Indeed!
And poop check? Oh yes, it was a calm night too. All were “in place” and looking quite healthy. More support for an old soul.
I was a bit of a “busy” morning today, so I got settled at the desk quite soon after we woke and I got right to work... with bird-songs and the radio, and Yonah made his “rounds”... to the futon to greet “Burdie-Birdie”, then up on the wall shelf to Beanie-Birdie... a flight over to the desk shelf to Bustelo-Birdie ... EVERYBIRDIE got a morning greeting before the last “flight” of the morning... to the living-room... and a couple of “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo’s” to the decoys. It’s really quite something to watch and witness... when I see that this little bundle of feathers and LOVE has an actual “routine” of his own... it reminds me of the sort of people who go round to visit the home-bound in their community every day to check on them. Yonah goes round to his “community”, at some point in time of every morning! WHO would have EVER thought? But it does answer one of my questions as to what birds in the wild do with their day.
I’ve read that they gather first thing, and head off for breakfast together (much, rather like people who meet at the coffee shops), and then, during the rest of the day, it’s off for a drink of water, find more sources of food, then “hang out”, roost, either alone or with others, and maybe chat about “things-avian”... off to visit with other flocks or individuals, check on the broods when there are any... and then, come evening, gather for dinner and head out in search of safe shelter for the night. Yonah does do such things, in his own way, from visiting his “birdies” in the morning to resting on his “loft” during the day.
These days though, during the day, when I’m sitting at the desk, he’s been making many “visits” to me too, flying over from where-ever he happens to be, to alight on my shoulder to give a couple of pecks on the neck and cheek, some tugs at the ear... and exchange some kisses... or, at times, to just “hang out” there, watching, with intent, what-ever it is that I’m doing at the desk. These days have been particularly “close” which is why, this after-noon... the impact of our “little event” struck me as hard and deep as it did...
Today, I wanted to get some “deep” house-cleaning done after our recent bout of “stale air” and that mustiness that this house has become notorious for. So, the hoover came out and furnishings got moved about as I worked my best to clean air filtres and carpets and such.
I was interrupted by a visitor for some 45 minutes so I was standing at the front door... inside the closed screen door as we chatted. The back door was open, screen door closed and latched, and one window in Yonah’s room was open for fresh air circulation... the screen, of course, closed. As it went, when the “visit” was done, Yonah came flying out to the living-room to his tree... and gave me a “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo”... it was “lunch time” and I was being reminded that we have a standing “date” mid-day. So I put my lunch on the hob and went about putting the hoover away. Yonah came into his room as I was re-settling his space and had “parked” on the futon where he watched me wrap the power cord and put things where they belonged, out of the way... and when I had everything back in order, I headed out to the kitchen to get my lunch... What I hadn’t heard was him flying out of his room... so when I got back to the desk... he was no-where to be seen in the room.
That’s not so very unusual... this Little Guy can hide, PERFECTLY, no matter where he is. It truly IS amazing, how well he “blends into” his surroundings! (I still marvel that any other animal can actually find mourning doves in the wild. It seems that no matter where he goes, if I don't actually LOOK for him, it's quite easy to miss finding him! The worst place in this house is the living-room floor because he literally blends into the brown carpeting! I've stopped just simply trotting about the house now, for fear of... I don't even dare to think...)
Well... not seeing the little bundle of feathers where I'd expected him to be, at his lunch in his house, I looked about the room... the wall shelves, the desk shelf, futon, the shelves under his house... across the floor, on the book-cases... he wasn't in his room, so I headed out to check the living-room, expecting to find him on his little tree in the corner... HE WASN'T THERE EITHER! I looked across the living-room, across the floor, behind the futon there, around the house-plants... NOT A SIGN OF HIM! I CALLED: "WOO-HOO! HEY! WOO-HOO, WHERE ARE YOU? " Silence, and a most uncomfortable stillness in the entire house! "STILLNESS"! AND "SILENCE"! I started to become worried... wondering where he was now. I looked in the bed-room, hoping he might be on the clothes shelves or on the bed (he's gone there before, though not often). Not there... I looked around the kitchen, up on the cupboards, the fridge... Not there! I even looking in the shower... just to be sure. NOT A SIGN OF HIM! And I'd closed all the doors, since the house was taking a chill from the out-side! DID I CLOSE HIM BETWEEN THE DOORS? In a panic, I opened the front door... Not there. I RAN to the back door... opened the inside door... NOT THERE!
"Woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo. Hoo-WOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo."
"Hello? Little woo-hoos? Who are you? Hello?"
I HAD TO SIT TO GATHER MY WITS. I WAS PREPARING FOR THIS TO BE THE DAY WHEN I STOP ALL THE "HEALTH CHECKS"... SHOPPING, FOOD... EVERYTHING. (With-out Yonah, I literally have NO reason or cause for any such things and seriously, with-out him, there's no reason to bother...)
"This is it... This is it... This is..."
***** OH ***** MY ***** GOD ***** !!!!!
***** YONAH ***** !!!!!
When I'd finally gotten my "body together", and the tingling stopped and the shaking, I stood up, went across to him and asked
"WHAT made you decided to come in HERE today? You SILLY LITTLE BIRD! I was about to give up on Creation! I could have 'gone' and you'd be alone in here... you silly little bird! I was SO worried! And you didn't answer when I called. You crazy little bird!"
I leaned my head forward and he gave me some kisses and then toddled across the shelf toward the illuminated alarm clock and seemed SO intrigued by it... perhaps the blue digital light? What-ever... And when I sat back down to just LOOK at him, to ASSURE my-self that he WAS, IN FACT, THERE... HE STARTED PREENING... SHAKING FEATHERS, PULLING THEM INTO ORDER... FOR HIM... IT WAS JUST ANOTHER COMMON PLACE TO HANG OUT!

I really wasn't in much of a state to eat, at this point, but, as I stood up, I looked over at my little Heart-and-Soul and said:
"Well... it didn't kill me and here you are and here I am and here we are and I have to eat to keep what-ever strength I still have and to get back the strength I gave up so... I'm going to your room to have my lunch."
I stepped out of the room, put my lunch on the desk and went back to the bed-room... He'd flown again... only this time, he was on the wall-light just inside the door! Honestly, the places he can find to get to! And when he saw ME standing there, he took a leap... and landed on my head! So then... I stood for a bit... managed to get a couple of photos of this nonsense and as I started out of the bed-room... the little "disappearing fellow" took flight and headed back to his house...
I walked about the house, checking doors and windows... and when I was sure all was safe and secure... I went to have my lunch... When I got into Yonah's room, he was back in his house... in his loft... as if every other event had never happened.
If I learned nothing else today, I learned what it will be when... But it won't be panic if it's "natural"... I've been prepared for years now... it's just a matter of "following" my Heart-and-Soul to where-ever it might be that we're off to, where we're off of this existence.
AND SO... for the rest of the day, I parked me at the desk, Yonah was in his house, taking it easy after his travel and sojourn. I worked on Journals and his new "calling cards" and he worked on getting his rest.
At about 16.30, the delivery man arrived with the new lap-top. I met him at the door. We chatted a bit, I brought the lap-top into Yonah's room to un-pack it and show him and explain that this was for his Journals and such. He was only slightly interested in the whole ordeal and sat with Burdie-Birdie, watching me fiddle with boxes.
At 17.00 we had our evening meals together... and the world returned to "regularly scheduled programming".
After meals, I did the washing-up and started the set-up for the new lap-top... and got the water relay done, closed windows up, installed the back-board... got the room readied for OUR seepie-nigh-night...
Since there was so much going on and Yonah didn't appear to want to settle-down, I didn't rush to get him "home" for the night... but... at about 19.55, I thought it best to let him calm down and prepare so... I removed "me" from the room and got things together, prepared for the night's rest ahead...
I leaned into Yonah's house, he was on his night perch... we exchanged kisses "Good night". I told him how relieved I was that he was still with me, assured him that I will be with him no matter what and... I stepped back, closed the door to his house... dimmed his desk lamp... and...
20.05 seepie-nigh-night. My little Heart-and-Soul was safely tucked-in in his own house, warm, protected from the elements and predators of "out-side"... He had food and water... and a place to rest... safely... Yonah Taube was "home".
Friday 02 February:
We had a rather peaceful day today, and I spent the majority of it in Yonah's room, working on getting a new batch of his new "calling cards" printed and cut. This "edition" uses a "profile" of him, looking so elegant. The originals have a cut-out of a photo taken of him in December of 2020... I never understood it at the time, but over the years, it's become more obvious to me: the poor little guy was in the process of moulting when that photo was taken and looking at it today, I can see how much of his glorious tail feather s were missing and how "rugged" he looked then. This new image is MUCH closer to his actual "elegance". The work kept me busy and with the exceptions of "visits" for pecks on the cheek and one where he actually came over and tugged at the little gold hoop in my left ear (he's done that before but this after-noon it seemed more "determined"... he WANTED attention!) my Precious Little Guy lounged on his loft.
There was one adventure out to the living-room where I noticed he was looking for more "twigs". There were some plants on the window-tables that had dried out a while ago, brought in from out-side but didn't make the transition, and he was plucking leaves and twigs from them to add to his loft "nesting". But the plants became so "sorry" that I took them away. Looks like I have to get out into the wood-lands and find some more "building materials" for him now. And as I look for a new place for us to call "home", wood-lands are very much in the "requirements" so that I can provide new and fresh for my Heart-and-Soul. But for now... there are twigs collected this past Autumn, and there's quite a bit of them... but they're in his room... apparently, it's better to "go hunt"... My next "attempt" will be to put little bundles about the house and see the reaction to that. Out in the wild, he'd have had to go searching for nesting. From the looks of things, he still has that instinct. Hey! He doesn't want to be sedentary... I can appreciate that.
Meanwhile, right now, it's 19.25 and his room is settled and I'm at the desk with the new "dedicated" lap-top, the "old" lap-top is on... the news is on, and tonight, Yonah isn't interested... in fact, he's just come down from his roof-top for a "snack"... and is on his door perch... "Tuck-in time"? We'll see. Oddly, back before there was another lap-top in the house, he would have been established on the key-board. Now that he has it to him-self... well... THAT'S MY LITTLE GUY! NEVER "predictable"... SO PRECIOUS!
But for the day...
Well then, our other-wise dreary February morning was "called to order" at 7.05 this morning with a relatively soft “woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo”.
I was "half-awake" at the time, so, right away, I called back with a soft "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo".
Replies were immediate... we were "chatting", and THAT'S the most beautiful way to start ANY day. My Precious Little Guy obviously had a good night's sleep and was rested this morning and he had things to say! I welcomed each and every coo with the joy that they bring to my own core.
When I got to his door, still in the early morning darkness before the windows were opened to the world out-side, he bobbed his head and took some magnificent wing-stretches and leg-stretches, and as I popped my head in for "Good morning" kisses, he gave a "shake", fluffing and straightening his feathers... all prepared for a new day's appearance.
KISSES, this morning, were... ABUNDANT! It was more like old friends, long-separated, meeting by chance. Yonah's affections are both amazing and SO VERY settling to the soul. And being so welcomed assures me that yes, in spite of my own doubts about the care I provide, this Cherished Little Life gives me his approval. We ARE the flock...
I got right to the chore of "opening house"... curtains, blinds, preparing for morning water relay, and Yonah hopped over to his "food shelf", scuttled to the back of his house and when I turned toward him, through the grating, he poked his beak through to give me some more pecks! The "connection" between the two of us is nothing less than truly "remarkable". I still don't know what I've ever done to be so deserving of this Little Guy's affections, but I consider them as the highest honour and blessings possible.
Our "chatting" actually carried through as I went to the kitchen to put the kettle on and get things prepared for the water changes!
And when all was done and settled, and I was putting the kitchen together, getting ready to bring my coffee into his room and get "established" at the desk... behind me, the rush of wind... of wings soaring by. Little Mister headed out to the living-room but, he made a quick stop behind me in the kitchen, as if to check-in and check on my where-abouts. Moments later, he was in the living-room, visiting with the decoys and searching about for more building materials for his loft. After a couple of minutes of pacing about the plants that are out there, he found nothing that met his needs and he headed back "home"... and started picking through the twigs on the floor of his house and bringing them up to his loft.
I had to make a quickest run into town later this morning and when I got to the store, one of the managers was at the front. Betsie ALWAYS asks "How's the bird?" and the comfort is, she asks sincerely! She's as interested in hearing about Yonah's days as she can be. There are a very few who are genuinely interested in his well-being and who understand my attachment to him. We discussed his "bed-room sojourn" yesterday and my panic. And I mentioned my uncertainty about moving to a new place and bringing him into new surroundings. Both Betsie and Casey said "He's going to be just fine... you'll be there. That's all that matters." (We are the "flock".) And I talked about my uncertainty about bringing another dove into the house and they both agreed that he might see another one as an "intruder" or "competition" for my affections... To them too, it seems he's just as happy and content as he could be... just the two of us. This space is "our" space... his (first) and mine and that's the way it's been and that's how it ought to be. It assured me... and moved me so deeply that the two of them genuinely care.
When I got back, the Little Guy was in his house, still picking through twigs and moving them up to his loft. (It's a bit sad, but he lays them there, on the little platform, and from time-to-time, some of them get tossed to the floor. But when I find them, I bring them back to his floor, he brings them back. It keeps reminding me of the "nests" that mourning doves "build": loose twigs that tend to fall... apart and down. But they don't mind... they raise their Little Ones no matter what, and here is my Little Guy, doing what all the mourning doves in the wild world do. Wild instincts... intact! It's a GRAND comfort to me! As I always say: Yonah is NOT a "pet" and he's NOT "domesticated"... He's a "COMPANION" and he's come to "tolerate" his new environment with a human. Say what will be said and written, mourning doves are AWE-FULL Little Beings!
So, our day moved along and, as I say, I settled at the desk and after lunch (together, of course), go into the business of the "business cards". And all the while I worked, we listened to the radio and my Little Guy took his leisure until... 16.00 when he hopped over to his "evening snack" and then came to his door perch... to remind me... it was time to put MY evening meal on the hob! (He's my "alarm" in so many ways!)
So, we had our dinners together, and shortly after, I got to the evening water relay. And as I did, my "Supervisor" "roosted" watching the waters being drained from and poured into his pool. When done, I leaned in to him and... to my surprise... SO MANY KISSES... REALLY... SO VERY MANY KISSES! "Thank you"? Or just more affection? I don't know, can't say, but WOW! It was SO COMFORTING!
When he'd done with the kisses and "stepped aside", I returned to my "evening chores"... I closed his blinds and curtains for the night, installed the back-board... and he stood, on his door perch for a while until...
By 19.30, he was up on his "night perch". I'd been at the desk typing today's journal entry, the other lap-top was "playing" the evening news... the house was settled and all was calm, as a February night ought to be. I decided to try, again, this evening, to continue the typing to see whether or not he would actually "settle-in" and... to my delight, he did. My presence in the room seemed more pleasant than an intrusion. So, now I'm learning (yet again) that perhaps this is the best way for him to relax before "tucking-in"; me being there, it seems, gives him a sense of security. So, again, I'm glad to have the extra little lap-top... I can stay with him for a while in the evenings. And, should it come to it, our "new home" can be of only one bed-room... we're perfectly fine together. (And my Little Guy seems to prefer it that way too.)
The time passed and the clock read 20.00 and I thought it best to truly settle the room and let my Precious Little Guy get his rest with-out the intrusion of me being there, so I moved the lap-tops out of the room and went back in to put up the roof-board... Done, I leaned in for MORE "Good night" kisses and... dimming the desk lamp and a sincere "seepie-nigh-night my little LOVE."... 20.10... all tucked-in for the night. Thursday, 02 February 2024... officially "closed".
Saturday 03 February: 7.05 and the morning "call to order" in the dim, morning light of the room. "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". This morning, not so much a "song" as a "call". Indeed, time to get up from the comfort of the futon. The room was comfortably warm and still, but there was a day commencing out-side the curtains. And when I replied, in kind, another "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". No time for song or chat, it was time to get up and get started!
And, apparently, my Little Guy was determined to get me up... the calls continued, even as I got up to get to him.
Wing-stretches and KISSES this morning! And this morning, it occurred to me: tuck-in at 20.00 and waking at 7.00, it's as though we'd been "away from each-other" for about 11 hours! (I know he didn't sleep all that while because, last night, when I stepped into the room, at about 21.30, to turn the desk light off and put the moon lights on, I stepped back out of the room and he called "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... But I just called back "It's seepie-nigh-night time, you. Get your rest. We have things to do tomorrow."
Ah... maybe that's why the call to get up this morning was in earnest: "We have things to do..." (I really wouldn't doubt that he understood and remembered what I'd said last night. I don't doubt anything where this Little Guy is concerned any more.)
WELL! I got the blinds and curtains opened, and he was up and about, hopped over to the back of his house to watch me at the windows, and I got to the morning chores... water relay and putting the kettle on for my morning coffee and, at 7.20, as I stood at the kitchen basin... FLUTTER FLUTTER FLUTTER... HE WAS UP AND OUT AND TO THE LIVING-ROOM! "Things to do!" and he was awake!
By about 7.45, water relay was done... and Yonah was still in the living-room so I went out to "visit" with him at his tree. He flew over to my shoulder and came round the house with me as I went back into his room to settle it and prepare for our day together.
When, at last, I'd settled at the desk... SUN RISING OVER THE DISTANT HILL AND MAKING ITS WAY UP ABOVE THE TREES THIS MORNING... AT LAST, FOR A CHANGE... A SUNNY MORNING... he came over to my shoulder for some pecks on the cheek and ear and then back to his house. A "together" sort of morning... and the most comforting start to a Saturday. As I got more settled to hit the Journal, he got settled... on his loft... "perch-coo". ("Mating season"... I guess this is our time to re-establish our "flock"... our "pairing". Well, at least I've no need or plans to leave the house today so...)
As the day moved along, we were together, very much, through. I had all sorts of things to get in order, with papers and such, it being the beginning of the month, and as I worked at the desk, and putting things to the side in the futon, I was watched, closely. And everything that went to the futon was "investigated". "Supervision" at its finest, to be sure.
These days, for me, are full of anxieties, preparing for some medical attention that will take me from the house for hours, and travelling away. The weight on my heart is heavier than I can express, because it's one thing when I know how long I'll be away (and I do my best to make sure it's never terribly long... because I worry about my Little Guy being alone and bored and conditions in the house in general) and I believe he senses that, But, sadly, there are "conditions" that require attention and these days, I have no choice: If I'm to be here for my Heart-and-Soul, I need to address things that control our time together. And I'm determined to be with him, no matter what, for as long as he's "here"...
As I worked, the sun POURED in through the windows this morning. SO unusual. It's been a LONG time since the last when we had sun-shine in the room! AND... as I worked, I happened to look up and over to Yonah's house and... there he was... BASKING IN THE LIGHT AND WARMTH! TAIL SPLAYED, HE WAS SOAKING IN EVERY MOMENT OF THE GLORY! IT WAS A TONIC TO MY OWN SOUL TO SEE HIM SO SERENE, SO COMFORTABLE. It's ALL I EVER want for him: that he feels safe and comfortable. And I hope some of the sun-shine's UV manages to come through the screen and glass (but I did have the UV light on again today, just in case.)
A few moments later... I got up to put my lunch on and as I turned from the desk...
SPLASHES! A DIP AND SOAK IN THE POOL! THAT ALWAYS brings such JOY to a day for me. It wasn't all that warm out-side, in spite of the sun-shine. -3° out-side... 25° in his room though. So my Little Guy had his "Summer pool and spa"... which is nothing more than he deserves. And again, as always, it does my heart so much good to know that he has the ability to "take a dip" at his leisure and want. And when the splashing and soaking was done? Back over to his "beach" in the sun-shine, to warm and dry after a healthy "fluffing" of feathers and flapping of wings. WHAT a GLORIOUS after-noon! For both of us!
It was so sad though, about an hour later, when we returned to "February"... the clouds came rolling back in and took the sun-shine away. BUT, the UV light was there and it really didn't seem to phase Yonah at all. He just picked-up and took the the "air", flying about the room, coming over to visit with me, watching me work from his top desk shelf. We had a GRAND time of it.
I got called away for just over an hour, to the front door, and as I "chatted", Yonah snoozed and when I came back into the room, he got up to "greet" me at his door. I settled at the desk and finished my lunch whilst he went about his sorting through the twigs on the floor of his house and bringing his choices to his loft.
The rest of the after-noon went along the same line: he was SO busy for the most part. And he took breaks in his schedule to come "visit" with me... on my shoulder... pecks on the neck and cheek. Sometimes it seems that he comes over to "check" on me, and at other times, it feels as if he comes over just to say "I Love You" and "I'm still here with you", much like people will do. Every time he does this, it does re-assure me that what-ever it is I've been doing over these years, it's been good. I'll NEVER feel I've EVER done "enough" for him, and I'll NEVER be convinced that ANY of it is really even "sufficient", but those visits, the pecks, the kisses... I'm sure that if Yonah felt, even for a moment, that he was being neglected, he'd make it known. He's got SO many ways of expressing him-self. I SO often think of the times when I've been in a house where there's a bird... in a cage... ignored, treated simply as some "decoration" and my heart hurts so very much. And I remember one visit to a local "PetSmart" when I was shopping for Yonah and a young gal was buying a budgie... The sales-clerk opened the back of the "container" where there were several little feathered Loves, reached in, and pulled one out... the one she yanked had been on a perch beside another... When the remaining budgie realised that his/her companion was gone, s/he OBVIOUSLY looked about to find the companion! It literally made me sick to my gut and I had to end my shopping at the store. (Thankfully, Yonah and I have a nice selection of "shop-on-line" sources, so he gets what he needs and I'm able to get him little extras, and I don't have to see that sort of horror, that abuse, that apathy again. It wasn't only the heartlessness of the sales-clerk that got to me, but that the "customer" didn't notice or care. People seem to have NO clue as to the sentience of birds... in the wild or in the "store". And if they DO? Well, the heartlessness is an atrocity. I wish I could get the message out for the world, but that's part of why I keep this journal. I doubt that anybody ever takes the time to read this, but, it's here... and I hope.)
Today, this evening, we have a new neighbour moving into the flat in the back of the house...
As my Little One is, he's SUPER receptive to sounds in this place and I'd been having a "shut-eye" on the futon at 15.30 when I heard a bit of a "thud-thud" coming from next door. We have new neighbours today, for the first time in a year. "Moving in". And no sooner had I heard the "thud" when he came flying over to me! Landed on my shoulder! "Something was different", there was an un-familiar sound. But he's always been sensitive to sounds coming through that wall. I wonder how he hears it and how he perceives it. Thunder doesn't bother him. I wonder why the sound from the wall affects him. Anyway, I woke, looked at him, gave him some kisses and told him that it was just the "new peoples moving in". It was OK. We'll see how things go and handle it all as it comes along. He seemed assured and toddled down my leg, hopped onto the futon and then up to Burdie-Birdie. When I got up and went into the kitchen to wash the lunch dishes, he "coo'ed" to me and I called back that it was OK... There really isn't much that can be done to address the necessary sounds of moving-in, and some sounds are expected. But it's fascinating (as well as "concerning") that Yonah is SO sensitive to EVERY sound in this house that isn't "common". He reacts to my sneezes, the sound of something dropped on the floor, and the vibrations of the floor. No doubt, they travel up the shelving under his house and he feels them. And when he "coo's" because of those sounds, I wonder if he's simply "commenting", enquiring, or expressing a startle. It's the "startle" that drives to my core. My ambition and purpose is to provide my Little Guy with an environment of peace. He deserves that,.. I'll never forget the Hell he survived.
And then, by 16.00 I was at the desk, typing and he was back in his loft... relaxing... but he got up and started coo'ing: It's time for "supper'! And I'm getting the "perch-coo". Hopefully this is a good omen: perch-coo's. He's calm... And we coo'ed back and forth... even as I was in the kitchen putting my dinner on the hob!
As I sat back at the desk to eat, Little Mister Taube went about the business of continuing his "nest-building" efforts in his loft. Down to the floor to pick through the twigs, finding "the one", and holding it in his beak, hopping to the door perch, a look over his "shoulder" and woosh... up to the loft, place the "find" and back down for the next. (I wonder what this Spring will be like... I'll have to look into more "nesting items and materials". Trips to the wood-land!)
And so, I had my dinner and right after, got up to do the washing-up in the kitchen and when I got back to the room to start the evening water relay, my Precious Little Guy had taken his place on what's become "his" lap-top (with the card-stock on the key-board). Right in the centre, he was SO comfy, SO calm... and as I talked to him, he almost took a snooze! There he was, right beside me as I typed on the other lap-top. He IS my serenity and sanity... He IS my sole reason to exist... He IS my existence!
After water relay, I turned the UV light off... Out-side, the day was gone, night was in FULL... and Yonah took his place on his roof-top... 19.00 rolled along the clock... another day had come to a close.
This evening... the most UNUSUAL...
Water changed, fresh food in a fresh dish (today was Bene-bac... late but close... so the food had to be changed, the dish, washed...), the room was settled, I'd even made the futon up for me, and all by 19.30. BUT THEN... IT STARTED:
It started with an exchange of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... and then "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". These moved on to a run of "perch-coo's", "woo-HOO!" and then back to "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". Almost non-stop! Yonah was on his roof-top. The house was calm. The new folks had left so there was no sound coming from next door. I finished in the kitchen and went back into Yonah's room and sat at the desk, finishing e-mails and such, and all the while, he was on the top wall shelf, continuing out conversation. Then, he moved over to his roof-top where we continued, again, almost non-stop.
It's now 20.33 and he's on his roof-top and not looking like he's ready for seepie-nigh-night at all. And I'm wondering what he's sensing, knowing, thinking. I'm wondering if there's something next door... another bird, a cat, some sort of "predator" that he senses? There are no lights on over there and no sound. I can't figure it out but I'm concerned about his rest tonight.
Well... I'm finishing this addition to the Journal and will try to get him into his house and settled. And I'll be in with him in short order... in case there's any "sound" that might come in the night.
I wonder... I DO WONDER... WHAT does he sense in the house tonight?
WELL! At 20.44 I managed to get him into his house... It took WORK! He was on his roof platform and as soon as I went to move it, he headed off and perched on the back-board! He did NOT want to go into his house! So I brought Bustelo-Birdie over and put him on the platform and Yonah hopped on. I managed to bring both of them in and he hopped onto his night perch, so I put Bustelo-Birdie onto his loft and he came right over and pecked at my hand as if protecting his little friend. Seeing that he was more at ease with "another birdie" in the house, I managed to get him settled... and tucked-in. So very late tonight, and now my "soul" is "ill at ease". I don't understand it. Especially all the "talking". Again, the inferiority of humans: I have NO idea WHAT he was telling me, nor what I was saying to him, but even words and kisses just didn't seem to actually "soothe". Tonight will be an interesting night... to be sure. And I foresee a period of "adjustment" ahead. Especially when the new folks actually start moving in. Oh, but how we need to get out of and away from here. 22.00 I just turned the desk lamp off and my little Heart-and-Soul is quiet... hopefully sleeping restfully.
Sunday 04 February:
(Video 2022 is on the site today!)
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" in the silence of this morning's dim light... 7.05...
My PRECIOUS, CHERISHED, HEART-AND-SOUL WAS AWAKE ! And from the sound of his "call" this morning, AND the little "conversation" (yes, again, this morning... "conversation") it sounded as though he DID have a good night's rest last night! AND... when I got over to his house, opened his door and stuck my face in, the "Good morning" kisses were... ABUNDANT! He was in good spirits and rested!
Last night, I'd gotten to the futon at about 22.00 and left one of the little moon lights on for about an hour. I laid there, listening for any sounds at all, coming from Yonah's house... even the slightest "coo'ing". After all the "chatting" earlier, I was, oh let's face it, in a bit of a "panic"! I wondered if all that "talk" was telling me that something was terribly wrong with him. And as I laid there, of course, my mind wandered to "worst-case scenarios". I left the light on thinking it best that he could see the room, and I left it on long enough so that he could see that I was there, in the room, with him... he wasn't alone (even though Bustelo-Birdie was on the loft... with him) and I laid there, awake, listening for any sound from him.
About an hour later, I put the light out, whispered, as I do every night when I get to his room, "I'm right here. You're not alone. Everything is fine and safe. You get a good seepie-nigh-night and wake me in the morning. I LOVE YOU and I'll NEVER let ANYTHING hurt you again. I'm right here and I'm not going any-where. We're together."
After a while, I drifted off to sleep... in the silence...
So this morning, when I heard the "morning call", every part of my being jumped to life and this morning's "chat" meant more than so many others. My Heart-and-Soul was well and fine. We both made it through another night and here we were, ready to face another day... TOGETHER!
We had a little "chat" again, this morning, as I opened the curtains and blinds and I got the water relay running.
Oh, and "poop-check" this morning: All perfect, in quality, quantity and location. From the looks of them, last night was a calm, quiet, peaceful night of good rest for Yonah. Everything "neat" right under where he sleeps. And the number was back up to "normal" too... Eight! (Maybe it was the Bene-bac? What-ever it was/is, it was a relief to see after several days of 4 or 5.)
And Bustelo-Birdie? Right where he was when we "tucked-in" for the night. So there was no "picking on" or pecking at or any sort of "disturbing" Bustelo-Birdie. (Might try that again tonight... These are the times when Yonah being "solo" pains me, but as always, I will NEVER intentionally "trap" a mourning dove to take him/her out of his/her world. And "buying" just makes me sick even thinking about such a thing. So... We do what we can with what we have and we HOPE we make the right decisions.)
Right after the regular morning routine was done, I resolved to sitting down at the desk and getting to work on YonahTaube.com today!
I'm still so far behind in the catch-up on this Journal for the end of 2022 and ALL of 2023 BUT, I decided that I'd make another "Anniversary" compilation video, but this time, instead of "October-to-October", I'd do the whole calendar year. A bit of a "Journal" in photos! I'd already started sorting through and editing-out some photos for 2022 so a lot of that work was done. Still, it's really quite amazing just how many photos and videos I've recorded through a year's time! And I'm not really great at not choosing ANY records of my Little Guy so it was a bit "timely" going through even what I'd already sorted and edited. But... I was determined to get 2022 done today! SO... I parked me at the desk and got to work with morning coffee.
Yonah took FULL advantage of the "anomaly" ... He took his spot on his "beach" in the brilliant light and BASKED SO BEAUTIFULLY as I worked along! Seeing him there, so calm, so peaceful, knowing that he was soaking in every bit of light and warmth, and in an environment where he didn't have to be concerned with predators, didn't have to worry about a thing... THIS is the "Life" that I strive to provide. And he obviously does enjoy it so very much. (I just wonder if his instincts for being "aware of his surroundings" are still intact. "Life", no matter where or what, will always "throw something" that requires an ability to escape. And "predators" come in ALL sorts... I know... KNOW... that Yonah has some remarkable "senses", especially when something in his environment is moved, misplaced or tampered-with, and he "senses" my own feelings and emotions. I KNOW he NEVER has to worry about being on his own to defend himself, for as long as we're both together. But I do wonder how much if his "essence" he maintains... after these years. MOST if not ALL, I sincerely HOPE!) But for now and mean-while... WHAT a BEAUTIFUL sight to behold, seeing him so relaxed...
No "splashes in the pool" today though. The room was warm enough but I guess the sun wasn't.
Today, we broke for lunch just past noon... I had mine, Yonah had his, and I got right back to work on his "video" and he got right back to "chatting" a bit with me and then, relaxing in his "loft".
The "dedicated page" is at YONAH•Mourning Dove•1st Anniversary 2021 (yonahtaube.com)
The small version is on the "Home/Info" page and it's the content on the Journal pages for October, November and December 2022 (while I get me together and get the actual journal entries done)! SO... there's documentation on Yonah's well-being on-line... in case anybody ever checks. RELIEF... for now.

So this evening when we sat to our dinners, as we watched the day's news, "out there" on the World-Wide Web... my PRECIOUS LITTLE GUYS' LEGACY LIVES ON!
Well then... the day came to the close and evening meals were done... I ate, Yonah snacked... and I got up to do the washing-up and got right to the evening water relay and closing the windows to the darkness out-side.
But, when I went back to the kitchen to put the dishes up... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" from Yonah's room. And in mere MOMENTS... behind me... WOOSH! HE CAME RUSHING OUT TO THE KITCHEN, STARTED TO GO INTO THE LIVING-ROOM, TURNED, MID-AIR AND HEADED BACK TO HIS ROOM! I wondered: did he "call" and because I didn't answer right away, did he come out to find me? Or, did he call and then decided to head to the living-room but seeing me in the kitchen AND the darkness in the living-room (no lights on in there tonight), decided to just head back home? Which-ever it was... it was. But when he got back to his room, he called again... and this time, I "coo'ed" back... All was well... he was re-assure that he wasn't alone.
Right after, I grabbed the "Journalling" lap-top and headed to the desk. Yonah headed to the other lap-top. I got to his Journal... he got to preening and pecking at the news. We were together... the house was settled... our day was drawing to a close... and what a day it was...
At 19.43, I was busy typing and looked up at the clock and to check the temperature in the room. (Temperature had, thanks to today's sun-shine, managed to RISE... a truly tropical 27°!) I got up and, taking after last night, decided to put Bustelo-Birdie is in the loft and WOW! When I put him in there, Yonah, who was preening on the other lap-top where he'd settled for the evening when I started his journalling, noticed IMMEDIATELY! He looked right up at me, and I could almost hear "WHAT have you done?" and he went over to the little mirror on the desk, bobbed his head up and down and let out a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo!" ("Did YOU see THAT?") And when I said to him "Bustelo-Birdie is in your loft, ready for seepie-nigh-night, he FLEW up to the loft to "check" on Bustelo-Birdie! When his "presence" was confirmed... he went over to his food... "seepie-nigh-night snack", and came back down to his door perch... to wait for me to get to my responsibility... it's "tuck-in" time... and we're LATE again tonight!
Monday 05 February:
Monday morning... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... Not a "song" this morning, more a statement of "I'm awake so it's time for you to be awake... and you've got things to do today so...." I called back, from the futon "You're awake? OK. I'm awake." My LOVE, my LIFE answered "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". So I replied "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo-hoo" and the response was a hearty, crisp, clear "woo-HOO!" Time to get the show on the road!
I got up, opened the door to his house and leaned in for "Good morning" kisses... ONE PECK on the nose and he scuttled away, across his perch. Hmmmm... on of "those" mornings. (I wonder: did he know that I was planning on leaving the house today? I shouldn't doubt that he did.)
I toddled out to the kitchen to put the kettle on:
6.59 "Call to order" this morning. We're getting to the earlier hours of "Spring and Summer mornings" already.
Well... I got the window-curtains open and he hopped over to his other perch, and when done, headed out to get morning coffee done the water relay. No conversations this morning, BUT... when water relay was done, I got a wing-snap, and leaning into his house, I was "awarded" several kisses! OK! I was OK. Yonah was OK. The day was OK...
And as I got my-self and house together, Yonah made a trip out to the living-room... "Good morning" to the decoys on his tree. By 9.00, he was back to lounge in his loft. Amy came by this morning... we chatted for a while. She was SO KIND... I had an appointment that I thought would take much longer than it actually did and I was a complete wreck (of course I was) just thinking of Yonah being alone in the house for several hours. I do worry about the air quality in this place, since there are obvious traces of the old mould infestation, and I worry about Yonah being alone, nobody moving about, nobody to "woo-HOO" with, and as I always have, I worry about incidents like fire. But Amy was out "angel" today. She got the spare key and went out of her way to drop by to check on my Little Guy.
When we spoke later in the day, she said she'd come in to find Yonah in the terracotta dish on the shelf directly below his house. As she put it, she'd gone into the room and he was "nonplussed"... apparently, he didn't mind her being in "his" house at all! I figured he wouldn't. She's one of only two people he doesn't appear to be nervous around.
BUT... being the "clever and mischievous" sort, dear Amy pulled a little "prank" while here which I discovered when I came back!
She'd taken, from the cup-board over the stove, an empty bottle and from the cabinet in the kitchen, 2 coffee beakers and laid them, neatly, on the floor of Yonah's room, right inside his door! When I got back, that's the first thing I saw when I went (of course, immediately) in to see him! The cap had been removed from the bottle and the coffee beakers were in perfect condition! It was a shock and an enigma to me. At first, I thought that Yonah had made a "panicked" flight round the kitchen and knocked the items down. BUT, that COULDN'T have been because the bottle was on the other side of the kitchen and of heavy glass. And the beakers were removed from the cup-board in the kitchen... and not the slightest damaged!
I thought "break-in", but nothing else in the house was disturbed. I thought "ghosts from the attic", but why an empty bottle and two coffee beakers? I was perplexed... And then I phoned Amy and she confirmed that SHE'd done it, as a prank. "I thought of leaving you a little note saying you ought to spend a little more time with Yonah because he's obviously developing a little problem. I wanted it to look like he was having a time, with friends, while you were gone."
I was So relieved!
Mean-while, when I'd gotten back from the appointment, only about 3 hours after leaving this morning, I walked in to find my little Heart-and-Soul in his loft... giving the little "flutter of contentment". After seeing the "glass-ware" on the floor, I checked HIM, his house, the entire house, for any signs of blood and/or injury! He appeared perfectly fine AND as I talked with him (asking him what transpired in the house during my absence) he got up, toddled across his perch and flew over to the futon to Burdie-Birdie. Well, I was relieved... no blood and no trouble flying.
Bottom line for this: he was perfectly wonderful when I got back and that he didn't mind Amy coming in was a complete and absolute relief!
Now, the next "item on the list" to consider is my absence for the coming surgery which will be longer than today's 3 hours... but we have a month to figure that all out.
For today... it was as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Relief.
And for the rest of the after-noon... Yonah flew about, a couple "visits" to the living-room, to Burdie-Birdie and relaxing in his loft. "Normal", regular, routine... and SO VERY WELCOME!
AND THE SUN POURED IN THROUGH THE WINDOWS AGAIN! WHAT A WONDERFUL REPRIEVE FROM THE "FEBRUARY WINTER GREY"! Obviously, Yonah was quite happy with it... he was so full of energy, flying about the house, working on his "nesting", "making rounds to the "Birdies" in the room. With every flight he took, my heart went with him. When my Heart-and-Soul is in good health and mood, nothing in Creation can be anything but a "celebration".
So the rest of our day was us, together, as it should be, and I managed to pick-up on the little chores round the house, but mostly in the room with my Heart-and-Soul (as it should be).
He was SO LOVING too. And I will attest to the fact that, in spite of "documentation" to the contrary, he DOES understand the word "kisses". When he was in the living-room on his tree, and on the desk shelf, I leaned over to him and said "kisses" and he leaned forward (because I usually say "kisses" and then give him kisses). OK. Maybe it's just the "sound" of the word, but the response is definitive: what-ever he hears, he associates it with... "kisses". So, we add that to "seepie-nigh-night" and "I LOVE you". (And all the while, all humans hear from mourning doves is "coo'ing" and none of us actually knows what they're saying. "Superior beings", indeed. Not.)
So we had our evening meals together at our regularly-scheduled time (thankfully) and right after, I ran the evening water relay and got the blinds and curtains drawn, back-board up. Out-side, the skies were dark, our day had come to a close. And after, I set the futon for me for the night.
When I'd done, I sat at the desk to catch-up with the day's journalling and my Little Guy settled on the heating pad with Bustelo-Birdie, to preen for the night.
At about 19.28, he headed to his house for a snack... and THEN... up to his roof-top. He does that of an evening now, spending the last moments of the day up there, as cozy as he can be, and where he can keep an eye on me as I sit at the desk.
This evening, before "tuck-in" was another of those "strange events"...
I'd put some quiet instrumental music on the old lap-top when I'd done with today's journalling, and settled to do a little paper-work... it was about 19.00 and I Yonah's house was all but settled for the night. Only thing remaining was the roof-board. He was on his roof-top, so I wasn't about to disturb him and suddenly, he started coo'ing: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". So I coo'ed back and he replied... and this went on for a good 20 minutes in total. "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and then "woo-HOO"... a soft "perch-coo. But he didn't want to come down and he wasn't "fluttering", as he often does with "perch-coo". Suddenly, it changed to "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo" several times. I have no idea why he started. The house was still and quiet, save for the music.
Then, just as I was "wrapping-up" my paper-work, he flew down and into his house... and up to his night perch and got quite settled there. It was 20.18 on the clock! (I was curious to see when he'd decide to "go home for the night" so I didn't rush along and didn't disturb him.)
Well, seeing that he was getting settled-in, and the futon having been set for me for the night, I got up, put things in order, put the lap-top in the kitchen and went back into his room, put the roof-board on and leaned in for "Good night" kisses. He was quite ready for "tuck-in". But I still wonder what prompted the sudden coo'ing tonight.
Bustelo-Birdie is on the loft again tonight. He seems to either enjoy or simply not mind that. I wonder... I so wonder... and again, as often, I feel so inferior, not being able to know... "KNOW" what he's feeling and thinking.
But he was settled, and tucked-in for the night by 20.25 tonight. I'm hoping he'll sleep restfully through. He had 3 hours to him-self today and it didn't seem to phase him but... I'll never really "know"... never...
Tuesday 06 February:
A 6.55 "wake-up call" this morning: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". No "singing" but it was a clear call. I listen for and pay attention to the "quality" of every "coo" from my Little Guy, especially in the morning. (Yes, I'm sure that many would say I'm "obsessed". Some have said that he's the best-cared-for bird in the world... and some have said he's cared-for better than the best cared-for person in the world too, because I check his "voice", I check his poops, water, housing, food. But I always say the very same thing in response:
There is NEVER "enough" that I do for him and NEVER "too much". He's my "Being" and there's nothing at all that I won't do to keep him healthy, and I do my best to keep him in good spirits.
And so, I called back "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and he replied "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... and before we carried a conversation, I was up and over to his house to open his door, lean in and "Good morning" kisses!
After opening his curtains and blinds, there was actual "singing"! Yonah was in good spirits and from the looks of the poops, all but one out of 6 being "perfect", one having a bit of a "green water" stain round it, and all in one place, well, it appeared he woke in good health too.
That one "green, watery" poop concerned me so I watched, for the rest of the day, to see if there were any more to follow.
And this morning, "sun-shine" again!
I had to run to get the truck to the garage almost right away this morning, so I made quick work of getting the house together and was out the door by 8.00... and I was back IN the door by 8.45! And from there... it was a day together... as the sun rose and came POURING in through Yonah's windows! A GRAND start to a new day, for both of us.
He DID, though, have a couple more "watery" poops right away, this morning, (This evening, after evening meals, I put fresh food in his dish and added some milk thistle. Of course, he's not at all happy about it and only pecked about. I could tell he got some milk thistle because he does his version of "lip-smacking", as it were. Milk thistle and peanuts. A "strange flavour", out of his "ordinary". The peanuts aren't so bad, but I've been told the milk thistle is quite bitter... and he gets the same as I take, but I get to swallow a capsule. Tonight, I went searching for "milk thistle and lactulose"... I can get the lactulose separately... I hope. And so, I now have a proper mixture for the two so... next on our shopping list: lactulose. If only "we" had a proper, "regular" avian vet... I'm wondering if I couldn't just go to that first one who was so rude, and refused to bother with us, and purchase some. I doubt it, but I have to pass the office in two weeks... I'll give it a try... and of course, document here.)
This morning, when I got back, I also ordered a bag of "sunflower hearts and chips"... I look at Yonah's feathers and although they appear to be rather healthy, the look "soft"... Protein! He needs protein! With this next batch of sunflower seeds, I'll see if I can't chop some together with peanuts, extremely fine, and get them into his food mix. But for now... milk thistle... for the poops. If need, we'll try another Bene-bac this month too. I don't want to "over-do" but, he IS getting "older" and, well, I noticed how he manages to pick out the pellets in his food and those are so important. THOSE, I'm going to dry to pulverise in the next batch, and "dust" them onto his regular food. It's all "trial and error" for me, but since my "gut" (heart) has gotten us this far along... "Hope" is the best I have... until and unless we can find a more compassionate and empathetic vet.
These are the days...
So, when I got back this morning, I had MUCH to attend to, and most was on the telephone so I settled at the desk, and Yonah settled at his "beach" to bask in the warmth and light of the BRILLIANT SUN-SHINE that POURED IN through his windows. He was so content. And at one point, he went to his little terracotta "nest" (the dish with the twigs) and "woo-HOO'ed". I couldn't see him right away, but he was there at about the same time as he was yesterday when Amy had come in to drop-in on him.
When I said "I can't see you... with the 'woo-HOO'. Where are you?" he came toddling to the front of the shelf... Kisses and snuggles and he was up to his house and to his loft.
We was in a great mood... and I went on with telephone calls. It really is obvious that he feels some sense of "calm" when he can hear my voice. I must be like the sound of a familiar flock, a familiar part of familiar surroundings. Well, truth be told, my "existence" would be worthless with-out the sound of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" in ANY pattern, my mornings, not worth waking for/to with-out that "call". I'm filled with utter despondency at the mere thought of even one moment of one day with-out... and if there's to be even one, there won't be any more... to be certain.
And so, that's how our morning progressed until lunch break, which we took together.
And during the course of the day, poops returned to "normal"... There were 3 that I discovered, that had been watery, but after those, all returned to "normal" in size and quality and quantity. (I'm still not taking chances, and what-ever I can do to help... and to make sure my little Heart-and-Soul is in BEST-POSSIBLE health... well... no need to say: It'll be done!)
After lunch, I had one more 30-minute "run" and was right back at the desk to finish-up with telephone calls and the likes. Yonah and I settled, together, in his room... and the sun kept shining. A really GRAND sort of day.
During the after-noon, we took "play breaks" to play with Burdie-Birdie, and he took a few flights off to the living-room to the decoys and to toddle about out there.
At dinner time, he came to his door perch and gave a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... a reminder to me to get up and prepare evening meal!
AND... as I put my food together in the kitchen, he came RUSHING out to the living-room and then a toddle into the kitchen! And when I'd done with my own kitchen chores, I went back to his room to prepare the desk for our meals and he continued toddling about, kitchen to living-room and such. It's comforting to me to see that he's so comfortable here, in "his" house, that he simply toddles about. But then, it appears that he's very much aware that he has no predators to worry about, he some-how knows that there's nothing here that means him any harm. Hey! At the very least, I can provide him with that security! And as I tell him: so long as I take breath, he'll NEVER have to think about such things.
But what I DO think of as I see him roaming about, and coming to "check" on my where-abouts...
He's really like a bit of a puppy! If he had the tail for it, I could easily see him wagging!
And so... our day moved along and went into the evening and we had our evening meals together as we do... and when done, I kept-up with the washing-up so that by 18.15 it was "water relay time". The glorious sun had set, and out-side the windows, the world had gone dark. So I got to that chore whilst Yonah took to the heating pad on the desk. I'd turned it on for him before I got going.
WELL! When I was done with waters, and had closed blinds and curtains... I moved Beanie- and Bustelo-Birdies over to the heating pad too and the THREE of them were like little kids. Yonah pecked at both of them, and preened and gave Beanie-Birdie a couple of solid "mounts". I wonder what that's supposed to be about: "mating" or "dominance" or both? What-ever it is... there it is. But the three of them managed to settle-down and relax after a little while... and I got to the day's journalling... with a bit of our "soft music" playing.
At 19.42, I turned off the upper desk light and dimmed the smaller lamp, soft music playing. I got up to get my pillows to put on the futon for the night... Yonah headed up to his door perch and, looking at me, said "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and then headed up to his loft, "snuggled-down" and started his "woo-HOO ... perch-coo's" I took that to mean "It's time to settle-in and get ready for seepie-nigh-night now." So... since the back-board was up, the only task remaining was the roof-board. And the moment I put that on, he headed OUT... and up to the top wall shelf. WELL!
Silly Little Guy... I had to reach up and, cuddling him in my cupped hands, I gave him softest kisses (which he obviously enjoys because he "nestles" against my chin when I do that) and brought him back "home" for the night.
When I got him back, I brought Bustelo-Birdie to his loft again and he hopped over to "check on him", as it were, and then toddled over to his night perch. I thought it might be for "Good night" kisses but... nope... no kisses tonight. Oh well... he was in his house and wasn't trying to "make an escape" so...
I bade him a good "seepie-nigh-night" and closed the door to his house... and he got settled on his night perch...
"Our" day drew to a close... 19.50. He had a late night, last night, and an early rise this morning. And neither of us had our usual "snooze" today so... Here's to hopes that tonight, he has a perfectly restful night. And tomorrow? Well, with the "morning call" we'll do it all again... yes, we will.
Addendum: At 21.28, I turned the music off here, in the kitchen, and stepped into Yonah's room to turn the desk lamp off and the moon lights on... and as I stepped away... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... so I stepped back in, opened his door, leaned in to say that I was just dimming the lights and would be in soon... Pecks on the nose and of course, he was "standing tall" on his perch. But I said "You need to get to seepie-nigh-night now..." and closed his door, brightened the moon lights... and... well... as of 21.51... silence... I hope he sleeps tonight!
Wednesday 07 February:
As I sit a the desk this evening, it's 19.31, Yonah's room is "settled" for both of us for the night. Waters are changed, the futon is set for me, our "soft, piano instrumental" music is playing... he is up on his roof-top and has been coo'ing, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo" for the past half-hour. (As I typed that, he came down to his door perch... and is preening. Hopefully, getting ready for seepie-nigh-night... and... up to his night perch... I worry about him getting proper rest and he's been tucking-in later and waking earlier... and I'm wondering why.) But he seems to be settling....
And so he was... I put the roof-board on, leaned in for "Good night" kisses and... 19.43... all was settled. My Heart-and-Soul, tucked-in safely for a night's rest after "a day"!
Well, this morning was a "song-filled" start after the initial "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" just as it seemed the sun was making it's way up over the Eastern hills on another chilled February morning. And "Good morning" kisses were plentiful, in between "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's" too! Seems, in spite of a late night and, well, and early morning, my Precious Little Guy managed to get a good rest through the night and was feeling quite a bit of his "OK" today.
And conversation continued on as I put the kettle on for my morning coffee and went back to open curtains and blinds, and especially when the blinds were raised to the dim, early morning light out-side. With a hop from perch to perch, and a couple of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo's" we were on the morning roll!
When I brought Bustelo-Birdie (who is, by the way, back in the loft for the night again) back to place on the desk shelf, Yonah headed right over there as if to check that all was well. Bustelo-Birdie was where he usually is, under the upper desk lamp, and the rest of the room was coming to order.
Yonah headed over to the futon to "greet" Burdie-Birdie too and then up to the top shelf to check-in with Beanie-Birdie. (He's still not really fond of "Baby-Birdie", the felted mourning dove. In fact, today, when I brought Baby-Birdie over to Yonah's roof-top, I noticed the little one's looking a bit "fluffy". Seems he's been "pecked" a bit. (And here I am, trying to get the materials to "felt' a proper, life-size mourning dove... how I wonder how that will be welcomed... or not.) But, all the "essential Birdies" were greeted, checked and accounted for... I went about setting-up for the water relay in the kitchen and WOOSH! My Little Guy was off on a flight to the living-room already this morning! Energetic!
This morning's "concern" though: Only 5 poops, 2 rather "large" poops and the others, "normal", from last night. They were all in one place, directly under where Yonah had slept last night (and he did too... all through, after such a late last "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo..."). And the "dark-to-light" ratio was as it should be. The "dark" portion was the regular greenish-brownish colour and the white was, indeed, white. No "troubles" there. But that there were 2 large, and one of them had that "greenish halo" round it, bothers me. It wasn't a LOT of "greenish water". And that little, I've read, from multiple sources, isn't a cause for "concern". But "green" and "water" always gives me "cause for pause". Today we started, in earnest, to find lactulose. It has a more pleasant flavour and mixed with the milk thistle, Yonah's more likely to take some in with his food. There's still milk thistle in with the food in his dish. He IS eating. But I would just feel more at ease knowing he was actually getting the milk thistle in a "proper" quantity.
For the moment, he appears to be just fine though. (I also worry about the slight noises coming from next door now. We haven't had neighbours in a year so the house has been calm and quiet with only the two of us here. And he DOES react to the little "thumps" when the new folks are in. They're not (yet), bothersome, but it seems anything "out of the ordinary" causes "concern" to Yonah... even odours or scents in the air (poor Little Guy... the occasional "musty" odour from the mould infestation of this Summer doesn't seem to phase him... but then again, being from the "stock" he's from, he probably doesn't even notice it... mould being ever-present). But wood-burning, or an air freshener and he's obviously aware of it and coo's about it. The new sounds of neighbours might "disturb" him... the did me, for a while, but when I noticed that Yonah's "disturbance" was connected with/to mine, well... I'm calming-down about it (for him) and he's not as apprehensive as he was.
Once again, Yonah calms me and is "training" me to control my own apprehensions and anxieties.
So, I'll be watching, with more scrutiny, any and all "changes" in my little Heart-and-Soul... from poops to coo's and feathers and flights and toddles... ("We're" house-hunting in deep sincerity these days anyway so, here's hoping the concerns will be short-lived and soon, we'll be in calmer, quiet, more appropriate surroundings.)
As for the rest of the day, I had laundry to get done and some meal preparations too, so I spent the morning in the kitchen BUT... in between what-ever he was doing in his room, Yonah called-out, as if awaiting a reply... checking to make certain I was still in the house! And I called right back to let him know that yes, the sounds from the kitchen were, in fact, me. As soon as I replied, he was content and went on with his own affairs.
A couple of times I looked-in on him and he was busy... today was removing some twigs from the loft and replacing them. I've never seen him "replace" twigs before so this was something quite new to me! I was fascinated, wondering his reasoning for removing twigs he'd originally placed up there. He's a never-ending source of AMAZEMENT and AWE!
Now, to that end, I have to add here, a rather heart-breaking bit of "news": today, I received word that the one "last real Friend" in my life has been admitted to "Hospice Care" as of yesterday. I happened to phone just before lunch to receive the news. We spoke for about a half hour and when done, I was duly in a bit of shock and the usual emotional turmoil. She says she's doing well, just extremely fatigued but with great appetite and she has round-the-clock care... at home. The decision was hers and she's a brilliant woman, so the choice was well-educated. But it struck me to my core. (The "inevitable" will do that.)
I'd put the pot on the hob before making the call and went back to it after and when food was prepared, I went into Yonah's room, as I do for every lunch (together). When I sat at the desk and put the day's news on the old lap-top, keeping with our regular, normal routine, he came flying over to my shoulder and pecked at my cheek, pulled at my ear... until I reached up to stroke the back of his neck and turned to give him kisses. He stayed there until I told him that everything is alright, that this is what "life" is about and though I was sad, I was still so VERY much, BRILLIANTLY and unbelievably BLESSED because he's here. And I re-assured him that I WILL STAY here, with him, no matter what. "It's you now... nobody else takes any of my heart. Only you. You always had ALL of my "real Love" and the greatest part of my heart and ALL of my soul and being, but I believe you've always known that. But now, even that little space in there that I held for one other person is yours too. So it's you and me and that's all there is to it. And it's going to be that way... no matter what. So we're just going to go on with what-ever this old world has to throw at us, and together, we're going to make the very BEST-possible of it all! OK?"
I gave him more kisses and it appeared that he understood, in his own way, and was assured... and off he went, over to Burdie-Birdie and then to his loft where he settled-in for as I finished lunch.
How it annoys me, so thoroughly, to know that "people" deny the sentience of these Little Ones! And how I remember that incident in the "pet store" when the clerk separated obvious Friends in the "display case" of finches and budgies just because some "human" wanted only one. I doubt I'll ever come to terms with that. And then I see Yonah, a WILD mourning dove with NO connections to ANY human... and how we've become so inter-twined, and how attuned he is to my emotions. Sentience... Cognition... Obvious, blatant... and not only ignored but denied. How utterly hopelessly obtuse of so many.
Well, for the rest of today, the sun-shine was dimmer than the past days. A bit of cloud cover in today's skies. But, it wasn't "dark" and we didn't need the UV light and I went about the rest of the daily chores and tasks, doing my best to maintain "normalcy"... and my Precious Little Heart-and-Soul went on with his day as well, flying about the room.
I tried to grab a 20-minute snooze after lunch and no sooner had I laid on the futon, Yonah came RUSHING over... and settled on my shoulder as I laid on my side... close to my face. And he stayed there for quite the while, though not the whole while. It was the greatest comfort to me.
As I tell him: Yes, I have to go to hospital for a day to have "things" attended, but I do it only so that I'll be around for as long as he's around. With-out him... if not for him...
This evening came upon us quickly! And at 16.05 I was still at the desk and my little "Alarm Clock" came to remind me to get up and put supper on the hob! So... off I went and at 17.00 I was at the desk and he was at his food and we dined... together, as we do.
I noticed that there was still some day-light out-side the window as we dined tonight. The days are obviously lengthening. BUT... no sooner had we finished and the washing-up was done, the skies had gone dark (18.15) so... not wanting the evening to get too late... I got right to the water changes and closing the windows for the night. But after, there was still time... so I started getting the rest of the room together for us for the night and set things so that I could sit with my little Heart-and-Soul as the day came to a close...
The rest? Well... I opened with that. All that I can add now is that the hour is 21.00... time to put the desk lamp off, the moon lights on... in Yonah's room...
Managed to get the lights set tonight... no "call"... My Heart-and-Soul is resting... today is closed... and well.
WELL... INDEED... At 22.32 I was finishing in the kitchen and stood up from the table when, for no obvious reason... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"! I went into the room, one of the moon lights had gone out, the one on the desk, but other-wise, all was fine. Yonah was on his night perch. I opened his door, popped my head in and he gave me some kisses. I have to wonder: did he see the light go out, noticed I wasn't on the futon? What-ever it was, the kisses made it all better. So I said "I'm just coming in, silly little bird. Go seepie-nigh-night. I'll be right in." and... he re-settled... (More on this in the morning... if there's any more to tell...)
Thursday 08 February:
6.50 this morning... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... Nice and clear, but soft. I can't help but think of it as a soft "Hi? Good morning? Are you awake over there?" But my voice wasn't ready for a solid "coo" in response, so I "answered" with a bit of a "signing" response: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". Must have been good enough because my little Heart-and-Soul came back with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... a bit louder. And before I actually got up, we had a "chat"... until, of course, the "woo-HOO!" which, in the morning, sounds (to me) like "OK then! Let's get up now." so I did.
"Good morning" kisses this morning. My Little Guy was in good spirits and, from the looks of things (poop check) he DID manage a calm night, last night.
I got to the futon shortly after "closing" yesterday's Journal... and with the light of the one moon light over the futon, got under the sheet, whispering "I'm here and now we're both going seepie-nigh-night. Everything's fine, and safe and the house is warm and toasty. You're safe and sound. I'm right over here. And you know I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! So you get a good night's restful sleep and we'll handle tomorrow when we wake up. OK? I LOVE YOU." No reply. I DO wonder how much of what I whisper is heard. I DO wonder if Yonah "half sleeps", as mourning doves do. But, after last night, I DO see that he IS aware of the room, his surroundings, even after "tuck-in". I'm convinced that he saw the one moon light go off and DID notice that I wasn't on the futon. Oh, the things he notices.
But poops were 8, and all appeared to be "normal" again, and "healthy". Only the slightest tint of "green" on the kitchen-roll (I call it the "poop rug" since it's there specifically for that purpose: to catch what drops during the night... mostly so I can see it, separate from the rest of his house.)
AND... this morning, after I'd done with the house-hold chores, and came into his room to sit at the desk to attend to other tedious house-matters... BUT THE SUN POURED IN THROUGH THE WINDOWS... BRILLIANTLY !!! JUST BEAUTIFULLY ! AND THERE WAS A "MILD" DAY IN THE FORECAST!
All the while I sat at the desk, putting our house-hold together, I got "visits"... trips to the shoulder for pecks on the cheek, tugs on the ear and, of course... KISSES! And OH... .the FLIGHTS! From house to desk shelf and wall shelf and to me... to the living-room... It was like my Little Guy suddenly developed a case of "Attention Deficit"! He was like a person who keeps remembering something else-where in the middle of doing one thing and heads away only to come back to something previous until the next thought comes to mind. But what a PURE DELIGHT to see my little Heart-and-Soul so FULL of ENERGY today!
' The rest of the day went along the same: Bursts of energy, flights about the room and out to the rest of the house (living-room where I heard the "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... "visits and gossip" with the decoys, no doubt). There were "breaks" to the loft, and at lunch, that's where Yonah decided to "hang-out" for a while.
"New event" today: I was on the phone, arranging for a "return" of merchandise and as I was talking, I was packing... on the futon, standing and leaning over when, suddenly... THERE... ON MY SHOULDER... Yonah had come over, perched and was "supervising" my packing! SO CURIOUS! I couldn't help but think:
"Hey! What are you putting in that box? Something that belongs in the house? What are you doing here? Where's that stuff going? Why is it in the box?"
Of course, I had all to do to not make a comment or laugh, as I had the "Customer Service rep" on the line. But it was SO delightful, so enjoyable... That this little Dove is so comfortable as to come over to me is one thing, but to be so comfortable as to come over as I'm moving about... AND the obvious "curiosity"... It always makes me wonder: the "natural instinct" to be wary of people is still very much "there", a part of this little bundle of feathered Beautiful Life; he IS still "skittish" when there's a "new human" in the house. But with the two of us, alone, there seems to be NO trepidation, not even the slightest doubt that he's perfectly safe.
At times like this I remember the very first time I reached into the "cage" he was in, WAY back in the beginning of our time together, and, out of NO-WHERE, with NO coaxing on my part, he simply hopped up onto my arm... just as comfortably as he could be. I NEVER did anything to encourage him. It was my intention of letting him back out into the wilderness and I wanted NO "connection" between us. But HE decided I was "the one"... Sure, I'd provided food, water, shelter. I didn't provide any extra attention, nothing but what was necessary. But... here we are, three years later and... I'm a "safe place to roost"... and a source of entertainment and amusement. Indescribable... just "AWE"... as it's always been, every moment of ever day.
And this after-noon, when I was getting ready to make today's "run of errands", it was as if he didn't want me to leave the house! Flying about, to the doors... front and back, and to me, then to the wall shelves. But, sadly, I had to go today (errands long over-due) so I continued with my chores.
When I got back, about and hour later, my Little Love was lounging on his loft and as soon as I came in the door and called "Hello to YOU!", the day's animations re-commenced in earnest! Flying from room to living-room, and to me, as I sat at the desk to get "paper-work" together. AND... when I went to the kitchen to start my evening meal... Company on my shoulder... in the hood of the Sherpa... Yonah In Da Hood! (For a while, until he realised we'd done this stuff before and he had other things in mind... so he took off and left me in the kitchen.)
So we had our meals together this evening. Thankfully, he's still taking the milk thistle. Tomorrow, I'll check his poops and see about stopping that for a while (though the 15th of the month is usually when he got it before, as a routine). I don't want him over-dosed...
On the matter of milk thistle, today I went in search of "lactulose", a common ingredient mixed with milk thistle to make it more palatable. The first vet had given me a mixture but, after witnessing her horrible handling of Yonah and her general, unprofessional demeanour, I didn't trust her or the concoction so it got thrown away. Now, after these years of continued studying, I find that the milk thistle is good (in fact, I take the very same I give to Yonah) and the lactulose too, is beneficial to his kidneys. Ah... but for some reason not even the pharmacist could explain, it's only available with prescription! So... we'll have to find a vet again... who won't make a fuss over selling a small portion. (I do NOT want to subject Yonah to either of the vets we've already encountered and there aren't all that many "avian vets" about. So... I'll be looking...)
A note here as I think of it: This after-noon he did something he's rarely done but started recently: I was out of the room and heard him, in his room... "woo-HOO!"... the "perch-coo", repeating and repeating. So I went in to see where he was and couldn't find him right away. A little searching and there he was, behind a little box on one of his wall shelves, head hidden from view, only his tail visible, his little body twitching, as he does, when he "perch-coos". It wouldn't strike me as "odd" save for the fact that he seems to hide his face there. He's not in his loft, nor is he "out and visible", so I wonder to whom he's calling.
When he "discovers" that I've "discovered him, he comes out and flies off... usually to his house. I wonder...
Meanwhile... after meals, waters changed, I started to settle the rest of Yonah's room and closed his windows to the night out-side, put up the back-board on his house (All in the hopes that my Little One would settle-down at a good hour tonight, to make sure he got plenty of rest tonight... best intentions, as they were) and began to settle at the desk, thinking I could get some journalling done before late. But Yonah was quite awake, and as I prepared the futon for me for the night, he rested on his roof-top calling "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". I went over and stood at his house, my head just above his roof-top and we coo'ed and 'called together until he'd had enough and took off to the wall shelves...
Usually, that back-board is his "signal" that it's time to calm for the evening... but he's oddly active after dark of late. Change of season? The "mating" season? Or something about me... these days... I know I'm a bit "energetic" with home-searching but, as I say, I try to keep my anxieties and such, calmed, so as not to affect my little Heart-and-Soul.
And I tend to wonder about the "evening calls". Is he calling "others"? Is he calling FOR others? He calls, and calls... and something in my heart breaks, thinking he's "alone". (These days now, I know, all too personally, how that feels, as my own dearest and eldest Friend of many years has just entered "Hospice" care. She's the end of so many connections, traditions... the last.) Tonight, as I stood at his house and we coo'ed together, first him, then me, it was as though we were "conversing"... How I wish I knew "about what", but it seemed to be OK by him and it certainly did (as it does) soothed my own heart.
So I let him go about his own business for a while, and I "busied" my-self with a few last-minute things but when the clock reached 20.00, it was "time"... Out-side, all the Little Ones were already roosting for the night and I try to keep Yonah's and my schedules close to the "Natural" clock of the day. But even then, at that hour, he really wasn't quite ready to tuck-in for the night. He'd moved to his door perch and was fluffed, as he does, and appeared to be dozing-off. SO... I removed my "things" from his room and went back over to him. I reached out and lifted him in my cupped hands, as I do for "Good night" kisses and he nestled up against my chin and face. Apparently, he enjoys the closeness (when it suits him, of course), and then, I brought him up to his perch...
I brought Bustelo-Birdie back to his loft for the night. He toddled over to check on Bustelo-Birdie and then toddled back over toward me... and a few more kisses... it was seepie-nigh-night time...
At 20.20 tonight, I'd dimmed the lights and closed his door... My PRECIOUS LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL... all tucked-in, safely, in a warm room, protected from "all" that could even remotely cause him harm, on his own little perch... with his little "friend" close by...
Thursday, 8 February... closed... (probably until I turn the desk lamp off and the moon lights on... in a little while...) (21.00 I managed to change the lighting... Shshshsh... and tonight, since there are different "colour settings" on the moon lights, I changed from the "golden" to the "white" which has a bit of a "blue" tint... mimicking actual moon-light... we'll see how that works... more "trial and error", but it seems to be "approved".. for now.)
Friday 09 February:
This morning was "wake-up" at... 7.10! A "sleep-in" morning. But this morning was rather over-cast so the:"day-light" wasn't really strong enough to disturb sleep, I imagine. Still, the "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" was clear and when I spoke "Good morning my Precious little Life. Is it time to get up already?" he replied... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo." There's something about the little "pause" in the coo's that have meaning and purpose, though I'm still not sure what they are, so I replied, in my best "morning voice "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" (no pause). Reply? "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". What-ever was said, it was time for me to get up and so began our morning.
Poop check: only 4 again, this morning. 2 rather large and 2 "regular" size, but, thankfully, no "water stain halos"! And only one had a bit of "water stain" under it. Poops are GREAT (save the individual quantity... had the 2 large been individual, it would have been a perfect count. But at least they don't appear to be causing any discomfort or troubles, and the colour is a perfect "greenish-brown", not too dark nor light, and the white is "white". Healthy poops! YAY!
When the blinds and curtains were opened and the dim morning light from the over-cast skies came in, there was singing ("woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo...") and my little Heart-and-Soul was up and out and about the room whilst I made the morning relay with fresh waters for the pool and dish. And he made his "visits" to Beanie-Birdie (since Bustelo-Birdie was still in the loft) and then headed back "home"... for breakfast. (Appetite good this morning too! Who cares about the weather? My Little Guy was rested and up and obviously feeling quite well... THE MOST important aspect of ANY morning!)
And so we got the room settled, with bird-songs playing and soft radio. No need for the UV light though, it seemed the sun was trying its best to break through so, better to go with "natural" light until "back-up" needed.
And I went out to the kitchen to prepare my coffee and soak the pillow case that I sleep on, from the futon. While I went about the house-hold chores, Yonah went about his own entertainment, waiting for me to come back in.
Today, I "sifted" the new bag of Yardie food, separating the smaller millet and milo and safflower seeds for the Little Ones who don't eat the larger sun-flower seeds, peanuts and other larger seeds in the mix and as I did, Yonah came out to the kitchen for what seemed to be a check on my "location" and, of course, en route to the living-room... for a "Good morning" to the decoys on his tree. In fact, he made a couple of those trips as I worked in the kitchen and in between, he busied himself in his room, "tidying" his house (moving twigs, grabbing a drink of water, plucking at the lentil sprouts in the little terracotta pot that I'd sprouted for just that).
The morning rolled along, me closing "chores" round the house and Yonah "being busy" and taking breaks on the loft, and then, suddenly... (entirely TOO suddenly) it was "lunch time" and so... we settled, I at the desk, and Yonah in his loft, after a bite to eat.
Today, after lunch, I changed the food in his dish. Fresh food, no milk thistle now. (I'll still put more in on the 15th so that he gets more, since he's obviously gotten some from what I put into is food and it's done good... I have to get more... we're BOTH taking it these days. It seems to be beneficial to both of us too. And of course, we're both taking the same "brand" so, I'm comfortable with my Little LOVE taking it too.
It's rather fascinating to see: when I removed his dish of food, he came hopping over to the shelf and gave several sturdy wing-snaps and stared at me! He does that, when-ever I remove the dish. One would think I was taking the food and would never bring more! And he pecks at my hand as I remove the dish... but then, he pecks at my and when I replace it too so, there's that.
Anyway..., no sooner had I put his filled dish back onto the "food shelf" when he came RUSHING over from his loft! And WOW... after checking the contents of the dish, he all but took a dive into the food! It appeared he hadn't eaten in quite the long while! (Thankfully, I KNOW he HAS been eating because of the seed that he "rejects" and tosses on the shelf, of which there's usually "plenty"... and the Yardies get that, so they too, eat VERY well at the "Café Taube". No waste here.) But again, he TRULY ate VERY well this after-noon (no nasty milk thistle at last).
For most of the rest of the after-noon, I worked on editing photos for the "2023 Anniversary Video" for his web-site and OH! the memories that are in that year's collection too!
AND... as I worked at the desk, Yonah worked... quite determinedly, at making and re-making the little "nest" in his loft! SO many trips, up and down, carrying twigs! AND... it delights me to my core to say... several "visits" to my shoulder for some pecks and tugs and kisses and just playful time. We had a BLAST today... AND the sun came through early after-noon, so my little "Sun-Lover" had a few moments to bask.. on his "beach"! A wonderful sort of day... truly.
Oh, and late this after-noon, I dragged the Hoover out to take the dust off Yonah's blinds... and THAT warranted some kind of attention and supervision! It might have been that I had to close the blinds to get them cleaned that may have caused some confusion (Blinds closed and day-light out-side? Seepie-nigh-night time NOW?) because as I hoovered the blinds, my Little Guy was watching with such and intent stare, and then, hopped back and forth from perch-to-perch! I explained, with a few kisses, that it would all be done soon and all seemed to be OK from there. AND, as I worked, we had his window open! Fresh air coming in. "Cool" but not at all "chilly". It was that sort of day; cool and slightly breezy, sun-shine and a delight. (In fact, as I was going through the photos from 2023, I happened upon some take from our after-noons out in the yard, and Yonah soaking in the warm sun-shine and I was a bit heart-broken: these sunny days would be so perfect for being out there... but for the temperatures... just a bit too chilly, especially since Yonah wouldn't have the opportunity to fly about. But, it strengthens my resolve to find us a new "house" where there's sun-shine a-plenty for him... even through the Winter months... and we WILL find just such a place... we WILL.)
Well then, as "wonderful days" do... this one rolled too quickly to evening and meal time.. and I was gently reminded with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and a hop to the food. So, with the hint, I headed to the kitchen to put my meal on the hob. (It's a bit of a "weight on the heart", the "evening meal time", at this season, because it means that, even though now, we're eating with some day-light out-side the windows, the "day" is soon over and done. But we got to sit, calmly, with the day's news on the old lap-top, and enjoy our repasts together.
And as soon as all the typing and washing-up was done, it was, again, water relay time. Yonah took to his roof-top whist I ran the waters and got his room together for us for the night ahead. And he coo'ed a bit again. (And again, I wondered what, to whom and why he was coo'ing... and if it's a mourning dove's "evening call", it touches my heart... he's here and the only one to hear his beautiful calls is me... "the human" who doesn't understand.) I coo'ed in reply (or did the best I could) and we had a bit of a "chat", back and forth.
Tonight, I decided to try being with him for a while, with just the dim desk light on and a bit of calm, instrumental music playing, after getting him settled "at home". So I set the music on the lap-top, brought in the other lap-top for journalling... and I got his house completely ready for the night, including the roof-board, after, of course, closing the blinds and curtains (this time... for the night time... no day-light out-side).
I even set the futon for me and Yonah supervised all from his top wall shelf.
I managed to sit for a little while and get the journalling started when I looked at the clock... 19.58! So... not wanting my Little One missing out on quality rest... I got up and tried to convince him that it was time for him to settle-in for seepie-nigh-night... Again, tonight, he wasn't having it so... At 20.08 he was, at last, tucked in but on his food shelf... fluttering... and coo'ing "woo-HOO".... "perch-coo... as I was "settled" with the lap-top, at the desk, lights dimmed, and "meditation" music playing on the old lap-top (for a few moments). Bustelo- and Beanie-Birdie are in the loft. I'd put them in there thinking I might coerce Yonah to come down from the upper wall shelf where he'd flown to as I was getting his house readied for the night but... turned out that I had to bring him "home" again... in cupped hands, with kisses all the way. And as soon as he got in, he headed right over to the loft to "check" the "visitors" so... I didn't know if I should bring them out or leave them there. I'm "erring", as it were, on the side of leaving them and watching, as I type, for any signs of "untowardedness". (But, it's 20.15 and my little Heart-and-Soul is on his night perch... I'm hopeful that he'll be OK... We'll see when I get ready to move things out to the kitchen before I come in to "hit the futon". He appears to be quite "settled" though... by the moment.)
21.29 I managed to put the moon lights on, move me out of the room and put the desk lamp off and... so far... all's calm and quiet. I'm SO hoping my little Heart-and-Soul is resting... peacefully... and a perfect night's sleep is ahead for him. (Frankly, I'm not only relieved but quite amazed that he didn't call when I put the desk lamp off. But we shall see how it works out... I'll be up for a little while longer before I "tuck-in"... we shall see how it all goes.)
Saturday 10 February:
We DID... had a wonderful night of restful sleep, all through, last night! My Precious little Heart-and-Soul slept through the entire night. And, this morning, a "soft" "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" woke the world at... 7.10! Pretty close to the "12-14 hours" that I've read mourning doves usually take for their nightly rest!
Poops, this morning, were 6, 2 were slightly larger than the other 4. And the other 4 were "regular". My "concern" today: the all had little "halos" of green, and the "white" is tinted with the same. It's not "dark" green, but all of them had that "tint". On checking 5 reference this morning though, including "VCA Hospitals", I see that the "green" is from a "seed" diet. (Yes, I've known this to be the case for quite a while, but, even the slightest "green" always makes me re-check my double-checked resources.) From images posted, today's "green'ry" is to be expected and "normal". AND, since my Little LOVE was "normally energetic", all appears to be perfectly well...
We had a brief "chat" before I got my-self up off the futon and when I opened the door to Yonah's house, there "they" were... Bustelo- and Beanie-Birdie, in the loft were they'd spent the night. (I wonder if their presence had anything to do with Yonah's sleep-through last night. I'll never really "know", but I'll "wonder". I can say that it didn't keep him from sleeping... obviously. So we have something "new" to "test"... We'll try it again tonight and see how it goes, at least with one "Birdie" (probably Bustelo-Birdie, he seems to favour that one... maybe it's because of the "beige" colour). I'm always learning. Yonah is always teaching. And I'm always LOVING every moment of it all!).
And so, our Saturday came to order after water relay and settling his room. And all the while I was attending to my chores of the house-hold, Yonah "attended" to his: since the "Birdies" were in the loft together, he stopped by to both of them and gave them a "Good morning" "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" (either "Good morning" or "What are you two doing in my house this morning?") and then a quick flight to the living-room to check on the decoys on the tree. Then... back "home" to arrange some twigs from the floor and the loft.
Out-side, the sun was doing it's best to clear the morning clouds and day-light managed to make its way into the room and brighten things up. Seemed the lighter it call got, the more energetic Yonah became, flying about the room. (One of the articles I read today, during my "poop research" had a statement about "birds", in general, and it struck me all the deeper and harder because almost EVERY bit of avian information available "on-line" refers to "domestic" birds and not "wild"... It read: Birds are more close to the wild than most 'pets' - not that I've EVER thought of Yonah as a 'pet' - and because of that, they retain their instinct to hide any and all ailments. And I recall the studies for the "Rescue and First Aid" certification and a segment that focused on the very matter where-by, a large bird was brought into the veterinarian after being struck by a motor vehicle. The poor bird was calm, behaving as though nothing had happened, and outwardly, didn't look "beyond help". But x-rays showed, definitively, that the internal damage, bones and organs, were irreparable! Broken wing, horrific injuries to internal organs... the only humane address was... "euthanasia"! The Little One HAD to be suffering a living HELL (just, I still suppose, Yonah was suffering the day he was attacked) and yet, there was no indication of ANYthing "wrong"! No, birds don't "howl", "moan", "cry"... And as Yonah proved, undeniably, they'll continue to walk and if possible... FLY! Yonah had a fractured wing (which is why he didn't fly away from me when I lifted him up to bring him in), and leg (made obvious by the literally dangling left leg that I thought might have to be amputated... I'M SO THANKFUL I DIDN'T EVEN TRY THAT!). I remember him trying to fly when I got him into the house (which is documented in the very first photo taken of him, on the floor, the left wing splayed out). And when I got him into that little "make-shift cage", he managed to get up and cross to get food and water.
So when-ever I see ANY indication that he might not be "well", it cuts to my core with worry. Birds can be dying, and yet, never give any indication.
This is something I think of frequently: when "life" seems difficult, when I'm not feeling "at top", little aches and such, I look to my little Heart-and-Soul... and he's my strength, fortitude, endurance, the source of my tenacity. So small, so fragile, as birds are, and yet, the strongest living being in Creation, able to with-hole and with-stand so much PAIN and SUFFERING, with such peace and out-ward serenity. And though he INSPIRES my inability to "KNOW" how he is, how he's feeling, HUMBLES me, proving my (and humanity's) true inferiority when compared to him.
This morning, though I was "concerned", I watched him with extreme care, noted the next poops... and his flights, his movements... and... his coo'ing. And as time passed this morning, he appeared to be well, full of his usual energies. Once again, today, I watch... with LOVE.
As the morning rolled along, I brought my "daily requirements" into his room, as we do every day. (I had so much to catch-up on from yesterday again... embarrassingly.) And I settled, with morning coffee, at the desk, bird-songs and radio playing... and Yonah took to his roof-top...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... we chatted again, back and forth as I got to the affairs of the day. Hey! We "CHATTED"! And he appeared to be as comfortable as he could be (under his circumstances).
Out-side, the weather reported a "warm" 7° but the thermometer in Yonah's room read 26 °... and the sun managed to break through for some moments, flooding the room with brilliant and warm light. Saturday... commenced... together.
With a few "diversions", I get to work, Yonah was on his roof, then in his house, then flying round the house, making stops on my shoulder for a few pecks on my cheek and some tugs on my ear... followed by cuddling and kisses. And after... back to his "regularly-scheduled" agenda... more "twigging", pulling some of the lentil sprouts, visits to Burdie-Birdie on the futon. (We took a break to have some play-time with Burdie-Birdie today too! That didn't last very long, but I "time" it by Yonah... when he's done, we're done.)
Next... break for lunch with a bit of the day's news. I ate at the desk. Yonah lunched "at home" and after... well, as we "old folks" will do, I decided that, since it's Saturday, I could take a snooze today! (I haven't done that in several days now so today... OK).
I was actually permitted about 45 minutes today! I'd set an alarm for 30 minutes and as I laid my head on the pillow on the futon, Yonah was relaxing on his loft and I expected him to get up and come over, as he usually does but today... nope. He continued his snooze and... he actually let me have the full 30 minutes on the futon! But today, I decided, when the alarm sounded, to try for an extra 15 minutes and set a new alarm... and half-dozed until... as he does... 2 minutes before the alarm was to sound, I heard him fly down from his house. He came to land on the futon to where I couldn't tell where he was, exactly, so I laid still (so I wouldn't move and accidentally injure him) and suddenly felt him peck at the heel of my foot! And then, he hopped up onto my leg, toddled up to my shoulder and waited for the alarm to sound... when he pecked at my ear and took off! Crazy Little Guy! "Hey YOU! Time to get up! Never mind this lounging the day away!"
And some-how... as the time had passed... THE TEMPERATURE IN HIS ROOM HAD RISEN TO... 28°! We don't usually have THAT sort of warmth in his room until mid-Summer! AND... his window is, as always, opened a good 10cm! So, since there was sun-shine out-side, we got to open the doors to the house and... enjoy the circulation of fresh air today... Sadly, it wasn't warm enough to go out to the yard (and, for some reason, there were no Yardies out there any-way... looked like they too, were taking advantage of the un-seasonable warmth... not to mention, a passing light rain shower or two) so... I got up and back to affairs at hand.
At 15.09, he was in his loft... eyes closed! He was actually DOZING! (But when I re-situated myself in the chair, he lifted his head and blinked... I didn't make a sound... but he sensed the movement! ASTONISHING!) I got back to my typing, not wanting to disturb his rest. (Another thing I remember well, was looking-up what birds in the wild do, during their day and general consensus: they roost and rest, for the most part, so... if that's what my Little Guy does... there we have it.) BUT... at 15.22 he got up, came down to his door perch and, with a WOOSH... was off and flying out the door, round the bend and out to the living-room... with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo" from his tree. "Change of scenery" and "after-noon check-in".
16.36 Next door has gone shopping and they're coming in and there's the usual, but ever-so slight, "thumps" of moving about over there and Yonah has picked it right up! Head raised, he was in his loft (he's on the wall shelf now), "woo-HOO!" (back over to his roof-top). And it wasn't the "perch-coo"... it was the "WHAT'S THAT?" coo. So we're going to have to do some assuring... He's not accustomed to any sound from over there any more (not to mention my anxieties when it started... MY FAULT... I have to rein that in!)
(And indeed... "consolation" has become obvious... the "new folks" had been out most of the day, but had come home with shopping this after-noon, and of course, this old house being what it is, the foot-steps and such could be heard, but truly, so gently. Ah... my Little Guy heard them. It really only sounds like a very distant thunder, and maybe THAT'S why it causes him concern, but, he was on his roof-top and raised his head... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". I was at the desk and so, stood up and went over to softly console him. It was fine... and I actually got kisses! Hopefully, in time, he'll "adjust" and come to recognise the sound as "normal"... and then, hopefully, we'll move from here to a place where that sound won't be heard again and all will return to "silence and serenity". And may that day be soon...)
And so, for the rest of the day, I sat at the desk, and my Precious Little Guy spent the day flying about the room and house.
At 16.00, he had his evening "snack" and then came to his door perch to remind me to put my meal on the hob! No matter what others might say, I'm convinced, beyond all doubt: he knows when I have to start preparing my meals... amongst so many other times of the day. (I've heard tell that dogs "time their day" according to their hunger and then associate that with activities around the house. Well, they don't use clocks. So I shouldn't doubt that Yonah does the same and since we tend to have our meals at the same time, and I'm rather on a schedule... it stands to reason: he knows when he gets hungry, sees me preparing my food and... the association is made. BRILLIANT Little Bundle of Feathers, this Little Guy!)
We dined together, listening to and watching the news and when all was done, including the washing-up, we changed the waters... and as I did, I could tell, already (about 18.15) Yonah was preparing to settle-down. Apparently, he was tired. So I made quick work of the water relay and closed his blinds and curtains against the out-side night's darkness. And then I returned to closing my own affairs at the desk... put on the nightly instrumental music...
At 19.45, I got up and said "Oh my! It's late! I have to get things together for seepie-nigh-night! Let me get my pillows." and when I came back into the room with the pillows... he was already up on his night perch! So I made the futon for me for the night, closed my business at the desk.
The neighbours had come in for the night and Yonah heard... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... So, I popped my head into his house to say: "It's OK my LOVE. It's just the neighbours. There's going to be some noises when they're in but it's nothing that will harm you in any way. I will make sure that NOTHING EVER harms you EVER again. OK? I'm right here. And when I'm not right here, I'm in this house with you. And if I ever have to leave this house, I make sure that there's somebody who will be here to protect you. (And I do...) So don't worry about such things. You just worry about you, and being comfortable and healthy. OK? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" and I leaned forward and said "Kisses"... and WOW... SO SO SO VERY MANY KISSES! Eyes, nose, cheeks, forehead... KISSES! (Try and tell me he doesn't understand... I defy anyone...)
Oddly, when the kisses were done, he went over to his loft... and I remembered "Bustelo-Birdie"! So I brought Bustelo-Birdie over and place him in the loft... and Yonah toddled over to "check on his little friend" there, and, apparently, seeing him made the evening complete... he scuttled back over to his night spot on his perch... and all was settled...
Tuck-in tonight: 20.00...
I said "You get a good seepie-nigh-night and don't worry about anything. I'm going to be here at the desk for a little while longer before I go to the kitchen. OK?" and I closed his door and settled back at the desk to "journal"... (At 20.30... my PRECIOUS LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL is calm and quiet on his perch... beside me... the soft music is playing and I'm typing... the house is still... May EVERY night that we're here be exactly as it is right now... Please!)
At 21.00, I managed to get up from the desk, removed my things to the kitchen, turn the moon lights on, the desk lamp off... and my PREVIOUS HEART-AND-SOUL IS RESTING PEACEFULLY!
Saturday... is closed... I pray.
Sunday 11 February:
GOOOOOOOOD MORNING! came the call: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo...hoo" at about 7.10.
Again, that little "skip" in the coo though. I'm REALLY becoming "concerned" about it. There's been entirely too much gone too wrong in this old house in the past year. I will only say here that none of it had better injure Yonah... and I won't add "or" nor "or else"... Suffice to leave it at, NOTHING had better caused him ANY injury!
Leaving it all at that (for the records)... we did have a bit of a "back-and-forth"... and HEY! My coo's weren't so great this morning either... "morning voice" and such. And when I got to Yonah's house and opened the door... the kisses weren't as plentiful as a while ago, but WOW... they were gentle and ALL OVER my face! And HOW I SO wished I could keep my eyes open during the kisses! (I don't dare... I've come to learn that "people eyes" just don't, some-how, registre the same as doves' eyes... and I've been "poked" twice already. I keep telling Yonah
"You can't poke my eyes out because I won't be able to see, and if I can't see, I can't go get your food, or make sure there's fresh water in your pool for you to drink and to swim in. And I can't get up in the morning and open your door so you can fly around the house, or close your blinds at night to keep the lights out... It would be TERRIBLE! And if I you needed to go to he doctor, I couldn't bring you. You'd have to go with a stranger! TERRIBLE!"
I usually get a bit of a stare and what looks like an attempt at more kisses following all that drama. But... it would be SO wonderful to be able to actually SEE his little face... especially when I kiss back! Anyway... he DID manage to sleep through last night, and this morning's poops were 8 and really quite back to "normal" in colour, quantity and quality... and "location, location, location"... all right under where they'd come from... A quite night, last... thankfully.
This morning, I managed to get "our" chores accomplished straight away and with this morning's water, I put the pot of pea seedlings into Yonah's house. (The lentils will need re-seeding... He's left some but we could use some... more. He really enjoys plucking seedlings, and I'm glad he does... I just wish he'd eat a bit of them... greens, vegetable... Sure he gets what he needs in the pellets... what he manages to ingest of those and not toss to the side. But something fresher... And he won't bother with vegetable "chop".. I just don't know. Still... he does enjoy "messing about" with the seedlings soo...)
I got to settle at the desk earlier this morning and wanted to get right to the editing of photos for the year 2023! I'd started a week ago and got side-tracked and, well... 2024 is rolling by so quickly already. Music on, lap-top on, the sun shining in through the window and... of all the things in the world for a February morning... 26° in Yonah's room! (It's been REALLY, WRONGLY WARM too often this Winter and as much as I'm glad Yonah doesn't have to be chilled... this just isn't proper. I'll be watching the "Yardies" more closely this year, to check for any signs of infections or infestations. No doubt, we'll have more ticks, fleas and there's no telling what else might be "growing" out there in the wetlands and bogs that Winter usually keeps under control.)
As I worked at the photo editing this morning, I had company QUITE OFTEN! VISITS... to the shoulder, for pecks on the neck and cheek, tugs (some quite impressive!) at the ear. AND more and more and MORE KISSES! Never sure why these "bouts" of "togetherness" come along, but they're ALWAYS SO appreciated! (Three years and I'm still amazed that this little bundle of feathered LOVE and LIFE appears to actually WANT to be so close to and with me. I doubt that "astonishment" will ever fade... and it always reminds me of that very first time, when, early-on, back in 2020, I reached into the "enclosure" - I still can't get myself to even think of Yonah being "caged" - to clean things up and this Little One just hopped onto the top of my hand and toddled up my arm... of his own choosing, accord and volition. And to think: My intention was to simply set him back out into the woods! Well, thankfully, I didn't... BECAUSE, AS OUR TIME TOGETHER HAS PASSED, IT'S OBVIOUS THAT THE INJURY TO HIS WING ALONE WAS SUCH THAT, IF NOT IMMEDIATELY, EVENTUALLY HE WOULD HAVE BEEN IN A CONDITION AND SITUATION WHERE HE WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO ESCAPE PREDATION... HE WOULDN'T HAVE MANAGED TO SURVIVE! So, maybe it would have been the "Natural Order" of "Life" for him to perish, BUT TODAY... Yonah has protection, healthy food, fresh water, the ability to splash about in a pool no matter the weather or temperatures... He has his own "territory" that he doesn't have to defend... and though I'm not the "perfect companion", he's not "alone"...and the World is a better place because he's here... AND he's actually making it a better place for the other mourning doves by teaching me, so that I can post to this, "his" web-site, where people can learn and come to appreciate the mourning / turtle doves in this Creation! A little dove-in-the-yard is, in effect, a "Professor to the World"!,
AND... today, as the day rolled along... there was much "plucking the peas" (and bringing the sprouts up to the loft), gathering twigs, taking various flights about the room (and at times it seemed I was being "buzzed"... he flew so close) and to the living-room! The air was "charged" today, it seemed, and my Precious Little Guy was too! Activities! Action! There were moments when I had all to do to keep working (and moments when I didn't even bother trying... "Work"? When there was a little feathered bundle of DIVINE BRILLIANCE who wanted to play around, and be cuddled? Naaaaahhhh... "Priorities"! And NOTHING supersedes Yonah Taube! NOTHING AT ALL EVER ANY-WHERE!
I did manage, this morning, to get through thousands of photos taken through 2023 and sort through them for the "Anniversary Video" for the web-site (thinking that, at least, as I work through the journal for the year, cleaning all of what's been jotted as notes, before posting live, on-line, there's "documentation" showing that Yonah truly IS being attended as he's due). It was actually quite fun... because, I don't know what he sees, exactly, on the screen, but the very moment he sees a photo of a mourning dove (even if it is him), he becomes so curious and wants to get closer... which means flying over to the key-board and pecking at the screen... which means... making sure he doesn't poop on the key-board and my trying to keep up with the "project at hand"... CRAZY BIRD! Makes for a lot of "fun" though... and my fascination with Yonah's fascination with the lap-top and the screen... and photos... of HIM!
That all took us through the morning and to "lunch break" today. ("Time"... even though it's a bit of joy to see the years pass and to see how well Yonah has done and is still doing, it's a constant reminder: the more yesterdays, the fewer tomorrows... and every moment passes entirely too quickly in that respect...)
This morning, I'd hard-boiled some eggs for both of us, so I crumbled the yolks of 2 for Yonah and I had the rest of those and one other for my lunch.
I don't understand why, but even when I show Yonah that I'm eating the egg yolks, he just will NOT eat them! I crumbled the cooked yolks (making sure he got only the yellow and none of the "grey" that a yolk will turn) and put them into his dish with the seeds that were there already. And I stood at his door as he stood by his food, and I SHOWED him that I was eating the "yellow stuff" and doing my best to make it obvious that it was delicious... But NOPE! Just didn't "get it"... he wasn't interested. And today, I'd forgotten to try the old "mix them altogether" thing where I mix what-ever I need to add to his seeds so that there really isn't a way for him to get seeds with-out the additions. Alas... I DID put the yolks in his dish... and I DID put the whole thing out for the Yardies this evening because my Little Guy simply refused them. But HEY! He DID get the milk thistle this past week, and his poops DO look better! So, now I have to work on his protein intake. One step at a time, I suppose.
So I had lunch... at the desk... and though I don't like doing, I left the eggs with Yonah's food and hoped he'd pick at them at some point during the day. (As I say... at day's close... it all went out to the Yardies... Hey! "Somebirdie" benefits from the food. None goes to waste round here!)
And today, after lunch, I DID manage a 30-minute snooze! I was "allowed"... I laid down, alarm set for the 30 minutes... Yonah was in his loft and I expected the usual: I'd lay down and he'd come over, either to snooze with or wake me but... he didn't come over until... yes... again... 2 minutes before the alarm was to sound! WOOSH... to my shoulder... and toddle down to my legs... a toddle up to the knee and WOOSH, again... when I laughed because of the "wake-up".
"News Note": THERE'S A NEW "2023" PHOTO COMPILATION VIDEO ON THE WEB-SITE AS OF TODAY! I can't say that I'm "perfectly happy" with the video so I'll be working on a replacement. But for now, 2023 is documented on-line, on the web-site, and if anybody questions anything about Yonah's Love and Care... well, there it is, in photos. (The video doesn't have the dates, but if anybody wants to question, I've the original photos... backed-up. DO ask. You'll be supplied with the very "file/s" you request... "ASAP".)
And I've started to work a different "navigation" on the Journal pages... but after about 2 hours of "modifications", none of which have made it to the site, I'll probably stick with the current format.
Admittedly, this web-site isn't a "top popular" site, and it's certainly "focused" on a topic that none-too-many have any interest in (sadly, because MORE SHOULD be interested in learning...) so "freshening" really doesn't have to be done all too frequently. BUT...
There IS information on the site that I've come to learn (from the best "Professor" on the subject... Mr. Prof. Taube here) could use some "modifications" (since Yonah's disproved some and certainly proved other). So there's that to be done. AND... the earlier photos of Yonah could be replaced with the newer... across the site so...
Above ALL else, no matter what, I want my little Heart-and-Soul represented with all the respect and dignity he's due... if I could EVER reach that achievement! (As I say: "There's NOTHING 'too good', NOTHING 'good enough', NOTHING 'enough', NOTHING 'too much' for this Little Guy!") As long as Yonah and I are together... I'll do ALL I humanly can to make certain he's safe and in best-possible health... and that's all that matters to me.
So we had a pretty "productive" Sunday... together.. and the sun was covered, as the day rolled, by the clouds that were supposed to precede the coming dip in temperatures (we're supposed to head back to "normal February" in the coming week... but my Little Guy doesn't have to even THINK about that... he's safe and warm and all's well with that issue... to be sure). And we played with Burdie-Birdie... AND Bustelo- and Beanie-Birdie too!
This evening... we took our break for evening meals... and, again, since the sun had set by 18.00, we got right to settling house and room for the night... WATER RELAY! top of the list... and TONIGHT, because my Precious Little Guy was still rather "feisty", I brought him along, on my shoulder, as I set things up in the kitchen... AND... HE DID COME ALONG... FOR MOST OF THE SET-UP! And from my shoulder, he watched, as if he'd never seen such a thing before! (Silly, really, because he's actually BEEN WITH me for much of my running back and forth... which he probably recalled when he decided to leave... and head back to his house to wait for me to get busy and to my responsibilities... not to mention, keep an eye on what I did... as he does... with things in his house.)
When I'd done with the water, and was about to close the curtains and blinds... Yonah was on his roof-top and still hopping and bopping about so, when I finished with the windows, I reached up to play with him up there and brought him over to my shoulder... and as I turned my face to him... KISSES KISSES KISSES AND MORE KISSES ALL OVER MY EYES, NOSE, FOREHEAD !!! SO AMAZING! SUCH AFFECTION !!! AND SO APPRECIATED !!! I don't know what I've done to deserve it, but it does my heart the world of good. I'm pretty sure that if I didn't deserve the affection... coming to learn what I think I know of and about Yonah, I doubt he'd simply "be nice"... for the sake of being nice. So... WOW! My Love is NOT "unrequited"! Looks like I'm "doing good"... and NOTHING could be more important than that!
Well then... we got the room settled... house settled... I put our "quiet instrumental meditation" music on the old lap-top and decided to sit and get to the journalling for today, at the desk, for a while longer... with my Little Guy and his room all settled for us for the night ahead....
As I typed, I happened to look up... 19.06 and there was my LOVE... roosting on his door perch... I had to step out of the room for a moment and when I came back in, I moved the desk chair over to sit with him there... and... more kisses... though this time, not as many as during the day... but still... KISSES....
I went back to the desk and... at about 19.40, my Precious Little One headed up to his night perch... so, I got my things together... it was "tuck-in" time... (for both of us tonight... it had been quiet a Sunday)...
19.55 Official "tuck-in" tonight".
Honestly, I didn't expect it to be so early, but I'm rather glad it is so that Yonah can get proper rest.
He'd perched himself on his roof-top for the while after I'd done the water relay and closed the windows (literally, this evening), and I'd gone to get my pillows and had set the futon for me for the night. I looked at the clock and saw it was approaching 20.00 and, as I say, I expected a fracas of some sort... like "LET'S PLAY!" or "Come try to catch me up here!" sort of thing. None of that tonight. Instead, it was more along the lines of "affections" and "kisses" in a playful sort of manner ! So we DID do the "cuddles" and "snuggles" and I held him close to my chin, and he nestled against my face... and, seeing an "opportunity"... I brought him from the roof-top to his perch, leaned in to say "Good night" and got more kisses... gentle kisses... around the eyes, the forehead. I don't know what's going on these days but the affection is quite something! (May I always hold this place in Yonah's heart. May there NEVER be a moment when he has to doubt his safety, his home, his world... so long as my heart beats and lungs take their next breath.)
Bustelo-Birdie is in the loft again, tonight. And the house has been calm (may that continue) and so too, has Yonah. The fresh air today must have done some good for the rest of the place. And with the warmth, well... there's no thought of "chills" tonight. My Little Guy, my Heart-and-Soul, my Precious, SO-Cherished Little One is safe... and sound, protected for a good restful night's sleep... until tomorrow's light breaks a new day for him... and he calls a new day... for me.
Monday 12 February:
The morning was just on the cool side, and over-cast too, but no matter the weather, this morning's "call to wake up" came at.. 6.50! More "Spring" hour than Winter, to be sure. But no matter the time or season, that beautiful sound is welcome, even on those mornings when, if able and allowed to, I'd prefer to just "lounge" until such time when it would be impossible not to get up. (Then again, once the morning call comes, that's the time when it's impossible to not get up... my Little Life is up and awake... time to start a new day!)
I have to say though, this morning's first calls of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo...hoo" sounded "too soft"... and instead of "soft" almost sounded some-what "weak"! I mean, there's a slight resemblance to a people-sort of "morning voice", like when the vocal cords just aren't quite ready for a chat. We "chatted", back and forth, a few exchanges of different coo-patterns; woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo and woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... and as we chatted, his voice cleared and the final "woo-HOO!" was "back to normal"... BUT, THIS isn't only causing me "concern" but, again, as I've said before, it had better NOT having ANYTHING to do with conditions in this house, conditions that can and could have been corrected and SHOULD have been properly corrected by ownership but I wasn't even given assistance when I worked to correct. Should any harm come to Yonah, there will be a great many who will come to know how deeply my sincerity is when I say: the results will NOT be pleasant.
I got up, got the windows opened to the some-what "dark yet" day out-side. Indeed, last night chilled out there but Yonah's room was still 25° this morning! I headed out to the kitchen to put the kettle on and we called back and forth... and we worked up from the "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" to a few "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! AND, the "singing" continued as I ran the morning water relay! Things were looking up... (but I was then and remain now, at day's close... deeply "concerned" and fully prepared to "address" what-ever matter/s may arise... let's all hope none do and Yonah and I are able to leave this all behind... in extremely short order).
Poops, this morning.... 6 of them... and all looking quite regular and normal! Still a bit of "green wetness" to them, but then... ALL research points to that being normal for a seed diet so... aside from the "morning voice", Yonah appears to be in good health... but then... birds... They NEVER SHOW their pain or suffering... and my heart will be heavy until I know, with any certainty, that my Little Guy, my LOVE is in no danger.
As for the day? Well, since I'm working on his web-site these days, tweaking and changing and working with all sorts of modifications to information... I got right to the desk and settled-in. And Yonah got right to a few "modifications" to his loft with the lentil seedlings that I brought back for him this morning.
It was a rather quiet morning... between me sitting at the desk typing, the "bird-songs" playing softly as always, the radio on rather low-volume... and at about 11.00, the skies were still quite grey... there was a bit of a drizzle, the day was noticeably cooler today than recent days, the UV light was on from right away this morning, Yonah had been "lounging" in his loft for a while when... suddenly... "woo-HOO!" and then silence again. There hadn't been any sort of other sound or noise (that I'd heard) in the house. In fact, the neighbours had left earlier. I got up to check to see what had caused the sudden "call"... everything appeared to be fine... and my Little Guy got up and came scuttling across his perch to my face... and... MORE KISSES... SO MANY MORE KISSES! The affection is quite impressive these days... and I wonder what it's all about... (and although I appreciate it... I tend to be more worried... and when I have the opportunity, I'm annoyed because I don't dare to feel "worry" or "anger" or "trepidation" around Yonah... so.... this is how the days are going of late... maybe he DOES sense what I'm feeling and the kisses... the affection are merely assurances that all is well with him... Again, as always... how I SO wish I wasn't so stupid in this matter and I could "know"... understand the one little Life that is my ONLY reason and cause for even simply "being". Humans... how inferior we truly are...
The rest of the day went quietly... as I continued to try to focus on the "task at hand"... with of course, a few "play breaks"... with Bustelo-Birdie AND... Burdie-Birdie!
I actually managed to grab a 30-minute snooze today, after lunch... and as I laid on the futon, Yonah was in his loft... he noticed (of course) that I'd laid on the futon and came swooshing over, landed on the futon by my feet so I didn't notice him there but, as I started to doze... I felt him hop up onto my calf, toddle up to my knee where he "rested" a moment and then... WOOSH... he was up and off and away... up to the top wall shelf with Beanie-Birdie... (he could watch me from up there... I took photos to prove that's what he was doing... Little "spy"... my "Guardian"...)
After my nap, I got back to the desk, back to work... and Yonah got back top his loft... BUT we took breaks for KISSES, KISSES, AND MORE KISSES... AND... WE PLAYED WITH BURDIE-BIRDIE FOR A WHILE. Oddly, Yonah wasn't all too interested in Burdie-Birdie today. He "played" for a brief while and then seemed to lose interest. Odd... Burdie-Birdie has been his "favourite" for so long... something seems "irregular"... and after the play, more kisses for me!
Most of the rest of the day, he spent the time in his loft... I suppose it was a rather good day for doing just that. I suppose if I'd had the opportunity, I would have joined him there. But I'll be keeping very careful watch.
Oh, the "hearts and chips" of sunflower seeds arrived today! Protein and a bit of fat... for feathers and general health! (For Yonah and the Yardies... since the forecast is for actual "February weather" coming...) I put some of the smaller bits in with his food and... AND... I'd used a spoon to get the bits into his dish and he came over to check on what I was doing there so, with the spoon, I held it to him with a few "chips" in it and... AND... HE ATE THEM FROM THE SPOON! TWICE ! I laughed and said "WHAT? You want spoon-feeding now? You silly bird." (Of course, if anything ever came to that... I'd spend every waking moment with him making sure he was properly nourished...)
Well... the clock finally read 16.04. I'd been all over the place with little chores and getting this Journal together (presentable... for my PRECIOUS LITTLE LOVE), documenting this, that and working on modifications and trying to throw in some learning of new soft-ware for the videos... and poor Yonah... in his loft... and "perch-coo'ing" at that hour... No sun at all today, but the temperature in Yonah's room held a steady 26° AND WE HAD HIS WINDOW OPEN AGAIN!!!!
I got up to put my meal on the hob in the kitchen and Yonah was on my shoulder... because he came over when he noticed that I was doing something other than typing... so when I got into the kitchen, I managed to put my Sherpa on (because he seems to like "roosting" on that whilst I'm wearing it) and... WOW... DID HE MAKE HIMSELF COMFY! OH! THE IMMEDIATE PECKS ON THE EAR AND NECK... AND THE "TODDLE" AND "SCUTTLE" ROUND MY SHOULDERS FROM ONE SIDE TO THE OTHER! AND WHILST I BEGAN PUTTING FOOD TOGETHER, HE WATCHED... for a while... For a while he seemed content that we were together and moving about... and then, as always... he was off and back to his house... but for his own "evening snack", thankfully.
So we dined together, me at the desk, Yonah at his house and right away, after, at about 18.15... I got to the water relay... and got his windows closed (though open a little, as we do)... the night out there was taking quite a chill. ( -5° for tonight's low... if not colder...) and had gone dark so... 'twas time, and I resolved to stay with my Heart-and-Soul for a while longer before heading to take my shower... (and then, of course, be back... to stay with him after his "tuck-in"... as we've been doing these evenings.
When I'd done, I did get back to the desk with Yonah and Bustelo-Birdie on the heating pad (which isn't on tonight... not necessary) and some "instrumental" piano and guitar music playing on the other lap-top...
(There was some "rumbling" from next door at about 19.15... Yonah and Bustelo-Birdie were on the desk beside me when it began. Just a low... "rolling" sort of rumbling... Yonah noticed it and headed up to his loft! And then, onto his perch where he scuttled over to the front of his house there, and came back down to his door perch! I told him it was OK, and that it ought to be expected because the folks over there (I pointed to the wall) are moving in and will have to get things settled... "like you do with your loft and nest there". (Seems to have worked... but then, I was doing all I could to keep my own mood calm as I spoke... I know there won't be complete silence at all times, but after too many experiences, prior, I tend to worry that noise will escalate... it's "anticipatory anxiety"... of course...
Well, the noise did subside by 19.30... and Yonah had come to "visit" me as I typed his journal-entry for today... and then went up to his door perch... And me?... I managed to get a quick shower in before "tuck-in"!
OK... it's 20.28 and I've done my shower, the music still playing at the desk, and I'm sitting here... and... little Herr Taube is on his roof-top platform, fluffing feathers and coo'ing "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and "woo-HOO!"...
(20.35 We're "calling the day"! I went over to Yonah's house and looked at him, a-top his little and he stared back at me, almost defiantly, as he'll do sometimes. It tickles me when he gets that "expression"... so stern, so threatening, and yet, all the while, so loving and Precious. Anyway, I told him it was time for "seepie-nigh-night" and I could see was having none of it! So... I reached down to the desk to get Bustelo-Birdie and from his platform on the roof, Yonah caught me... So I popped Bustelo-Birdie up over the top of Yonah's house a couple of times and he started to move forward, toward me... I put Bustelo-Birdie in to the loft and wanted Yonah to be able to see him there so I reached up to just move the little roof-top platform AND YONAH CAME RUNNING ACROSS THE "CAGE" ROOF! IT WAS AS IF IN A PANIC! AND HE MADE A LEAP ONTO THE PLATFORM AND STOOD THERE, GLARING AT ME! ONE WOULD HAVE THOUGHT HE SUSPECTED ME OF TRYING TO STEAL HIS PLATFORM AND WAS DEFYING ME! I HAD TO ACTUALLY LAUGH! (Not AT Yonah, but at the very idea that he would be so possessive of that platform to even suspect ME of trying to take it!) ANYWAY... with him on it, I brought the platform down... and managed to sneak in some last minute kisses before he hopped off it and onto the perch in his house where he scuttled over to check on Bustelo-Birdie... before I leaned in and got some more kisses....
As I say... we're calling "tuck-in" tonight at 20.35... and my little Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound on his night perch... and I'm off to join him in mere moments from now... Monday... is closed... Thank you.
Tuesday 13 February: THREE YEARS AND 4 MONTHS TODAY!
And this morning's call... 6.40! "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo...hoo"... AGAIN... THAT LITTLE "SKIP".... AND THE VOLUME WAS SOFT... I dread the thought of having to subjecting this Little Life to the trauma of an x-ray! But I want to know what's going on with him! I NEED to know if he's uncomfortable, ill, suffering from something that will cause him pain, either now or at some time in future. And I dread the notion of bringing him to a veterinarian who'll simply "toss him" about, as the others have done before, or simply "dismiss" him... or even out-right, just damned-refuse to see him - perhaps because he's a "wild bird, not endangered, not a raptor" and all the rest of that.
Yes, his "voice" cleared as we coo'ed back and forth a few times, and that little "skip" vanished as we coo'ed. Sure, I too, have that "morning voice" where talking isn't as strong and clear as it becomes with time and use. But I'm not "mostly respiratory". If there's something wrong with Yonah's respiratory system... that's most of his body, his being, his all.. and it's what allows him to coo... and to FLY... and to be... a BIRD!
Tough times are back... I fear. More searching for a proper veterinarian, one who'll be gentle, and respect Yonah and his being predominantly "wild" AND that he has a wonderful home and house...
And for me, tough times are back because my patience and tolerance for things that have happened around this place where we reside more than likely have affects on both of us, with respiratory troubles... BUT MORE-SO FOR YONAH... and as I say: events, situations and conditions COULD have been addressed and the "threats" presented COULD have been remedied... but they were addressed only to the best of my own ability... and this place isn't my responsibility.... so... I'll be watching, monitoring with intense scrutiny... and "reporting"/"recording" here...
Best I can say now: "Let's hope it isn't because of 'here'..."

Poops, how-ever, this morning... 6, in the "normal" size, shape, colours... Still a bit of "green halos", so there's still "liquid" coming through that didn't used to come with, but it's not prevalent, not "excessive. And they were all right under where Yonah had spent an obviously calm night, last. Again, the "green halos" of liquid are cause for "concern", but I HAVE, I'll admit, seen much worse at times so, I'll do my best to hold my anxieties in check for now. More to follow... no doubt.
My Precious little Heart-and-Soul WAS "welcoming" though, this morning, when I opened his door and popped my head in for "Good morning" kisses! We exchanged so many kisses again this morning (which, admittedly, hurt me, thinking there's something wrong and he won't let it be known). And, as I opened the curtains and blinds we had a little bit of a "chat"! Yes, it was slightly consoling to me, but my heart was still heavy.
Thankfully, we had some sun-shine today too... this morning was a bit "dark", the clouds were rather heavy... but there were breaks of sun-shine.
It didn't make my morning any easier though. I had to bring the truck to the garage this morning, almost right away (and I was thankful for the "early" wake-up call... I DID wonder... I told Yonah, last night, that I had to be at the garage by 8.00 and said "You have to make sure I get up on time tomorrow. OK?" Well... OK! He DID!) The WORST of it... I THOUGHT I'd be gone for about 30-45 minutes... I was out for 2,5 hours! BUT... when I got back, there was my Precious Little Guy, lounging in his loft, and when I came back into the house, I RAN to his room and he hopped down to his door perch to meet me... of course, for cuddles, snuggles and kisses.
So I settled at the desk to finish my morning coffee and my Little Guy hopped about his house whilst I got to the business of the day.
It's our ANNIVERSARY... (as noted: THREE YEARS AND FOUR MONTHS) and even though it's a "monthly", I always wish there was something "special" I could do for my little Heart-and-Soul. Today, the best I could do was give him something different for "breakfast". The new bag of sun-flower seed "hearts and chips" arrived yesterday and sun-flower seeds provide so much extra protein (which Yonah needs, I'm sure) and some fat (which I'm pretty sure won't hurt him, since he really doesn't get much from his regular seed diet), so, this morning, I ground about 200ml (after grinding) of plain seeds and about 100ml sun-flower with 100ml peanuts. I actually got the sun-flower seeds in with his regular food and a couple of hours later, noticed HE REALLY ATE WELL! HE LIKES THE SUN-FLOWER SEEDS! (Tomorrow, I'm going to try the peanut mix and see how that goes. If this works well, I'll be incorporating the sun-flower seeds with his regular food at least once-weekly for a while and see how it goes. The protein will do him a world of good and I'll look forward to the feathers on the next moult... though I won't look forward to the moult... I NEVER look forward to that... poor Little Guy... so uncomfortable... but sadly, so necessary.)
For the rest of the day, I did my best to keep up with the general routine of all of the "responsibilities" I have, but it wasn't easy. It never is, really, because what I prefer is spending time with my Little Guy. He wasn't really all as active as he's been the past few days and I was more worried about him. He didn't seem to have the same vigour as he's had. Between this morning's "voice" and such, I tried to get the Journal typed, and wanted to work on a new video but got lost in trying to find ways to "clear the air" in this house. And it was rather chilly all day, so I didn't want to keep doors open with the fans going. I was and am just truly deeply worried.
As I say, I don't want Yonah to EVER suffer at all, EVER again! He's made it through a literal:"Hell", between being attacked and having to adapt to living with a "natural predator" (me). And being in this house isn't what he was born into nor for, but he's come through it all like the little MIRACLE that he is. And I get distracted by looking for other places for us to move to. (I'm due for a surgery in several weeks but, if some place appropriate becomes available to us, surgery will wait... we'll get a "HOME" before I'll take that time for me, alone.)
And so, the day went along that way: my Little Guy in his loft for the most part, me at the desk, the skies broke into sun-shine only shortly before the sun set this evening...
It was (for me) a "heavy" day...
We DID, at one point, play with Burdie-Birdie and Bustelo-Birdie, on the futon. Yonah had flown over to Burdie-Birdie and gave a hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" and I dropped all else to get over there! It's AMAZING, STUNNING, really, how much he trusts me! I use the extra fabric (from the pillow case that Burdie-Birdie is made of) to "hide" my hand (as with a puppet) and will make Burdie-Birdie "fly" about and land... then "chase" Yonah about. Sometimes, I've actually let the extra fabric cover Yonah completely... AND HE DOESN'T PANIC... HE JUST WAITS FOR ME TO LIFT THE FABRIC! AND WHEN I DO, HE SIMPLY TODDLES OUT FROM UNDER AND ACROSS THE FUTON TO WAIT FOR MORE PLAY! HE KNOWS I'm there and that he's SAFE! (If nothing else in the world touches the core of my soul... THIS *** TRUST *** is ALL my being ever needs to continue!)
We played for a good 15 minutes or more before Yonah decided to head back to his house... it was a relief to see him with that burst of energy and playfulness... and he didn't look any the worse for it (no heavy or laboured breathing, no ruffled/fluffed feathers)... he just went back up and nestled in his corner, as he usually does of a day. (And I tried to get back to my little tasks... until...)
This evening, as I sat at the desk, with evening meal on the hob, my little Heart-and-Soul got so BUSY... gathering twigs from the floor of his house and bringing them up to his loft! AND.. (because I was wearing the Sherpa), for the first time all day, HE CAME OVER TO MY SHOULDER... FOR SOME PECKS AND KISSES! And then went back to his house to pluck some of the lentil seedlings I'd put in for him this morning. It was all SO WONDERFUL.. SO BRILLIANT... SO "COMFORTING"... to see him energetic again. (But I have to say that the doors were open and the fans were going, the temperature in his room had dropped from 27 to 23° but it seems the fresh air in the house helped... I'd noticed a some-what "acrid" odour in the place today... so I opened everything for a while, when the house warmed... I don't know what that odour is from now... but, I've order more "air filtration" materials. We're due for a cold spell for the coming days so we won't be able to open the house too often for too long so I'm going to try a little idea I happened upon on "Youtube": 20in box fan with a "furnace filtre" on the "in-take" side. I've ordered sheets of fabric embedded with activated charcoal... the same that I use for the furnace registres round the house. I've noticed that these filtres and fabric are what are used in "purifiers" and the video claimed that, although they might not be as effective as actual "purifiers", the box fans help, tremendously. Hey! I'm willing to give it a try! I want this air to be CLEAN for my little Heart-and-Soul. I've noticed the "almost-white" dust that the furnace in-take registres catch... we'll see if we can't get even MORE out of the air! It would be different if Yonah were able to get out of the house. And yes, I'm rather sure that the air out-side has "stuff" in it as well, but, he's in here now, until it gets warm enough to go out so... CLEAN AIR... now matter what must be done!)
And so... he continued with his trips to the twigs and the loft, and I had my evening meal at the desk. And he took a "break" to get a quick "snack" (with the sun-flower seeds in)... and by the time I was done with my meal and the washing-up, he too, was done with his "building"... and it was time to settle-down... and get to the water relay... The sun might be setting "later" these days... but it's still setting round-about 17.15 so... by 18.00... it's dark out-side his windows... and "dark" is time for "sleep". The "Yardies" were already settled by that hour.
Tonight, I ran the "relay" twice because there were twigs and some seedlings in the pool. Not "dirt" . mind, but twigs, seedlings and the seeds that get scattered when Yonah eats. And though he neither heads down for a drink or swim at night, I just insist that the water there be fresh and clean (twice daily... at the very minimum). I could tell that he noticed that I ran the "set" twice because when I emptied the bucket after the first time, THEN came back and started pouring MORE water into his pool, he came hopping over to watch, as if intrigued. (He misses NOTHING that happens in his house or room! NOTHING!) When it was all done... and his room and house were re-settled, he headed to his roof-top (as he does of an evening). BUT TONIGHT... NO COO'ING! IT'S BEEN A WHILE FROM SINCE THE LAST TIME HE DIDN'T COO AT NIGHT! YES, SOMETHING'S JUST NOT "PROPER" NOW... and I grow "heavy" with worry, care, concern and... anger... anxiety... we truly MUST get out of this place, since nobody but I, will do anything to correct this situation, and my abilities are rather limited. (Even the owner, when he learned of my "investment" in the property, admitted that he's considering simply "walking away" from the property when I leave... so... there we have it... moving isn't something I'd "like" to do... it's something we MUST do... SOON!)
Well, but... tonight, after all the commotion of water and windows and the likes was done, oddly, it didn't take much to get my PRECIOUS LITTLE ONE to get ready for seepie-nigh-night! No "hanging-out on the roof-top", no coo'ing, and no running away when I looked up to say "It's time to get ready for seepie-nigh-night. I need to go seepie-nigh-night soon too." I'd no sooner said when he headed down and to his loft! So I brought my pillows into the room, set the futon for me for the night ahead... And I brought Bustelo-Birdie to the loft again too. And Yonah came rushing over to "greet" Bustelo-Birdie and then scuttled over to his night spot.
Tonight, we exchanged our kisses... soft and gentle, and my "I LOVE YOU! Happy anniversary, you... THREE YEARS AND FOUR MONTHS! And tomorrow, we head into FIVE months! I LOVE YOU!"
At 20.00... I closed his door, dimmed the desk lamp... my PRECIOUS, CHERISHED, HEART-AND-SOUL was tucked-in for a night's sleep... 27° in his room...
Happy Anniversary... may there be "FOUR YEARS AND THREE MONTHS"... and as many more as... as long has my Little One is happy and healthy...
With-out HIM... there is no "US".
Wednesday 14 February:
This morning, for some reason, I woke, in the early stillness, at about 5.20, and laid on the futon, looking into Yonah's house... I couldn't see him because of the darkness in the room, but I laid there, wondering what might have awakened me. There wasn't a sound to be heard in the room or the house, and certainly, not a sound coming from Yonah's house. So I laid, for a while, pondering whether or not to get up, and after a while, did. I wasn't tired and when I got to the kitchen and checked the clock, I figured it was a good time to get up and get the day started, a little "extra time", and I could wait to see what time my Little Love would wake, and when he did, I'd be there, ready for him... and so, I headed off to the kitchen, closing the door to his room, behind me so as not to disturb his rest.
I was at the table, attending to the usual morning tasks and nonsense so that that could be put aside quickly, and wondering when I'd hear from my Little Guy, thinking it would be some time after 7.00 when...
6.55 and the "morning call to order" came through the door, replacing the morning silence and filling the house with a beautiful "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" !!!!! (and I know how "long" the coo was because I typed it as it came out to the kitchen). I heard it, quite clearly, through his closed door! AND, there was no "break" in it this morning! So I "coo'ed" back with the same "pattern" and he repeated the same pattern back! And when I repeated the repeat, the response was shorter: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... I was curious, so I repeated his pattern and then came the "woo-HOO!" Well, OK! After all, the door was closed, the blinds and curtains were closed... poor Little Guy... in the room, alone, in the dark. So... I got right up and went right in.
OH! When I opened HIS door, still in the morning darkness, and popped my face in for "Good morning" kisses... there were MANY of those, again, this morning! (Sometimes it feels as if he's relieved to see me, as if he'd been thinking that I'd abandoned him! It's these moments that make ANY time I have to be away from him so painful for me. And with the impending hospital visits that I'll have to be making in the coming months, one, in particular, that will take me away, I learnt today, for about 6 hours... it's not the surgery that concerns me... and the "discomfort" of it... it's the PAIN of being away from my Heart-and-Soul for that length of time, wondering if he's OK, if the house is still safe for him and wondering what he's thinking when I'm not there for so long. How I wish I could bring him with me, some-how. But, in the first place, the weather will still be quite cold come March and even into and probably through April, which is when I have my appointments, so he can't be left in the truck, out-side. And bringing him INTO the hospital is, of course, impossible. But, I'm pretty sure Amy won't mind dropping in on him on the longer stays... I'm just resolved and determined that I will NOT, under ANY circumstances, be staying over-night for ANY of this! It wouldn't be good for Yonah... and it surely won't be of ANY good to or for me! Stress and anxiety... nope.)
So, during the opening of house and windows, and settling of the room, and even through the water relay this morning, we chatted... and Yonah's voice was quite clear. Not as "loud" as once was the usual for him, but clear, and strong. Not weak. An improvement... over the past couple of days!
Still, during the day, that "dust" came to the air again... I worry SO MUCH about what is in that dust. I tend to believe it comes from the "attic"... and there's nothing "good" about that. But this morning I managed to get "furnace filtres" to put on the backs of the box fans we have in the house and running them on "low" serves as a bit of an air filtre! AND tomorrow, the "activated charcoal fabric" I'd ordered, is due to arrive! SO, essentially and effectively, drawing the air through the fibreglass and charcoal will be a "low-grade air purifier"! Between the two fans and the purifiers... we'll HOPE for cleaner air for my Little Guy!
Mean-while, shortly after we got the whole house settled and THE SUN ROSE AND SHONE IN THROUGH THE WINDOWS... BEAUTIFULLY... I RAN out to the store for the filtres and some more food for the Yardies (because this morning's temperature out-side was -17°! (though inside it was a comfortable 23°)
After meal, I'd started the water change... and drained the pool as I set things up... of course the pool emptied and when I came back in, Yonah was at his door perch... and when he saw me come in with the blue containers for the water change... WING SNAPS! SEVERAL! I couldn't help but think that he'd noticed "NO WATER IN THE POOL!" and was drawing my attention to the tragedy! So I put the containers down and reached over, cupped him in my hands, leaned down to give him kisses and gently stroked the back of his neck and whispered that I'd brought the water and of course, I wouldn't forget that... He nuzzled his head into my chin and revelled in the kisses, attention and affection... and when I raised my head, he flew up to his perch... to "supervise".
I'd no sooner started filling the pool when he came down for a drink. There's something about the 'fresh" water that attracts him of an evening, more-so than in the morning, and he took a hearty drink as I poured.
I ran the "change" twice tonight, again, because there were bits of twigs and seedlings in there again and I just can't just "leave" what-ever water is in there as "fresh". It didn't require a complete "change"... pulling everything out to wash and scrub, and at that hour, it really wouldn't be kind to Yonah. All that commotion before tucking-in for the night. But he DID appreciate the clean, clear, cold, fresh water... and so did I. (I know he doesn't drink or swim during the night and, as it's been pointed-out to me, I could, probably, not leave any water in his pool over-night. But, on the off chance he goes for a drink when his lights are still on, I want to be sure he has water, just as I make certain he has food too. Sure, the "foraging" is stressed in everything I read on the matter of "nourishment", and it might be "fun" for him, but he's become so accustomed to food and water where they are, at all times... I'm NOT about to change that. And he doesn't HAVE to go in search of such things, so, if I can make his life easier... that's what my purpose in my own life is.)
After all the water-running I went to close his windows against the night out-side. The sun had set, the skies were dark, and the cold-of-night was making its way in and... tonight... as I went to "move house" to get to the windows, this Little Guy headed for the orange tree! Usually, he doesn't go there that late of a day. To the desk shelf, yes, but not the tree. So I let him be (of course0> and it was "interesting" to see (for me, anyway):
I'd moved his house, as I do, which kind-of blocked him into the corner, at the tree BUT... he actually managed to FLY, ALMOST DIRECTLY STRAIGHT UP FROM THE TREE TO THE DESK SHELF! A bit of fluttering and there he was, up by the little speaker, just as cozy as he could be! He figured and "escape"! BRILLIANT Little Genius, this bundle of feathers and LOVE!
After getting things settled, I managed to set the lap-top at the desk, "meditation" instrumental music playing. I put the upper desk lamp off with the lower, LED lamp on... and my PRECIOUS Little Guy "established himself on the upper shelf of the desk, in the relative dark... and as I typed... he coo'ed... and I coo'ed... and we coo'ed.. a most-peaceful, calming close of a day. Nothing can compare!
At about 19.50, I was still typing, our "meditation instrumental" music playing quietly and he flew down to his door perch... as if to point-out the hour... it was time to get the night settled, to make the room for both of us for the night, and tonight, I planned on being on the futon, with both of us "tucked-in" at a "civil" hour. I had an early appointment in the morning AND, with all that's been going on these days with Yonah's "voice" and "green" in the poops... I wanted to make certain he got his proper rest! So... I wrapped things up at the desk and moved things to the kitchen... and then told him I was getting my pillows. (He seems to understand "pillows" now, part of the "settling-in" for the night" and usually he heads in for a quick snack when I go for them... but... not tonight...)
I got the pillows, I made the futon and he watched from his roof-top and... AND...
At 20.15 I had to bring him down from the roof-top tonight... and put Bustelo-Birdie in on the loft. He wasn't ready, and though he was on his perch, there was an obvious hesitation, but... with Bustelo-Birdie settled in the corner of his loft, I managed to get some kisses in and whispered "It's time for seepie-nigh-night now. It's late. And I'm coming in too... VERY soon tonight." That seems to be all he needed to hear and no sooner had I said, he scuttled over to his little spot for the night and appeared to be comfy-cozy... We "called it"... Our Wednesday had come to a close and all the world was "tucked-in" (except for me... and I followed shortly after...)
One day into the next "anniversary"... of three years and 5 months... We're approaching 3 and a half years together! I delight in our "longevity" with each passing month (if not day... if not moment). I worry... because as our "yesterdays" increase, our "tomorrows" decrease. These three years have been, with-out pause or fail, the most AMAZING, AWE-FULL AND AWE-INSPIRING TIMES. As I say, often: if we could both manage it, I'd stay awake, never sleeping, just to be with my little Heart-and-Soul. But... hey... we USED to pass the night in separate rooms... and we don't do that any more, so, essentially, we ARE together... round the clock! And, we do the best we can... with the time we have... in an imperfect world.
Thursday 15 February:
Oddly, this morning, I was awake before the break of "day-light" again, but I laid on the futon, pondering the activities of the day and considering getting up. I don't know how, but the time passed and the next thing I knew, I opened my eyes to see that the day was breaking out-side the drawn blinds and curtains and not being sure of the hour, I got up and headed to the kitchen. The clock there read "6.45" so I reached for the kettle for morning coffee and as I did, from behind me came this morning's "call":
Apparently, my Little Guy was awake and saw me get up and leave the room! He might have thought I was leaving for a short while (trip to the loo) but heard me move the kettle and there we have it... our day had commenced!
I called back "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and he replied "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and then, almost immediately after... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"!!! AND THIS MORNING... HIS VOICE WAS CLEAR, NO "SKIPS" OR "PAUSES"! IT WAS SPECTACULAR! A touch on the "softer" side, but SO CLEAR!
I rushed to set the kettle and coffee up and went right back into the still-dark room and there... on the perch, where he was when I got to the futon last night, was the little silhouette of the MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE LIFE IN CREATION... JUST AS COZY AS HE COULD BE!
And when I opened his door and leaned in for "Good morning" kisses... OH... the kisses were ABUNDANT!
I got to opening the curtains and blinds to the quite chilly morning out-side this morning (-12°!... and, as is the case with this old house, it was a chilly 21° in the room... not bad but not what I prefer for Yonah's comfort... though he does have his Sweeter Heater over him through the night so he's "covered", as it were) and as soon as the day-light broke in, Yonah was up and about... over to "check on" Bustelo-Birdie who spent the night in the loft and then over to his food shelf where he could "keep an eye on me" as I finished drawing curtains.
After morning water relay, I took the food from his dish and replaced it all with fresh, and this morning, I added a "fine powder" of sun-flower seeds (the part that had been ground finer than the little bits I usually give him) and, because it's the 15th of the month, I added milk thistle. (I'm hoping the sun-flower seeds will "cover" the milk thistle bitterness... it's to be seen...). Everything got mixed together with his regular seeds... This morning's poops were promising. Now, I continue to worry about his respiratory system. But the clarity of this morning's call was "promising". (And SO NEEDED!)
Since I had to run the truck out this morning, EARLY, I was non-stop moving about the house and my Little One headed for his roof-top where he let out with a few hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's" and when he noticed that I kept moving about, called "woo-HOO!" (I wasn't sure if it meant "HEY! I'm HERE!" or "Are you watching the clock?" Either way, neither would surprise me. He seems to "know" what's going on around here.)
Thankfully, this morning's "run" was all of about 45 minutes and when I got back, my Little Guy was waiting (as it were) in his loft and IT WAS SO OBVIOUS THAT HE WAS SO HAPPY THAT I WAS BACK! HE DOES NOTICE WHEN I'M NOT IN THE HOUSE... and that's what causes me the most concern ... and heart-ache. I don't want him to EVER feel "alone"... never mind "lonely". It' times like this that remind me of how many people tell me "he doesn't need another bird... you two ARE the 'flock', HIS 'flock'. And he's obviously happy with the way thing are." It's a compliment and an intense responsibility to him... a responsibility I accept... with more delight and LOVE than I can put into words. And he shows me SO MUCH LOVE... when I'm away and return. There's no "need" for anybody or anybirdie else for me in my Life... a "Life" that exists only because of my little Heart-and-Soul here.
But, the moment I got back, "things", as they are, started happening. "The world" was infringing on our time together (not to mention my own tasks that could and should have been attended... in Yonah's room). And so, my Little One did what he does when I get "animated"... he flew about the room, chatted with Burdie-Birdie (or, maybe he was complaining... rightfully, I have to say because I wasn't too much thrilled with the situation either) and when the phone rang, he came flying over to the desk shelf to stare at me, as if to say "Let's make it quick here. OK?" My "supervisor"... And he knows best.
Well, I DID get to some of the business at hand, and DID take time to play a bit with Burdie-Birdie... though, NEVER long enough (for me).
We had lunch together... well... Yonah "lounged" whilst I had lunch, and then after, we had a little "play break". But he was FULL of energy right after. Seems he truly WAS happy that we were together. AND, with the little while of BRIGHT SUN-SHINE, HE TOOK TIME TO BASK, ON HIS "BEACH"! (Sadly, the sun didn't stay for very long, but my Little Guy managed to catch quite a bit of what we had. THAT ALWAYS brings peace to my own soul. How I yearn for the days when we can get back out-side again... and that's one of the most important aspects of my "house hunting"... a place for Yonah to get OUT into the world! And the HOPES that there will be more mourning doves where-ever we go to.
And so, after all this morning's mayhem, I finally got to settle at the desk, put some music on and get to journalling and such... and my PRECIOUS Little Guy took to his loft... with a few "perch-coos" now and again. WHAT a day!
Have to "report" here: "We're" not terribly "pleased" with today's "menu"... the sun-flower seeds and milk thistle (I didn't really expect it to be, but we have to get the protein and milk thistle into the diet so...). As I sat at the desk, jotting in today's Journal, my Little Guy got up and went over to his food, gabbed a bit of a "snack" and when done, I cold see him "smacking his beak", so to speak. He could taste "something"... and it was obvious he wasn't "pleased". BUT... at the very least, he DID get some of the "good stuff". (It's impossible to separate the sun-flowers and milk thistle because I tossed it all together with the seed mixture. OK. Not fair. But... "health" trumps "fair". As long as he doesn't out-right stop eating... If only I could get the lactulose... I'm still searching...)
But... all said for the rest of today, it really went quite WELL! My PRECIOUS LITTLE GUY WAS FULL OF ENERGY AND PLAY! I managed to get quite a bit accomplished, all said, AND WE HAD PLAY BREAKS! (No snoozes today...)
I worked at the desk, Yonah lounged in his loft and worked on gathering twigs from round his house. A couple of times he "ducked under the orange tree", watched me from the desk shelf. I guess he was rather surprised by my determination to actually "DO" something with the day.
I made a few phone calls and received some, and, of course, as I talked on the phone, he talked... I tend to believe that when he hears my voice he thinks I'm talking to him. Makes sense, really. Telephones mean nothing to him, and there's nobody else in the room so of course, I MUST be talking to him, and so, being polite and sociable, he talks WITH me. (I've actually had people ask me where I'm calling from because they can hear him on the other end. One person commented, when I said that I was in the house, and explained why there was a mourning dove in the back-ground: "That's so beautiful! It's so calming. I'm jealous." I'm EVER-SO QUICK to explain that Yonah isn't a "capture" and he's not a "pet" and that having a mourning dove bears a great deal of responsibility, not to mention the "protection" they're afforded... in spite of the fact that the way the "law" reads, one cannot "capture" or "keep" a mourning dove HOW-EVER, one MAY SHOOT any number of them... to murder them. It's Yonah's message to the world... I'm merely his "messenger".) ANYWAY, HE sees it all as our time together, and, to be honest, I do too, that's why I stay in the room with him when I conduct my "house-hold affairs". We're together and that's all that matters to me.
So, that was this morning, and we broke for lunch for about 45 minutes and we both got back to our "regularly-scheduled programming", Yonah lounging and flying about and me, trying to play "catch-up".
He was vociferous during the day today, and his voice sounded clear and as "hefty" as it ought. I wonder why the morning's are so soft now. Could it be "age"? Or some remnants of his injuries? The only way I can be sure about any "injuries" would be to take him to a veterinarian and I've repeatedly explained why I can't get my-self to do that at this point in time. (If we move, I'll have to look for a serious avian veterinarian, one in whom I can put any trust... It's not easy because almost every one, even some-what locally, has some frightening "reviews" on-line. But, I've gone through that with doctors for me... We'll find somebody. I'm sure of that.)
And we took MANY play breaks during the day today! Burdie-Birdie, Bustelo-Birdie, Beanie-Birdie. (He's truly not fond of Baby-Birdie and I'm not sure why, but I'm still planning on learning that "felting" process and will be trying my hand at making one that's "adult size"... Now THAT'S something I look forward to seeing: the reaction to a life-sized - felted - mourning dove! Videos will be posted on the "Videos" pages on the web-site... TO BE SURE!)
Weather-wise, there was quite a bit of BEAUTIFUL SUN-SHINE this morning, and my Little Guy took some advantage of that with a bask on the beach for a while. But, as the days go in February, by late after-noon, the Winter clouds rolled in and "took our sun-shine away". I didn't put the UV light on thought. It was late enough in the day where it really wasn't necessary, and I'd rather Yonah get the actual sun-shine with-out the artificial light.
OH, and poops today? All returned to quite normal and healthy! It's the "night poops"... but I suppose that's OK, considering, during the day he's active and so, using the "water" he drinks, where-as, at night, he's resting and not moving about. There were two rather quite wet ones, but those were shortly after a healthy drink. I'm curious to see what the sun-flower/milk thistle will produce over-night. Nothing should be different, really, since birds' digestion is so rapid and there's really no actual "digestion" that takes place: ingest, swallow, down to the crop, through the "gizzard" and out. But I'll keep a most-careful watch mo matter what.
OH! I'd ordered some more of the "activated charcoal embedded fabric" I use on the heat registres round the house to filtre-out dirt, dust, mould and such to try something I'd seen a video on: turning a "20-inch Box Fan into an Air Purifier" (of sorts) and it arrived today, just before evening meals! SO... having the "cheap fibreglass furnace filtres that fit the fans, I cut the fabric to size and place that against the intake-side of the fan with the furnace filtre after and turned the fans on. (I have two.) I have to say that it seems to work quite well! For one thing, it removed the cooking aromas from the air with-in moments! So I'm pretty comfortable thinking it will remove quite a bit of any "particulates" in the air that might harm Yonah! (Report to follow after a "trial period", but for now... things seem to have improved!
This evening we had "dinner break"... I call it that because I had a meal at the desk and Yonah had a snack and went to lounge in his loft until I was finished. How-ever... his "snack" tonight was quite impressive! He's eaten very well all day today! I have to wonder if it isn't the sun-flower seeds. (I know it isn't the milk thistle.) But no matter what it is that he likes best, I'm happy because he's getting the extra protein from the sun-flower seeds and the milk thistle for his little liver and other parts
After the washing-up, we played again, on the futon, for a while and then... it was "Water Time"... and my little supervisor took to the desk shelf to watch... for a while... until he came back into his house to make sure I wasn't doing anything I had no business doing... and then... we settled-down for the evening... I, at the desk, he at his door perch to keep an eye on me...
20.10 "Tuck-in"! I'd been distracted with some workings on the old lap-top, that suddenly stopped playing our music, and the sudden silence obviously caused some "concern". Yonah seemed a bit "ill at ease" because I was there, but there was no music playing. I tell you, he notices EVERY little change in the room and every little thing out of what he's come to know as "common". Anyway, I got things back together and by then, he'd already come up with other ideas for the rest of the evening, and none of them involved "seepie-nigh-night". Fortunately, I still had to get the futon set for me for the night and as I went about that task, the "message" became clear: indeed, it was time for seepie-nigh-night. So he went back to his perch and THEN, when I went over for "Good night" kisses, he headed over to his food dish. I thought he was going for another snack but no... he "snuggled-down" as he does, tail in the air, and that little "jitter" that he does... and "woo-HOO"... perch-coo's. And every time I said "No... no 'woo-HOO'" he responded with another one. Well, this went on for about 5 minutes and finally, I suppose the message was well-received when I brought Bustelo-Birdie to the loft. He hopped over to his loft, "checked-in" with Bustelo-Birdie and then scuttled over to his night spot... I managed two "Good night" kisses and... "we" finally "tucked-in" for the night. I moved lap-tops to the kitchen, went back, dimmed the desk lamp and... as of 20.21... Thursday is closed. (We'll see for how long... I still have to go back in about 30 minutes to turn the desk lamp off and the moon lights on...)
For now, I'm closing here with: If not for Yonah... not for me... he IS, in EVERY respect, my Heart-and-Soul.
Friday 16 February:
Well then, it appears the days are beginning earlier, to be sure, because, this morning, the call to "rise and shine"... a hearty (yet, still softer than historically) "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo" came at... 6.40! OK, yes, the morning light from out-side was coming thought the still-closed blinds and curtains, but, it was closer to the 7.40 or so of past days. Our nights grow shorter... and our days begin sooner, and I couldn't be happier, to be honest. The longer our days, the more time to spend and pass with my Heart-and-Soul.
And in spite of that little "break" in the pattern of his coo, and the softness, Yonah's voice, this morning, was quite clear. And when he called to wake me, I called right back with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" (to greet him and to hear what sort of reply I'd get). I'd no sooner done with my greeting than he responded, with a "full-length" "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" AND AS I started to answer (all before I got up from the futon, mind...) he chimed "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! SO! SOMEbirdie got a good night's sleep last night.
(As a note here: when I got onto the futon last night, and put the moon light off, it was late... almost 23.00, and as I always do, I whispered "OK my LOVE... I'm here and we can go seepie-nigh-night. I'm here. The house is warm and toasty. The snow is falling but that's out there and you don't have to even think about that. The ploughs will come and tend to all that out there. But in here, you'll be warm and safe. So you rest tonight. You're not alone. I'm right here and I'm not going any-where. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I TRULY DO! And I'll see you in the morning when you call to let me know you're awake. OK? OK.... I LOVE YOU..." there wasn't even the slightest sound from his house... across the room... in the darkness. AND, yes, the plough DID come by at about mid-night. I heard it, and felt the house "rumble" but even THAT didn't disturb my Little Guy! So he WAS, in fact, quite at rest, and there wasn't a single disturbance through the entire night.)
And so, I tried one more "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and came the "finale": "woo-HOO!" That "OK! Listen here! It's dark. I'm awake. You're awake. We're awake. And there's a day out there waiting for us, so GET UP! Let's get ROLLING!" I was up immediately!
When I got to his house, opened his door, he was just as relaxed as could be on his perch, under his "Sweeter Heater", "toasty-cozy", indeed. And he gave a BEAUTIFUL wing-stretch, a bit of "adjusting" with the feet and as I leaned in for "Good morning" kisses, he leaned forward to reciprocate!
First "quick check " of poops... all were directly under where he'd slept last night. Nope, no disturbances. A truly comforting sign for me, first thing in the morning.
So with his door open, I headed to the kitchen to put the kettle on and came back to "open house" for the day!
Chilly out there this morning, and the land was blanketed in a coverlette of white. We did have some snow during the night. Not very much, but enough to give a nice reflection of the "dawn's early light". And as I opened the blinds, I could feel the coolness of the world out-side trying to make its way into the room. Ah... but out-side, the temperature was (so the "report" claimed) -7° but IN the room... we had a comfy 22°. Not terribly "warm" but certainly not too terribly cool either. And under the heater, my Precious Little Guy certainly was "cozy". BUT, the very moment the blinds were drawn up and the day-light came in, he was up, scuttled across the perch to his loft where Bustelo-Birdie had passed the night with him. A little "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" for Bustelo-Birdie and a HOP over to the opposite perch. He's been doing that every morning of late, as I open curtains and blinds. I turned to give him a look and he came closer to the back of his house and I leaned over... KISSES through the grate! We woke in a good mood! I couldn't ask for more from a morning.
This morning's "better poop check" in the light: 7 perfect little poops! Quantity. Quality. And again, this morning, only the slightest "halo of green"! Yonah's little belly seems to be doing very well! (He still has some milk thistle in his food and that'll be changed-out this evening. We'll skip a few more days and give it another try mid-week.)
And so Friday was called to order and away we went... I settled at the desk for the morning, trying to catch-up with things in general, and my Little Guy settled him-self in his loft, as he does. There was a bit of a chill in the house today and the sun wasn't helping, being hidden behind clouds. My consolation: the "Sweeter Heater" in Yonah's house. He has that over him, through the night and I leave it on during the day, no matter what. AND, there's a little electric radiator in his room too. Chill or not, I won't have my little Heart-and-Soul fluffing feathers against the cold. There's no need for it and though "cold" is part of his "natural" life, well, I see no reason why, if I can provide that much, he shouldn't have the warmth and comfort of "Summer" (or, at the every least, on the chillier days, "warm Spring") all year round. For now though, it is Winter... and the days will be grey, but we'll be together... and I'll do my best to provide all comforts... and safety, nourishment and "basking in the UV light and a dip in the pool"!
Had to take a quick run into market this after-noon, but the day called for a quick 20-minute snooze before the run so I set an alarm and went for a lie-down on the futon. No sooner had my head hit the pillow when my Little LOVE came over, landed on my shoulder and... there he too, took a quick snooze... until... as usual... 2 minutes before the alarm was to sound... I felt him toddle off my arm and onto my leg and from there... TAKE-OFF! and up to his house and into his loft. (It was almost as if he was making an attempt to hide the fact that he was with me whilst I dozed! Silly Little Guy.)
Anyway, I woke, got me together and headed, right away, out the door so that I could get the one errand of the day done with.
Wasn't gone but about another 20 minutes and when I got back, Yonah was still in his loft but when I stepped into his room to say that I was back... he hopped over to his food, grabbed a nibble and flew out to the futon, over to Burdie-Birdie... I put the groceries up and when in to play with the two of them for a while before re-settling and the desk.
The rest of our day rolled calmly along (as they ought) and as days do any more in these times... it was, what seemed "moments"... and there he was, my little "Guardian", standing at his door perch, reminding me... "16.00! Time to put something on the hob and call it 'dinner'." Another day had slipped away... entirely too quickly!
And so, there we had it... and I put "something on the hob" and my Little Guy had his evening snack. When my food was done, I brought it into the room, settled at the desk and as I ate, Yonah flew about the room and his house... picking up things to add to his collection on his loft...
Right after our evening meals, I got to the washing-up and to the evening water relay so that, Yonah's house would be ready for him, when he decided it was time to settle-down, for the night. And whilst I did the water run, my Precious Little Guy made his ev4ening rounds, visiting with Bustelo- and Beanie-Birdies as he does of an evening.
When all was done I thought I'd settle at the desk again for a while, dim lights, soft music and let's see how late Yonah would stay up... so, lap-top at the ready, the upper desk lamp on and the lower on dim... a little music...
Yonah decided to make him-self quite comfy on the desk shelf... up by the speaker where his "bird-songs" were playing. OK. That's where he wanted to be and that's where he was... BUT, he took that "nestled-down" pose, and I could tell what was coming next and sure enough... that little "flutter" of tail feathers and wings and a soft "woo-HOO"... the "perch-coo". My Little Guy was settled for the duration. No problem, I had more than enough to keep me occupied at the desk for quite some time... so... He "woo-HOOed" to me... I "woo-HOO'ed" to him a couple of times and I got to my own tasks-at-hand to wrap-up the day.
At one point, shortly after, I looked up to see how he was doing "up there" and it looked as though he was dozing! I was starting to wonder if I were to let him, would he actually pass the night there? (I'd never risk it, but the thought does cross my mind.)
OK... If my Little One is dozing-off on the desk shelf... (so I thought) it's time to close the windows, get the room together for me and get things ready for a night's sleep here. So I got up from the desk and said I'd be right back, I was going to get my pillows. I did... room next door... and when I returned... Yonah had moved from the shelf to his door perch! So... I, thinking he was tired and ready for tucking-in, considering how early his day had started this morning, went over, cupped him in my hands and whispered "It's late you know. When you're tired, you should just let me know. A little 'woo-hoo' or something."
Nah... he wasn't ready to close the day just yet, and the second I opened my hands he was up to his loft, then to the food shelf and... off to the wall shelf to Beanie-Birdie! No problem. I really wanted to see when HE would decided to "come home to roost"... I re-settled at the desk...
It was almost 20.07 when he finally flew over to his door perch. He hopped into his house, went over to the little mirror at "floor-level" and bade the little reflection a soft "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... (I guess he was saying something along the lines of "See how long I dragged that out tonight?") and then, up to his night perch.
Well, since he went "home" of his own choosing, I though this might be my "message" that the Little One was tired and it was "time" to close the day...
I got up from the desk, moved my things out to the kitchen. When I came back in, I brought Bustelo-Birdie over to the "loft" again... and Yonah seemed pleased with that arrangement. (I'm wondering if, this being the "mating season", the presence of "another" isn't comforting to him. We'll see as time goes by. Right now he seems to prefer it. But I remember: mourning doves mate, for life... mother builds the nest with the items that father brings to her; she lays the eggs and father tends them during the day; mother returns in the evening to tend the over-night shift, but they don't tend to reside in the nest together. With this set-up, Bustelo-Birdie is in the loft, Yonah is on the perch. Bustelo-Birdie is in the "back of the house"... and Yonah, up front. They're not co-inhabiting the "nest" so each one has independence ... I wonder how this will work out... and again... "time" will tell.)
WELL! There weren't many kisses tonight. I don't know why. Probably all of 2 "pecks". But that was better than me leaning-in for a kiss only to have Yonah scuttle away (and there have been those moments... to be sure). So after the "pecks", I whispered... "You settle-in... time for seepie-nigh-night now... I'll be in as soon as I can. OK? OK... Seepie-nigh-night my LOVE!" and I closed the door to his house as I dimmed the desk lamp to its dimmest.
20.16 tuck-in.. for the record..
(Add: It was didn't get to the futon until just after 22.00 tonight, and when I got to Yonah's room, both little moon lights were on; the one on the right, "behind" Yonah, was a bit brighter than the one on the wall shelves, a bit "in front" of Yonah, as he roosted on his night perch. As I always do of a night, I got to the futon, laid down and, with the little moon lights remote, turned both lights off and in the darkness, I whispered: "Good seepie-nigh-night my Love... You get good rest. Everything's safe and warm and toasty. And I'll see you in the morning. You call me when you wake up. I Love you!" All was still, silent... for a moment... and then, in the darkness... softly but clear...
My Little Love was very much awake!
"What are you doing awake?" I whispered, still in the darkness.
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" came the reply...
I coo'ed: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and Yonah answered:
So, we exchanged coo's for a moment. He wasn't in any "distress", there was no fluttering of wings, no sounds of any motion in his house, but then, I wanted to see what was going on in there so I put the moon lights back on, got up and went over to the Little Guy's house... Looking in, I could see his silhouette, clearly; there he was, right where he sleeps of a night. Nothing out of place or out of the ordinary in his house. And then I saw him "bob" his head, as if beckoning for a kiss or just closeness, so I opened the door to his house, poked my head in and said "Kisses?"
Oh yes, "kisses" indeed! MANY kisses! So we exchanged kisses, and I spoke, softly, telling my Little Love here that he needed to get some rest, it was late, ALL the birdies out-side were seepie-nigh-night and tucked-in for the night and it was time THIS little birdie did the same. Everything's alright, and safe, warm, toasty, and I'm right here, where you can see, on the futon, taking a snooze... your not alone...
Not sure - I never will be - what Yonah heard but some-how it calmed him... and so, a few more kisses and another "Seepie-nigh-night", I "left his house", closed the door again and returned to the futon.
Left the one, dimmer, moon light on for about an hour or so. I dozed-off for a while. When I woke, I don't know what time it was, I turned the light off again... and in the darkness and silence, drifted off to sleep...
Strange sort of event there. But at least all was calm and quiet.... for the night...)
Saturday 17 February:
Odd start to the day, this morning. I woke, on the futon, and noticed that the room was rather "light" and I wondered what time it was.
It was so light, in fact, that I could clearly see Yonah's silhouette, there, in his house, on his perch... and it appeared that he was "preening" a bit already, meaning, he was awake but didn't "call"... So, perhaps he was awake but just not "ready to take on the day" yet. OK... But I was curious as to the hour... so I got up went over to Yonah's house...
As I looked in on him, he was still, but I heard that tiny "hoo!" he makes when he sees me looking in, but it's nothing that requires a "comment"... just an "acknowledgement"... "I see you there. Hi." I thought that, since he was awake, I'd open his door, and if/when he wanted, he could come out. There was enough light in the room even with the blinds and curtains closed for him to see and navigate round the room, and certainly, to the door out of his room to the rest of the house so it was safe to open the door...
Not a sound as I swung the door open, and not a bit of motion. OK... Truth was, I too, wasn't really ready for the morning... I just really wanted to check the time. And seeing the my Little Guy was fine and good and well, there was nothing else, really, that I truly "needed" to know... Yonah was fine, we had another day ahead of us. So if he didn't want to "speak" or "do" anything... he was awake late last night... today's Saturday, nothing on an agenda, good day for sleeping-in... I stepped out of the room and went to the kitchen to check the clock...
6.40... HEY! I woke us up at 6.40 this morning! OK... And so, it was a good time to put the kettle on and get on with the morning routine... and just as that thought crossed my mind... from behind me, in the darkness of Yonah's room...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... So he WAS awake... even before I was. I wonder why he was so quiet though. And I wonder how long he'd been awake before I got up. And now I wonder how many mornings has he been awake... just waiting for me to wake up... and... has he been "calling" because he was fed-up with waiting for me to wake?
In any event, this morning we both "woke", as it were, at the same time... and, at a time when Yonah has been "calling", lately. (Maybe, after all these years together, I'm getting onto HIS schedule? Now, all I have to do is work on the "seepie-nigh-night" time too... Up with the sun and down with the setting. Not a bad idea, to be sure.)
So, when he called, I put the kettle on and went back into the room... there he was, on his perch, calm and cool (as it were). So I leaned in... morning kisses... and there were MANY again, this morning! And a few more "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo's" with the kisses! My Precious Little Guy was in a good mood, his coo's were "solid", though still "soft", not "boisterous", but clear. And I was, obviously, in his good graces. We were off to opening curtains and blinds and getting waters freshened! Morning routine! AWAY! "Saturday" was officially open!
Poops, this morning, "left a bit to be desired"... for me, anyway. 5 in total... for the span of the entire night... almost 11 hours. 2 were rather "large", perhaps twice the size of the other 3. Colour, texture and content were "regular", though on the "green" side. And there was a bit of that "green halo"... water, on the kitchen roll. The "white" was tinted with a bit of green as well. BUT, I have to say, the size isn't anything completely unusual. And he's passed larger. As I type this, I have to think: this morning's is rather the equivalent of his "normal" 7 and, broken into that many... over all... they're really quite "regular". AND... there's no lack of energy, no "lethargy" so... We're doing OK!
Whilst I managed to put my morning coffee together and set-up for morning water relay and get breakfast together for the Yardies who were gathering in the back yard already, we "chatted", back and forth. Now THAT was a comfort to me: if my little Heart-and-Soul is in a "chatty" mood in the morning, the world is GOOD!
When I got every little morning tasks completed, I brought my coffee and a lap-top back into the room to the desk and Yonah was "lounging" in his loft...
I wanted to put fresh food in his dish this morning (and today, incorporate a little mixture of peanuts and sun-flower seeds) so, THAT caused a bit of "intrigue". As it is with ANYTHING in his house and room, if and when I reach for something, and especially if/when I MOVE something, it requires scrutiny, observation, supervision. And FOOD? I DARE to remove FOOD? WELL! As I took the dish out and "gathered" the scattered food into the little dish for the Yardies (who benefit from Yonah's left-overs), my little "Foreman" came RUSHING over to the shelf with a few wing-snaps! I managed to get dish and such out of his house, tidy the shelf where his dish rests and... AND... as I sat at the desk, mixing his usual seeds with the ground peanuts and sun-flower seeds, he came cover to watch, intently... closer, I'd say, than a rabbi in a kosher food preparation facility! Say what will be said, this little Dove here, is astoundingly aware of absolutely EVERY-thing... even to where he notices when there's "something extra" being added to his food... AS it's being added!
I'm just thankful that, unlike when I add milk thistle, this morning's "offering" was accepted. Milk thistle isn't very pleasant (quite bitter, and Yonah isn't fond of it) and when that's in the food, Yonah will peck through the food and toss quite a bit of it. Peanuts aren't exactly his "fave" either (though the birds out-side seem to be delighted when I add them to their food), and often, he'll peck through the food with them in and though he'll eat some, he makes it obvious that he's noticed a flavour he doesn't much appreciate. (Doves don't "chew", they simply swallow their food, which is why I grind the extras down, so it's not that the peanuts are sticking to his mouth, as peanut-butter might so... it's about the flavour, to be sure.) BUT the SUN-FLOWER seeds... "chips and hearts", as they're called, and ground to "swallow-hole" size... he DOES seem to enjoy those (which is why I put them in with the milk thistle this time and, yes, it worked, he ate very well with the sun-flower seeds in with the milk thistle).
When I'd done with this morning's "breakfast preparation" and returned the full dish, it wasn't long before he headed over to take a taste and... yes indeed, he enjoyed this morning's presentation. (I have to remember to mix sun-flower seeds with the peanuts... for his protein, and with the milk thistle, for his liver. It might not be as good as lactulose, but if it gets Yonah to eat better... so be it! Next test: see if I can't grind the sun-flower seeds to something like a "butter" consistency... and try mixing the milk thistle with that.) Anyway... breakfast served, house and room put in order....
The sun rose and, this morning, for a while, POURED in through the windows! And the temperature in the room was a delightful 25°! Clean water, fresh food, clean house, sun-shine, warmth... and my Precious Little Guy full of energy and LOVE! SATURDAY... HERE WE GO!
I managed to get the desk to my-self for a while this morning, to get some notes together and such... AND this morning, we took SEVERAL breaks to play... with Bustelo-Birdie (when I brought him out of Yonah's house and back to the desk shelf) and Beanie-Birdie too!
A flight to the living-room and to the decoy tree there. And when I went over, a hop on my shoulder and a toddle across my back... peck on the neck and... WOOSH! Away!
And as I sat back down at the desk, visits to the door perch, up to his loft, over to the desk to stroll about as I typed (if he'd paced, it would have appeared that he WAS supervising my work!).
And then... he settled in the terracotta dish on the shelf under his house... in the bit of sun-shine that managed to make it's way down there... with some "woo-HOO's"... "perch-coo's"... "Saturday morning"... we were perfectly content... together. BUT WHAT ENERGY TODAY! I SO needed to see that!
This morning, before breaking for our "lunch", I managed to grab a 20-minute snooze... after all, it's Saturday... and I got to lay on the futon and actually doze... BUT WHEN I WOKE... THERE WAS MY LITTLE GUY... "ROOSTING", AS HE DOES... ON MY CALF! I don't know when he'd come over but from the looks of it, he'd been there long enough to grab some shut-eye of his own! It makes me wonder how he'd be if he had the full room through the night... Would he "roost" on the back of the futon or on my shoulder, or leg as I slept? Aside from the fact that I dread the notion of him being startled in the darkness at night and flying into a wall or some furniture in a panic, I think of the possibility of rolling about in my sleep and... well... on him! So, he's safer as we have our "routine"... he has his house and his perch, and if he doesn't want to roost on a perch... he has his loft and in his house, he really is protected; the cold from the windows doesn't get to him because of the back-board, nothing from above, including lights coming in through the window, because of the roof-board, and the strength of the entire "crate" well, I imagine that too, provides protection, And when he's startled and flies about, he's with-in his "house"... no smashing at full-speed, into walls. Best leave well-enough alone. (Now, if I could give him his own room with no furnishings, perhaps turn an entire room into his house... but that's a dream for another time...)
And so, nap over...
I gave my Little Guy some raspberries that I'd gotten at market yesterday (washed of course). He had a couple of pecks, seemed to enjoy them but wasn't thrilled. Today wasn't a "berries day" but there are more and what he didn't eat today will be out for the Yardies in the morning, tomorrow. There are times when Yonah really enjoys raspberries (not blueberries though, I've come to learn) and other times when he's really not interested in them at all. Right now, the berries are for enjoyment since I have reason to believe he's getting his "essentials" in his food mix, though I'd like him to have more fruits and veggies... along with some animal protein. (I've read that mourning doves are known to eat snails, but I've yet to find what kind of snails... I'm rather sure they're not the sort that are marinated in garlic and olive oil though. I've read that insects too, are on the menu sometimes... again, no mention of WHAT insects. But I HAVE come to learn that Yonah is not fond of meal worms... neither toasted nor live so... I do my best with what's possible. I won't force him to eat anything. I'll find other ways to introduce the necessary vitamins, minerals and such... So far, he's looking well... and the protein and fat will be good... for now.)
For the afternoon, I worked at the desk getting things ready to be put onto the web-site (Journals.... indeed) and Yonah? Well! The later into the after-noon we got, the more energy he seemed to find! He was ALL OVER HIS ROOM, IN AND OUT, TO THE LIVING-ROOM AND BACK AGAIN! IT WAS REALLY AN AMAZING BURST OF ENERGY, ALMOST OUT OF NO-WHERE! HE WAS A LITTLE GUY ON A MISSION (of some kind)! A COUPLE OF TIMES HE "BUZZED" ME... FLYING OVER MY HEAD, DOWN ACROSS THE FRONT OF MY FACE, UP TO THE DESK SHELF TO "DROP IN ON" BUSTELO-BIRDIE! FLUTTER, FLUTTER, FLUTTER AND WHISTLE, WHISTLE, WHISTLE OF WINGS! He's had these "bursts of energy" before BUT THIS AFTER-NOON WAS REMARKABLE! THE ANIMATION! THE DURATION! (For a passing moment I panicked, thinking he was having some sort of seizure, or was on the verge of a heart attack! It was almost "intense", the flights, the number of them, the duration.) BUT... as quickly as it all started... a flight to the living-room and a return flight to the loft and... it was as though nothing had happened.
I did, at one point, try to "engage"... trying, with raised arms, to play in the midst of it all but... well... this wasn't about "play"... it was about, I suppose, exercise. And did Yonah ever get a dose of THAT! Good! Circulation, "aerobics"... shows that his lungs are good. (I can only constantly hope, with my "ALL", that his lungs and liver and kidneys are properly functioning. I DREAD... to even think... in this place we call a "house"... )
And so, all things calm again, my Little Guy in his loft after a quick stop at the "food bar"... I got back to the general affairs at hand...
Now... at evening meal time... he was nest-building! Twigs from the floor of his house up to the loft! STILL HAD SO MUCH ENERGY! And in between bringing twigs up, he made a couple of stops at the door perch to check on me... but I was eating... (He ate very well after the work he did though.)
After meal, I stayed at the desk and worked a bit on a new video version of Yonah's "Photo Portfolio"... and at about 18.50, I did the water relay and closed blinds and curtains, put the back board up. Yonah was on his roof-top... I went for a shower...
When I came out, he was still on his roof-top... It was about 19.30 and I thought that tonight, we were going to have another "late" night for "tuck-in". My Precious Little Guy didn't look like he had any intention of going into his house any time soon. But I wasn't going to rush him, impose a "tuck-in" (so long as it didn't get to be 21.00 or so... he's supposed to be getting about half of his day for rest and after all the exercise he got today, well....). So, I went to the bed-room and got my pillows to put on the futon for me for later and sat at the desk. Music playing softly, the upper desk lamp was off... the lower desk lamp set a bit dimmer, I sat down to jot the journal...
No sooner had I started to type... Yonah blessed the room with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". He didn't get up from his roof platform, and didn't appear to even be considering such a thing. So I coo'ed back with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". OK then... we went back and forth this way for a bit and THEN... well THEN... UP he got, toddled over to the front of his house, on the roof and ... off he was, a quick flight over to the wall shelf and immediately back to his house... to his door perch! AND... no sooner had he arrived there, he was UP... and to his night perch! (I wonder what was said as we were coo'ing back and forth... What-ever it was, it was "enough" for the day, apparently and now it was time to settle-down, settle-in and call it a day!)
Figuring this might be a good time... I made the futon up for me for later. I did think that Yonah, seeing me putting the pillows and extra sheet on the futon, would make a BOLT for some-where... the wall shelves, the desk shelf... some-where... HE DIDN'T! He was in for the evening!
So when I'd done with the futon, I got Bustelo-Birdie from the desk shelf and brought him over to the loft. Yonah scuttled over for "check" and gave Bustelo-Birdie a little peck and then came back over to his night-spot on his perch.
I leaned in and said "Kisses?" My little Heart-and-Soul stretched his neck out to come closer to my face AND WOW! THE KISSES TONIGHT! KISSES, KISSES AND MORE KISSES!
Tonight's official "Close of Day"? 20.09... Not too late at all! And all the KISSES !!!! WHAT a closing to a "WHAT A DAY"!!!
Desk lamp dimmed... I stepped out to the kitchen, expecting SOME sort of "woo-HOO-hoo...&c." but as of as I type this... seems all is calm... (I can only hope my Little One gets a proper night's rest tonight... as I hope every night.)
Sunday 18 February:
This morning, for reasons again, un-known, I was up and about and in the kitchen, kettle on, the Yardies' breakfast served in the back yard... on the lightest snow that had fallen and was still falling when, in the silence of an early February morning came, through the closed door of Yonah's room...
6.52 on the clock! A little later than in recent mornings, but still... a look out the window and the "day-light" was JUST starting to make its way through the covering of clouds... apparently, it was making its way into Yonah's room too, though the closed blinds and curtains...
I was at the kitchen table and mostly out of curiosity, I called back with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"...
Ah HAH! The reply... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... ... hoo" came back. Not a "break in voice" though. This was more like a little "addition" to the the "sentence". (It's the only way I can think to describe it... in my limited vocabulary where the language "Mourning Dove" is concerned.) This morning's calls were really quite clear, considering they were coming through a closed door. And really, that little "pause" DID sound like one of those "Oh, and while I'm at it... let me just add ..." Anyway and no matter what, Sunday morning was called to order, and things sounded GOOD... I was up and into the room where, in the dim light of early morn, even from across at the door, I could see the little silhouette...
When I got to his house, and opened the door there, my little Heart-and-Soul had such a GRAND STRETCH! Wings up and out! Little legs "putting feathers in order". Like people wiping their eyes of a morning, this Precious Little Guy was "making presentable" and it was SO comforting to see.
And I quickly checked the poops beneath him... 7 quite "regular", "normal", "average" and all in one spot on the kitchen roll. No massive "stain" round any of them to be seen, even in the dim light. YES! He didn't wake when I came into the room last night... no "extra" coo'ing... and from the looks of this, he DID manage a calm night last night. A good and (hopefully) proper night's rest. (He DID put him-self to "settle-down" last night so, likely, he was tired, so I'm glad he managed to get SLEEP!)
BUT... WHEN I LEANED MY FACE IN FOR "Good morning" KISSES... WOW! WERE KISSES EVER ABUNDANT! And the most remarkable aspect of them, this morning was that, again, when I said "Kisses", my Little Guy extended his head forward... Honestly... HE DOES UNDERSTAND THE WORD "KISSES"! And he proves it more and more by his response to hearing the word! (And again, today, I feel the complete idiot in comparison because I, the "human", STILL have yet to "understand" his coo's. I can speculate, but my comprehension is NOTHING compared to his.)
ANYWAY... all through the opening of windows, the setting-up of house-hold, the organising of his room... Yonah and I chatted and the chatting moved from "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" to "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". And his voice was clear this morning... "soft", but clear. (I DO wonder why he isn't coo'ing as loudly as he used to though. I'm relieved that he doesn't "crackle". There's no indication of congestion, or any sort of "constriction" in his voice. How I wish I could get a stethoscope to him! I'll have to look that up now too... to see if I need a special something to listen to his little lungs. Surely, a "people-size" will be too large. And oh, the challenge, I'm sure, of trying to get something "on" him for this. It's difficult getting him to simply stand on his scale for weighing. Then again, this Little Life here wasn't born of "domestic" parents, into a world of humans handling him. Something I keep in mind, always... He tolerates me and my intrusive "handling"... and he does appear to enjoy the being held from time-to-time, though not for long. BUT he IS still skittish when there are other humans in the room... so... stethoscopes and the likes... it isn't him who needs to learn tolerance... it's I who needs to learn how to accomplish what I need to do to make certain that he's in proper health.) Oh, one of these days? These three years have been such an educational voyage for me... and I couldn't have a more-desirable mentor and Companion... (and when I think of how far we've come with me relying so much on my own instinct and gut...)
Well then that said and done... when we got the windows open and the day-light into the room (for all it was... as the lightest "drizzle" of snow fell out-side the window), "official poop check" this morning: Yes, 7, all in a nice little area of the kitchen roll, and wonderful "greenish-brown" with a perfect balance of "brown-to-white". There was a bit of "green halo" around the largest 2 of the 7. But, every morning, when I pop my head in for morning kisses, Yonah (almost) always has just one little poop (I sometimes have to giggle, thinking he's so excited that... well...) that I hear drop and it's actually a good "reference" to compare with/to the others. This morning's "fresh" one was a perfect size and composition and just the perfect amount of "liquid"... no "halo" round that one. So, the others might have been the earliest of the night, right after "tuck-in" and, I'll have to note here, Yonah does tend to have a bit of a snack as I change the waters of an evening, and when they're fresh, he has a good drink. So, the first poops after tuck-in will, naturally, tend to be wetter. (I'm only jotting this note as an observation... for my reference... and, for those who might ever follow this Journal... after all, it's three years of relying, very much, on the two of us... with some information gathered from the internet... Maybe this compilation of experience serve to help other mourning doves... AND BIRDS, IN GENERAL)
And so... after all was settled and done... it was time for me to get to settling in the room with my BESTEST COMPANION... we had a Sunday ahead of us... and HE was FULL OF ENERGY THIS MORNING!
No sooner had I brought morning coffee into the room and set the desk for today's tasks... my Little Guy was UP and OFF and FLYING... living-room, kitchen... and when I followed him to the living-room, over at his tree... he hopped over to my shoulder... for a little "tour" (until he realised I was heading back to his room and he alighted... returned to his tree...)
Later this morning, I took a bit of a lie-down on the futon, to rest the old eyes, and no sooner had head touched pillow, my "room-mate" came SOARING down from his loft and roosted on my shoulder... and stayed there for a good 10-15 minutes! After that, we were both back up and he was flying round the room as I tried to get back to my own tasks and chores... and out-side, the flurries fell. In-side, I did my best to keep Yonah's room "toasty-cozy" for him.
One note of the morning: appetite is good! And I brought in a little dish of raspberry... he had a couple of "pecks" but... it's not a "berry day" again. Oh well... they're there for him. At least his "mixture" in his dish has the peanuts and sun-flower seeds... we'll see about the "fruits and veggies"... I'll have to get to a proper market and get to making another "chop" (not that Yonah relishes that... we've tried).
So on went Sunday... with precious little actual "sun". A relatively over-cast day with little flurries here and there now and then and so, I established me at the desk and got to the work of "cleaning things up" on my Little Guy's web-site. There's much to be done, but I've fallen so far behind that it will be a while before things are actually where they might ought to be. BUT, the BEST part of working on his web-site is that the work is done in his room, with his company (and he's the BEST diversion and distraction... as he likes to prove...).
Energy levels were a delight through the day today.
AND when I tried to take my little snooze today (only 25 minutes on the timer), as is the "rule" for nap-time, the moment my head touched the pillow on the futon, the room came alive with the sound of fluttering, whistling wings! Next thing I knew: I had a "little birdie" on my shoulder. And there he stayed until he MUST have sensed I was drifting off into a doze because as I drifted, he lifted... When I woke, 2 minutes before the alarm was to sound, he'd come back... to wake me... That's become the "rule of napping": I'm accompanied as I snooze and awakened 2 minutes before the alarm. And I LOVE EVERY bit of it!
SO, napped, and having no place I wanted to go (I probably should have gone to market but I really didn't "need" anything so it wasn't important), I got right back to the desk... to work... for the rest of the day! YAY! "YAY" because time at the desk is time in Yonah's room is time with... MY LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL!
HE spent much of the after-noon in his loft, with one BURST of energy and flights round the room, visiting his fave spots (desk shelf, where he stared down at my hands as I typed along on the lap-top, the wall shelves... and of course, out to the living-room). But other than that, it was "relax time" and I see him on his loft and think of how it would be were he out-side. Here, he's warm, fresh water, fresh food, twigs to arrange and re-arrange, Burdie-, Bustelo-, Beanie- and Baby-Birdies... and of course... ME to play around with. No worries about the cold, the snow, the wet... and no fighting for the food and water! I might not be "Nature" but I can and do provide comforts. (I try to tell me that...)
And at 17.00, we took our break for evening meals... and a little "news" of the day as we nibbled...
After meals? I did the washing-up and... and... one part of the web-site that I've wanted to work on for the longest while is now complete! Only one little part. But we're that much closer... and navigating through the Journal pages will be easier with this bit done. (Now, I have to get it onto all the pages and then onto the server... but, the coding is done so... and tomorrow is a holiday... we have time.)
That accomplished for the day (which is all I worked on through most of the day), we were off to the evening water relay which, apparently, was the "signal"... OH NO! Tuck-in and seepie-nigh-night to follow! I got the room set, grabbed the containers and Yonah headed to his roof-top platform! From up there, he can "keep and eye on me" as I toddle in and out of the room, pouring fresh water into his pool AND, he obviously has some sense of comfort and safety up there because he simply snuggles-down, all cozy and roosting as I get to work.
By 19.30 the waters were changed, and the blinds and curtains were closed. And I put the back-board on tonight, again, whilst the Little One watched from his platform. It doesn't phase him at all, although, there are times when he comes RUSHING over to the back of his house to "inspect"... I suppose it's the "hooks" and he's making certain they're all properly secured so that there's no "BANG" in the night... from the board dropping. (Not, mind, that it could... I put 5 hooks across to it's secure...) But THEN... all of this REALLY meant "Seepie-nigh-night" time and, obviously we had other things in mind for the evening... so... a quick flight round and back again to make it known: Nope... not just yet here...
So? So I decided to get my pillows for the futon, set it all up for me for the night and get to the desk for some daily journalling whilst there was time. No rush... again, to see what time, how long, how late the Little Guy will pull this day out...br /> BUT HEY At 19.52 he headed into his house and to his perch... his "night perch" spot! I thought it a sign to me to get things straightened-out, to remove me and my "stuff" from the room and... HAH-HAH-HAH... on me! JUST as I reached for Bustelo-Birdie to bring him to the loft for the night... WOOSH! Yonah came RUSHING over to check on Bustelo-Birdie... BEFORE I had the chance to bring him... and AS I brought him, Yonah headed back up to his roof-top! SO... as of 20.22... there's been a veritable "concert" of hefty and hearty "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... almost non-stop for 30 minutes, and even now, the Little Guy is clutching to the "bars" on the front of his roof-top... and he's preening! So much for "tuck-in" and seepie-nigh-night... for now.
OK... as I sat at the desk typing, and "meditation music" played... the "woo-HOO Serenade" continued in earnest... Really... quite boisterous and clear. Amazing, really, because during the day, the coo's were rather subdued, "soft". But I'm not complaining! It was a tonic to heart and soul to hear such a clear, crisp voice, in contrast to the "morning" calls of late, soft and with little "skips" and "breaks". At least I can hear that "things are OK". It's just a case of "morning voice"... as we all have from time-to-time... BUT... suddenly... Yonah just flew down to his door-perch, hopped into his house and headed directly up to his night perch! At 20.40! on the mark!
I moved the lap-tops out to the kitchen. When I went back in to put the roof-board on and such, he was on the perch by his food, staring out the open door of his house but ... I leaned in for kisses... he hopped over to his loft... I turned my head to him and asked for "kisses"... he scuttled to the front end of his perch and hopped to the "other" perch there... Nope... no "Good night" kisses for me for tonight! Well! I wonder what I did that I don't get kisses tonight. What-ever it was, hopefully it will be forgiven by morning.
But even now, at 20.48, I'm in the kitchen and I can hear the whistle of wings... He's really not quite ready for "seepie-nigh-night" yet... (but I surely am...)
Still... Tonight's "Official Tuck-in Time": 20.45!
I HOPE my Precious Little Guy gets proper restful sleep tonight... and enough of it too. There's nothing on the agenda for tomorrow other than work on his web-site and perhaps, a VERY brief run to market so, and hopefully the house will be calm enough for him, in case he wants to snooze... but for now... that will be seen tomorrow... with the morning call... at what-ever time that might come... may it not be before my Heart-and-Soul is ready to wake of his own volition...
Closing note:
At 20.20 the temperature in Yonah's room was 26°after a day of fighting to get the temp to break 22! But at 20.45 it was down to 25... I'm just SO thankful that my little Heart-and-Soul has his own "Sweeter Heater" to keep him warm through the night, and I look forward to the nights when we'll no longer have to think about such things as a furnace that runs all through the night and will not maintain a proper degree of warmth in the house.... not to mention air and water quality...
Monday 19 February:
Precious Little Guy... After all that coo'ing and postponing tuck-in last night... I'm up and about at 6.00 this morning and he's still so quiet... and when I went into the room last night at about 22.00 for my own "tuck-in", with a whispered "I'm here and we're going seepie-nigh-night now, so you get a good rest and I'll see you in the morning... I LOVE YOU." there wasn't a sound... He DID manage to get to "seepie-nigh-night"... And we'll see how restful... in about 45 minutes to an hour...
And so... indeed... as I sat at kitchen table the morning, in the stillness of an early Monday, holiday morn, from behind the closed door to his room came, as clearly as could possibly be...
The call to morning, to day-break, to sun-rise, to the dawn of a new day and week...
6.42 and WOW, did all ever sound WELL this morning!
We must have had a goodly 5 or 6 exchanges (as I got the kitchen ready for this morning's water relay), back and forth, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... Each one that came from the room was as fine and clear as it could possibly be. And when, at about 6.43 (or 6.44) I went into the dark room, there he was, my little Heart-and-Soul, on his perch, STILL "woo-HOO'ing" (though now, it was more "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... and getting closer to "woo-HOO!")! Good voice! Sounded rested. And as I opened the door to his house, I glanced at the little strip of kitchen roll under his night perch... poops all directly under where he'd passed the night. It was a calm night, from the looks of things this morning.
Ah, but this morning, although there was the usual "hopping about" round the "house", from perch-to-perch and loft-to-perch and such, for some reason, there weren't as many "Good morning" kisses. MUCH to say, but not for kisses. But hey, that's fine too. This morning's "voice" said all that kisses might.
So along we went, with curtains and blinds, water relay, and tidying the room for another day...
Poop-check this morning: 7 in total... 6 "regular" in size, 1 larger. The largest had a bit of a "halo" but really nothing out of what would be considered "ordinary". The others had precious little "wet" round them. And content and colour... just perfectly wonderful!
When all the commotion of the morning was complete, fresh food served for breakfast and because he's been eating so well of late, more of the "peanut and sun-flower seeds" mixture added to the regular mixture. Protein and fat! Spring is coming!
One thing I noticed last evening though... Yonah's not fond of the little brush I'd gotten for him. I'd seen a video of a woman whose parrot so enjoyed a soft brush on the head and back of the neck. And Yonah seems to enjoy nestling against my beard when "we do kisses", so I got a brush for him. I don't know what he sees in that brush, plain wooden handle and black bristles, but he does NOT like it at all and when he sees it, he RAISES HIS WING OR WINGS in a "battle stance"! (Needless to say, I haven't pushed the brush issue...) But last night, I thought I'd give it another try as Yonah was up on his roof-top. Nope... not having it. The right wing came WAY up, fully extended... but that's when I noticed the feathers on his RIGHT wing... some of them are broken at the ends. I couldn't tell if it's from "damage", perhaps from flying about in his house, or "nicking" on his flights to the living-room or is it that they break when he preens. It doesn't stop him from flying but bad feathers is a bad sign. And so, that's why I'm hoping the extra protein will help with that.
The worst of this is that the broken feathers won't be replaced until the next moult! But, for now, until then, we're going to have to mind the diet... (and, MUCH to the chagrin of the Little Guy... there's some more cod liver oil on the menu... for future meals,.. vitamins B and D and omegas... he doesn't like it and he makes it obvious, but that's not the issue we need to address...).
But all said for this morning, the sun tried to make an appearance, over the Eastern hills, the temperatures out-side were on the "February" side, the temperature in-side, a typical 23°. And as I managed to settle at the desk to get on with this morning's journalling and the rest of the work waiting to be done... my little Heart-and-Soul took to the air... flying about the room, roof-top to desk shelf to wall shelf, Beanie-Birdie to Bustelo-Birdie, round and back... and a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo"... from the roof-top...
Monday... open for ... what-ever is to come at us today... and we're here, together, to take it on!
And and "open" Monday it was! The sky opened to a pure and clear blue, the sun POURED into Yonah's room through the windows! And HE was FULL of energy through he day.
I got right to the business of business on his web-site Journal pages this morning, and after lunch, launched the new pages... a bit of an over-haul, specifically with the "Journal Navigation" menu on each page. (Trying something "new" here, for 2024... I probably shouldn't, but if it doesn't work, perhaps somebody will send a message to let me know. So many other web-sites changed as of 2024, and I'm find that most of them weren't checked before "launch" and they don't function properly... but nobody seems to care. I've tested these new pages before putting them out there "live" and for me, they've worked... I keep fingers crosses. I don't want ANYTHING short of "almost perfect" for my Little Guy and his global representation on the internet!)
And he actually "allowed" me TWO 30-minute snoozes today! (Why I needed them is, well, I suppose, anybody's guess. Maybe because I woke earlier than usual this morning? What-ever... I was "allowed"....) But, of course, for each one, I put head on pillow and had a little visitor... to the shoulder. He didn't stay the duration today, thought but DID come back... 2 minutes before the alarm, to "fore-warn".
He spent quite some time in the living-room today, on his tree. I was rather surprised because the sun shines in through the windows in his room more than in the living-room. But he preferred the living-room today. (I wonder, at times like this, where he spends his time when I'm not in the house... his room or the living-room? Well, he has the entire house so where-ever he's comfy. I'm looking forward to us being able to get out-side again - not today though... at 1° out there... in the BRILLIANT SUN-SHINE!)
19.34 "Meditation" music playing, and the small desk lamp on... me, at the desk, typing "catch-up" on October 2022 (the horrors of remembering those days still weighs heavy on mind and spirit... WE lost so much time with me being back to work at a job that I really didn't need, and the anxiety every day, being away from my little Heart-and-Soul, worried about conditions in the house, and him not being accustomed to me being away "every" day... and for what, really? And the time lost in keeping this Journal, my fatigue, and those two days when I had to be so far away... for nothing, in the long run...) and "Junior" (my little LOVE) having a quick evening nibble in his house. Monday is coming to a close. Out-side, the skies have gone dark, the day-light is gone, the "Yardies" out in the wild are (hopefully) roosting safe. It's "wind-down" time, that part of a day that brings me a little down... tuck-in time and sleep ahead... those hours that I would give just about anything in Creation if we both could stay awake through, to be together, enjoy our time together. But sleep and rest are necessary, and I suppose I have to be satisfied with the fact that now, we're in the same room through the night. (I haven't been in my bed, in the bed-room, for more months than I can recall. But I wouldn't have it any other way, and now that we're looking for another place, a safer place to move to, instead of looking for "2BR"... all we need is "1BR"... because, no matter where we go to, no matter the number of rooms... it'll be as it is here: together in the one room... day and night. I don't know how much time we have together, but I'm holding every moment... together.)
I had to play "Run Catch" with him earlier. We haven't really played that in a while and he enjoys it so much. Today, it wasn't a "choice" of mine... Yonah wanted to play! And when Yonah wants to play, we play! It really is such a delight: he "attacks" my hand, I "chase" him, "grab" lightly... and then he's up on the wall shelves, wing-snap, looking almost "defiant", daring me to come get him. And when I try, he either RUNS or FLIES away... to stand just out of reach... more wing-snaps. (I need to dedicate more time to this... really... though we DO get breaks all through the day to play a bit.)
Water and windows were done by 19.00 and I put Bustelo-Birdie in the loft and he was SO interested in what I was doing! But when I reached up to give him a little rub on the neck he bolted for the wall shelves and when I went over there to give him a neck rub... he literally RAN across the shelf! it was so funny to see!
Finally got him, brought him back to his roof and figured be didn't want to be bothered because he headed to the "far side", away from me, so I set me back at the desk to jot today's journal entry. As I did... he watched for a moment and then headed back into his house for another quick bite. He knows... when waters are changed, curtains are closed, the "back-board" is in place for the night... "seepie-nigh-night" isn't far off. Out "routine"... and he's SO COGNIZANT of EVERY bit of EVERY moment of EVERY day!
After his snack... he took a place at his door perch... and I kept typing, curious to see if he'll let me know when he's ready to settle in for the night. (He does, more often than not...)
At about 19.45 I got up, "excused myself" to go take a quick shower and when I got back, he was still on his door perch, looking as comfy as he could be. So I went to the next room to get my pillows for the night and when I returned with them... at 20.19 he put himself to "perch"... but up on the "food shelf"! He was in his house, but not on the "night roost"...instead, he was all "crouched-down", tail up, that little "flutter" he does with the "woo-HOO's" of his "perch-coo". I'll probably never really understand what that's all about but in a way, it's so endearing. I'm to understand that it's his way of expressing his comfort with his surroundings (and a call to a "mate" to "come home to the nest"... oh, but that I could, or that I could let him have the entire house all through the night...)
So, I went about settling the room for the night and at 20.29 he was on his "night roost" on the perch... and... tucked-in with kisses. Lights dimmed... our Monday came to a close. My little Heart-and-Soul, all snug. cozy, safe and warm.
Tuesday 20 February:
Cloudy start to this February Tuesday, and I woke and dozed on the futon this morning, in the relative darkness of Yonah's room until, at one point, it seemed some sort of "day-light" was trying to make way through the blinds and curtains. So I got up and headed to the kitchen to check the clock... 6.28... imagine that. Not too early, not too late and so I headed to the loo for "morning ablutions" and... no sooner had I gotten there when, from across the house...
A hearty and clear "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"!
Seems to me, The Little Guy had been up and awake when I got up and left the room, but he just wasn't "ready" to start the day until I disturbed the morning's serenity.
I gave a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" back and from there on, it was "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's" all round, mostly from Yonah, and this morning, all of them sounding quite healthy and clear!
When I got back into his room and to his house, to open his door, he was already stretching wings, and when I leaned in and asked "Kisses?", head came forward... KISSES! Clear "woo-HOO's" and KISSES! And both of us "waking" at the same time... OK, so there wasn't any sun-shine on the other side of the window panes this morning, but HEY! My Heart-and-Soul was obviously feeling quite well this morning, so "the other side of the window" didn't matter at all! SO... this morning's "task list" was called to order... kettle on for me, water on for the relay... blinds and curtains open!
Ah... and all the while, "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo's" filled the house! Last night, "a good night's rest was had by all".
The moment the blinds went up on the windows and the grey morning light came through the glass, all in the room looked to be well and fine. Poops were all neatly under my Little Guy and there wasn't "too much" of the "green halo" around any of them. Count? 7! Size? Regular. Colour? "Normal". Clear "woo-HOO's", perfect poops... beautiful wing-stretches and kisses? Totally Terrific Tuesday morning! And we were off and running into what-ever the day held in store for both of us!
After I'd done with all the rest of the morning tasks (including serving breakfast to the Yardies who were gathering in the yard), this morning, I set me up at the desk to get as much done as possible. My "anxiety level" was a bit on the "high side" because I had an errand to run later in the day and, well, as always, the thought of leaving my Precious Little Heart-and-Soul for the few hours it would take weighed on my mind and spirit. (And I believe Yonah sensed it all...)
Lap-top on the desk, morning coffee at hand, I got "down to business". As I sat, jotting this morning's notes here, the slightest flurry falling out-side, suddenly, the whistle of wings and the next thing... tugs at my ear! Kisses! It just seemed as though Yonah came over to let me know that all was going to be just fine. (OH, what I wouldn't give to be able to bring him along with me this morning!) And he "snuggled" close to my face as I reached up to rub the back of his neck... a couple more kisses and... off he went, hopping onto the desk corner... for a little "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" to the reflection in the little mirror there...
Whistle and flutter... he was up and over to run a couple of laps (so it seemed) round the base of his orange tree! And then... UP to his roof-top...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"!!! SINGING!
Honestly? It really DID seem as though he was doing all he could to calm my anxieties. AND... as he sang, the lightest flurries continued BUT... THE SUN MANAGED TO BREAK OVER THE EASTERN HILLS... It was almost like one of those "Hallmark movies"...
Today was another one of those days where, were it not for Yonah... I just don't know... I just don't know...
And his energy didn't stop there... he was fluttering and whistling about the room all the while I typed... and we listened to the radio... and worked with this Tuesday morning as it moved along... as "time" will do...
SO sad though... today, I HAD to run a "medical errand" that ended-up taking me out of and away from the house for FOUR HOURS! And I don't believe I have to say that those were four hours of living Hell for me. Honestly, being away from Yonah is, literally, being separated from my actual "Heart-and-Soul".
I didn't really "sneak away" this morning when I left, but I made it as "warm" and "quick" as I possibly could. He was on his tree, in the living-room for a while and I was going to leave via the front door so... I couldn't simply "walk out" on him there. But, when I went out to start the truck to give it time to warm ( -8° out there this morning) Yonah headed back in to his house and was "occupied" with sorting through twigs for his loft so, I popped in, he came over to his door and I managed to get in some kisses and promises that I'd be back as soon and quickly as possible! (After these years together, I'll say that I know that he sensed my sadness and understood my sincerity.) He hopped up to his loft... my heart sunk to think he'd be there, alone... for the three hours I thought this errand would take. I had to leave...
WELL... the day's event took me FOUR hours and not the three I'd planned on. But, I have to say that along the way I DID manage to check on two potential new homes for us. I'm reserving comment on the places other than to say both are farther up in the mountains, one has the "remoteness" but no place for Yonah to get out-side, the other has a little "balcony" where he could have his old house out-side, but it's directly in a village... We'll continue our search. So the time wasn't "wasted"... though it played on my nerves because every moment, I wondered what my Little Guy was doing and how he was.
When I walked back into the house, making IMMEDIATE WAY into Yonah's room, he was BUSY collecting twigs from the floor of his house, working on the "collection" in his loft! Yeah, I'm sure I over-react to our separations, and that, in the wild, he'd have time to himself, but... I have to admit too, MY attachment to him is... well... indescribable. After all, it's why I call him my "Heart-and-Soul". Chances are, he might even enjoy his "alone time". (I'll never know, but from seeing him so occupied... HEY! At least he's not confined to a "cage" in a corner... He's got the entire house all day! Sure, it's not "the world" of out-side, but it's probably much more than other Little Ones have... which is a thought that sickens me.)
OH... BUT THE MOMENT HE NOTICED ME IN THE ROOM, HE HEADED UP TO THE PERCH BY HIS FOOD! He prefers that side of his house and that perch. I believe it's because the position gives him a "face-on" so that when we do kisses, he gets to get right to the front of my face... and the eyes... which he seems to like best... little kisses round the eyes. AND WERE THERE EVER KISSES! SO, SO, SO MANY KISSES! (And I wonder what his sense of "time" is... especially when he has "time" to himself. Some mornings, the affections are such that it seems he missed me over-night... the greetings and affections are like old friends, separated for so many years, being re-united, at LONG last. I've read that birds think only "in the immediate present, the moment", being aware of "needs", like food, water, safety, comfort or nesting. I've heard that dogs have no concept of actual "time". Einstein said that "time is relative". But WHO, amongst ALL humans, can claim to actually "KNOW" the perceptions of the Little Ones? From Yonah's reactions, I'd have to say that "time" is MORE than "the moment" and that he IS aware of the hours that pass. And THAT is why I try to keep our time "apart" to the barest minimum... I KNOW how I perceive the time... I can only speculate on his perception, but it appears, sometimes, that even moments in reality can be YEARS to him.
And his ENERGY TODAY! Flying all over the room! Following me when-ever I left to go to the kitchen. And SINGING! Plucking at the pea seedlings! IT WAS AN AMAZING DAY! And it did my own mood a WORLD of GREATNESS! What a shame, really, that the weather isn't warm enough yet to head out to the yard. But then, the Yardies come first thing in the morning to eat and gather their energies and then they're off for the day so, we'd be out there by ourselves... No "visitors". Not to mention, it really IS a bit too chilly, and "chilly" isn't something this Little Guy has had to confront in... well... three years now. Our days are coming... and hopefully we'll have a nice place of peace with MORE "visitors". (That's what I'm hoping for.)
So I passed the day at the desk, working, as is the case every day now, on his web-site, getting pages up-dated, working on new "presentations" and all the while, the Little Guy kept busy with all sorts of "activities". Honestly, this sudden burst of energy and ambition is a sight to behold and a tonic to the soul. (Is it "Spring" already?)
Sadly, as ALL days do, this one just passed right along and the next thing, I was being "reminded" that it was time to get our evening meals together! A visit to the shoulder and... when I got up to head to the kitchen, Mr. (Herr) Taube headed "home" for his meal-time snack. We sat together, with the evening news, and had our dinners and...
At 18.46 he was resting on his roof, I had the radio on, quietly. I was still busy typing today's events and when I looked up I noticed HE WAS DOZING! EYES CLOSED, SO COMFORTABLE! A part of me was so tempted to just let him be... for as long as he wanted to be there. Were it not for "hazards in the night", I'd be just as happy to let him be, there, for the night. But I wouldn't dare. Besides, I had to get up and get the waters in his pool and dish changed, we had to close the blinds and curtains and tonight, I had a "video conference" to attend at 19.00 so, I got up and started at the tasks... quickly.
For the most part, he ignored me running back and forth with the water, and really wasn't in the least bit disturbed when I rolled his house away from the window so that I could get to the blinds and curtains. I decided, tonight, to "Tempt Fate" and set-up for the conference in his room (I usually get him settled in his house and take me to the kitchen but I didn't want to leave my Little LOVE, and I was pretty sure he'd appreciate the company, and I was curious as to how he'd react to the "new" voices, not to mention, the meeting was with a group of "Rehabbers"... and, since I've already passed the "license test" I'm completely aware of the "protocol" surrounding Yonah... so much more-so because I was told by one who I told of Yonah "I really don't want to know. We haven't had this conversation because, as you know, I'm obligated..." Well, I'll post this here - with the addendum that there are many others who share my sentiments:
As it's stated, clearly on Yonah's web-site, he and his are "protected" by "Federal Law" and it's strictly prohibited that ANY person should "keep" a mourning dove for ANY reason under some rather hefty prohibitions, many that carry stern fines and punishments. HOW-EVER, although one may NOT "keep" a mourning dove or even have a feather... "Federal Law" does NOT prohibit going out and MURDERING mourning doves... in the name of "sport"! AND, I'm well aware of the fact that some mentally and morally stifled pawn of the "Dee E. Sea" (I'll call it that for obvious reasons) could, very well and easily, come in here, forcibly (because it certainly wouldn't be "voluntary" on my part) "remove" Yonah from what has been his house, his home, his world for these past 3 years, and, "under the law and regulations"... MURDER HIM under the guise of his not being able to return to his "natural life" in the wild. "They" call it "euthanasia", 'humane". Three years... and as this journal records, surely NOT abuse or neglect. Anyway, that was very much in the forefront of my mind and thoughts but... At this juncture, tonight, I found it an infringement on Yonah's rights to have his company, his companion, and on MY rights to be with my Heart-and-Soul. So...
WE DID... WE attended the meeting... together! 90 minutes, and Yonah roosted on his perch, at his "night roost", and he never made a sound (but I had the sound muted anyway... just in case). He didn't come over to me (and I wasn't about to try to "hide" it if he had done... though I was ready to cut the "video" if need presented). All went right along well and fine! I tend to believe that the "new voices" were simply a matter of course for him because we "watch" the news together in the evenings, and during the day, we listen to the radio so, tonight's meeting was nothing out of the ordinary for him.
There was another 15 minutes to the meeting but at 20.15, my Little Guy was looking as though he was ready for "tuck-in" so I covered the camera on the old lap-top, the sound was still muted, but I was still "participating" and I got busy... grabbed the pillows for me for the night, put the futon in order and as I did, the meeting was called to adjourn. TIMING... PERFECT.
WE DID IT! WE MADE IT THROUGH A MEETING! SO, FROM NOW ON, FOR THOSE THAT ARE TO COME, WE CAN DO IT ALL AGAIN! YAY! NO MORE "in the other room" FOR ME! (And what will come of it will come of it... HEY! I passed the exam. I choose NOT to take the license because of their ridiculous, mindless "protocol". I have the knowledge and understanding of a "Rehabber"... Along with the "First Aid - Capture/Rescue/Release Certification" and all the rest of my education, I dedicate it ALL to my Heart-and-Soul... and, if presented, to any other Little One in need... End of Message.
So, all said and done and done and did... By 20.30, Yonah had his room to himself, he was all settled and tucked-in for the night... with kisses and snuggles. No fuss tonight either. (Being here with him as he settled might have made a difference... I'll have to try doing my last-minute typing after getting him settled-in at night... seems to calm him.)
So... Tuesday... done and so much "done with" it. On to a good night's restful sleep... for both of us. And tomorrow? We'll deal with that when it arrives... and is "called to order"... woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... indeed.
Wednesday 21 February:
"Morning commencement"... 6.30 in the dim day-light that tried filling the room... in the stillness of a February Wednesday, I was laying on the futon, eyes closed, awake and wondering about the hour and pondering the chores and tasks that lay ahead when...
CLEAR AND HEARTY... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo ... hoo"! It was BEAUTIFUL! Glorious and encouraging, "clear-throated" and with "strength". Not "panic", but with "gusto"! And what made it all the better was that we actually carried a bit of a "chat", a conversation, back and forth, for a bit. And each coo was just as clear as the first! WHAT a considerable and remarkable difference from the past few days! I don't know why or how but, there was "energy" in this morning's exchanges. My Heart-and-Soul was obviously well-rested and feeling quite well this morning... and because of that... I was up and we were "rolling"!
When I got to his house to open for the day, the wing stretches were a sight to behold: "regal", really. Left wing, right wing, both wings, AND AS I popped my head in for "Good morning" kisses... IMMEDIATELY Yonah's little head came forward, ready for morning "affections"! SO! HE was feeling well and I was in "good graces"! Wednesday was already WONDERFUL! KISSES AND WING-STRETCHES AND SINGING!
It was quite chilled in the room this morning. 20°! The house thermostat set at 33° (90F!... the highest it will go!) and blowing the coldest air! "Heat pump"... Another morning when my small delight was having a separate heater for Yonah. With his "Sweeter Heater" above him through the night, he had a place of warmth, no matter what. (I was tempted, this morning, to swap one air purifier of the two he has in his room these days, for the little oil-filled radiator, but, the sky out-side was clear, the sun was working up over the Eastern hills so, I knew that, if need be, Yonah would stay under his heater until the sun managed to make its way high enough to come in through the window and grant some most-welcome warmth.)
As I say, out-side, though obviously quite chilly, the morning sky was clear, and the sun was only just rising... Yonah was awake, I was awake, the sun was still waking. But it looked to be a great day ahead and I no sooner started to get the room ready for this morning's water relay when my Little Guy got "hopping"... night perch to food shelf and... OUT to the wall shelves! Obviously, he's feeling VERY WELL, INDEED! (And seeing him so energetic... I wonder: I've been mixing the peanuts and sun-flower seeds in with his food these days... could it have anything to do with this sudden "burst" of energy? We'll soon see because I've got more peanuts and sun-flower seeds ground and I'll keep adding them... Protein. Fat. Maybe?)
All that said and done, today, over-all was a day of me working, with determination, at the desk. I'm so close to finishing the journal page for October... 2022 !!! It annoys me to no end, really, that Yonah's Journal has fallen so far behind! And going back to those days, as I recount and recap just aggravates me. To think of what I put HIM through. To think of what I put ME through. And for nothing, really. Granted, I did manage to get more for Yonah with the little extra income, but... at what cost? And after October... there's November and December and ALL of 2023! Well? At least I have the time... and determination. AND, it keeps me in Yonah's room with him! Can't beat that!
We did manage to break for lunch. I wasn't allowed a "snooze" after, today. I laid my head on the pillow and Yonah wasn't having it! He's like one of those "supervisors".... "HEY YOU! THERE'S WORK OVER HERE TO BE DONE! Either you get up and play or get back to work but we're having none of this snoozing." He's right.
But, I have to add here that this morning, as I was coming out of sleep on the futon, I was slipping back into a sort of "dream"... in my mind, I was thinking of a "cut-off" on the page for September 2022 and trying to remember where it was and how much more had to be done... and in that "dream-state", in the "mind's eye", I was scrolling down-screen... looking for "breaks" in the notes that I tended to jot instead of actually documenting the day. Of course, I couldn't actually read what I was looking at, and I kept scrolling too quickly anyway, but it just kept going and going and going and going and becoming more and more exasperating... The saving grace? "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo"! So bringing Yonah's web-site to date is VERY MUCH embedded in my unconscious so no... "snoozes" aren't permitted... there IS work to be done! (And my "supervisor" is here to keep me in line.)
That really covers the entire day, sadly. We DID manage to take other little breaks to play and such. And Yonah's on a new "kick" of late: he's coming over to my shoulder more often, to tug at my ear, to peck at my cheek, and he seems to be enjoying when I reach up to rub his neck or to "cuddle"! OH! If he were larger... HUGS! But the playing and the nibbling and such is... well... AMAZING! When I think: he's from the yard, from the wood-lands! To him, I was a "natural predator"! WHAT must he have thought when I reached down and picked him up? WHAT must he have thought when I brought him into this house? WHAT must he have thought when I put him into that horrid "wire mesh box"? And above all else... WHAT moved him to hop onto my arm that first time? WHAT moved him to TRUST me?
Seeing him today, flying around this house, coming over to me as I lay on the futon, egging me on to play, allowing me to hold him in my cupped hands... I can't help but believe he KNOWS the extent of my dedication and devotion to him, my absolute LOVE for him. I can't help but believe that he's VERY AWARE of my sentiments and intentions. And I DO believe he appreciates it all. As others say... WE are the "flock", he and I... WE are "MATES"... HE is my "Companion". WE are a "Family"... and I am in constant AWE ! Such a "gift", a "BLESSING", an honour, a privilege... That "Fate" would be so kind to me... I don't know... I just don't know...
And so, I typed the day away and before long... the sun was setting and I was reminded that the time came to put "evening meal" on the hob. TIME WITH YONAH PASSES TOO QUICKLY! So we sat to the "news" and to have our meals... I at the desk, Yonah grabbed his nibble... and the next thing... it was time to get to the evening tasks! Our Wednesday had slipped right away from us!
I wanted to make a phone call before the day was completely gone, so when waters were changed, blinds and curtains were closed, I grabbed the phone and made the call... and it lasted a bit longer than I'd expected so...
It wasn't until 20.39 when I finally got to my Little Guy and tuck-in! BUT... he was on his perch, at his "night roost". Essentially, he'd "tucked-himself in"! All snuggled and settled, there he was, patiently waiting for "Good night" kisses, and cuddles. So I put his roof-board on and he just looked up as I did and made no moves (as I would have expected) to hop any-where or to take to his wall shelves. He was TIRED! And I was LATE!
BUT I GOT SO MANY KISSES AGAIN TONIGHT. (Either to say "Thank you... it's about time." or "C'mon... kisses, kisses, I'm tired!") Either way or neither, in moments, the room was dimly lit, no music or radio or other "noise". The house in general was settled, Yonah's room was settled... the day was settled and the night ahead was settling-in... and my Precious Little Guy was safely tucked-in for the night. And the room was comfortably warm too. "Things" were as they should have been... and our Wednesday came to a calm close.
Thursday 22 February DID IT! GOT IT! SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2022 ARE NOW UP, RUNNING, ON THE WEB-SITE...!!! AT LONG, LONG LAST! Now... November and December wait... along with, sad to say, there are notes for this month's Journal that have to be "cleaned-up" too. But we'll get it all together... If I do nothing else, Yonah's web-site will be attended... HIS STORY, HIS HISTORY MUST BE RECORDED!)
And THIS morning, as I laid on the futon in the early morning dim light trying to make an entrance into the room through the blinds and curtains... pondering the day ahead and all the work I wanted to get done...
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo"
"Call to order", clean and clear. 6.50 this morning... a little "sleep-in". And in my "best morning voice" I answered..."woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo to you-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". Well, OK! IT was the start of a full-on conversation that went along until my "morning voice" changed to a "proper coo" and, oddly-enough, as soon as that happened, the reply to another "coo" came... "woo-HOO!" (As if to say: OK. Your voice is clear. GET UP! There's a morning out there and a day that's not going to wait for you to get up. Let's ROLL!" And so we did!)
Again, this morning... SO MANY KISSES when I popped my head in after opening his door! REALLY! SO VERY MANY KISSES! AND THE WING -STRETCHES! AND THE CONVERSATION! WHAT A MORNING PACKED WITH ENERGY! And poop-check? 7 PERFECTLY WONDERFUL AND WONDERFULLY PERFECT LITTLE POOPS, WITH MINIMAL "HALO", AND PERFECT CONSISTENCY AND COMPOSITION! Considering the call, the kisses and the conversation, all together, it was a PERFECT start to a brand new day...
Out-side, it was chilly, but Yonah's room, this morning, was unusually warm and toasty! Looks like we had a grand night and although there wasn't all that much in the way of "sun-shine" out there, hey!, the house was warm, and we were as fine as fine could be!
I got right to the morning tasks, and as I opened the blinds and curtains, my Precious Little Guy was hopping about, watching and waiting for the day-light to come into the room. And as I got to the water relay, he got to "making the rounds" in his room... over to the wall shelves to "woo-HOO" to Beanie-Birdie, and to the desk shelf where it seemed he was waiting for Bustelo-Birdie, who'd been on his loft through the night again... and when I brought Bustelo-Birdie over to the desk, there was another "woo-HOO".
I had to give his orange tree some water this morning too AND... as I headed out of the room to get that, my Little Companion came FLYING over to my shoulder AND HE RODE ALONG, ON MY SHOULDER, WATCHING MY EVERY MOVE, AS IF HE WANTED TO LEARN HOW TO DO WHAT I WAS DOING! (I can't help but recall the readings, back in our earliest days together, where it was said that doves tend to be very curious and will, when able, take "active interest in the goings-on in the house-hold". Well... obviously, it isn't just the "domestic doves" of which they'd written... Seems to me that "doves", in general, have that curiosity... or, well, at least THIS ONE DOES! And today was a perfect example of that!
What made the morning all the more AMAZING: After I'd gotten "tasks" completed, I moved into the room with the lap-top and settled at the desk to get back to working on Yonah's web-site and, no sooner had I sat in the chair... HE CAME RUSHING OVER TO MY SHOULDER AGAIN! TUGS ON THE EAR (AND THE TUGS ARE REALLY QUITE "FIRM" TOO!), PECKS ON THE CHEEK AND NECK! HE WANTED ATTENTION AND AFFECTION THIS MORNING! IT'S BREATH-TAKING, AND I'M AT A LOSS FOR WORDS WHEN IT COMES TO DESCRIBING MY AWE... I've no idea what brought all of this on in recent days, but it's obvious, at times like this, that Yonah and I are "MATES". I don't think of him as a "pet", nor do I think of him as a "domestic" sort, I know his origins, and so, when he obviously WANTS to be close, he TRUSTS me so much that it's just perfectly "normal" for him to roost on my shoulder... AND HE started it, I NEVER even considered encouraging him to come to me this way... I've never beckoned him... HE decided to come over and "roost" on my shoulder, just as HE decided to snooze with me on the futon... of ALL things. And keeping in mind that, "naturally" I'm NOT the sort of "friend"... and the doves in the yard remind me of that fact every time I step out the door, even to put food out for them... well. Yes, this is AWE-FULL! And it does my heart, mind, mood and spirit SO MUCH GOOD! I always feel "insufficient", no matter what or how much I do for Yonah, and then, he comes to me, tugs my ear, or calls from his house and, well, it's "befuddling". What little I've done for him, trying to provide him with the best that's humanly possible is obviously so appreciated. I often feel terrible guilt that I didn't "put him back together enough" so that he could go back out to the wilderness. And no matter how much others claim that he's "spoiled" and that I'm giving him a much better life than he'd have had "out there"... I never feel I've done him any favours... and then... there he is, staring at me, and in the morning, giving kisses... I don't know... I just don't know. But if he truly IS comfortable... I suppose I should be too.
And that's the way the entire day went along! Every time I had to get up and came back to the desk, he was right there, on my shoulder! "MATES", apparently that's what we are... that's how he sees us. There's no higher blessing or honour... as far as I'm concerned.
And today, I worked, assiduously, on getting his Journal together, to "cleaning things up" on his web-site, trying my best to present him and his "Life Story" in the best manner possible. And he watched me, when he wasn't on my shoulder.
And the morning was BRILLIANTLY SUNNY so that added to the general mood of the day.
I tried, twice, for a 20-minute snooze during the day but that was NOT to be had. Each time my head touched the pillow... Yonah was on m shoulder, and when I looked up, he was staring at me as if to say "Just what do you think you're pulling here? You have work and I want to play!" So "snooze time" turned into "play time"... with Burdie-Birdie and just generally "chase" around the room... futon to shelves, flights to the living-room, back into Yonah's room. And each time included a hop onto my shoulder! Needless to say, I didn't get ALL of the work I intended to do, but that wasn't important, really. (As it turned out, I managed... staying up a bit later than usual... but as long as my Heart-and-Soul was happy... NOTHING in Creation mattered more.)
It was a beautifully sunny morning, but the after-noon turned a bit dreary. But that didn't dampen the spirits in the house, in the least! And I put the UV light on and that usually compensates a little for the lack of sun-shine and it's noticeable too. I'm still not sure how though. What I wouldn't give or do to be able to see the world the way Yonah sees it, with the "UV" spectrum. There must be some difference though, because he tends to be more "active" with that light on when there's no sun-shine coming in. (I've looked it up many times, on the internet, to find something that would give an idea of what the difference is but we "humans", being the self-proclaimed "highest on the evolutionary ladder" are so grossly inferior to these little beings. Then again, after all, birds ARE the closest to contemporary dinosaurs... clever enough to survive the "Great Extinction", and NEVER given sufficient credit for their BRILLIANCE!)
That said, we did manage to grab a lunch break together. A little something to eat, a bit of the day's news (which ALWAYS puts "Creation" into perspective for me. Seeing the ridiculous violence of human-kind and then, seeing this little bundle of feathered LOVE and AFFECTION here... indeed, it's obvious which of us is the "superior being.) And after, I got right back to the matters at hand... getting this little bit of AWE-WRAPPED BRILLIANCE to date on his presentation to the world.
And all the while.. a "visitor" on the shoulder... "You finished yet?" "Whatcha doin'?" "Are you almost done?" Tug, tug on the ear... peck, peck on the cheek. And the obligatory "I LOVE YOU!" and kisses....
So, as it turned out... ALL DAY, I worked on cleaning up and catching up with the 2022 journal entries and all day... my Little Guy came to my shoulder either to peck on my cheek or tug on my ear and most of the time... just so sit there with me, on my shoulder. I HAVE TO WONDER WHY. Does he sense my anxieties over my coming surgery? Does he sense the my horrors of thinking of leaving him that morning and coming back to him that afternoon post-op and being so tired and useless to him? I can't help but believe he does... he senses EVERY BIT OF MY MOODS AS IF HE UNDERSTANDS JUST MY THOUGHTS! (He's trained me, to be honest. I can't ever forget his condition that morning, after being so brutally attacked, and thinking of the terror he must have experienced as something tried to rip his flesh from his little bones, plucked his feathers, mauled him... and all the while, he was completely conscious and aware of it all. All on a chilly, wet, October day. And then, to have a HUMAN pick him up and bring him out of his natural environment and into a strange enclosure... this house. And how quietly he went along with being placed in a wire-mesh "box"... for days. And all the while, giving NO indication of any pain or suffering. He's taught me...there's no sense, no need to whine, complain, bemoan. Creation will be and do no matter how we complain so better to focus on improving. HE DID! I CAN TOO! AND, I MUST now, because I MUST be here for him! AND I WILL BE! NO MATTER WHAT! He's here for me... I'm here for him.
At our usual hour, we took a break for evening meals... together, and this evening, as soon as eating was done, I got the washing-up done and went right back to Yonah's Journal. The October page was almost complete and I was determined to get it finished today. BUT... it took a bit longer than I'd thought, probably because of my excitement at finishing another page.
It was 20.00 when I looked up at the clock! We still hadn't done water changes, the blinds and curtains were still open! I was so far behind! And yet, my Precious Little Guy took it all in stride, relaxing in his house, in his loft... just waiting. I got up from the desk and bolted... getting things together for the water relay, and getting Yonah's room settled for the night.
When it was all done, I decided to put our "soothing meditation music" on, dim the lights as much as possible, and continue to work at the desk. Yonah seemed to approve of me being in the room even when it was time to settle-in so, I wanted to get his Journal done and wanted to see his response to me working later on into the night.
Turned out to be perfectly wonderful. I DID manage to get the page done AND Yonah DID simply settle on his "night roost"!
It was 20.39 when I finally dimmed his little desk lamp, put his roof-board on and leaned in for "Good night" kisses, of which there were many. (He must have known that I was as happy to be done with the work, and he was as happy to have me let him get some shut-eye.)
It was a late "tuck-in" but it was calm tonight. Maybe it's a good idea to spend that extra time with him at the end of the day. I'll have to give it more tries and see... but for tonight... the day was done... the work in the room was done... it was "seepie-nigh-night" time... at long last!
(As it turned out, I manged to get the new pages onto the web-server and grabbed a back-up of the site... but really late into the night. Thankfully, in the kitchen. And it didn't bother Yonah... he was as quiet as could be. And even though I didn't get to the futon until almost 23.00, when I finally put my head on the pillow and whispered "Good nights" and "I LOVE YOU"... he must have been asleep because... there was silence in the room... all was well.)
Friday 23 February:
OK! Morning "call to order" this morning: 6.40 on a "comfortably cool" February Friday morning. And the "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo...hoo" was soft but clear. And I, being a little weary from the late night last night, did my best to reply with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... Ah, must have passed because I got an immediate "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" response.
When I looked up from the pillow, I could see the little silhouette there, on the perch, the little head turned toward me. My little Heart-and-Soul was up, awake, and looking over and down at me from his perch. Seemed to be that he was quite ready to get up and get on with the day ahead! And I had to wonder how long he'd been awake before calling me.
I could tell that the day out-side the window was clear because the light coming through the blinds and curtains was rather "bright", and the light coming into the room from the rest of the house was truly "morning". The days are starting obviously earlier now... though the nights still come entirely too soon (but they always will, no matter the hour... as far as I'm concerned).
So the moment I made it to the door of his house, Yonah was stretching his wings... Ready to "rock the new day"! And popping my head in to say "Good morning"... THE KISSES! IN SUCH ABUNDANCE! YOU'D SWEAR WE WERE LONG-LOST FRIENDS WHO HADN'T SEEN EACH-OTHER IN SO MANY YEARS! THE AFFECTION WAS ASTOUNDING! AND IT LIFTED MY SPIRIT HIGHER THAN HEAVEN ITSELF!
And poop-check? AGAIN! 7 PERFECT POOPS! PERFECT IN NUMBER. PERFECT IN COLOUR, COMPOSITION. My Little Guy's belly must be working "perfectly" and his mood is reflecting his well-being. It was a MAGNIFICENT start to a new day!
It didn't take but a moment and as I stepped out of the room to prepare the kitchen for my morning coffee and the morning change of waters, I could hear the flutter of wings and sure enough, when I got back, he was already at the other perch, waiting for me to get to the windows and open curtains and blinds.
And as I worked a bit in the kitchen, we had a lovely "chat"! So, LOVING, ENERGETIC, it was a BRILLIANT start to a day that proved to be equally BRILLIANT with the GLORIOUS SUN POURING IN THROUGH THE WINDOWS... ALL DAY!
And it was an unusually warm February day today too. (Unlike the night in the forecast which is expected to drop to -11° tonight and stay at about -8° tomorrow... and drop to -15° tomorrow night.)
Now, I thought yesterday was exceptionally "close" and "affectionate but today Yonah made yesterday seem "distant"! I no sooner got the house together this morning and came into the room with the lap-top to get busy with the day's affairs when he came RUSHING over to perch on my shoulder... with many tugs to the ear and pecks on the cheek! And when I looked at him, that "stare" that he has, looking directly at me! And usually, when I reach up to "hold" him or to stroke him, he flies away but NOT TODAY! In fact, he came over to me MANY times during the day and when I "played" with him on my shoulder, he toddled down my arm instead of flying away! He wanted to play, he wanted to simply be with me, on my shoulder, close to me, close to my face. Several times, he just flew over and "roosted" on my shoulder, not pecking or tugging, just "resting" there. It was about the "proximity", the "closeness". He wanted the closeness. And I, of course, was delighted to my core! He didn't want me to stop typing... rather, he watched my fingers on the key-board and watched as the letters appeared on the computer screen. It was almost as if he had an interest in what I was doing. I explained it to him, and even read, aloud, as I typed. I'm sure he perceived it as me talking to him, but oddly, he continued watching the computer screen... it was almost as though he was "proof-reading" to make sure that I was typing what I was saying. (OK. It's called "projection", but I'm just noting the event as it happened and as it might appear.)
We spent the entire day like that... ALL day! The only actual "breaks" were for lunch, as we watched the news and had a mid-day snack, and when I tried (and failed) to grab 2 snoozes.
"Snoozes"? Nope. My Little Guy wasn't having ANY of those today again. As he does, I laid down, head touched the pillow and he came FLYING over to the pillow to poke my head and the hand that covered my eyes (which is how I have to be when snoozing because he still tends to poke at the eyes... in spite of my repeatedly telling him:
If you poke my eye I'll have to go to the emergency room to have it fixed and that means I'll have to be away for a long time and they might have to keep me there for a day or more and I won't be able to come back. right away... and we can't have that.
I have NO idea what he sees in the eyes and I know he doesn't intend and harm. I can't imagine what it is about eyes... I wonder if he knows not to poke at the eyes of another bird... which is another reason why I don't really consider having another bird in the house... even though it would make ME feel better if he had a little feathered companion, That all goes back to the list of reasons against, which includes "jealousy" and "territory". Anyway...
As I say, no snoozes today... each one turned into play time. Do I mind? ABSOLUTELY NOT! There's plenty of time for "snooze" when we go seepie-nigh-night. During the day, it's OUR time together... and today was exceptionally "OUR TIME TOGETHER".
And I have to note: today, with his window open completely (one of two), the temperature in his room reached an astonishing 29,2° !!! That's a "Summer" temperature! But I wanted to keep the entire house as warm as possible, get the warmth in the walls, as it were, because of the next two nights where temperatures are expected to drop back down to "February"
Well then, the rest of the day was me at the desk, we listened to the radio. We took breaks to play... with Burdie-Birdie and a couple of games of "Chase". And, through the day, the "visits" continued in between "lounging on the loft". He's a little riot, my little Heart-and-Soul. He appears to be dozing or snoozing on the loft and suddenly, with-out warning... there he is, on my shoulder. And we "cuddle" and kiss, and I sing or talk and when he's done, he takes off, to the wall shelves or back to his house. It's like random "checks". But I noticed, today, that, even when he wasn't there, on my shoulder, I could "feel" him there. He's become part of my "system" now. (And I caught myself pondering a time when he wouldn't be here and it nearly destroyed me. I had to catch myself and dispel the thought. I know, for a fact, that time with-out Yonah will be short. I have no intention of "carrying on" with-out him. All this current "medical" attention will stop and I just won't "bother" any longer. Where-ever that might be, I know the time will come. But the truth and fact are: I'm here ONLY because of and to be here for him. And the angst of even thinking of him not being here is strong enough so that I had to remind me that I MUST be here because he's here.)
And so... the time rolled by and suddenly, 'twas time for evening meals! Too soon! TOO SOON! But I got up and went to the kitchen, put my food on the hob and returned to the desk to set things up so that we could watch the evening news and have our meals together.
This evening, I got right to the washing-up and such so that I could get back to journalling with my Little Guy and he got himself "established" on his roof-top as he does of an evening, and a little music... and we started to wind-down our Friday... together.
By 20.00 tonight, the house was settled, the futon was set for me for the night, the waters were changed and Yonah's house was set for the night. He had been on his door perch as I finished with everything and before I got to the matter of settling me at the desk to record today's events, I leaned over, as I do, cupped him in my hands and rested my face against his, stroking his sides and neck, I whispered my assurances that everything was settled, the house was in good order and that we were going to get ready for seepie-nigh-night. He nestled his head into my chin and was as calm as he could possible be, And we stayed that way for several long minutes. He DOES understand... maybe not the words, but the "sounds" of words, and the calmness of a whisper. He made no attempts to fly away, even when I stood up and opened my hands. But when I leaned over and gave him kisses, he must have understood that as it being time to get settled and he headed directly up to his "night roost". All settled, I put his roof board on, leaving the door to his house open, and settled at the desk with our nightly "meditation" music playing. (I'm pretty sure he associates that with "seepie-nigh-night" now too because it's what I play at the end of each day of late. It's good for me and obviously, good for him too. All instrumental, "organ-like" or what we use to call "synthesizer", long, drawn notes that "float".) I'm still trying the "close the day at the desk" with him. It seems to make him calmer at the end of the day and if it helps him, then, all the better. I worry about him getting proper rest, though I'm pretty sure he does get that, especially in recent days when he's so full of energy each morning.
The time rolled on as I was typing and I looked at the clock... 20.43! Time for me to move out of Yonah's room! I got up, moved things to the kitchen and... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". So I went back in to put the moon lights on instead of the desk lamp and put Bustelo-Birdie on the loft, leaned in for "Good night" kisses... I spoke. It didn't seem to calm my Little Guy, BUT... whispering did the trick. He calmed right down and settled back on his night roost... 20.50, official "tuck-in" tonight. Oh and the temperature in his room: 26,9°! Let the temperatures out-side drop. The old house has a head-start on warmth. (And I've already put food out for the Yardies for the morning. They're going to need nourishment first thing. I'll add peanuts and sun-flower seeds when I wake.)
For tonight, my little Heart-and-Soul is safe, sound, warm, protected and THAT is ALL that matters to me.
Saturday 24 February:
AND... GOOD MORNING HERE! At just about 6.40 again this morning. (I say "about" because it took me a while to check the clock this morning and it was 6.40-something when I got to the kitchen... it was one of those mornings where the futon was so comfy and waking to the "morning call to order" put me so at ease, knowing my little Heart-and-Soul was up, awake, and the sound of his voice was clear, so I knew he was doing quite well (that's my "comfort" of the morning).
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo...hoo"... Not a "hoarse break", but a "regular pause" in there. I couldn't get my "morning coo'ing voice" together so I did my best which sounds more like an attempt at singing than coo'ing. But I gave my rendition of "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" and Yonah coo'ed "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... no breaks, nice and clear and smooth.
We "chatted", back and forth, for a bit and whilst we did, I looked up from the pillow to see the little silhouette on the perch in the dim morning light. Oh, there he was, with his little head stretched slightly forward. I supposed he was looking out at me and waiting for me to get up and get on with the morning. OK, it really was time, so I "pulled" me up and over to his house and as I approached, I could see the morning wing stretch! Well! "woo-HOO" indeed! Morning officially commenced for this February Saturday. (And, un-like recent mornings, this was truly a "February" morning... when I opened the curtains this morning, I could feel the out-side chill coming through the window panes. Last night's temperatures did, as forecast, drop back to "Winter". Happily, the temperature in Yonah's room was a most-comfortable 25°
So then... as soon as I opened his door, he had another wing stretch and a bit of a preen and when I popped my head in for "Good morning" kisses... there were plenty to be shared! Kisses and morning calls, wing stretches, my Precious Little Guy was, confirmed, well and well-rested!
And out-side, as I opened curtains and blinds, the skies were clear, the sun was just breaking over the hills and it looked to be a wonderful day ahead.
Poop-check this morning: only 6, but one was the size of 2 "regular" so the "quantity" was equal to the usual 7. Generally, they all looked quite fine, though there was a bit more of the "green halo" round 3, a bit more "liquid" than other recent mornings. But over-all, no signs of any "abnormalities" so... that little belly was good during the course of the night. Coupled with this morning's voice, all appeared to be WONDERFUL!
Now, this morning, as I opened the windows, Yonah didn't "rush" over to the other perch as he's done other mornings. OK. Nothing to "panic" over, but noted. And when I'd done with all the fussing at the windows and moved his house back to where it's supposed to be (fortunately, his house is on the shelf-unit which is on wheels so we "roll about" in the morning... something I hope we won't have to do when we're in our new house) he DID scuttle over to the loft and then hop over to the "food shelf" and from there... UP AND OUT to the wall shelves... and a "Good morning nod" to Beanie-Birdie!
Voice? Check. Feathers? Check. Poops? Check. Flight? Check. Morning? On a roll.
During the water relay, we had a bit of conversation from room-to-room... "woo-HOO's" a-plenty.
I wanted to get right to the affairs of his documentation and work on his web-site this morning (since there's so much to catch-up with in addition to keeping current) so, as soon as my coffee was done and I was "attired for the day", I brought lap-top and coffee into the room and set me at the desk. And my "Supervisor" took his place on his loft. And out-side, the sun rose, and brought light into the room for both of us.
Oddly, as this morning move on, Yonah spent most of the morning hours on his tree in the living-room. He did come to my shoulder almost immediately, when I set down at the desk, and a few tugs on my ear, a couple of pecks on the neck and he was up, off and out of the room. The sun was POURING in through the windows in his room, but he preferred the relative darkness in the living-room. And as I sat at the desk in his room, I could hear him "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... across the house. Something inside of me was glad to hear his voice but something else wondered if he wasn't coo'ing as a call to "any other doves out there some-where". I can't help but wonder if he ever misses seeing another mourning dove or even another bird. And those are the moments when I ponder bringing another bird, dove or other-wise, into the house. But when he's not coo'ing about, I remember: this is HIS house and HIS territory and there's no telling... he might resent an "intruder" so... We've done well these three years... I don't want to jeopardize that in any way. And he doesn't, as a rule, seem "melancholy", and he obviously DOES enjoy my company and companionship... still, I wonder.
I went to the living-room to check on him and when I got to that corner by the futon there, he immediately hopped from the tree branch onto my shoulder! We exchanged kisses and some cuddles and I was going to come back to the desk and, since the sun was shining in, thought he'd come with and be able to get a bit of a "bask" in, if not a dip in the pool too but, the very moment I stepped out of the living-room and he noticed I was heading back to his room, he took off and flew right back to his tree.
I'll never really KNOW why, but today, he preferred the tree, the dimmer light of the living-room. I was just grateful that the temperature there was only slightly cooler than his room so he wouldn't be chilled. (I have this "thing" about my Little Guy ever needing to "fluff" his feathers against any sort of "cold". He hasn't had to confront "cold" in just over three years now and I don't know how he'd perceive it, and there's no reason why he should have to be cold... I look at the Yardies on cold mornings and I see how they fluff against the cold, and how, in the early hours, they're either eating or just almost lethargic and I think of Yonah... in his warm house, protected from that. He deserves to be comfortable at all times. Sure, so too, do the Yardies, but where cold is concerned, as I say, there's no reason Yonah should have to deal with that and so, he won't.) Still, I wondered why he was choosing "dimmer lighting" and "cooler temperatures". He didn't appear to be in any distress, so I gave him kisses, a bit of a "cuddle" and told him that I was going back to his room, where there was sun-shine and he should get some of that... if he wanted to.
I grabbed another coffee from the kitchen and re-settled at the desk to continue with the day's tasks until lunch time...
This after-noon, the sun continued POURING into the room. He did come back into the room, but stayed in the terracotta dish under his house... and for the longest while, he kept repeating his "perch-coo". It was a bit "concerning" but I was comforted in being able to see him. And for the most part, this after-noon, that's where he stayed... oddly, but he appeared to be fine...
I took a lunch break at the usual time and my Little Guy didn't come out from his place "in the dish" until I'd done, and then he came out and went to the wall shelves. I put fresh food in his dish and he watched as I did and when I'd done, he FINALLY went over and ate... and ate WELL! No problem with appetite. A good sign. But when done, he went back out to the living-room and that's where he decided to stay for several hours.
Just before evening meal time, he came back into his room and went to the wall shelves... When I turned round on the chair, he came flying down to Burdie-Birdie, so we played... for a while... until he wanted no more of it and headed back to his house.
I have to add that he DID manage ONE visit to my shoulder.. but not for very long. A quick peck at the cheek and back to his house...
Meal time... and I put my food on the hob to heat and the Little Guy was still behaving differently from yesterday: he still seemed to want his "distance". He appeared to be perfectly fine, so I just saw it as he wanted some time to himself. He wasn't lethargic, his poops all day were perfectly normal so there was no indication of any "tummy troubles". He still had his usual energy, he was flying about, but he was staying more to his loft or the wall shelves, and he was quiet. So when my food was ready, I set the desk up, as we do every evening, with the old lap-top so we could "watch the news" and I brought my dinner plate in and made sure to show him that I was having "supper" (one of the words that he obviously understands because when I say it, he usually goes to eat too). I sat down, put the news on the lap-top and started to eat. Moments later, I saw him hop over to his own food and take a few bites and then, he came to his door perch where he'll often "roost" whilst I eat. He wasn't "fluffed", and didn't look at all "uncomfortable". He was just being "quiet" today.
And so, that's how our hour went... quietly.
When I was done and before going to the kitchen to do the washing-up, I raised my plate to show him (as I usually do) and said, "I'm going to the kitchen to do the washing-up." I'm not sure if it's seeing the plate or if one of those words rings "familiar" to him, but when I left the room, he headed back up to his loft... until...
When I returned, I got the containers I use for the water change and held them up (again, as I usually do) and said "We're going to do the waters now... I'll be right back." and I headed to the kitchen...
When I got back with the first "round" of fresh water, the pool emptied already, my Little Guy was at his dish... HE WAS EATING WITH SUCH GUSTO! I WAS SO RELIEVED! And as soon as i started pouring the water into his pool, he came over to peck at my hand! WELL! APPETITE! RELIEF! AND WANTING TO "PLAY"! So I played a little with him, rubbing his neck and "poking back" when he poked at me and then got back to the water relay.
Since he was eating so well and I'd put fresh food in earlier today but not the peanuts and sun-flower seeds, I added a hefty table-spoon of the mixture I'd made and have in the fridge... OH! The LOOK I got! It was almost as if he asked "Just WHAT do you think you're doing there?" BUT, after I mixed the whole thing together, his regular food and the nut/seed mix, he "had at it" with as much gusto as before! (He does like the mixture as long as there's more of his regular food than the "addition". Although, I DO believe he DOES like the sun-flower seeds more than the peanuts... which is why I mix the two together: so he'll get the benefits of the peanuts as well.) AND, whilst HE ate, I got the rest of tonight's water change done.
When that was done, he was all over the room, from the desk shelf, with Bustelo-Birdie, to the wall shelves with Beanie-Birdie, and he wanted affection, attention so we played a bit and because I wanted to get to today's Journal entry for him, I went to the desk and started typing... and Yonah? He headed to his roof-top where he likes to see the day out and the night in. (Out-side, at 18.30 already, the skies were dark. The mornings might be coming in earlier, but it seems the nights are coming at their own pace which is, to me, still too early.) The radio was on, quietly... and I got to typing... until time to close blinds and curtains and put up the night-back-board...
We got that all settled by about 19.15... water, windows and back-board. When I put the back-board on tonight, OH, but did he want to play with my fingers! And as he sometimes does, he "preened" them... gentle pecks all round, for about 5 minutes! I don't believe I'll ever know why he does this. Seems he's always done it. And he "probes" between fingers too. It's another one of those "mysteries"... that and what he sees in a computer screen and why a key-board is so comfortable... "Birds"... Go figure. But it's rather cute... all of it.
And I sat back at the desk... Yonah "roosted" on his door perch beside me. Before I realised, the time had run to 20.00! Yonah was still on his door perch! So I apologised for being so late and got up to get my pillows to set the futon for the night. When I returned, my Little Guy was up on his perch... at the "night roost"! I put the futon together and put his roof-board on... and I leaned in for "Good night" kisses... he just looked at me. No Bustelo-Birdie in the loft! OH MY! So I brought Bustelo-Birdie to the loft, Yonah went rushing over to check on him, as if making sure he was "secure" and THEN he came over for kisses! Imagine that!
Kisses exchanged, little whispers of "I LOVE YOU!"... our "meditation" music on the old lap-top on the desk, the desk lamp dimmed... my Precious Little Guy on his night roost... I sat at the desk to add to today's Journal entry for a while... time to settle before I moved back to the kitchen and let my Love get to his night's rest........
Oh, but as I sat typing, the clock kept sweeping "Time" away and I checked at 20.35... the room was so still, my Precious Little Guy was so still, the music wafting about... but 20.35! So I quietly got up and took the lap-top to the kitchen and as I did... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" from the next room... He doesn't miss a thing that goes on in his world! But it was OK. I had to go back to dim the desk lamp and close his house door anyway so...
When I softly called from the kitchen: "It's OK... I'm just moving to the kitchen so you can go seepie-nigh-night." It worked... he calmed down and when I got back to him, he bobbed his head forward, as he does, for KISSES! Well! OF COURSE, KISSES! So MANY kisses too! And I said, softly, "Now you can go seepie-nigh-night. I'll be right in soon too. And see? Bustelo-Birdie is seepie-nigh-night already." HE SCUTTLED OVER TO HIS LOFT AS IF TO VERIFY THAT, IN FACT, Bustelo-Birdie WAS SEEPIE-NIGH-NIGHT, AND WHEN HE'D CHECKED HE CAME BACK OVER TO ME FOR MORE KISSES! (Yeah, they don't "learn words"... tell me again... it's not convincing me.)
Well... 20.40 is tonight's official tuck-in time. My little Heart-and-Soul is safe and sound. His room is 26,2° tonight! And he has his "Sweeter Heater" above. The futon is set for me. The rest of the house is settled and (thankfully) calm... Saturday... Shabbat, is done... a new day and a new week tomorrow... For tonight... all is as it ought to be.
Sunday 25 February:
Last night, at 21.20, I managed to silently go back into Yonah's room, put the little moon lights on and turn the desk lamp off... and... the world was "tucked-in"... my Precious little Heart-and-Soul was so quiet and resting. And when, at long last, late (again) last night, I got in and tucked me in for the night... silence. I DO believe that spending those moments with him at night make a difference... a positive difference. i still can't get my mind to figure out "why"... but, I'm so deeply honoured by his affection. My only connection to "being"...
And this morning... 6.25! Now there's an "imagine that" if ever... We're moving along to the Spring and Summer hours already! (It HAS been rather miserably, un-seasonably warm this so-called "Winter"... save last night and Friday night when the temperatures dropped to "February", but the warmer the weather and the earlier the day commences... looks like we're in for some kind of "2024", and I wouldn't say it's "good". I'm watching the Yardies in particular. Hopefully there won't be any "out-breaks" of "infestations" and diseases. And I'll be keeping a most-watchful eye on my Little Guy here... to see what "changes" in his mood and health might come along.)
And so... in the rather "comparatively light early morning darkness" of the room this morning, came the some-what soft "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... and again, with much relief and gratitude to the Fates, this morning's "call" was clear... and consistent... no breaks... no hoarseness... it sounded as it ought: "awake"!
Of course, my own "woo-HOO" was NOTHING even some-what similar because my "morning voice" hadn't even kicked-in as yet. Truth be told, I COULD have done with about another hour of shut-eye but, right after my feeble "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" Yonah called back with his reply and my follow-up was responded-to immediately... One more "volley" and... the "ultimate"... "woo-HOO!" of "OK! Let's get going here!" came. It was time I got up and got this morning together! And so... up I was, and up I got, to see the little silhouette on the perch, engaged in a bit of "straightening feathers", "making presentable" for this Sunday morning.
I was SO grateful for the kisses this morning when I opened his door and stuck my head in to say "Good morning". But they were a fore-warning of this morning... there was impatience and an "agenda" in this house this morning. Not time for all the "kisssie-kissie"... we had to get on the move! So right after a few pecks on the nose, Yonah scuttled across to his loft to wait for me to get on with the morning tasks... placing the door perch, removing roof-board and replacing it with the little platform... removing the back-board, opening the curtains and blinds... and... of course... water changes! What, apparently, was most important: opening his door, placing the door perch...
As I went about the rest of the chores, my Little Guy got his morning preening done with a few "tunes"... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... INDEED! And as my voice cleared, I sang along as I moved from room-to-room, "carrying the waters", as it were.
In his room, the temperature this morning: a rather comfortable 23°. Out-side the window... -17(so they claimed) with a "chill" of -21° ( so 'twas claimed). But yes, as soon as the curtains were opened, the coolness was obviously waiting to be given the opportunity to get into the room. Last night, we'd returned to "February"... this morning, how-ever, the skies were clear! There was sun making an appearance. And to forecast looked "bright".
WELL... the morning chores accomplished, I grabbed a coffee and lap-top and moved in to settle at the desk... Not a moment had passed when... as I was getting into the morning "business"... my little Supervisor landed on my shoulder! First thing in the morning... almost right away... a GRAND START to a sunny, chilly, February Sunday! AND... AS I CONTINUED ON TO HIS JOURNAL, THREE MORE "VISITS"! AND AN EARLY-MORNING FLIGHT FROM SHOULDER TO LIVING-ROOM!
Meanwhile, morning "poop report": 7 poops, right under the "night roost". A bit more "green halo" than I'm "comfortable" with though. I'm wondering if the "protein"... the peanuts and sun-flowers have anything to do with it. A "change in diet", the additional "fat". 3 of 7 little poops appear to be fine: white-to-brown ratio is good, and the "white" is "white", the "brown" is "brown". The general composition of all is as it should be.
AND... taking into account and consideration, the visits (even as I type this here) and the trip to the living-room, the signing and coo'ing, if anything is "wrong", there's NO indication of it. OK. So Yonah's more than "divinely excellent" at keeping ANY discomfort or suffering to himself, but, I've seen his days when he's not feeling "well"... especially during a moult, the lethargy, the silence, the obvious avoidance of being touched in any way... there's NONE of that this morning. To the contrary, the "visits" have been pecks on the cheek, tugs on the ear and when I've reached up to "cuddle", he doesn't run or fly away. So... LOOKING GOOD ON A SUNDAY MORN!
And, by 10.00... the sun was up, over the tree-line and POURING INTO THE ROOM! BRILLIANTLY! And my little Heart-and-Soul took to his loft... to take advantage of the sun-shine! Room temperature at 24°, his window open slightly for some "fresh air circulation"... the little draft coming in on the "chilly" side but not enough to drop the room temperature much...
After a bit of catching-up with things this morning, I tried for a bit of a lie-down on the futon and... Yonah was in his loft, enjoying the sun-shine as I laid my head on the pillow and, no sooner did I close my eyes... WOOSH... toddling up and down my leg, poking at my foot... the Little Guy was right "on the matter". But, the alarm had been set for 25 minutes and he DID grant me about 15 of those before, 2 minutes before the alarm was to sound... there he was... it was time for me to get up and get back to the day! The sun was shining, the skies were clear... I had no business lounging and snoozing. So I got up, went into the kitchen for another coffee and when I came back... he was on the desk... preening. I sat back down and he stayed beside me... WHAT a little "MIRACLE" this bundle of feathers and LOVE! WHAT AN HONOUR!
Well then, it's 19.42... and my Little Guy and I have just finished a round of quite the bout! He was in a playful mood, in his house, on his perches and I was in a playful mood... and we jousted and he tried to gouge my hands and we kissed and snuggled and went back to jousting and... it had to be for a good 20 minutes, non-stop! Quite the difference from most of the day today where he seemed to prefer being in his loft, save for twice when he came over to the desk to roost on my shoulder... briefly.
After lunch though, and that attempted "snooze", I have to admit I haven't been much of a "desirable companion" today. I was so wrapped-up with trying to get Journals together, pages and such, and to be honest, the only actual breaks I took all day were for lunch and dinner. But then, right after dinner, I got right to the water relay and shortly after that, closed the blinds and curtains. It wasn't the sort of Sunday I'd thought we'd have today. I'll "save" (I hope) with having nothing pressing to attend to tomorrow. A trip to market for a few provisions but that's all. And as for the rest? Well... of course, I'll be looking for and through 2023 and 2023 "documents" but... those are merely sorting through directories... and I'm NOT going to "dedicate every waking minute to the venture. HEY... I've got this "surgery" coming and even though multiple people have said "Oh, it's really 'nothing surgery'." and "You'll be in and out and back home in no time."... I just worry about being "here" for Yonah... before I leave and when I get back... and getting back... in the earliest after-noon! No over-nights, or delays... In. Done. Out. Bye... I NEED to be with my Heart-and-Soul! So... I owe him time... because I'll be leaving him at about 6.30 on that Tuesday morning and even if everything floats smoothly, we're looking at 6-7 hours at least... away... I am NOT "happy"... in the slightest, and the ONLY reason I'm going through with this is... because... I MUST be in best-possible health... for as many years as my Precious, Cherished Little Guy is with me. I promised him I'd be with him, for him for as long as his little heart beats... I promised... so if this procedure will help insure that... so be it. 6-7 hours is better than...
And so, after the windows and such, I went and got my pillows to set the futon for me, we put regular music on for a little while (this, after the PLAYING) and Yonah went to his night perch... and I turned the upper desk lamp off, dimmed the lower lamp and sat to get today's notes here, typed. At 19.55 though, i started to bring my "stuff" out of his room... He looked as though he was ready to "stay in for the night" and to be honest, I was almost ready to hit the futon too so....
20.00... Bustelo-Birdie in the loft, lights dim, roof board on... not-so-much with kisses tonight though. But my Little Guy didn't put up a fuss when it came time to tuck-in... and so... our day comes to a close... Sunday's done. Monday's coming and what it brings will be seen... when it arrives... until then... we have a night together ahead...
Monday 26 February:
It was quite the "occupied" sort of a Monday today. Much to do. Much accomplished. And a start at 6.30 again, on what was to be quite a bright and un-seasonably "warm" February day.
And this morning's "call to order" was so soft, as too, the coo's during the day. But this morning's were clear, no breaks, and though soft, they were "healthy". Some-how, it seems my Little Guy is "keeping his volume down" for some reason. I can't figure why, but as I say, he doesn't sound "ill"... just almost "whispering", if that's possible.
The first "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" was perfectly fine and I had all to do to come back with an equally "clear" reply. MY "morning voice" certainly wasn't as clear as Yonah's but I tried my best with a rather raspy "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo". And no sooner had I "said" but he came back with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" to which I returned a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"... and... that was that for that this morning; it was time for me to get up and the "woo-HOO!" was all that needed to be said further. And so... I was... up and moving.
The room was still relatively dark, but much lighter than recent days. Out-side, the sun was obviously making an appearance over the hill already, though not breaking over the pines across the way. Still, this morning, at 6.30, was quite noticeably brighter... we're careening into "Spring" (and "Daylight Savings" is about to commence too, so, the change will be another bit of "turmoil"... not so much for the waking up in the morning as much as the "tucking in" at night.) Anyway, I got up and had to run to the loo before getting into our morning routine and my Little Love really wasn't having much of that. All the while, brief as it was, that I was out of the room and he was still in his house, door closed, and windows "blocked", he called, almost as if making sure I didn't forget him.
I put the kettle on, on my way back into the room and headed directly to his house.
He was stretching and preening his wings, almost as an impatient parent might fidget whilst waiting for a recalcitrant child to behave. It was really "amusing", I have to say. Imagine... my Little Guy, impatient and letting it be known. (I don't suppose others would have noticed such a thing but, after all, we've been together for over three years... and I always try to pay attention to his "voice", his actions... amongst other characteristics... I'm trying my best to learn what he's telling me as well as he's learnt what I say to him. (I'm failing... He's excelling... of course.)
When I opened the curtains and blinds to the morning out-side, this morning, he wasn't as "energetic" as the past recent days, but he DID hop over to the corner where I was so that when I put my face to the back of his house, I managed to garner a bit of a "kiss"... not much, but a couple of almost "considered" pecks on the nose. When I'd done with the windows and put his house back where it's usually positioned, back and roof boards removed, I got round to the front, put his roof platform up and his door perch on and THEN got to lean in for "formal Good morning kisses"... THEN, things being as they're supposed to be, I'd "earned" my kisses for the morning and there were MANY. I was back in "good graces" so...
Morning water changes and a check of food. Yesterday's mixture was still rather plentiful, but I'd expected that. There's a bit of milk thistle in there so it'll be eaten with scrutiny... pecking through all to avoid the bitterness of the milk thistle. (I DO wish we had a reputable and compassionate veterinarian who'd "prescribe" a bit of lactulose... all we need is the slightest bit but... Maybe one of these days we'll figure something... it would help with the milk thistle...) When he gets hungry... He's eaten some, so it's not as though he's on a hunger strike... thankfully.
As the waters ran in the kitchen... "poop-check": 7 for this morning's count, and all of about the same size: normal. This morning, the "whites" were quite white, which was encouraging, there was considerably less "green halo" so there was considerably less "liquid", and that too, was good. The white-to-dark was as it ought to be. The only concern this morning: the "dark" (faeces) was quite dark, almost black, but a "green-black". Nothing that looked to be a sign of trouble or illness... but quite dark, with the normal, usual beige "bits"... which I figure at the shells of the seeds. But, other-wise, my Little Love was his "usual" self... really... quiet his "usual" self... back to the "general affections" of a morning. Looks like we're getting over the "early Spring amourousness", as it were. We're not "lacking" in kisses or general affections, that's for certain, but it seems the "gusto" is fading. (Ah... "the romance".)
But HEY! No problem! All visible signs indicate great health... and my Little Guy's general mood is perfectly fine, and there's no "plucking", no "lethargy", his nose and eyes are clear, his voice is clear, feet and toes are as they ought be, and he's not "avoiding" me so... We're good... We're good.
Truth is, though, this morning, I got up and "hit the ground, running". If there was any lack of "romance", it was because I was so pre-occupied with getting so many tasks completed today. There really is a bit that I want to have in order when I take the time for this surgery so that all is in order before, during and after... for several days, at the very least. It's going to be only Yonah and I together, and I refuse to stop doing for him, no matter what. Even the "water relay"... I mean... he HAS to have fresh water, maybe not to bathe but certainly to drink! We'll find a way. But for now... all the "little things" have to be settled... AND....
As I moved about the house, room-to-room, here and there, my Little Guy did the same thing: flying from his room to the living-room, through the kitchen, round and round and about... and then... between "flights", little rests... on the loft.
We had the doors and windows open this after-noon! It seems that that too, adds to his energies and such. I've noticed that, even when he's quite settled in his room, when I open the front door, he must "sense" a difference in the air pressure or something in the house and he tends to head for the living-room... Today... with doors and windows open, it was probably closer to the world that he was born into: air... moving... instead of the deathly stillness with everything shut... as we tend to keep house during Winter. (I don't like it any more or less than I'm sure Yonah does... It's not "natural" and it's not proper, really, but, under "normal" conditions in February, through Winter here in the North Country of NY State, in the Adirondack mountains, keeping a house "Winterised" means... "sealed" or... "frozen pipes"... in the pluming and the body!) It pains me when I think of how, all these years, the only time the air ever moves for this Beautiful Little Life is when the windows and doors are open or when he's out-side in the yard... and even that's not for very long, comparatively. But after these years, I don't know that he'd be comfortable in a "cold" air (even on a day like today), and with this house being as it is, if it's allowed to "cool", to take the "chill" for any time at all, re-heating it takes quite a long while. (I don't care, really, about the "cost" of heating, as long as Yonah's comfortable. It's the "cold"... and then too, I worry about power outages which, in "normal" Winter, can be almost devastating.) But, for the hours of the after-noon and the sun-shine, windows were open, fresh air circulated through the house... and it was obvious that Yonah was enjoying it (as was I, to be honest).
I worked at chores all through the morning and stopped just in time for my Little Companion and I to sit and have our mid-day meals... together. And after, I had a bit of a "lie-down"... and today's was quite unique...
I'd set a "timer" for 25 minutes, never thinking that I'd be "allowed" the full time, but happy just for the "shut-eye" and put my head on the pillow... Mere moments later, I could feel the "breeze" from feathered wings... and heard, in the pillow, the sound of little feet shuffling... Yonah had come over to the futon, to the pillow and made himself most comfortable ON THE PILLOW, AT MY HEAD, BETWEEN MY HEAD AND THE BACK OF THE FUTON! When I slowly turned to look, there he was, some-what "nestled"... I can only imagine that, if I'd been asleep, he'd have gone for a doze there too! Now THAT... well... As I always tend to wonder what he'd do, were he not in his house over-night, I might suppose that this would be one of his choices... on the pillow, at my head, through the night. Why not? He obviously feels safe around me and safer when I'm with him. And as honoured-beyond-description as I am, here I have at least one reason (as if I need any) why it wouldn't be in Yonah's best interest to have run of the room (never mind, the house) in the dark, over-night. Were I to be asleep at night and move suddenly and Yonah being at my head on the pillow... I've always felt that he's safer in his house... it's steel, sturdy, built for large dogs... though there are no "predators" in the house, he's safer in there than about the place. And I've already witnessed him being startled at night and how he's tried to take instant flight... In his old house, when space was much less, there was one "incident" of bleeding. In this house, at the beginning, there was one such incident as well. Thankfully, neither lasted long or needed any medical attention. But, there it was; if Yonah was startled, of course he tried to escape. Had he had the open room, there would be shelves, a desk, walls, windows and the ceiling, not to mention the bit of wall above the open door. And should he head out into the house, MORE windows and walls and furnishings! So, "snoozing" on the pillow or my shoulder or leg during the day is one thing and fine. At night, it's "home-sweet-home", to be safe, to be sure.
Still, my little heart just pitter-patters because seeing him there was such a delight. And the fact that he came, of his own, to be there, with me... words, in any language, fail... my heart and soul are FULL, because of my "Heart-and-Soul".
He was rather exceptionally "quiet" for the rest of the day today, especially compared to the previous few days, and he didn't "visit" with me as I sat at the desk. I wonder why. He doesn't appear to be "not well". Then too, don't we all have "those days", "those moments" when we just want to be calm? He's more than entitled. As I say: as long as "all signs point to well-being and healthy" and he doesn't appear to be "depressed" or "melancholy"... All birds aren't flitting and singing all of the time. Neither are any other living beings. (I just over-think... admittedly... and unashamedly where Yonah's concerned.)
Well, the day moved on, the sun shone and started setting o'er the Western mountains and the temperature out-side started to cool... and with it, the temperature in the room. Still, we enjoyed an average of 25° through the day today and it was still comfortable for 17.00 "evening meals break". So, with fresh food still for my Little Guy, I brought my plate into the room and we enjoyed dining together this evening and at 18.00, I got the washing-up done and settled the kitchen... at 18.30... water relay! Time to start winding our day down.
After waters were all changed and fresh, I had a couple of things to attend to at the desk so I did those and Yonah lounged in his loft.
At about 19.15 we started putting the room in order and he headed up to his wall shelves. I thought we were in for "one of those nights" where he was going to play "Not now... later" but it was early enough. And if he was tired, I know he'd have gone to his perch when the waters were done. So I got to the business of closing the blinds and curtain and putting the back-board up for the night...
BUT I HAPPENED TO NOTICE HIS FOOD DISH... HE ATE VERY WELL DURING THE DAY TODAY! MUST HAVE GOTTEN THROUGH OR AROUND THE MILK THISTLE TO THE SEEDS AND PEANUTS AND MADE UP FOR "LOST MEAL TIME"! We'll have to do a "weigh-in" this week... just to be sure all's well... BUT WHAT A DIFFERENCE AFTER WHAT SEEMED AS THOUGH HE WAS "REJECTING" THE FOOD! (It's the milk thistle. I MUST figure a way to get that lactulose or figure another way to cover the bitterness...)
When I'd done with all of that, he came back to his house... and up to his perch... and we had a little "fun" with the bit of kitchen roll that I put under his perch at night (the "poop rug"... I put a section of kitchen roll under his perch so that I can see the night's poops better). As I sometimes do with my kippa, I put the paper over him like a little "blanket" as he stood on the perch and the way it laid, it was propped-up by the perch behind him so it didn't fall off... and while he was "under the blanket" I managed to sneak in some kisses.
It really is amazing... he doesn't panic! (This after-noon, I'd done the same thing with my Sherpa hooded sweat-shirt that he likes "roosting" on... covered completely, he simply toddled out and away, as though it was all just a matter of course. "TRUST"! This Little Guy trusts me! And I am so highly touched and honoured by that. When something startles him in the darkness of night, all I need do is whisper to him and he's calm. When I reach out to hold him in cupped hands, he doesn't panic... he understands that I mean him no harm. There's no higher honour or privilege than to have the trust of a Little One... especially THIS Little One... from the wilderness... I was his born "enemy"... We have no enemies in this house... and he knows it.)
After all that I set me at the desk, put our regular music collection on the old lap-top instead of the "news", volume quite low... upper desk lamp off... and I put the futon together for me for the night ahead. Again, tonight, I figured I'd get some of the journalling done whilst he "calmed and settled" (which seems to be better for him than me taking off and heading for the kitchen right away). And so, in the dim light, soft music, I typed... my Little Heart-and-Soul settled on his night roost and by 20.00, with Beanie-Birdie in the loft tonight (for a change... and he noticed that too when I brought that one over... with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and a peck on the beak), our Monday was obviously a "wrap"... I got to another 30 minutes of typing and...
At 20.30... I moved my things out to the kitchen so that he could settle-in for the night.
As I stepped out of the room, from behind me... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". I had to go back to put the roof-board on so I wonder if that's not what I was being told. (I wouldn't doubt it for a moment.) And once the board was in place, I peeked in for... SO VERY MANY "Good night" KISSES!... IT WAS "SEEPIE-NIGH-NIGHT" TIME...
Tuck-in time tonight... 20.34.... All was well with the world.
Tuesday 27 February:
Last night, I went in to turn the desk lamp off and put the moon lights on... at about 21.30 and... when I left the room, from behind me came a soft "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". I didn't go back in this time, but softly said, from the kitchen, "It's OK... You have to go seepie-nigh-night now... and I'm coming in very soon to go seepie-nigh-night too. I'm right here, silly bird. I won't leave you alone." Seems to have worked because he DID seem to go seepie-nigh-night and didn't make a sound when I DID get to the futon. "Silly bird". HOW I LOVE HIM SO, SO MUCH!
And this morning? 6.25 and a CLEAR "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"! And when I answered with a (fair) "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo", he replied with a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo".
OK. So I followed suit with my own "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" ... to which I got a "woo-Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... WOOHOO! HEY!
BUT THEN, before I could even move on the futon to get up...
that "woo-HOO!"
"Call to order!" There was a morning out-side those windows and it was time to have at it! And so... my little Heart-and-Soul was awake and up, I was awake and up... WE were awake and up AND... EVEN THE SUN WAS AWAKE AND UP ALREADY!
And ALL through "morning routine" this morning, me in the kitchen making coffee, then the water relay, putting Yonah's room in order... WE SANG! BACK AND FORTH AND FORTH AND BACK... LONG COO's, ONE TO THE OTHER. It was quite the house-hold this morning. AND, this morning's kisses were... PLENTIFUL TOO!
Poop-check? 7.. SEVEN PERFECT LITTLE ONES, NEATLY UNDER THE "NIGHT ROOST". The whites were white, and the dark side... more on the obviously BROWN instead of the recent more "green-black". AND NO "green water halos"! (Although, the "fresher" one of the morning did excrete a tiny bit of "halo"... but nothing out of the ordinary.) WHAT a WONDERFUL start to a wonderful day! The saddest part of it all: I had SO MANY CHORES to get to around the house. I'm working to make sure that this place is clean, orderly, settled, in order for my "day away" next week and I got so focused on that that I was a HORRID companion all morning! But thankfully, the sun was BRILLIANT and the house was VERY warm, and my little Heart-and-Soul used the time to lounge in his loft whilst I "ran amok", as it were.
But I have to note that he wasn't as "affectionate" again, today, as he'd been. He didn't seem to "want to be on my shoulder". I wonder if he senses my general anxieties and knows what I'm trying to accomplish here these days. He's not lethargic, and doesn't appear to be "not well" so... I'm hoping it's just me... "projecting". "Time" will tell... as it always does.
At noon, we broke for lunch and after, I tried for a bit of a lie-down on the futon. The sun was shining, a cool breeze blowing into the room... and... no sooner had my head touched the pillow when... there he was... on the pillow, between my head and the back of the futon! And when I reached up to bring him over to the front of me, the very second he was he on the futon, he headed right back for that same spot by my head. It's as though he wants to be ON THE PILLOW, beside my head, as I snooze! And when I let him be, he moved, slowly, across the pillow to the front of my head where, when I opened my eyes (carefully, of course, because he tends to like "poking" and will, sometimes, reach an open eye... ), he was just standing there, on the pillow, staring at me. I wonder... I truly, truly wonder what he's thinking these days, and what he thinks as he staring at me, when he does.
Well, I half-snoozed for a little while and when he flew back "home", I got up and just in time...
A call from the Nurse to get preliminary notes for the surgery on Tuesday and as I talked with the Nurse and was explaining Yonah to her and why it is that I'm bothering with this procedure... he came out to the kitchen to stand at my feet as if he knew HE was the topic of conversation and he wanted to hear what was being said! Like a puppy! this Little One! He stood there for most of our conversation too! At once, my heart sunk thinking of him alone in the house for the entire morning that day and too, giving me the strength, knowing that this is necessary so that we can be together for longer. I'm relieved to know that the hospital is now aware of his being and, to be sure, there will be "cards" given on Tuesday morning so that they're even MORE aware... this MUST go well and I MUST get back here THAT DAY... QUICKLY!
After the chat... I made a new change to his room (at last... since I'd been considering it for quite the while and now, with the weather being insanely "warm"): Instead of leaving his window open from the bottom as we've been doing, round the clock, all the while, I'm trying to keep it open from the top instead, hoping that "stale" air will vent up and out. We can open the bottom as well, when the temperatures allow. But for now, I want to see what this does. I continue fighting the remnants of our mould blast from the Summer 2023. I suspect that what wafts about now, every once in a while, is what they call "VOCs - Volatile Organic Compounds... which are the very same "compounds" that give us the smells of fruits and flowers... I'm hoping that this is just the "remnants" of that "musty odour" and nothing more. And for that, the main recommendations are to keep fresh air circulating... So...? Will report more as we learn...
OH! WE PLAYED TODAY TOO! BURDIE-BIRDIE! "RUNNING" BACK AND FORTH ON THE FUTON, AND WHEN I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION (typing this entry into the journal), AN ALL-IN-ALL-OUT ATTACK ON BURDIE-BIRDIE... "MOUNTING" AND PECKING AND PREENING AND "PRANCING"! And he'd done pretty-much the same thing to Beanie-Birdie this morning! So... the "feisty" is still there. And seeing it is a comfort to me, soothing my concerns about his health and energy.
AND... all day, we had the windows open today, a wonderful breeze managed to blow in and I actually saw the little "mobile" of white doves that I'd made and hung from the ceiling fixture, move about in the most-welcomed air!
For the rest of the day, I did manage to settle at the desk, we listened to the news, we listened to music. My little Heart-and-Soul lounged in his loft. We were together. The day was serene.
At 17.00, we broke for evening meals together, listened to the day's news, and right away, I did the washing-up and got to the water relay for the night... so that we could relax and I could get to today's journal entry...
At about 19.56, the Little Guy was already in his house and on his perch! So... with no further ado, it was off and closing the blinds and curtains and installing the back-board for the night. The "meditation" music on, the upper desk light off and the lower desk lamp dimmed a touch, set to the "mid" setting which is the "beige"-ish, as opposed to the stark white or "blue". I grabbed my pillows from the bed-room and brought them in and set the futon for me for the night.
Ah... but THEN... Bustelo-Birdie to the loft! And Yonah scuttled right over, gave Bustelo-Birdie a look, and a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"... a couple of pecks on the beak (Yonah, pecking the "beak" of Bustelo-Birdie, of course) and everybirdie in his place for the night. Yonah, at his night roost... (me, at the desk to type).
I set me up at the desk for some typing of journalling. "Meditation" music playing. The smaller, lower desk lamp on at only the 2nd setting for dimness. A toasty 27° in the room! And today, I'd cut a bit of wood to place in the window so to keep it opened from the TOP now and tonight, we have the top opened about 6cm and the bottom, the same. Tonight's temperatures out-side aren't expected to drop too low so... nice air exchange as we sleep.
But time RAN AWAY... AND IT WAS 20.55 WHEN I LOOKED AT THE CLOCK! AND MY LITTLE GUY WAS JUST AS CALM AS COULD BE ON HIS NIGHT ROOST IN HIS HOUSE SO.... I CREPT OUT TO THE KITCHEN... A LITTLE "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" from behind... I went back in, KISSES KISSES KISSES... and tuck-in 20.56... Tuesday was closed... and my little Heart-and-Soul was safe and sound, in a warm and comfy, cozy room, in a house of his own... with Bustelo-Birdie in the loft.
Wednesday 28 February:
A little amazing, this morning... Morning call came at... 6.50! A dreary morning. Over-cast and rather dark, so the morning light coming in through the blinds and curtains was really dim so... and when I got to look out the window to the back yard, the Yardies hadn't even come round yet either. So it was a "sleep-in morning" for one and all.
But this morning's "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" was nice and clear. And the response to my "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" was a decisive "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"! It was the start of an all-in-all-out conversation that lasted right through my setting-up for the water relay!
When I got to Yonah's house to open his door (and lean in for "Good morning" kisses), he was already stretching wings and preening, preparing for the day ahead!
And this morning's poop-check? 7 (the "magic number") perfect little ones, "normal" size, great composition, though, back to the "dark greenish-blackish" colour. But no watery green halos.
What made the morning "comforting" was my Little Guy's energy. He was up and hopping about as I opened the blinds and curtains, and, as I say, we held a conversation during my kitchen prep. So the morning started quite wonderfully well, all said.
Sadly though, it really was "dark" out-side, and it stayed that way all through the day. It looked "threatening", and at one point, there was almost a "yellowish tint" to the sky. Well... the forecast for the day was "rain" and for tonight, our "Spring" temperatures will be leaving and "February" will be returning. Thankfully, Yonah's room was, this morning, a toasty 24°, and for the most part, we kept it that way.
I had to run a few errands this morning, so we got his room together, and this morning, as I poured the fresh water into his pool, he had a drink and then headed up for a bite of breakfast. When all was settled, I headed out the door for about an hour. When I got back, I had chores around the house so, my Little Guy had the rest of the morning to himself.
I know of only one little "visit" to the living-room. BUT, when I got back from the errands, I was working in the kitchen and suddenly noticed a little somebirdie on the floor behind me. He'd come in and was just standing there, looking at me, looking around the kitchen. It was another one of those "more like a puppy" moments! I don't know how he came in... he didn't fly in, so it seems he flies down from his house and walks in!
All I needed to to was to say "Oh look at you! Will you be staying for a while?" and... he was off... toddling into the living-room, walked over to the futon and his tree, took a quick flight up to the decoys on the tree and in a couple of minutes... WOOSH! he was back in his house and back to his loft.
It was almost "heavy" with the "darkness" of the clouds today. The prelude to a "rapid change" in the weather, and what made the day a bit "heavier" was that my Precious Little Guy stayed, for the most part, in his loft. Even when we had our mid-day break for lunch, I brought my cereal into the room, set the old lap-top up with the "news" and Yonah had a little bite to eat and instead of coming down to the futon or even to the lap-top, he nestled-down in his loft. Today, again, a "mellow" sort of day, in contrast to the beginning of the week and all the affections. Well, hey, it was a day for "chilling"... though, the room temperature stayed comfy-warm.
We DID, how-ever, have doors and windows open for a few hours, and when I opened the front door, he headed out to the living-room and had a peek out to the world "out there". (I still wonder: when I open the front door, he seems to know that it's open and will either fly out or come walking out. Is it the difference in the air pressure in the house? Is it a change in the air, generally? Does he feel a movement in the air? I've come to learn that birds' feathers are highly sensitive to a great many sensations which is why some do NOT like being held or touched, and they CAN sense air currents that people are oblivious to... help in detecting predators approaching. What-ever it is, it's always a bit of amazement to me.) As I watched him walking about and looking out the door, the usual "pangs" strike: does he miss being out-there? Does he want to be out there? Does he even remember when he WAS out there? And then... the reality: if I HAD put him out in the Spring of 2021, as I'd planned, as the "law" demands, well... there wouldn't be a "Yonah Taube" today. There's really no doubt that he'd become prey and...
So, today, he's manages to live these years, and today, he's healthy, warm, protected, has the best food and care, fresh water. It isn't "perfect" and all I can do is hope that he's "happy"... (On the days when he shows me that he wants to be "together" with me, I have no doubts that he is.)
As for the rest of the day, my Little Guy lounged. It was a perfect day for it too. I even noticed that the Yardies came round for the briefest time to grab a bit of the food that was out in the yard for them but, for the most part, they too, must have found a comfy place to roost... and the skies darkened... and the breezes gusted into full-wind. "A change is comin'" and the Little Ones know best: find shelter and hold to it. (And I was thankful that Yonah didn't have to be concerned about such things. His house is here, his food, water, and the warmth too. Let the weather do what it will... he's got all the comforts he could possibly want or need... and I see to it that that's the way it is all the time.)
"Dinner time" came round so quickly today! Probably because of the darkness of the sky all day, and we broke for that at the usual time. I put more fresh food in his dish. He's eating VERY well these days (and I DO have to take a weight, but not right after he eats so I have to watch for the best time, probably between "morning call" and "lunch"), there wasn't all that much in his dish! THAT'S a GREAT relief to me! And he had his "evening snack" whilst I sat at the desk to have mine... and after, I got to the washing-up right away, and my little guy took to his roof-top....
This evening proved to be "interesting"... The warm weather is leaving, for a while (next week we go back up to 13° on Tuesday... and it's supposed to be sunny... Little consolation for me, really, but I hope it does manage it because I'll be out of the house at 6.30 and away for surgery. I WANT to be back by 13.00 at the latest, but Yonah will be here, alone and I worry about air quality most of all things. So... Meanwhile... the power has been "flickering" off and on for the past hour or so. I stepped out to check things and there's a "roar in the air". Seems there might be quite the wind blowing to the West of us, over the mountains. The forecast says the winds will be "65mph" over-night, coming from the West. Here, it's just "heavy breezes".
I got Yonah's blinds and curtains closed, and left the upper window open a bit. (As I type this, 20.12, at his desk, with our "meditation" music playing and the small desk lamp on, he's on his perch... but he's been some-what restless since the power started flickering. I wonder how HE sees it. I ALWAYS wonder how he sees the world, with "bird's vision" and how he perceives these "flickers".) I got the water relay done at 19.00 and the futon is set for me for the night. His moon lights are on the chargers so we'll have that light, should the power go out. They give about 4 hours, each, so, if need be, we'll use each one, individually. And there are tea-lights... We don't usually put the house in darkness until I get to the futon for the night, so I don't want him in total darkness. And I have about 4 hours on the battery for the new lap-top so I can keep working on it, with him, in his room... so he won't be alone and he won't be in the dark.
Oh, when I think of him being "out there" in weather like this. When I think of the other Little Ones out there... How I DO wish for some way I could bring them all in for these nights. I wonder where they all go at night. I've often wondered where they roost at night, around here, especially in Winter, when there are no leaves on trees, and the winds blow. (I often hope they find shelter in the old garage in the back. There are no windows on it so they can get in, and they can roost in the rafters. I can only hope they find shelter there.)
OK then... turned out to be a LATE "tuck-in" tonight! 21.00! AND... there was reluctance and hesitation. My little Heart-and-Soul was on his perch when I got up to move things out of his room, since I'd been there, at the desk, typing away when I looked at the clock! BUT, I'd no sooner gotten to the kitchen when... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and when I went back in, oh, but he was very much awake. I took the old lap-top, playing the "meditation" music, out to the kitchen and went back into the room to get his house together and to put Beanie-Birdie in on the loft when... WOOSH! He was off and onto the wall shelves! Imagine that! So I put the futon together for me and he headed for his roof-top with more "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". I had to bring him "home" tonight, on the platform. But when I got him in, after kisses (of course), he hopped over to the loft, gave Beanie-Birdie a look and scuttled over to his night roost. He really didn't "want" to tuck-in but... hey... it was late so, I went about "closing his house" for the night and... no more kisses. He really wasn't thrilled about this, even at this late hour. But we went along and I dimmed the little desk lamp, said "Seepie-nigh-night. I'll be in soon." and headed out to the kitchen... All seemed "well enough"... no more "woo-Hoos"... As I say: 21.00... Now let's see how long it lasts...
Thursday 29 February:
OK then... last night... Because of the wind storm, and the flickering of power, I stayed up later, to keep watch, in case our heating went off for too long. At 22.27, I went into the room to turn the desk lamp off and put one of the moon lights on. I was ready to get to the futon and "close the day. I stepped out of the room, silently. No sooner had I gotten back to the kitchen when... in the silence of the night, from behind me:
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo " so softly, as if in a "stage whisper".
I didn't respond, waiting to see if there would be anything more to follow and sure enough, after a brief silence:
I called over: "Everything's OK, m'Love. I'm coming right in now too. It's time for us to go seepie-nigh-night and it's late for you. Seepie-nigh-night time, crazy bird."
"woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo" was the reply. I didn't go into the room this time because I didn't want to give any reason to stay awake but I said, "No, no. No 'woohoo's', it's seepie-nigh-night time... for BOTH of us here."
"woo-HOO!" and then... all was calm, quiet and I finished-up, put my jammies on and headed in for the night.
What a relief when I got in, got onto the futon, and as i whispered "I'm here. The day is finished. Looks like everything's going to be fine tonight. The storm is over and the house is warm and toasty. So you can go seepie-nigh-night now and me too. You seepie-nigh-night now and I'll see you in the morning when you call to wake me up. OK? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Sleep well my little LOVE."
The next thing I knew...
Softly but clearly: "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo". Quick check of the clock: 6.25. "Morning call to order". We'd slept through the night, peacefully, and now, another day had arrived out-side the window, a quite chilly day too. And the sun was trying to get into the room... Time to get up and get on with the affairs of a new Thursday... a "February morning" (thanks to this "leap year").
I managed a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" and my little LOVE managed a "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo"!
We had a bit of a "conversation", a "dialogue" of sorts and just before the "final woo-HOO!" a little "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... hoo-hoo". Time to get up and get moving!
Kisses this morning weren't quite "feisty", but there were wing stretches and a bit of preening. And from the "voice", all seemed to be quite well. Last night's late tuck-in, and the last minute "disturbance" didn't seem to interfere with a night's sleep.
And poops, this morning: 6 in total, but one would "pass for 2" normal, average size. No "green water halos"! The whites were white, the dark sides were greenish-brown, not the "green-black". Poops were good this morning too!
Energy? Oh, after opening the "house door", I headed to the kitchen to put the kettle on for my morning coffee and as I set things up, I was called-to and -for. When I got back into the room to open curtains and blinds, there was much hopping about, watching me, from side to side of his house. Clear voice, great poops, plenty of energy... just not the "excited kisses". But hey, all else was fine, and out-side, in the crisp -12°, clear skies and the morning sun making its way up and over the Eastern hills. A grand commencement of a new day!
Things got even MORE "energetic" and "animated" as the morning progressed!
Morning water relay was carefully supervised. It was one of those mornings where somebody would think that we'd never done this before. I brought the fresh water in and Yonah stood at his door perch, watching every pour.
And when I went back to the kitchen to settle things there, I had company:
My Little Love came out to visit and check on me, walking out of his room and across the floor to stand beside me for a moment before heading to the living-room. And then, later, as I sat at the kitchen table, attending to the morning tasks on the internet, he came out again, toddling across the kitchen floor, stopping just long enough to verify that I was "engaged" and not just "wasting time", as it were. (My Supervisor... I guess the house was just a little too quiet. His bird-songs were on in his room, and the radio too, but low. It seemed he was checking to make sure I was in the house and all was well.)
This morning, we made a fresh mix of food for the coming days: the usual "Healthy Select", "Witte Molen", "Dove Supreme", moulting mix and today I'm trying something a little different: instead of putting the Harrison's pellets in as they are, and seeing him "sort through" and pick them out I had to step out to post the morning's mail and when I came back in, he was in the kitchen again, standing there, on the floor... but, when I walked over to him HE WENT RUNNING! HE WANTED TO PLAY "CHASE"! ROUND AND ROUND FROM KITCHEN TO LIVING-ROOM, ROUND AND ROUND! AND THEN... WOOSH! UP TO HIS TREE IN THE LIVING-ROOM AND A "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" to the decoys there. It struck me as him telling them "You see that? Chased me round the place, he did!" So I went over and got some kisses ... at last. Didn't get any at first, this morning, but at least I knew I was "in good graces" anyway.
THEN, when I finally got settled at the desk, sun pouring in through the window, I'd no sooner sat down when...
So we played, and I tried to get back to the desk but we were having NONE of THAT this morning! (Maybe it's the sun-shine?) CHASE, to the wall shelves. CHASE, to the desk shelf. PLAY with Beanie- and Baby-Birdies! Wing snaps! Flights back and forth! A "manic moment"! But it was SUCH a change from yesterday. (Again, could it be the sun-shine? What-ever it was, it was PURE JOY!)
Well... after about an hour of this, I DID manage to get to the desk, and my Little Guy got back to his house... hopping about and "arranging" his loft... in the sun-shine.
"Leap Day", so it's called... and in this house, the "leaping" was plentiful this morning!
And, thankfully, the temperature in the room was a comfy 25° and through the night last night, as temperatures plummeted, it stayed perfectly comfortable... I woke with no "covers"... perfectly comfortable. Power stayed on through the night and this morning... ALL was well with the world (because ALL was well with my Little Guy.)
Well then, it's 19.33... end of day... and I kept busy with the Journals this evening until meal time, and then, we settled-down to eat... still together ... and THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS.
Shortly after, there was, in Yonah's room, the oddest odour... similar to "floor wax"! And he noticed it too! And started coo'ing... Not his usual "evening coo'ing", rather a "NOTICE" sort of coo'ing. (Yes, I HAVE come to "hear" the difference in that one. He's done it when other strange odours happen in the house... like, when my dinner is about to burn... My little "Alarm", in so many ways. SO... as I did the water relay, we had the window fan blowing into the room, dropping the 25° down to 22, and my PRECIOUS LITTLE GUY ACTUALLY FLUFFED! The change was rather sudden. Thankfully, the odour dispersed.
And so, I started working on the Journal page, because I want to post to the server tonight. AND... my Heart-and-Soul is on his door perch... now coo'ing his "evening coo"... and a "woo-HOO!" too! It's time to get this room ready for us to get to seepie-nigh-night!
He's been a LOVE all day today, and tonight, it looks as though the LOVE is continuing (and will probably mean a bit of a "game" for tuck-in... but... I don't mind. I'll be right here with him...).
And at 19.57 indeed... the room is settled, my Little Guy WAS settled, and I made the futon, put on our "meditation" music, set the futon, even put the roof board on, Bustelo-Birdie in the loft and... he's sitting on the desk, beside me... preening and "fluttering" in front of the little mirror on the desk. WHAT A CHARACTER. So, I'll do a bit more work and we'll see how much longer. (I'm tired enough to crawl onto the futon but... if Yonah's not ready, I'm not... I keep HIS hours... for the most part. And these days, I cherish our time together so much more... "surgery" hangs on me.. heavily. Tonight, again, we had our little "chat" about me "following him". When he "goes", I'll be right behind him, looking for him, and what-ever becomes of us after this existence, if there's some kind of "after", I'll be looking for him and we can "after" together. I have this sort of "notion", I can't call it a "belief": it's said that "energy, once created, can never be destroyed, that it can 'change' but not cease". I often think of the "energy" that is "Creation", and that we, the "living" beings in Creation, are "energy". We have "energy", it keeps our heart beating which creates all the other energy that we are. When the body that we are, ceases, that energy must become something else, perhaps the very energy that is "Creation". Well, if that be so, then, Yonah will become part of that infinite energy, and I will too. And our energies can find one-another, some-how, some-where, and as such, we can "be", as "new energy". I look forward to being "new energy" with him. Perhaps we'll both fly about. Perhaps we'll "become" again. And the next time, perhaps we'll "become" him... and together we can go out into our "new world" together. He can teach me his ways, I can teach him mine, and together we can join with the others. We'll find new places. And we'll teach the others what we've learned from one another over our time together. Imagine? I know shelter and where to find food and water. He knows how to get around, over the trees, on the wind. We can find a flock, and teach them such things, and they, in turn, can teach others. And we'll fly, from place-to-place, where-ever we can. And we can save others, teaching them what to be aware of, the dangers, and such things. OK. It's a "dream", a "folly", perhaps. There's no proving nor disproving. But, the fact that can and will be proven is that, with-out Yonah... I won't "be"... one way or another.)
And as I type he preens... beside me, as though we've been together all of our time existing. He IS my "Heart-and-Soul".
20.47 Just finished with some work... and my Little LOVE was STILL sitting on the desk beside me, all cozy-like.
When I looked at the clock and saw the time... well... not only was it time for HIM to settle-down for the night, it was for me too! So, with-out looking up, I said, softly:
"Yonah, babe, you got to go seepie-nigh-night little boobaloo.
And with-out pause or hesitation... He went right up to his night roost!
NOW, some-body tell me again, that he doesn't UNDERSTAND... THAT was just ANOTHER MIRACLE THAT IS MY LITTLE HEART-AND-SOUL!
And so, I moved the lap-tops out of his room and went back for some "Good night" kisses. OK. So there weren't any until I actually "held" him in one hand as he roosted, and gave him some kisses... and I got some in return then. He hopped over to his food shelf and I said, again:
"You got to go seepie-nigh-night now. You see Bustelo-Birdie is on the loft and he's already seepie-nigh-night."
And with that, he hopped over, gave Bustelo-Birdie a "check" and scuttled over to his night roost.
"Official tuck-in" tonight...20.54.
Thursday is closed. February is closed... And too, "Leap Day"... 2024. Tomorrow... March already. I can't believe it! "Time"... no friend... it passes... entirely too quickly... now that there's a reason to "be". Well... I let this open because I suspected and wasn't disappointed... when, at almost 21.45, I went into the room to turn off the desk lamp and turn on the moon light, I'd no sooner done and started back to the kitchen... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo" from behind me. So I went back in, opened the door to his house, stuck my head in and whispered:
"You need to be seepie-nigh-night"...
I got kisses... and I gave my little Heart-and-Soul a little "snuggle", backed out, closed his door and...
At 23.41... he's still quiet. (Let's see what happens when I get onto the futon... I'll save the posting of this page on the site until morning....) Sure enough... I don't know why, but, the lights in the house were out, I crept into the room with-out a sound and JUST as I put the little moon light out, in the darkness of the room came... "woo-HOO-hoo-hoo-hoo"! I'll never understand it. I do remember reading that mourning doves "half sleep", one side of them, almost literally, sleeps whilst the other side stays "awake". It's protection against predators. But here, in his house, my Little Guy has no predators, and hasn't had any for over three years and yet, obviously, he holds that "instinct" and even thought he appears to be calm and resting... he's so ever-aware, even to the slightest "change" in his environment (like me, coming in to go seepie-nigh-night). And it was so late! I "half expected" a "sleep-in tomorrow, but... as "tomorrow" proved... 'twas not to be... That noted... on to March 2024...